Anything and Everything Sarah J Maas
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My favourite thing about rowaelin and elorcan is those two males are so alpha in every aspect of their life but if aelin and elide said roll over they would without question need me a man like that
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Fic List
Comfortember 2020 fic list
Soulmate AU
1. My Love is Worth so Much More (WIP): The early story of the Cadre in a Alternate Universe with Soulmates
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Generic Cadre Fics
Right my World
With a little help from my commanders
Rowaelin in the Morning
#throne of glass#lorcan salvaterre#rowan whitethorn#elide lochan#aelin galathynius#aelin fireheart#fenrys moonbeam#aedion ashryver#fanfic#throne of glass fanfiction
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Bro even Lorcan calls him pretty, consistently.
I just saw a tiktok of a girl saying that it would be a great introduction if the Tog women (Aelin, Lysandra, Manon and Elide) are "stunned by how beautiful the batboys are".
I'm sorry but no one can tell me that the three batmen look better than any of the Tog men. Fenrys alone would outshine all three of them, I bet my christmas presents on that. Being around Fenrys is something like exposure therapy in that case, no? Like, literally in everyone's pov he's the most beautiful man walking upon earth, so anything else would be quite underwhelming, no?
Tog men >>>> Batboys
I rest my case.
P.S.: Yes, I'm a Fenrys fangirl, sue me.
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I’ve only read TOG and yeah Aelin’s beef is justifiable even though she’s irrational about some of it (the whipping scene) but then again so is Lorcan (there is literally no need for name calling bro) BUT Rowan is so inconsistent in describing Lorcan, I almost feel like SJM had something else in mind and deviated.
Aelin having (perfectly justified) beef with Lorcan gets taken far too seriously
Rhys having (perfectly justified) beef with nesta gets taken far too seriously
The hard core fans of the latters seem to feel the need to defend those characters and attack anyone who says anything bad about them.
It is not that deep
Characters are allowed to dislike each other.
The Lorcan and aelin shit is funny as hell and rhys and nesta are probably going to be civil and respectful to each other in the next acotar book.
So just calm down.
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Multishipper ❤
Me:RowAelin, I love you but, *looks at RowCan* I might just love them more.
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I’m rereading parts of KOA and I think we don’t talk enough about how after Elide told him that she didn’t care if he walked off the battlefield, Lorcan had absolutely zero self worth left. He let his shield drop during the battle to invite death to come to him. He was never planning on making it back to the keep and basically said no one would miss him. It hurts my heart and it’s absolutely an overlooked part of KOA.
Great now I’ve made myself cry
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agree to disagree
modern au, witch!elide + carpenter!lorcan + domestic/romantic fluff, word count: 3515
Coming home from work, Lorcan had gotten used to finding his fiancée with her nose buried in some centuries-old looking leather-bound book, or brewing something in her fully functional iron cauldron. It didn’t phase him anymore, not even when she would look at him through plumes of herbal scented steam with frizzy hair looking like a mad scientist.
So tonight, when he returned to find she’d taken over their kitchen with piles and piles of fresh plants, he merely gave her a pleasant grin. Elide gave him a distracted hello as she bound together a bunch of rosemary with twine. “Hi, love. How are you?”
“I’m fine. Work was,�� he grimaced as he put down his very heavy bag of carpentry tools, “ok.” He tried to stretch the strain out of his shoulder.
Elide frowned a bit, noticing the tension in his arm. “What happened?”
Lorcan shrugged, “Did something weird to my shoulder. I’ll be fine.”
She gave him an exasperated look – Elide never thought he took injuries seriously enough. She wasn’t exactly wrong. “Lor…” she sighed, shaking her head.
He grinned as he circled the kitchen island to hug her from behind. “What,” Lorcan asked, nosing her errant hair out of the way. He laid a little peck against her neck.
“You should go soak it.” She moved towards her pantry – Lorcan had built her a walk-in pantry for all her witchcraft supplies as a housewarming present – and he went with her, refusing to let go. Elide opened the door, a wave of something medicinal hitting them square in the face. She passed him a thing of tightly wound sage and lavender. “Here, put this in water. It’ll help.”
Lorcan leaned around, kissing her cheek as he took the bundle from her. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.” He left her to her affairs and headed off to their bathroom. Several large bundles of plants and shoots hung from every available space around their quaint bungalow. Lorcan had to duck his head many times to avoid getting slapped in the face with some drying aromatic.
Three large bunches of eucalyptus hung from the bathroom door frame. He shook his head fondly and gently moved one aside so he could step in. Just as he was about to close the door behind him, Elide came running down the hall. “No, don’t close it, please,” she cried, skidding to a stop.
He looked back at her with a brow raised.
“Please,” Elide pleaded, one hand grabbing the back of his jeans. “They need to hang undisturbed, and I’m running out of space.” She made her eyes big, going as far as to pout her lower lip. He hated that lower lip and everything it did to him. More accurately, he loved that lower lip and her pout and everything it did to him. “Since you’re just having a bath, will you please not move them?”
After putting the bundle for his bath aside, Lorcan turned to fully face her, crossing his thick arms over his chest. Elide’s hands migrated to his stomach, her pinky slipping past the waistband of his jeans and boxers to stroke his bare skin. It was a dirty move, and he narrowed his eyes at her. “What if I have to use the toilet? I don’t want to… go,” he gestured, “with the door wide open.”
She rose on her toes to kiss the underside of his jaw. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.” Elide gave him another peck, “I’ll make it worth your while…”
He caved, not because of her implied promise of sexual reimbursement, but because Elide Lochan had some power over him he could not explain. Gods, he couldn’t wait for her to be his wife. “Ok, sweetheart. Whatever you want.” Lorcan put his hands on her waist to pull her flush against him. He dipped his head, capturing her lips in a slow embrace.
She hummed gently, her own hands moving to cup his face. “Thank you, baby,” she mumbled. Elide pulled back a little, searching his eyes, “It’s just for a little while, I promise.” She kissed him, "Ok?"
He kissed her back, now wrapping his arms around her waist. “Mm-hmm.”
Lorcan groaned softly when Elide slid her hands to his chest and pushed him back. “You need to soak.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, reluctantly letting her go.
Elide twisted away and strolled back to the kitchen, her hips swishing side to side. Lorcan drank in the sight of her before heeding her advice to soak. The job he’d been working on was a big one. Once he finished, he’d earn a huge amount – some would help with the wedding, though what they had planned was essentially an elopement, and the rest would go in their savings. Still, building a custom house from the ground up was no simple or quick task. It was gruelling work, and he was beginning to feel its strain on his body.
Lorcan drew himself a bath, tossing in the dried sage and lavender. Once there was enough water, he didn’t waste anymore time. He pulled his hair out of the hip-length braid it had been in all day to twist it into a mass on top of his head.
As he lowered himself into the bath, a satisfied groan escaped him. He rested his head on the lip of the tub and sank deeply into the nearly scalding water.
For the next while, Lorcan sat unmoving, listening to the sounds of his fiancée – he loved calling her that – moving around their kitchen.
He was almost asleep when Elide walked in.
“Hiya, honey,” she sang. She pulled the small teakwood stool to the bath and perched herself next to him. Elide lovingly brushed her hand over his brow. "I brought you some water so you don't overheat." She knew just how hot he liked his baths.
He hummed, gently rousing to slit his eyes open.
She giggled, “Feeling good?” She held the glass of iced water closer, angling the straw towards his mouth.
He took a grateful sip. Lorcan nodded slowly. “Yeah… this is nice,” he murmured. “What’s, um,” he gestured towards the ceiling and the doorway, “what’s all this?”
“Oh,” Elide sighed shortly. “I’m such an idiot, I’ve been running low on almost everything, so now I have to get it all done in one go.” She laughed a bit, “It really would be easier if I had a real thing to hang everything from like a rack, but from the ceiling.” With a shrug, she changed the subject and offered him more water. “There’s dinner when you want it. I made xarista and xaimoko.” Both were Blackbeak traditional food: fried cornbread and a thick, spiced rabbit stew.
He smiled, “You’re my dream girl. What’d I do to get you?”
Elide fondly rolled her eyes. “Something real special I bet.”
Soon enough, Lorcan’s fingers became pruny, and he had to get out. Elide said she’d leave him to dry off and get dressed, but if she got distracted by his lips and wandering hands, that was her business alone. He sent her off with a little slap on her ass.
While he got dressed in their bedroom, a thought nagged at him. For her practice, Elide needed to dry various plants all the time, and she always had to rig some precarious set-up. He couldn’t count how many times he’d saved her from crashing to the floor while she attempted to string something up high.
Lorcan joined Elide in the kitchen and nudged her towards the dining nook as she got down bowls and plates. He served them both some of the stew and a piece of cornbread, then carried it over to her.
He always ate like he didn’t know where his next meal was coming from, but who could blame him when it came to Elide’s cooking? She was a master in the kitchen.
He saved the very last bit of his stew and fried cornbread. Lorcan neatly scooped it all into bite and presented it to Elide. Though she had her own, Elide still accepted his offering. Her fiancé wasn’t one for words but actions. The connection found through food was something he especially valued. “Thank you, baby.”
In response, he gave her a small smile that he always reserved for her.
Elide finished the rest of her meal and gave him the last bit of hers. Lorcan accepted the bite, then pulled her close for a kiss. “That was amazing, sweetheart.”
“Mmm, thank you. I figured you’d want something hot and filling after your day.” She stood up, making to gather their dishes, but her fiancé stopped her.
“Let me. You made dinner, it’s only fair.”
“And you’re injured, you should take it easy.”
“Lee, I’m pretty sure washing and drying a few dishes won’t harm me.”
She squeezed by him, grabbing the dishes from his hands. “You don’t know for sure…”
Lorcan followed her, “Lee—“
Elide abruptly pivoted back, “You know, many hands make light work.”
“So,” she grinned wickedly, “the faster this is done, the faster we can, um, go to bed.” She gave him a pointed look.
A slow grin spread across his face. “I didn’t think about it like that, you know.”
Elide and Lorcan never knew that a kitchen could be cleaned so quickly.
The next day, Lorcan didn’t have to go to the house, and Elide had a double shift at the restaurant. He got up early to drive her into work.
Elide leaned over the console to kiss him. “Thank you for the ride,” she said. “I won’t be home till late, ok?”
He grinned, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll survive,” Lorcan joked. “D’you want me to pick you up after?”
“Love, you don’t have—“
“Yes, I do. I’d rather stay up late than you take the bus home, or spend a bullshit amount on an Uber.”
She pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth. “Ok, baby. I’ll see you later, then.” Elide pulled away, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he told her. As she got out of the truck, he said, “Have a good shift, sweetheart.”
Elide waved at him while he pulled onto the street.
Instead of going straight home to get another few hours of sleep, Lorcan drove to the nearest lumber yard. He had been thinking about a way to solve Elide’s plant-drying issue and figured he could finish it within a day. All that was needed was a lattice horizontally hung from a handful of hooks from the ceiling. He’d make it fit just right in her pantry. It was the perfect environment, dark and dry.
Lorcan picked out a few pieces of ironwood at the yard. He loaded it into his truck bed and got home quickly, eager to start on Elide’s gift.
Exactly like he’d expected, it was an easy project. Lorcan took very careful measurements of the pantry ceiling. He cut every piece he needed, nailed and glued them together for good measure, then sanded everything by hand. Lorcan had a small pot of quick-drying wood oil that he rubbed on the lattice with an old rag.
The trickiest part was covering everything in her pantry with plastic sheets so no dust would disturb her supplies as he drilled small hooks into the ceiling.
After hanging it up, Lorcan tidied up, putting all his supplies back in the backyard workshed. Then, looking around their home, he figured Elide would appreciate it if he took the time to transfer some of her wound bundles. Lorcan had attached hooks along every piece of wood and simply hung the drying plants by the twine.
Once he was done, there was still plenty of room, considering the lattice ran end-to-end of her pantry. Lorcan took a picture of it, but he didn’t send it to his fiancée; he wanted her to be surprised.
For the rest of the day, Lorcan finished some odd jobs like fixing the squeaking hinges on their bedroom closet.
He pored over the drafts of the house he was building, making minor changes and scrawling notes on the side. The house owners had recently sent him a list of materials they wanted for the floors, so he wrote down in his notebook which warehouses he’d visit soon. All in all, the project was well under its generous budget, and Lorcan knew the owners would be pleased.
He could hardly wait to bring Elide home and show her what he’d built for her.
Her feet ached. Her back ached. Even her cheeks ached – Elide hated that she always had to have a bright, shining grin for the customers. As far as she was concerned, as long as the customers were being served and she was minding her manners, they didn’t need to see her façade of constant joy.
It made her feel deranged. Nobody was that happy while pulling a double.
Elide yanked off her apron and shoved it in her bag, having finished her cash-out and collecting her tips from the pool. She didn’t typically mind tip-pooling unless she was working with Remelle. The woman hardly did any work and preferred obnoxiously flirting with the bartender, even though everyone knew Rowan was unavailable. Elide had spent both of her breaks complaining on the phone to Aelin, the bartender’s very serious girlfriend and her best friend, who just laughed and arranged to drop-in later.
The look of disgust on Remelle’s face when Aelin had arrived to lean over the bar and plant a territorial, bright red lip-stick print on Rowan’s cheek had made it all worth it. The coffee Aelin had brought for Elide from her café was just icing on the cake.
Elide said good-bye to the back of house staff as she walked out through the kitchen, wishing them a good night. She pushed open the creaking metal door, finally able to breathe in fresh, crisp air. She sighed into the night, dark eyes quickly spotting a familiar pickup truck and an even more familiar man leaned against it.
Lorcan lifted one hand.
She smiled widely and quickly made her way down the back steps. Elide ran towards him. Once she was close enough, she launched herself in the air without warning, knowing that he would catch her.
Sure enough, she landed in his arms.
“Hiya, handsome,” Elide said, twining her arms around his neck.
Lorcan slowly lowered her to the ground, his hands on her hips. “Hiya, beautiful.” He bent his head, kissing her cheek. “How are ya?”
“Exhausted,” she told him. “It was just one thing after another.”
He frowned a bit, “That bad, huh?”
Elide nodded. “Uh-huh. Remelle was in full-force today.” He rolled his eyes, having heard about her coworker from both Elide, Rowan, and Aelin. He had his own less-than-pleasant encounters with Remelle, too. “Aelin stopping by was the highlight of my day.”
Lorcan grinned, “I’d pay good money to see that.”
Laughing, Elide said, “I’ll see if I can get Malakai to let me see the security footage. You should’ve seen her face, I thought she was going to pop a vein."
They moved to get into the truck. Lorcan insisted on walking around the other side to open Elide’s door for her. After she climbed up with some help from him, she kissed him. “I missed you,” Elide murmured.
“I missed you too.”
If any of their friends witnessed such a sickening display of their infatuation and utter adoration, Elide and Lorcan would never hear the end of it, but they really wouldn’t mind. What was the point of being in love if one was embarrassed of it?
Lorcan got behind the wheel and smoothly pulled out of the alley. The drive home was short, in part because they lived nearby and also because hardly anyone was on the roads.
When they parked in their small driveway, Lorcan stopped Elide before she could get out.
“I want you to do something for me,” he said while holding up a folded bandana.
She looked at it, then back at her fiancé with a conflicted expression. “Babe, I’m not in the mood for blindfolds tonight," she said sadly, wishing that she had the energy.
“No, no, it’s not that,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Get your mind out of the gutter, sweetheart. I promise it’s nothing about sex.” Lorcan gave her an imploring. “Will you trust me?”
Elide nodded. She always trusted Lorcan, and she wanted to know what he was up to. Maybe he’d dealt with their squeaky closet door – she'd fall in love with him all over again if he had. “Sure.” She turned around so he could tie the bandana over her eyes.
“No peeking, ok?”
She laughed, lifting a hand to touch the material covering her vision. “I can’t see anything. You’re going to have to help me walk, you know.”
“I know, just sit pretty for a moment. I’ll be right there.”
Elide heard him open the door, then felt the cab shake when he pushed it shut. Her heart hammered with anticipation as she waited. Barely any time had passed until he was opening her door and taking her hands. “Ok, let me help you down.” Lorcan gently took her waist and lifted her out of the seat. He set her on the ground, then locked the truck.
He guided her up the river rock stepping-stone pathway and told her when to walk up the short front steps. Elide held on tightly to the hand he kept on her waist. She trusted him, but she had two-left feet even when she could see freely. Lorcan reached beyond her, his chest bumping her head, to open the front door.
“Alright, just step inside, Elide. Watch the transition strip.”
Elide carefully stepped inside. She felt along the wall for the entryway bench. Once she found it, she sat with caution to take off her shoes. Elide heard Lorcan toeing off his boots, and then he took her hand, pulling her to her feet.
She laughed softly, “What did you do?”
“You’ll see in a sec, be patient,” Lorcan said.
Elide grumbled beneath her breath as he led her down the hall. Through spatial memory, she knew they were in the kitchen now, nearing her pantry. “Lor…”
He adjusted her position, “Ok, stay right…here. Don’t move, and no peeking, Lochan.”
She huffed but did as he told her. She just wished he would hurry up.
Lorcan shuffled around and opened the pantry door. He returned to standing behind her. “Are you ready?”
“Yes, please,” Elide laughed.
He gently pulled the blindfold away, waiting with bated breath.
Elide blinked a couple times as she got used to the light. She looked into her pantry, not seeing anything changed until she noticed how everything she’d needed to dry was hanging from the ceiling. At the realisation, she gasped loudly, stepping in to inspect it closer. “Lorcan,” she said, mouth agape. He’d constructed a wooden grid with small hooks to hang and dry her herbs. Elide whirled around, seeing how he’d cleared her bundles from every available space and put them up, each kind of bunch relegated to its own section. “You made this for me? And you organised it how I like it?"
He stepped closer too, lifting a hand to touch one of the wood pieces. “If it’s not working, I’ll change it. I used a quick drying oil, too, just ‘cause I wanted to get it up quick, but I can fix—”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down, stopping his uncertainty with a hard kiss. Elide poured all her love into it, wanting him to feel it. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect,” she whispered.
Lorcan chuckled, “I’m not—”
“Shut up, yes, you are.” She pressed a series of soft pecks against his full lips, then marked them over his cheeks and nose – everywhere she could reach. “You're perfect. I love it, baby. I love you.”
“I love you,” he told her. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Uh, I love it,” Elide corrected him.
He smiled, his hooded eyes crinkling, “I’m glad you love it, then.” Laughter bubbled up as she remembered that before the reveal, she’d been excited just thinking that he’d fixed the hinges of their closet door. Lorcan’s brows drew together in confusion. “What’re you laughing at?” When she told him, a big grin appeared on his face. “I guess it’s your lucky day, ‘cause I fixed that too.”
Her mouth dropped open. “Shut up, you did not.”
“Indeed I did. All it took was a little oil, tightening some hinges…” he shrugged, “good as new.”
Elide hugged him, unable to quell her smile. “I’m the luckiest person in the world to have you.”
Lorcan rubbed her back, “You can’t be the luckiest person in the world, ‘cause I am. I mean, I’m great and all,” he joked, “but I’m no you.”
She rolled her eyes. “I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree.”
an: xaimoko and xarista are both romani foods! i hope u enjoyed bc theres nothing i luv more than elorcan being obsessed with each other n so so sooo in luv 🤭🥺
taglist (lmk if u want to b added): @sassyhobbits @empress-ofbloodshed @the-regal-warrior @gwynethhberdara @icecream52
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Elide and Lorcan as Persephone and Hades 🌿🌸🖤
#elide x lorcan#elide lochan#lorcan salvaterre#lord lorcan lochan#sarah j maas#throne of glass#digital art
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first of all THANK YOU for the prompt list, it is marvelous!!
secondly, i feel like you could do something completely brilliant with #23, Hold my hand, it's almost over.
idk what it is but prompt lists are so fun for me. i'm not the best at them, but i like seeing what i can do with them, lol. i hope they provide some inspiration :)
as for the's about some elorcan?
Canon, in which Elide is determined to finally heal her ankle.
Warnings: depictions of extreme pain/distress, mentions of potential miscarriage ~2.4k words
There Now, Steady Love
Searing hot pain rippled up Elide’s ankle and to her thigh. It was unlike anything she’d experienced before as it drove not just into her muscles, but her very bones as well.
She screamed around the rag that had been stuffed into her mouth to try and prevent her from waking the dead. It wasn’t working. In fact, Elide wondered if calling upon Anneith would be more helpful than the damned rag. Death sounded like better relief than to keep enduring whatever this was.
“A little longer,” Yrene’s calm voice informed her.
Elide groaned and squeezed her eyes shut. This was hell. It had to be.
After over a year of preparatory probing and research, Yrene and Elide had finally determined the best course of action in healing Elide’s damaged ankle. Yet no amount of work could ready Elide for feeling as though her entire body were being ripped apart sinew by sinew.
The pain wasn’t just limited to her leg. No. It extended through every nerve ending, every muscle, every ligament. It was all she could do to keep from passing out.
“Almost,” Yrene said. Her voice somehow pierced the clouded haze of Elide’s mind. The promise of relief was not very comforting right now.
The healing had been long discussed and anticipated ever since Yrene first recommended it. Even with waiting until after Yrene delivered her baby and had time to regain strength—they’d both been eager to see what they could accomplish on the matter. And then Elide had been busy rebuilding Perranth and making sure the peerage was settled in their new duties. Not to mention attempting to tame Lorcan into behaving around the lot of them. The time just hadn’t been feasible to make this actually happen.
Elide had been waiting years for this and she would endure the pain. Because once this part of her life was over with—she could truly move on from her past. Even if she’d come to terms with her parents' deaths and her uncle's treatment of her, Elide knew that being able to walk (for herself) was a stepping stone she needed to pass.
“Alright,” Yrene said, withdrawing her soft hands from Elide’s burning foot.
The relief wasn’t immediate, pain still lanced through her leg and pulsed with each heartbeat, but Elide could finally take a full breath.
“Mala above,” Elide gasped, spitting out the makeshift gag. “Are you sure you gave me enough laudanum?”
“I can’t have you completely delirious,” Yrene reminded her.
It had been a long, arduous discussion especially after Lorcan had gotten involved.
Elide felt a new round of tears prick her eyes as she caught her breath. Hadn’t she cried enough? Wasn’t there a point in which the pain would finally numb everything away?
She looked to the empty stool beside her bed. She’d wanted this—for Lorcan not to be there. Even if his magic would have helped her endure the pain. He would have forced Yrene to stop hours ago and insisted they could go again another day.
Elide loved that brute of a demi-fae but she knew what she wanted. Still, she had betrayed him in letting him go off with Rowan, Fenrys, and Vaughn for a respite in the mountains. The males of the court were antsy for something to do other than organize treaties and listen to badgering farmers. Vaughn had been the only one she’d told about her plans because he was the only one she could trust to keep a secret.
It was the perfect opportunity to start the healing process.
But as Elide rubbed the muscles of her leg and wiped her nose on her shoulder—all she could feel was guilt. She knew that, despite his protestations, Lorcan wanted to be here for Elide. He wanted to help her with the pain and recovery. Elide loved him for it. Loved him for that ferocity he had. And she couldn’t help but wish he was there now. Damn her.
“Are you ready?” Yrene asked as Elide slowly sat up again. “I’ve gotten past the callouses built up on the bones, we can move on to the muscles with more focus.”
Elide cursed. It already felt like her entire leg had been torn apart, what more could she take.
Yrene smiled grimly. Her thick, dark curls spiraled out from beneath her headwrap and sweat stained her brow. “You can do this, Elide.”
“What about you?” Elide prodded. “Regretting your life choices yet?”
“After delivering a seven-pound baby,” Yrene said dryly, “I’m fairly certain I can withstand this.”
Elide snorted a laugh. She’d helped Yrene when the time came for her delivery, the two having grown close during the war and Elide’s small dabbling’s with healing. If there was ever a woman who knew strength and endurance it was Yrene Westfall.
“Alright,” Elide finally said. She grabbed the gag-rag and refolded it. “I’m ready.”
Yrene moved her hands back to Elide’s outstretched legs. When nothing happened, Elide shifted slightly.
“What?” she asked.
Yrene looked up, her honey gold eyes wary. “Are you sure you don’t want Lorcan here?”
Had her entire body not been thrumming with pain, Elide would have launched out of the bed. Instead, she settled on a scowl. When she shifted, her leg hummed with pain that felt like someone were plucking her ligaments like a bowstring.
“I told you, it’s fine,” Elide insisted.
Even with the guilt in her heart, Elide was still a little mad at Lorcan. She had no reason to be of course, not really. She’d known he was fiercely loyal and protective. Even a year after the events at Skulls Bay, she knew his actions still affected him. But sometimes the male drove her insane.
The last time Yrene and Elide were determined to set about the healing had been interrupted when a lady’s maid had made the incorrect assumption that Elide’s courses were late. Right where Lorcan could hear.
Even with Elide’s continued assurance she wasn’t with child, Lorcan had remained staunchly alert of everything Elide did and insisted they hold off on the healing process. Her cycles were irregular in any case and there weren’t any of the tell-tale signs of pregnancy. Besides, she’d simply known. Perhaps it was terror at the thought of having a baby or simply feeling that it couldn’t be possible. They’d been careful with tonics and everything. Not to mention they were not even a year into their marriage—they wanted to wait. In any case, Lorcan had taken a note out of Rowan’s book and become fussy and overbearing on what could have been. The effort and bodily fatigue of the healing process simply wouldn’t have made a pregnancy viable. Elide understood that and if she had been pregnant that first time, she would have agreed with her husband.
“He’s your mate, Elide,” Yrene said, “he could help with this.”
“It’s fine,” Elide insisted. Her chest seized just a little at the thought. Her mate. The person who knew her better than anyone. She still wasn’t convinced of that fact. But sometimes when Lorcan looked at her she could feel that thread of love wrapping around her heart.
Yrene pursed her lips. “You get to deal with the angry demi-fae.”
Elide stuck the rag in her mouth in answer. She could handle her husband. She’d waited long enough for her ankle to be healed.
Rolling her eyes, Yrene ran her hands over Elide’s ankle again. This time the pain came immediately. A dull ache throbbed in Elide’s ankle. The heavy pain rolled slowly up her leg settling just above her heel. It remained there for several seconds before inching up beneath her skin bit by bit.
Elide fisted her fingers into the sheets of the bed. It was a good thing she hadn’t eaten or drunk anything in a day or else she was convinced she’d make a mess of herself. The pain worked its way higher up her calf now. Her muscles were quivering with being rearranged and adjusted like this.
The pain was getting so intense that Elide felt a sharp tug burrow deep in her chest. Snarling against the gag, she nearly arched off the bed at that.
“Breathe, Elide!” Yrene barked. The order was laughable. How the hell could she breathe right now?
As stars burst behind Elide’s eyes and a low hum began in her ears, she was certain she’d passed out. She couldn’t focus on anything beyond that pain. She needed her husband. That much was certain. Elide could take a hit to her pride at that. She didn’t care.
And then, just as the thought wormed through her mind—there was a sliver of ease among the hurt. It was bare, soft and gentle as it soothed over her and Elide could finally suck down a breath.
She didn’t have time to consider what had happened when a large, warm hand curled around hers.
The sense of relief the oozed through Elides muscles was immediate and a new wave of tears rolled down her cheeks. She was surrounded by the warm scent of cinnamon and she knew Lorcan was there.
He was saying something, but Elides ears were ringing and she couldn’t focus on anything but remaining conscious. There was a steady cadence to his words and Elide was certain he was only offering support. His magic ran along Elide’s body like cool tendrils and more of that deep hurt thrumming in her body disappeared.
“Okay!” Yrene shouted, breaking through the haze of pain in Elides mind.
At once the ache eased and all that was left was Lorcan’s easy magic running over Elide’s leg.
“Mala above!” Elide snarled, spitting the gag out. She cursed several more times, rolling onto her side, closer to where Lorcan was.
One of his hands went to her cheek running along her jaw and into her hair. She leaned into his touch, desperate to have him nearby. When she finally blinked through her tears, Elide looked up to her husband who gazed anxiously down at her.
“You didn’t wait for me,” he murmured.
“You worry too much,” Elide said. Her words didn’t have as much bravado as she wanted. Instead, her voice was raspy from screaming.
Lorcan bowed his head down to press his forehead to hers. His onyx eyes gleamed as he held her gaze. She could feel the worry and hurt emanating from him.
“I could feel the minute it started,” he told her. The hand still entwined in her fingers squeezed tightly. “You scared me before Vaughn told me what you’d planned.”
Elide would whack Vaughn for his betrayal later. For now, she took a shaky breath. “I knew you’d try and talk me out of this.”
Her husband let out an unamused bark. “You are the most stubborn woman I know, Elide. I knew I wouldn’t be able to talk you out of this. But I don’t have to like the pain you’re putting yourself through.”
“I can take it,” she replied. She frowned up at him, earning a wry chuckle.
Lorcan pressed a kiss to her nose. “I know you can, heart. But will you please let me help you?”
Taking a few deep breaths, Elide rolled onto her back again and spared a glance to Yrene. Her friend was pretending to not be listening to them as she took a long drink from a water skein.
“Thank-you,” Elide whispered looking back at her husband. Lorcan smiled, something soft and far sweeter than she ever saw from her. Her heart seized at the sight.
Yrene cleared her throat softly. “I see a bit of scar tissue built up along the muscles. It’s going to take some work to clear up. But once that’s done, I’m sure it should be a bit easier going forward.”
Sitting up a little bit more against the stack of pillows behind her, Elide nodded stiffly.
“Then let's start.”
Lorcan shifted closer to her and Elide wondered how much longer it would take before he climbed up on the bed beside her. And if she were being honest, Elide wouldn’t mind that at all.
“Hold my hand,” Lorcan said, offering his hand once again. “It’s almost over.”
Elide did so, gripping his fingers tighter than before. She stuffed the gag in her mouth again and braced for the pain again.
Elide had no idea how long she’d slept for. It could have been hours; it could have been days. All she knew was that when she woke up her leg pulsed with an ache.
Whimpering, Elide tried to roll on her side. Tried to because her husband lay next to her with a heavy arm draped over her that prevented her from moving too far. At the sounds she made, Lorcan stirred. His arm tightened around her. His nose nuzzled into her neck and his breath was warm against her skin.
“Elide?” he murmured. “Are you awake?”
The question had her wondering how often she’d spent in a delirium of pain unable to actually speak.
“Regrettably,” she told him.
Lorcan propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her. His frown made deep grooves appear on his brow as he considered her words.
Smiling, Elide raised a hand to smooth over her jaw. “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
Her words didn’t convince him as he turned his head to press a kiss into her palm.
“Are you hungry?” Lorcan asked.
Elide shook her head. She felt nauseous and was more than willing to lay in bed.
“I just want to stay here,” she said.
Lorcan settled back beside her and pulled her tighter against him. “We can do that.”
His magic was a steady thread around her that Elide could have easily fallen back asleep.
“Thank-you,” she sighed. “For believing in me.”
Humming, Lorcan ran a hand along her side. “I don’t like seeing you in pain.”
“It was something I needed to do.” She said the words softly, carefully. Lorcan had always given her leave to run the house, run her life, as she saw fit. He often came to her to ask for advice as well. Still, she could understand his protective nature.
“I know,” Lorcan said. He kept up his soothing ministrations along her side. “How’s your leg?”
“Not the best,” Elide admitted. She nestled into Lorcan though, and sighed. “But you’re here.”
“Always,” he promised, “my heart.”
And that was all she needed.
tags: let me know if you’d like to be added/removed.
@morganofthewildfire // @aelinchocolatelover // @sexy-dumpster-fire // @bamchickawowow // @ireallyshouldsleeprn // @courtofjurdan // @sassys-world // @sleeping-and-books // @superspiritfestival // @chieflemming // @julemmaes // @lysandra-ghost-leopard // @firestarsandseneschals // @rapunzel1523 // @booksofthemoon // @fangirlprincess09 // @highladysith // @tillyrubes10 // @bri-loves-sunflowers // @rowaelinismyotp // @sheharahu // @1islessthan3books // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @vanzetanze // @foughtconquered // @acciowests // @cassianscool // @thegreyj // @story-scribbler // @jesstargaryenqueen // @amoretheiwa // @jorjy-jo // @danibutterr @live-the-fangirl-life // @foreverfallingforthestars // @pastasiren // @whimsicallyreading // @infernoqueen19 // @mis-lil-red // @lemonade-coolattas // @realbookloverproblems // @ghostlyrose2 // @rainbowcheetah512 // @bri-loves-sunflowers // @captain-swan-is-endgame // @mystic-bibliophile // @cretaceous-therapod // @swankii-art-teacher // @thisloveseternal // @gracie-rosee // @goddess-aelin // @liars-lmao // @emily-gsh // @rowaelinrambling // @bookcide //
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elide x lorcan, modern + firefighter au, rival neighbours 2 luvrs speedrun, word count: 3606
A familiar weight on his chest woke him up.
Lorcan slit his eyes open, then closed them again. Evidently, it was the wrong choice because claw-tipped paws started kneading his throat. He choked and sat up abruptly, making a black-furred creature fall into his lap. “Gods,” he croaked, glaring at his cat.
He picked up Hellas with one hand and held his devil-feline in front of his face. “Not fucking cool,” he said. The cat made a confused meow, his pitch colour eyes round and innocent. Momentarily, Lorcan narrowed his eyes before sighing and kissing Hellas’ forehead. “You’re a menace, dude.”
He got out of bed and gently set Hellas down, who immediately circled behind him and started headbutting his ankles while making an incessant chirping sound. “Alright, alright,” Lorcan said, “I’m going.” He walked into his kitchen. The first thing he did was open the cupboard that held Hellas’ dry food and scoop some into his dish.
The cat just stood there, silently staring up at Lorcan.
Lorcan nudged the bowl closer with his foot. “What’re you waiting for?” Finally, Hellas started on his breakfast. Lorcan leaned down and scratched him behind his ears. “Weirdo.” He got started on his coffee. He wasn’t due at the firehouse for his shift until nine, which was still a few hours away. He would've liked to sleep for longer, but the demands of his gremlin superseded any desires Lorcan had.
While he waited for his coffee to brew, he decided to take care of a few mundane chores. Lorcan took out his trash from under the sink and tied off the bag.
He walked out of his unit and strolled down to the trash chute, tossing it in.
Foolishly, he left the door open and figured that with Hellas occupied by stuffing his maw, the cat wouldn’t attempt escape like he did at every given chance.
Of course, when Lorcan got back, Hellas was nowhere to be found. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Lorcan said, turning back towards his door. “Fuck me.” He leaned out into the hallway. Usually, Hellas didn’t get too far, but Lorcan was still worried. One of his neighbours – a woman named Elide Lochan – owned a trained Doberman, and Hellas loved provoking Anneith.
Lorcan heard a deep bark from the end of the hall and went running towards Elide’s unit. “Hellas, you little shit.”
She was already at the door, blocking her guard dog with her body while Hellas tried swiping at Anneith between her legs.
Her dark gaze could’ve set something on fire, and Lorcan had a gut feeling that if they could, he’d be burnt to a crisp as Elide looked at him. “Can you control your damn cat?!”
Lorcan glared at her and scooped Hellas up. “Maybe I could if your hell-hound stopped provoking him.” It was utter bullshit, which they both knew.
Still, Elide took the bait. She gawked, “My what? Annie didn’t do anything, like usual,” Elide all but growled. “He came over and started scratching at my door—”
He shook his head and turned away, walking back to his apartment without caring that he looked like an ass.
“Hey, we’re not done,” she called after him.
“Yeah, we are,” he responded.
“I hope you know I’m telling Mr. Perrington about your devil-cat scratching the shit out of my door!”
“Like I care,” Lorcan snapped before slamming his door shut. He huffed. How dare she call Hellas that? He could call Hellas that, but Elide? It was just plain rude. Lorcan shook his head again and set Hellas down. “Man, you have got to stop doing that.”
Hellas merely flicked his tail and strutted off to finish his breakfast.
The next time Lorcan saw Elide, he was heading off to work while she brought Anneith back from a run.
He noticed how the cold made her freckled cheeks rosier than usual and made the smattering of spots stand out more. Lorcan frowned at nothing, reminding himself that he couldn’t stand his haughty neighbour, no matter how pretty she looked. He just nodded at her and passed by, not intent on exchanging a word.
“Have a good shift,” Elide told him.
Lorcan paused and blinked. He looked back at her. “Uh, thanks.” He bobbed his head, making it painfully obvious that he wasn’t comfortable with unprompted social interaction. “Have a good… uh, day. Yeah.”
Elide laughed a bit and quickly pursed her plush lips to stifle the sound, mirth dancing in her eyes. “Thank you.”
Something bumped into his hip. He looked down at Annieth. She tilted her head to the side, her tail wagging a bit. Lorcan’s lips twitched. He gave her a gentle scratch behind her pointed ears. “You too, Anneith.”
They parted ways shortly after. Lorcan turned the interaction over and over in his mind during the drive to the station house.
He would have kept thinking about it, only the moment he got to work, they were sent out on a call, and Lorcan pushed it to the back of his mind.
If he seemed distracted the moment they got back, then none of his crewmates said a word.
After a few more calls and fulfilling some of the house chores, Lorcan settled into one of the bunks for a quick nap. Only, he couldn’t clear his mind to sleep. Every thought kept circling back to Elide. He rubbed his eyes until he saw random bursts of colour. He sighed and stubbornly resolved to banish her from his mind. It was ridiculous – he’d never thought of her outside of his irritation for her. Sure, he’d noticed her beauty, but who wouldn’t? Elide was absolutely stunning, and her biting wit only made her more attractive which was unfair.
Eventually, he managed to drift into a restless sleep, though he couldn’t escape Elide in his dreams either.
About an hour or so later, someone shook him awake. The alarm was going, and the others who had been sleeping were now rushing about.
“No fire, just some crazy stuck in a tree,” Fenrys told him. “We still gotta hustle, c’mon, boy.” He hopped down and followed the others while Lorcan quickly got out of bed.
He yanked on his sweater, followed by his boots, and Lorcan ran to the fire engine. Vaughan passed him his pack and helmet before they both hauled themselves into the cab.
Rowan glanced at Lorcan from the driver’s seat as he sat beside him. He drawled through the headset the moment Lorcan pulled it on. “Did ya get enough beauty sleep, Salvaterre?”
“Fuck off,” Lorcan grumbled. “Where’re we going?”
“Right by your place,” Rowan told him. “Which one of your neighbours is stupid enough to get stuck in a tree, huh?”
Lorcan rolled his eyes, and they pulled out onto the street, sirens blaring.
A few minutes later, when they got to his building, they saw a big cluster of people standing at the bottom of the large sycamore tree.
The crew hopped out of the truck to assess the situation and move the crowd back.
Lorcan walked through, gently yet forcefully moving their audience back with Connall’s. Rowan and Vaughan went to the base of the tree. “Alright, everyone, please step back.”
“It’s that cat of yours,” Madam Florine, the woman who lived below him, exclaimed. He internalised his sigh – of course it was Hellas. “He got out, and you know, I’ll be telling Mr. Perrington about his escape, I will! He’s caused such a ruckus!”
“Madam Florine,” he said, herding her back. “I’ll be glad to deal with this after the situation is resolved, alright? Thank you.”
“She just went right up after him,” Madam Florine continued like Lorcan hadn’t said a word. “I told her not to, but, oh, Elide never listens to anyone! And now look where it’s gotten her…”
His breath escaped him in one exhale. Lorcan gaped at her, all professionalism leaving him. “El- it’s Elide? She- she followed Hell?”
Madam Florine frowned. “Now, this is what is wrong with your generation, you never listen! Yes, Elide, she climbed up all the way up there, I just—”
Lorcan turned and ran, ignoring Madam Florine’s shout. He looked up through the branches, catching a glimpse of a small figure who clung to the trunk. It had to be Elide. He couldn’t see Hellas, and his heart dropped to his stomach.
Someone grabbed him by his shoulders and brought him to a quick stop.
“It’s Elide, she followed Hellas,” Lorcan said, looking at Rowan. “That fucking cat, I swear to the gods.”
“Hey, hey,” his friend soothed him. “It’s going to be alright, we’ve got this under control.”
“I have to get up there, I can get them down,” he insisted.
Rowan frowned, looking at Lorcan with pity. “You know I can’t let you do that.”
“What the fuck am I supposed to do then, huh?”
“Sit, and let us do our job.”
She had never been so high off the ground. Elide felt dizzy looking down through the branches, so she decided not to. Instead, she looked at Hellas, who she had trapped inside her hoodie. “Hell, it’ll all be ok, alright? Now, don’t you do anything drastic, you sit tight.”
The cat cried at her, the sound high-pitched and worried. He tried to move, his paws batting at his cotton confinement. She tutted her tongue, cooing at him to soothe him.
Elide didn’t know how Hellas got out of Lorcan’s apartment. She’d been downstairs to fetch her mail when she saw him lingering by the lobby doors. Someone else had come in, giving Hellas the opportunity to leap for the door and escape outside. Elide had chased after him, even after he scrambled into the tree. At some point, she was just chasing him further up the tree. Once Hellas couldn’t go any further, Elide had managed to catch him and let him crawl beneath her sweater.
She exhaled shakily. The fire engine was here now, and so was Lorcan. Elide looked at Hellas again, forcing a little smile. “Lorcan’s here now,” she told the cat. “They’ll get us down, and everything will be ok, won’t it?” Elide nodded, then repeated to herself. “Everything will be ok.”
Down below, somebody waved at her to catch her attention. One of the firefighters held a megaphone to his mouth and spoke into it. “Elide? Can you hear me?”
“Y-yes,” she yelled back. “Hi!”
“Hi, I’m Rowan. We’re going to get you down as quickly and safely as we can, and I need you to do what I say, ok?”
Elide nodded, “Yes, ok.”
There was a flurry of movement as the crew got to work extending a ladder from the truck. It made a loud and mechanical noise that had Hellas howling and attempting to free himself with more desperation. His claws got caught in the thick material of her hoodie. “It’s ok, it’s just the ladder,” she said. She smoothed her thumb over his little forehead. “Everything will be ok.”
Hellas actually listened, calming down against her. He headbutted her chin.
“Elide? We’re sending Fenrys up now, he’ll get you and Hellas,” Rowan called to her through the megaphone.
“Hear that?” she told Hellas. “We’ll be down soon.”
Once the ladder was extended, the fireman named Fenrys started climbing up. Elide inched herself closer to the top of the ladder which hung tauntingly just a metre below her.
The dark-skinned blond smiled broadly at her. “Hey, there. You must be Elide. Lorcan’s told us all about his gorgeous neighbour.”
She laughed humorlessly, arching a brow at the comment about Lorcan. Fenrys was talking to her like they’d just bumped into each other in a bar or something. “I guess that’s me.” She didn’t know Lorcan thought she was gorgeous.
“Alright, Elide,” Fenrys said. “I need you to, very carefully, come down to me, alright?”
Elide shook as she tried to climb down. One arm was banded around Hellas. She carefully stretched one of her legs down to a lower branch. Her balance wavered, and she tried to correct it too quickly, but Elide couldn’t find her footing again.
Elide tipped over, and a scream tore from her throat as she fell. Her body crashed through the tree, snapping branches on her way.
Before she knew it, strong, human, arms caught her. Fenrys held her tightly. “Woah, woah, I got you.” Elide clung to him, her heart hammering against her ribcage. “I got you, you’re safe.”
She tried to calm her breathing. Hellas was fighting against her, and his claws scratched at her. Elide ran her hand over his head, scratching his ears just like Anneith liked to be scratched. She didn’t know what she was doing, she’d never owned a cat before.
Fenrys helped her find her footing on the ladder. He shored her up with his arm around her waist, then signalled that they were ready to come down.
Elide held on to him until the other firefighters reached up to help her down to the ground. Someone took Hellas away from her; she didn’t see who or where they took her. She looked around wildly, trying to find her neighbour.
Lorcan pushed his crewmates aside. Elide reached for him, shuddering in relief when he held her. “Lorcan,” she cried.
“You’re safe,” he whispered. He hugged her tightly against him. His own heart thundered, terrified, in his chest, and he was certain she could hear it. “Fuck, ‘lide.” Lorcan felt her against him, felt her body held within the safety of his arms, but the panic was still there.
Elide cried softly against his chest. All the adrenaline had left her, leaving her shaking and scared. She wasn’t even embarrassed that she was breaking down in the arms of the neighbour she couldn’t stand before today. He was so solid, his body strong and warm. Lorcan held her tight enough that she knew he wouldn’t let go easily, but not so tight that she couldn’t push him away if she wanted to.
She didn’t want to.
She turned to the side and sniffled loudly. He started to sway side to side – Elide never pegged him for a very good hugger, but he was.
Lorcan gently pulled back, his thumb under her chin to lift her face. He brushed his thumb over a long scratch on her jaw, frowning. “‘kay, we gotta get you to the rig, ok? Vaughan’s gonna check you out, he’s our medic.”
“I feel fine,” Elide mumbled, but then Lorcan moved a little further, she gripped his arms because she didn’t trust her own legs.
“Humour me, then.” He eyed her legs warily. “Need help?”
Her cheeks flushed. She wanted to keep all the dignity she had left – knowing he’d seen her stuck in a gods-damned tree had, for some reason, been a large blow to her pride. So, Elide certainly did not want him carrying her like an invalid. She cleared her throat primly. “I think I can manage.”
She attempted a step and would’ve gone down had Lorcan not been there to catch her. Her hands clutched at him tightly as she tried to find her footing again.
Without any fuss, Lorcan scooped her up and cradled her against his chest.
Elide gasped through her nose, her arms going tight around his neck. She loosened her hold a bit, blushing again.
He glanced at her. “You good?”
“Yeah. You’re very, um, strong.” Her cheeks, if it was possible, got even more red. Oh gods, Elide was just waiting for the earth to split open and swallow her whole. Her neighbour smirked at her, and Elide looked away. “Oh, shut up.”
He chuckled, “I didn’t say anything.”
“You don’t have to,” she muttered.
Lorcan deposited her on a padded bench by a man who looked similar to him. Elide looked back and forth between them until the medic – Vaughan – explained, “We’re cousins.”
She nodded sagely. “Ah.” Vaughan rolled up her sleeve to take pulse, she presumed, and looked down at his watch. Elide eyed Lorcan as he stood behind his cousin, tracking the medic’s movements like a hawk. He noticed her gaze and looked up, quirking a brow. A cheeky grin curled her lips, and she asked Vaughan, “So, are you as much of an ass as he is?”
The medic laughed, not bothering to look up. “Thankfully, no.”
Lorcan frowned at her, and Elide just gave him an innocent smile. He crossed his thick arms across his chest; she tried not to ogle his tattooed biceps. Elide huffed to herself. It was October, for Annieth’s sake. There was no reason for him to only be wearing a t-shirt.
Vaughan checked her out quickly, including her limbs for any break from her tumble through the branches. He gave her a clean bill of health and packed up his bag while Lorcan took a seat next to Elide.
He pushed his hands down his legs. Elide caught how his fingers shook before he curled them into fists against his thighs. “Don’t do that again,” he told her harshly.
She frowned at him. She couldn’t believe he was starting a fight after all that had happened. “Are you serious? You should be thanking me, I went up there because of your cat, Salvaterre—”
“I know, I’m going to have a talk with him,” Lorcan said. He took her hand, angling his body towards her. His eyes were soft, pleading with her. “Please, don’t do that again, ok?”
Elide swallowed and nodded. “Ok. I won’t.”
They sat together for a little while more until the crew had to return to the firehouse.
Lorcan walked Elide to the door, telling her to keep herself out of trouble, at least until he got back. She told him it was Hellas that needed to keep himself out of trouble, and Lorcan softly laughed in agreement.
They parted ways after Rowan laid on the horn, causing the pair to jump and glare at the silver-haired firefighter. Lorcan looked down at Elide with a furrowed brow. “You’re sure you’re going to be alright?”
“Yes,” she laughed, pushing her hand against his stomach. “You know I can take care of myself. I do live all by myself.”
“I know. Ok, ok, I’ll go. I’ll be back at around nine,” he told her.
“Salvaterre,” Rowan shouted, “say good-bye to your little friend, and let’s go!”
Lorcan cut Rowan a dirty look before he finally said bye to Elide and jogged to the truck.
She lingered by the doors until the truck pulled away. She tried not to seem as flustered as she felt when Lorcan grinned and winked at her from the cab. Elide hurriedly went back inside, pressing the backs of her cold hands to her pink cheeks.
Lorcan attempted not to rush as much as he wanted to the minute he got home. Elide had been on his mind all day, and the whole crew, including their captain Malakai once Vaughan and Fenrys had ever-so-helpfully related the story to him, had given him shit for his reaction the rest of his shift.
He dropped his duffel bag down by his door.
A curious meow came from the kitchen before Hellas pranced out. He curled himself around Lorcan’s ankles, rubbing his head on his leg. “Oh, it’s not going to work, man-man,” Lorcan said. He leaned down and picked Hellas up to properly address him, “You’re still in big trouble. No catnip for a week.”
Lorcan carried Hellas with him as he exited his apartment. He walked down to Elide’s place, trying and failing to calm his racing heart before he rapped his knuckles against her door.
From inside, he heard a bark, and then a woman’s voice gently admonishing Anneith.
Moments later, a breathless Elide yanked the door open with a wide-eyed smile. “Hey,” she said. “You’re early.”
He shrugged, still trying to play it cool. “Yeah, my captain let me go home ‘cause my replacement got to work early.” Lorcan looked down at the cat in his arms. “And someone couldn’t wait to apologise for all the trouble he caused.”
Elide laughed, the sound musical and bright. “I’ve forgiven him.”
Lorcan grinned. “Well, I still owe ya one. What’s your price, Lochan?”
She leaned against her door jamb, crossing her arms under her chest. “Mmm, I dunno,” she mused. “How ‘bout a date?”
He nodded, sucking his cheeks in to conceal his full-blown smile. “Y’know, that seems fair. Anything else?”
Elide shook her head and smiled, the tip of her pink tongue poking through her teeth. “Nope. Well, preferably we can go someplace that isn’t twenty metres off the ground.”
Lorcan shrugged. “I’ll see what I can do. Might have to pull a few strings, but I think it’s worth it.”
She beamed at him, her eyes glittering.
Before Lorcan went back to his apartment, she gave him a folded slip of paper. He left with the promise of seeing her again, and soon.
He managed not to make a complete fool of himself until he closed his door behind him. After that, he couldn’t hold his smile back. Lorcan looked at his cat, who was still snugly held against his chest. He kissed Hellas’ head, figuring that he might deserve some catnip and even a little fish for all he’d done. After all, without his antics, Lorcan would probably still be feuding with Elide.
Lorcan set Hellas down before he opened the note Elide had passed him. She’d written down her number in neat writing, but what was written beneath it had been chuckling to himself.
Elide Lochan (AKA Cat Rescuer Extraordinaire – Call for a good time, or feline recovery ;))
an: i had SO much fun writing this hehe alsoooo i think i will restart a tag list 🤔🫣🤭(let me know if u want to b added !!)
@sassyhobbits @empress-ofbloodshed @the-regal-warrior @gwynethhberdara
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I’m so sorry, but I’ve hit a massive block and I just had to go where the inspiration took me and that was to this little update of no consequence. I still hope it brings you some joy. This is just a little bit of insight into Rowan’s life before he took a certain job.
How’s One To Know? Masterlist
Lorcan pushed the trolley through the grocery store aisles, his little companion sitting in the seat behind the handlebar. He usually did his grocery shopping by himself, but Rowan was snowed under and Maeve wasn’t taking things easy on him. She was a bitch, Rowan had been doing the single parent thing for nearly two years she had never once cut him a break. Lorcan could see that his friend was near breaking point so he had offered to take Ivy for a while so he could work uninterrupted.
So he had picked Ivy up from her daycare and brought her with him on his grocery run… and he may be doing some of Rowan’s as well. That was going beyond what Lorcan had offered to do and Rowan didn’t know he was doing it, but it was just grabbing the basics. Lorcan just wanted to do something to help out.
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“The legend said it only goes after virgins…so sucks for you I guess.” for elorcan 👀👀
Tell Me S’more
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre
“The legend said it only goes after virgins…so sucks for you I guess.”
Halloween Dialogue Prompts
Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Halloween Collection
Warnings: Language, Scary Stories
2003 words
Elide stuffed another marshmallow on the skewer and held it over the fire. She half listened to the conversations and bickering around her, occasionally putting in her two cents as she focused on getting her marshmallow a perfect golden brown. She hated when the flames caught and scorched it and left it a crumbling charred mess.
On another night, if her marshmallow burned, she could’ve given it, albeit dejectedly, to her boyfriend who for reasons she couldn’t comprehend liked his marshmallows burnt. But not tonight. Tonight, Lorcan was sitting on the opposite side of the fire from her, separated on each side by their friends. Tonight, she couldn’t give him a burnt s’more without the confused or shocked looks from their friends. Because tonight, she and Lorcan had to pretend like they haven’t been secretly dating for a month and a half.
So, tonight, Elide focused on her marshmallow.
“Okay, okay, here we go,” Aelin sat next to Elide and grabbed a flashlight from her bag before turning it on and holding it beneath her face. The light caught on her cheekbones and cast shadows over her skin. “Who’s ready to have nightmares tonight?”
“You don’t need to tell a story for that, Galathynius,” Lorcan smirked. “You’re disturbing enough.”
“I think you mean delightful, Salvaterre, not that you’d know what that is.”
Elide cringed inwardly. This was why she and Lorcan were keeping their relationship to themselves for now. She loved Aelin, and she lo—really liked Lorcan, but Aelin and Lorcan could be at each other’s throats on a good day.
Rolling her eyes, Elide nudged Aelin with her shoulder. “Come on, watch’ya got?”
As her friend began to tell the story, Elide caught Lorcan’s eye. His dark brows had raised a bit at her interjection, and he flashed her a quick wink as she discreetly rolled her eyes at his amusement. She lost track of the story as she kept her attention on her boyfriend. It really was a cruel joke of their own making that she wasn’t sitting next to him, curled up into his side. By the look that flashed across his face, she knew he was thinking the same thing and cursing the fire that separated them.
“Virgins? Really?” Fenrys interrupted, drawing Elide’s attention and earning a glare from Aelin. “That’s so cliché.”
The blonde opened her mouth to reply but Lysandra beat her to the punch. “What, not interested anymore knowing it isn’t coming after you?”
“Fuck off, Ennar,” he scoffed but any annoyance was negated by his self-satisfied grin.
The story went on, and even if the tale itself was lackluster, Aelin had a way of captivating people’s attention. It wasn’t long before everyone was leaning closer to the fire, listening to a story about a horrifying creature that lived in the very woods to their backs.
“A creature that fearsome and bloodthirsty doesn’t need to be clever. Anyone with a lick of common sense may just outwit the monster, but its prey rarely survives long enough to try. It doesn’t have a name. The lucky, or unlucky, few who do escape its clutches are never the same; only lucid enough to recall its jagged claws and gruesome teeth, warning others about the beast that prowls these woods. Don’t go looking for the monster, it very well may be the last thing you ever do.”
Silence stretched out around them as Aelin turned off the flashlight…only to be broken by Fenrys wetly blowing into his palm, eliciting a loud fart noise. “Is that the best you can do?” He laughed as he narrowly missed the flashlight flung at his head.
Elide knew Lorcan was about to chime in and she tried shaking her head but he continued anyway.
“Where did you find that?” He mocked. “From some kiddie Halloween book?”
Elide arched a brow at him and replied drily, “Yeah, ‘cause a kid’s book would have a monster who specifically attacks virgins.”
“Exactly,” Aedion argued, but used her point oppositely, “it goes after all of them. Scary.”
Lysandra nudged his shoulder with an eye roll, “Most of them wouldn’t even know what virgin means.”
“And that’s,” Rowan nodded, “where the story turns scary for the adults who have to bullshit their way through that explanation.”
“That’s convoluted,” Elide scoffed and met Lorcan’s amused stare over the fire.
“Maybe,” Her boyfriend shrugged before turning back to Aelin, “Doesn’t matter though, ‘cause it still sucks.”
Scoffing and crossing her arms, Aelin countered, “Like you could do better.”
“Better than a half-wit monster?” His voice dripped with condescension. “Yeah, I think so.”
Individual voices rose and bled together as everyone chimed in with their own opinions. Marshmallows were thrown across the fire in between insults and laughter, and while everyone else was focused on arguing, Elide found Lorcan’s gaze again. Truthfully, he’d barely taken his eyes off her – she could feel the intensity of his stare on her skin and prayed she didn’t look as flushed as she felt. If she did, she could blame it on the fire.
He was smirking at her and Elide’s eyes darted around the group ensuring no one else noticed. When their eyes locked again, his smirk was impossibly wider. She rolled her eyes, biting back a grin of her own. As much as she wished they weren’t pretending, it was exciting having a secret just between them.
A loud cracking sounded from the woods.
The conversation immediately halted, and everyone’s heads swung around towards the noise. Nervous laughter jumped around the group as they shifted uneasily. It was just a story, but it was also dark and Halloween. Murmurs of there’s nothing out there echoed.
Another branch snapped loudly from the darkness, followed quickly by a second, louder snap, once again silencing the group.
“Aelin, are you doing this?” Aedion asked uneasily as he shifted in his seat and side-eyed his cousin. “Did you set this up?”
Lysandra scoffed and lightly hit his shoulder.
“Nah,” Lorcan disagreed, “she isn’t that clever.”
Sometimes Elide thought Lorcan goaded Aelin just for the fun of it… and because he had a death wish. Before Aelin could bite his head off, Elide arched a brow and leaned forward before taunting, “Why don’t you go see what that noise was then?”
Lorcan turned towards her and beneath the annoyance that he wore for show – mostly for show – she could see the heat simmering there. He shook his head, scoffing, “Right, because I’m going to walk into the supposedly haunted forest. I’ve watched horror movies; I know how that ends.”
As if on cue, more snaps and cracks echoed through the trees. This time, they were followed by birds cawing before a dozen or so of them flew out of the forest, their silhouettes visible against the moonlight.
Laughing to herself, Elide brushed herself off and stood. “For fucks sake, I’ll go check it out.”
All eyes focused on her, but no one else made a move to stand.
“Why does anyone have to check it out?” Rowan asked incredulously
Lysandra pulled her jacket tighter around herself and scoffed as she looked pointedly at Aedion, Lorcan, Fenrys, and Rowan.
“Really? None of you men,” she teased, “have the balls to go in there? You’re gonna let Elide go all by herself?”
Lorcan and Aedion rolled their eyes good-naturedly as Fenrys scoffed, “Excuse you, but as a feminist, I refuse to believe Elide isn’t capable enough to go by herself.”
Rowan added, “And as someone who’s met Elide, I refuse to believe that any monster would stand a chance against her.”
Aelin nodded sagely, “She is small, but she is mighty.”
Rolling her eyes at her friends, Elide rounded the fire and aimed for the woods. She turned to walk backward and joked, “I could be walking to my death right now and you’d all be laughing it up around the fire.”
Lorcan had turned to watch her walk away. “Get back over here, you’re the one who volunteered.”
“After your scared ass refused.” She retorted making Aelin laugh.
Huffing and crossing his arms, Lorcan continued to watch her with raised brows. “I’m not scared of a few broken tree branches.”
Elide grinned. “Could’ve fooled me.”
With his face turned away from the group as he looked at a retreating Elide, they couldn’t see the way his brows furrowed at the sight of her getting farther away, or how his eyes darkened at the amusement on her face, both of which only fueled her more and pulled her grin wider.
“Oh no,” she teased, getting farther away from the group and the fire. “I hope I don’t find the beast and lead it back here.”
If any of their friends were surprised at how reactive Lorcan was being, they didn’t show it. Or maybe the two were too focused on each other to notice.
Elide saw his face twist into a smirk and for a second worried about what was about to come out of his mouth.
“That’s not a threat, Lochan” his words dripping with provocation. “The legend says it only goes after virgins…so sucks for you.”
Elide’s brows shot up in disbelief as trickles of laughter sounded from around the circle. It was true she wasn’t as open about her exploits as her friends, but of all people…
“Mm,” she waited for the laughter to die. “It’s a good thing you aren’t going; the legend says someone only needs a speck of common sense to best it…so that’d suck for you.”
Aelin snorted hard enough to choke on the marshmallow she was eating. Loud laughter trailed her as she finally made it to the forest’s edge.
Just before she could step past the tree line, she heard the unmistakable sound of Lorcan grunting as he rose from his seat and walked towards her. “Let's go.”
She chose to ignore the cheering and whistling that followed them into the woods. They stayed quiet as they stepped over dried leaves and fallen branches, staying careful to not trip over something and end up injured and sprawled on the forest floor. It wasn’t until they’d walked far enough that the fire was no longer visible, and a minute more, before Lorcan wrapped a hand around her hip and pulled Elide backward so that her back was resting against a tree trunk and Lorcan was standing in front of her.
Both of his hands fell to her waist, and she lifted hers to the front of his jacket. One of his thumbs draw light circles across her skin as she toyed with his collar. But when he dipped his head down, trying to connect their lips in a much-anticipated kiss, she pressed on his chest to stop him an inch away from her.
“Virgin? Really?” she asked with an unimpressed raised brow, unintentionally echoing Fenrys earlier criticisms of the story.
“Blame my apparent lack of common sense,” he chuckled low and leaned forward as her resistance lifted, pressing his lips against hers in a way that almost had her forgetting why she paused him in the first place.
When they broke apart, Elide grinned and laughed softly. Lorcan offered her a small smile exclusive to her and tucked a rogue lock of hair behind her ear. She wound her arms around his middle and asked, “Wanna go break some branches and scare the shit out of the scaredy cats?”
His smile turned wicked, and his eyes lit up with dark amusement. “Oh, I absolutely do. But they deserve to worry for a bit; let ‘em stew”
“Good thinking,” Elide’s grin matched his. “What do you think we should do with the time?”
Lorcan leaned his head down so that his lips brushed her ear, bringing one hand up to graze her jaw before sliding around to cup the back of her neck. She could feel his breath on her skin as he spoke, and it sent shivers down her spine. “I can think of a few things.”
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @rowaelinrambling @morganofthewildfire @nerdperson524 @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @elentiyawhitethorn @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @moodymelanist @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon @sunflowermoonshinewrites @maastrash @annejulianneh111 @the-lonelybarricade
#elorcan#elide#lorcan#elide lochan#lorcan salvaterre#elide x lorcan#lorcan x elide#elide and lorcan#lorcan and elide#elide lochan x lorcan salvaterre
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Imagine where the character has a massive crush on the reader, and one night during party the reader takes them to bed (the sex was great btw). The character is on cloud nine, thinking the reader feels the same about them but it turns out the reader only wanted a one night stand with no hard feelings.
The character is yours to choose, so is if you want it to end with fluff or angst.
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Lorcan and Elide - Throne of Glass
Artist: @isabellamhsmith
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After a couple years, I’d feel like Aelin and Lorcan would have that friendship where they are mean to each other, no one would think them friends but if anyone else was rude to the other, they’d defend them.
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Oh yeah he’s like seven feet right?
Why do I have no recollection of Lorcan being 2 metres and 13 centimetres tall?
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One week from now we'll be entrenched in Elorcan Week!!!
Remember to check out the prompts and get ready for some amazing content!
When you post, remember to tag @elorcanweek2022 so we can share it with the world!!!
#elorcan week#elorcanweek2022#elide lochan#lorcan salvaterre#elide x lorcan#elide lochan x lorcan salvaterre#elorcan
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