Shield that Guards the Realms of Men
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rise-my-angel · 3 hours ago
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Lady Jocelyn Baratheon
by vesperkyno on twitter
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rise-my-angel · 3 hours ago
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rise-my-angel · 3 hours ago
How did Rhaenyra coerce Criston?
Watch the scene.
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rise-my-angel · 3 hours ago
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The Queen and her Scarlet Shadow
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rise-my-angel · 3 hours ago
Werent alysanne and jaehaerys kind of chaste in their marriage? Were they the ones who waited until marriage?
They waited until marriage and then went ham on having children considering they had 13 children total.
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rise-my-angel · 3 hours ago
Was Criston a virgin before Rhaenyra? Or do kingsguard take a vow of chastity after they have fun in their youth? How old is he anyways?
If im not mistaken, we have no reason to speculate if Criston wasn't a virgin when he slept with Rhaenyra. But his virginity isn't the point, it's that she coerced him into breaking a sacred vow of chastity. If a Kingsguard has fun in their youth is personal to each person.
And he's anywhere from his early to mid 20s during season one.
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rise-my-angel · 4 hours ago
How did Rhaenyra cause Criston’s suffering?
Rhaenyra coerced her low born Kingsguard, who is only in that position because she as the Princess chose him, into breaking his chastity vows. Not allowing him to leave when he repeatedly tried too. Then when he tried to reconcile his guilt and shame by offering to start a new life with her, tells him that hes only good enough go be her whore when she wants.
This is what sent Criston into a spiral that led to the murder of Joffery Lonmouth and Cristons subsequent suicide attempt.
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rise-my-angel · 4 hours ago
How did Aemon die?
He was in Tarth helping to fight off Myrish pirates in the area, and during the conflict he was shot in the throat with an arrow and drowned in his own blood.
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rise-my-angel · 4 hours ago
Why was Daemon such a whore? Were his wives jealous he went to prostitutes?
The only wife he was known to frequent brothels when married to was when he was with Rhea Royce. Suffice to say, Rhea couldnt care less who Daemon fucked as long as he stayed out of Runestone and left her alone, as the two hated each other and never even bothered to consummate the marriage in the first place.
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rise-my-angel · 4 hours ago
Why was Saera exiled? Whose bed did Viserra slip into naked?
Sara's story is complicated, essentially she was a neglected child, acted out, and Jaehaerys no longer wanted her in Kings Landing so she ran away to Essos. Alysanne would beg Jaehaerys to let her come back and he refused. Which caused huge strain in their marriage. So Saera ran away but Jaeharrys essentially exiled her after the fact by refusing to her let return home.
Baelon, which was her brother. Viserra wanted to get out of her marriage to a Manderly, and wanted to become Queen (Aemon was already dead so Baelon was the next in line). Baelons sister wife Alyssa had died in childbirth or complications of childbirth and so she wanted to get out of her marriage by becoming Queen. And the only way she felt she could do so, was to get drunk and slip into Baelons bed naked at night. Which he refused and sent her away, but that was her only strategy instead of feeling as if she could speak to her mother or father about that arrangement.
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rise-my-angel · 4 hours ago
you said daemon had a reputation among prostitutes so what was it?
That he fucked a lot of them all the time. His reputation was that there was no brothel he didnt frequent and few prostitutes he hadn't had sex with. His reputation amongst the brothel workers in Kings Landing was that he spent many of his nights on the Street of Silk.
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rise-my-angel · 4 hours ago
the first scene is reader with melisandre, sorry, it's canon in my head, don't make the rules 🙌
Reader when she finds out Melisandre slept with Stannis to make a shadow baby that murdered Renly. The Lord of Light won't be able to protect Melisandre from Reader the day she learns about that one.
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rise-my-angel · 4 hours ago
What was Daemon’s reputation among most prostitutes? Did he treat them well or poorly?
There's no information on that. Fire and Blood is written as an in universe historical text, and Archmaester Gyldayn either did not have the information to know, or did not think his treatment of prostitutes was relevant to the political direction of this era in history.
We can only look at Daemons behavior towards women in his life and come to your own conclusion.
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rise-my-angel · 5 hours ago
Alysanne was a bad mother?
Jaehaerys usually takes the blame for how everything with his children turned out, and yes he deserves it he was a bad father. But, Alysanne as their mother would've been their primary caregiver and the behavior her children exhibited showed that she instilled the very worst of Targaryen customs into their minds, and neglected others of her children like Saera. Her children were very much used like pawns rather then true members of her family and they both have to be to blame for that.
Her daughter Saera became an alcoholic by the age of twelve, and another daughter Viserra felt the only way she could get what she wanted in the family was to get drunk and slip into her own brothers bed naked. It was suggested her daughter Alyssa be married to her brother Aemon, but Alysane refused saying that Alyssa was meant for her brother Baelon, literally raising her daughter just to be the wife for her second son.
Alysanne was a bad mother in the sense of, look at all of her and Jaehaerys's children, what happened to them and where they ended up. This was some of the worst examples of why raising your children the way the Targaryens do is so toxic and broken and Alysanne was directly contributing to raising her children in a way that led to their deaths or exile in Saera's case.
Thats all on her as much as it is on Jaehaerys.
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rise-my-angel · 6 hours ago
wait i totally need reader to yell like robert now, and lord knows jon will get hard over it
You're in luck, there is a scene coming up in some chapters I haven't written yet where those Robert Baratheon pipes come out and takes all of the Starks by surprise. It's DNA programmed that if you're a Baratheon, you have the vocal cords to yell like Robert even if you don't know it. Jon has never seen you yell like that before and he'll just be standing there completely turned on seeing a new side of you like that for the first time.
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rise-my-angel · 6 hours ago
Mimi, what do you think of the "But what about unity!" "GRRM is all about unity!" "It would be a bad message to have a kingdom declare independence after they've just learnt to stand together against the Long Night!" "They'd just go back to being seperate and rival kingdoms!" kind of attitude some wankers adopt whenever Northern independence is mentioned? I'm so tired of existing in this fucking fandom, gods save us all.
People think unity means forcing everyone into one unit, when they miss the point of what it really means. Jon sums it up perfectly to Tormund when he says about the free folk "They won't kneel for you. And neither will I."
Jon responds with the true meaning of unity in this story. "I don't want them to kneel for me. I want them to fight with me when the time comes." The First Men survived the Long Night without anyone else's help the first time, and the North propsered for 8000 years at the least without any uniting power keeping them with the other Kingdoms as one.
The Kingdoms before the Targaryens weren't rivals. They had issues and fought like any else, but they weren't rivals. They were simply Kingdoms coexisting on the same continent. They had no more conflicts then any place with multiple kingdoms in one location.
This story is all about how the Iron Throne is the wrong version of what being united means, and we see through Jons relationship with the wildings, he knows that unity is more then subjugation. It's working together whether you serve the same people or not.
But, people really like to speculate who of their fave's will sit the Iron Throne, so thus their definiton of unity has to match that of ultimate power because otherwise their fave can't really have succeeded with the North is independant. It's just twisting what the story means and what Northern independance is all about to justify wanting the Iron Throne to exist at the very end of the story so their face can sit on it as a "winner".
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rise-my-angel · 6 hours ago
I thought Alaric was Alysanne’s cranky old grandpa figure because he was older than her and everyone thought he was too strict and wanted him to maybe chill tf out a little bit. She seemed happily married to her nerdy husband
They reminded me of Daenerys/Barriston and Harrold Rhaenyra, literally just a gruff and protective grandpa figure
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But everyone seems to think Alyssa is their secret bastard🤷🏻‍♀️
Alyssa being their secret bastard is dumb. We can see with Jon Snow and other Targaryens born with blood of the First Men, that the blood of the First Men takes precidence over the Targaryen genes. If Alyssa was Alaric's secret bastard daughter, she wouldn't look just like all of her other siblings who were full Targaryen.
Alaric and Alysanne weren't even that chummy. He was not happy to receive her in Winterfell at first, and only after some time there did he warm up to her because she was a charming woman. She was closer to his daughter Alarra then she was Alaric. Alaric didn't even come with her when she toured the Wall. Jaehaerys finally arrived in Winterfell to continue the progress trip, and she left to tour the Wall, and hold her famous women's courts all over the North without Alaric with her at all. Most of her time in the North, he wasn't even with her.
She was the one who made the choice to expand The Gift for the Nights Watch, and even though she convinced Alaric to concede on it being a good idea, it actually was a deep resentment towards the Targaryens brewing in the Starks because by doing so, it took land away from the existing Northerners which the Starks were not happy with. It was a big contributer as to why the Starks did not side with the favoured heir at the Great Council of 101 in Harrenhal (the Starks supported Laenor Velaryon during the final vote not Viserys which Jaehaerys and his council were favouring to win).
They were friends at one point, and it's easy to see why as Alysanne for all intents and purposes seemed to be a smart, forward thinking, productive woman who made the absolite best of her time as Queen consort. In fact, despite my dislike for Jaehaerys, I think Alysanne was probably the best Queen Consort the Iron Throne ever had. So, its easy to see why people like Alaric Stark liked her, but they were not consistent friends and they had problems throughout their friendship over the years which does not conduct itself well to an affair.
Alysanne also would simply never have an affair. She took her role as Queen, wife, and a mother extremely seriously. The reign of peace Jaehaerys saw was not due to him alone, it was also significantly due to Alysanne taking her duties seriously and utilizing Silverwing to the best of her ability to travel around Westeros personally.
She made weaving the houses of Westeros into a strong interwoven social thread one of her biggest importances. She would famously go to towns and hold women's courts where she would personally speak to, hear from, and see to the issues and plights of women all around the realm. She even went to Mole's Town and held a womens court with the whores of the brothel there because she took her duties that seriously. A woman that dedicated to her role as a Queen is not having a clandestine affair with a major lord and the Warden of the North.
I don't think Jaehaerys ever understood nor respected how important Alysanna was to his success and legacy, but that doesn't mean I think it makes sense to take shipping her with Alaric and twist it into some fandon theory with no basis in reality.
Not everyone is smitten with the Starks. Most people aren't smitten with the Starks, actually. And Alysanne would have no reason to view Alaric Stark in any way close to the way she views her husband.
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