#I’m speechless can’t believe he killed him
hawks-lightbulb · 4 months
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yk bnha has been pretty dead to me for awhile but if there was any doubt that it was in the coffin this is the final nail i think
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nica-my-beloved · 3 months
Princes reacting to Emma's Cringy Pick-up lines (Season 2)
Emma:  "I never believed in love at first sight, but that was before I saw you."
Chevalier: *looks up from his book* "..........."
Chevalier: *smirks* "Was it before your legs started trembling or after?"
Emma: "If being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged"
Leon: "Hahaha...*unbuttons his shirt and opens his arms* then punish me your honor?"
Emma: "You’ve got a lot of beautiful curves, but your smile is absolutely my favorite."
Yves: *starts blushing furiously!*
Yves: "Stop looking at me with those hungry eyes!!"
Emma: " It says in the Bible to only think about what’s pure and lovely… So I’ve been thinking about you all day long."
Licht: *.....................*holds her head towards his chest*
Emma: "Umm....Licht?"
Licht: "How can you read my mind so easily like that?" *and starts caressing her hair*
Emma: " I can’t tell if that was an earthquake, or if you just seriously rocked my world."
Nockto: "Pfft,..."*tries holding back his laughter*
Emma: ".....don't laugh"
Nockto: "Hahahahahaha!!!"
Emma: " Your hand looks heavy—can I hold it for you?"
Jin: "Your boobs look heavy—can I hold them for you?"
Emma: "No!" *covers her chest area*
Emma: "In my opinion, there are three kinds of beautiful: Cute, pretty, and sexy. Somehow, you manage to be all three."
Clavis: "Emma....*dramatically hugs her* You're the only person who understands me!!!"
Cyran: *side eyes him*
Emma: "I was going to say something really sweet about you, but when I saw you, I became speechless."
Luke: "Emma...even I think you're sweeter than any honey." *kisses the back of her hand*
Emma: "You know, I had a pickup line ready to go, but you’re so hot it just left my mind."
Sariel: "Hm? Really?" *while pulling out his whip*
Rio: *memorizing pick-up lines that Jin taught him*
Emma: "Rio!!"*comes hopping towards him and stands in front of him*
Emma: "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I try walking by again?"
Rio: *starts blushing and forgets all the pick-up lines he learned*
Rio: "I don't know about love at first sight....but when you walk like that in front of me....I just..."
Emma: "Thehe..."
Emma: "Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material."
Keith: "Which one? Me or the other me?"
Emma: "Trust me, I’m not drunk; I’m just intoxicated by you."
Silvio: *blushing* "Do you think I'd fall for one of your pick-up lines if you keep going on and on!?"
Emma: "If you let me borrow a kiss, I promise I’ll give it right back."
Silvio: *blushes even more* "Just shut up already-----!? Hey! Hey, don't come closer!!"
Gilbert: "What if I say, 'You must be a hell of a thief, because you managed to steal my heart from across all the other princes'?"
Roderic: "I think Emma's heart gonna stop if you say that too her. I think it's for the best, if you don't use pick-up lines, your highness."
Gilbert: "If her heart stops I'll kill her."
Roderic: "Right. The normal you, is way better."
Gilbert: "I know. I guess I'll just seduce her with my dashing looks."
Emma: "Wow, when God made you, he was seriously showing off."
Matias: "Oh really?"
Emma: "........."
Matias: ".............?"
Emma: "Ok that was a pick up line."
Matias: "It was?"
Emma: "I don’t know which is prettier today—the weather, or your eyes."
Kagari: "Dorayaki"
Emma: "Huh?"
Kagari: "Dorayaki is the best. Want one?"
Emma: "...............................................can I have two?"
Emma: "I swear someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."
Azel: "Hah....obviously. Because I'm god."
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calaisreno · 4 months
The Client
936 words / Prompt: Secret
Mary looks at the chair. John can’t be serious. “Why?”
The look he gives her is terrible. She knows his temper, but this is the first time she’s seen Captain Watson, who could shoot a man and have no trouble sleeping afterwards. 
“Because that’s where they sit,” he whispers fiercely. “You’re a client now, Mary. That’s all you are. That’s where you sit and talk, and we listen and decide if we want you or not.”
Sherlock is looking sort of grey. She wonders how he managed to sneak out of the hospital and set this up. Was it really necessary? Did he not think that John would believe him?
Her husband—well, the marriage probably isn’t legal, and now that he knows he’s married to a woman who’s been lying since the day they met, he’s obviously not going to stay. Right now, he can’t even look at her. 
Sherlock nods at her. She’s not sure why he’s trying to help her. Or why she didn’t kill him when she had a chance. She was rattled, or she would have done it properly, and this conversation wouldn’t be happening. 
She thought she was finally safe. John is exactly the kind of man she would marry. If Sherlock hadn’t come back, they could have been happy. John is angry now, and it’s not all about her. He’s in love with Sherlock, and it’s something he can’t admit, even to himself. 
Maybe she should have simply disappeared. 
She still could.
“You know what?” She stands in front of John’s chair, glaring down at him. “Forget this bullshit. Open your eyes, John. This—” She pats her belly. “It isn’t real. There’s no baby.” 
He sits up, wide-eyed now.
She smirks. “Don’t pretend you didn’t suspect. You didn’t want to believe it, so you stopped paying attention.”
John’s speechless for a moment, then stammers. “But… why would you do that?”
“Without the baby, I would have lost you.” She turns to Sherlock. “Thanks, but I’ll handle Magnussen on my own.” 
Picking up her handbag, she walks towards the door. On the threshold she turns and gives her parting shot. “Pull your heads out of your arses, boys. See ya.”
John stares after her until they hear the door downstairs slam. He turns to Sherlock. “What the hell just happened?”
Sherlock tries to push himself up from his chair. “John… I think…”
Heavy feet are clattering up the stairs. John looks towards the door, where the paramedics have appeared. 
“Did somebody call an ambulance?”
Sherlock gasps. “Did you bring any morphine?”
A week later…
BBC News. According to Detective Greg Lestrade of Scotland Yard, the investigation into the death of media mogul Charles Augustus Magnussen has turned up no clues to the identity of his killer, or how they came to Appledore, his residence. Security footage is being examined, but the killer obviously knew their target and took care not to be caught on camera. All leads will be pursued, he says, but it appears to be a professional job.
Months later…
“You know, Sherlock, we didn’t need to have such a big wedding.”
“Don’t say that to Mummy. It’s always been her ambition to plan one. And I’m finding I don’t mind it so much.”
“I don’t even know half of these people. Other than Harry, I assume they’re all your relatives.”
“Most are. And acquaintances. My parents have a lot of friends.”
“Mycroft looks… well, less dyspeptic than usual.”
“Every feast needs a spectre, John.”
“Oh, look, he’s talking with Greg. And he’s actually smiling.”
“Oh, give it up, Sherlock. Greg Lestrade.”
“Ah, yes. They do seem rather… friendly. Interesting…”
“Who’s the woman with the hair?”
“All the women have hair, John. Not a single bald woman in the hall. Oh, I see. Looks like a wig. Probably some mystery relative. She’s talking with my cousin Pansy. Mummy will know.”
“Not important. Just… she seems familiar. Look, here’s Harry. Glad she made it this time.”
“Harry! Come here—I need to dance with my sister-in-law.”
“All right, Sherlock—does this mean Johnny gets to dance with Mycroft?”
“Absolutely not! I’m not dancing with Mycroft, even if he’s secretly running the country.”
“Well, your loss. Come on, Sherlock. John says you’re a good dancer. Let me see you get your boogie on.”
“My what?”
“Mrs Holmes! This is all lovely. Thank you so much.”
“Of course, John! And please, you must call me Viola. Where’s your husband?”
“He’s dancing with Harry. Say, who’s that woman over there with the dark hair and large glasses? She was just talking with Pansy.”
“Oh… I don’t know, John. I thought she was one of yours.”
“No, she’s not. Oh, look, she’s leaving.”
“Honestly, who leaves a wedding early? Sherlock, do come here!”
“Yes, Mummy?”
“It’s your wedding! Dance with your husband, dear! I’m going to look for mine.”
“Gladly. Come here, John.”
“Sherlock, that woman—”
“Yes, John. I know.”
“Does Mycroft know?”
“He told me she was dead. But he’s been wrong about dead people before.”
“Why do you think she came here?”
“You mean, why did she crash our wedding? I think she just wanted to make sure you’re fine. That we’re fine.”
“Is this what she meant by ‘get your heads out of your arses’?”
“I believe so.”
“Well, I’m glad she’s not vengeful.”
“No, I don’t believe she is. And I don’t bear her any ill-will.”
“No? Hm. I do, just a bit. But tonight, I only want to think about you.”
“Do you? Then I’ll just have to keep your attention, won’t I?”
“You always do, love.”
All my May Prompts 2024 can be read on AO3 here.
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starwrighter · 11 months
I have a cold and that’s scarier than anything I could write this October. Tw suicidal idealizations
So! 3/??? Halloween prompt.
Danny is in Gotham because his sister was invited to tour some prestigious school in Gotham because of how smart she is. Danny’s not resentful, truly he isn’t. He’s proud of her. He’s happier for her than he’s ever been for anyway. It’s just… Hard knowing the future his death stole from him.
Seeing his sister succeed while he still has to fight to keep what little remained of his life is bittersweet. He’d never say any of this out loud because he loves her and she’s one of the only people he can truly count on to support him.
After a few days in Gotham with all these bitter and depressing thoughts Danny start to believe that he needs to die. He doesn’t want to kill himself he just… Wants to not be Fenton or phantom anymore. He doesn’t want be the stupid failure of a kid in a family full of geniuses. He doesn’t want to be seen as a villain or hunted for trying to help people. He’s just so, so so so tired and just want’s to not deal with any of this anymore.
Danny goes ghost for the first time since entering this city. Sitting on a roof with his head tucked in between his legs. When he hears someone drop behind him going on this whole spiel on “Not jumping,” it strikes him as odd because the usual response to seeing phantom is anything but compassion. Danny waves the guy off with a mournful smile and a reassurance of “I think you’re a bit too late to save my life, most that’d happen now is me phasing through the core of the earth”
The guy sits next to him, shocked when his attempts of patting Danny’s shoulder passes right through. Danny can’t help but snicker. “Don’t worry about me I’m still new to the whole ghost thing,” he looks disturbed at Danny’s response but not in the way people usually did when they saw phantom. He introduces himself as nightwing and Danny finally recognizes him as one of Gotham’s vigilantes.
“How do you do it?” The question spills out of his mouth bitterness leaking into his words. Nightwing looks confused.
“Everyone loves you guys, everyone trust’s you,” his eyes water as he speaks
“No matter how many people I save, how many buildings I stop from collapsing and criminals I stop, they still paint me as this monstrous villain,”
“I can’t believe I died for this shit,” Danny scowls, Nightwing is speechless. Danny then decides that he doesn’t want to be turned in to the GIW by a vigilante and dips.
Dick and the entire fam who were listening to the entire encounter are horrified because apparently there is a child who fucking died being a vigilante and people are attacking for it?! They make the connection with the ghost dick talked to and phantom but not the connection between phantom and Danny Fenton. Danny is very confused when the entire justice league comes down on amity park the moment they get home.
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onegianthotmess · 3 months
Stitch’s Tropical Turbulence Mini Fic ?
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Stitch: My name is Stitch!
Amelia: Oh, my cream puffs…
Jack, Azul & Riddle: What?
Amelia: I can’t believe this is happening…
Ace: Amelia, are you okay???
Grim: Yeah! You look more spaced out than normal, hench-human!
Lilia: Are you not feeling well? You may be young, but children should learn to rest.
Amelia: Am I dead or dreaming?
Floyd: I think Shrimpy’s broken!
Amelia: . . .
Everyone Else: . . .
Amelia: *scoops up Stitch* You’re even cuter and fluffier than I imagined!!!
Everyone Else: WHAT?!!?
Grim: Hey, hench-human! You should be paying attention to me, not the bug!
Amelia: Grim, the dreams of a five year old me are coming true. So unless you want me to unleash wrath that is even more terrifying than Lilia from his front lines war general days, you’ll butt out!
Amelia: *turns back to Stitch* I know you already have your ohana, but my soul needs this!
Riddle: “Ohana”?
Stitch: Ohana means family… Family means nobody gets left behind…
Amelia: Or forgotten!
Ace: Amelia is scaring me more than usual-
Lilia: Really? Because I find this intriguing.
Floyd: Same! Seems like the little Shrimpy knows a thing or two about this Stitch.
Amelia: Yeah, just like how I know about Ursula dying from her thirst for power-
Floyd & Azul: Huh?
Amelia: Nothing!
Jack: So what do we do with him?
Gantu: You hand that abomination over to-
Amelia: *throws coconut at Gantu*
Amelia: SCATTER!!! *zooms away in Disney kid*
Everyone Else: *runs after Amelia’s stupid ass*
Riddle: *panting* Why…would…you…DO THAT?!
Amelia: Damn, someone got a second wind-
Azul: Well, Riddle has all reason to be upset. That..uhm…fellow back there had a ship! If we traded Stitch for a ride back to the school, we would’ve been off this island by now!
Amelia: Never trust Gantu whenever he’s after Stitch!
Riddle: Well, that’s an inane saying!
Amelia: And you’re an inane rule follower with your “pink uniform flamingo caretaker” rules and whatnot.
Riddle: I’m not taking the bait…
Amelia: I wasn’t baiting you, I just wanted to insult you back so we were even-
Jack: Could we get back onto the topic of Stitch, please?
Amelia: Oh, right! Yeah, no, we’re keeping him with us.
Ace: How can you already decide that?!
Amelia: One, if he wanted to harm or kill us, he would’ve done it by now.
Amelia: Two, you do not know Gantu’s motives and there is no guarantee that he’d take us back to NRC if we have him Stitch.
Amelia: Three, Stitch has not shown any signs of hostility towards anyone he hasn’t deemed an initial threat or that he didn’t like right off the bat.
Amelia: And four, he’s incredibly strong, smart, resourceful…
Stitch: And cute and fluffy!!!
Amelia: Yes, that.
Lilia: I’m all for trusting Stitch, but how exactly do you know he’s resourceful and strong?
Stitch: *whips up a flashlight from scrap parts from his ship*
Floyd: Now this just got really fun!
Ace: I think we’d need more resources other than a flashlight.
Stitch: *whips up a grenade from scrap ship parts and hands it to Amelia*
Amelia: Well, he just made me a grenade. What resourceful enough for you?
Jack: Amelia, I love you as a friend, but I think you should be concerned rather than impressed that he made a GRENADE!
Lilia: No, Amelia is right. It’s impressive how Stitch made such a thing with the little materials he has on him. I say we keep him around and help gather spare parts for him to fix his ship. Gantu is bound to have technology such as weaponry or robots after Stitch, given his hostility towards him earlier. If we help Stitch gather enough parts to fix his own ship, he could give us a ride back to the school.
Lilia: Or we could do something else if anyone else has a better idea? I’m open to options.
Everyone Else: . . .
Lilia: So, my idea it is?
Amelia: They’ve been stunned speechless, so I’d take that as a yes, Lili.
Lilia: Perfect! I’m sure this is bound to be a fun time!
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I wanted to do this since the Stitch event has given me some of the best brainrot ever!!! So enjoy what my Yuusona’s reaction is to Stitch and meeting him for the first time in all of his fluffiness!!!
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candycandy00 · 2 years
texasgirl1344 suggested this in a comment on a post I made (Dabi under a lust quirk). It sounded fun so here you go! 
Smut. 18+. Blowjobs, masturbation, fist time sex, etc.
There he is again. That guy who comes into the convenience store you work at and buys a random assortment of snacks, a hood pulled low, casting his eyes in shadow, a medical mask covering his nose and mouth. From his build and the glimpses you’ve gotten of his eyes, he’s pretty cute. He rarely speaks, but he seems nice enough. 
Of course he turns out to be a villain. 
At the end of your shift, you’re taking out the garbage in the alley behind the store when you see bright blue light to your left, further down the alley. The guy in the hood had only left a few minutes ago, and you’re struck by the fear that he’s gotten caught up in something, so you do a very stupid thing. You investigate the bright light. 
At the other end of the alley, you find your cute hooded stranger shooting blue flames out of his hands, his hood blowing back from the air pressure and revealing black shiny hair. In front of him, three charred bodies lie at his feet, smoke rising from their forms. You recognize him now, even with the mask still on. This man is a dangerous, wanted villain named Dabi. You’ve seen clips of him on the news, committing violent acts. 
Your first instinct is to flee, but you don’t want to alert him to your presence, so you try to back away quietly. And your foot hits a metal soda can, making a shockingly loud sound. Because of course it does. 
Dabi turns around and your eyes meet. There’s a brief pause where you both seem surprised and speechless. Then you turn and run back down the alley, some ancient prey instinct taking over your body. 
You don’t get far. He’s on you within seconds, grabbing you by the back of your shirt and jerking you backwards, into his grasp. He drags you over to the brick wall and tosses you against it, then slams one hand into the wall right beside your head. 
“Can’t believe you made a run for it,” he says, sounding slightly out of breath. 
“Please don’t kill me!” you blurt out, your whole body shaking with fear. Should you do it? Should you use your quirk? 
He pulls off the mask and takes a deep breath. “No point hiding my face now, huh? You know who I am.”
You nod. “Y-you’re Dabi.”
“That’s right. And I really didn’t want to kill you, but I can’t have you reporting to the heroes that I’m hanging around this area,” he says, then leans in close. “So what should I do with you?”
You shrink back as far as you can against the wall. “I won’t tell anyone! I swear!” You know saying things like that is pointless. He has no reason to trust you. 
“Sorry, but I can’t just take your word for it, can I?”
You start to sniffle as tears sting your eyes. You have to use it. There’s a risk involved, but it’s better than dying. You start to charge up your power, but you need to buy a few more seconds of time. “O-okay,” you stammer, “but please don’t burn me. You can stab me or bash my head in or whatever, but I’ve always been terrified of fire.”
He stares at you for a moment, then sighs and pulls back a few inches away from you. “Alright, I won’t burn you to death. So stop crying. I’ll just-“
Before he can finish the sentence, you hit him with your quirk. A massive cloud of pink dust explodes from your body, enveloping Dabi and causing him to cough and hack, waving his arm frantically to try to knock the dust away from his face. But it’s too late. He’s already inhaled it. 
Your friends have joked that your quirk reminds them of a skunk, because you once had to use it this way before. A man was trying to rob the store one night and had a gun pointed at your face. You hit him with the quirk and ran off while he was dealing with the consequences. 
Those consequences included a painfully sudden erection that didn’t go away for hours. At least, that’s what usually happened. To be clear, the quirk only makes people so aroused that they can hardly bear it. The quirk doesn’t make them attracted to you in the slightest. In fact, the few times you’ve used it (mostly on accident), the person hit with it ran to the nearest bathroom to furiously masturbate if they didn’t have a lover to run to. But you did realize the potential danger of using it on the wrong person, someone who didn’t care who they fucked and didn’t care about consent. Your quirk didn’t override a person’s mind or values, but someone who already thought nothing of raping someone would be very dangerous under the effects of this quirk. 
Dabi was a villain. It was certainly possible that he was the wrong sort of person to use it on. But it was either this or be killed. 
Presently, Dabi has dropped to his knees, panting heavily, looking down at his crotch in disbelief and then back at you. 
“What the fuck did you do to me?” he asks, his voice strained. 
“It’s a lust quirk. It’ll wear off in a few hours,” you tell him, backing away, getting ready to run back to the store, where a few other employees were still cleaning up before closing time. 
He groans, rubbing at his crotch though his pants. “A few hours?! Fuck!”
You pause and watch him, unable to take your eyes off his face, the healthy parts of his skin flushed red, his soft hair hanging in his eyes, his hand struggling to unbuckle his belt, stilted moans escaping his lips. 
Oh fuck, he’s hot. 
He looks up at you, and instead of looking threatening or angry, he just looks… hungry. Like he’s starving and you have a big plate of food in your hands. His eyes move over you, but he makes no attempt to grab you or even touch you. 
Suddenly you feel sorry for him. You step closer to him and say, “Do you want me to help you to a restroom?” 
He groans and tries to stand up, stumbling a bit. You take hold of one of his arms and help steady him, then you help him walk back to the store. 
The store is empty, and you remember that they had decided to close up early today. You feel like slapping yourself for forgetting, but it does make things less awkward as you lead Dabi to the men’s restroom and into a stall. He flops down on the toilet, fully clothed, and you turn to leave. 
Only, you can’t bring yourself to walk out of the restroom. You hear Dabi’s belt coming undone, and you go back to the open stall, where he’s in the process of unbuttoning his pants. He looks up at you questioningly. 
“Um… can I… watch?” 
His flushed face frowns. “Huh? You a pervert or something?”
“No! I just… Sorry, never mind! I shouldn’t have asked that!” You own face is flushed as you start to leave again. 
“I don’t care,” he says, those eyes looking at you hungrily again. Weird. Your quirk shouldn’t have that effect on him. 
“Really? Are you sure?”
He nods, finally getting his pants open and pulling his cock free. It’s huge, and so hard and stiff, it looks like it’s about to explode. You blush as you stare at it, watching his hand begin moving up and down the length, feeling transfixed as the tip glistens. He has three piercings that look like they were incredibly painful, but somehow they turn you on. You stand there in the doorway of the stall, holding onto the door frame, squeezing your thighs together to prevent the growing wetness between your legs from leaking out, watching this villain stroke his cock. You face is hot, tinted pink, your lips open. You’re beginning to breathe harder. 
Dabi looks at your face and, between ragged breaths, asks, “Did your quirk affect you too?”
“No,” you answer, “I’m immune.”
His eyes pointedly shift to your thighs, where your arousal has dripped down from under your short skirt and is leaving a trail down your leg. You gasp and reach down to try to cover it with your arm, but it’s no use. Dabi has already seen it. You squish your thighs even tighter together and say, “I’ve never watched someone jack off before. I didn’t know it would be so…”
“So what?” he asks, tilting his head back but still watching your face as his arm increases speed and force. The motion is making a wet sound as his hand spreads the wetness from the tip all over the shaft. 
“So… hot.”
He suddenly grabs a handful of toilet paper and covers the end of his cock with it. He groans and closes his eyes, then his whole body tenses. A few seconds later, he pulls the paper away and tosses it in the nearby trash can, exhaling a deep breath and leaning his back against the wall behind him. 
It only takes a moment for him to realize something is wrong and sit up straight, looking down at his still fully hard cock. “What the fuck?”
“Sorry, it’s because of the quirk. I said it’ll last a few hours, remember?”
“You mean it’s gonna stay hard the whole time?” he asks, looking at his own dick as if it had betrayed him. He groans as the feeling of uncontrollable arousal hits him again, and his hand is already beginning to move again. 
You shift uncomfortably in the doorway, your panties so wet that it feels like you’ve peed yourself. “I can help, if you want me to.”
His eyes shift to your face immediately, his hand freezing in place. “What?”
You step closer. “I just thought… since I caused this, I could help. If that’s okay with you.”
He opens his legs further apart and looks you in the eyes. “Do whatever you want.”
He must have expected you to reach down and stroke him with your hand, because he seems very surprised when you drop to your knees in front of him and lean your face forward. You extend your tongue and gently lap at the tip of his cock, causing him to moan. You’ve never even touched a dick before, something your friends tease you about, considering your quirk, but your instincts guide you. 
You close your lips around his cock, swirling your tongue around it as you move back and forward, letting it hit the back of your throat. You feel one of Dabi’s hands on your head, burying his fingers in your hair. You prod one of his piercings with your tongue and his cock twitches in your mouth. This all turns you on so much that you spread your knees apart, pull your skirt up, and shove one hand down the front of your panties. You have a well used vibrator at home but you’re so aroused, your fingers stroking your clit will easily get the job done.  
Seeing you do this must have turned Dabi on as well, because it feels like he just got even harder, if that was possible, and he moans as he presses your head down, making you fight to suppress your gag reflex. Then, all at once he pushes your head down so hard that you feel like you’re choking, and groans as he cums down your throat. 
You swallow it all eagerly, your hand still working between your legs. You only regret that he was so far down your throat when he came, you didn’t get a proper taste of his cum. You want it to coat your tongue. You want to savor it. 
He’s still hard in your mouth, so you don’t pull away even when he moves his hand from your head. You just start moving your tongue around him again, sliding your lips up and down him. You glance up at his face and see him looking at you with a strange expression. It’s unreadable, but he can’t take his eyes off you as you continue sucking him off and pleasuring yourself at the same time. 
You feel yourself getting close to climaxing, so you increase the intensity of your strokes, feeling your body quiver. Finally, you cum, and you let his cock slide out of your mouth just long enough to moan. When he sees this, he suddenly grips your chin and presses two fingers into your mouth, holding it open as he shoots his cum onto your tongue. 
You slide your tongue around in your open mouth, tasting his cum and spreading it all over the inside of your mouth. It’s so good, you think you might get addicted. You pull your sopping wet hand out of your panties, fingers sticky, and reach toward the toilet paper, but Dabi catches your hand in his and pulls your fingers into his mouth, licking them clean. 
He’s still hard. Of course he is. His eyes are looking increasingly wild and desperate, the lust completely over taking him. Soon he’ll be like a feral animal, doing anything and everything to cum again. If you don’t want to be fucked by him, now is probably the time to leave, before he loses himself completely. You stand up on shaky legs and look down at him. He’s breathing hard, one hand starting to stroke himself again, hair disheveled, blue eyes staring up at you. You look at his cock, and you wonder if that monster will even fit inside you. But he has that look again, like he’s positively starving for you, like he wants you more than anything else in the world. 
This man was going to kill you only a little while ago. Now you want his dick to obliterate your virginity. Maybe you’re not so immune to your quirk after all. You reach under your skirt and pull your panties down, tossing them aside. You step closer to Dabi and say, “I can help you some more if you want.”
He reaches up and jerks the skirt down so fast, you almost fall down from the force. He practically tears it from your body, leaving you exposed from the waist down. You feel a quick rush of embarrassment, but it quickly passes. You’ve been staring at his dick all this time. Why be embarrassed by him staring at your pussy? 
You position yourself above his cock, placing the tip right at your entrance. You rub yourself on him a bit, then prepare to lower yourself. “This is my first time, so be-“
He doesn’t let you finish the sentence. With a growl of pure, animalistic lust, he grabs your waist and pulls you down. You’re so slick from cumming earlier that, combined with him pulling you down so forcefully, his massive cock goes all the way in. For a moment, your brain goes complete numb. You don’t breathe. Your eyes go wide as tears fill them. You don’t move a muscle, you just sit there, impaled on his cock, your whole body twitching. Then you gasp, starting to breathe again. You’ve never felt pain quite like that before, but it also feels incredible. You’re so full of him, so warm, you want him to go even deeper. 
His eyes, clouded with desire as they are, stay on your face. “You okay?” he manages to ask 
“Yeah,” you say, “I think you just rearranged my insides, but I’m good.”
He laughs, but his face is still full of lust, arousal. He’s being as patient as he can, but he wants to move. You can feel it in the way his muscles are twitching. 
You take a deep breath and brace yourself, then you start moving, slowly and gingerly at first, just wiggling around a bit, and then you raise yourself up slightly so that you can slide back down. 
Dabi tosses his head back, grunts of “Fuck!” escaping his lips. His hands are still on your waist, gripping the flesh there for dear life. 
After a while, you start to feel more comfortable, so your movements get more bold. You’re riding him now, grinding against him, arms wrapped around his neck. The sounds he’s making almost bring you to orgasm again on their own. Soon after, his whole body stiffens, he moans again, and you feel him cum inside you. How does he have anything left? 
You slide off him and stand in the stall on trembling legs. He must know you need a break, because he starts jacking off again, using the sticky combination of your and his cum, and the small amount of blood from your deflowering, as lube. You watch him, mesmerized by the sight. Eventually he cums again, though only a few drops ooze out. 
He’s still hard, the poor guy. You start to feel sorry for everyone you’ve ever used this quirk on, even the guy who held you at gun point. You had no idea the effects were so intense. 
You have to take responsibility and help him out again. Two handjobs and another blowjob later, the quirk has finally worn off, and both of you are exhausted. You’ve collapsed onto his lap, breathing hard, clutching his jacket. You gather your strength and stand up, picking up your discarded clothing from the floor. 
You glance back at Dabi, who has his head leaned back, his eyes closed. Did he pass out? Should you take this chance to run away? That was the original plan after all. But no, something tells you not to do that. 
“So are you still going to kill me?” you ask, keeping your voice even. 
He lifts his head and looks at you. “I was never gonna kill you. I was gonna threaten you a little and try to scare you into not calling the heroes on my ass.”
“Oh,” you say, feeling stupid. 
He slowly stands up and buttons his pants. “I told you I didn’t want to kill you. Why do you think I keep coming in here?”
You still don’t get it. Maybe your brain is still fuzzy from all the orgasms. “Why do you keep coming in here?”
He gives you a weak grin. “There’s this cute girl who works here. I like seeing her smile when I walk in.”
You blush at that, your own grin spreading across your face. “What a coincidence. There’s this cute guy who comes in all the time but hides his face. I’ve always wanted to know who he is.”  
Dabi laughs as he heads to the sink and washes his hands. You watch him in the mirror, your mind drifting back to all the things you just did with this man. When he’s finished, he opens the door to the restroom. He looks at you over his shoulder and says, “That’s a hell of a quirk you have. Next time, let’s be a little better prepared.”
With that, he leaves. You look at yourself in the mirror. Hair messy, cheeks flushed red, drying cum on your face. All you can think is, “Next time?”
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lefresne · 7 months
Hi! Sorry for the silly questions but i would like to ask you ,what are yoy fave relationships in Arthuriana and wht^ (romantic ,platonic ,bitter enemies ,familial etch)
Have a Good day !
Hi what a fun and delightful question !! Honestly if it’s done well I can pretty much get behind anything but I do have a few relationships that really make me go crazy in the best way:
Arthur and Morgan: people who don’t understand why a woman who seemed hellbent on destroying Arthur might also be the one to comfort him as he dies just. don’t get it. Like that’s her baby brother!!!you can spend your life scheming against him and coming up with silly goofy plans to undermine him but at the end of the day that is your baby brother. When Malory has her say « dear brother why have you tarried so long away from me? » HELP???
Morgan and Guinevere: just. Fascinating relationship. In the vulgate cycle Morgan starts to suspect that Guinevere is having an affair with lancelot when she spots his ring because Morgan has the SAME RING (with minor differences) and it was also a gift from Guinevere. I’m speechless. these monks really said that morgan and guinevere exchanged love tokens at one point. « We were girls together » or however it goes. like. so true. they were girls together!!!
Gawain and Guinevere: Camelot mean girls. Agents of chaos. Having little parties and gossiping. Guinevere riding out alone to meet him in the knight of the two swords and embracing him and covering his face with kisses because she is so happy to see him…thats (platonic) love baybee!
Gawain and Lancelot: i believe they loved each other. Like I really do. I’d go as far as to call them soulmates but in a sort of fundamental way I can’t quite explain. Gawain wants to be a woman so he can be with lancelot! Gawain asks Lancelot to kill him! Gawain is DEVOTED to that man. Very compelling.
Lancelot and Guinevere: fascinated by all iterations of their relationship. It’s so complex and interesting. Like the power dynamic is so rich, especially when you think of Lancelot’s ambiguous relationship with gender. They do love each other, even when it’s difficult and it looks like they don’t. Their final parting in Malory is SO painful to read.
I think what these all have in common is that they make me reflect on the nature of love and how complicated and interesting love is, in all its forms!
Thank you for your question <3 and if anyone want to tell me all about their fave arthurian relationships they can <3
(Edit: I also forgot to put Perceval and his mother on the list!! I am obsessed with them)
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My Heart
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It was a beautiful night out, crickets singing their lullabies to ease you into a mode of relaxation and calm. It was a welcome distraction from the events earlier in the day. Your fiancee sat next to you, head resting on your shoulder. His long hair spilled over your shoulder to rest on your chest. It was a very welcome feeling, to have him this close. It wasn’t often he came home from a long mission wanting to be with you, but what happened during his job left him needing the assurance that you were okay. He didn’t divulge the details of the mission, choosing to utter something about a ‘manipulative demon getting in my fucking head’ He was upset, disoriented from the pain meds, and in pain. His arm was in a cast, forearm snapped in half during the mission. He had gotten sent home after they treated him, strapping care instructions along from his notice of medical leave to his cast so you would see it before he had the chance to dispose of it. The whole day had been interesting after that. 
Wrestling a man made of pure muscle into bed when he adamantly refused to get even a second of rest. It wasn’t until you offered to stay with him that he agreed, Waiting patiently on the bed as you change into something lighter. It was early evening when you had stirred from your short rest, blinking wearily around the room to adjust to the low lighting. Your fiancee was still asleep, wrapped arm tucked under his pillow and out of sight. It was serene like this, knowing that he was safe, comfortable, and cared for. While he is away, no matter how long, it leaves you feeling anxious and unsure. Never quite knowing if he would return or not. This is what you knew though, it's what you agreed to understand when you accepted his courtship. You slipped out of bed as carefully as you could, stopping every few seconds to make sure your partner's eyes were still shut. With the newfound freedom you moved to the engawa, leaving the sliding door open to let in fresh air and let your partner know you were still around, just outside in case he woke up. You should make food and wake your fiancee. You can’t recover on an empty stomach, but the comfort of the crystal clear night was too endearing to move. You sat in silence, listening to the call of the animals preparing for their own night of rest, calling out to loved ones to come home. The melody was interrupted by tired grumbling and the shuffling of feet on the hardwood.
“What’re you doing?” his words were slurred, thick with sleep as he plopped next to you, head gravitating towards your shoulder as he settled back down.
“It will be winter soon. I would like to enjoy the nice warm nights I have before I shiver under all of our blankets without you. Don’t forget to remind me about making you a new scarf for keeping Kaburamaru warm now that I think about it.” Heterochromatic eyes flicked to your face, analyzing your profile as you looked into the night.
“I won’t remember, come to bed,” he said bluntly, adjusting his posture to lean more into you, intertwining one of his arms with yours. It was a rare night indeed.
“m’not tired. Do you want something to eat? More pain meds?” He huffed out a ‘no’ shaking his head so his hair tickled the bare skin of your neck.
“Just want you with me, safe”
“I’m safe as can be with you right here my heart.” He let out an unimpressed huff, disbelieving you. “Did I lie?” He sat up, sleep-riddled eyes looking at your face, looking for a sign of lying, anything that tells him you don’t believe the words you said.
“no, I’m sorry. It was-“ he let out an uneven breath. “The blood demon art was a psychedelic of sorts, they were-I-we.” He paused, eyes shaky as he looked at you “I had to kill you. They disguised themselves as you. They knew something I don’t know but it was you. 7 people were killed before I had the heart to do it” You were speechless, baffled at the confession you just heard.
“It wasn’t me my heart. I’m right here” he looked away at your words.
“She called me my dear” He looked out at the backyard, the fence that ran around your estate, hiding your home from sight. There were holes in the wood, from birds trying to build homes and find comfort somewhere. Obanai begged to have comfort right now, it was all he wanted. You sensed it. With his lack of comfort, he seemed uncomfortable in his own skin, hunched up and stiff. You placed a gentle hand over his, cautious before crowding his space. All his exhaustion was gone from his body, replaced with anxiety. “That’s how I figured it out. How I convinced myself it wasn’t you” You moved closer, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to hug him.
“My heart, I’m right here. This s actually me. You’re fiancee, your love. It’s me. I would never do that to you. Alright, feel this” You moved back, grasping his hand and placing it on your chest, right where your heart rests. “This is me, it's real. I’m safe, I’m alive. I’m right here my heart. Okay?” His eyes didn’t look up from where his hand rested, covered by your own, the small diamond ring he had gotten for you glistening in the moonlight.
“You’re here. Yeah. It’s okay” he raised a small smile. Finally meeting your eyes.
“Want to go lay back down, we can get Kaburamaru and relax, I’ll make some tea and we can elevate your arm.” He nodded, relaxing back into you, letting your hands guide him back into the bedroom and into bed.
“It’ll be alright my heart, while you recover I’ll be right here with you”
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baileys-writing-desk · 3 months
In which a robot toddler is dropped off with its dragon grandpa
Link has had enough of the rude robot Scrapper, and decides to hand him over to Lanayru.
“So, Master Shortpants! Will you ever let me play with Mistress Fi, vrrm?”
Link sighs. “I told you, no! Now stop blabbing, we’re almost there!” He flies straight forward on Crimson, with Scrapper close by, over the vast sands of Lanayru Desert.
“Aww, that’s not fair, voo-weep! I can handle a sword just fine, you watch me!”
“I said no, Scrapper.” Ugh! Will this guy ever shut up?!
“Why not, zrrrbt!? Huh?? Am I not old enough or somethin’? Cause I know what I’m doin’! I—“
The Skyloftian glares at the robot. “No. I can’t trust you with a sword. You’ll chop someone’s head off! Or, you’ll drop it and lose it. That sword is too precious for child’s play. And that’s final.” He exhales loudly, relieved that the border of the desert is quickly approaching. A bit longer and he can drop Scrapper off with Lanayru…
“I hate you, Master Shortpants! You won’t let me do anything, zzzazt! You took Mistress Fi away from me! And she was the reason I carried all those stupid things for you, ker-dizzt!”
“Well, I’m sorry, okay?!” Link snaps back. “We’ve been over this!”
“Yeah, and I still hate you, bzzrt! You stink!”
Crimson speeds up a bit, apparently just as tired of the robot’s pointless ranting as the hero. Luckily, Link can make out Lanayru’s yellow robe in the clearing ahead. Just a little longer…
“What, you’re not gonna say anything now, krrboosh-CLANG?!” Scrapper laughs from behind. “Pathetic. There better be a dragon here soon, voo-weep!”
“He’s right there.” Thank Hylia. He doesn’t know how much longer he can stand this. Not only does Scrapper hate his guts already, the robot is also convinced he killed Fi despite many assurances otherwise.
“Wait, what do you mean, bzzzt?” Scrapper pauses before seemingly having noticed Lanayru. “Is that it? The big yellow thing, zrrm?!”
“Yes, that’s him.” They are close enough now that more of the Thunder Dragon’s features come into view. He’s sitting in his usual spot, arms folded across his chest.
“What is that thing, vrrt?! Ew! Is he going to eat me? Please, I don’t want to get eaten, zrrbt!”
“Shh!” Link whisper-shouts, eyes going wide. “Stop that, you idiot! He’ll hear you!”
Now directly over the clearing, he whistles to Crimson—the okay signal for a dismount—and jumps off the Loftwing, holding up his Sailcloth as he falls to slow his descent. He hears a frantic “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??” from Scrapper, who quickly follows.
“Don’t yell like that, I’m fine,” he replies, feet touching the grass. He ties the cloth around his waist as the robot lands next to him, and Lanayru greets him.
“Link! I was just thinking about you, boy! How’ve you been—“
Before the dragon can finish, Scrapper interrupts. “Wow, it’s even weirder close up, zzzrrt! It’s so chubby!”
Lanayru’s eyebrow furrows in confusion. Link gasps and claps a hand over Scrapper’s mouth, utterly horrified.
“Stop that! You do not treat dragon deities that way, do you understand me?! Where are your manners??”
The robot mutters something behind Link’s hand. And Lanayru…A hint of recognition appears in his eyes.
“Oh my Hylia…” The Thunder Dragon mutters. “Is that—?!”
Scrapper slaps Link’s hand away. “LD-301S Scrapper, at your service, voo-weep! Now tell me, what’s with that long beard?”
Link nudges the robot’s side, whispering “Stop it!” Then he glances up at Lanayru. “I must apologize…I believe he’s yours?”
The old dragon is speechless for a moment, holding his hands over his mouth. “I…” He pauses, lowering them and gaping at the flying robot. “…That’s my transport robot! I built it all those years ago…How could I have forgotten about you?” He grins at Scrapper. “Welcome home, little one. I never thought I would see you again!”
Ah, Lanayru built that thing, Link wonders, wishing for a moment that the dragon never had.
Scrapper flies up so he is just out of the hero’s reach. “Who the fuck are you, bzrrt?!”
“LANGUAGE!” shouts Link. Hylia above, where did he learn THAT word??
“Now, surely you haven’t forgotten me!” Lanayru chuckles deeply, folding his arms across his chest. “But perhaps, I didn’t make you capable of long-term memory like the others.” He sighs. “I was your Master Thunder Dragon. You used to carry things for me, and the other robots. But you took quite a liking to me, I recall.”
“Wait, hold on, vrrrrt! You do look a bit familiar…Oh! I might know your name! You’re named after some goddess out there or something, zrrat!”
The old dragon nods. “Yes, I’m Lanayru. After the goddess Nayru.”
“Lanayru, voo-weep!” Scrapper spins around in the air. “That’s fun to say! Lanayru! Lanayru! Ooh, I need a nickname for you, like I have with Master Shortpants!”
“Master what—?!“ The Thunder Dragon stares at the hero, who simply laughs.
“He’s got quite an attitude,” says Link. “I don’t know where he got it from, but it’s almost as if he was raised by the Water Dragon. He has no manners whatsoever, and it’s infuriating.”
Before Lanayru can respond, Scrapper shouts excitedly. “Ooh! I got it, bzzzt-CLANG! Master Chub-Chub! ‘Cause of that big belly, heehee!”
“Oh boy.” Lanayru sighs again. “No. You are not calling me that.”
“Awww, why not, vrrrpt? You’re no fun! Boring old dragon!” He turns around to glare at Link, presumably for taking him here. The Skyloftian ignores the robot and focuses on the Thunder Dragon.
“Please, Lanayru,” he begs in frustration. “Just take him. I can’t do this.”
“He’s bothering you, I see? My deepest apologies, boy. I will take him off your hands.”
“Oh, thank you.” Link sighs with relief. Thank Hylia, thank Farore, thank them all!
But Scrapper, unfortunately, is too stubborn. “Master Shortpants, you can’t leave me here, vrrrt! It’s weird over here, zrrrbt! There’s nothing to do! And this weirdly familiar dragon is ugly, voo-weep!”
“That’s enough!” Lanayru scolds, throwing his hands in the air. “Don’t you know how to treat your own creator?! Unacceptable! I taught you better than this!”
Link winces, hoping the old dragon hasn’t just changed his mind with the frustration in his words. Where did he get this attitude anyway?, he wonders, staring at Scrapper who spins around impatiently.
“I’m sorry,” he tells Lanayru, “I know I’m asking a lot of you, but…”
“Oh, please. He’s one of mine, you think I would turn him down? Sure, this one’s nothing short of a nuisance, but it’s really nothing I can’t handle.” The Thunder Dragon pauses as Scrapper suddenly flies past Link and toward the dense gathering of trees. “Hey! Scrapper, where are you going?! You get back here!”
The Skyloftian giggles. Just like a fucking toddler. But Lanayru’s face lights up, and Link turns to see several other LD-301 robots emerge to meet Scrapper. Oh, whew. At the very least this may give the stubborn robot a reason to stay, and not follow Link back reluctantly like a whiny remlit.
“Well, let’s hope he gets along with them,” says the hero, as the robots mutter amongst themselves. “And you…do you think he’ll ever remember you?”
Lanayru shrugs. “Perhaps. You never know with robots like him. Although, I’m hoping he does. Then he’ll show respect to me, instead of that ridiculous nickname he just used. Hoo boy…” He lets out a long sigh. “301S has always been a handful. Even back then.”
“Oh, I bet. You know…there is one thing I would like to bring up with you. He, uh…” Link gulps and gazes hesitantly at a waiting Lanayru. “Well, he’s been in ‘love’ with my sword.”
The Thunder Dragon throws his head back in a bellowing laugh. “I—I’m sorry, what?!”
“Yeah, it’s more of the spirit that used to—“
“Hey! Bzzzrt, I heard that!” Scrapper quickly flies back up to them, staying closer to Lanayru this time. Another robot follows through the grass. Oh shit…oops.
“What are you two doin’, talking about me behind my back, zzzzazt?! I’ll have you know Mistress Fi was the most beautiful thing I’ve laid my eye on, vrrrrt!”
Lanayru chuckles, having seemingly understood upon hearing Fi’s name. “Well…okay? How peculiar, Scrapper.”
“Yeah, and she’s gone now, voo-weep! She’s in the sword forever…And I wanted to play with it, zrrrbt!” The robot angrily points at Link. “But this meanie-pants over here said no!”
Link doesn’t bother to argue anymore, scowling teasingly instead. He doesn’t know how many times they’ve been over this already.
“Hey, knock that off.” Lanayru frowns at Scrapper. “You do not treat the chosen hero that way! And he’s right, I won’t let you handle a sword like that. It could seriously hurt someone when used carelessly.” The old dragon folds his arms across his chest. “Are we clear?”
At first the robot says nothing, while Lanayru raises an eyebrow in anticipation. But then he briefly bows forward, out of what looks like respect to his creator.
“Yes, Master Thunder Dragon, bzzzrt!”
Link sighs with relief. It seems that Scrapper is finally remembering after all.
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tr4gictea · 2 years
HI, hi!
How are you, I do hope you’re doing good!
I love your zhongli fic and I was wondering, how do you think zhongli would react to seeing the kid be re incarnated in the future and he finds them in the same place where they did still getting flowers, I just think it would be really cute 🥰. And then if he were to get slightly obsessed with them?
By all mean you don’t have to do this and if you do please take your time and please stay healthy!
Hope you have a good day/night!
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Forevermore - Zhongli+Child!Reincarnated!Reader
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Tags: Obsessive Zhongli, mention of death, reincarnation, angst, murdering people
A/n: Hi! This is kinda a part 2 to the Zhongli fic. This fic is shorter then my usual post. There are definitely spelling mistakes in here, please let me know how i can improve pls. Love u all &lt;3
Part 1
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Ever since that day he had come back once a week to sit and have tea. He remembered every single detail of the garden so when he came back to find five flowers missing he was surprised but not worried. Due to the passing time everything will stay the same but will always change (adventure time reference hehe). He thinks that he will buy some glazed lillie seeds and plant some more. 
When he came back the next day to plant the seeds he nearly dropped them when he found a small child there picking the flowers. He wanted to yell at the kid to stop picking the flowers, but something in the back of his mind stopped him from doing so. The child had a familiar ora to him similar to… no, no, no it can’t be them. They’re gone.
“You there, what are you doing?” Zhongli said in a commanding tone. The child turned their head to face the voice. No… it can’t be. 
“Oh, Hello! I am (Y/n) and I come up here for the qingxin that grow here.”They said with the same sparkle in their eyes. 
For once in his life he was speechless, he couldn’t comprehend how or why you were here. Was celestia mocking him? Was his pain amusing to them? Every bone in his body was begging to run over to hold on to you and never let go in fear of you disappearing again. But, he held his composure and remained calm. 
“This mountain is dangerous and flowers are not worth risking your life,” He hoped that you would listen to him just this once and never have to repeat the tragedy he faced all those years ago. 
“But I think that they look prettier up here, and they are one of the best sellers in my mama’s shop,” 
“Yes you are quite right, how about this, I come up here with you to pick flowers, help you get up safely, and intern if you don’t attempt to climb up the mountain when I’m not here. But if you do you will suffer the consequences.” Zhongli said as he placed out his hand.
“May i ask why you want to help me?”
“An old friend of mine hurt themself climb up here.” 
“Oh, that’s understandable, alright! It’s a deal!” You said while you shook his hand. Oh, how naive you were for trusting strangers. You were lucky he had good intentions, he would need to keep a close eye on you from now on.
“Xiao,” He called his most loyal adeptus to his side as he stood from one of the bridges in Liyue. Xiao appeared in a puff of black and teal smoke. “Do you see the child with the basket full of glazed lilies?”
You were down in a stall selling the flowers you had picked earlier. 
“Yes Rex Lapis.” 
“I need you to keep an eye on them and don’t let any harm come their way.”
“May I ask why?”
“I believe that Celastia has given me a do over, and I’m not wasting that chance.”
Xiao had never seen his god like this before and it scared him. “What lengths should I go to protect this child?” 
“Kill if you have to but don’t ruin the child’s innocents.” 
“Is that all my lord?” 
“Yes, you may go Xiao.” and just as quickly as he came he disappeared like he was never there.
As he gazed looked down apon you with obsession in his eyes. He wondered what your lives will be like together. Sure the room in his teapot isn’t finished yet and hasen’t even took your parents out of the picture yet. But, it’s only a matter of time before it happens.
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ive never written yandere fic so pls tell me if this is good
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
We’re at the S1 finale. Hard to believe. Thank you all for staying on this journey with me it’s been super rewarding. When I started didn't expected the support I got. Also been fun to fill the hiatus with this since we're all waiting for S6. Not sure when this strike will end. So fun to rewatch the series this way. Rewatching s1 with analytical eyes and knowing where they are now has been eye opening. I’ve seen a lot of people writing about how writers said Chenford wasn’t meant to happen this early on. Idk that’s true with the incredible foundation that has been laid in s1.
The beautiful base that continues to solidly with each ep. Especially this finale. I think the finale is when if you hadn’t been shipping them before you were after this ep. I was all in day one I just knew it would be a slow burn before we got there. Also Eric and Melissa are amazing together. Drew me in right away. Their chemistry is unparalleled. Can’t deny that. Like I said in my first review I started watching for Nathan and Eric. Never knowing the beautiful ship I was gonna get along the way. Anyways off to the finale we go :)
1x20 freefall
It’s the week of their big test. It decides whether or not they get to continue on in the FTO program. You can get a score as low as an 80 and pass. To the T.O.’s that’s a fail. Tim tells a Lucy if she gets anything less than a 93 it’s an insult to him LOL Lucy doesn’t even let it phase her how far we’ve come. She continues on asking what he’s going to do with all his free time when she passes?
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Tim is confused at first then realizes she’s talking about her daily evals. She suggests a book club haha Tim as far as he’s come is still Tim in T.O. mode around others. Gotta keep up the hard ass act. Tells her ‘Whether I evaluate you daily or weekly. I will continue to judge you every minute.’ haha damn Tim way to shut down her playful banter lmao
First call of the day for our lovely duo is at a psychic shop. Silent alarm has been tripped. Guy is going after this psychic because she ‘saw’ he killed his wife and is losing it on her. It was a fluke she figured it out and she says as much haha Afterwards she brazenly hits on Tim and he has no idea how to handle it.
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His embarrassed face is everything. He wasn’t expecting that at all. It’s like he doesn’t know he is gorgeous ass man. The way he looks back at Lucy is priceless. Like please help me baha Lucy is enjoying it immensely. Her face says it all I’m dying. She isn’t helping him out of this one. He awkwardly walks away from the psychic it’s too damn funny. Tim Bradford left speechless. What world we live in haha
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After a light start to their day it comes to serious halt. There’s a deadly virus and possible outbreak they all have to prevent. This came from the dead body Nolan and Bishop found earlier at the bus station. He was tied into the terrorist threat. This postpones their test naturally. Lucy and Tim are tasked with talking to one of the citizens that took same bus as this guy.
As they’re rolling up to this guys house Lucy says she thought the test was going to be the most stressful part of her day. Tim tells her best case scenario it’s tomorrows problem. Lucy makes a nervous joke 'What’s worst case scenario? Never mind don’t answer that' haha Oh Lucy the most stressful part of your day starts now.
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The gentleman thinks they’re there to bring back his luggage. Tim enters the bedroom without Lucy. They tell Pete they are there just to interview him. He pulls out the bag he grabbed by mistake and shows Tim the ‘weird science equipment ‘inside. That he cut his finger on it looking for an address. Tim’s red flags are immediately up when he says this. Lucy can instantly tell something is up but Tim tells her to stay at bay. First instinct is always to protect her. Tim see’s the guys cut finger and alarm bells are going off for him. Lucy calls it in while she waits outside the bedroom for Tim.
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The guy then coughs up blood on Tim. He freezes and looks the most panicked I've ever seen him. I LOVE how Eric can express so much with just a look. He's such a good actor I can not. After he collects himself a bit he hears Lucy coming to check on him and shuts the door instantly. Despite Lucy yelling ‘No!’ When he does.
Tim refuses to let her be around whatever this is even a second. Creating an immediate barrier to keep Lucy safe. He locks the door to keep her out there. Pete starts to freak out. Tim tells Pete that his partner has called an ambulance for them. Makes me happy while he’s trying to keep this guy calm he calls Lucy his ‘partner’ not his rookie but his partner. It’s the little things ❤️ Lucy is panicking like crazy on the other side of this door. She wants to be let in to help him. It’s killing her they’re separated right now.
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Lucy is begging him to leave that guy in there and join her outside. Tim being the honorable man he is refuses to. Tells her they need to keep this as contained as possible. Lucy is panic stricken and wants to help him but is trapped outside. Tim is doing his best to keep her calm. The words he says I think are for them both. He just had blood spewed onto him. Tim is being as calm as one could be in that type of situation.
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He’s the one in danger and his first thought is to put Lucy at ease. To try and keep her calm. To 'keep her head in the game' If she could see his face as he says these things...She would see how very not fine he is. The most rattled we’ve seen him the entire season. This moment and honestly this entire episode is definitely another huge crack in his wall with her. Letting that Lucy light seep in just a little bit more.
The CDC finally arrive and they set up a quarantine zone much to Lucy's dismay. She’s on the edge and wants to get Tim out of there ASAP. Can’t stand the idea of him sitting in there for an hour or more while they wait for the vaccine. Dr. Morgan asks him if she can put him to work while he’s in there. Tim says yes. Lucy tells him to please be careful while he’s in there. Such a worried wifey.
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Tim uses his body cam to help them see inside the bag more. They figure out how they’re going to spread it through a mist fan. As Tim continues to search the bag they see Pete lifting a chair. Lucy freaks out and yells for Tim to watch out. All they see is him getting knocked out. Lucy is losing her mind outside not knowing what’s happening in that room. The absolute terror in her voice. My heart. How helpless she feels on the other side of that door.
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Tim wakes up inches from the blood stain on the carpet rolling toward him. He’s able to get away from it and tases Pete. After that Tim gets him locked to the bed frame. All the while Lucy is losing it outside. Desperate to hear from him. Calling out his name multiple times. Begs Tim to answer her. She is out of her mind with worry. If she was allowed to break that door down she would.
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Tim finally responds to Lucy tells her that he’s ok. She asks him if he’s really is. Because she knows him and how he tries to put a strong facade for her sake. Tim attempts to make a joke about it. His voice cracking a bit with worry. Trying to make jokes about this but his armor has been cracked. This a deflection right now more than anything else. His vulnerability coming out of him with her whether he likes it or not.
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He can't hide anything from her and and Lucy picks up on his worry quickly. Knows he's attempting to mask how he is really feeling right now. She can hear it in his voice. From there she turns into ultra worried wife mode. She demands they get that damn vaccine here right now. She is losing her patience while he’s trapped in that room without her. Love me some assertive/worried Lucy.
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I can't imagine what he is going through all by himself in that room. Poor Tim has to sit there and watch this guy die right in front of him. Can't help the man just has to sit there and watch him die. The look on his face ugh. The utter terror on his face. Lucy is already freaking out if she could see him…she would break down that damn door virus or not and drag him out of there.
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Next begins the iconic wall separation scene. As I said earlier if you weren't shipping them before you sure as hell were after this moment. Lucy tells him she just checked with Dr Morgan. That the vaccine is minutes away. Tim instantly knows this is a lie to comfort him. Its here we see a chunk of his wall break off and hit the ground as he compliments her. Naturally she’s going to rib him about it (because she can't actually process when he does compliment her) but it's also to keep his head clear. Just like he's done for her so many times before.
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The role reversal is so evident in this scene. Lucy is doing what he normally does for her. Trying to keep him calm by making jokes. Keeping it light. The smile on his face when she ask for it to be in writing is too precious. He needs Lucy and all her sunshine ways right now. He's holding onto to every word she is saying. She comforting/calming him just by being there for him.
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This is such a huge moment of vulnerability for Tim. The biggest one of the entire season really. That bond they’ve built up to this point is result of that. Lucy tells him its going be ok that she truly believes that. Tim is so defeated at this point. He doesn't take much stock in her words. Eric and Melissa crush this scene. To have this good of a dynamic with a door between them. My goodness they're amazing. Like I said earlier Eric is incredible with how he conveys what he's feeling with a look. This scene has it in spades. Look at this poor man's face down below. Makes me wanna cry.
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You can see his normal resolve is dissolving rapidly. Which is why Lucy is there to keep it intact. Tim looks like he’s on the verge of tears while she’s trying to comfort him. Lucy is trying to be his rock. Its why I think he is spilling his guts to her. He trusts her with his thoughts/feelings. Tim is being the most vulnerable he's ever been with her right now. Telling her everything. That if he ends up showing symptoms he’s not going to allow himself to die that way.
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Gotta love Lucy trying to pick up the pieces and keep him together. Being as optimistic as she can while he is hopeless. For him to share such a dark thought is huge. That he would rather kill himself than die like that. He is emotionally exposing himself to her right now. In a way I’m sure he hasn’t since Isabel. This is a massive step for him entrusting her with his thoughts and emotions. Because right now Tim thinks this is it for him. If he's going out he wants to make sure she knows his plans.
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Lucy is very aware what he is saying but is trying to talk him out if it. Desperately trying to keep his head level. She finally lets out a tear she's been holding the whole scene. He's considering killing himself and she can't do a damn thing about it. The stress of the situation finally getting to her when she sheds that tear. This is an iconic moment for them. Tim being so openly vulnerable with her and Lucy being there to receive it best way she can. Gah it’s all so good. This scene 'hurts so good' as they say. This moment is a milestone for them and their relationship. Where they go from just TO/Rookie to friends.
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The vaccine finally arrives and Lucy tries to follow the doctor in. Dr. Morgan won’t let her since she is not protected. You can tell its killing her to have to stay back. That look they share between them when Dr. Morgan is checking him out. Phew lord. She says he dodged a bullet. The looks in this scene are so telling. These two have a masters in silent communication. That look of worry/panic on her face. She wants to run up and hug him. That clearly isn’t in the cards. So she just intently watches him. Lucy doesn’t take her eyes off him the entire time.
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The way he stares back at her and lets her know it’s ok. I’m ok. Even the small smirk towards the end. They just went through something very emotional and intense together. Tim says so much with just a look for her. Yeah he dodged bullet and he did so because of Lucy. She didn't leave his side for a second. He recognizes this and conveys it in a look. Such an intimate moment for them with no words. God I love them.
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Before this episode ends Let’s take a moment to enjoy Tim Bradford in a tight white T-shirt shall we? Mmm. Yum. The rest join Lucy and Tim at Pete's house. Having returned from taking down the other culprits. They’re all making jokes now that they know he’s ok. Saying how he’ll refuse to take the ambulance or wheelchair haha
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As they’re making their jokes Tim walks to said ambulance. As he does he looks light headed and collapses. All jokes stop and they rush around him. Lucy being the first they hold her back. Thus ends s1 with a cliffhanger.
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I think I watched this finale a disgusting amount of times haha I was so eager for s2 and more of Tim/Lucy. To see what happens to Tim in the premiere and all that.
Side notes-Non chenford moments
Did love the Wopez in this ep they’re very cute. That’s about it haha very focused on the chenford goodies for this ep.
We made it through s1 woo amazing. Thank you all for the support I was given through our entire season. Your likes/comments/reblogs inspire me to do more. I shall see you all in s2 :)
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dead-girl-prolific · 8 months
Jane The Killer Oneshot (fluffbruary)
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A/N: tried to make it as gender neutral as possible
For February of 2024 I will attempt to do a prompt every day, to get more comfortable with writing again. I forgot to post this sooo, here. as a present: a playlist!!
TW: FLUFF! and also this stuff;
mentions/topics of Mental & emotional abuse, jeff is a trigger warning because he's jeff, mentions of sex, topics of sexuality and religion, idk how to word this but (mentions of pictures being taken during intercourse???), mentions of masturbation, girls kissing.
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GIF by kgymz
"The Comment..."
Walking back to the mansion was decently annoying; after all,  you were dealing with two of the MOST difficult pastas to work with, Jane and Jeff.
Between their constant bickering and your ever-growing headache, you held on tight to your boyfriend’s hand and squeezed it tightly whenever he said something that would piss Jane off. Jane held in her remarks quite well until Jeff made a comment on Jane’s family.
That’s when you lost it for her. She was your friend; you didn’t know why she liked hanging out with you so much, especially after you and Jeff got together. But she did; she did like you; you just weren’t sure how much.
“Jeff, that is enough. I’m fucking sick of you; all you do is complain, start fights, and then bitch when you can’t win. It’s not cool,” you said, taking a breath. "Plus, bringing up Jane's family? Really? What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you told me you were over this, and you fucking lied to me. You clearly can’t help but get all cocky over the fact that you hurt Jane, you can’t let go that you killed her family, and you know she fucking hates you, so why open your mouth? Because you like the attention? Or because you NEED attention, no matter if it’s good or bad.” You exhaled and let go of his hand.
Jeff was speechless by your sudden lecturing, but you could tell that he did not enjoy it. He liked you a lot, mainly because you were the only one who never lectured him like he was a moody teen.
His brows furrowed, and he scoffed.
“Why does it matter to you so much? It’s not like I did it to you.” He stopped walking, and you and Jane stopped several feet in front of him.
“She’s my friend; that's why it matters.” You responded simply. Jane still hadn’t spoken since you two began 'arguing; she just stood there, looking at you with what you hoped wasn’t hatred for speaking on her behalf.
Jeff started forward for a while until you swear you heard a “click” as it suddenly clicked into his head.
“You like her, don’t you, y/n?” Jeff asked, anger bubbling into his features.
“Wha-i- No?" You responded with a blush flooding your cheeks.
“You fucking liar!” he shouted.
“Don’t raise your voice at her.” Jane finally spoke. A cool tone sent shivers down your spine.
“And what are we going to do if I do it again?” Jeff snarkily asked. Jane stayed quiet.
“That’s what I thought.” Jeff smirked.
“Y/n? Do you like this bitch?" he spat. Every ounce of love he had for you was almost instantly gone. It was all a big misunderstanding, right?
You stayed quiet.
“I’m not going to ask you again. Fucking answer me!” He raised his voice again, which made you slightly flinch.
“I can't; you’re my boyfriend; if I did like her, it would be wrong; that and I'm straight; I can't." You kneeled down and grabbed your head, pulling at your hair. You’ve always struggled with your sexuality; you also struggled with religion and what you believed in. You thought being anything but straight was wrong, but you still supported people and their decisions.
Jeff glared at you; he knew all of this, and he used it as an advantage. He knew that when you were mentally weak, he could plant seeds in your brain. He was cruel, and he knew it.
“Get the fuck up and answer the damn question.” He snarled, his knuckles turning white on the hilt of his knife.
Jane took a step toward you and gently lifted you off the forest floor.
“It’s okay; you don’t have to tell him anything; you can just keep walking, and we can go home," she said with a soft whisper.
“Get off of them. Now.” Jeff ordered.
You stood up and turned around to face him. You looked him dead in the eyes, and suddenly everything he programmed into you—everything your family had taught you—fell away.
You had never stood up for yourself when it came to him. You let him talk sh*t about you in front of the other pastas, you let him make comments about your body in front of his friends, and you let him talk about sex publicly and how you were at it. You finally had enough; you knew he was trying to break you.
"For one, Jeff, I liked it better when you and I are alone; you are always so much nicer to me, but we’re always in front of everyone else, and when we are alone, it’s usually because you're horny. You are always nice to me when you want something. You are so fucking selfish; I have no idea what I saw in you. You’re fucking pathetic. And for two, yes, I find Jane attractive. What the fuck does it matter? I chose to love you, didn’t I? And look what you did with my love; you abused your power over me and used me. I thought we had something special. The third thing I want to say is, We’re over. Have fun jerking it to the pictures you have of me that you thought I didn’t notice.”
Jeff stood there, trying to process what you said to him. Jane snickered.
When you first arrived at the mansion, your poor little brain took refuge in Jeff; he was your first friend. After Jeff,  you made a couple more friends, and after Jeff asked you out, you pushed everyone else away for him because he told you to. He mentally abused you for months, and you finally snapped.
“Hear that, you little punk, your ex thinks I'm attractive.” Jane laughed and wrapped an arm around your waist.
You blushed and stared directly into Jeff's eyes.
“There’s a reason I'm here, Jeff, and it’s not for you or anyone else; I'm here because I took care of myself, and I won't stop taking care of myself. So fucking cry about it.”
Jeff’s fingers twitched around his blade, and he turned around and walked away.
Jeff was never one to be quiet, but he genuinely couldn’t have said anything to change your mind, and he knew that. He just hopes he can do better, because in the beginning he really did love you; he just can't control himself. And that was the problem.
Jane and you walked through the woods and talked quietly. She was mostly reassuring you that you made a good choice and that it was self-preservation. You were just trying not to cry.
Jane was extremely supportive of your choice and your mental health. She grabbed your hand, and the two of you returned to the mansion, fingers intertwined.
*Two hours later*
Jane and you were hanging out in her room as she painted your nails black to match hers. Jeff returned to the mansion an hour after the two of you did.
You were tempted to apologize to him, but Jane stopped you several times. After she silently painted your nails, she looked up at you and sighed.
"Look, y/n, I'm flattered that you stood up for me, and I think it's cute that you think I’m attractive, but do you actually like me?” She asked, and her pale green eyes bore into yours behind the black mesh of the mask’s eyes.
“Yes, you’re probably my favorite person to be around in this hell hole. You make being here worth everything I did, and I'd do it all again if it meant I could be with you.”
She let out a breathy laugh and grabbed the bottom of her mask.
“I’ve never really liked my appearance behind my mask, so please close your eyes."
“Alright.” You sheepishly smiled and waited. You heard shuffling and the shifting of fabric.
“What are you-?" You couldn’t finish speaking because her lips were already on yours, and you loved it. Her lips were smooth and featureless from the scarred tissue; her lips didn’t really feel like lips, but it didn’t bother you.
You hesitantly reached your hands up to the sides of her face, and she grabbed them, forcing them back into her lap. You smiled, and she pulled away.
“Why are you smiling?” she asked with a quizzical tone.
“I like how shy you are around me when we’re alone, but I also like how you trust me enough to do this with me.” You responded, but the lids were still closed.
There was shifting, and then a "clip,” and she hummed. You opened your eyes, and her mask was back on.
"Well, if it helps, I find you attractive too.” Jane said, a smile evident in her voice.
i have a couple headcanons littered throughout this oneshot, i might make a headcanon list for all the characters i've written for/writing for, which is currently four/five but i'll add more. also this is my first oneshot so sorry if it's totally horrendous, i've had a big fat girl-crush on jane since forever, this took me 3-4 hours so i'd say it's rushed a little, but either way i hope it was remotely enjoyable.
also did ya'll know jane had/has green eyes?? i forgot lol.
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f0point5 · 1 year
God, you’re amazing!!! I’m speechless!! How do you manage to post daily???
This story is the only good think happening to me right now
Part 12 killed me!!!
It feels like all this negative press is getting to her and i feel so so bad 😔 Hope she and Mick make up soon, but also can Max and Lando help with the media, I usually don’t believe in the whole prince charming saves the day thing but it feels necessary for someone really important to take a stance if the bulling doesn’t stop soon
Or maybe, she could take a break from a social media, stay out of the spotlight you know, Taylor Swift style. And If people still continue to hate on her, she’ll know it’s not because of her. It’s because some people have no life.
Now I’m ranting, but I’m so invested in this!! Can’t wait to read more
I just really enjoy making these a lot more than I thought I would haha. I normally spend a lot of time doing long form fiction writing…now I do these!
I think it’s getting to her mainly because it’s come out of something that is being taken out of context and misconstrued, but also because it’s coming out of something extremely painful. Mick really is like a brother to her, his absence in her life is weighing on her.
I don’t see Max wading into it on social media, just because I think irl he is embroiled in a lot of controversy that he rarely speaks out on. Also, I don’t think Y/N would want him to, and there will be a part that explains in detail a bit more. That said, I always planned that the trolling would happen this specific week and it definitely will be reaching some bigger audiences soon.
I really want her to have a Reputation era haha but we will see. She will be on only her “close friends” story for a bit.
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aajjks · 5 days
a sigh leaves ian’s lips after he enters his quiet home. how much longer will he have to entertain sarang? he can’t deny how good her body makes him feel but the guilt is killing him. he’s risking his family for his brother’s safety—is that a good compromise? or is he doing this because, deep down, he’s always wanted her? “another late night?” ian freezes. it’s crystal. “thought i told you not to wait up?” he says calmly and crystal is just as calm with her response “couldn’t sleep.”
“do you even know what time it is?” before ian can respond, she answers “it’s 2 in the morning” her voice is shaky and ian’s heart begins to race—has she figured it out? ian has been practicing and going over the excuses he was going to tell crystal had he got caught in the act:
‘i did it for jungkook!’
‘i swear, i don’t love her!’
‘she threatened me!’
‘i was drunk!’
it was excuses that he’s sure every woman has heard before, but this crystal. his wife, his best friend, his crystal.
“i know, baby. i’m sorry—,”
“are you hiding something from me, ian? are you cheating on me?”
“no. no no no, of course not. why would i do that?”
“because you’re constantly coming home late, making up dumb ass excuses, and you barely touch me anymore”
ian sighs. “crys i’m…fuck, i’m so sorry. i’ve been putting so much time and effort into the company that i started neglecting you and ahyeon”
“there’s no way in hell you’re still there working on business stuff, ian. that makes no sense”
“want to call my mom and ask? i promise, i’m not lying to you, crys. believe me”
crystal hesitates before agreeing to contact jiyeon for confirmation on ian’s whereabouts. after a couple of rings, a sleepy jiyeon answers the phone.
“mrs. jeon? i…quick question, was ian with his father today?”
“yeah. he left the house not too long ago. i’m sorry, did my husband not tell you?”
“no. he-he didn’t—,”
“i’m sorry about that. i’ll make sure he communicates better next time. was that all?”
“alright then. goodnight”
“good—,” jiyeon hangs up the phone and crystal is left speechless.
“see, baby? i told you. i’m not cheating, i swear” says a desperate ian who’s thankful his mother played along with the lie, oblivious to the truth of his whereabouts. crystal is still unsure whether or not to believe her husband’s facade because knows something is up. his schedule is all over the place and is attention is on everyone else but them. she misses ian’s presence so much. “promise me you aren’t cheating ian. promise” crystal begs which makes ian come closer. he pulls the smaller woman close and wraps his arms around her before whispering.
“i promise, baby. i love you so much”
“i love you too”
Fucking you dumb is something that he cannot get enough of. Jungkook loves your body, the way it makes him feel, it’s addicting and he knows that you love his too
“fuck— you feel so fucking good.”
Going gentle on you is something that he wants to do, but it can never happen, your pussy is sucking him in so deeply, your walls are so tight. It is sucking him in and he’s literally just going so rough on you.
Your breasts are bouncing, such a beautiful view. Your pregnant body is sweaty from the hours of fucking but he can’t get enough.
“Shit- your pregnant pussy feels so good, so addictive, so wet.”
He Didn’t know that your body would feel even more good like this and he just never wants to stop
“Goodness I’m gonna fucking cum so hard.” He’s already filled you up two times, but it’s like his body is not wanting to stop at all.
Your nails dig so deliciously in the depth of his back, he groans, his hips postponing in and out of you.
“Y-Yn oh my goodness yes, cream all over my cock yeah baby..” he cries as he feels you cumming and that breaks him into cumming too.
Jungkook crashes his lips to your swollen ones, the kiss bruising as he devoures your mouth. His orgasm hits him like a fucking brick.
Your pregnant body is turning him on so much he had no idea. And you are only about to get bigger, sexier.
Oh, someone help him.
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ladyanaconda · 19 days
Papa Wolf Besteel AU Quotes
Still trying to come up with a better name.
Besteel: By the way, hooman, you still owe me a glider.  Eva: Are you seriously bringing that up now? Besteel: You break it, you pay it.  Eva: If you want to go by that logic, then you’d owe a new Muthr.  Besteel: The difference is that your Muthr can’t be replaced, can she?
Eva: Now you’re buddies with Besteel? After everything he made us go through? Rovender: What he did wasn’t right, but… He had a good reason.  Eva: ‘A good reason’? He killed Muthr! Rovender: He’d been misled into believing Fay was in danger and reacted accordingly… He was a father trying to save his daughter. And I understand him because I would have done for my daughter. You won’t comprehend how far a father is willing to go for his child’s safety until you have a child of your own.
Besteel: Stay away from my daughter! Vamphyr: You mean my granddaughter? Whom, should I remind you, I haven’t seen for over six years? Besteel: *chuckles bitterly* Still trying to get your way. Some things never change. Vamphyr: you’re trying to force your daughter into a life she doesn’t want. Now, where have I heard that before? Besteel: the difference is I’m not raising my daughter to be a reflection of my past glory. Vamphyr: Certainly. You’re raising her to run away and hide from problems. *shakes his head* You’re no better than Redimus.  Besteel: You still think I didn’t go after Broken Tooth because I was afraid. Do you think it was easy for me to leave everything behind to start over? Do you think I wanted to stop hunting? *sighs sadly* When Fayluna was born, there was something in my life that mattered more than everything else. When Cassiora…  Fay needed her father, I was all she had left. I had to make a choice. And I chose to fight for my daughter. *frowns at Vamphyr* You? You just saw me as a way to relive your glory days, and when Redimus could not live up to your expectations, you cast him aside as if he were nothing. Tell me, Father: did you ever see either of us as your children? *Vamphyr is utterly speechless* Besteel: That’s what I thought. 
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Thank you to @silvermars for inspiring this one shot. Her tag on a Halloween spuffy gif is what inspired this: “The way she just pulled to him like in a trance. Even though he’s leaving and they’ve said goodbye she can’t help but turn to him. Follow him. Because she WANTS to be with him. She wants to go WITH HIM.”
Tagging @karinanic
“Good fight.”
Spike nods to Buffy as he leaves her house. She watches him leave and feels her body start to go after him. She would have followed him, her body was following him. She only stopped because Willow spoke from behind her. “So big monster bashing sorry we missed it.”
She couldn’t even bring herself to punish Dawn she had Giles do it. She just couldn’t be near the front door anymore. She knew if she spent anymore time near it she would follow her body and be leaving.
Buffy quickly ran up the stairs trying to escape the thoughts running through her head and the front door.
Later that night Buffy Is trying to fall asleep, but she can’t she is tossing and turning not getting any sleep. Both parts of her the girl and the slayer are fighting each other. After what feels like hours Buffy gets out of bed and slips her jeans and the pink lace Cami she had on earlier maybe if she did a late night sweep it would tire her out. Slaying usually does.
She enters Renfield cemetery and looking for any possible vampire or demon, nothing. Nothing in the last two cemeteries either. She looks up at the sky. “The forces of darkness can’t give me one vampire.” She quietly says as she passes another grave. “That’s all I ask.”
Without even realizing it her feet led her to the all too familiar crypt that she was in earlier tonight; spikes crypt.
Spike returning home got himself some blood and decided to go downstairs, he was going to read some poetry maybe write some if he was in the mood.
He’s laying on his bed shirtless in just his jeans when he hears the door above open. He quickly shuts the book and puts it back on his bookcase. He hears footsteps above and can hear a heartbeat. Before he even has time to cross the lower half of his crypt, he sees his late night intruder.
“Buffy? What are you doing here?”
She looks around his bedroom, last time she was here she didn’t have that good of a view she was chained up and he told her he loves her. Since then he got a four poster bed, a bookcase, laid down many Persian rugs so the floor is not the cold ground.
“You’re right it is posh down here.”
He lets out a little smile she remembered a couple weeks ago when he told her that right after she came back and he found her in his crypt just like tonight.
He doesn’t say anything doesn’t want to ruin the moment or bring her back to her senses that she’s in his bedroom. He watches as she takes off her shoes and makes her way to his black satin sheets.
Buffy curls up on his bed she looks so small, after a couple moments looks up at the speechless vampire. Her broken and exhausted eyes look up into his speechless eyes.
“Can you just lay here with me.”
He nods and lays on his side of the bed. They both are facing each other it’s quiet for a couple minutes then she says. “I’m sorry you missed the great pumpkin.”
He chuckles and she lets out a little smile as he reaches out and tucks apiece of hair behind her ear and cups her cheek. “It’s fine luv there’s always next year, maybe you can watch it with me next year.”
She nods as she moves closer to him, her head is snuggled into the crook of his neck and her body is melding into his.
Spike gulps he can not believe his night. He doesn’t understand how his night went from just going to watch the great pumpkin to helping find dawn and kill some vampires to now he is cuddling with the slayer. The women he loves sought him out, and asked him to lay down with her. More shockingly she snuggled into him. Spike would punch himself to make sure he’s not dreaming but if he is he never wants to wake up. He can smell her shampoo commercial hair. This is the best Halloween he has ever had.
Buffy reaches out to his other hand and takes it placing it on her hip so he is holding her as she sleeps. He leans down and kisses the top of her head. She snuggles more into him.
There is no way he is sleeping tonight he is going to cherish this moment forever. Buffy finally falls asleep she feels safe and comfortable. She feels at home in his arms being surrounded by his scent and him.
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