#He discovers his morality again because he finally can care and love again
fr3sh-c0rn · 4 months
Hot Take:
Marvel putting Loki w/ Sylvie defeats the entire fucking point of the show.
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kalena-henden · 1 year
Destined With You has me intrigued. There are things I like about it (mostly Rowoon and the mystery), things that annoy me (the bad co-workers), and things that confuse me. After 4 episodes, I finally feel like I'm starting to understand what the writer is trying to do.
However, Netflix strikes again with a generic drama title that is very confusing and doesn't capture the depth or meaning of the Korean title in the slightest. (Thank goodness Viki got Doom at Your Service first cause that title is fire, even if it's not literal. I'm still shaking my fist at Netflix naming very accurate Korean title, Forest of Secrets, the boring and bland non-specific Stranger. Just why?!)
The Korean title is 이 연애는 불가항력.
The first part 이 연애는 means 'this love'. But the final word is the Korean translation of the French law terminology 'force majeure' (aka major force) which they translate as 'irresistible force'. It's a clause that is commonly used in contracts that negates some or all of the terms of a contract when an 'act of God' occurs, like a natural disaster, which would make one or both parties unable to fulfill their responsibilities. This is interesting as it gives the real title multiple meanings.
The most literal translation would be 'This Love is a Force Majeure' referencing Shinyu's profession and him being a stickler for adhering exactly to the contract terms, including verbal contracts like the ones he has with the Hongjo.
The next translation is 'This Love is an Irresistible Force' which implies that this love is almost against their will. They can't help but fall for each other. Currently, we have a quite literal interpretation of this with Shinyu accidentally drinking the love potion and now having unwanted thoughts and emotions regarding Hongjo.
Another potential translation extrapolated out of force majeure is 'This Love is an Act of God'. This implies this love is outside of human control, like destiny created by God or gods, depending on your religion. This is where I think Netflix got their generic 'destined' title. Unfortunately that 'destined' title completely negates that this writer has our leads intentionally playing with words. Not only on a banter level but also testing the letter of the law with their verbal contracts, some which are intentionally made and others they've made unknowingly. Words carry weight in this drama; not just through their emotion or meaning but in a magically binding way.
What if casting the spells isn't enough to activate them? What if the spells need words of intent to activate them?
Even though Hongjo doesn't believe it yet, she is a shaman or witch. Her words alone opened the lock on the box that held the spell book. They weren't just any words; they were words that had deep intention attached to them. After day dreaming her crush was there for her in a time of need when she was home alone, she half pleads, 'Please, can you come?' A few days later, Jaekyung has moved into the first floor of the house she rents.
When Shinyu drinks the Love Potion, nothing happens. He treats her the same way he's been treating her when she barges into his office to try to take care of the person who ran into the flowered-potted median. Any discomfort he's showing can be attributed to the fact that he is the culprit who ruined the median she is ranting over. It does however remind him how dangerous his illness has become triggering his urgency to cast the Disease Curing Spell as soon as possible. It's not until after he sees that the Love Spell is missing from the book and tells her, 'Because if you get a boyfriend, it's thanks to me.' that he has his first heart-fluttering sign of love when she tries take the book from him. He doesn't seem to have any moral issues with her using the love spell and is even trying to take credit for it since he gave her the box. After he discovers that he mistakingly drank the love potion, he's only upset that he's the one who drank it instead of her intended target. But what if drinking the love potion wasn't enough? What if it needed to be activated by his words of intention? His intention was for her to get a boyfriend.
Old Shaman to Shinyu: 'You killed her. The owner of the bloody hand that caresses your cheek. Karma will swallow you and you will struggle in horrible pain. But all the pain and curses will end. Finally, the owner of the wooden box showed up.'
Now back to our title, 'This Love is a Force Majeure'. The longstanding family curse appears to have been caused by Shinyu killing someone in his past life and curses can be considered a contract that binds people to their bad fate. If a contract is made in perpetuity, maybe the only way out is a force majeure happening. Note that 'will swallow' and 'will struggle' are future tense, they hadn't happened yet. Karma definitely seemed to swallow him whole when he unknowingly drank the love potion. It's also interesting she said he will struggle in horrible pain. We've seen him in physical pain due to the curse, but what if mental and emotional pain are added on top of this due to the love potion. The majority of this show will likely be showing him struggling through these trials as he unpacks his past life to save his future. (Hopefully... *crosses fingers and side-eyes Heartbeat*)
It's unlikely that the Disease Curing Spell is enough. It might be able to cure him of the disease but only once the magical curse has been lifted. So both spells always needed to be cast in tandem to break his curse. It's not a coincidence that Shinyu was in extreme distress when he ran into the median that Hongjo had planted the flowers on at the exact same moment she was casting the Love Spell. It caused a ripple in their fate. The beginning jumpstart of their love which needs to grow strong enough to cause a force majeure to break the curse or curses. Since Hongjo may not just be lonely, but cursed with loneliness. The signs are there. Her family is all dead. She doesn't have a boyfriend. She doesn't seem to have close friends even though she's quite friendly. Shinyu suggested that she's the reason she is alone. The Old Shaman also pointedly laments that her god wouldn't allow her to be in a relationship. This story becomes richer if Hongjo has a bad fate to overcome for herself, not just to help the male lead overcome his, but one that must be overcome together.
I'll end this with a little poetic fun from Google translate and deleting the last Korean word in the title one syllable at a time.
이 연애는 불가항력 - this love is irresistible
이 연애는 불가항 - this love is inevitable
이 연애는 불가 - this love is impossible
이 연애는 불 - this love is fire
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smolbean-17 · 7 months
Additional Theories for Season 3
Hunter will use a lightsaber
Omega and Hunter REAL HUG
Hunter finally discovers his purpose and resolves his arc
Hunter finally loses it and goes Joel Miller on everyone’s ass
Hunter will make riskier decisions since Omega isn’t around. He won’t be playing it safe. He might even make some morally questionable choices.
Hunter will have a hard time trusting Crosshair when he comes back to them.
Cad Bane and Hunter rematch (neither will lose/it will be a draw)
Fennec and Hunter banter
He will be the only main character to die (the more and more I hear about season 3 and the more I think about it, him being the only death besides Tech makes a lot of sense. They’ve been leading up to it a really long time)
He will tell Omega he loves her
He will hand off responsibility for Omega to Crosshair, showing that he finally trusts him again. Mutual forgiveness between them.
Omega will take his bandana/helmet
Tech will return in a way we don’t expect (if he returns at all)
Tech is not the mystery soldier
Tech’s goggles will have a tracker in them (put there by Hemlock. It will be how he finds Pabu)
The team will visibly struggle without him there
Lots of callbacks to Tech
Phee will be shown missing him
Crosshair will continue to struggle with decision making, Omega will serve as his conscience
He will struggle greatly with PTSD
He will reunite with his fam mid season
Crosshair and bros HUG
Crosshair will be sassy with his bros again
Crosshair will grow in his relationship with Omega
Sickest Crosshair sniping yet
He’ll compliment Omega on her shooting skills
Hunter will hand off caring for Omega to Crosshair (which will be such a great resolution to both of their arcs)
Wrecker will showcase more of his emotional intelligence
Wrecker will be desperate to not lose anymore of his family
He will blow up so many things
Wrecker more subdued/sad/thoughtful
Origins of Lula revealed
Either Lula is left with Omega or at Hunter’s grave
Echo will leave with Rex for good
He will get his handprint back (I’m thinking in the red blood of someone he loves this time…)
Echo finally gets a normal arm
Echo survives, fate unknown so he can be in other Star Wars content (Echo base etc)
Callback to Fives
Echo SURVIVES (he won’t die. They would be showing him in trailers much more if they were planning on killing him off)
Confirmation that she is Force Sensitive
Omega’s purpose revealed
Omega tied to Rey somehow (?)
Flashback of Omega meeting TBB as babies
Omega being strategic and getting herself and Cross out
She will have a bond with Emerie and change her for the better (like Omega always does. She just makes people better)
Ventress will take interest in her and vice versa
Omega will help resolve the tension between Crosshair and Hunter
She will survive to the end of the war. She will be in future Star Wars content.
Asajj Ventress
Asajj will force choke the boys (that’s a given)
She’ll probably flirt with them too
She will team up with the boys (after she tries to kill them first, and she will almost succeed because they honestly don’t stand a chance against her)
She will have a particular relationship/role to play with Omega
Quinlan Vos cameo (he will be with Asajj)
Cody will return
Cody’s fate won’t be revealed in TBB so they can use him for other content
TBB get a dog
Flashbacks of TBB Clone Wars Era
One of the boys will actually cry actual tears
Someone will get a life-threatening injury
Galen Erso appearance
More Director Krennic
Pabu will be compromised and destroyed
Pabu will be revealed to be Scarif
Bad Batch family shot mirroring that scene on the Kamino landing platform in Season 1
Force sensitive clones
Darth Vader cameo (albeit brief)
Nemec and Fireball will die
Fennec teams up with and leaves on good terms with the boys
Fennec gives the boys a hard time
Snoke reveal
Death Star references galore
Final Clone War/Uprising
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mx-myth · 2 months
Okay so I've had some meta thoughts about Laurence's amnesia and how it relates to his relationship with Tharkay sitting in my drafts for like over a year now so I figured I'd finally clean it up and post it. Heads up it's really long.
Laurence finally consciously realises that he loves Tharkay (or is in love with him, whatever nuance you'd like) after "knew him, and knew himself." But at this point he's completely in pieces as a person (more on this next paragraph). Post-amnesia, he's an entirely different man. Pre-Temeraire Laurence is the harshest, strictest version both of and with himself. He follows the rules to the letter, basically takes Temeraire only out of duty in the beginning, and even keeps the promise between him and Edith despite there being no formal arrangement at all. Post-Temeraire but pre-amnesia Laurence has softened. He's putting less emphasis on the rules and more on his morals (see: treason). He has more leeway but still carries that honor/duty/order with himself.
Which is why post-amnesia Laurence is the version of himself that discovers that he loves Tharkay. In the wake of losing his memories and then regaining them he's lost and unmoored. Both of his past selves are so different and therefore so distant. They're both true but it's too jarring for him - especially in his current circumstances, much less the overall war - so Laurence becomes a new person. This is Laurence at his most vulnerable, his most unguarded, who smiles more often now because he doesn't really know that he didn't smile that much before. He has two major tethers to his personhood: Temeraire and Tharkay (I hesitate to say only tethers, simply because Laurence's life isn't that small, but repeatedly these two are the ones who have had the biggest impact on his life, who have kept him going). Obviously he loves Temeraire, he's never going to stop loving Temeraire, he just isn't capable of it, but seeing Temeraire didn't bring back his memories (I can't imagine how Temeraire must have felt, meeting a version of Laurence who had never met him). Laurence loves Temeraire in the most unconditional, selfless way - to be very Greek about it, his philia. But I think when he finally comprehends how Tharkay was the catalyst behind this radical change of his self he dives into his memories again and goes over them in excruciating detail (and he was definitely doing that already, but now he's doing it with a lens exclusively focused on Tharkay). At some point he comes to the realisation that Tharkay loves him, and that he loves him, and that he's been unconsciously shoving it down every time it's surfaced (past-Laurence was saying no homo while actively homo-ing). And with the benefit of being an new version of the same person (and also some hindsight, finally), this Laurence says, I've committed treason. My country sees me as a traitor but they still need me to serve them as a tool. I lost myself once in a war (see: "what are you doing?") that's still being fought. Time is short and there's no guarantee I won't lose my memories again, that I will still be the person I am right now. What do I have to lose?
(And on some level, this Laurence thinks, what can stop me?)
He begins giving to Tharkay what Tharkay always had given to him. His acts of devotions start small (relative to Tharkay's; transporting too many ferals is obviously a little outside of what Laurence can feasibly do). He cares for Tharkay once he wakes ("have you noticed the top of your head appears likely to come off?"), he helps him eat and drink, he massages his hands once they heal, he stays with him through the nightmares that come to haunt him. And he continues doing these little things for Tharkay, hoping that he understands (he's willing to wait, Tharkay waited for him after all, and Laurence doesn't want to push him, especially as he's healing). But I think the act that hits Tharkay like, oh, it's different this time is when Laurence bargains his freedom to Napoleon. I feel like that carries unspeakable meaning for Tharkay, who was ostracized growing up and ended up never having a "permanent" home since he travelled so much. I can't imagine that he hasn't been in a similar situation before, but he's probably always been expected to weasel his way out of it without any outside help. He's trained himself out of expecting someone to help him, to care enough about him to save him. Yet part of the man who turned to treason simply so the dragons of France wouldn't die in pain lives on in this Laurence. Pre-Temeraire Laurence is rules and post-Temeraire pre-amnesia Laurence is morals, but post-amnesia Laurence is all heart. There was never a way he was going to leave Tharkay behind.
So Tharkay starts watching him. He watches Laurence continue to devote himself to him, again and again. He brings him his coat on cold days. When it rains and their scars ache he curls around his hands and rubs lotion into them. When he goes into town he always brings Tharkay back a little gift. He starts growing vegetables in the garden and he learns how to cook non-wartime foods and how to knit (because he is a man forged by war and what does one even do during peacetime when one's dragon is busy reforming the government, anyway?) and suddenly he's providing for Tharkay like never before. He looked away for one moment and suddenly Laurence's prescence and all that he does has made the manor a home.
Yet Tharkay, for years, has told himself so many times that Laurence is off-limits, untouchable, that he can love him but that there's no chance that Laurence will love him back. The only way he can love Laurence is silently, nearly from afar, and so he tried to do that. But he can't just stand by and so every time he finds himself committing a deux ex Tharkay (see: ferals, again). He understands that there's some shit Laurence needs to learn himself (and god is this series very good about character development for Laurence) but he's not going to do nothing when the man in about to die. For him it's about caring and providing for Laurence even if he doesn't know it. He learns to content himself with the knowledge that, even if nothing comes of it, he can still be by Laurence's side.
But then the amnesia plot happens (which he only learns of after all of it goes down) and suddenly there is a half-stranger wearing the skin of the man he loves (loved, he tells himself) looking at him with those familiar blue eyes filled with a completely unfamiliar emotion. He's relieved that Laurence remembers but he's said that his Laurence is gone that he's even thinking of it like that (Tharkay has a lot of anger, both at himself and others and the world). Laurence is right in front of him, he's not gone at all, but he's gone in a way that matters. But also this new Laurence is by his side all the time. He's feeding him and helping him drink and dress and he sleeps on the floor by his bedside. Tharkay is so confused because this has to be some kind of fantasy dream he's having. He must still be in the cave (and it's believable that he is, because he returns there every night in his dreams). But he isn't and he has to struggle to come to terms with this new Laurence.
So every time Laurence does something even remotely nice he hyper-analyses it and rationalizes it to himself. He deludes himself into thinking that this is normal for Laurence now. It's normal for Laurence to fuss and hen over him now; it's normal for him to smile at him with that emotion written plainly on his face that Tharkay still hasn't (refuses) to decipher. And he does this well into post-canon.
For that reason he only gets with the program when Laurence has to leave the manor (leave home) for a long while (probably with Temeraire) and suddenly Tharkay is all alone in this huge manor. He's wearing the socks Laurence knitted for him and eating food Laurence grew and walking into rooms and seeing little parts of him scattered everywhere. There's a novel he's reading left on the table by the chair he prefers in the library. There's a cookbook in the kitchen in which he's bookmarked recipes he thinks he might like. Tharkay finds a handwritten list of things they need to buy in town left out for him. He left his pillows on Tharkay's bed because he knows he likes sleeping with a ton of pillows (and they smell like him, and Tharkay pretends he doesn't bury his face in him, that he doesn't miss him while he's gone). When Tharkay wakes up in the morning he makes two cups of tea and waits for Laurence to come in from talking with Temeraire before remembering that neither of them are here (home). He expects Laurence to appear in the evenings to ask if he wants to go on a walk through the grounds with him (and he always ends up saying yes). Tharkay learns that the manor is too big for one man who has always been a little too lonely in his life.
So until Laurence returns home he plots and plans and agonizes. After a week once Laurence has come home (and the first thing he had said to him was welcome home, and Laurence had beamed at him, and it was so unbelievably natural to say it) Tharkay begins his attempts at reciprocating. He wakes up earlier so that he can brew Laurence tea so he can take it out to sit with Temeraire. He says that he cooked some of the recipes from Laurence's cookbook and insists on making them for Laurence (he had to figure out his system of marking which recipes were Laurence's favourites). He gifts him a sturdy, functional, and beautifully crafted knife to wear around the house for daily use; he specifically makes sure the knife is up to Temeraire's standards. In fact, Tharkay talks to Temeraire about everything, and Temeraire tells him, with no minced words while completely drawing his own conclusions, that it's very nice that Tharkay is asking him for his blessing, but does he really need it at this point? Haven't they been courting long enough? He's always approved of Tharkay, because he makes Laurence happy.
That's how Tharkay realises he and Laurence have been dancing around each other like shy birds, both of them subtly showing off but not making the first move. And maybe he realises that Laurence is thinking how he used to think - that it's okay as long as he can be by his side, that he doesn't need his love reciprocated (it's a very long chain of Tharkay loving Laurence, Laurence knowing Tharkay loves him and loving him back, and Tharkay loving Laurence and knowing he knows he loves him and loves him back). And of course Tharkay wasn't going to make the first move back then, and if Laurence hasn't by now, then maybe he should borrow some of Temeraire's courage.
It's something small. The words come later, given how action-forward both Laurence and Tharkay are. They don't even need words. Maybe Tharkay takes Laurence's hand during dinner and intertwines their fingers, maybe he touches Laurence's cheek after he's braided his hair as their eyes meet in the mirror, maybe as they pack away the port and piquet he kisses him good night. Whatever it is, they look at each other and simply know. Tharkay sees Laurence slowly start to smile, a huge one that spreads across his entire face, one that he's only seen on Laurence when he thinks he's alone with Temeraire. He seems to brighten, almost radiating light.
For his part, Laurence reciprocates. He squeezes Tharkay's hand, he turns his cheek into Tharkay's touch, he pulls him in for another kiss. He watches as something seems to drop from Tharkay, something that he hadn't even known he was carrying. He becomes loose and relaxed, his body language more open as he looks at Laurence with one of his little smiles, a bit of shyness that he's never seen before evident on his face. He tells Tharkay that he's the most beautiful person he's ever seen.
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What's your price?
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Request: For your inspire me challenge, can I request a dark! Tony Stark x f! Reader with smut ? Reader would be a intern for SI? And he tries to flirt with her but she rejects him everytime cause she has no interest so he kidnaps her or blackmails her into being a relationship with him? 
AN: Thank you @ironlady1993 (it won't let me tag you!) for your request. This ended up being more soft!dark! than actual dark! but I hope that you still enjoy it. I haven’t written for Tony very often, but I hope this works. 
Beta’d by @buckyismybicycle
Moodboard by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics 
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Relationship: Soft! Dark! Tony Stark x Naive! Intern Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
CW:Toxic Narcissist Tony, Sexual Harassment, Manipulation, Dub-con, implied smut, shifting POV
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Tony was well aware that he was spoiled - he was uber-rich for God’s sake, it would be a miracle if he wasn’t. He was also aware that everything and everyone was for sale; it was just a matter of finding the right currency, and he could always afford it, no matter what it was. Just look at Pepper. 
He’d wanted her and he’d got her, all it had cost him was making her CEO of the company. She’d thought it important, but Tony hadn’t, and still didn’t. The company could fold tomorrow or never trade again, and he would continue to sit in the lap of luxury until his final breath. And even though he’d gotten bored of her, it paid to keep her sweet and let her remain in the role that she thought gave her power.
Most times it was easy to gain what he craved - for most people a direct monetary transaction was enough. However, sometimes it took a bit longer to find the right… motivator. He never minded though. These instances normally had a better payoff. Truth be told, it was a rare occurrence he had to actually put work in and he enjoyed the novelty. And what a novelty you were.
In some ways you reminded him of Pepper. You were clever, beautiful, and competent. However, with you, Tony sensed a softness, a caring and loving soul. He wondered if that’s what had been missing from his life so far? But, you also appeared to have a strong moral code. Tony could respect that, but he would admit it was getting just a little frustrating. 
He’d never had to work this hard to encourage an intern to sleep with him. In fact, he’d never really had to do anything other than ask - most people would give a limb or promise their first born child, for such an invitation. Also, not to blow his own trumpet, he was a good lover. A considerate lover. All parties came away satisfied. Yet, you seemed to not want it.
He was sure you were just playing hard to get - holding out for something more. He just had to discover what it was that you wanted from him, because everybody always wanted something from him. Everybody always had a price.
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You groaned as you got out of bed and got ready for your day. Why was your life such a gigantic mess, when initially it had looked so promising? When you told people that you interned at Stark Industries, they couldn’t believe your luck. You let out a derisive snort.
Luck? Huh!
If you were so lucky, why were you living in a shitty apartment? If you were so lucky, why were you broke? And if you were so lucky, why were you having to go out of your way everyday to avoid your boss?
You knew the reason for the first two; the reason that all of your money disappeared as soon as it hit your account, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. It was a choice you’d made and you’d make the same choice over and over again. The third thing, though? As far as you were aware, you hadn’t done anything specific to attract his attention.
Like anyone, when you’d first met Tony Stark you were in awe. He was a genius, a billionaire and very handsome. He was charismatic, not afraid to muck in with anyone he worked with, and knew everyone’s names. However, it didn’t take you long to realise he was a raging ego-maniac, not afraid to throw a temper tantrum when he didn’t get his way. His mood could spin on a dime and you’d seen your fair share of red flags in your life to know that no matter how tempting he was - and, boy, was he - accepting your boss’s overt offer would not be a good idea.
When you’d initially turned him down, you’d been worried that you’d lose your position, but that hammer hadn’t fallen, and you’d breathed a huge sigh of relief. You had enough to worry about without adding unemployment into the mix.
With another sigh, you grabbed your keys, SI pass, purse and jacket, and headed out of your dingy accommodation towards the subway.
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“Come on, Sugar-pie. What could one little drink hurt?”
You kept your eyes on the papers in front of you, trying not to roll them, as your erstwhile suitor leant over your desk, his index finger resting on the wood right next to your hand, oh-so-close to stroking your skin.
“Mr. Stark-”
You couldn’t hold back your sigh of irritation.
“Tony. I’m working. I’m busy. I have all these reports to go over.”
His hand moved away from yours, but in the next second your head was being tilted up, away from where you were studiously focusing, by pressure exerted under your chin.
Tony’s handsome face came into focus, with his sparkling whisky dark eyes, and dark brown, almost black facial hair, trimmed with precision, surrounding pink lips that twitched with amusement.
“You do know I’m the boss and I could order you not to do the reports.”
“I think you’ll find that Ms. Potts is the boss, and she’s the one who asked me to do them.”
Tony obviously didn’t have the same qualms as you about rolling his eyes in a professional setting.
“Pphht! Don’t worry about Pep. She’s only the boss cos I let her be.”
You pushed your chair back, removing your face from his touch.
“Look, Mr. Stark,” You raised your hand when he was about to protest his title, again. “I’m flattered. I really am. But I’m not interested, and I’d really just like to get on with my work. I’m sure you have more suits to tinker with and other interns to flirt with.”
He raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow and observed you for a moment.
“Fine. Have it your way for now, Sugar-pie.” His tone was light, amusement etched across his features, but there was an undercurrent of… something as he spoke. “I know you like me and you’re just playing hard to get. I’ll see you later.”  He turned on his heels, shoved his hands in pants pockets and walked away from your desk, jauntily whistling.
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At half past five you pushed back your chair and stood, letting out a groan as you did. Your eyes were tired from going over the reports all day, and now you just had to turn them in with your overview and comments, so you could finally make your way home.
With the stash of manilla folders in hand you walked down the corridor to Pepper’s office. She’d be gone by now - she’d let you know earlier in the day that she had an external meeting and that you should just leave the reports on her desk for the next morning.
Pushing open the door, you headed towards her pristinely organised desk, placed the folders with their cover note front and centre, turned around and… screamed.
You literally jumped in the air, your hands coming up to your chest.
Tony smiled at you from where he was leaning against the bookcase next to the door.
“Hey, Sugar-pie. I know I’m a catch, but no need to jump out of your skin for me.”
He stood up and walked towards you. No, stalked towards you like a sleek leopard in the jungle, tracking its prey. You didn’t even realise you were backing up until your lower back connected with the edge of the desk.
“Umm… Mr. Stark…”
He leant one hand on the desk, next to your hip and raised the other to press a finger to your mouth.
“How many times do I have to tell you, call me Tony. And are we going to go get that drink?”
Frustration welled within you.
“And how many times do I have to tell you, Mr Stark, that I’m not interested.”  You pushed away from him and made your way towards the door, but were halted in your tracks by what he said next.
“Not even to help your grandmother?”
You didn’t turn, but your hands tensed into fists.
“What did you say?” The words left your lips as an angry hiss.
“Your grandmother. She’s in that crappy hospital in Queens, right?”  You felt him come up behind you, his breath hitting your ear from how close he was. “She’s not doing too well, is she? I’m sure I could make her a lot more comfortable. Move her to a better hospital here in Manhattan. The best doctors, the best nurses.”
Tony’s hands settled on your waist, thumbs stroking where your blouse met the waistband of your pencil skirt, yet you didn’t pull away and anger flared within you, directed at yourself for not moving. His body shifted even closer so his front pressed against your back, and you could feel his arousal. 
Bile burned your throat. This was all wrong, yet… you were considering it. Considering prostituting yourself because, dammit, Tony could make a big difference to your grandmother’s remaining days. And would it really be that bad? You’d heard the rumours of his bedroom prowess, and you did find him attractive.
“W-what would happen? When you get bored?”
“You think I’d get bored of you, Sugar-pie? Don’t put yourself down.” His hands slid around your waist and you lowered your eyes, unable to resist watching as he placed his left one on your stomach and his right underneath, his be-ringed pinky finger resting on your mound. “But to illustrate a point, Pepper’s still CEO isn’t she? That was her price. Yours is care and safety for your grandmother.”
You almost baulked at it being put so bluntly, but Tony’s arms held you firm. “Don’t be embarrassed. Everyone has their price and I’m more than willing to pay yours. Your grandmother could live another hundred years and it wouldn’t make a dent in my bank account.”
“You could just do it out of the goodness of your heart then, if the money means so little.”
“But where’s the fun in that?”
His head came even closer and he pressed a soft kiss to your neck, over your pulse point, threatening to rip away the last shred of your morals and self-control.
“This is manipulation, Mr. Stark.”
“Think of it more as a business transaction if it makes you feel better.” He placed a second kiss on your now heated skin and you bit your lip. “I’ll be good to you, Sugar-pie. You’ll be on my arm, dressed as befits beauty such as yours. Other men will want you, but you’ll forget all about them when you’re in my bed.”
He started to sway, moving your body with his. His right hand lowered, fully resting over your sex, gently cupping it. Again, you didn’t pull away, didn’t make any move to dissuade him. You should be though. Your moral compass was screaming at you, but your body was ignoring it in favour of the dizzying sensations that even these few small touches were eliciting and your mind was hurriedly weighing up your options.
“So… just to recap… I date you, publicly. Be your arm candy, warm your bed, and you move my grandmother to the best facility in Manhattan, and will continue to pay for her comfort and care, even if she outlives your interest in me. What if she passes away before then?”
You hadn’t even agreed to his proposition, but his right hand was slowly pulling up your skirt, the fabric concertina-ing around your abdomen, and his left was deftly undoing button after button on your blouse. You realised that your own hands were no longer balled into fists or lying limply at your sides - they were clutching at the outside of his thighs, anchoring yourself to him.
“Then you would be free to end our association, unless we came to some other arrangement. However, I’d like to think that you wouldn’t want to, though. That you would be so enraptured by my attention, my care, that you’d never want to leave.”
As he started to drag the woven cotton from your left shoulder, you instinctively tilted your neck, giving him greater access to your skin. An involuntary sigh escaped your lips as his mouth travelled over your shoulder, his facial hair tickling your skin.
You screwed your eyes shut, knowing that this was the point of no return. He’d already won. He knew it. You knew it.
“I- I agree, Mr. Stark.”
“Tony, Sugar-pie. You really have to use my name now. At least in public. If you prefer another title for private, I’m quite happy with Sir, or even Daddy.”
Oh fuck! Just the thought of using one of those, of submitting to him in such a way was sending you into free fall. You hated how easily you’d succumbed. However, you were jerked out of it, when Tony suddenly took a step back from you.
You whirled around in shock, clothing completely dishevelled. Tony had his phone to his ear, acting for all the world as though he didn’t have an erection straining the fabric of his designer suit jacket.
“Happy? Yes, get it all sorted, please. An agreement has been made.”
The conversation was short and pointed, ending after a few seconds, and Tony tossed his phone onto Pepper’s desk before reaching up to loosen his tie and pop the top button of his shirt. Then, in one stride he was back in front of you, his left arm around your waist, pulling you to him, and his right brushing over your hair. You looked up at him, saw the twitch of his lips and felt yourself pulled into the depths of his eyes.
“Now, where were we, Sugar-pie?”
His lips descended and just before his kisses made you entirely senseless, you wondered if you’d regret this decision. You hadn’t ever thought things would turn out like this, but it turned out you had a price after all.
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bailey-orphic08 · 10 months
Okay, so- I have this Sander Sides AU that I've had for a long while now. And I think it would be neat to share it with you. I might also make several posts about it. So let me introduce you to:
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Sanders Switched is an AU in which the sides' "roles" are switched around. To elaborate, their function (Logan as logic, Patton as morality, ect.) remains the same. Thomas' perception of them is what changes. So where Logan is the voice of reason in canon, another side would take his place. Here's all the sides in Sanders Switched:
Janus: Janus takes the role of Patton as the kind authority figure. He's seen as Thomas' self-preservation and always puts his safety and well-being above all else. He's a sort of motherly figure to the other sides, constantly caring about their well-being and acting as if he's older than them. He's much sweeter than OG Janus, but he still has a sassy side, and lives for gossip.
Remus: Remus takes Roman's role as Thomas' source of inspiration. He is seen as Thomas' comedic side and encourages Thomas to have as much fun as possible. Rather than being a Duke, he presents as a jester. He has issues with his impulsivity, and his jokes tend to be morbid and often mean, but he's overall harmless and much more tame than OG Remus.
The Orange Side: Obviously, I can't say exactly what the Orange Side will be, since we haven't been introduced to him yet. But based off what we do know, I place him in Logan's role as the voice of reason. Assuming he represents wrath of some sort--which is impossible not to believe at this point--he would probably be seen as Thomas' motivation, pushing him to get his work done.
Roman: Most people would probably switch Roman and Remus and make Remus, "good creativity," and Roman, "bad creativity." BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M COMPLICATED AND UNIQUE. So Roman takes the place of Virgil as the original, "antagonist." He is seen as Thomas' pride that pushes delusions that keep Thomas from growing as a person. He arrogant and rude, and claims he is a King rather than a Prince. Because of this, none of the sides really like him at all, with the exception of Janus. But near the end of season one, we discover that Roman only really wanted Thomas to achieve his dreams, and that most of his cockiness hid his secret insecurities. And after Thomas and the other sides realize how important he is, Roman is officially accepted as part of the group.
Patton: Patton takes the role of Janus as the antagonist to all of Thomas' beliefs and the possible leader of the dark sides. He is seen as Thomas' overbearing moral code that constantly tries push harsh rules rooted in Catholic Christianity onto Thomas and the other sides. He is extremely passive aggressive and overly judgmental towards the sides he deems, "wrong." Almost everything he says is a critisism of something Thomas or the other sides do. Despite being so harsh however, he loves puns and making jokes just as much the OG Patton, and loves to torture Logan with his puns.
Logan: Logan takes Remus' place as the bad influence Thomas tries to ignore. He is seen as Thomas' inner critique who judges Thomas for everything he does. He insists that Thomas' lifestyle is, "childish," and that he should abandon it for a, "mature," way of living so that he can live, "a normal, healthy life." He is extremely judgmental and criticizes all the sides for the smallest of details, making everyone hate him, even Janus. Despite this, he generally harmless, and he can easily be ignored.
Virgil: Virgil takes the Orange Side's place as the mysterious secret side that the fandom makes a million theories about. I can't fully explain who he would be, since, again, we haven't been introduced to the Orange Side yet. But for now, he still represents Thomas' anxiety. And when he reveals himself, he will call Thomas and all the sides out on their BS.
That's all for now. It isn't fully developed, and things will surely change when the Orange Side finally does reveal himself. But there's still a lot of things I would like to share. So please let me know if you want know more!
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ciananan · 8 months
Meet my Mortal Kombat 1 OC ✨ Ratri ✨ (ruh · tree)
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𓆩⚝𓆪 Fun Facts about Ratri 𓆩⚝𓆪
Has trouble with her hearing, so Shang made a device built especially for her.
Her outer garb can expand and helps her float when she swings from one place to other.
She uses her selendang (green wrap) to make herself as a human-size sling shot, pulling and throwing herself. Her yellow garb helps her floats while she's in the air.
Facial expression is so important for her, regarding her hearing, so seeing Shang Tsung always smiling and his dramatic ways of talking made her feel safe and amused around him.
Talking about facial expression, she DESPISES Bi-han. He never put a single ounce of effort when he talks.
She used to judge an individual's personality based on their facial expression when they talk. Despite the fact that Shang Tsung is not a very good person, he was a number one on her good people list.
She's a very kindhearted gal who only goal is to make everyone around her happy.
Shang Tsung was using her at first, but after seeing her dedication and her potential, and after discovering her disability, he took her in and made her his own adoptive-daughter body guard.
Her outfit is inspired heavily by Javanese traditional attire.
Backstory and Relationship with other characters under the cut
𓆩⚝𓆪 Ratri's Backstory 𓆩⚝𓆪
How she joined Shang Tsung, basically the Island where Shang found the abandoned island with powerful magic used to be Ratri's village. The village got destroyed because of the sudden burst of the magic energy. It poisoned the village's main water source, the animals, the plants, basically the whole ecosystem got fucked.
But Ratri here somehow survived, being creative and adventurous, she managed to found another source of water far away but was too late when she returned back to her village to spread the good news (the people ded). She, the protector of the village, failed her task.
When Shang Tsung came to the village, Ratri confronted him asking what was his purpose coming to the island. When Shang said he wanted to research the magic, Ratri misheard it as he wanted so Save the Village. At the end of his research, Ratri was devastated that Shang didn't cure the village. She confronted him again but now Shang Tsung realized there was something wrong with her hearing. So he built a device to help her with her hearing.
Not long, Bi-han came to get Shang Tsung to help him with his experiments and fighting the Shirai Ryu. Ratri now being loyal to Shang Tsung as he literally brought her in, took care of her, and helped her, won't leave him and made an oath to keep him save and protect him from everything that would disturb his safety. So with that, she joined Shang Tsung to the Lin Kuei base in Earthrealm.
𓆩⚝𓆪 Relationship with Shang Tsung 𓆩⚝𓆪
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She sees Shang Tsung as a kind man and a life safer. In her culture, yellow and green combo is a symbol of a person with good moral value and it was proven when she thought Shang was going to heal the island. Don't worry, she still sees him as a generous man when he made her a hearing device.
Calls him 'Atsung', she loves making nicknames and she feels it suits him.
Their relationship is like a father and daughter.
Believes everything Shang does as a good deed and for a greater good.
Loves to gossip together, especially about Bi-han and his former enemy, Liu Kang.
𓆩⚝𓆪 Relationship with Bi-han 𓆩⚝𓆪
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Absolutely HATES him since he always so stoic.
Watches him 24/7 hence he's so close with Shang Tsung and she knows he has an interest for Shang.
Tries to be nice and kind to him because Shang Tsung told her so. Bi-han is their ally and they're staying at his place, she should show a little bit of hospitality.
When Bi-han and Shang Tsung finally got together, she was so happy for Shang he finally found the one but also devastated because it means she has to protect Bi-han since he officially a part of Shang Tsung.
If you have anything to ask me about her, I'm always open! ✨
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n1ghteeea · 2 months
The Real Ghostbusters’ future analysis
Do you guys ever think about how tragic the real ghostbusters’ lives went on to be after they dismantled the group. Cuz I do, maybe even more than necessary, and I’ll go over EACH of them in this post.
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At first he worked in uni, which is okay, but ended up being fired and had to settle for selling old cars while grasping every opportunity to pay off his debt. Ray, the guy who is the most ‘in love with his job’ as stated countless times in the show, is SELLING CARS.
In the “Look Homeward, Ray” episode we see a similar situation with him quitting ghostbusting to work in retail and he was MISERABLE because he is obsessed with his work, I’d even went on to say it’s his hyperfixation with how he forgets about everything at times, including time and other tasks he has (from one ADHD guy to another). And that man is selling old cars. Jesus.
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He went on to Hollywood to sell the idea for the second Ghostbusters movie and has been doing that for SIX YEARS. Six years he was out in LA trying to push it through. To do that you need connections, and I’d imagine that making them is not easy, not even talking about how you need money to survive, and since he never said anything about his job, it is probably like super lame. Again, he LOVED ghostbusting and didn’t want to trade it even for a life of stage and fame (“Banshee Bake a Cherry Pie?”).
In “Take Two” episode we saw that he does not get along with Hollywood people, he has too strong of a moral compass and principles, so I can only imagine how those six years where he NEEDED to interact with them constantly went.
And finally, his father. He has a difficult relationship with him, but it’s easy to see that while he still cares for him, he hates how Jim makes money and would rather die then help him in his ‘projects’. Well guess what. His dad also went on to Hollywood to sell a movie about Ghostbusters. A movie no one clearly wanted, similarly to Peter’s (cuz I believe if his idea was a banger he wouldn’t have spent 6 years pushing it through), so at the end of the day he became like his dad, which is absolutely the worst nightmare of every person with bad parents.
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I would say that Winston is relatively better off than others. He got his pilot’s license and went on to travel, which is cool as hell. However, Winston was the glue of the group. He was always the one saying “we’re a team, we need to stick together no matter what”, which can be seen in maaany eps, the most prominent one is probably “Ghostbuster of The Year”.
And he needed to watch them all drift apart, unable to do anything, and going non-contact because in “Back in The Saddle” they were catching up as if they never talked since they parted ways. That’s wild.
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Last but not least 💪 technically you could say that he doesn’t have it that bad. He still lives in the firehouse, he works as a prof of his own course, right? WRONG ‼️
In the comics that are arguably canon, but logically still make sense, Egon get transported into an empty dimension where everything is normal, except he’s all alone. And this is what he thinks of that.
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Bro hates being alone. He needs his friends around even if he doesn’t usually show it. This was his nightmare situation and he lived to experience it in real life. For six years.
When it comes to teaching, cool, but he’s a scientist, not a professor. He was excited and interested in experimenting and discovering, not teaching. Additionally, no one takes his course seriously, he has an average of 3 student per semester, and even they are only there for an easy A. That is depressing.
His life does get better after he creates Extreme Ghostbusters: he’s no longer alone, he’s (kinda) doing what he used to, but even then he still struggles with his self-image and midlife crisis, poor guy :(
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These guys are the epitome of ‘frequently bought together, do not separate’, they cannot be without each other.
In “Look Homeward, Ray” Ray leaves the group thinking he’s not good enough and they do EVERYTHING in their power to bring him back.
In “Cry Uncle” Egon’s uncle Cyrus (god I hate that guy) takes Egon away to help him in his lab and the whole team is at first miserable (sitting around the phone waiting for him to call) and then makes 1500 miles one way to ask him to come back.
In “Egon’s Ghost” even though it’s not the only instance, when Egon gets sucked into limbo they go in for him with a condition of ‘either we get him back in an hour or we all stay here’ like THESE GUYS ARE A FAMILY. I did not see this kind of relationship in the live action movie, but in the show? They aren’t just colleague or buddies, that’s a FAMILY.
Even the fact of separating itself is heartbreaking, and accounting for the fact that neither of them went on to do something exciting (except maybe Winston) it is absolutely devastating. Man.
Even in “Back In The Saddle” they get one (1) successful bust and go ‘hell yeah guys, let’s go back to being Ghostbusters, I think we dropped it off way too early’ like yeah, I’m sure that’s what people with their lives together would say.
TLDR: the old men yaoi angst in the real ghostbusters is real 🎉
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whentheynameyoujoy · 3 months
OK, fuck it, I have thoughts.
So I like Axiom’s End. Its theme may hit as subtly as a sledgehammer but it’s saved by the characters and the way it’s delivered. The whole point is about not truly being able to comprehend the mysterious Other, about communication and knowledge not being a panacea to bigotry and supremacism, about how studying the Other can often lead to the reinforcement of said bigotry as you confirm your prejudices and refuse to abandon your point of view where you’re the default, the morally superior and the Other at best a flawed imitation, at worst a contemptible aberration. And you arrive at this and the usual “wait, this is actually about our world, isn’t it” via the protagonists and their own personal failure to truly comprehend one another, even though at the same time they’re aware of their respective cultures’ atrocities. Again, unsubtle but it works.
And then Truth of the Divine comes and it just doesn’t. The theme is utterly divorced from the characters’ inner journeys. It’s literally a “wise accomplished guy sees further than the protagonist and informs her of the theme which they then spend the rest of the book trying to effect”. The idea that “if you deny rights to aliens, you create a legal framework which then allows humanity to keep indulging its centuries-long human rights abuses” isn’t even less on the nose than what the previous book presented but because it comes to the story as a monologue and the response is “oh I never thought about it that way, guess that’s what we’re doing now” it reads like a Medium article preaching to the choir.
And I absolutely am going to blame this on Kaveh or rather the way he’s designed. For the theme to be a result of a learning process, you really need someone like Timothy Snyder not realizing until his 50s that the U.S. healthcare system is a bit shit, because he’d never been affected by its shittiness before. You need a person of privilege. You obviously can’t do “I discovered racism exists” via an Iranian refugee who got his big break by exposing CIA torture sites in the Middle East.
But OK, fine, I guess that the world doesn’t need another white savior “I learned something today” narrative (let’s ignore it could have been Miranda having a leopards ate my face moment). But to really drive the final nail in the coffin, Kaveh isn’t even particularly complex as a character. He’s endlessly understanding and empathetic and soooo self-aware, absolutely would never use Cora to his advantage, no siree, he genuinely loves her and wants to take care of her and never abuses his worldliness and is a great fuck and exactly what she needs at this stage in her life and he never has doubts about anything and his demons are long behind him and only serve as a means for Cora to learn there is a light at the end of the tunnel and his connection to Nils doesn’t amount to much in terms of character flaws and he believes the idea of daddy issues is stupid and he opens doors to a better future for Cora and stands up for her and is loaded but his wealth doesn’t affect his worldview whatsoever and his dick is uuuuge and throbbing and oh my fucking god I get it he’s perfect I could not give less of a shit about him why is this Gary Stu taking up so much space.
And this, kids, is how momma found herself yearning for the tertiary CIA agent who most likely has a past of torturing people. Simply because he seems to have something, anything else going on behind what’s readily apparent.
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justdalek · 6 months
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Here’s the next gen cast of p5!
More in for below cut
Hikari Kitagawa
Daughter of Ren, Ryuji, and Yusuke Kitagawa
Arcana: Pentacles
Persona: Comnena
Was the “final contract” creation of Satanel, William, and Gorokichi before they reverted back to their first form (Arsene, Captain Kidd, and Goemon)
Is training to be both a professional ice and roller skater
Pottery is her hobby
While stoic, she can be a bit of a troll if given the opportunity
Leader of the Phantom Crusaders
Is closest with Ren
Yes, her tricolor hair is natural, no dyes
Kaito Takamaki
Son of Makoto, Haru, and Ann Takamaki
Arcana: Swords
Persona: J.L. Casey
Was the “final contract” creation of Celestine, Agnes, and Lucy before they reverted back to their first forms (Carmen, Johanna, and Milady)
Aspiring thespian, master dancer
He loves over dramatizing events
A crybaby, but he can pull his own in a fight if he has to
Powerhouse and moral booster of the Phantom Crusaders
Closest to Haru
His tricolor hair, like Hikari’s, is all natural
Minato Sakura
Adopted son of Futaba Sakura
Arcana: Wands
Persona: Hayden
Futaba discovered he was living in an alleyway behind her house to escape his foster family who mistreated him
A music prodigy, he plays cello, violin, string bass, piano, flute, and baritone
Rather snarky in behavior, but has a very present caring side
Him, Futaba, and Sojiro have family dinner on Saturday nights
He is the navigator for the Phantom Crusaders
No one knows why he wears gloves, but he never takes them off in front of anyone, including Futaba
Fuyuki Izumi Kitagawa
Taken in by Morgana, later adopted by Ren, Ryuji, and Yusuke
Arcana: Cups
Persona: Holliday
Was physically stuck in Mementos and later a Palace for over a year before Morgana found them and dragged them out of the Metaverse
It was because of that rescue that the original Phantom Thieves discovered that the Metaverse had somehow opened back up again after sealing itself nearly two decades ago
It’s unknown how they got into the Metaverse, but Fuyuki thinks it might’ve had something to do with their parents kicking them out after a fight
Stays with the Kitagawas post rescue and is eventually adopted by them
Isn’t sure what they want to do, but they do love hanging out with their new friends and learning about the good of the world after living in so much negativity
Strategist of the Phantom Crusaders
Sometimes has a very weird ability where when they fall asleep, they will wake up in a Metaverse variant of the Kitagawa house and has to have somebody get them back to the real world
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arealphrooblem · 1 year
A Favor for a Favor Part 6
Part one here
CW for the fic overall: kissing/fade to black off screen sex, mentions of non-consensual drugging, non-graphic wound care, off screen murder mention
When Roxanne -- Agent name Rocket -- is back-stabbed by a friend and given a serum that drains her of her powers and leaves her helpless, she has no choice but to turn to the one person she can't trust: Her nemesis -- a politician and king of the underworld. With her powerless and in the palm of his hand, what he decides to do with her is greatly influenced by their chance meeting as teenagers that neither of them have been able to forget.
The Present
His soft footsteps  crunched over the gravel path. She didn’t look up from her huddled form on the deck chair. A blanket dropped over her shoulders, smelling powerfully of his soap.
“Did you ever find out why he did it,” she asked softly. 
“Will you believe me if I tell you?”
“I don’t know what else to do. You’re all I have right now.”
“It’s terrifying , isn’t it? Having to trust the unknown.”
He sat down on the chair next to her, legs stretched out. 
“You are eating this role reversal up, aren’t you?”
He paused for a moment. “I don’t like seeing you this way. I much prefer you obnoxious and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
She snorted at that.
“For someone so active in the Agency, your arrest record is relatively small. The criminals you catch serve community service hours or house arrest or time in mental hospitals and rehab centers more than jail.  Why is that?”
She looked up at him finally, brow furrowed. What did that have to do with anything?
“Just answer the question,” he said softly. 
“My mom,” she answered. “You know she was a defense attorney. She always told me that the systems we have help a select few and hurt the rest. She saw more people trapped and desperate, people who never stood a chance, than people who were just malicious. I never forgot that. And I never forgot you. You were living proof of that. At least, until you became this.”
She waved a hand over his designer clothes and at the penthouse terrace. 
“That’s what he hated,” John told her. “He considered you unfit because you were too soft. Crime would only increase under you because you never made an example of anyone. They didn’t fear you. He acted on his own to solve the problem because the Agency refused to hear his concerns. I won’t get into the particulars of how he discovered my serum. But rest assured it won’t happen again, by him or anyone else.”
“That fucking bastard,” she whispered. 
He had been the loudest voice about civilian safety, cleaning up neighborhoods, fighting gang activity. Sometimes it bordered on the insensitive, the oblivious and childish idea of black and white morality. She never thought he would stoop to this.
“He still should have had a trial,” she said, but the bitter part of her heart didn’t believe it anymore. 
“I can’t have anyone else knowing what I created. I don’t feel guilty about it.”
“If it's such a risk, why the hell did you even make it? As far as I know, I’m the first Agent to get hit with it. You could have dismantled the whole Agency. Or sold it to the highest bidder who would do the same.”
“You love your power. I can tell how lost you are without it even without reading your mind. I depend on mine and it protects me. But there are people who have powers that do nothing but cause them misery. People whose powers make them a target everywhere they go. People who can’t hide. I made it for them.”
It sounded too magnanimous to be true. 
“They pay for it,” he assured her. “A favor for a favor.”
That sounded more like him.
“Can it . . .be reversed?” She forced herself to ask it. The answer terrified her. 
“Theoretically. I have an antidote. It’s just never been tested before. It will be here tomorrow.”
Hope exploded, bright and overwhelming, in her chest. 
“Are you serious?” she squealed. “Tomorrow?”
She launched herself at him, crawling in his lap and wrapping her arms around him, with a force strong enough to push them both back against the chair. He made a small oomph beneath her, arms flailing awkwardly at his side. Her ribs protested painfully but she didn’t care. She pressed her face in the juncture of his shoulder and neck and squeezed him. 
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Don’t thank me yet,” he said grimly. “There’s no guarantee it will work. We may have to experiment with it. You may need to stay at the lab for a while.”
“I don’t care! Oh my God!”
She pulled back enough to look down at him. He could still be lying. It could still be a trick. But she decided to choose hope instead. 
Slowly, ever so slowly, his arms came up to cradle her back. His hands bled warm through the thin t-shirt. She realized, suddenly, that she was almost straddling him. Face growing hot, she started to get up when his hands tightened their grip. 
His gaze bore into her, dark and inscrutable. John Park was an untrustworthy, manipulative selfish bastard and she wanted nothing more in that moment than to kiss him.
“You should do it,” he whispered.  
She didn’t need any further encouragement. Her hands fisted in the front of his shirt and she kissed him fiercely. To her surprise, he kissed her back with equal enthusiasm, rising up to meet her. His hands slid up her spine to cup the back of her head, fingers tangling into her hair. She nipped at his bottom lip, grinning against his mouth when she felt his fingers tighten in her hair. 
For years, Roxanne never saw John without his mask fixed perfectly in place. He was always collected, always in control, always unaffected. He walked into every interaction holding all the cards and he knew it. 
Which was why every hitched breath, every beat of his thundering pulse under her roaming fingers, every bold, desperate slide of his tongue, felt like a victory. In the court of desire, it was undeniable proof that he felt something back. Every scrap of her yearning, attraction, fascination with him burned through her blood as pure, unfiltered need and he matched her with equal ferocity.
His hand crept under her shirt (his shirt), the feather light trace of his fingertips up her spine at odds with the sharp, sting of his lips sucking a bruise in her neck. His teeth dragged up the column of her throat to latch around her earlobe. A whine tore from her throat. 
“This, Roxanne,” he breathed against her ear, “this is where I want you: fierce and needy and begging for me to touch you.”
 He brushed over her ribs like a gentle breeze and she shuddered against him. 
“Just like that.”
His other hand caressed up her thigh, stopping just short of its apex, and squeezed. She bit back a protesting groan.
“Can I have you, Roxanne?”
It sounded almost innocent, like she was a lollipop he plucked at the check out register. Except for the ragged edge of his voice, as if his self control was moments from slipping through his grasp. Or for the way his fingers swirled infuriatingly against her inner thigh, just the barest inch away from where she needed them most. 
Her fingers clenched in his shirt. She had never been more turned on in her life. “Yes. Yes. Oh my God, please.”
A long time later, as she drifted in and out of sleep against his chest, he whispered something to her. 
“What?” she murmured.
“It’s Ji-won,” he repeated. 
“What is?”
“My name. My birth name.”
“Ji-Won,” she repeated, smiling sleepily against his chest. 
The Past
Halfway through dinner, Roxanne dropped her fork and shouted, 
“Oh shit!”
Cornelius jerked to his feet, gaze darting around. 
“What?” he demanded, hand wrapped around his steak knife.  
“My project,” she shrieked. “I forgot all about it! It’s due tomorrow and it’s almost my bedtime!”  
“ . . .okay? What’s the big deal? Can’t you type that out in like thirty seconds?”
He slowly sat back down, glowering at her. She probably gave him a heart attack. And she’d be a little sympathetic to that if she wasn’t harboring her own heart attack right now.
“Yeah but I don’t think fast. I still have to finish the research, organize everything, get all the labels . . .”
The weight of all that work felt crushing. She thought she’d have two days -- not a few hours!
“Then skip school.”
She gasped, horrified. “I’ve never skipped school in my life.”
“Why am I not surprised?” he muttered. “Guess you’re pulling an all-nighter.”
She groaned, fingers threading nervously through her hair.“I’m not a night owl. I’ll crash by midnight, no matter what. I’ve never even seen the ball drop for New Years.”
“How old are you -- five?”
“Shut up, Cornelius. Having a consistent sleep schedule is good for you.”
“I wouldn’t know,” he said. 
“Yeah that much is obvious from the raccoon eyes you always have.” She fought the urge to cry. “Dude, I am so screwed. This is worth so much of my grade!”
Silence stretched out taut as a bow string between them. Then Cornelius sighed and stood up with his plate in his hand.
“No you’re not. I’ll help you. Finish your dinner and let's get this over with.”
Roxanne tried her best to hold out, but even with coffee she found herself nodding off just before one AM. Eventually she woke up to a hand gently shaking her shoulder. 
“Go to bed,” came Cornelius’s voice softly by her ear.
“I can’t,” she mumbled. “I have to finish . . .the . . .thing.”
“It is finished.”
That jerked her awake. “What?”
She lifted her head off the kitchen table and peered around. While she slept, Cornelius had painstakingly drawn and labeled the majority of her project. It stretched out beautifully on the poster board, looking like it came from a professional. 
“You did all that?” she gasped. 
“Who else?”
“It’s gorgeous! You should be an artist!”
“You don’t have to pander to me to say thank you,” he said, arms crossed tightly against his chest. 
“I’m not!” She leaned in to get a closer look at  the poster. “This is detailed and so neat. Seriously, you should go to art school!”
He let out a bark of bitter laughter. “Yeah, okay.”
Her smile faded as she straightened back up. “Well, what is your grand plan, Cornelius? If art school is out of the question, what are you going to do with yourself?”
“If I tell you that, you’ll probably become an accessory to a crime.”
“I’m serious,” she said. 
“So am I.” He gave her a half-hearted smirk. “Don’t worry about what I’m going to do. Worry about yourself. You clearly need to,” he added, gesturing to the poster board.  
“How can I not worry about you?” she demanded. “You know, I could talk to my parents. We have that spare bedroom, we could --”
“Don’t even go there,” he said. “Your family is not going to adopt me or take me or what the fuck ever.”
“Yes, they would! My mom is a defense attorney -- she meets kids like you all the time. And you’re like, what, a senior by now? We could get you enrolled in my school; they have credit recovery programs and --”
He stepped forward and wrapped his fingers around her wrists. The sudden proximity, the pressure of the pads of his thumbs resting right against her pulse, the dark wells of his eyes, caught her voice in her throat. 
“It’s very . . .kind of you to think about that,” he said stiltedly. “No one’s ever .  . .but it’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
She swallowed, trying to find what would break through his thick, edge-lord,  I Have To Suffer skull.
“It’s possible, you know. Lots of things are possible for you. You just have to let yourself believe you can have it.”
“Maybe for you. Not so much for me.”
She yanked her hands from his grip. “And why not? Lots of people who were born poor go to art school! Or law school. Or whatever else they want.”
“It’s not just about being poor, Roxanne.” He looked at her as if she was so painfully naive. “ I’ve already made certain choices, started down certain paths. There is no going back. There is no do-over.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t. The world is the way it is regardless.”
“It’s not fair,” she cried, petulant, like a little child. 
“Life is never about being fair. Whoever told you that lied.”
“Well, I hate it.” Her throat grew tight, eyes stinging. “You deserve to have everything I have. Better, even. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t have it.”
A stray tear fell, and then another. Roxanne bit her lip against them, feeling every bit the naive kindergartner in a PBS cartoon. Her parents never told her the world was fair. They knew it wasn’t. But it felt different, now, when she could see it in front of her, instead of just hearing about a statistic on the news. 
Cornelius slowly cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs swiping away a stray tear.
“Go to bed, Roxanne,” he murmured. “And stop worrying so much about me. I will have the future I want. And I will be okay.”
Part 7 here
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halliescomut · 1 year
Masterpost (Under Construction)
It will likely take quite a while to get this off the ground, so please be patient.
I will also be slowing instituting a new tag for my meta posts (because if I had been using one all along this would be infinitely easier). Said tag will be #HallieSMeta.
Until there's something more interesting to look at here, please enjoy Jeffrey being a little punk:
Tumblr media
Look at this motherfucker!!!! How dare he be so goddamn adorable!!!
Be aware that many of these posts are written months apart and so sometimes information is repeated...it happens.
KimChay MixTape- This is my post-canon KimChay fic- as of 10/10/23 it's at 88k words and will probably be 100k by the time I wrap things up. The links below are lil preview posts I do when I update. This is the Google Drive link to the first 3 chapters (which is a complete arc in itself. Otherwise it is posted on AO3.
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 Ch 14 Bonus Chapters
KP Season 2 Unhinged Wants- these are a bit of an amalgamation, but all original posts should be link here as well and will be posted as I start to curate.
KP Week 2022: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Kim-Vegas and Main-Minor family relations: 1 2
Porchay: Post Break-up Behavior
Acting: Tong and Jeff
Porsche & __: Hugs Vegas Queer awakening (?)
VegasPete Sad Hours: 1 2 3 4 5
PrettyBoy ship (TankhunTay): 1 2
Kim-Hannah Montana theme song Kim-Kimhant-Wik
Masquerade Ball: KinnPorsche Pete Bodyguards
Pete and Morality
Theerapanyakuls and musical instruments
Jeff Satur Music
Song Theory part 1
Lucid MV Discussion
Lucid costar-Nene
You can also search the tag 'jeff satur menace' to see many posts of Jeff looking handsome as fuck.
BL Industry Musings
2022 BL opinions
Colorism Fanservice Assumption of Queerness
Faux Incest in BL
BL Botany 1 & 2 Jeff
My Personal Weatherman
Mashiko Atsuki appreciation
No-subtitle watch throughs (eps 3-8): 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ep 2 Ep 5 Yoh's drawings 1 Yoh's drawings 2 Finale thoughts
Minato's Laundromat S2
Midseason check-in I have feelings Amnesia trope
Asuka and Shu
Our Dining Table
Please watch this show: 1 2 3
Costuming Analysis
Kiseki: Dear to Me
Ep 5 Ep 8 Ep 9
Mame/MeMindY BLs
Love Sea: Intro to characters
Boy Next World: Intro to story and characters
Wedding Plan: They met as Children Lom Nuea
Love in the Air
Payu & Rain Conspiracy Theory
1 year Anniversary video
Sky becoming soft for Prapai
Pai/Sky oneshots
Prap-Eyes gifset
We were robbed
Prapai/Sky and boundaries
Prapai & Reformed Rake character type
Sky/Prapai thoughts
Episode 8 thoughts
Sky in the One Night Stand
Noeul’s acting
Rain is not a bad friend
Payu and having his hair down-hair care as a show of affection
Love in the Air is a Character-driven story
Naughty Babe
Ep 4
Tadaima, Okaeri
Eps 1-3 kind of intro
Ep 4- Meta discussion, discrimination allegory?
Ep 5- Meta discussion, portrayal of parenting
It's not letting me add the links right now, so I'll try again later.
Stray Kids
Social Path MV Analysis
Hallie is TOO honest on Tumblr:
Broad backs
Discovering my Asexuality
Human Imperfection
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guardian-rocket · 1 year
What if you were the one to write a rocket solo movie? What would it be about?
I'd probably want to do one of where he just escaped the lab and have his story go from his escape to his eventual team up with Groot. I know James Gunn elaborated on Groot and Rocket's first meeting and I sorta wrote it in my roleplay with @antvnger flourishing on it a bit as a story Rocket told him.
Actually have a few stories I made up myself that'd happen before that too, so I have enough of a 'background' story that could fit into an actual movie. The plot would be Rocket before he integrated into society as a fully fledged person. Him having to pick up on humanoid habits. I shared my idea with a couple people but basically he gets taken in as something between a foster kid or a pet by a person, I am thinking an elderly lady who seems very nice. He hasn't really figured out how he wants to be treated yet and is just grateful to have someone showing him some kindness. At first this person's intentions seem very pure, they're kind to him, feed him, start teaching him about the world, he gets to wear clothes... but Rocket's genius shows through (maybe he tries to invent them something nice as a thank you, in addition with his behavioral problems getting out of hand) and a shift in intention happens to his caretaker, who eventually cages him leaving him very confused and scared and tries to take him to sell to the collector. Rocket would be begging for this not to happen, pleading, because he trusted this person.
I'd use the term 'pet' as a backhand when the collector asks Groot if Rocket is his pet and snickers at Rocket's reaction as a throw back to this incident, like they know each other already but Rocket's just there in Vol 1 to get paid and trying his best to not be too angry about it all. Rocket would escape from the collector before being caged up, which causes the payment for Rocket to get cancelled just as the caretaker was about to collect the units.
Insert horrifying man hunt from his caretaker as Rocket has to flee, completely fucking with his mind, getting coaxed with sweet words followed by deep rooted insults that delve into his insecurities. This experience solidifies Rocket's absolute misanthropy.
Following all this, Rocket takes his life into his own hands, he sheds the metal pieces from his body as much as he can, prying off the parts off his face and chest, removing his braces. He starts his life of crime, and starts getting into his love of guns, and there would be a montage of his prison sentences where we get to see him hold his own without Groot. We'd see clips of his various crimes, him enjoying that life, him submitting to his sentences and followed by prisonbreaks. It shows how creative he is, we get some comedy of the crazy ideas he's pulled off, and when he's being a criminal we do see he has pride in himself and his own professionalism and that even though he'll break laws he still has a moral compass under it.
This goes on until he gets sentenced to a prison that lacks any tech for him to use to break out; that's when he meets Groot. It his him, Groot and Tibius Lark who is friends with Groot. He's just in the deep smooth hole he can't climb up and there are armed guards right above the holes anyway. It seems hopeless. Tibius dies, causing Groot to grieve, but Rocket then realizes Tibius was an android and is full of machine parts. He fashions a gun out of his body and him and Groot escape the prison together, Rocket getting to learn to understand Groot and to finally care for someone else and trust again, and then they eventually will be starting their lives as co-op bounty hunters.
As the story arc, it would be Rocket discovering what he wants to see himself as, recognizing himself as an actual person and not just an experiment or a freak of nature. Like he KNOWS he's those things, but he learns to not let people treat him that way. I'd also want to at least show Groot and him having some good times towards the end, kinda showing that their relationship dynamic. It would also have him discovering to trust again, even if it's just a little bit. We'll see him at his worst before picking up the pieces and moving on with his life and learning from it all.
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flightfoot · 2 years
people are now back again with the double standards, blaming Adrien and making him out to be stupid and oblivious because he has troubles believing that Ladybug suddenly loves him for real when we had the development of 4 seasons of Ladybug rejecting Chat Noir, making him understand that she is not interested in him which had its last finale episode in s4 Glaciator 2 where LB angrily chucks CN into a trashcan, throws him up on a roof in it and then kicks him out of it. She said she needed him to understand and accept that she doesnt love him and he did make that effort for good.
I find absolutely shitty that people are giving Adrien crap for being "oblivious" and "stupid" when he is doing exactly what Marinette asked him to do for 4 seasons: Not immediately interpreting every bit of affection from her as a romantic chance. Wasnt that EXACTLY what the discussions in- and out of universe were about? That just because Ladybug shows (flirty) and genuine affection doesnt it mean its supposed to be read by him as her suddenly having changed her mind entirely, that she suddenly loves him now?
I dont like how the fandom, encouraged by the show to a certain degree, just pulled a 180 here and its exactly what I expected to happen. That the moment Marinette changes her mind absolutely NOTHING about the prior rejecting of 4 seasons gets to matter anymore as if the rejecter is the only person in this whose feelings and emotional development has any importance. Chat told Ladybug at the end of Determination that he has discovered his true feelings (for someone else) too and sees LB and himself as the best partners in the world...
So for the fandom ignoring being rejected and being told that someone has feelings for another person is okay now when its the GIRL doing it? After 4 seasons of rejecting and enforcing the "no" means "no" message, THATS the morality we're going with now? Just throwing it out of the window the moment the BOY is the one saying "no"? Really? The fandom is actually going to give Adrien shit AGAIN, just this time because Marinette herself doesnt act accordingly to the situation at hand and her partners mindset regarding the topic she herself asked for to be like this.
I just... Marinette changing her mind is not even the problem. You can absolutely change youre mind in romance even after several rejections, thats not the problem and it was obvious from the start that it would happen at one point here in Miraculous. But the sexist double standard the fandom is pulling once again for a sorely Marinette-focused Morality as per usual is honestly ruining the Lady Noire and Mister Bug interactions for me.
Just let this boy live for 2 secs in a state where he isnt returning marinettes love the way she wants it without branding him oblivious, stupid and "not treating her right". How is this NOT the female equivalent of fuckboy logic the fandom is spitting out?
And for all it is, wouldnt it make MUCH more sense that Adrien IS noticing that Ladybug's approach to him has changed in the romantic direction, but he is interpreting it as "As I know Ladybug is currently emotionally totally overwhelmed because of everything that was thrown at her, she lost the miraculous, the entire team, she probably fears to date the boy she loves for real bc of her position as Ladybug and thought that I would leave her too because of how things stood between us. Ladybug isnt in love with me but she thinks she is because she is confusing her blooming platonic affection for me, as her partner who is still on her side and takes care of her, for love. When all of this settles down again she will be able to properly sort out her feelings again"
That is the most logical take for me right now for how Adrien approaches Ladybugs love. And that isnt offesive or infantilizing her, confusing platonic affection with real love is not uncommen for people in Marinettes position and emotional state. I'm pretty sure thats how I would approach the situation if I were in Adriens shoes. So isnt it GOOD that Adrien is not immediately taking Ladybugs love as face value, since that would basically be him taking advantage of her overwhelmed emotional state? Isnt this what we as a fandom should WANT him to do?
Dude, this FANDOM
I haven't actually seen Adrien getting any flak, but I'm pretty sure I've blocked or unfollowed people to the point where that just doesn't happen as much. Everyone I follow has just been squealing about how cute Adrien's blushing over Marinette is. So I can't totally relate to this ask? Like I can believe that there are segments on Twitter somewhere that are yelling at Adrien for supposedly being oblivious (especially the people who already hate Adrien, though the level of Adrien slander you're outlining here is very mild by those standards. Adrien salters are WILD), but it's not a take I have personally seen in the wild so far.
Anyway, I don't think Adrien deserves to be yelled at any for not grasping that Ladybug IS returning his feelings now - I mean, his relationship with Ladybug has always had a flirtatious element, and she's returned his banter flirtatiously often enough. Plus, like you talked about, she's made it pretty clear in the past that she doesn't view him that way. Of course he doesn't think she's changed her mind. Even just in Jubilation she was still denying her feelings for Chat Noir, how real that Gift would be, to his face when he directly asked.
And yeah, I'm thinking that Adrien's probably noticed the change in Ladybug's approach to Chat Noir, but personally I think he's noticed on some level that it's reminding him of Marinette more than anything, so he might just be thinking she's being endearingly sweet and funny.
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crestfallercanyon · 1 year
Tag Game: fandom edition
thanks for the tag, tea! and sorry for the delay, been a busy couple o'days @its-tea-time-darling <3
your name: everyone calls me crest!
your first fandom(s): Fire Emblem
your current fandom(s): most active -- maze runner, inception, the flash/legends of tomorrow (though not as much as I used to), Legend of Zelda; but I'm getting back into Fire Emblem lmao.
how did you first get into fandom? the pandemic -- I wanted Claude's story in Fire Emblem Three Houses to be better tied in than it was in the game (I found his whole angle on the war to be so interesting and I'd really wished that he had an arc where he could unite fodlan and take down the church of seiros because that would have made him less like an extra "take or leave it" character to the dimitri/edelgard King Lear story (which was also great!!) and given his ambition a real end -- I feel like he actually believed edelgard but understood dimitri's morality and I wanted him to be the bridge that he should have been) and I found a story that did give him a better story in the after the war and then I just never left!.
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? the pandemic. though one could argue I dabbled in it when I was much younger for the anime Naruto, but I barely knew what I was doing then and wouldn't have known that's what it was called.
how often do you read fanfics? depends. usually not a ton, but there are times where I start to read a lot
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): I struggle with naming only three, because I feel my third favorite fluctuates with who I am currently writing -- so I'm going to name the three characters that keep me coming back to my fandoms -- Gally (the maze runner), leonard snart (the flash cw and legends of tomorrow), and Claude (fire emblem three houses)
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! the creation of this tumblr was initially to put out the fact that I was writing fanfics lol, so yes, I write quite a bit! here's my profile on ao3: crestfaller's fanfics
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? i've drawn sketches of the glade for the glade discord. I definitely painted the three houses logos at some point.
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: I've shared so many the maze runner headcanons on this tumblr, let's go to Legends of Tomorrow: Mick Rory knew that they were never going to become legends and that Rip Hunter's reasons for putting them on the trip were for his own selfish gains and that was why Rip immediately hated Mick and consistently belittled him to try to get everyone to not listen to him so that no one would discover that Rip didn't care if they all died if it meant he'd gotten his family back.
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? the maze runner? I agree with tea, it's the opening sequence of the first movie. the flash? the episodes with Leonard Snart in them, because Wentworth Miller is easily one of the best actors to get on the flash.
and finally, what does fandom mean to you?
I think it comes down to this: it's a place for me to enjoy my stuff with wild abandon. I love the characters I love and can obsess about the stories I adore all I want. And the best part about fandom? Is I get to share my obsessions and adorations with other people who feel, in some way or another, similar to how I feel about these pieces of media! and I think that's neat.
tagging whoever wants to do it because I don't know who's done it anymore and don't feel like searching haha -- but thanks again for the tag tea and I hope others participate!
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
Tubbo and Techno never fully became friends, even after he had housed him temporarily when Dream broke out of prison. Tubbo had to play the game right, had to be perfect and forgiving and a little saint, just to ensure that Techno wouldn’t hurt him again. The truce didn’t last, because the moment Tubbo had discovered that Techno’s actions led to Ranboo’s death, he had stormed out of the Arctic, taking Michael with him, choosing instead to live in Eret’s castle for a while. Techno’s protection was not worth his own ignorance. Not to mention that because of him, both his and Tommy’s lives were in even more danger. 
During Tubbo’s time with Eret, the two bonded more, reminiscing over L’manburg and Eret had cried when remembering their betrayal. Tubbo had shrugged and said it didn’t matter in the end because L’manburg was always doomed.
“No,” Eret said, “don’t ever say that. That was your home, Tubbo. You grew up there. You loved it and worked so hard to protect it. Even after Wilbur died, you still kept going when you shouldn’t have had to. You’re one of the toughest people on this server, and that’s extremely honorable. You’re braver than I ever was.”
After Dream was finally killed, Tubbo confronted Techno. Because if there was a hill that Tubbo was going to die on, it would be that Techno would not get the final word on the things he did. It took a few weeks of gaining his courage and swallowing his anxiety, but he finally did it.
Tubbo gave him an icy glare. “You can have your home, your dogs, your friends. You can laugh about anarchy and tearing down governments, but god forbid that I, or anyone I care about, create a government at all. No one asked you to stay in L’manburg, Techno. No one would’ve complained if you had enough of it and wanted to run off to make your little commune in the snowy woods. But no, of course not. You can’t claim ignorance about our plans on November 16th, because you were right there, you heard us. But you still got enraged over something that we were going to do anyways. And in your petty anger, you set off Withers! You shot fireworks! Do you even know how much shit I’ve gone through because of those fireworks? Can you imagine how many times I see them in my nightmares, because of you? Ah yes Technoblade, the man who bows to no one except a tyrannical dictator. I am forever half-blind and half-deaf because of you. This scar on my face is because of you. And then after we tried to make you pay consequences for your actions, you decide to team up with Dream! And you decide to take your dogs and attack us at night, before the twenty-four hours were fully up. Who cares about fairness when it’s you behind the crossbow, with your finger on the trigger? And so you and Dream ripped away mine and Tommy’s home. That was our home! We grew up there! That was the last remnant any of us had of Wilbur at the time! All of our documents, all of our homes and pets were fucking burned to ash because of you! We lost everything that night! Imagine if I took one of my nukes and blasted it straight at your home and killed your entire hound army, I don’t think you’d appreciate it that much. But see that’s the thing about you; you receive a slap on the wrist and I receive hell at my doorstep. I am not allowed to have anything, because all you’ll do is take it from me. You will walk to Snowchester with the Syndicate, and search me like I committed a literal crime instead of just trying to live in a home that I made, and then after you’ll get yourself into prison and help break Dream out because fuck morality, right? Fuck Tommy and Ranboo for ever believing in you, and fuck me for hoping you wouldn’t ever go so low as to team up with him again! All the apologies in the world will never, ever undo all the shit you did. My husband fucking died because of you, and even though he is back now, that doesn’t change that. Both me and Tommy were almost killed by Dream because of you. So you can live comfortably without a scratch on you, but I have to live with a million scars, several of which you can’t see. And the shit you did will never, ever be okay. And I can’t forgive you for it.”
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