#Holy Spirit my Comfort
brown-little-robin · 3 months
I need to sleep for 70 hours and then maybe I'll feel not evil again
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi brothers and sisters,
Today I want to remind you that God is always with you. He never forsakes you, even when you're going through a hard time. It doesn't matter that sometimes you can't seem to find a way to feel the presence of God in your life, for He is always right by your side. Even when you can't see it, He is always present. He protects you, guards your heart, gives you peace, surrounds you with His love and hope. Sometimes it's hard to realize that we still walk with Him for the enemy tries to make us think that God left, doesn't care about us anymore. But trust me, He is with you. When you don't know where to go, He is your Guard. When you feel hopeless, He is your Hope. When you don't feel loved, He surrounds you with His Precious Love. When you are anxious, He reminds you that He is the King of Peace. When you are weary and restless, He is the One that lets you find peace in His Mighty Arms. When you are lost, He leaves every single sheep of His and goes to find you and when He finds you, His joy is way bigger than you can imagine. When you are strengthless, He is the source of your strength. He goes before you and prepares a safe way for you. He protects you and will never fail to do everything to save your soul. He is always there to listen to you and your troubles. Even before you began to have problems, He has already found a solution for them and will help you at the right time. Remember that in every hardship, there are good things to learn and we can see how our faith improves: just like we used to be further from God in the hard times, we begin to be close to Him no matter what happens in our lives and realize that our trust in Him doesn't dissapear. Even when you doubt if God actually loves you, remind yourself about all of the times when He brought you happiness, peace, understanding, showed you that He truly cares, comforted you through His words, through other people (yes, God speaks to us through other people. He gives us so much love that it overflows and gives us the desire to be kind to others and make them feel special) etc. He was always there for you, even when you couldn't see it. He even sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to us. Jesus died for our sins. He took our blame for our wrong doings and saved us from eternal punishment. God was hurt by seeing Him in so much pain. Seeing your beloved one being treated in such a brutal way is very hurtful. Why did He let Jesus suffer this way? He wanted your sins to die. Jesus wanted the same. He didn't have to be obedient to God as He has free will, but He chose to die for you. Why? His love for you was bigger than His fear of dying. He loved you so much and let me tell you something. He still loves you as much as He loved you so many years ago. He still cares about you and will never stop. He will love you for eternity and He will show you that He is with you everyday.
"²³ Certainly the faithful love of the Lord hasn’t ended; certainly God’s compassion isn’t through! ²³ They are renewed every morning. Great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)
“'The mountains may shift, and the hills may be shaken, but my faithful love won’t shift from you, and my covenant of peace won’t be shaken,’ says the Lord, the one who pities you.” (Isaiah 54:10)
“The Lord your God is in your midst — a warrior bringing victory. He will create calm with his love; he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)
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raspberryzingaaa · 1 year
Please pray for me.
Out of heavy duty SNRI. The withdrawal is a Bitch. Out of refills. Don't know how long that will take to get refilled. Don't feel comfortable driving off meds rn bc I am not all here brain wise. Had a ride when I thought kroger could go a refill. Now I dont know. All around bad time.
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Hi, I would like to post another poem of mine that I just finished (21st April 2023).
Precious Blood that set me free
I keep on thinking that I'm not good enough
That's why I'm once again running into Your arms
Your love and peace of mind is all I need, Savior
To survive in the midst of this huge storm
Your Words are what gives me comfort, God
You're the One I go to when I feel not good enough
When I feel left behind, You remind me that Jesus thought about me on the cross
Before dying to let my sins be washed by His precious Blood
He could have run away from His calling but no
Because His love for me is the greatest type of love
Even though He is the Lord, He came to our earth
To let bring closer to us the Kingdom of His Father
He taught the Truth coming from God Almighty
And revealed it to those who had an interest in it
He was loving and caring to everyone around Him
He healed them, ate with sinners for He came to those who trully needed more faith
Jesus gave them kindness and love greater that anyone could ever imagine
He is the One that brought us closer to God who's our Light
For He didn't want us to be published in afterlife
But be happy in the Heaven after we become more Christ-like
Who set us an example of how our lives should look like
In order to let us know what we should do to not be left behind
His love is still with us every single day
For Jesus Christ died but it wasn't the end — He rose from the grave —
Just like He told His deciples a few times before
He left an empty grave and showed Who He truly is
Even though not everyone believed it before His death, now there's no way to deny it
He is a Son of God, our Savior and precious Messiah
Who now leaves in the heart of each of us
Through His name, many healings and other miracles occur
For there is a power in His name that's way beyond way of thinking of ours
He continues to bless us, prays for us and through His Blood
There is left no trace of our sins for we are cleaned in It, for Jesus forgave us
On the cross when we people hurt precious and innocent Him
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herbofgraceandpeace · 1 month
I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute,
and then I’ll be nothing forever—
and all of my memories and all of the things I have seen
will be gone, with my eyes, with my body, with me.
But me and my husband! We’re doing better!
it’s always been just him and me! together!
so I bet all I have on that furrowed brow!
and! at least in this lifetime! we’re sticking together!
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 months
(had a fight with someone, things still feel a bit heated oops)
What annoys me to heck and back is the judgment from people around me who make it very clear that they think I have taken a turn for the worse...because I did change, yes. It's called having boundaries now. Wow.
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shareyourkindness · 1 year
Hi brothers and sisters, I would love to share with you a poem of mine. I wrote it today (on 27th June 2023).
My Source Of Hope
Oh God, I really need some hope
Now, when everything tells me that it will not
Be at least fine, not at all
But it will stay the same as it was
I feel like these problems will never stop
So please, remind me in Whom I put my hope
You are God Almighty, You can do all things
You have helped a lot of people, including me
I am still here on earth only thanks to Your mercy and love
You have proven me that it's good as long as You're in control
You always take care of everything for You're the Creator of the whole world
So I will continue to trust in You and show You my love
For You are worthy of it, my Savior
When I was at my lowest and had scary images in my mind
You were The One Who tole me that it's not where my story of life stops
It's not where my testimony ends, but it's only the beginning
For greater things will come, there will still be a lot of blessings
You put Your hope deep inside of my heart
And You kept reminding me of it when something in me wanted to give up
You were always there
And reminded me that it will be okay
So why shouldn't I trust in what You say
Even after You took my hurt away
And made me see sense in living again?
When I wanted to hurt myself, You didn't let me do that
You were my Protector and let me feel Your love that Is surely great
You constantly gave me sings that it will be okay
For it's not the end, I will be never forsaken
I will never be left, never left heartbroken, on my own
There will always be You — my Living Water and Hope
You will never disappear, will always be close to me
For You are my my Living Source of Comfort, You always love me
Even when I keep on making mistakes over and over again
You don't judge me and hate me, but get rid of my pain
Then You make sure that I will come back to the right path
And simply not forget that it's only thanks to You, that I got through the day
When people mocked me for who I am
When they were taking photos to laugh at my appearance
You were constantly there by my side
You always knew how hurt and anxious I was most of the time
There was no one who stood up for me, people were leaving me
But You never left even though You knew every sin of mine and every symptom of my disease
You knew about it all but it didn't push You away from me
Moreover, You helped me to get to know You more through this storm, for You do not see
The way the world sees, but You see the heart of a human
Once anyone asks You for forgiveness and repents with Your help, the old version of this person dies
And You forgot of how impure and sinfull this person was
The new creature — that's what is important in Your Holy Eyes
Just like You never push anyone away
You also hear all of my prayers
You know what's the best for me
And You take care of me
You never let the enemy steal from me
What You wanted me to have
The door that You left open, are always open
The door that You close are never opened
And forever I will be greatful for Your kindess
And the fact that You never stopped giving me Your Guidence
That's why I will always give You praise
For You are and will always be there, You never left
Even at my hardest times, the times of the tests
To see if I truly repented or not, You were there
No matter if I passed them or not, Your Presence never left me
But You continued to show me Your grace
And moreover, You still save
Me from the enemy's weapons and You say
That none of them will prosper, there is no way
That it will
For You have control over every single thing
You will never let satan hurt me
But You will send an angel to protect me
On Your behalf and You will guide me
Tell me wherever I should go to not let him hurt me
Nor open the door for him in my life, but always have the place for You in my heart
For my Lord, You are so Faithful
You are so Good, simply Wonderful
I keep on thinking whether there is a word
That can exactly describe that You're so Incredible
You are Awesome, Amazing, Fantastic
And there is nothing nor no one that is Greater
If someone says otherwise, that's just the enemy lying
He tries to make me run from You all the time, but You're a Better Fighter
You fight for me and win my battles, and You keep on looking for me when I get lost
You search for me, oh my Wonderful and Awesome, Good Shepherd
Oh, tell me, can there exist a love that is greater
Than Your love? I highly doubt it
For You even died on the cross to save me
You gave me eternal life and what do You want from me because of that?
Nothing more than just our friendship
You want me to tell You how my day goes, thank You and ask You for forgiveness if I sin
And You tell me to treat others the way I would love to be treated, love my human enemies
You want me to repent from all of my wicked ways
But You never disappear in this process
You keep on helping me all the time no matter what happens
Even when I fall short of the glory of Yours, oh God
Our sin crucified You, but You still show us Your Great love
Is there anything that I shouldn't be greatful for?
You have provided me food, home, family and people that I can talk to
Not forgetting about the fact that You're The One That I can always go to
When something seems fine, when something makes me feel hurt
I can always rely on You, for I am in Your Mighty Heart and You Are in mine
I could talk to You about how Wonderful You Are during the day and all night
But I still wouln't be able to thank You for the blessings that You've given me in my life
For is there a way that I could thank You for Your Presence and work on my heart
In every single year, month, week, day, hour, minute or second in my life, hearing every cry of mine
And comforting me when something didn't seem to end up fine, be alright?
I will never be able to thank You for the times in which You made me feel happiness
For all the times in which I felt anxious but You took it all away
I still remember when the demons were attacking me, when I got anxiety pannics
And kept on being afraid everywhere I went, sometimes prefered
To be anywhere else than home, for I was scared to be there in such a darkness
Only You know the full story of my life and only You know how You always kept helping me
Even when I wasn't obedient to You and ignored Your Word, even when I tried to
Run away from Your Presence at times when I felt too guilty to stand before You
You kept on drawing closer and closer to me, even though I rejected You and hardened my heart
You didn't give up on me, Were The One Who understood what I was going through and saw my hurt
When my family were telling others how lazy I am
That the only thing that I keep on doing is just laying
In my bed, You Were The One Who knew about every single tear that I shed
You Were The Only One Who knew what truly is behind this so called laziness
And You knew that it actually is the enemy making me depressed
You exactly knew what kind of thoughts were racing in my head
You knew how sometimes I didn't know what is waiting for me today
I was afraid that one day I will simply give up
But You were The Only One Who stayed and helped me to just get up
No one talked to me how to overcome it
I tried to do it my way, learning psychology — that's where I tried to seek help
It didn't worked, I only wasted my time
Wordly music, looking for ideal people and trying to make their own interests mine
Insecurities about my body, getting hurt by the opinions of other people, having traumas that were replying over and over
And activated by everything that could remind me of them
I was crying while spending time with my family being afraid that I will lose them
I used to have some crazy flashbacks that made me think that I am at the times when it all happened
I thought that I am in the past, right in the middle of this traumatic event even though I was safely laying in my bed
I kept on crying, still unsure if anyone from my family heard me
Family and friends — even though they tried to help me
Nothing could be done for me — that's what I had in my mind
Well, untill You found me again
I slowly learned what means to have hope for the better tommorow
With You I learned that not all of my days have to be filled with sorrow
Even though I got so used to crying inside every single day and sometimes at night
That it actually messed up my mind and made me think that it should stay like that
You were there to help me reach out for Your help
And You Became The One Who taught me how to do this step by step
It's still hard for me to know when You did it, but You took away all of my traumas
After more than two years of being lost, You found me and fixed my wounded heart
After all of this time, I finally didn't have to fake my smile
But was able to actually feel the happiness in the bottom of my heart
My low self-esteem — You took care of it too —
You actually made me see myself in the way I look from Your point of view
You revealed to me that I am a child of Yours
And I shouldn't be ashamed of the way I look
For You created me in a wonderful and fearful way
And You keep showing me Your Great love every single day
With You by my side, I finally realized
That it's not the problem in me, it's the darkness that I should fight
In the Mighty Name of Yours, for You Are The Way, Light and The Truth
You will free me from what steals the peace from my heart
And You will Be the Only True Source of My Light
Untill the very end of my whole life
And that's why Lord I want to give You praise forever
You are The Only One Who Were always there to save my day
When I had no hope, You Became my True Hope
When I kept on writing in poems that I have no place to call home, You said that there's someone to Whom I belong
When I was feeling miserable and had suicidal thoughts, kept on apologizing for my existence in my mind
You were there to slowly teach me that You have given me purpose in my life and that's why I shouldn't give up
When I felt lonely and thought that I'm only a burden, You kept reminding me that I am still loved by You
And when I felt worthless, You revealed to me that in You there is my worth
For how can I not feel loved when You actually died for me
So that I can be saved, feel the actual happiness
And have the chance to go to Heaven when there is eternal love, hope and peace?
Well, when I tell You and sing for You that I love You, You Are The One Who knows what I mean —
There is a story behind every day of my life and You know every single one of them
There is only One Reason of the smile that can be visible on my face
And that Is only You, my Holy Trinity Who gave me Your saving grace
I will never be able to give You the praise that You deserve
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yzzart · 3 months
୭˚. ᵎᵎ content warnings: F!reader, 18+, NSFW, p in v, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise kink, lovesick & possessive!kenji, reader wearing Ken's shirt, petnames, explicit words, explicit content.
୭˚. ᵎᵎ word count: 990!
Kenji loved it when you wore his t-shirts.
During his matches, among the euphoric, enthusiastic and hopeful stands, joining the wave of the crowd, which had an unusual spirit, he saw you wearing one of the countless t-shirts, which contained his name and number, — shouting for the team and for him — encouraged, even more, Kenji.
And every time you hit successfully and triumphantly, you turned around, pointed to the name written on your back, and shouted "that's my player!" — Oh, Kenji could fall even more in love with you, and he didn't know it was possible.
So, like, he appreciated all the photos the media posted, commented on, mentioned of you together, post-game, and the highlight, in Ken's eyes, was, again, the shirt you were wearing. — Sometimes, it was a shirt, correctly, in your size or one of thousands of his, it didn't matter.
But, nothing, faithfully, could be compared to the immoderate, cunning, contemplation that Kenji experienced when he saw you wearing one of his t-shirts, always when he felt like it, wanting to feel as comfortable as possible. — This was already considered routine. — Out of pure irony and contradiction, when they sounded like unreality, they seemed like they were made for you, he thought.
The huge, made of rich and enhanced tissues, mentioning the values ​​it cost, and formidably showy Kenji T-shirts similar species of dresses on your body; making it fully, fascinating and so captivating. — And, noting comfort, you used only underwear under the dress; it was not even appeared, obviously.
And that, maddeningly, drove Kenji's mind crazy. — Disturbing him, without being able, nor having the opportunity, to concentrate on certain, and reasonable, things in front of his head; without caring about the impolite and indecent looks, after all, he had something better to consider, Sato fixed his eyes on your thighs. — He had his weak point.
And always in the morning, a little disoriented, missing you and, exaggeratedly, tired, with his physical and mental state set back because of the necessary appearance of Ultraman against yet another Kaiju, — upon returning home, he collapsed into your arms and caresses — Kenji found you in the kitchen; preparing something, humming and, softly, serene. — Of course, wearing one of his shirts. — Approaching, with heavy and slow steps, his muscular and vigorous arms snaked around your waist, holding you firmly.
It didn't take you by surprise, clearly, used to his warm welcome; it was clear that the warmth of his affection and comfort was valued. — Also, given the way Kenji needed your touch or, at least, your presence.
Saying "good morning, dear" and waiting to question him about how he slept; in response, the eldest caressed your neck with his nose, inhaling your pleasant and delicious smell, mixed with the fragrance of his perfume, that was stuck to his shirt, and let out a bitter sigh; perhaps, a little libidinous. — No, actually, it was definitely lewd.
Leaving you without an answer, and with a hint of concern, and intending to turn towards him, in an instant, hurriedly, Sato pulled your waist, and reading your thought, turned you around, facing the boy's exposed chest, and he threw you onto his shoulder with ease. — He didn't hear, he ignored, your cry of surprise, and headed towards the bedroom.
And, evidently, today, at this exact moment, it couldn't be any different.
"Holy shit." — Kenji swore, in a mixture of drowsiness and excitement, intoxicated by your scent, something that is deadly addictive. His breathing was rough, dull, so sudden. — "Ah, but you're so cute, aren't you?" — A question asked in a filthy way, with a slutty and breathless laugh, he couldn't help himself. — “My dirty girl, huh?”
Spread out on the bed, between pure silk and white sheets, surrendering yourself, giving in fragility and voluptuousness, deliciously, to your boyfriend; being completely filled by him and feeling insane waves of excitement. — The intense, and so delicious, inversions that you received left you crazy and, satisfactorily, even more, immoral. — And, making it even more interesting, at the same time, without surprises, Kenji's white shirt was on your body.
Buried in your pussy, compromising, bitingly, between the heat and tightness of your walls, which sucked his cock, and causing obscene noises and noises, wet by the room's environment, Kenji left himself thinking that you would be the death of him. — He choked, growled, when he felt another tightness coming from your little hole. — It was so erotic, so carnal, so fucking good.
"K-Ken..ji." — You stammered, you didn't even know how to pronounce his name correctly, and you were so breathless, desperate as you felt him insert his dick into you; cried out to him, pathetically.
"I love it when you wear my clothes." — He traced a line down your neck with his tongue, laughing with lust and sensuality, losing herself in pleasure once again. — "And i love fucking you while wearing them." — He articulated, listening to the wet noises of his heavy balls against your ass, and looking at your face, with a fucked and desired expression, with some tears on your cheek.
Your moans, pleas ran through Kenji's ear, and settled in his mind, equally, with screams, so thin that they seemed like meows, every time his robust cock reached that little spot that only he could and loved to reach; causing your nails to dig into his burly back, scratching him. — His beautiful little girl was still conscious of marking him, Sato laughed at the thought.
Every now and then, Kenji would move away from your neck, and, surprisingly, you would sob when you felt his brief absence, and his eyes, heavy with lust and appetite, would look at the connection between you and, pulling your hips and pushing, again, he had the sinful, and deadly, privilege of seeing your pussy swallowing his cock with pleasure. — Oh, even his eyes closed, sharply and rudely.
Kenji loved it when you wore his t-shirts.
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
Lean On
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Reader
Summary: Tyler Owens, an avid storm chaser, takes his friends Javi and Kate to meet his estranged wife YN and their son Noah, rekindling old tensions. During a fierce tornado, they seek refuge in a cinema, where Tyler and YN rediscover their love amidst the chaos. YN begs Tyler to never leave again, and he promises to stay, solidifying their connection he broke all those years back.
Warnings: Natural Disasters, Family Conflict, Romantic Intimacy, Strong Language
A/n: I only watched twisters and I just had too
Word count: 8,525 (holy fucking shit)
Tyler Owens had always been a free spirit, driven by an obsession that had gripped him since childhood: tornadoes. The power, the unpredictability, the sheer force of nature—it all fascinated him. He’d dedicated his life to chasing them, studying them, understanding their every whim and fury. Over the years, he’d assembled a crew, a family of sorts, who shared his passion and drive. Among them were Javi and Kate, friends and fellow storm chasers who had been by his side for two years.
It was a rare sunny day, with the sky an unbroken canvas of blue, that Tyler decided his team deserved a break. The adrenaline, the sleepless nights, the constant state of readiness—they needed a holiday from the storms, if only for a little while. The rest of the crew scattered to their own respites, but Javi and Kate chose to stay with Tyler, curious about his plans.
The three of them piled into Tyler’s truck, a rugged beast of a vehicle that had weathered countless storms. As the tires crunched over gravel and onto the open road, Kate glanced over at Tyler, who was focused on the horizon, his eyes alight with a spark that was hard to ignore.
"Where are we going, Tyler?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.
Tyler's lips curled into a mysterious smile. "I want you to meet my family."
Javi, sitting in the back seat, leaned forward. "Like your mom and brother or something?" he asked.
Tyler chuckled, shaking his head. "Something better."
They drove for hours, the landscape changing from the bustling outskirts of the city to the serene vastness of the countryside. The sky, which had been clear and calm, began to change, dark clouds rolling in from the distance. It was a sight all too familiar to the trio, but this time, there was no urgency, no race against time. They were simply observers.
Eventually, Tyler turned off the main road, guiding the truck down a narrow path that led to a quaint, rustic bar. The sign above the entrance read "The Tipsy," and it depicted a tornado with two people dancing inside it.
Javi raised an eyebrow as he read the sign. "What are we doing here?"
Tyler smiled enigmatically. "You'll have to wait and find out."
He led them inside, the wooden door creaking as they entered. The interior was warm and inviting, with low lighting casting a cozy glow over the patrons scattered around the bar. A jukebox played soft country tunes in the corner, and the air was thick with the scent of aged wood and beer.
Tyler guided them to a booth near the back, the plush seats a welcome comfort after their long drive. As they settled in, Tyler glanced around the room, his expression one of contentment and nostalgia.
Kate looked at him expectantly. "So, what’s the big surprise?"
Tyler leaned back, a playful glint in his eye. "Just wait. It’ll be worth it."
Tyler’s eyes perked up from the booth, drawing the attention of Javi and Kate. They followed his gaze and noticed a beautiful woman behind the bar. She was effortlessly juggling bottles with perfection, her cowboy hat slightly tilted, her white tank top and jeans hugging her figure, and a pair of worn cowboy boots completing her look. Despite the bar being loud and overcrowded, it was clear who had captured Tyler's attention.
With a blink of an eye, she noticed him too. Her hands paused mid-juggle, and she delicately slammed a rag onto the bar before setting the bottles down. She made her way over to their booth, her expression a mix of surprise and something unreadable.
Tyler quickly smirked at her, the familiar gesture laden with unspoken words.
"You're finally here to see your son," she said, her voice carrying over the din of the bar, stunning both Kate and Javi into silence.
Tyler leaned back, his smirk unfaltering. "Javi, Kate, this is—"
"Your wife?" Kate interrupted, her voice a mixture of disbelief and curiosity.
The woman cut him off coldly. "I left you."
Tyler's smirk hardened slightly. "You threw a shoe and your rings at me. You never signed any papers."
A tense silence hung in the air, the lively noise of the bar feeling oddly distant as Kate and Javi exchanged bewildered looks. The woman’s eyes flashed with something fiery and unresolved, and Tyler’s demeanour remained unyielding, the confrontation a clear indication of a long-standing, complex history.
"This is YN," Tyler finally said, his voice softer but firm. "She’s my wife."
"Ex-wife," YN corrected, though her voice lacked the finality the words should have carried.
The revelation settled over Javi and Kate like a storm cloud, both of them struggling to process this unexpected twist. The woman standing before them was more than just a bartender; she was a pivotal piece of Tyler’s life that he had kept hidden until now.
"Well," Javi said, breaking the silence with a forced chuckle, "this just got interesting."
Kate nodded, her gaze flicking between Tyler and YN, trying to piece together the story that lay between them.
Tyler held YN’s gaze, his eyes conveying a mix of regret and determination. "I’m here now. We’ve got things to talk about."
YN crossed her arms, her expression unreadable. "I’m going to get Noah," she said, turning sharply on her heel and heading toward the back of the bar.
Tyler watched her go, his face softening as he turned back to Kate and Javi. "I wanted you guys to meet my family."
Kate opened her mouth to speak, but the words seemed to escape her. Javi simply shook his head, still trying to process the unexpected turn of events.
The tension was palpable, but beneath it all was a thread of something more—an unfinished story, a connection that hadn’t yet been severed, no matter how frayed it had become.
As the noise of the bar began to filter back in, the dynamic between the four of them had shifted irrevocably. The past had resurfaced, bringing with it questions, emotions, and unresolved conflicts that would need to be addressed.
The noise of the bar buzzed around them, but Tyler, Javi, and Kate were lost in their own thoughts, processing the revelation and the tension that had just unfolded. Moments later, the door to the back of the bar swung open, and a small figure came running out.
Seven-year-old Noah, with tousled hair and bright eyes, darted through the crowd. His face lit up with pure joy and disbelief as he spotted Tyler. "Dad!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the noise.
Tyler’s eyes softened, and he stood up just in time to catch Noah as he launched himself into his arms. Tyler engulfed his son in a big hug, lifting him off the ground as he held him tightly. The boy’s arms wrapped around his father’s neck, holding on as if he were afraid to let go.
"I can't believe you're here, Dad!" Noah exclaimed, his voice muffled against Tyler’s shoulder. He pulled back just enough to look at his father’s face, his eyes wide with happiness and surprise.
Tyler chuckled, ruffling Noah’s hair. "Of course I’m here, buddy. I’ve missed you."
Javi and Kate watched the reunion with a mix of emotions, their earlier confusion and tension melting away in the face of Noah's obvious delight. Kate’s eyes misted over as she saw the unfiltered joy on Noah’s face, while Javi couldn’t help but smile at the touching scene.
Noah glanced over at Javi and Kate, his curiosity piqued. "Who are they, Dad?" he asked, still clinging to Tyler.
Tyler gently set Noah down, keeping a hand on his shoulder. "These are my friends, Javi and Kate. They’re like family to me."
Noah looked at them with wide eyes, a shy smile spreading across his face. "Hi," he said softly.
"Hey, Noah," Javi said warmly, giving a little wave. "Nice to meet you, buddy."
Kate crouched down to Noah’s level, her smile gentle and reassuring. "Hi, Noah. It’s great to meet you."
Noah beamed at that, clearly pleased. He looked back up at Tyler, his face serious for a moment. "Are you staying this time, Dad?"
Tyler’s expression grew solemn as he met his son’s gaze. "I’m here now, Noah. We’ve got a lot to talk about, but I promise I’m not going anywhere."
From the bar, YN watched the reunion with a mix of emotions, her hands resting on her hips. The sight of Noah so happy to see his father softened her stern demeanour, though there was still a guarded look in her eyes.
"Why don’t we all sit down and catch up?" Tyler suggested, his voice gentle as he glanced at YN.
She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. But remember, this doesn’t change anything," she said, though the edge in her voice was less sharp than before.
The initial excitement of the reunion began to settle, and Tyler looked at YN with a mix of hope and determination. "We’re down here for a week," he said, his voice steady. "Would it be alright if I took Noah to stay with me?"
YN’s eyes narrowed slightly, her protective instincts kicking in. "Stay with you? In some lousy motel room?" she asked, her tone dripping with scepticism.
Javi and Kate exchanged glances, noting how Noah seemed accustomed to his parents' tension. He watched the exchange quietly, his small hands clutching the edge of the table.
Tyler sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don’t have anywhere else to bring him for the night," he admitted.
Noah looked up at his mom, his eyes wide and pleading. "Please, Mom. Can Dad and his friends stay with us?"
YN hesitated, her eyes softening as she looked at her son. "Noah, you have your big soccer camp in a different state tomorrow," she reminded him, her voice gentle but firm.
Tyler's eyes widened in surprise. "Soccer camp? I didn’t know you played soccer, buddy."
YN’s expression hardened again, her eyes flashing with irritation. "If you’d been around, you’d know," she snapped.
A moment of heavy silence passed between them before YN sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "Fine," she said, her tone resigned. "You can stay at the house for the week. But I’m serious, Tyler—if you touch anything, I’ll cut your balls off."
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a set of keys, handing them to Tyler. "I’ve got to wrap up here. I’ll be home soon."
Tyler took the keys, his expression a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thanks, YN. I promise we’ll be respectful."
Noah's face lit up with a smile, and he hugged his mom tightly. "Thank you, Mom!"
YN’s stern expression softened as she hugged Noah back, brushing a hand through his hair. "Go on, get your stuff together. We’ll leave in a bit."
Noah nodded eagerly and dashed off toward the back of the bar, excitement evident in his every step.
Tyler turned to Javi and Kate, who were still absorbing the unexpected developments. "Looks like we have a place to stay," he said with a small smile.
Javi chuckled, shaking his head. "This is not what I expected when we set out today."
Kate nodded, a thoughtful look on her face. "No, but it’s… interesting. I think it’s good for you, Tyler."
YN glanced back at them, her expression softening slightly. "You three make yourselves comfortable. I’ll be done soon, and then we can head home."
As the night wore on, the bar gradually began to thin out. YN moved with practiced efficiency, announcing last call and starting to kick out the lingering patrons, both men and women, who had stayed for one last drink. The bar's noise ebbed as people shuffled out, some grumbling, others laughing, but all eventually making their way to the door.
Tyler, Javi, and Kate watched as YN’s no-nonsense approach cleared the room. She pulled down the metal protectors over the windows, the loud clanging echoing through the now quiet bar, locking them from the inside. Meanwhile, Noah sat with his dad, chattering about school and his friends, filling Tyler in on all the little details he had missed.
YN made her way around the bar, ensuring everything was locked up securely. She checked the register, wiped down the counter, and flipped off the neon lights, leaving only the dim overhead bulbs casting a soft glow over the room. Finally, she approached the booth where Tyler, Javi, Kate, and Noah sat.
"Alright, time to go," she said, her tone brisk but not unkind. She looked down at Noah, a question in her eyes. "Are you driving back with me or your dad?"
Noah glanced up at Tyler, his eyes full of hope. "Can I go with Dad, Mom? Please?"
YN hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. But you stay close to him, okay?"
Noah nodded eagerly, bouncing off the booth and grabbing his dad's hand. Tyler smiled, a wave of relief washing over him.
The group stood and followed YN to the front of the bar. She unlocked the door, the cool night air rushing in as they stepped outside. Tyler glanced back, taking in the now quiet bar with a sense of nostalgia.
YN stepped out after them, locking the door and pulling it shut with a finality that echoed in the stillness of the night. "You better take care of him," she said, her voice a mix of warning and something softer, something almost hopeful.
Tyler nodded. "I will."
She gave a small, almost imperceptible smile before turning to Noah. "I'll see you at home, kiddo. Behave for your dad, okay?"
Noah hugged her tightly. "I will, Mom. I promise."
With that, YN got into her car, the engine roaring to life as she pulled out of the parking lot. Tyler, Javi, Kate, and Noah watched her go, the taillights disappearing into the night.
Tyler looked down at Noah, who was beaming up at him. "Ready to go home, buddy?"
Noah nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Let's go!"
As they drove through the quiet streets, the hum of the truck’s engine filled the space with a comforting rhythm. Noah, sitting in the front seat in front of Tyler and Kate, couldn’t contain his excitement. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he turned to Kate and Javi, eager to share the details of his upcoming soccer camp.
“I can’t wait for the soccer camp tomorrow!” Noah said, his voice bubbling with excitement. “It’s gonna be so much fun!”
Kate, sitting behind him, smiled warmly. “That sounds amazing, Noah. What’s so special about this camp?”
Noah’s face lit up even more as he spoke. “It’s a big camp where lots of kids from different places come to learn new soccer skills and play games. There’s even gonna be a mini-tournament at the end!”
Javi, sitting in the backseat, leaned forward, clearly intrigued. “Wow, that sounds like a blast! Do you play a lot of soccer at school too?”
“Yeah!” Noah replied eagerly. “I’m on the school team, and we’ve been practicing a lot. This camp is going to be so cool because I’ll get to learn from really good coaches and play with kids from other schools.”
Tyler glanced at Noah, a proud smile tugging at his lips. “Sounds like you’ve been working hard. I’m really proud of you, Noah.”
Noah’s smile widened at his dad’s praise. “Thanks, Dad! And guess what? My Uncle Matt is bringing me down to the camp tomorrow afternoon.”
Javi raised an eyebrow. “Your uncle?”
“Yeah,” Noah nodded vigorously. “He’s my mom’s brother. He lives a few hours away, but he’s coming to pick me up and drive me to the camp. I haven’t seen him in ages, and he promised he’d take me for ice cream on the way.”
Kate looked impressed. “That sounds like a lot of fun. It must be nice to have family supporting you.”
Noah nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, it is! Uncle Matt always makes things fun. He even used to play soccer with Mom when they were kids.”
Tyler’s gaze softened as he listened to Noah’s excitement. “I’m glad you’re so excited about the camp.”
Noah nodded, his eyes shining with anticipation. “I am! And I’m really happy you’re here, Dad. I can’t wait to tell you all about it when I get back.”
Tyler glanced at Javi and Kate, sharing a look that conveyed both appreciation and a renewed sense of purpose. This week was more than just a break; it was a chance to reconnect with his son, to be a part of his life in a way he hadn’t been able to before.
The truck rumbled up the gravel driveway, and as the headlights illuminated the house, the group caught their first glimpse of Noah's home. It was a charming ranch-style house, with a wide, welcoming front porch that extended across the front. The house had a warm, rustic appeal, its wooden siding painted a soft, weathered beige that blended harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. The wind, which had picked up slightly, rustled through the tall grass that framed the property, adding to the serene yet lively atmosphere.
As Tyler, Kate, and Javi stepped out of the truck, they were immediately met with the enthusiastic barking of Noah’s two German Shepherds. The dogs, bounding with energy, leaped toward them, their barks echoing in the cool evening air. Their fur was sleek and shiny, and their eyes glinted with excitement as they approached.
Javi laughed, holding his hands up in a gesture of friendly surrender. “Wow, those dogs really know how to make an entrance!”
Noah, already bursting with excitement, unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped out of the truck. He raced across the driveway, his footsteps quick and light as he ran toward the porch. The dogs, recognizing him instantly, turned their attention away from the newcomers and bounded after Noah, their tails wagging furiously.
Tyler and Kate watched with smiles as Noah reached the porch and threw himself into his mother’s arms. YN, standing on the porch with a warm smile, embraced Noah tightly, her expression softening as she held him close. The sight of the mother and son reunion was heart-warming, a clear sign of the strong bond they shared despite the complications.
Kate nudged Tyler gently, a playful glint in her eyes. “You know, the resemblance really proves Noah is definitely your child. Look at him, he’s got your energy.”
Tyler chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice. “Yeah, I guess he does.”
As YN set Noah down, she looked up and offered a polite nod to Kate and Javi, her demeanour shifting to one of friendly hospitality. “Welcome to our home, Kate, Javi. It’s good to have you here.”
“Thanks for having us,” Kate replied warmly, returning YN’s smile. “Your place is beautiful.”
“Yeah, thanks for letting us stay,” Javi added, his tone appreciative.
YN's smile faded slightly as her gaze shifted to Tyler, her expression turning cold. “Let’s get your bags inside,” she said, her tone losing its warmth. “I’ll show you to the guest rooms.”
Tyler, feeling the chill in her voice, nodded. “Thanks, YN.”
They began unloading their bags from the truck, the dogs playfully nipping at their heels. The house, with its wide front porch and sprawling lawn, had a comfortable, lived-in feel. It was a stark contrast to the bustling city and the more impersonal surroundings Tyler was used to.
Once the bags were all gathered, they followed YN and Noah into the house. The interior was cozy, with warm wooden floors, rustic furniture, and an inviting atmosphere. YN led them through the front door, and the scent of home-cooked meals and fresh pine greeted them.
Noah, holding onto his mom’s hand, turned to Tyler with a big smile. “Come on, Dad! I want to show you my room!”
YN’s expression softened as she looked at her son’s excitement but remained cool towards Tyler. “Alright, Noah. Let’s get your dad and his friends settled first.”
She led them down a hallway, pointing out rooms as they went. “Kate, Javi, you’ll be in here,” she said, opening the door to a charming guest room. “There are fresh towels in the closet and extra blankets if you need them.”
“Thank you,” Kate said, her smile appreciative. Javi nodded in agreement, taking in the room with a grateful glance.
YN then turned to Tyler, her demeanour growing even colder. “Tyler, you’ll be in this room,” she said, opening the door to a smaller but comfortable room. “If you need anything, just ask.”
Tyler placed his bag inside, feeling the weight of the tension between them. “Thanks, YN,” he said quietly.
YN didn’t respond immediately, instead turning her attention to Noah. “Noah, why don’t you show your dad around while I finish up a few things?”
Noah nodded eagerly, grabbing Tyler’s hand. “Come on, Dad! I can’t wait to show you everything!”
Tyler allowed himself to be led down the hall, feeling a mix of hope and trepidation. As he looked back, he saw YN watching them, her expression a complicated mix of emotions.
The late evening had settled into a calm, quiet stillness, the only sounds being the gentle creaking of the old ranch house and the occasional rustle of leaves outside. After a full day, Tyler had just put Noah to bed, reading him a story and watching as his son’s eyes grew heavy with sleep. Satisfied that Noah was comfortably settled, he quietly exited the room, closing the door softly behind him.
Down the hall, the dim light of the kitchen spilled into the hallway, casting a warm, subdued glow. Tyler walked towards it, curious. As he reached the kitchen, he saw YN packing a bag on the table, her movements deliberate and methodical. She was gathering Noah’s football boots, kit, and other essentials, making sure everything was in place for the big soccer camp.
YN didn’t notice Tyler at first, her focus entirely on her task. The soft light highlighted the determined set of her jaw and the slight furrow of concentration on her brow. Tyler stood at the threshold for a moment, taking in the scene, before he cleared his throat gently to announce his presence.
YN looked up, her expression unreadable in the dim light. “He’s asleep?” she asked, her voice steady but quiet.
Tyler nodded, stepping into the kitchen. “Yeah, he’s out like a light. I read him one of his favourite stories.”
YN gave a small, almost imperceptible nod and continued packing. “He always loved bedtime stories. Especially the ones about tornadoes.”
Tyler watched her for a moment, then spoke softly. “You’re packing his bag for the camp?”
“Yes,” YN replied curtly, not looking up. “He’s got a lot to take with him, and I want to make sure he has everything he needs or more.”
Tyler moved a little closer, his gaze following her hands as she carefully folded Noah’s kit and placed it into the bag. “Can I help?”
YN paused, her hands still for a moment, then she sighed softly. “Sure. You can check if his water bottle is in the fridge. He’ll need that filled and ready.”
Tyler nodded, grateful for even this small opportunity to assist. He walked over to the fridge, retrieving the water bottle and filling it at the sink. The silence between them was thick, filled with unspoken words and lingering tension.
After a few moments, Tyler spoke again. “He’s really excited about this camp. It’s all he talked about on the drive here.”
YN’s hands stilled again, and she looked up, her eyes meeting his. “He’s been looking forward to it for months. It’s a big deal for him.”
Tyler nodded, feeling the weight of her words. “I’m glad he has something like this. He’s a great kid.”
“Yes, he is,” YN agreed, her voice softening slightly.
Tyler set the filled water bottle on the table and, in a sudden impulse, stepped closer to YN, wrapping his arms around her waist. She jerked back, startled, and pushed him away, her eyes flashing with a mix of surprise and anger.
“Tyler, we can’t do this every time you’re here,” she said, her voice firm and edged with frustration. “We act all happy, kiss, fuck, and then you leave. I won’t allow that.”
But as Tyler’s eyes locked onto hers, filled with a longing that mirrored her own buried emotions, he wrapped his hand gently around her neck and pulled her closer. His lips met hers in a deep, passionate kiss, pressing her against the table. YN resisted for a moment, her hands on his chest ready to push him away, but then she caved, her defences crumbling as the kiss deepened.
The world outside the kitchen seemed to disappear as they lost themselves in the moment. The kiss was filled with unspoken words, regrets, and a raw, undeniable connection that neither could ignore. Tyler’s hand slid from her neck to the small of her back, pulling her even closer, while YN’s hands slowly moved up to tangle in his hair.
Finally, they broke apart, both breathing heavily, the intensity of the moment hanging in the air between them. YN looked into Tyler’s eyes, a mix of anger, longing, and vulnerability in her gaze.
“This doesn’t change anything,” she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. “You still have a lot to prove.”
“I know,” Tyler replied, his voice equally soft but resolute. “And I will. I promise.”
YN took a deep breath, stepping back and smoothing her hair. “We should finish packing. Noah needs to be ready for tomorrow.”
Tyler nodded, a small, hopeful smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah, let’s finish up.”
YN finished packing the bag, zipping it closed with a final, decisive motion. She straightened up, looking at Tyler with a mix of determination and lingering hurt. “Just don’t disappoint him, Tyler. You had let down enough.”
Tyler swallowed, the weight of her words settling heavily on his shoulders. “I won’t,” he promised. “I’ll do everything I can to be the father he deserves.”
YN nodded, a slight, weary smile touching her lips. “Good night, Tyler.”
“Good night, YN,” he replied, watching as she turned and left the kitchen, the dim light casting long shadows behind her.
The next morning, the ranch was bathed in the soft, golden light of dawn. Birds chirped in the trees, and a gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, creating a peaceful atmosphere. The tranquillity was occasionally punctuated by the sounds of preparation, as YN and her brother Matt stood by his truck, loading up Noah’s bag for the soccer camp.
Noah, bouncing with excitement, was saying his goodbyes to Tyler, Kate, and Javi. He hugged Kate and Javi, thanking them for their visit, before turning to his father. Tyler knelt down to Noah’s level, wrapping his son in a big hug.
“Have a great time at camp, buddy,” Tyler said, ruffling Noah’s hair. “I’m really proud of you.”
Tyler replied with a smile. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
Noah nodded, then ran over to where Matt was loading the last of his gear into the truck. Matt, a tall, sturdy man with an easy-going demeanour, lifted Noah’s bag effortlessly and placed it in the back of the truck. He gave his nephew a high-five before turning to his sister.
As Noah clambered into the truck, Matt leaned closer to YN, his expression curious. “Did y’all fuck again?” he asked, his tone genuine and slightly teasing.
YN’s eyes widened, and she quickly elbowed him in the ribs. “No,” she hissed, glancing around to make sure no one else heard. “God, Matt, why would you ask that?”
Matt rubbed his side, a smirk playing at his lips. “Just curious. You had that look in your eye this morning.”
“What look?” YN shot back, her voice low but sharp.
“The one that says you’re all conflicted and worked up,” Matt replied, his tone softening slightly. “Just concerned about you.”
YN sighed, her shoulders slumping a bit. “It’s complicated, Matt. But no, nothing happened. We’re just trying to figure things out for Noah’s sake.”
Matt nodded, his expression turning serious. “I get it. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself too, okay?”
“I will,” YN promised, giving her brother a grateful smile. “Thanks, Matt.”
Tyler walked over to join them, his gaze shifting between YN and Matt. “Everything set?” he asked, trying to keep his tone casual.
“Yeah, we’re all good,” Matt replied, giving Tyler a nod. “Noah’s ready to go.”
Noah popped his head out of the truck, waving enthusiastically. “Bye, Dad! Bye, Kate! Bye, Javi! See you soon!”
“Bye, Noah!” Kate and Javi called back, waving.
Tyler smiled and waved, his heart swelling with pride and a tinge of sadness. “Bye, Noah. Have fun, and listen to your uncle, okay?”
“I will!” Noah shouted back, his excitement evident.
With everything in place, Matt climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. YN gave Noah one last hug and a kiss on the forehead before stepping back.
After watching the truck disappear down the road, YN and Tyler turned back toward the house. As they walked, the silence between them was heavy but not uncomfortable. They reached the front porch where Javi and Kate were waiting, enjoying the fresh morning air.
YN gave them a warm smile. “So, are you two as madly obsessed with tornadoes as Tyler?” she asked, her tone playful but genuinely curious.
Javi chuckled, exchanging a glance with Kate. “Pretty much. It’s kind of hard not to be when you’re around him.”
Kate nodded, grinning. “Yeah, it’s definitely infectious. Tyler’s passion rubs off on everyone.”
YN’s smile widened a bit, and she motioned for them to follow her. “Well, come with me. I want to show you something.”
Curious, Javi and Kate followed YN, with Tyler trailing slightly behind. She led them across the yard to a large shed. As she opened the door, they stepped inside and were immediately struck by the sight of a whiteboard covered with detailed tornado studies, including diagrams, photographs, and various notes. The walls were lined with shelves full of meteorological instruments and equipment.
“Wow,” Kate breathed, her eyes wide with amazement. “This is incredible.”
Tyler stepped forward, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. “YN used to chase tornadoes with me when we became married. She was just as passionate about it as I was.”
YN turned to face them, her expression a mixture of pride and practicality. “Yeah, I was. We made a great team, tracking storms and gathering data. But after I had Noah, things changed. Babies are expensive, and I needed a real job to support us.”
Her gaze shifted to Tyler, a hint of tension in her eyes. “Tornado chasing doesn’t exactly pay the bills.”
Javi and Kate listened, sensing the complexity of YN’s feelings. Javi stepped closer to the whiteboard, studying the detailed notes and diagrams. “You really know your stuff. It’s clear you were—and still are—a huge asset in the field.”
YN’s expression softened, appreciating the acknowledgment. “Thank you. I still follow the research and keep up with the latest developments. It’s hard to let go completely.”
Kate nodded, glancing between YN and Tyler. “It must have been amazing to chase storms together. But I understand why you had to make that choice.”
YN smiled gently, a mix of gratitude and bittersweet memories in her eyes. “It was amazing. And I don’t regret any of it. But priorities change, and I had to put Noah first.”
YN cleared her throat, drawing everyone’s attention back to the whiteboard. She pointed to a specific section filled with charts, graphs, and a detailed map marked with various weather patterns and historical data.
“Based on the latest alerts and previous occurrences, there’s a high probability that a tornado might strike today,” YN explained, her voice steady and professional. “The conditions are almost identical to past events that resulted in tornadoes in this area.”
Javi and Kate leaned in closer, examining the data with keen interest. Tyler’s eyes narrowed as he followed YN’s explanation, his mind already shifting into storm-chaser mode.
“I’ve been monitoring the weather patterns all week,” YN continued. “And everything indicates that we’re due for some severe weather today. The wind shear, humidity, and temperature changes are all pointing towards a potential tornado formation.”
Kate glanced at YN, impressed. “You really haven’t lost your touch, YN. This is some detailed analysis.”
YN smiled modestly. “Thanks. It’s hard to shake off old habits.”
As they looked out the window of the shed, they noticed the wind beginning to pick up. The leaves on the trees rustled vigorously, and the sky had taken on a slightly ominous hue, with dark clouds gathering in the distance.
Tyler stepped closer to the window, his instincts kicking in. “You’re right. The wind’s starting to stir up. We need to be prepared.”
YN nodded, her expression serious. “We need to keep a close eye on the weather reports and be ready to take cover if necessary. This area is no stranger to tornadoes, and we’ve got to stay vigilant.”
Javi turned to Tyler, his excitement barely contained. “Should we gear up and get the equipment ready? If a tornado does form, we’ll want to be ready to gather data.”
Tyler hesitated, glancing at YN. “What do you think? We don’t want to put anyone at risk.”
YN considered for a moment, then nodded. “We can set up some basic monitoring equipment around the property, but safety comes first. We’ll stay close to the house and make sure we have a safe place to take cover if things get serious.”
Kate started jotting down notes, already planning the setup. “We’ll need to monitor wind speeds, humidity levels, and temperature changes. I’ll get the anemometers and barometers from the truck.”
As they worked together to prepare, the tension in the air grew. The wind outside continued to pick up, whipping through the trees and sending small debris skittering across the yard. Dark clouds loomed overhead, casting an eerie shadow over the landscape.
Tyler turned to YN, his expression a mix of determination and concern. “YN, would you want to go chasing tornadoes again? Just like old times?”
YN paused, the question hanging in the air. She looked at Tyler, a swirl of emotions in her eyes. “Are you serious?”
Tyler nodded. “Yeah. It’s been a long time, and I miss having you out there with me. Besides, with the conditions today, we could really use your expertise.”
YN looked out the window, the wind howling louder now. Her passion for storm chasing still burned bright, and the thought of getting back out there, even just for a day, was tempting. She turned back to Tyler, a determined smile forming on her lips. “Alright. Let’s do it. But we stay safe, and we stay smart but I bet that's hard for you.”
Tyler’s face lit up with a mix of relief and excitement. “Deal.”
YN and Tyler sprinted toward his truck. The wind was picking up rapidly, whipping their hair and clothes as they ran. Tyler reached the truck first, yanking open the back and checking the equipment. Barrels, sensors, and cameras were all securely fastened, ready for deployment.
“We’re good to go!” Tyler shouted over the roar of the wind, giving YN a thumbs-up.
YN nodded, her heart pounding with a mix of adrenaline and anticipation. “Let’s make sure everything is double-checked. We can’t afford any mistakes out there.”
Together, they quickly went through a mental checklist, ensuring every piece of equipment was in place and ready for action. Meanwhile, Kate and Javi were hustling to pack up the radars and additional monitoring gear. They worked with practiced efficiency, their movements swift and precise.
“Radars are set!” Kate called out as she slammed the tailgate of their support vehicle shut.
Javi gave a quick nod, securing the last of the equipment. “We’re ready. Let’s get moving before this thing really kicks off.”
The group piled into Tyler’s truck, the atmosphere inside charged with excitement and urgency. Tyler took the driver’s seat, YN sliding in beside him. Javi and Kate squeezed into the back, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of the impending storm.
As they pulled out of the driveway, the wind was already strong enough to rock the truck slightly. Dark, menacing clouds swirled above, casting an eerie shadow over the landscape. Tyler kept one hand on the wheel, the other adjusting the radio to the local weather station for updates.
“We need to get to the very center of it,” YN said, her voice steady but filled with determination. “That’s where we’ll get the most accurate data.”
Tyler nodded, his eyes focused on the road ahead. “We’ll head west. That’s where the reports are indicating the strongest activity. Everyone, keep your eyes peeled.”
The truck sped down the rural roads, the wind howling louder with each passing minute. Leaves and small branches were whipped into the air, and the sky grew darker, an ominous prelude to the storm’s fury.
Kate leaned forward from the back seat, her voice tense but excited. “I’m picking up increased rotation on the radar. It’s definitely forming.”
Javi was already setting up the portable radar unit, his fingers flying over the controls. “We’ve got about ten minutes before it hits full force. We need to find a safe spot to deploy the barrels.”
Tyler pushed the truck harder, his foot pressing the accelerator to the floor. “We’re almost there. Everyone, get ready.”
They arrived at an open field, a perfect spot to launch their equipment without any obstructions. Tyler brought the truck to a screeching halt, and they all jumped out, working quickly to unload the barrels and sensors. The wind whipped around them, making every movement a struggle.
“Set the barrels here!” YN shouted, pointing to strategic spots around the field. “We need a wide spread to get the best data.”
They worked in synchrony, years of experience guiding their actions. Barrels were placed, sensors activated, and cameras positioned to capture every angle of the storm’s development. The wind was now almost deafening, the first drops of rain starting to pelt down.
“Okay, everything’s in place!” Javi yelled, his voice barely audible over the howling wind.
Tyler gave a final check, ensuring everything was secure. “Back in the truck, now! We need to move to a safe distance.”
They scrambled back into the truck, slamming the doors shut against the force of the wind. Tyler drove them a short distance away, finding a spot where they could monitor the barrels and sensors without being in immediate danger.
Inside the truck, the tension was palpable. They watched as the storm continued to build, the radar showing increasing rotation and intensity.
“Here it comes,” YN said quietly, her eyes glued to the horizon. “Get ready, everyone.”
As they turned the truck around to face the direction they had come from, the tornado materialized in full force. It was a monstrous, swirling vortex, far stronger and more violent than any of them had anticipated. The sheer power of it took their breath away, and for a moment, there was stunned silence inside the truck.
"Tyler, hit the gas!" Javi screamed, breaking the spell as the tornado surged closer, the wind howling louder than ever.
Kate clutched the seat in front of her, eyes wide with terror. "Go, go, go! It's coming right at us!"
Tyler didn’t need to be told twice. He slammed his foot down on the accelerator, and the truck lurched forward with a roar, tires spinning for a moment before gaining traction. The engine roared as they sped away from the impending doom.
YN gripped the dashboard, her knuckles white. “Drive into town! We need to get to the shelter!” she yelled, her voice barely audible over the deafening noise of the storm and the wail of the tornado sirens that had just started blaring in the distance.
Tyler's eyes were locked on the road, his focus razor-sharp as he maneuverer the truck through the increasingly treacherous conditions. Debris flew through the air, and the rain was coming down in blinding sheets, making visibility almost zero. He squinted through the windshield, barely making out the shapes of trees and houses as they sped past.
The wind buffeted the truck from side to side, each gust threatening to push them off the road. Javi and Kate huddled in the back, gripping whatever they could to steady themselves. The tension was palpable, fear mixing with adrenaline as they raced against nature’s fury.
“We’re almost there!” Tyler shouted, though the words were more for his own reassurance than anything else. He could see the outline of the town ahead, the familiar shapes of buildings providing a glimmer of hope.
As they barrelled into town, the sirens wailed louder, their eerie wail cutting through the chaos. People scrambled for cover, but it was clear there was no dedicated shelter nearby. The streets were filled with panic-stricken faces, families huddling together, and everyone looking desperately for a place to hide.
“There!” YN pointed towards the old cinema, its marquee flickering in the storm. “We need to get everyone inside! It’s our best shot!”
Tyler swerved towards the cinema, the truck skidding slightly on the wet pavement but maintaining control. They reached the cinema just as the tornado seemed to roar with renewed fury, the swirling winds growing even more intense.
“Everyone out! Now!” Tyler commanded, slamming the truck into park and jumping out.
They all scrambled out of the truck, running towards the entrance of the cinema. Tyler and YN threw the doors open, ushering people inside. The lobby quickly filled with a mass of frightened, drenched townspeople, their faces masks of fear and urgency.
“There’s no basement!” a man shouted, panic rising in his voice as he scanned the building.
“We’ll have to make do!” YN yelled back, trying to maintain some semblance of order. “Everyone, get to the back of the theatre! Away from the windows!”
They herded everyone into the main auditorium, the old seats creaking as people pressed in tightly. The walls shuddered with each gust of wind, and the overhead lights flickered ominously. Tyler, YN, Javi, and Kate took positions by the doors, doing their best to calm the panicked crowd.
“Keep away from the doors and windows!” Tyler shouted, trying to be heard over the growing cacophony. “Get down and cover your heads!”
The wind outside was deafening, a relentless howl that seemed to penetrate the very walls of the cinema. The roof groaned under the pressure, and with a horrifying screech, a section of it began to peel away. Dust and debris rained down, and the crowd screamed in terror.
“Stay calm!” YN tried to shout, her voice nearly drowned out. She grabbed a young mother clutching her child and guided them to the relative safety of the aisle. “Stay low and cover your heads!”
Tyler ran to the centre of the auditorium, his voice strong and commanding. “Everyone, stay together! We’ll get through this!”
Javi and Kate moved through the crowd, helping to calm people and keep them as safe as possible. But the noise was overwhelming, and the fear was palpable. The building shuddered violently as another section of the roof began to rip away, exposing them to the fury of the storm.
A fierce wind gust whipped through the open space, sending papers and loose objects flying. The sound was like a freight train bearing down on them, and the temperature seemed to drop as the tornado closed in.
Tyler grabbed YN’s hand, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of determination and fear. “We need to hold on. We’ve faced worse before.”
YN nodded, squeezing his hand back.
Suddenly, the main doors blew open, the wind slamming them against the walls. People screamed as the full force of the storm invaded the theatre. Tyler and YN ran to secure the doors, but the wind was too strong, making it nearly impossible.
“Get back!” Javi shouted, pulling them away just as another piece of the roof tore off, sending debris raining down.
They retreated to the back of the theatre, joining the huddled mass of townspeople. YN shielded a young girl with her body, while Tyler did the same for an elderly couple. The wind roared, and the structure of the building groaned as if it might collapse at any moment.
Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the wind seemed to lose some of its ferocity. The howling diminished to a deafening roar, and the debris stopped flying. The eye of the storm passed over them, giving a brief respite.
Tyler looked up, panting. “We need to move. If we’re in the eye, the other side of the tornado will hit soon. We need to find a more secure spot.”
YN nodded, urgency in her eyes. “Everyone, stay close! We need to move quickly and find better cover!”
But before they could organize the next move, the wind picked up again, signalling the approach of the tornado’s second half. The noise returned, louder than before, and the remaining sections of the roof began to buckle.
“Hold on to something!” Kate screamed, gripping a nearby seat.
The storm’s fury was unrelenting, the howling wind now a deafening roar that consumed everything. Inside the theatre, the panicked crowd clung desperately to the metal railings that lined the aisles, their white-knuckled grips their only anchor against the tornado’s immense force.
“Hold on tight!” Tyler shouted, his voice barely audible over the cacophony. He braced himself against the railing, his other arm wrapped protectively around YN.
Debris swirled through the air, and the theatre's walls creaked ominously. A sudden gust of wind tore through the room, lifting seats and sending smaller objects flying. A few unfortunate souls lost their grip and were swept away, their screams lost in the maelstrom.
YN’s fingers were slipping on the railing, the sweat and dust making it nearly impossible to hold on. “Tyler!” she cried out, her voice filled with fear as she felt her grip weakening.
Tyler’s heart pounded in his chest as he saw YN’s desperate struggle. He reached out, his hand closing around her wrist just as her fingers slipped free. “I’ve got you!” he yelled, his voice a mix of determination and fear.
The wind howled with renewed ferocity, and Tyler tightened his grip, pulling YN closer. She clung to him, her body trembling with the effort to stay grounded. Around them, the chaos continued, people holding on for dear life as the storm battered the theatre.
A particularly strong gust rocked the building, and Tyler felt his own hold on the railing waver. He gritted his teeth, using every ounce of strength to keep both himself and YN anchored. “Don’t let go!” he shouted, his voice raw with strain.
YN’s eyes met his, wide with fear but also filled with trust. “I won’t,” she promised, her voice barely more than a whisper.
As the storm raged on, the moments stretched into what felt like an eternity. Tyler could feel his muscles burning, every tendon straining to keep his grip. He glanced around, seeing Javi and Kate nearby, their faces set with grim determination as they held on.
“Hold tight, everyone!” Kate screamed, her voice cutting through the noise. “We’re almost through this!”
The theatre's structure groaned under the pressure, the walls and ceiling shaking as the tornado’s full force bore down on them. The wind was a relentless beast, tugging at everything in its path. Tyler’s grip tightened on YN’s wrist, his other hand aching from holding onto the railing.
Suddenly, a piece of the ceiling gave way, crashing down with a deafening noise. Dust and debris filled the air, and for a moment, it was impossible to see or breathe. Tyler coughed, his eyes stinging, but he didn’t loosen his grip.
“Stay with me, YN!” he shouted, his voice hoarse.
“I’m here!” she responded, her voice strong despite the fear.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the wind began to subside. The roar of the tornado faded to a distant howl, and the violent shaking of the building eased. The storm was passing, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
Tyler took a deep, shaky breath, his muscles screaming in protest as he slowly released his grip on the railing. He pulled YN into a tight embrace, relief flooding through him. “We made it,” he whispered, his voice filled with exhaustion and relief.
YN clung to him, her body trembling with the aftershocks of fear and adrenaline. “Thank you,” she whispered back, her voice choked with emotion.
Without thinking, driven by an overwhelming surge of emotion, Tyler cupped YN’s face in his hands and kissed her deeply. It was a kiss filled with relief, love, and a promise of never letting go. The world around them seemed to fade, leaving just the two of them in that moment.
YN responded instantly, her arms wrapping around his neck as she kissed him back with equal fervour. Tears mixed with the dirt on her face, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was that they were together, alive, and safe.
When they finally broke apart, YN looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. “Tyler, please,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “Never leave me again. Please.”
Tyler rested his forehead against hers, his breath coming in ragged gasps. “I won’t,” he promised, his voice filled with sincerity. “I’ll never leave you again, YN. I swear it.”
They held each other tightly, the chaos around them fading into the background as they found solace in each other’s arms. The bond that had once been strained was now reinforced by the shared trauma and the depth of their love.
Javi and Kate staggered over, their faces pale but relieved. “Is everyone okay?” Javi asked, his voice rough from the dust and strain.
Tyler nodded, still holding YN close. “We’re okay. We’re all okay.”
Kate glanced around the devastated theatre, her eyes wide with disbelief. “That was… I’ve never seen anything like it.”
YN pulled back slightly from Tyler, her hand still holding his. “We need to make sure everyone’s accounted for and get the injured some help.”
Tyler nodded, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “Right. Let’s do a headcount and see who needs assistance.”
Together, they moved through the theatre, helping those who had been thrown by the wind and checking on the injured. The sense of community and shared survival was palpable, everyone working together to ensure that no one was left behind.
As they helped an elderly couple to their feet, YN glanced at Tyler, her eyes still filled with emotion. “We’ve faced worse storms, but this… this was different.”
Tyler squeezed her hand, offering a small, encouraging smile. "Please let me back to you guys, nearly losing you there hurt me more than leaving you all those years back."
Requests are open!
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animehideout · 8 months
How about jjk men reaction if y/n has a tongue piercing? ;D
JJK Men Reaction To Y/N With A Tongue Piercing
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A/n: Thank you @luna-lunique for this wonderful request, I hope you enjoy it ❤️.
Characters: Geto Suguru - Gojo Satoru - Choso Kamo - Ryomen Sukuna.
Warning: SMUT MDNI for Sukuna's part ( ofc it has to be spicy with this man )
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Geto Suguru: Interested And Flirty
Geto Suguru is your crush, so you got your tongue pierced to match his vibe, since he's got both his ears pierced.
Your piercing wasn't healed yet, so you'd find a difficulty to move your tongue which resulted in you stuttering.
He'd ask if you were okay.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine Suguru, it's just I got my tongue pierced and it kinda hurts a bit"
His eyes would lit up with genuine surprise and interest.
A smile played on his lips, curiousity evident in his gaze.
"A tongue piercing? You've been hiding your rebellious side from me Y/N?"
You'd blush a lot from the way hos eyes were glued to your mouth whenever you spoke, trying yo catch a glimpse of your piercing.
"Didn't know you were into piercings tho! But it's a nice touch, added a bit of mystery in you".
Since he's experienced with piercings, he'd give you some advice on how to care of it in order to heal it fast.
Your tongue piercing was his breaking point, he'd give you multiple hints that he has a crush on you.
"You know people with tongue piercings are my type"
"Maybe I should join the club Y/n. A matching tongue piercing could be quite special don't you think?"
A few days later, Geto would surprise you with a tongue piercing as well, cuz he desperately wanted to match with you.
Gojo Satoru: Teasing
It was when both of you were teasing each other as always.
You'd stick your tongue out to mock him, and that's when he caught a glimpse of the jewelry that decorated your tongue.
A subtle surprised flickered across his face, eyes widened in intruige.
"Holy shit! Stick your tongue out again–Is that a piercing?"
But of course you had to tease him and hide it from him.
So you covered your mouth a ran away from him.
You think he'd give up? Hell no! he'll run after you, catch you and force you to show him your tongue.
Would pin you down, and tried to open your mouth.
"Show meeeeeee" he'd whine.
You'd bite his finger.
You got tired and gave up, so you poked your tongue revealing a cute jewelry.
"Oh someone got an extra sparkle in their mouth, is this your way of ensuring our convos are electrifying?" he'd joke.
Would observe it in admiration, fascinated by your bold choice.
Would definitely try to touch it.
"You're full of surprises Y/N! I love that"
Would appreciate your uniqueness, spontaneity and free spirit to try new things.
Teases you a lot about it but deep down he loves it so much and thinks it's hot.
"Imagine if I put a magnet is your mouth a pull"
"Ugh, I told you this for the 1673829th time Satoru, it's not magnetized".
Spoils you with different jewelries.
"Thought this one might match the sparkle in your eyes"
He'd say with a wide smile, gifting you the new expensive accessory.
"Wonder how it feels to kiss someone with a tongue piercing, wanna help me figure out Y/N?"
Choso Kamo: Concerned AF.
"Like my new piercing Choso?"
His eyes would widen in surprise and concern.
He couldn't help but voice his worries.
Approaches you with a worried glisten in his eyes, carefully opens your mouth to get a closer look at your piercing.
If it was possible he'd shove his head inside for a better look.
"Wait when did you get this Y/N?"
Bombards you with questions.
"Is it painful? Does it hurt when you talk? Omg alright I'll shut up you don't have to answer if it pains you when you speak"
Would he stop asking questions? No.
He has to make sure you're okay.
He's a caring person and his questions reflected his genuine concern for you well-being and safety.
"Does it bleed? How long does it take to heal?".
"Are you supposed to eat certain things or avoid stuff?"
You'd have to comfort him, and tell him that it doesn't hurt as it looks and that you have a high pain tolerance so you can handle it.
If you choose to joke around with him and tell him that it caused you to faint or it started to bleed, man would panic, might faint as well.
Treats you with tenderness and care.
Blows on your food if it's hot, so it won't burn your tongue and cause any infections.
Googles: How to heal a tongue piercing in 1 day.
"It looks great on you my love, but I hate seeing you in pain".
Ryomen Sukuna: Turned On.
It was when both of you were making out.
The accessory on your tongue poked his lips and tongue.
Would pull back in surprise.
"Woah woah! what was that show me!"
You'd stick your tongue out, a smirk played on his lips, a flicker of desire ignited his eyes, mirroring his filthy thoughts.
It was your plan all along, you led him on for a makeout session so he could feel your new piercing.
Instantly turned on, his pants tightening.
"Well, well, look what we have here! Someone is upping their game, spicing things up"
He'd laugh in satisfaction, excited just by the thought of what your pierced mouth could do.
"You're playing dangerous games Y/N"
Would waste a second? No! He'd want your tongue around his D.
"Come on, on your knees now Y/N! I want to know how it feels"
It made him 10x attracted to you, having your tongue pierced revealed your badass and rebellious side that he couldn't help but fall deeper for.
As you did your work down there, he'd focus in the way your tongue piercing lingered around his D.
You'd drive him crazy, and turn him into a hot mess. Only his groans are heard.
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soulprompts · 4 months
hi hello holy moly i've been gone a while but look!!! i bring you prompts! and these are MONTHS old according to my notes app! but basically i'm two weeks and four days away from returning to my home country, and my mother sent me some tea from home, and i just got thinking about the sheer power of a cup of tea, yk? anyway! here it is! and here are my conditions! DO NOT ADD OR CHANGE THIS LIST! and also feel free to add "REVERSE" if you want to switch the rolls, i suppose!
[ COLD ]: With a notable drop in temperatures, the sender makes some tea for themself and the receiver, if not for drinking then for the warmth and comfort of holding the mugs in their chilled hands.
[ SHOCK ]: Having found a most-definitely-in-shock receiver, the sender makes a big, strong, and immensely sweet cup of tea for them in order to restore them a little bit.
[ ANOTHER ]: While preparing a cup for themself, the sender makes a second cup for the receiver in a polite and low-effort gesture towards them.
[ FIX ]: The sender, realizing the receiver is genuinely upset about something, comforts them and makes some tea in the hopes of lifting their spirits some bit.
[ WEARY ]: After a mutually extensive day, the sender and receiver return home, and the sender prepares some tea as a soothing introduction to their bedtime routine.
[ BETTER? ]: The sender, at a loss for how to approach the receiver who has clearly endured a very difficult time, decides to make some tea in an effort to console them and possibly encourage them to talk about it.
[ GUEST ]: The sender welcomes the receiver into their home with open arms and two strong mugs of tea. (There may also be food of some kind, that's for you to decide!)
[ WHY NOT? ]: The sender prepares some tea for both themself and the receiver, not out of any great need or want, but because their default setting is making tea and frankly they can't see any harm in it either way.
[ DECAF ]: The sender subtly intervenes in the receiver's sleep schedule by bringing them a cup of tea rather than a cup of coffee in the hopes that they might get some sleep that night.
[ TRY ]: The sender just received a new kind of tea, and prepares some for themself and the receiver because who better to share the experience with than the receiver?
[ COPING ]: In the aftermath of some terrible and life-changing news, the sender busies their self with preparing some tea to give themselves something to do other than think about what's just happened.
[ INSTINCT ]: Something isn't quite right with the receiver, and the sender knows it. In order to get them to open up, the sender prepares some tea.
[ REFRESHMENT ]: Someone made cookies, and what is a cookie without a cup of tea? The receiver won't need to find out; the sender is already making a cup as we speak.
[ TEA ]: The receiver has just arrived with some particularly excellent and scandalous gossip; the sender, unwilling to let the receiver's voice dry out during the revelation, prepares some tea to go with it.
[ RELAX ]: After a particularly stressful day, the sender prepares some tea so that they can finally begin to relax and unwind in the evening.
[ OLIVE BRANCH ]: The receiver is angry with the sender; the cup of tea is just the sender's cautious attempts to heal the relationship.
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primrosebow · 6 months
Is it possible for you to draw Lucifer or Velevtte in this?
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i saw it and got hooked on the idea but I cant draw
Finally getting to YOU‼️ took some creative liberties btw
Noticing a severe lack of pants.......... mmmhh I can't seem to find a singular way to fix that [shrug]
But I can't put lucifer in silver. I'm sorry. That's sacrilegious. He's gotta be in gold.
_--> Lucifer x reader // Velvette x reader
!Content warnings!: nsfw........ that's it 👏👏👏
Using an artstyle I am more comfortable with 2nite guyze. If ya'll like this one do tell me
I also let myself add my own headcannons into the mix. As a treat.
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Sorry... she's... a little on the nose when it comes to clothes. She really only put it on because you gave her the biggest puppy eyes xx. She likes the gesture, don't get her wrong... but honestly... warm red? What?
The only way I could see this top being anywhere near wearable is if you call upon the holy spirit (Vivienne Westwood) and inspire yourself on her
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You... got a minimal lecture on fashion, but! At least she looks beautiful (as always)!
// //
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Of course he'd to this to you. Of course he'd pick the most beautiful article of clothing in the most perfect shade of red that compliments his features perfectly and then act all shy about it. He's a horrible little bastard about this, but, can you really care when he's smiling at you lacking the very bold confidence that even got him into this very situation? I don't think you should care. I don't think you will, as a matter of fact.
// //
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@bigfatbimbo as always on velvette content🫶 honestly considering tagging you on every post since you're the person who got me to post in the first place xx
Anyway, I have offerings to leave for the forest gods. Everyone, have a wonderful day and or night :))
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi dear brothers and sisters, today I come to you to share with you a poem I just wrote (on 18th May 2023). It is made of three verses and a short part that helps to ”see the line” between two parts of it. In the first part, I talk to God. In the second part, it is represented how I talk about God. In the third part, I personally talk to God again.
He will stay
With You I let go of my weaknesses
When I'm with You, I don't feel powerless
In You I find my strength
And I just know that in You, I can put my whole faith
In You I long to find out who I am what what is my worth
I can't stop thinking of how Precious is to feel Your love
Your love that made me finally see sense in living
Your presence is always with me in other people, in the Bible, it's revealed in everything
With You I keep on fighting the darkness
For You never leave me, You'll be here untill the end times
When the darkness comes, I do not fear
For I am well aware that wherever I am, You're near
Only You know how much joy it gives me, Lord
Only You know how and why You began to be my hope
Only You know how wonderful Your goodness is revealed in my life
Why are you the only One who knows about it all? Well, You're simply by my side
Always by my side
I don't want to hide
From You anymore
For You showed me Your love
You showed me where to go
When I didn't see the way, was lost
You have me Your hope and lead me to the light
That is present always in my whole life
He is the One Who goes before me and prepares my way
He is the One Who goes behind me to save my day
He is always there beside me to make sure I'm okay
He has never abonded me, always kept on defending me
He never lets others hurt me, is my Protection
He is my Comfort when my friendships are met with destruction
He is always there in the good times to celebrate together
He is always there in the worse times and lets me cry on His shoulder
I can always talk to Him whenever I feel like it
To Him I give my anxiety and worries, I do not hide it
He always does listen to me so, so patiently
He always makes sure that I know that I'm never lonely
He fills me with peace that is beyond my own understanding
His love is so strong that He accepted me as who I was but didn't let me
Keep on living while comitting the same sins over and over again
Instead, He was there to teach me how to get rid of the stronghold, break it
He gave me so much strength and always did everything to make me feel loved
He never stopped making sure that I am not alone
I used to feel not enough in the past
And it doesn't matter anymore for He took it away
He took it away and doesn't let the enemy lie to me
He constantly reminds me that he is a liar and I shouldn't listen to him
Always by my side
I don't want to hide
From You anymore
For You showed me Your love
You showed me where to go
When I didn't see the way, was lost
You have me Your hope and lead me to the light
That is present always in my whole life
You are always there to make me happy, to make me smile
And I really love it so, so much
For God, You were always with me for all of my life
And You won't ever give up on me but will continue to do the same for the lifetime
For You are my Faithful Lord of Lords, King of Kings
And never make promises that stay unfulfilled
And I trust You that just like You told me, You'll be there
And won't never leave, not even for day
I believe that You will stay
Always by my side
I don't want to hide
From You anymore
For You showed me Your love
You showed me where to go
When I didn't see the way, was lost
You have me Your hope and lead me to the light
That is present always in my whole life
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bratzforchris · 6 months
OMG CAN U WRITE DAD CHRIS WITH TWIN BOY AND GIRL AROUND THE AGE OF LIKE 6-7? THEY WOULD HAVE HIS EXACT SAME PERSONALITYYYY. the girls name would be dream bc that’s such a chris thing to do is to name his daughter dream and one time he said he likes the name grayson for a boy on a stream so please i beg u write a scenario of ur own with the details i gave u and this will be my comfort fic
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Summary: In which you and your twins receive some valuable information from Uncle Nick and use it to play a prank on Chris
Pairing: Dad!Chris x mom!reader
Warnings: Tiny bit suggestive towards the end
Word Count: 793
A/N: Thank you for the request! This was literally so cute and silly to write :') Enjoy!
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“Mommy?” Your six-year-old son, Grayson, asked you, looking up from his dinosaur coloring book. 
“Yeah, baby?” You hummed, looking up from the stove to the kitchen table where he was sitting. 
“Did you know that Daddy screams like a girl?” he asked you with a little giggle. 
“Oh really?” You asked with a chuckle, well aware of these screams your son was describing. 
“Mhm!” Grayson’s twin, Dream, piped in. “Uncle Nick told us that.” she added, eyes still trained on her Hello Kitty coloring book.
Your children had spent the day with Nick since Chris had quite a bit of work to do for FreshLove and you had been helping out a friend who had recently had a baby. Knowing Nick, they’d been told god knows what, but this was one you couldn’t help but to find hilarious. A little known fact about Chris was that when he was startled, he would let out a yelp akin to that of a little girl who’d just received a puppy for Christmas. He had tried to hide it from you for as long as possible, knowing you would use it to your advantage and you definitely did.
“Do you guys wanna play a prank on Daddy?” You smirked, your eyes alighting with excitement. 
“YES!” the twins cheered in unison. 
Ever since you and Chris had started dating a little over nine years ago, you had always been a playful couple, constantly playing pranks on each other and telling dumb jokes. You hadn’t lost that nature after marriage or children, and the playful spirit of both of you had been passed to your twins. You quickly called your kids over to where you were standing, crouching down to their level and whispering in their ears. 
Grayson and Dream looked at each other and giggled after you told them the plan. The three of you had decided that you would scare Chris by having the twins hide in the pantry and you would ask Chris to retrieve the pasta. When he opened the doors, they would jump out at him. You giggled softly as you helped your children into the pantry and closed the door softly, whispering from them to be quiet or else the prank wouldn’t work. 
“Chris, honey?” You called throughout the house, as you stepped back towards the stove, stirring your pot. “Can you come here? I need your help.”
It wasn’t long until you heard Chris thudding down the stairs from his office. You were honestly surprised how quiet the twins were staying as Chris entered the kitchen, but then again, they took after you and their daddy. When they were committed to a joke, they were committed. 
“What’s up, ma?” Chris asked you, kissing your cheek as he hugged you from behind. “I missed you today.”
“I missed you,” You whispered back, kissing his cheek as you tried not to let your own excitement show. “Hey, I called you down here to ask if you could get the noodles for the soup? I don’t wanna leave the pot.”
“Anything for you.” Chris kissed your lips softly, caressing your sides. 
As he migrated over to the pantry, you pulled out your phone and began to record your husband. You wanted this moment immortalized forever, mostly for a fond, funny moment your children could look back on later in life. Chris pulled open the pantry, and just to plan, Grayson and Dream jumped out, wrapping themselves around his legs and yelling “RAHHH”.
Just as Nick had told them, Chris let out a squeal. “HOLY F…fishsticks,” he yelled, not wanting to curse in front of the twins despite his scare. You and your children doubled over laughing at Chris’s surprise as he slung them over his shoulders. “Did you help them with this, ma?” he asked you, now laughing as well. 
“Maybe…” You sing-songed, finally stopping the recording and putting your phone down.
“Uncle Nick told us you scream like a girl and he was right!” Dream giggled, her blue eyes that perfectly matched her daddy’s shining.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Chris mumbled under his breath, setting the twins in their chairs for dinner. 
“You do scream like a girl, Daddy.” Grayson said matter-of-factly, taking a sip of his juice. 
“I do not!” Chris protested, looking to you for help, only to see you chuckling as well. “Help me out here, babe.”
“You really do, Chris. You really, really do.” You giggled, covering your mouth. 
“I’m gonna get you for this later, ma.” Chris whispered in your ear, discreetly pinching your ass as you served up dinner. 
And sure enough, once the twins had been put to bed, Chris made good on his promise of getting you back for the prank. 
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @bunny-cotton @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @not-phone-guy @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @faygo-frog @oobleoob @runasvengence @aemrsy
note ♡: my taglist is closed for the time being, thank you so much for your support 💐🧸🎀
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arcielee · 7 months
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Summary: Lucifer shows you what Adam is lacking. Paring: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: 18+, Reader AFAB, sexual discomfort hinted, sexual inexperience, kissing, oral (f receiving), fingering, cunnilingus from the leader of all demons, and also Bible verses being used to create sexual tension?? Author's Note: Well, I have fallen headfirst into the Hellaverse and needed to get this smut out of my system. Bible verses being used are 1 Corinthians 9-10 & Galatians 5:17. This was inspired by the artwork created by cluffy_25 from IG & TikTok. Maybe now I can finally get some sleep. I hope you enjoy! 😭
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On that fateful day of your creation, there was a palpable shift in paradise from the jealousy that was sown into the earth. 
Lucifer was first in the shadows, just another specter amongst the watchful wonderment as the rib pulled from Adam was crafted, flesh intricately woven; the sight of you was a holy splendor, surpassing every and any expectation imagined. When it was proclaimed that your image was the likeness of Yahweh, he had scoffed, ignoring the chorus of angels recoiling; the truth–which he spoke out loud–was that your beauty was a novel artistry all its own. 
He continued that nothing, that no one, could even compare to you. 
It did not help that the praises above echoed this sentiment and further seeded a growing resentment, its envious tendrils wrapping and rotting Eden from within. With it, your novelty was peeled away, but Lucifer remained enraptured with your ethereal grace, with your careful consideration you showed to all living things as you learned your surroundings. 
He also saw the covetous gaze cast from the angels and how they poorly masked it with a cold reserve that was met with your every interaction. 
Lucifer saw how it began to chip away at the kindness you gave freely. He burned when he saw the hurt that touched your lovely features, he fumed at the sound of your disheartened sigh of acceptance that this was all you could expect from this life given. 
Your isolation called to his loneliness, and with Lucifer, you found a kindred spirit. You were grateful with how he returned your genuineness, even finding a sense of comfort, of validation, at the tip of his brazen tongue that did not fear consequence. With him, you found your thoughts could be shared, the ones you carefully clutched to your chest, and would not be met with any judgment–your shy whispers on your divine purpose that came knitted with your existence and the gilded cage that it created. 
Though he seemed an empathetic creature, always kind to you, you were also aware of the stories and his lore. You caught a glimpse one day when you let slip the chore required of you to lay with Adam, a duty you tried to complete quickly and quietly when he demanded. 
The air around you thickened, and you saw the demon that thrummed beneath the surface: the flash of red in his eyes, the heat from the flame on his furrowed brow. Something powerful, something dire that came and went with your heartbeat. 
This was an intimate subject that Lucifer always precariously balanced on the precipice of, always alluring to something unknown by you. He hinted at the shrine you possessed, giving you just a taste of something sinful, of something more that was within your reach. He spoke of pleasure that could be found, but when you mentioned this to Adam, he only sneered. 
For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
“But do you ever wish for more?”
It was another day in the garden. Adam had been swept away by the angels who remained in awe of the First Man, but this never bothered you. You welcomed the reprieve, slipping away to return to the natural arbor by the river weaving through the oasis. 
Here the branches curled overhead, light streaking through and the leaves blanketing the ground. Your legs were stretched to feel the sun that fell through, allowing Lucifer to lay his head on your plush thighs. His eyes were watching you, waiting for your response to his question. 
Your lips pursed. “I already have all that I could ever need.” You were careful with your words, your fingers moving to comb through his golden hair.
He hummed with your touch. “I did not say need,” his eyes were still trained to you, an upwards curl to his lips. “I asked if you wished for something more, for something else.” 
“What else could I possibly want?” Your brow quirked. It was part question, part curiosity. The fallen angel seemed to speak in riddles. 
His eyes glittered. “Free will.” 
“But I have free will.”
“Free will allows you choices all your own,” he argued, still smiling. “Would you have chosen Adam if you had not been given to him?”
Lucifer grinned as he watched his words catch in your throat. It was another intrusive thought he always seemed to uncover, pulling to the surface. Your blood stained the apples of your cheeks and your tongue wet your lips. 
“Adam,” you began, pulling your hands away and placing them at your sides, “was created in the likeness of God.” This was the repeated mantra sung from the heavens, words you spoke now without any conviction. “To not choose him would be to not choose the one true…” 
But it faded to obscurity once you became aware of his close proximity; he pulled himself upright before facing you, leaning in with his intensive gaze. “Adam is not God, but only a man.” His voice was low, fanning against your cheeks, and your skin flushed hotly with his words.
This was not the first time he reminded you that Adam was just a man, merely created from the dust of the earth. You never defended whenever Lucifer spoke of Adam’s failures, his certainty that Adam did not give this pleasure you deserved.
It was a topic that piqued your interest, but you felt too bashful to continue it before. But now…
“Free will should allow you the option to choose for more,” his honeyed tone continued. “Should you not experience all that this life has to offer?” 
For a moment, you could only hear the orchestra life created, the rustle of the leaves with the soft breeze and the water that flowed. You had always thought Lucifer was handsome. There was something captivating about him, and right now, you were entranced with the new emotion that now played in the amber glow of his eyes.
Like what, you dared to whisper, eyes wide. 
Lust of the flesh, he replied with an elegant arc to his brow, with an impish curl to his lips.
You felt your skin prickling, something that flitted along the seams of your being before returning to coil in your abdomen. It was something that pulled you to the precarious ledge he seemed perpetually perched on. 
And you kissed him. 
It was gentle and it was quick, though your heart bruised against your ribs with your bold action. You felt the embarrassment flood your features, but when you tried to pull away, his hand caught the back of your neck, his fingers curling into your nape. His mouth captured yours with vigor and your mind splintered from the softness of his lips, from the warmth of his mouth; a sensation that screamed throughout you, craving for more.
Flesh lusts against the spirit…these are contrary, the one to the other.
He stopped the moment you tensed, pulling back and allowing you a breath. Your lips were swollen and flushed, your eyes glassy as they came to focus on the Prince of Darkness. “This does not have to go further unless you wish it to,” his voice soft with his emphasis.
The choice presented like a thick haze that swirled around you, drawing you towards him again. This pleasure promised trilled your veins, and your hands moved to grasp and pull him closer for another clumsy kiss. 
Your body sang from his touch as his fingers skimmed over to grab into your hips, his warmth alighting your every nerve. His mouth moved to your jaw, to the curve of your neck and lower, nipping at your collarbone. You giggled, squirming against him, and his hold moved to cradle your lower back, a guiding press backwards until you were laying on the grass. 
“Trust me,” he whispered against your skin, his hot mouth trailing lower. 
Lucifer nestled between your thighs, his hands never leaving your body so you were aptly aware of his next movements. His head turned to press a kiss on the inside of your knee, following along with licks and nips of his teeth and tongue, plumes of color following his wake. It was a slow pacing, creeping towards your core, feeling how your blood simmered beneath, your body blossoming with his methodical ministrations. 
Your legs widened, welcoming him and his intimate touch. His fingers pressed a v-shape to spread your folds, his exhaling tickling against your cunt, swollen and glossy with your arousal. He moved closer, a tentative touch of his tongue, and you melted against his mouth. He groaned with your taste, briny and begging for more; his hands curled under your thighs, canting your hips to meet with his lips. 
It was a sensation that seared through your veins, a bolt straightening your spine. You gasped again, your hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair to ground yourself as his forked tongue moved with precision and with purpose. 
He was mindful of your every sound, your bated breath and your sweet sighs, the mewling noises that spilled like nectar from your lips. He pulled you towards a plateau of pleasure that resonated throughout your core, rattling your bones beneath. 
You felt him swell against you, burning between, and your thighs clenched around him. Your chin pressed down to see him, truly for the first time: his horns curling up from his blond hair, the blood-red glow of his eyes pooling onto your skin. 
Your mouth fell open, shock and pleasure twisting from your lungs. 
Lucifer lifted his head, meeting with your teary gaze, his sharp smile gleaming from your slick. “You may grab onto them, if you need to.” His voice was low, husky. 
Your hands trembled to touch and their smooth texture was warm against your palms. You reverberated with his low chuckle as he dipped his head back to the apex of your thighs, his vitality unleashed. He feasted on your essence, and your hands gripped the base of his horns as his forked tongue carved into your sensitive flesh, a pulsing pleasure that poured hotly in your core. You cried out with the prod at your entrance, and he pressed a quick kiss to soothe as his finger curled within you. 
“You are doing so well for me,” he crooned as his finger searched, brushing against a spot that brightened your vision, curling your toes. He hummed again, and you felt his satisfaction curling on his lips. “Can you take another one for me?”
Your back arched with his touch; the tandem of his tongue and fingers thrilled you, the pulsing pleasure coiling so tight it was as if your heart was beating outside your body. It unfurled, a blinding light, a sobbed release, this euphoria wrenching the air from your lungs and your muscles contracting around his digits; and Lucifer continued his come hither motion to your completion. 
You were eventually brought back to your body, feeling a gentle breeze against the sheen of sweat, the grounding weight pressing to the inside of your thigh. You blinked, seeing Lucifer with his head resting against you, his fingers drawing lazy designs on your skin. His wicked grin was splayed, watching through hooded eyes at the slow rise and fall of your chest as you regained your breath. 
You blushed furiously, feeling the dull throb between your thighs, the last remnants of your pleasure he craftily pulled from you. But there was also an ache, a contrast of emotions playing in the haze of your mind: the purpose you were given and this newfound pleasure had. 
These are contrary, the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would wish.
The blood drained as you pushed to your elbows, a prickling fear that followed the curve of your spine. You stammered, your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. “W-what did you say?” 
Lucifer tilted his head, his brow furrowed, confused. “I only said that you were beautiful,” and he pushed up, moving to kiss you, softly, sweetly. “You are beautiful just like this.”
You allowed his kiss to comfort you, rekindling the fire he had found within you, with the sweet taste of your sin on his lips. 
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ghostofashina · 23 days
In the absence of guidance of golden grace, there's guidance in death.
There's a lot of death symbolism around Messmer that, in a first moment, didn't get my attention, until I saw the skull on his own armor, hidden inside his cloak and, even in the second phase, hidden by a snake, as if it was some sort of a remind he keeps to himself. It is a detail made for him to guard, not for us to see. And despite it being a sad reminder, it can bring comfort.
The Tibia Mariner's boats is everywhere to be seen at Shadow Keep. They all burn with a golden flame to evoke the Grace they've lost once Marika abandoned them.
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And it's easy to deduce why they are there: it's a funeral homage, a rite of passage for those who perished fighting the Crusades. All the soldiers that died fighting that holy war and their only reward was death.
Once the Lands of Shadow was sealed, they knew they would never return home. It's said even the nobles knights that sworn loyalty to Messmer were abandoned by their own houses. A spirit, once we kill the golden hyppo, refuses to believe the undeniable truth: they were abandoned both by Grace and Marika. They were left to die alone and death is all they can expect in those lands.
But there's guidance in Death. Now it does.
The Tibia Mariner's summons says: "The dead have long been left to wander. What they need is leadership." For ages, the dead lacked the leadership and, therefore, the guidance of said leader. Until now. They have a Prince to call their own.
And it's Messmer's brother. And he knows it. Because he buried the brothers-in-arms he cared the most, despite their rebellion against him, within the same catacombs where his brother's corpse grew.
Because Messmer knew the Prince of Death would guide his men in death. They would no longer be left to wander as they were in Lands of Shadows, forsaken and alone. They would have someone to watch over them, to guide them. And it's his very brother.
Which makes me think that even the flooded part of Shadow Keep holds a similar meaning. Death is strictly connected to water. We have the boats seeking a path to cross. We have the Prince with fish features residing in water. Death resides in water. And we, as player, must drain the water to explore the structure. We find a Marika statue submerged. They flooded the castle not only because its safer, but to keep death close.
As a reminder, as a guidance.
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And that's why Messmer has a skull hidden in his clothes. To remind himself that his only path is death. There's nothing more waiting for him but death, that comes with us, the tarnished. But, at least, in death there's a comfort. In death, he wouldn't be alone or forsaken. There is somone he knows. There's family. There's comfort in death. His brother is there.
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