mikareo · 7 months
rewatching it for fun is crazy ngl. also corpse sounds like one of my exes and he was always so tight whenever ppl asked him if he was corpse. also he got mad cause of the hoodie 💔
omg our matching corpse hoodies 🥹 sometimes i get flashbacks to my corpse blog n getting cancelled for writing fluff as a minor asjkl ,,like i def respect the fandom but yall i was just tryna write abt corpse giving u flowers like 😭 i think i still have the memes my friends made OMG I DO AJSJSJ rip my corpse writing career (respect tho bc he didn’t want ff abt him 😭)
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paradiselaketheblog · 2 years
Changing the ones from 2013 otherwise leaving them the same :3c
TEN ARE YOUS 1. Are you single? Yeah 2. Are you happy?   Yeah 3. Are you bored?  no 4. Are you naked? no 5. Are you a blond/e? heah 6. Are you moody? No 7. Are you a lover/hater? I’m an analyst  8. Are you hot/cold? cold rn! 9. Are you Irish? no 10. Are you Asian? no TEN FACTS 1. Name: emma 2. Middle name: rose 3. Any birth marks: some 4. Hair color: blond 5. Natural hair color: same 6. Eye color: green 7. Height: 5'7 8. Mood: Good 9. Favorite color: green 10. One place you want to visit: the grand tetons, the sierra nevada, the white mountains and most of appalachia, the PNW, oahu/honolulu, japan, alaska  TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE 1. Do you believe in love at first sight?  No of course not 2. Do you believe in soul mates? Nope 4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? eyah 5. Have you ever broke someone’s heart? Yeah probably 6. Ever had your heart broken? Haha yeah. Unless ?  7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Yeah 8. Are you afraid of commitment? Kind of yeah 9. Who was the last person you hugged? Austin 10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? My mom TEN THIS OR THAT 1. Love or lust? love 3. Cats or dogs? Cats  4. A few best friends or many regular friends? Either  5. Television or internet? Internet by far 6. Chinese or Indian? chinese 7. Wild night out or romantic night in? Either. idk 8. Money or Happiness? Hmm...Both 9. Night or day? Not sure. Probably day 10. MSN or phone? phone TEN HAVE YOU EVER 1. Been caught sneaking out? I’m 25 2. Been skinny dipping? No 3. Bungee jumped? no 4. Finished an entire jaw breaker? no idea 5. Lied to someone you liked? yeah 6. Wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back? Yeha 8. Cried yourself to sleep? no 9. Cried because you lost a pet? YEAH omg bahahaha 10. Wanted to disappear? Yesss TEN PREFERENCES IN A PARTNER 1. Smile or eyes? both! 2. Light or dark hair? I’m open 3. Hugs or kisses? hugs 4. Shorter or taller? taller 5. Intelligence or attraction? intelligence 6. Romantic or spontaneous? Neither 7. Funny or serious? fu ny 8. Older or younger? older lmaooooo 9. Outgoing or quiet? outgoing!! 10. Sweet or bad ass? sweet TEN HAVE YOUS 1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd? once as a Child 2. Ever had sex? yes 3. Ever consumed alcohol? I have 5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? no 6. Ever been on a dance team? no 7. Ever been on a sports team? noe 8. Ever been in a drama play/production? once 9. Ever kissed the same sex? yes 10. Ever been in a rap video? nah TEN LASTS 1. Last phone call you made? to Austin 2. Last person you hung out with? Austin ? I don’t have friends so I don’t really hang out  4. Last time you worked? Friday 5. Last person you tackled? what 6. Last person you IM? This no longer exists! 8. Last person(s) you took to the movies? God I haven’t been to the movies since before Covid 9. Last thing you missed? Backpacking 10. Last thing you ate? Raisin bran and coffee lolololol LAST PERSON TO 1. Sleep beside you? Austin 2. See you cry? I don’t cry in front of other people 3. You went out to dinner with? Austin 5. You talked on the phone to? Austin 7. Made you laugh? Austin WOULD YOU RATHER 1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Neither 2. Be serious or be funny? Funny! I am funnny :)  3. Drink whole or skim milk? Skim 4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? wtf? my parents omg ARE YOU 1. Simple or complicated? Complicated 2. Retarded? offensive DO YOU PREFER 1. Flowers or candy? flowers 2. Gray or black? For clothes probably black, but gray as a color! 3. Color or Black and white photos? Color ? 4. Sunrise or sunset? sunrise 6. Staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late is unfortunately my jam UNIQUE 1. Nervous Habits? i bite my nails my cuticles and my tongue (still :( ) 2. Are you double jointed? no 3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? yeah 4. Can you raise one eyebrow? no S 5. Can you cross your eyes? yeah 6. Do you make your bed daily? Every morning QUESTIONS 1. Which shoe goes on first? ive never paid attention to this in my life and i always make a point to but i never do <--- STILL!!!  2. Ever thrown something at someone? yes Regret 3. On average, how much money do you carry with you? I don’t carry cash if that’s what you’re asking  4. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl 5. Have you ever eaten Spam? once 6. Favorite ice cream? choc with fudge lol 7. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? 2 (cheerios and raisin bran) 8. What’s your favorite beverage? I love lacroix! 9. Do you cook? NO lmfao I suck so bad!
LASTS 1. Last Alcoholic Drink:  A beer ? Idk I don’t drink alcohol 2. Last Car ride: Austin and I went to sprouts to get food for dinner
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