#He gets 50% and it goes completely over his head even as he says “Hey just like Nick! Nice!”
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Crack thought – Charles trying to be the most supportive best mate to Edwin by encouraging them both to “embrace your culture” (“What culture? We’re both British, Charles!”) But he goes about it in the worst way. He hijacks Crystal’s apartment and television so him and Edwin can watch glee. It’s terrible. Edwin hates every moment, and especially hates the delight Charles takes in quoting the damn show afterwards. But Charles does get the message so he switches to history documentaries.
“We should watch this one next. It’s about throwing bricks at cops!”
“What does that have to do with my liking men?”
“I don’t know, but I wanna find out.”
Charles claims to have a crush on Martha P Johnson after, which sparks some confusion as the boys try to understand the difference between trans women and drag queens (“Nah mate, they said she’s a woman. She’s old, but she’s ballsy as fuck. I’d kiss her.”) When they try to ask a very tired Crystal how you tell the difference, she snaps “I dunno! Maybe try asking them!”
Which leads the boys to an impromptu mirror hop to Stonewall. Maybe there are some ghosts there from the time they can ask!It turns out that there are an unfortunate number of both ghosts, and people who can see ghosts there, but they have fun and make some new friends.
They come back and they’re still debating whether the person who gave Charles a pink feather boa was a woman or a drag queen, when Crystal tells them yet again, to just ASK someone’s pronouns if you’re not sure. Edwin leaves and comes back with a new question. “Crystal, what does ‘non-binary’ mean?”
#Crystal: Remember when we used to do actual detective work?#As per Ecchima they also watch Heartstopper which goes a lot better than glee did#Then Charles jokingly suggests they take the same “Am I gay?” quiz as Nick did#He gets 50% and it goes completely over his head even as he says “Hey just like Nick! Nice!”#Crystal and Edwin just give each other the longest stare after that#dead boy detectives#charles rowland#edwin payne#dbda#crystal palace surname von hoverkraft
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𝚂𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚝 - 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔/𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚖 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚝
Warnings: derogatory terms towards reader ,mention of abuse, mention of eating disorder, descriptions of gore, panic attack, character death (not frank or reader) Word count: 12.4k (nervous laughing) Genre: fluff + angst Summary: Frank clearly devleops a soft spot for one of the other members of the crew, getting quite protective over her at times Pairings: plussize!reader x frank A/n: I don't care what anyone says, I think that Frank is secretly a softy and would get protective of someone he likes (especially if the pairing is "Tough guy frank x sweet adorable girl")
Proof read?: haha your funny.
taglist : @bizarrescribblez @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @fizzyfazzy420 @lilyevans1 @endofradio
"For those of you who don't know, I go by Lambert, you all came highly recomended and so far those recomendations are paying off. You know the rules. No real names. No backstories. And keep the grab-ass to a minimum. It is a 24 hour job, and the hard part is already over, now you babysit. But the only one that sees the girl is this one." He points to the dark haired woman in a trench coat. "So she only hears one voice. The rest of you, get comfortable. Questions?"
The dark haired woman speaks up. "Yeah, whose the girl?" Lambert replies quickly. "You don't need to know her name." The dark haired woman keeps pushing. "I don't care about her name,....whose kid is she?" Suddenly a third voice pops up behind you. "The fucks that matter to you?" It's the man with the glasses, the man who you feel like has been staring at you all evening. "A very wealthy man who's about to be 50 million dollars poorer." The dark haired woman accepts the answer. "Look, your safe here, and to be completely certain you can't be tracked, i'm going to collect your cellphones." Lambert goes to each one of you, collecting your phones, the blonde haired hacker refuses slightly before Lambert snatches her phone from her hands.
"Keep the doors locked, and the girl isolated. Is there anything else i can do for you before i leave you to it?" Now the larger man speaks up. "Uh how come we can't use our real names?" He speaks up again from behind you. "So if any of you fucks get caught you can't rat out the others." The driver and same large man mumble something to each other. "You want names? Fine. Frank." Lambert points at him. "Dean." Lambert points at the driver. "Sammy." Lambert points at the blonde woman. "Peter." Lambert points at the larger man. "Joey." Lambert points at the dark haired woman. "Kyla." Lambert points at you. Lambert goes to give the last man a name before he speaks up. "Damn, this man got his finger of the pulse of pop culture." Lambert rolls his eyes. "And your Don fucking Rickles, happy?" Rickles shrugs. "Not really." Dean mumbles again. "There's clean bedding and lit fires in the rooms. Kitchens fully stoked ,as is the bar. So, i'll see you in 24 hours my lovely pack of rats." And with that Lambert leaves shutting the door behind him and leaving the rest of you to go explore.
About 30 minutes after Lambert had left, and you had all found individual rooms to settle in, the crew acculumated in the bar. You sat on the edge of the pool table sipping a glass of rum watching the fire blaze. Joey was sat in an armchair not too far from you next to the fire. Sammy, Peter, Rickles and Frank were around the bar sipping thier drinks and chatting. And then there was Dean, who had somehow found a bike and was riding round the room like a child. You were deep in thought when Rickles suddenly spoke, catching your attention. "Come have a drink with us Joey?" She shook her head. "Gotta check on the kid soon. Maybe after." Dean stopped dead in front of you, looking at Joey. "Party pooper." You gave Dean a light smack on the arm. "Don't be a dick." He smacked his lips and carried on riding round the room.
"Hey, who do you guys think this girl's father is anyways?" You looked over at Peter who was now pouring a drink. Everyone started sharing their ideas, Joey suggesting it was "America's dad, Tom Hanks." After everyone gave a small chuckle, their gazes turned to you. "What about you Kyla?" You looked from swirling the dark liquid in your glass to feel Frank's gaze burning holes into you, unlike the rest who were actually just looking at you intrest. "Uh, bussines owner i guess?" Dean scoffed. "Your so boooooooooring." You pulled a digusted face and flipped him off.
He rolled his eyes and screeched up to Joey who had a small paper bag of candy in her hand that she quietly picked from. "Lemme get a piece of that candy." Joey glanced up at him with a small smile. "Get your own." Dean lightly raised his eyebrows. "Fuck you too,....you grew up with a bunch of brothers and sisters and shit......i'm like an expert at reading people. Joey raised her eyebrows. "Oh really?" Dean nodded. "You like a nanny or a babysitter." Dean then went on to describe each of the crew members in his little visions, describing you as someone neglected as a kid ,someone who wasn't taught how to take care of their body. "Wow, you might be the least perceptive person i've ever met." Dean looked at you puzzled before Joey joined in. "She's right, you got literally nothing anywhere close, about anyone."
You gave a small chuckle going back to your drink before Frank stepped foward and right next to you as he looked through his wallet before slamming a 100 bill on the edge of the pool table next to you. "Crisp 100 dollar bill you can tell me one true thing about me." Everyone went quiet before Joey passed. Frank gave a small chuckle before going back to his drink. You were about to sip your drink when Joey got up and stood where frank had just been. "You used to be a cop." She snatched the money from the table. You tilted your head. "Did he arrest you or something?" Sammy said from her spot at the bar. "No, it's the stance, the walk, the shoes, not to mention the standard issue glock, the shoulder holster and he used police hand signals back at the house." You rasied and eye brow and started listening more intently. "Not a street cop, no, too smart, you need to be in control." For some reason that little point sent a small shiver up your spine. "So i'm gonna say a detective, homicide or vice? And he tries to hide it but he's from Queens."
Peter chuckled and gave a small clap, before pulling out his own 100 dollar bill. "Hey, uh you do me too?" Joey looked at the muscular man before taking the money. "I almost feel bad taking this.....'cause you've basically got a fucking neon sign above your head that reads muscle." Peter continued smiling and flexed his muscles making you cringe and look away. "Quebec right? You got bullied in school, probably by dad too, so when you got bigger than everyone else, you turned the tables. Made it into a career." Peter's smile faded slightly as joey turned to Sammy who was now holding up a 20. "Wow, a 20? That's cheap considering you come form money." Sammy excitedly nodded. "It's true." Joey tilted her head slightly. "Which means your only in on this for the thrill, you don't get your hands dirty, you use a keyboard instead of a gun and tell yourself that makes whats you do not as bad,..... good luck when the illusion wears off." Sammy nodded again. "Very good."
She handed the 20 to Joey who now walked over to you and Rickles. She looked at Rickles first. "No money." Joey nodded slightly. "Then i'll leave it at 'semper fi', and you?" Joey leaned on the pool table next to you. To which you reached into your shirt and pulled out a 50, holding infront of her with you pointer and middle finger silently. Joey looked down at the note and started. "Mom wanted to put you in pageants as a kid, so limited you diet to leaves and water, but once you got away from her, you overate out of spite, now it's become a habit you can't stop, and you can't forgive yourself for it." You looked at the floor avoiding everyones eyes as an awkward silence filled the room.
Joey stepped back to the arm chair when Dean broke the silence. "Ay you forgot about me?" Joey cut him off. "You dont want me to do you." Dean looked at her slightly offended. "Aw, c'mon this is fun!" Joey looked at him and sighed. "Your not a professional." Now Dean really looked offended. "I'm the best motherfuckin wheelman in this town-" Joey cut him off. "I didn't say you weren't good, i said your not a professional. You've got.....loose wiring. Probably a sociopath." Joey walked to the door, ready to go check on the girl when Frank stopped her. "And you....are a junkie." Joey stopped in her tracks and everyone including you looking at Frank who was once again stood right next to you, but now had his hand mere inches from your thigh.
"Cop knows a junkie, you and your little candy affectation, long sleeves, why you don't wanna have a drink with us." Franks waltzed over to Joey who had now turned round to face him, as he removed his glasses and pulled out a small black clothe. "You in recovery or something? How many days you got? We gotta be worried about you?" You heard Joey's voice catch in her throat. "N-no." Frank leaned a bit closer to her. "No?....Don't ever fuck with me, i will know." Joey's posture stiffened up again. "I'm gonna go check on the girl." With that, Joey made her quick leave, Frank turned round and shrugged to the rest of you.
Sammy ,Peter and Dean started chatting by the bar, Rickles played pool by himself. You got up off the pool table and headed over to a group of leather seats surronding a glass table. You sat down with your back to rest of them and reached into your pocket, pulling out a silver ipod and some black earphones. You placed an earbud in and pressed play. You sighed and slumped down in the chair before feeling a smalltap on your shoulder. When you glanced over your shoulder you saw the surprisingly kind looking face of frank, smiling down at you with a half filled whiskey glass in his hand. You smiled back and sat up, patting the arm rest for him to sit.
"Hey you've been pretty quiet all night, somethin' bothering you?" You hesitated before nodding. "Just a bit nervous, never done something this big before." Frank nodded sipping his drink. "You'll be fine, we aint getting fucking caught, and even if we are, ill make sure non of those fuckers rat you out." You smiled slightly at him. "Frank are you saying you like me?" He flashed you a grin putting his glass down and shifting closer to you. "Im saying i like you back sweetheart." Your eyes narrowed looking up at him before he gave a small chuckle. "You think i havent noticed you stealing glances at me all night, or that i havent seen how your breathing picks up when i-" He suddenly placed his hand by your thigh, closer than he did earlier ,smirking as your breathing once again picked up. "Do that." You felt your cheeks heat up as he stood up, turning to walk away. "So shall i pretend you havent been staring daggers into me all night either?" Frank stopped and smirked and looked over his shoulder at you. "You could do, or your could acknowledge that ive been staring you because of that cute personality and thick hips, let it boost that deflated ego of yours."
As Frank made his way back over to the bar, you turned back around to face the glass table, smiling to yourself at the fact that Frank was being a genuinly thoughtful and sweet man to you. He had noticed that you had some, well quite a few insecurities, and instead of ignoring and feeding them, he gave them positive attention. You kept replaying his expressions and words in your head, so when Joey walked back into the room and sat next to Frank at the bar, you didn't notice her. Howver you did notice whne Frank suddenly got up and walked out the room. You frowned and went over to joey. "Hey whats up with Frank?" Joey shrugged. "God knows with him." You hummed in agreement before pouring another drink and sitting on the pool table again.
Rickles came over and you got chatting to him, when Frank suddenly came back into the room, grabbed his leather trench coat and started heading to the door. Joey got up from her seat following him, as did you. "Im out, cut my share how you want but im not fucking staying here." You and joey kept following and questioning Frank ,till he stopped just before the entrance, turned round and snapped at you both. "What's going on is that we are fucked. That little girl is kristoff lazar's daughter." The rest of the crew started to come into the lobby right as he said that, however whereas other people started to turn pale, you were with Sammy. "Whos kristoff lazar?" Frank turned o look at her dumbfounded. "Who's Lazar?" Dean walked over nonchalantly. "Bro thats a urban legend man calm down." Frank turned to the joint smoker ready to strangle him. "No dude, he is not a fucking urban legend. He is very fucking real believe me. Nobody even knows how big his fucking empire is." Frank started pacing and running his hand through his hair whilst your turned to Rickles like a confused puppy and asked about lazar, to which you got an explanation which made your blood run cold.
"Is Lambert fucking insane? He just put a death mark on all of us, including himself." You started to fiddle with your fingers, feeling your breathing get tight. "What if we just like.... yknow, give her back? And say sorry?" You turned to Sammy. "Sammy i dont think thats how kidnapping from someone dangerous works." Frank shook his head turning round. "Oh yeah, heres your daughter 'Mr fucking Antichrist' really sorry, hope she's not too traumatised. Lets play a round of golf sometime." Sammy narrowed her eyes at frank then promtly flipped him off. "This isnt the time for sarcasm ok?" Frank looked down at his feet and sighed. Suddenly joeys eyes lit up. "Lets just leave. We leave her with some food, make an anonymous phonecall, get the fuck out of dodge. It's not like shes seen our faces?" Everyone started nodding in agreement before Frank interupted her. "Uh actually she has, thanks to you." Joey raised an eyebrow. "I was supposed to be the only one in and out of the room, and i wore my mask." Joey crossed her arms as Frank walked over to her and looked down at her. "Well I didn't! So i walk in there and see Billy fucking Elliot's cute little peepers memorising my fucking face!"
Everyone else's eyes turned to joey accusing and blaming her. "And it's not even like the rest of us could leave since joey told her everything about us." Frank held his jaw shaking his head. "You ust had to do your little magic trick." The air grew tense, so tense you could phsically feel it. "So if leave her we dont get none of that kidanpping money? I kinda need that money right now." Dean raised a good point. "How much do you trust lambet?" Frank glanced back at joey. "I trust him enough, but that doesn't make it worth the risk though."
"If 7 million per person isnt worth the risk then what is?" You leaned against the book case watching frank as he took off his glasses and held his head. "Alright he wouldn't of had us kidanp this kid unless he thought we could pull it off. Maybe we all just pretend like we don't know who her father is, and with the money we are making from this we just disappear forever, hmm? Start a new life, and i never have to see any of you fucks again." Although you knew Frank was grouping all the rest of you together and he was clearly stressed, the feeling of never getting to see him again hurt you. "Everyone stay alert. Any threat is gonna come from outside, so we set a perimeter and we hold it. Rickles takes first watch in the crows nest. Joey, secure the interior, look for anyways in or out. What is it like, 22 more hours? 22 hours,... fuck." With that everyone split off, leaving you in the lobby.
You continplated going against the plan and walking out, the door was right behind you, the girl hadnt seen your face, the information joey had given about you wouldnt help track you, you could vanish. However there was something that kept your feet firmly in place, you knew exactly what that thing was aswell. You knew it started with F and ended in k. So instead of wlking out the door, you headed to the far corner of the house where you had found a room to settle in. You reached into your pocket to pull out your ipod again when you heard faint loud noises. They sounded like Dean, they sounded like him....screaming. Although your heart told you to stay put, your legs were up and moving to the source of the sound. You made your way through the halls quietly when you made it to the kitchen, but it was dead quiet, yet you swore this was where the sound came from.
You grabbed a large kitchen knife to arm yourself and started looking around, on the opposite side of the kitchen was a door, you pushed it open slowly. "Hello? Dean are you in here?" You walked through the door and looked round the dark room, it seemed to just be an old storage room and the lowest stop of an elavator that most likely didnt work. After deciding there was nothing in there, you headed back to the kitchen but gasped when you got to the door as dean was now sat in a chair with his back to you. "Dean i know your a dick but is this really the best tim-" As you scolded him you walked over and gave him a shove before freezing as his head rolled straight off of his shoulders. You stared down at it for a moment before letting out a blood curdling scream. You dropped the knife and backed up to the sink shaking as your chest grew tight. Moments later Frank ran into the room holding his gun. He looked down at Dean's head, the up at you, to see you bent over the sink gagging and throwing up the alcohol you had earlier. Frank made his way over to you and held your hair back whilst giving you soft and sympathetic words. Once you stopped throwing up, you looked up at him with teary eyes, to which Frank's face softened before he pulled you into him ,rubbing your back and hushing you.
As you buried your face in Frank's chest, the rest of the crew rushed in, all of them pulling disgusted face and cursing under their breath. "The fuck happened?" Joey looked at you as you pulled away from Frank sniffling. "I heard screaming, looked round, saw him in the chair and when i touched him,....that happened." Joey looked at the bod before narrowing her eyes. "Be honest what does that looked like to you?"
"It looked like a fucking wild animal ripped him apart." Joey gave a subtle nod of her head at frank who started pacing. "No, no no, I'm not fu-, we're not fucking going there." You started to fiddle with your fingers again as sammy came over and wrapped her arm round you. "Why are you all acting so weird?" Joey sighed and leant on the table. "There's stories, about lazar's hitman."
"Can we not do this? Please?" Seeing Frank this worried most definatly didn't comfort you one bit. "Valdez." You rested your head on Sammy's shoulder as Rickles started. "I heard a story once, 3 of Lazar's top guys got pinched a few years ago, FBI flipped 'em. The night before the trial were all hauled up on the top floor of a hotel. A dozen agents in the next room, and two in the door. The next morning FBI goes into the room. All they bodies were ripped apart. Limbs, and organs missing. Decapitations. Thats his signature, Valdez, he's a fucking animal. And there was no way in or out or that room aside from the front door and the 23rd story window. So how'd he do it?"
"Bullshit." Sammy piped up before Frank shut her down. "It's not fucking bullshit. It's not the first time i heard that story." You ran your fingers through your hair nervously. "We should probably check on the girl. You nodded and all made your way up to Abigail's room. Once up there, Frank and Joey went towards the door and creaked it open to check if the young girl was still there and alive. You, Rickles, Peter and Sammy stayed a little bit further back when Peter started talking about splitting Dean's share to which Sammy scolded him for. "You welcome to my share Pete, you could be the richest headless man in america." Right as Frank and Joey came back over, Rickles started heading back downstairs. Like before with Frank, everyone followed, only to see that when Rickles opened the front door, there was a metal gate covering the exit. Rickles tried ramming but it was no use. Then peter tried, again, no use, you were all trapped. Trapped in the house with the same monster that killed dean, yet you had no clue where, or worse, who Valdez was.
Before anyone could say something ,suddenly wodden shutters began to rise and cover all exits. Now you really were trapped. Rickles picked up a wooden chair and flung it at one of the covered windows only for the chair to fall to bits on impact. Rickles panted before his eyes widened and he took off upstairs again. "If this is Valdez, maybe he checked on the girl and left her there to throw us off." Joey nodded before heading upstairs to go check on abgail. The rest of you headed to the bar area and tried to distract yourselves. Although however hard you tried, all you could think about was Valdez ripping you to bits, or draining you of your blood till you were as pale as a ghost.
You quickly got up and headed to the bathroom, locking yourself in it without warning. The others watched and heard the lock, it was clear you werent just using the bathroom. Peter shook it off and started talking to sammy as Frank stared at the door before getting up and going over to it. He pressed his ear to the door and heard you hyperventlating through broken sobs. He gave a small knock on the door. "Kyla? It's frank, can you let me in?" You sniffled before slowly turning the lock on the door. The door pushed open and you saw Frank look down at you with a worried and sympathetic look in his eyes before he clicked the door shut. You looked into his for a second before turning away from, embarassed by your current state. "Hey, hey look at me. Please?" His voice was soft and reassuring, you slowly turned back around and looked up at him. Frank crouched down slightly to come to your level and held your hands.
"Listen sweetheart, im not gonna let anything hurt you, alright? Not Valdez, not any of those other schmucks. Nothing is gonna hurt you while im around, ok?" You nodded and squeezed his hands. "I-i just don't wanna die, not here, not like this, any other way than like this, i mean its not like i have much to go back to, but still, i cant die not ye-" your sentence was suddenly cut off at the feeling of Frank's soft lips crashing agaisnt yours. Although this stunned you, you didn't pull away or push him off you. Instead you wrapped your arms round him and hummed softly into the kiss. After a few seconds, you both pulled away, your face now noticably redder, and Franks with a cute grin spread across his lips. You just looked into each others eyes for a good 30 seconds, Frank's were full of admiration and perhaps lust, before his hands snaked round your waist, pulling you against him. He leant down, the faint remains of whiskey still evident on his breath as he whispered in your ear. "How about, after me and you get out of this fuckin' hellhole, we get to know each other a bit better maybe properly grab some drinks,......or try out each others beds." You bit your lips slightly before the feeling of Frank's hands sliding down your back, over you ass and grasping the back of your thighs sent a shiver down your spine.
He lifted you up and placed you on the batheroom counter carfully as you admired the soft yet attractive look on his face. "I-i'd like that quite alot." Soon enough Frank's hands moved from your thighs and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears that remained on your cheeks as he held your face. "Atta girl." He smiled and winked cutely before lifting you off the counter. "Now if you wouldnt mind i do actually need a piss after the drinks earlier so." He gestured towards the door and you nodded leaving the bathroom, blowing him a kiss as you did."
After hearing the lock again, you turned round to see Sammy stood behind you smirking with her arms folded over her chest. "Kyla, have you Frank got a little thing going by any chance?" You went slightly pale, went to say something but sammy cut you off. "Actually don't answer i already know the answer, not like you two were hiding it when he walked away from you smriking in here earlier, or when we came to see you after you screamed, you were so cuddled up to him!" You let a small smile creep onto your lips at how Sammy was adoring you and Frank together. "Mhm, like how youve been flirting and giggling with Peter all night?" Suddenly Sammy went pale herself before you looked over her shoulder to see and slightly stunned Peter looking at the two of you. "Sammy has been flirting with me?" You smiled at how cutely naive Peter was and how red Sammy had gone.
Sammy came up with an excuse to leave the room and headed into the main lobby. You got chatting with Peter before suddenly Sammy was being ushered back into the room at gunpoint by joey. Peter looked at the scene concerned. "Don't point that at, Sammy Joey." Joey briefly pointed her gun at Peter then at youas a warning. "Where. The fuck. Is frank?" You reluctantly pointed at the bathroom door. Almost on que, said door opened with Frank coming out the bathroom mumbling to himself before he looked up and widened his eyes slightly, putting his hands the air. "H-hey Joey, what's going on?" Joey kept her glare firmly on Frank. "Why'd you do it?" Frank tilted his head, confused. "Do what?" You glanced between Joey and Frank nervously. Frank had literally just swore you wouldn't get hurt, that he'd protect you, how could he do if he was dead? "Bring us here to kill us."
You, Sammy and Peter all looked at Frank in surprise at the accusation, Frank narrowed his eyes and poked the inside of his cheek with his tounge. "Don't do it Peter." All of you looked at Peter who was still just stood there, before turning back around to see Frank had pulled out his gun, which was now pointed at Joey. "I don't know what the fuck your talking about but you don't sound very calm right now little miss paranoid, so forgive the precaution. You guys know what the fuck she's talking about?" You and Sammy shook your heads, peter tried to give more of an answer. "I think she thinks you brought us here to kill us." You sighedpinching the bridge of your nose. "Wow. Fantastic insight Peter. Care to share whats on your mind Joey?" Joey tightened her grip on her gun. "You're Valdez." Frank looked rather offended at this. "You told the girl. You killed dean. and you just killed Rickles."
"I didn't tell that girl shit-"
"Wow you got a lot going on up there junkie, but your brains not quite putting together huh? You let a little girl get inside your head? Your not as smart as you think you are. But the girl, she's fucking inspired, turning us agaisnt each other like this." Joey's eyes narrowed. "I believe her." Frank sighed before glancing at Peter. "I hate to say it but i think well have to get rough with her." Peter sighed before putting his glass down. "I'll do it." Joey tensed up before glancing at Peter who was heading for the door. "Dont take another fucking step Peter."
"Is just my job Joey."
"Look i just wanna get to the bottom of this. Yknow my team is dropping like flies, and well, our guest has besmirched my good name, and i take that very personally yknow?" Frank gave a small nod and Peter took off running. Joey sighed taking one last look at Frank before running after peter. Frank joined the line and started following Joey with his gun still raised. You and Sammy looked at each other before also following. By the time you both got there, Joey had her gun pointed at Peter, Frank had his gun pointed at her and Abigail was sat on the bed, frantically asking Joey questions about what was going on. You watched as the three of them started arguing before Sammy gave your shoulder and tap. You looked at her then where she was looking.
Abigail, now not looking so innocent or frightened, cracked her hands and slid them out of the cuffs with ease before standing up on the bed. "Guuuuuuys!" The other three turned their heads to abigail right as she bowed down, covering her face with her arms. "What the fuck, how the fuck did she get outta those cuffs?" Before anyone could say another thing, Abigail dropped her arms and screamed, revealing that she was a vampire, and most likely valdez. Curses filled the air before the little monster pounced onto Peter's back and raised her head back to bige him. Just before she could however, Frank shot her in the head. She dropped to the ground and Peter rushed over away from the corpse. Well so you though, because mere seconds later, Abigail sat up and wiped the blood from her forehead, revealing no wound.
Sammy and Peter quickly left the room, Joey and Frank started shooting at Abigail but you just froze. Right as Joey and Frank backed up to the door, Abigail turned her gaze to you. She started charging at you before Frank's strong grip on your arm pulled you behind him, allowing him to shoot one more shot at abigail before slamming and locking the door. Frank backed up, keeping you behind him before the rest of you rushed down to the lobby where peter and sammy were catching their breath. "We kidnapped a fucking vampire!"
"Someone has been messing with us since we got here right? Its gotta be uh, uh some kind of trick." Joey turned round looking at him. "You know anyone who could pull off a trick like that?" Sammy held her head. "I feel sick."
"At least Valdez isn't here?"
"The fucking girl is Valdez Peter." Peter looked at Frank confused. "I thought her name was Abigail?" Frank just sighed mumbling his fustrations, when suddenly the banging from Abigail's room stopped. You looked up and round. "Now what the fuck do we do?" You said rubbing your arm. "Well what do we know about vampires?"
"What are we talking about like an anne rice, or trueblood, twilight, very different kinds of vampires?" Joey then started listing all the basics about vampires, soon Sammy and Frank Joined in, all while Peter stood aside telling the rest of you to "Shut up!" But when he said it one too many times, Frank walked over and wrapped his hand round peter's neck. Although you knew this was not the time, all you could imagine was Frank's hand your neck. Thankfully the red on your face could be easily mistaken for being oit of breath from the running. "Hey dum dum, we got a real fucking situation here. So i dont give a shit what you think. Either your helping us, or your 270 pounds of dead weight. Which is it?" Peter looked down at Frank and with what air he had, confirmed he would be helping. He then grasped Frank's wrist and forefully removed his hand from his neck. "Just don't do that again."
Despite the fact that Frank had a man that easily could beat him up, towering over him, he still maintained control. "There's pool cues in the games room, go sharpen 'em into stakes." Peter nodded slowly before walkin g off to the game room as instructed. Frank then gestured to sammy with his gun. "You, go check the kitchen for garlic." Sammy raised an eyebrow. "Alone?"
"Yes alone!" Sammy threw her hands up before heading of to the kitchen. "Ill go see if i can find anything." Joey went off to look, leaving you and frank. He let out a big sigh and swept his hair back before looking at you. You had a small cheeky grin plastered across your lips. "What? What's so funny? Hmm?" The sight of your little smirk did put a small smile on Franks face aswell. "I know Peter said he doesnt want you putting your hand round his neck." You went over and tugged on his jacket to bring him down so that you could whisper in his ear. "But, I'd happily let you put it round mine." You took a step back to see Frank trying to hold backa smile. "Oh is that so princess?" You nodded before letting out a small gasp when he gave your ass a smack. You giggled and were about give his lips a peck when Sammy burst into the room, mesh bag in hand.
"Got 'em!" You took one look in the bag and covered your mouth with your fingers to conceal a giggle. "Sammy, those are fucking onions." Sammy, looked at the bag and furrowed her brows. "Well i dont cook, i dont know." Peter walked back in, pool cues in hand. Uoey walked back in, empty handed. "Right, lets go kill us a fuckiing vampire." Frank started heading towards the kitchen before Joey stopped him. "I'm staying here." You all looked at her dumbfounded, before Frank asked what you were all thinking. "And why the fuck not?"
"You said it yourself, this girl is smart. shes been manipulating us from the start. We dont know if any of this stuff is gonna work, and even if it does, killing her would be the stupidest thing we could do." Frank sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He did no have the energy nor the paitence to argure right now. "Fine. Whatever, go put your feet up." Frank was about to start walking again when he looked at you. "Hey sweetheart, how about you stay down here with Joey for ,e? It's safer here than making you come with us ok?" You nodded and stepped over to Joey. "You two on me. Fucking onions." Frank led Sammy and Peter to the ktchen as Joey brought you to the game room where her bag was.
You got sat down, as did joey as she checked her guns ammo. You started to fiddle with your fingers nervously when you both looked up, hearing swan lake playing faintly from above you. "That cant be good in any way." Joey shook her head before rootingf through her bag. You glanced over at her. "You got some special anti vampire antidote in there or something?" She then pulled out the second anaesthetic syringe smiling. "Something like that."
After a few minutes you heard the others coming back down, and it didnt sound good, Frank was yelling ever curse under the sun and Sammy and Peter werw whimpering in pain. You and Joey headed to the bottom of the stairs to see Frank with a makeshift stake through his right thigh, Peter had a bloody chest and Sammy just look very out of breath. You quickly helped Frank into a chair and held his hand. He managed to stop cursing for a moment, well kind of. "I swear if you fucking say i told you so." He aggressivly pointed at Joey who rolled her eyes and walked over and grasped the end of the stake. She went to pull it out, before you shoved her away. "Have a fucking heart Joey. Just go Check on Peter." She looked surpised at your sudden asertivness but did so as you turned to frank who had his head tipped back trying not to cry and he groaned in pain and cursed some more.
You got him to look into your eyes as you gripped the stake. "Frank, count down from 3 for me ok?" He nodded and got to 2 before you quickly ripped the stake out. Frank keeled over, once again cursing as you reached in Joey's bag beside you and pulled out enough gauze pads and bandages to help the wound. Once you wrapped the wound, you stood up, pulling Frank's head forward so her forehead rested on your chest as you kissed the top of his head. His arms wrapped round your waist, pulling you closer to him as you stroked his hair. You smiled down at him before Sammy cleared her throat. "You two done cuddle fucking so we can go through the new plan." You raised an eyebrow before Frank flipped them off.
Joey explained that you would all split up lookin g for Abigail and whoever found her, would alert Joey who would jab Abigail with the syringe. You disscussed who was going where before starting the hunt. For the 15 minutes there was nothing. However Sammy started cutting out but you still make out her screaming about bodies in the pool. Joey started rushing towards the pool when Peter started screaming about the "Vampire on his ass." Wonderful.
Once You and Joey checked on Sammy, who now stunk to high heaven, you all headed to the east stairs where you saw Peter laid omn the ground anmd Abigail stood on Frank, choking and taunting him. Your blood ran cold and before you knew it, you were dragging the little vampire off of Frank. She somehow managed to knock the syringe out Joeys hand and behind a gate as she flailed around in your arms. Unfortunatly she managed to get the upper hand and kicked you backwards onto frank as sammy grabbed her from behind. You sat up with Frank in time to see Abigail sink her teeth into Sammy's arm. As a result, Sammy shoved Abigail towards you and frank. He quickly pushed you away from him, letting abigail grab his ankle at start to fly, dragging him with her.
You got up to stop her, but Peter came out of nowhere and tackled the girl to the floor, holding her under him as you pulled Frank back towards the stairs, before he pulled you behind him panting. By now you were all screaming at Joey to get the syringe before she finally grabbed it and rushed over, sticking it into Abigails arm. Abigail started screaming and cursing at all of you before she finally went down. You all sat back panting before Peter raised a good point. "What do we do with her now? She wont stay like that forever and clearly the cuffs are no good." You thought for second. "I've got it, next to the kitchen is a storage room and a dead elevator, we could lock her in that." Joey nodded as Peter picked up abigail and carried her down to the elevator.
Once Abigail was layed in the dead elevator with the gate sercuely locked, you and Frank headed into the kitchen and sat at the table whilst Peter stayed with Sammy and Joey as Joey bandaged up the bite mark on Sammy's arm. You were bouncing your leg whilst deep in thought when Frank's hand gently layed on shaking thigh, catching your attention. "You alright sweetheart?" His worried eyes met yours, before you smiled softly placing your hand on his. "Just thinking dear, you can relax a bit, im not made of glass and i can defend myself." He smiled slightly and kissed the back of your hand.
Before either of you could say another thing, Joey called you over to the elevator as Abigail was once again awake. She rattled the bars of the gate, pretending to plead with you all before shut it down and Abigail went back to her demonic self. "Your really good at pretending to bne a little girl." Abigail gave a small curtsey. "Thank you, had a few centuries of experience."
"Tell us how to get out of here, and we'll let you go." You looked at Joey slightly concerned on whether she was serious or not. Abigail smiled and shook her head before Sammy came storming foward, having to be held back by you and Joey. "Hey! What's gonna happen to me?"Abigail shurgged. "Am i gonna turn into a vampire?!" Abigail thought for a seond. "Maybe?" Sammy looked between her and Joey for a second before pacing back and throwing her hands up. "Oh my god! She said maybe!" Peter stood back and tried to comfort the ditressed blonde. "Listen, little lady, or ma'am, whatever. We're very sorry, ok? We didnt know who you were, we thought you were just some fucking regular 12 year old girl."
"You were gonna beat me and torture me, when you thought i was just a regular 12 year old girl?" Frank was about yo contiue before you stepped foward. "Yeah and we still have good reason to, so i suggest you shut your spiky little mouth sweetheart." Abigail raised her eyebrows at you. "So you do speak, i thought all mouth did was eat." You narrowed your eyes, not taking the comment to heart. "Listen here you little brat, as soon as i get my hands on you, im gonna drive 100 stakes through that rotten little heart of yours-" Frank pulled you back. "Alright that's enough Kyla, Abigail, look. Like i say, we're very sorry, we would never of taken you if we knew who your father was."
"You did work for him didnt you?" All eyes turned to Frank. "Havent you wondered why i brought you all here?"
"You brought us here?" Abigail held her forehead cursing under her breath. "There was never any money, i planned all of this. Lambert works for me." You and Frank let out a sigh of disapointment. "What are you talking about?" Abigail turned to Sammy. "Don't you know, Jessie?" Your eyes flicked between Abigail and Sammy. "What did you just call me?" Abigail chuckled before continuing. "Jessica Hurney.You started your career siphoning money from your affluent parents’ bank accounts. Hedge funds came next,then private offshore accounts,and eventually, much bigger fish. One in particular." Sammy went slightly pale before clearing her throat. "I can give it back." Abigail pretty much ignored her as she turned to Peter.
"Terrence Lacroix. Muscle for the Montreal Broussard family. Did it bore you, snapping necks for pay? Enduring endless taunts from your colleagues about your stunted intellect? Is that why you stole from your crew, who just happened to be a tiny subsidiary of our empire? How long did the money last, you weak, disloyal inebriate?" Peter stayed quiet as Abigail now turned to Frank.
"Former Detective Adam Barrett. You thought you could infiltrate our New York arm under deep cover. But you liked the life a little too much, didn’t you? The power you had when you were free of rules and regulations. It became an addiction. How empty did you feel when you finally arrested our three lieutenants you’d worked so hard to get close to? And how empty did you feel after I ripped up their bodies in the hotel penthouse because of you? You changed your name, you left town, and you never saw your family again. But it wasn’t for their safety, was it, Detective Barrett?" Your blood ran cold as Abigail mentioned he had a family, that he left, he wouldnt do that to you right? Right?
"We have the tragic Ana Lucia Cruz. Former Army medic drummed out of service for shooting up Uncle Sam’s morphine. You tried to take care of your son, before abandoning him to his fuckup of a father. You became an underground doctor for some very shady people. But one day, you were just too high to do your job, and instead of removing a bullet, you nicked an artery, and someone very important to my father’s business bled out. But you and Detective Barrett have something in common. You never went back for your son."
"Shut the fuck up!" Joey's words fell on deaf ears to you as Abigail turned to you smirking. "Finally, we have the pathetic, seemingly innocent, Y/n, Y/m/n, Y/l/n. The woman who not only allowed, but watched as her mother was murdered. You played the victim when the police arrived, and managed to walk away with 20 grand as inheritance. And that grew into a habit didn't it? You learned by acting differently around different people, you could get whatever your greedy heart desired didn't you? But little did you know, before you were even born, your mother had part of my fathers top advisers, how do you think she afforded to give you your luxury childhood hmm?" You now had tears threatening to spill from your rage filled eyes as you glared at Abigail.
"That woman was evil, she didn't care about me in the slightest, she deserved every second of it!" Frank pulled you towards him and rubbed your back. "And what do you tell yourself huh? That you wanna be your daddy's little errand girl? No, he did lose intrest in you, that wasn't a lie. How many of your fathers enemies do you think your gonna have to kill, until he loves you again?" Abigail's smirk dropped and she stayed quiet. "If this is about revenge, why didnt you just kill us? Why did you bring us here?"
"Because it isn't. This is just a game to her."
"Bullshit, she was screaming at the house, and dad triggered the alarm."
Joey tilted her head. "That wasnt even her father. That wasnt Lazar. And for what? Because your fucking bored? For your fucking entertainment?"
"What can i say? I like to play with my food. Your the same as all the other meat sacks ive brought here over the years, nothing different about any of you, nothing special. Just something to help me pass the time." Joey narrowed her eyes. "Quick question, whos in a cage right now?" Abigail's smile faltered for a second. "If you let me out, ill let two of you live." Peter looked at the rest of you for a second before looking back at abigial. "Which two?" You quickly turned to hum. "Peter what the fuck?"
"It's a surprise." Frank pulled his gun out. "Fuck this, lets just kill her now." Abigail smiled evily at him. "You tried that Frank, if you would like to open this door and try again, please do." You rolled your eyes. "God she's annoying."
"My offer just expired. Now i'll only let one of you live, whoever lets me out." Your eyes glanced over at Peter who had tensed up before he pulled his gun out and pointed it at Joey who did the same thing, pointing it at Peter. "She's fucking lying moron, you touch that door your as dead as the rest of us." Peter nodded his head to the side. "Maybe it's worth a try." You clenched your fists nervously as Joey tied to talk him out of it. "We have her Peter, that's why we did this, so we could trade her for our lives."
"That will never happen, Joey was right, no matter how many of you i kill, my father doesnt love me and hes not gonna trade anything for me. So go on Peter, let me out." Peter looked at the lock of the door for second then back up at joey. "Peter if you touch that door i will shoot you." Despite the warnings both Joey and Frank had given him , Peter still slowly reached for the lock before Joey aimed her gun lower and shot Peter in the hip. He yelled out in pain as you removed his gun from his hand. "Cmon, let me go patch you up, Frank, Kyla, help me out, Sammy watch her." Sammy snorted before shaking her head. "Fuck that shit." Joey was about to arugue before Sammy spoke again. "I'm not staying down here with that, fuck that shit joey." Joey sighed before glancing at Frank, he nodded as you and her helped Peter out of the room and to where her bag was.
Frank sat down groaning and took off his glasses to pinch his nose. By now his head had started throbbing from the extensive stress and blood loss. "The offer still stands Frank. Open the door and ill let you keep all your blood." Frank chuckled lightly and looked at her with an 'oh really' face. "Organs too." Frank looked down at his lap shaking his head. "Im serious. You could be useful to us."
"Why don't you, tell me, how to get the fuck outta here,... and ill consider it." Abigail raised an eyebrow at him. "If i told you, you'd just leave me here. You first." Frank put his glasses back on and gestured with the stake in his hand. "You know what? My offer just expired. Have fun spending eternity in a fucking elevator." He started walking away when Abigail piped up. "Wait. Ill tell you. But you have to let me out immediatly after i do." Frank stopped and slowly turned back around. "Alright, fine. It's a deal."
"There's a secret door in the library, the bookshelf on ghe right wall, and then there were none." Frank smiled and hummed. "Very good, thanks." Abigail tilted her head. "Wait, a deals a deal." Frank spun on his heels. "Oh right, the deal. Aint i a silly billy?" Abigail gave a fake smile as he walked over and held the key. He half turned the key before turning it back again, taking it out and letting it drop onto the floor. "Still guilable at your age? You fucking freak." He chuckled looking down at the bloody girl before she start giggling manically. "What's so fucking funny?" Abigails face turned dead for second before she shoved the door off it's hinges, sending it and Frank flying back.
You and Joey both heard the bang and looked at each other before both running down to the room. By the time you got there, Abigail was stood over Frank. She looked up at you both before smiling and kneeling down on Frank, grabbing his collar. Joey quickly grabbed Frank's stake off the floor and busted open some wooden boards. Daylight shone threw the cracks and right as Abigail reared back her head to bite into Frank's neck, the light hit her arm, causing it to explode. She screamed out in agony and crawled backwards away from the light. You quickly ran over and helped Frank to his feet, his face now covered in blood. You all bolted out the room, the last thing you saw was the bone in Abigail's arm starting to heal and regrow. You all ran up to Sammy and Peter, and frantically told them to follow you to the library.
Once everyone made it there, you slammed the doors shut and put a chair under the handles. Joey and Peter were stood in the sunlight catching their breaths but Sammy stood just out of it. She slowly put her finger into the light, and when nothing happened, she smiled and stepped into the sunlight, practically bathing in it happily. "Looking for some light reading Frank?" When you looked over Frank was intently looking at the titles of the books on she shelf. "Shut the fuck up." Suddenly his finger stopped on the spine of one book. He looked over at the rest of you smirking. "And then there were none." He pulled the book down, expecting something to happen, but when nothing did happen, he started angrily cursing and knocking all the books off their shelves before limping over and throwing his stake onto the gorund as he sat down on the steps holding his head.
"You good?" Frank removed his glasses and wiped some blood from his face. "So what the fuck now?" Frank looked up at Joey panting. "She was already healing, you and Kyla saw it aswell. Keep an eye on the door, stay in the light." You all watched as Joey started looking round the library. First she looked up the fire place, then headed to a wall by the door. She knocked on it and pressed her ear against it, before back to you all. "Grab something, we can break through this wall." You tilted your head before stepping towards her. "Look Joey, we dont even know what's behind that wall, it could quite literally just be a hole in the wall they boarded up, its not worth wasting our energy on. If you want to try and break into the wall, go ahead, but i don't think any of us have the energy to spair at the moment." Joey looked over your shoulder to see Sammy, Peter and Frank all giving her the same expression, an expression that agreed with you. She crouched down and picked up a fire poker before coming back up to your level, noses almost touching before she spat out a "Fine".
You sighed as she headed back over to the wall and started beating at it. You layed on the top step with you head in Frank's lap, if you were most liekly gonna die in the next 24 hours, you might as well enjoy what time you had left. Frank's, thankfully not bloody, hand soon found hair and stroked it soothingly. Neither Peter nor Sammy seemed fazed by you and Frank, by now it seemed normal to them. You started getting lost in thought when Peter's voice broke you from your thoughts. "Kyla, what did Abigail mean about you watching your mother die?" You turned you head to the side to look at Peter. "What's it matter, the story will die with me in the next 24 hours anyways?" Frank's hand stopped in your hair for a moment. "Well if you are gonna die, you might as well share the story one last time sweetheart." You looked up at Frank who was smiling down at you.
You thought about it for a second before sighing. “Honestly she deserved every second of it. She made my childhood, my life a living hell. She genuinely thought that if she bought me all the expensive toys, dresses, material shit, she thought that it all made up for the fact that she starved and endangered me, just so that I was pretty. Y'know as i got older, i started realizing what she was doing, we argued about it more and more. Then one night, the week after my 17th birthday, we were giving each other the silent treatment after another fucking argument, I was sat on the floor watching some movie, she was sat in her chair, probably texting some younger guy to hook up with and there was this, client. She had severely pissed him off and he snuck into the house,and he….he stabbed her 18 times, right in front of me, all while she screamed for me to stop him. A-and I just sat there, and I watched, smiling. The police arrived about 10 minutes later and I acted like I didn't see it happen, got away with my inheritance and went on with my life, like nothing had happened. But the thing was, i feel like, like if that fucking derranged guy didn't kill her that night, i feel like, i-i wasnt far off of doing it myself."
Your voice cracked a couple times before you shook away any regret for what you had just said. "Shit. Didn't expect that from you." Your eyes moved up at met the surpirsed gaze of Sammy. "How long ago was it? You sat up and leaned agaisnt Frank who wrapped his arm round you. "7 years ago now." You held Frank's hand when you heard Joey grunt loudly and throw the firepoker onto the ground. She walked over, sat by your feet , reached into her pocket and pulled out her paper candy bag. However when she dug her fingers into, there was no more candy left. Joey scrunched up the bag in her hand and rested her head on her hand. "Aw you ran outta candy?" Sammy looked at Joey before getting up and walking over, taking a seat next to her. "Im scared."
Joey looked at the blonde before offering her smile and rubbing her arm. "Was that true, what she said about your son?" Joey looked down before nodding. "But i got clean. I was gonna go back for him, that was-, is the plan." Sammy nodded. "That's good, how often do you get to talk to him?"
"I try calling him, i just, i can't do it. That's why i took this job. With that money i can, start over yknow? Reset."
"Boohoo. Fucking bullshit. It's not about the money, the moneyys an excuse. You didn't go back for your kid because you scared youll be a piece of shit mother. God everyones gotta be a fucking victim nowadays. Aww 'i left because i was on drugs. I was on drugs because i got hurt.' Own your fucking shit and go be mother to that kid." Sammy and Joey looked at him almost in shock. "Oh im sorry, did i hit a fucking nerve?" You gave him a smack and shook your head when he looked at you confused. "Honestly Joey, for what it's worth, i think youll make a great mother, you cant be any worse than mine was alright?" Joey smiled at you and gave a subtle thank you.
Suddenly Sammy's eyes widened before stood up. "Reset. I don't need to hack the locks i just need a power source. And if i have the power source we can just, short it." Frank scoffed. "What so you'll just unplug the house?" Sammy nodded before Joey got up. "Ok we search the house. 2 teams. And we don't stop till we find it." You got up, a sense of hope rushing through you. "Well who's going with twilight here?" Peter got up holding a reflective silver tray. "Ill go with her, i uh, saw your reflection in this earlier." Sammy smiled and took the tray from Peter's hand, using it as a mirror. "Oh my god im filthy!" Peter chuckled and she dropped the tray as they began to walk off. You, Joey and Frank looked at each other before getting up and going to look yourselves.
You all started looking round an old decreped room of the house that hadnt been touched already during your stay. Although he knew you probably didnt need it, Frank still stayed close to you. You pulled some vines off of a wall with your torch in your mouth but found nothing. Joey split off down a near by corridor to expand the search whilst Frank helped you continue to search the large room you were in. You glanced over at Frank and smiled to yourself. "Yknow something?" He turned to look at you, blinding you with his torch for a second before lowering it. "Yeah?" Yousat down on the base of a statue looking up at him. "I always used to dream of dating a cop." Frank chuckled before shaking his head. "Look sweetheart, i know i used to be, but im nowhere close to being a cop anymore. I left that life behind me."
"Like how you left your family?" His eyes suddenly shot up to see yours were no longer happy, but filled with disapointment and maybe even fear. Frank shook his head and was about to explain himself but you just held your hand up before pushing yourself to your feet and walking over to him. "Frank? Be honest, are you gonna do that to me?" Frank quickly shook his head and held your face between his hands. "Listen, my ex wife and kid, they didnt want me around, they didnt love me, they practically threw me away so i them away with my old life, but you, you're nothing like that. I'd rather burn alive then leave you. You're so beautiful and so sweet, and i promise, i will never. Ever leave you, ok?" You gave a small nod before he leaned down and planted a loving kiss on your lips."
You smiled and were about to throw your arms around him before Sammy's voice came over the comms. "She's on the east side!" Frank immediatly took your hand and started running towards the area where Sammy and Peter had gone. He accidentaly bumbed into Joey, giving the three of you a quick scare before continuing to make your way over. You managed to get there quickly, and stopped at the doorway of the long room. It was a long thin room with overgrowth coverinng most of the walls. Along one wall of the room were windows covered mostly by boards, allowing sunlight to shine through and bounce off of the few marble statues dotted round the room. And there at the other end of the room, was Sammy, knelt down infront of Peter's bloody body. From what you could see, he had a chunk of his throat ripped out and bloody spilling out of the open wound.
Sammy started to charge at you before Joey quicjly grabbed the silver tray from the floor and held it above her head, angling it in the sun so that the light hit the reflective surface and bounced off straight onto Sammy. Her body immediatly exploded, sending a gallon of blood and guts splattering onto the three of you. Thankfully you and Frank had raised your arms, and Joey still held the tray, so not much blood got on your faces. However it still drenched your hair and clothes. You all slowly lowered your face shields slowly, shock and horror plastered on your faces. Joey dropped the tray and stumbled back slightly as Frank removed his glasses and looked round. You cursed under your breath and leant agaisnt a pillar. "That was fucking,... woah." All three of you just kind of stood there for a few seconds, too shocked to know what to do next. "Now what do we do about the real fucking problem?" Almost on que, a small creaking turned all your attentions to a bookcase that had swung open to reveal a secret passage.
"Oh no, oh no. He's dead, she got him, oh noo." Immediatly you could tell something was off with Sammy, she sounded far too sarcastic as she 'grieved' over Peter. "What happened?" Sammy quickly shushed joey. "Shes still in here." Joey glanced at you with a suspicious and worried look on her face. "Come over here Sammy." The blonde stayed together quiet for a second. "Fine." She slowly rose to her feet and turned around, revealing the bottom half of her face covered in blood and her teeth now jagged and pointy like Abigail's. "Run." Joey took off running, you grabbed Frank's hand and followed closely behind her, heading back to the library. Sammy, or rather, Abigail let out a screech and charged after you. You managed to get to the library, Sammy close behind when Joey pulled you and Frank over into the sunlight. Frank shoved you behind him and Joey protectively as Sammy entered the room. Sammy stopped by the door and looked round. "I always hated this room, my father turned me in here. Alot of painful memories." She continued to look up and round as if she was reminiscing before turning her gaze back to the three of you. "But it's never too late to make new ones."
"Well, thats uh-"
"A trap?"
You nodded staring at the door as Frank put his glasses back on. "But what the fuck else are we gonna do?" Joey pulled out her gun and you swapped yours with Frank for the last stake, before you all cautiously made you way over and into the hallway. The first part of the hallway looked like the inside of a thick wall with wooden supports along the walls and a few lit laterns providing as little light possible. The three of you then turned a corner to see a more house like set of walls. They were a faded grey colour, with chunks of paint missing and peeling. You stalked your way to the end of the corridor where a tiled room, most likely storage, was open on your left. You all looked into the room to see a shut door, behind which you could hear muffled speaking. However this sound didnt sound like actual people having a conversation. Instead it sounded like a video being played.
As you inched closer to the door, you realised the sound was Frank, but from earlier when he called Joey a junkie. The three of you looked at each other before Joey yanked the door open, allowing Frank to step in. As soon as he did, he started charging foward, followed by you and Joey. There, infront of monitors playing the nights events, was Lambert, he was facing away from you, but not for long. Once Frank was in stranggling distance, Lambert spun round and snarled at the three of you, showing off his set of jagged teeth aswell. Frank stumbled back, holding his arm over your stomach to keep you back aswell. "Oh fuck! Your one of them, hes one of them!"
"Abigail turned me two years ago. She found out i helped you in new york. She came for me and threatened my family, Now all i do is bring her father's enemies here, so that she can play her little hunting game. But i am done." Frank's eyes quickly glanced at your frightened face before looking back at Lambert. "What's your fucking point?"
"No shit Frank." Joey held her gun pointed straight at Lambert as you watched on wide-eyed. "What the fuck is happening motherfucker?!" Lambert smirked. "I brought you here to offer you a deal." You pushed Frank's arm down and stepped foward. "We aren't taking any fucking deals." Joey stepped foward aswell. "Especially not from you, you bastar-" Before she could finish her sentence, both you amd Joey had Lambert holding you against the wall by the neck. "I wasn't talking to you two. I'm surprised the fat one made it this long." Both of you started to paw desperatly at Lambert's wrist, not that it was any use. He turned to Frank who looked into Lambert's eyes before a wave of realisation hit him and he lowered his gun. "You fucking set me up?"
"Fuck it. Bite me." You turned your eyes away from Frank, still pawing at Lambert's wrists. Lambert chuckled as Frank smirked at him before slamming you and Joey against the wall, rendering you both on the verge between conciousness and unconciousness. Lambert threw you both on the floor behind him and walked over to Frank before sinking his teeth into Frank's neck. Frank let out a tring of curses as he backed up into the wall and slid down it. Lambert bit his own am before holding over Frank and letting his blood drip into his mouth. By now Joey was starting to come to and quietly crawled over to you. As she gently shook you to try and make you come to, Frank began to gag before spewing up god knows how much blood. He did so for a solid 10 seconds before his head dropped down groggily.
"You can die here. Or you can help me kill Abigail. Help me take her, and you can have anything you fucking want. But you'll need a little upgrade." You let out a small plead. "Im not gonna become a fucking puppet like sammy, fuck no." Lambert smiled and shook his head. "No. You'd be just like me. You get the complete treatment. Total autonomy." Franks eyes glanced back at you and Joey again. "Ive told Lazar theres a problem, he's on his way. We'll kill the girl. We'll kill her father. And we'll take over the whole fucking thing." You let out another pathetic plead for Frank before your heart dropped.
By now, you had slowly come to, only to look over and see Frank, in not the best shape, you let out a small whimper. To make matters worse, Lambert turned round to see you amd Joey looking up at him like frightened puppies. "Oh, your still with us? The big ones are always the stubborn ones. Frank, meet your first victims." Lambert look down at you both with an evil smirk as Frank's bloody self stood up behind him. You and Joey both crawled back slightly before the tip of the stake suddenly burst through Lambert's chest, causing him to yell in pain before exploding, just like Sammy did. His blood covered both you and joey, making you flinch and tense up.
You wiped your eyes and looked up to Frank, practically drenched in blood, now also with the vampire teeth you had seen one too many times in the last 24 hours. He chuckled looking down at the puddle of blood that used to be Lambert. "That's for setting me up and speaking to her like that you, you backstabbing prick." Frank slowly looked up grinning at you and joey, as he removed his glasses. His blue eyes seemed to shine through the blood covering his face, maybe signifying there was still some softness in him. "Oh yeah, i feel fucking great." Joey crawled infront of you slightly and picked up the stake from the ground infront of her, holding it out shakily.
Frank was about to say something when a soft humming caught all your attention. Your heads turned to the doo where Abigail was now stood. "So you found Lambert. Did he try and convince you to take it all before you killed him?" Abigail started giggling and Frank smiled tilting his head. "Our game ends here, ive made sure of that." Abigail charged towards Frank but before she could touch him, he grabbed the stake from Joey's hand and stuck in dead in the centre of Abigail's chest. Another explosion of blood. Frank turned back to you and Joey, grinning and chuckling as he looked down at your shaking frames. Frank tilted his head, still grinning before he crouched down to your level, looking right at Joey.
"Listen to me very carefully Joey, you're gonna leave, get yourself cleaned up and go to your kid. You're gonna go live your life with him, and you're gonna forget this night ever happened. But, if I find you telling anyone whatsoever, I will personally ensure that your head is torn from your shoulders, am I understood?" Joey nodded quickly and slowly rose to her feet. You also rose to your feet, but frank looked at you and chuckled evily. "Oh no sweetheart, you aren't going anyway, I said Joey could go, not you." You turned pale immediately thinking frank was gonna make you his puppet or just eat you.
"Joey please don't me leave me here." Tears welled in your eyes as you pleaded for Joey to help you. Joey did stop by the door before Frank gave her a final warning. "Joey I suggest you leave us before I change my mind about letting you off so easy." You shook your head as tears spilled but Joey simply mouthed sorry and took off. You squeezed your eyes shut and prepared to feel fangs dig into your neck.
However, when you felt nothing, you slowly opened your eyes to see frank looking, just unimpressed? “Darling, you think I've kept you to torture? After the night we've Spent together I thought you'd know better than that.” You simply stared at him before realizing he was serious. Frank just wanted you to stay with him, as his. Relief flooded over you before you felt Frank’s soft, but bloody lips pressed against yours. You wrapped your arm around him and hummed before he pulled back. “Shall We maybe go get cleaned up then?” Frank's sweet smile appeared as he held his hand out. His teeth didn't appear jagged or monster-like as he did, they were his normal pearly whites.
Slowly you took his hand before he guided you out of the room and back into the library, the sun had gone back down so Frank could walk around Care free as he led you to the room he had set up in, which thankfully had a shower. And as you walked, you realized that maybe, just maybe, living with an upgraded version of the man that fell for you on a kidnapping mission, wouldn't be so bad after all?
*sighs* fucking finally.
I do plan to do a part 2 of this where they can finally fuck. However ,if yall are intrested, I will also write an alternate ending for all you angst obsessed peeps where frank does end up evil evil and dying like the original film.
I really hope this is ok, I've never written anything this long before so you can imagine this has took quite the time to write. I would really appreciate reblogs, likes and comments on this fic as my back is blown from sitting in the middle of my bed and my brain is sufficiently fucked and won't be writing anything for the next few months :)
Anyway that's all from me for now lovelys!
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Punk Hazard confirmed that Kid watches underworld broadcasts to check which new kinds of weapons are sweeping the black market (frankly makes even more sense given his backstory that he and Killer were gang leaders on their home island of Kutsukku in the South Blue).
And Shriek watches these broadcasts too in much the same way how little kids play on the floor while their parents are watching the news. Not quite fully understanding what's going on and piping in with a few questions, but getting the gist that it's important.
"How come a blunderbuss is called a blunderbuss?"
"It's based off of donderbus which means thunder gun"
"But it doesn't even shoot thunder! Thunder's not even something you can shoot, it's a sound! It should be called lightning gun!"
"Yeah, that'd be fuckin' sick. As is, they're only really effective against infantry at short range. They don't have the velocity to do damage past 50 feet"
"That's why they gotta shoot lightning! It goes all over the place. Hey, do you think we can make cannons that store up my Electro and fire it like a lightning gun?? 🤩"
"Only one way to find out! 😈"
The Underworld broadcast are so interesting to me like how do they schedule that sort of thing? Is it on on a monthly or a need to know basis? As the king I’d imagine this kind of this falls under Big News Morgans's jurisdiction but you never know 🤔🤔
Kid and Killer probably try to limit Shriek's screen time when it comes to this sort, it’s not that they think she can’t handle stuff but the Underworld is a completely different kind of ick they barely tolerate. Shriek finds it mildly boring but it does give her some great ideas!
Speaking of which…
Killer immediately started running towards the sound of the explosion (after taking his bolognese down to a simmer naturally, whatever tomfoolery was amok wasn’t going to spoil dinner) when she spotted his captain and apprentice coughing and walking out of Kid's workshop covered head to toe in soot.
“Well *cough* Attempt 1 was a complete fucking failure. You alright brat?”
“I’m *cough* fine! I really thought it was gonna work though! Next time let’s try copper instead.”
Killer cleared his throat causing both their shoulders to jump as they slowly turned his way. Guilty but giddy smiles crossed their faces as Kid began opening his mouth when Killer's hand shot up first.
“Don’t know. Don’t wanna know. Go clean up for dinner.”
“You are so right Killer and might I just say, for no reason at all, that you are looking extra fine today?”
Call it years of knowing each other in every way possible but Kid could feel the judgemental eyebrow raise Killer was giving him without ever needing to see beneath his iconic helmet.
“…. Alright Pup let’s hit the showers.”
#I went off on a bit of Drabble my bad 😬😬 hope you don’t mind#one piece#eustass kid#massacre soldier killer#one piece oc#shriek the bat
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being emo about what a difference del's made in my life, word vomit below the cut so i don't clog the dash.
i've talked about this a wee bit on here, but after my first couple of years getting into ttrpgs i realized that i kept accidentally putting pieces of my soul into my pcs and having surprise Realizations over the course of the game(s), so i decided to start doing it on purpose
i built del very intentionally to have like, all of my childhood-adolescent trauma. the details are all greatly exaggerated but are rooted in the same feelings: not being allowed to have boundaries, not being allowed to make my own choices, being denied autonomy, being openly gay and trans in a conservative christian town, intimate partner abuse, suicidality. the fujinamis are (very loosely) based on my own parents and the tsugas are the parents i wish i'd had. sabina is not-so-loosely based on my abusive ex
but del is unlike me in every other way. she can stand up for herself, she can set and enforce boundaries, she's strong-willed and physically capable, afraid of nothing, and genuinely can't be fucked to care what anyone thinks of her. traits that i don't have but desperately wish that i did. i figured that if i could develop and play a character who emulates those things, then hey, look, those exist in me too, because del can't exist without me. my therapist has been a huge proponent of this and has helped me to utilize del as a therapeutic tool, and boyyyy has it worked. with the combination of EMDR + delphine, i've made crazy progress just in this last year
last night my partner and i were talking to his best friend and ended up on the topic of first relationships, and she wanted to know about my abusive ex. and like. she's haunted me for over a decade. it used to be that i couldn't think or talk about what she did to me without violently dissociating and triggering nightmares about her. but it doesn't hurt me to talk about anymore? she sucks ass and she's the worst person i ever met in my life, but i'm not afraid of her anymore. and i credit like 50% of that to therapy/EMDR and the other half to del game
because del has gotten to face and defeat sabina twice: first in backstory, in which del diablerized her and ended up with sabina's consciousness kicking around in her head, then again with tara and the coterie by her side as she killed her for good. when we were going into that session my therapist had a hunch that being rid of sabina in-game would help me get past the last big block from my own abuser, and she was right. i didn't notice it right away, but even when she does show up in my dreams (and she did last night, like she usually does when i talk about her) they aren't nightmares anymore. she's there and i'm annoyed mostly, but not afraid. i can tell her no and tell her to fuck off and instead of the big looming figure she used to be in my brain she's just a pathetic asshole who can't reach me anymore
my therapist says all the time that the brain processes fiction and reality the same way, emotionally-speaking, and we joke about ttrpg as group therapy but it really has been. and so much of that credit goes to our st who's (1) brilliant (2) so cognizant of telling trauma stories in a safe and respectful way and (3) has a window into my soul i guess?? he knows i'm plural but the del/aelsidhe arc was a complete surprise to me, and oddly enough comes like, scary close to paralleling the relationship between myself (del as proxy) and the host before me (aelsidhe as proxy) who i was supposed to protect from our ex. i couldn't have come up with a more fitting arc for del if i'd tried
anyway. tl;dr - healing is stored in the fighty little cockroach lesbian and she will always be so so special to me
#not really expecting anyone to read this#sometimes you just gotta get the thoughts out of your head so you dont have to hold them anymore ya feel#del
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@ @ @
Ohohoho's to your hhehehe's awraxa.
@scarletooyoroi es next.
I actually know Jace from a distance from a while back ago! Back when I barely entered the Kingdom Hearts fandom, I knew of his Sora blog and I was a Roxas blog but I don't think we ever rp'd. It wasn't until my Cloud blog that I began to rp with him via his Sora blog! Jace is so fucking cool dude like, he's so damn chill and always has the coolest thread ideas, goes into it 100% and that just gets me hyped up. I honestly had no idea this was Jace until we followed each other and I was lIKE HEY HEY I REMEMBER YOU from a distance, could have just been me, I tend to remember lots of people I interact with here. I also figured out that he was also in the Naruto fandom once! I had no idea I never really ran into him there but that was cool cause I too dipped my feet there a bit. It's just amazing how you just run into people here honestly. Jace has always been a chill dude, always and like I said every time he rps he just does something that gets me so hyped up for it, I love reading his interactions and how he thinks about his characters. If you're not following him then you're really missing out honestly, give this guy some love, he's really cool and chill.
@reginrokkr es another.
If you aren't following Lyria you are doing yourself a disservice. Like holy shit this blog is so good, godly even, not just the rp content itself but the insight and thoughts on the game and on Dain himself, they are delicious meals every time. Lyria puts a lot of thought into their portrayal, using inspirations from that which inspires the game material itself to establish ground, I too find myself learning a lot of cool information through the posts they make in which they share their thoughts. Honestly, rp wise they too are goals, having threads that are like 50+ notes and still continuing that I read in silence to myself in the background and I'm just like hello?? Amazing, showstopping. Though I do my best to keep up with the game and keep tabs on the lore of it even I miss some things and get confused by other things and sometimes Lyria's breakdown posts about them and it helps me understand and see what I missed or what point went completely over my head. I've only gotten the chance to speak to them here and there but they've always been pleasant conversations. I've gotten the chance to rp with them too and I've had a blast interacting with them. Please do yourself a huge favor and follow them!
@dochttore ohohoho
Freaking Eddie, the Edster. Eddie is really quiet but they are very pleasant to chat with. They've always been considerate and I'm glad and count my blessings that they're someone I had gotten the chance to know. They are also a very amazing artist and I'm happy that every now and then I get to see their works in progress. Like I said before they are very quiet so most of the time I feel like I'm being too loud and annoying them by sending them messages on disc awraxa, but they're always really reassuring. I love the plots that we come up with and how open they are to exploring things because they also have some crazy ass ideas that very well match my own awraxa. So that makes me feel less crazy not gonna lie awraxa. Anyway, as a rper they are also great, their rp style is very easy to understand and to follow. I just love, like I can't express this enough, I love how Eddie's writing is always moving the scene forward, like there is always something left open on purpose for you to respond to. I can't say how frustrating it is sometimes when the scene just stays stagnant and it's something I really admire about the way they rp because it's something I want to get better at as well and I want to do all the time not just every now and then. I'm really thankful for their consideration for me and for sparing me some time off their busy life.
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S1E2 Purple Giraffe
Get the normal introduction with the photographs at the bar with Hey Beautiful playing.
Beginning with a recap of the previous episode with future Ted his kids the events of the previous episode: Marshall and Lily get engaged, Ted decides he wants to get married and he sees Robin at the bar, Barney plays have you met Ted with Robin, they go on a date, and Ted tells Robin he loves her. Even the kids are mortified.
Ted decides to play it cool, but then unexpectedly meets Robin sitting with Lily at the bar. Marshall and Lily begin to make out in front of everyone and Robin leaves. "Nice seeing you Ted," she says as she leaves. After just previously saying he is not in love with her, after she leaves Ted says he is in love with her. This is so stupid. Fortunately Barney hits Ted over the head.
We get our first flashback of the episode and we see what Lily and Robin talked about before the guys arrival. "Ted is something else." Ted wants something serious while Robin only wants something casual. So Ted proclaims he will make it casual, which is of course the total opposite of his personality and not what he really wants and he is doing this all for a girl he went on one date with. So they will throw a party and Ted will ask Robin to come to the party. I am having flashbacks to Vietnam in this episode. I realize all this has to happen for the plot and most people including me have done what Ted is talking about and will subsequently do, but this is just terrible behavior that rarely works.
Newly engaged Lily is supper affectionate with Marshall. Lily is making sexy talk to Marshall at the kitchen table where Marshall is writing a paper and it turns out Ted is right there sitting on the couch watching tv. Pretty good joke. Turns out Ted is watch the news to find out where Robin is. Once he finds out he is on his way there to bump into her.
Robin is in a convenience store where a child got stuck in a crane machine trying to get a purple giraffe. "Peter Griffin meme." Ted invites Robin to the party, but Robin will be out of town, so Ted changes it to that night. Next scene, there are 50 people in the apartment for the party. Aren't your early 20s great. I remember when I could do that.
Ted talks about what he is going to do when Robin shows up. As he is talking they show what that would look like with Ted and Robin lip synching the words. Then Barney tells Ted to take the girl he was chatting with in scenario to the roof instead of Robin. Even this girl gets involved. I think this is the best part in the episode so far.
Robin does not show up to the party. She calls in the morning and Ted acts "casual." Marshall's face when Ted answers the phone is hilarious. Ted says they're having another party tonight and hangs up. Marshall is furious and Ted runs out of the apartment. Marshall wants to complete his paper.
Another party in the apartment and the girl Barney took to the roof is back. We get our second flashback of the episode. Barney got rid of the girl by telling her he loves her.
Robin again does not show up. Robin calls again. Party number three. Marshall cannot find his law book and when he does it is soaked in soda and beer. He gets mad and rightly calls out Ted for throwing all these parties for a girl he just met who probably won't show up and it is putting his future at risk. So of course we he turns around Robin is right there talking with Lily. Marshall drops the book, takes Lily by the hand, and goes into the bedroom. A smart decision. Ted lies and says he threw the parties so he could introduce her to Carlos, who is played by John Bernthal. This guy plays every ethnicity except Jewish. He looks great with long hair I must say.
Ted is annoying me right now. Lily with straight facts that they want two different things and there are lots of other women that want what Ted wants. Ted's response, "She's the one." Robin and Carlos go up to the roof. Now there is like a montage with music of previous scenes with Robin with cuts back to present Ted. This is kind of random. Ted sees himself and the kid who couldn't get the purple giraffe so he climbed into the machine to get it. So Ted follows them to the roof.
Ted tells Robin he threw the parties so he could see her. Robin says she barely knows him and Ted is putting a lot of pressure on her. She isn't looking to get married and settle down. You can't turn it off. Ted mimics turning off a switch on his heart. They kiss and realize there is no off switch. Robin suggests they could be friends. Ted please say "No" and move on. There is no show if you do that, but you should. Ted says in a few months they could get a beer. Robin says sure and leaves. As she is leaving Ted says to get a beer now and Robin accepts.
Back at the bar, Carlos and Barney's fling are making out with Barney jealously watching. Freeze frame on Marshall for some reason saying he got a B minus on the paper. Ted and Robin go up to the bar to get drinks and Robin plays have you met Ted. Ted is talking to the new girl, but still eying Robin.
Things I liked in the episode:
The conversation about how Ted would act when Robin arrived
Marshall's facial expressions throughout the episode
The symbolism of the kid going into the machine to get the toy.
The B story of the girl no one knows and Carlos
Surprise John Bernthal
Things I did not like in the episode:
Barney was barely in the episode
Ted was so unbearable it was hard to watch at times. It was so overboard, I get it he is young and in love, but damn.
The constant mentioning of "casual" was not funny
4/10 Casuals. This episode was so cringe. Classic Schmosby!
0 notes

I'm so glad that 2024 is now gone, but I'm afraid to get too hopeful for 2025. I'd like to think that this year I will reclaim my nose, get a CPAP and get used to it, regain my energy, and finally get ahead financially without things constantly coming up to set us back. The problem is that I've had enough life experience to know that life rarely goes as planned. It's also common sense and goes without saying that the less money you have, the harder it is.
I would just settle for sleeping normally and having enough energy to function! I mean really, literally function. No one my age should have to struggle just to clean their house and do simple, everyday things. I'd also like to think that Vanessa will become the new Aly, even though no one could ever replace Aly.
Time goes so fast when you get older, but at the same time, it's creeping by slowly—at least for me. When you're retired and don’t have many possibilities for your future, time seems to drag on. Especially when you have health and sleep issues. Time definitely slows down when you don't feel well, whether physically or emotionally.
If I’m completely honest with myself, I don’t hold out much hope for significant change in the year to come—or possibly for the rest of my life. Time is moving both fast and slow. While it’s crawling, it also feels like just yesterday when COVID hit, and that’s already been half a decade ago.
That black pickup that was parked on us is in Ray’s driveway again, and Ray is beside it but not up against our driveway. I saw him exit his vehicle with a woman. I don’t know if the guy driving the black pickup is staying with him as well or just parking there. I’m guessing he’s staying with a friend of Ray’s who also lives here.
I don’t normally make New Year’s resolutions, but this year I’m determined not to reach out to those who don’t reach out to me. I totally respect people’s decision not to reach out if that’s what they choose, but I don’t want to hear from anyone anymore only because I reached out to them first. If they don’t care enough or desire enough to take the initiative, then they won’t hear from me again. I’m putting the ball in their court and leaving it up to them. It just doesn’t feel right anymore for me to always be the one to reach out, even if people respond. The older I get, the pickier I become when it comes to dealing with people—both online and offline.
I was watching a movie earlier, and there was an older woman in it who was gorgeous despite her age. She had those nice, deep, dark eyes I like and was attractive overall. I couldn’t help but think how much I’d be crushing on her if I still had those fun hormones that have long since faded.
Enjoy your youth if you’re young because it’s all going to hell eventually! Once you’re over 50, everything changes. Well, it slowly starts before that, but I’d say the late 40s is when things really start heading south—and I don’t just mean the boobies. Not that I didn’t have my share of problems in my 20s and 30s, but I definitely miss some aspects of those years. Now, I can’t see, I’m fat, it takes forever to pee, my libido is a joke, my skin is tissue-thin, and even my hair isn’t what it used to be. And I’m stuck on a medication for life that can make my life hell if I’m not careful.
Speaking of fat, I’m not heavy enough for weight-loss drugs. You have to be truly obese for that. Even if I qualified, I’m not sure I’d have the guts to try it. I’m not going to lose any more weight on my own unless I drastically cut calories to compensate for my sluggish metabolism. Yes, I’d like to be healthier, but I also don’t want to spend every other minute of my life starving. I think I’ll just be grateful for the 10 pounds I lost by cutting out sugar and call it good enough.
I still eat some of the wrong foods at times, but hey, we all crave variety now and then. Normally, I prefer healthy stuff over junk, but eating the same few things every day gets old. I can’t branch out too much, though, because I have to watch things like cholesterol, sodium, and even foods that affect thyroid health or nasal polyps. It looks like one of the reasons my nose is acting up again isn’t just because of the alcohol I had (I finished it and won’t be getting more for a while), but also the Vienna sausages I got. I wanted a snack for when I needed more than just a quick bite but didn’t want a whole meal. But processed meats, along with things like sugar, dairy, and some other foods, are on the no-no list for polyps because they cause swelling and inflammation. For my latest Walmart order, I tried to pick a good variety of healthy and anti-inflammatory foods.
As tired as I am, it’s too soon to sleep, so I guess I’ll go see if my chat buddy is around.
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Okay so hear me out
I 10000% also would never trust him with Thistle but for a slightly different reason
Cuz Mithrun’s behaviour pattern towards dungeon lords is trying to talk them down
When they refuse to surrender the dungeon he goes full terrifying murder mode, but during every run in with the dungeon lords, even with the same person more than once, he asks them to give it up
There’s a reason he’s the one to agree to Laios’ deal
(1 - kill the demon shit yeah go nuts
2 - he’s always giving people a way out)
If the demon’s visible he’s a little murderhornet but for the dungeon lords? He takes them down, then gives them a chance before taking them out, and tries to warn them from his own experiences what it’ll mean


Marcille before she gets all lorded:


Like seriously look at his face there
He’s absolutely awful at it but he’s trying to reach out and connect
And then even after she has knocked out his whole squad and is about to take over the world, he asks her again:


He broke off his attack on Thistle and on Marcille to ask if they were really sure this was what they wanted, if they couldn’t be persuaded to save themselves
And he thinks this is a sensible and reasonable way to talk to people, and has all the self preservation instincts of a drunken mayfly, so if he’s in charge of Thistle they’ll be wandering the forest identifying mushrooms by licking them and be dead in a week
He is so incredibly bad with people
He’s really actually trying to be compassionate and helpful but he’s saying “hey by the way everything you want is dogshit and you should just stop caring about the overriding desire that the demon chose you for”
Awful little trash man im love him
He’d probably not intentionally hurt Thistle post series (he’s fine with everyone at former dungeon lord meetings and gets on with Marcille) but my gods if he was in charge of his welfare
If all Thistle wants to do is lie in the ground and stare at clouds 50/50 Mithrun will let him and carry on his day
(The other 50% Mithrun lies down with him and they both need rescuing)
Deeply traumatized people are not necessarily good caregivers for those with the same trauma, no matter how much they empathize
Mithrun caring for Thistle? Nah
Mithrun and Thistle completely accidentally going on adventures and bonding while their caregivers desperately try to stop them? Yessssssss
Mithrun and Thistle the bitchy old men in the nursing home complaining about how they could totally be independent and they don’t need all this care and ~immediately~ walking straight into a pond and just deciding to stay
They can’t solve each others’ problems but dammit together they can be much bigger problem for everyone else
By the way Falin is also ineligible for this combo specifically cuz while she is a significantly more competent caregiver and actually likes taking care of people, she would ABSOLUTELY buy into their bullshit adventures just immediately
She finds Mithrun and Thistle in the pond, the rest of the evening is looking at cool frogs, all dripping wet
They all get head colds and share a sickroom while Marcille loses her goddamn mind
Tbh Mithrun constantly getting in the way of whoever’s caring for Thistle has so much more meat on the bone, he can’t be The Man telling Thistle to eat his veggies and go to bed
They need to bond over being horrible little bastards with no wants or physical desires climbing out the bedroom window to go do absolutely nothing except Not Be In Bed
Mithrun has no wants and no desires but what he does have is Little Bitch Attitude and I love that for him
At best, big brother Mithrun can commiserate but remind Thistle that yeah, they do both need to listen to their caregivers or their bodies will die
i know it's a common enough fandom trope to have mithrun take care of thistle post canon so they can bond over similar experiences and all that, and i don't mean to rain on anyone's party but huh.... given mithrun's behavior pattern towards dungeon lords i wouldn't trust him with thistle
#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi spoilers#delicious in dungeon spoilers#i love mithrun with all of my heart but by gods this man cannot be trusted with his own health bugger anyone elses#mithrun of the house of kerensil#thistle dungeon meshi#i love my disaster dungeon lords#they will not be competent in any combo but they will be more fun#let them be unmitigated hazards
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I saw something strange at my local Astro-Mart pt. 4
Sorry for the lack of uploads recently, things have been weird as hell. So I won’t delay too much and just get right into this.
EDIT: Hey, so things got even crazier this was supposed to go up last Friday but my ISP flipped me the bird so now until further notice I’m uploading these from the local McDonalds.
First off apparently the store has some kind of time warpy altery effect? Okay, so my shift is supposed to be only 9 hours long including my two half hour breaks. However, it always feels like its longer, and my phone doesn’t really work right while in the store, and we don’t have a clock inside so I thought it was just that making it seem longer, kinda the reverse of the thing casinos do. But nope it really started bothering me so I did the first thing I could think of, check the security footage since it has a timer on it. And what do you know turns out my feeling was right, while only 9 hours have passed during my shift there is 11 hours of footage from when I come in to when I clock out. I’m slightly tempted to see about contacting my boss and maybe use that to get more paid hours but at this rate I would be surprised if it turned out the owner can’t melt my brain by thinking it. Are there any laws about this? I’m pretty sure Florida doesn’t have any laws that prevent employers from sticking you in a time warp but it feels like there should be.
The Smorgasbeast is back, turns out I was right when I thought I saw it creeping around outside the store, its apparently been eating out of the dumpster. I have also learned it really likes hot dogs, so now I bring some with me incase its hanging around when I take the trash to out back. Also, before I continue I’m still confused by all the comments saying that the Smorgasbeast is a Caudate, still super confused cause when I look that up I just get brain scan images.
I’ve had a few more “supernatural” customers since the last post, mainly a cyclops, What may have been a skinwalker or something, a walking pile of what I think were the cardboard tubes from toilet paper rolls, and someone who I think is probably my favorite customer. But first lets go over the others.
The “cyclops” is kinda simple, this short dude, probably 3 ft. and some change, and buff as hell. If you told me this guy could pic up a car I would believe you. Anyway he walks gets himself a cup of coffee, and a bottle of oil (the kind for a car). And that was kinda that, he didn’t really say anything.
The skincrawler guy on the other hand was an, interesting one, so its about 11 pm on Wednesday and this dude with a deerskull on his head, complete with antlers, wearing nothing but furs and carrying a spear. He walks down the isles as I try not to make eye contact and comes back to the counter with a tin of spam, a bag of pork rinds, a hershy bar, and a Frostie Root Bear. He hands me a $50, then he says something in a language I don’t recognize, picks up his goods and leaves. It kinda sounded like he said aeiou afgan kid?
Alright, now he have to get the downright most bizarre thing I have seen since taking this job, the TP guy. Alright so its like 3 am, I’m chilling out listening to Moon Base Alpha songs cause I was bored as hell and hoping my shift would just end, when the door opens and in walks in this guy made of cardboard toilet paper tubes with a roll of TP for a head. Like this guy looked like a stick figure. So at this point I’ve paused my music cause, well there is a customer, and cause I kinda like to all my senses when the spooky stuffs happening. Anyway so it goes skipping down the isles like a shitty extra for the sound of music or something, and kept doing so for probably about 25 minutes, I was about to ask if I could help or something like I’m supposed to when it sticks its arms straight out to its sides (think like a T-pose) and it freaking sprints down the chip isle knocking. EVERY. SINGLE. BAG. Off the shelves, all of them. It then runs like its going to go out the door, but instead just runs into the door, exploding and sending cardboard tubes everywhere. Needless to say, after I regained my composer I spent the rest of my shift cleaning up the mess it left behind. If anyone has any ideas what that thing was some info would be appreciated, I’m partly wanting it cause I’m just confused, and partly because I’d like it to never return.
Alright, now onto Cloyed. My new favorite customer. Okay, so normally I’m fine with not being talked to by the customers, mostly cause on a given night most of them are just the creepy locals, and that one guy from the local church who comes in exclusively to preach at me how incest isn’t a sin and is the only way into heaven. So yeah, I’m usually pretty glad my more paranormal visitors aren’t talkative. Then I met Cloiyed. Now I want you to imagine this, its like midnight, you’re listening to Peper Steak while cleaning up a bottle of vegetable oil that decided to explode to make your night more interesting. You go sit down at the counter when a skeleton walks in. I’m not talking like a really skinny person, I mean what looks like one of those skeletons you’d have seen in your biology class on a stand, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, khaki shorts, the classic socks and sandals combo, and wearing a pair of those stupid sunglasses, the ones where the lenses are made to look like a pineapple that you’ll find some of the tourist trap places down here selling, also the glasses still have the tag from wherever he bought them from still on it. Anyway so this guy walks up, leans on the counter and says
“Howdy Ho there pal, The name's Cloyed, and I'm just clawing my way through life. Say, mind if I shell out some dough for a pack of those smokes? I'm just dying for a puff."
Now as weird as hell this was I honestly having a hard time keeping from laughing, not quite sure why but I was just kinda over taken with a sense of. Humor? Laughter? Not sure, anyway I managed to keep my composure and ask what brand he wanted.
"Ah, the brand question. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I'm looking for something that won't make me feel like I've been buried six feet under. Any recommendations that won't leave a bad aftertaste or a skeleton in my closet?"
So, I ask him if he would like some Winston brand ones, (we are supposed to recommend Winston for some reason even though I’ve never met anyone who smokes that brand)
"Well, I don't mean to sound like a pinchy penny, but I've had a few bad experiences with those before. Let's just say they left a bit of a crabby taste in my mouth. But, hey, I'm not here to point fingers or wave claws. If that's all you got, I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it, or in my case, grin and shell it.”
I then let him know we also have Newports, and to be honest I was starting to wonder if he was blind cause you know there’s a huge cigarette display right behind me.
"Absolutely! You've been such a great help, I'll definitely take a pack. Mind if I pay with cash? I know it's not the most modern way to pay, but I'm just an old-fashioned fellow. I promise it's not counterfeit, I wouldn't want to get caught in a shell game, you know?"
I let him know that he can and he pays me with a Hamilton and waves at me telling me to stay safe as he leaves.
Needless to say that is one of the more pleasant encounters I have had recently.
So uh a few things before I disappear again, first I again want to thank everyone for the comments and likes.
I’ve been thinking about calling the Smorgasbeast “Smorgy” for short, both cause Smorgasbeast is a pain to spell and cause that’s kinda what I’ve been referring to it internally for a bit now, cause Smorgasbeast was just the name I slapped on the thing. Not sure, let me know what you think about that.
I made a shitposty kinda image to show you what the TP guy looked like. I’ll post it on my tumbler and my subreddit r/AstroMartStories
Saw the Tall man again this week, still creepy as all get out.
To u/Katters8811 I’m thinking your theory about Antonio and this job is correct.
To answer some other questions I am 24 years old. Not sure why that is such a popular question.
I do not smoke, never have and don’t as of now plan on picking up the habit.
I’m sleeping a little better now.
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“Cherry is a strawberry?”
Jeff looks down at Cherry who was wearing a strawberry costume. Peaking out her head from the fabric, the one year old grins up at the man.
“For now she is.” Y/N says dropping her tote bag onto the couch. “She wanted to wear a costume because she saw one of the neighbors' kids all dressed up.” The mother explains making Jeffrey nod.
The family of three had just arrived at The Forum for rehearsals. It was sort of difficult touring with a baby but they worked together to make it run smoothly.
“Where’s Harry?”
“He’s getting my guitar and Cherry’s diaper bag.” Y/N tells him as she picks up her daughter and places her onto the couch that travels everywhere with Harry—even the pillows.
Just as she responded to Harry's manager, Harry himself walked into his dressing room holding Y/N’s guitar case and his daughter’s diaper bag. The father of one quickly greets Jeff and sets everything down onto the coffee table.
Once Jeffrey tells the couple their schedule for today he leaves their dressing room to greet the other band members that just had arrived. The plans for today were very different from all the other days and it made Y/N jittery just by looking at the paper taped onto the vanity mirror.
12 PM - Band’s arrival.
1:30 PM - Lunch provided by Sarah the tour catering.
2:00 PM - Stage starts getting set up.
2:40 PM - Rehearsels.
3:20 PM - Break from rehearsals
3:50 PM - Rehearsals continue.
4:40 PM - Free time.
5:30 PM - Last minute costume changes provided by Harry Lambert.
6:10 PM - Venue doors open.
6:50 PM - Free time.
7:30 PM - Dinner provided by Sarah the tour catering.
8:00 PM - Ben Harper goes on stage.
8:20 PM - Band gets makeup and hair done.
8:40 PM - Band changes into costumes.
9:10 PM - Band on stage performing.
“I’m not going to lie but this year I’m more excited to dress up.” Y/N speaks up, catching Harry’s attention. He smiles and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Looking in the mirror, Y/N finds Harry staring right at her.
“I can tell. Last year during Halloween you were pregnant and uncomfortable.” Harry mumbles against her shoulder, slightly kissing the skin.
Y/N laughed at the memory of her being a pregnant Dorthy last year. She loved and hated it at the same time.
“Why are you grumpy sweetheart?” Harry bends down in front of his pregnant wife.
“I’m not grumpy.” Y/N grumbles crossing her arms against her chest. Harry knew that Y/N felt taken aback once she found out she was going to be replaced by another guitarist for the rest of the U.S leg.
But she was getting too pregnant to play guitar nonetheless even hold a one because her belly was too big.
Still dressed in his dorothy costume Harry stands up from his crouched position and brings Y/N up with him. Moving to sit on the couch, Harry drops down onto the sofa and plops his wife onto his lap. Letting her lean into his chest, he kisses her cheek and lays a hand on her belly.
“I know you hate seeing someone in your place but it’s not permanent, it’s temporary darling. I just want to see you and our baby healthy.” Harry softly explains to Y/N as he rubs her baby bump.
“I’m sorry Ha-”
“Hey don’t apologize. You’re used to touring and always being on your feet so you feeling like this is completely normal.” He reassures Y/N. “You have a break now so take the time to do whatever you want to do darling.”
Feeling better than ever, Y/N’s pigtails bounce as she laughs.
“Can we go eat please?”
After the family of three ate lunch, they started to get ready for rehearsals. Sitting in the free space of the pit right next to the stage, Y/N and Harry were taking photos of Cherry in her strawberry costume. With his camera, Harry snaps at least 100 pictures of his daughter before she starts fussing around.
Now wearing her pink noise canceling headphones protecting her tiny ears, Cherry stares up at her parent’s getting situated on stage. Harry Lambert was on babysitting duty today which he did not mind at all, he really adored Cherry.
Y/N swiftly plugs in her instrument and grabs a guitar pick from Mitch after she couldn’t find hers. The electric guitar she used frequently was a special one made for her that Harry gifted her when they first started dating.
It meant everything to her.
Wearing her husband’s sweats and Rolling Stones tee, Y/N grabs her guitar strap and slips it onto her shoulder. She never liked to dress nice during rehearsals so did Harry and the rest of the band members.
As the rehearsals begin, the band starts off with Daydreaming. During the performance Harry kept turning around and staring at Y/N in all her glory. He always felt drawn to her especially when she was playing guitar.
He felt so happy having her on stage with him.
Little Freak was one of Y/N’s favorites even though it was about her and Harry’s breakup—the song was originally written for Fine Line but Harry never had the chance to use it until now. She always regretted running off to someone once they had broken off their relationship.
But she was glad they found their way back to each other.
After performing the majority of the songs off the set list, a special song started to play. You're The One That I Want by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John blasted through the venue speakers as Y/N let’s Mitch grab her guitar.
The couple memorized the dance months before even deciding that their costumes were going to be Grease related.
I got chills, they're multiplying
And I'm losing control
'Cause the power you're supplying
It's electrifying
The words leaving Harry’s mouth makes Y/N giggle into the microphone. Her laughs were intoxicating as Harry started to laugh with her.
The next verse belonged to Y/N and she couldn’t have been more thrilled.
You better shape up
'Cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do
Cherry sat on the venue floor with Lambert watching her parents smile and giggle at each other. A gummy grin formed on her face as she watched the two. She loved observing her parents being in love even though she didn't know what the word love meant yet.
The following part to the song belonged to both Harry and Y/N. One of their favorite parts of the song.
You're the one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh
The one I need
Oh, yes, indeed
Harry even drops down onto his knees like Danny Zuko did in the movie. He eyes her up and down as a smirk crawls onto his face.
He fucking loved her so much.
Lloyd the tour’s photographer caught the moment between the two and snapped a few photos of the musician on his knees, looking at his wife like she was the only person in the world.
“Are you ready to change bunny?” Y/N smothered a kiss against Cherry’s cheek making her giggle. She was now out of her strawberry costume and in her diaper.
Harry had just finished getting his wig done and already was changed. He was in his leather jacket when Y/N walked into their dressing room with Cherry. She smiled once she saw her husband staring at her with an all too knowing smile.
“I missed my darlings” Harry coos, grabbing ahold of Cherry. Quite quickly the one year old leans her head against her father’s chest.
“We were gone for 10 minutes.” Y/N breathes out a laugh as she starts to get undressed. She had went with Sarah to hair and makeup—whom she was twinning with.
“That’s too long for daddy.” Harry says making faces at Cherry which makes her burst out laughing. He seriously loved his girls.
As Y/N begins to put her leather pants on she observes Harry interacting with their daughter. He had unconditional love for her and seeing that with her own eyes made her feel happy and fulfilled.
She had always known he would be a perfect dad even before Cherry was born, she just had a feeling that Harry was a perfect person to start a family with.
As Harry sets Cherry down in her crib that travels everywhere with them, he moves to help his wife put on her black top. Without ruining her curled updo hair, Harry fixes and adjusts the fabric on her.
Y/N murmurs out a thank you as she leans in to kiss Harry’s cheek. Still in her sweats, Y/N turns around and grabs her leather pants off the clothing rack.
Quickly she changes out of her baggy sweats and into the tight pants. As Y/N buttons up her leather pants she begins to hear Harry sing to their daughter.
Leather and Lace.
Of course it was a Stevie Nicks song. The woman that got them together. Without her, Y/N didn't know what her life would be now.
Y/N slips her red vans on when she hears a knock. The dressing room door opens revealing Jeff.
“We need you in the box in five Harry.”
Once Jeffrey gets a nod from Harry, he sends Y/N a smile before shutting the door. Turning around to her husband she grins at him.
“You wanna help me change your daughter into a pink lady before you go?”
Walking out from backstage was the Love On Tour band.
Y/N stayed next to Sarah as both girls had their arms hooked around each other. The two of them had the same costume and it was Sandy from Grease—they couldn’t be happier to match.
Sarah grins at Y/N as they make their way onto the stage. Screams of each band member's names just made the six individuals smile and wave at the fans.
Though that was nothing compared to when Harry appeared on stage.
Just before the first song starts to play, the musician sends his wife a wink which makes her blow him a kiss for good luck.
And of course that moment was caught by fans.
This was going to be a long night and Y/N didn't mind it, at all.
Seven songs into the show and nothing could have gone smoother. Mitch and Y/N were synced and playing amazing, Harry was singing beautifully, Elin was showing her talent, Nyoh was doing great and Pauli was keeping the energy up as always.
Y/N watching fans dance and sing along truly made her so happy. The smiles on their faces just encouraged her to keep on playing and playing her guitar.
Until water came soaking Y/N.
It wasn’t just a small amount of water, it was a huge amount that soaked her.
Even Mitch got some droplets on him.
The water made it difficult for Y/N to play the guitar and her fingers kept on slipping off the strings. The loss of his second guitarist made Harry turn around to find his wife soaked.
Her once curled updo was flat. Her leather outfit had water dripping from it. Her shoes were standing in a puddle. And even worse, her mascara was starting to smear down her cheeks.
The sight of his lover made him mad.
Almost instantly Harry stops singing making the band slowly halt to a stop. He quickly signals the lighting technician to shut off the lights.
Right as the musician waves his hand signaling to stop, the lights swiftly turn off.
Not giving anything anymore thought, Harry rushes to Y/N and grabs her hand pulling her off the stage. He decides to take her under the stage where he normally takes his five minute breaks.
Y/N lets Harry sit her down on a seat and take off her wet leather jacket. She felt so embarrassed and defeated. Out of all nights this could’ve happened, it happened on one of Harry’s important nights.
She ruined tonight for him.
“I-I’m sorry.” Y/N stares down at her cold hands wanting to be anywhere but here.
Harry lets out a scoff as he drops down to his knees wanting to be face to face with his wife. He didn't know why she was apologizing. This wasn’t her fault at all.
“Darling I don’t know why you’re apologizing.” Harry murmurs moving his hand to cup her cheek. “This is not your fault. Okay?”
Y/N nods as she leans into Harry’s hand. She always loved feeling reassured by him, it was a feeling she would never get tired of.
“I just feel like I embarrassed you-“
“No. Don’t say that. You did not embarrass me. You can never embarrass me.” Harry cuts her off with a shake of his head. Nothing she does could ever embarrass him.
“A-are you sure Harry?”
“I couldn’t be more sure, baby.” Harry tells Y/N making a soft smile form on her lips.
“I love you so much.” She whispers gleaming up into her husband’s green eyes. Y/N loved being this close to him. She saw his freckles that she adored, she saw his long eyelashes, she saw everything and loved everything she saw.
A throat clearing interrupted the couple’s tender moment.
Looking up, Harry and Y/N find Mitch and Sarah standing next to the stage’s entrance. The two couples stared at each other before bursting out laughing.
“Mr and Mrs. Styles, we were looking for you!”
The rest of the show went great.
Before Y/N went back on stage, Sarah offered her jacket to the Styles woman claiming she was too hot to wear the leather piece. The drummer also let her curled hair down to reflect Y/N’s sort of flat hair.
Sarah and Y/N were true best friends.
Harry had even found out which fans threw water on Y/N after Elin pointed the three girls out after the concert. He had a whole plan to get those girls banned from ever attending his shows and he succeeded with that plan.
Seeing his wife in distress made his stomach turn. He hopes he never sees her that upset ever again.
Though seeing her now giggling with Cherry over their performance of You're The One That I Want made him happier than ever. Their daughter kept on smiling as she stared at her mother’s phone.
Harry circles Y/N as he dances around her. She keeps on singing though letting out a few laughs. But once Harry falls down onto his knees and begins to sing with her, she couldn’t keep her cool.
Harry and Y/N’s laughs echoed around the arena making fans scream like crazy. Everyone loved the duo especially when they were dressed up as Danny and Sandy while performing such an iconic song.
“Daddy!” Cherry lisps pointing down at the lit phone screen. Harry plops down onto his and Y/N’s bed, leaning into his girls.
Now sandwiching Cherry, her parents continue to watch videos of the show tonight that Jeff had sent them. Harry loved watching videos of his concerts, especially of Y/N.
She looked so beautiful in the hue lights while she played guitar.
Harry was glad he ended up with Y/N.
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @teawithcyb0rgs @lomlolivia
#harry styles x reader#dad!harry#band!y/n#harry styles#harry styles au#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x y/n#harry styles x you#boyfriend!harry#husband!harry#harry styles writing#harry styles one shot#harry styles fan fic#dilf!harry#harry styles fluff#harry styles blurb
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Hey! idk if youre taking requests but i love your writing!
I was wondering how about some angst where the reader likes to make things like donnie does, she talks about it but donnie keeps talking about how he can make something better than that or add improvements and one day she comes in with something she made to show them but before she can show the whole group donnie just goes “thats it? i could make that in a hour, heck 2 hours to make it better than that” and it kinda just diminishes the reader and she leaves
you can add more! Ive just been thinking about this for a bit c: I hope you have a wonderful day!!
I Can Do It Better
author’s note: awww tysm c: i love this idea though i didn’t know whether to keep it just angsty or throw in the comfort at the end so I just went for it!! i hope you enjoy~~~~ <3
warnings: angst, slight cursing, fluff
This time. This time for sure, you felt confident in your creation. “The bros are gonna loveee this,” you laughed to yourself as you fiddled with a controller. You had made tiny color coded racing drones. One for each turtle and then yours, they were small enough to all fit in your backpack as you carefully placed them inside, also stacking the controllers in as well.
Of course your miniature drones were nothing like Shelldon, and that was the first response you were expecting from Donnie, but maybe he’d be a little impressed by the mechanics and how mini sized everything was, you basically had to make everything yourself, propellers and engines not really coming in such a small size. But you thought it would be a fun way to hang out with the turtles, they all loved a good competition you had come to realize. Whether it was video games or DDR in the arcade, lately even pizza box stacking! The record being a total of 50 boxes on Mikey’s head.
As you locked your apartment door, sending a text to the group chat that you were heading to the lair. Raph had been the first to acknowledge so you deemed it fine to continue your journey. It took about 20 minutes by foot to get to the turtle’s manhole cover. Which left you with plenty of time to mull over how nervous you were becoming. It all stemmed back to when Donnie had first shown you his lab.
“Wow! This is incredible!” You said turning around in a circle taking in the entire place. Donnie held a smug expression on his face, “built entirely by yours truly,” he bowed dramatically and you continued to stroke his ego, gasping at that fact alone. “How long did it take you?” You asked curiously and Donnie waltzed over to his swivel chair, pushing a spare one towards you. The conversation had been you asking questions, him answering arrogantly and you praising his achievements. To someone like you, Donnie’s mind was just phenomenal, he was your very own genius you could badger with a billion questions trying to get a glimpse of his ingenuity. And Donnie didn’t mind all the questions he was used to his brothers not being interested so this was like a complete 180.
“I’m also interested in making tech,” you added shyly, it was your first non question. Donnie blinked, “well I doubt it’ll ever be better than anything I’ve ever created, but cool!” And then he turned to his work table and got busy, asking if you wanted to watch his skills at work. That had lessened the sting as you pushed your chair to roll closer, watching his steady hands.
That hadn’t been the last of Donnie knocking you down. The things you had brought to him, he’d recalibrate or completely dismantle saying, “Don’t worry I can fix this and it’ll be wayyy better,” Even though you hadn’t asked him to do it. At first you were just happy to have sort of collaborated but you soon fell out of the whole idolization.
“Don’t focus on Donnie just focus on Mikey, or Raph, maybe even Leo if it comes down to it!” You chanted to yourself as you descended into the sewers. You had started to visit Donnie less because you realized his words really hurt your feelings. You had yet to build up the courage to tell him that too. So you hadn’t seen him in a while, you doubted he even noticed, he was a busy turtle. “Knock knock,” you called out as you entered the abandoned subway that was transformed into a home. “Y/n!” Mikey hollered and ran over to pull you into a hug. Raph doing the same hugging the both of you, “It’s been a while!” Raph noted as he set the two of you down.
“Sorry about that! Nothing personal in fact, I was building something for you guys!” Raph and Mikey smiled at you,
“Ohhh really??” “What did you make??”
“I’ll show you!” And just as you were grabbing your backpack, opening up the zipper, Leo and Donnie walked in. “Lookie here! Just who we were-“ Leo had started but Donnie elbowed his brother in the plastron effectively making him double over. “OW!” Leo said after regaining his composure. You turned back to your backpack, shaking your head with a smile, they were always fooling around. With your back turned Donnie pointed at Leo, then dragged a finger across his neck. Meaning, ‘you’re dead if you keep talking.’
Leo rolled his eyes, “Guess what guys! Y/n made us something,” Mikey beamed and that had the twins coming to stand in front of you. “Well all of you,” you clarified and Leo rubbed his hands together excited to see what you would pull out. You decided to take yours out, along with the controller. “I made everyone tiny racing drones!” And you quickly went on, not looking at anyone’s face (for fear of seeing any disappointment). Placing the drone on the floor and flipping a switch on the controller, the drone powered to life and it raised slowly according to your controls.
“I thought it would be fun since you guys like to compete, and-“
“That’s it?” Your heart sank as you turned to Donnie, the turtle you had told yourself you would ignore. For some reason that was impossible for you to do. “It’s so tiny, you know Shelldon was a racing drone once, I could totally make-“
You sighed, “yeah never mind.” You surprised yourself and Donnie by cutting him off. Embarrassed you let the drone drop into your backpack, flinching at the clacking sound, but to prove your point you threw the controller in there as well. “I don’t know why I thought this would be a good idea,” you said grabbing your bag quickly and heading for the exit. “Y/n!” Mikey called out worriedly. Raph was glaring at Donnie who had his mouth open, watching you leave. “You might want to apologize for putting Y/n down like that, I mean really Don??” Raph reprimanded his purple brother.
Leo took out a sword, and started swirling, making a portal underneath Donnie’s feet. “Try speaking your actual mind,” his brother winked as Donnie fell through eyes wide with surprise since he had been looking at you and not at his feet. “wait!!” He hollered and reappeared in the alleyway, you stopped thinking that had been meant for you.
“Uh Y/n, what I meant to say was…” he fell short not knowing what to say at all. You turned your head, you hadn’t been expecting anyone to follow you, maybe Mikey if any of the turtles. But Donnie?! “You meant what you said.” You grumbled as you turned back to face the street. “Well yeah but not as bad as it sounded,” he said quickly and you decided to turn completely and face him. “How exactly am I supposed to take your criticism that comes with every single thing I show you, you never say anything positive and-“
You were so upset that you threw your backpack at him. He fumbled catching it as it hit him in the plastron. Then he noticed you rubbing your eyes, his own softened. “Y/n..”
“No!” You cried, hiccuping, “y-you hate all of my stuff, that’s fine but, I was just trying to show your brothers, not you.” Donnie chewed the inside of his cheek, “I don’t hate them,” he gently placed the bag on the ground. “I like that you’re into tech and building your own creations,” he was mumbling. “Sure, just throw it all away, it’s junk.” Donnie grabbed your arm before you turned away again, “I’m sorry, I’m not the best at apologizing and I know I messed up big time,” he sighed letting his grip loosen as his hand slipped to hold onto yours. You blinked and he continued, “I know you’ve been ignoring me, I don’t know why I keep putting you down, it’s like a very bad filter turning my real thoughts into egomaniac bullshit,”
He paused looking into your eyes, “What are your real thoughts?” you said softly. “Just how much I miss hanging out with you, because you’re really cool and actually like the same things I do,” Donnie squeezed your hand before letting go. “Come back, I wanna race with your drones,” he said and you blew out a breath, “fine but don’t cry when I beat your ass,” you said going for the bag. But he beat you to it, tugging it over one shoulder as he uncovered the manhole, “Scoff! We’ll see,” he said with a playful smirk and you stuck out your tongue going down the ladder again.
You won the first match, to which everyone called for a rematch saying they were getting used to the controller or mechanics. “AH HA!” Leo said as his tiny blue drone won the second race. Donnie groaned wondering how he could lose to Leo of all people in a drone race. Mikey had placed all kinds of cute orange stickers on his drone. You went over to him as Leo and Donnie bantered back and forth. “I’m glad you came back,” Mikey said smiling up to you from where he was sitting, the drone in his lap. “Me too.. sorry for the outburst,” you said as you sat next to him. “It’s okay, did he apologize properly?” You drew your knees up and rested the side of your head there as you talked to Mikey though you wondered if he was being Dr. Feelings right now. “Yeah, we’re good,” you smiled softly thinking of how he had grabbed your hand.
“Donnie has always had that kind of trouble, he doesn’t really say how he feels,” Mikey glanced over at his older brothers, Raph trying to break up the twin feud. You closed your eyes, “he kind of said that actually,” you spoke and you felt a hand pat your head. You peeked your eyes open and saw that Mikey had leaned in closer, “you know what I think?” He whispered, and you waited for him to continued, eyes confused. “I think Dee likes you more than he lets on,”
As if to prove his point you felt his hand suddenly leave your head. “Mikey keep your hands to yourself,” Donnie’s voice was suddenly close. Mikey gave you a wink as you turned your head to the other side to see Donnie was now sitting next to you. “I was just telling Y/n how much I appreciate my baby drone!” Mikey quipped as he got up to go ask Leo to race him.
“He’s so bad at lying,” Donnie shook his head as he looked ahead, “what was he really talking about?” He asked still not facing you. “You,” you said honestly and that made him look down, “what about me?” He seemed wary to even ask. “something along the lines of what you said in the alleyway,” it was the truth but you kept the other statement to yourself. “Oh!” Donnie nodded, relaxing as he took out his phone. You watched him, wondering how much more Mikey meant, like a really good friend… or?
You blushed and when you blinked clearing away your thoughts Donnie wasn’t looking at his phone anymore but at you. “What’re you pondering?” You shook your head giggling, “can’t say,” and that only piqued Donnie’s interest. “Oh c’mon we’re rekindling remember?” His phone all but forgotten as he tried to guess your thoughts. “Don I’ve always considered you a friend even though you were being a big meanie,” you teased trying to change the topic. “Not gonna work,” he smiled smugly knowing the tactic you were using very well. “Ugh,” you groaned turning your head straight into your knees as you closed your eyes. You felt him poke your cheek, “penny for your thoughts?”
“They’re worth more than that!” You sputtered keeping your eyes closed despite wanting to see him now. This was the second time he had touched you today. Then you felt his body move closer until he was brushing against your side. “How much are they gonna cost me?” He joked and you couldn’t resist turning your face back towards him eyes opened. He was still looking at you, eyes crinkled in a teasing smile. “A few compliments,” you replied and his eyes widened slightly before his facial expression went back to teasing, “that’s easy!” He said and you rolled your eyes thinking he had never done so the entire time the two of you knew each other. Other than today!
“You’re brain is above average,” he started and you snorted. “Wow thanks,” you said sarcastically, enjoying how he got flustered. “Mmm your style is next level,” he noted and that meant more to you as you let go of your knees, sitting normally, looking down at your outfit. “And you’re really pretty,” he said so quickly you almost did a double take. Your face heating up as he turned away and you could only see one side of his face turning a darker green. “I was pondering.. the idea of us being more than friends,” you said quietly, giving him the answer he ‘paid’ for.
“And that made you blush?” Donnie asked and you replied, “the same shade as you when you called me pretty,” both of you turned away too embarrassed to keep up the teasing. “I’d like that..” Donnie said his hand inched towards yours where it rested on the ground. “Me too,” your hand moving, meeting Donnie’s fingers shyly. Both of you whipped your heads back around, both blushing furiously. “Then it’s official?” Donnie whispered and you nodded. Mikey and Leo’s drones flew past the two of you and Mikey was jumping up and down in victory as Leo crumpled to the floor in defeat. Raph cheering his little brother on happily. But despite that you couldn’t seem to think of anything other than Donnie’s hand in yours, and the way his eyes were showing you so much emotion, how you affected him greatly and he utterly adored you.
#rise donnie x reader#rise donatello#rise tmnt oneshot#rottmnt oneshot#tmnt oneshot#oneshot#donatello hamato#donatello x reader#tmnt fandom#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#turtle bros#leonardo#mikey#raph#donnatello#donnie x y/n
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How about some crack, mc goes around bonking everyone on the head saying “bonk of friendship” their also very smol,
I have no words. This is beautiful my love- just *chef’s kiss*
I didnt know if you wanted the brother or the whole cast, so i just did the bros btw
GN Mc giving the sins the ‘bonk of friendship’
Lucifer was doing his work, in his study
And nobody knows how the heck to get in said study room, because you need to get in via a correct phrase, which no one knows
Apart from mammon
Hell, lucifer doesn’t know that mammon knows either
Now, mammon doesn’t go around telling everyone the password to the study, he can keep a secret mkay
But you are special
Mammon got bribed. You know owe him a years worth of cuddles.
He given you the password which was the name of lucifer’s favourite classical piece.
Now you were dead set on completing your mission
You opened the door to the study, and you saw lucifer typing some things onto a laptop
The man was very sleep deprived – you could tell in his eyes
Like each eye was blinking on different times
His eyes are like U👄👁
And that almost made you feel bad for what you were about to do
Key word : Almost
You made your way to lucifer, walking with absolute confidence
Your fist was ready and you raised it over your head annd
Lucifer didn’t even blink
He just stopped typing
Turns his head and looks at you with so much disappointment
He blinked slowly
That was it. You were expecting him to have a better reaction, but oh well
“That was a bonk of friendship, luci”
“But… why?”
You knew the man needed some sleep when he didn’t tell you to ‘sToP CaLLinG mE LuCI’
😬 you need to get him some coffee my guy he’s way too out of it
After you made the old man some coffee and forced him to sleep cuz you felt bad, you went after your next victim
Mammon who is defo not my favourite what you talking about
Normally, you wouldn’t attack him like this
But he unfortunately for him was teasing you cuz you were ✨short✨
So, just like satan told you, revenge is best served cold 🙂
So you found mammon, who was munching on some rice, and you decided this is a great time to attack him
You’re just standing in the door way like 🧍♀️
And you locked eyes with mammon
If mammon hates anything, its always eye contact
So he slowly is getting anxious cuz ‘ what the fuck did i do now? Why the heck are they staring at me like that?’
You’re both just staring at each other like 👁👄👁
🎶Prolonged eye contact 🎶
You walked up to him, slowly, and mammon thought he was gonna have a heart attack
Fully stopped eating so he wont choke on his food
You’re now leaning over the table and mammon be like 🎱👄🎱
MC stop your giving the poor guy heart palpitations
Never has any horror movie scared the daylights out of him like this before
And you just smile at him like 😀 ‘hey mammon’
Mammon felt his soul ascend – he’s scared shitless
‘🙂 hey’
What have you done mc, look he’s got anxiety
You needed to calm him down so you were gonna pet his head
Mammon sees your hand coming to his head and this guy flinches
Well you’re gonna have to have a ‘chat’ with lucifer but thats for another day
He lets you stroke his hair, and he slowly calms down
And your smile became evil
You pet his head on last time and
Bonk on his head
‘Oiii the fuck was that for?!’
Oh no he’s pouting
‘Bonk of friendship mams’ is what you said
‘Awww mc 😊’
‘That was also revenge for you calling me short’
Annnd he’s pouting again
‘But mc it was only teasing– mc wAiT’
You owe him two years worth of cuddles now
After you scared mammon shitless, you decided to go and find a new victim
Target found : levi
This guy was doing what he normally does, gaming
But he was in a gamers rage
No way you were gonna get caught in his rage
First of all, he may take 50 years of your life away, you dont want that
So you waited for him to calm down. That took three hours
Now you’re pissed, because he wasted your time, and time is money mammons antics is rubbing off of you
So you walk up to him and he looks at you
Damn him
You say nothing and you walk up to him
You know how some cats just stare at you unblinking whenever you move?
Ye thats what he’s doing and it was getting creepy
You stand in front of him. Thats it
‘Err- you good?’
You raise your hand
Bonk. Mission accomplished
Levi is now blinking veery slowly
He looked confused ngl
Babes he needs an explanation
So you do
Le gasp ‘You think of me … as a friend?!!!’
Pls he’s precious
‘Yes i do levi’
Cue happy snek noises -wait is he purring?
He’s a bit too happy cuz he accidentally turned into his demon form and his tail is wagging- wait nope it has curled itself around your waist
Aww look at him isnt he adorable
Ye btw ya cant move anymore you’re on his lap and he’s hugging you
So now you’re stuck
This is your life now
Dont you dare move you monster
Our precious snek boi let go of you to watch another series that just dropped
So, after you had your serotonin boost, you made your way to the resident cat/demon
He, too, committed the crime of teasing your height. Which was uNacCEpTAblE
You thought he was an ally, but i guess you cant trust even your friends
So you start trekking to the mans room
Well would you look at that, he ain’t even here
Next stop: the library
He isn’t here either
Thats strange
Theres only one place you haven’t checked mc
You went outside and there was that twat
He was pretty much baby talking to a cat
You pulled your phone out and started recording
Yes this is revenge and le video is for blackmail
Once you’ve had enough evidence
You walk up to the man
Shoulders rolled back
Head held high
Fist raised above your head
✨Le bonk✨
The baby talking stopped
Satan is just sitting there with a blank face
You know how you always explain that the bonk is a blessing is a bonk of friendship
Yeah you didn’t say shit
So you’re standing there, fist still on his head
The cat runs away
That all you need to know
You officially fucked up MC how you gonna get outta this one
You leg it
Thats it. You took off
He’s tailing you
He’s coming closer
Time for the big guns
‘It was a bonk of friendship’ you say
He says ‘imma give you my own bonk of friendship c’mere’
Yeaah no nope not happening
Time for the other big guns
‘I have a video of you baby talking to a cat’
He stops running and walks the other way
‘Ye thats what i thought bitch’
Ye he heard you
Good luck. You’ll need it
After you said that unnecessary comment, you legged it to asmo’s room
And you remembered your mission
Target: found
Now, asmo was just minding his business
He was doing his hair, face mask on, talking about some gossip he heard in the fall
I don’t know why you would try bonk his head
While he has a hair mask on
But you don’t care do you? You do
You were not going to touch whatever abomination is in his mask not without gloves
And there were no gloves
So you had to wait im afraid
Two hours later, asmo’s hair was dried, styled and looking like absolute ✨heaven✨
It made you feel bad, but, you gotta do what you gotta do
So you came up behind him
‘Yes MC, what do you need dear? Is the mask irritating your skin?’
Damn Asmodeus and his bloody mirrors
And you also forgot that you had a god forsaken mask on
So now you have to wait even longer
And obviously to pass time, you decided not to be suspicious and just let asmo do whatever on you
And boii who knew he was amazing at massaging
All them knots and tenses in your muscles were now gone
So now you’re a puddle of goo on his bed
Which almost made you forget your mission
But you didn’t
Creeping up behind him, you made sure there were no mirrors to ruin your plan.
Now MC, you aren’t going to mess his hair thats not the point. You just have to give him a bonk
So you raised your fist, stopped middway, uncurled your hand, and placed your flat hand on his head
You messed his hair up
Asmo is eerily silent.
You look at his face and his eyes are widened
He also has a little smile on his face
He is now in his demon form
I warned you but you didn’t listen did you
Mission accomplished unsuccessfully : you are running from your victim
You will now hide away from the hoes that are still chasing after you with beel
Satan and Asmo are the hoes [they joined forces good luck]
Beel is working out
Doing push ups without using his hands – those are holding his waffles
Yeah he makes all them gym bros look weak af
But this ain’t about gym bros, this is about you and your mission
But your stomach had other plans
And now that waffle in beel’s hand be looking very appetising
‘You want it MC? Here I have more’
People who share their food are amazing and i love you
So you both are munching on your food
And your stomach is satisfied
Beel is still working out and is eating a sandwich god knows where he got it from
You shall now commence with the bonking
You’re already sitting next to him, so all you have to do is raise your fist and bonk his head
And so you do
The guy has not even flinched
I don’t think he felt it
Guess you’ll have to try again
So you bonk his head again
And beel still doesn’t feel a thing
The mans head is made out of steel
So you try bonking his head again
But this time he notices
And says that punches like that wont do any harm
And he decided that you need to be taught how to punch properly so that you can defend yourself from demons
‘I was just trying to give you a bonk of friendship, beel,’ you deadpanned
Beel is now happy
He gives you a pat of friendship cuz we both know if he bonked you, you would be expired
‘Do you still want to learn how to punch properly, MC?’
Yeaah no getting out of this one
Beel is a menace as much as he is sweetheart
He does lowkey want to see you beat the heck out of people
After you went through what was definitely called military training
You went to find your new target
And there he was, sleeping as usual
This was definitely gonna be a piece of cake
Or so you thought
This fuck opened one of his eyes and stared at you
Staring into your soul
You were getting creeped out
Plan B
You walk up to him and he’s still staring at you
You sit on his bed, and start patting his hair
Now belphie is sighing in content
‘MC, do you know why satan is mad?’
Well shit
‘I don’t know, i didn’t see him today’
Hopefully he bought that excuse
He goes back to sleep
How are going to bonk him
Belphie doesn’t like it when he gets forced to wake up
I mean, he pretty much ended a lot of careers and lucifer banned everyone from speaking about speaking about that incident
Poor guy gets flashbacks from it
Well you don’t fear a mere cow
Thats a lie
But you’ll be damned if you don’t try at least
So you pat his hair down
His hair looks greasy but its real soft like what the heck
I guess we forgot he lives with asmo
So you continue patting his hair
You look down at him and see that he’s staring at you again
‘Why did you wake me up?’
You can’t run MC, just answer him
‘That was a bonk of friendship’
‘Oh okay’
You pretend not to see it, but his cheeks were tinted red
He didn’t really think that you would consider him a friend after everything that he done to you
He really appreciates it, MC
And he’s now purring
‘MC sweetie where are you’
Well shit
You forgot about those two
‘Is that not asmo?’
‘Yes belphie it is’
So belphie decided to just sit there and wait
And the door to the attic bursts open and theres the fourth and firth born in their demon forms
Lets just say this was a one way ticket to the hospital and a three hour lecture from the doctor
MC you’re killing him, you’re killing lucifer
I am so sorry this took so long darling
#obey me#obey me mammon#obey me shall we date#obey me lucifer#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me!#obey me asmodeus#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#omswd#swd obey me#obey me swd#obey me mc#obey me x reader#obey me crack
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My Love
TASM!Peter Parker x F!Reader
Summary: You decide to surprise your best friend Peter after not seeing him for a month and that's when you found out his big secret he's been hiding from you for months.
Warnings: SMUT!!!, dom and sub Peter, blowjob, riding (cowgirl), trying to stay quiet, Gwen brought up (like once), Peter crying, hair pulling, ass slapping, dirty talk, nipple sucking, unprotected sex, creampie, overstimulation, multiple orgasm, and aftercare
"Hey, Aunt May!"
"Hi, Y/N. It's so great to see you, it's been so long!" Aunt May says as she swings the hand towel in the air to stop the loud smoke alarm.
"Yeah, it's great to see you too..." I say back awkwardly as I watch her frantically waving her arm. I should really help her. "How about I fix this and you go get the food, yeah?" I offered her. Aunt May gives me a thank you and goes to get the food out of the oven only to find that it was completely black. I couldn't even tell what she was trying to make.
At this point, Aunt May looked tired and frustratedly rubbed her hands over her face, "How about I order a pizza for dinner and you wait for Peter in his room?"
"Let me know if you need help with anything," I said to her before making my way to Peter's room. Only to open it and find an empty room with boxes and Peter's bed. This was the most I had ever seen it clean. Normally he had weird things placed on his walls that I always questioned him about; however, I never got a clear answer from him. I'll have to
I kick off my shoes and lay down in his comfortable bed. How come he has the most comfortable bed, but still never gets any sleep?
After a moment, I rest my eyes until I hear a knock on the door. I thought Aunt May would get it, but when I looked out of the bedroom door, I saw she was peacefully sleeping on the couch. I quietly run to the door, hoping it was Peter. Instead, it was the delivery man who looked really mad. "Your total is $25.50." the man mumbled. I go in my back pocket and pull out a $50 bill and grab the pizza.
"Next time, you should really answer the door after-" I just closed the door on him before he could finish his sentence. I walked into the kitchen and sat the pizza down on the countertop.
After eating a slice or two in silence by myself, I make my way back to Peter's room, not before stopping to put the blanket over Aunt May. I flick off the light, lay back in the bed, and fell asleep.
Suddenly, something heavy falls onto the floor and a loud whisper of curse words from within the room wakes me out of my sleep. My heart instantly began to thump against my chest in fear. The figure groaned pretty loud and began to limp towards the bed with its hand rubbing its head. I quietly scooted to the corner of the bed as the figure got closer and put its arms out as if it was looking for something. As the figure's arms got near me, I put my hand over my mouth and silently prayed that I was not going to die tonight. That's when the figure quickly grabbed my forearm, causing me to scream to the top of my lungs. Hoping that Aunt May would probably wake up and save me, she didn't. This is how it ends, huh?
I began to kick my feet and used my nails to scratch its hand. "What the fuck?" the figure groaned. "You sure do know how to kick." Wait, the voice from the figure sounded very familiar to me.
"Peter?" I asked getting off of the bed.
"Uh yeah?" He walked over to the light switch and flicked it on. There he was, the Peter Parker. "Oh thank god it was you, I thought I was going to die." I let out a laugh in relief and Peter awkwardly laughed too. He seemed nervous about something as he frantically looked around the room, looking for something obviously.
I take one good look at him and that's when it hit me. Peter fucking Parker, my friend that I've known since middle school, is wearing the Spider-man suit. "No-" I look at him in his eyes with my jaw dropped. My head was spinning at this point.
"I know this seems really bad and it is, but you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone. Not even Aunt May." He reached his arms out and got close to me, but I stepped back as much as I could.
"Please Y/N, you have to promise me." Peter Parker begged with a desperate look on his face. "I'll explain but you have to promise not to say a word to anyone, okay?" I nodded my head, still a little shocked to find that my friend was Spider-man. I then remembered the number of times I told him that Spider-man was hot and he would just laugh at me. He knows.
"Fine, I'll keep my mouth closed, but I wanna know why you never thought to tell me?" I asked him, now getting a little upset that my own best friend would hide this from me. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows with my head cocked to the right as he looked at me with frowned eyebrows. "Look Y/N, it's not that easy to just say "I'm Spider-man"" Peter explained frustrated, and threw his hands in the air.
"I get that Peter, but you could've just at least tried to tell me...I'm your best friend. I don't know!" I spit back at him.
"Why? So you could end up like Gwen too?" He said back angry too as he got close to me. I didn't know Gwen well enough, but jeez that hurt me.
Peter let out a sigh and dropped his head, "What I mean is, I don't want you to end up dead because of this. I'd rather keep you alive and lose you from not telling you." He got down on his knees and grabbed my hands, stroking them with his thumbs. "I've lost so many people over these past years, I can't lose you too." Peter closed his eyes and began to softly cry and this made my heart melt.
I grab Peter's chin and wipe his tears using my thumb. "Peter, please look at me," I asked he looked at me with his brown eyes. I'm just now realizing the cuts that were scattered on his face. I'm assuming they were from fighting.
"I'm sorry for pushing it. I was just a little upset that you didn't tell me, but I get it." I say to him gently as I begin moving his overgrowing hair from his forehead. "But I also don't want anything bad to happen to you, Pete."
He pulls my hands so that I sit down on the bed and for a while, we sat in silence just looking at each other wondering what to say next. "I’ll explain everything to you soon, but for now, no more secrets, I promise," Peter says breaking the silence and putting out his pinky so we could pinky promise each other. I giggle at the silly gesture, but still intertwined our pinkies together and kissed it. Then he kisses his end. For a moment I see his eyes sparkle with adoration, causing my stomach to fill with butterflies.
I decided to give his slightly pink cheeks a quick peck. "You know I love you, right?" I told him in the spur of the moment. Peter let out a light chuckled. "Yeah I do, you've told me millions of times remember?"
My face warms up and I couldn't help but cringe. "Oh god, Peter! If I knew you were Spider-man before I definitely wouldn't have said all those things." I groaned and playfully punched his arm.
"No, I actually liked it. like a lot." He confessed as he admired my face. I couldn't look at him, especially right now or else I might do something I might regret.
"Haha no, you don't" I argue back jokingly and rolled my eyes. "You don't have to lie to soften the blow, Peter Parker."
"Who said it was a lie, Y/N?" I snapped my head back to him and saw his lust-filled eyes. "Ever since I met you, you're all I think about." Peter picks up my hand and places soft kisses on the fingertips of each of my fingers while holding eye contact. Goosebumps begin to spread all over my body. I'm speechless by my friend's confession.
"Funny you say that Parker because you're all I think about too," I grabbed his hands and kissed his palm. Peter's eyes dropped down to my lips and he just smiled. That's when he pulled me off the bed and onto his lap. Still, in awe of his suit, I run my fingers over it and feel the unique fabric on his arms. "I especially think of you at night when I'm alone..." I whispered in his ear as I lightly move my hips over his.
"Yeah?" He asked me as he gripped my thighs so he could get more friction. I nodded my head.
"When I touch myself, I crave you," I whisper in his ear again and run my fingers through his hair. Giving it a light tug caused him to let out a soft moan. "Oh, you liked that? Hmm, baby boy?" He nodded his head. That's when I feel his cock start to harden, this only encouraged me to keep going more.
Peter's hands moved from my thighs, up to my back, and to the back of my neck so we were both facing each other. Our noses rubbed together and our lips ghost over each other. I nip his bottom lip quickly and move my head back, but the grip he had on my neck allowed him to capture my lips instantly. I could taste the faint taste of mint chapstick on his lips once our lips met. Peter kissed me with so much aggression, it turned me on.
After a while, I pushed his shoulder so that he could lay on the cold wooden floor. He lays there, breathing hard from our kiss just looking at me and biting his lip. Still sitting on his hard bulge, I leaned into his body and moved my hips in circles over the spandex suit. "Fuck baby, please keep going" He begged me. I continue my movements deciding to go a little faster this time.
"Do you want me, Peter?" I asked him in his ear even though I already knew the answer.
"Yes, baby. I want you so bad." I heard him moan into my ear. "So fucking bad," Peter said once more and lifted his hips to reach his release faster. I decided I was going to fuck with him so I lift my hips and go up and down slowly as if I was riding him.
"Like this honey?" I teased him and let out a dramatic moan to get him all worked up, however, still being mindful that Aunt May could walk in at any moment if she woke up. "Do you want me to ride you like this? Nice and slow?"
He frantically nodded his head. "Please, I need you, Y/N." He whined out. I should maybe stop teasing him, but it so damn fun.
I roll off his body and directed him to take off the tight suit. After doing so, he was left in his boxers and show his large erection pushed against the fabric. I got off the floor and pushed my body into his, causing him to wrap his arm around my waste. I look up at the tall, slender boy and pull his face close to mine.
"Look at you," I grab at his cock through his boxers and squeezed it a little. "Is this all for me?" I asked him. He curses under his breath as his grip on my waste gets tighter.
"Answer me, Spider-man." I let out in a demanding tone.
"Yes, Y/N"
"Good boy," I began lower myself onto my knees and pull down Peter's boxers. His hard cock now standing freely after being released. I wrap my hand around it and look up at him in awe. I stare into Peter's eyes and stroke his cock. His stomach quivers and his knees buckle a little as he tries to maintain his balance. "Fuck- what are you doing to me, Y/N?" he threw his head back in pure pleasure as I bring my mouth closer to his dick.
"What Spider-man? You can't take it?" I teased him again. "I haven't even put you in my mouth and you're already moaning like a little bitch." I then lick his shaft, feeling the thick veins, causing him to let out a hiss.
After teasing him for a little, I began to suck his cock, staring up at him to see the look on his face. Most of the time his eyes were closed as he bit down on his finger trying to keep quiet, but occasionally he would look at me when I would deepthroat him. "Look at you with your mouth full, you like having my cock in your mouth while on your knees?" He says to me as I bob my head, allowing the spit to run out of my mouth and onto my chin.
I hum in response, causing him to push his hips forward and let out the sexiest groan. I began to gag and pull my head back to cough a little, I wanted more though. "I want you to fuck my face baby," I tell him. "And don't be gentle Peter. I'm serious." I tell him with a straight face as I open my mouth wide, ready for him to fulfill my need.
Peter grabs the base of his cock and lifts my head up, that's when he begins to stuff his cock into my mouth and thrust. I hold onto the back of his thighs so I wouldn't fall and hollowed out my cheeks. My eyes well up with tears as I keep myself in place. All I hear right now is the sounds of his muffled moans as he tries to keep quiet and my gagging every so often.
"Oh, baby," Peter stops his thrusting and holds my head still by fisting my hair. He backs up into the bed and sits down on it while pulling me by my hair. Once he's settled on the bed, leaning on his back while he rested on one of his arms. His messy hair sticking to his sweat-covered forehead, his beautiful cock standing tall, and his abs glistening in sweat, I wanted to do nothing more than hop onto his cock and ride him all night. His eyes were clouded with lust as he brought my head down to his cock again and guides my head up and down on it slowly.
I dig my nails into his thighs and scratch his leg, this makes him thrust into my mouth and instantly cum. "I'm coming." He repeats a few times quickly and shut his eyes. His moans come to an abrupt stop as he holds his breath, he holds me on him for less than 30 seconds before allowing me to breath again, he lets out a loud sign and falls onto the bed. I taste the cum as some of it comes back, but I still swallow it down as I lay my head down on his bare thigh and watch as he tries to regain himself. Peter's cock was still hard though, not once did it go down even after his orgasm.
After some time he lifts his head off the bed and says, "Wow." It was my turn now. I needed to have his cock in me. So, I got off my knees and stripped from my clothes as Peter watched me while stroking his cock slowly. I stand there for a minute in a trance before he orders me to come to him. I straddle his waist as his cock nudges at my pussy, causing my wetness to spread on the head of his cock, and we both hiss. "Peter, fuck- I'm so wet for you," I whine out pretty loudly as I grind against him with my hand's touch over him.
He pulls me into his chest and whispers into my ear, "Shhh baby, I know," as he rubbed my back sensually and moans softly into my ear. "I know," he says again as he lifts my hips up and guides his cock into me. I gasp loudly as I sink down on his cock, feeling his large member strain inside me as I clench around him.
"Fuck, Peter..." I moan as I move on his cock slowly, planting my knees into the bed to gain some steadiness. My nipples rub against his chest as I move against him. I put my head between Peter's head and his shoulder and bite down on his collar bone. Our body heat warmed both of us up making us both sweat, I could feel it drop off my close and onto Peter's body.
"Keep ridding baby," He says as he guides my waist up and down his cock as he stuffs down his moans. This made me ride him faster as I continued to suckle and bite on his neck more. "Pete-you're making me feel so good-shit."
I lift off of his chest as I still ride him, making sure to keep eye contact with him, his face was redder than an apple at this point and his lips were red and swollen from constantly biting them. The feeling of his balls hitting against my ass made my nipples harden and chills run up my naked back. "Your cock is so fucking big, don't fucking stop." I moan as I played with my nipples to intensify the pleasure as I was riding. Peter suddenly slaps my ass hard with his big hands, I let out a loud shriek. He does it a few more times once he noticed that it made me ride his cock faster.
"Aww, you fucking like getting your ass slapped don't you, good girl?" He then grips my ass causing me to fall back into him, but luckily I caught myself before my face could hit the bed. Peter props his legs up on the bed and starts thrusting into me. Fast and hard. The room was silent, however, the loud sounds of skin slapping against each other at a fast pace could be heard all throughout the room. I look down at Peter as his face dripped with sweat and he bit his lips to focus on his pace. He looked so fucking sexy doing this, focusing on my pleasure rather than his own. I don't even think I was breathing throughout the whole duration of that, the overwhelming pleasure made me not think of anything, but the fact that Peter was fucking me so good.
At this point, I was clawing at his arm as I began to come. "Peter, oh my god keep fucking my pussy. Just like that," I instructed the boy. He only grunts in response but I didn't care. "I'm coming baby," I announced and that's when the most earth-shattering orgasm hit me. "Oh. My. God." It was like everything became clear to me. My body shuttered as he held onto my body as I came hard, slightly slowing down his fast thrust, but I knew he wasn't even near close to coming.
Peter suddenly stopped his thrusting and brought us closer to the side of the bed that was close to the wall and propped himself against it. He was now at eye level with my tits with his dick still deep inside me. He looks at them, licks his lips, and then looked up at my face as if he was asking for permission. I knew instantly what he was planning on doing. "Go ahead Parker," I tell him as I playfully roll my eyes and he attaches his mouth onto my nipple. He begins his thrust again as he sucked and played with my nipple in his mouth. "Ooh, Pete," I moan as I run my hands through his hair and pull him closer to my chest.
This continues on some more until I began to come again. Peter lets go of my nipple and looked up at my face with his brown eyes. "Are you coming again, darling?" He asked me as he smirks. I nodded my head, unable to form a sentence currently. "That's it good girl, come all over my cock." Peter orders me. That set me off. I began to shake violently as I come all over him, moaning loudly. My pussy tightens over his thick cock, this sets him off. He was now groaning loudly into my chest as he came inside of me and I pulled him into me as much as I could. He gripped my back with his strong arms and kept me in place as his cock pushed his cum deeper inside me.
We both settle down and Peter lays us both on the bed. He then pulls out of me causing the cum to fall between my thighs. "Fuck, look at you, Y/N." He looks at me with the most adorable yet sexy look on his face. Peter gets up to get something to clean up with, but I pull his arm so he could lay back in the bed. "I have to get you cleaned up baby. I'll be right back, okay?" he taps my leg as he gets up once more causing me to pout my lips.
A minute later, he comes back in sleep pants with a damp washcloth, one of his shirts, and grabbed the unopen bottle of water off his desk. He sits down on the bed next to me and dropped the water and shirt on the bed. "Open your legs baby," He instructed me. I do just that and he begins to wipe me down. "Good girl," Peter says as he finished cleaning me. He put the shirt over my body and just stares at me.
"Thank you for that Y/N," he says as he strokes my hair and plants a tender kiss on my forehead and lips. I grab his wrist and place a kiss on his hand. "No, thank you, baby boy," I say to him. I smile at him and then ruffle his messy hair.
"Now, can you explain what's with the boxes and the whole Spider-man thing?" I asked him. He lets out a breathy chuckle before responding. "Sure and I'm moving out soon. Did Aunt May not tell you?"
"Oh." I was now a little short because my best friend- actually I'm not sure what we were right now, but anyway I was still sad he was moving away. I guess he noticed my sadness because he quickly reassured me that he will still be living in New York, just not at Aunt May's place.
"Oh thank god, I need you, Pete," I tell him truthfully, relieved that he'll still be here.
"I need you too, my love," He sighs out as he pulled me into his chest to give me a tight hug around my neck.
A/N: Waitttt, this might be my favorite thing I've written so far TEEHEE. Anyway, thanks for the love! Ofc remember to like, reblog, comment, and whatever else. <33
#peter parker#tasm!peter x you#tasm!spiderman x reader#tasm andrew garfield#tasm fic#amazing spiderman#gwen stacy#spider man x y/n#spider man x you#spider man x reader#spiderman fanfiction#peter parker smut#peter parker x fem!reader#smut#spiderman
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Got possessed earlier and next thing I know this is sitting in my drafts. Have this completely irrelevant, totally unwanted, masterpiece of self-indulgence.
Synopsis: Nagito gets what he's always wanted. Someone that loves him. He's not sure if he can handle it.
(If y'all want a just as fluffy bath time scene then lmk. Because lord knows i will write it.) Edit: I wrote it. You can find it here!
Warnings: GN!Reader, light NSFW (it's explicit but only like 50 of the 1200 words are actually NSFW), aftercare
With a moan and strung together thank you's and what sounds eerily like an 'i love you,' Komaeda cums, his hot release staining your thighs and hand as he grinds his length against you, eyes screwed shut and brows furrowed as he groans desperately into your neck.
You wipe your fingers with a tissue and brush your fingers through Komaeda's hair gently as he goes limp against you, out of breath and exhausted from the intensity of his orgasm. He can only hum quietly in disapproval (or was it embarrassment-?) as you press a kiss to his sweaty temple, taking his—still shaking—form in your arms.
"Pretty, pretty boy. You were so good for me, so beautiful." You card your fingers through his wild hair, and he sobs at the attention.
You smile as he whimpers into your chest, fingers clutching at your clothes as the intimacy of your actions swallows him up. You don't have to see his face to know that he's got tears in his eyes. Nor do you have to hear him speak to know that he's berating himself over being vulnerable, assuming that he's annoying you with it.
"Hey, hunny... Komaeda~" You call gently, your fingers not stopping their ministrations in his hair even as he pulls his head up from your chest; looking up at you with teary eyes and an expression that swirls with adoration and trepidation all at once. Even as a full body shudder and a whimper breaks through him as he registers what you called him.
"You said you wanted to please me too, isn't that right?" You smiled, brushing his hair out of his face while some of it sticks to his forehead with sweat, tucking the stray strands behind his ear as he leans into the palms that now cup his cheeks.
And despite being obviously exhausted, Komaeda perks up. "Y-yes! anything- I-I'd do anything for you, my- Y/N... B-But yes! Please use me! I-It would be an honor to be used for your pleasure!" He says determinedly, his volume getting a little louder than he intended, though he trails off as he hesitates to call you by an endearing name.
Sure, you called him honey, but was he really worthy to do the same to you? Of course not. For all he knew you could have called him that by accident.
Your smile doesn't falter as an -almost- term of endearment falls from his lips, and he's glad for a moment that you have the kindness to not berate him for his arrogance.
"Calm down, now. You're far too tired to do anything like that for me right now. You can next time, okay?" You say gently, your fingers returning to run through his hair.
Komaeda's face burns in embarrassment, and you find that you like the look on him. Though, it's Komaeda, you remind yourself, any expression would look beautiful on him.
However, his eyes widen not a moment later as he fully registers your words. "N-Next time...?"
He mentally berates himself as soon as he asks. He shouldn't have questioned you. What if you realize just how insignificant and filthy he is? What if you finally remember who you let into your room, and push him off of you, telling him to leave like the disgusting garbage that he is. Tainting you like this, daring to let himself within 3 feet of you, let alone to be clinging onto you like this, like a disgusting, co-dependent little bug—
He hadn't realized that he started hyperventilating, that tears ran down his face as his fingers curled into your clothes as tight as they possibly could—That he was on the verge of a panic attack from merely the thought of you finally coming to your senses and hating him.
He hadn't realized until your soft hands took a hold of his face, that is.
"Hey, hey, shh. Breathe with me..." You called gently, wiping his tears as best you could when they were still falling, the sight of your face reducing his sobs to shaky hiccups.
"I'm sorry. We don't ever have to do this again if you don't want to. I didn't mean to make you upset." You cooed, your brows furrowed as a soft look of concern crossed your face.
Komaeda was beyond endeared by the care you showed to a nobody like him, but you couldn't be more wrong.
"No, n-n-no, no." He shook his head quickly, his breath still falling out in shaky huffs as he hiccuped every so often. Even in his exhausted and trembling state, he hurried to correct you.
"P-Please. I love you. I want a-anything that you're willing to give g-garbage like me. Please d-don't leave me. I know that I'm selfish but I can't—I don't think I can b-bear to see you g-go."
Your eyes widened at his declaration, even if there was a part of you that knew it all along. Komaeda loved you.
Though you supposed it made sense. He had confided this in you before, hadn't he? All he wanted was to be loved. It made sense that he would cling to the first person to show him some semblance of the care that he longed for.
"Oh, Komaeda." You softened, bringing his shaking form into your arms and laying your head on top of his as he continued to cry into your neck.
"I love you too."
His mouth dropped open at that, almost as spectacularly as when he had come undone underneath you not too long ago, but you pushed thoughts like that to the back of your mind as your fingers threaded through his hair.
Komaeda was in complete shock. Tears falling full force as he thanked his luck for this beautiful dream. That's all this was, right? because you couldn't have possibly devoted yourself to him, so wholey, like that. right? Even so, he hoped that he would never wake up.
You chuckled as you were reminded of his slowly drying release still present on your thighs and both your and his clothing.
"We should probably clean up, huh?" You said lightheartedly, helping him to bring his shirt over his head as he continued to lean almost completely into you.
"I-I can't..." He said lowly, brows furrowed and eyes closed as his weight grew heavier against you.
"Ah, too tired hm? That's okay, we can wash each other in the morning~" You smiled, moving to lay down with him after you wiped his release off your thighs with some tissues on his nightstand and took your dirtied clothes off.
You wrapped your arms around Komaeda's shoulders, one hand coming up to the back of his head as you pulled him against you, tangling your legs with his all the while. In Komaeda's sleepy state, all he could do was shakily bring his arms around your waist and bury his face into your neck, seeking your warmth.
Komaeda's last thoughts as he drifted off were not of talent, or self-deprecation, or even of hope; but of domestic living with you. A completely ordinary and peaceful life where he could simply bask in your love for the rest of his days.
Ah, w-washing each oth e r. . . ?
#danganronpa x reader#sdr2 x reader#danganronpa v2 x reader#danganronpa: goodbye despair x reader#nagito komaeda x reader#nagito x reader#komaeda x reader#nagito komaeda smut#komaeda smut#nagito smut
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5: To the woods we go
The Great Assembly, gender neutral reader x monster (male naga). Sfw. Previous Next
The firsts stretch of the hike gives as many mixed strategies as you could expect. You see one pair of gnolls hoofing it the second the start goes off, though most other keep to a brisk walking pace, you and Amren included. The mountain is large, however, and it’s not long until people start branching off in different directions, in hopes of whichever path they choose will be the one that gets them to the goal the fastest.
Elise and Irwin pass you by in a hurry.
“See you at the finish line slowpokes!” Elise calls.
“Don’t kill each other!” Irwin adds, grinning and bumping your shoulder as he strides past you.
You briefly wonder what sort of magic has allowed Irwin to push past his earlier tremendous hangover like that, but eventually chalk it up to his stubbornness. Irwin has decided he's over being hungover, and apparently that works.
You watch as they pick up their pace, and branch off in another direction.
“Don’t get lost in that hurry!” you call after them.
You watch them disappear behind a hill, and look up when Amren speaks up.
“So, what did helping your hum partner last night actually earn you?” he asks, nodding at them blazing off.
You look at his face, trying to discern if it’s a serious question, or if he’s trying to quip at you again. His neutral expression offers you absolutely no idea. You’d assume the latter, but so far he’s shown little to no understanding of how a friendship actually works.
“Is that a genuine question?” you ask instead.
“I did just ask it,” he replies.
“You really don’t know about these things, do you?”
“I know if you’d left him to his own devises he’d not have slept well and wouldn’t have too much energy in this competition.”
You blink at him. “What, you’d think I would have left him sleeping on the floor? That’s just cruel. He’s my friend.”
Amren rolls his eyes. “Your friend just stormed off, leaving you in the dust,” his tongues flickers in Irwin and Elise’s direction, and he frowns. He eyes you. “Did he even thank you for taking care of him last night when he came to this morning?”
You open and close your mouth. He sort of did last night, albeit very drunkenly and slightly uncomfortably. This morning he sort of reprimanded you, though it’s the friendly unfriendly bantering you’ve come to enjoy with him. You don’t need a ‘thank you’ – Irwin has before proven himself willing to show up for you when needed.
“He does in his own way. I’ve known him for a good while – you start communicating differently. He’s there when I need him.”
Amren doesn’t look convinced. “How often is it that way around?”
“What kind of question is that? It’s not like friendship is a 50/50 transaction business of exchanging favors,” you say glumly. “What kind of friendships have you had that made you think that way?”
Amren shrugs. “I’d say you can afford to be a little 'cruel'.”
He turns away from you, and flicks his tongue around in the air.
“In any case, it’s a good thing we’re getting the clovers first,” he muses.
Well, kudos for his confidence.
“You seem eager. What would you want a clover for?” you ask.
“Not really any of your business, is it?” he replies dryly.
Amren keeps swiveling his head around in the air, tasting it.
You ignore him, and turn your attention back to the map. The route you’re on should allow you to reach your destination in a few days, though there are many ins and outs of the routes in the mountain. You’d be surprised if anyone could manage to find one that could actually count as the ‘fastest’, with how many detours and small paths each of the routes offer. You manage to pinpoint one that seems somewhat reasonable, and are about to voice it to Amren, when he lowers back down from whatever he was doing in the air, and starts to slither in a complete opposite direction of your route.
“Hey scaly, the map says that way,” you protest, pointing north.
He turns back to look at you, and then nods at the map in your hands. “We’re not going to need that. I know these mountains, and the scent of several way-points that’ll get us there faster. I just need to track them.”
You look at him in disbelief. “’Way-points’ scent’? Are you fucking serious?”
He crosses his arms, apparently very serious. You’re not buying it.
“The map can actually tell us where we are going and where we are,” you say firmly, gesturing at it.
“So can I.”
“Excuse me if I don’t find that argument entirely convincing.”
“Aw, Tiny.” He lowers himself to your eye level, feigning concern. “You don’t trust me?”
You deadpan at him.
“Suit yourself,” he says, and rises back up, pointing over his shoulder. “We do, however, have to go this way.”
Amren starts to slither off the beaten path in an eastern direction.
You glower at him, finding yourself at an impasse. There’s no way you actually trust whatever fantasies of ‘tracking’ he has can actually get you where you want to go without getting hopelessly lost. There’s, however, also no way in hell you’ll be able to physically drag him in the right direction, what with him being more than twice your size. And you’re not getting the clover from Mrs. Hansen if you split up to follow your own route.
Amren gives you a knowing look over his shoulder, as he is, without a doubt, keenly aware of all this. “You coming?”
“You’re a giant pain in the ass,” you say, but follow him regardless.
You've been walking for a while, Amren periodically rising even taller on his tail to taste the air to make sure you're heading in the right direction.
Or whatever 'right' is, according to your reptile guide. You’re still sour he basically forced you to follow along on a goose chase. There’s a path here, though the ground is not as firm, and periodically you have to climb over shrubs and duck under trees growing with their branches hanging low. It is peaceful, however, with birds calling and the wind slightly running through the leaves. The sun is warm on your face, the air is crisp, and had it not been for the company, it might actually have been a pleasant walk.
You frown at your compass still showing you’re heading east, wondering what the genius plan is.
You open your mouth to comment on it, but Amren cuts you off before you speak.
"Yes, Tiny, I know where we are, and I know where we are headed," he says, exasperated. "You don't have to keep bombarding me with questions."
You intend to do so anyway, partly to bother him for still calling you 'Tiny'. "Then why are we going east when the goal is north?"
"Because going straight north would take us through a large boarbeast territory,” he says, his tone hinting at an ‘obviously’.
You wonder briefly how he knows that, but surmise it's his sense of smell – taste? – given he's apparently been here before. This doesn't change one fact, though.
"Boarbeasts generally don't bother people," you argue.
"They ‘generally’ don’t bother mons,” he corrects you. “They go for hums if available and if they're hungry enough. I'm not getting the clover if you get eaten.”
“Gee, how considerate,” you mock.
He glares at you. “The others will soon find they’re gonna have to take several detours to avoid them anyway, and they risk getting themselves lost. We’re faster just going around them all together. So, we're going east."
You think briefly of Irwin storming off with Elise in tow. If Amren’s telling the truth, should you be worried about them?
"So what, everyone who actually went the right way are just going to get attacked? Why didn’t you say this sooner, we could have at least given the others a heads-up!”
Amren shrugs. "It’s more of a 'them' problem, isn't it?"
You stare at him, unimpressed. "Do you literally not care, or are you actively trying to sound like an ass?"
"Figure it out," he sneers, turning away from you again. "You should really worry about your exposed self out here instead."
You look around at the forest area, and think back on the few birds and the occasional squirrel you've seen, not quite seeing what you have to worry your 'exposed self' about.
If you ignore the blatant indifference towards other people’s well-being, you guess him leading both of you away from potential danger is an okay move – if he's telling the truth.
Mrs. Hansen would never deliberately lead anyone in the company into danger. If she was aware of the boarbeasts, she'd at least give advice to be careful, or suggest some routes, instead of sending everyone off tired and hungover. Something doesn't add up with this explanation of going east, though you don't get the feeling pressing Amren for answers will help, given his track record of refusing to answer just about everything.
You look at your cellphone, considering texting Irwin to warn him just in case, though the no-show of signal bars quickly stops that plan. You turn the thing off to conserve power, and plop it in your pocket.
He's with Elise, you think, calming your worry. You don't think anything would think to openly attack a human with an angry troll nearby, so Irwin should be safe in any case.
You glance at Amren, and reluctantly have to admit that it's probably the same case with him and you. Regular animals go out of their way to avoid you as well, sure, but something bigger and meaner like a pack of boarbeasts would be forced to think twice with an adult naga in your proximity. It doesn't matter it’s quite clear Amren’s not interested in any way to get in a fight for you, his mere presence is a deterrent.
You wrinkle your nose.
And not just for boarbeasts.
You wonder if the race was designed in that way – you don’t actually recall seeing two humans on a team together.
The silence hangs heavy, and you get an idea that could either lighten the mood, or significantly worsen it. You take a chance. "Can I ask you something?"
"I'd rather you didn't," Amren grumbles.
"I'm going to."
"What were you doing on this mountain before, since you know it so well?" you ask, readying yourself.
"That's none of your business-" he starts,
"That's none of your business-" you drawl simultaneously, cutting him off.
He looks at you surprised for a second, before his look turns into a scowl.
You grin at him. "Oh come on grumpy, can you lighten up for a single second of your life? That was at least somewhat funny."
His mouth stretches thin. "Can you take anything seriously?"
"I take plenty of things seriously!"
"For example," you say, maintaining eye contact, "I seriously want these next few days hiking to be at least somewhat tolerable for both of us. So, peace offering. I suggest we do our best and stop being pricks to each other?"
Amren actually looks a bit surprised, and you feel a faint spark of hope. It's quickly snuffed however, as his face turns sour when his mind evidently settles on the wrong part of your sentence.
"Oh, so I'm intolerable?" he says, putting his hands on his hips.
You outwardly groan. So much for being nice. "That's not what I meant, and you know it!"
"Do I?" he asks, ending the conversation by returning his attention the road ahead.
This constant back and forth is giving you a headache. With Irwin it's funny because you know him so well, and you're both in on it. You've only barely known Amren for three days, and he's not exactly the most open person on the planet. You can't tell if he actually dislikes talking, or if it's just a front because he enjoys messing with you.
"You know, you're quite difficult to talk to sometimes," you note after a pause, as you walk next to him the path.
"I'll keep wondering what makes you insist on talking to me, then," he retorts.
Amren leads you through the forest for most of the day, only stopping for a quick break and a snack. Late into the afternoon, the path divides, where on the right end you spot a small clearing next to a stream, flowing through the forest. Amren stops next to it, and looks at you.
"It'll start getting dark soon, so let's camp here for the night," he starts putting down his things and stretching his back with a pop.
You don't complain. It's been a long and awkward hike, and you could do with some rest. The area he's selected proves quite lovely and peaceful, with the pleasant sound of the stream going as you start the tasks of putting up tents, refilling the water bottles in the stream and getting a fire started.
Amren collects some sticks for firewood, but you notice he very deliberately avoids being the one to light it, handing his own matches to you.
"You dislike fire?" you ask nonchalantly, lighting a match and carefully cultivating some sparks on the kindling, before adding more branches.
"As anyone should," he says, somewhat defensively.
You put your palms up in a placating gesture. "Outta control fire is scary. But don't you worry your tail in a twist – I know what I'm doing."
He gives you a very unimpressed look, and you stick you tongue out at him.
A bit later you've managed to prepare some of the canned food you were provided, heating it in a skillet over the fire. Amren settles for downing two cans in two gulps, not bothering the wait of heating it up. When you look at him quizzically, he shrugs.
"Carnivore," he explains.
You look at the cans he's discarded at his side, and discover it's some sort of uncooked hare stew.
Your could almost gag. Gross.
You sit around the fire in silence for a bit, watching the sky gradually get darker and darker. Amren's coiled up close (but not too close!) to the fire, and using his tail as an armrest, staring into it. You can't help but notice his eyes reflecting the light, and the dancing golden color is honestly mesmerizing to look at. He catches you staring however, and you quickly glance away.
"What?" Amren grunts, narrowing his eyes at you.
It's a cold day in hell before you tell him his eyes are pretty, so you choose a different approach. "I've got a question for you."
He sighs deeply, but doesn't otherwise comment.
"Why 'Tiny'?" you ask. "Back when I stepped on your tail you said it, and I figured it was a spur of the moment, but then you've kept using it."
He regards your form on the other side of the bonfire. "It seems fitting."
"Hardi-har. I'll have you know my size is perfectly standard human."
"Standard human is, however, still very small." The corner of his lip quivers ever so slightly upwards. "I have seen humans bigger than you, as well. Still small."
It’s not uncommon, lots of monsterfolk are generally bigger than most humans.
Doesn’t mean he has to constantly rub it in, though.
"Also, no offense, but aren't you also a relatively big guy for a naga?" you ask.
He tilts his head. "Why would I take offense to that?"
Huh. You guess he shouldn’t. "I guess that's a human society damage thing. You can ignore that."
"Bigger just means I'm more difficult to take down," he shrugs, and pulls up his coiled tail a bit to look at you better. "But I’ll have you know, my size is perfectly standard naga."
There's a small pause, when Amren, to your surprise, speaks up again.
"There's another reason I'm still calling you Tiny, you know," he says.
You meet his eye. "Oh?"
"You haven't told me your name."
You look at him puzzled for a second, but then your eyes widen as you realize.
You got his name from Elise. You haven't actually been formally introduced.
"Terribly rude," he rests his chin on the palm of his hand.
You stare at him in disbelief. "Why didn't you say something!"
"Well if you were so adamant on keeping it private I shouldn't pry – something you could maybe benefit to learn from."
"Adamant -" you trail off.
This is absolutely ridiculous. You can't help but laugh. He’s been dragging you through a dense forest without a clue of where you are or where you're going the entire day, and the fucker never even bothered to ask your name.
Or are you the fucker who did not think to give it?
You compose yourself. "Elise told me yours. It apparently never crossed my mind that didn't mean you'd automatically know mine," you say, and tell him your name.
He tastes the air, like he's testing it.
"Hm. No, that won’t work. Tiny suits you better."
Before you can protest he turns around and leans his back on his coils, looking up at the stars.
Guess that’s that.
You sigh and turn over to look up. It is a quite beautiful sight out here, with minimal light pollution, several constellations are visible.
For a while, the only sounds are the flowing stream, the crackling bonfire and pleasant sounds of the forest, though you perk up at the very distant sound of distorted howling. You glance at your compass, and lowly huff in annoyance as you find the sound came from somewhere northwest.
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No One has to Know What We Do //Calum Hood
Hello hello! Here's part two! I don't really have any words on this but if you missed part one, or want to keep up: Even if It's Just Pretend.
Warnings: angst and general smut, rough sex, Dom-ish calum, oral sex
Word Count: 9282
Cass & Crystal’s Masterlist
Let us know what you think!
The alarm goes off and Cal squeezes you tighter to him. It was a good reassurance for you, knowing he was still there and this wasn’t an elaborate dream you had. You wouldn’t put it past yourself at this point.
“Hey,” he murmurs. “We gotta get goin’ so we can make it to breakfast.” He presses kisses over your face until you open your eyes.
You finally make it out of bed and then you’re standing at the door, your pile of stuff in your hands, only his t-shirt on your body as he holds you. “I’m gonna shower real quick and get my stuff for today together and then I’ll come down to you and we can do sunscreen before we head over?”
“Sounds good to me,” you coo, standing on your toes to kiss him again.
You’re still in your towel, picking which swimsuit you wanted to wear when Cal knocks on your door and you let him in quickly.
“I thought you’d at least have this part done,” he chuckles.
“Well, you more than anyone know much these things can move around, so probably safest to lather just my entire bod,” you wink.
“I see what you’re gettin’ at,” he smirks, picking up your sunscreen and waiting for you to drop the towel.
Once you’re both lathered and you’re dressed, you pull on the shirt you wore from his room, tying it up at your waist. “This OK?”
“It’s fuckin’ great.” He grins. He’s first out the door and you wait a minute to make sure you’re not spotted together but you end up meeting at the elevator.
The two of you walk into the private room where everyone is being served breakfast and it’s all eyes on you and Cal, as you’re the last two to come down. Sierra waves you over to where she’s sitting with Luke, Ash and Lyric.
“I’ll grab you a plate,” Cal offers, splitting off toward the buffet.
You plop in a seat and Sierra immediately is on you. “Hey,” she greets.
“What’s up?”
“You’re off host duty today, Luke and I are gonna take it so you and Cal can have some fun.”
Matt leans over from the next table. “Oh, I think Cal had plenty of fun last night. I don’t know if he brought someone back from the bar or what but there was definite moaning in his room last night.”
You laugh, “You sure he wasn’t just watching porn or something? Not completely out of line for him.”
Ash elbows him, as if to remind him who he’s talking to, but it’s Lyric who eyes you and responds, “I’m sure that’s all it was Matt.”
Once everyone has boarded the boat to get to the island, you and Calum are given the first drinks and then pulled apart. Lyric pulls you to the side with Sierra. “Cal wore that shirt out last night, didn't he?”
“Huh? I grabbed this out of my bag…” You casually say, pulling it down to look at it.
“Why’re you lying? Of anyone here, you should be able to tell us this,” Sierra points out.
“Because! Regardless of what it is - what Cal and I did or didn’t do - this isn’t about us, this week is for Lyric and Ash.”
“Right… and I want to know what did or didn't happen that wound up with you wearing his shirt,” Lyric coaxes.
You shrug, “We hung out after everyone went to bed last night… you both know that top I was wearing wasn’t that comfortable so he lent me a shirt, he was just being a nice guy.” You look at both of their faces, neither of them buying it. “Guys… Cal and I didn’t break up because someone fucked up… we don’t hate each other. We can still hang out and catch up.”
That seems to placate them for the time being but you’re more than aware of them watching every time you and Calum are within 50 feet of each other. They watch closely as the two of you rub sunscreen on each other all day, or when you sit together at lunch, or lay out together for a while.
Everyone is understandably exhausted when you get back to the hotel. The company that had set up the whole boat/island adventure also provided lunch and took you all to a local restaurant for dinner. All in all, it was a long day.
You kick your flip flops off once back in your room and check your phone, two messages from Cal even though you’d just waved goodnight.
Need a quick shower but do you want to hang after?
Too tired?
You quickly respond, inviting him to your room this time, thinking that you have less of the friend group surrounding you - just Ash and Lyric across the hall and Luke and Sierra sharing a wall - which means less ears listening and easier for Cal to make an excuse of where he’s coming from.
He lets you know when he’s on his way and you prop the door open so he doesn’t have to knock.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you all day,” he greets you.
“You kissed me this morning.” You smile softly, standing up on your toes to kiss him.
Cal flops on your bed and you take him in, beautiful in sweatpants and a t-shirt that he peels off right away. He watches you ogle him. “Again?”
“How dare you come down here in sweatpants and expect anything different,” you tease.
You duck into the bathroom to run the dryer through your hair and Cal nonchalantly calls from the other room, “Ash knows we were together last night.”
You pop your head back out. “What?! How?”
“He went around making sure everyone got back safe. You never answered your door the two times he knocked and he never knocked on mine because he heard you moaning…”
“Oh…” You turn a little red. “Matt heard me too but I told him you were probably watching porn.”
Cal guffaws loudly. “Why was he talking to you about it?”
“Breakfast conversation. Lyric and Sierra were sure something happened.”
Cal shrugs and flips on the TV. “Hey, is this dress what you’re wearing out tomorrow? Please tell me I get to see you in that.”
“You’ll see me at dinner before all the debauchery of the night,” you laugh, joining him on the bed.
“I can’t believe we aren’t together for anything but dinner tomorrow,” he complains, holding out his arm to invite you in to cuddle.
“I can’t believe that in three weeks, Ashton and Lyric will be married,” you murmur, taking him up on his offer and resting your head on his chest.
Cal takes a deep breath. “I’m not ready for our time together to end just like that.”
“I thought we agreed to talk after the wedding.”
“Yeah, we did. But it’s provided this natural way for us to kind of court each other again… things will be different then.”
“Yeah, that’s true… guess we’ll have to put the effort in,” you state.
“Put you in pen again.” He kisses the top of your head. “Can I stay with you tonight?”
“I don’t want you anywhere else.”
Cal pauses at his hotel room door, watching you pass by after lunch, heading down the hall to your own room.
“What are you doing?” He asks, watching you pull out your room key.
“I was gonna take a nap, I’ve had enough sun and drinks for now. What about you?”
“Just about the same, I'm assuming it’s gonna be a long night.”
“Just about, huh?” You tease him and Cal can see the way your tongue twists in your mouth and he knows exactly what that used to mean.
“I’m flexible, ya know… could be convinced to do something else for the right offer,” he winks, feeling his cock twitch in his shorts. He’d give just about anything to have your tongue on him.
“I don’t have an exact offer but I'm sure we could come up with something… we used to be very good at that, you know.” You cock your eyebrow and push the door to your room open.
Cal thinks about your mouth again for less than a second before abandoning his task, quickly moving down the hall to catch your door.
“How was golf?” You ask, pulling your shirt off, revealing a bikini top he’d never seen. He’s distracted by how good your tits look, perfectly sun kissed and perky. You tease him, “Like what you see?”
He loves you with this confidence; he always has, loves when you know and own what you do to him. “Hmm…? Oh yeah... golf was fine. Michael almost flipped a cart.”
“What?!” You laugh. “What’re the guys doing now?”
“Not really sure I care,” he murmurs, stepping closer to you and pulling you in. “There’s only one thing I care about right now. And she’s standing in front of me twisting her tongue in her mouth, knowing what it does to my cock.” He pulls you in for a kiss, and it’s needy and mostly tongue.
“Hmm. And what do you think I should do about that?”
“I love it when you’re a brat,” he groans.
“Well… I have been thinking about your cock since I woke up with it hard and pressed to my ass and you did nothing about it.”
“We woke up late and if we wanted to eat, I had to sacrifice dick time.” Cal wraps his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you in for an apology kiss.
When you pull away, you bite your lip and run your fingers along the waist of his shorts. You cup his stiff cock. “Are we too busy now?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.
“No, baby, I think we have plenty of time. Everyone is busy, relaxing… drinking… you and I are here…”
You undo his shorts and tug them down, getting on your knees and Cal quickly wraps his hand in your hair. You take a deep breath and look up at him, running your fingertips over his cock in his underwear. “I’ve always loved how hard you get for me… when the head gets so red and drips for me… how messy we could be…” You pull his boxer briefs down, letting them pool at his ankles while his cock, hard, red-tipped and leaky taps up against his stomach. “I’ve missed this,” you murmur, grabbing the base. You lavish your tongue along the underside, paying special attention to the vein that drives him wild.
Cal tightens his grip in your hair, groaning. You know just how to work him and he knows what to expect from you. Typically. You take a detour, mouthing his cock, covering it in spit. He lets out a very guttural groan when he figures out what you're working at. You suckle his tip for a bit, cleaning up the precum, and then brace yourself on his thighs, working your mouth down his length until it reaches your throat. He feels your slight gag and gently pulls your head back, but you fight it and take him back down.
“Fuckin’ Christ,” he groans. He looks down and meets your tear filled eyes. You pull off long enough to catch your breath and he guides you back on. You gently move your head back and forth shallowly and he gets the point. He pulls your head all the way off his cock and you sputter while spit falls down your chin, a string still attached to his cock. He notes the tears falling down your cheeks and he takes a mental note of how ridiculously hot this is. He guides you back into place and promptly starts fucking your throat. He’s mindful to pull off so you can breathe; besides the occasional throat grab in a really rough session, breath play isn’t really a thing for him. And even then, it’s about the perceived control.
He’s moaning your name like a song. “Good girl… holy shit” is the chorus, and the bridge becomes “That’s it, that’s my girl.” He can’t control it, the orgasm takes over and he’s pulling out of your throat. The amount of cum is too much for your mouth and it starts leaking out, down your chin, dripping onto your tits and stomach. You suckle his tip to make sure you get it all and he pulls his cock from your lips while letting go of your hair. He cups your chin and gives you a little nod, sticking his thumb between your lips. You open your mouth and roll the cum around on your tongue, letting it leak over your lips. He coos, “So good for me, baby… swallow it.”
You do as he asks and then use your fingers to clean up what you can on your skin and Cal pulls his shirt off to wipe your face and anything you missed. He gets on his knees in front of you and leans in for a kiss. He grabs the belt loops on the sides of your shorts and pulls them up, making them taut over your most sensitive areas. He pulls you close, straddling his thigh. He guides your hips in a couple rolls before he determines that it’s the hard, thick seam in the crotch of your denim shorts that’s rubbing against your clit like he wants. His hands move to your ass and he squeezes; your back arches and you let out a little moan as your hips roll on his thigh.
“Show me how bad you want it,” he coaxes.
“Because asking you to fuck my throat didn’t do that?”
Cal grabs your jaw. “Don't be a brat.” He presses his lips to yours and then whispers in your ear, “If you remember correctly, brats don’t get to cum.”
You whimper because you know exactly what he’s talking about. “Sorry, Cal.”
“You’re soaking right through these shorts, huh?” He asks, grin gracing his face. “Bet you’d love it if I just took them off of you and gave you my fingers.”
“Oh god, please, Cal,” you moan.
He leans in, kissing along your jaw to your ear, sucking your earlobe because he knows it drives you wild. “Maybe later tonight… for now, if you wanna cum, it’s gotta be like this.” He takes a second to get your top off and then starts palming and mouthing your tits. He pulls back for a minute to watch you bouncing on his thigh and he swears he could get hard again in an instant if it’d get you bouncing on his cock again. He grabs the belt loops and pulls up again, making sure the fabric stays tight and in place. He runs his hands down your sides to your ass, watching as your head rolls back and you moan for him.
Calum loves seeing you come undone, he loves the peace it brings you and he also likes the way it makes you all about him in that moment. Nothing else in the world matters to either of you. He obviously doesn’t know if you were like that before or If it was just the way you were with him but he prefers to think it’s just him. He keeps his touch firm so you know he’s there while you work toward your orgasm.
He loves the soft little moans you’re currently making. Three months ago he’d give both his arms to hear you chant his name like this again, preparing for the orgasm that’s about to wreck your body. Your head rests on his shoulder as you let out a tell tale whine that he knows well.
“So good for me, baby… love you like this for me,” he murmurs, kissing your cheek, holding you tighter. “So good sucking my cock… so good making yourself cum for me.” He holds the back of your neck, listening as you cum for him, feeling your body slump against his, feeling you pant against his chest. He embraces you, holding you close, something he’s missed so much. He peppers your skin with kisses, letting you catch your breath. “My best girl,” he murmurs, rocking you. He asks after a couple minutes, “Can I get you cleaned up?” You nod and he helps you stand, pulling your shorts and bikini bottoms down to hoist your thigh up over his shoulder so he can lick at your juices. He knows that's not what you were expecting.
He puts your leg down when he’s done and looks up to find you looking down at him. You gently hold his cheek and he leans into it. “I miss you so fucking much,” you admit quietly.
Cal’s on his feet in a second, wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug, smooshing you into his chest. “I miss you,” he hums. “Wanna lay together for a while?”
Without waiting for your answer, he falls onto the bed, pulling you with him. He gets you under the sheet and pulls you into a slow kiss that morphs into a sleepy make out until he spoons you and you fall asleep. He lays awake for a while, wondering if he’s doing right by you. Maybe the physical isn’t good while the emotional is still a mess.
But no, you’d talk to him if that were the case, at least he thinks so. He’s definitely getting a need fulfilled by doing this and not just sexually… but being close to you, having you want and need him in this way. Sleeping next to you the night before was more important to him than anything else. Maybe he didn’t make that clear to you.
He falls asleep for a little while, startled awake by a door slamming down the hall. He’s bewildered to say the least and he checks his phone for the time. He needs to get up and out of this room as soon as possible.
He gently shakes you and makes sure you know he’s leaving. He gets dressed and leans over, leaving you with a slow deep kiss. “Can’t wait to see you in that dress baby.”
Sierra knocks on your door not even ten minutes after Calum leaves. You’re disoriented and still half asleep but manage to haphazardly pull on some clothes on your way to the door.
“Have you even showered? What have you been doing for three hours… or should I say who?” She smirks, pushing her way into your room and looking around. “Luke said he saw Cal come to your room and then he… he heard you guys before coming down to the pool.”
“I don’t know what he thinks he heard…”
“Stop, stop…” She laughs. “Lyric, Ash, Luke and I have allll been pretty sure this has been going on. I just wanna know why you’re keeping it from us?”
You don’t really have an answer for her, so she gives up. “Fine… 20 minutes then Lyric and I’ll be by to get ready. Get your shower. And be ready to talk then,” she warns, somehow both warm and stern. She stops at the door but doesn’t turn around to face you. “You smell like him… like he’s been all over you.”
You take a quick shower and manage to get halfway dressed before they show up, dresses and makeup in tow.
“Details,” Lyric says, falling on your bed.
You play dumb. “For what?”
“For it all.”
“All of what?”
She sighs your name. “I want… dirty details, I want cute details, I want it all,” she announces dramatically.
“Isn’t your sex life rich enough without needing to get into mine, baby girl?” You tease, causing all three of you to giggle.
Sierra pops the bottle of champagne she brought and looks up at the two of you, using an exaggerated bedroom voice, “You wanna do that for me, baby boy?” The giggles turn to cackles at her alluding to the well-known fact between the three of you that she likes to show dominance over Luke in the bedroom.
Once you’ve calmed down you look over at Lyric earnestly. “I just don’t want whatever Cal and I do to take away from you and Ash. So whether we decide to get back together or not, we probably won’t make it public knowledge until later.”
“You two are killing me. You belong together, we all know it… hell, apparently Luke and Ashton have both heard you together this week… which means… Matt probably did too?” Lyric points out.
You finally give in. “Yes, we’ve been together.”
“How many times?” Lyric grills.
“Uhh… that night when we got back from the bars... last night he just slept in here with me but this afternoon we also messed around a bit.”
“See… sexual shenanigans, why are y’all even pretending? Experiment over, get back together. It’s all I want… that’s what I want for my wedding gift.”
“I already bought you a gift. And I know Cal did too.” You laugh. “It was nice to be with him again though. I miss him.” You smile softly at your friends. It’s the first time you’ve said that out loud to anyone other than Cal.
Watching Calum’s face when you and the girls finally make it to dinner is more than worth the trouble of getting ready. As everyone filters into their seats, the one between Cal and Ash gets left open and you know they had to have planned for it.
As you’re getting comfortable in your seat, Cal leans over. “I knew you’d kill in that dress but I was not ready for this,” his deep voice purrs as he looks you up and down. “Can't help but think how good your tits would look covered in cum with that dress bunched at your waist.”
You turn and widen your eyes at him. “Calum,” you warn under your breath.
“What’re you worried about, little one? I’ll get ya too worked up and you’ll be thinking of me all night? I’m gonna be thinking of you,” he hums. “You’ve given me so much to think about… you needy on my thigh this afternoon… my cock in your throat? And now my cum on those gorgeous tits?” He leans back in his seat and joins the conversation on the other side of him, resting his hand just below the hemline of the dress at your thigh.
Sierra is already staring you down from across the table, and Luke seems to be acutely aware of where Cal’s hand is.
Ash smiles, wrapping his arm around you and kissing your cheek, “You look gorgeous.”
“Thank you, Ash,” you beam, squeezing his hand. “Single and ready to mingle, ya know? Maybe get some action.” You shrug as Cal gives you a hard squeeze of the thigh but doesn’t otherwise acknowledge your comment.
Ash rolls his eyes and smirks, “Don’t think I don’t know better.”
“I know what you think you know.”
The conversations are nothing short of average but between Cal’s hand, his dirty little nothings whispered in your ear and a few downright raunchy texts, you’re squirming through half of the dinner.
As the bills start coming around and the guys and girls plans for the night start circulating, Cal leans into your ear. “You know you’re mine tonight, right? Flirt if you want but know you’re coming back to me.” His fingers tease the front of your panties.
“As if I could be with anyone else after this afternoon,” you whisper back.
“You think I didn’t know what I was doing, ruining you this afternoon?” He pushes your panties to the side to tease your clit, making eye contact with you, daring you to give him away.
You cock your eyebrow at him. “You think I didn’t get what I wanted?”
Cal’s eyes flick to your lips and you bite your bottom one. “The way your tongue twisted in your mouth? I knew you wanted my cock in your throat,” he responds quietly, grinning.
“I thought I'd get it somewhere else too,” you tease, glancing down at his hand. To make sure you know he gets your point, he teases his fingers at your entrance.
“That’s for good girls… we’ll see if you get it later,” he chides, withdrawing his fingers from your panties and discreetly sucking them into his mouth.
You cradle the back of his neck in your hand and tug his hair, causing his lips to part and the faintest moan to escape. “Oh, Cal, you know I’m the best girl when it comes to you.”
You excuse yourself to the bathroom before everyone departs and Calum is waiting when you come back out. It only takes a second for him to press your back against the wall and press a teasing kiss to your lips. “Can’t wait to see what you put on under this for me,” he murmurs.
He disappears into the bathroom while you wait for your head to stop spinning.
And then the groups split off for the night.
Calum can’t help but watch you walk away when you and the girls head in the direction opposite him. Based on the feel of your panties, he knew you had on either lace or mesh and based on how tight the dress was, he could make a few other guesses about what else was going on. His cock twitches in his pants and he tries to think about the most mundane things to drown out all the deliciously dirty thoughts in his brain. Like getting you naked and spread, begging for him... he loves you like that. He knows he said he wanted to cum all over your tits but now he’s thinking about covering that dress. He’ll pay for the dry cleaning, he doesn’t care. He just wants you covered in him, wants you moaning his name all night.
His phone vibrates in his hand and he looks down, seeing it’s a message from you.
Black lace, like you like, a little dip in the front so you know where to bite to pull down.
He has to stop from groaning out loud and he has to stop Luke from looking over his shoulder as another message pops up.
I should have followed you into the bathroom so you could have done it then… soaked already and I don’t wanna have to take ‘em off myself
He huffs, climbing into the Uber to head to the night’s festivities. He types back:
Keep this up and see what else you’ll have to do yourself
He impatiently taps his knee while waiting for your response.
Only if it’s for you to watch.
Less than an hour in and Cal’s sexually frustrated enough that he’s had to slow down on texting you because he was about ready to stalk out of this club and drag you back to the hotel to deal with those wet panties he can’t stop thinking about. He knows that every message means the night is getting longer and longer and he’s all of a sudden very happy that Ash isn’t a drinker and has every intention of going to bed with Lyric tonight. He picks his phone up, trying to figure out the best way to put into words how badly he wants to own your entire body for the night without it being way too forward.
You glance down at your phone, thinking you’d felt it vibrate. It’s getting late and once the texts from Cal started coming in slower, you felt the night drag. The strip club kept you occupied somewhat but now you were in the VIP section at some random club, and you were just bordering on tipsy, instead just watching the other girls get drunk.
“Who’ve you been texting all night?” Sierra shouts above the music, handing you another drink.
“I wanna know what you and Calum are texting about,” Lyric says, slurring slightly as she plops into the seat next to you.
“How do you know it’s Calum?”
“That dopey little smile. You’ve always gotten it for him, even before you dated,” Sierra grins. “Ugh… finish your drinks, I wanna go back and get railed by my man.”
You and Lyric both chuckle. “And how much coaxing is that gonna take from ol’ baby boy?” You tease.
“Oh, he’ll do it if he knows what’s good for him… maybe I’ll just come to your room for the show though,” she fires back.
“The show will definitely be in my room,” Lyric announces. “Ash is ready, I’m ready, let’s head back for last call at the hotel before we all get laid.” You shake your head as the girls cackle.
As they gather the rest of your group, your phone finally vibrates. You glance down and see it’s from Cal and you squeeze your thighs together before you even open it.
Guess I’m seeing you for last call! But don’t worry, little one, won’t be your last call
You chew your lip as you climb into the Uber, thinking of how to respond but before you can, he hits you with another one.
Your panties were soaked when I touched you earlier. Still the only man that’s ever made you that wet, huh?
You cross your legs and squeeze them together, your tongue twisting in your mouth despite Calum not being around to see it.
Been that wet since you told me you wanted to cum on me earlier... Do you have any idea how desperately I've wanted to feel you on my skin that way?
The minutes you wait for a reply feel like years but he finally comes through. The girls are quiet, staring at their own phones, intoxicated enough to pay you no mind.
Damn, baby girl… I’m in a car with my best friends and I have to keep shifting… squeezing my cock in my pants... wishing you were doing it. I can’t help it. Need you.
God, you’d kill to have him here.
Wish I could feel your hard cock in my hand. I'd do it right here in the car… wouldn’t care who could see.
You lock your phone and shove it in your bag. You’ll be seeing him soon enough and you decide he can be left wanting more.
The guys are all spread across a couple booths in the back of the hotel bar, with Cal and Ash shoved shoulder to shoulder for no reason in the corner booth, farthest away.
As you approach the tables, Ash nearly pushes everyone out of the way to reunite with Lyric, dramatically tipping her head back into a passionate kiss. Luke slinks up to Sierra and redirects her to sit with him at the bar and that leaves you, locked in shy eye contact with Calum.
“This seat taken?” You ask, pointing to where Ash was just sitting.
“No, baby girl… just waiting for the perfect ass, with a skilled, dainty hand to join me.” A sultry darkness settles in his eyes as Cal gives you his deepest possible voice, knowing it’s irresistible to you.
“Think I got what you’re looking for.” You hold up your hands to prove it to him and he nods you to the seat. He does a quick scan of the very few people who could possibly see the two of you before leaning in, pressing the lightest teasing kiss to your lips.
Sierra and Luke suddenly appear, hands full of drinks. There’s a round of shots and a few other larger drinks for those in the group. The shots go down with a group ‘cheers’ and then Lyric is saying goodnight, dragging Ash off to bed with her.
Sierra and Luke find somewhere to dance with some of the other girls and that leaves you alone once again with Cal.
“You know... you said you didn’t care who saw,” he reminds you, taking your hand and placing it on his pants on top of his stiff cock. He gently squeezes your fingers, closing your hand around it.
You bite your lip and lean forward to rest your other elbow on the table, nonchalantly putting your chin in your hand as your fingers trace the outline of his cock. “Oh, sir, I still don’t,” you whisper, turning your head to look at him.
Cal adjusts, sitting back against the booth, spreading both arms out across the back. You glance around before unzipping his pants to tease your fingers over his underwear; he gets impatient and starts to pull his cock out himself. “Stop teasing, baby girl, I’ve been aching for you all night. Thinking of all the ways I could have you… use our favorite belt on you… almost ran out to a toy store earlier…” He groans quietly.
If you weren’t aware before, you definitely are now that Cal wants a kinky night. “I’ve wanted your cock since you pulled it out of my throat earlier,” you tell him with a naughty grin. “Been thinking about the ways you stretch me… get my pussy so soaked you can just slide all the way in.”
Cal trails his fingertips from your neck down to your exposed shoulders and back and finally down to pinch your ass. “Bet you miss me here too.”
“So, so much,” you agree. You pull your hand from his cock to your mouth, licking your palm a couple times before spitting in it. You wrap your slicked up hand around his cock, gently stroking him up and down. You turn your head away from him, taking a drink, scanning the room. Everyone’s having fun and the drinks are flowing but most importantly, no one is interested in what you and Calum are up to.
He sweeps the hair off your neck. “Hey, look at me,” he murmurs. It sounds needy in your ears and you love it.
You turn your head back toward him to see his jaw flexing and nostrils flaring as you twist your wrist in the way he likes. He gently grips the back of your neck and you can hear his breathing become labored as his eyes start to close and his jaw flexes tighter. You swipe your thumb through the precum, teasing his very sensitive head and slit.
He pulls you back against the seat with him. He turns his head, lips against your ear and lets out a filthy moan. “Fuck, baby girl,” he breathes. His hand tightly grips your shoulder and you look under the table in time to see his hips thrust into your hand for the first time. He gets a few more desperate pumps in before he regains a tiny bit of composure. He lets his head roll back and you watch as he comes apart for you in this public space. You know he loves the potential of a set of wandering eyes catching you in moments like this. He wraps his hand around yours just as the first rope of cum shoots from his cock onto your dress; his hand guides yours in milking every last drop, shooting it onto both your dress and your skin.
You watch him pant as he starts to come back down. “You coulda warned me,” you smirk, reaching for the napkins.
He helps you clean the stickiness from your skin but stops you from touching the dress; the stain has already started to dry down white against the dark fabric. “And miss the chance to see you like this, see you as mine?”
Cal’s barely tucked back in his pants as Luke and Sierra approach you. “We’re heading to bed,” she announces.
Cal fakes a yawn, stretching. “I’m beat. I should head off too.” He scoots out of the booth and you glare at him. “C’mon you, I’ll walk you to your room.”
As you scoot out of the booth, Sierra frowns at you, “Hey, what’s all over your dress?!”
You look down and roll your eyes, trying to think of a quick excuse. “Oh… huh, I didn’t notice it before… I bet it was the strip club.” You shrug. “I’ll get it cleaned when we get home.”
Sierra and Luke lead the way to the elevator and Cal wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in to whisper, “So long as no one shines a black light on it, I think you’re fine.”
His grip on you loosens before you all stop to wait for the elevator and you trail far behind them as you walk down the hall to your room. They both throw you a knowing look but disappear into their room, leaving you to slip into Calum’s room without any fuss.
“Better get you out of this dirty dress,” he teases immediately after closing the door. His hands easily find the hidden zipper in the side of the dress. He gets the top down around your hips, getting the full visual of you in your lacy push up bra. “You know you don’t need this, right?” He asks, cupping your breasts, kissing the tops that are pushed up and together. He reaches behind you and unclasps the bra, letting the fabric fall away, replacing it with his hands. “Missed these,” he murmurs, tweaking your nipples between his fingers.
He quickly turns you, backing himself onto the bed, pulling you into his lap to straddle his thighs as his hands and mouth begin worshipping your tits. He’s always loved how responsive you are to this type of stimulation, seemingly able to get impossibly close to orgasming on this alone. As your hips grind on his and you moan his name, a new plan forms in his mind; he wants more of this, doesn’t want it to stop for anything, wants you like this all night.
Calum feels your hand wrap around the back of his neck and you press your face into the top of his head. His hands work quickly to pull the dress up around your hips, wanting to help you get that friction you're desperate for. He’d never let you live it down if you came in his lap again but he’s also not sure he’d remember to tease you about it, both of you so desperate for this connection with each other.
“Calum,” your voice comes out breathy. “I need you, please.”
It sounds so needy, he can't stop himself from bucking his hips up into yours, lips attaching to your skin, tongue teasing your nipples as he roughly grabs at your tits, encouraging you. “Cum for me, baby girl,” he groans. “Let me see you.” He wraps one arm around your back, guiding your hips in a hard but steady rhythm against him, both of you desperate for the orgasm.
And finally it hits, your fingers tighten in his hair and he groans. You yank his head back so you can kiss him and he only teasingly kisses you back. “Calum… please…” you whine, grabbing his face so you can press your mouth to his. He wraps both arms around you, letting you ride it out, kissing you fully.
You pull back, panting, and Calum quickly flips you on your back. He yanks the dress down your legs and quickly takes your heels off, leaving you on the bed in just your panties. He can tell you're still coming down by the way your hands smooth over your body, looking for touch and attention, needing the affection Cal usually lavishes you with after an orgasm, especially one so desperate.
He watches, admiring you, thinking how fucking irresistible you look when you need him so bad. The way you’re so willing to give in to him. He notices the hickies forming on your breasts and he’s proud of them. You’re his and you won’t forget that anytime soon.
He leans over you, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, looking you in the eyes to make sure you’re still good. He sees the softness there, the part of you that reaches up to cup his face and push the hair out of his eyes but he also sees the desire and the need for him.
He moves down your body, pressing kisses and sucking bruises into your soft flesh. He kisses the little marks from holding you on his thigh earlier in the day. He gets to the hem of the black lace panties he’s been thinking about all night and kisses along it before grabbing the dip with his teeth and pulling them off your body, like you instructed him earlier. He rips them because they’re flimsy at best and there’s a lack of coordination between the two of you, but when he goes to apologize, he sees the fire of desire reignited in your eyes.
Then he’s out of his button down and his face is buried in your pussy. Long licks over your opening and clit, soft kisses pressed to the sensitive skin; he hums against you, cleaning your cum, giving you fresh hickies on your thighs. You’re moaning above him and suddenly you yank on his hair and he looks up to make eye contact. Your fingers touch his wet cheek and it seems you’re just now noticing his scruff that he intentionally didn’t shave for the past couple days, hoping to get you like this.
He nuzzles his face against your bare thigh and you cry out. He grabs your hips and pulls you back against his mouth, tightening his arms around your thighs and resting his large hands over your belly. He’s active as he eats, wanting to give you the beard burn on already bruised and tender flesh.
His cock starts aching, straining against his tight black pants as you writhe and whine above him, asking for more, begging him for it. You need him, there’s no one in the world you could need more right now and that makes him want to make you cum for him. He starts to dip his tongue into your opening, moving a hand slightly lower to circle your clit. You grip into any skin of his you can reach and he puts pressure on your lower stomach to keep your hips still. He can feel the tinge of pain as your nails dig in and drag across his skin, getting a hold in their new location. His cock starts to leak, he can feel the wet spot it begins to create and it only drives him to give more, to hear more from you, get more from you.
Calum keeps dipping his tongue into you, varying the pressure of the circles he's drawing on your clit and then he can finally feel it, his hand on your stomach detects the orgasm before you do. It hits hard. You breathily moan out his name, over and over and over, and he laps up every trace of your juices his tongue can find. He finally relaxes his grip, pulling away and kissing on each of your red, beard burned thighs, and then up over your stomach. He presses his damp cheek to your chest before kissing the rest of the way to your mouth. You grip into his back as he presses his chest to yours.
“You OK, baby girl?” You run your fingers through his hair and nod. “Good.” He presses a soft kiss to your lips, trying to reassure you that it's still about being together, not just having your body.
He tries to stand up but you don’t let him, holding him even tighter. “We’re not done if you don’t wanna be,” he promises and that seems to get you to relax. He stands and quickly undresses himself. He takes a second to admire you and he watches as you take in his naked form once again. “Such a good girl… a pretty baby for me, huh?” You bite your lip and nod innocently… at least as innocently as you can after the ways he’s already had you.
He climbs on the bed and lays next to you, holding his arm out, letting you decide how you wanna be held. You press your back to his chest and Cal holds you for a few minutes, letting you catch your breath. “Baby girl,” he coos in your ear, gently rocking his hips and hard cock against your ass. You turn your head to him for a kiss and he guides his cock into your pussy, already wet again, able to take his entire length at once.
His fingers drag up your side and smooth over your hair, before he grabs a handful and pulls your head back. “Should have seen how fuckin’ good you looked just now, so desperate you had to cum in your panties,” he groans in your ear. “You feel how hard you’ve got me, pretty baby? Been that hard all fuckin’ night.”
His free hand wraps around your neck and applies light pressure as he shallowly thrusts in and out of you a couple times. He gives a particularly hard thrust and you moan out, grabbing at his arm. He gives your neck a tight squeeze before pulling out completely. “Clean my cock off,” he instructs, letting you go. You quickly shimmy down the bed and take his cock in your mouth. “Clean every trace of you off it.”
You know by his tone of voice that he means business and you shouldn’t try to suck him off but you still wrap your mouth around his head and swirl your tongue around it just to see how he’ll react; your disobedience is met with a light flick to your forehead. You finish the job and his hand closes back around your neck to pull you back to be face to face with him.
He leans in and kisses you aggressively, biting your lips and pressing his tongue into your mouth, trying to get more of your taste from you. His fingers mindlessly wander down your body, inevitably ending up back at your pussy. “Nice and warm for me, huh, baby girl?” He murmurs with a grin. You lean in and start kissing his neck, sucking mercilessly at his skin. His fingers are skilled and know you well, so it doesn’t take any time for him to get you moaning as you mark his neck and collarbone. He knows you're feeling possessive and he loves it.
“Calum… baby. I can’t,” you whine but the way you spread your legs and buck against him tells him a different story. He angles his fingers inside you and your back arches into him, letting out a whimper as you claw into his chest and bicep.
“Sounds and feels to me like you can. So warm and inviting… think you could take another for me,” he rasps, teasing a third finger against your hole.
Your eyes are screwed closed as you nod enthusiastically. “Whatever you want, Cal... please,” you plead. He pushes the third finger in and you gasp.
He smirks, enjoying the show you’re putting on for him. “Damn, gorgeous. All this for me?”
You gently hit his chest with your fist a couple times, “Please, Cal… please.” You beg a few more times, almost in tears, and Cal graciously brings you to orgasm quickly.
He barely lets you rest, immediately pulling you on top of him, bringing you down on his cock and then sitting up to push his wet fingers into your mouth to clean. He presses his lips to yours, letting his tongue explore the taste and then guides your hips in starting a rhythm. You brace yourself on his shoulders and quickly lose the pace. He gives you a squeeze before letting his hands fall to your ass. He watches you, starting to understand just how spent your body is.
He thinks about how much you’ve taken and the way he’s pushed. He grabs your ass and slowly works you up and down his cock. It usually drives you both wild but as you fall against his chest again, he realizes how tired you must be.
“Little one,” he says softly, gently pushing your body slightly away. He waits for your eyes to find his, searches them for what he needs to see. Your eyes are full of hunger, love and adoration for him and not even a hint of discomfort but he wants to hear it directly from you. “Are you good, my love? Should we stop?”
“No, baby, need you… just… you.”
“I’ll get us there, baby,” he promises, pushing your hair off the side of your neck so he can lean in and kiss on it. You tangle your fingers in his hair and gently tug his head back for a needy kiss. “You ready?” He watches you nod and then he lays back, planting his feet on the bed, gripping your hips tightly and starts fucking up into you. It’s hard and a lot, especially on top of what you’ve already done. He watches your tits bounce as you take it, chanting his name. He's grunting as he delivers sharp snap after sharp snap, making his cock go as deep as possible, watching it disappear into you.
When your breathy moans of “Calum” turn into a whiny “baby”, he slows down to assess what you need. You slump against him and he makes a split second decision, flipping the two of you over so you’re on your back. He’s up on his knees and he grabs your thighs, bringing them around his waist; he grabs you around the bottom of your ribs so he can pull you to meet his thrusts and his hips resume their brutal pace.
Calum drops to his forearms as he feels his orgasm get closer. He all of a sudden needs to feel you against him. Your arms wrap around him, nails digging into his back, undoubtedly leaving more marks for him to explain. But he doesn’t care because your eyes are locked on his like he’s the only person in the world, and his name sounds like the only name you’ve ever said as it falls from your lips in little moans.
He’s surrounded by you and it’s all he wants. Your smell, your voice.. just you. It’s all he needs to cum. Your body gives another orgasm and it sends him over the edge, moaning and panting your name. He doesn’t pull out, just collapses on you, rolling you both onto your sides. He holds you tight, waiting for your bodies to relax, pressing light kisses to your forehead for what feels like a lifetime before he finally pulls out.
The two of you get cleaned up wordlessly and you climb back in bed, slipping between the sheets. Calum gets you water, picks both of your stuff up, giving you a few minutes alone. He knows you’ll ask for him when you need him.
As if on cue, your voice softly breaks the silence, “Cal?” He turns and looks at you, you look absolutely spent. “Need you,” you murmur.
He’s quickly sliding into bed and rubbing your back, pressing kisses to your cheeks and shoulders. “I’m right here, my love,” he reassures you, pulling you into him.
You look at him and he can tell you’re thinking over your words carefully. “I love you.”
He cups your cheek, thumb caressing your skin softly. “I love you.”
You sigh and pull yourself even closer to him, nuzzling your nose against his ribs. “Don’t let me go,” you whisper.
And he doesn’t, he can’t… he won’t. Not tonight, probably not ever.
Cal wakes up early and watches you sleep, taking inventory of your naked body and what he can feel on his own. He knows he’s got scratches on his back, he can still feel the way you clung to him, pulling your nails down his back, sinking your teeth in his collarbone. Hickies to match yours on his neck.
He notices the bruises on your hips and hickies that decorate your neck and chest and he knows he left some between your thighs. He notices a slight purpling around the bottom of your ribs as well and he begins to feel bad for manhandling you so much.
Your back arches into him briefly before you roll over onto your back and your eyes find him. “Hi,” you murmur, small smile gracing your lips.
“Hey.” He grins back, letting his hand softly sweep across your skin. You lean up for a soft kiss that he returns. “We don’t have anything today until that bonfire with everyone… I was thinking we should get breakfast and talk.”
“OK,” you nod. “People are gonna know you have someone in here when we leave the tray out though.”
“I really don’t care,” he admits, shrugging. He reaches over for the room service menu and the two of you decide on a few things to share. He calls for it and the two of you lay snuggled together, only getting up when the food comes. Cal pulls on sweatpants and you pull on his button up from the night before. He sets you up at the table in the suite.
After a few minutes of eating you finally look up, putting your fork down to take a sip of the coffee in front of you. “What’s up bubba?” You ask, noticing he’s looking at you.
He sighs. “I wanna make sure I’m doing right by you. I know we aren’t together anymore… and I hate that, but I still wanna be my best for you and do what’s best for you. We’ve been pretty physical this week. And that’s… it’s been great for me on that front but it just reminds me what all is missing between us.”
You chew your lip for a minute. “I want… whatever I can have, to be honest… I miss you, every facet of being with you. And this week is just like... a suspension of real life. I need to be close to you and if that’s just being naked together then so be it.”
Cal shakes his head instantly, reaching across the table to grab your hand. “I know you wanna wait to talk about getting back together. I get that you don’t want to take away from Ash and Lyric, they’re our best friends and I respect that. But baby, I love you. And I don’t want to keep doing this if there’s a chance we aren’t doing it long term. If that means I have to figure out how to prioritize you better, then I will. But I need to know that’s what you want… not just being naked. I really think we can get back together without telling everyone until we get home and it’ll be like… forgotten by the time the wedding rolls around in a few weeks.”
Calum nearly loses it when you start giggling and he stares at you in disbelief.
“Bubba… baby boy… I’m sorry for laughing.” You cover your mouth and wait a bit longer until you calm down. You get up from your chair and move across the space to sit in his lap. You sigh, “Love. You think you ever would have gotten what you did on this trip if I was just here for sex? I still trust you, Cal. I still love you, I still want you. That’s not gone. We needed time away to realize what the deeper issue is. But I think we can work this out.”
“Me too, baby,” he says, relieved, pulling you in for a kiss, relaxing now that he knows you’re on the same page.
#calum hood#calum smut#5sos smut#5 seconds of summer smut#5sos#5 seconds of summer#even if it's just pretend#no one has to know what we do#you'll see me in hindsight#eiijp#cass#he's so tall and handsome as hell#wildest dreams#smut#cass+crystal
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