#Harry potter 7
amy-eleven-gotcha · 2 years
Added Interstellar’s “Cornfield Chase” OST to one of the best Harry Potter scenes ever, and now life’s better :)
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zriasstuff · 8 months
Way too close-Theodore Nott x reader
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Forced proximity between Theodore Nott and fem!reader (2k words)
Some tension needs to be resolved… (not 18+ content though, this is SFW)
If someone would have told you earlier today, that if you went to tonight’s Slytherin party you’d be stuck in an old closet with the Theodore Nott later on, you’d have never went.
But here you were, stuck beside Theo in an old closet used for storing rags and brooms, which smelled extremely unpleasant. You could practically feel a broom stabbing you in the back, but you didn’t want to move because you’d have to get closer to Theo in the process. He was facing you at the moment, but you weren’t looking him the eyes, instead you stared at the dusty closet floor.
It’s not that you absolutely hated Theo, although he hasn’t been exactly the nicest to you in the past. He always believed that he was entitled to do whatever he wanted without thinking about the consequences, especially the ones that would be inflicted on other people.
You remembered that a year ago, there was this huge rumor that your boyfriend at that time had made out with another girl. It wasn’t true though, and Theo had been the one that spread that lie. You guys broke up anyway, you just weren’t meant for each other, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that Theo had put a huge dent in your relationship and had made you feel so extremely humiliated.
It was a thing of the past, you moved on, but something about him still made you feel uneasy. And besides, he just had this overall intimidating, dark aura around him, as if he’d start a fight with you any second. Perhaps it’s just the way some people are.
You had originally thought that he’d refuse to spend 7 minutes in heaven with you, when the spinning bottle had landed on you, but to your surprise he was quite alright with it. Maybe not happy, definitely not unhappy though.
“What are you thinking about”, he asks you, disrupting the silence that had lasted for a solid minute already, while curiously looking down on you.
“Nothing, really”, you reply.
“Well you look like you got a stick up your ass, what’s with your weird posture?”
Rude. Were you really standing that crookedly, you ask yourself.
“If you must know, there’s this broom digging into my backside and I can’t stand properly without…”, you go silent, hesitating to name him the reason. Why would you, it would only be another six minutes.
“Without what?”, he further questions you in a demanding tone.
“…without practically leaning onto you” Fuck, you said it, and you knew you were blushing so hard right now. Why had you even said that? It was not like it made the awkwardness better. Luckily, darkness surrounded you, masking your intense blushing. What would he say now? You couldn’t possibly imagine a response.
“Then I guess I don’t want you to be uncomfortable now, do I?”
What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was he being sarcastic? He certainly looked serious.
“What are you waiting for, move”
You definitely did not know where this was going, but after a bit of hesitation, you decided to do it, since he was so insistent. Although you were still confused on why he was so comfortable with having you lean on him. You think probably because he’s used to having girls all around him.
Moments later, finally lean onto him, pressing your body closely against his. Faces only inches away from touching. The warmth of his body immediately spreads to you, and you feel his breath on your skin. There was this awfully weird tingle going through your entire body.
His intense stare stuns you so much, that you feel your knees going soft for a second. It’s like you couldn’t focus on anything else besides his electric touch, it made you melt. Meanwhile, you also realize you’d never been this close to any guy before, ever. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all…
“Yeah, thanks”, you dryly reply.
This could be nice, you start to think to yourself. Perhaps you could start some small talk with him, to make the position you were in less full of tension.
“So, do you wanna make out now?”
WHAT. What the hell, that came out of absolutely nowhere, and your mind starts to spin. Making out with Theodore Nott after just 3 minutes of talking ? Why in the hell would he even suggest that? He must be out of his mind.
He barely knew you, and now he wanted to make out? So many questions were circling your head, but not a single, coherent response left your mouth.
“uhm- wha, what?”, was all that escaped your mouth in a stuttering manner. It was all you could come up with.
“Clearly, you are not very experienced with party games, so let me explain“, he just so nonchalantly says. “Seven minutes of heaven is for making out. And it doesn’t hurt when the person you’re stuck with is really hot. So, since you’re more comfortable now, can we make out?”
He really had no sense of shame you thought to yourself.
All that left his mouth so matter of factly, that you barely had time to process what he said. Did he just call you hot? Not that you had much more time to overthink it because his lips smashed against yours already.
He used one hand to hold your waist, to keep you close to him, and the other to grab your head. Every single one of his touches sent electric waves through your body, and the kiss itself was so unexpected, yet so gentle. He knew exactly how to make you feel good, and his lips were so soft and they intertwined with yours in such a magical way. It ignited a growing desire in you, that you also clung onto him tighter, wrapping your arms around his neck. Every aspect of this made you want to get even closer to him, but no.
He can’t just do this all of a sudden. You barely know him, besides from the thing he did to you in the past. Plus, this was such an intimate moment, and there was no way you were going to experience it in a dusty closet, so you pull back, as much as you want to continue locking lips with him.
“What do you think you’re doing?”, you flip the mood around 180 degrees. That may have sounded ruder than you’d expected, which you didn’t mean to. But you still had to confront him.
“Listen, I know you make out with like 10 girls a week, and this game may be an excuse for you to make out with another one, but I barely know you, and the things that I do know of you aren’t exactly nice”.
There, you’d confronted him, the most intimidating person you know. Seems like you were still pretty hurt by what he did, even if you told yourself it didn’t affect you all that much anymore.
“Playing hard to get huh?”, he raises an eyebrow at you while saying that. “You know, seconds ago, if I recall correctly, you seemed to enjoy the kiss a lot too. And now you wanna act like I forced myself on you, so what’s up with that?”
He was right, you did enjoy it too. It wasn’t fair to blame him completely. What if you had just shut up and enjoyed the kiss? There was no turning back though at this point.
“You’re right, I shouldn’t just pretend the kiss was all you. But I meant the part about you not being such a nice person”, you correct yourself.
“Now, what’s not nice about me?” He asked that in an accusatory tone, but he actually looked genuinely interested.
“Do you not remember what you did to me a few months back?”, you had hoped he would have some sort of memory about that.
“I barely remember what I do during any day, so no. I swear I’ll make it up to you though”, he replied honestly.
“You spread a rumor about my ex cheating on me, which wasn’t true by the way, never apologized, made me feel humiliated for days, and now you want to make out?” When you hear yourself speak those words, it really just made the situation seem even worse.
After not blinking and thinking for a few seconds Theo comes up with something and says “I didn’t realize it was that hurtful, but you gotta know do a lot of stupid stuff”
“I still don’t hear an apology”, you clap back, “and you doing stupid stuff often isn’t an excuse to be a bad person, maybe you should just quit doing stupid stuff.” What came out of Theos mouth was the lamest excuse you have ever heard, and he deserved to be knocked down a peg.
“So you’re seriously not gonna make out with me?”, he asks, sounding almost annoyed.
You didn’t think he could be any more of an asshole than he already was, but here you go. Theo wasn’t even worthy of a reply, so you just rolled your eyes.
At this point 7 minutes must’ve already passed you think because there was no way that 7 minutes were this long. You raise your arm to knock on the closet door, to signal to someone to unlock it, but before you could, Theo stops you in your tracks.
“Wait, wait, wait”, he said while holding onto your wrist, “I’m sorry, I know I come off as a jerk right now and most of the time too, but I do like you and want to make it up to you for having hurt you in the past.”
Even though he sounded halfway genuine, you didn’t fully believe he was sincerely sorry. He had also just completely changed within seconds. You just wanted to get out now, forget everything that happened, but there was no way of avoiding his gaze, that was scanning you right now for an answer.
“And how will you do that?”, you challenge him, to see if he really means it. It would be nice if he did make it up to you after all this time. Better late than never you think. You just didn’t want him to play a stupid trick on you instead.
Theo takes some time to think about his answer again. In the end he replied with “I’ll take you on a nice date.” He sounded way too cheeky saying that.
“That’s kind of selfish don’t you think, I don't believe a simple date will make it up to me”, you retorted at his proposal. Not that you wouldn’t enjoy it, the amazing kiss was still on your mind. When you thought of it, it made your stomach all fuzzy again. You just wanted him to be genuinely apologetic.
When you looked at him again, he was smiling for some odd reason. He countered with “Well, how do you know that it won’t make it up to you, if you don’t even give it a try?”, he did have you there. Perhaps it was his cheeky, yet charming smile, or the kiss, but you saw his point. There was no way of knowing before actually giving him a shot at redeeming himself. Theo continued smiling and he knew that he had somehow convinced you.
To give him a date wouldn’t be the end of the world, so what’s the point of making it more complicated than it is.
He was still patiently waiting for an answer, so at last, you gave him the satisfaction and agreed to a date. It was a huge relief on both of your sides, and you could hopefully finally put the past to rest after the date.
After a bit of more talking and banter, someone finally unlocked the closet doors and apologized for having forgotten all about you. Theo chuckles and flashes a grin at you before saying “Don’t be sorry, I thank you.”
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waterlilychaser · 7 months
i need james potter who has to be in control of every aspect of his life. has to make sure his friends are okay before he even thinks of himself. i need service top james potter who always put his partners needs before his. focuses on making them feel good before himself. because then it’s so good when he gets together with regulus who maybe has some issues with intimacy, or just doesn’t feel comfortable being touched at first. but he still wants to have sex. and james, eager to please, of course agrees to let regulus do whatever he wants with him. and he soon finds himself being pleasured unconditionally for the first time. he finds himself out of control of this one aspect of his life but he loves it. and regulus, who always feels out of control in every aspect of his life, finds he finally has something he has control over. and they just fit together perfectly. able to be exactly what the other needs in that intimate way.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
i love how draco and harry have the perfect setup for an 'enemies to even worse enemies' story about how their childish enmity turns into true hatred and violence as they grow up and join their respective sides of the war
but they keep missing their cues. every time either of them is in actual danger they immediately drops the whole rivalry thing and are willing to risk it all to save each other.
harry's like 'omg i hate draco so much he's totally a death eater' but after the sectumsempra incident he completely backs off even tho his suspicions are more confirmed than ever because he doesn't want to be in a situation where he could hurt draco and after the astronomy tower confrontation he actively lies to minimize draco's role in things and spends the rest of book 6 and all of book 7 worrying about him. and he saves him twice without hesitation in book 7.
and draco's like 'im a death eater now and i hate harry potter so much' but even though he knows firsthand what letting harry potter escape will mean for him and his family he doesn't identify him at the manor and says nothing when he sees that harry and ron are loose in their cell instead of still tied up and he lets harry take his wand while barely putting up a fight and in the room of requirement even unarmed he tries to stop crabbe and goyle from hurting harry and doesn't touch his mark to summon voldemort and his wand works perfectly for harry despite being of the most loyal core.
they really looked at the obvious 'narrative foils who go from petty rivals to deadly enemies' arc for their relationship and said 'lol no thanks we'd like to be narrative foils who dysfunctionally pine for 7 books instead'
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letoutbleu · 1 year
my beautiful miserable girlboss and miserable babygirl
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gonna come clean… frobin has one of the most mature and just wonderful relationship, they have so much chemistry and when you realize it… Franky and Robin is made for EACHOTHER the are so wife and malewife! ❤️😭
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Normally, I post theories on this blog, and what I usually do is solve plot holes, but I'm currently rereading Deathly Hallows, and I honestly forgot how stupid some decisions there are. So, I'm compiling some of them here to maybe theorize and solve these plot holes later. But for now, I'm baffled.
1. I just reached the part where they started camping in the woods, and Harry just started being hungry, and I don't think I can adequately describe how dumb that is. Like, I can get wanting to stay hidden and stuff, but why not call Kreacher?
I mean, Harry showed in HBP he can just call Kreacher to him:
But the question was, how to call him? What did you do? Quietly, tentatively, Harry spoke into the darkness. “Kreacher?” There was a very loud crack, and the sounds of scuffling and squeaks filled the silent room.
(HBP, 419)
Why not call Kreacher and tell him to bring food to the tent? He's a house-elf, so he could apparate through their wards with no problem. They could've had Kreacher's cooking still, I just don't get it.
2. They didn't actually need to leave Grimmauld Place at all. The book explains it like this:
“Harry, I think he can. I—I forced him to let go with a Revulsion Jinx, but I’d already taken him inside the Fidelius Charm’s protection. Since Dumbledore died, we’re Secret-Keepers, so I’ve given him the secret, haven’t I?” There was no pretending; Harry was sure she was right. It was a serious blow. If Yaxley could now get inside the house, there was no way that they could return. Even now, he could be bringing other Death Eaters in there by Apparition.
(DH, 271)
But Yaxley wouldn't be a Secret Keeper, he couldn't bring other Death Eaters inside. This isn't how the magic works.
After Dumbledore dies, everyone he told the secret to becomes the Secret Keeper. Hermione is a Secret Keeper. She can reveal the secret to Yaxley by appparating him, but that doesn't turn Yaxley into a Secret Keeeper. It's just one Death Eater who knows how to get in that Harry and Co can kidnap, obliviate, or kill if they're really stressed about it. Yaxley couldn't bring anyone else inside regardless of how much he wanted to. He isn't a Secret Keeper, so all the other Death Eaters would've had to wait outside and watch the place the house should be in like they did up to this point.
And sure, Snape is a Secret Keeper but considering he somehow lied his way out of telling them the secret, even though we see Death Eaters stationed outside Grimmauld Place, I think it's safe to say, he wouldn't tell even after Yaxley knew and potentially returned with this information. I mean, the fact the Death Eaters are watching outside Grimmauld Place tells us Snape didn't tell them, and it should tell Harry, Ron, and Hermione Snape didn't betray the secret, as otherwise, the Death Eaters would've just broken in to search for them.
3. If we're talking of the Fidelius Charm and Secret Keepers, I don't get why Bill and Arthur Weasley have to be their own Secret Keepers. Why create this plot hole so late in the game? I mean, up until book 7, I didn't question why James and Lily had to have a third party as their Secret Keeper. It was just how the spell worked. Well, not anymore.
So, now I have to wonder why they were convinced they needed someone else, someone outside the house? Perhaps it was out of paranoia? So that if something happened to them anyway there'd be someone outside who could bring help?
4. And don't even get me started on the Battle of the Seven Potters. I mean, apparition or side-along apparition are completely viable methods of transportation, so why brooms? Wtf?
I mean, the Order makes this same ludicrous decision in OotP, when they transport Harry from the Dursleys to Grimmauld Place on brooms, so at least they're consistent in their stupidity.
Like, I could make an excuse for the use of brooms if they're trying to evade the Trace. According to how I believe the Trace works, the Trace wouldn't pick up on a broom the same way it didn't pick up on the flying Ford Angelica. It's an item already enchanted, magic isn't being cast, so it doesn't pick on it. So, while the Trace would pick up on apparition, it won't pick up on broom flight.
The problem with this is that in OotP we see the Order cast magic inside the Dursleys' house, making any chance of avoiding the Trace moot:
“Don’t be stupid, it’ll be much quicker if I — pack!” cried Tonks, waving her wand in a long, sweeping movement over the floor. Books, clothes, telescope, and scales all soared into the air and flew pell-mell into the trunk.
(OotP, 53)
And in DH, Harry is already 17, and the Trace shouldn't be a problem for him, so this excuse doesn't really hold water...
I'm sure I'll remember more as I continue reading, but these are the ones that really bother me now. Rant over (at least until I find a hopefully not super contrived way to make all this make sense in-universe).
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nevermindigotthis · 7 months
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Oooookay, so in my quest to find a Drarry fic I like I came up with my own idea. Basically, instead of Harry, Ron and Hermione all being captured (during the war), Harry manages to draw attention so only he is captured and manages to hide his face (similarly to what Hermione does). He gets taken to the manor and Draco is asked to identify him. Harry is absolutely sure Draco knows it’s him, but Draco hesitates to say so. In that moment, Harry gets a Voldemort vision: Voldemort has found the Elderwand. However, Voldemort also sees what Harry sees, which is Draco, with the absolute certainty that Draco knows it‘s him and isn‘t saying anything.
So Voldemort returns to Malfoy manor absolutely PISSED and accuses Draco of treason and starts torturing him while Narcissa tries to reason with him. Voldemort demands all Malfoys prove their loyalty by torturing Draco with Cruciatus. Bellatrix does not hesitate. Lucius is reluctant, but too afraid to resist, so he complies. Narcissa begs that he‘s her son and she just can‘t. Haven’t decided if he kills her for it.
Then Voldemort turns to Harry, who doesn‘t want to die and tells Voldmort that he‘s a horcrux so he won‘t be killed (Hermione figured it out earlier). Voldemort tortures him a bit too and then throws the both of them in the cellars of the Manor. Which is where this picture comes in (with a lot more humor than the fic would have).
I haven‘t decided how this would end (apart from Drarry, lol), but the glorious escape would entail Harry realizing Draco is the master of the Elderwand and them using that fact to escape. Now that I think about it though, Voldemort torturing Draco would probably make him the master… eh, I haven‘t figured it out yet.
But enjoy the image, because writing is hard and I probably will never actually write this fic.
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hidden-for-reg · 1 month
august 7: stimulate | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 332
prompts are from the august 2023 collection from the lovely jegulus microfic mod
Regulus and James had been going out for a week, but they still pulled each other into broom closets between every other class. 
Regulus wasn’t complaining though. He quite enjoyed it even though his attendance record was taking a but of a hit. They tended to get carried away together. 
So when James grabbed his wrist and pulled him into an empty classroom, Regulus followed eagerly with a smirk blooming on his lips. 
As soon as James closed the door, Regulus spun them around and pressed James into it. He linked his hands behind James’ neck and snogged him. Regulus heard James make a tiny noise in the back of his throat when he pulled away. 
“I need some more stimulation before I go to Charms,” James whined, cupping Regulus’ cheek.
Regulus moved his hands to rest gently on James’ hips. “And I need to not be late to Potions again,” Regulus barely got his last word out before James leaned in to snog him relentlessly.
All thoughts about school quickly faded from both of their minds as they continued. 
Just as James had picked up Regulus and placed him on a desk, a loud gong sounded through the room.
The late bell. 
Regulus pulled back and swatted James over the head. He glared at him but his anger melted when James gave him a sheepish grin and mumbled an apology.
James helped Regulus off the desk as Regulus grumbled to him about how Professor Slughorn would have his head for being late again. 
Everything he had said, though, seemed to have gone straight through James because when he was about to step out, James pulled him in again for a quick peck on the cheek.
“See ya later, Reggie!” James waved goodbye before proceeding to skip to his next class.
Regulus shook his head affectionately as he took the stairs down to the dungeon.
He didn’t care about his attendance record if it meant he’d have more time with James.
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oh-my-bindery · 19 days
After Draco lied to his family and the snatchers about Harry being Harry - The Malfoy Manor
Lucius: So it was Harry Potter we just let escape…Draco you do realise that we are going to get punished for your stupidity?
Draco: …
Lucius: Why would you lie to us if you clearly knew what Potter looked like? Don’t you want Potter dead and us being alive and back to power?
Draco: …
After Harry risked his, Ron’s and Hermione’s lives to save Draco from FiendFyre in Room of Requirements
Ron: So we almost just bloody died because you decided to save that git - Malfoy?
Hermione: Harry, seriously, what was that about?
Harry: …
Ron: I swear to Merlin if you’re going to make us save his sorry arse once again I’m going to lose it!
Harry: …
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lulublack90 · 12 days
Prompt 7 - Warning
@jegulus-microfic September 7, Word count 383
The mist swirled around his death eater robes. The sun was beginning to peak above the horizon and at his feet, kneeling with a bloody lip was James Potter. 
“Come on Regulus, hurry up, the Dark Lord is expecting us back,” Barty sniped at him. Regulus turned his eyes away from James and let them bore into Barty’s. The cold, harsh power behind them shone in full force. He watched as Barty shuddered. Barty swallowed. “He’s all yours, Potter,” He said, before he disappeared into thin air. 
Regulus turned his gaze back on James’s heaving body. He had his head flung back, the first rays of light dancing across the golden skin of his exposed neck. Regulus couldn’t resist, he pressed the tip of his wand into the little dip at the base of James’s neck and traced up James’s long neck until he was pushing hard at the soft skin on the underside of his jaw. James gasped, and his eyes flew open. 
“This is my final warning, my love,” Regulus crooned, his voice like velvet, he imagined it wrapping around James in a way that he could no longer do and pressed his wand just that bit harder into his skin, twisting it until James’s breath hitched. “Stop following me, stop trying to save me. I am where I am supposed to be,” James didn’t say anything, but Regulus could see in the way his eyes glittered in the dawn light that his words fell on deaf ears. James would never stop fighting for them. 
He pulled the wand away and cupped James’s cheek gently. “Please, James, please,” He begged as their lips connected, and it was like coming home. He let himself pretend for just a moment that they were back at Hogwarts, and they were curled up together in James’s bed. He let himself believe it was true and then he pulled away. 
“I will always love you Regulus,” James murmured quietly. Regulus spun and apparated away, unable to hold in the roar that blasted from his lungs as he landed somewhere in the highlands and every bit of bottled-up emotion escaped him. 
“I will always love you too,” He wept as he tried to clear his face of the tears that continued to drip. “Until my dying breath.”
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becky5203 · 8 months
I know JKR is a terrible person and you won’t catch me defending her but making Harry’s best friends mirrors of his dead parents was a galaxy brained move if ever there was one.
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iamnmbr3 · 9 months
Ron: Can't believe I just almost died for Goyle.
Harry: Oh was he there too?
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hey guys, I went for a shower today and realized I have:
No towel
No friends
Not slept
No money
No future career path
No life
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lleaudau · 6 months
Damn the Harry Potter reboot, I want a sitcom with the Order of the Phoenix.
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nottyoursbutmine · 1 month
harry potter 7
I’ve had this list ready since before I started writing so I said fuck it I’ll just post it — this is will probably be my last recs post so enjoy and pls support my writing thanks
fav 🐈‍⬛
fred weasley masterlist @onlyfreds
tom riddle
call it what you want @pasukiyo 🐈‍⬛
Heart Unfrozen @theodorenmyth
theodore nott
sweet dreams @amongemeraldclouds
Flames on Thin Ice @sectumsempraaa
Out Of It @distantdarlings
hot and cold @wilted-society 🐈‍⬛
sirius black
Misunderstandings @xxxanteaterxxx
mattheo riddle
Sleeping after an argument @vipwinnie 🐈‍⬛
The Argument @storiesfromafan
fred weasley
Mine @lumosandnoxwriting
train ride @lovie-bugzz
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thatboleyngirl77 · 1 month
If I had a penny for every time I've shipped a blonde boy in green with a dark haired boy in blue, I'd have two pennies, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice...
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Scorbus (Scorpius Malfoy x Albus Potter) - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
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Varigo (Varian x Hugo) - Varian and the seven kingdoms ⚠️Not My Art!!⚠️ Credit to the artist
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