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incognitopolls · 4 months ago
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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unbfacts · 21 days ago
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postcard-from-the-past · 2 months ago
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Interior of a Jewish household in Fes, Morocco
French vintage postcard
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haveyouplayedthisttrpg · 1 year ago
Have you played HOUSEHOLD ?
By Two Little Mice
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Household is a tabletop role-playing game in which players take the roles of Littlings, small creatures such as Faeries and Boggarts from European Folklore, set in a large abandoned House. It takes place in a world that resembles the first years of our XIX century, in which each room constitutes a proper nation you can explore.
Uses the same system as Broken Compass
(and a kickstarter for a 5th edition port......let's not talk about it)
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magnetictapedatastorage · 6 months ago
apologies to those not living alone, but it's the only way I could think of to get data that was useful. I am aware the span is enormous but didn't want to pigeonhole the results
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ryloria · 5 months ago
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Kullandığım göz presetlerini ve iris renk seçeneklerini aşağıya bırakıyorum, göz atmak isteyenler bakabilir
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glimmerkey · 3 months ago
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Sanrio - My Melody Mascot Soap Dispenser (Medium)
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months ago
21 Ideas for Sustainable Swaps That Aren’t Shitty, Expensive, Greenwashed Garbage
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cowbot-lumberjane · 3 months ago
Hey fellow fat people that use office chairs:
If the air piston in your chair has given out or has a bad seal, don't throw the chair away! You're a heavy person who needs their chair to be raised up however much, that's okay! I bought my chair because it said it could hold up to 1000lbs was lied to! Go figure! Let's fix it together:
This video goes over how to use a length of pipe as a spacer to stop the chair from sinking as air leaves the piston when you sit on it:
The guy in the video uses a length of pipe that he cuts himself, but says that using something called a "pipe nipple" (lol I know) works just fine. I did that with my chair! It works great!
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this is what a pipe nipple looks like, and they come in all sorts of lengths. Most chairs will have almost a 3inch gap EXACTLY between the base of the piston cylinder and the base of the chair. So if you need the full length, get a 3 inch pipe nipple and slid it overtop the cylinder like the guy in the video does with the length of pipe he cut.
For me though, I'm pretty tall (6'2) and only needed my chair to be raised about 2 inches or so, so I went with a shorter pipe. Standard lengths for pipe nipples tend to start around 1/2 inches and go up from there within the 1/2 inch. So if you need something specific like a 2 and 1/2 inch one, they should have it at your local hardware store in the plumbing section! Pipe nipples and most other plumbing pipes are made of steel! This means they're very strong, so they should be able to support your weight no problem. If you're worried about the open ends of the pipe, I would recommend getting some wide flat washers that would fit around the gas piston extension pole but be wider than the pipe you use.
Its an easy fix! And the pipes only cost a couple dollars! I got the length I'm using for 2$ american and my chair is as good as new! Happy sitting!
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curiositysavesthecat · 2 months ago
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 year ago
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I have levelled up my character spreadsheet-making skills. Behold, the character sheet for Household!
Household is a game about tiny kingdoms of an abandoned house. If you like to play epic tales of people the size of the Borrowers, this is absolutely the game for you. This character sheet also comes with a sheet for Lines, Veils & Lures, as well as notes for you to take during Session 0. You can find it below! Click Here
For my full catalogue of character spreadsheets, click here.
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goshyesvintageads · 1 year ago
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The Bon Ami Co, 1943
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interior-decor-form · 4 months ago
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Raw Edge Gallery
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polyamorousmisanthrope · 3 months ago
How to Spread Out the Mental Load
In rounding out the year, my husband and I applied ourselves to a notebook that, frankly, is a big benefit to our marriage -- the Household Notebook.
The Household Notebook is not the same thing as a Bullet Journal. I do use and love mine, but the Bullet Journal is about Noël's needs/goals/responsibilities. The Household Notebook is about the home and the members therein.
I freely admit I took the idea from FlyLady and her Control Journal, but this isn't just a notebook for the Lady of the House to keep the home nice.
It started that way, mind. I never have been much of a homemaker, but I grew up in a well-run home and wanted that for my own life. Because I tended to take on Projects instead of Real Jobs, I wound up trying to create routines that would help me keep the house in order around helping my kids and still running a freelance business that would earn enough money to keep us from the paycheck to paycheck life.
While I did take the Control Journal template, I did what you're actually supposed to do and adapted it to my own household and my own needs.
For the first few years I used it, my husband knew it existed. It sat on the kitchen counter, and he would get new iterations printed and often bought me sheet protectors for it. He knew it was important to me.
He knew the house ran on a (mostly!) even keel.
But it was still that mental load.
During the early Covid lockdowns, he started getting edgy and wanted Productive Things to Do. I'd point him in the direction of the Detail Cleaning section of the household notebook and tell him to go nuts with it if he wanted.
He did.
But more than that, he started seeing the chores that tended to get done while he was at work and realized that keeping a home nice was more than just vacuuming once a week.
We wound up moving (and seriously downsizing) in the fall of 2021, and the Detail Cleaning we needed to do was severely reduced. This time, when the notebook needed an update, I sat down with him and said we needed to go over it so that we could make a household standard together.
At first, he was twitchy. I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew and I think he was worried that I'd push for a level of perfection that is unrealistic. When I told him that I wanted to treat it like a lesson plan (We're both software instructors) and that we could only devote X amount of time to cleaning, so if something got added, we needed to toss something else out.
That got him enthusiastically on board, as he realized that, no, Endless Pursuit of Perfection* was not a goal.
What my husband likes about the notebook is that:
A) It is a living document we both edit and agree on
B) No-one is in charge, necessarily, of seeing that the house is clean. We're all responsible and the list is RIGHT THERE. Pick something on the list and DO it and move on.
Can this sort of method be abused? Oh yeah. There is no method that'll overcome people not wanting to work together.
But wow, has it been nice for taking out the whole, "Lady of the House as the Cleaning Authority" mindset.
How can you create such a notebook?
That's a further article.
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stimboardboy · 10 months ago
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pokémon dishwasher magnet
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