#and harry never once blames draco for any of the things he sees him do as a death eater in book 7 even for a moment
iamnmbr3 · 3 months
i love how draco and harry have the perfect setup for an 'enemies to even worse enemies' story about how their childish enmity turns into true hatred and violence as they grow up and join their respective sides of the war
but they keep missing their cues. every time either of them is in actual danger they immediately drops the whole rivalry thing and are willing to risk it all to save each other.
harry's like 'omg i hate draco so much he's totally a death eater' but after the sectumsempra incident he completely backs off even tho his suspicions are more confirmed than ever because he doesn't want to be in a situation where he could hurt draco and after the astronomy tower confrontation he actively lies to minimize draco's role in things and spends the rest of book 6 and all of book 7 worrying about him. and he saves him twice without hesitation in book 7.
and draco's like 'im a death eater now and i hate harry potter so much' but even though he knows firsthand what letting harry potter escape will mean for him and his family he doesn't identify him at the manor and says nothing when he sees that harry and ron are loose in their cell instead of still tied up and he lets harry take his wand while barely putting up a fight and in the room of requirement even unarmed he tries to stop crabbe and goyle from hurting harry and doesn't touch his mark to summon voldemort and his wand works perfectly for harry despite being of the most loyal core.
they really looked at the obvious 'narrative foils who go from petty rivals to deadly enemies' arc for their relationship and said 'lol no thanks we'd like to be narrative foils who dysfunctionally pine for 7 books instead'
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drarrily-we-row-along · 9 months
Titan Arum
It wasn’t Harry’s fault.
Their relationship had always been about competition, from the very start, from 11 years old when they’d despised each other. And some habits died harder than others. It hadn’t been intentional that their dating was a bit like a competition, it had sort of just happened.
Planning alternating date night activities, giving the most heartfelt gifts, being liked by the other’s friend group, even who could give who the most orgasms… It all just sort of happened.
And the same was true with the flowers. Harry had sent Draco a bouquet their first valentines together (3 weeks after they started dating) and periodically they’d send each other random bouquets since. That those arrangements happened to get bigger and more elaborate each time was no one’s fault. The competitive spirit kept their relationship interesting and very focused on the other’s happiness.
It wasn’t Harry’s fault.
Maybe their competitive natures were to blame.
Maybe it was Draco’s fault for sending that ostentatiously loud bouquet to Harry’s classroom when he had the fourth years.
Or maybe it was Hermione’s fault for informing Harry that the largest flower on earth was the Amorphophallus titanum when he’d been idly wondering aloud about where he could find a really big, impressive flower.
Maybe it was that he trusted Hermione to tell him any extra information he might need to know. He hadn’t even bothered to look at the flower before he placed the order for delivery.
Or maybe it was the fact that the flower’s name had both the words amor and phallus in it. And frankly, Harry found the thought of sending Draco a flower that looked like a dick amusing.
But no matter the case; it wasn’t Harry’s fault.
At least, that was the line he’d be using when he arrived in Draco’s office after a furious patronus.
“What. The. Actual. Fuck?” Draco ground out.
Harry couldn’t even see him around the giant plant in the room; standing at least 8 feet tall and several feet wide, it took up almost all of the space in the room.
But as distracting as the sight of such a flower was, that wasn’t the thing that captured Harry’s attention. He’d never in his life smelled something as unpleasant as this flower. It smelled like dead, rotting animals, and Harry had to bury his nose in his sweater. “Err…” he started.
“Don’t you bloody well ‘err’ me, Harry James Potter,” Draco spit. “Why are you sending me a fucking corpse flower? What is wrong with you?”
“It’s the biggest flower in the world,” he said weakly. “And it’s called amorphallus, which seemed funny. Unlike the name corpse flower.”
“Amorphophallus,” Draco corrected. “And that still doesn’t explain why you would send something like this to someone you love.”
And there was just a little twinge of hurt to his voice, Harry could never stand that. He braved his way deeper into the office giving the plant as wide a berth as the small office allowed. “I’m sorry, darling. It wasn’t my fault.”
Draco raised an accusatory eyebrow at him.
“Hermione told me about it!” The eyebrow arched further. “And it was easy to order once I knew who to talk to.” He grinned at Draco, “and the name was pretty funny, you have to admit.”
“I have to do no such thing,” he replied with a haughty sniff.
“How would you feel if I said that you won the flower contest?”
Draco perked up at that “admitting defeat?”
“This is the most ghastly plant I’ve ever seen.”
“Venomous tentacula,” Draco offered with a grin.
“Still better than that,” he said, nodded to the flower.
“It’s a good thing I know you love me,” he said, leaning over to kiss Harry’s cheek.
He nudged him with his nose, “I do love you.”
“I know,” he repeated with a grin. Then, “dinner?”
Harry nodded, “what about the plant?”
Draco shooed him out, “I’ll deal with it later.”
Six weeks later, as luck would have it, when the flower opened in the green house, Harry happened to be there collecting some harvested mandrakes.
Draco also was there, and as Harry watched, he harvested several pollen pods from the titan arum.
He cleared his throat and Draco whipped around, “does this mean I won after all?”
Thanks for the prompt, nonnie! Sorry it’s been an eternity in my inbox.
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Draco is a racist in the most literal sense. (Well, former – reformed? – racist, that is. He wouldn't identify as one anymore.)
But he'd nonetheless been a racist – literally. He'd subscribed to the Pureblood notion that Wixen and Man are two separate creatures, made distinct by the inherent magic to one and the lack thereof in the other, which made the latter inferior. It'd taken no less than a week of critical thought to rid himself of the philosophy.
Indeed, his stint in Azkaban between his arrest and trial had been rather enlightening. It'd given him the perfect amount of time to grapple with himself, his identity, and the very fiber of the world as he knew it.
In preparation for his hearing, he attempted to shift the blame for his racism from himself. He'd been a child after all. A child very susceptible to the whims and fancies of his parents, as many children are. So, really, it's his parents' faults for impressing upon him their obsession with blood purity, and no one could fault him – sweet, innocent, young Draco – for taking up family business of slur-hurling and the mild torture of innocents.
Yes, he'd be a free man, for sure.
But then he'd unfortunately remembered that his parents had once been children, too. And at what point did the blame shift from them to their own parents, and then the generation before them?
At what point did Draco become responsible for his actions? Was it between second and third year, the transition into teenager-hood? Or was it when he got the mark? Could he blame his parents – his mother who'd begged him not to – for that decision?
What about the cabinet?
What about Dumbledore?
He'd stared at his cell wall for hours, wracking his mind for an answer other than the one he had. None came.
The day of his trial, he resigned himself to a guilty sentence.
But then, of course, Harry Potter had to muck everything up, as he always did – does. Within hours, Draco was not returning to his cell, but standing in front of the Ministry with all of his worldly possessions cradled between his arms.
Well, then.
The next five years were rather boring, full of strife and struggle. He knew poverty for the first time in his life, an experience he never wished to repeat, and despite the horror that was ages 15 through 18, he learned that it had not been rock bottom.
No, rock bottom was much, much worse.
On the bright side, his Wizard upbringing had been good for a few things. For one, his complete ignorance of the concept of sexuality meant that his open homosexuality made him "cutting edge" and "interesting." Secondly, his impeccable aesthetic taste made him hireable.
At 25, he's the most popular stylist at a bougie London salon, and he's made quite the name for himself among the rich housewives of South Kensington. Gone were the days of dumpster diving and petty theft.
Draco Malfoy is, once again, a god among mortals.
And like any god, he is a master of keeping up a facade, which is why he's able to not visibly react when the last person on Earth he wants to see walks through the salon doors.
Harry sodding Potter.
Draco should have anticipated this. Of course, Potter would show up the moment Draco's life was going well – the prick was justice incarnate. He must have a sixth sense for undeserving people experiencing happiness, and like a good hero, he sweeps in to strip the perpetrator of the feeling.
Draco refocuses on the appointment he's in the middle of, thinking invisible thoughts in hopes that it would prevent Potter from spotting him.
As anyone could've predicted, it doesn't work.
He spares half a glance toward Potter, who stands only a few feet away now, having bypassed the front desk girl. He looks back to the foil in front of him, checking the color.
"What are you doing here?"
He pauses, gives Potter a flat look, and then continues working.
"Oh," Potter says dumbly, "right. But, I mean, um, what are you doing here, like, in, um, this side of London."
It's a lame and fumbled attempt to ask why Draco was in Muggle London, in a Muggle salon, doing a Muggle's hair, and Draco latches on to the opportunity to turn the conversation around.
"What – you think I don't deserve to be here?"
Potter's brow furrows in that familiar way that says he understands that he's just dug himself into a hole, but he hasn't a clue how to un-dig it.
"No," he denies too aggressively. "You know what I mean. I just didn't expect you to work at a place like this."
He winces at his words, and Draco doesn't bother hiding his triumphant smile.
"I'll have you know," Draco's client, a middle aged woman named Siobhan who has that eccentric look that only works on the uber rich, says with a pointed finger at Potter, "that Draco is a very talented young man, and we here are lucky to have his skill. I'm not sure how you two know each other, but I won't stand to have Draco's talents diminished in my presence."
Potter's face turns bright red, and his shoulders shoot up to his ears. "No– I, I– I wasn't trying to–"
"It's all right, dear," Draco says to Siobhan with a hand on her shoulder. "This just shows how far I've come, the success that I've achieved; I won't let others' prejudice stop me."
"Prejudice?!" Ah, there's the outrage that Draco coveted so much when he was younger. It remains unfairly amusing.
Biting back a smirk, he gives Potter a stern look. "If you'll excuse us."
He doesn't wait to for Potter to leave to guide Siobhan to the back wall where the sinks are. Behind him, he can hear Potter awkwardly shuffle out of the salon, and the tin bell above the door announces his departure.
Draco asks one of his coworkers to take over while he has a quick smoke break. Once outside, he allows himself exactly three minutes to panic before straightening his shirt, wiping his tears and heading back inside with his head held high.
If he knows Potter as well as he thinks he does, this won't be the last time they meet. Potter's horribly stubborn like that. So all Draco can do is prepare and hope that the next time Potter shows up, it'll satisfy whatever morbid curiosity he has.
And maybe next time, Draco won't notice how handsome he is.
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atlasdoe · 5 months
Things that The Marauders fandom say that pisses me off
warning: i will not be holding back. if you are sensitive do not read. feel free to disagree or anything in the replies but don't be a dick
i'm only doing this cause i'm bored and have a lot of rage in me
also just to be clear if we're mutuals then i'm not on about you :)
"It's so sad that one of the only things we have in cannon is the prank"
or something along those lines. If knowing that the prank is cannon makes you upset then I have some great news for you. Nobody cared about the prank in cannon!!!! it's literally just another Tuesday for the Marauders and not once does anybody lose any friends or hold any grudges about it!! yay, now you can sleep at night!
"Dumbledore raised an army of children twice"
I've already spoken about this before but for anyone who wasn't here please know that this is a lie! Neither time did Dumbledore raise an army of children. You had to be an adult to join The Order and although the Marauders were young they were not children. As for everyone else, their ages are not confirmed. We are the ones who made Marlene and Dorcas the same age as them. For all we know The Marauder's could've been the youngest in the Order by far. As for the DA, Dumbledore literally had no part in that. It was Hermione, Harry and Ron who made the DA. All Dumbledore did was take the blame for it because they named themselves after him
"Dumbledore could've helped Regulus, Evan and Barty"
Firstly it amazes me how these three are the only Death Eaters yall have any sympathy for. I understand Regulus to a point considering we only really hear good things about him from Kreacher but with Evan and Barty genuinely what makes them so special?? Evan is in the exact same pool as Wilkes and y'all don't give a shit about them. Also Barty helped resurrect Voldemort and tortured Frank and Alice. Either way regardless on if you like them or not trust me when i say that if they would've gone to Dumbledore for help he would've helped them. When have we ever seen Dumbledore turn somebody down because they were a Slytherin. This man literally tried to help Draco as he was about to kill him and help the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts. Dumbledore doesn't know everything and he's never passed on the chance for a new spy.
"This fandom is misogynistic for making Lily/Tonks bad mothers/surrogates"
Fanfiction does not equal headcannons. Just because Lily or Tonks are bad mothers in a fanfiction does not mean that the author dislikes them or thinks that they're a bad person in cannon. Also reading about your favourite ship raise a child is a very common trope in fanfiction and as much as Harry and Teddy are Lily and Tonks children they are also James and Remus'. James and Remus are just as responsible for their children and I see nobody batting an eye when the roles are reversed. On top of all of this, Lily and Tonks were young mothers and it's very likely that they would make mistakes or in other universes not be as good as they were in cannon. That does not make them bad people nor does it make them unworthy of being liked. If you don't like it, don't read it cause i know that nobody is saying that Regulus and James raised Harry in cannon.
"Marlene/Dorcas/Mary/Evan is so underrated!"
No they're not. They're mentioned like once or twice. If anything they're incredibly overrated. Nothing wrong with that. Just facts
"Jily is dying out because people are scared to go against Jegulus"
Don't make me laugh. Jily is one of the only cannon ships we have they are literally the blueprint to the entire series. Jily is not dying out, you're just seeing more Jegulus posts because you keep interacting with them and fucking up your own algorithm in order to argue with people in comment sections
"[Insert ship here] need to stop hating on [Insert another ship here] (same with characters)"
I remember one time in the Riverdale fandom when a Bughead shipper did an interview with a magazine pretending to be Lili Reinheart and told this magazine that Bughead will be cannon just to piss the Barchie shippers off. Y'all would not survive "real" fandoms. Just because somebody doesn't like your ship does not make it hate and even if someone does say something like "Jily is trash and I hate it" so fucking what?? it's one person and trust me there is another room on the internet for the both of you. I don't even think I've seen anyone truly post hate about a ship since 2020 when i was in the instagram fandom and the Wolfstar and Blackinnon shippers had each other by the throat
"Jegulus came out of nowhere and I don't understand why people ship it"
Jegulus has been around for as long as i have (2018) and at least to me it's very obvious why people like it. It's the best friends brother, opposite sides of the war, secret relationship, forbidden romance tropes that people love. it's not that hard to understand. And as I said before we know just enough about Regulus to get some sense of what he was like but not all of the bad parts.
"Sirius was tall but Remus was TALL"
There's nothing necessarily wrong with this. I just hate it. Especially if you're commenting on somebody's post about how Sirius is canonically tall. Half the time, unless they say it themselves, they don't think that Remus is taller and don't care if you do
that's all i've got for now. i may do this again :)
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seriouslysam8 · 9 months
Thoughts on Gary Oldman as Sirius?
Look, Gary Oldman is a great actor… but he’s not Sirius material. He was too old (though there wasn’t much they could do since they cast Alan Rickman as Snape who was too damn old and unpopular opinion but I don’t think he should have been cast as Snape for age alone), he didn’t look like Sirius in my mind, and he didn’t play Sirius the way I imagine him in my head. The only thing I liked about Gary Oldman’s Sirius was how soft he was with Harry. It’s a softness that I wanted to see more of in the books and appreciated we got to see those two damaged boys hug in the movies. Although, the movies cheapened their relationship dramatically when Sirius called Harry his father’s name.
But, I mean, we didn’t get any depth from Gary Oldman. I’m not blaming him entirely. The writers are a big part of it too. Sirius’ character was watered down dramatically in the movies. I mean, we got him raising a glass and chuckling during Christmas dinner. Where the fuck was drunk Sirius singing at the top of his lungs?? Where was a socially intelligent Sirius in GOF explaining dynamics in the first war to Harry and practically working out the entire plot with info from some teenagers and scraps of newspapers? Where was the Sirius who wrote Harry every day leading up the final task? The Sirius who was bitter at Grimmauld Place? The Sirius who loved Harry more than anything??
One of the most tragic things in the entire series was how the Marauders era was robbed of their adulthood. They were young, arrogant kids who thought they knew everything but really knew nothing at all. They fought thinking they were more clever and could actually win. They were just kids. I mean, their brains weren’t even fully developed yet. I make a huge effort to point this out in Brumous. Sirius knew they were dumb kids back then. They made a lot of stupid mistakes. They thought they were smarter than they were. That part of the generation who survived was just bitter and cynical when Voldemort came back. Meanwhile, Harry and co are the dumb kids now. They’re diving in head first thinking they know better when they don’t. I think a lot of this nuance was missing from the movies.
You guys now I love to make parallels between characters and situations in my writing. This was done so subtly in the books as well. The parallels between Sirius and Harry, James and Ron, Draco and Regulus, Lily and Narcissa, Harry and Voldemort. It all revolves around the choices these characters made when they’re only kids. Who was raised in a moral environment, who wasn’t able to escape the indoctrination, who escaped the indoctrination. It’s fascinating to read who realized their mistakes in time and who didn’t. I seriously think having the Marauders characters aged up so dramatically (and let’s face it, the actors looked older than their age as well) cheapened these parallels. Because your mind sees how old these characters are and don’t appreciate just how young they truly were. It takes away a lot of the devastation because they were just kids who didn’t know what they were doing or getting into. Instead, you view them as adults who made the right choice and adults who should have known better.
I have never once pictured Gary Oldman when I write Sirius. Never. I’ve never pulled up pictures or videos of him when I write to base looks, facial expressions, or mannerisms off of.
Thank you for attending my Ted talk. 🤣🤣🤣
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wellpresseddaisy · 5 months
That Moment of Reckoning part 2
Part 1 here
Lucius frowned as he stepped neatly through the Floo at the current Potter cottage. He should not have been able to enter at all if it were properly protected. His frown deepened as he moved from the entry hall to a corridor. What were they playing at, leaving anyone with a passcode wandering about their home? This, clearly, is what happened when you left Potter and Black in charge of security. What was that word his nurse used the one time?
Ah, malarkey. That was it. As was this travesty of home security. He would certainly have words with Sirius, once he found him. The carelessness of it galled him. Narcissa would have something to say, as well, at a later date. Unaccountably, she still cared for her younger cousin despite his political leanings.
Lucius found a sitting room that looked lived in and waited by the fireplace, leaning against the mantle (Elizabethan, possibly original, and placed for a good view of the entire room and hall). The furniture looked worn, but the unmistakeable scent of furniture polish underscored the flower arrangement on a side table. He appreciated the cleanliness of the space even as he decided that the furnishings would never even grace the nursery of his home. Some families gave children furniture they deemed too worn for other spaces but still serviceable. Lucius thought children deserved more than serviceable. He remembered longing for glimpses of the pretty things outside the nursery floor. Why should children have to beg and sneak to have a bit of beauty in their lives? Draco would never want for it. Children should have beautiful spaces in which to grow. He had little doubt that early years spent with scuffed floorboards and skirting boards and down-at-the-heels furniture left an indelible mark on a child’s character. Perhaps the elder Potters felt Potter and Black couldn’t be trusted with anything nicer?
He supposed, for a cottage, the room held an air of charming comfort. The—
“What the bloody hell are you doing here?” Sirius interrupted his musing, entering the sitting room with an infant in his arms. He wore those revolting jeans and a loose shirt, untucked, with rolled up sleeves and the collar open.
For the love of Merlin, he had bare feet. Bare, in January!
“Are you even carrying your wand?” Lucius drew himself up to his full height and glowered. He’d just have to ignore Sirius’ sartorial crimes.
“Wh—I’m ho-visiting if it’s any of your business, Malfoy. And I’m carrying a baby.”
Sirius tried drawing himself up as well. It gratified Lucius to see he still topped the other man by a fair few inches.
“And cursing in front of him. I wish I were shocked at your lack of conduct.” He’d forgotten how much fun it could be, winding Sirius up.
“I must be going mad.” Sirius addressed himself to the infant. “That’s the only explanation, snidget, Pa-Uncle Sirius is hallucinating peacocks.”
The baby giggled and waved his hands.
“You are not going mad. You grandfather wishes you attend him, immediately. I was asked to see that you went directly to Buckingham House.” Asked…ordered by one’s wife…same thing, really.
“I can’t bring Harry there.” Sirius sounded scandalized. “He’s too tiny to go by Floo or apparition.”
“Which is why I shall be here, with him. I have a message for the Potters, as well.”
Sirius stared at him for a long moment.
“I’m meant to leave a baby in your care?” he sneered.
“I do have one of my own, you know,” Lucius answered drily. “I am not wholly incompetent.”
And if he’d practiced holding off intruders while holding an infant (stand-ins used, mostly a small sack of flour or a more cooperative cat), he’d keep his own counsel on that front.
“I know who you follow,” Sirius spoke quietly.
“Do you? Gracious, I hadn’t realized the Blacks had Seer blood.” He affected a scandalized tone of voice.
“We—you—you utter bastard.”
“If the baby’s first word is vulgar, I shall let Mrs. Potter know who is to blame.” Prefecting apparently died hard. Unfortunately, he couldn’t give Sirius a note for it.  
Sirius, sadly, did not rise to that bit of bait.
“I don’t trust you.”
“I don’t expect you do. His Grace does not enjoy when…what was it? Oh yes, young rapscallions keep him waiting. Do you enjoy him venting his spleen?”
Sirius twitched, likely at memories of the old reprobate ringing a peal over him.
“You have my word that no harm will come to the child at my hand. Nor will I remove him from this house or allow another to harm him. I will hand him back as soon as his parents return.” He’d make it an official oath if Sirius pressed.
“I’ve never known you to go back on your word,” Sirius replied slowly.
“And Narcissa would be most displeased with me, should I allow any to harm the boy. He is her kin.”
Sirius left the room abruptly at that and came back only a moment later with his feet stuffed haphazardly into house slippers. Lucius stifled a sigh. He’d hoped Sirius would at least tuck in his shirt and put on proper shoes. His funeral, Lucius supposed. Arcturus Black hated ‘muggleish fashions’ as much as he hated tardiness. Sirius could count himself lucky if he came back not having been bashed over the head with his own slipper.
Lucius accepted the child and held him close as Sirius located Floo powder and prepared to leave.
“Harry’s been fed and changed, so he should be fine until Lily and James get back. They should only be another few minutes. Just…keep him safe.”
“I will.”
And with that, Sirius tossed the powder into the fire and stepped through.
Lucius looked down at the baby in his arms and smiled, “Aren’t you a darling little one? Do you think the rocker is structurally sound? Hmm?”
Harry babbled back at him.
“You do? Well, I suppose I should bow to your expertise, Mr. Potter. You have the experience, don’t you?” He sat carefully and set the rocker going. “You really did get the best of all your parents, didn’t you? Oh yes, silly Papa thinking he could get one over on me. I’ve known him too long for that! I remember what he looked like as a baby, you know.”
Harry giggled and reached for the lock of his hair that trailed over his shoulder. He didn’t yank as Draco was wont to do, but patted gently.
“What a nice baby you are. Would you like to hear about your Dada and Papa getting in trouble at school? They were so terribly naughty as children. Your Mama was much better behaved!”
Harry babbled back at him.
“You would? Wonderful! Now, I’m a few years older than they are, and I was a prefect when they were just little firsties, so I got to hear all the stories from Gryffindor. The Gryffindor prefects were not terribly circumspect, you understand. Why don’t I tell you about the potion in the Charms corridor inkwells? That was normal school naughtiness and, between us, actually funny.”
Harry blinked up at him, smiling a sleepy baby smile.
“Yes, that should send you right off to sleep. I have a feeling I interrupted preparations for a nap. Now, many, many years ago, your Dada and Papa were just little firsties intent on making a name for themselves as prankers at school…”
He rocked slowly as he played out the tale, pitching his voice lower add lower until Harry’s eyes closed and he went lax in sleep.
“What the bloody hell are you doing in my house with my child?” James Potter demanded from the doorway.
Harry woke with a start and a wail at the angry tone.
“There, darling boy, no worries. Dada is just being fussy,” Lucius soothed. “I hope you didn’t inherit his foul temper, no, not you.”
Harry calmed slightly, but big tears rolled down his cheeks and his breath hitched heartrendingly. Lucius bounced him a bit. Potter made an incoherent expression of rage from the doorway. At least both Potters had their wands out and trained on him. He stood and walked slowly toward them.
“Sirius was called away to speak with His Grace. I stayed with your child,” he explained, holding Harry out to his parents. “I have a message for you, as well, from the Black Paterfamilias.”
Mrs. Potter booted her grumbling husband in the ankle, tucked her wand away, and took the baby. Harry snuggled in, gently grasping a lock of her long hair and worrying it between tiny fingers.
“James,” she said firmly. “Is going to go make tea and get ahold of himself. Would you sit, Mr. Malfoy?” she turned back to Potter.
“I’m not leaving you with—” Potter hissed.
“Am I incapable of self defense?” Mrs. Potter asked mildly.
“No, but—”
“But nothing. If Sirius left Harry with him then he made some assurance of our safety. It isn’t as if he stops in for afternoon tea.”
They weren’t nearly as quiet as they thought they were. And, shockingly, certain Dark Lords did enjoy afternoon tea, or at least the social obligation of treating him as a treasured guest. He always ate all the muffins.  
Lucius settled for an armchair of dubious age, spelling the dog hair off it before he sat. They would be soppy enough to let the pets up on the furniture. James Potter stomped off toward the back of the cottage, muttering what were no doubt obscenities. For a moment, Lucius longed to be a Slytherin prefect again. Potter could use a good clip round the ear. Mrs. Potter joined him in the sitting room.
“Now that he’s out of earshot and can’t spend the next forty minutes escalating, what’s the message?” Mrs. Potter eyed him shrewdly.
By the sounds emanating from the back of the cottage, Potter made tea with the help of Bombarda.
“You are to be packed and ready to leave by this evening. His Grace is arranging a safe house on the continent. I don’t know where; it’s safer that way. Sirius will know when he returns. He…he will have been sealed as Lord Buckingham by that time.”
“Sirius refused it. He’s refused it every single time—”
“Because he’s an idiot.” Lucius cut her off. “I apologize for my intemperate words, Mrs. Potter. Sirius’ refusal to take his proper place in the family has long grieved my wife. Accepting is part of keeping this family safe. He’ll do it.”
“Why are you…what do you get out of this?”
He wondered if the rumors that she’d been offered Slytherin were true.
“Several months of panic, possibly ulcers, and then, hopefully, freedom. Choices were made for me that I find I do not enjoy. There are times when one comes to…a moment of reckoning, as it were. One must, of course, make one’s own way.”
“So you’re content to play errand boy?”
Lucius smirked at the sharp question. “Sirius has long been used to minding me and my wife, both in and out of school. Mrs. Malfoy is not yet strong enough to both petition her grandfather and argue with Sirius in one day.”
“This sounds like you’re setting up some third front.”
At that moment Potter blundered back in with a sloshing tea tray. Had Potter pulled a Severus and found all the most chipped mugs? Honestly, as if he would drink out of that assortment of oddities.
“His nibs had better like Assam, strong,” Potter bit out, setting the tray down with more force than necessary.
Mrs. Potter sighed and tidied up the dripping tray with a spell.
“I was just taking my leave. Mrs. Potter, a pleasure. Potter…you have tea all down your trouser leg.”
On that note, he rose and stalked out of the room, only pausing to say,
“Your child is a delight. Do keep him that way.”
before he made for the Floo. He did so enjoy getting the last word.
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marislittlestories · 29 days
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Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Mature | Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Spy Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Hogwarts Eighth Year
4/10 - chapter one, two, three - read on ao3
july 1998
Ginny shows up on Dean’s doorstep halfway through the summer, anger practically radiating off of her, “If I stayed in that house one more second, I might’ve killed someone.”
Draco isn’t quite sure how to speak to her, how to look at her. He may not be a real Death Eater, but he said and did plenty of awful things, and even meant some of them. Luna and Dean are her friends, but he is nothing better than a bully and very likely worse. He can guess, though, that grief has not brought her family together. It certainly hasn’t made Ginny anything but vicious.
She avoids him, too. They don’t talk much to each other, at least not directly, and she doesn’t stay in any room he’s in for very long. He doesn’t blame her, even if it stings. The hurt is his to feel.
He spends more time outside. He’s a little afraid of getting his hands dirty, terrified that if he goes back to the wildness of his childhood, he’ll discover that all of the ugliness and poison inside of him has killed the boy he was. Gentleness still feels clumsy when he attempts it, though he keeps trying, and he knows that he was gentle once. 
Draco remembers what he used to be, odd and vulnerable, his first instinct kindness rather than cruelty. He wants to return to it, but he’s scared that it’s out of reach now.
It’s an irrational fear. Claire is out in the garden most early mornings and late evenings, though it doesn’t really take that much tending. He asks her how he can help and passes the next four hours in her quiet company, hand buried deep in cool soil. He keeps asking. The rich brown dirt becomes a permanent fixture around his nail beds, the same way that he becomes a permanent fixture in the Thomas house and in the sleepy village of Crawley Down.
He returns to London on an afternoon train for Marcie’s birthday in mid-July. He’s not entirely sure what to expect. He’s never met Donna or Leroy Price, and he doesn’t even know if Marcie told them that he was coming.
Their house is tucked away in a wizarding suburb, a red brick row house situated in the center of a cul-de-sac. A boy is riding a tricycle under the watchful eye of his father, a young mother watering a pristine lawn with a baby propped on one hip. It’s idyllic in a way that makes Draco’s skin itch.
He rings the bell, and the door is answered by a middle-aged wizard with thick silver hair.
“Hello,” she says with a kind smile, “You must be Draco. I’m Donna Price.”
He allows her to usher him inside, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well. Marcie doesn’t say much, but when she does, it’s usually about you.”
Draco frowns, alarm bells ringing in his head. That doesn’t sound like Marcie at all. 
“Now, Marcie’s told us that you’re taking her somewhere?”
He laughs, a bit nervously now, “I’m sure she’s come up with a whole itinerary.”
Donna glances over at the stairs, and lowers her voice, “Thank you for coming up. I know that it can take a while, you know, for kids who have been through what they’ve been through to trust people. We’re trying to let them set the pace, but I’ll admit, we’re a little worried.”
Draco feels a rush of relief. He, admittedly, doesn’t have an overwhelming amount of faith in the Ministry and what they consider to be suitable guardians, but he has a feeling about Donna Price. 
“Of course. If it makes you feel better, Ella hardly spoke to me at all.”
She sighs, “I’ll feel better when I see her speak to anyone who isn’t Marcie. Going back to school might be good for her, for both of them. At least they’ll be able to interact with kids their own age.”
Marcie stomps down the stairs then, cutting off the conversation. Donna reaches out to squeeze his shoulder as they leave.
“Let me know if you’re going to be out late,” she says and waves them off.
Draco pulls Marcie into his side, “So, what do you want to do?”
It’s her thirteenth birthday and the world is wide open in front of them. He takes her to a movie, and on the bus she’s just as chatty as he’s used to, supplying endless questions for him to answer about Luna and Dean and Crawley Down. He tells her about Ginny, calling up old stories from school to fill in the gaps created by the careful distance that has been established between them.
“One of her brothers died in the war,” Draco explains, “And she’s having a hard time. I think it’ll be good for her to be around Dean and Luna, they’re some of her best friends.”
“Oh,” Marcie says in a small voice. 
Draco shakes his head, “You’ve met one of her brothers, actually, Ron.”
She brightens, “He’s the one who told us Ella was still alive. And he actually read Matilda.”
“Yeah, that’s him.”
“Well, if she’s his sister, she has to be brilliant.”
He laughs, “Exactly. She once jinxed these boys that were picking on Luna, and the entire school talked about it for weeks. No one wanted to mess with her after that.”
“I don’t like thinking of people being mean to Luna,” Marcie says.
“Me neither.”
They see Mulan, and Draco buys Marcie a bucket of popcorn that’s basically half her size and a box of toffees. Afterwards, Marcie tells him the entire plot of Howl’s Moving Castle over ice cream. It was one of the books she’d gotten during their trip, and she’s already read it through twice since.
“And then he comes to rescue her from the Witch, and he’s a mess,” she continues excitedly, “And that means he loves her! Anyways, Miss Angorian was actually the Witch’s fire demon and she takes Calcifer so she can control Howl’s heart but Sophie frees Calcifer so Howl can destroy the fire demon. Calcifer obviously fixes Sophie’s age.”
Draco nods along, “So what happens to Calcifer?”
“Well, he’s technically free, because he’s not tied to Howl anymore, but he chooses to stay. And Sophie and Howl confess their undying love or whatever.”
“I’m assuming you liked the book, since you just spent twenty minutes reciting the plot from memory, but what did you think about it?”
Marcie shrugs, “I liked the way that fairytales were real, and I really liked Sophie, but Howl was such a, a-”
“I’m not gonna get mad if you curse, Marce.”
“Howl was such a bitch to Sophie! He was literally hitting on her sister at the beginning, and he treated her so badly the entire time… I don’t know. It made me mad, how quickly she forgave him, just because he apparently loved her.”
Draco grins, “Sometimes people do irrational things, especially when they’re in love. But I think you’re right. You shouldn’t forgive someone who’s mean to you unless they really make things right.”
As they head back to the Prices’, Marcie tugs on Draco’s hand.
“Can I ask you for a favor?”
“Obviously,” Draco says.
Marcie smiles but it’s a little more subdued than he’s used to, “Write to me more, even if I don’t write back, okay?”
Ginny is standing on the platform, arms wrapped tightly around herself, tender, bruise-dark skin beneath her eyes. For a moment, it’s like looking in a mirror. 
“Hey,” she says, “Dean and Luna are already asleep.”
Draco nods, and ducks his head. They start the walk across the village, neither of them speaking, no light but the moon and the torch in Ginny’s hand and the occasional lamp post.
“I’m sorry,” Ginny rushes out, “For avoiding you. I know it’s been weird, I just didn’t really know how to have this conversation, and to be honest, I really don’t want to.”
Draco looks over at her in surprise, “It’s alright. You don’t have to explain yourself.”
Ginny scowls at him, “Shut up, okay? I need to get it out.”
He holds up his hands in surrender.
“Thank you. You know, for saving my life. I haven’t been feeling particularly grateful, for anything really, but especially not for being alive,” her voice gets rough at the end, like it’s painful for her to speak, gravel in her throat, “But that’s my own shit, and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to give me space or leave or anything.”
“Oh,” Draco says, and then stops. 
It’s not what he had expected, at all, and he’s not sure what to do with it. It’s a small comfort to know that Ginny doesn’t hate him, but it’s swallowed by concern for her and by a bone-deep understanding. 
“So, are we good?”
“Yeah, we’re good.”
It’s slow going, getting comfortable with each other, or at least it feels that way. In reality, it only takes the rest of the week. Ginny no longer treats him like the plague, and then Dean teaches them a Muggle card game, and he and Ginny play with a mercilessness that Dean’s good humor and Luna’s serene whimsy cannot touch. 
They meet eyes, on opposite sides of the rough circle the four of them make on the floor, and Ginny smiles. 
There’s another stretch of sunny days ahead. His shoulders straighten and relax. Draco, somehow, becomes the same kind of strange and wondrous that Luna is, at least in the eyes of the older villagers. He can feel himself becoming something new, or rather, something very old, something he was once but has not been for a very long time. The weathered man who sits at the counter of the farm shop down the road calls the both of them changeling with amusement and affection. 
They begin to look similar as well. Luna’s hair lightens ever so slightly from the time spent outside, becoming nearly the same shade of cornsilk yellow that Draco’s is. Draco’s skin is less pale, more full of color, and he remembers one morning when he looks in the mirror that he used to have freckles. They reappear, scattered across the delicate bridge of his nose and then over his shoulders after a particularly warm week that the four of them spend lazing about half-dressed by the river.
Draco falls into a haze of light and laughter and calm, the kind that preceded a storm. He ignores the gathering clouds and walks down sun-warmed pavement arm-in-arm with Luna and Ginny.
The night is young and the air around him is heavy and full with the sound of crickets chirping. Above him there’s a clear sky and below him there is soft earth, still damp from the rain earlier in the day. It’s pleasantly warm, but muggy, so the skin at his elbow sticks together.
He’s reading in the still evening, backlit by the porch light. It’s a bit of a strain on his eyes, but he likes the solitude it provides him. He also likes the low murmur of voices he can hear from inside the house. 
No one will bother him, but they’re all just a shout away. 
He’d gotten immersed in A Tale of Two Cities, and it was almost like being home again, almost like being transported. For a while, he could exist entirely outside of the world. It’s a brand new experience, a gift, one he’ll never be able to repay Marcie for, not with all of the books in England.
He’s worked his way through a couple of the books that she’d made him buy now, moving from Dickens to Austen to Emily Bronte. He’s not sure how he feels about Wuthering Heights, altogether. It’s a bit grim, though A Tale of Two Cities had been too, and he’d liked it once he turned the last page.
As he reads, he murmurs the words under his breath. 
Her spirit was high, though not rough, and qualified by a heart sensitive and lively to excess in its affections. That capacity for intense attachments reminded me of her mother: still she did not resemble her: for she could be soft and mild as a dove, and she had a gentle voice and pensive expression: her anger was never furious; her love never fierce: it was deep and tender. However, it must be acknowledged, she had faults to foil her gifts. A propensity to be saucy was one; and a perverse will, that indulged children invariably acquire, whether they be good tempered or cross.
He laughs a little, staring up at the stars with tears gathering at the corners of his eyes, though he would not be able to explain what they were for if someone had asked him. Before he can return to the book, Ginny cracks the back door open.
She has a complicated look on her face, one that Draco doesn’t quite know her well enough to read, “I think you should come inside.”
He leaves his book out on the brick pavers and follows her into the kitchen, where Ella and Marcie are seated at the island. There’s a kettle on already, and Marcie is chatting enthusiastically with Dean and Luna.
Everything goes quiet when he walks into the room.
“What are you doing here?” Draco asks, because he’s not sure what else to say.
Ella rolls her eyes, “Obviously, we’ve run away.”
Marcie appears to be fine, and unrepentant. Ella, however, is nervous. Her fingers are tapping out an uneven rhythm on the vinyl counter and she keeps glancing sideways at Draco, like she’s expecting him to kick them out at any second. He wants to press them for answers, but they’ve obviously had a long day and more than anything, he wants to bundle them up and hide them away from the world.
The kettle starts to whistle. Draco goes through the motions of making chamomile tea, and then he sends Ella and Marcie up to his room.
“I’ll come up and get your mugs in a few minutes, alright? I know you’re both probably tired. We can talk in the morning.”
Some of the tension eases from Ella’s shoulders. He waits until he can no longer hear their feet on the stairs, and then leans over the island, head in his hands.
“They can stay here as long as they need,” Dean says, “You know that.”
“Thank you,” Draco sighs.
Luna places a steady hand on his back, “I know you want to keep them.”
“It doesn’t matter what I want,” he says wearily, “I have to do what's best for them, and no matter how much I love them, I can’t take care of them. Not the way they deserve.”
“I don’t understand why you think that,” Dean replies.
Draco takes a deep breath and reigns his temper in. It’s not Dean’s fault that Draco did not have the childhood he did. Draco tells himself, insistently and fiercely, that it was not his either.
“I know you don’t,” Draco looks up at him, “But love isn’t enough, not when I’m barely functioning as it is. Some day, I’m going to lose my shit, and Ella will never forgive me. She’ll take it as proof that everything she believes about how the world works is true, that she has to do everything on her own, that she can’t trust anyone. The Prices are going to fuck up, sure, everyone does and I don’t know how to explain to you how it’s different, but it is.”
Dean and Luna ignore him, as they usually do when the topic comes up, and begin telling him all of the ways that he’s competent and selfless and a million other things that don’t have any real impact on the fact that he can still feel a storm coming. Ginny, though, continues to stare at him until they’ve worn themselves out.
“I think I get it,” she says carefully, slowly, “At least part of it. I had to leave the Burrow because I could feel it piling up and I knew if I stayed, people would be in the blast radius that didn’t deserve it. I came here to relieve the pressure but you don’t think you can do that. That’s what you mean, right?”
Draco’s shoulders sag, “Yes. That.”
It doesn’t solve the problem, any of them, but it helps to know that he has someone on his side. He knows that Dean and Luna just want him to be happy, but Ginny understands that it’s not always within reach, that sometimes there is a ceiling. 
“We can’t do anything until we know what’s going on,” Ginny says, “But there are more than two options. It’s not all or nothing.”
He is overwhelmingly, impossibly grateful for Ginny. There is not just one path to walk, not anymore, and he does not have to walk it alone.
The sun rises on Crawley Down and Draco has not gotten nearly enough sleep for the day ahead. Claire makes him a coffee, pouring boiling water over the grounds. The dark liquid drains into a glass pot and it fills the kitchen with a rich, comforting aroma. 
“I know it’s not very patriotic of me,” she whispers with a smile, “But I don’t like tea very much.”
He puts a ridiculous amount of sugar and cream in his, and then he goes out into the garden with Claire for a while. They’re working on expanding one of the beds, taking out some of the grass to make room for it. Claire wants to put more flowers in.
“Do you really change the garden this much every year?”
“Oh heavens, no,” Claire says.
Draco tilts his head, “Why this summer then?”
She just laughs and refuses to explain herself.
By the time the girls are awake and fed, Draco feels much calmer. He sits them down outside, hoping that it’ll make them feel like they have more privacy, like it does for him. He notices his copy of Wuthering Heights, still on the ground.
“I want you to know that you can stay here as long as you need to,” Draco says, “No conditions. But I would like to know what happened, and help if I can.”
Marcie and Ella avoid his eyes and instead look at each other, a silent conversation playing out in the space between them. They seem to come to a decision, and then Ella puts an arm around Marcie’s shoulders. 
She tilts her chin up, defiant, “It wasn’t good.”
Draco’s heart plummets all the way down to the grass, past it, all the way to the center of the earth. It isn’t in his body anymore. For a moment, he is consumed by fear and guilt. If he was wrong about the Prices, if Marcie and Ella got hurt, he’ll never forgive himself. 
He forces himself to keep his voice even, his expression open, “In what way?”
Marcie reaches out and takes his hands, “It wasn’t like it was with you.”
He squeezes Marcie’s fingers and looks over at Ella, who looks generally bad-tempered. He’s not sure how to get through to her, but he needs to.
“It wasn’t supposed to be.”
“They wouldn’t leave us alone for more than ten seconds, and they made us have separate rooms,” Marcie frowns, “And the house is weird and alive.”
“Well, they probably just wanted to make sure you were alright, and they have a lot of rooms in their house. They probably thought it would be nice for you guys to have your own space. And that’s just how wizarding houses are.”
“But Marcie’s not a wizard,” Ella says, obviously frustrated, “And the house scares her.”
Marcie elbows her sister, “I’m not scared!”
“Have you tried talking to the Prices about any of this?”
Ella stares at him like he’s just said something completely insane, which confirms at least some of his suspicions about their upbringing. 
“Look, I’m not going to kick you out, but I do need to tell Mr. Garnier where you are and I’m going to speak to the Prices. I won’t tell them anything you told me if you don’t want me to. They’re probably really worried about you two right now.”
Marcie bows her head in guilt.
“I’m a pretty good judge of character,” he says, “And Donna seems like a kind, empathetic person. I think she wants you both to be comfortable and happy, and she’d be willing to work on some of these things if you brought them up to her. I haven’t actually met Leroy, but I imagine he’s the same.”
His assessment is, admittedly, based heavily on the feeling inside their house, the tenor of the magic flowing through it, pressed into the walls. 
Ella’s bland expression doesn’t change. 
Draco sighs and stands up, “I should probably go, before Mr. Garnier starts a manhunt.”
He knows exactly what he’s doing when he apparates to the Ministry, what it could trigger, but he takes the risk anyways. He wants to resolve this as soon as possible and he knows that it could very well take weeks, months, depending on how his conversations today go. He pushes the foreboding down as deep as it will go.
He catches Mr. Garnier just before he’s notified that Ella and Marcie are missing. Donna and Leroy arrive shortly after and they all sit down in a Ministry conference room. 
“I’m sorry, I’m a bit of a crybaby,” Leroy says, dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief, “I just don’t understand why they felt like they needed to leave.”
Draco tries not to let on how exhausted he is, or how he’s still fighting back the twist in his stomach from apparition, “I still don’t know much about what their life was like before the war, I never pressed, so a lot of what I’m operating on is guesswork, but they’ve spent a lot of time alone, the two of them against the world. Ella especially feels like she’s responsible for Marcie, and she has a hard time trusting other people.”
“What can we do?” Donna asks.
“From what I understand,” Draco says, “You’re doing everything right. This might keep happening, but it’s not because of anything you’re doing or not doing. I don’t think Ella is testing you, I don’t think she’d do that with Marcie involved, but you can look at it like that if you want. Just keep showing up, keep being there.”
It’s everything he can’t promise and everything he wants to. He’s always been the first and last line of defense, the one who stayed. His tether is fraying. He’s tried to get ahead of it, tried leaving the Manor, leaving his mother, but he can’t outrun this. He can’t outrun himself. 
It’s a constructive conversation. The Ministry isn’t willing to cede legal control to the Muggle authorities, and Draco has to admit that he wouldn’t be in favor of that solution either. Here, he can throw his weight around. He can make sure that they’re safe. It means that wherever Ella and Marcie are, it’s going to be with a wizarding family. They could try to find a mixed-magic couple, one that lives in a Muggle area, but there still aren’t many options so soon after the war.
But Draco likes the Prices, and they’re willing to make it work. They’re kind, and they want to help, and they’re not Draco. Now, he just needs to talk to Ella and Marcie, who will both put up a fight. He hates the idea of fighting with either of them, but he knows that he’s more likely to actually get through to them than anyone else. 
And because Draco’s day needed a way to get worse, he runs into Harry in the Ministry lobby. Literally. He’s dead on his feet, trying his best to keep his eyes open, and then Harry is right in front of him and then they’re both on the floor.
Harry gets up quickly. Draco stays down, hoping that he’ll be absorbed into the tile, and groans in pain.
“Are you okay?”
He cracks one eye open, “Yeah.”
Harry offers a hand to help him to his feet, and Draco takes it. It’s a strange feeling, knowing that he’d die for this man, but completely unable to muster up any sort of emotion about him other than panic. It isn’t even the fluttering nervous excitement of fourth year, just blind anxiety.
Harry stares at Draco, “I thought you were- Aren’t you staying with Dean?”
“Um. Yes?” Draco blinks at him in surprise.
He scratches the side of his nose, suddenly looking anywhere but at Draco, “Ginny told me you were there, before she left.”
Neither of them say anything for a moment, but neither of them leave. Just when Draco has decided that he’s had enough of the agonizing silence, Harry opens his mouth.
“Here to visit Hestia, then?”
“No,” Draco doesn’t know why the conversation is still happening, but he certainly won’t be the one to end it, “Ella and Marcie ran away last night.”
“Oh my God, are they missing?”
“No, no, they showed up at Dean’s.”
Harry raises his eyebrows, “How’d they get there?”
“They snuck onto the train,” Draco says, and smiles helplessly. He’s just so fucking fond of them, Ella’s unwavering determination, Marcie’s endless optimism.
“I assume they’re staying there for the time being?”
Draco shrugs, “Not sure yet. I have to talk to them again, but I’m hoping that they’ll go back to their placement.”
“But-” Harry pauses, shuffles his feet a little, “They ran away for a reason, yeah?”
Draco does not want to have this conversation for the third time in two days. He does things he doesn’t want to all the time, though, and he can’t seem to deny Harry anything. 
“They’re just kids,” he says softly, “And it’s a complicated situation. They’re not used to relying on other people, there are bound to be some growing pains. They don’t trust the Prices yet but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t the right place for them.”
“You don’t think that the best person to take care of them is the person they trust the most?”
Draco stills. There’s something very hurt in Harry’s tone of voice or maybe the set of his eyes, something that runs deeper than this conversation. He’s had enough practice now to treat this carefully.
“Marcie trusts me, but Ella doesn’t, and she never will. She felt comfortable being combative with me in a way she wasn’t with proper adults, that’s all. I’m not taking that as a sign that she would ever really trust me with herself, much less with Marcie,” Draco stops, but Harry’s gaze is still intense, “I love them, but they need more than love. They need stability. They need people who are healthy and mature and not eighteen. They need people who can actually take care of them.”
Harry shakes himself out of a kind of daze, “Sorry, that was… I didn’t mean to be pushy.”
“That’s alright,” Draco says, “But, are you alright?”
He’s not sure what gives him the courage, the audacity, to ask the question and actually expect an answer, but whatever instinct he had was correct.
“I’ve been better,” Harry confesses, half sheepish and half miserable, “Ginny might’ve mentioned Ron and Hermione are abroad at the moment? I’m not really used to being alone.”
Draco has a sudden, awful urge to invite Harry to Crawley Down, nevermind that the house is practically bursting at the seams now. There are a whole host of reasons why he cannot do that, but for a moment, none of them matter.
And then they do again, and Draco pushes the feeling away. 
“Don’t be a martyr, Potter,” he says, and it feels inadequate, “You have other friends.”
Harry shrugs, but it’s less a response and more an uncomfortable roll of his shoulders.
“I really have to go, though,” Draco murmurs.
Harry nods, once, and watches Draco walk away. He can feel it, all the way around the corner and past it.
He has just one last stop to make before he returns to Crawley Down, because he will not be able to leave otherwise. He cannot get the thought of Harry here alone, staying, out of his head.
Hestia looks up as soon as he props himself in the doorway to her office.
“Are you still taking cases?”
He keeps it together. He fights with Ella, and then he fights with Marcie, and then he fights with Luna, which is a surreal experience that he would like to never repeat. Luna fights like she does everything else: like a dream and a wild animal and an ancient, all knowing thing. 
He keeps it together. He holds Marcie while she cries into his shoulder. He tells Ella that Marcie needs to be settled before Ella has to go back to Hogwarts in September, and the Prices are willing to do whatever it takes to make them safe. He tells them both, again, that he will never turn them away. He writes a dry, stilted letter to his mother that says very little and asks after her health three times. He accepts a strange and somehow melodic apology from Luna.
He keeps it together. He meets with Donna and Leroy again, this time carting Marcie and Ella along with him. They draw up ground rules, a shared room and a dedicated time each week to check in with each other and regular trips to the library for Marcie. 
He keeps it together. He apparates back to Crawley Down late that night so he doesn’t have to stay at the flat with his mother, and he hits a level of fatigue that makes him unable to sleep or stop crying. He bursts into tears whenever he moves and he feels nothing and he keeps it together.
On his third day without sleep, he sobs for upwards of two hours straight and shakes through the next five, vulnerable and more tired than he’s ever been. His skin, and everything beneath it, feels like one massive bruise. He descends into a kind of delirium where everything feels far away, except for every bad thing that has ever happened, which all press closer and closer until he’s walled in, surrounded.
Luna and Dean and Ginny try to stage an intervention, but Draco can’t pay attention for long enough to get through their whole speech. He won’t take anything for it either, Muggle or magical. He couldn’t even handle children’s cough medicine, there is no way he’s going to risk Dreamless Sleep, especially with the state he’s in. For all he knows, he’ll completely lose his mind and murder all of them and wake up with no memory of it.
“Draco, please,” Luna pleads, “You need to sleep. Or at least eat something.”
But he’s gone so long without eating that he doesn’t feel hungry anymore, only vacant and sick. If he eats anything, he’s going to throw up and then he’ll be thrown right back into that night. The one he can’t think about. The one that he hides from, even now, even in his own mind.
He knows it’s coming. He either dies here, in the guest room of Dean’s house, or his mind will, inevitably, recreate it. He has to eat eventually. He has to sleep eventually. The remembering is barreling towards him and all he can do is try to run faster. 
He runs until he can’t anymore, until his body forces him into unconsciousness. The dream isn’t distorted this time. It isn’t fragmented. It isn’t a dull half-memory. It is a full, clear recollection. A reliving. That’s where he meets him again, the worst person he knows, the person that he would kill if he could, the person he almost did.
Draco, at sixteen, cold and ruthless and militant, a Dark Mark on his forearm and absolutely nothing in his heart. 
He relives the night he almost died, the venom and the pain and the most horrifying part of it all, his father singing him to sleep. He screams himself out of it, lurching awake, bile rising in his throat. He rushes to the bathroom and empties his stomach of pure acid. He still hasn’t eaten. Distantly, he hears Dean and Luna and Ginny follow him into the room, voices blending into a wall of concerned noise.
He’s left gasping over the toilet, face pressed into the cold porcelain at its edge, and he can’t catch his breath, and he can feel Ginny’s panicked gaze on his back. He’s sweating, overheated, but the warmth is only skin deep.
It’s still inside of him, that glacial emptiness, the hollowed out, haunted feeling coursing through his veins. He wants to burn it out, cauterize the big, gaping wound inside of him, sear his own skin off if that’s what it takes to make it stop. He just wants it to stop. 
“Breathe, Draco,” Luna trails her fingers down his spine, somehow always knowing exactly how much physical contact he needs to feel grounded without being overwhelmed, “It’s alright. You did your best. Everything is going to be fine.”
And that’s the awful thing, isn’t it? Draco did his best. He fought and he bled and when the war was over, the people he loved were alive. He escaped Azkaban. He never has to look into his father’s eyes again and be confronted by the softness he finds in them. Draco has been handed everything he ever let himself want.
He is eighteen and he should be happy.
Instead, he’s pulling his face away from the toilet bowl and pressing the heel of his palm into the middle of his forehead. It does nothing to relieve the ache or to stop the tears from flowing freely down his cheeks.
“Sorry,” he says, in the smallest voice imaginable.
Ginny shifts into the very edge of his vision and places a tentative hand on his arm, “Are you alright?”
He shakes his head and breathes, a wet shuddering thing. Dean moves closer, pressing his knees into Draco’s thigh, and now they’re all touching him. Something in his chest eases.
“I had a nightmare.”
“Do you have them a lot?”
He is expecting her to ask what it was about, so the question throws him for a moment. It almost, but not quite, startles him out of his tears.
“Not really. I used to, when I was a kid,” he says, “Nearly every night.”
“Did your parents do anything that helped?”
He stares at Ginny blankly until her expression shifts, first into sadness and then anger.
“Why did the universe give you to people who weren’t going to love you?” Luna asks, stroking his hair, “It’s not fair.”
He flinches back from her touch. He knows that Luna is trying to provide comfort, in all the ways she can, but the words and the gesture only remind him of the chilling, dreadful truth. All it does is pluck at the very nerve that he has left exposed.
“They loved me,” Draco says quietly, “He loved me.”
Ginny looks as fierce as ever, protective in a way that he’s seen many times but never directed towards him, “That was not love.”
“It was,” he insists, and then he looks to Luna and Dean, “He loved me. He didn’t even love my mom. What does it say about me, that I was a thing he could love?”
Luna lunges forward to catch him as he slumps back to the floor. He ends up cradled in her arms, rocked back and forth against her, Dean and Ginny joining her to cocoon Draco between their bodies.
“Oh, Draco, nothing. It says nothing.”
He weeps, gasping and desperate and terrible. It’s an exorcism, a blood-letting, a lightning strike. He sits on that cold tiled floor, with Luna and Dean and Ginny, and he follows their breathing like it’s one of the paths through the Manor’s woods, littered with sharp stones and fallen branches. 
The storm has not passed, but for the first time, he feels certain that it will. He knows that behind every overcast sky, the sun is waiting patiently.  He doesn’t quite believe it yet, that he could have crawled through all of that decay and cruelty and remained salvageable, but he will, someday. 
The flood waters recede and they leave behind a world washed clean, brand new and ancient. He emerges green and alive, in a way he hasn’t been since he was a child running through the forest with no shoes. It hurts. It feels like love.
He tells them about the things they have only caught glimpses of before, the venom and the terror, and that night he will never forget, when his mind bent to a breaking point. 
He makes his way around the heart of it all, and never once touches it. He does not tell them about the thing that he has buried deeper than all of it, under all of the corrosion and self-loathing, somewhere that even the most talented of legilimens could not reach, that Draco himself can only gaze at from a distance, unfeeling, like he’s looking through a badly glazed window.
Harry is a road that Draco travels with bare feet, hoping that one day it will be painless.
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The Snake Who Lived and The Prisoner of Azkaban
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What if Harry was Sorted into Slytherin?
Year 1
Year 2
A few reminders going into POA. One, Hermione’s dead. So we don’t have any Time Turner shenanigans this time. Ron blames himself and, come to think of it, this would probably have made him extremely determined to catch The Heir of Slytherin back in COS. He was probably the one to accuse Draco and suggested Harry confront Hagrid, though Harry never did this. These notes are kind of retroactive but oh well. 
Owl Post remains more or less the same, minus Hermione’s letter and present of course. Dumbledore also sends a letter probably saying something to the effect of how their trip to Godric’s Hollow needs to be postponed because of the escape of Sirius Black, a known Death Eater. I’m not sure if McGonagall sent Harry the letter about Hogsmeade because she was his Head of House or because she was Deputy Headmistress, but I love the idea of Snape sending Harry a passive-aggressive letter with Alan Rickman’s tone. Anyway, Harry has another surprise visitor in the night - Dobby. Who, if you recall, was not freed at the end of COS, Harry simply had no opportunity to do it. He sympathizes with the Elf, as he is a slave to The Malfoys after all. But he’s also frustrated as Dobby is once again here to plead with him not to return to Hogwarts - this time, it is the threat of Sirius Black that frightens him. Harry refuses, and warns Dobby that any attempt to keep him here will be prevented by Dumbledore, just like last time. When they overhear one of the Dursleys getting up to use the bathroom, Dobby quickly disapparates. 
Aunt Marge would still be a colossal asshole, and Harry’s behavior would, according to Vernon, determine whether or not the Hogsmeade permission form gets signed. But this time, I think Dobby would actually sabotage the visit. I don’t think it would go the same way. Marge may still get inflated, but Harry may or may not be the one to do so. Before she can even instigate him, Dobby’s magic comes into play. He’d do things like flood all the toilets, make the lights burn out, make Ripper attack the Dursleys. Anything to make believe Harry was doing magic. I could still see this ending with Marge’s inflation. Harry is sent to his room because, guilty or not, he is blamed. Dobby is there - attempting to silence The Sneakoscope - and Harry, now provoked and angry, attacks him with magic - whether accidental or deliberate.
Thing is, the Ministry is going to blame Harry too. They didn't believe Harry last time, why should they this time? He realizes he is well and truly screwed now, and there’s no going back, so like before, he decides to run for it. He may even have to body-bind The Dursleys on his way out, but something tells me he doesn’t mind that. He goes to Mrs. Figg for help, trying to explain the situation. She uses floo powder to call who Harry hopes will be Dumbledore but turns out to be - Snape. Hooray. Snape absolutely rips Harry apart when he finds out what Harry has done, causing an argument that frightens all the poor cats. Harry bites back that Snape would have done the same if he’d ever spent years being relentlessly bullied. Oh, you all know what’s coming. Snape, with immense satisfaction, outlines exactly how James and his gang used to treat Snape, up to and including a vague allusion to The Prank. “He even tried to have me killed, and as ever, Dumbledore looked the other way.” This stuns Harry, who can’t believe what he’s hearing. 
So, no Knight Bus. Dumbledore agrees to let Harry stay with Figg rather than Snape as he sorts out the business with The Dursleys and desperately tries to maintain Harry's annual stay there. Memory charms may have to be involved, but we'll come back to that. But now we have a situation on our hands. No Knight Bus, and the Knight Bus was the only thing that stopped Harry from meeting Sirius, remember? I imagine Sirius would try to get into Figg’s house to talk to Harry just the same, but unfortunately for him, she has twelve cats. Yeah, they howl up a storm and Padfoot takes off into the night, but not before Harry glimpses his retreating form. He tries again a few nights later, this time taking a chance and approaching the door as a man. This too, fails, as Figg is a former member of The Order, and recognizes him through the window. She screams and Sirius retreats once more. 
Harry doesn’t yet know that the appearance of the escaped convict and the stray dog he glimpsed are at all related. But after this, he is moved to Diagon Alley for the remainder of the summer where he’ll be safer. Staying with Florean Fortecue because he was totally meant to be an Order member and Rowling just forgot to say so. Harry buys all the books he needs for his new classes, including The Monster Book of Monsters, and he also sees The Firebolt. He also gets a personal visit from Fudge who warns him that it is now officially on his record that he attacked muggles with underage magic - but, in the interest of keeping Harry out of the spotlight and off Sirius’ radar, they’re going to be dropping the charges. Still, it may come up later, especially in OOTP. We’ll have to see. 
Harry runs into Ron, who still went on that vacation to Egypt. (I mean hell, Percy’s girlfriend died, he could use a break.) They also both meet Crookshanks in the pet shop. Except this time, Hermione doesn’t adopt him. But I think Harry does. He has a new appreciation for cats and he can always relate to being an unwanted orphan. Obviously, Ron isn’t happy, nor is Hedwig for that matter, but they’ll learn to live with it. Hogwarts students aren’t really allowed to have two pets but then again, they’re not supposed to have Rats either. With the level of special treatment Harry is typically given, I think he gets away with this. Actually, Snape and Dumbledore would likely *prefer* He focuses his attention on pets, rather than lawless adventures. 
I don’t know if Harry would overhear Arthur and Molly’s discussion about Sirius, but do you know who could? Ginny. And she would relay it to Harry, since they’re closer pals now. Molly and Arthur are especially worried since Harry came within an inch of Sirius back at Little Whinging. While Harry isn’t exactly their surrogate son this time around, he has now befriended both Ron and Ginny, and I think he’s reaching the point where Molly in particular would activate her mama bear instincts, especially once Ron tells her some of the stories Harry would have recounted about The Dursleys. Arthur would likely still warn Harry not to search for Sirius, though as this is probably their first meeting, it comes off as even weirder to Harry. 
Hogwarts Express time, and that means Dementor time. Harry has a bunch of horrible memories for the Dementor to feast on. There are the ones from canon, but there’s also his time being possessed. Yikes, I knew going to Slytherin would be hard on him, but still. He probably sits with Ron and Ginny. No way to be sure they’d happen to pick the same compartment as Remus, but it doesn’t especially matter. No matter where he’s sitting, he’d summon a Patronus and send the Dementor off the train. Ginny probably has an easier time with the Dementors than she does in the canon timeline but she'd still have some horrible Possession memories of her own to grapple with. Ron likewise remembers calling Hermione a nightmare, and later learning that she was killed.
Though Harry is overjoyed to learn that Hagrid is teaching one of his new subjects, he is equally dismayed to hear that The Dementors are going to be a mainstay. Draco mocks him for fainting but Nott privately admits that The Dementor upset him too - he reimagined his mother’s death when it passed by. The next day, Harry tries to visit Dumbledore’s office but cannot guess the password, so he instead goes to Snape and asks how long the Dementors are going to be at the school. When he is told that they’ll be around until Sirius is caught, Harry voices the idea that Sirius can’t be worse than them. With a deadly look in his eyes, Snape remarks that Sirius is much worse. But, he adds, Harry had best be careful not to run afoul of the Dementors. “They are only here to protect your ungrateful skin, Potter.” 
Time for new classes. Let’s cover the odd one out first. Muggle Studies. The only student we know took Muggle Studies is Ernie MacMillan. Now, is Ernie more apologetic toward Harry for falsely suspecting him last year? Not remotely. Keep in mind, the rumor around the school is that Harry went down into The Chamber and left a message warning the school staff not to close Hogwarts. Officially yes, Dumbledore would have cleared it up and said that he was kidnapped, and The Heir would have been identified as Voldemort. But Harry *did* command the Basilisk as well, he’s a Parselmouth and the Monster was a Snake, not to mention he’s in Slytherin…I think a number of students still consider the whole scenario to be a bit dodgy. No one complained about the school staying open but…Penelope still died.
So yeah, Harry’s not popular with anyone right now apart from maybe the Slytherins, and that would be for the wrong reasons anyway, so Harry would not want it. His only true friends at this point are Ron, Ginny, Hagrid, and Nott. He could have other Slytherin friends who are decent to him - girls like Greengrass and Tracey Davis are never confirmed to be part of Pansy's gang, but it's likely that they are. Either way, these characters they’re basically blank slates so I am hesitant to use them. Theodore at least has a bit more to go on. Still, I find it more realistic that Harry make friends over time. Sadly, I doubt any of them would be taking Muggle Studies, and I’m getting way off topic anyway. Harry is eager to learn about muggles and Charity Burbage is intrigued to have him in her class, as she rarely gets Slytherins. I think they’d have a good relationship...for the most part. Harry’s still not that dedicated as far as students go. 
The Hippogriff and Tea Leaf lessons go more or less the same way. Trelawney predicts Harry’s death, might even predict him falling to the dark side if she wants to follow the rumors, and Draco ruins everything in Care of Magical Creatures. In fact, I think he deliberately provoked Buckbeak this time. I think the moment he learned of Hagrid’s appointment, he knew how to take his revenge. After all, he’s losing Snape’s favor, and he blames Harry for that. So this time. Draco goes ham. He misses classes, keeps going back to the Hospital Wing, has Lucius come down to the school and raise hell, demanding Hagrid be sacked. Lucius knows full well that it’s just a scratch but he also wants Hagrid fired anyway, so he plays along.
However, this backfires on Draco. He plays up the arm injury so much that Marcus Flint decides to hold renewed tryouts for Seeker. Whether Draco is faking it or not, if he’s not going to have his arm out of the sling in time for the first match, he can’t play. At the encouragement of his Slytherin friends (Nott, Greengrass, Davis) Harry attends Tryouts. Maybe acquaintances is a better word but they get along decently well and at least some of them have to find Draco annoying, or would rather hedge their bets on the celebrity. Either way, Harry tries out and given his natural talent, he gets chosen as the new Slytherin Seeker. 
Draco is pissed off. He tries to get his father to make it go away, but honestly there’s nothing Lucius can really do. He can’t ask Flint to play a Seeker with an injury that would impede his Seeking ability. Also, the Slytherin team have had their Nimbus 2001s for a year now, so the window for Lucius to take them back has kind of already closed. In this situation I’m not sure what he would do, but Draco? Knowing him, he gives away that he’s faking the injury in the effort to keep his Seeker position, which means he loses on basically all counts. Buckbeak’s troubles are probably over, but we’ll see. 
Boggart time. Neville’s Boggart is still Snape, and I think Harry would have a unique appreciation for that. Between this and Harry saving his Remembrall back in Year 1, I think Neville would likely grow fond of Harry, though being a Slytherin he may still be intimidated by him. Harry still assumes his Boggart to be a Dementor and Remus still stops him from facing it, but here’s another change. Ron’s Boggart could still be a spider, for sure, but his arachnophobia wouldn’t be as strong this time, since the encounter with Aragog never happened. No, instead, I think his Boggart transforms into Hermione. Little First Year Hermione who never got to grow older, and Ron believes it’s his fault.
Here’s a minor change. I think Harry, as a Slytherin, would be surrounded by people who would suggest that he forge The Dursley’s signature a lot sooner. This did happen with Dean Thomas in the original books, but only after Harry had already asked McGonagall to sign it for him. I don’t see him asking Snape, and I can see Theodore or maybe Daphne offering to forge it for him. Like I mentioned, I think this year sees at least a few Slytherins migrating from Draco’s side of the rivalry to Harry’s. Since Harry may consort with blood traitors and Gryffindors…but Draco’s just a pain in the ass. Either way, Harry is still barred from Hogsmeade on Halloween. Here’s the thing: Dumbledore was never going to actually let him go. The lack of permission slip was just a good excuse. But as far as anyone knows, Sirius Black is out there and aiming to kill Harry, so no way the staff are letting him leave school. Harry’s pretty incensed at this injustice. 
He tries to go see Ron at Gryffindor Tower, who didn’t go into Hogsmeade, to check on him. However, he cannot get past The Fat Lady. So instead, he meets with Remus for tea, they discuss the Boggart and Remus explains why he didn’t let Harry face it, impressing Harry by actually saying Voldemort’s name. Harry witnesses Snape delivering the Wolfsbane Potion. I don’t think any of this changes, but Remus would definitely be intrigued to see James and Lily’s son in Slytherin of all things. Sirius attacks The Fat Lady (man, even in the original books, this was weird. It’s the only time he ever acts outwardly violent toward someone who is totally innocent, but I digress.) Though this time, Harry is mostly concerned about Ron. 
At this point in the original timeline, the teachers crack down on watching Harry. McGonagall even tries to stop Harry from playing Quidditch but he talks her out of it. Snape would not be so easily swayed, and he likes to torment Harry, so he would straight up inform Harry that he’s off the Slytherin Team and Draco will have his old spot back. Harry doesn’t take this well, and goes to Flint and Hooch, who go to Dumbledore, and it’s agreed that, since Harry has been practicing for the first match already, he can at least play in that. 
But the first match is not going to go well. It’s not against Hufflepuff, but against Gryffindor, and I suspect Ginny would be playing Seeker. Not sure who would have played it the last two years, probably just someone we don’t know, but Ginny is a second year now and we know she’s got Quidditch talent. Either way, it doesn't matter who Harry is facing. He still sees The Grim, and falls off his broom thanks to the Dementors. Slytherin loses the match, Harry’s in disgrace, and now he really is off the team. He’d been banking on proving himself in this match to try and change that outcome but now his fate is sealed, and Draco can visit The Hospital Wing to gloat. 
Dobby appears once again, after hours, in a scene not unlike the one from Chamber of Secrets. He’s obviously not responsible for the Grim, or the Dementors, but as far as he’s concerned, they prove his point. He begs Harry to go home, as Harry begins to notice that Dobby looks awful. Bruised and battered. He’s been punishing himself nonstop for getting Harry in trouble with the Ministry. Now beginning to feel pity, Harry tells him to stop. Instead, he suggests that Dobby can make it up to him by using his Elf Magic to tail Sirius Black. If you listen hard, you can hear Hermione rolling in her grave.
Which reminds me, Crookshanks is in contact with Sirius like before, he’s hunting Scabbers like before, and it causes a rift between Harry and Ron, though not a significant one. Even if Scabbers eventually fakes his death, the boys live in different Houses, so Crookshanks could hardly be responsible. Meanwhile, Snape takes over teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts while Remus is ill, and gives the Werewolf Essay. 
I don’t think the Weasley twins give Harry the Marauder’s Map in this timeline. They’d like him okay, they’d trust him at least a little, but they haven’t really spent much time with him at this point. Also, they’d have heard about Ron’s ordeal of seeing Hermione again as a Boggart. So maybe they give the Map to Ron instead. But I assume Ron would share it with Harry anyway, show him what it is and how it works. Still, he’s the one who’s keeping it for the time being. Either way, they sneak into Hogsmeade. Harry doesn’t have the Invisibility Cloak either, as it’s in Dumbledore’s custody, so just like before, he and Ron hide under the table to avoid being seen by the string of adult characters who arrive, and proceed to drop an exposition bomb about Sirius Black. That he was The Secret Keeper, and James’ best friend. 
Even in the originals, what follows is possibly the lowest, darkest point that Harry ever had, where he genuinely considers the idea of hunting down and killing Sirius. He goes to confront Snape, and asks what Snape knows about the death of his parents, and who was responsible. For his part, Snape has frozen in place, his expression unreadable, but he definitely thinks Harry is referring to something else before Harry presses on. “I know they were friends. Black and-and my Dad. It wasn’t him who tried to kill you, it was Black, wasn’t it?” Snape coldly remarks that it was both of them, that James simply got cold feet after the fact, but now Harry is convinced that whatever bad behavior his dad may (or may not) have exhibited toward Snape in school came from the influence of Sirius. 
Ron isn’t able to shake Harry from his cold rage, nor is Hagrid or any of his Slytherin friends. You know who I think does, though? Ginny. She and Harry have a unique bond where she can call him out when he’s being stupid, and he’ll listen. She points out that if Sirius is caught by the Dementors, he’ll suffer a lot more than whatever Harry could hope to do to him. So instead, Harry turns his attention back to restoring his spot on the Quidditch team. (As well as helping Hagrid with Buckbeak’s case, if we assume Buckbeak is still on the hotseat. I doubt he is, though.) His Slytherin friends have been advising him to buy a racing broom of his own. He’s a better flier than Draco, and he’s got the gold for it, so why not? Before Harry can pursue this idea, however, Christmas comes and he gets the Firebolt anyway. 
This instantly makes Harry more popular among the Slytherins, inspires the awe and envy of his Weasley pals, and is enough to convince Flint to once again replace Draco with Harry. Though Hermione isn’t here to tell McGonagall about The Firebolt, it would quickly become the talk of the school anyway, and it would reach the ear of the teachers. Meaning Snape likewise confiscates it as McGonagall did, though he’s certainly more of a bully about it, with his typical sneer and everything. When Harry protests, Snape can shut him up by admitting that yes, Sirius was the brains behind the attempt on his life, so Harry had best take this seriously. 
At this point, Dobby reappears and is unable to provide any information about Sirius. He searched Hogsmeade and the surrounding areas, he searched Diagon and Knockturn Alley, he even called upon Sirius’ old family home and spoke with the Black family elf Kreacher, but Kreacher had not seen him in years. Dobby does have an interesting story to provide though. While searching Diagon Alley, he witnessed Harry Potter’s cat visiting Gringotts, carrying a slip of parchment in his mouth. Dobby was unable to eavesdrop, but Crookshanks subsequently left Gringotts and went over to…Quality Quidditch Supplies. Harry is flabbergasted. Crookshanks bought him The Firebolt? It can’t be, right? Dobby further reveals that he’s seen Crookshanks hanging out with a mysterious black dog. Yeah, it’s safe to say that Harry begins to wonder about his cat. 
Harry begins his Patronus lessons with Remus, I don’t see why that would change. He likewise learns that Remus knew James and Sirius during their time at Hogwarts, though as before, Remus wouldn’t let on just how close they actually were. Harry struggles for a while, but eventually settles on the memory of looking into The Mirror of Erised in Dumbledore’s Office, which remains one of the happiest moments of his life. This proves effective at helping him conjure a basic Patronus. Meanwhile, Harry has to tell Flint that he’s lost the Firebolt, and Flint probably doubts Harry ever had one to begin with. Or, if he’s already seen it, he can just say that Harry has to get it back if he wants to be on the team. Either way: No Firebolt, no Seeking for him.
Scabbers disappears. Ron initially blames Crookshanks but later concedes that it would have been damn near impossible for him to be responsible. Harry, remembering Dobby’s tale, is privately not so sure. He is given back The Firebolt, probably by McGonagall still as Snape wouldn’t want to return it, and she can make some professional rival’s comment encouraging him to work hard, because it’s going to take more than a good broomstick to defeat Gryffindor. That kind of thing. I think McGonagall is rather fond of Harry, even if she doesn’t know him as well this time. She’d have seen him hanging with Ron and Ginny, after all. 
At some point in the latter half of this year, Hermione dropped Divination. Harry is now back on the Quidditch team, much to Draco’s anger, so he has less time to study, and since he’s taking three electives, he can technically drop one. Would be easy to say Muggle Studies as that’s the new addition, but I actually feel like, of the three, he’d be most likely to drop Divination as well. He never liked it much, and Trelawney opened this year by predicting his death. So he drops Divination at around this point and therefore he never hears the second Prediction. 
Harry’s next Quidditch match could happen here, whether against Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw doesn’t really matter. While this is where he first met Cho, when he faced her in Quidditch, I think Harry’s less likely to crush on her this time. Sure, she’s pretty, and he’d notice, but he’s also been spending a lot of time with Ginny, and for bonus points, let’s say at least one of his new Slytherin friends is now on the team as well. No way to know if this would happen in the original universe but we do have to take some liberties here. Harry may have been too late to be in this match anyway, but let’s say he was. I think either way, he wins, and a similar sequence plays out where Draco attempts to sabotage him by dressing up as Dementors with Crabbe and Goyle. Harry conjures a Corporeal Patronus for the first time but doesn’t even notice as he’s too busy chasing the Snitch. Remus notices though, and he notices its form. 
Sirius breaks into Gryffindor Tower and appears over Ron’s bed before Ron screams and Sirius manages to escape. Everyone is hard pressed to understand why Sirius keeps going after Gryffindor Tower. It has to be common knowledge at this point that Harry isn’t there, right? Harry half-wonders if Sirius isn’t deliberately targeting the Weasleys to hurt him, and his anger is stoked even further. When he talks about this with Theo and the others, he is oddly tempted by their description of The Unforgivable Curses, and how, if Harry really wants to take the fight to Sirius, he’ll need that kind of magic on his side. (I have to assume that he would have heard about the Curses a bit sooner in that Common Room.) 
The next Hogsmeade visit would play out similarly. I think this is where Ginny finds out about The Marauder’s Map, and while she normally appreciates a good bit of mischief, she finds The Map disturbing. It reminds her of Tom Riddle’s diary, which, once Harry sees it, he cannot unsee it, and is now hesitant to trust The Map as well. Ron argues that it has only ever helped them and Harry eventually agrees to go to Hogsmeade with him, but Ginny insists on coming as well, and she’s not taking no for an answer. She wants to look out for them. 
What’s different about this sequence is that Harry does not have The Cloak with him, so he wouldn’t go around throwing mud at Draco because he’d get seen. Draco may wind up seeing him anyway, but Harry still makes it back to Hogwarts before Snape is told, so there’s still no proof. In this timeline, he doesn’t even have The Marauder’s Map, so Remus doesn’t get brought in, he doesn’t find out Harry has the Map, and he doesn’t confiscate it. Now *that* is going to make a hell of a lot of difference in a short while.
Quidditch Final time. Again, I don’t think it matters which House Slytherin winds up facing. Either way, Harry’s on a Firebolt, and he’s a brilliant Seeker, not to mention the rest of the team is on Nimbus 2001s. So I think it’s safe to say Slytherin wins, which bolsters Harry’s reputation among his Housemates by a lot. Draco, meanwhile, is sinking into unpopularity and hating it. He’s never hated Harry more.  Exams begin, but Harry’s no longer in Divination, so he doesn’t hear the Prediction. No one else was there, so it goes unheard. 
So how does the climax play out? Probably plays out mostly the same, at least at first. Assuming that Crookshanks accompanies Harry around to various places, he’d likely be there when Harry visits Hagrid. Ron may also be there, Ginny might be too, but given their different schedules it’s not a guarantee and honestly it doesn’t change much. Either way, it was Ron who found Scabbers in the original timeline, but it could easily be Crookshanks, and either way, Crookshanks goes in for the kill. He grabs Scabbers in his mouth and takes off through the open window. 
Harry and Ron give chase, pursuing Crookshanks to the ominous Whomping Willow, where he seems to vanish behind the branches. Both boys are concerned for their animal companions, and Harry is not one to give up, so a few black eyes and sprained ankles later, they discover the secret entrance and make their way inside. Ron has the Marauder’s Map, but it wouldn’t extend all the way to the Shack, meaning they wouldn’t see the damning names of Sirius and Peter. So when they arrive, they find Sirius Black sitting with Crookshanks, holding Scabbers in a binding spell. (Sirius totally worked out that Crookshanks was Harry’s cat and is all the more fond of him because of it.)
Sirius likely incapacitates Ron in some fashion, binding him with ropes, body-binding him, silencing him, or something to that effect. Harry attacks Sirius, and given how he's lived in the Slytherin Dungeons for the last three years, odds are he knows of The Unforgivables. Him not knowing them was basically the only reason he didn't use them here, in the original timeline. Would he kill Sirius? I doubt he has it in him, but you know what Harry could and likely would do? Crucio. I feel sick just saying it but Harry did have an unfortunate pattern of using that spell even in the original books. Ron is horrified, and Sirius, amid his screams, pleads with Harry. Asks for the chance to tell his side of the story. Harry relents, just for a moment, and agrees to listen. If nothing else, he wants to know why Sirius did it, right?
Sirius insists that Peter is alive and begs for the chance to prove it. Either Harry agrees, or Sirius manages to disarm him. Either way, he then force Peter to resume human form, before explaining everything to Harry. He also releases Ron from his own binding, as a gesture of good will. He likely assumes Ron is Harry’s friend, and figures a warning not to run will suffice. (As if Ron was ever going to abandon a friend.) But anyway, onto the story. The story of how he and his friends became Animagi, (though leaving out certain details like about Remus being a Werewolf) how he, Sirius, was initially The Secret Keeper but the plan was changed at the last second under the belief that Voldemort would never suspect a wimp like Peter of being the Keeper. But Peter had been a spy for Voldemort for a while by that point. Peter denies everything, but cannot explain how he himself is alive.
The pieces all fall into place as they do in the original timeline - such as Scabbers having always been missing a toe, or how he was stressed and sick before he met Crookshanks, at around the point Sirius’ escape was reported. All of that still checks out, Ron still went on that trip to Egypt and all. But here’s an important change - Remus never got his hands on The Map. Therefore, he didn’t see Peter’s name on it, and didn’t head down to The Willow. Therefore, Snape didn’t either. Therefore, Remus doesn’t miss his last dose of Wolfsbane and transforms safely in his office. 
This is the final nail in the coffin for our poor little traitor. Harry not being quite as close to Ron, as well as Ron’s early traumas, meant that Fred and George were always going to give him the Map instead of Harry. If Harry never gets it, Remus never confiscates it, and without Remus having the Map, he isn’t involved in Peter’s capture. It was only Remus’ transformation that gave Peter the opening to escape. So how about that. Harry being a Slytherin means that Peter doesn’t get away at all. His back to the wall, he could try blackmail - threatening to reveal Sirius is an Animagus and that Harry used an Unforgivable. But both of them are probably undeterred. Sirius, Harry, and Ron all carefully lead him through the Willow’s secret passage and back up to the castle. 
(Of course, in both timelines, they literally could have just stunned Peter, and taken the risk of him trying to escape completely out of the equation. I have no damn clue why Sirius doesn’t think of this. Harry doesn’t know the stunning spell yet but both Sirius and Remus should. Oh well. It may be a plot hole but it ain’t MY plot hole.) 
The only real tricky part is getting into the Castle, getting past the Dementors. But Harry can conjure his Patronus properly for the first time here. It’s not as cool as using it to save his past self, but it will suffice. Sirius also conjures his big ol’ puppy dog Patronus, and together they clear the way. Actually making it inside the castle is tricky, as seeing Sirius Black would lead to people firing first and asking questions later. But Harry could jump in front of him to shield him, and with Crookshanks nearby, the chance of Peter trying to sneak off or succeeding at such is unlikely. 
What happens next depends heavily on who Harry actually encounters first. Probably Peeves or Filch, and if it’s the latter, he would be of no help at all and I could honestly see Sirius just hexing him out of frustration. If Snape shows up, that’s an absolute nightmare, you all know he wouldn’t listen to Harry or Ron. But I have to assume McGonagall, the absolute queen of punctuality and also the second in command at Hogwarts, would get there shortly after Snape if not before. She would listen to reason, and both she and Snape would, of course, recognize Peter. We can have a nice moment where McGonagall apologizes to Sirius for doubting him and expresses disappointment in Peter.
With the spy apprehended and sent to Azkaban, Sirius is exonerated. Course, Peter probably blabs, in an attempt to get a reduced sentence. Sirius could just as easily be thrown right back into a cell for being an unregistered Animagus. Snape would certainly be pushing for that to happen. But I think Dumbledore would be able to persuade Fudge that such a sentence should be commuted. After all, Sirius did spend 12 years in Azkaban for a crime he didn’t commit. At that point the Ministry should be willing to call it even. I have my suspicions that Dumbledore may not want Sirius around, as he cannot control him the way he can The Weasleys, but Sirius still has a legitimate claim to guardianship over Harry. Still, Dumbledore also wants to stay in Harry’s good books, and there’s no legitimate reason Sirius wouldn’t be acquitted here. 
As for Harry, I can see that being overlooked as well, though this will have consequences down the road. The Trace doesn't seem capable of detecting if an underage wizard uses an Unforgivable, but if a genuine accusation was made, Priori Incantatem would prove Harry's guilt. Nonetheless, he's thirteen years old, he had a justifiable catalyst, and Sirius, the victim of the equation, isn't exactly pressing charges. I think Dumbledore could make these charges go away. However, Fudge's patience is starting to wear thin. I also think Ron's friendship with Harry has now suffered another fracture, even if Ron doesn't actually discuss it with Harry outright. For his part, Harry feels awful about having done that to Sirius, who immediately and unconditionally forgives him, because of course he does.
So what does this mean moving forward? Well, we have a few points to go over. First of all, because Remus never misses his Potion and never gets loose on the grounds in Wolf form…does he even still resign? Well, knowing the job is jinxed, I think he does still have to leave somehow. It occurs to me that, Remus missing his potion or not, Snape could still out him. And while Remus did have a close call in the original timeline, that was never the real reason Snape exposed him - he was angry that Sirius got away. Harry helping to clear Sirius’ name would inspire similar rage, and I think Snape would still tell the Slytherins about Remus. Harry doesn’t (initially) view this as a horrible betrayal because he didn’t even know Remus was a Werewolf. He is instead confused and upset, especially since his Slytherin pals (and Ron) would speak horribly of Werewolves. He’d ask Snape if it was true, and later go see Remus. 
I think this meeting, as well as a later one with Sirius, would begin to turn Harry’s mind around. It is here that he would learn why The Marauders became Animagi, that they wrote the Map. Harry realizes that Ron has it, though he may or may not tell Ron. I think Harry talks to Sirius as well, and he asks Sirius if he and James really tried to kill Snape. Sirius would downplay this, act as though it was no big deal, but Remus would not think it was so funny. Harry would reflect on the endless conflict between his father and Snape, comparing it to his own with Draco. 
So what happens to Harry? I think it’s at this point that Harry wants to go live with Sirius, if Sirius will have him, and we all know he will. Dumbledore would likely tell them about The Blood Wards at this point, because I don’t think Sirius is going to just accept that #DumbledoreHasHisReasons. He’ll want to know why on earth Harry is expected to stay with Lily’s horrid sister, and once he finds out about the abuse Harry suffered at the hands of the Dursleys - he’s going to hit the fucking roof. What's more, he's seen James's son, who was Sorted into Slytherin to be taught be Snivellus and he's already learning Unforgivables. If Dumbledore and Sirius can agree on one thing, it's that Harry badly needs proper guidance.
So, because of the Blood Wards, Sirius begrudgingly agrees that Harry can stay at Privet Drive for a couple of weeks a year if Sirius can stay with him. As Padfoot or otherwise. (The Dursleys are going to love that.) Remus is out of a job at this point but Sirius and Harry both have money, so ultimately, he probably stays with them. (My Wolfstar shipping heart is racing, but I’ll stay focused.) The main question is where Sirius will go to live at this point.
Logically, he’d stay at Grimmauld Place, but he hates it there. That’s the house he grew up in and was abused in. He has the money to live somewhere else, but finding a three bedroom flat in London on short notice, when he’d have to translate that money into muggle money…I feel like this is one of those situations where he’d plan to find somewhere else to live, but would initially, reluctantly, move back home until he gets his life re-established, only to be stuck in a rut in that same house.
Couple more points about Sirius. One, I think he demands that Harry’s Cloak be returned permanently, and Dumbledore concedes on the condition that Harry promises not to use it irresponsibly. Sirius also doesn’t need to write Harry and Ron from afar and rather than Ron receiving Pigwidgeon, I wonder if Harry doesn’t give one of his pets to Ron. Since, y’know, he lost his rat and all. Whether it’s Hedwig, so that he can have an owl, or Crookshanks. The latter idea is considerably funnier, but Harry would have bonded with Crookshanks by this point as well, and Sirius would have too. Anyway, that about wraps up “Owl Post Again.” The Dementors are still removed from Hogwarts as Sirius is cleared, and he signs Harry’s Hogsmeade permission slip like always. 
We're starting to see the fractures. The timeline is changing more and more. Cannot wait to see what becomes of this in GOF!
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chapter 8 of 'bad times'
found most of this languishing in my drafts and thought "you know what the world needs today? drarry whump." here it is! happy weekend to you!
"But what do you see in him?"
Hermione's being rude, and Harry can't blame her. He knows what it looks like. What he looks like. He fiddles with the white chip in his jeans pocket, the urge to blur out this conversation with something strong enough to strip paint a physical pressure between his ears.
"The sex is good," Harry says.
Hermione's eyes flutter, her version of rolling them.
It's not a lie, but it's not the truth, either. 
"Do you really want me to explain?"
"How the sex is good?" She looks out the window. "No, I don't."
She shuts the screen door behind her when she leaves, maintaining eye contact with him through it like she dares him to step foot outside his flat too. He goes for the toilet immediately instead and discovers she's emptied the bottles under the bathroom sink, and the anger and shame over that gives him heartburn and burps like eggs. He dowses that fire with vodka in orange juice, then a little orange juice in what’s left of the vodka, until his teeth find the wiggly tooth and play with it, and that’s unsettling and he wonders for a moment if he’s dying, if his teeth are falling out because he’s dying and he’s back in the gymnasium storage closet with Cedric’s dead weight dragging him down, it’s a split second memory but once it’s there it takes sitting in the pub counting to one thousand tearing a cardboard mat to shreds sipping warm lager until it’s two and he’s pissed and he can’t feel his teeth anymore more and Ben the bartender buys a half and does a line with him in the cooler and all of a sudden it’s any other day and Harry’s fine. He pops home, he grabs his stuff and responds to the regulars first, and then he's off to work, sniffing a little more because his car is in the shop so he's on a bicycle tonight, the breeze he creates by whipping down hills slapping singlet against his chest and combing tracks through his greasy hair. 
The licks of time between this feeling of flying, he feels too much. Those are the snippets when he knows how it looks, putting Draco up at his place. Knows how he looks, the puffiness bloating the tissues of his face when the rest of him screams malnourishment. The slivers of time spent sober-ish for Hermione’s benefit, those precipitate the thinking and that brings the smell of rubber, of footie and jerseys and the butcher shop tang of the morgue, and the next thing Harry knows it’s late and he’s on his last call, back at the pub and the sign on the door says CLOSED but the bar manager ripped the Arctic Monkeys EP to CD and they keep playing So I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor on repeat and Ben’s hitting on Davis and Martina and Greg and the waitress Harry can never remember are playing the worst game of pool he’s ever seen, and Draco’s there. Someone called him. He follows the conversation with his eyes and props open the exit to smoke through the crack in the door and he only talks to Harry to ask if he will sell to his friends, and Harry says he’s done for the night but has more at home, if Draco wants it, and Draco shrugs and says he’ll see. 
They party until the group peels into smaller groups and it’s just them and six lines. Ben breaks a pint glass while filling in the dishwasher, and he leaves to the back, swerving around a corner, cursing whoever the fuck moved the bucket they use for shards. 
Draco rests his chin in his hand, and looks directly at Harry. 
“I’d better be getting home,” Harry says. He passes a rolled note to Draco. Draco inserts its damp tip into a nostril and finishes the last two lines on the countertop, then sweeps the crumbs onto the floor. He pockets the bill and sniffles.
"Looks like we're done here," says Draco. He rubs one palm from Harry's knee up his thigh, then disengages, off to steal a turn at the pool table. He hasn't paid for a thing all night and he brushes Harry's coke to the ground like it's nothing. He soaks up everything in his path like it's owed to him. Wipes the ground with Harry most of all. 
They say nothing else to one another in the ensuing minutes, the comedown, while everyone's too pissed and high and exhausted to admit that after this is nothing, is home and the blue light of morning and more of the same tomorrow. Draco trails Harry out the door to the sounds of pans crashing in the kitchen, and Ben colourfully cursing to hell and back. 
Draco is the last man standing, which makes him the most frequent guest in Harry’s bed. That’s it. That’s the part Harry can’t explain to Hermione: that he's not fussed who it is so much as that they’re there, someone, anyone, a real corporeal haunting he can punch and lick and hold onto. Draco's something of a spectre of all Harry's bad decisions rolled into a single weeping lump, stuffed into a skeleton. He hates Harry with every cell and he's there, moth to flame, incapable of going two weeks, then days, then hours without sipping from Harry in some way. Draco tinges Harry's thoughts: his lies sting, his distrust singes. Draco hordes secrets and chastises Harry for being a jealous lover, a little boy, an idiot, a lowlife thug, for daring to seek out the shape of the pile. Draco's presence in a sore in Harry's mouth he can't stop prodding. 
He is a nightmare to be around. He disappears: Harry's eyes won't stop searching ditches. He storms out, taking Harry's wallet with him. He steals his glasses. 
Harry finds him. In new neighbourhoods, all over the City. Harry finds him. 
In a trap houses and plur parties thrown in mansions, Harry finds him one of two ways: the first, in glossy shoes, his hair longer. Washed. This Draco returns with ointment at his elbows, a greasy layer between his wounds and the world. He has walking around money, and clothes that are new to Harry, even though the cashmere is already pilled at the hems, and the leather broken in, smelling of Galloises. His teeth are shiny clean and his eyes are clear and he's thirsty, and Harry finds him and they drink their way to the bottom of a well. Draco returns from these spates cold, and hungry. His physical wounds are bandaged but his mental state is a wreck. He corrects Harry's grammar and dumps the coffee on the floor and slams Harry's fingers in the door over whether it's the oven or the stove. 
Draco doesn't apologize. He storms out, leaving, always leaving Harry, who sleeps curled into a ball the size of a seed. Hermione visits and he jams little bottles of vodka from hotel parties into the centre of the kitchen roll so he can sip while she checks under the kitchen sink. She leaves biscuits and a stern lecture, opens his windows to let some air in, and Harry empties the butts from the flowerpots and dusts the house in baking soda and hoovers it all up, he does the wash, he paints the bathroom and patches the holes his fists have left and doesn't see Draco for a week, and when Draco returns, it's the second kind. 
The second kind of return is blurrier. Draco comes back to Harry colourless, tacky with unwashed sweat. He looks punched out, bags under his eyes protruding, purple. He uses cards to pay for everything, orders flats of mineral water to the house. He survives on cigarettes and whatever Harry gives him, whatever he wants. He fucks Harry like a god. His cock is an icepick and he breaks Harry with it. He films them fucking on his phone, sends it around, invites others over to made up addresses. He makes Harry wear a balaclava, and Harry sucks him while he's off his head, and Draco shows him the footage later and forces him to admit how good he looks when he comes like that. He gets Harry hard while wearing his wedding ring: it appears, disappears. There are rare, sunny days, sunny because of his mood, because something has changed. The hunch in his back and the pinch between his brows disappears, and they eat steak with runny eggs, and Draco climbs on top of Harry and pulls the blanket over them so it's just them in this cave, and he'll ride Harry and gasp out his name. On these special days, Draco rolls the joints himself and beacons Harry close with a fingertip brushing the underside of his jaw. They share breath, and spit, and Harry drinks Draco in (spit, come, lube, blood) and Draco inhales Harry (musk, sweet, fetid) and they're like a closed loop. 
Harry thought this is what living with Sirius would be, and the thought doesn't confuse him at all. He basks in it. He dozes on high, on a cloud, Draco's fingers in him and his voice in his ear and even though Harry doesn't want to do that thing, whatever it is he'll do it in that moment, for Draco. Harry pays. Harry slices into packages he shouldn't and drips droplets into Draco's naked eyes if he asks.
Draco asks Harry if he wants to be a good little hole for him. His breath is sour and Harry knows because Draco, in this state, nips at his lips sometimes. He disappears in the guest bath for hours at a time, and sometimes he calls Harry to flats he's never seen before, and holds a hot water bottle to his stomach, and squeezes Harry's fingers tight while daytime soap operas blare at them from the flat screen TV. Draco's hair goes lank, and his clothing stale, then rank. He accrues sores, and bruises, and chips his teeth. He grinds them. He sucks ice lolly's till his mouth is a bright blue hole, and Harry coaxes him back, home, until he says the wrong thing. Until he finds Draco at midnight, dribbling the last of the peach yogurt into his mouth, backlit by the refrigerator glow, and Harry stumbles over his words as he tips orange juice into his tumbler. Harry's mouth runs circles around his thoughts, it outpaces them, which are miles ahead of whatever dark hole in his stomach his feelings are relegated to.
Harry, blind drunk, always comes around to mention the ring. His thoughts circle the topic like carrion birds above a carcass. What his wife must think, Draco gone weeks at a time. What she wonders. Why he wears it, if he doesn't care. 
Draco leaves, and he takes Harry's wallet. Takes the keys to the car. Keys the car, sloshes the tin of leftover paint on the stoop. Draco comes back, and Harry quiets the part of himself that wonders, that scratches the same itch till it bleeds: 
Why her? 
Where do you go, and why there? 
Why not me? Why not, just once, choose me?
read all of 'bad times' over on AO3
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Baby on board (Harry Potter)
Hogwarts was a school with more then a few secrets, but there was two that would of shocked everyone at the school save for maybe Dumbledore. Bombshell number one: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were actually dating and were a very close couple that spent every second together they could while also playing up that they hated each other so Draco wouldn't get in shit with his parents because Harry wasn't exactly Draco's father's favorite person in the world. Bombshell number two: Draco was a full blown goo goo gaga super duper nappy pooper little, and they had hooked up in year two when Harry had caught him playing in his nappies.  with harry being a daddy dom everything had clicked and the two loved to go around Hogwarts at night, with Draco in his diapers and them under his invisibly cloak and seeing how close they could get to getting caught, with Draco's smelly butt getting more then a few unfortunate souls blamed for SBD's.
Still as daring as the pair was, they had never before done what they were doing this year, which was going for Draco to be nappied at all times. They would of course be using a series of charms to hide the smells and shrink the bulk of the nappies while not compromising them. This meant getting the blond big baby nappied as soon as possible which meant Harry giving a half ass excuse to ditch Hermione and Ron as soon as possible once on the train to Hogwarts. "I just wanna walk around by myself for a bit. The Dursleys have been trying to suck up to me since I'm leaving soon and figuring out how famous I am." Harry lied. "Bloody hell, I didn't see any pigs flying!" Ron commented, having a hard time believing it. "Well if you need some time alone.." Hermione said and sighed, but then locked eyes with Ron and winked. "Heh, and thats the other thing, I thought you two might want some together time." Harry chuckled and walked out of the car.
Draco meanwhile had a easier time of getting his car cleared as he just had to tell Crab and Goyle to piss off, he wanted to be alone and since he'd been getting more and more distant as of late it wasn't that out of character. scarcely had the gruesome twosome  left then the door the the car opened back up though it would appear as no one was there, at least till it closed and Harry took his cloak off. "Hey ba-" was as far as Harry got before Draco tackle hugged him to the ground, with a cry of 'DADDY!' and showering him in kisses. "..I guess that answers whether or not you missed me." Harry chuckled, flat on his back. he was much stronger then Draco and could of easily pushed the little guy off but instead decided to roll with it, only saying. "But just so you know, I can't put the cute butt of yours back in nappies where it belong if you keep me pinned down to the floor." "Your the boy who lived, I'm sure you could come up with something." Draco giggled, and licked the bridge of Harry's nose before scooting off of him. "Give me time and I might, but for now I do believe that we have other matters to attend to.. you were able to sneak the supplies on board?" Harry asked, wiping his nose dry and getting off the floor. while Harry was well known, he didn't have the clout to get a trunk or suitcase brought into a passenger car, though Draco did. "Pffft, you think I was gonna let a silly thing like the rules stop me?" Draco asked, giving a perfect brat prince smile, then he moved over to by the window and reached down, coming up with his own clock and revealing his suitcase/diaper bag. "it's not as good as yours, but it gets the job done." Draco added, tossing the cloak to Harry. "true enough. now just to be clear, I'll go over the rules about this one more time." Harry said, in a tone that made it clear that Draco could expect to hear them at least once a week. "First of all, there will be NO using the loo, for tinkles or BM's." Harry said. "Threaten me with a good time." Draco giggled, getting giddy. Secondly, You'll get a nappy change when I can mange it and/or if I think you deserve one. so if your too much a bully you can expect to spend extra time in squishy nappies." Harry said, trying to keep his stern daddy face on but damn it, Draco wasn't making it easy. "Oh, the horror~" Draco giggled and was already getting his belt off. "You say that now..keep in mind the longest you've been a stink butt was 2 hours." Harry chuckled and winked, then went on. "Thirdly, You'll be given a maintenance spanking at least once a week to make sure you know what to expect if you REALLY act, You know I'm not scared to paddle that cute butt." "You know..I've gone a wholllle summer without a spanking, I might need one to put me in place before you pad me up." Draco said, faking a thoughtful expression. "..We'll see. Fourthly, The only messes you're allowed to make in your nappies on your own are BM's and tinkles. Big boy messes will be allowed at MY discretion and trust me, you'll have to earn them." Harry said smirking. "W-wait that wasn't in the original deal!" Draco said, looking unsure for the first time. "I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it more." Harry chuckled in his best Darth Vader voice.. a reference that was lost on Draco as the blond baby looked lost. "..Remind me to get you in front of a telly at some point and have a movie marathon." "If you say so..." Draco said, shrugging it off. "Finally, if you wanna stop and go back to just doing playtime when we get a chance, I'll understand. this is a big step and not everyone is cut out for 24/7. I won't be disappointed and they'll be nothing to be ashamed about." Harry finished. "Puh-lease daddy.. if anyone is gonna be crying for this to stop, it'll be you with all the presents I plan on making." Draco chuckled, and dropped his pants and turned around, showing his bare bottom and show that not only was the cheeky little guy going commando, but he'd been working on his tan as his normally pale butt matched the rest of him. "Now about that spanking?" "Heh.. Maybe later. who knows how long we'll have to ourselves and you DO wanna be a nappied little brat when we arrive right?" Harry said, though since he was only mortal, he HAD to slap that cute bubble butt. "-sigh-, the sacrifices I make for the greater good!" Draco said, as if not getting a over the knee spanking was akin to giving up a limb. "And the forced of good and justice thank you for them." Harry said rolling his eyes and getting out the changing mat.
Blue balled and frustrated after having their snogging session broke up by a wandering staff member, Ron and Hermione decided to go and hunt down Harry or failing at that, find a quiet place to get back to smooching. Seeing Crab and Goyle out and about instead of hanging out with Draco was strange to the pair as the three were almost always seen together as fair as Ron and Hermione knew, and fearing that maybe Draco was doing something awful to Harry they made they're way towards the blond brat prince of Slytherin's car. It wasn't exactly easy going as a few of Draco's underlings (it was hard to think of the git having friends, at least for Ron) they made it and dashed into Draco's personal car, facing the door and using they're wands to lock it, and heard the shocked gasps of Draco and Harry. they also noticed the confused and then laughing faces of the slythrin's who could see though the window to the private room, normally shaded but the locking spell used by Hermione had canceled out the privacy spell. Turning around they say what had the others amused, a red face Harry and Draco, with Harry in the middle of sprinkling baby powder onto Draco's crotch, and the blond laying on a thick stack of cloth nappies with a pair of plastic pants nearby. "I..Uh..What?" Ron asked, trying to process all of it. "O-Oh dear." Hermione said, turning and covering her eyes. "So uh.. I guess you guys have a few questions." Harry said sheepishly, and tilted the contained of baby powder up, almost a quarter of it had coated Draco's crotch due to the shock of being found. "I..uh.. Yeah. more then a few." Ron said, then broke into a big stupid grin. "But you better finish nappying the baby." it was at that point Draco's brain shut down, going into derp mode, his last thought till they'd get to Hogwarts being 'well, this is going to be a interesting school year.'
The end
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Would Lord Voldemort also be a platonic yandere for Bellatrix's daughter? Voldemort and Bellatrix had a daughter, Delphini in the book, from "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". So would they give as a family?
I could see it!
I had actually considered including Delphini in my Yandere!Bellatrix Lestrange w/ Biological!Child!Reader headcanons and her relationship with the Reader but I decided that if anyone wanted that I would just write a part two or something.
In regards to Voldemort becoming platonic!yandere I could definitely see it, especially given how much Bellatrix would hype up her child when talking about them to him. It would certainly get his attention given how loyal of a Death Eater she is her child would have to be something just like her, right? But that wouldn’t be enough to garner his obsession. There would have to be more for him to be invested. He’d test them, make them prove their loyalty to the cause and if they do so as he pleases then I could see him taking even more of an interest in them. Maybe even taking them under his wing as his Dark Arts protégé.
I can’t help but think of Reader taking in and raising Delphini given the fall of Voldemort and the death of their mother after the second Wizarding War. I wholeheartedly believe the Malfoy’s would help the Reader in raising Delphini and being a better support system for her then what she’d end up with otherwise. Particularly Narcissa and Malfoy given they would be the closest to the Reader.
Imagine the Reader having turned out similar to Draco; having to act and do things they didn’t want to that would haunt them later but doing so nonetheless to protect the ones they cared about and or to please the Mother they never got to have (not like Narcissa wasn’t good enough already). Only for them to feel some sense of relief after the war is over and the Dark Lord is defeated. The Malfoy’s and the Reader no longer having to live under the fear of the Dark Lord let alone having him so close. Wanting to do good by their new sibling, the Reader wouldn’t want to abandon Delphini even if she did have Voldemort’s blood running through her veins. I could see the Reader desperately trying to keep Delphini from turning out like Bellatrix knowing nothing good would come of it. Only for Delphini to find out the truth about their parents and wanting to get back the family she didn’t have. Her family, not the Malfoy lie.
I could see Delphini growing up in this scenario and only really ever taking to the Reader over any of the Malfoy’s. Maybe even feeing like the Reader is her true family out of all of them before knowing the truth. Once she does know the truth though I feel like Delphini would resent the Malfoy’s all the more for lying to her and acting like her family when they weren’t. I don’t think she’d blame the Reader, she’d probably believe that they lied to them just like her. But she would definitely have no problem guilt tripping them.
I also have this image of pregnant Bellatrix keeping the Reader by her side whenever she can, gushing about how much their sibling is going to look up to them and whatnot. Or how wonderful their little family is going to be.
Personally, I feel like Narcissa would especially feel threatened to have Bellatrix back in the picture. She loves her sister of course but for the longest time she has considered the Reader her child and to have to give that up now that her sister is back would really hurt her. She would especially worry about the Dark Lord becoming invested in them, how could she not?
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sweet-s0rr0w · 3 years
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This is my Wheel of Drarry gift fic for the lovely @hogwartsfirebolt, E, I hope you like it!! 🐺❤ It's (obviously) werewolf Drarry, and I'm going to post one part each day. Thanks (er, mostly in advance) for the fab beta, @graymatters, you're an absolute gem! It's first person alternating POV, roughly T rated and has no real CWs, although there's a lot of meat consumed so vegetarians be aware! You can read it on AO3 here if you prefer.
Part One
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Before we start, I want to make something clear.
There’s only one reason Potter came to me, and it has absolutely nothing to do with our history. Sure, it wasn’t a coincidence that he turned up on my doorstep, but it wasn’t due to some hidden desire to cause me bodily harm either. And it certainly wasn’t because of a longstanding crush, no matter what Witch Weekly thinks.
No, Potter chose me because he was looking for the best. And I’m it.
I’ve been doing this for a long time now, you see. The best part of two decades, give or take, and I’m bloody good at it. Go ahead, ask anyone in the know who’s the man (ha) you go to for this kind of thing, and they’ll all give you the same name: Draco Malfoy. Pans teases me about it, calls me the celebrity wolf whisperer. It pisses me off, but I’m always telling her she’s just my glorified make-up girl, so I guess we’re pretty much even.
Yes, I’ve seen it all before… or so I thought. People are all the same, you see. You’ve got your shy ones, your meek ones, the ones who tremble in their boots as they stand on my threshold. I had a teenage girl who was actually afraid of the dark once – can you imagine? But those types don’t cause me any trouble. I just let the wolf inside them do its work. When you’re top of the food chain, you soon find that there’s nothing left to fear.
I find the angry ones harder to deal with. The people who hate our kind, who blame me, by proxy, for what happened to them. I’ve been attacked in my own home, you know. More than once. I mean, it’s not like they can actually harm me, not really, but it is rather… frustrating.
Worse still are those who turn up depressed. Fatalistic. Would rather take an AK to the chest than accept what they’ve become. But hardest of all are those idiots who find themselves actually pleased with the situation they’re in. You won’t believe me, but they do exist. Usually got themselves bitten in some stupid dare, or a fight at a dodgy bar, and now they’re drunk on blood-lust and pissed as hell that the Ministry wants them to integrate when they’d be quite content to just get out on the hunt. Not easy to rein in, that lot. They often end up causing me quite a bit of bother.
Fortunately, most of my clients don’t fall into any of those categories. Most of them are regular wix, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, who just want their old lives back. There’s still so much stigma, despite our best efforts here at the Foundation (the aforementioned reckless pricks don’t exactly help that, either), and many of them are still in shock themselves.
But whatever their circumstances, whatever their crimes, I do my job. And it’s always the same – I take them under my wing, spend a month or two working through their issues, then send them on their merry, wolfish way.
In twenty years, though, I’ve never had a client quite like Harry Potter.
You’d think if Potter was going to get bitten, it’d all be a kind of big heroic thing, wouldn’t you? A daring raid or something. Exposing a necromancy ring or dragging orphans from a burning building. Rescuing a Kneazle stuck in a tree. That’s the sort of stuff that ran through my mind, anyway, when I got the Floo call. Twenty years, and to me he’s still that faultless, shining Gryffindor darling. The Golden Prat. Shows what I know, I suppose.
Mind you, until he showed up on my doorstep, I’d only clapped eyes on him a handful of times over the years, and we’d never spoken. Although… well, I suppose that’s not completely true. A few years in, when the Foundation was starting to make a name for itself, even though it was still just Badru and me working night and day to modify the Wolfsbane, some grateful parent nominated us for a Ministry award. And we won, and – just my luck – who d’you think was up there on the dais, Order of Merlin pinned front and centre, handing out the envelopes? Yes, you guessed it. Malfoy, Potter had said to me then, grasping my hand so lightly that our skin barely brushed. That was it, just Malfoy, and a nod, the world’s most feeble handshake and the click of a lens, and then Potter’s eyes moved quickly onto Badru, and it was over. The Death Eater and the Boy Who Lived, and never the twain shall meet, I thought. Although the Death Eater thing – that’s not quite right either, is it?
Back to Potter, though, and the bite. Turns out, it wasn’t an Auror thing. I didn’t even know he’d quit the DMLE, although when I asked Pans about it, she just rolled her eyes, like I should have spent less time working and more time keeping up with important things, like the Prophet’s gossip pages. Potter’s up at Hogwarts now, she tells me; everyone knows that. Apparently he took the job as groundskeeper after Hagrid buggered off to France to get married. So Potter’s got all that power, all that potential, all that political sway, and he chooses to spend his days bowing to Hippogriffs and dragging First Years out of the Forest. Sounds about right.
I can’t pretend it doesn’t suit him, though. When he turns up at my front door, all brooding and petulant like we’re still fifteen years old – jaw set, arms folded sulkily so his white t-shirt pulls across the expanse of his chest – I swear to Merlin my first thought is shit, getting bitten hasn’t exactly done you any harm, has it?
My subsequent thoughts, of course, are much more professional.
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Day 109: Coffee Shop
"I can't believe this actually worked," Ron said as he stared at the line of customers that was out the door and halfway down the sidewalk.
"You're starting to sound like your better half," Harry teased as he made a perfect latte for the customer at the end of the counter.
Ron laughed, "I'm sorry but I just couldn't have imagined that a coffee shop would work out in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." He shrugged and snagged one of the scones Harry had made that morning, "I assumed that people would have thought we were trying to pull something."
"We need to hire some help," he said as Lee sent another half a dozen drink orders in his direction.
"Right," Ron said. "I'll post something."
Five days later, after the shop had closed, Harry started going through applications. "Seriously, Ron?" he asked. "Is this really the applicant pool? There are dozens of applications here."
Ron shrugged, "What did you expect?" he asked through a mouthful of pastry. "You're Harry Potter."
He groaned and continued digging through. "Wait," he said, pausing on an application. "Did you see this?"
"No," Ron said without looking up from sorting through the crate of potions in front of him.
"This application says Draco Malfoy," Harry said, brow furrowed as he read through the application in his hands.
"Bin it," he said.
But the further Harry read through, the more sense it made. "I'm calling him in for an interview."
(Read more below the cut)
Draco Malfoy came in the next morning before the shop opened. He actually arrived before Harry, in fact.
"Sorry to ask you here so early," Harry said, unlocking the door and gesturing for Malfoy to enter ahead of him.
"It's no trouble," he said, voice soft and a touch hesitant in a way that Harry couldn't have ever imagined. "Thank you for considering my application."
This wasn't the boy he'd known. "Sure," Harry said with a nod as he turned on the lights. "Can I get you a cup of coffee?"
"Oh," Draco said, sounding surprised, "Umm, yes please."
He started brewing the coffee, "So, why do you feel that you're qualified to work here?" Harry asked.
"Right," he said, "Sorry, are you actually interviewing me?"
"Yeah," Harry said, looking over at Draco, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Isn't that why you were here?"
The other man shook his head, "Yes, of course. I'd very much like to apply for the job, it's just," he glanced down at his hands, shaking his head.
"Just what?" he asked curiously.
Draco glanced up, "Just that normally people don't actually want to interview me." He looked down again, avoiding Harry's gaze.
He cleared his throat and changed tactics, "I saw on your resume that you'd completed your Potions Mastery. Wouldn't you rather work within your own field?" he asked as he poured two cups of coffee. "Do you take cream and sugar?"
"Just sugar," Draco replied. "May I be blunt?" he asked as he accepted the cup from Harry.
"Please," he said, nodding toward the tables.
Draco took a seat and crossed one long leg over the other. "I can't find work in anything to do with creating potions or health care. Not that I blame them," he hastened to add, "But people don't generally want to trust an ex-death eater with their health."
"You were cleared of all charges," Harry protested.
A sardonic little grin appear on Draco's face, "You underestimate people's capacity to hate."
"Well, anyone with a Potion's Mastery ought to be able to manage making coffees and doing a little baking," Harry said, deciding right then and there that he was going to hire Draco Malfoy if he'd have them.
Draco blinked, "Yes," he said quickly. "Yes, I can."
"It's full time," Harry said. "We're able to offer 2 galleons an hour-"
"That's above minimum wage," Draco said, obviously surprised, "That's fairly uncommon for people who work in cafes."
He shrugged, "Perhaps, but it's the right thing to do. And whoever is working will split the tips. We're looking for a bit of flexibility where the hours are concerned. Lee, Ron, George, and Angelina rotate through to help with the busier hours but the position we're hiring for would be to cover more of the hours including opening duties and closing duties on a rotating schedule."
Draco nodded eagerly, "Yes," he said. "Yeah. I can do that."
"Good." Harry nodded, "Great, in fact. When can you start?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes." Harry said before he took a sip of coffee.
"Sorry," he said, shaking his head. "I can start any time. I can start today, if you'd like."
"I would like that very much," Harry replied. "The shop is only open for 8 hours, but we're in an hour before and an hour after so once you're trained in we'll stagger a bit."
"Thank you," he said. "Seriously, I don't even know what to say."
He gave him a smile, "Don't thank me yet. You haven't been through a morning rush." With a little chuckle he stood up, "Let me show you opening procedures."
"Alright," Draco nodded, standing up and following Harry back behind the counter. "Potter," he said hesitantly.
"Harry," he corrected, glancing over at him from where he was pulling out aprons for the two of them.
"Harry," Draco said, "Sorry."
"Stop apologizing," he said, "You're welcome to ask any questions you have."
"Why are you doing this?"
Draco nodded.
"Because you were the only applicant that I felt like wasn't going to be more trouble than you were worth."
He swallowed, "I feel it's only fair to warn you that I have a rather undesirable effect on business. I wouldn't promise that I won't be more trouble than I'm worth."
Harry couldn't help but smile at him, "What I mean is that you are the only candidate who wasn't applying simply because you wanted to get close to me." He patted Draco on the shoulder, "I trust you."
He was surprised to find that he was telling the truth.
Draco learned quickly. He was a good listener, he had a good memory of what repeat customers wanted, he was friendly and nearly always in a good mood, and he made food and drinks accurately. Harry couldn't have been more pleased.
They had the odd run in with people who didn't take kindly to being served by Draco but Harry was quick to nip that in the bud.
"I'm sorry," Draco said, after the first time Harry had kicked out a customer who had berated him."
"What on earth for?" he asked in befuddlement.
Draco was fiddling with his apron strings, "Chasing away your business-"
"Don't be ridiculous," he replied, "I have no interest in that sort of business," he bumped Draco's shoulder with his. "You're worth a hundred of him."
"Thanks," he whispered.
"Don't mention it," Harry replied.
The longer they worked together, the more Harry liked Draco Malfoy. He was clever and funny, he worked hard, and he never made Harry feel like he was anything other than a guy who worked in a coffee shop. It also didn't hurt that he looked more attractive than anyone had the right to in slacks, an apron, and a button up shirt with rolled up sleeves.
One night, when Draco was supposed to have left a few hours before close but ended up staying because of how swamped they were, Harry couldn't help but blurt, "Can I get you dinner?"
Draco stopped wiping down the counter and turned to look at Harry, "You don't have to do that. I don't mind staying to help."
"Not because you stayed late," Harry said, "Just," he shrugged "because."
He nodded, "Because I like you," he confessed.
A delightful blush covered Draco's cheeks.
"I'd like to get to know you better," he said. "If you'd like?"
Draco smiled and nodded. "I'd like that very much."
Within a year, Harry's coffee shop inside of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes became Harry and Draco's coffee shop.
Day 108: Ideal | Day 110: Rough
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itsthewritergal · 3 years
Dear Y/N - Odd one out part 2 Weasley!Reader x D.M
I know i said i was going to upload this last night.. but I fell asleep (I’m sorry!!!) here it is :) 
Lots of love xx 
Part 1 
“What are you doing here? The carriages are leaving for the station soon” Draco said sitting next to Y/N who was curled under a blanket with her legs tucked underneath her
“Do you think Dumbledore would notice?” She asked her eyes never leaving the murky waters
“Notice what?” Draco asked gently “What are you planning?” “If I stayed” She said turning to face Draco. Draco sighed and took her hands in his
“I’m only an owl away” He said with a knowing smile
“I know you are” She said looking back down
“Hasn’t your mum booked that trip to Egypt? Draco asked remembering hearing Ron rave to Harry about it in one of their classes, Y/N merely nodded “It’ll be fun I promise you” Draco said
“You’ve seen how they’ve all been treating me since Ginny got taken, they think it’s all my fault” Y/N said with a huff,
“We know it isn’t though. If they are stupid enough to believe that you were to blame then they’re not worth any of your energy okay?” Draco said with a sympathetic smile
“I wish I could have been born a Malfoy, my life would have been so much easier”
“Being blond wouldn’t suit you though” Draco said with a teasing smirk, “Come on, we better get going. Otherwise the Gryffindorks will get all the good seats home, and I’m not sharing a compartment with anyone!” Draco grinned pulling Y/N up and dragging her reluctantly out of the common room.
— — — — —
“Y/N How are you?” Harry asked politely  as he sat down at a table in the leaky cauldron
“I’m alright, just catching up on some reading before school. How are you?” She replied looking up from her book, Harry had never been one to tease her. He’d always been alright.
“Looking forward to going back, What are you reading?” He said
“A book on magical creatures, Draco bought it for me, he said it would be good to get ahead” Y/N said with a smile “You’re welcome to borrow it, if you would like of course” She said with a genuine smile
“It’ll probably be cursed if she gives it to you” Fred called from the other end of the room, Harry watched as Y/N’s shoulders fell in disappointment
“I’d like that” Harry grinned
“As soon as I’ve finished I’ll give it to you” She plastered a fake smile onto her face, her fake smiles were her best skill, nobody ever knew the difference.
“Are you coming to Diagon Ally with us?” Harry asked
“I didn’t kn—” she started
“No she’s not!” Molly said bustling into the room “She’s staying and catching up on some reading aren’t you Y/N” She said, Y/N nodded not nothing to say anything to her mother
“I’ll pick you up a chocolate frog” Harry grinned,
“Thanks, but I’m alright” She said the smile wiped from her face as she stood and retreated back to her room. Digging in her bag she pulled out the tattered letter which had made it all the way to and from Egypt.
Dear Y/N,
Feels weird to have not seen you for so long! I’m writing this after having lunch with mother, father,  Blaise and his parents, although it would have been much nicer to have you here instead of him (But don’t tell him I said that). Blaise told me we’re supposed to be getting a new professor for Dark Arts again this year, Snape missed out once more on the job, if I’m honest I would hate for him to be our Dark Arts professor I don’t think we’d learn a thing! I just hope this new one is better than Lockheart, I really hated him. Mother and I are heading to Diagon Ally tomorrow to pick up some new school supplies, I promise to pick up that book you wanted on magical creatures, I’ve already asked mother to reserve us a copy so I’ll send that to you as soon as I’ve got it, it’ll be good for you to get ahead on some of the reading, I remember I was so behind on it last year. But if you need any help you know where to find me (i’m the handsome blond one!) Mother has also asked if you need some new robes, I know we won’t get a reply before tomorrow but let me know, I’m pretty sure mother is just going to buy them anyway!
I’ve been practicing my quidditch skills this summer, you wouldn’t believe just how good I’ve gotten, I bet I could beat Potter easily. Father’s bought me a new broom as well, when we get back to school I’ll let you have a go, I think you’ll love it! I’m hoping you’ll come and watch some of the quidditch games this year too, I know you enjoyed them last year. Maybe I’ll even manage to persuade you to try out for the team, although it can get pretty brutal so perhaps it would be better if you just watched from the stands, I don’t have to worry about you getting hurt then.
I’ve got so much more I wanted to tell you but I suppose it’s going to have to wait until I see you, mother is calling me about something, I’ve probably left my broom in the hall way again. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could hear her moaning at me from Egypt.
Can’t wait to see you, I’ve missed you
See you at school,
Draco :)
Taglist :) 
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believinghurts · 3 years
Their Daughter
Authors Note: I swear I posted this before, but I can’t find it anywhere on my account so I’m thinking Tumblr deleted it. I did add a little onto the end if this part so if you have read I would advise to read it again. Please don’t copy to other sites.
Warnings: yelling, crying, uhhhhh
The week and a half at Malfoy Manor passed way too fast for Ali’s liking. In all honesty, she wasn’t looking forward to spending the rest of her summer with the Weasley bunch and Potter. School started in three weeks as it was and she knew that she would be seeing plenty of them there, and spending even more time with them made her want to vomit. She felt like she was able to breathe when she was with the Malfoys. She missed her Uncles but spending so much time with Narcissa and her friends helped take her mind off of everything.
After their first trip to Diagon Alley, they want another time just Narcissa and Ali to spend some quality time together and that’s how Ali was ending up with a trunk so full she and Draco had to sit on it to close it, her friends were around the Manor a lot more. Pansy, Theo, and Blaise had stayed the night after their families had dinner together meaning that they all slept in the living room after talking late into the night. Ali was woken up by her aunt shaking her awake, telling her that if she wanted Blaise to stay breathing she needed to move. Somehow that night the two had ended up right beside each other with Ali’s head on Blaise's right arm while his left was under his head. This was something that Draco now used to blackmail Ali into doing things he didn’t want to do since he knew his father would murder any boy that so much looked at Ali.
Ali sighed before calling the house-elf to take her trunk downstairs. Doing a quick once over of her royal blue bedroom she grabbed her wand before making her way down the stairs. She left to go back home today and as excited as she was to see Regulus and Remus, the knot forming in her stomach at seeing Sirius made her ill. Her confidence had grown some after talking with Narcissa about what was going on at home. Cissa assured her that Sirius was just being Sirius and not seeing the hurt he was inflicting. Ali wanted to believe her aunt's words that he would come around more when he knew that the Malfoys were not a threat. She had made sure Ali knew that she was just as good if not better than the Potter boy because she didn’t judge anyone no matter their house. Draco was livid when he found out what was happening between Sirius and Ali, blaming it all on Potter for being the snake that he feared Draco was so much. Draco had made her swear that if Harry or anyone said anything to make her upset that she would write Draco right away and he would be there in a heartbeat.
“I knew that dress would look stunning on you,” Narcissa stood as Ali entered the living room. Ali smiled at her aunt as she kissed her on the cheek. She did a little spin when Narcissa motioned her to do so causing the dark blue dress to flare out at the bottom right above her knees. Cissa had insisted she bought it even if it wasn’t something Ali would have normally worn. She had paired it with her favorite white combat boots and black tights making the little white spots on the sleeves stand out even more. Narcissa hugged Ali once more, and Ali knew she didn’t want to send her back to Grimmauld Place, but school started soon and Ali wanted to spend some more time with Regulus and get her stuff ready. “We are going to miss you so don’t forget to write, and we will see you at the train station.”
Ali nodded, hugging her aunt close before moving onto Lucius who kissed her cheek wishing her good luck at home and to write if she needed anything. Draco was last, he tried to act indifferent, but Ali knew he didn’t want her to leave. She stuck her hand out causing him to roll his eyes before pulling her into a hug. Draco had grown quite a bit the last couple of years making Ali eye level with his shoulder. “Write to me the minute something goes wrong, and I’ll be there to save you. Potter be damned.”
Ali giggled, “Of course, Dray. Behave for mother, and make sure if you see our friends that you tell them I’ll see them soon.”
Ali grabbed her trunk while Lucius called for Winks the house-elf to come apparate Ali back home. She gave her extended family one last smile before grabbing Winks's hand. They landed across the street of Grimmauld Place, Ali gave Winks a bar of chocolate out of her pocket before bidding goodbye. She walked in the door hearing noise coming from the living room and dining area. It was just after lunch so she assumed everyone was still hanging out there. She debated going straight to her room first but decided not to. She pulled her trunk behind her till she reached the dining room. There everyone was, immediately Ali wished she was back at the Manor where it was peaceful and she wasn’t getting stared at like she was right now. She pulled down the sleeves on her dress a little more not noticing how big of a mistake that was.
She saw Regulus standing in the corner, he smiled at her. Regulus was happy that Ali got to stay away for a little bit. He was able to give Sirius a piece of his mind, which happened often, without Ali overhearing. Screaming matches could be heard coming from the study more often than not after someone made rude comments about Ali or her friends. Sirius still had acted like Ali was staying with the Dark Lord himself instead of family and it had pushed Regulus to the edge more than once. Regulus knew that Remus was on the same page as him, he was over the comments from Sirius. Regulus had noticed that Harry didn’t say anything bad about her or Slytherins if Remus was present. He had taken a liking to the oldest two Weasleys and Fleur, they were nice to Ali and Fleur often defended her by saying kind things. Regulus knew that Fleur stuck out in the Weasley family, he had seen the looks some of the younger ones would give her. He felt bad for her and often tried to make sure she felt comfortable, much like he knew she did for Ali.
Ali hugged her uncle tight, she had missed the safety feeling that came from burying herself in his chest. Remus was quick to join the two, squeezing Ali to him before kissing her head. Ali quickly tucked herself back into Regulus' side. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, “How was it? Did you have fun?”
Ali smiled at him and Remus, “I did. Pansy, Blaise, and Theo stayed over after we had dinner with their families. Cissa took me shopping, twice mind you. Draco almost made the house explode with some potion he was trying to make to dye Theos hair. It was supposed to change with his mood, but instead, it ended up all over the ceiling. Aunt Cissa didn’t stop yelling at him for an hour,” She laughed at the memory of Draco’s face while his mother yelled that he had ruined her ceiling. “Um, what else?” She knew Regulus wanted to know exactly what she did. He was always interested in her life often making her tell stories from school in detail. She was never allowed to leave with just a generic ‘fine’ that some teenagers got away with. “Oh Lucius took us to Hogsmede, claiming that it was to get Cissa some sugar quills, but the number of chocolate frogs said differently. Oh, Cissa told me to tell you that she ordered me new school robes and that you needed to pick them up or she could bring them to the station.”
“You didn’t tell me you needed robes?” Regulus raised his eyebrow, surely she would have told him if she needed something like that.
“Oh I don’t, but Draco did since he grew again and Cissa said I should just get some so I have extras. I-”
“Why don’t you just brag some more,” an icy voice cut her off. Ali looked to see Sirius standing behind Harry with his hands on his shoulders. She hadn’t noticed him when she came in so she was wondering what all he had heard. She wasn’t bragging about anything. She knew the Weasley’s had financial problems, but this was her home. She was allowed to talk about things she did with her Aunts even if it was out spending an obscene amount of money.
“I-I wasn’t bragging,” Ali stuttered, “I just was telling Uncle Regulus what I-I had done.”
“Oh yeah right. You had fun, right? That’s good,” Sirius walked around the table towards Ali who naturally stepped closer to Regulus. Her uncle tensed when he saw that Ali was scared of his brother. “So why are you wearing long sleeves? It’s like 80 degrees out. You must be warm in them.”
“Sirius,” Remus’s tone was a warning. He knew what Sirius was thinking, but he had hope that Sirius knew not to do it.
Sirius ignored Remus continuing to walk towards his brother and daughter. “You decided that you wanted to match Regulus too? Spend some time with the Dark Lord the past couple of weeks?”
“Sirius you stop this instant she didn’t do anything,” Molly spoke up for the girl while pushing the other children out of the room. She tried to get Harry to leave but gave up after he insisted he stayed where he was.
“No, Molly, cause you to see Regulus was her age when he got the mark. And I’m starting to wonder if Ali doesn't have it as well. Spies the both of them. Playing the part of perfect uncle and niece. Show me your arm, Alianova.”
Ali stayed where she was, not moving an inch. She felt her breath pick up as Sirius walked closer. “Ali, I said show me your arm.” She shook her head no. She didn’t have anything to hide, but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of listening to him. He hadn’t earned her trust or respect at this point. Sirius reached out and grabbed Ali’s arm. That was when all Hell broke out.
Sirius had enough time to push her sleeve up before he was shoved back by Regulus. Ali cried out when Sirius’s nails dug into her skin hard enough to bleed. Remus grabbed Sirius, pulling him back while he stared in shock at Ali who had tears streaming down her cheek staring at him in disbelief.
Regulus lunged at Sirius only to be held back by Bill Weasley, “Stop. Stop, Regulus. Ali needs you. Go.” He lightly pushed Regulus back towards Ali. Regulus felt this heart crack in his chest when he saw that Ali sitting on the floor holding her arm to her chest. Her tears dripping down her chin as she watched Remus pace in front of Sirius who was still looking at her.
Regulus knelt beside Ali gently pulling her arm to him revealing the four scratch marks on the pale flesh. Each had drops of blood running down the sides. Regulus grabbed the tea towel off the counter-pressing it to the wound. Ali leaned into his shoulder letting her tears catch on the fabric of his shirt. She was trembling from the shock that someone who was supposed to love her could hurt her like this. She had always known of the Black Temper; it was famous really. But even when she saw her grandmother and Regulus angry, they had never hurt her. Sirius was her father; it was his job to protect her was it not? She understood that he never wanted her, she was a mistake. Ali had come to terms when that a long time ago, but for him to actively hurt her shook her to her core. Ali was focused on Regulus, but from the corner of her eye, she could see Remus shaking with rage at Sirius. Regulus cupped her cheeks in his hands wiping away her falling tears. “Are you okay?”
She numbly nodded at her uncle. “Ali, I am so sorry-”
“NO,” The venom in Ali’s voice shocked those that were in the room as she stood with Regulus’s help. “No. You don’t get to apologize. You knew what you were doing and you didn’t care! You never have. And never will. I get it okay?” Ali walked towards Sirius so she was a couple of feet in front of him, but near the stairs to make her exit if she couldn't handle it anymore. “I know that I wasn’t planned or wanted. I know that I’m not Harry Bloody Potter, but you know what I am? I’m YOUR daughter. That doesn’t matter, does it? You don’t care that it's your job to raise me and protect me and love me. You never did it. I have no memories of you. Not one. My uncles told me how good of a parent you were when I was little, but I don’t believe that anymore. Hell, if someone told me you put me in a room and left me there it would be more believable.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose letting out a sigh. She never stood up to people much, but she was sick and tired of Sirius thinking he could act like this towards her. “I used to look up to you. I never listened to the bad things people said because I thought you were good. I wanted to make you proud of me even if I never got to meet you. Then you got out. But instead of coming for your flesh and blood, you came for him,” She flung her arm in Harry’s general direction. “You were never there for me. That’s fine too. Wanna know why? Because I have people who are always there for me. People who love me unconditionally, and make me see that I am enough. Do you know who those people are? A big chunk of them is the Malfoys. I had a lot of fun staying with them, but one of my favorite parts was when Lucius told me that even if you didn’t see how great of a daughter I was that he and Regulus did. The Lucius Malfoy made ME feel better because you treat me like rubbish.”
Ali walked closer to Sirius. The only noise in the room was coming from her, and if she stopped talking a pin dropping could be heard. Regulus was stunned by her outburst but knew deep down that it was coming. Sirius had pushed her too far, and once Ali was done it was going to take a lot more than Bill Weasley to hold him back. “I have never called anyone else ‘Dad’, but now I regret it. Regulus is more of my father than you could ever be. I hope you have fun with your son.” She spat looking Sirius in the eye before turning on her heel fleeing up the stairs. Tears fell again as she shut and locked her door behind her, sliding down the other side of it. Even if what she said was true it didn’t mean that it hurt any less knowing that Sirius would never choose her.
Downstairs Regulus was fuming. He was shocked that Ali called him ‘dad’ even if he had wanted that for as long as he could remember. But the other part of him wanted to break Sirius in half. He felt the rage coming back from when he was a child. He felt the urge to kill but knew that he wouldn’t. He couldn’t think of himself, he had too much at stake. He hadn’t been able to think of himself for the last fifteen years. Sirius had done a lot of messed up things in his life, but this took the cake. Regulus forgave him a long time ago for him leaving, and for the bullying that he did to Regulus through school, but this was unforgivable. Ali was a child who didn’t understand why she wasn’t good enough or why her father was hell-bent on her being on the side with the Dark Lord when she was the furthest away from him.
Regulus stood brushing off his hands on his pants before stalking towards Sirius how a predator stalks its prey. He saw Bill and Arthur move forward a few inches more than likely ready to intervene if needed. Remus’s eyes had a little more green in them than normal probably due to the rage he was feeling and the fact that the full moon was less than a week away. It was honestly shocking that Remus hadn’t thrown Sirius into the wall yet. Regulus stopped when he was toe to toe with his brother.
“How dare you do what you just did to her! She is a child, Sirius. She is supposed to be your child,” Regulus’s voice was eerily calm when he spoke making the hairs on Remus’s neck stand from the amount of venom present. “Frankly I have no idea how she is half you. All she wanted to do was get away from all the stress that has come from living here the past couple of months. She has been a shell of herself since you came back really, but when she came through those doors I saw her coming back to herself. That couldn’t happen though, could it? Had to accuse her of having the Dark Mark, which she didn’t, but when she refused to show you because she doesn’t owe you anything you hurt her. You made her bleed. She is your daughter and you made her bleed. Do us all a favor and leave her alone. I opened this home to you and the Order because it was the right thing to do. Ali agreed that she wanted to help, but this can’t keep happening. I can’t put her at risk anymore. So leave her alone and if she sheds another tear because of you then you will leave.”
Sirius stood stunned. His younger brother hadn’t stood up for himself even when they were children. That was the most he had heard Regulus talk in his life. He felt bad that he had hurt Ali, he never meant to, but he has to protect Harry and the Order. He doesn’t trust the Malfoys and Ali had been there. How was he to know that she didn’t have the Mark? All she had to do was show her arm. Simple really. He glanced around the room as Regulus walked away not waiting for his response. Sirius knew that Regulus meant what he had said. Molly had started cleaning up the kitchen with a sad look in her eyes, while Arthur and Bill had left the room. Remus met his eyes but shook his head at him disappointed. “Come on, Harry. I need a walk.”
Ali wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting on the floor of her room. It was quiet downstairs which was concerning, but she didn’t think much of it. Hopefully Regulus hadn’t killed Sirius, but if he did she wouldn’t blame him. She had cried herself numb. She didn’t have any tears left, her throat was scratchy from the sobs. Part of her wanted to go back to Malfoy Manor where she was safe and welcomed, but the other part of her wanted to find her uncle and have him read to her like he did when she was a child.
A knock at her door pulled her from her musings. “Al? Open the door darling. It’s just me.” Regulus’s voice came from the other side.
Very slowly Ali stood up leaning onto the table by the door for support. She turned the lock and instantly Regulus opened the door. He kissed her forehead before leading her to her bed. Ali had yet to change out of her dress, but she didn’t really care. Regulus snagged the blanket off the foot of her bed before gently pushing her down into it and covering them both with the blue and silver blanket. Ali positioned herself with her head on Regulus' shoulder. Exhaustion weighing down heavy on her. Even though it was early she could feel her eyes droop as he carded a hand through her hair. “Thank you, dad. For loving me.”
Regulus’s heart swelled and broke with those words, but he didn’t get a chance to respond before her soft snores filled the room.
Regulus wasn’t sure how much time had passed as he stroked his niece's hair. He was mad at his brother for basically throwing away the only good thing that had ever come from the Black family. Sirius was too blinded by the past to see what was right in front of him. As children, Sirius often told Regulus that he was their family's favorite and that it bothered him, but if he knew what it was like to be less loved then how can he love Harry more than Ali? He understood that Harry was Sirius's Godson, but couldn’t he love Ali and Harry equally. If Sirius made the effort maybe Ali and the other children could even be friends. His heart ached from the emotional battle that Ali was going through right now. Even if Sirius didn’t see it, he and Remus did. Ali’s light was dimmer than before and just when she was lighting up again Sirius snuffed it out.
Carefully sliding out from under Ali and placing a pillow under her head Regulus left the room. He shut the door behind him casting a locking spell so she wouldn’t be bothered. He needed to speak with Remus first before doing anything. They needed to decide what to do about Ali. As much as Regulus wanted to spend time with her before she went back to school he didn’t want her to be this upset anymore. He walked into the study to find Remus and Nymphadora sitting near the fireplace.
“How is she?” Nymphadora blurted the question as soon as she saw her cousin. Remus had owled her after Ali had gone to her room. The older sister in her wanted to go up to Sirius and give him a piece of her mind, but she knew that it wouldn’t do any good.
“She’s asleep for now. All the fighting has exhausted her. I honestly don’t know what to do. I want her here this is her home, but if Sirius doesn’t stop acting like the brut that he is it is going to hurt her more. Speaking of Sirius, where is he? It’s quiet.” Regulus flopped down on the chair across from Remus and Nymphadora raking a hand through his hair. His worry for Ali was causing him a headache. On one hand, he wanted to send Ali to stay at the Malfoy Manor for the remainder of summer, but on the other, he wanted to hold her close and have her stay in her home where she belonged.
“Sirius left with Harry after you went upstairs. He hasn’t been home since. The Weasleys stepped out to Diagonal Ally to get the kids stuff for school.” Remus replied. He was secretly thankful that the house was mainly empty. This way at least Ali could come down if she felt like it without the chance of someone bothering her. Remus was having the same thoughts as Regulus about keeping Ali at home virus's sending her to the Manor. HE just wanted his niece happy. The hope that he had of Airius and Ali having the father/daughter relationship was gone. If only Remus could get Sirius to open his eyes to the pain he was causing to the girl, but Sirius was nothing if not stubborn.
“I think I am going to write Cissa and see if she can keep Ali for the rest of summer. If that’s what it takes for her to be happy no healthy then so be it. We can see her off at the -“
“I don’t want to leave,” Ali’s voice interrupted. “I want to stay here with you. Please don’t make me leave. I can handle it, I promise.”
Ali knew that she and regulus were going to have to talks about the fact that she called him dad, but that was a private conversation. Right now she needed to convince the adults in the room that she didn’t need to leave. She could take Sirius. Yes the words that he had said hurt her and the actions he did tonight furthered that hurt in her heart, but she was done. She didn’t owe him anything, and it was clear she knew that he didn’t want to be her father. She had meant what she said to regulus. He was her father in all the ways that counted. He loved her unconditionally, was always there for her, and protected her.
She went and sat on the couch in between Nymphadora and Remus who wrapped an arm around her pulling her close to his chest. “It might be best if you went and stayed for the rest of the summer at the Manor, Al. This isn’t good for you mentally. We all can see how drained you are.”
“No, this is my home. I can handle it. I have you all plus the older Weasleys and Fleur. You all protect me and if I need to get away for a little bit I’ll owl Blaise or Draco to go to Diagonal Ally or something. I want to spend time with you. Times are hard right now and you never know when you are going to lose someone and I would like to have as much time with each of you just in case.”
Regulus leaned forward taking Ali’s hand in his, “nothing, and I mean nothing is going to happen to us. I love you more than you could ever imagine and if you want to stay here you can.” Ali smiles brightly at that before Regukus cut her off, “but you have to tell me, Remus, or Severus, if anything happens. And you have to come out of your room. I am not having you locking yourself away again. Got it?”
Ali pounced on Regulus hugging his neck tight. She was excited to spend some more time with her family. She had meant what she said about never knowing when something was going to happen. Wizards had been disappearing all over London and she was genuinely scared something was going to happen to her loved ones. She was going to make it a point to take plenty of photos and make enough memories to last a lifetime the next couple of weeks.
Regulus held his niece tight, fighting back the tears when she whispered, “Thanks, Dad,” into his ear. He had been called a lot of things in his life, but this was one title he was going to wear proudly.
Remus’s voice interrupted the moment, “wait for a second, why are you going to owl Blaise? We have an agreement young lady no boys till your thirty!”
Ali’s giggle was music to those in the room with her, and for the first time that summer they all saw Ali smile at home the brightest she had since everyone arrived.
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So I’m guessing the answer is never, but would the cast of HP or even say Tom and Lily (the two smartest people) be able to find Kira?
The cast of HP? Harry Potter and friends? God no.
Harry Potter
Harry would enter seething rage when Kira murders Sirius (displayed on muggle news for the murder of dozens of people) and swear himself to revenge. He, of course, assumes Kira is British because Everything is British (TM).
He gets the team together and Hermione researches what Kira could possibly be in the library. She finds nothing, she notes to Harry that they have no guarantees that Kira is British or that Sirius was an explicit target any more so than the hundreds of thousands of others that Kira has murdered.
Harry kicks her out of the friend group and refuses to speak to her for two months.
Harry normally would blame Snape or Draco. He follows Draco around for two months uselessly, certain it must be him, but even Harry has to acknowledge the scale of this is... huge.
He blames Voldemort: Voldemort is Kira.
It fits his MO and everything: he's killing muggles! He killed Sirius! THAT BASTARD.
Harry is very upset that Dumbledore refuses to allow Harry to participate in the investigation/stopping Voldemort's evil evilness. He tries to enter Voldemort's dreams for once, to gain vital intelligence: he gets nothing.
He tries this for the entire Kira debacle.
Harry never realizes that Voldemort was not, in fact, Kira.
Dumbledore also thinks Tom Riddle must be Kira. This is so diabolical, so heinous, that it must be him. This is the first of his twelve step plan to get the muggles to worship him as a God when he appears before them as Kira in a physical body.
Dumbledore hyper focuses on this and pumps Snape for information.
Snape has none, Voldemort's telling him nothing, which is indicative of nothing. Tom could be playing it close to the chest or else he's not Kira. Unclear.
Dumbledore goes about investigating in his usual manner which is pretty much the way he investigates everything: trying to get memories from very reluctant sources. He wastes a year trying to get Slughorn to give him a memory of a Christmas party from fifty years ago.
Dumbledore never realizes that Tom was not, in fact, Kira.
Your Intriguing AU
Per your ask though, we get to pull out all the stops. For some reason, we're in a detective AU in which Tom and Lily are partners hell bent on stopping Kira: even though nobody cares. I don't know how we reached this AU, anon, but it intrigues me nonetheless.
The Rules
No L, as that would be cheating and all Tom and Lily would have to do is follow his leave/infiltrate the muggle investigation.
Wizards also have no distinct advantage to muggles: they can't see shinigami either unless they touch the notebook. Otherwise they're just cheating.
Our Aurors
Tom Riddle and Lily Evans are partners in this weird noir spin off to the Harry Potter universe. Lily Evans is a muggle born woman that nobody takes seriously, Tom Riddle is presumed muggle born by society and no one takes him seriously, they always get stuck with the absolute worst jobs by the department.
Kira is not the job they're stuck with.
Lily, following muggle news, becomes very concerned very quickly. Someone is a) murdering people left and right with magic on a massive scale, b) using magic Lily can scarcely comprehend, c) flagrantly breaking the statute of secrecy on an international level.
She gets brushed aside: muggles die of heart attacks all the time, international wizards with more experience will take care of it, shut up and go back to giving out apparation misuse tickets.
It doesn't get better though. It gets much worse.
No one seems to be able to find Kira and has no idea what country he or she is even operating in. No one knows what magic he or she could possibly be using. And... the wizarding world is starting to take advantage of this.
Criminals previously too difficult or dangerous to catch? They run stories in muggle media, whamo, their good friend is now dead with no injuries to the auror corps. Good show, Kira.
Lily and Tom have a drunk conversation somewhere where they decide they must take this on themselves. Well, Lily does, Tom takes a bit of convincing as he, for one, welcomes their new ant overlords and has reached a level of cynicism that knows no bounds. But alright, two maverick, wizard cops, are going to track down Kira.
How do they do it?
I imagine they start where L presumably started: they look for patterns in the initial deaths. Doing this long enough, they can likely pinpoint Kira to Japan and conclude that, for a while, he seemed to kill outside the hours of 8 to 4. Kira is likely a student or else works with a student's schedule.
It's not much but the pair take extended leave and head to Tokyo.
There they probably resort to magical means and this... might get them pretty decent results depending. It's unclear how divination actually works, but it may be able to pick up traces of other to get them in Ryuk's vicinity or else get them Light's face.
(Again, this may be a bit of cheating on my part, but it's something that feels in line with what magic could accomplish and thus within the range of Lily and Tom's abilities).
Of course, the question is a) if this kid really is Kira b) how do they prove it? Tom argues there's no need to prove it, they give Kira the Kira treatment: whack him over the head and throw his body in the gutter.
Lily does not approve.
As for proving whether he is, well, that's what legilimency is for. Lily doesn't like doing that without a warrant, but they're on vacation and Tom only has so much leave. Tom reads Light's mind and... well... this is complicated.
Turns out Shinigami are a thing no one knew about. They really do have ant overlords who might kill them at any moment.
Lily decides she can't even and burns the notebook. Ryuk is devastated, Light now has no memories of being Kira, and finds himself sitting on a park bench with two Brits with the worst fashion taste in the world.
Lily wonders if they can or even should arrest Light when he appears to a) have no memories of being Kira b) Lily and Tom... have no warrant and no backing. Tom thinks they've done enough, he wants to go on vacation for real now.
Tom pats a confused Light on the shoulder and suggests he invest in therapy.
Three months later, Ryuk drops another notebook.
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