Liric and Quinn - Fairy Resus
Inspired by some wonderful art from my new friend @saphicresus, my first story. I may come back to this some day and re-write it to be a bit better, but I wanted to go ahead and get something published. I hope you like it!
Liric’s tail flicked in frustration as she paused- focusing her breath as she tried to stay quiet. To stay hidden. Her wings pulled in closer to her tiny frame, pointed ears able to pick up even the slightest of sounds but yet she didn’t hear a thing. She could feel her tiny heart racing in her chest, adrenaline rushing through, making every movement shaky and uncoordinated.
Quinn was after her. An enemy she had became under circumstances that weren't her own. She’d ventured into her families territory whenever her familiar, a large cane toad named Hieff, had went missing late in the night. The Brabblefern family was known to be skilled hunters, and vicious to their enemies. Where as Liric, the only daughter to the head of the Lotusfeet family, had a lot more peace and understanding to anybody who accidentally came around.
And now, she was in a situation she’d never been in. She was trapped in a Twoleg’s house. She hadn’t realized when she was flying- but had flown straight through an open window. They had both scrambled to hide whenever they heard the Twoleg enter, but now- she didn’t know where Quinn was, or the Twoleg that she couldn’t hear anymore. The tiny fairy moved some of her blonde strands from in front of her face before she heard shuffling- and her wings expanded, taking off quickly and darting out from the cupboard she was in.
“Get back here, you coward!” Quinn screamed angrily. Her features were much different then Lirics. She had the same body type, but her bare body was adorned with swirls of pigment that almost appeared as tattoos. It provided essential camouflage to her enemies. Her skin was much darker, and hair more coarse, currently in tight, firm dreads that had adorations of beads and small animal bones. They were successful, brutal, ruthless hunters. Deep scars showed just how brave she was- and she was quickly catching up to Liric.
“Please- just- leave me alone! Please!” Liric cried out, darting around a corner and ducking under a cabinet. Her eyes quickly scanned in any place that she could hide, she could see freshly cut vegetables on the counter, jars prepared with their lids off setting on the table. She was familiar with this kind of food preservation from her studies, but she didn’t know yet what to do- until she heard the sound of Quinn screaming in pain as she flew over a boiling pot of hot water, the steam having made her dip down into the floor. Liric looked behind her, her wings flapping quickly, still racing to find another open window- deep down, she was afraid that Quinn was hurt. ⁃ THUD! Liric slammed roughly into the wall, not having been watching where she was going. The small fairly fell down, falling into one of the open jars with a hazy thud, stars in her vision as she tried to regain her composure. She didn’t even realize she’d blacked out until she heard something rustling just above the jar, the sound of metal on glass.
Her dark eyes opend in time to see that Quinn had managed to pick up the lightweight lid to the old jar and began to screw it on the top. Liric flew up quickly, shoving her hands against the top- but she was no match. The lid was already screwed, she was just tightening it. She began to beat against the lid. “Quinn! Please- please! Let me out! Let me out!” She screamed frantically, trying to fly against the side of the jar to knock it over. But Quinn flew down, looking at the struggle as Liric began to tire out.
But Liric couldn’t understand why she was getting tired until it dawned on her… she was running out of oxygen, and fast. She slowed down even more, her body feeling heavier then it ever had as she crumbled down to the bottom of the jar, her tail swishing slowly as she looked at the way Quinn smirked at her. The fairy’s long nails slowly tapped against the jar teasingly, her own tail swishing with something that resembled delight as she watched Liric try to gasp. But every breath she took seemed to starve her body further of the oxygen it needed, her heart beating wildly in her ears as if it would jump out of her chest all together. Liric’s hands clawed against the glass, trying to find anything to hold onto- anything to try and convince Quinn that she’d stay away from her territory. She understood why the other fairy was so violent, with how scarse food was, with some other fairies stealing and killing- she wasn’t mad at her… but she knew she didn’t deserve to be killed for her simple mistake. Quinn was several moons older then she was, she had more expirence, more skill, a bigger clan.
Her head began to pound, a headache like she’d never felt before aching through her body. Her vision was blurring even more, and she was getting disoriented, unable to speak. She was suffocating, and her body was starting to go through cyanosis. Her pale skin was turning blue around her lips and her face, the red that had washed over her was fading as her heart stopped trying to uselessly pump blood. Her tiny frame jerked invoulntarily as she slid further, her back hitting the back of the glass as she began to feel more tired.
She couldn’t explain the sense of.. calmness that she felt. Her tired, tiny heart was slowing it’s beats down. The tips of her fingers, and her toes were slowly turning blue, a paleness that was racing to her limbs. Quinn laid her hands on her hips in a satisfied huff. “You’ll never steal from us again, will you Lotusfeet?” She cackled, before jumping up- her wings splaying out and starting to flutter as she took flight again. Liric’s hand reached weakly out twoards the figure as one last plea before everything darkend within her vision, and Quinn flew out the still-open window, just narrowly avoiding the Twoleg as she walked back inside. Liric’s body had gone limp at the bottom of the jar.
Briela looked curiously out her window, her long brown hair dusting over her shoulders, the smell of fresh dirt on her knees as she took off her gardening gloves, setting the basket of herbs down on the small table that she’d collected. “Oh, butterflies this time of year already? I really need to plant those flowers..” She murmured to herself as she looked for the ‘butterfly’ she’d seen fly out her window. She shrugged it off, and moved to kick off her dirty shoes before going over to the sink to start washing her hands. She did so, patting her hands dry on the small towel as blue eyes glanced over to the pot of boiling water.
“Oh! I forgot about canning!” She cried out in surprise at the boiling water, moving to turn down the water a bit before looking at her jars, noticing the metal lid on one. Her head tilted in surprise before she saw it- the tiny, blue fairy within the jar. “O-Oh my! Oh my! Shit, shit shit shit!” She yelped as she quickly lifted up the jar, unscrewing it with ease as she looked into it. “Oh! Hey, hey- holy shit! Are you okay!?” She cried out as she dumped the fairy hap-hazardly onto the tea towel she’d just used to dry her hands, setting the jar back down quickly as she hovered over the tiny frame. Then it dawned on her- this wasn’t her skin color.. whatever this little, magical being was- this was the appearance of suffocating.
“Oh SHIT!” She yelled once she realized, lifting the tiny frame into her palms carefully. Liric’s body shifted coldly in her palm, her wings limp and splayed out, her tail draping past her palm, arms outstretched and hair messily covering her face from being dropped onto the tea towel. Briela quickly moved to turn off the stove with her free hand before running to her kitchen table, taking a quick seat as her thumb rubbed over the tiny fairy’s chest. “Oh come on, breathe! Breathe! You’re out of the jar now you’re okay! You’re okay!” She pleaded quickly, her own hands starting to shake before she rested her thumb over the tiny fairy’s bare chest, inbetween her breasts. She paused, trying to feel for anything. She moved to lay the fairy’s back flat against her palm, moving her fingers against her chest- trying to feel again.
Nothing… Liric’s body had given up it’s fight. It had been too long, her heart had beat so fast and she’d panicked so badly she had only sped up her demise. But Briela wasn’t a stranger to an emergency… but on something this small? She had to think fast, or else the fairy wouldn’t have a chance at all.
Briela quickly brought the small frame up to her mouth, sealing her warm pink lips against the tiny fairy’s face, trying to puff a breath of air into her useless lungs. She pulled back, and didn’t see a downfall, or hear one. “Okay- just hold on honey- just hold on.” She begged, trying again as she repositioned the tiny frame, letting her head tilt back in-between her thumb and index finger, right in the soft crook, and sealed her lips again, giving a bit fuller of a breath- this time she kept her other hand on the tiny fairy’s chest.
A slow rise. Air was going in now. She pulled back, letting the fairy’s chest fall- before lowering again, delivering another breath. Rise… fall.
“Come on..” She whined, pulling back and moving her thumb into the center of the tiny fairy’s chest, pushing down awkwardly. The angle didn’t do her much of a favor, but she gained a small ‘huff’ from the fairy’s agape mouth. Briela moved to set her against the cold wooden kitchen table, her head lolling to the side, wings splayed under her and her tail in-between her legs as Briela tried another angle with her thumb- another useless huff. She was growing frustrated, but tried again. This time, she used two fingers, both on her sternum, before she pressed down.
Now that felt like a compression. Her body responded just as a human’s would, and she set her pace. “One… two… three… four!” She counted, Liric’s body shifting under each thrust into her still heart. Briela had calmed down- and now she had deep focus, her other hand carefully ready to scoop the tiny fairy up when she needed to give breaths again, resting against the kitchen table. Each thrust made her feel that more scared that maybe she was too late.
“hu-huh-huh-huh-huh” Liric’s body responded in small, quiet huffs with each compression, limbs failing slightly as she was picked back up off the table, Briela sealing her mouth against the fairies once more. She puffed out a small breath of air, causing Liric’s cheeks to expand fully, her lungs expanding quickly, huffing out air as the Twoleg pulled away. Another breath, rise, and fall- and then another.. just for good measure. She didn’t hesitate, carefully lowering Liric back down, her fingers finding their place again as she began to compress.
“huh! huh! huh!” her body responded more defiantly, as Briela didn’t worry as much about the depth- she worried that if she went too soft she wouldn’t be able to save the fairy. She counted softly under her breath, legs shaking with each thrust as her ribs flared out with each deep, methodical compression that was slammed into her unmoving muscle. Another round, and another set of breaths. She could see that some of the blueness had faded from the fairy’s body but she wasn’t yet responding to her- a quick feel against her chest gave her nothing in return, but Briela took the small frame from her table and back into her palm, her fingers moving to rub her sternum desperately.
“Come on, little one- please take in a breath!” She quietly whispered, deeply rubbing her sternum- trying to get any response, before using her thumb, cupping the tiny fairy in her hands as she began to deliver compressions again. These were harder, deeper into her chest- crushing her heart with each beat as she squeezed the tiny form. Her breasts jiggled with the movement, ribs flaring out- open mouth huffing out the air that kept seeping into her lungs. Her legs and arms shook with each beat, the warmness from Briela’s palms starting to take away the coldness that the kitchen table had only caused to get worse. She was desperate, her mouth sealing again over the tiny fairy’s face, forcing in air even as her thumb continued to press, feeling the way her chest rose up and huffed out quickly with the next beat. Her belly jiggled with each compression, expanding and shifting under the weight until- a tiny gasp echoed.
Briela paused for a moment, her thumb resting over Liric’s sternum. The marbling of bruises and redness made her feel horrible, but Liric tried to gasp again, but her eyes weren't opening. Each gasp was deep, struggled. Agonal. “Come on honey…” Briela pleaded as she rubbed against her sternum firmly, not getting any kind of a reaction before she began to compress again. She knew that this breathing wasn’t a real sign of life- and even though she wished she had a AED , she knew there was no such thing for something so small.
Each thump against the sloshing muscle further pushed blood throughout her system that was trying so hard to fight. Briela’s careful grip, and thumb centered square in her sternum- didn’t give her heart any choice. It would beat, and it would beat to the rhythm that it was set to. Briela moved back down after only fifteen, bringing the tiny fairy up to her mouth once more, sealing over her face and blowing quick breaths of air- over and over again, her tiny chest expanding quickly as her thumb rubbed against Liric’s chest, making her chest shift and bounce before her limbs came up suddenly, starting to move and gasp.
“Oh! Oh my goodness, you’re alive! Okay, it’s okay little one- breathe for me, just breathe!” She guided softly as she pulled back, feeling the quick thudding of Liric’s heart as she regained consciousness, the tiny fairy looking terrified as she realized what was going on. “I-It’s okay, it’s okay, I saw you got trapped in a jar- I saved you, you’re okay.” She pleaded, hoping that the fairy understood what she was saying. Liric didn’t have the energy to move, yet, but Briela was already standing, looking through a pile of sewing supplies on her kitchen table until she found a small square of soft fabric, wrapping the tiny frame in it, and laying her down carefully on a old plushie. The tiny fairy’s body rested against the softness and warmth, and Briela didn’t take her eyes off of her.
She’d done it. She’d saved the fairy!
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Same here @vivariousvixen is amazing

Hello friends! I'm currently urgently raising funds for an unexpected move so if anyone would like to purchase custom videos or photo sets from me, I am taking requests! Can be cardiophile 🫀 or not! I'll also write custom stories! DM me with your interests and let's see what we can do!
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[Backlog Posting - June 2020]
An old commission.
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Chapter 1: Out of Breath
Megan Turner was used to working under pressure. Fifteen years as a paramedic had trained her body to react without hesitation, her mind to stay calm even when everything around her was falling apart. But as she pulled her ambulance to the side of the empty country road, something felt different. Something was wrong—not with the scene, but with her.
The call had come in about a young woman—Anna Patterson, mid-twenties—who’d collapsed while running along the rural stretch of road. Megan spotted her instantly, a bright neon tank top making her small figure easy to see against the brown, sun-baked landscape. She didn’t waste a second.
Her breath quickened as she grabbed her medical bag and rushed to the runner’s side. Kneeling on the gravel shoulder, Megan immediately checked for a pulse at Anna’s neck. It was weak, thready, almost nonexistent. She could feel the faint flutter beneath her fingertips, as though life was slipping away.
The CPR training kicked in automatically.
Megan placed her interlocked hands at the center of Anna’s chest, just below the sternum, and began compressions. "Stay with me," she murmured. She pressed down hard, her strong arms forcing her weight into each compression, the rhythm coming naturally after years of practice: 100 to 120 beats per minute, enough force to push the chest at least two inches deep.
But as she counted out loud, something shifted inside her own chest. At first, it was just a twinge—an uncomfortable tightness she assumed was from fatigue. She had been on the job for 12 hours, after all, running on little more than adrenaline and coffee. It wasn’t unusual to feel some discomfort after a long day.
Then the twinge turned into pain—sharp and sudden, right beneath her breastbone. She froze for a split second, inhaling deeply to see if it would pass. It didn’t. Instead, the pain spread, radiating out from her chest to her left arm. Megan’s fingers faltered on Anna’s chest, her brain struggling to process what was happening. She knew this feeling—tightness, pressure, pain shooting down her arm.
A heart attack.
Her mind screamed at her to stop, to call for help, but the paramedic in her wouldn’t allow it. Not yet. Not while Anna needed her. Megan clenched her jaw and continued compressions. She knew what the stakes were. The young runner’s chest heaved slightly under Megan’s hands as she pressed, but there was still no breath, no sign of life.
Thirty compressions, then two breaths, she reminded herself, forcing her thoughts back to the procedure. Megan grabbed her mask, sealed it over Anna’s mouth and nose, and breathed for her—two deep breaths, making sure the chest rose. Back to compressions. One, two, three—her arms were moving, but her body was failing.
The pain in her chest became unbearable, like a vise closing around her heart. Each breath she tried to take was shallow, like breathing through a straw. She could feel the sweat running down her back, her forehead damp despite the cool breeze cutting across the open road. Her hand instinctively moved to her chest, pressing against the ache as if she could hold her heart together through sheer force of will.
She ignored the warning signs at first. Nausea. Cold sweats. Lightheadedness. They were symptoms she had seen in her patients a hundred times, but her body refused to acknowledge them. Not now. She had to keep going. One, two, three…
But with each compression, her arms grew weaker, her breaths more labored. The stabbing pain in her chest intensified, like a fist squeezing her heart tighter with each beat. She pressed harder on Anna's sternum, trying to focus on her technique, trying to block out the pain. The runner’s chest barely moved beneath her hands, but Megan kept going, her teeth gritted against the rising tide of agony in her own body.
Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit her, and the world tilted. Megan’s hands slipped, her vision blurred, and she almost fell forward onto Anna’s body. She caught herself, barely, her fingers trembling as they found their place back on the runner’s chest.
"Come on," she whispered, half to Anna, half to herself. But the pain in her chest was no longer something she could push through. It was crushing her, every breath a struggle. The stabbing sensation had become an overwhelming pressure, spreading to her neck, her jaw, even her back. It wasn’t just her arm now; her entire upper body felt like it was caving in.
Her hand hovered over her radio as she forced out another breath. "Dispatch…" Her voice was weak, shaking, barely audible. “I...need assistance. Paramedic down."
Her heart was failing her, the rhythm that she had trusted for so long spiraling out of control. Each beat felt erratic, as if her heart were skipping over itself, racing and slowing unpredictably. The irony was bitter—performing CPR while her own heart was giving out.
The world dimmed as the pain reached its peak. She could feel herself slipping, collapsing beside Anna. Her hands fell from the runner’s chest, her body giving in at last. As Megan lay there on the hot gravel, her face pressed against the cool earth, she thought of Anna—of the life she was supposed to save. Would anyone come for them?
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Sailor Moon Fanfiction: Storm’s End
The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor filled the hospital room, a stark contrast to the battle-ravaged streets where Makoto Kino had collapsed just hours ago.
She lay in a stark white hospital bed, her green uniform replaced with a loose hospital gown, wires snaking across her chest, connected to machines monitoring every flicker of her heartbeat. She hated this. The stillness. The vulnerability. The helplessness.
A doctor stood beside her, flipping through her medical chart with a grim expression. Ami Mizuno—Sailor Mercury—stood at his side, arms crossed, concern deep in her blue eyes.
“I won’t sugarcoat it, Miss Kino,” the doctor finally said, looking at her over his glasses. “You suffered a significant cardiac event. The scans show signs of an underlying arrhythmia—one that may have gone undiagnosed due to your high physical endurance.”
Makoto frowned. “Arrhythmia?”
“A severe irregular heartbeat,” Ami explained, her voice quieter than usual. “It can cause sudden heart failure under extreme stress. Like battle.”
Makoto inhaled sharply. She already knew what they were going to say.
“You need to stay here,” the doctor continued. “We’ll monitor you, perform further tests, and determine the best treatment plan. But for now, no strenuous activity.”
Makoto forced a laugh. “No strenuous activity? Doc, I’m a Sailor Guardian.”
Ami’s expression darkened. “You almost died, Mako-chan.”
Silence settled over the room, heavy and suffocating. Makoto turned her head toward the window, watching the city skyline. Somewhere out there, evil still lurked. Her friends were out there, fighting.
And she was stuck here.
Meanwhile, in the abandoned industrial district, the air sizzled with energy as Sailor Moon and the others faced their latest enemy.
The creature—a monstrous figure cloaked in black armor, pulsating with dark energy—stood unshaken amid the battlefield. Every attack they launched barely scratched him.
“Moon Tiara—” Usagi hurled the golden disk—
A flick of the enemy’s hand sent it flying back, nearly striking her in the face.
“We’re getting nowhere!” Minako panted, her uniform tattered. “This thing’s too strong!”
“We just have to keep trying!” Rei shouted, her hands glowing with fire. “Burning Mandala!”
Flames spiraled toward the creature—only to be absorbed into its swirling darkness.
Rei’s eyes widened. “No way…”
Then, in an instant, it struck back.
A tendril of dark energy lashed out, slamming into Usagi and sending her crashing into a concrete pillar.
Sailor Moon groaned, struggling to sit up.
Ami gritted her teeth. “We can’t win like this…”
A bitter truth settled in. Without Jupiter, they were weaker. Unbalanced. Incomplete.
And they were losing.
Makoto’s grip on her hospital blanket tightened as she listened to the news broadcast flickering on the small television in her room. Reports of destruction. Chaos. And no sign of victory.
Her team was struggling.
A sharp beep from the monitor reminded her of her condition, but she ignored it.
She threw the blanket aside.
The IV in her arm ripped free, sending a drop of blood onto the pristine white sheets. Ignoring the sting, she forced herself up, wobbling slightly. Every movement sent dull pain through her chest, but she pushed forward.
The moment her feet touched the cold floor, a nursecaught her wrist.
“Don’t,” she told her. “You can’t, leave your bed”
Makoto gave her a small, knowing smile. “I have to.”
And before the nurse could stop her, she transformed.
Electricity crackled around her, hospital equipment shorting out as she became Sailor Jupiter once more.
And then she was gone.
Lightning split the night sky as Sailor Jupiter landed in the battlefield with a deafening crash.
“Mako-chan!” Usagi cried, relief flooding her voice.
Jupiter straightened, her emerald eyes burning with determination. “You guys looked like you could use some help.”
No one had time to argue. The enemy lunged—
Jupiter raised her hands. The storm answered her call.
“Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Hurricane-force winds and raw electricity tore through the air, slamming into the creature with earth-shaking force.
For the first time, it recoiled.
Minako gasped. “It’s working!”
Jupiter gritted her teeth, pushing more power into the attack. Energy surged through her, white-hot and all-consuming. She felt it—her heartbeat stuttering, struggling to keep up.
But she didn’t stop.
Another blast. Another hit. The enemy staggered—
And then, with a final, piercing scream—shattered into nothingness.
The battle was over.
But the price had yet to be paid.
Jupiter swayed.
The world tilted.
A sharp, agonizing spasm seized her chest.
Not now…
She clutched her uniform, gasping. The pain spread like wildfire. Her vision blurred—her knees gave way—
Then, darkness.
She collapsed.
Rei was the first to reach her.
“Mako-chan?” she gasped, flipping Jupiter onto her back.
Her face was pale. Her chest still.
Rei pressed trembling fingers to her neck.
“No, no, no—”
Ami’s scanner beeped violently. “Her heart stopped!”
A horrifying silence swallowed the battlefield.
Usagi’s breath hitched. “W-we can fix this, right?”
Rei ignored her. Her hands flew to Jupiter’s chest.
She laced her fingers together and pressed.
“Come on, come on—”
Her arms pistoned, forcing Jupiter’s lifeless body to move with every compression.
One, two, three, four…
Usagi sobbed. “Please, Mako-chan…”
Minako held Jupiter’s limp wrist, praying for a pulse that wasn’t there.
Ami knelt beside them, voice shaking. “Rei, keep going—I’ll breathe for her.”
Rei nodded, sweat dripping down her brow. Faster. Harder.
Ami tilted Jupiter’s head back, sealing her lips over hers, forcing air into her lungs.
Rei kept counting. Thirty.
Another breath.
Rei resumed.
Her hands ached. Her arms burned. But she refused to stop.
“Come on, Jupiter! Breathe!”
Minako’s hands clenched into fists. “No, dammit, she’s not—she’s not—”
Siren wails split the night. The ambulance screeched onto the battlefield, paramedics flooding out.
A man shoved Rei aside, cutting Jupiter’s uniform open further.
A defibrillator was pressed to her chest.
Electricity jolted through her still body.
No response.
No response.
Rei covered her mouth as the medics lifted Jupiter onto a stretcher, still working, still fighting for her.
Ami’s lips quivered. “She’s—she’s still pulseless.”
The doors slammed shut. The ambulance sped off, sirens wailing into the night...
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As one of my OF followers said, it's a rough day at the beach. 😅 The first round of CPR was necessary to get my drowned heart started again, but after that.... that was just for fun. 😈
Longer version on my OF, link in bio!
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What's ur ultimate resus fantasy 😊😊🤭🤭🤭
I imagine going into sudden cardiac arrest while being wheeled down a hospital hallway, and the medical team has to resuscitate me right there—defibrillating me while other patients watch.
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Looking for RP
23 y/o male looking for an RP partner
Mainly interested in women and nonbinary fellows
Interested in many different aspects of resus and medical
Primarily a doctor/rescuer/caregiver
If you’re interested feel free to DM me :)
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Fuck Donald Trump and all he stands for. My blog is a safe space for queer people.
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✨ Exciting news! ✨
Soon I will be starting a resus OF!
Will be posting non censored resus content and short videos of all kind! 😉😏
Ya can find the link in my pinned post!
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A warmup drawing from the sketchbook I've been putting together for a while. Basically a collection of drawings like these that i haven't uploaded here for one reason or another
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My vampire girlfriend
She sucks my blood and my clit
This is a haiku
Is that a good post guys?!?!?!?!?
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Alice is now on a stretcher while medical team is fighting for her life. She is taken inside the emergency room as the resuscitation continues. Her shirt is taken off revealing her black sport bra and between compressions and defibs she is intubated by Dr. Andrew
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