notandvm · 1 month
oh shit oh fuck
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radiance1 · 3 months
Unintelligible chanting echoed in a warehouse. A perfect summoning circle drawn on the ground with one cultist standing before it with a group more standing behind them.
Even thought the chanting was unintelligible, it was perfect. Not a clipped word or uneven tone out of place as they all, in unison, chanted the words to summon an almighty being from beyond.
Even as interlopers broke in the warehouse, they didn't stop chanting, only the cultists who weren't chanting and were previously standing around the room, broke away in an attempt to stall.
The circle glowed a toxic, unnatural green before growing dark yet darker. A black, mist like substance spreading from its focal point and out into the bounds of the circle before twisting and twisting as the temperature rose and grew into a sweltering heat that could be felt all throughout the warehouse.
They did not stop chanting.
Even as the last of their guard fell.
They did not stop chanting.
Even as some of the cultists at the back of the group started to engage in combat.
They did not stop chanting.
Until finally, the black mist twisted into a brilliant, unnatural black flame as the heat soared and shaped itself in the giant form of a bird before larger than large wings snapped themselves open.
Black flame slide off of the being's form like water, small flickers of deceptively harmless looking flame trailed down the bounds of the summoning circle as the phoenix lowered itself.
"So we meet again." The being spoke, its very presence demanding attention and respect. Impossibly red eyes focused all of their intent on the cultist and the helm. "What do you want this time? I am quite busy, as I'm sure you should be aware."
"O'h' great one," The cultist fell to their knees, hands spreading up and out reminiscent of a prayer. "The deepest flame, the guardian of the blackest fire, rival of the-"
"Enough of that nonsense." The being snapped, scoffing as it turned its head in disdain. "I did not answer your pitiful call just to hear you praise me. Make your demand, now. I have an appointment to keep."
The cultist seemed to deflate, for but a mere moment, before lowering their hands and clasping them in front of their chest. "O' great one, I have sowed the seeds and cultivated a cult in your name through the ages, we are might in number and consistent in our worship."
"I do not need a recap." The Pheonix said, blandly. Looking utterly disinterested in the cultist's words. "Your demand."
"After all of this, surely you would not mind parting with but a bit of your power?" The cultist asked and finally, the Pheonix seemed to stare with something more than mere disinterest before snapping its head up. "Do not interfere, mere interlopers." It snapped.
The heroes froze as, suddenly, they felt held down in place.
It then disregarded them, staring back down at the cultist before him with some level of interest and clicked its tongue. "Already blessed with immortality yet you wish for more? How..." Its eyes seemed to smile. Amused. As it purred. "Ambitious."
"Please, O' great one. Just a bit. A mere fraction would be enough."
"Oh all alright," The Pheonix said, holding up a wing as it plucked off a feather with its beak. "I suppose you have done enough to be worthy of a bit of my power."
The feather flew down from its beak, encased within a ball of black flame that, as the cultist spread their arms, fused into their chest.
"Do try not to be consumed by it. As I do expect noteworthy things from you."
With that, the Pheonix disappeared in a puff of mist like fire. The circle instantly losing all vibrancy and the sweltering heat snuffing itself out.
And the heroes were free of whatever magic kept them bound in place.
The cultist slowly stood up, back facing them as something bubbled up under the back of their cloak before large, flaming wings burst through the cloth of their cloak. They slowly turned around, and the movement almost looked serene, and faced the heroes.
The cultist slowly spread their hands. "I would have thought the Justice League would have handled this matter themselves, not send their younglings after me." They spoke, calm and measured and holding no feeling whatsoever. Black flame spilled from their hands as they stretched their wings.
"Come. Young heroes. You would be the perfect steppingstone to test my new abilities."
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clamsjams · 2 months
everyday i miss oli orionsound and joe hills interactions
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ryuki-blogs · 18 days
I keep thinking that at the incubation party the only reason OG Elan had to attend himself was because 4 was dead and 5 hasn't recovered from the facelift yet. Which means the year prior i just imagine the CEO ladies handing 4 an unlimited company bank account with a single note on it that says "Invest" and just ... sending him out there to do business.
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pusangkambing · 1 year
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Take my messy q!jaiden design reference!
Click for better quality!
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doll-elvis · 1 year
this picture just made me fall to my knees, lordy I would do anything for big daddy 😫
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hawks-lightbulb · 4 months
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yk bnha has been pretty dead to me for awhile but if there was any doubt that it was in the coffin this is the final nail i think
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crabbypalsart · 1 year
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OK quick shift of focus from what I am working on rn, but I really had to get this out of my system lest I go insane. X•D So, this "X Reader" fanfic with Wally I've been reading called 'Vista Alegre' on AO3 just wrapped up, and well, can I just say??? *UNCONTROLLABLE SOBBING*
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Y’all motherfuckers was really gonna let our special guy’s birthday get away from me??? SHAME-
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brain-deadx0 · 28 days
... damn. Forgot how annoying it is sometimes to juggle multiple blogs.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
top ten things to not do: pull an all nighter to read a 150k word fic about a media you know nothing about with characters you know less than baseline about
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cheezyharu · 2 months
Random night chat
My cousin randomly asked if I write fanfic or not and I was like. Haha yeah I sure do write *sweeps my ancient ass Zelda fic deeper under the couch*
Anyways fucking hits you with a quick thing for World Ender and Infinite Strife, for the funny.
It was a quiet night in the world of Arcaea, perhaps even more quiet than usual. Aside from the entire commotion caused by a certain airship captain and a navigator from Lanota, there isn’t much for World Ender to do aside from the usual paperwork. But “usual” for him means sitting in place from morning to late night, and even later whenever he has to attend a duel request from Guests. But the point is, he is done with work, and he is more than ready to go and rest from sticking his eyes into those pieces of paper now.
But strangely, he isn’t that sleepy yet, and so he found himself wandering into the garden that Arcana Eden had been taking care of, and lay down on a patch of grass.
He looked up to the sky, head empty: “night” is just a figurative term in Arcaea, where the sky is perpetually white for as far as anyone could see, and the only notable detail aside from that are the streams of Light and Conflict memory shards floating in the sky, ever so occasionally twinkling like the “stars'' he had seen in several memories stored in the castle. 
“Oh? Don’t expect to see you here.” Interrupted by the voice, World Ender annoyingly looked up from his spot. “Ah. Hello, Infinite Strife.” He said as he noticed the girl with a pink rose growing over her eye standing near him.
“Hello hello!” The girl, Infinite Strife, exclaimed, “I thought you would go to sleep at this time?” She asked as she flopped over next to him.
“Don’t feel sleepy, so I figured I should probably visit Eden’s garden for once.” World Ender answered.
“Riiiiiiight, pretty sure this is the first time you’re here since Eden introduced it to us?” Strife noted, before smirking, “I just honestly find it remarkable that our ‘residential sleepy boy’ finally decided to go anywhere but his office or the living quarters.”
“Oh shut it,” He refuted “Isn’t that better than Ms. ‘I work and sleep anywhere but in my own office or the living quarters��?” “No it isn’t!” She denied.
“Yes it is.”
Strife huffed, turning away from World Ender. It was quite awkwardly quiet after that, until Infinite Strife began talking again “...Glad to see that you’re outside enjoying yourself for once.” 
“Whatever you say.”
“I’m kinda serious when I said that, you know?” She continued “It’s pretty concerning knowing that the only places you ever go to is work and sleep… And maybe occasional duels but that felt like a once in forever thing, and we’re basically immortal, Ender!”
“You have to take care of yourself, you know? Things getting too repetitive might make you lose your mind! Common, have we learned nothing from the incident with Ether Strike and Axium Crisis!?” She ranted on, yet World Ender didn’t answer, opting to let the conversation die out by itself. 
After that comment, Infinite Strife turned towards the eternally white sky that he had been looking at. The silence between them now felt much less awkward, and now that she had the time to admire the sky, she had to admit: that though it may not be the most beautiful sky in the Tower, it was more than enough for her.
“Hey, World Ender…” She said, yet heard no reply from her companion. She quickly glanced over to him, only to find out that he had already fallen asleep for god knows how long. “...” She paused in surprise, before softly sighing “Oh nevermind, you need rest anyways.” and returned her gaze to the sky. Soon, she found her eyelids slowly dropping, and she decided to close her eyes for a short while.
That next morning, Arcana Eden found herself pausing as she looked at her fellow friends, Infinite Strife, and World Ender, sleeping soundly on a patch of grass in the middle of the garden.
“Well, first time seeing this,” Pentiment commented. “Never expected to see Ender anywhere outside of his office.” “There’s a first time for everything I guess.” She chuckled lightly.
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akai-anna · 10 months
today i reached the miraculous midair walk case. and just. kaito's smug face. SHINICHI'S SMUG FACE. THE MAGICAL FEEL OF IT. THE WHOLE PART WHERE THEY ARE TAlkING ON JIROKICHI'S BIKE. you don't understand how much i love this case.
also the pure bastard energy. the whole talk about the sky and ocean and reflections. DREAMS. both of them just being so comfortable and themselves around one another? and then BASTARD ENERGY INTENSIFYING AS KAITO SENDS SHINICHI CAREENING IN THE SIDECAR. SHINICHI SETTING FIRE TO THE LEAKING FUEL. PURE FCKIN BASTARD ENERGY, I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOUR. seeing kaito's panic. shinichi talking about his dream as he looks at ran...
uuurgh my heart, your honour, i love this case.
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alfamangle · 5 months
sometimes I remember that like. nobody really on Tumblr knows what or who a finch is and that sucks. I need to draw and post more about this little guy so we all know when we look apon my avatar that is a drawing of a cat with enough wrong with them to fill a book.
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ffb6c1lover · 3 months
social interaction
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stealthrockdamage · 11 months
bro ... op of that extremely sweet post about the diner was a terf we literally cannot have shit !
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