#Harry potter and the order of the Phoenix
shutupcrime · 2 days
Please, please, please do not remake Harry Potter
I am not saying this as a die hard fan
I am not saying this because there is absolutely no way they could replicate the level of detail or quality of the casting of the films
I am not saying this because it will likely be an over cgi-ed mess
I am saying this because J K Rowling has proven time and time again that she is a person who is not deserving of a public platform.
Given the chance to do absolutely anything with her wealth and fame she has used it to spew vitriol and hatred as well as blatantly spread misinformation.
Not to mention the entire reboot project is the direct result of most of the original films cast disavowing her views.
Over the years a woman who was once a champion of the underprivileged and abused has become radicalised in front of our eyes and this new show will shed even more light on her and introduce her to a new younger audience vulnerable to her viewpoint.
There are many reasons not to remake the films but we need to acknowledge this for what it is: Rowling’s attempt to recapture the limelight through targeting a younger less informed fan base.
Please, please DO NOT watch this show.
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Ares: Gabrielle, is there something you would like go say,
Gabrielle: Oh, there are SEVERAL things I would like to say.
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tedwardremus · 1 day
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Benjy Fenwick is a tenacious investigative journalist for the Daily Prophet. Despite the Ministry’s tight control over the narrative of the war, Benjy persistently publishes articles that expose Death Eater activities and criticize the passive pure-blood ideology that enables their violence to thrive. His reporting makes him a target when he anonymously publishes a leaflet revealing the identities of several Death Eaters, an act that ultimately seals his fate as a marked man by Voldemort's inner circle.
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erra-de-vent · 3 days
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more old sketches! this one appeared when I looked at a photo of the Order of the Phoenix from the fifth film and found that David Thewlis had a completely crazy hairstyle there. and then I remembered that it was the 80s, the fashion boom for jeans, and I couldn't stop... 😆😆😆
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blorger · 2 days
So, picture this:
Here I am, sat in an internet-less room, twiddling my thumbs and waiting for time to crawl ever so slowly by. For lack of a better alternative, I start flipping through the pages of Chamber of Secrets and I notice A Thing.
"My, how peculiar" I say to myself, fully intending to let The Thing be, but alas; time moves slowly, boredom persists and, not unlike the tell-tale heart, The Thing calls to me.
"Come," it beckons, "notice me further". "Compile some data" it begs, "that's surely the most productive way to pass the time"; like a moth to a flame, I am caught.
This, dear reader, is how I found myself tallying all the different ways the word "mudblood" is used in canon. So gird your loins and let me introduce you to
The Mudblood Chronicles, or what's in a name?
part 1: methodology
Since the purpose of this exercise is to analyse the use of the term "mudblood" as a slur, I'm not going to count the times in which the word is not being used with malicious intent. Throughout the books this happens on several occasions, those being:
during the course of the narration (it happens once in the context of "everyone present knew mudblood was a very offensive term")
when Harry uses the term, since it only happens when he either recalls someone else saying it (one time with Draco and once with Snape) or he's forbidding Kreacher from using it (twice).
when Ron uses it; it happens once to explain the slur's meaning and once (in conjunction with Ginny) to demand Kreacher stop using the term.
when someone is quoting themselves. Draco quotes himself to Dumbledore once ("you care about me saying mudblood when I'm about to kill you?"; incidentally, it's also the last time he ever utters the word)
I am counting instances in which a muggleborn character uses the term to refer to themselves, since it happens in the context of reclaiming the insult and I am interested in who the author chooses to highlight thusly.
part 2: the results/ WHEN
The word "mudblood" and its plural "mudbloods" are used as an insult a total of 62 times in the Harry Potter books. Here we can see the book by book breakdown:
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Unsurprisingly, The book where "mudblood" is used the most ( a total of 34 times) is Deathly Hallows since it takes place during a war about muggleborns. Chamber of Secrets, where the term is introduced, follows with 10 mentions, after which is Order of the Phoenix (7 mentions), followed by Goblet of Fire (6 mentions) and Half-Blood prince (5 mentions). The term "mudblood" is not used in either Philosopher's Stone or Prisoner of Azkaban.
part 3: the results/ WHO
So who is our biggest culprit?
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Draco Malfoy is our uncontested lead, having both the advantage of appearing in all books and of orbiting around our narrator. Both Bellatrix and Kreacher make a good showing, with Bellatrix's 6 times being especially notable since they all occur during the course of Deathly Hallows.
Let's break this down further, shall we?
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Despite introducing us to the term, Draco appears to scale back his usage of the slur as he ages.
Before partaking in this experiment, I was under the vague impression that, in the wizarding world, "mudblood" is seen as a childish insult. I can now see why: in times of peace (i.e. before Voldemort's resurrection), Draco is the only person in Harry's day-to-day life saying it and he himself peters off in the usage of "mudblood" as things get more serious. To Draco, it appears, "mudblood" IS a childish insult, and we'll see further proof of this at a later date.
part 4: the results/ HOW
Let us now look at how the term is used:
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Unsurprisingly, the person "mudblood" is hurled most often at is Hermione. As a main character, she is the most visible muggleborn in the narrative and, if that wasn't enough, she is more often than not the only muggleborn present, even when it doesn't make much sense (Hermione is the only known muggleborn member of the order of the phoenix, an organization whose supposed aim is the fight for muggleborn rights.)
There are no known instances of the word "mudblood" being used to refer to any other muggleborn student during Harry's time at Hogwarts. Lily Evans is the only other school-aged character who gets the dubious honor of being a "mudblood".
Let's break this down further and look at who people are referring to when they say "mudblood":
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*= Walburga's portrait never directly addresses Hermione, she only alludes to the presence of various filth (muggleborns, blood traitors, werewolves..) in her home. That said, Hermione is the only muggleborn we ever see in Grimmauld Place so it must stand to reason that Walburga is referring to her, just like she's indirectly referring ro Remus Lupin when she mentions werewolves.
**= Both Hermione and Lily use the term mudblood to refer to themselves in an attempt to reclaim the slur, they both do it twice.
***= Our only "other" is mr Ted Tonks, who Bellatrix only mentions in order to disavow when Voldemort talks about the birth of Teddy Lupin.
Interestingly, the only people who ever refer to Lily Evans as "mudblood" to her face are Severus Snape (one instance recounted three separate times) and Lily Evans herself. Voldemort uses the insult when talking about her with Harry long after her death.
Of further note, our only written "mudblood" comes by courtesy of a ministry pamphlet Harry finds in Diagon Alley, heavily implied to have been written by one ms Dolores Umbridge.
part 5: a brief interlude/ Draco's language
Draco refers to Hermione as “Granger” 13 times and, while their interactions often consist of him talking about her blood status, he uses "mudblood" instead of her name only 4 times. Furthemore, there are 4 additional times where he uses both mudblood and Granger (as in "that mudblood Granger").
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The very first time Draco mentions Hermione in the books occurs during this exchange with Lucius:
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I find this interesting because, even in private, his first instinct is to use her given name. It's only after he is scolded by Lucius* that we get our first "mudblood", in a scene where he is once again feeling threatened by her.
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*= Guess who never utters the word "mudblood"? Lucius. Even Narcissa does once (in DH, when she recognises Hermione at the manor)
part 6: conclusion
I am not a linguistics expert, I cannot tell wether JKR uses the slur she made up in a way that mimics real world slurs. What I can do with the data I compiled is try to track various characters' attitudes towards muggleborns in the books by looking at what they call them.
People whose views remain unchanged (Voldemort, Kreacher, Walburga) remain consistent with their usage of "mudblood"; Draco, who grows up as the books progress, scales back. Snape only ever uses the word once, in the past, and the incident is retold multiple times to signify its importance.
As the situation in the wizarding world worsens, more people feel emboldened to use an otherwise taboo term, as seen by how most one-off utterances of "mudblood" take place in book7, during wartime.
Finally, I would like to note that we only ever hear two muggleborns' (Lily and Hermione) opinions on "mudblood" as a slur, the rest of the time it's mostly purebloods (and the occasional half-blood) telling us how to feel about the insult; I find that very interesting.
There. Now all this useless information is out of my brain and into the aether, where other nerds can ponder on its significance while this nerd here sleeps the sleep of the truly righteous.
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just. dropping this here
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toorumlk · 24 days
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best friends to lovers? no, best friends AND lovers!
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months
The worst Wolfstar fanfic I’ve ever read ?
Oh definitely Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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faithsoneluv · 8 days
i don't think people understand how hard it is not to ship tomarry / harrymort because what do you mean they're borderline canonically soulmates. what do you mean they're PROPHESIED to each other. what do you mean they're literal parallels, had the same childhood circumstances but turned out the exact opposite. what do you mean harry's the embodiment of the light side and tom's the embodiment of the dark even though they're so, so similar. what do you mean they both have common names even though they themselves are anything but common. what do you mean they have uncountable amount of bible references that apply strictly to them, what do you mean harry makes sure to mention tom's the handsomest in the room whenever he sees him and apparently likes their connection. what do you mean their wands share the core of the same phoenix and therefore literally can't kill each other even if they wanted to. what do you mean harry wanted to give him another chance despite everything he's done, what do you mean tom offered him his hand, what do you mean harry killed tom at the same age except the order of the numbers is reversed. what do you mean harry's eyes are the same colour as tom's favourite unforgivable (avada) AND the colour of his house, what do you mean TOM'S eyes are the colour of harry's favourite defence spell (expelliarmus) and the colour of his house. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE EACH OTHER'S OTHER HALF. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRY IS LITERALLY TOM'S SOUL??? 😭
NOT TO MENTION THESE THINGS AREN'T EVEN FANON LIKE...? lmk if i missed something though.
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peaky1wh0re · 8 months
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Favorite Brother duo
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desideriumwriter · 1 year
Blindsided | G.W.
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Summary: As the Gryffindor Quidditch team celebrates their win on the field, Malfoy begins to openly throw insults in front of George and Fred towards them, their parents, Harry, and you. George isn’t able to ignore and shrug off his mockery. It only ends in a shocking altercation between the Redheaded Gryffindor and sneering Slytherin.
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Category: hurt/comfort, fluff
WC: 2.9k
CWs: physical fighting, depictions of violence/fighting, blood, yelling, injuries
A/N: this fic is based off that one part in OOTP (chapter eleven), i’m still so upset they didn’t include it in the movie </3
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The Gryffindor section of the stadium roared with applause and hollered once Harry caught the Golden Snitch, getting the team 30 points ahead of Slytherin, causing Gryffindor to win and finally end the game.
Harry flew to the middle of the stadium, flying high up, smiling as he held up the snitch in his hand with two fingers wrapped tightly around it, presenting it to the entire stadium. He flew down and landed carefully on the field, Fred and George went down after him, then the rest of the Gryffindor team did as well.
Fred and George abandoned their brooms and ran over to Harry, Fred was giving him aggressive pats on the back while George ruffled his hair as they praised him. You grinned at their brotherly behavior towards Harry. The proud athletes began to grin and cheer loudly while punching their fists in the air in victory, hugging each other tightly, giving each other high-fives and handshakes all in celebration.
But of course, Draco landed by, ready to ruin this happy moment, and started to sneer about something towards the Gryffindor team, it seemed that Harry was the only one to notice, he turned around to look at Draco, then turned back towards his team when he stopped talking, he was trying his best to ignore him and not bark back at the Slytherin boy.
You smiled and applauded along with everyone else, you decided to leave your spot and excitedly walk down the stairs to go and congratulate Harry and the rest of the team on the field, also because you mostly wanted to see George. You were too impatient and too excited to wait an hour or so because George had to clean up.
You completely forgot that Draco was spitting something at the other team and constantly pointing at Harry, George, and Fred.
While Fred was squeezing Harry's shoulder and George was in the midst of a handshake with Harry, you watched the twins' heads snap up at Draco and their bodies stiffen, the big grins they previously had on their faces disappeared immediately. Yours did as well.
At this point you were running onto the field because you knew something was off, something was about to happen, and whatever it was going to be, it definitely won't be good.
You got there in time to hear most of what Draco was mocking about.
"We wanted to write another couple of verses!" Malfoy called out towards them, “But we couldn't find rhymes for fat and ugly and we wanted to sing about his mother, but we couldn't fit in useless loser either for his father!” He laughed, you looked at George, a scowl covered his face which was red with anger, there was practically steam coming out his ears. You grabbed onto his hand, squeezing it, to try and get his attention.
George looked down at you, his face softened slightly at the sight of you, but it was still covered with rage, you shook your head slowly at him, mouthing ‘no’, as an attempt to get him to calm down, knowing he was seconds away from doing something stupid, he sighed and looked back at Malfoy.
“Oh! I see your little girlfriend has come to your defense, hasn’t she Georgie?” Malfoy mocked, George’s fists balled up, hands shaking, his fingers were squeezed tightly around yours to the point where it was uncomfortable, yet you still kept your hand in his.
"You like the Weasley's, don't you, Harry? Especially you too, Y/L/N. You spend the holidays there and everything, I see you take any advantage you could get to be around George. You definitely have a liking for him, huh?” It seemed Malfoy had forgotten about Harry at this point, his attention drifted from Harry to you, you were now his target.
“In my opinion, I can't see how you stand the stink, but I suppose when you've been raised in a dirty-blooded household even the Weasley's hovel smells okay." Malfoy smirked.
You turned around to figure out where Fred went, only to see a panicked Angelina trying to calm down him as well.
"Leave it, Fred, let him yell, he's just a sore loser.” Angelina stood in front of him, placing her hands flat gently on his chest. Alicia and Katie eventually joined in on trying to hold him back and calm him down too.
Harry stood on the other side of George, grabbing his upper arm, muttering to George that Malfoy was just trying to rile him up, attempting to get him to walk away as he looked around for Hooch, who was still lecturing Crabbe about his illegal Bludger attack. George didn’t budge.
"Or perhaps," Malfoy continued, leering as he slowly walked towards you, getting more in your face with every step, "it makes you think about your dirty muggle life, Weasley's pigsty reminds you of it, doesn’t it, you filthy mudblood?" He let out a small laugh and then walked away. Those last few words were all it took for George to snap. Fred and Harry as well. However, Fred was stuck, still being held back by the others.
It only was a few seconds before you felt George's hand slip from your grip, you saw him and Harry sprint towards Malfoy.
All of it, everything happened so quickly.
Harry shoved Malfoy back around, he held back his fist that was still holding the Snitch, then sunk his fist into Malfoys stomach, he nearly fell over from the force of the hit as he groaned and held his stomach in pain. But, they weren’t done there. Malfoy attempted to stand up straight and throw his fist at Harry, only to be headbutted and slammed on the ground by George.
Once they were both on the ground, Harry stood on one of his arms while George hovered over him, delivering strong blows to Malfoys face and bellowing out in rage. Repeatedly punching him left and right, letting out all his fury into Malfoy's face.
You gasped and covered your mouth with two hands in shock, you were frozen. You didn’t know what to do or how to stop him, if you could even be able to stop him. It was scary, George was scary. This was a whole new side of him you’ve never seen before.
“Fuck you, Malfoy! Don’t you ever talk about my family! Don’t you ever fucking call Y/N that! Stupid piece of shit!” George screamed at him as he continued to beat him. You couldn’t hear everything he said due to his screaming eventually blending in with the crowds, several voices pleading for him to stop, some were encouraging the altercation.
“Harry! Get him off!” “Stay back, Fred!” “I’ve been waiting for this to happen!” “Get a picture of this Colin!” “Why’s nobody helping him?” “Do something!” “Fight! Fight! Fight!” “Why isn’t she doing anything?” “He’s gonna kill him!” “Someone get Madam Hooch!”
Voices screamed and overlapped from all around the stadium.
Kids were leaning over the wooden rails, standing on their seats, some were even using the binoculars they brought to get a closer look at the altercation.
George only paused for a second to warn Malfoy. He grabbed him by the collar, partially lifting him up from the grass.
“If you ever, ever say anything like that about my family or my friends again. I will leave you with more than a broken nose. Do you understand?” George had the look of a madman covering his face, Malfoy only nodded and whined. Yet, George let go and let him fall back on the ground, and went back to delivering hits.
There was so much noise. The crowd screaming, Fred screaming to be let go of, the girls trying to quieten him down, the repeated sound of bone hitting bone, George continuing to swear, Malfoy crying out in pain, the impact of the punches.
A whistle blew, but George didn’t care, he ignored the strong, high pitched sound, his hearing was only focused on the sound of the impact from his fists swinging into Malfoy's face instead.
“Impedimenta!” A woman's voice hollered. George, along with Harry, was knocked over backward, the force of the spell flinging them away from Malfoy, who was curled up on the grass, clutching his stomach, groaning and whimpering with blood from his nose covering the bottom center half of his face and staining his Quidditch uniform.
George hit the ground right next to you, only sporting a small nosebleed with a swollen and split open lip, he attempted to leap back up on his feet, but you grabbed onto him to keep him down, you noticed that Fred was still being restrained by the others, eventually giving up on trying to launch at Malfoy, knowing the fight was over and there was no chance he’d be able to get to him without getting launched back too.
"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" screamed Madam Hooch as she walked closer, stopping once she was standing next to Malfoy.
"I have never seen behavior like this! Both of you, back up to the castle and straight to your Head of House's office! You too Frederick Weasley! Go! Now!” Hooch pointed and drifted her finger between each of the three boys. Harry began to storm out, George getting up exhaustedly, still taking heavy breaths while walking off. He didn’t say a word as he passed by you, only making eye contact for a second.
You weren’t able to read what the exact look on his face was, it was a mixture of anger, sadness, and maybe even some disappointment.
“The rest of you, return to your common rooms right this moment!” The crowd filled with groans and whispers as they began to exit out the stadium.
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You sat on the sofa in the common room, the book you were trying to read sitting open and abandoned next to you. You had one leg perched up, your chin sat on your knee, as you watched the flames dance in the fireplace. Fred, George, and Harry stormed in the room, they were all stripped from their Quidditch uniforms and had large scowls on their faces.
You weren’t even able to get a word out before they had all gone up to their dorm.
You sighed to yourself, laying down on the sofa, watching and listening to the fire crackle and glow. You couldn’t stop thinking of what happened earlier, it was taking over your mind.
You’ve never seen George so serious, so angry, so full of rage.
You felt guilty, maybe even a little gross, because a part of you liked watching it go down. Seeing that side of George was scary, but you liked it.
Of course you liked seeing Draco get what he finally deserves. But, you liked seeing George during it. You liked how concentrated he was, how he screamed and swore at him, you liked seeing his strength being put to use for something other than Quidditch, you liked how you got to see him let his anger out, you liked how he defended the people he cared about.
The weight of exhaustion had finally hit you, the events of today had worn you out completely. You soon fell asleep on the sofa after accepting the fact that you enjoyed watching George during the altercation, that you enjoyed it maybe a bit too much.
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Your eyes fluttered and slowly rose open, you inhaled while taking a look at your surroundings, you couldn’t have been asleep for too long, as it was still night, the common room was quiet, but one thing had changed. George was sitting on one of the chairs across from you.
“Hi.” He gave you a weak and forced smile, the cut on his lip was scabbed up now.
“Hey. Um, how are you doing?” You propped yourself up on your elbow.
“Um….” His leg repeatedly bounced up and down quickly, he bit his cheek, his eyes wandered around the room, he was planning on what he was about to say next.
He took a large breath in through his nose.
“Umbridge permanently banned us from the Quidditch team.” He ignored answering your question, going straight to the bad news. Maybe his response could be his answer though, it’s obvious with an aftermath like that, he wasn’t doing good.
“What?” You exclaimed, launching yourself up and completely out of your seat.
“We’re banned from the team, we’re banned from the game. We can’t play. At all.” George shook his head with a frown on his face.
“Are you serious? But- What about Malfoy?” You paced around, it was weird talking to him in such a serious and gloomy manner.
“Nothing happened to him. Except…you know?” George gave an awkwardly tight lipped smile as he brought his bruised hands up, flipping each side to you.
“Yeah, but…shit.” You sighed, flopping back on the sofa, disappointed about the outcome of what happened to all of them. George only let out a hum of agreement.
“Fred’s taking it worse than I am. I think he’s still upset he didn’t get to join in on the beating.” He attempted to joke, you let out a small laugh, then you bit your cheek and looked at his hands, his knuckles were covered in shades of red and purple, small scabs on the tip of some. George caught on and noticed your staring.
“Oh Godric, I didn’t mean to scare you. You’re not scared of me, right? Please don’t tell me you are.” His voice filled with panic, he must’ve thought you were scared he was going to be seen as an impulsive and violent person by you.
“I’m not scared, I’m…worried. I guess I'm just still thinking about everything.” You gave a forced smile as you reassured him.
“Oh, okay.” He breathed out as he looked down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers.
“Are your hands okay? Are they broken? Did you see Madam Pompfrey for it?”
“I didn’t want to bother her this late, she’s already taking care of Malfoy so. But, yeah they’re fine. They should be.” He shrugged.
“Alright. Well, are you okay?” You tried your best to get a look at his face.
“I think I should be the one asking you that.” He let out a weak laugh, you did the same. You soon noticed that you hadn’t thought one bit about what Malfoy said when he was ridiculing you. The intensity of the fight overtook your thoughts.
After that, it was silent. Neither of you knew what to say next, you were both going over all the things Draco had said to you before George had him on the ground in your heads.
“You didn’t deserve that, for him to say all those things about you.” He moved from his spot in the chair to next to you on the sofa, crouched over, his elbows on his knees with his fists stuck together clumsily.
“Your family didn’t deserve to be talked about like that either.” You added in, trying to push the focus on them and not you.
“Of course, I should’ve scrapped him once he mentioned my mum. At least she wasn’t there to hear him say all that rubbish.” He scoffed, “It’s not fair that you were however…I just don’t want you to be his next target because of me.” He whispered the last part, your heart broke at it. He thought those insults towards you were his fault?
You opened your mouth, trying to think of something to say in response. You couldn’t think of anything. A million thoughts were going through your head yet you were still speechless.
“‘Cause, I care for you. You know? I really do.” He added, his voice filled with sweetness and gloom.
“I do too, George. You mean a lot to me.” You unclenched his fists from each other, taking one of his hands and intertwining your fingers with his.
“Really? I do?” He sat up and looked at you, there was genuine surprise on his face.
“Of course, you absolutely do.” You smiled with your eyebrows raised. Was he really questioning how much he meant to you? Does he not know how much you care for him?
There was another silence, but this time it wasn’t sad or awkward or embarrassing or guilt ridden, it was something else. A much stronger feeling. A tension. A positive tension.
You only looked at each other, admiring each other's features, you took in every freckle scattered around his face, his dark umber colored eyes, his smooth skin, his long red eyelashes, his soft lips.
Then something inside you snapped, but not like how George snapped earlier on the field. You leaned in, pressing your lips to his, you felt him push into the kiss. His hands gently cupping around your face. It felt as if both of your lips were magnets, pulling into each other.
You pulled away to catch your breath. George stared at you, face covered in shock and passion. You weren’t able to form a sentence, he took all the words out of your mouth once he connected his to yours.
“I was hoping you would do that.” Was all he said as he grinned and you giggled, blushing and attempting to turn your head away only for it to be pulled back by George's hands holding your face and pulling you back in for more.
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tell me what you thought! <3
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months
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Harry really got so distracted by the mere sight of Draco Malfoy's name that he just completely stopped paying attention to Sirius. Even though all he's wanted for months is to be able to spend time with him. Wow.
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readwithlivvy · 6 months
reminder that this is how severus snape treated his students
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
*yelling coming from the living room.* Ron: Ginny! Come here Ginny! See what I mean! Ginny: No, I don’t see what you mean! Hermione: *stopping in the doorway where Harry and Luna are leaning against the doorframe eating popcorn.* What’s going on? Luna: They’re fighting over whose name would make a better dogs name. Hermione: They’re what? Ginny: Ron is a much better name for a dog! Ron: Sit, Ginny. Ginny: I’m right. Ron: Ginny, drop it! Ginny: I’m going to hit you. Ron: Staaaay! Ginny, stay! See it’s a great name for a dog. Ginny: *chucking something across the room at Ron* Harry: *from the doorway* Fetch Ron! Fetch! Ginny: Ah ha! Harry: Ginny's right. Ron does work better. Ginny: Boom! Harry has spoken. Ron: What about Harry for a dog's name? Harry: No. Ginny: Harry's a cat’s name. Hermione: Cat. Luna: So a cat. Harry: Suck it Weasley. Neville: *entering the room* What’s going on? Luna: What about Neville?! Neville: What? Everyone: Come here, Neville! Good boy, Neville. Who’s a good dog! Good job, Neville. Neville: I’m scared.
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neohoestechnology · 3 months
george weasley moodboard and headcanons pretty please? :3
Sorry for taking so long, I hope you like it 🤠💗
☆ George Weasley Moodboard & Headcanons ☆
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golden retriver boyfriend? golden retriver boyfriend!
oh man, he's head over heels for you
kinda feel like everyone knew he had a crush on you because of the way he stared at you and smiled like an idiot (but he's you idiot so it's okay)
he needs physical touch to function properly, always touching you in some way
holding hands while walking down the corridors, elbows brushing against each other during a lesson, fingers moving delicately to move a strand of hair out of your face... I could go on
please go watch his quiddich practice, he'd be so proud :)
sweaty hugs after a match (not that you dislike)
like I said before, gossip trio
and man, he's so ruthless too 😭
sassy queen
calls you beautiful out of the blue just to see you blush
casually pats your head
you spend every holiday at weasley's and he LOVES IT
doesn't like how close you're getting with his sister though
he put up a tent one night and watched the stars with you 🥹💗
I feel like your first time together would be on one of those occasions
kinda the playful type, but also really sweet
his family loves you (actually doesn't understand how someone like Mr. Goofiness pulled someone as good as you)
asks you to study together, tackles you onto the bed after ten minutes " 'cause he's not built for long-term concentration" 🤠
"put that bloody book down, we're making a fort"
certified "I know you can do it yourself but let me do it for you" type of boyfriend
he'd lose his mind if you cooked for him (I mean, he already knew he was gonna marry you, but now he's more whipped than before)
always makes sure you don't get too stressed during exams season
casually bumps his head on yours while sitting
if you have bangs, he would 100% run his hand through them knowing that it infuriates you :)
please watch a horror movie together and enjoy him being scared to death
plays it cool, actually dying inside
I guess that's it
Love you, B. 💖
I do not possess any of these photos, all credits go to the owners.
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beirarowling · 5 months
"Yes, they're very complimentary about you now, Harry," said Hermione, now scanning the article. " 'A lone voice of truth... percieved as unbalanced, yet never wavered in his story... forced to bear ridicule and slander...' Hmmm," said Hermione, frowning. "I notice they don't mention the fact that it was them doing all the ridiculing and slandering, though..."
—J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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