#Hearty Meals
seasonalwonderment · 10 months
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Beef Bourguignon Recipe - Vikalinka
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life-spire · 1 month
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imthefailedartist · 10 months
I made broccoli cheddar soup.
It was fucking bomb. I'm so proud of myself. Soups are high on my scared to make list, and I conquered my fear.
I wanted it chunky and hearty.
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Broccoli (remove stems, rough chop), cheddar, potato, carrots, butter, onion, garlic, salt & pepper, garlic powder, heavy cream, chicken stock, bouillon, paprika, wholegrain mustard. Flour.
Sweat diced onion and garlic in butter
Add seasonings (Salt, garlic powder, paprika) to OG toast them. Add flour. Cook out flour taste. Add stock (and water if you add potatoes). Spoon of bouillon paste. Cover and boil to thicken and cook potatoes.
Turn down heat. Add broccoli and carrots. Chin to soften.
Add heavy cream and cheddar. Add a tablespoon of mustard.
Check for flavor. Add pepper.
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techdriveplay · 8 months
Traeger Grill Special: Smoked Carolina Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Experience the ultimate in comfort food with “Smoked Carolina Pulled Pork Sandwiches,” a recipe that perfectly combines the rich, smoky flavors of slow-cooked pork with the tangy freshness of Carolina-style coleslaw. This dish is not just a meal; it’s a celebration of traditional Southern BBQ, best brought to life using a Traeger grill. The slow and low cooking method of the Traeger grill infuses…
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tarynandre · 10 months
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Jambalaya with chickpeas recipe.
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viapu-com · 11 months
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Get ready to up your dinner game with Succulent Secrets' top-notch Beef Shank recipe! Unleash your inner chef and dive into juicy, aromatic flavors like never before. Stay tuned! 🥩🔥🍴
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Many people choose to age in place. Most seniors prefer to stay home, but some find their homes lonely and isolated. Good thing that adult care homes are available for them to stay and receive private care.
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chrismcshell · 10 months
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these guys know whats up !!!!
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pixiesnooze · 3 months
personal headcanon but i genuinely think hinata would get so offended and defensive when people would tell him he can do better than kageyama even if said in jest
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queruloustea · 9 months
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alright alright i know i’ve been posting an awful lot today but ..... i did draw the baby wrapped up :)
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shotmrmiller · 11 days
I'm sorry for being gross but I wanna jerk tf141 off into cups and compare the taste. Best tasting cum gets to creampie me.
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hairtusk · 6 months
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vibe for the coming spring 🧿
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cannibalovers · 8 months
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one thing ill never forgive this man for is choosing to make slavic food for once and choosing to make fucking HOLODETS out of everything.
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oddthesungod · 6 months
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silly little sketch of my Leonin Barbarian from last night, Garlan's a dad and he prepared dinner for the party so we joked that he's the bbq dad type lol
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techdriveplay · 13 days
Irish Food You Shouldn't Miss When You Visit
Ireland might not be famous for its cuisine, but that’s a big mistake! If you love comfort food, you’ll love Irish food. The island’s traditional dishes are packed with flavor, history, and family love. Irish food has evolved over centuries, blending local ingredients like fresh fish, seafood, and hearty crops with influences from Britain and Europe. Thanks to its rich farming traditions,…
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goodday-goodmorn · 9 months
Little blurb that’s been sitting in my Docs for while based on @auspicioustidings idea from a while ago now i think— But yeah! I’be got like zero motivation to continue this- butttttt i liked the scene a lot so it shall be seen now! (Plus it’s Mhari’s Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Mhari! :> Even though i’m a few hours late into the day Hope you’re having a wonderful birth celebration!)
Based on a a scene i cooked up where reader finally gets caught by none other than the Ghost himself:
The weight of a gun in your hand is familiar.
So is the quiet sounds of a break in. You point at the door, watching, waiting. Like clockwork it creaks open, and there he is.
“Don’t move.”
You say sharply. Making the gun in your hand well known to the intruder.
Silence. He stares at you, you stare back. How many times have you done this dance? Tense words and a dashing messy escape. (The poorly wrapped bandages around your abdomen throb answering you question for you. Too many then.)
You sigh, and lower the gun.
He doesn’t even look suprised.
With a soft, Thump! ,you plop backwards onto the bed, arms outstretched. The gun is still in your hand but it’s dead weight. (Just like you.)
“…You’re not gonna ever stop are you?”
It’s said up at the shitty hotel ceiling. Hushed in the darkness of the room.
He says it so simply.
You hum, pulling your knees and legs up onto the bed and rolling over. Back facing him, on your side. You snag a plushie on the way, hugging it close to your chest and settling your chin atop its head.
��Well shit. Turn all my red flags to white then, i give up.”
Defeated. Hushed. Tired. It sounds so unlike your normal voice. “But you already knew that didn’t you?”
There’s a dip in the bed, true to his namesake- he was silent as he walked to sit. You haven’t even heard him.
“…Who did your bandages?” Gruff bastard with his gruff voice. Sounding way too passive for talking with you, an enemy, his target actually. He should be barking orders and threats to you, you’ve heard the way he speaks on a mission before, all bite and harsh. But he shows none of that tension now. Not a lick of hostility.
“Who do you think?” You snort out, tucking your face into the head of the plushie and vehemently ignoring him.
“Kid, you need help. You can’t survive on your own.” Straight to business it seems.
Without even turning to look at him, you halfheartedly raise your middle finger.
He sighs.
Silence. Blissful, damning, silence. You’ve no more fight left to give and he knows it. Months on the run, months of constant near death escapes, months of being hunted like a dog. You’re tired. So tired.
“Ya know, Torture isn’t an effective way of getting info outta someone: statistically speaking.”
“We’re not gonna torture you.”
“But you do want that info don’t you?”
More silence.
You hum knowingly.
“And what happens after you get your precious information? You’ll kill me? Maim me like all the other fuckers who end up in your shit list?”
“No. Never.”
He says it with such ferocity it almost takes you by surprise for a second. If you were to be facing him, you would see the hardness of his eyes. The pure conviction swarming in his gaze.
“Not you. Never you.”
Finally you turn to him, feeling far too much like a young little kid on the playground who just can’t understand-
Something in his gaze softness. He wants to tell you this because he cares. The team cares. All of them- that they saw you, a prickly, panicked little bird in over their head and flying blind- but he knows it an answer you won’t accept. One you won’t understand. Not at this stage. Not yet. You don’t believe in words, you’ve been lied too far too many times for that.
So he says something you will believe. A watered down version of the truth that feels like such a disservice to everything that makes up your very being.
“You’re interesting.”
You seem to digest his words. Turning them over and thinking in that little head of yours.
‘How long is that interest gonna last?’
That's what you want to say. You want to scream at the top of your lungs that he doesn’t want you. No one does. He’ll get sick of your brashness eventually- he’ll learn and grow used to your tricks. And when your spontaneity grows old, you know what’ll happen.
But you don’t.
You say nothing except—
“…Can I at least pack my bags? …please?”
He knows you don’t have much to pack. He also knows you’re one tricky, flighty little bird. However, he heard your small plea, sees the defeated look in your eyes, the way your hand is so lax around the gun.
Gently, oh so gently, he takes the gun from your hand. You don’t even try and fight him.
“Sorry little bird. Can’t trust you to pack.”
The sad look on your face nearly makes him reconsider. But he can’t risk you getting away again. Not when you’re so easy to catch right now. So vulnerable.
“Can’t you restrain me and then i’ll tell you what to pack?”
That, he can do.
Commands come so naturally to him. You’re almost jealous at how easily they fall from his lips.
Like the old defeated dog you are, you listen, sitting up and presenting your hands to him to restrain. You don’t meet his eyes.
He takes no chances, you are securely bound with a pair of handcuffs. He tugs on them, standing you up and nudging you to the common area of your hotel room. It’s a sizable room, a nice hotel, though truthfully you hadn't really been thinking when you booked it. Brain to frazzled and exhausted to think about anything beyond a clean bed and a hot shower.
The lights are flicked on by his gloved hands, flooding your vision. You hiss blinking and adjusting while he nudges you to the center of the room, down into your knees.
“What am I looking for here, bird?”
Your gaze flicks to him, then to the corner of the room, a vent right by a little corner desk with a lamp.
He follows your gaze and then, (with one last hard look towards you that screams ‘stay’), he walks over. Inside the vent is a crumpled up backpack, old and raggedy. It looks out of place amongst the clean cream colors of the hotel amenities.
He prods at the thing, trained caution. (You don’t blame him after your last stunt with explosives.)
Unceremoniously he opens up the bag and dumps all its contents on the floor. You wince, watching your whole life be scattered on the ground.
A journal, a thermal blanket, a lighter, cash, USB sticks, Your laptop in its thick padded casing (thank god), stolen hotel amenities, nicotine patches, several pill bottles, a half empty water bottle, a pocket knife, bullets…
Your own personal little horde of trinkets.
“Was that necessary…?” You mutter, as he stuffs some stuff back into the bag.
“Can’t blame me for bein’ cautious.”
“Well- i could.”
He turns to look at you. Just… stares at you, all you can see is his eyes at that dreadful mask, boring into yours. He doesn’t need to say anything. You both know you could but you never. Been through too much to really blame him.
You’ve saved his life before, even though he was hunting you. You both know you would never blame him for doing his job. Not at this point.
(Just as he would never blame you for running.)
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