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lonely-moon-artist-blog · 9 months ago
Huh.. Oh I wonder.
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I hope I'm allowed to tag you in this.
Rambling ahead. <Lots of it.>
So I just saw like a scene from Adventure time two days ago. And my mind was like:
Oh yeah I can DEFINITELY see Abel in a situation like that.
And thus I decided that I'll make this comic JUST FOR THE FUNZIES.
And so I did.
I could like.. Ramble about the my own meaning that I put in this but honestly I don't wanna stop anyone's minds.
Go wild and think of something that will make sence to you.
I.. I always while draw sometimes add a lot of details that people probably don't even notice. But ehh. The main thing is that you guys at least like my art I think.
.. Okay now I guess I said everything I wanted to say.
Have a good day/night.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years ago
Okay so-- i was reading some sagau posts and came across this one where the reader was an army vet and my brain just Did Its Thing--
So now I'm here to inflict this on to you--
Would guns be considered as catalysts. And would they only do Phys Damage.
Me reading this ask:
😶 😐 🤨 🧐 🧐 😰 🥲 😭😭😭 💀
(Also srry took so long to respond, when i didnt realize how short this was/was just sitting over here 😓)
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^ For the sake of gun imagery being a lot/maybe staff might hate me for it,
we'll put this gay shit instead (i almost mispelled to "gay shot" lmao)
Sun: Army Veteran Reader, Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT Headcanons
Stars: everybody bc i think itd be funny
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: gun stuff, mild violence, mild cursing & Trigger Warnings: Gun fun everywhere
You're out here having a whole gun they let you take for off-base
And u ofc have a license so u can conceal carry
(idk how non-american gun laws work, but tbh ours are so fucked idk how they work here either, just that an army guy i knew once could have his gun when he got back home)
And ofc ur just paranoid enough (more like it just makes u feel safe)
That when u get yoinked into a portal to a silly little brightly colored gacha game fantasy world, the gun comes with 💀
Id like to add in my silly little "ur in a video game, so video game rules" AU version of genshin so:
The only other gun (ish) wielder (Mika) has unlimited bolts
Sooo I'd think your gun would be the same jfc lol
When u first stumble into abyss monsters/hostile creatures of the realm, u nearly scare off a Lawlachurl bc every shot's like thunder to these bitches😭
So not only the monsters but the vision holders think u fucking summoned lightning
STOPP- you're becoming a witchy god or smth to all of Teyvat bc it just looks like hella high level magic atp to them LMAOOO
Rumors of you get out of hand and say u just point or snap ur fingers and things get wounded/just die on the spot 💀
Oh another difference between Teyvatians seeing ur gun vs. crossbow (what they know)
Is that guns are wayyyy more destructive
Like an arrow would get shot but it'd bounce off of things like rock or wood or metal, maybe dent a little depending on how close
But a bullet goes thru that shit so easy, and leaves a whole little explosion behind, once again depending on range
(I once saw a Mythbusters episode? of them proving bullets would definitely go thru car doors, like movies lied to u, this is why drive-bys acc work like for gangs)
Lmao, the image of you in like full armor with a Teyvat made automatic gun after showing it to blacksmiths
Makes u just more convincing as a god, esp bc military training
(Ppl like Gorou and Kokomi begging for military tactics/training ur world has done)
I'll address it.
But only so u dont think im stupid later.
Yes, the Fatui have guns.
No, this not the same as having a glock LMAO
End of story.
(Also, urs runs on bullets, whereas the Fatui rely on magic/delusions to power theirs, plus they dont seem as fast or destructive as urs, more "explosions aimed at you" than real bullets)
Which,,, u leave the managing of ppl copying ur gun to ppl like the Qixing or smth, but make sure to give them advice on good gun laws if teyvat accidentally revolutionizes bc of ur advanced gun that anybody can wield (non-vision users)
Thats the best ive got abt that
Oh, also enjoy being praised as a War god now.
... dammit i had smth i was gonna tell u guys-
Uh what tf was it, it was important
Next post is the Eldritch God Oneshot! Look out for it :) !!
Safe Travels Kid,
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boymanmaletheshequel · 2 months ago
you're soooo thirsty for sympathy and approval but fail to address actual valid points that paint you as a MISOGYNIST. Being gay doesn't mean you can't be misogynist it's almost funny that you're trying to use ancient Greece, the gayest and most misogynistic society in history. Artemis would smite you if she saw your face (read her myths and you'll know this is true) but luckily for you you've failed to be seen by the gods
Alright, I’m getting pretty sick of your shit. I tried to handle you and your blasphemic hatred the kind and sympathetic way but clearly thats not how you wish to play it. First of all, please explain to me how I have “painted myself as misogynistic”? All I’ve ever done is post in favor of feminism and have expressed and embraced my femininity and androgyny thoroughly, as have I disavowed toxic masculinity on numerous occasions. I have been NOTHING if not understanding and sympathetic to your arguments and views, and yet you attack me nonetheless. Well now it’s my turn channel her rage.
how fucking dare you attack her followers? We are all devoted to her divinity and her grace, and her animalistic beauty, wether we are male, female, androgynous, non binary, or anything else. We are her cult, and in her cult, she does not appreciate such senseless and hateful infighting. I admire the rage and righteousness you hold, but it is Ill placed. Artemis doesn’t hate men, she hates abusers, she hates men who abuse their power and hubris to attack and defame women who have done nothing wrong. And that’s the difference here, YOU have done something wrong. I’ve spoken to Artemis directly and asked for her guidance in typing this right now, and she has made it clear that she is ashamed and incensed that her own follower would backstab and lambast one of her devotees and bastardize her convictions and righteousness in such a volatile way. She HATES IT. she doesn’t hate you, nor does she hate me, but she hates IT. I have read her myths and now where does she or her cult ever mention hating boys or men for the sake of being men, nor women. She hates those who use sexism, misogyny, and yes, even misandry, in her name, and who disrespect her by claiming those views and hubrises to be her own.
And while yes, gay men are NOT exempt from misogyny, to suggest in your snarky and tone deaf little message to me that acceptance of homosexuality in Ancient Greece is equivalent to misogyny is downright homophobic. Gay men have done just as much for women as women have done for gay men across all of history.
As for the smiting, Artemis has not smitten me, she was the first god I started worshipping, and she has stayed a mother figure and a lesson teacher to me since than. And although she’s taught me a thing or two and sometimes rather aggressively called me out for my faults, she has been just as supporting and nurturing when I learn to overcome and learn from them, and now, right now, she makes it clear to me that YOU are the one abusing her name and image. So fucking STOP IT. she says she doesn’t hate you, she hates the way you are acting. You tell me to read her myths, have you? You are so quick to judge my interpretation of Hellenic mythology that you seem to have forgotten to consider it yourself. Neither Athena nor Artemis, nor any other god hated men, nor did any hate women.
Artemis specifically liked Orion so much in some versions of their story that Apollo got worried that she would forget her oath to remain a virgin, and she never did, she simply admired him for being a good man who was not toxic and abusive.
She also admired Hippolytus, son of Theseus, and she loved both the male and female children of Greece. In fact, the notion that Artemis held some grudge against men is rather recent, and doesn’t appear in any ancient texts. As for the idea she hates those who don’t remain chaste, one of her most sacred duties was to help Pregnant women give birth, which they would’ve needed to break chastity to do. Just because she’s a feminist and a more feminine deity, doesn’t mean she hates men and masculinity, only the noxious and harmful parts of it, and the followers that misconstrue her notions, which having confronted her about it myself, she has assured me in ways more than one that I’m not one of them. I accidentally knocked over one of my favorite plants recently, and I was afraid I might have upset her, and I felt terrible, but than, the plant healed right up afterwards as reassurance that it was just an accident and nothing against me. I have a thriving garden I’ve devoted to her, and if she hates me as you suggest? than surely it would’ve died long ago.
And by the way, while we’re on the subject of gender, and to end this part of this discussion, I think I need to make something quite clear here.
I have long considered myself andro, and although I do have masculine attributes, (as did artemis, btw, but I’m sure you’re not ready for *that* discussion) I lean much more into my feminine traits. So you attacking me as a man and soley as a man is ignorant and not very respectful or considerate of you, or of Artemis’s character and attributes you so revel in attacking me for recognizing.
That is all, if you wish to keep this conversation up, at least stop being a coward and hiding in the asks, you and I both know that Artemis wouldn’t do that. She was no coward like you are being, she fought proud and claws out, just as I am now.
Please reconsider your understanding of lady Artemis, and understand that Greek myths are exactly that. MYTHS. As rumors are spread about us mortals, myths are spread about the gods, and like rumors, they are often exaggerated and disingenuous. Do you truly believe that Artemis was a crazy non-virgin hater who sent hunters out to kill them? Do you believe she was as cruel and as spiteful as gossiping men and women alike painted her as? And by the way, attacking and killing women who lost virginity, including by RAPE in some of her myths, is not feminist AT ALL. She DOES that in some of her myths! Do you really think she ACTUALLY did that? because I doubt that those events really went down like they are written. people use your same argument style to condemn hades, Zeus, and Athena, among many others, and their followers with them, not understanding that one’s fictional and embellished stories do not define them and that all of the gods are much more complicated and nuanced than the myths humans made up or wrote about them. Thank you, and finally, have a nice fucking day. I hope you can learn and change how you conduct your views, and let Artemis show you the truth she has shown to me.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year ago
From 2010- Rumours Turn Into A Break Up
Part 11
Band members
YN YLN and Harry styles dating?
12/05/2011 4;05
Band members Harry Styles (17) and YN YLN (17) were seen cosying up together on the recent episode of Alan Carr Chatty Man.
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The band One Direction came 3rd in X-Factor last year and while it looks like everyone in the band have become close friends, two in particular seem to be getting on very well. Dating rumours have only gotten stronger when the pair were seen together out in London laughing. YN was seen linking her arm into Harry’s while walking down the street.
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We wonder how YN’s high school and long term boyfriend James Madison is feeling with all of these possible dating rumours.
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I close down the tab on my laptop with a sigh and look up at Simon who looks pissed
“Harry and I are just friends” I say in defence
“I know that, but if girls think Harry is in a relationship then we will lose many fans. Clear this up” Simon points at me and leaves the room
“How am I supposed to clear up dating rumours? If I say that Harry and I are just friends then I will be called a liar” I throw myself back onto the sofa next to Zayn
“Just send out a tweet to appease the big man. Then ignore anything else that’s said” Louis says putting an arm around my shoulders
“I guess that’s all I can do” I say getting out my phone from my back pocket and putting out a tweet, but almost immediately I see hate coming through.
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“Hey” I answer the phone to Emma sadly
“Hey YN. How are you doing?”
“Not great to be honest”
“I’m about to tell you something that’s not going to make you any happier. Sorry”
“What’s up?” I ask frowning even though Emma can’t see me
“You remember that party James went to while your were in LA?”
“Well Alex told me that Mia sent him a photo of James kissing someone” I can feel my heart drop almost immediately “YN it was with a guy. I think James is gay, or curious or… I’m not really sure, but Alex sent me the photo. I can send it you, but I’m not sure you want to see that”
“No no. I trust you. Thank you for telling me. I’ll have a word with him” I glance at the bedroom door where James is
“Ok. Do you want me to come over?”
“Maybe. I’ll ring you later” I end the call and make my way to the bedroom. I stand in the door way with my arms crossed watching James on his phone
“Are you coming in or you just going to stare at me?”
“I’m just trying to decided whether I’m going to yell or cry or maybe both”
“Why?” James frowns putting his phone down
“Who were you texting?”
“Does it matter”
“Yes it fucking does matter!” I shout “who were you texting?”
“A friend”
“Girl or boy?”
“Why does that matter?” James stands up from the bed
“Because I wanna know if your cheating on me”
“Boy! Ok I’m not cheating. I’m texting a friend”
“What about the party you went to while I was in LA? Emma said you were drunk. Who did you hang around with?”
“A friend. God YN I can have friends”
“So do you kiss all your friends or just your best friends?”
“What?” James looks shocked
“I’m talking about you kissing someone! You cheated on me! How could you?” My eyes start to tear up. James looks defeated and sits down on the bed
“I guess I’m not your type” I laugh sadly “why did you move with me if you were just going to cheat?” James looks up at me
“I… I made a friend over here”
“A friend? Or a boyfriend? God James if you were gay why couldn’t you have just told me? We could have split up on good terms, you could have still moved in with me, but instead you cheat?”
“You were busy and I thought you’d not notice since you and Harry…”
“Are friends!”
“Don’t give me that crap. I see the way you look at him”
“Like what?” I throw my hands in the air
“You like him”
“He’s a friend, and actually a friend unlike your version where you kiss and probably do more. You know what I’m done with this conversation. We’re done” I turn and leave our apartment and head over to Harry and Louis’ place.
"Boys suck" I say walking into their place huffing as I sit in between Harry and Louis. The other boys are here also
"Gee thanks" Zayn jokes laughing, but once he sees my face he stops
"What's happened?" Harry asks frowning
“I just found out that my boyfriend would rather kiss his friends than me. His male friends by the way”
“He’s gay?”
“I think so. Maybe? I don’t care if he is, I care that cheated on me”
"Are you ok?" Liam asks and I give him a shrug
"I don't know how to feel to be honest. I think l'm pissed off more than anything”
"What a dick" Niall sighs
"I'm sorry YN" Zayn gives me a small smile
"It's ok, but thanks"
"Let's go get ice cream, watch as manny chick flicks as ya like and I'll even let ya paint me nails" Harry says standing up "tha's what girls do innit?"
“What?” I chuckle looking at Harry
"Well if Emma can't be here to cheer you up, then we will become your girlfriends for the night" I give the boys a smile feeling so happy that I have not only the best bandmates, but also best friends.
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pseudophan · 9 months ago
TW for discussion of homophobia.
Hi, Nora! In the spirit of pride month I want to tell the story about how becoming a demon phannie has deprogrammed my bigotry when I was a teen.
I grew up with homophobia being the norm amongst the kids. In my country it was quite precise though, a bit different from what Dan described in BIG. We didn't use "gay" as a synonym for "bad". Boys wouldn't be called gay for crying or liking theater or just being well-behaved. Not in my school at least.
No, there was a clear-cut definition that gays were only the boys who liked boys. But if you fit that definition, if someone knew you fit that definition, then god help you. You would be constantly mocked, bullied and beat up at school. The headmaster would call your parents and tell them to fix their broken little pervert. Your parents reaction could fall anywhere from a stern talk and calling you a disgrace to a beating and sending you to a military type boarding school. Treating a teen this way was perceived as completely normal. Nowadays the kids have thankfully become way more accepting despite our governments best efforts. But now you can also add a visit to the police station to the pile.
Sapphics just didn't exist, as always. That's why when I told my friends "I genuinely think boobs are more attractive than dicks - they are more esthetically pleasing to look at" the only reaction I got was confused laughter and strange looks. No, I did not realize what that said about me back then. It was just foreshadowing.
I remember my parents occasionally saying that it's a sickness and shouldn't be allowed to be demonstrated in any way. Peppering it with the usual "they can do whatever they want behind closed doors". And if people got beat up on the streets for being gay...well they just brought that on themselves by flaunting their sexuality, didn't they?
I lived with that worldview until I was 15 or 16.
Then I started finding out that some famous people were gay. But it only got me to the point of "I like his art, so I won't stop consuming it, despite him being gay". In my mind if you were gay and wanted people to tolerate your existence, you had to be talented in order to justify it. And have the decency to not act gay in public. Yeah, I know, bare with me.
When I found Dan's channel in 2015 I instantly fell in love with his videos. Soon I also started watching Phil and then the gaming channel.
My gaydar was non-existent at the time and, ironically, I was conditioned into thinking that gay people just like to announce that they're gay to everyone. So, since Dan and Phil never did, I just took their word for it. For almost a year I just enjoyed watching their content without a second thought.
Then one day I saw the compilations. The radio show clips. The old videos. That was all it took really. My brain couldn't compute, couldn't connect the "sick perversion" I heard so much about to what I was seeing on my screen. It wasn't unnatural, or disgusting or deliberately demonstrative.  It was fucking beautiful. They simply couldn't help being extremely adorable.
Starting from that day the thought "keep it to yourselves" never occurred to me. I just wanted to be a fly on the wall.
I never dared to write fanfiction or make compilations or, god forbid, directly ask one of them in a qna. I was happy to just lurk and snort that yaoi cocaine in silence.
In hindsight, Dan and Phil were the reason I didn't instantly hate myself after having the first crush on a girl and realizing I was bi in 2018.
Later I got into breadtube and realized just how insane and baseless all those conservative talking points were. But DnP were the sole reason I left that eco-chamber in the first place.
So thank you to Dan and Phil and thank you to all fellow demons 💜
fujoshi-ism saves lives is the thing
no but isn't it odd the way things work out.. the fact that dan and phil were able to help you like that is amazing, and also it's very funny that they did it through the power of rpf
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discocandles · 1 year ago
Anytime I think about Steve, Eddie, Chrissy or Robin as famous musicians, I have to hold myself back from adding a shit ton of Lady Gaga references.
Like in the 2010s Lady Gaga appeared for an mtv music award show as this rugged, unkept greaser type character she made up named jo calderone. He's kinda known as "Lady Gaga's boyfriend that is also lady Gaga in drag". Steve Harrington, teen popstar trying to get away from his overbearing label would show up to the red carpet in drag as Amanda Miller, the girlfriend his label chose for him. She is dressed how they have their other popstar darling, Chrissy Cunningham dress. Amanda Miller later shows up in one of his music videos after he leaves the label. Both appearances of Amanda Miller cause mass bi panic online.
Speaking of fellow teen popstar Chrissy Cunningham, she starts openly thanking God and the Gays for the successes in her career. The label hates it, but they deal or else she's not gonna thank God either, causing problems with her religious fanbase(the impact of only letting her make ultra clean love songs for years). Also the idea of Chrissy disrespecting the interviewers who disrespect her is so healing. Think about it. Like yeah she ate that guy's script, and she'd do it again if he asks about her diet.
For rockstar eddie? So in Lady Gaga's song government hooker there's a spoken bit(not the jfk line the "back up and turn around" one). Those lines are spoken by Gaga's bodyguard Pete, who has a very thick Dutch accent after Lady gaga suddenly brought the idea that he be the "pervy robot voice" up during production.
Like Eddie would so do this, as I think creating songs gives him a lot of almost maniacal energy. Also for this one, the bodyguard is Italian Steve, but he's Jeff's bodyguard who Eddie's been constantly flirting with. That's perfectly fine by Eddie's actual bodyguard, who needs "a damn second to fucking breathe, you hyperactive bastard".
Indie rock vocalist Robin Buckley would have an album where she sings in like four different languages outside of English like lady Gaga did in born this way. And also sing in other languages fairly often. It's most often in French(like lady Gaga does), but every time Robin starts singing in a language that isn't English, the fans will scramble to figure out what tongue she's singing/speaking in now and what is she saying? What does google translate say she's saying?
There's paparazzi photos of vocalist Robin standing next to Jeff from Corroded Coffin but she's chatting in Italian with... his body guard? Apparently they met as teenagers on a trip abroad and became best friends then pen pals after. But we guess it evens out as robin's makeup artist/one woman glam team was best friends with Eddie in high school? And she won the prom queen tiara that CC wears in their iconic album cover. I dunno, just something that's been haunting my brain.
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wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 1 year ago
SHAMELESS OPINIONS: S7 (cause Mickey's write off hurt and after s5, I watched again from s1 and forced myself to keep watching + no one around me likes Shameless so I need a place to vent)
overall: i actually loved it, had me pretty hooked all throughout
ok, i kind of like s7 Trevor, he's charming, got this lil sassy banter going off, he's cute and nice y'know. I just *HATE* that they so obviously tried to recreate some dynamics he had with Mickey straight away without letting us warmup to him, how can you deepthroat aspects built from 5 seasons into half of one??? No. Sorry. Him settling so quickly into the Gallagher house as if he's spent a decade there, idk. And the patient scene with Ian? foh man, no. 1x09 was special for a reason, and this would've played differently if Ian actually came to Mick if he was still around. They play out so much better as friends or fw/b ig but that deepthroat can't help me see a relationship between them. Not liking s8 Trevor so far, my god. Also his nonchalant attitude towards Monica threw me off. I get it, he's new and doesn't know much, Ian never mentioned her before apparently, but like "she's a lil crazy i can like her" eek, idk. Like almost downplaying his situation with her.
Caleb can suck my ass along with JW and his hate for bisexuals. My bi ass cannot approve. Cheater McCheater my ass. I can almost walk through Ian's ignorance cause for all he knew, Caleb was just gay, and I feel he said the bisexual thing out of frustration and betrayal towards his actions than actual disdain for the orientation, but yes. He was ignorant in his convo with Lip, and so was him anyway. I guess they just didn't know it is a thing. But thing is, I BET YOU ASSES that Caleb is the type of douche to STILL justify his actions even if JW didn't display his hate towards bisexuality in his writing, he just is *that* douchy. At least he motivated Ian to get his job, I'll give him that.
OH MY GOD THE THROUPLE... AND ITS SLOW BURN. it's hard cause you can understand both sides of the situation and it was just a clear issue of misunderstandings and miscommunication... I just wish they could've handled things better because I was really rooting for them. They fucking worked so well, with their little schedules and organization. I have such a fat crush on Isidora it's actually embarrassing. Anyway... I miss their dynamic. They deserved better.
Lip was a dick to Fiona about the Laundromat, but Fiona also just jumps the gut to these impulsive decisions, and I get that if she does ask for opinions, they probably won't agree with her, and it's not like I can blame lip, I mean look at the Club situation, yeah she made profit, but didn't break even, and that where his worry comes from. But at least, if she still approached him, and did it anyway against his say, he can't rub it in her face that this entails a family meeting and she can't just make those decisions without consultation. Overall, Lip was so arrogant and dickish with her, and for what... he couldn't even bring the money he so desperately wanted her to believe he could.
I love Sue. I just love EMT Ian stuff with all my life, idc what it is, I kick my feet cause he's so happy.
I fucking loved Carl and Mr. Luthers dynamic. Such an epic lil duo tbh.
I loved Frank's storyline here fsr 💀💀 it's so silly and he gets his way like always, but idk, I loved seeing his adventures at the shelter, he still remains a POS that's for sure.
I fucking LOVED seeing Debbie this season, I was a little disappointed last season cause there is so much lost potential on her pregnancy journey last time with where she was staying, but I fucking loved her here and putting her scamming skills to the test. Don't love how she ends up treating Neil in s8 cause... Well, I just feel bad for him, but also, if she really wanted to stay true to her convenience relationship, she probably should've stuck it out more so it lasted more, idk. But enough of that, I loved her setting a goal for herself at the end of the season, and I honestly commend Monica for helping her get Franny out of the house, I understand Derek's family's concern but they were so cunty in how they handled things.
Monica's death hit me like a truck... Idk why, there are so many mixed emotions here, she couldn't dare to tell the kids the real reason she was there, and all she wanted was to be there one last time. My heart goes out to her tbh.
Gallavich. Oh dear God. FERAL, FERAL EVERY TIME. it's like receiving crumbs and eating them up like a vacuum, nothing I can say that hasn't already been said... I just... Wow. Fuck. And to know that, after needing Noel for ratings, that this was gonna be the end for them? No, I could throw up. I couldn't imagine watching shameless as it aired with that knowledge in mind. FUCK ME THOSE TWO EPISODES I ATE THEM UUUP. anyway, I'm normal about Gallavich.
Lord bless Etta... my dear soul. 7x11 was vicious for that, my heart crumbled fr. I can see this was all in Fiona's best interest for Etta and stuff... It was just so sad to see.
Lip and Sierra, I don't really know what people's opinions are about Sierra but I kind of liked her? She was sweet, and had traces of boundaries with Lip even if the fucker attempted to break them every now and then. But she was sweet.
Lips second spiral was even harder than the first one to see. Him crashing at Helene's apartment, and she still doesn't seem to grasp that she essentially groomed him, and he's just so devastated still. Fuck.
That ending montage was truly a piece of cinema I tell you. It was beautiful.
I probably have more to say I don't remember but I really liked s7, not on the priority of a constant rewatch, but it was really good...and truly served as the finale it was meant to be. EXCEPT FOR GALLAVICH, holy fuck that would've pained the whole audience.
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ninus9607 · 5 months ago
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3. Mcdreamy & Bar
two weeks later...
I was sitting on a bench in the local park around midday and children were running all over the place. God, I hate kids.��After a week, I finally had a day off from the hospital, meaning I slept at least 8 hours. I had forgotten how good sleep was. After the best sleep of my life, I decided to go for a walk and that's how I ended up here. I thought it would be here quiet and peaceful, the perfect place to relax. But I was wrong about that.
There was a terrible noise everywhere. Children were chasing each other and their parents were trying to calm them down. It's just a horrible mess. I tried to ignore it and pulled out the book that I had wanted to finish reading. But after a while, I gave up. As I got up on my way home, something bumped into me. It almost knocked me down, but somehow I stopped it and didn't fall. With an angry look on my face, I turned to see which kid had bumped into me.
But, when I turned around, I saw a cute little golden puppy with the ball in his mouth, looking at me. As soon as I saw him, my eyes turned into little hearts. I was on my knees next to him, caressing him with my hands.
"Hi puppy, oh my god,  you're so cute and smart and beautiful." I praised him in a baby voice. He kept looking at me and his tail was wagging happily. He threw the ball he had in his mouth at my foot... I think he wanted me to play with him. I probably shouldn't just go and play with a stranger's dog, but who could resist the cutest little dog I've ever seen?
I picked up the ball and threw it just a little bit away from me. The dog ran with such energy and in a moment he was back.
"Such a good boy." My heart is bursting with happiness. I have loved dogs since I was a little girl and this little one is just a darling. All of a sudden, I heard someone screaming, and as I turned towards the sound, I saw a woman looking at me, and as she looked at the dog I saw a relief in her face.  it must be the dog's owner. The dog's owner was a woman, with brown hair. But she was far away and I couldn't see much of her face.
When she came to us, she immediately started to apologize. "Oh my God Max! I've been looking for you everywhere!" she said to the dog, and she put the dog on her collar. "I'm so sorry that Max bothered you, he ran away and I couldn't find him anywhere."
When my eyes met hers bright blue eyes, a shiver ran through me. I stood there as if frozen. But I tried to get something out of myself. "O-h t-hat's not a problem, he's very sweet and playful, but you should keep an eye on him, he might get lost." God, why is this happening to me? Darling, gay panic  Fuck even my brain makes fun of me.
"Yes, I'm not used to looking after a dog, it's my niece's but they're on holiday so I'm looking after him."
"If you ever need any help I'd be happy to help." Am I really just offering to help her? Where did I find the courage?
"Oh, I would love to see you again."  And she winked at me with a big smirk on her face. "Can you gi-" Her phone started beeping. She pulled it out of her pocket, and a little sigh came out of her. "I'm so sorry, I have to go, but I'm sure we'll meet again sometime." And then she left.
I sat on the bench for another half an hour or so, thinking about the strange woman I had just met. Something was different about her, some force attracted me to her and I don't even know her name. And she was definitely my type. She looked like she was about 30 or 35 years old. If someone asked me what my type was, that would be the only answer. 
OLDER! Women or men? Both.
I looked at the clock on my phone. It said it was around 3 pm. I agreed with Meredith that I would visit her at 4 pm, so I had plenty of time, and I didn't want to sit in the park for another hour, so I decided to walk, it's about 40 minutes to Meredith's place. Throughout my entire walk, memories of that woman kept popping into my head, It was quite annoying. I felt like a creep who was obsessed with someone.
By the time I got to the Meredith driveway, it was about 3.45 pm. I knocked on her door, but there was no answer. I have tried it twice more, but still no response. Maybe she's asleep? or dead on the floor. OK, that's enough. I took the key she had hidden under the flower pot. Typical American. I walked down the hall to the living room, but no one was there.
"Mer?" nothing. "Meredith?" still no response "Guys?"
Had no one been home? Not even Izzie? No one? That seems strange to me. Izzie's always home. Then I heard a faint voice, but it was more like a sigh. It came from upstairs. I went upstairs to see what was going on, the closer I got to Meredith's room I think I found out what was going on. I think as a normal person I should probably give her some privacy and I wanted to, but I wanted to make fun of her so I just walked up to the door and was going to knock. But when my hand touched the wood of her door, the door flew open. I saw what was going on in the room.
"Meredith?? and Doc. Shepherd???" I was shocked.
"Doc. Anderson you shouldn't be here," He said quickly and covered them with a blanket. Meredith was on top of him and looking at me embarrassed.
"So McDreamy is your McDreamy? I had no idea you had it in ya."
"It's not what it looks like. I can explain." Meredith said with fear in her voice.
"I don't think it's necessary, but don't worry, I won't judge you, but really, McDreamy?" I started to laugh
Meredith smiled at me, knowing I wouldn't tell anyone. She replied "Oh come on, we call him McDreamy for a reason. Don't say his hair isn't great."
"Well, he's not the worst, but he doesn't have a beard. That's a big minus."
"Hey?! I'm still here?" Derek said.
"Darling not now," I said, pointing at him, and he looked at me with amusement.
"But isn't he a little bit too old for you?" I asked Meredith.
"Says Miss I want to fuck all, who are older than me by at least 10 years?"
"Good point Mer, you got me, okay so, you can go back to whatever you were doing, see you tomorrow at the hospital Mer," I said as I closed the door and went into my house. I think I can say that tomorrow's shift with Derek is going to be interesting. When I got home, I made coffee because I was pretty exhausted and a good cup of coffee solves everything. I sat down on the couch with my coffee and turned on the TV.
There were only some reality shows on TV, it was very unusual to watch American channels on TV. Sometimes I miss the reality shows I used to watch at home. I looked at my phone and realized I had forgotten to call my mom. It's a bit harder to communicate with Europe because of the time difference, but if I remember correctly it should be around noon. So I clicked Wattsap and called her.
The phone call lasted about two hours, and my mother asked me all sorts of questions, especially about work and how I was doing. She was very worried about me, but she knew I could take care of myself. Then she told me about the holiday she was taking with her boyfriend. She sounded happy and I was very happy for her.
After the call ended, I sat down at my desk and checked my emails, because it happened on my first day at work, I really don't underestimate it anymore. But my email inbox was empty, so I guess nothing's wrong. I opened Google and scrolled through some news. Nothing very specific.
After a while, I got bored, so I closed it and thought what should I do, maybe I should go to sleep, but it was too early to go to bed, even though I should go to bed when I have free time, but I don't feel like it. So I came up with a great idea.
I can have a few drinks at the Joe Bar where we went with Izzie and George. Then I can get some sleep. So, I took a quick shower and got dressed up in something nice, and maybe a little bit more revealing. I wear a black dress with a slit. I knew I wasn't the skinniest, but I looked good and that was more important to me.  I ordered an Uber and went to the bar.
I walked into the bar and was surprised to find that it was quite full. I sat down on one of the empty stools at the bar. Joe turned to me and asked me what I wanted to drink. but a strange man joined us and put his hand on my thigh. It was a younger guy, but he was obviously drunk.
"Can I buy you a drink, gorgeous?" His hand was still on my exposed thigh and it wasn't very comfortable.
"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not interested" Probably his drunken brain didn't want to admit that a woman had rejected him, so he still touched me. All of a sudden, a protective arm wrapped around my body at my side.
"I think you have heard that my wife is not interested, so get out of here." My wife? What the fuck is going on? I looked at the woman who called me her wife to protect me from that guy, and to my surprise it was the woman from the park I couldn't stop thinking about. The man muttered a couple of curse words and walked away.
"I hate men who are pushy, even when you say no," she said in an angry tone of voice. But her hand still didn't move from my side.
"Thank you for saving me from him, but I also feel like you are stalking me," I said in a teasing way. But I expected her to just laugh at it, but she surprised me.
"Maybe i am, but let's move on to something more important. I can buy you a drink, darling?" She was looking at me intensely, waiting to see how I'd react. Well, I already knew that I would automatically say yes to her.
"I would be happy if you would," So she ordered us drinks and we sat down together at the next table. Her whole personality enchanted me. She was so charismatic and dominant, and yes, older. She was exactly my type.
"Will you tell me your name then, sweetheart?" Her voice was very hot.
"Amelia" And we shook hands with each other.
"So tell me, what is a beautiful woman like you doing in a bar like this all by herself?" Amelia asked as she took a sip of wine and her eyes kept looking at me. Don't look at me like that. I don't think I can resist you anymore.
And so we spent the whole evening talking, laughing and, above all, flirting. She was very nice and funny, she told me about her family and about her brother who is also a doctor like her. I didn't tell her that I worked in a hospital. I didn't want to tell someone I didn't know very well, although Amelia would be a different case.
As the night went on, I had a few more drinks and that's not a good idea for a cheap stomach. I was a bit drunk and that's not a good combination for me.
"I really enjoyed it Amy, but unfortunately I have to go home and go to bed." I was on my way to my feet, but her hand stopped me.
"You're definitely not going to go alone, I can at least go with you, I want you to be safe."
"No, you don't have to."
"That wasn't a question my dear, I'll take your things and take them with you." And that is what she did.
"Wait a minute, we have to pay, I have a wallet in my pocket."  I stopped her in front of the door but she just smiled at me and said.
"My love, I have already paid for it a long time ago, so you don't need to worry about it."
if I wasn't so drunk, I would definitely argue with her, but she's just awesome. So we left the bar together. I felt safe with her all the way, which was quite difficult for me. When we reached my street, I hugged her to say thank you. She was surprised but hugged me back even though, she was taller than me and it was quite visible.
"Thank you for seeing me off, my house is close by, I'll be safe" I tilted my head up so that I could look into her eyes.
"Okay, you'll be safe from here, I should probably go." Except she didn't move, we stood very close to each other, I could feel her breath. And then I took that step, I don't think I would have done it if I hadn't been drunk. I leaned over to her and kissed her, waiting to see if she was going to move as well. After a while I felt her hands on my body, one of them pulling me even closer to her and the other grabbing the back of my neck.
This woman knows her way around me. Her lips tasted amazing, and I had just experienced the best kiss of my life. When we ran out of breath, we pulled away from each other but she wouldn't let go of me from her grip. My eyes were only on her, trying to find out what she was up to, but before I knew it she was pushing me against the nearest wall and kissing me.
We kissed for a long time. It was indescribable. But she stopped it because she didn't want to use me when I was drunk. How sweet of her. She can use me whenever and wherever and I will be grateful to her.
"Honey, I'm enjoying this very much, but we have to stop because you're drunk and not thinking clearly, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Okay?" She put her hand on my cheek.
I didn't want to stop but she was right, so I just nodded at her. She gave me one last kiss and then turned and walked away. I reached home, I put things on the table in a completely disorganized way. After that, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and changed my clothes into some comfortable pajamas. Still pretty drunk, I set my alarm for work and sat on the bed.
As soon as I had laid myself down on the bed, my mobile phone started to beep.
Unknown person
Good night Len, I really enjoyed today and I can't wait to see you again, sweet dreams                       
Amelia S ♡
I wanted to write back to her, but the exhaustion got the better of me and I fell asleep.
AN: WOW, It was supposed to be a short part, but somehow it turned out to be the longest one also I apologize in advance for my English and grammar. ( my dysgraphia caused it) Also if you have any questions feel free to ask anything. See you at the next part <3
PS: YES BECCA, Addison will be in the next part.
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crimsun-n-clover · 11 months ago
dalia chronicles
i need her so bad dude
like. i don’t. i’m just being weird because i’m bored and she’s my type.
i’ve hit rock fucking bottom. i took all the screenshots of her stuff and all the songs off of them and put them in a playlist. because if i was posting “me <3” to thee most obscure song ever?? i’d want people to go check that shit out. and like. understand me or whatever. but that’s what i would want. i’m being fucking weird about this. i think she’d like the attention but i’d actually rather die than give it to her in this dumbass unstable institutionalized way
i just need her to dm me first ONE TIME. not replying to me posting her stuff on my story. like. replying to literally anything else. to justify my behavior.
i took mickey to a concert a few days back. twas rad. we saw idkhow. i posted about it a little. when i get home and check my instagram?? i see that i posted us at the concert waiting for it to start 5 hours ago. and dalia posted a question submission box to an idkhow song. 5 hours ago.
WHAT ARE THE ODDS. she’s fucking with me. she’s SO fucking with me. just dm me for the love of GOD and stop baiting me with things. even though it’s kinda why im into you in the first place. fuckin whatever man.
this is literal torture but i’m kinda having a good time ngl
today she posted two stories to the song casual by chappell roan and holy. fuck. dude. that song is SO real.
i’ve felt used so much for my looks and reputation and i was fucking fine with it at the time because if that was all i was gonna get then i should just shut up and be grateful. i was so stupid but i was almost happy. it made everything hurt so much more when it was over because honestly? i was fucking bitter. i wanted nothing more than revenge and numbness. i wanted to hurt her back and keep her down before she can try that shit again. teach her a thing or two about what loss means. it’s horrible to be like that, i know. but it was horrible of her to be showing me apartment listings for us while talking to a guy who was actively homophobic toward me. i’m not proud of what i did or who i am, but fuck being the bigger person. i’m three fuckin inches tall and gonna get in your stupid double standard holding brain until you pry me out yourself and admit what you did.
dalia posted herself to that song twice in a thirst trappy way. i want to pick her brain so bad. what happened? are you okay?? you deserve better. you’re interesting and talented and deserve every ounce of attention you crave. i’d be happy to give you some if you’d give me permission. i don’t want to be the problem here. the bits of your personality that i’ve seen have been so intriguing to me. i’m enraptured and i want to know more. it’s not purely physical, but it could be if you want it to.
also. why are you so hot it’s not FAIR and how have the last two girls i’ve been dangerously into posted themselves with a star drawn on their collarbone and made my poor gay brain short circuit?? i’m actually in shock about that one ngl. while the lyric “knee deep in the passenger seat and you’re eating me out, is it casual now?” plays in the background. i hope i die
moving on. ish.
i want to save it but they’re videos and i can’t just paste videos into a notes file like i would with a photo i didn’t want laying around. i didn’t even like the more thirst trappy one because i’m RESPECTFUL. she’s so pretty and i want to drool over her a little. i’m obviously fucking ashamed but if a straight guy did it it would be normal so. whatever. i feel like saving it would be hitting some kind of barrier. dunno what it is but there’s gotta be a limit around here somewhere. or maybe it’s admitting something to myself. that this is a genuine interest but it’s not if i don’t save the video. GOD i hate it here
i feel like i’m objectifying her? like. i’d love for her to objectify me honestly. lick my fucking tongue and get it over with so i can think about it for the rest of my life. she seems to be looking for attention in any way she can get it and that makes me think she would be cool with it. but i don’t want to be that you know? i know how that feels. but i also wouldn’t mind something unserious with her. but i would want more if she wanted more. that’s a fucking LIE i’d want more regardless but i’d take more if i got permission.
i’m kinda sorta maybe the type of person with an avoidant attachment style. something good happens? cool! sounds like bullshit. cash out while i’m high and tuck tail n fucking bolt. i’ll feel like shit about it but if i stick around something bad always happens.
i’m getting. a vibe. that maybe she’s similar. i’m probably just projecting. i don’t know how to describe it, but it feels like everything she does is a wild fucking shot in the dark and then she runs off for a bit until she builds up the courage to do it again. she’ll drop a hint or say something important and then post art and her outfit for a week and do it all over again.
it feels like we’re both testing the water at different times. just “wouldn’t it be cool if. girlfriend? GOODBYE GUYS NICE KNOWING YOU” eventually there’s gonna be an intersection and shit is gonna go DOWN bro. like. added to my lore kind of down. but i think i’m gonna be the one to have to actually make the first move that isn’t liking her stories and i’m gonna blow my fucking brains out. and like five other people will die because of all the suicide pacts i’m a part of.
and then immediately after i get even a DROP of reciprocation i’ll go “damn that’s crazy. fuckin ditto or whatever. i’m leaving the country don’t wait up” OR immediately propose. no in between. i hate it here
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mcl39 · 1 year ago
Trigger warning for homophobia and hate. For your last ask….I also think there is a huge difference in where and when you grew up with how it comes to how you perceive these types of coded words. I grew up in the 80s and 90s in rural America when children in my elementary school played a playground game called “Smear the Queer” and said you would go to hell for being gay. I remember the death of Mathew Shepard at the hands of hateful people crying gay panic and being told if you were gay you would die from AIDS and that HIV was Gods punishment. I remember hearing the word queer and twink and faggot being said with hate and derision. I remember being told twink was short for “twinkee” because a twink was “young, dumb, and full of cum”. I remember a limp wrist gesture being a deadly insult to the boys in my school. It took me many many many years to even admit to myself I was gay. I still don’t talk about myself or my partner with the people I work with cause even now I just feel like you never know who is hateful. I can’t imagine someone openly yelling out a gay slur in the street anymore, but I can imagine not getting a promotion at work. I feel very disconnected from the current generation and their use of gay coded language which my whole childhood was used with such hurt. It’s like homophobia went from what I experienced in my youth of being open and in you face to being all these coded cutesy terms. It sure feels like all the same insinuations are all still there just coded differently. Or maybe I’m just old and out of touch and letting my experiences color how I see things now. It’s even hard for me today to accept the reclamation of the word queer by the lgbtq+ community so I know my experience color my perception of thing.
no i think ur absolutely right. its not that ur old and out of touch, i think its that the younger generation is naive and overly comfortable. i have not had an experience nearly as intense as you in my childhood but i think growing up in quite a heavily homophobic country like romania and then moving to the uk was still quite a big culture shock to me. i kind of had the idea as a teen that romania as a whole is a homophobic culture and the west just isn't to that level (mostly out of jealousy for the things i was seeing on the internet lmao) and that perception deffo changed since ive been living here. essentially what i realised was that (especially) men were almost as shitty to women and gay people in the uk as they were back home, just way more covertly, because they knew how to say all the right things. so the only consequence of this for me personally was just that in the uk i am more likely to be negatively surprised by someone who i thought was chill, whereas in romania i was more likely to b positively surprised by someone who seemed like theyd have a horrible reaction to me coming out. but as far as i can tell british people themselves dont clock this at all, and a lot of them will just assume that if theres no overt discrimination happening then theres no discrimination at all. which is kinda scary from my pov but again, like u, idk whether to feel like im just reacting to my own circumstances and projecting
so to bring this back to what u said anon, i too am just naturally suspicious of stuff that seems inocuous in current western pop culture, which is why i too am so weirdly bothered by this new 'mctwink' thing and the greater trend that the portmanteau is a part of. even in terms of the reclaiming of 'queer', which is such a hotly debated topic that its become associated with a lot of other lgbt in-fighting, having been on the internet and in academic spaces enough to witness the sanitisation of the word 'queer' has been quite jarring if im being honest. in an academic space to me it feels like a euphemism with the same vibe as 'differently abled' instead of disabled and 'fluffy / huggable' instead of fat, where the word is said by cishet ppl not out of a genuine care for the community its meant to represent but rather out of a fear of accidentally saying smth wrong by calling the thing what it is (in this case, gay). people are still so goddamn afraid of the word gay in super progressive english humanities academia and its actually quite funny like thats the ONE word no one minds u using but bc YOU have ur own biases to unpack u think its a bad word, ykwim? anyways. this is a lot of digressions
i think there is a point where we have to accept that language changes. im very anti prescriptivist in that i think we should embrace linguistic evolutions and neologisms and all that bc like at the end of the day we don't make the rules, the zeitgeist does. and i worry that holding on to certain meanings and connotations of words after the words kind of stop carrying them is dangerously close to ppl who insist on using slurs or derogatory language because 'when i was young it didnt used to be an insult'. like i used to treat the usage of 'queer' exclusively as derogatory because of its history but at some point i had to look within myself and accept that the ppl whose classes im taking and whose books im reading are NOT using the word as a slur so i should not assume that to be their intent. which ik is a hard pill to swallow - especially hard for someone like u, anon, who also has trauma surrounding those words. idk i think the lgbt & academic communities shouldve been a lot kinder in that specific transition but whats done is done now i guess
so yeah. now we reach the silly little fandom squabble that's really only a tiny fraction of this bigger cultural issue. but as discussed before i DO think people are using these new tiktok terms as well as the repopularisation of the word twink in a secretly kind of derogatory way, maybe even subconsciously. and i do think straight but maybe not entirely masculine people like lando and oscar are somehow the target of that homophobia, but they r not the victim of it. there just is a sort of fetishisation and derision that happens in the process of calling them twinks that has subtle but real repercussions in the wider cultural environment. and to real gay ppl. 🥴 fun stuff
Tumblr media
and re: this i think again this is a complicated distinction to make. mostly because this website rly does host the lgbt community in the way that a tiktok algorithm thinking ur gay and shoving other random gay ppl in ur face just doesnt. but bc of the fact that this is a curated community AND bc of the relative decay of tumblr, we tend to think that our community is disconnected from the most, when time and time again 2 or 3 years later the discourse on this website ends up rehashed on more popular social media to varying degrees of bastardisation. so yes obviously part of the thin line ur talking abt is stuff like the idea of lando or oscar actually seeing the things ppl call them, but at the same time it's not like we get away scot free with doing whatever. in the way that in 2019 f1 shipping and rpf were an isolated niche thing and now the formula 1 twitter account is tweeting on main about 'lestappen' even using that specific portmanteau. see what i mean? which is y im complaining on here abt the twinklaren situation, even though on twitter it doesn't seem nearly as prevalent, because i know it's gonna catch up at some point
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my-boy-squiggle-roy · 2 years ago
hello my fucked-up lovelies. here’s my pre-watch masterpost of osmosis knowledge so you have the most entertaining comprehension of my Live Cyrus Reaction 🫡
what the fuck is a succession
so like there’s The Roy’s and they’re Business People (the children by force probably) and their dad is the Main Bitch of the company who is inevitably gonna go six feet under (in light of… recent events HSHDJDJ) and so the siblings are fighting for their goddamn lives to be his Successor. I Think. and the whole family dynamic is super fucked and manipulative and their father is abusive as hell and the siblings know deep down that all they have is each other in the face of this asshole who has pinned their lives against one another for the sake of his own. probably. idk i’ve treaded into speculation so back on track. business family. there’s gonna be a successor. that’s all i really know plot-wise
these are the bitches i know exist by name. if there’s a main character on here i didn’t list, it’s because i do not know them as part of The Crew yet. here’s what i know about them.
Kendall Roy
not beating the bojack horseman allegations (almost killed himself in a pool and has substance abuse issues i think)
his boy squiggle cooked up some sick beats
i think he might be the oldest of the siblings?
he’s just Ken (i think he goes by Ken mostly and not Kendall)
seems exhausted as hell and on his last thread
Shiv Roy
uh hi for the love of god hello twirls hair around finger
probably gaslights gatekeeps girlbosses
like i don’t really keep up with taylor swift but i feel like there’s a lot of edits of her to The Man
married to some guy
i feel like i vaguely remember hearing that her sex life sucked with some guy
very clean cut no bullshit type of person and like she probably has to try twice as hard as her brothers for recognition but idk maybe logan believes in equality and hates them just as much
Roman Roy
sent a dick pic to his dad during a business meeting
am i imagining him being called a pathetic little worm for subconscious personal reasons or did that happen
says the most out of pocket shit in the whole show i think
is regularly called derogatory gay terms (of course by myself but also the actual characters i think)
has hella sexual trauma
was physically abused by logan
girl. the inferiority complex in this mf.
just a complete little shit
Logan Roy
primary source of trauma
just your typical like. old white man capitalistic bitch but there’s no charisma or anything he’s just There
well. he was there.
apparently he is that Some Guy that shiv married i genuinely only knew him as some weird abusive homosexual counterpart to greg until a few days ago
that’s literally all i’ve got
oh he also works at The Business
i literally have no clue what this man’s deal is but i’m so intrigued by his expressions he looks like an italian greyhound
he’s really fucking tall so scenes with him and other people in it have to be shot a certain way which is so fucking funny
he comes as an accessory with tom idk
can say with a decent amount of confidence that i don’t think he’s a super bright character intelligence-wise
also works at The Business
Connor (Roy?)
cousin to the siblings
he’s like overlooked a shit ton by logan bc he’s not like. a Real Roy i don’t fucking know
apparently got married recently. good for him. (unless a certain event uh interrupted the completion of that marriage)
i don’t think i know anything else whatsoever
i’ve been told she exists
alright! now you’ve obtained my succession headspace and are set to laugh at my naïveté. go forth 🫡
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vintagepresley · 1 year ago
Don’t feel pressured to post this
It baffles me how people used to be and still get so angry about gay,bi,lesbian people. Like if a person loves someone who happens to be the same sex as them… so what? Im a Christian and it breaks my heart when I hear how gay people were told they would go to hell by ‘Christians’ and I quote Christian’s because Christian’s are supposed to be respectful and not spread hate. And racism, there are still so many racists that have so much hate in them, it’s disgusting and disturbing. I first learnt about slavery and racism when I was 11-12 in school and then I did some other research at home and I remember being so horrified and disgusted at slave owners that inflicted so much pain onto black people. Simply because of their skin colour, something that no one can control. It disgusts me how people could and can have so much hate to want to torture a group of people because of their skin colour. And so many non black people ignore the history of black people. I see non black people doing braids that are cultural to black people. Like I know black hair is stunning (and I adore black hairstyles. They’re so beautiful I love the dedication they all put into it) but people seem to ignore that is has a history. this is from what I’ve learnt. Please tell me if I’m missing something! -braids are a protective hairstyle for their type of hair. Black people naturally have curly hair and it comes in different textures and sizes. Black people and white people have different hair types. It will damage white people’s hair. - black slaves would not be given food, so they would hide it in their hair so they could survive. It also breaks my heart when I see black people wishing they were white, only because they’ve been made fun of for being black and have therefore become ashamed of it, or picked on for their ethinical features. One of my best friends was upset because she was made fun of. And I hate the people that make them feel that way. Black people are beautiful, their cultures are beautiful. Whenever I listen to black Artists, I cry a lot of the time because you can always feel the emotion in their voices. I love gospel music. And don’t even get me started on the food, black people make the most exquisite food.
And racists go about their day hating black people, whist using things that black people invented.
it also makes me laugh how (mostly) men were so angry about elvis when he started out. How tf was he vulgar. They’d have a heart attack if they saw what happens now lol.
WHEW.. This was a lot. So I’m going to answer it in sections, lol. But I agree with everything you’ve said.
I’m going to be completely transparent. I grew up Christian and to be honest the church was just never for me. That sort of religion and way of thinking. I’m a spiritual person but in others ways. Because being apart of the LGBT myself and someone who isn’t completely out. I’ve always just had a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to Christians. They preach one thing but behave another when someone is different from them. It’s not all of them. There are people like you who are open minded and who do accept people as they say God wants you to. But there’s a lot who aren’t that nice. Who are judgement or find the LGBT evil or say it’s a sin. (My mom is one of those people and that’s why I haven’t come out to her.) but then you have these annoying ass born again Christians who suddenly have so much hate to spew. One of my best friends (who I no longer consider my best friend) has become this way. She’s so judgement and so worried that the LGBT are influencing her kids because omg they have pride stuff at target. Like ain’t nobody worried about your damn kids. You should be protecting your kids from actual predators not the LGBT. Then we almost got into an argument because shes like “I can’t understand why the LGBT has to be so out like why can’t they just stay in the closet and do what they do instead of letting us all know.” And I’m like huh?????? So naturally I’m like okay why don’t you STRAIGHTS keep what you do in the closet so the rest of us don’t have to know. Like what kind of shit??? Sorry, I’m ranting. But that’s how I feel about that. Now I’m not against religion or anything, it’s just not for me. Because I can’t take the hypocrisy within the church. But I am friends with people who are religious but don’t have those hateful views which is great!
The racism is a whole other thing. But that’s just something that’s never gonna change. Racism is taught. People who are racist will continue to teach their children to be the same way and so on. It’s sad. Yeah, white people and the braids.. there was this girl on TikTok who had gotten box braids and she was white and many people told her not to do it because it will mess up her hair. Then she was going off on people just for her to take them out and have to cut half her hair off because the braids fucked them up. Like those protective styles are not for your hair and I wish they would stop trying to argue otherwise. It’s sad that people do make fun of black people for their hair and making people feel terrible and wishing they were a different race. When there’s nothing wrong with our hair. I’m sorry that happened to your friend.
I get that because when I was younger I wished I was too because my hair was so unmanageable and I hated that I couldn’t look like other people because my hair was just a different texture. But eventually you do grow to love your hair and see that there are so many things we can do with our hair. It just takes people time to realize that. I know it took me time to also realize that. Now I’ve got dreadlocks. (Which are taking forever to grow 😭)
But what also makes me upset is the hate within our community and how we treat each other. Because it’s not just white people or whoever that make fun of black people. Sometimes it’s your own damn people. I speak from experience. So, I’m lightskin but I’m fully black. But growing up of course I had other black people make comments on how I talk, the music I listen to and just my skin. Black people come in all sorts of colors. Doesn’t make us any less black. I don’t understand why if you do something that’s not “typically black” then “oh, you’re a white girl” or make comments about you wanting to be being white. Even how I talk and I notice this with other black people who’ve said people in our community make fun of how some may talk. I feel like there’s such a big stereotype that we are supposed to talk a certain way just because we’re black. Like no, depending on where you grew up I feel like you just adapt to talking that way. I don’t understand this “You talk white” because I speak clearly?? Why are we conforming to these stereotypes that black people just talk “ghetto” or “hood”. Like don’t let people make you think you’re only supposed to talk one way because society says so.
It just annoys me and I’m so glad to see other black people speak up about the fact that this happens so often in our community if a black person may talk differently, may listen to music that isn’t rap or r&b and how we get shamed for it or called white for it. Make it make sense??
Nothing ANNOYS ME MORE than when racists hate black people so much but the love the culture, the music, the slang, the hairstyles. But then can’t stand us, lol. PLEASE MAKE THAT MAKE SENSE.
Lmao yeah, the fact that men were so mad about Elvis but today is much worse. 😂
Anyway.. sorry this was crazy long and I kinda went on a rant that probably didn’t even hit all your points. This is just something that’s always bothered me between the LGBT and Christian’s and racism/hate in both in and out of the black community.
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tearitar · 4 days ago
I was a couple of episode behind but I have now finished up to Ep 5 Trojan's Horse. I still have to watch ep 6 but I'm gonna pause for a second to get my thoughts out:
(spoilers up until ep 5 obvs.)
first of all
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa heeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
helena you beautiful sicko i support women's wrongs very wrongs huge wrongs catastrophic wrongs. she should not be redeemed in any way but wow helena, to peek inside that head of yours and see the bugs and rot in there, i would love to do that. put you on a little table and dissect you.
"helly is not cruel" *proceeds to waterboard helena* gay rights. direct action against your boss. irving for gay and worker's rights.
the way innie mark shuts down, gets mad, lashes out. has to confront helly, who wears the face of his rapist lmao. god this show. im eating it. it's so ugly im enjoying myself.
thinking about it again, i was like "wow this sex scene is kinda sinister", and that was without irving about to freeze to death.
speak of. the entire episode of Woe's Hollow was scary!!!!! it was almost too scary. for me.
when i watch these types of shows im mostly head free of conspiracy theories so when the helena reveal happened i was like "damn that's so fucked up". the first episode was where i was at my strongest "THAT AIN'T HELLY" then i just sorta was like "it could be helly??"
my god, helena-all-along.
the check in with nat and [big guy who i cant remember the name of]. helena saying they were animals...! she doth protest too much. (I MEAN... THEY ALL KNOW SHE FUCKED MARK?????? i would hate to have a pregnancy storyline and i think this show is too smart for that tbh.)
milchick. that white winter fit. ridiculous. great slap back with mark in the elevator. every time milchick shows teeth it's great. im scared for him.
miss huang. what more can i say. i love a smart malicious little child who still pouts about not being able to play her theremin funeral dirge. she's practiced!!! let her cook!!
dylan makes me so sad lmao. stubborn loyalty to family ties. i was so... annoyed/anxious about the rift milchick was creating to separate dylan from the others but i think we are ok now. we are back into ok territory. i am supposed to be upset about this, as a viewer. (calm) this is literally how union busting works.
ricken the sell out. boo. u__u
i feel like i should bring up the milchick and nat moment but what more can i say lol
end of ep 5: yes. adam scott is a great actor. hate to be the one to say this but maybe get him the nom. they are all good actors. im not saying anything revolutionary but i hope this show gets awards and thrives.
Oh! And I have been listening to the podcast and it is terribly charming. I'm kinda pleased and charmed with how Dan Erikson got his script out. like. good for him!! truly. im so happy to be enjoying his work under ben stiller's direction. like. wow.
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olderjodijournals · 11 days ago
Tuesday, August 3, 1993
I have so much amazing stuff to write about that’s almost impossible to believe.
Just when I thought that moving to Phoenix, becoming a dancer and being topless in a G-string in a citywide magazine was shocking, wait till I update the latest news. Two major, and I mean major, things that I never thought could or would happen. One is that I’m not only falling in love with Tom, but I’m also gonna be moving in here at his house on September 1st. We’ve had oral sex and I don’t regret it at all. Never ever could I hang out with someone for days, let alone hours and feel so comfortable. I never get bored or feel smothered. Our feelings are also mutual. I thank God so much, just like with the dancing. I see him like I see the dancing. It’s not my dream of being a singer, but it’s not housekeeping or something I hate. Yes, I’m gay and the bottom line doesn’t change as to who and what I am and what I want. Just like if a black person painted their skin white, they’re still black. He’s an acceptable settlement but isn’t a settlement. He has a million great qualities that are hard to really describe, but one where you just know in your heart that it’s a good one and a right one. There have been several people who’ve had qualities in them that I’ve realized were right for me, regardless of what they thought of me, but he has more than all these people put together. I guess I can say that we’re mostly in a relationship. I never thought you could spend so much time with someone you’ve slept with but we’re doing it. I always thought you had to be 100% alike, too. We’re 50/50 and Tom described us perfectly. He said I bring a little wildness into his life while he brings calmness into mine. He’s incredibly sensitive and gentle for a guy. He’s never tried to force me into anything personally or sexually. He understands that I’m too small to be penetrated and he’s huge. Definitely bigger than most guys. Like 8”. He’s very smart with lots of different skills. He even plays instruments. He listens and remembers things I say and doesn’t try to change me. I can totally be myself. He’s very open-minded and I could go on and on forever with wonderful things about him. I am very lucky. I think that if Tammy knew him like I do, she’d rather him over Bill. Lookswise he’s her type. He’s 36 even though he looks 41 and is 5’ 10”, 210 pounds. I can’t say there’s no lust at all, cuz there is. He has gorgeous eyes. I just met his friend Wendy and he’s better looking than she is. And yes, I mean it and that’s coming from a gay woman.
It’s hard to believe Wendy was once a dancer, but she was. They work together at American Express and she’s on break, so she oughta be leaving soon.
I really see Tom and I being close forever and us always getting along. If not, oh well. I don’t believe he’ll turn out to be a Scott M. No fucking way! He’s always trying to make sure I’m comfortable and he said that I could always move out if I didn’t like living here. I know he’d never put up a fight with me if I decided to move out. Yes, it’s fast, but I’m not going crazy, so it must really feel right and be mutual as it is. There are a lot of benefits to us living together which I’ll get into another time.
Tammy knows what’s going on between us but our parents don’t. They’ll surely shit their pants, but I couldn’t care less as I’m 27 years old. They’ll get over it, but it’ll hit Ma harder than it’ll hit Dad. I’ll expand more on the subject another time. I just wanted to put a dent in the major stuff, since I haven’t had time to write too much.
Boy, do I still have lots and lots of updating. I’m moving in here on Sep 1st. Tammy, Tom and I spoke yesterday and Tammy hopes it’ll work out. She did tell Tom, though, that she’ll shoot him from CT if he fucks me over. I’m thankful she’s a concerned protective sister, but I wish she knew Tom like I do. She’d be amazed and much more relieved. I understand that it’ll take both Tammy and Andy time to see if things will work out, but if they don’t, there’s money set aside so I can go back out on my own if I need to or want to. My parents will shit, but that’s their problem. I’m not even gonna offer too much explanation for a while, just give them my address and phone number. I��ll be giving Tom $300 a month and that’ll cover rent, utilities, food, and most stuff. Long-distance calls I’ll pay for, cuz you know me and the phone. The phone will remain in his name, but the stuff I have will be added to the line. He only has a basic line, but we’ll add 3-way, call waiting, voice messaging, and Caller ID.
There’s a long room in the back of the house where his brother’s pool table is. That’ll be gone soon and all the computers will be moved in there. Right now they’re in the master bedroom which will be mine. Tom says that’ll be considered my domain and going there will be like visiting me at my own place. I told him, though, that he’s welcome to go in and use anything he may need if I’m not around, but just to tell me. He said that’d be fine. Also, I can sleep wherever I feel comfortable. His bed or mine, but I can’t sleep with him on nights I have to work, cuz I’m such a light sleeper. Whenever he moves or snores, I wake up.
The good thing about it is that he understands and wants me to feel comfortable and happy. He wouldn’t pressure me either way. I know there have been others who I’ve thought would never turn bad on me, but for some reason, this feels different. If things did go bad, then that’s just life. I’d deal with it and move out and on with my life. We’ll stick my bed in my room along with my stereo, TV, clothes and personal stuff like my journals and jewelry and stuff like that.
He should be back from Jack-n-the-Box any minute, thank God. I’m starving! Our living together will also help us financially. Both of us will have extra spending money. I’d really like a dresser or two for underwear, shorts and small stuff like that like I had back east.
I just took a break to go eat and I sure feel better now.
Anyway, as I was saying, my couch will probably go in that long back room, but most of my furniture like my plastic stackable shelves will go in my room. It’s a good size room, too, bigger than the master bedroom in my apartment Wall decorations and knickknacks will go all over the place, cuz Tom says he doesn’t mind. This place needs color added to it. Little by little I’ll bring it to life and we’ll get stuff. Stuff like a portable dishwasher till the kitchen’s remodeled, and eventually I still want that binding system so I can do all my journal stuff on the computer.
Tom just read what I’ve updated so far and now he’s playing the keyboard. He’s pretty good, but man am I rusty! It’s a nice keyboard with keys that are the perfect size for me, but too small for him. That’s about all there is to say right now as far as Tom and I and the move are concerned, except that Bob, Kim, Fran and Nervous will no doubt think I’m kidding at first.
Work at the Excalibur is going great and I think it’s the best club of all the ones I’ve worked at. The girls there are cool and the money’s great. Especially on weekends. I’ve gotten some nice new costumes, too. I’ll surely have extra money for it.
All I’ll have to worry about is paying Sprint and the rent. US West and APS are gonna owe me. I know for sure that my deposit to APS was $150 and I think it was the same for US West and my rent deposit. My US West bill was $62, so they’ll take that out of my deposit. APS will take whatever my last bill is out of the $150. So financially things will be easier than ever.
I’m only working the weekends and Wednesdays, but that’s plenty with my living here. It’ll be great not to have to worry about cab fare as much and even if Tom’s not around it still won’t be nearly as much to get to work. Wednesdays there are only so-so anyway, but weekends are great.
And now for the funniest news of all. I think I mentioned before how Andy and I made a call to Andrea where she works and I taped it. It was quite funny. Andy called Stacey which was funny too, but I didn’t talk. I’ve begun editing them, but anyway, there was a knock on my door the next morning around 11:00. I didn’t answer it, cuz I had no idea who the hell it was and it had just woken me up. The same knock came around 7:00 that evening, but I was too busy watching TV to care enough to open the door.
Later, as I was on my way out, the guys next door said it was a sheriff. Oh, shit! was all I could think. I had a feeling right away that it was tied to Andi. Especially by the way she sounded over the phone. So Tom was with me when the constable came to serve me the papers. It was a hearing to try to get an injunction against me which is the same as a restraining order. A paper saying I can’t contact her in any way. I was afraid I’d be in big trouble and have to go to trial, but Tom said not to worry. Well, he was right, but I’ll get to that.
We went to court on July 30th, and guess who was with Andi? Sweet little old Stacey. I thought she might come along for the ride, but figured it wasn’t really her place to as the beef was with Andi and I. However, I did send her a letter from Bob to Kim and she hates me and would do anything to see me in hot water. Leave it to her and Andi to team up against me. But if it were me who had a problem with someone, whether or not they lived there she’d say, “Sorry Jodi, but I can’t help you or get involved. It’s a matter between you and whoever.”
Anyway, they were 100% sure they’d fry my ass in court and they looked so confident. We waited almost an hour and I kept wanting to leave, but finally, we went into a courtroom with a judge (male), the stenography lady, Andi, Stacey, Tom and myself. From there it was great. The judge kept asking her how she was sure it was me harassing her. How he saw no sufficient evidence. How even if he thought I was guilty, the case was still a joke. Andi had all my letters and magazine subscriptions. Her tax thing, too. I simply said I knew nothing about it, didn’t know her last name or where she worked till I got the papers served.
I brought in the Scott-related letter and showed it to the judge, saying I felt she sent it to me (another small favor from Scott).
They both also lied through their teeth. Andi said I was calling her at home yet I don’t even know the number cuz she changed it. She said I tried getting credit in her name with her SS number which I never had to begin with.
Stacey lied about shit I never did at the VV and other little things here and there. I could’ve laid Stacey’s ass big time for not only refusing packages in other people’s names but for giving Andi information illegally about me. Like where I used to work and other shit she pulled while I lived there. So they both lied and brought up shit that had no bearing on the case, but they tried really hard with everything and anything. But despite their efforts, the judge ruled in my favor that there was no way an injunction was gonna be filed against me.
You never saw such a look of embarrassment and humiliation and frustration as I saw on both their faces! What a slap in the face and a blow to the head and their egos to lose a case against me! I think they’d rather have their clothes fall off in public! How shaming it must’ve been for Stacey to go back and tell everyone she lost, but a thought just hit me. I don’t think she could do that, so knowing her she lied and said I lost. I’m sure she told just about everyone there, too. It’s just so fucking funny and Andy was cracking up when I told him. He says he’d love to call her up and laugh at her, even though he won’t. Me too.
Sunday, August 8, 1993
I gave my 30-day notice to move last week. I am really looking forward to it, and each time I hang out with Tom the surer I am that things will work out. I’m so fucking sick of apartments, and the people next door are so unpredictable. Sometimes they’re quiet and other times they won’t shut up. If it isn’t their music, it’s their company going in and out and bopping all around. They’re cool about it when I bitch at them, but I get sick of constantly having to remind them to shut up. It’ll be great not to have to deal with the parking lot noise and there won’t be as much noise from kids. The people next door to the house have kids and dogs, but you don’t hear the kids as much as at the apartments
When I was in the office the other day, Dan mentioned seeing my picture in The Beat. Keri did show him, I guess. I gave her the number over here, but who knows if we’ll ever get together? We’ll see.
K.D. Lang gave me Joanne’s number and she gave her mine. She called me once and she sounded ok, but who knows when and if we’ll get together either? It’ll be a matter of timing, cuz she’s a day person. She was once married and has an 11-year-old son. She says she’s gay and totally feminine.
At work, there was this half-and-half that liked me and I gave her my number. I sort of hope she does not call, cuz she seemed weird. Why I gave her my number beats me, so depending on how the conversation goes if she calls, I may play with her head.
Work’s still ok and now I’m really glad the Candy Store and Favors didn’t work out. There are two girls there that I knew before from other clubs. Also, Jade’s there who I knew from the Mile High. She left for the same reasons I did. All the girls there seem really cool so far.
I still haven’t dropped the bomb on my parents yet about Tom and I and about my moving in here. However, the new address and phone number are on their anniversary card. I began a letter to them which I’ll finish soon. Tammy and Andy know what’s going on.
Andy thinks it’s wrong and that I’m copping out as far as women go. There’s nothing to cop out of. If I could get women, I’d be with them. I just told Andy to bear in mind that if I met a woman and we were both turned on by each other, I’d go for it. Tom’s no substitute or an all-out settlement either, otherwise I’d continue to be alone. Whatever happens tomorrow, happens. Right now (today) I’m happy and that’s all that really matters.
Tom didn’t hesitate to tell me on his own that he too, believes I’ll always be gay and for me to not pass up other opportunities. I wouldn’t. He said that even though I think it’s impossible to get the so-called ultimate, he’d rather let me go and be hurt so I’d be happy. That’s sweet of him and it takes a hell of a person to say that, but right now I’m happy here with him.
Ok, I just had half a cigarette. How the hell am I ever gonna get off these damn things? My lungs are shitty according to the x-rays at the doctor’s. Tom said he’ll check to see what’s currently available for quitting smoking. The things I’ve tried didn’t get me very far.
I’ve sent several letters that I’ve done on the computer. I’ve been having a field day with this thing.
I spoke to Dad a few days ago and he and Ma were in an ok mood. Ma yelled from another room to say hi to me. I asked if he got the Beat picture and he said yes and that it was different.
Maybe Tammy mentioned Tom to them, cuz I said my expenses were about to be cut from $1,000 a month to $300 and got no questions asked. I said there were to be major changes coming up, but that I’ll explain in a letter.
Not much else is going on. Andy and I still have to get together when the timing’s right.
I still have to go to Montgomery/Ward.
Within two weeks, the pool table will be out of here (it’s his brother’s), so I can start moving things in. I’m ready when he is.
I still want to see a dentist and I need my hair trimmed.
We’re gonna get a portable dishwasher, cuz it’ll be some time before the kitchen’s remodeled. Both of us want different things now that we’ll have extra money.
I sent Tam a birthday card with a $30 check.
Wednesday, August 11, 1993
Well, today’s Nervous’s birthday and he’s 53. I met him when he was 44. Or was he 45? It was definitely in the spring of 1987 when we met. The 12th is Fran’s 31st birthday and my asshole parent’s anniversary. It’s 40-something years for them, but who the fuck cares? They’ve really been playing on my nerves too damn much. I’m sick of hearing the same old shit and being asked the same damn questions I’ve already answered 10 million times. I’m tired of them constantly rehashing the past. I get bitched at for moving a lot which is my right as an adult. I didn’t know the city and its different locations as I do now. Then I constantly hear how I should’ve stayed at the VV where I can afford it. I’ve already told them over and over why I left and that I could very well afford to stay at Crystal Creek. I’m leaving there cuz I want to, not cuz I can’t afford it. So tough shit for them if they don’t listen or get anything I say. I don’t even want to bother with them and if Ma calls with her same old sad story, she can go to hell.
Andy was finally over here at the house and he didn’t hate it as much as I thought he would. He does agree, though, that this place needs some work.
I was showing him stuff on the computer cuz he applied for a job at the phone co. He took my electric typewriter to practice typing. I also gave him a copy of The Beat.
He was here for an hour, then took off. He has to get up at 5:30, the poor guy. He wants more and more to be a night person again.
Once I get moved in here, I’m really gonna whip my voice back into shape. Boy, does it need it. It’s shot.
I am playing edits now on his stereo as I discovered something pretty funny. He has a pitch control that speeds up or slows down the tape. It’s a riot.
So much for ever being tanned. That sunless tanning lotion caused me to break out in an obnoxious rash. It caused me to have an attack, too. Tom brought me to the ER, then I went to my regular doctor and he gave me an antibiotic.
A few days ago, I spoke to Fran for over an hour. He called me. We also got Andy on the line. We tried getting Nervo on the line, but he cussed us out and hung up. Last night I called Nervo and spoke to Crystal. Man, was she blitzed! Totally the type that Nervous would and could only get. She was weird but funny. She mentioned reading two of my letters and seeing the picture. She said it was beautiful and that she showed everyone. She said she was bi and her brother’s gay and on and on. She wanted me to come in for a visit. I just told her she could write to me and say whatever she wants. She also claims to be a dancer, but I don’t buy that.
Nervous, no doubt won’t be buying the letter I’m fixing to send him either, but that’s ok. I said that Tom and I are getting married and we’re having a baby. I’m telling Fran the same thing.
I never called Cynthia or Joanne, cuz right now I’m happy to just be with Tom and Tom only. I can’t believe how comfortable and happy I feel with this guy, but it’s great. I still never get bored with him or feel smothered. I don’t miss my space, but I still have plenty of that anyway when he’s at work like he is right now. Andy hasn’t met him yet, cuz he got here at 9:00 and Tom had to leave at 7:30. After Tom’s only gone 5 minutes, I miss him. I never thought I could share so much with another person. I never thought I could be with someone like Tom who’s only half like me. He says it’d be boring to have someone just like him.
Most of the time it’s me who initiates the sexual advances and stuff like that. Not that he doesn’t respond, but usually it’s the guy who starts stuff, so this is new to me and a bit strange. He says he doesn’t want to upset me, but I told him at this point he can do whatever he wants and that I’ll tell him if I’m not in the mood.
I know how to start the computer to type a letter, but next, I have to learn how to print it out. I’ve got the basic idea of how to do it, but I still need Tom to guide me through the steps. After I copy from the screen, I know how to delete what I typed. I know how to change the size of the print, too.
I put some of my knickknacks around the house, along with 50 little notes for Tom.
Thursday, August 12, 1993
Work was really dead tonight. I sold a costume for $5 and barely made $15. There were 20 girls there, so Clarence let me and a few others go early.
This girl named Liz who looks a lot like Gloria says she’ll call me Sunday, but I doubt it.
Here are some of the dancer’s names that I can think of off the top of my head: Jessica, Sabrina, Katrina, Kay, Montana, Texas Tea, Cyprus, Rianon, Sammy, Jade, Starr, Maxxx, Candice, Jenny, Tyra, Katiana, Courtney, Brandy, Liz, Tia, Holly, and there are several more.
Because Tom left an hour before me, I took a cab in. I took one home too, at 10:30. The fare’s only $2. After I got in, I realized I did a dumb thing. I forgot ciggies, so I called Pat, the dispatcher at Fairway Taxi. She sent a guy over with a pack and I gave the guy $5.
Steve’s no longer driving. He’s working at some tattoo place now.
When I got home, I went swimming and Tom’s friend Geri called. She and Wendy are very jealous of me, from what I hear. Geri moved to South Dakota and asked if I’d hang up so she could leave a message. She left her number and said not to give it out. Like I’d want it.
Some guy at work gave me 3 scented silk roses which I stuck in the bathroom.
I typed 3 letters up also. Boy, do I love the computer. Wish I could do my journals that way, but I want to keep them all in books, not notebooks or loose pieces of paper.
Tom and I have fooled around 5 times or so now. I feel more and more safe and comfortable with him. We’ve experimented with different positions, besides him going down on me. I love getting my pussy licked and he’s good, too. He even managed to get the tip of his dick in me and he’s huge. Cuz of a woman’s intuition, I’m positive I can’t get pregnant. Even if he could cum inside a lot, I’m sure the DES and other things have me sterile. I’m sure I’d sense it if I could get pregnant. I also believe God knows I’m not destined to be a mother. Tom’s funny about that. He feels I’d be a good mom. Yeah, right. I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Sunday, August 15, 1993
I am sitting outside right now with my feet in the pool. It is beautiful out right now.
I fell asleep at 7:00 this morning and I woke up briefly as Tom was leaving. He went to help his mother get a tape player. I fell back asleep and got up at 4:00. He’s not back yet. If he gets home early enough, Andy is gonna come over so they can meet.
Mary left a message telling me Gloria’s gonna be on channel 8:00 at 9:00.
Monday, August 16, 1993
I am so psyched cuz today I learned so much more on the computer. I can now type my own letters and print them out. It really is a lot of fun.
In other news, Tom and I began to rearrange stuff for me to move in. I won’t be completely moved in till right at the very end of this month, but we’ll be bringing stuff over here little by little.
Tom and I are continuing to get along just fine. Sexually, well, we’re getting there. He’s so incredibly sensitive for a guy and so much fun. That is both in and out of bed. We’re continuing to get to know each other in both areas. Sometimes I wish I was looking to be married and have a kid, cuz I believe he’d be a great husband and father.
I’ve decided to hang up the dancing for a little while as we’re putting together some ideas on the computer. Ideas to sell things. Like computer programs, address label makers and whatever we can think of. My edits, which are called sound bytes in computer language, may be able to be used for stuff like this. For verbal instructions, and that’d sure be different and creative. It may take us a few months to get things rolling, but I can still pay my way and have a bit of money left over for whatever.
It’s just so nice being here with Tom, and when he’s not here I’m always busy doing stuff. I hang out back a lot by the pool and it’s nice.
Getting the place in order will be quite a task, (he’s a slob and he has shit everywhere!) but it’ll be fun. We also work so well with each other. We don’t fight like me and Andy would do, cuz Andy and I are so much alike. We tease each other, though. I could never understand people when they said that people that are half alike get along better. Now I know what they mean.
Not much else is going on. I’ve learned other little things here and there, like which switch is for the EC (evaporative cooler) and which is the AC and the heater and how they work. I know how to turn the light on out back over the bench swing and in the pool.
Tom and I do a lot of foreplay and there are things that are different, yet good about him. Most guys like to always stick it in there, cum, and then that’s it. We can both do a lot of foreplay stuff that feels really good, but neither of us cum. Hell, I’ve cum about 6 times so far and he hasn’t. It was so funny how he explained how he is. He said, “I feel really good when we’re together, but if you expect a squirt every time, then you’re gonna be disappointed.”
How weird.
Being gay and so used to women, I didn’t know these things. I’ve had to learn a lot as men and women aren’t the same. Whereas with another woman, it’s different when she’s got the same parts.
Wednesday, August 18, 1993
I have begun a very major project - typing up all my journals. It’ll take time, but it’ll be fun.
Andy may call any minute, but for now, I’ll write.
Tom and I made some changes around here and I got nearly half of my stuff here.
I saw Gloria on the Whoopie Goldberg show last night. She said two things I can really relate to. One is how she has premonitions. Two is how she never thought Emilio would want her as she always thought of him as this very mature guy even though he’s only 4 years older. That’s how I feel about Tom, but he’s 9 years older than me.
If I were brave enough, I’d be thrilled to marry Tom. There’s a part of me that says, go for it! There’ll never be another Tom. And you’re mature enough to take this chance and risk and he isn’t gonna change. The other part tells me all the things that could go wrong if I married him, including the fact that he could go bad, even though I don’t see or feel that happening now.
Well, right now I do know I do love him and he loves me. For both of us, it isn’t just sexual. I hope this continues and I’m also content to just imagine myself with women. I want to act on settling with a woman less and less. Why settle on lust with a woman once a year when there is a degree of lust with Tom and a hell of a personality, that’s one of a kind and totally non-replaceable?
I told him, though, that I can’t marry him and get myself into any legal traps with no easy escape routes. However, if in 5 years or so all continues to go well, who knows?
NOTE: The journal entries between August 18th and October 22nd were lost. Therefore, I’m going to fill in the gaps as best as I can.
It was during this time that I moved out of the Crystal Creek apartment complex and into Tom’s house that his brother moved out of. I moved into the house in early September.
A large Mormon family moved in next door, along with their dog. Their kids and dog got on my nerves at times during the day, what with the houses being so close. When they’d play basketball out front, it’d sound like they may as well have been bouncing the ball off the walls of our house. It could get pretty obnoxious!
This was around the time Tom and I had our worst fight which nearly caused us to break up. It was over Kim, her boyfriend Phil, and their deaf friend Alex from back east. They came to visit. I don’t remember how many days. I think it was for 2-3 days. Kim and Phil slept on a sofa bed in the back room, and Alex slept on the living room couch. Tom was working the third shift during this time and never got to meet any of them.
Throughout most of the daytime, we were out. We went to Sedona and did a variety of things. We shopped, we ate, we went horseback riding, etc. One day we hung out back by the pool.
What set Tom off was that according to him, he couldn’t sleep. I was surprised to hear this what with how heavy a sleeper he seemed to be.
“But you sleep through the kids screaming next door when they come out to play,” I pointed out.
Then he explained to me that the mind still works when you’re asleep, and because he knew the kids would be out and about, he could tune them out and sleep through their noise.
Well, if he could do that, why couldn’t he know I had company and tune them out, too? I think it was because he was jealous and felt left out. Current Location: Arizona
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ecryen-blue · 2 months ago
Days 4-6
Do you know the song "First Time He Kissed a Boy" by Kadie Eller? I do. I found it via its music video way back in middle school, and I remember spending hours watching and re-watching it. I could never really put my finger on why.
For a while, I thought it was because I was one of those disgusting people who fetishize queer people, specifically gay men. Never mind the fact that I was very Ace and very In Middle School With No Real Idea of what Fetishes Were at the time. I hated myself for it.
In hindsight, I'm pretty sure that was my first experience with gender envy/relationship envy because up until that point, I hadn't really seen anything like it. Sure, i was a tumblr kid, I'd seen my fair share of MLM ships, but this...this was different. They were real (well, real enough) people. And one of them looked like how I want to look like - although I didn't know that at the time.
I bring this up because it's been on my mind lately. Unfortunately, I chose kind of an awkward time to try out a new name because I'm spending the last week of my break with my Dad and Grandparents, who I don't feel ready to tell yet. Not that they won't support me - I know for a fact they will, even my grandmother once sat me down and asked if my Asexual flag meant i used different pronouns - I'm just, not ready yet. My friends are the only people who know, and I'm not seeing them again until after the semester starts and I've had one class.
This sucks because I really, really don't want to have to introduce myself as ████████ anymore. It's starting to feel cold, especially when I slip up and use it for myself.
It's getting to the point where my fear of this all being a mistake is almost not even bothering me anymore. I want people to know, I want people to see me this way, i want to be Blue to everyone.
To be honest, I didn't really expect this to cause my gender questioning to resurface. I thought I'd made peace with it. The thing is, I don't think my labels changed either. I'm still agender, and I'm extremely happy to be so. But, as I think about it, especially lately, I don't want people to see me as feminine at all. I want people to mistake me for a man. If I had a partner and we were walking down the street, holding hands, I would want people to think we're a MLM couple. I don't want to be seen as a man, but as masculine.
Accepting that I really want to go by Blue has really magnifies that issue. The dysmorphia is back, i have issues with my voice - suffice it to say, i wasn't expecting this type of consequence to my decision.
But it all feeds back into a desperate want to not be ████████anymore. I want to tell everyone, to change my name on every account, to email my professors; Blue, Blue, Blue, my name is Blue, I use they/them pronouns, I'm agender.
I'm Blue.
God, i want people to call me Blue. To recognize me as Blue. To see me as more than ████████, because that's not me, not anymore. With the shedding of that name, i release the hold femininity had on me, I accept my desire to present masculine. I'm not making this up. Am I really doing it for attention?
I can't be, it's been too long. In fact, I almost fear the attention I'd get for it. I wish I didn't even have to deal with this, that i could snap my fingers and everyone just knows I'm Blue like it's always been that way.
Is it "doing it for attention" when I'm writing this alone, in a pitch-black room in my grandparents' house, at midnight, while everyone else I know is asleep? My dreams of being seen as masculine don't affect anyone but me. No one knows about this but me.
It has been 4 years, and i think that's long enough to prove I'm not faking this. I would've turned tail long ago if I'd been faking it. I'm not exactly the best at following through on projects or things i say I'm going to do.
I'm Blue. Im Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, I. Am. Blue. That's feels so nice to say, to finally let myself relish. I didn't think it'd be that quick. It's still not quite fully connected, and It'll probably get weird again once the semester starts, but until then, i can live in my own little world.
Blue's little world.
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mxstellatayte · 9 months ago
i have been tagged by @themultifanshipper here we go
Do you make your bed?
when i have the spoons! being chronically ill and having adhd and autism makes getting simple tasks done pretty difficult
Favourite number?
13- i'm a swiftie and it's always been my lucky number even without taylor's meddling lol
What's your job?
currently trying to find a summer job so i can start working when i go back home to the states because i go to uni in the uk, but this past academic year i just worked at a starbucks
If you could go back to school, would you?
not really. my school went to shit my senior year and i don't regret leaving for the uk. i love being in uni though <3 i can finally study the things i want to learn about!
Can you parallel park?
surprisingly, i can! it's very hit or miss as to if i do it well, but i'm one of the gays that can drive but can't do math for shit (hence why i'm studying to be a psychologist)
Do you think aliens are real?
i guess so? there's probably been some other non-earth life form out there at some point in the billions of years that the universe has existed, but whether they were sentient or not is a big mystery
Can you drive a manual car?
fuck no. i want to learn though!
Guilty Pleasures?
i am not a morning person. i hate hate hate getting out of bed.
not yet, but i have an appointment to get one in september >:D
Favourite Colour?
dark, DARK red (think the 2022 ferrari livery) and royal blue (iykyk)
Favourtie type of music?
i don't really have a favorite type, but i guess maybe the kind of music that itches every nook and cranny in your brain. my favorite artists are waterparks, taylor swift, stray kids, counterfeit, yung gravy, and måneskin.
Do you like puzzles?
yeah! my flatmates and i have had one on our coffee table almost every day this past year.
Favourite childhood sport?
roller derby! i still play for my uni's team today :)
Do you talk to yourself?
definitely! i'm a verbal processor so i often catch myself muttering to myself for various periods of time while i'm working on my coursework
Tea or coffee?
it depends- if the coffee is iced, i love to take the time to make myself a nice cup of coffee at home. at night, i always make myself a big mug of peppermint tea with honey <3
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
i wanted to be an astronaut :D i loved the concept of being completely weightless for long periods of time.
What movies do you adore?
gods, i love so many different movies. i can always rely on any of the marvel movies to be my comfort movies, but some animated movies i will ALWAYS turn to is the entire how to train your dragon cinematography. it's. magical. i don't even know how to explain it beyond that. it's just my childhood experience. loved those movies, still do.
tagging some friends!
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