#High Cholesterol Diet
fitmantrasurat · 2 months
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Diabetes and high cholesterol: what’s the connection?
Even diabetics with well-managed blood glucose levels can develop high cholesterol, read on to understand why and what you can do to protect yourself.
Read more: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/diabetes-and-high-cholesterol-what%E2%80%99s-the-connection/2943
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skwebmedia · 10 months
यदि सर्दियों में बढ़ जाता है कोलेस्ट्रॉल, तो इस तरह से करें बचाव
Cholesterol Control Tips  आजकल की जीवनशैली में विश्व में कई  लोग कोलेस्ट्रॉल की समस्या से जूझ रहे हैं. इस लेख में हम आपको बतायेंगे  की  कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कैसे  नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। और इससे जुड़ी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण अन्य जानकारियां । कोलेस्ट्रॉल के प्रकार  कोलेस्ट्रोल मुख्यतः  दो प्रकार के होते है । गुड कोलेस्ट्रॉल (HDL):  गुड कोलेस्ट्रॉल  सेहत के लिए बहुत ही  महत्वपूर्ण होता है , इसे हाई डेंसिटी…
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apprizemed · 2 years
Can Your Skin Show Signs Of High Cholesterol: Know Everything Here
Cholesterol is a prevalent problem among individuals today. Generally, you don’t see any signs of high cholesterol because its symptoms are not physically visible. However, you may start to see differences in your skin, like yellow-orange deposits under the skin, and it can also form bumps on your skin. It can also cause ulcers and psoriasis.
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How to triumph over excessive cholesterol levels?
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Central BioHub has joined the most extensive clinical network to meet the needs of researchers for biosamples. It allows researchers to access research samples through their most cutting-edge online marketplace. It offers a comprehensive collection of research samples from people with symptoms of high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia) that have been examined for HDL, LDL, triglycerides, etc. To place online orders, take a look at their inventory here: https://centralbiohub.de/blogs/conquer-high-cholesterol-levels
Today, high blood cholesterol levels are considered the disease of this millennium. Millions of people across the globe are living with high cholesterol. But what exactly does high cholesterol disease mean? Let's take a close look at this condition. High cholesterols in the blood is a chronic disease condition called hyperlipidaemia caused by excess amounts of fats and lipids in the blood. It is one of the major lifestyle diseases resulting from unhealthy diet habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Extensive consumption of saturated fats is the major cause of hyperlipidemia. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health and circulatory diseases.  
A person suffering from hyperlipidemia shows increased levels of triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and high-density lipoproteins (HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol) in the blood with an increased risk of depositing in the arteries to block them. Today, hyperlipidemia is the major risk of cardiovascular disorders and cardiac emergencies.
Best ways to control high cholesterol levels.
Simple modifications in lifestyle can make a huge impact in managing your cholesterol levels. As we already discussed, hyperlipidemia is often the result of unhealthy eating habits and inactivity. Therefore, the following are some tips to manage your cholesterol levels.
Switch to a heart-healthy diet
Avoid eating food items rich in saturated fat. Examples: fatty and processed meat, pies, pastry, butter, cream, and coconut oil are
Swap to unsaturated fat-containing oils such as vegetable oil, olive oil, avocado oil
Use skimmed milk
Avoid high cholesterol diet
Use natural curd or yoghurt
Eat plant-based proteins instead of red meat and chicken meat
Avoid fried and oily food
Avoid eating processed and junk food
Eat a fibre-rich diet
Include more green vegetables and fruits
Avoid physical inactivity
Do regular exercises
Check your cholesterol levels regularly
Let’s conquer high cholesterol levels — order hyperlipidemia samples for research. 
Hyperlipidemia is one of the most common medical problems among persons age 40 or older. Nowadays, hyperlipidemia has increased in young adults, making them vulnerable to cardiac and other circulatory disorders. To combat the current scenario, it is vital to give researchers the tools they need to expand research on novel therapeutics and diagnostics. Making the best use of the stored human biospecimens obtained from patients with hyperlipidemia is one curial matter. 
Against this background, Central BioHub offers the largest collection of human specimens for research and development to revolutionize the study of hyperlipidemia.
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radlissa · 3 months
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Amazing Health Facts About Paneer You Should Know - Naturachol
Source content: https://naturachol.com/blogs/news/paneer-could-be-heart-healthy-choice-for-cholesterol
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every-captain · 6 months
I also found out I have pretty pretty high cholesterol. This wasn't something my doctor flagged for me just 4 years ago when I last had labs, meaning it's a pretty new issue. That checks out since I've always had good cholesterol.
In good news I'm not even in the ballpark of at risk for diabetes which is the one everyone's worried about for me constantly cuz im fat.
Made an appointment with a psych but I can't get in till May. But once I get my vitamin D under control and get on some kind of mental health pills/assistance and get some energy back it'll be a lot easier to exercise. Until then I'm just gonna focus on eating meat and dairy a little more discerningly and drinking more water cuz my labs came back dehydrated too >_>;
I really wish my doctor had given me some more specific instructions than just "go on a diet and exercise" without even asking me about my diet or activity levels but what can you do. Once you're over 300 pounds you're not really a person to a doctor until you've lost half that.
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fitmantrasurat · 7 months
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I wish there was an app that let you track nutrient intake without showing you your calorie intake. I just want to track my fiber and protein to help manage my chronic illness without triggering my number obsession please
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itsmozzazzella · 1 year
the western diet is so fucked up dude like i know how and why it got like this but man it is just so so so bad for you
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bearballing · 1 year
guess who has a vitamin D deficiency 👍
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thehealthofficers · 1 year
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Lemons are an especially valuable citrus fruit with regards to bringing down cholesterol levels. This is because of their high satisfaction with vitamin C, a strong antioxidant that has been displayed to diminish the risk of heart disease.
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My doctor called me back, the news was not what I wanted to hear, took PTO for the rest of the afternoon so I can have a pity party on my couch lol
He gave me a referral to a laproscopic surgeon and said while I don't need my gallbladder out immediately, since I've already had three attacks, my odds for a serious blockage are very high. But he also didn't suggest further imaging or testing before the surgery part. So now I either need to get more testing done from him, or find another doctor's group and get a second opinion and further testing done. This is on top of trying to find a new OB-GYN. OH and I have fatty liver disease and I got the diet and exercise lecture!!
I am just incredibly overwhelmed at the moment. It's too much information to process at once. I don't even know where to start. I know I have some asks and I'll answer them later after I've calmed down some. Thank y'all for the kind messages they mean everything to me.
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suzieb-fit · 1 year
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Yay for amazon. I use it for anything and everything 😋.
Finally ordered The Menopause Reset by Mindy Pelz. This will be my third book of hers. Been in my basket for ages, lol.
Also getting The Great Cholesterol Myth by Jonny Bowden. Had it recommended in my fasting group on FB when I posted about my recent high cholesterol result. I'm honestly refusing to believe that. Guessing it's more to do with the fact that I was tested during a fast.
Anyway, even though I kind of already know about all the misconceptions and false information about dietary fat, etc., I like to add to my ever growing health interest book library!
Nobody ever knows everything!
I've also ordered coconut oil for my daily bulletproofs, and I'm trying nutritional yeast.
I'm finding the dairy free life quite frustrating and difficult. Mostly because of the expense.
It's such a slap in the face. Swap your lovely, creamy cheese for fake cheese that tastes a bit rubbish and adds carbs to your daily diet and even better, spend twice as much on it!! Yeah, thanks food industry 😒 😋.
Anyway, it is what it is at least for now. I'm really doubting that it's making any difference to my symptoms. But I'll stick to the 8wk plan.
So this morning starts with upper body. I tend to prefer that for my first workout of the day.
Nothing crazy. Just a good all round training session to get me moving and ready for the day ahead.
Then a handful of peanuts and an apple for breakfast. Wanted a shorter fast today.
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monismochi · 20 days
People that have never had to search up the menu of a restaurant before they go in order to research the breakdown of every single ingredient on the menu items for "contains", ensure the nutrition information aligns and won't make their body shut down due to high levels of something, and then somehow figure out a way to be able to afford whatever tf they found (usually on the higher end) or plan how to deal with the judgement of only buying a starter (bc its the only menu item they can eat not triple everyone else's costs)
Truly don't understand the social impacts of dietary restrictions. Bc its truly destroyed so many of my close friendships and has made my anxiety so much worse if I'm ever around people who don't have food restrictions or are outside of my home unit. Like yes it's annoying that I can't eat anything I want, but it's the constantly being judged for it or being made to feel high maintenance for doing something I really wish I didn't have to that makes it absolutely HELLL
Please keep this in mind whenever you invite a friend out to eat who has restrictions, and if you're planning on a place. Maybe check the menu yourself to make sure they're good, or let them choose the place, or just don't do something food related even. It's just. It's hard when social interactions revolve around food and you're never able to partake the way everyone else does.
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