cherryblossomshadow · 24 days
No (Federal) Taxes on Tips
No Tax on Tips by the Daily Show ft Desi Lydic
Desi Lydic: It's weird he's even talking about sending teachers to the gulag, because Trump has more popular policies, like his proposal to end taxes on tips, which is so popular that Kamala Harris now says that SHE supports it. And Trump is not happy about that … Look, to be fair, Kamala did copy Trump's no tax on tips idea,
which would make it the first time in history that a woman got credit for repeating a man's idea.
We did it, girls. And she didn't stop there. Kamala also completely ripped off his idea to lead in the polls by 3 points against a rapidly deteriorating candidate. That was his thing. That was his thing.
Harris v. Trump on Taxing Tips by Robert Reich
Kamala Harris, Saturday, in Las Vegas: Raise the minimum wage. And eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers Donald Trump, at Mar-A-Lago: We’re gonna have no tax on tips. Very simple
Ali Velshi from MSNBC: The Trump plan sounds like it's for regular people, but it could easily be a backdoor way to give big tax breaks to rich people who can reclassify their commission income as tips
Robert Reich: You betcha. In fact, we are going to see all kinds of things reclassified as tips. You can bet that private equity managers and hedge fund managers, who are now in the seven or eight digit classification, suddenly a lot of what they earn will become tips. At least under Donald Trump's proposal, because it's not — there are no guardrails. There's no limits to who can declare what as tips Ali Velshi from MSNBC: The key difference in Kamala Harris’ no taxes on tips proposal is that it's only for service and hospitality workers RR: I think it could be helpful if combined, as Kamala Harris wants to do, with a minimum wage hike. And also limit it so that Wall Street commission professionals can't sort of reclassify their income as tips. By the way, let me just say one further thing about this, and that is that the Labor Department under Donald Trump DID change the regulations to allow employers to take the tipped incomes of their employees and use it for their profits.. I mean, it's quite rich that Donald Trump has jumped on this one
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Americans For Tax Fairness (@/4TaxFairness)
"No taxes on tips" isn't the win you think it is. Most tipped workers wouldn't get much of a tax cut at all. But you know who would? Corporations that employ tipped workers and the wealthy who can relabel their income as "tips" at will. Pass.
(Title of the above image is Table 1: The No Tax on Tips Act would provide no or paltry tax cuts to many tipped employees – far less than restoring American Rescue Plan tax credits)
Robert Reich (@/RBReich) quote-retweeted with:
Trump keeps touting plans to not tax tips. But estimates show that a majority of tipped workers wouldn't benefit.  Who would benefit? Big earners like hedge fund managers who could convert their fees into "tips" and get big tax breaks. It's another Trump tax scam.
Why Trump's and Harris' proposals to end federal taxes on tips would be difficult to enact
By Dee-Ann Durbin | The Associated Press
Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris agree on one thing, at least: Both say they want to eliminate federal taxes on workers’ tips.
But experts say there’s a reason Congress hasn’t made such a change already. It would be complicated, not to mention enormously costly to the federal government, to enact. It would encourage many higher-paid workers to restructure their compensation to classify some of it as “tips” and thereby avoid taxes. And, in the end, it likely wouldn’t help millions of low-income workers.
“There’s no way that it wouldn’t be a mess,” said James Hines Jr., a professor of law and economics and the research director of the Office of Tax Policy Research at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.
Both candidates unveiled their plans in Nevada, a state with one of the highest concentrations of tipped service workers in the country. Trump announced a proposal to exclude tips from federal taxes on June 9. Harris announced a similar proposal on Aug. 10.
Harris’ campaign has said she would work with Congress to draft a proposal that would include an income limit and other provisions to prevent abuses by wealthy individuals who might seek to structure their compensation to classify certain fees as tips.
Her campaign said these requirements, which it did not specify, would be intended “to prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy.” Trump's campaign has not said whether its proposal would include any such requirements.
Even so, Hines suggested that millions of workers — not just wealthy ones — would seek to change their compensation to include tips, and could even do so legally. For example, he said, a company might set up a separate entity that would reward its employees with tips instead of year-end bonuses.
“You will have taxpayers pushing their attorneys to try to characterize their wage and salary income as tips,” Hines said. “And some would be successful, inevitably, because it’s impossible to write foolproof rules that will cover every situation."
Though supporters say the measures are designed to help low-wage workers, many experts say that making tips tax-free would provide only limited help to those workers.
The Budget Lab at Yale, a non-partisan policy research center, estimates that there were 4 million U.S. workers in tipped occupations in 2023. That amounted to about 2.5% of all employees, including restaurant servers and beauticians. Tipped workers tend to be younger, with an average age of 31, and of lower income. The Budget Lab said the median weekly pay for tipped workers in 2023 was $538, compared with roughly $1,000 for non-tipped workers.
As a result, many tipped workers already bear a lower income-tax burden. In 2022, 37% of tipped workers had incomes low enough that they paid no federal income tax at all, The Budget Lab said.
“If the issue is you’re concerned about low-income taxpayers, there are a lot better ways to address that problem, like expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit or changing tax rates or changing deductions,” Hines said.
In her speech in Nevada, Harris also called for raising the federal minimum wage. (The platform on Trump’s campaign site doesn’t mention the minimum wage.)
Changing federal tax policy on tips would also be costly. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a non-partisan group, estimates that exempting all tip income from federal income and payroll taxes would reduce revenue by $150 billion to $250 billion between 2026 and 2035. And it said that amount could rise significantly if the policy changed behavior and more people declared tip income.
Whether Trump or Harris wins the presidential election, tax policy will be high on Congress’ agenda in 2025. That’s because Trump-era tax cuts, passed in 2017, are set to expire. But Hines said he thinks Congress will be in no hurry to add “vast amounts of complexity” to the tax code.
“A presidential candidate can say whatever they want, but it's the House and Senate that have to do it,” he said.
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tjeromebaker · 5 months
Breve historia de la evolución de la voz de la mujer en el entorno laboral
Fuente: People y Acciona La voz de las mujeres no lo ha tenido fácil para ser escuchada, sobre todo en ámbitos de poder o en el entorno laboral. people.acciona.com Periodistas, políticas, mujeres en podcast y medios de comunicación, mujeres publicando libros, artículos, rodando películas, series… Afortunadamente, (aunque no en todos los países ni culturas por igual) cada vez son más las…
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endmylife69 · 1 year
Words That Shouldn't Exist
Fuck these words and whoever came up with them.
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The quickest way to make me not care about what you have to say is misusing the word, "incel"
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shimmywritings · 7 years
Somehow my words sound Better coming from a man Right after I spoke
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dirty--diary · 5 years
Also I learned a new word last night: hepeated aka when a woman says something, like an idea and it’s completely ignored… then a man says the exact same thing and its hailed as like the greatest thing ever.
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writernotwaiting · 7 years
I’ve even had a guy ask for a committee to offer their thoughts on an issue that I had JUST LED A 15 MINUTE DISCUSSION ABOUT AND ALSO SUMMARIZED, as though the discussion had not occurred at all. Even better, I was chair of the committee.
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randomberlinchick · 7 years
My boss ignored my idea until my colleague hepeated it.
What woman hasn’t experienced this? Though as a black woman, I think POC in general know all about this.
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Can you give me any tips on how to react to hepeating? It happened to my last week at uni and somehow really hurt me but I didn’t know what to do
i wish i could help but i don’t really have any experience with that! (my field of study and work is very female-dominated) anyone else have any tips for anon??
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ashleyxosblog · 5 years
My friend coined a word: HEPEATED. For when a woman suggest an idea and it's ignored, but then a guy says the same things and everyone loves it.
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eleanoroliphant · 5 years
This isn’t about the series finale so it’s spoiler-free. It dates to episode 4, I think. It’s a brilliant explanation of Daenerys’s treatment. 
The lords would support Jon over Dany because he has a penis, the North would support Jon over Dany because he’s a Stark, and the people (who Varys equates with “the realm”) would support Jon over Dany because he’s “tempered and measured,” a “war hero,” and more humane.That’s the verdict. 
Some might take issue with it. They might note, for instance, that Jon’s war heroism deserves an asterisk: His survival in fight after fight (screaming at a dragon, foolishly racing into the field to rescue Rickon) has been less about merit or ability than by often miraculous interventions that result in his being spared or resurrected. He’s being credited with prowess when he hasn’t been the architect of his own survival. And the best proof that there’s a sneaky double standard here is that, during the reveling after dinner in Winterfell, as the chums gather around Jon, what he is most lauded for is riding a dragon. Daenerys, stricken and awkward at the party, having lost her loyal guardian and most of her men, becomes the latest victim of a form of “hepeating,” the phenomenon in which men repeat women’s points at meetings to acclaim. The direction of this moment in the episode is smart. It makes the unfairness of this visible: “I saw him riding that thing,” Tormund happily roars. “That’s why we all agreed to follow him. That’s the kind of man he is!” The camera cuts straight to Daenerys, who not only rode “that thing” but hatched and raised it and strafed thousands of wights and took on the Night King. Tormund praises Jon for being little but strong, for befriending his enemies, for a display of immortality. These are all qualities Daenerys shares, but the story isn’t drifting that way. “What kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon? A madman or a king!” Tormund turns briefly to Dany here, but his focus—and everyone’s—is Jon.
Specialness is conferred, not earned. Jon and Dany are the two characters on this show who are clearly chosen or special. In Jon’s case, others tell his story for him. Dany has had to tell her own. The uncharitable result is that her achievements are construed as passive and magical, while his are coded as merit-based.Dany can’t win. I say that as someone who doesn’t even particularly want her to and fully acknowledges her past cruelty. (I’d vote for Brienne, not that anyone’s asking.) But Dany has had to build her case because no one was going to recognize her humility. That’s not how it works (and the fact that no one knows she saved Jon on the battlefield is proof of that, if any were needed). She had to choreograph the spectacle of her own power because she’s a woman and no one would do it for her. Jon’s (sometimes literal!) unconsciousness codes him as innocent and honest by comparison: He’s appealing because he never intended to elevate himself. He’s been mostly reactivity and desperation. The fact that Daenerys deliberately produced the effects she did—and used them to persuade and inspire people to follow her—is cited now as proof of a hunger for power that’s disqualifying. Other people can believe in you, but you shouldn’t believe in yourself.
Nor will Dany’s stagecraft save her this time, not in the grip of writers who are not on her side (and say, for example, that she just “forgot” about the Iron Fleet to which she’d already lost thousands of men). This episode taught Daenerys something important about how Westerosi audiences will receive not just her support but her story. Missandei suggests that the people of King’s Landing will be grateful for what Daenerys has done to save them. Daenerys understands perfectly well that this is not true, and not just because Cersei won’t let them. Unlike the Dothraki and the Unsullied in Essos, this new audience isn’t inclined to be grateful to her. Northerners may be slow to trust, but even after she took heavy losses to help them in the most important fight in millennia, they’re still not with her. They’re instead turning Jon into the hero they need him to be. Why would the folks of King’s Landing, who never even saw the threat, be grateful?
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ninjaintracksuit · 6 years
The things I hate about today’s world
The assumtion that you either support nonbinary genders, childern transitioning, and that gender is a social construct, or you hate trans people.
The assumption that all women (and especially minority women) are automatically feminists.
The assumtion that you either support BLM, or you hate black people.
The assumption that you either support Antifa, or you’re a Nazi.
The assumtion, that you can not be against both naziism and communism at the same time.
The assumtion that communism can actually work and is somehow a good thing.
The assumtion that every difference between the sexes, races, genders, sexualities etc. is due to discrimination.
The assumption that affirmative action (or possitive discrimination, as it’s called where I live) is somehow a good thing for society at large.
The assumtion that minorities can’t be conservative (or just right leaning in any way).
The assumtion that you either support feminism, or you hate women.
The assumtion that minority people (or women), who are conservative/right leaning, hate themselves.
The assumtion that being right wing is the same as being a bigot, or a Nazi.
People, who unironically use words like “stare rape”, “mansplaining”, “manspreading”, “manterupting” or “hepeating”.
“He/him lesbians”.
People, who think “kin" is valid.
People, who think wishing death/injuries on a group is okay, if that group is a majority in the country.
People, who think that minority status is the same thing as personality.
People, who call everyone who disagrees with them a Nazi, then proceed to say that it’s okay to punch Nazis.
Pro-abortion feminism*.
People, who think that western world in 2018 is a partriarchal society.
The assumtion that you’re either far-left or far-right, and there’s no in-between.
*Pro-abortion is different from pro-choice. Pro-choice is “women should have an option to get abortion, if they want to”. Pro-abortion is “abortion is the only right way to deal with unwanted pregnancy and any other choice makes you compliant to the patriarchy”. Pro-abortion feminists also tend to call abortions empowering for women.
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nomorefeminism · 7 years
Why I'm NOT a Feminist
I like the advancements that first and second wave feminism has made (i.e suffrage, equal pay, right to own property, go to college, get a job, etc..) but third wave feminism is not only UNNECESSARY, but also has turned haywire. Now they hate men, make up retarded buzzwords like: manspreading, mansplaining, hepeating, “internalized” misogyny, etc..) and just in general, whine about things that aren’t even issues, because they have no real ones to complain about. If you’re gonna call yourself a feminist, fight for women’s rights, empower women, and that stuff, why not focus on countries were women don’t have ANY rights: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan.. I could just keep listing countries… ? Women have it GREAT here in the West. I know it’s not perfect, but compared to women in Africa and the Middle East, us Western women are living the LIFE! We can walk around without a male escort, not have to wear the hijab, it’s illegal for our husbands or fathers to RAPE and BEAT us, we have opportunities equal to those of men. So, pink-haired feminist with the words “Men are Trash” on her arm, check YOUR privilege, eh?
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sasquapossum · 3 years
The juxtaposition of these two gives me an idea. (BTW Harriot basically just hepeats what Ruffin already said but that's a different problem.)
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Maybe it's the cops who should be scrabbling around for $1 bills to pay for the tools of their trade.
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"Toxic masculinity" doesn't exist. It was just made up by feminist so they will have something to bitch about because they know they are useless otherwise and to shame men about being men. Why do they think they also made up manspreading, mansplaining and hepeating. 4 of the most retarded things ever that doesn't exist. Well manspreading does but it's a non-issue because that's all feminist have to bitch about. Non-issues and made up stuff.
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daphenomenal-1 · 7 years
“Hepeating” is apparently a word. It means “when a woman suggest something, it’s ignored. But when men say the same thing, people love it.” Gun.png, where are you? I need you to blow my skull open and send me to the great Cthulhu in the sea.
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