This Just In: Aphrodite Hates Terfs Pass It On
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TERFS DONT INTERACT LMAO// serine🌿//18//she-her//I’m bisexual with women preferences and I’m very loud about it//proud doe and intersectional feminist//practicing for almost 4 years and counting!!! divination, spirit work, weather and earth magick// my goddesses are my lifeline// blessed are those who listen to the Earth, their mother. lots of things for people practicing/starting to practice witchcraft!
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
hello!! My new acc bc apparently people don’t look at this one anymore so here!
Whats Up!
So, for those who don’t know haha, i am Serene (or mads, madi, whatever!). I’ve made this new blog, while keeping my other one, because my blog was repeatedly being found and annoyed by terfs because of a few somewhat political witch posts i made. I realized that, while the account had been made to cater to new and upcoming witches, it was being invaded by women who were not very kind, and i was tired of seeing that on my page. 
And so, here i am! New account, same story! But for those who don’t know me, as i said before, I’m Serene or mads or madi or however you like to refer to me i don’t care haha.
I’m 18, coming on 19 in May. I’m an eclectic white witch who has wiccan standards, but i’m not sure if i consider myself wiccan because of a lot of the gatekeeping witches in the community. yikes! I’m in a super tiny coven with @sir3nofth3s3a , it’s just the two of us really but i adore her and we’re fairly certain we’re twin flames! my other accoung is @earthfirewithin if you wanna take a peek aha. 
i’ve been studying craft since i was 8 years old, but only started practicing at about 15 because i wanted to be exactly sure what i was doing. I’m an oracle and i have constant communications with the goddess’s Gaia, Aphrodite, and Persephone!
 I work mainly with: 
-Spirit work
-Divination (tarot and pendulum) 
-Candle magick
-Love, Protection, and all around white energy spells
-Crystal magick
and probably more that i just can’t think of right now. 
Anyways! that’s me haha, my little introduction post!
Blessed Be!
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
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Eggshell Protection Powder for home
(This is the process that works for me, practices and traditions vary)
1: Save old eggshells. In this batch I used approximately 10 eggs. If you choose, use a number of eggs which could be magically or energetically significant. Wash eggshells in hot water and set aside to dry. Some people will take the extra step to peel the inner membrane off in order to get a finer powered, but I didn’t mind if it was chunkier.
2: Bake eggshells for 10 min at 250 degrees. Watch them closely, don’t let them burn! Allow time to cool.
3: To pulverize the shells: A clean coffee/herb grinder will work, but I prefer my pestle and mortar in order to work my intentions in kinetically. -I do a lot of spirit work so I also added protective/purifying herbs including himalayan salt, pepper, red pepper, and angelica root. As I set my intentions during grinding, I left a ‘door’ for the specific spirits which are my primary contacts so as not to inadvertently wall them out.
4: Transfer powder to clean, air tight storage. - Use a small funnel and a reused salt or small herb jar and gently transfer powder. Pour in batches in order not to accidentally over spill. I made more powder then this jar could hold so I ended up transferring to a larger one.
5: Use After smoke and bell cleansing the house, I sprinkled the powder around the perimeter of the property and along all door and windowsills.
There ya have it! Layer your protections with other techniques such as sigils, energy shields, salt rings or protective entities and enjoy an energetically safe home!
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
🔮 witchy things that are easy to do
• simply just calmly sit somewhere and think about the energies and the elements 🌊
• talk to nature 🍃 it may sound weird, but it’s a great way to get in touch with the earthy elements and bond with them
• sit with a candle 🕯(any candle if you don’t have plain colored ones for reasonating different energies) and think positively and wish for simple things in your life to get better
• look at witchy aesthetics to just get motivated, it’s a fun and creative way to get your witch energies excited 🔮
• tell yourself small affirmations, chants, or even spells of desire 📝
remember that anything working with energies and spells, make sure you believe that it will work. the biggest part of spells, chants, wishes, or anything of the sort is that you BELIEVE!!
blessed be <3
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
Spirit Work: Red Flags!
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Spirit work has always been a huge part of my life, ever since I was a wee two year old toddling around my grandmother’s house. In my two decades of talking to the otherworldly, I have run into horrible spirits and gotten into toxic situations. Evil spirits (and morally grey ones) can and will deceive you. This is a list of signs that the spirit you’re interacting with is toxic or may hurt you.
1. You feel anxious, scared, or a sense of foreboding when interacting with them or when they are around.
This is also known as a sense of dread. Some spirits have heavier energies, but if you are feeling dread, trust your intuition and BANISH immediately. Cut all contact.
2. The name they give you keeps changing.
Some spirits have personal reasons to not give you their true name. This can be a red flag sometimes, but not all of the time. However, having a name that never stays the same is a red flag. It’s a form of deceit and manipulation. 
3. It’s too good to be true.
If a spirit comes to you like “YOU ARE THE MOST POWERFUL HUMAN EVER, I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOU” or some over the top theatrical stuff, it’s usually a trick. Don’t let them in your life. This isn’t to say that a spirit coming to you and claiming to know you or want to help you is always bad, but be wary.
CW: assaulty, abusive stuff next
4. They manipulate how you feel towards them.
Some spirits, typically those that feed off of sexual energy, will put you in a haze. You will see no wrong in what they do. You may be very sexually attracted to them out of no where or somehow just give in to their advances. This can also take the form of unhealthy levels of dependence and even worship.
5. They manipulate how you feel towards others.
Just like humans, bad spirits want to isolate you and make you more vulnerable. You may find yourself getting into more fights with friends or family. You may have several falling outs and not know why. The spirit will literally be a voice just telling you everyone is horrible and against you.
6. They hurt you.
This can be emotional, psychological, or physical. Scratches, bruises, bite marks, sore limbs, all of it can happen. They can break you down emotionally and break you psychologically. This is usually coupled with gaslighting.
7. They make you feel powerless.
These spirits know they can be banished, so they will make you think that you’re too weak to do so. They make you give in and give up.
8. Unwanted switching/possession/oppression.
Once they have enough of a hold on you, these spirits will literally take over your thoughts. They can even take over your words and actions. Switching is a common thing in spirit companionship, but non-consensual switching is a huge red flag.
What do I do if there are red flags?
Remember that you are always in control. You are the conjurer, you are the medium. No matter how powerful a spirit claims to be, you can always get rid of them. Banish them and ward yourself. Step away from spirit work and tune out of the other world until you recover. Focus on the mundane until you have healed.
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
A ‘Holy Mumbo Jumbo’ List of Color Correspondences (Includes Zodiac Signs)
Absorbing Energy, Balance, Banishing Negativity, Black Magic, Beginnings, Binding, Civil Servants, Challenges, Creating, Criminals, Death, Debts, Defense, Discoveries, Divination, Elders, Farming, Grounding, Justice, Karma, Law, Learning, Manifestation, Material Gain, Overcoming Obstacles, Patience, Plumbing, Pride, Protection, Real Estate, Rebirth, Release, Repelling, Reversing, Sacrifice, Safety, Scrying, Soothing Anxiety, Tests, Truth, Uncrossing, Understanding Limits, Unhexing, Wills, Wisdom. 
Blue (Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces):
Astral Projection, Communication, Calming, Doctors, Domestic Harmony, Elevation, Fidelity, Focus, Forgiveness, Foreign Countries/Cultures, Good Fortune, Growth, Happiness, Higher Education, Horses, Increase Wisdom, Insight, Introspection, Joy, Long Distance Travel, Loyalty, Luck, Meditation, Oceans, Opportunity, Organization, Patience, Peace, Philosophy, Political Power, Reading, Religion, Remove Confusion, Removing Bad Energy, Sincerity, Social Standings, Sports, Truth, Water, Wealth, Willpower
Brown (Scorpio, Capricorn):
Animal/Pet Magick, Animals, Concentration, Construction, Decision Making, Earth, Earth Magick, Endurance, Financial Crisis, Finding Lost Things, Focus, Food, Fruitfulness, Generosity, Goods, Grounding, Harvest, Health Of Pets and Livestock, House Blessing, Improve Concentration, Material Goods, New Beginnings, Real Estate, Security, Sound, Stability, Telepathy 
Business Success, Career Growth, Fertility, Money, Passion 
Divination, Divinity, Fast Luck, Great Fortune, Health, Justice, Luxury, Male Energy, Masculinity, Positive Attitude, Prosperity, Understanding, Solar/Sun Energy 
Contemplation, Glamour, Loneliness, Removing Negative Influence 
Green (Aquarius, Cancer):
Abundance, Acceptance, Affection, Alliances, Artistic Ability, Beauty, Beginnings, Change, Cosmetics, Counteract, Courage, Decorating, Employment, Emotion Health, Envy, Fertility, Fae, Gardening, Garden Magick, Gifts, Grace, Greed, Growth, Harmony, Healing, Herbal Magick, Hope, Immortality, Income, Increased Love, Increased Trust, Jealousy, Jobs, Luck, Luxury, Marriage, Money, Partnerships, Peace, Physical Health, Plant Magick, Prosperity, Rebirth, Relationships, Social Activity, Success, Soulmates, Trees, Weather 
Ambition, Dignity, Divination, Meditation, Psychic Ability, Spiritual Guidance, Stop Gossip/Lies, Overcome Depression 
Intuition, Knowledge 
Light Blue:
Peace, Protection, Spirituality, Tranquility 
Orange (Leo, Sagittarius):
Abandonment, Action, Ambition, Breaking Down Barriers, Business Success, Celebration, Creativity, Dominance, Fun, Harvest, Intellectual Matters, Investments, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Legal Matters, Material Gain, Mental Alertness, Opportunity, Overcoming Addiction, Sealing a Spell, Self Expression, Strength, Releaving Depression, Vitality 
Calming, Compassion, Domestic Harmony, Emotional Healing, Emotions, Femininity, Friendship, Gardening, Getting a Move on, Harmony, Healing, Homosexuality, Honor, Infants, Love, Maturity, New Beginnings, Nurturing, Partnership, Personal Success, Physical Energy, Protection of Children, Relaxation, Romance, Self Improvement, Self Love, Spiritual Healing, Woodworking
Breaking a Habit, Contact with Spirits, Change Luck, Drive away Evil, Government, Independence, Influence, Spiritual Power, Wisdom  
Red (Scorpio, Aries):
Ambition, Action, Assertiveness, Business Deals, Combat, Competition, Conflict, Confrontation, Courage, Danger, Desire, Energy, Fertility, Fire Element, Health, Hunting, Independence, Mechanical Things, Mercury, Motivation, Passion, Renewal, Repairs, Self-Esteem, Sexual Potency, Sports, Strength, Vitality, War 
Silver: Communication, Divination, Dreams, Feminine Divinity, Gambling, Luck, Intuition, Medication, Moon Magick, Psychic Awareness, Victory
Violet (Capricorn, Gemini, Sagittarius):
Astrology, Clairvoyance, Clarity, Connection to Higher Self, Correspondences, Education, Forgiveness, Goddess, Heal Wounded Pride, Hidden Forces, Humility, Insight, Intelligence, Justice, Meditation, Memory, Messages, Occult, Psychic Power, Relief Of Emotional Hurt
White (Pisces):
Confidence, Connection to  Higher Self, Connection to Spirits, Cycle of Life, Enlightenment, Endings, Freedom, Goddesses, Health, Imitation, Inspiration Mental Clarity, New Beginnings, Outgoingness, Poise, Protection, Purification, Shyness, Transformation 
Yellow (Taurus Libra):
Astral Projection, Clarity, Communication, Constancy, Faith, Flexibility, Friendship, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Humility, Imagination, Inspiration, Intellect, Inventiveness, Knowledge, Learning, Life, Memory, Optimism, Persuasion, Pleasure, Productivity, Protection, Self-esteem, Spirit Communication, Solar Magick, Success, Telepathy, Travel, Understanding 
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
Me, a swamp hag in a kitty cat night gown and rainbow socks: throw water in a jar with nails and a poppet and shake it as a hex. Put a penny above your door to attract money in your house. Use your local herbs and stones to do what ya want. Wind chimes attract spirits and bottles trap in negativity thrown your way. Throw dried chilis in the foot steps of your enemy to make them hotfooted and paranoid. Sigil and emoticon spells are fun and worked for me so eh whatever. Fuck circles, do whatever, folk magic is easy and quick
Elistist “trad” witch: Um ExCuSe Me?!? NO!! you have to have a circle and call the corners and your gods and goddesses! If has to take time, a lot of time!!!! and you have to do it exacyly like this *holds up instructions* and wear certain robes! Use only these crystals and herbs do NOT use or substitute anything else!!! Doing anything different is bad and fake!!!!! You have to only use our type of magic or youre wrong!!
Also me: another fun magic is to get some rocks and throw them to release certain feelings about something
* starts throwing stones and rocks at the elitists*
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
✨ how to send good vibes! ✨
In the spiritual, metaphysical, and witchy communities, you’ll hear a lot of people say things like “sending love” or “sending good vibes”! fun fact, most people don’t know how to actually do that haha. with a little bit of practice and basic understanding of energy, it’s actually very easy to send simple healing energy to someone. before we jump in, it’s important to note the ethics of energy work. A L W A Y S ask for permission before doing any kind of energy work on someone.  even if you’re only sending positivity! there’s a difference between praying for someone/keeping them in your thoughts and actually sending them energy. you never know how your energy will affect them. maybe they’re not ready to heal. or maybe they’re doing their own healing and your energy might throw theirs out of balance. only do energy work on people who are open to it! 🌙  ���✨
set an intention of positivity. this is vv important! make sure you make it clear that you only intend to send positivity. I like to say something along the lines of: “may this energy be filled with nothing but love and light” or “my intention is to send only that which is pure”.if you want to send bad vibes, just set the opposite intention (not that I recommend sending anything negative lmao)
get into a meditative state and positive mindset! you can’t effectively send someone good energy if you’re not in a good mental state, first. take some time to breath, meditate, listen to some relaxing music, eat, etc.
visualize that the person is in front of you. Imagine every detail of their appearance as if they’re physically in the room with you. it might take a while to create this image so take your time and breathe through it. don’t rush!
imagine a ball of bright light glowing and expanding from the center of your heart. this is referred to as your heart chakra! feel free to play around with different colors while visualizing. green symbolizes healing energy, pink is the energy of love, and white is cleansing energy. these are the main colors associated with the heart chakra.
next, hold your hand to your heart and imagine your hand absorbing that healing/loving/cleansing energy. at this point, you might physically feel a pulsing or warmness in your hands. make sure you’re still breathing and taking your time!
extend your hand towards the person you’re visualizing and imagine that the energy is flowing through your palms and into their heart center. the pulsing sensation may get stronger at this point! If you don’t feel a pulse, it’s fine. I promise it’s still working!
keep sending the energy until all of that light is drained from your palm!
to close out the session, visualize a waterfall of white energy washing over you and replenishing your energy.
congratulations, you just completed some basic energy work bby! there are so many ways to go about sending energy but this is my favorite way. It’s quick (should take 10-15 minutes) and perfect for beginners!
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
this is so awesome. I have a spirit lover(kind of??), she’s followed me from one of my past lives and has kind of stuck with me. She’s super naggy but I wouldn’t wanna get rid of her for for the world haha
Spiritual Connections.
What does it mean when two people complete eachother spiritually?
Well it may differ from what they spiritually are and maybe even mean to eachoter, there are many ways two or more souls can spiritually be connected and fullfilling eachoter.
There can be created a bond between two people even after their souls were born and they have deliberately chosen to do it even.
I made a list of the most known spiritual or spirit connections one or more can have with. Remember that these kinds of bonds can happen between humans, between a human and any kind of spirit or deity, and so forth. Hope you enjoy!
1. Platonic Soulmate: Platonic soulmates are the most simple type of connection that two soul scan have. You can share with a platonic soulmate more than one life or even every life or just one, still tho, they will bet he best of friends and with them you may expect awesome aventures together! Sometimes people confuse a platonic soulmate with a romantic soulmate.
2. Past Life Soulmate: A past life soulmate is usually also part of our soul family. We have met them in another life and almost instantly recognize that. They usually come to us to remind us about something that you forgot about your own soul and they also bring information (usually about the past lifes you shared) to deepen your spirituality.
3. Karmic Soulmates: Karmic soulmates are usually coming to you to resolve unsettled buisness between you two or because there is an unlearned lesson, and for you to continue your path and become stronger and resolve the karmic imbalance, they present to you conflicts and challenges.
4. Healing/Teacher Soulmate: Healing soulmates usually come to us after a karmic relationship ends. Or after a difficoult period in your life. They can come in the form of a friend, a parent, a teacher, a lover, or even a stranger. They offer you comfort and help you back on your path. Healing soulmates are usually temporary as they mostly exist in our lives for a specific issues, however, some healing soulmates may stay for a longer period of time.
5. New Soulmate: Not all soulmates you meet will be someone that you knew from a past life and so is the new soulmate, someone we never had contact with and wasn’t originally part of your Soul Contract. Usually they come to you when you have completed all your karmic trials, when an important part of your journey is going to manifest, or when (for whatever reason) you reject your romantic soulmate or twinflame partner.
6. Romantic Soulmate:  Your romantic soulmate is the person that your higher self decided to unite with. Of course, you can always stray from your soul contract but most people choose not to. The romantic soulmate will give you very much much joy, happiness, emotional dept and love. They’re the person you’re likely to marry and will help to move you along your path with an open heart. When we unite with a companion soulmate, we experience unconditional love and bliss. Every relationship will still have it’s problems but you’ll be able to work through these things in harmony. The romantic soulmate may be a new soulmate or someone you’ve already had connection with in other lifes. You can have more than one romantic soulmate.
Twin Flame:
A Twin flame relationship happens (to make it short) when a single soul/conciousness splits itself in one or more smaller individual parts and they find eachother. Not everyone has a twin flame in this lifetime or a twin flame at all. It’s still possible to be whole without your twin flame but, when you two come together, it creates something incredibly powerful. 
Soul Family: 
Members of a Soul Family all come from the same branch of conciousness and have similar paths and missions and their souls have been created at the same time, in the same dimention or planet. They have similar beliefs, interests, vibrational energies and soul missions as you do. Some soul family groups can 10 people in it or 10.000, it really depends.
Spirit Spouse/Lover: 
A spirit spouse is a spirit (usually deities, gods and godesses, altho it can range from faeries to ghosts to angles or demons etc.) who courts you and later on marries you or creates a marital-like bond with you. A relationship with a spiritual spouse can range from only a flirtatious relationship to only a sexual relationship to a loving relationship or loving marriage. A spirit spouse can be a soulmate (mostly romantic) who has not incarnated with you and decided to stay at your side on the spiritual plane. An important thing to remember is that spirit spouse relationship is not any different from how humans have a relationship. You can have more than one spiritual spouse (if, of course, your first spirit spouse agrees).
I may update this list in the future.
Have a blessed day!
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
when yall say you love girls, you better be including yourself too!
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
Can you maybe chill with talking about biphobia and stuff....? I know its important but I come to this blog to see wlw positivity, not you talking about biphobia
i’m not a self-proclaimed “wlw positivity” blog. just because i post cute anons sometimes doesn’t mean i’m confined to only posting cute anons…. lol. you don’t get to decide what i can and can’t talk about on my blog. if it makes you uncomfortable when i make posts about the impact biphobia has on bi women you might want to look into that tbh
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
if my tumblr gets deleted you can also follow me on my other forms of social media:
- digging a grave and whispering my name to the worms
- finding a bear in the forest and challenging it to a game of chess
- launching yourself into the stratosphere and vividly hallucinating my content
- the helpless feeling in your chest when you think of death
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
Alright listen up
Fleetwood Mac and Florence and the Machine are witch culture I don’t make the rules sorry
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
Me: *hates myself*
Aphrodite: *kicks down door, grabs me by my shirt collar, pulls me in real close and whispers* Stop that.
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
tumblr flagged a post of a girl eating berries so fruit is for whores now reblog if youre a fruit eating whore
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
My relationship with the gods is friendly and familiar, but I still don’t sexualize them because they’re,,,deities. You shouldn’t sexualize what you worship?
You can have your own relationship with them of course, that’s your own thing and your own path and no one can tell you otherwise- but that doesn’t mean you get to be disrespectful in the guise of a spiritual relationship. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Apollo is a bottom you can’t change my mind
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earthfirewithin ¡ 6 years ago
I love, love, LOVE evaluating my thoughts and emotions!✨
I have realized that as a child the stereotypical role of femininity was forced upon me. I had no choice but to take on the role of the nurturing, caring mother and thus I actively rejected all things feminine well into my late teens! But not anymore! I embrace the Divine Feminine but I embrace it on my own terms rather than societies.💖🦋 The Divine Feminine is within me and all around me!!👑💋✨
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