stsainz · 1 year
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Its important to me that Trigun is, fundamentally, at it's heart, about restorative vs retributive justice.
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fidgetspringer · 3 months
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This is how Togo cuddles btw
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My brain has been holding my art abilities hostage all and this is the only decent thing I've managed to draw
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gideonisms · 2 months
I'm like. Getting the urge to apologize for actively avoiding my coworker because he Sprinted to his car after work and zoomed off really fast and there's a weird energy you know how I hate weird energies and get paranoid about them. but however I am not going to keep sitting with him or text him every day so.
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imogenkol · 1 year
I was tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @risingsh0t @chuckhansen @inafieldofdaisies @marivenah @corvosattano @shegetsburned @voidika and @simonxriley to do this meiker and this uquiz thank you all so much!!! 💕💕💕
This has gone around quite a bit so I won’t tag anyone, but if someone hasn’t done it yet then totally tag me!
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This is the poison of intense fear. Your body trembles, your flesh burns. Your limbs won't respond to you. You convulse. You can't seem to control the fear It seems that it has always lived within you. You hesitate, you agonize, and that breeds regret. Sometimes it threatens to overwhelm you, and that frightens you more than anything. But panic is survival mode in overdrive, and something within you knows you must live. Creation seems to be the only balm for you. Perhaps you survive so stubbornly because you have stories that must be told, songs that must be sung. Soothe your stage fright. The path from surviving to thriving is having a good garden to grow in. And you can't do that completely alone.
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coffee-bat · 9 months
not to vent on main again but i'm in so much fucking pain rn
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dykeinthedark · 2 months
straight up living 2024 adaptation of a separate peace: toxic doomed yuri edition
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famewolf · 2 months
we are officially playing D&D tomorrow!!! first time at a table since 2019 and with a good group of friends (and my beloved husband) so needless to stay I am Thoroughly Stoked
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emopieceof-shitx · 7 months
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Im not gonna fight it anymore
Ig I should draw Ranpo and Poe soon?
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jamiebluewind · 4 months
Oh my god could I stop being sick please? It's been two freaking months and I got shit to do!
#nasty bronchitis that ending up putting me in the hospital#I'm behind in doing real life things but also just so freakin tired#i wanna do dumb tumblr stuff#but i already have a post wrote up with links to all the info on shubble/wilbur situation so people don't have to look 50 different places#BUT I also don't wanna make every post I have time to make about... THAT#THAT'S DEPRESSING#but i said i would and I'm a person of my word so...#it's been over a month since I've been able to make a sound#you'd be surprised how bad it is sensory and emotion wise to not be able to laugh or make sounds when you cry or groan in frustration#I'm in PT too because I was so weak by the time I got in the hospital that I couldn't stand#was literally coughing so hard and so constantly that I couldn't keep down food#lost about 25 lbs in 3 weeks according to the doctors (I'm overweight but that is still a LOT for anybody that's not exercising to lose)#going to push myself today because my hair has gotten so thick and long that it's causing too many sensory issues#also a bit of gender dysphoria just to keep it interesting#the person who cuts my hair is aware of how sickly I am and is having me come in when she hasn't been doing a hair treatment before me#still there's a risk of an asthma attack or just collapsing from the short walk#literally do not care#my hair is thick and hot and too long#let me be an androgynous gremlin!#also my cat says hi (he is slapping my phone like No phone love me NOW!!! XD )#bluewind talks
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lzrdprsn · 1 year
It's really weird when you know someone in a context different from how everybody else knows them so you look at them and you still kind of see that person they used to be
#this post is about the boy i dated my senior year who was so incredibly sweet tbh wouldnt be the person i am today if i hadnt met him#but he was so fucked up he had so many issues it was really hard so it didnt work out but i loved him and i think he loved me too#but hes in a moderately successful band now which i just found out about do i looked them up and theyre good#but its so weird because its like i know that when you were 17 you wanted to be an underwater welder#i helped you clean your room at your grandmas house because you were so sad you couldnt do it yourself#i ditched 5th period AP English to sit on the steps behind the auditorium and listen to you talk about whatever#you pushed me on the swings and we took the bus to the movie theater and you liked cherry wraps and you played me my favorite songs#i havent REALLY thought about that guy in years and we were only together MAYBE 6 months but its so weird what you remember about people#and especially how you remember how they made you feel because he made me feel so good like i was in control#all my previous relationships was me trying to desperately please someone who wouldnt do the same for me#and honestly a lot of my relationships since have been the same especially in college and with the one girl who honestly if she called me#today i would drop everything and go be with her again no questions because i cant get her out of my head#but stuff witj him was never ever like that it was so easy it was like breathing even though it ended messy i have 0 regrets#and its nice to know that things are going well for him because honestly he changed my life a little bit#the way i dont give a fuck now is something i learned from him#ill probably delete this later but you know
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As a this is me trying girlie,
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elytrafemme · 9 months
obvious preface that academic achievement is in many senses bullshit and intellect is not based off of your scores on things in school that makes zero sense and the structures we deem as objective like academic institutions are at their roots subjective and biased. this being said i must admit that it feels really fucking nice to get a good score on a test
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pepprs · 2 years
having the issues i have is literally exhausting. like why do the miseries have to be ceaseless and the horrors unending.
#purrs#idk if im swaddling my inner child or str*ngling her (sorry) but she needs to stop crying bc my GOD i can’t keep living like this. my counse#counselor literaly told me i could get fired if i end up working somewhere else (🤨👊💥) and don’t heal AJD it’s like ok you’re right but also#shut up don’t fucking say that. but he is also so right like i can’t keep living like this. i was anxious and agitated all day and it’s good#that no one noticed but also like it takes so much energy just to sit in one place and do my work and respond to the stimuli and not start a#sobbing and howling. i hate this shitty fucking situation i want it to be over so i never have to feel this helpless again but im feeling pr#pretty helpless right now mutuals. i am feeling pretty helpless and i also cannot breathe because the elephants are taking up too much space#and i mean that in more ways than one. i don’t even have the energy to play video games rn like literally all i want to do is sleep. omg#still not as bad or in as bad a place as last week. and thank god i have not been dizzy since friday. but this is really pushing my limit. l#like im scared my heart is gonna give out from pounding so hard and i was trying to do affirmations w mysef and talk myself through the#logic and it didn’t work really and im like 😐 plus like almost every triggering / upsetting kind of situation that can happen has happened#today and i haven’t flipped out abt it it’s been more like slowly chipping away at me and.. i am at my fucking limit. i need to sit in a#sensory deprivation tank. and i also need to get married and/or a phd immediately. and i also need a lobotomy.
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yeonban · 1 year
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Anonymous  asked: Naotora, were you disappointed when you found out your color was blue?
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❛ I've always known blue souls were capable of unfathomable feats, ❜ He wants to mention first. It had been courtesy of one of his brothers, after all. ❛ ...but I can't say I haven't thought about how much easier everything could've been if I had been born with a different soul color. ❜ Each soul color had its advantages and disadvantages, and obstacles were bound to appear in his path regardless of what color his soul donned; but with a blue soul... the obstacles were there before he could even realize they were.
White souls were the rarest, with only one in several million born as such. Red souls were the backbone of their communities, the only ones capable of riding their world of evil. Green souls were the shields, the ones tasked with guarding their troops and citizens. Yellow souls were the healers or the boosters, the ones they could always fall back onto and trust they could help them return to the battlefield. Blue souls were... nothing nearly as grand. They were a point in a link that could be replaced much easier than the rest of it (he isn't looking down on blue souls, he's the last who ever would, but he can't deny that this is the strategic truth). As a child though, that hadn't mattered much to him.
Naotora had never wanted to enter the spotlight to begin with (would've been content to follow in his older brothers' steps) but from as far back as then, he could tell the difference in attitude between colors, and he would lie if he said the passing remarks made at his expense hadn't been cutting. A mere blue soul. A weakling by comparison. It hadn't been a pleasant experience by any means, but at least it had been bearable. After all, he didn't have to be the strongest. He didn't have to shoulder the burdens of carrying his clan the way his eldest brother had to. Not until...
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There's a complicated expression on his face when he recalls the painstaking process of gaining his retainers' support and loyalty, one he's not even aware of. For a red or white soul, it would've been an easy feat (power often spoke for itself) but for a blue soul... what could he do that others lining for his title couldn't? What could a weakling, unable to face a horse head-on, let alone cut an oni's horns, really do for the betterment of his band? He hadn't been naturally gifted the way his brother had been. He hadn't even been courageous, not by half as much as his childhood friends had been.
That had been the period he had felt this the most. The disappointment of having been born a blue soul. The sheer years of consistent effort required to do what Soma and Shishikado could do in the blink of an eye. The sleepless nights spent wondering what more he could do with a setback as significant as this, how he could achieve that in a record time so he wouldn't have to bear witness to any more unnecessary tragedies caused by his powerlessness, how he could become strong enough to both protect his band and kill the perfidious padre that had taken everything familiar away from him.
The silence stretches on while Naotora takes a moment to properly look back on his life, and as much as he might've preferred a different color back then, it isn't as if he can ever change it. He's already made peace with that. ❛ Ah well, it is what it is! ❜ He is a blue soul, but he is one unshackled by everyone's expectations. He hadn't been born strong, but he had become so through willpower, by taking his fate into his own hands. He had proved it possible. He had made it known that every soul color could be more than they were told they could be.
He glances at the inquirer then, and smiles. It starts off with a tint of melancholy to it, but quickly grows into an authentic counterpart. It's true that he had wished for something else at one point in his life, and it's true that he'd had more obstacles to face than most, but if someone were to give him the chance to redo it all with a different soul color... yeah, he would refuse it. ❛ It just meant I had to put in more effort to achieve what I wanted to. It isn't all bad, you know. I've also gotten to inspire plenty of young sprouts into not feeling ashamed of their soul color. That alone more than makes up for whatever I used to feel, I think. ❜
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