mikareo · 7 months
rewatching it for fun is crazy ngl. also corpse sounds like one of my exes and he was always so tight whenever ppl asked him if he was corpse. also he got mad cause of the hoodie 💔
omg our matching corpse hoodies 🥹 sometimes i get flashbacks to my corpse blog n getting cancelled for writing fluff as a minor asjkl ,,like i def respect the fandom but yall i was just tryna write abt corpse giving u flowers like 😭 i think i still have the memes my friends made OMG I DO AJSJSJ rip my corpse writing career (respect tho bc he didn’t want ff abt him 😭)
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rise-my-angel · 8 months
My favourite thing when writing for hotgw, now that I'm so far into the story that the in universe timeline has reached winter, is outlining a scene where I go "Maybe there is an adjacent late show scene I could use as a point of comparison for my dialouge."
Only to pull up any season 7 episode transcript and instantly close it like, "I could smash the keyboard with my face and write better dialouge then this. Nevermind."
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g-on-ef · 3 months
Story ideas I wanna write that may upload on my Kofi or not post and just wanna share with you guys
Maya Sokolov- Goddess of Loneliness Summary: Maya Sokolov the sister everyone either hated or tolerated the sister that betrayed her own.
It's been 2 months since the truth was discovered and nothing has been the same.
Mia hates her, Killian is always looking for an opportunity to remind her that she's a good for nothing back stabbing bitch, Niko is avoiding her like the plague, her parents have cut her off and Illya...her only saving grace broke up with her in the worst possible ways.
No one wants to hear her side of the story or more precisely no one cared to hear it feeling more alone than ever Maya decides she has over stayed her welcome in her family's lives and decides to escape somewhere where no one knows her, her story, and more importantly her family.
As she takes this journey of self discovery and healing she'll see that family doesn't always end in blood and that there is such as thing as a second and greater love
Eli/Gareth- Gods of War and Destruction
Eli bumps into Gareth and instantly feels something for the quiet member of the Heathens, something about him makes Eli want to get to know him to posses him make him his
Killian who loves Eli like a brother isn't sure how he feels about the mysterious member of the King Family going after his brother especially since Killian is trying to keep his brother safe from a stalker Gareth maybe older but Kill will be damn if anyone hurts him
Eli also wants to protect the fixer of the Heathens and he'll be damn if some professor steals him from him
Nikobran- break up/make up listen I want an angst story one that's heart broken and has Niko and Bran moving on but Niko refusing to let Bran go
Eli/Jeremy/Landon- Eli/Jeremy/Landon love triangle where Eli and Landon both are fighting for Jeremy and my poor baby is confused as to why two King men keep bothering him and Niko with Killian are laughing and enjoying this !!!
Gareth/Vaughn- Vaughn has always been attracted to Gareth his own prince Charming and he is definitely showing Gareth why he's the best choice
Nikobran- AU idea where Niko and Bran are childhood friends {age swap Niko is 23 Bran is 19} and Bran has always had a crush on him but Bran has always been Elis little cousin and Lans sweet innocent little brother so what happens when Bran decides to move on what will Niko think about this?
Nikobran- Love Wins All
Niko was dared by Killian to sleep with Landon King's younger brother
Niko agreeing because he was sick of Landon's bullshit not to mention how the fucker stole his baby sister what great way to get back at him than sleeping with brother.
However he never counted on catching feelings or having a beautiful little girl with the asshole who no longer wants anything to do with him
Niko will do anything to get Bran back but is it to late? Or will love win and get their happily ever after ???
And that's all again I may or may not write these idk yet
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melrosing · 6 months
Ok speaking of changes GOT made… is there any changes you like? I struggle to find big moments, but there are small additions I love. Like Ned praying before he dies, Robb hitting the tree when he finds out, the chemistry that Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie have…. But there are very few structural changes I think improve the story.
hmmm so I can't lie there is a LOT I just don't remember anymore about the show, so wringing my mind a little to come up with something.....
I won't mention things that I think were adapted well (like Ned's execution) as those aren't adaptational changes. and I also won't mention things that I like the idea of (e.g. Jaime's dyslexia) but not the execution (they made out it was part of the longrunning 'stupidest Lannister' joke).
and like.... well I'm stuck already lmao?? I'm not even trying to shit on the show I just feel like it was a consistent exercise in either understating GRRM's work or butchering it entirely. so I can think of only a few things:
I can't find the link to where I talked about this at length but the scene in which Jaime and Ned duel in the streets of KL was a good one imo. I think it was more in character for Jaime to just recklessly fight Ned himself, and a neat parallel to what I suspect will happen between Ned, Arthur and Howland - in that when Ned is attacked from behind by one of Jaime's men in the midst of their fight, Jaime angrily ends the duel bc his man has essentially dishonoured it. I think Ned's fight with Arthur will end as it did in the show (with Howland stabbing Arthur from behind and Ned finishing the job, bc he needs to reach Lyanna), and this is like a parallel to show Jaime and Ned have the same principles, yet each have broken them in times of desperation. My personal theory is that this was a change GRRM recommended - the parallel seems notable to me, and not one that would've even occurred to D&D, esp. given they never gave any particular shit about Jaime's story. And this may sound spurious but I recall that GRRM remembers in an interview, saying the weather was different in the show version of the scene than in the books.... which makes me think he was maybe onset for this one, possibly because of the rewrite??
I'm v much in favour of ageing up the youngest characters. My ideal starting ages for the youngest characters in AGOT would've been Jon/Robb/Dany - 18, Joffrey/Sansa - 14, Arya - 12, Bran - 10. To me they all feel much too young for the roles they play in the story, and it occasionally kills my suspension of disbelief
I way prefer the book’s version of the Red Wedding but I do feel like Catelyn's single cry of despair works better than the book's manic laughter. maybe the laughter was a more vivid image for the books idk
I do actually like how we see Robb's grief onscreen it's very movingly played by Richard Madden. I also love Catelyn's expressions as Robb rides back from the Whispering Wood, like both these scenes are great reminders of their mother/son relationship in a setting where they aren't really allowed to be just that. and like just Michelle Fairley tbh I really like her work as Catelyn even though I don't like how the character was adapted more generally
Breaking the 'concept but not execution' rule just to say I think it was definitely a good idea to explore the High Sparrow as this weirdly charismatic figure so we can see how others might be taken in by him, even whilst we see the extremes of his faith. but that subplot was not executed well at all so fuck it
Yeah I agree that Jon and Ygritte having a slightly more charged romance also works. In the books Ygritte comes and goes quite quickly and I think there is something to be said for lending a bit more gravity to that relationship. I don't think they necessarily had to be the grand romance that the show makes them out to be but I didn't hate it
I might be forgetting other things that worked because some seasons I haven't seen since like 2015, but honestly it just doesn't work for me as an adaptation. things I liked in the show before reading the books feel completely naff in hindsight, knowing how they were supposed to play out, so..... eh
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in-her-shadow-if · 1 year
Ok but fairly angsty ask??? That validates my feelings lmao. So, what if MC was born sickly on top of it all? Like they were easy to fall sick with colds, ferver and stuff... there was a fragility to their build, if you pushed them they would break etc etc... reactions of the ROs. Cherry on top pretty please if guin being guin and daddy dearest only make her condition worsen :)) would the ROS be protective???
The ROs would be protective in their own way.
I'll-fight-these-fools kind of protective mixed with waiting on MC hand and foot to comfort them: Arthur, Lancelot
Death glare to Guin / Bran while plotting revenge: Merlin, Kay
Resisting the urge to set Bran on fire mixed with comforting MC and taking them away: Morgana
Reactions (warning: some assume touch is okay, reaction would vary for MC otherwise, also: fire):
Arthur - He notices the exhaustion in your eyes after Guinevere left "MC? Are you unwell?" A soft hum from your lips tells him yes. His own body was heating up from annoyance at your sister. But he didn't notice as he gently scoops you up and into his arms. "Let's get you to the bed, love. And then I'll grab you favorite pillows and a glass of water." Arthur glanced down at you. "And that book you love - I'll read it until you fall asleep." And then I'll find Guinevere and give her a taste of her own medicine, he thought.
Lancelot - "Hey! Time for you to leave," Lance growls as he steps in to shield you from your father. Bran glares at the Knight. "How dare you talk to a King like that!" Lancelot chuckles and takes step forward, his chest touching Bran's. "I dare much more than talking, Your Majesty. I suggest you leave before I do something you regret" he responds. The King sputters, unable to respond before giving you an annoyed look over Lancelot's shoulder and turning to leave. Lance turn to look at you. His face softens. "Want some fresh air in the garden?" You nod and he wraps a gentle arm around you shoulder, pulling you close so you can rest your weight on him. Fuck, I hate that guy, Lance thinks.
Morgana - You sigh at the feelings coming over you while your father talks. All things you've heard so often. You wish he'd leave Camelot so you could be in peace. Well, partial peace considering Guin's presence. "Dammit, are you listening to me, MC?" You meet your father's eyes but before you can respond he lets out a yelp and starts jumping around. Your eyes widen and you stumble back, bumping into something soft. "Help! I'm on fire!" Bran swats his arm sleeve as he struggles to get his robe off. You hear a soft giggle and look to your side. "How peculiar!" Morgana says. "You don't see that everyday, do you?" She winks at you before turning back to watching the flailing Bran.
Kay - Your eyes search for a way out. You're trapped with Guinevere and its already brining on a headache from her entitled demands. Guinevere grabs your sleeve, drawing your attention. "Listen when I talk to you," she says, annoyance flashing in her eyes. Her grip is broken by a lady Knight in shining armor. Kay glares at Guinevere, a look so severe that you shiver. "MC is needed elsewhere. I've come to retrieve them." Your sister rolls her eyes. "Whatever," she says before turning away. Kay turns to you with a bright smile. "Shall we?" You follow her out of the room, noticing how she glances at Guin on the way out with a balled up fist. The day will come.., Kay thinks to herself.
Merlin - Guinevere opens her mouth to continue but both of you turn to look as a portal opens and Merlin steps out, tossing an aggravated look at her. Xe stops in front of her and huffs. "Your grating voice carries to the tower. Don't look so surprised, I told you this the first day you arrived in Camelot. How can I get work down with you in the same building?" Guinevere lets out a small shriek. "You can't talk to me like that! I'm the QUEEN." Merlin rolls xir eyes and turns to you, a small smile tugging at xir lips. "See what I have to put up with it? It's insufferable." Xe turns back to Guin. "And I won't tolerate it. Sleep with an eye open." With that, Merlin guides you out of the room with a barely contained smile and sparkling eyes.
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alleyskywalker · 1 year
Discussions the other night on The Discord were making me think about the differences between show!Theon and book!Theon characterization and specifically led me to the thought of how show!Theon has a certain aspect of his canonical counterpart’s characterization reversed. That’s probably not the most accurate way to put it, but what I mean is like:
In the books, every time someone, specifically a Stark (especially specifically Robb), gives him shit, he kind of…just takes it. Put your sword away, Theon; let me humiliate and lowkey threaten you in front of half of my household guard even though you just saved my brother, Theon; why are you so proud of your insignificant war trophies, Theon? He doesn’t really respond or gives only a half-hearted retort/defense. For all the talk of him smiling in a disconcerting way, he kinda never really fights back, even when he’s being attacked with bullshit.
On the other hand, in the show, Theon’s always got something to say (especially to Robb) when he thinks they’re full of shit. “Put away your sword” à “I take orders from your father, not you.” “You have no right” à “to what? To save your brother’s life?” let’s have a row about it! “It’s not your duty, because it’s not your House” à oh now you want to know where Bran is? Sorry, don’t know, “it’s not my House.” Show!Theon, in those first seasons, doesn’t really take any shit, hostage or not.
Then Ramsay happens. Theon is obviously terrorized and tortured into submission, dehumanization, dissociation, etc in both cases. Then he gets out. That’s the plot.
After, show!Theon capitulates to accepting constant humiliation. He never fights it, he never really tries to defend himself, even when he should/could. The Starks are his sole purpose in life, with a slight detour to help out his sister, and that’s in parallel too, but not the center point here. There’s the occasional moment of dignity in how he handles the humiliation, true. Occasionally, he gets the bright spot – snipping at Euron at the kingsmoot, fighting side-by-side with Yara, that smile after the Dragonstone beach fight… But overall, he’s all too willing to degrade himself and to let others degrade/humiliate him, especially if they’re Starks (or “Starks” as with Jon).
In the books…even with all the misery and torture and submission that he’s forced into under Ramsay, he never quite loses that streak of defiance? From thinking that not matter what Ramsay does to him, he can’t take his sanity unless Theon lets him, to thinking smack about how ugly Ramsay and his crew are, to the bitter dark humor when he’s imprisoned and (once again) tortured, this time by Stannis. And yes, this is all very internal and externally he probably would seem just as broken and submissive, etc as show!Theon and I think initially when I watched the show, I just projected Theon’s ADWD defiance onto the show scenes because he could still be having those thoughts. But on re-watch…. The thing is, book!Theon has external  moments as well. From insisting to the spearwives that Bran and Rickon weren’t his brothers so he might be a lot of things but not a kinslayer thanks, to insisting to Stannis, not without pride, “I saved the girl.” Even Stannis laughs at him, he insists on it.
It's just such an interesting (even if I hate the show’s choices, it’s still like interesting) thing how there’s this double reversal where show!Theon starts more aggressively defiant and comfortable in that defiance against power moves, humiliation and submission than book!Theon seems to be, but then after the Ramsay Thing (TM) these characterizations get, relatively to each other, reversed.
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Goddess of sacrifice 🧡part 2
She cried so hard while sitting on the grass...after Mia got her voice back everyone around her started to maintain a distance with her... not that they are were very close even before..but why her brother the one who always treat her gently the only one who can understand her left so suddenly from states to somewhere where she don't know...why he also left ...was he also hate her now ....why he didn't stay with her. after that argument with mia on hospital my brother and me came to home and he asked why i did it ,why i didn't tell him everything.. but i was too stuck and broken to speak ...
Niko knows there is something more than what they know now...there must be something that haunted his little sis to hide things...but rn maya needs sometime.so he just hold her made her sleep while hugging her she cried so hard when niko hugged and told her he trust her and will be with her forever.he needs sometime he already too shocked from these revelation but his mind is messing with him.
His episodes are coming he is already too consumed in the thought of his lotus flower ended things with him....after his little play of kidnapping lan...his baby ended things and not even picking up his calls or text..his constant rejections and feeling of what if bran don't want him anymore or what if bran pick ups his habit of cutting himself again or what if bran done something to himself along with his sisters revelation...everything is messing up he needs to be gone somewhere he don't want to hurt his family or himself...
Somedays later after he made sure mia is okay and maya is safe and okay he fly to london first he needs to solve things between him and his lotus then he can help maya to overcome everything or help them to regain their bond back but it may be so hard.
But things became very bad or even worst for niko...he felt his whole world collapsed in front of him.after they solved their fights niko thought they both go back to states or brighton island and solve the mess there...
But the moment his lotus fell to the ground holding glass piece in his neck he thought he lost his world .even after saved bran he didn't dare to stay ten minutes away from Bran.
Its been a week since bran was recovering..he did very wise thing to kill the person who took his boyfriend's light but he wants to do things in his own ways but he was not even being himself so the murder was very simple ...
He also did make sure abouts maya's whereabouts and wellbeings....Niko sometimes text her to eat when the bodyguards and his personal secretary karen told that she is refusing her foods all this time he also made sure that mia is ok aswell .
Their parents think that they needs time.. but maya was devasted she can't face anyone.however everyone in there reminds her how terrible sister she was .....all the stuffs and things .
Bran saw how niko was being restless.so when bran started to heal he told niko to go and take care of maya and tell her that we are there to help her and once he healed or morelike his family allowed him to go back to brighton island he will also meet maya.
Bran can sense Nikolai's pain and sadness because one side his boyfriend tried to suicide which bran feels very guilty now on the other side his sister's was having breakdown eventhough his parents are their but no one can understand the bond and depth of twin siblings than bran he holds the emotionally strong part on their sibling Relationship he understands that fighting with ur twin leads to nothing but damage on both sides ...but onething is that eventhough mia and Bran are bestfriends surprisingly bran felt really bad for maya and he felt he can relate to her.Lan was there to take care of mia but who is there for maya .he doesn't know about maya's dating life morelike anything about her. but he feels he wants to help her tell her..... everything will be alright even bran can feel something is odd. He fears what his twin will do to maya since he thinks it is her fault that mia lost her voice .he hopes that lan will not do anything but little did he know this thing going to cause a major clash between them .so maya needs someone and that someone for now is going to be niko .so he did tell niko to go and take care of her.
Nikolai pov :
Eventhough bran told him to go but he still wants to be there to take care of bran but also he wants to see his sisters so after his conversation with levi and astrid niko goes back to states but that's when niko got a shocking news that literally made him go feral. Something that he thought will never happen .
Literally i feel pity for my baby niko...he literally goes through a lot now ....but yeah guys here after it will be about maya but i will tell in advance this will be a short story maybe contains a parts ....Maya sokolav goes through a lot that no one will.. like she really the meaning of sacrifice .Thats why i had named it goddess of sacrifice......my baby maya suffered a lot she definitely needs someone who helds her despite off anything.
FYI maya is 18 and Vaughan is 16 .yes Vaughan will be younger since i love this trope younger boy× elder girl
I need some of your Thoughts on certain things:
1.What if bran and lan goes against each other for maya
2.what if Vaughan broke Lan's wrist because he spoke shit to maya....
3.what if brandon punched jeremy beacuse jeremy tried to punch landon
4.what if bran literally threatened simons life.because he said he will get niko back .
I will drain your every drop of blood and paint with it then burn that painting,i will rip your organs make it a sculpture then break every fucking piece simon no one literally no one can find a single strand of your hair ...i don't like sharing what belongs to me and nikolai belongs to me.This is my first and last warning.......
Nikolai and landon was smirking while watching the clip of bran threatening simon while eli,Crieghton, remi,jeremy, Killian, Vaughan watching it with shocked expression....
Let me know did you like or not...also any further ideas 🧡
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
i think there’s a really easy workaround for dany’s infertility and it’s that she should just do what i did in my silly female line post and pick the houses that have a female line claim and reach out to them. i think it shows very clearly that she’s not thinking about the good of westeros but only of her claim to westeros because while she thinks frequently of her infertility she doesn’t ever think about what the hell happens because of it.
and i hate the “dany’s infertility is a metaphor for her not thinking of the future” bc it’s ableist as all hell but it’s exactly the sort of thing that would appeal to george and i think it’s correct (same way the “bran the broken” nonsense is ableist but unfortunately correct foreshadowing). she could easily work around it by naming an heir through the female targ line!
a) it gets her allies in westeros and for all that she’s constantly thinking about going home she doesn’t try to reach out to any of the lords at all. her whole focus is on an army, not on making connections.
b) it might make her female line claim more palatable to the lords, if she can get a few on her side bc they have a similar (albeit way more distant) female line claim as well that might get their house on the iron throne
c) she can also make the argument that robert is doing the exact same shit bc the maesters used his grandmother rhaella targaryen’s marriage to ormund baratheon as proof of why he gets the iron throne. if he can claim female line inheritance, surely she can get fancy with it as well?
but none of this ever occurs to her. she doesn’t even show an interest in learning about westeros once she has power. when she meets barristan she doesn’t wonder at all about why he’s hesitant to talk of her family. she doesn’t ask jorah for more information on why aerys & rhaegar were overthrown. she knows viserys was delusional yet doesn’t ever attempt to unlearn anything he taught her. the smallfolk praying for viserys’ return is silly but for her it makes sense because she’s the mother of dragons - except the last time dragons existed in Westeros the smallfolk slaughtered them because they were constantly used to subjugate and terrorize people! why would they want her dragons back? why would they see her any differently than meleys blackfyre, a foreign invader with a foreign army threatening to upend their way of life?? her thoughts of westeros center on finding the red door and the lemon tree. it’s all about what westeros can do for her, that westeros can love her and give her a home, but she never thinks about how to make them love her! she just assumes it’s a given and it’s why i think she’s going to fail.
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sunny12th · 1 year
just thinking about cripples, bastards, and broken things. these kids that, by all rights and logic, should've died long ago. bran crawling to his destiny with the weight of House Stark on his shoulders. dany dragging herself through the red waste, holding doreah and loving her til she's gone, and carrying a dynasty with her. jon climbing the wall and climbing his way up the ranks of the nights watch, climbing his way into friendships and family and not letting himself look back at the ones he left behind until he has to because it's arya.
bran looking back because looking forward is terrifying, so he looks for his family in anyway he can (through trees and dreams and wolves). he cries out for them, others answer. bran moving forward by any means necessary, 'our road is north,' because what else is there to do as a prince without a kingdom, a boy without a home. dany, 'if I look back I am lost', looking back at the trail of cripples, bastards, and broken things that have left everything they know to follow her, looking back at herself and hating what she sees, looking back and seeing herself in rhaegar's armor. dany looking forward and seeing chains and collars and saying 'I can do something about this, I will do something about this.'
jon 'kill the boy, let the man be born,' he kills the boy and is killed at 16. and dany never getting to be a girl, never had a choice between girlhood and whatever was needed/desired by others. she is sold at 13, mother at 14, widowed at 14, the last the last of her house at 14, conquerer at 15. bran falls, breaks, and flies at 7.
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iceywolf24 · 2 months
Since Bran has been watching winterfell I think we may see him really tested in TWOW.
and her boy lying there broken, the sweetest of her children, the gentlest - Catelyn III AGOT
The Bastard himself was dead Bran learned that evening over supper. Ser Rodrik's men had caught him on Hornwood land doing something horrible (Bran wasn't quite sure what, but it seemed to be something you did without your clothes) and shot him down with arrows as he tried to ride away. They came too late for poor Lady Hornwood, though. After their wedding, the Bastard had locked her in a tower and neglected to feed her. Bran had heard men saying that when Ser Rodrik had smashed down the door he found her with her mouth all bloody and her fingers chewed off. - Bran V ACOK
"Some people hurt others just because they can," said Jojen.
"And it wasn't Theon who did the killing at Winterfell," said Meera. "Too many of the dead were ironmen." - Bran II ASOS
Bran has a gentle heart, but we know he's seen the vile things Ramsay has done through the heart tree.
Bran has already repressed what Jaime did but some of that anger is still there shown when he thinks about how he could "tear out the kingslayer's throat".
In Winds, we may see his gentle heart tested as we learn his thoughts about what Ramsay has done.
Seeing someone truly just torture and hurt people the way he does and enjoy it.
He has heard of it before with Lady Hornwood but to see it personally especially with what he's done with Theon and Jeyne who he's known his entire life, especially the later who has never harmed anyone.
Not to mention Beth, Old Nan, Palla, and the others being held in the dungeons, Bran yielded Winterfell to protect everyone only to see them being hunted like animals.
"If ice can burn," said Jojen in his solemn voice, "then love and hate can mate. Mountain or marsh, it makes no matter. The land is one." - Bran II ASOS
Once outside the godswood the cold descended on him like a ravening wolf and caught him in its teeth. He lowered his head into the wind and made for the Great Hall, hastening after the long line of candles and torches. Ice crunched beneath his boots, and a sudden gust pushed back his hood, as if a ghost had plucked at him with frozen fingers, hungry to gaze upon his face.
Bran's love for his people bringing out a hatred in him.
Bran being Ice that burns away at the Boltons and Freys.
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cassowariess · 9 months
I think what's so frustrating about the ending of Game of Thrones, even 4 years later, is that I could see those disappointing character endings actually working if they had been written properly.
Jaime could have gone back to Cersei in a way that made sense, if we'd had multiple scenes where he struggles to convince himself that he can be a good person and fails because of his trauma and codependency. He hates himself so much he can't possibly believe that he deserves someone as good as Brienne. Instead we have him say "oops, I'm a bad person all along!" after 5 seconds of introspection and ride off on a horse.
I'd also take out the "I never cared about innocents" line unless there was a way to make it really clear he didn't mean it and was saying it out of bitterness. Otherwise it's non sensical and erases his most pivotal scene where he confesses to Brienne how and why he killed the Mad King.
Daenerys could have had a mental breakdown in a way that makes sense if we'd seen her unravelling more. All we got was her staring off into the distance and looking slightly dishevelled while Tyrion told her Varys had betrayed her. I wanted to see her pacing while she was alone and looking devastated. Cold, icy looks don't tell us anything about her state of mind, because she always had a ruthless side, but was in complete control of her mental faculties. Hiding her emotions for a shock and awe "twist" doesn't make it a good twist because there were hardly any breadcrumbs, even subtle ones. It could have worked (if it was well written) because the freedom fighter to tyrant pipeline is something that has happened historically in the real world. A good twist is Jon Snow being revealed to be Lyanna and Rheagar's son, because there were chekovs and groundwork to follow. Dany's "twist" was just bad writing.
Bran could have become king in a way that made sense if they'd stuck more to the Bloodraven storyline in the books. i.e. that Bloodraven (A Targaryen bastard that went missing beyond the wall and became the Three Eyed Crow decades before Bran shows up) is secretly trying to install himself on the Iron Throne, and yes there's peace in the realm but it still feels sinister because there's a Targaryen on the iron throne in the end after all, but in a Stark's body. Instead we got a half hearted speech about stories and Tyrion calling him "Bran the Broken" which I personally would have smacked him for. (Also still think it was a mistake to leave out Commander Mormont's Raven in the show. I loved the creepy things the bird occassionally said and I'm fully on board with the theory that Bloodraven is speaking through the bird.)
”King,” croaked the raven. The bird flapped across the solar to land on Mormont’s shoulder. “King,” it said again, strutting back and forth. “He likes that word,” Jon said, smiling. “An easy word to say. An easy word to like.” “King,” the bird said again. “He rose and dressed in darkness, as Mormont’s raven muttered across the room. “Corn,” the bird said, and, “King,” and, “Snow, Jon Snow, Jon Snow.” That was queer. The bird had never said his full name before, as best Jon could recall.“
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So much character development was avoided because of the time devoted to cartoonish battles you could barely see. Battles which will likely be only a few pages in the future books, as all the others are in the currently published ones.
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lemonhemlock · 4 months
1 and 8
character everyone gets wrong
hmmm.... there's so much asoiaf meta at this point it's hard to say.... tyrion perhaps? he generally maintains this antagonistic view of his father and sister, but, in hindsight, it does seem to me that not everything tywin and cersei did was to designed specifically attack him or to work against him. tywin does send him to KL to be hand of the king in his stead and gives him actual power to reign cersei in and cersei does try to team up with him at the beginning of ACOK. but tyrion is so set on undermining her that he never really takes this offer of collaboration seriously and everything escalates quickly afterwards.
idk how to best express this but i feel like, even though the ableism was real, there was a point where they could have mended their relationship, but tyrion did play a crucial part in destroying this truce, it wasn't all a premeditated assault on him. but, while fans have smartened up to his POV trap and realised that he is truly on a downwards spiral and not necessarily a "good" person, this unblemished victimisation narrative remains
by now i sound like a broken record but i cannot truly investigate these leads until i begin the great re-read project (if only i wasn't preoccupied with other books rn !! )
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i'm gonna start this with cersei bc this is the shorter rant, but people are so obsessed with this take that she doesn't really love her children, they're all just extensions of herself and that's what she cares about. it's so boring. it sounds like something parroted back from a psychiatry textbook. listen, cersei is her own brand of delusion, but she is also a person with feelings, not some ice-cold demon. people forget that in the quest of stripping her of her humanity, they also make her a less interesting and complex character. yes, she is an awful person with the capacity for love, otherwise what's the point? why do you think she became a POV character if it's all clowning around? also i think many people are way too eager to mistake paranoia and the effects of two recent traumatic deaths in the family with stupidity in her case
i'll have to move onto jaime rn bc his redemption discourse is also reaching tedious levels. first, in the ancient days, you had the dudebros who considered him a villain from the get-go and absolutely hated his guts, then these same dudebros discovered his POV in book 3 / season 3 and thus jaime gained a lot of fans who were suddenly on board the redemption train for him. then others got sick of this interpretation and countered with "jaime is not on a redemption arc !!! insert many exclamation marks!!!". this reaction was necessary at the time because debates were getting frightfully silly, but, nowadays it's like we've veered too far in the other extreme (from what i've seen anyway. i'm not an up-to-date scholar in jaimeological studies).
what i mean to say is that "redemption" has become such a dirty word in relation to jaime, when it's truly just a term. what does it matter what you really call it? redemption arc, identity arc, we're getting bogged down in definitions, snootily pointing the finger at each other and not really seeing the forest for the trees anymore. like he is objectively reconsidering, reinterpreting and trying to redefine both his relationship to the people around him and to abstract concepts like knighthood, justice and honour.
he doesn't exactly """regret""" pushing Bran out of a window, but he doesn't not regret it, you know what i mean? (another thread people are obsessed with: jaime will not get "redeemed" bc he doesn't regret pushing bran. i mean sort of? it's not that black or white, though: the situation was constructed in such a way as to be a fucked-up trolley problem with no true right answer. even sainted NED thinks this, i.e. to what lengths he or cat would have been willing to go to save their children. EVEN NED). yes, he also famously threatens to trebuchet edmure's baby, but he is also kind of pissed off in that moment, bullshitting and playing the tough guy in front of edmure. he lies a lot, to others and to himself. he is prone to violence, but he's not heartless. he is delulu but he is also re-evaluating his life. he's thinking about emulating his daddy but also cosplays as goldenhand the just. the man is really going through it.
if you ask me, it's vvvv likely jaime is the valonqar and his story will end with cersei in a bout of violence. but: as a manifestation of his unjust jealousy or as an act of kindness (to save her from a worse death)? i think both are possible. jaime is the pendulum swinging, he is a work in progress, he can get better, he can get worse. he is not a good person, he is pretty decent at heart and trying to do better. his 'identity' arc or whatever you want to call it might as well be a 'redemption' arc but with the quest unfulfilled. or partially unfulfilled. he might retcon himself into a true white knight, but still choose to go back to cersei, because he feels responsible for her or, you know, (incoming controversial opinion) because it's the right thing to do. yes, the incest is a bad coping mechanism, yes, you did many fucked up shit together and that was wrong, but, for better or worse, she is your sister and the person you shared your life with. you can't let her die alone. whatever she did, you also did, and you should carry the burden together. there is love there and you must honour that or else nothing means anything in this world. you go into the light together!!
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sshireens · 3 months
7 & 12 for asoiaf (books or got, I don't care which I just want to see the hot takes)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
oddly enough i typically always end up liking characters the more i see content of them.. actually thats not odd i think that’s science. BUT! robb stark……… its not that i Hate Robb Stark um but i think fandom perception of him is very bad and people want him to live too much. Love that boy, but i love him dead! 🫶 much love! like the more i see people talk about him im just like god can we move on already who cares. he fulfilled the narrative purpose and that was what he was meant to do. yes i cry thinking about the red wedding but thats besides the point. robb stark gets a 2/10 on the Sshireens Rating Scale because some people ruined it for everyone else
i answered #12 here but i’ll copy and paste it!
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
what qualifies as unpopular. also what do we consider like. because i consider like as in ‘this is a fun character to see interact with the world’ and NOT!!!!!!!!! ‘i support this guy’. just to clarify for any other viewers at home. a character ive seen a lot of people Dislike but i think deserves to be heard out is criston because he’s funny and thats it thats why everyone should like him. but i dont consider him unpopular? hmm tough tough …… will i get flayed if i say larys like i mean he’s just sick i love wondering what is going on in that head. in regards to characters i think are not given enough attention: jaehaera targaryen. ‘she’s a little girl shes a non-character’ SHUT UP. she’s a little girl exactly. she didn’t get the chance to be her own person she is alicent’s pain helaena’s pain and her own. GOD MY BABY GIRL….. she names her dragon death…… AUGH DONT EVEN TALK TO ME DOONNTTT EVEN. um also rhaella, daughter of rhaena the lesbian AND! mother of daenerys. bc first of all rhaella and aerea switches thats true. so like. rhaella septa rhaella wondering if that was meant to be her. wondering if maybe it would have never happened if she hadn’t traded places. is it kinder to force her twin into the faith or to let her die? Augh. also daenerys’ mommy just… why dont we know about her i need more people on here like me willing to band together to make up canon. i guess thats not really a reason why people should like them. ALSO SHIREEN BARATHEON I DONT KNOW IF YOU CAN TELL BUT IM THE BIGGEST SHOOTER FOR SHIREEN THATS BABY THATS MOTHER THATS THE PRINCESS THATS MY DAUGHTER THATS ME I LOVE HER SO BAD OH NY GOD SHIREEN PEASE COME HOME THE PEOPLE MISS YOU. and i know everyone dgaf about baby boy bowl cut brown boba eyed broken bran. but i gave birth to him. and thats why you should like him.
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cellsshapedlikestars · 8 months
Don’t worry about answering this is you don’t want to. I know you don’t like fandom wank. But, if you feel like it, do you think someone could make those endpoints work? Bran as king and Jon at the Wall even though there’s a big old hole in it and Dany deliberately burning King’s Landing before Jon or Arya kills her, is that an ending any writer, no matter their skill, could sell to the hardcore fans? I don’t think the fandom would accept it even if GRRM wrote it.
lololol I deleted my post already anon, so for those of you who didn't read it - I was once again whining about how d&d fucked up the last bunch of seasons and every character. it's not a new take, just something I was high thinking in the shower, so I deleted it bc it wasn't productive.
But I'll answer this, because I think it's interesting.
In short - no.
(Beneath the cut for a longer explanation and just a whole bunch of my ranty thoughts. pls remember I am no asoiaf scholar and I haven't studied every aspect of the books or read every meta. These are just my opinions.)
Longer - at this point, too much time has gone by, there is literally no way George can please... probably even half of his fanbase, no matter what he does. From what I can tell, the fandom too divided and there's so much hatred between stan groups (which I do find ridiculous, but it is what it is). People have cemented their own ending in their heads after decades of the fandom existing without an official ending, and I can see a lot of them not liking that they're wrong. Some people have spent 30 years with their theories, it's sunk cost fallacy. Case in point, the show ending being written off as fanfiction by a lot of fans.
which, tangent, I get. I GET why d stans don't believe the ending, because it was so poorly executed. I truly do understand their denial, because the show gaslit the audience for soooooo long that she was the girlboss hero and then seemed to do a 180 at the end. What was that post I just reblogged the other day? I don't hate villains, I hate when the narrative tries to convince you the bad person is actually good.
now, you asked if anyone could make those endpoints work, but I don't actually think most of them are the real endpoints? I think they were D&D giving up and not trying, or going for Shock Value™. But for fun, I'm gonna go by endpoints I think are most to least likely, and my thoughts on how they could happen and how D&D fucked them up.
Bran as king: Confirmed by grrm. How he'll make this work, I have no idea. I genuinely didn't see it coming tbh. I thought the "bittersweet" ending would be Jon being forced to take the crown in KL. like it's a good ending for everyone else, but for him it's misery. I'm sure grrm has his plans, and I'd be interested to see how he pulls it off. This end point does not disappoint me and I'm not mad at being wrong, but I can see a HUGE swath of people HATING it. specifically D stans.
D&D blew this hard. They cut Bran out of an entire season, making him seem to the audience like a lesser character and not important. They made him a robot. Why am I rooting for show!Bran? Also, I will never, ever get over that line - who has a better story than Bran the Broken? I don't know Tyrion, literally everyone else?? JON DIED AND CAME BACK TO LIFE. ahem.
(as far as I'm aware, Bran as king is the only ending grrm has confirmed?? correct me if I'm wrong.)
D as the big bad: I guess grrm hasn't officially confirmed this, but... he's sort of confirmed it, riiiiight? He compared dragons to nuclear weapons. The show has her as the villain (poorly executed or not). When I gave hotd a shot, literally the opening lines were about the Targs bringing themselves down immediately after name dropping her. Seems pretty solid to me. D&D just refused to commit to her villain arc because they didn't want to alienate their audience that they'd gaslit into thinking she was the hero, and they were seemingly obsessed with Shock Value™ twists.
Dany burning KL: I think the burning of KL is going to happen, and it seems like Dany is the only one to really do it? Unclear how it will happen, I'm sure people have theories. What the show didn't have was Aegon, so who knows how he'll factor in.
Arya sailing west: I think there's a lot of foreshadowing for it. It fits her nature. I think this is very likely to happen and I guess D&D handled it ok. They did ruin her character, though, by making her a literal mass murderer. But yayyyyyy feminism I guess.
Theon sacrificing himself for Bran: Theon's was the only arc I think the show did well. They ruined it at the end by having Theon literally throw himself onto the Night King's sword, which was so fucking stupid, but the arc itself is poignant and fits his character. While he can't ever redeem himself to Robb, he can redeem himself to Robb's siblings, and considering he once pretended to kill Bran, I think this is solid.
Cersei and Jaime dying together: this was my theory even before the show ending, and I think it fits their characters. They cannot live without each other, no matter if they hate each other. They're too deeply entwined in each other. Now, I personally wanted Cersei to be taken captive and put in the black cells to be publicly burned later, and then Jaime shows up and mercy kills her and then himself bc he can't live without her.
But I guess getting bonked on the head by some avoidable rocks is also a way to do it
Sansa as QitN: I'll be honest and say I hated this ending because she ended up alone. Sansa, who has wanted nothing more than family and safety since book 1, ends up completely alone. Even Brienne, her sworn shield, leaves her. but she's a queen, so yayyyy feminism I guess.
I can see her as queen, but I can also see her ending up as queen regent for Rickon, because I'm not totally convinced Rickon dies? like in the show he just randomly shows up and gets captured by Ramsay and it just feels like that isn't his arc in the books. Maybe I'm wrong. But I could see D&D having the endpoint of Sansa as regent, but they killed Rickon off already for Shock Value™, and so they went oops! and made her queen.
Now, there is a part of me that thinks she will not be queen or queen regent, because how does one break off and declare independence from their own brother? Feels like that would destabilize his rule and not give people much faith in him. It just seems really strange to me, but I guess it could happen, since Northern Independence is such a huge theme and it would be weird if it didn't happen?? Does Bran just let her secede? And it doesn't make Dorne or the Iron Islands try.... That's the part in the show that literally did not make sense to me. Sansa was like bye, I'm taking the north, and no one else spoke up about that.
I'd be totally fine with her as queen (if she has someone!!) but I can see a gooooood chunk of the fandom absolutely hating this. surprise.
Brienne as Kingsguard: while I like it for narrative purposes, because she deserves it, I just can't see her leaving Sansa, if she becomes as close to Sansa as she does on the show? If Sansa is queen, I could see her as Sansa's Queensguard. But what does she have in KL? The south didn't ever respect her, why would she want to go back. I think D&D put this in so they could have the ending shot of her writing in the book about Jaime for the shippers
Jon at the Wall: the only reason he went to the Wall in the show was because Grey Worm demanded it? And then left. So. You know, real enforceable. So stupid. Genuinely the worst writing of all the endings, I think, the logic made zero sense there. Now, that could be because they'd written themselves into a corner, but knew Jon ended up at the Wall, and had to force it?
But to me, it's like - what was the point of his resurrection, then? In the show, he doesn't even kill the Night King (we'll get to that). He kills D, sure, but... He's also the reason she succeeds in Westeros to begin with. So what, he gets resurrected, causes havoc, fixes the havoc he caused, and then is sent away to a Wall that serves no purpose anymore? WHAT PURPOSE DOES THE WALL SERVE. The Others are defeated, there's a big ol' hole in it, and they've allied with the Free Folk to an extent. How does the Watch continue on?
I guess he could self-banish. I know the show sort of makes the implication that he goes off with the Free Folk, but in the books, he doesn't really like FF culture? He's appalled by a lot of the violence in it. I can't see him wanting to live that way.
Brai.me: don't get me wrong, I like Brai.me. I think it's cute, in fanon. In canon, I think Brienne is too good for him. I don't see their relationship going romantic or sexual. I think Brienne is who Jaime desperately wants to be (but Cersei is who he keeps being pulled back to). Them having sex was 100% for the shippers
Jo/ner.ys: I'm putting all the punctuation in that. don't need them finding me somehow. Anyway. I don't think this happens, at least not as a true romance. They're on opposite continents and there's not a ton of time left, but more than that - and I know I've said this before - I can't see Jon "hates seeing people burned alive" Snow falling in love with D "loves to burn people alive" T. Could it be a political thing? Maybe, but I also could see her having an alliance with Aegon.
I think there's 2 possible reasons for this being in the show and presented as an actual romance. 1) it was supposed to be that pol!Jon theory, but they chickened out (same with jonsa & a love triangle, I think they chickened out bc of the incest. I think now with hotd being incest central and fans loving it, they wouldn't balk anymore). 2) just the spectacle of it? people have been theorizing this for years, why not give it to them? see above, brai.me
Tyrion as Hand: bleh. I know the fandom loves him and he was clearly D&D's fave, but grrm has said Tyrion is the most morally gray character, and I can't see him letting Tyrion get everything he's always wanted, you know? People think asoiaf is grimdark, but I can't imagine grrm punishing Jon with banishment while giving Tyrion a cushy position with lots of power.
I've read the theory that Tyrion ends up at the Wall, which I like thematically, but again, WHAT PURPOSE DOES THE WALL SERVE. Is it just a penal colony at that point?? someone smarter than me, tell me.
Grey Worm & Missandei condoning/encouraging D: hated it. Take the only characters of color to have speaking lines (i'm 99% sure) in the last season and turn them vengeful and murderous (especially grey worm). Throw their characters under the bus to absolve D of blame
Arya killing the Night King: no. he doesn't exist in the books, first, and even in the show it made zero narrative sense. It was just a Shock Value™ twist. You thought it was gonna be hero Jon, hmmmmmm? WRONG. I've said it on here before, but my hope is that it's Sam that brings down the Others in the book somehow.
Did I forget anything, anon? This probably veered wildly from the point of the ask, but oh well, it was fun. (I had a jonsa section in here at first, but then I remembered this is show canon ending stuff and that was not canon sorry fellow jonsas. I obvioulsy want it to be the ending bc the shipper brainrot is real, buuuuuut...)
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George clearly has a fascination with cannibals and cannibalism lol
In that darkness, the Others came riding, she used to say, dropping her voice lower and lower. Cold and dead they were, and they hated iron and fire and the touch of the sun, and every living creature with hot blood in its veins. Holdfasts and cities and kingdoms of men all fell before them, as they moved south on pale dead horses, leading hosts of the slain. They fed their dead servants on the flesh of human children… (Jon VII, AGoT)
Arya would have given anything for a cup of milk and a lemon cake, but the brown wasn't so bad. It usually had barley in it, and chunks of carrot and onion and turnip, and sometimes even apple, with a film of grease swimming on top. Mostly she tried not to think about the meat. Once she had gotten a piece of fish. (Arya V, AGoT)
And there were folks fiercer even than Varamyr, from the northernmost reaches of the haunted forest, the hidden valleys of the Frostfangs, and even queerer places: the men of the Frozen Shore who rode in chariots made of walrus bones pulled along by packs of savage dogs, the terrible ice-river clans who were said to feast on human flesh, the cave dwellers with their faces dyed blue and purple and green. (Jon II, ASoS)
"Give him three days, then inform him that Hamish the Harper has broken his arm. Tell him that his clothes will never serve for court, so he must be fitted for new garb at once. He'll come with you quick enough." He grimaced. "You may want his tongue, I understand it's made of silver. The rest of him should never be found." Bronn grinned. "There's a pot shop I know in Flea Bottom makes a savory bowl of brown. All kinds of meat in it, I hear." "Make certain I never eat there." Tyrion spurred to a trot. He wanted a bath, and the hotter the better. (Tyrion IV, ASoS)
When the flames were blazing nicely Meera put the fish on. At least it's not a meat pie. The Rat Cook had cooked the son of the Andal king in a big pie with onions, carrots, mushrooms, lots of pepper and salt, a rasher of bacon, and a dark red Dornish wine. Then he served him to his father, who praised the taste and had a second slice. Afterward the gods transformed the cook into a monstrous white rat who could only eat his own young. He had roamed the Nightfort ever since, devouring his children, but still his hunger was not sated. (Bran IV, ASoS)
"Shade-of-the-evening, the wine of the warlocks. I came upon a cask of it when I captured a certain galleas out of Qarth, along with some cloves and nutmeg, forty bolts of green silk, and four warlocks who told a curious tale. One presumed to threaten me, so I killed him and fed him to the other three. They refused to eat of their friend's flesh at first, but when they grew hungry enough they had a change of heart. Men are meat." (The Reaver, AFfC)
"One of the captives was always begging food," Rafford admitted, "so Ser said to give him roast goat. The Qohorik didn't have much meat on him, though. Ser took his hands and feet first, then his arms and legs." (Jaime III, AFfC)
"My old ma used to say that giant bats flew out from Harrenhal on moonless nights, to carry bad children to Mad Danelle for her cookpots. Sometimes I'd hear them scrabbling at the shutters." (Brienne II, AFfC)
Biter's mouth tore free, full of blood and flesh. He spat, grinned, and sank his pointed teeth into her flesh again. This time he chewed and swallowed. He is eating me, she realized, but she had no strength left to fight him any longer. She felt as if she were floating above herself, watching the horror as if it were happening to some other woman, to some stupid girl who thought she was a knight. It will be finished soon, she told herself. Then it will not matter if he eats me. (Brienne VII, AFfC)
Their cold flesh would be taken to the lower sanctum where only the priests could go; what happened in there Arya was not allowed to know. Once, as she was eating her supper, a terrible suspicion seized hold of her, and she put down her knife and stared suspiciously at a slice of pale white meat. The kindly man saw the horror on her face. "It is pork, child," he told her, "only pork." (Arya II, AFfC)
Meera Reed was turning a chunk of raw red flesh above the flames, letting it char and spit. "Just in time," she said. Bran rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand and wriggled backwards against the wall to sit. "You almost slept through supper. The ranger found a sow." Behind her, Hodor was tearing eagerly at a chunk of hot charred flesh as blood and grease ran down into his beard. Wisps of smoke rose from between his fingers. "Hodor," he muttered between bites, "hodor, hodor." His sword lay on the earthen floor beside him. Jojen Reed nipped at his own joint with small bites, chewing each chunk of meat a dozen times before swallowing.
"You said no fire," he reminded the ranger.
"The walls around us hide the light, and dawn is close. We will be on our way soon."
"What happened to the men? The foes behind us?"
"They will not trouble you." (Bran I, ADwD)
The wedding guests gorged on cod cakes and winter squash, hills of neeps and great round wheels of cheese, on smoking slabs of mutton and beef ribs charred almost black, and lastly on three great wedding pies, as wide across as wagon wheels, their flaky crusts stuffed to bursting with carrots, onions, turnips, parsnips, mushrooms, and chunks of seasoned pork swimming in a savory brown gravy. 
True to his word, Manderly devoured six portions, two from each of the three pies, smacking his lips and slapping his belly and stuffing himself until the front of his tunic was half-brown with gravy stains and his beard was flecked with crumbs of crust. (The Prince of Winterfell, ADwD)
Asha had been as horrified as the rest when the She-Bear told her that four Peasebury men had been found butchering one of the late Lord Fell's, carving chunks of flesh from his thighs and buttocks as one of his forearms turned upon a spit, but she could not pretend to be surprised. The four were not the first to taste human flesh during this grim march, she would wager—only the first to be discovered. (The Sacrifice, ADwD)
And almost every day they ate blood stew, thickened with barley and onions and chunks of meat. Jojen thought it might be squirrel meat, and Meera said that it was rat. Bran did not care. It was meat and it was good. The stewing made it tender. (Bran III, ADwD)
At Hardhome, with six ships. Wild seas. Blackbird lost with all hands, two Lyseni ships driven aground on Skane, Talon taking water. Very bad here. Wildlings eating their own dead. (Jon XII, ADwD)
The largest and oldest of the wild dragons was the Cannibal, so named because he had been known to feed on the carcasses of dead dragons, and descend upon the hatcheries of Dragonstone to gorge himself on newborn hatchlings and eggs. (The Princess and the Queen)
A huge, hairy, foul-smelling folk (some maesters believe the Skagosi to have a strong admixture of Ibbenese blood; others suggest that they may be descended from giants), clad in skins and furs and untanned hides, and said to ride on unicorns, the Skagosi are the subject of many a dark rumor. It is claimed that they still offer human sacrifice to their weirwoods, lure passing ships to destruction with false lights, and feed upon the flesh of men during winter. (The North: The Stonemen of Skagos, TWoIaF)
Farther south, the trappings of civilization fall away, and the Brindled Men become ever more savage and barbaric. These Sothoryi worship dark gods with obscene rites. Many are cannibals, and more are ghouls; when they cannot feast upon the flesh of foes and strangers, they eat their own dead. (Beyond the Free Cities: Sothoryos, TWoIaF)
Lo Tho, called Lo Longspoon and Lo the Terrible, the twenty-second scarlet emperor, a reputed sorcerer and cannibal, who is said to have supped upon the living brains of his enemies with a long, pearl-handled spoon, after the tops of their skulls had been removed. (The Bones and Beyond: Yi Ti, TWoIaF)
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hell-heron · 10 months
hello! on the theon bringing hostages to harlaw thing... while rickon feels more appropriate (mouldability plus rodrickon feelings) i feel a preference for bran being brought there, mostly because of my interest in the ghosts in winterfell trio that bran, jon, and theon form... his age being sinilar theon when he was taken hostage to winterfell is another interesting one for me, since i really love theon's line in acok about him and bran both being princes of winterfell and it does insane things to me in vein of roleswapping (i also have a history of being weird about this with like reek ii and prince theon into ramsay bolton and reek iii) . beefing with eight year olds escalating to like. FINE you be me take all this tragedy on your own back do you still hate me? come see my mother come see this lacuna you and yours left and you fill that gap. don't you like that? you can be theon greyjoy before it all and i'll be your prince of winterfell
Anon you have broken me
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