#Hebrews 5:7
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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 4 months ago
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Jesus' Prayers and Petitions
Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears to him that was able to save him from death, and was heard, in that he feared; — Hebrews 5:7 | Webster's Bible Translation (WBT) The Holy Bible; Webster’s Bible Translation by Noah Webster, a revision of the King James Bible, Published in 1833 is in the public domain. Cross References: Psalm 22:24; Matthew 26:39; Matthew 26:42; Matthew 27:46; Matthew 27:50; Mark 14:36; Mark 14:39
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What does it mean that Jesus had godly fear (Hebrews 5:7)?
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tom4jc · 11 months ago
March 17, 2024 Verse Of The Day
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tiand · 11 months ago
While Jesus Was Here On Earth (Hebrews 5:7)
‭Hebrews 5:7 NLT‬ [7] While Jesus was here on earth, he offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry and tears, to the one who could rescue him from death. And God heard his prayers because of his deep reverence for God.
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Colossians 2:11-15, “In Him also you were circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands, but in a [spiritual] circumcision [performed by] Christ by stripping off the body of the flesh (the whole corrupt, carnal nature with its passions and lusts). [Thus you were circumcised when] you were buried with Him in [your] baptism, in which you were also raised with Him [to a new life] through…
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geminiagentgreen · 8 months ago
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May I be made to inspire and teach my son to read through his future bible with the desire that I long didn't have, for how long have these radiant treasures of verses been unknown to me in my foolishness?
I have dreaded Godly sorrow lately like I have dreaded worldly sorrow - to be avoided, that there must be another way - but Paul here speaking to the church in Corinth is also speaking to the lame like me: he did not speak so as to harm, he did not speak to bully or to cause lasting wounds. His letter was to, and accomplished, turning the people to repentance. I'm now thinking of Psalm 30:5,
"For his anger lasts only a moment,
    but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
    but rejoicing comes in the morning"
The sorrow that they experienced was for their benefit, and it's not to be the whole of their lives for in Christ there is joy and no more weeping, peace and no more pain.
And what's more, how Paul expresses that he had regret for hurting them. I don't point this out because I think Paul was in any wrong for being harsh, but that he wasn't harsh for the sake of being mean but for love. No one who loves wants to cause pain, but in doing what he had to do and that the Lord saved these people, his regret had been replaced with joy: "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 12:11).
Now I'm not excited to go out and experience sorrow for the fun of it, but I pray that we would have our eyes opened to our sins, our hearts brought to repentance, and that we would not fear the recieving of any discipline and rebuke but properly fear with respect any discipline and rebuke - harsh as they might be. May the good Lord watch over His children, and may we be made more and more into the likeness of Christ.
2 Corinthians 7:8-10
Psalm 30:5
Hebrews 12:11
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years ago
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“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” —1 Thessalonians 5:16
“In all circumstances part 1: trust in God's character” By Antique Candle Co.:
“Why is it that we most often seek the Lord during the valleys of life? We know from His Word that He wants us to seek Him in every season. During the peaks, with moments of great joy and celebration; during the valleys, in times of worry and uncertainty. Not only does He desire His children to seek Him out, but He calls us to be faithful in all circumstances.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding...” —Proverbs 3:5
Trusting in the Lord's character allows us to find hope in every situation. It's not just about trusting God to get us through the difficult moments, but fully trusting in who He is, which extends to every moment of life.
So what is God's character? Many things. God cannot be compared to anything else in all creation. He created all things. Therefore, there are some attributes of Christ we can and cannot understand. We can't understand being 'unchanging' or 'all-knowing' ourselves because, as we are finite beings, we are neither. However, His Word tells us these truths about Him so that we may trust the characteristics that are unique to God alone. We can see and acknowledge the truth of His character in the Word and in our own lives.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” —Hebrews 13:8
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” —James 1:17
“...if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.” —2 Timothy 2:13
“The Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever and his faithfulness to all generations.” —Psalm 100:5
“He who planted the ear, does he not hear? He who formed the eye, does he not see? He who disciplines the nations, does he not rebuke? He who teaches man knowledge—the Lord—knows the thoughts of man, that they are but a breath.” —Psalm 94:9
“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” —Romans 11:36
“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight.” —Ephesians 1:7-8
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” —Romans 8:28
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” —Matthew 24:14
Place your trust in a God who is unchanging, faithful, all-knowing, sovereign, and so much more. In all circumstances, His character is something that will never fail.”
[Read the whole of this encouraging Blog post here.]
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lepertamar · 2 years ago
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baffled forever by anglophones who 'actually know how to write an actually real* haiku, let alone a good one' (*i mean, i think?? for years i have been constitutionally incapable of grokking mora)
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fardell24b · 22 days ago
Church notes - January 2025
On LiveJournal: https://fardell24.livejournal.com/626924.html?newpost
On Dreamwidth: https://fardell24.dreamwidth.org/904146.html
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biblenewsprophecy · 23 days ago
This sermon is the third part of a multipart sermon series covering each and every verse of the Book of Hebrews. This sermon covers the 5th, 6th, and 7th chapters. Dr. Thiel begins by reading the first verse in chapter 5 and covers each verse of the three chapters in this sermon. He also supplies comments from the late Herbert W. Armstrong, who discusses the identity of the mystery of Melchizedek, there only being one High Priest, and the priesthood of Jesus. Dr. Thiel reads verses showing that the true Christians are obedient to God, and do not simply call Jesus Lord. He discusses that the Apostle Paul wrote about learning enough to be able to teach as well as a prophecy from the Book of Daniel about those who know their God and who will instruct many. He mentions that God cannot lie and that the Bible has many guarantees for those who will listen to the word of God. Dr. Thiel encourages people to learn so that they will be faithful Philadelphian Christians that God can use and be volunteers until Jesus returns.
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ablog · 1 month ago
Yesterday some guy I've seen some cons who's nice and really good at role playing the characters he cosplay came as homelender and I was swapped by cringe and uncomfortable when he quoted shit because uhaa no keep talk like that in America stay away from here
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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 9 months ago
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예레미야 7:5-7 5 너희가 만일 진정으로 생활 방식과 행실을 고치고 이웃에게 공정하고 옳은 일을 행하며 6 외국인과 고아와 과부를 억압하지 않고 이 땅에서 죄 없는 자를 죽이지 않으며 다른 신들을 섬겨 지금처럼 너희 자신을 해하지 않으면 7 내가 너희 조상들에게 준 이 땅에서 너희가 계속 살 수 있게 하겠다.
5 For if you thoroughly amend your ways and your doings; if you thoroughly execute justice between a man and his neighbor; 6 if you don’t oppress the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, and don’t shed innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your own hurt: 7 then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, from of old even forevermore. — Jeremiah 7:5-7 | Korean Living Bible (KLB) and Hebrew Names Version (HNV) The Korean Living Bible Copyright © 1985 by Biblica, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide and The Hebrew Names Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Exodus 22:21-22; Leviticus 25:17; Deuteronomy 4:40; Deuteronomy 6:14-15; Deuteronomy 8:19; 1 Kings 6:12; Isaiah 1:19; Jeremiah 4:1; Jeremiah 25:5; Jeremiah 35:15; Zephaniah 3:7; Zechariah 7:10
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touchofgoddotworld · 2 months ago
Knowing the Father’s Heart Removes Doubt and Unbelief (275) – December 7 2024
Choose your Podcast App to Play this episode It is the Lord’s desire, His Will, that you would experience what He has already promised you in His Word. That you would experience Him, to come to Know Him, to remain in divine health, to have your soul prospering amongst other promises.  God didn’t give us all an equal measure of faith just so that we could believe in His Son and receive eternal…
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kmac4him1st · 3 months ago
A Heart Of Gratitude
Take some time out of your busy schedule this week and soak your soul in this devotional on gratitude. The reward of becoming a person with a heart of gratitude is having a soul overflowing in peace. God bless ya.
One of the best benefits from having a Thankful Heart is Peace. One Of The Best Benefits From Having A Heart Of Gratitude Is Peace. Gratitude Is The Pathway To Peace! Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called you to peace as part of his one body. And always be thankful. Let the word of Christ live in you richly, flooding you with all wisdom. Apply the…
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ilovepandw · 5 months ago
The New Testament Instructions for the Use of Music in Worship
Today’s Christians are under a strong delusion believing that church worship music is what is being played in many Christian’s airways are the musical praises to Almighty God. Before you can argue with that statement, let’s read the Bible for acceptable references for musical worship. We are now living in this new direction, but many are still worshipping under the laws of Moses. “For Christ is…
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bojackson54 · 7 months ago
Sometime a Consolation Prize May Be Better Than First Place!
Back in 1967 I swam in the 4th Of July swim meet at the San Antonio Country Club. I was not by any means a competitive swimmer. But I WAS a recreational swimmer, full of the confidence that youth and ignorance bring. There were four TOTAL swimmers in my heat, and I placed, well, fourth. But I was awarded a Fourth-Place ribbon, and I held it proudly for a while… Then I realized (I think perhaps…
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mindfulldsliving · 8 months ago
Understanding the Fear of God: Impact on Faith and Wisdom
It is vital to rest in God's love, but that love is best understood when seen against the backdrop of His awe-inspiring greatness and our own need for His mercy. This perspective doesn’t just comfort us; it transforms us, grounding us in true wisdom that
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash Introduction Proverbs 9:10-12 provides profound insights into the interconnectedness of the fear of God, faith, wisdom, and God’s love. These verses emphasize that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and that understanding leads to a fulfilling life. To fully grasp the depth of these concepts, it’s essential to explore related scriptures and their…
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