#H3Y DUD3!!!!!
incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
VRISKA: Let's fucking kill him!!!!!!!!
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H3Y tHer3-InF3CTeD👾 & PO0B!1!!🎁
👾:h3Y duD3,d0 y4 f3El w4Tch3d to0
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1nf3ct3db33tl3 · 5 months
H3h. H3y dud3, ch3ck th1s.
[Unpleasant grabs his phone and turns on the flashlight, showing it to moth-Kasper.]
I want it.
[Kasper really likes light]
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Latula Pyrope, Kankri Vantas, Karkat Vantas
Act 6, page 5263
LATULA: bro!!!! 1 h34r youv3 b33n h4ssl1ng th3 n3w k1dz. wh4t 1s UP w1th th4t???
KANKRI: Hassling? Far fr9m it. I've merely disc9vered a new and far less ungrateful fl9ck which has n9t yet 6ec9me w9efully jaded t9 my messages 9f p9sitive s9cial change.
#New f9ll9wers
LATULA: you c4nt fool m3 k4nkz. you 4r3 bor1ng th4t poor dud3 to d34th. you just w4nt to m4k3 4 ghost out of h1m so you c4n k33p h1m h3r3 for3v3r.
LATULA: wh1ch 41nt r1ght! you h4v3 to l3t th4t bro d13 of h1s own M4D VOL1T1ONZ.
#r3: #m1st4k3s #l1k3 us
KANKRI: Can y9u sc99t away 9n y9ur little wheeled t9y f9r immature wigglers? I was in the middle 9f a serm9n.
#I mean, c9nversati9n.
LATULA: why dont you s4v3 h1m som3 gr13f 4nd g1v3 h1m on3 of your old m3moz?
LATULA: 4h4h4h, r3m3mb3r thoz3??? how m4ny sw33ps d1d you sp3nd try1ng to forc3 us to r34d th4t tr4sh?
#fru1ty r1ght3ous blowh4rd f4ctory
KANKRI: I d9n't remem6er. And n9, I w9n't 6e sharing my 9ld mem9s with him. They were written very p99rly, and my meth9ds 9f argumentati9n were flawed and extremely childish. I've deleted m9st 9f th9se mem9ries fr9m these 6u66les, s9 d9n't 69ther r99ting ar9und f9r them. Frankly, they stunk.
LATULA: h3y!
KANKRI: 9h, man, I'm s9rry. I c9mpletely f9rg9t that "stunk" was an a6leist slur. Please f9rgive my insensitivity t9ward y9ur disa6ility.
#tw #tw #tw #s9rry #tw #a6leism
LATULA: 1tz ch1ll, 1 w4s only 4ct1ng off3nd3d to bug you.
KANKRI: N9, really, it was inexcusa6le 9f me. I sh9uld have at least preceded my call9us remark with a trigger warning.
#Trigger warning: #Em6arrassed retracti9ns ahead
KANKRI: I have n9 6usiness making light 9f y9ur impairment, thus failing t9 check my nasal privilege, and p9tentially 6ringing 6ack painful and devastatingly triggering mem9ries 9f the 9ld cycle 9f revenge 6etween y9u and s9me friends which resulted in the l9ss 9f y9ur 9lfact9ry sense. I have t9 admit, I was skeptical at first a69ut whether that really qualified as a true disa6ility warranting sensitivity and the pr9m9ti9n 9f awareness, 6ut 6eing cl9se t9 y9u as a friend and carefully examining my privilege has really 9pened my eyes. 99ps, that euphemism is slightly a6leist t9 the 6lind, what I meant was "6r9adened my h9riz9ns 9n the nature 9f disa6ility." S9rry.
#Nasal privilege #H9riz9ns #6r9adness #H9riz9ntal width l9ngenning
LATULA: y34h! th4ts funny, c4us3 1t n3v3r would h4v3 occurr3d to m3 to t4k3 1t 4ll th4t s3r1ously 4s 4 h4nd1c4p w1thout you m4k1ng 4 f3d3r4l c4s3 out of 1t for so long on my b3h4lf. so, th4nkz k4nk!!!
#MAD d1s4dv4nt4g3d brot1m3z
KANKRI: My pleasure. Really, it is truly amazing that y9u have managed t9 triumph 9ver such adversity t9 6ec9me a great r9le m9del f9r 9thers, excellent at vide9 games, and a t9tally stellar skate69arding pers9n, all while 6eing a girl, n9 less.
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sc4l3m4t3-sch3m3r · 1 year
1M T3R3Z1 1 US3 H3/TH3Y/1T 4ND
M41N P3OPL3:
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pandersbox · 2 years
*places a violet blooded grub on Tuksei's lap and walks off*
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"Woah h3y dud3 wait---"
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"Gu3ss I'm gonna hav3 to t3ll Tannos w3 got a n3w gru8 in th3 hiv3...I don't know how to tak3 car3 of s3adw3ll3rs...May83 83ing a high 8lood h3'd know."
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pochapal · 5 years
bold prediction: there is already sentient life like. 5 minutes away from the ship. terezi returns from her trip outside with a local resident in tow and succeeds in making dirk and rose look like complete dumbasses
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animeshades1 · 3 years
Skate park date
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Hi hi, I am in a writing mood so heres a dummy little story for my fellow Latula lovers <3
Reader pronouns: genderfluid
Latula <> Reader
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Your foot tapped again the sidewalk, tap tap tap, as you walked your attention being on your phone.
Latula had intived you to come and spend a day at the skate park with her, how you ever agreed to it was a mystery, but never the less here you are walking down the road and following the directions that Latula had sent you.
You glanced up from your phone to be greeted by the entrance to the skate park, trolls and humans both skating on boards, scooters, roller skates and roller blades. You of course werent much of a skater, but Latula did bribe you into being the roller skates she had gotten you last sweep for your birthday.
You slipped your phone into the pocket of your pants and walked over to one of the benches that sat at the sidelines, you sat down and placed the teal and black roller skates on the bench beside you. Your eyes scanned the people before you spotted Latula, she was doing tricks off the half pipe..at least you think thats a half pipe, your not sure.
Latula spotted you soon after, smiling and waving as she rolled her way on her skate board over to you kicking it up with her foot as she stopped in front of you.
"H3y dud3! 1m gl4d you m4d3 1t!" She wide as she pulled you up into a tight hug, of course you returned the hug and smiled back "I'm still not sure how you managed to wrap me up in this" you and her both laughed softly "4hw com3 on, don't 3v3n try 1t you know you lov3 h4ng1ng out!" You nodded, that was true you did love to hang out with her.
You two talked for a bit before youe started to pull off your shoes and pull on the skates "4nd don't worry 4bout f4ll1ng, 1ll b3 r1ght th3r3 to c4tch you" she smiled and you chuckled, nodding as you did the laces of the skates and slowly stood up.
Like I said before you werent much of a skater, but you were pretty good at holding your balance and not falling straight on your nose. Latula hummed beside you as you moved you feet a bit, getting into the groove of basiclly hovering a few inchs above ground. "Dont, 1v3 got you dud3" Latula said as he held your arm and guided you to the half pipe where she was a moment before.
"L3ts s33 wh4t yov3 got!" she smiled, letting go of your arm as you wobblely pushed yourself up the half pipe. Latula giggled as she watched you stand for a moment, then push yourself off down the half pipe. You tripped and hit your cheek, hands, knees and chest to the stone of the halfpipe ground.
You groaned as you held your head in your hands, Latula running over to you and bending down next to you in a freezy "h-holy sh1t 4r3 you ok4y? th4t w4s som3 w1p3 out!" She laughed softly as you smiled up at her "y-yeah, i should be fine..maybe a little blood and burises but nothing to bad" she nodded, looping an arm under yours and pulling you up.
"L3ts g3t you hom3, i dont th1nk you could t4k3 4noth3r on3 of thos3 w1p3outs" she laughed again and you laughed too, she helped you back to the bench and helped you take of your skates. You slipped your normal shoes on and Latula carried your skates and her board, the two of you started off back to your house. The two of you talking and laughing as you walked.
She was one of the bestest friends you could have ever asked for.
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latte-abstract · 4 years
H3Y! Y0UR3 4 H3/SH3 DUD3? 1M 4 H3/SH3 DUD3! V4L1D
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magustempus · 4 years
[MT] Oh! Is this Terezi? [MT] Well...it sounds like it could be fun! [MT] Who else is there?
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mister-lady · 4 years
uh h3y!! :p i saw your uh m3ssag3?? i took too long cuz t3sts but i hop3 your3 having a nic3 w33k(3nd) too!!! :] ((((also its not cr33py your3 ok dud3)))) k33p on b3ing aw3som3!! :>
Hi!! And it's fine, there was no rush uwu, I hope you're testing went well I know those can be stressful. And thank you, you're also awesome!! (I'm glad it wasnt too creepy)
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lowsodiumlevels · 4 years
Shiken gets bored and does a stupid.
Shiken was in his hive a bit bored. Walking around a few times to see if he could think of something to do. He did have a few ideas of what to do but they were all pretty dangerous. Let's just say he's been thinking about holes in his hands a lot recently. Surprisingly, He had kept the connectors Orxefo put in his hands. He froze in place, tapping his foot on the ground to calm himself down after such a thought. He knows he shouldn't do this without any supervision but at the same time he didn't want anyone to see him do this to himself. Besides, if he gets hurt bad he'll just call Janeal and tell her he was being clumsy again. 
Shiken then turned and headed upstairs to his respiteblock. Going into his closet, and getting out a wooden box. Hearing the clanking in the box, made him want to just forget about his stupid idea. However, his curiosity always gets the best of him. Opening the box, and taking hold of the connectors. Shiken took a good look at them. They were colored Fushica. The connectors also had spikes sticking out of them. The spikes retracted when the connectors were pressed on. Shiken really wasn't happy for what was coming next. He slipped off his gloves and put them in his mouth to block any screams that might come from him. Pressing down on one of the connectors and inserting it in the wound. A perfect fit, like a puzzle being completed. He took a moment to prepare himself before letting go. Finally removing his fingers, releasing the spikes, puncturing the wound and being secured in place in his hand. Shiken let out a pained cry. Feeling the throbbing pain in his hand and his golden blood now dripping from it. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he grabbed the other connector and stuck it in his hand. Feeling the spikes once again cut through his wound. He let out muffled scream. His psionics sparking from his eyes. By now he was regretting his decision. If Janeal or Reiiro knew what he was doing, they'd nag him to death. Perhaps that's what he needed.
Taking a moment to breathe, the pain settled down but wasn't completely gone. Shiken looked at what he had done. See these Fushica circles in his now bloody hands. Spitting out his gloves and putting them on his little desk he had. He walked back down the stairs and headed towards his office. Entering and walking over to the cluster of wires he had in there. Plugging them in the connectors, he felt a rush of electricity move throughout his body. He didn't really know how to feel about it, the sensation felt...good. Shiken thought it was odd though. How could this feel good now, rather than when he was on the ship. Maybe it was because he was forced. He activated his Psionics and the colors, green and orange, glowed throughout his hive. Lighting it up pretty well, his hive now glowed in the darkness. Shiken couldn't help but smile. He thought everything looked so beautiful. Being even more curious, he made his psionics pulse, making the wires and lights around his hive pulse with it. Now wanting to have fun with this he made the lights flicker and move as if there was a huge rave happening. Laughing as he did so, He was having fun with this. It really cured his boredom. But still, putting those connectors in his hands really made him feel sick. However he was too distracted by looking at all the pretty lights that now glew in his hive. 
His small moment of happiness stopped when he heard a knock on his front door. Quickly disconnecting the wires from his hands and exiting his office. He was heading towards the door before he stopped and realized he wasn't wearing his gloves. He didn't think to go upstairs and get them so he just shoved his hands in his pockets and opened the door with his psionics. 
">> yo what up, tEchy". Oh it's just Vizxin. "/h3y dud3, what uh- brings you h3r3?". Vizxin just pointed at Shiken. ">>arE you having a swEEt ravE without mE?". Shiken just laughed. "/no no I waz juzt m3zzing with my lightz, I know though, it look3d lik3 an 3pic party waz all up happening, but uh- I don't throw parti3z or 3v3n go to any, th3y'r3 too loud for m3". Vizxin just nodded. ">>right right, so sincE I'm hErE, can IIIIIIII hang out….with you...for a bit?….or maybE longEr?, truth bE told I'm actually fEEling a bit down". Shiken nodded and moved a bit so Vizxin could come in. Shiken then shut the door and went over to sit down on the couch. Vizxin just sat on the floor. ">>thanks dudE, I know wE ain't moirails but thanks for giving a crap out mE, ya dig?". Shiken just smiled. "/of courz3, w3r3 fri3ndz r3m3mb3r". Vizxin giggled. ">>oh right, I forgEt that's an option". Shiken just sighed and laid his head back on the couch. Vizxin noticed how tired Shiken looked. ">> hEy, arE you ok? you look a bit drainEd, yo". Shiken tired to keep his eyes open. "/y3ah, I'm fin3, I juzt waz working alot today on zom3 ztuff". Vizxin just got up from the floor and looked at Shiken. Sitting next to him now and staring at him. "/ViVi, r3ally I'm ok, you don't…..hav3 to…..w-worry". Shiken then passed out. Leaving Vizxin kinda panicked. Checking to see if Shiken was still breathing. Relieved to know that he still was. Vizxin just went ahead and turned on the TV and lowered the volume. Letting Shiken rest. Vizxin was a bit sad that he didn't have anyone to talk to now but still his friend looked like he needed rest and he'll let him have it. He then just watched TV and chilled out as Shiken was purring in his sleep. 
A few hours go by and Shiken slowly opened his eyes. Vizxin just bounced up. ">>Oh you'rE awakE now!!". Shiken jumped a bit. Vizxin just grabbed Shiken and started shaking him. ">>you wanna watch this show with mE?". Shiken looked at the TV. The show that was on was "Family guy". Shiken nodded. "/y3ah uh- but firzt I'm gonna g3t som3thing to 3at". Shiken then removed his hands from his pockets and when to grab some chips. Not realizing what he done to them previously. He looked at his hands and not even a second later started screaming. His were covered in his dried up blood. Vizxin heard the scream and rushed over to see what was going on. Shiken was on the floor off the kitchen shaking. Vizxin went over and saw the Fushica circles on Shiken's hands. Vizxin didn't really know what to do. He sat next to the panicked gold blood. ">> hEy, dudE it's ok...I don't know what's going on but it's ok, I-I'm hErE to uh- comfort you?". Vizxin thought he was bad at this. Shiken just looked up at him and hugged him. "/h3y ViVi, can you promiz3 m3 som3thing?". Vizxin nodded. "/promiz3 m3 you won't t3ll anyon3 about my handz". Vizxin didn't understand why but he just nodded. He just stayed and held Shiken until he was ok. After a while, Shiken went upstairs and put on his gloves, not bothering to take out the connectors, it already hurt so much, he figured he'd do it later. Going back to Vizxin, they continued watching TV. 
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uncaney · 4 years
H3Y how much do3s i7 cos7 7o g37 som3 imag3s Lik3 7ha7 7o us3 on my own bLog? 7ha7'z mfin 4R7 dud3. (4Lso sorry i go7 Lik3 m3g4 moody 7h3 o7h3r nigh7, bu7 LOL i gu3ss fn4f izn'7 3v3ryon3's 7as73s)
three fingers and a part of your tongue. also twenty bucks, and a taco bell gift card. thanks :B
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sntechsupport · 5 years
h3y 0n3 0f y0u guy5 k1ll3d 0ur l0rd 4nd h3 h45n't d0n3 4nyth1ng. 0r h45n't d0n3 4nyth1ng th15 535510n. h3 541d h3 u53d t0 d0 50m3 5h1t b4ck 1n th3 d4y. but 1t'5 n0t c00l t0 k1ll 4 dud3 wh1l3 h3'5 1n 4 n3w 535510n pl4y1ng n1c3.
Sorry, that’s just how justice works.
SincerelySN Tech Support (Gear)
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solarianradiance · 6 years
i wanna see how john would try to date mituna, pls ?
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Latula: ok, l3mm3 1ntroduc3 you to m1tun4
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Latula: h3y! h3y b4b3! g3t ov3r h3r3 4nd m33t our n3w fr13nd!
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Mituna: *saunters over like a guy in a cool helmet*
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EB: hi! im john egbert! i think we met before-
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Mituna: NO FUCKW17 817CH P155 DR1NK3R
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Mituna: 5UCK MY 8ULDG3 455HOL3 H44H4H4H3HH4H3H43H443HR830[32QJ9JK4P035GJ84JOP5D8V7
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EB: holy shit! what did i say?!
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Latula: h3y! b4b3! wh4t 1 t3ll you? br34th! d33p br34th3s!
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Mituna: MMNGG…NO… Y34H… 1M 5ORRY
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Mituna: 1 7H1NK 5OR74 R3M3M83R YOU
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Mituna: 1F 1 R3M3B3R WR1T 1 7H1NK YOU 7R13D 7O FUCK MY G1RLFR13ND 4ND 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111111111111111
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Mituna: 1 GO7 4 HYUG3 ♠H473 8ULG3♠ OV3R 17 H4H4H4H4H4H4H4#W#$#@QRFOP$J1CP4M
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Latula: tun4 b4by, 1 told you, h3 thought 1 w4s t3r3z1, my d4nc3stor.
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Mituna: BUT 1 THOT YOUR3 L4TUL4?!?!?!?!!??2?!?1?!?!?!#WH3R3 15 MY M4T35PR1T?!?
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EB: is he like this all the time?!
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Latula: y34h bo1! h3 1s l1k3 th1s most of th3 t1m3! fuck1n r4d 4z fuck!
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Mituna: 4W3SOM35 45 FUK-T1M35!!!
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Latula: fuk y34h!
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Mituna: !!!
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Mituna: 1M… 5ORRY. NOT TRY1NG TO B3 5O 4W35OM3 TH4T W3 L34V3 YOU 1N TH3 DU5T
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Latula: th4t m4k3s no s3ns3 m4n, but h1-f1v3 4nyw4ys!
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Latula: low-f1v3?
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Mituna: !!!
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Mituna: OK! *lo-five*
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EB: ok, i really don’t want to assume things, but-
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Latula: 1s som3th1ng wrong w1th my boyfr13nd 1n h1z th1nkp4n? 1z th4t wh4t your3 4sk1ng?!
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EB: well… im not trying to be mean or anything, but i just-
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Latula: dud3! ch1ll out! 1tz r4d 4s fuck! 
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EB: ok, but… wow, its just… this whole thing seems a lil abusive from both ends, you sure you two are together?
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Latula: th4ts just h1z w4y of t4lk1ng to p33ps.  h3 c4nt h3lp 1t, just th3 w4y.
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Mituna: C4NT H4LP B31NG R4DD3R TH4N H3LL B4BY!!!
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Latula: r4d 4z h3ll b4b3!
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EB: how do you put up with it? again, im not trying to be mean, its just…
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Latula: 1 know h3 do3s3nt m34n 1t, th4tz how 1 put up w1th 1t.
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Mituna: 1M 5ORRY
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Latula: y4 d1dnt s4y 4nyth1ng, tun4.
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Mituna: …1M 5ORRY…# :(
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EB: so… why did you want to introduce us exactly?
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Latula: t3r3z1 told m3 4ll 4bout your l1ttl3 1nc1d3nt, 4nd how you m1ght h4v3 som3 1ssu3s you m1ght not b3 comfort4bl3 w1th sh4r1ng, so 1 thought, why not h4v3 you h4ng w1th m3 4nd tun4? m1ght m4k3 you mor3 comfort4bl3 w1th h4v1ng probl3mz. m1ght h3lp you wh3n you h4v3 us to r3l4t3 to.
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EB: mituna i kinda get, but you dont seem like you have problems
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Latula: 1m pr3tty r3d m4n, but th4tz 1n sp1t3 of th3 f4ct 1 n33d m3dz for my m3nt4l h34lth 1ssu3s. po1nt 1z, you 41nt 4lon3 1n how you f33lz.
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EB: oh fuck, did just be a dick! im so sorr-
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Latula: dud3! 1m st4rt1ng to sound l1k3 1 brok3n r3cord h3r3, 1ts cool! just b3 yours3lf! w3r3 h4rd to p1zz off 4nd off3nd 4nd sh1t, w3 41nt 4 dr4g l1k3 kankri!
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Mituna: H4H4H4H4H, L1L MUT4NT SH1T H33L CULL-B41T 4DOPT33!
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Latula: who4, c4r3ful th3r3 hon3y! h3 4ctu4lly m1ght h34r you
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Mituna: ……
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Mituna: 5ORRY…
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Latula: look, just so long 4s you k33p 4n op3n m1nd 4nd don’t go too f4r w1th sh1t, you should b3 fin3 
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Latula: sp34k1ng of wh1ch, wh4t3v3r th3 fuck you do, don’t l3t m1tun4 g1v3 you 4 blowjob! you h34r m3! do “not” put your d1ck 1n h1s mouth! t3r3z1 told m3 4ll 4bout how you hum4ns c4nt grow your bon3bulg3s b4ck, 4nd m1tun4 m1ght b1t3 1t off!
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Mituna: 1 M1GHT B1T3 YOUR D1CK OFF
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Latula: h3 m1ght b1t3 your d1ck off
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EB: i… really dont plan on putting my dick his mouth, even if he didnt seem so nutty!
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Mituna: H4H4! H4444H4H4H4H4H4H4H4 NUT!
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Latula: so… l3tz pop th3 qu3st1on… th3 b1g on3, do you w4nn4 h4ng out w1th us?
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EB: you guys seem really… really crazy
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EB: but not much more than the other trolls i’ve met, and I think i should get out of my comfort zone, even if that zone is the opposite of the denger zone, 5o 1 gu3ss 1 w1ll th3n?#just dont bite my dick off #please #i like it alot and i need it for things
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Latula: sw33t! w3′ll show y4 how to bo4rd l1k3 w3 do! m4yb3 pl4y 4 f3w g4m3z l4t3r, b3cuz you just 3nt3r3e th3 fr13nd-zon3
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Latula: w3ll, th3 fr31ndz-w1th-b3n3f1tz-zon3~♥♦♣♠
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Mituna: H4ND-PL4NT!
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Latula: th4ts just a h4nd-st4nd, b4b3, but n1c3!
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Mituna: 1M H1 F1V1NG TH3 PL4N3T, 5K4NK!!! 
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Latula: !!!????
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Latula: h1-moth3r-fuck1n-f1v3 my guy! com3 john! jo1n uz! h1-f1v3 th3 pl4n3t!
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EB: no thanks! i’m perfectly fine with standing here!
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Latula: th4ts cool! you do you!
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Mituna: H4H4H4, WU55Y!
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Latula: m1tun4!!!
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Mituna: 1M NOT 5ORRY!
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vriisket-a · 7 years
@xeroxrustblood | L1K3D FOR 4 ST4RT3R!! >:]
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X3FROS, R1GHT?? >:]
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