#HBO adaptation
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nicholasandriani · 1 year ago
Beyond Survival: Music, Cybertext, and Paratext in “The Last of Us. A Three-Part Series In a world teetering on the brink of collapse, Less than a decade ago, you might have envisioned the iconic voice of Don LaFontaine echoing in your mind upon reading such an introduction. Now, as these realities seem inevitable, we’ve lost our sense of what’s purely fictional. The Last of Us” emerges not…
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book-daenerys · 14 days ago
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BOOK!DAENERYS in A Game of Thrones vs. SHOW!DAENERYS in the first season of Game of Thrones
Viktoriya Novikova was around 14 when The Little Mermaid (1976) was filmed, making her an age-accurate fancast for book!Daenerys (who is 13-14 in A Game of Thrones).
By comparison, Emilia Clarke was 23-24 during the filming of the first season of Game of Thrones.
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lemonhemlock · 6 months ago
the thing is i don't care about how hard it must be for the hotd writers to adapt from book to screen with budget and time limitations (even though i am historically sympathetic enough to these difficulties and i do understand the need to make changes to fit the story in a different medium)
but what i see as understandable excuses would be shoddy cgi or costumes and less impactful action scenes or even fewer action scenes/battles. which we already got anyway, the only battle (rook's rest) is humdrum and rather spiritless. to a certain extent, i can even excuse cutting out characters or merging them or simplifying storylines.
be that as it may, the fact of the matter is that, even the scenes which should have cost the least amount of money in this whole production, i.e. the sitting-around-in-rooms-talking genre of scenes for which GoT became famous, SUCK. the politics in this show are non-existent. the characters' motivations are so wishy-washy to the point of parody. the character arcs look like they were settled via a game of russian roulette. the S2 version of characters doesn't make sense as a progression of their own S1 canon.
and this has nothing to do with money OR time constraints. it plainly only has to do with bad writing. a talented writer can absolutely have a canon-divergent vision and an understandable desire to adapt their own vision. but they have to recognise if they have the TIME or the BUDGET to bring that canon-divergent vision to life, if they can sufficiently commit to integrating those changes in a way that feels organic to the characters. IF NOT, THEN DON'T DO IT.
i get it if they're big rhaenicent stans or if they really, really like this version of alicent that lives in their heards, the one that would ditch her kids in favour of rhaenyra or if they're so enamoured by the idea of heroic rhaenyra (and that's just scratching the surface when it comes to all the points the show fumbled). but if they don't and can't fit those changes in a way that doesn't destroy the logic of the narrative, in a way that doesn't leave other characters hanging dry with no motivation left to carry out the plot points they have to hit, they should have had the maturity to drop those ideas and settle on something else that could have been easier to film with the resources available.
i said it before and i'll say it again: 1) whether fans are satisfied with the changes made to the source material and 2) whether those changes make sense in the context of the show are two separate issues that apologists sometimes try to merge in other to muddle what the actual problem is. "oh you're just mad because it's not book canon" or "you're mad because your headcanons diverge" or "we had logistics limitations" are not pertinent responses to critiquing the integrity of the show's storyline!
so i hope the writers and executives see all these criticisms and choke because they did a piss-poor job of everything and turned S2 into a goddamn hack operation
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fleshunger · 24 days ago
Show is a flop, cast is chopped, 90% of everyone involved is a Zionist. Just delete the whole thang LMFAO
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sforzesco · 10 months ago
Do you have any good resources/references/advice for drawing (late republican) Roman clothing? I want to draw a couple of historical figures but thinking about drawing a toga makes me feel like 😖😖😖...
-Costumes of the Greeks and Romans, Thomas Hope
-Greek and Roman Fashions, Tom Tierney
-The World of Roman Costume, ed. Judith Lynn Sebesta and Larissa Bonfante.
-Decorative Symbols and motifs for Artists and Craftsmen/Decorative Patterns of the Ancient World, Dover Publications
-photos & videos from reenactors and reenactment events
-build a screenshot reference library from movies and shows that have costume designs you like, that kind of thing. grab a blanket and wrap yourself up in it toga style and take a photo if you need a specific angle. etc. museums usually have a lot of their galleries online, and places like the met often shoot statues from multiple sides.
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madame-helen · 1 year ago
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corporalicent · 4 months ago
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sneak peek of episode two
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After The Last of Us, the Sonic movies, and the Mario movie, there really is no excuse for a bad video game-to-live action adaptation anymore.
The Last of Us showed that a game with a deep, complex story can be translated on screen.
The Sonic movies showed that games that are on the fantastical, whacky side can work on screen.
The Mario movie showed that game franchises that don’t really have a storyline can still work.
The days of video game franchises being an adaptation graveyard are pretty much over.
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blissfulphilospher · 5 months ago
if they adapt Robert's Rebellion
I don't want to give anyone ideas but if they ever make Robert Rebellion's tv or movie version then Robert Baratheon is going to be portrayed as the worst man ever who raped woman here and there and probably assaulted Lyanna.
And that's why she ran away with the tragic melancholic godly prince who was so noble and good but trapped in a marriage with either an unstable chronically ill brown woman or a scheming ambitious brown woman who doesn't love him at all and maybe cheats on him.
Tragic King Aerys who loves his family and wants to burn the whole city because he has a good cause!! Sacrifices will wake dragons! Dragons eggs could have hatched before Dany! Aerys' was a genius. And yes Rhaella supported him and Rhaegar with everything.
It was House Targaryen against the world.
Also, Tywin Lannister was best buddy of Aerys. He sent the Mountain and Amory Lorch to protect the royal family! Those noble knights who accidentally killed the little girl maybe because he couldn't identify whether the Princess was Targaryen or not? Maybe she wasn't.
The Mountain too had similar accidents because Aegon isn't the ptwp or he doesn't exist at all. Problem solved! Rhaegar had no son! This is true! Jon is his only son!!
And let's not forget how hard it was for the Mountain and other guy to climb the building, their struggle to get in Maegor's Holdfast!! They will show us that, than the Princess who is trapped helplessly in a tower with a drawbridge, drawn up and no way to escape with her children.
But no problem that those children died, they were nothing special no one mourns them or their mother. They deserved to be killed and forgotten. House Martell supports Targaryens! They will rise for Jon if they knew! True love of the prince Rhaegar already gave him the only son. Aegon 6th!!
And see a noble honourable Stark lord will raise because 'song ice and fire!' 'prophecy baby' and not because he is the last piece of his sister and that's what any uncle will do.
And… Jon Arryn? Who is Jon Arryn? Why does he want to rebel? He has no reason! (His heir was also murdered idk why people forget that!)
And yes the war was started by Littlefinger if you didn't know before he hyped up Brandon to march to KL. 😄
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myovin · 15 days ago
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My other murderous babygirl <3
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scooterpengie · 11 months ago
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Redraw of one of my favourite moments in Succession because Roman's my favourite and I wanted to practise drawing him but then I got too involved and turned it into a whole comic and I don't even really like how it turned out but I spent too long on it to not post it 😭
I wish I could do something more creative than just redrawing scenes from the show but I find the characters so difficult to write 😭 like I'm genuinely jealous of people who can write good fanfiction of them
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anthony-crowleys-left-nut · 24 days ago
no buff abby guys i'm committing
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misguidedasgardian · 7 months ago
I want to steal the bride (5)
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5. Steal the bride
Summary: Aemond’s realizations make him do even boldest moves, now with his own heart on the line 
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x BestFriend!Reader
Warnings: cursing, use of “stereotypes”, I don’t want to say “eating disorder” but I do will say inaccurate methods of dieting, Aemond is a slut, might miss some warnings, but you know what this is about
Wordcount: 3.5 k
Notes: sorry for abandoning this for so long, I want to finish it! You already might now how it ends but I’m hoping to add some original stuff in the next two chapters (and final ones)
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“Whoa, Cersei's pretty good”, muttered Addam, after Aemond told him the story about how she tricked him into hiring a dildo saleswoman to appear into your very family friendly bridal shower 
“The whole goal here was to convince (Y/N) that I'd grown up and she doesn't know
anything about Cregan, that I'm the right man for her, that did not happen!”, he said, exasperated, as both of them were in the locker rooms, getting ready to play some basketball as they always did 
“Yeah, but you're still the maid of honor, right, Aemond?”, he asked, “you're still in the game?”
“I don't know, I think she might have fired me”, he muttered angrily
“Get outta here! How does somebody get fired from being maid of honor?”, laughed Aegon arriving, late as always, a new pair of jordans under his arm 
“Tell me about it”, mumbled Aemond, not being able to confide in Addam his newest realization
That he not only wanted to be with you…
He wanted to marry you
“You know what? I got an idea”, said Addam, trying to cheer his friend 
“Okay”, muttered Aemond, not convinced 
“To prove to (Y/N) that you're the only man for her we have to make you the best maid of honor ever”, he said with certainty
“Right”, he said, not quite convinced 
But then Criston showed up, a frown on his face
“I'm at a loss, completely stunned”, he started dramatically, his friends watched him carefully, “my guy couldn't find any dirt on Cregan”, he finalized, “this has never happened before!”, he was so amazed it surprised Aemond and the rest, “this guy's clean”
“I'm glad it happened to me”, said Aemond, as he and his friends walked towards the court 
“You know he's got three Guinness World Records?”, said Criston
“Cool”, mumbled Aegon, still suffering his “bro crush”
“For what?”, asked Addam, but he obtained no answer
“He's actually got a Medal of Honor”, continued Criston
“Hey, that's pretty funny because we got the maid of honor right here!”, laughed Aegon
“All right, let's stay focused”, demanded Addam
“Look, the point is, we're not gonna get her off this guy”, sentenced Criston, hoping his friend would forget about you, but this was not his luck
“Yeah, so, we need to not make this about Cregan”, said Addam, “We need to make it about you”, Aemond raised an eyebrow
“But you gotta show her that you're growing up finally…”, he warned 
“I am”, he said defensively
“... that you're changing”, he continued 
“I am. I am changing”, he said, more convinced but angry too, “I'm growing up!”, but his friends didn’t quite believed him
“Good. Then this should be easy for you”, said Adam with a wide smile
Aemond flinched with the noise all the contents of Addam’s box made when they hit his coffee table. There was dozens of magazines, and DVD’S 
“These are bridal magazines from 18 different countries, each with a feature article on the duties of being a maid of honor”, he said decisively. Aegon grabbed one, more entertained than the rest of the men, and excited too
“Ãœber Bride”, he pronounced poorly, “high Valyrian? really?”, he mocked 
“Yes, they are great at weddings!”, said Adam, “they throw the most amazing, meaningful and pagan weddings of all time, and besides that should be no trouble for Aemond”, he said with a wide smile 
But Aemond nodded, determined, nodding purposefully, the gears on his head working full time, he was determined, not only to win you back, but to marry you. 
“Nice appetizer there, Addam”, he said softly, looking at his friend, “give me the main course”, he demanded
“Here's the main course”, he said back, raising his eyebrow, looking back into the box. 
“What do you got for me? Bring it on”, continued Aemond with his bravado
“My beautiful wife is an A-type personality…. She has to do everything perfectly”
“Sure”, Aemond said, unconvinced 
“Love her”, said Addam signaling with his hand, “Hate that about her”, he said with a hiss, “Anyway, she rented this when she was gonna be the maid of honor for her yoga teacher….”
“Uh this is getting good”, said Aegon, rubbing his hands together
“This is the goods”, corrected Addam, grabbing a DVD from the box and showing it to Aemond
“I’ll get the popcorn!”, said Aegon, jumping from the couch and running to the kitchen. 
10 minutes later they were all seating in Aemond’s livingroom, Aemond with popcorn and a beer, Addam with one of his own, and Aemond with a notepad and pen, ready to write it all down.
“Hi, I'm Jeyne Poole and I'm just so thrilled you purchased this program, and I'm proud of you because it shows that you're not happy being just an ordinary friend and loved one, no, you and I are going to work together to make you the perfect maid of honor… When we're through, you'll know everything there is to know about dresses, crockery, nuptial etiquette, and pleasing your bride!”
It was a hellish couple of hours for the boys.
But Aemond was determined, Aemond was taking notes, Aemond now knew things he wished he didn’t but he knows them now nonetheless, like color combinations, and schemes, or which textures went with what.
And after agonizing days of studying… he was finally reaedy
“Okay. What's the length of the bridesmaid's dress!?”, Asked Adam, throwing the basket-ball at his friend, Aeond catched it flawlessly
“Can't be longer than the bride's”, h said, easy piecy, he thought, and he passed the ball back. Adam passed it down to Aegon
“What if someone won't be able to attend the wedding?”, he tried his brother 
“You gotta send an invitation anyway”, said Aemond, receiving the ball and passing it back to Cole
“Receiving line?”, he tried, Criston passed it back to Aemond
“Receiving line?”, he asked, but when he saw his friend shit-eating grin he chuckled, “If there's a receiving line means I've failed because (Y/N)'s married”, he finished, slamming the ball against the floor.
“Right, it was a trick question”, conceded Criston, and they all found it weird he was paying attention in the first place.
Larys catched the ball that had been bouncing in the middle of the court, he threw it to Aemond who didn’t catch since he wasn’t looking at him, he whined rubbing his arm where the ball hit
“Who was the runner-up MVP, 1974?”, he asked, the four friends looked back at him
“No, hey, these questions all have to do with Aemond being the best maid of honor he can be”, said Adam
“All right. I-I-I thought we were just asking, like, questions”, said Larys
“Go sit down” demanded Aemond
“Alright”, he said nodding enthusiastically, and went and did as they told him to
“Basic duties of the maid of honor?”, demanded Adam
“Manage the bridesmaids, hold the ring, support the bride”, said Aemond quickly
“Basic duties as you as the maid of honor?”, tried Aegon, grabbing his brother by the shoulders and shook him
“Show (Y/N) that I've matured, that I can take care of my responsibilities fully and that I need to destroy the wedding from within”, he said decesively
“What happens if you fail at that task?”, asked Criston
“Cregan gets her”, said Aemond
“So… What are we gonna do?”, asked 
“Steal the bride”, he said in a whisper
“DIDN’T HEAR YA”, Said Adam firmly, “What are we gonna do!?”
“Steal the bride”, he said louder and firmer
“WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?”, asked Aegon excitedly 
“Steal the bride!”, shouted Aemond
 “STEAL THE BRIDE!”, everybody shouted 
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“You know, you didn't have to clear your whole day to do all this”, you said excitedly, wrapping your arm against his, feeling a bit guilty of wrinkling his crisp suit, but he didn’t seemed to mind as he always did, when he smiled down at you, your best friend
“Are you kidding? Of course I did”, he said lightly, “The perfect maid of honor is with his bride every step of the way”
“His bride uh? wow!”, you said excitedly, “A changed man!”, you admired, you knew dedicated Aemond, mainly when he was dedicated to hunt women or his job, but… it was great to see it invoked because of you
“I am, indeed, a changed man, because of you”, you passed that as sarcasm, but you didn’t mind because despite what you interpret, you were so happy to have him by your side, all motivated to help you
You entered the biggest and fancier apartment store in all of King’s Landing, five floors of clothes, bed clothes, fancy plates, everything for your house, you had so many things to pick, your wedding gifts list and some other things you wanted to buy for your new home and for the wedding day itself.
“I don't even know where to begin!”, you said excitedly, “should we begin by tagging my wishlist? my mom said she was going to gift me the china collection, but there are so many, I don’t know which one to pick”, you said softly.
He looked over the table where they exhibited all the models, and he was almost shocked he knew exactly what to do, what to say to you, he grabbed two beautiful plates with Valyrian designs on the edges of the plates
“When choosing your china patterns you need to think about what type of entertainment you will do, what sort of... foods you wanna cook”, he said, you were taken completely aback by his statement, “Ah, here, look. Now, don't be afraid to mix and match”, now even more so, specially when he started throwing the plates in the air, even more shocked when he caught them, and started juggling them, he even grabbed a third one, “It's important, even with different styles and textures…”, he said, you placed a hand in your mouth to keep yourself from saying something out loud and snitched to a clerc, “What you wanna do is stir up the table…”, he said, looking at you excitedly, he catched all three of the plates, “Make it come alive with color and finesse”, he said, placing one on top of each other by size, “That is the goal”, he said, you noticed that women had gathered around you, listened to his words, “Also, at the end of the day, you will find… connections”, he said, placing a perfectly matchable bowl at the top, and when you looked, you realized, they were all different, but together they looked beautiful.
“Thank you very much!”, he even took a bow when even an employee of the store started applauding him. You did too, as you were so excited, Aemond looked back at you and nodded
“Let's go… If you think I'm good with plates, wait till you see what I do with linens”, he said, weirdly proud of himself. You went up a floor and then another, and then you came across something waaaaay more interested then linens
One you needed for your wedding night. 
“Lingerie, perfect!”, you said, excited.
“What about the linens?”, Asked Aemond, as he seemed truly lost
 “You'll be able to help me pick up something for the wedding night”, you explained, he shook his head
“No”, he denied you even with his hands, “Are you crazy?”, you were fearful of it being weird, but then you thought he was the best person for the job
“You're the perfect person for this job!”, you said simply, “Who's taken off more lingerie than you? Let's put your whoring to good use”, and you dragged him into the “forbidden” section
“Good point”, he grunted. Even though he wanted nothing else but to see you in your underwear, he really didn’t want this to be the context in which he was right now…
He was grabbing onto his knees for dear life, as he was waiting for you to finish putting on some lingerie… for your future husband, he looked down to his crotch
“Behave, you hear me?”, he demanded. He then looked back at the moving curtain, the one you were behind, “So, how did it go with the Northerner Grand Council?”, he asked. He had to have his head in the game, and starting to look for weak spots
“Great. Cregan got them to approve everything!”, you said excitedly
“Great!”, DAMN IT, he thought
“So, I gotta tell you, I know this is gonna sound funny but, um, I have to thank you….”, you heard him said, not watching his face got you a bit bold as you tried on the tights
“For what?”, you asked
“Well, for asking me to be your maid of honor”, that made you stop your movements, “Yeah. I-I know this is gonna sound crazy but... you've really opened my eyes to the whole idea of marriage”, that shocked even more than the plate juggling
“Right”, you mocked 
“No, seriously”, he said
“Have you met someone, Aemond?”, you asked then, entertained, although, you felt something you didn’t quite like, if he was serious
“No”, he said softly, and that made you feel better
“Well, then how can you be serious?”, you asked
“I don't know. I just… I don't know”, you finally finished putting your leather get up on, and you got out of the dressing space, moving the curtain theatrically
“What do you think? Think Cregan will like it?”, you asked, you even had a small whip in your hand. But Aemond’s face… you were feeling so confident, getting completely out of your comfort zone with this, and he seemed completely horrified
“No”, he said quickly, looking straight at you, “NO”
“No?”, you asked
“It's just…”, he said quickly, now looking away
“What?”, you sked, looking down at yourself, you knew you didn’t have a perfect body… but he was acting like….
“It's cute”, he said, recomposing himself 
"Cute"? I don't wanna look cute on my wedding night!”, you said, looking down at yourself again, what was wrong with this lacey outfit?, you looked back at Aemond and he was giving you a long coat
“Just put this on”, he said quickly, “Cover yourself up”
“Oh, hey. That's my coat!”, said the other women who was in the other dressing room 
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“Here, let me get you in a cab”, he said, placing his hand on the small of your back, leading you out of the store
“I can't believe this is my last day in King’s Landing”, you said softly, looking around at all the buildings, you took a deep breath, trying to memorize the… frankly… shitty smell, but to you it smell like home
“What are you talking about?”, asked Aemond, you looked at him with a smile, although he looked pretty terrified
“I've been meaning to tell you, Aemond”, you started softly, “When I leave tomorrow… I'm not coming back”, you said softly, “I've decided to move to Winterfell, to be with Cregan”
“You're leaving King’s Landing?”, he asked, really surprised 
“I am”, you said, more firmly, he had this tendency of making you take back some of your decisions, but this, was something you were sure of, “It's exciting, you know, and it makes sense”, you said, “we are going to get married, and he can’t move here, he's next in line to take over the family business and...It's a whole new chapter”, you said quickly, he only looked down the street, with an uncrackable look on his handsome face, “You were amazing today, you know that?”, you said lightly, hoping to get him out of his mind. He shook his head, fixing his jacket, a smile returning to his face, although he looked constipated 
“Oh, yeah?”, he asked, his voice returning to him
“Yeah”, you said nodding enthusiastically, “I had no idea you could juggle like that”
“Yeah, well…”, he said, with a proud smile 
“I mean, women, yes, china, no”, you continued, he scratched the back of his neck
“Yeah, I know”, he said with his trademarked smirk, 
“You're always amazing”, you admitted, “but today you were even more so”, he looked at you with a soft smile, a rarity
You were already on the street, and you tried to signal a cab to pull over and take you
“I'll see you in Winterfell soon, okay?”, you said excitedly, as one stopped and you had to say your goodbyes
“Yeah, I'll see you over there”, he muttered, faking a smile, you looked at him with your beautiful eyes, and smiled at him the way you always used to 
“I…”, you started, but you stopped yourself, “I’ll miss you”, you said instead
Aemond’s smile disappeared as you got up in the cab
You didn’t tell him that you loved him like you always did…
As he saw the cab driving away, a hand went to his chest, where an aching pain had him struggling to breathe, he couldn’t breathe
“Hey, are you alright?”, someone asked him, grabbing him by his shoulder
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“thank you for picking me up from the hospital”, Aemond muttered as he left his coat on the entrance of his grandfather’s flat.
“Of course son”, muttered Otto, grabbing Aemond on his shoulder reassuringly, “panick attack, uh? that’s new”
“It had never happened to me before”, he whispered, rubbing his temple, “I thought I was having a heart attack”
“Not quite…”, said Otto, serving his grandson a scotch 
“I don’t even know why…”
“I think it’s pretty obvious isn’t it?”, he tried, Aemond looked back at his father figure
“She is marrying someone else”, he admitted, “I've never felt like this before. So hopeless”, he admitted, sitting on one of the designer chairs in the living room, overlooking King’s Landing
“So, tell me again why you agreed to be the maid of honor”, he passed the glass to him, and he took a short si[
“Ah, to be with her”, he said simply, “to make her happy, and to figure out some way to get her off of him”, he admitted shamelessly, he swirl the caramel looking liquor on his gatsby cut glass, “maybe that was all wrong, maybe he's better for her than me”, he admitted, making Otto chuckle, “He's Northerner, he can dunk, he's perfect”
“Nobody's perfect”, he said simply, taking a sip of his own, once he downed the liquid he took the glass in front of his face to look at it better, “Although, I tell you, this whisky comes damn close”.
“It was a gift from Cregan… He made it”, said Aemond downing his own
“Damn he IS good”, said Otto. Aemond sighed loudly, leaving the glass on the side table and rubbing his face with his hands. “I can't go. I can't watch (Y/N) marry this guy, she's moving to Winterfell, I've lost her already”, he lamented, he was throwing his own petty party and he was going to enjoy it. Otto just stopped his movements and looked at him, chuckling again, raising his eyebrows
“Bullshit”, he said, sitting on the other available leather chair
“If you love something, set it free, right?”, muttered Aemond, finally looking at him
“Said by a pussy and used by pussies ever since”, he answered, sipping his drink
“Ah come on, what about Lys? Bogie puts her on the ship”, he said
“Pussy”, Otto said simply, smiling at his grandson
“Bogie's a pussy?”, Aemond said, not believing him
“Big pussy”, he confirmed, “You know, I've only truly been in love once….”, he said, “The most amazing woman in the world, she was my best friend. But I was young, stupid, and I messed it up”, Aemond looked at him wide eye, “my great list of mistakes, that was the greatest”
“Who was it?”, he asked 
“Alyrie”, he said simply, “your grandmother, she was the love of my life, she gave me two beautiful children, your mother and uncle, but I preferred to go higher on the ladder of my company instead of watching over and taking care of my family, when I realized what I had done, it was too late, I had lost her…”, a sad silence was placed before the both of them, “By the way, uh, I'm getting another divorce”
“Oh, pop”, whined Aemond, not shocked at all though
“I will not let what happen to me happen to you too, You will go to that fucking wedding, you are going to stop her from making the worst mistake of her life, and you are going to bring her home, you hear me?”, Aemond nodded, in a decisive manner, his hands tingling with excitement, “Go and get her, you pussy”, Otto said slapping his shoulder
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post chapter notes: I have to say it I'M SO SORRY, but I love this movie and I want to finish this, sorry for abandoning it, but I'm here to win it! jeje
@snh96 @sagelovesreading @toodlesxcuddles @ammo23 @bananzaa @ttkttt @at-a-rax-ia @n4tforlife @spn-obession
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cowchickenbeefpork · 2 months ago
I know this is kinda the bare minimum in depicting systemic bigotry seriously in art but. I really do love how oz isn’t depicted as a disgusting man who hates every woman he sees.
he loves his mother, his female colleagues, he’s rather respectful to the women around in general, he’s normal about women. Despite being a gangster, he doesn’t go out of his way to make women or any minority for that matter uncomfortable around him. And yet he still told Sofia's father about the fact she talked to that reporter.
Despite knowing this wouldn’t do her any good, he still tattled. He still threw a woman under the bus in order to get ahead in this world. He still partook in systematic abuse toward women by that simple act. And he still takes true responsibility for his actions! He may say sorry for what he did but he won’t not do it again so he could get ahead!
That’s the problem with systemic bigotry at its core. It doesn’t matter if you don’t personally hate women. The fact that you are willing to hurt a woman in order to get power in your life is bigotry no matter how you twist it. You are using systemic sexism to make sure you succeed in life and no amount of loving your mother or the sex workers around you will absolve you of the fact you’ve done this multiple times!
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months ago
HOTD is like if GOT started with Season 8's quality of writing and you could tell before it aired that was going to be the case when they decided to start the show off making huge changes. So glad I decided to ignore it altogether, sorry for the book readers who are currently suffering though 🙏🏾
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sad-endings-suck · 11 months ago
Back to report that I have seen the first episode of the Fallout tv show on Amazon Prime and it fucking slaps. Along with this, The Last of Us (HBO), Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Arcane: League of Legends (obviously), and many more, we can now say for certain that we are in the un-official golden era of video game adaptations (at least if it stays the course *knock on wood*).
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