#Grimdark Novel
fazilareads · 2 years
Shadow Of The Winter Moon By Cam Sinclair | Spoiler-Free Review
Shadow Of The Winter Moon By Cam Sinclair | Spoiler-Free Review
TITLE : Shadow Of The WinterMoon (The Kraven Kronicles #1) AUTHOR : Cam Sinclair GENRE : Grimdark Fantasy Intended Age Group: Adult Pages: 357 DATE OF PUBLISHING : October 9, 2022 SYNOPSIS Drunk … Scoundrel … Thief … Vagabond … Fool … Reelum Hangs has been called many things, and at one time or other has resembled them all. Reelum, however, knows a dark and terrible secret—one that delves…
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dereliction-if · 1 year
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DERELICTION - One empire. Three kingdoms. Four races. A fate so fragile, and yet the celestial spirits decided to put it in the hands of their own potential deicide.
In a fractured realm plagued by ancient animosities, where empires clash and races vie for their own goal, their own dominance, a haunting destiny hangs over an unlikely figure. A pariah, an outcast, and perhaps the only hope - You.
You bear the weight of a dark lineage and the remnants of a once-powerful origin - now shunned by all races. While shadows of your tragic past loom large, a seemingly chance encounter thrusts you into a perilous journey. The path ahead is cloaked in uncertainty, an abyss that beckons you to confront your deepest fears, your deepest desires - a choice that may tip the scales toward salvation or everlasting despair.
It’s upon you to decide: Can you outrun your fate, or will you succumb to the very darkness you seek to defy?
Customize the Main Character (MC) and hereby influence your path in the world:
• Name (including Nickname & Alias)
• Pronouns (choose preset or set your own)
• Gender (male, female & non-binary options)
• Appearance (hair, eye colour, size, body type, scars & more)
• Race: Thao‘Raq
• Personality (influencing events, attitudes & behaviour towards you)
• Vices (choose your poison)
• An inner power yet to identify What else? Different POVs (incl. your ROs POVs)
For thy company makes thy destiny:
Several characters that highly influence your path, depending on your relationship and choices. Some of them you‘ll encounter just once, whilst others will be your companions for a long while. But relationships might change, due to events in the past, decisions you made. Beware, character deaths are happening and some consequences will only show in the long run.
Important characters to be announced soon
Overall there will be 5 ROs and plenty of short term encounters - see below (Spoiler alert)
RO#1: The royal heir
Princess Sonea - she/her, 1,76m (5'9") Prince Solas - he/him, 1,94m (6'4") - 22yo, straight or gay; race: Human
Appearance: tba
Personality: tba
The first time your eyes locked, both your fates were decided. Yet, nobody could have known what consequence just one destined moment would mean for both of you and, further, the whole realm. Will you be each other’s key or knife?
RO#2: The sovereign
Amara Dougal - she/her, 1,81m (5'11") - 31yo, straight or gay, race: Human x Thao‘Raq
Appearance: tba
Personality: tba
You were never meant to be more than a tool for them - an interchangeable toy to kill boredom, play a little game of strength, willpower and dominance. Then you managed to surprise them. Was that your plan all along?
Mood Board: here
RO#3: The mage
Jia - she/her, 1,65m (5'5"); he/him, 1,79m (5'10"); they/them, 1,73m (5'8") - 21yo, demi, race: Eirdimon
Appearance: tba
Personality: tba
You stumbled into their life, being the first light in a long while. They are grateful for the new perspectives you bring into their life, even though you turn their whole world upside down. Still, they decided to never let you go again.
RO#4: The mercenary
Havu Guillame - she/her, 1,73m (5'8"); he/him 1,87m (6'2") - 26yo, pan, race: Sertynan
Appearance: tba
Personality: tba
A rusty knife, straight between their shoulder blades sounded like a much more enjoyable scenario than having to spend time with you. Not because you are exceptionally annoying, which you can be, but because bearing anybody else’s burden is nothing more than a waste of time to them.
RO#5: The knight
Daria Baran - she/her, 1,97m (6'6") Darius Baran - he/him, 2,03m (6'8") - 38yo, straight (?), race: Human
Appearance: tba
Personality: tba
Their oath is the reason why they are stuck with you. If it were possible, they would‘ve avoided it as a whole, but it seems carrying your ass around, reminding you of your manners, duties and cleaning the mess you leave behind you, is their painful responsibility now.
/// RACES: Click on each race to find out more
Sertynan (Original purpose: Diplomacy & Peace)
Eirdimon (Original purpose: Creation & Wisdom)
Human soon
Thao‘Raq (Original purpose: Protection & Defense)
>>> physical appearances - race specific: here
Buorshik (Lizard)
/// CONTENT WARNING: 🔞 Dark adult fiction
contains mentions of violence, bullying, racism, body horror, torture, gore, medical procedures, death, alcohol, drugs, addiction, abuse, self harm, optional sexual content incl. prostitution.
Full content warning here.
/// LAST UPDATE: 08.04.2024
In early development. DEMO: t.b.a.
Note: Each chapter will be published once it is finished.
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t00thpasteface · 11 months
i'm so relieved that people like my retrobat stuff bc i can tell tumblr definitely prefers two very specific batmans: Tortured Diesel DILF and Edward Cullen But Cooler. meanwhile i'm out here like
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beanjang-draws · 6 months
Plague Ponies - Breaktime
Nurse Snowheart has spent all week checking in on patients who have fallen ill during the attack of the Everfree Forest. Just as she’s having a quiet moment to herself Doctor Greymare returns from his meeting with Princess Twilight.
Normally, he’s the type of pony who would jump at the chance to give a debrief, but he’s strangely tight-lipped today…oh well! He’s also just told Snowheart to take an extra long lunch break extra early, so that’s not her concern anymore. He’s sure to tell the rest of the staff all about his meeting later anyway, right?
Transcript below:
Patient: *cough cough* Ugh…Nurse? Is that you?
Snowheart: Yep, it’s me and your lunch! Sorry about the wait! I was making sure there wasn’t any cornmeal. I wanted to double check, after what happened last time…
Patient: Oh thank you! You’re the best.
Snowheart: Happy to help, dear. You enjoy your lunch!
Patient: …U-um, nurse Snowheart? How much longer until I can go home? I feel a lot better today…
Snowheart: From the looks of it, you should be good to go home by tomorrow. You try to get some rest now, dear. I’ll check in on you again tonight.
Nurse Snowheart steps out of the patient’s room and into an empty hallway, her smile dropping from her face.
Snowheart: …*sigh* Everypony is slowly recovering, but more patients keep trickling in—Oh, Doc, you’re back! How did your meeting with Princess Twilight go?
Greymare: N-nurse Snowheart! Wasn’t it your off day today? What are you doing in this wing?
Snowheart: I’m covering for Sweetheart. She hasn’t been feeling very good. I was just getting one of the patients lunch. He’s allergic to co—
Greymare: Snowheart…you’ve been working full shifts every day this week.
Snowheart: Like you’re one to talk! None of us have seen you go home once this—
Greymare: Ah-ah-ah! Out of the two of us, you’ve been here for longer today. You’ll be no help dead on your hooves. Go take an hour for lunch.
Snowheart: Well, if you insist. I can’t say no to an early lunch…I’m still telling Redheart to make sure you get some sleep~
Nurse Snowheart begins walking away, calling the last sentence over her shoulder.
Greymare: Oh come now, that won’t be necessary—
Snowheart: That’s up to you!
Greymare: “Up to me”, huh?…
Doctor Greymare silently looks after Nurse Snowheart until she’s out of sight.
Greymare: …That would be nice. Enjoy your break…It might be the last one you take for a long time.
Doctor Greymare steps into another room, leaving the hallway empty. Moments later, the patient who Nurse Snowheart had been speaking with appears in the hall. Something is wrong.
Patient: Nurse? Anypony…please, help. I don’t feel good—
End transcript.
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dandelion-jester · 21 days
To celebrate Chapter 1 of Legend of the Rat Bastards going up on Patreon, here's an excerpt from Chapter 11!
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athetos · 30 days
People who whine about books or video games getting delayed piss me off. Yeah I get being disappointed and I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with meme-ing about it or whatever but remember that these are made by people with lives. They don’t exist just to make content for you. Wouldn’t you rather wait an extra year or two for a great video game instead of a rushed, sloppy one made in reprehensible crunch conditions? Wouldn’t you be happier knowing the creators of your favorite things were compensated well and were able to rest and spend time with their families or just straight up chill? There are so many good books and games dropping every month to read or play while you wait. Silksong and Alecto the Ninth and yes, even Winds of Winter, and every other awesome thing you’re waiting for will be more than worth the wait, I promise. Relax.
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Before all of them, Dante, Mephiston, even Sanguinious, there was this. A simple run of experiments that never ran to completion. This right here is probably what created the Blood Angels' flaw: what appears to be the simple act of someone getting pulled off their job.
If this had been run to completion, imagine the possibilities, if this was indeed for the Blood Angels.
No obsessed demons hounding them.
No need for the Sanguinary Priests.
How different they may have been.
Excerpt is from "Valdor: Birth of the Imperium".
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snickerzanddoodlez · 10 months
BASES DONE FOR MY WOF OCS! Ahhh I’ve only gotten a few comments on the posted story so far but they’ve been so enthusiastic and excited REEEEEEE it’s the only reason this is still going
Special shout out to @sunnis-shinis BECAUSE MY MAN YOUVE BEEN SO SUPPORTIVE TYSM 😭 GO FOLLOW THEM OR THE MOONS WILL BUST YOUR KNEECAPS (oooh wop Dee doo wop dee doo)
considering I’m iffy on how I’ve paced and written things so far I may end up translating it into a graphic novel as close to the style of the official ones as I can omce I finish the written version BUT!! ANYWAYS!! HERE!!!
As the watermark suggests these are bases 🥲
Here’s the story if you wanna read!!! I’ve recently realized that I think the correct genre for it is Grimdark? Anyways cool
Guys can I be the Cupcakes™ of the WoF community? Please? 🥺
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teethoftheeditor3 · 3 months
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"The design really is pretty. Too pretty for someone like me."
Milkit from Roll Over and Die, one of my favourite books of all time. I highly recommend it if you like dark fantasy and can stomach ungodly amounts of body horror. Also large amounts of trauma.
It's definitely not for everyone, but I like it and hope to get a 5th volume.
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optiwashere · 7 months
You got original works somewhere we could read? :O
Nah, I'm what the girlies call a "failed novelist."
I was very nearly a published short story writer (horror). Then the small publisher working on that collection folded, the rights to that story floated around for a while, and I got so demotivated about the whole situation that I never tried short story pub again. This all happened like a decade ago and I'm still not over it lol.
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niseamstories · 1 year
It’s time! The Dreams of the Dying audiobook is finally available, and it’s voiced by Ben Britton and Dave Fennoy. Thank you so much for your patience! :)
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noirliddell · 3 months
Okay guys and girls... I need a reason why a main character would live in exile? He's the younger brother of the king and I can't think of anything feasible. Treason is punished with death so it can't be the reason why this guy was exiled. If that helps, he has a redemption arch™ in my novel and >>>>major spoiler below the cut!!!<<<<
Anyway, any suggestions are welcome, and thank you for helping a struggling writer out!
I know that whatever it is he got exiled for, he'll be forgiven and gets his happy end eventually.
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dereliction-if · 11 months
[MCs race]
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The Thao'Raq, ancient beings almost as old as the Eirdimon , were created to serve as the balance to their counterparts' light, the control to their creation – as with light came darkness, a consequence not to be feared but embraced. Initially revered as protectors and defenders, they have a complex history that has evolved into a tragic tale of fear and hatred. 
Originally, the Thao'Raq were forged with the solemn purpose of safeguarding the world's balance, countering the unchecked magic and knowledge of the Eirdimon, and preserving equilibrium. 
The laws of the celestial spirits, the laws of existence, of nature, demanded that with each creation came obliteration. In harmony with the Sertynan’s role as diplomats, the Thao'Raq were the sole race officially entrusted with the responsibility of administering justice, as well as the authority to employ force and, if necessary, take life to protect and maintain that balance - a significant burden resting on their shoulders.
As creation expanded, and with it, the shadows, the number of potential magic sources in the world increased – founts that could be used for peace or destruction, a danger to the world's delicate power dynamic and a growing responsibility for the Thao‘Raq.
Many factions desired to harness these sources, and yet, accessing them under the watchful eyes of the Thao'Raq proved impossible.
An ambition, carefully hidden beneath the shadows of lies, a sinister craving for power, led to an unexpected alliance against the Thao’Raq, peaking in a day of unruly events, painting them as villains and monsters - a day which history will neither forget nor forgive. 
The Thao'Raq were no longer seen as protectors but framed as aggressors, a menace to be stopped. In response, they lost their ancestral lands, their magical abilities were suppressed, and they were stripped of their once-cherished position as guardians. Most of them were forced into exile or banned to lower social strata, they became feared and ostracized, their name synonymous with dark magic and treachery.
- But beneath it all, the truth of their fall is hidden from the eyes of the world – only few knowing what happened centuries ago, and these few are being hunted down until the last one is wiped out and the last whisper silenced. 
Original purpose:
Protection, defense
Vice, potential downfall:
Obsessive control and aggression
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Here we go.
After seventeen years and fifty three books, I’m starting the final book of the main Horus Heresy series.
****possible spoilers from here onwards****
I’ve enjoyed this series immensely over the years. Some of the books were certainly better than others (Galaxy in Flames, Legion, Nemesis were some of my favourites), some were not so great (I’m looking at you Damnation of Pythos).
The interweaving of multiple core story arcs was enthralling, and I really loved how some aspects of the story were revisited from different perspectives.
If I were to pick a favourite arc, I think it would be the Betrayal at Calth and the rise of Imperium Secundus. This would be closely followed by Garro and his transformation from Death Guard captain to an Agent of the Sigilite.
The one thing I truly enjoyed about the series was the vast array of characters each given some time in the spotlight, from the obvious Legiones Astartes to other less well-known individuals such as the Imperial Assassins, the Perpetuals, and even ordinary Army troopers. Seeing all of the politics and bureaucracy of the Imperium and how it affected the Heresy was also extremely satisfying.
This series has been a huge part of my reading hobby for literally decades (!) and I’m a little sad that I’ve reached the end, but also glad that I stuck with it.
Also, I am so excited to be on the verge of starting the Siege of Terra series as well!
This is just my own humble opinion on the Horus Heresy series, would love to hear anyone else’s thoughts!
Happy Hobbying
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fairrryprose · 1 year
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Hi!! Today I'm pleased to be hosting a stop on the tour for THE SWORD OF WRATH AND MERCY, a (grim)dark adult fantasy novel by NC KOUSSIS, with ESCAPIST BOOK TOURS. I'll be sharing my thoughts on the book so far and some gorgeous artwork.
I'm about a third of the way through the book so far, and its gripping lore/worldbuilding, intriguing and badass characters -- such as Selene, our one-armed warrior whom we go through a every emotional high and low with, whom we are taken on a training journey with, root for, feel for, be awed by -- and the relationships between the characters (as well as the character arcs I can see them having) have me flipping the pages. And of course, being grimdark, there is no shortage of gore, violence, everything that comes with it (see list of CW/TWs below). As we flip between Selene's and Tristain's (the biological child of Selene's warden) POVs and their individual journeys to kill or be killed and the struggles and betrayals they have to contend with, the vengeance they seek, we are sure to have nonstop action and breathless excitement.
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About the Book:
The Sword of Mercy and Wrath by NC Koussis Series: The Swords of Dominion Series Genre: Dark Fantasy/Grimdark Intended Age Group: Adult Pages: 400 Published: March 20, 2023 Publisher: Self Published
Interested? Here's where you can find the book ->
Book Links:
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTPQF7ZY 
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BTPQF7ZY 
Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0BTPQF7ZY 
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/80272063-the-sword-of-mercy-and-wrath
Content/Trigger Warnings:
Shown on Page (things clearly told to the reader): 
Animal death (off-screen)
Blood (gore)
Body horror
Bones (human)
Domestic abuse (physical, verbal)
Drinking (heavy and recreational)
Forced captivity
Graphic sex
Medical procedures
Murder (committed and attempted)
Serious injury
Alluded to (things only mentioned in passing or hinted at):
About the Author:
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NC Koussis was born in Perth in 1993 to Greek and Gamilaroi ancestry. He has moved all around Australia, settling in Newcastle for the moment, where he lives with his wife, son, and staffy dog, Nala. He’s been writing fantasy books since he was a little boy, after falling in love with Lord of the Rings, Realm of the Elderlings, and Deltora Quest. He decided to publish a book in 2019, and it only took him three years. The Pyres of Vengeance is his upcoming novel. He considers himself an enthusiastic amateur of medieval history, historical battles and tactics, and food. When he’s not writing, he’s making sourdough bread and working on a PhD in neuroscience.
Webite: https://nikitaskoussis.com 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NCKoussis 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nckoussis/ 
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nckoussis  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NCKoussis
Check out other stops on the tour!
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dandelion-jester · 27 days
I have an announcement!
Chapter 1 of The Legend of The Rat Bastards is going up on my patreon for all tiers on Wednesday 28th August!!!! I'm gonna be posting the entire, epic book over time on there so if you're interested in reading it you can!
(For those who don't know, lotrb is my grimdark fantasy novel, based on a Curse of Strahd DnD campaign I was in for two years!)
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