#Gotham gal gang
edi-storm · 5 months
I’m a simple gal I see GOT au and DC and I come RUNNING!!!! I’ve tried developing my own DC x GoT au and id love to hear more if you want to share!!!
I have a few ideas floating around my head for some of the batfam characters, nothing too concrete tho.
I imagine Bruce to be a lord of the north (mainly because I feel like the north fits gotham and the atmosphere the best. Something about all the dark clothing just fits the grim vibes) although I got a good comment talking about his no kill rule! So perhaps he could be like all edgy no kill because of his parents being dead. Alfred is an ex knight for the throne , also friends with his father that became his personal guard , and after Bruce s parents were murdered, chose to take care and raise Bruce in the North.
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Dick's family was part of a travelling performers group travelling around Westeros. Bruce happened to pass by and notice one of their shows, I imagine his parents being killed or something just like Bruce's, then Bruce starts his orphan adopting hobby and takes Dick in.
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Jason's father was part of a thief gang to try to provide a better life for his family. This works for a while until they get caught and imprisoned/ killed by whoever busts then/ something. Catherine Todd dies or an illness. Jason is left fending for his own, starts pickpocketing. Bruce finds him while he's trying to steal something packed on his horse and ends up adopting him. Still working on his death/ resurrection (I feel like they're a big part of his character and I want to add that)
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Tim's parents were merchants. Possibly knew Bruce . Tim was a secret dick fanboy because of his traveling performer era (thought he was really cool and badass). Some more death and adoption.
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I haven't fully thought about Damian s backstory yet and the relationship between Talia and Bruce, since I like the idea of them being from Essos , but that's what i have for him so far. Speaking high Valyrian and some other languages, accent while speaking in English ✨
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I haven't come up with anything for Cass, Steph and duke yet
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onnahu · 7 hours
Batman apocalypse au
Part 1 - the beginning; Batman, Robin and Batgirl
Bruce Was 8 when the apovalypse came. His parents died in the first wave. Now I don't know if we're going with zombie, or aliens, or maybe the most scary - just earth doing earth things. Yeah. I'll go with that.
Let's say the capsule Clark came to earth in did somehow wavered the climate or ozone layer or wtv. Anyway, it triggered an apocalypse. He still got adopted by Kents, but they parented him in the world where everyone's against everyone. Although maybe the joined some group of survivars or... nvm, it's not about them.
Anyway. An earthquake kills Martha and Thomas. For now, society is still working, so after the first chaos, emergenvy services menaged to bring Bruce to Alfred. Btw Wayne Manor is in crambles. So yeah.
Catastrophies only come afterwords. Earthquakes, storms, cyclons. At some point, we lose electricyty, emergency services stop working, bc people have to care for their own families. Society collapses.
Bruce grows up with Alfred who teach him how to shoot, how to fight. (Bruce has some deep, unfounded fear/hatered for guns, tho. Maybe it's from his past life...) As people become more desperate, gangs starts to form. Who is stronger, that will live. The law of the jungle. Bruce and Alfred live in what stayed from the Wayne manor. Alfred grows vegetables in the garden, and is merciless with his rifle if someone comes too close.
When Bruce is around 14, they find out his cousin, Kate Kane, is alive. At least was alive a week before when she left gotham, looking for purpose in this dangerous world. Bruce want's to follow in her footsteps, but Alfred says no.
It's only three years later, when Alfred wakes up to find a letter and a radio Bruce fixed up. Now, 17 years old Bruce Wayne goes into the world looking for a way to help people.
Who would have know - some cult/assassin organization called the League of Assassins is still functioning in perfect condition. And it's not even because of the Lazarus Waters. They are secluded enough and skilled they can do whatever. And they have plans for the world. Not that Bruce knows about them. Not yet, at least. (Also he falls in love. And his DNA is stolen one night when he sleeps. Not that it matters. Not at all.)
After another 4/5 years, Bruce finds his way home. He's glad to see Alfred alive, even if more tired. Alfred gives him an earful, but still welcomes him with an open arms. Bruce Wayne takes on himself taking care of what was left of Gotham.
It's about 15 years sunce that fateful night, when Bruce finds himself in Gotham when he sees flying Grayson fall from the building they tried to find a safe space for night with their son. Bruce hurries up, and finds a man, later we learn his name is Tony Zucco, trying to grab a child - 9 years old Richard Grayson.
Tony Zucco menages to run away, as Bruce is more occupied with the newly orphanes child. But Richard Grason, in his head, swears a revange on him.
Not long after, Robin joins Batman in Gotham.
One night, Batman meets one Jim Gordon, who lost his wife to earthqake and his son to that apocalitic madness. Jim wants to ressurect the emergency services. People need someone to execute law and give medical help. They quickly become friends.
It turns out Jim has a sweet daughter, Barbara. Too smart for her age. At the rapid age of 13, she becomes Batgirl. (Oh by the way, did you heard about that gal running around calling herself Batwoman?)
Babs and Dick are quick friends, but when Dick is older and become more brash, tored of Gotham and Bruce, and runs away, she declines his offer to join him, deciding on staying with her father and Batman.
So when 17 years old Dick is running around finding friends who will eventually become Titans, Batman and Batgirld (and Batwoman, but she kinda does whatever she wants to do on the other end of Gotham so yk) are a sole protectors of peace. This is a year later, when while on his way out for patrol, he catches a 12 years old kid trying to steal his potatoes. Guess who that is? Jason Todd.
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scoobypineapple · 1 year
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Okay y'all so-
At this point, Daphne has donned the Batgirl costume twice, helped to foil countless supervillains, from Gotham and beyond, and girl even got herself a new name
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I just had to design her her own costume!!! Defo took alot of inspiration from 60s Barbara and Bette Kane.
As far as an AU goes, I could totally see Daphne taking up a new batmantle to bash some of the less monstrous that coolsville or crystal cove may have to offer. Besides, girlie is defo rich enough to have a mini batcave.
At some point you could even have the rest of the gang take on their hero personas (yellow lanterns Shaggy and Scooby come to mind), and they could form like a mini justice league it'd be so cute.
Anyways, with that I'll bid you all a-Doo with some alternate costume colorings I did to try and get a feeling for her.
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nameless-brand · 1 year
It is ironic that the first thing I see after Tunglr decided to start working again is you.
Can't really say that I'm happy to see your mug or symbol on my dashboard, but that's life. And I just have to deal.
We haven't met. I'm Sato. Yes, that Sato. The gal that Lev likes to complain about to her multiversal online friends.
And you are Kris. The one who was at the End of the World.
I know why you did it. I can understand why you did it. And I know you didn't force her to take this path. But as her best friend, I can't help but hate you a little - well, more than a little - for it. Given that Lev doesn't make friends easily, I'm pretty sure you already have your fair amount of guilt, so.
Okay. Enough of my tantrum. That said. Have you had any luck? Finding Lev, I mean? I can't do much of anything here. The stupid Dream had to be kicked out before it started a second Braid, so I'm not equipped to do magical things at the moment. Mirielle might have a better idea on how to find her. She's good at finding things - something about Karma and connections- but I haven't seen her since she escaped the whole failing timeline.
I did find most of the Nameless Church. However, I have not found Chi. The only hint of a Chi I found was in an orphanage register 6 years ago in the East Sector - before some company tore it down and tried turning into a small shopping mall. Other kids named Chi beyond that one turned out to be dead ends. And searching amid all the street kids and gangs is proving to be difficult even for my current resources, given they're all giving me the whole "we checked for these kids but we need more money to continue the search" coleslaw-fest. But if she's going to be somewhere, she'll be where the Nameless City was, which is now Gotham.
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d-field22-blog · 1 year
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Story(Created by AlanaDaMoonChild15): Raccoon Gal, The odd thief with a good heart sadly to be led in the life of crime by her mentor, Lab Rat and her boss The Penguin while dealing with her pent up anger issues and family trauma. In her true identity she is Rosa who is an simple mechanic who loves to fix or build cars or motorcycles in her little garage to both help common criminals or citizens though mostly lend a helping hand to criminals which she has no choice to refuse.
Rosa grew up to be in a family who is compassionate of gardening and growing beautiful flowers to sell in North America since their business was founded by her great grandfather Abuelo who is head of business while very oppressive with his daughters and granddaughters that he had force them to do garden work while putting them up being perfect in public, However Rosa wasn't like all the girls in the family and that she had a different dreams of what she could do.
Abuelo was very disapproval of Rosa and often had punished her harshly from an young age that Rosa would suppress her feelings just to make him happy and listen to her family, Still she would do secret jobs of fixing cars to learn at it. For years Rosa had obeyed to her family and never had stood out of line until all of that would change when her Grandfather would introduce to an boy who he had let him to be with her, Rosa did not like him or knew him at all yet still she would go on dates to please her family.
For so long Rosa had to suppress her true feelings inside and to force herself into believing she loved him, However the boy would go on to bully her when no one was looking while picking away her self esteem from calling her horrible names. Very much her anger would build up over time and finally when she went on to pick up her tools, she would find him with another girl where they are kissing finally tipping her off the edge.
News spread out around the town that Rosa had brutally beaten both of them with an huge monkey wrench and almost killing them from pure fury, Very much Rosa was arrested for assault and spent in juvie for many months. Abuelo was very furious and ashamed of his granddaughter that would commit a terrible act upon her boyfriend while not knowing the whole story, When she came back her grandfather had disowned her and had cleaned out her room to kick her out at the age of 16 without saying her mother goodbye.
Rosa would immediately leave her town very much in grief and flooded with shame, After span of 4 years of travelling across through towns and cities as an mechanic. Rosa would come across Gotham City and would find a nice place that is an entire garage, She had gathered some work of fixing up cars or motor bikes for her customers and going by the name " Ro " since most others insisted calling her that. Eventually she would blindly associate herself with Gotham's dark underworld of criminals or mob bosses, Even the infamous criminals. Very much she had fixed vehicles for gangs or mobs and very much Ro learned the hard way of being cautious around them though remained obedient.
Ro would have Penguin as her best customer who paid her handsomely for her good work though isn't very sentimental towards her however Lab Rat becomes interested in Ro since she was overall kind to rodents who feed them crumbs, Has nonviolent ways of carefully removing them from her garage. Lab Rat would see her whenever Penguin needed repair and she stays back to watch her fix the vehicle so they make small talk, Ro talks to her as if she were an therapist and would talk about her problems. The female rodent secretly pitied her and thought perhaps she has a way to help her, She suggested on working with her on their crimes since Lab Rat needs help of takings rats from Gotham's laboratory's.
Soon Ro needed an disguise to wear and a name to call her so that she cannot be identified as her true self, Lab Rat helped to create a costume to look like a raccoon and named her Roadkill since she sees a lot of run over animals consisted of raccoons. Roadkill left to help Lab Rat of breaking into an lab at a shampoo company that tested animals and had knocked out a lot of guards that gave her a thrill, Very much Ro would find being an disguised criminal named " Roadkill " released her pent up emotions and have a chance to let loose.
Much to her dismay is that she would run into problems along the way that very much any criminal had encountered is meeting up with the Batman who is the apparent protector of the city and Ro has no clue who he is til she would meet him in person. Multiple times Batman had warned her to stop doing these crimes and turn herself in but she would stood her ground who genuinely cannot see another way out of her problems, And that she grew very loyal to Lab Rat.
So Arkham Asylum is the place she would spend most of her time to rehabilitation and did tried to find redemption, In the end of the day that she will always be drawn back to being Roadkill and her unbinding friendship with Lab Rat that is her only true genuine friend.
Bio: Real name: Rosa Lou Florence Occupation: Thief/Mechanic Base of Operation: Gotham City Eyes: Light Brown Hair: Brown Height: 4ft 11in Weight: 102lbs
Attributes: Highly skilled mechanic, but a bit reckless, as she is known to nearly get killed when fixing machines. She is also known to in her words "geek out" when it comes to observing many types of automobiles; this is possibly to either take their blueprints or sabotage the vehicle in observation. Though despite being a thief and in the employ of Penguin, Road Kill is shown to be very nice and is known to show acts of selflessness. Suffers from low self esteem and is known to blame herself for terrible things happening, even if she didn't have anything to do with them. Known to speak Spanish phrases frequently, and is actually smarter than she lets people believe. Skilled in hand-to-hand combat despite her size.
Dream voice actress: Sara-Nicole Robles.
Featured songs: Loser by Neoni and Alejandro by Lady Gaga
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bloobord-blog · 6 years
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Blob got bored on a plane Red: @ashortgothamite Yellow/orange: @quietmind-loudbody Green: @big-sister-oracle Purple: @egg
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violetbumblebea · 2 years
The rest of the Justice League: I am fighting this fairly serious villain. He wants money and power. I must stop him and his conventionally armed goons.
Batman, stone faced: I am fighting Jellyfish-Gal and Wobbly Gang. They want to turn all of Gotham into jelly-based aquatic life and force the mayor to fund their biweekly tap dancing lessons. I must stop the Wobbly Gang from using their squid launchers to incapacitate people and take them for experimentation.
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mistkissedmoon · 3 years
Damirae Batfamily headcanons
 He’d find any opportunity bring Damian and Raven together. He’d go out of his way to bring the two together, by planning a lunch with him, Damian and Raven and bail on them last second so they could be alone. If he wasn’t doing that, he’d be dropping these annoying hints in Damian’s direction about Raven.
 “So you want to choose the bird character on this video game, huh? Well, that’s funny.” “Why is it funny?” “I don’t know, it just fits you, you know? You’ve got the whole robin gig going on, you clearly love Ravens, you-” “Tim, ENOUGH.”
 Whenever he was around, he’d probably try to wind him up by getting him jealous. Like telling him how she’s a lovely gal and that that one new kid on his team was asking about her. Genuinely just winding him up instead of being subtle so that flustered mess could maybe get the courage to speak to her and realize that he really likes her. He’s just get annoyed and pretend like he doesn’t care but both him and Jason knew he was pissed.
 I think that whenever Raven and Jason hang out without Damian, he actually tries to be very sweet to her, first out of a genuine curiosity to know her and then because he begins to think she’s precious, like a little sister. On her side, she starts their relationship a little hesitant but grows to really appreciate how he checks in and talks books with her and eventually, when they’re fully brother and sister (in this universe) when he cuddles her or how protective he can get. It’s a belief of mine that Raven tries to offer her healing talents to doctors and the injured at the end of every fight (with an added bonus in that she can avoid the crowd/fans). When she hears how Jason is protecting Crime alley, she starts exclusively focusing her efforts there, as I don’t think many residents can afford medical care (timidly at first as she doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes). Jason is (secretly) extremely grateful for this. Before with her help tending the injured, big gang fights that involve crime alley more than any other part of Gotham used to overwork him so much he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Being healed as well so quickly is definitely a plus although he watches her closely to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself. Damian might be a teeny bit jealous about this as he wants to fight side by side with her and look after her after the battle. 
 Since Damian is basically his little brother and he thinks of Raven as a little sister/daughter type similar to the whole Bruce/Dick situation, I think he’d be much more on the supportive side then the teasing. He’d swiftly bring up the topic casually so it wasn’t weird but he had his moments. Sometimes he would drop a comment that would get Damian not annoyed but beet red. I think Kori would be more on the smirky smug type always giving Damian these knowing looks haha.
- I’m not sure about Duke, but I think Stephanie could be skeptical. Mostly cause she’s the one who holds a fondness for Damian and she probably felt just slightly protective of him.. okay, maybe a lot protective. She would definitely be slightly wary of the demonic side of Raven cause she doesn’t want Damian mingling with more demons than he already has.
 I don’t think she’d tease him because she was more on the neutral but cautious side. I think it wouldn’t be until after they got together and she witnessed RAven being selfless to save Damian from danger that she’d truly understand. Maybe then she’d properly teas Damian about how totally in love and taken he is and even in the beginning few months she’d ask him “So... when’s the wedding?” before disappearing as quickly as possible to avoid Damian going from flustered to pissed.
As for Bruce, oof:
Definitely wary and not a fan. Alfred tries to communicate with him about how the two make sense and it’s understandable why they feel a connection but Bruce is very protective of his son (protective of all the robins x10 after what happened to Todd). He doesn’t want another one trusting someone blindly and then ending up hurt one way or another. And he doesn’t trust Raven either, doesn’t trust the empath part of her at all. It’d take years and he’d discourage it all the way through but at one point he’d realize that she makes her son happy and goes out of her way to save him. So very very slowly, he’d start to accept her more and eventually it’d become a sweet relationship. Though the start would totally be messy.
 The other robins and batgirls would be protective of her at the beginning of Bruce’s dislike. Jason would not really care for Bruce’s opinion, Cass would’ve been bummed by his reluctance as would Steph, Tim would’ve been rather stubborn with him and tell Bruce that he’s wrong to his face, but I think it would’ve been Dick who’d be most vocal about her and being protective over her. Like, not trying to push it with Bruce and get really annoyed but if it came up, he was more than willing to argue.
Me and bluescove/@soulselfs talked headcanons a bunch and she encouraged me to post these before she left. I hope @poiitisinstone enjoys them, I really like their headcanons.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
Can I get some headcannons for a sick Hopper? Needing some lovins from his girl cus he's feeling like shit 💖 (tbw I friggin love your work. You quench the hopper THIRST) 😊
I am once again a humble gal apologising for how late this is!! Thank you so much, though!!
Many people would expect Hopper to be a bit of a baby when he gets sick.
They’d expect him to whine and moan and just tell everyone that he’s sick and be an absolute nightmare.
They’re right about the nightmare part.
But he goes the complete opposite way.
‘Hopper, you need to take a day off.’
‘No, I’m fine. See? I can breathe fine.’
‘Breathe out of your nose, then.’
‘... I have to go, I’m gonna be late for work.’
It takes you, Flo and his officers ganging up on him to actually make him go home, but he won’t be happy about it. He’ll be grumbling the whole drive back, between sneezing and coughing.
Once home, you’ll make him change into something more comfortable, then make him sit on the couch.
As you’re making him a drink and something to eat, and checking what medicine you have, he’ll be leaning over and grabbing the phone and calling the Station.
‘Hawkins Police Sta—”
‘Flo, what’s goin’ on?’
‘... Rest, Hop’.’
Muttering under his breath after she hangs up, he’ll make himself eat what you’ve made for him, even though he can’t taste anything and he feels a little queasy but he will not admit that, and take what medication you give him just to keep you happy.
But his mind will be at work and he’ll be an absolute menace.
‘Who are you calling, Hop’?’
‘... Powell.’
‘... Just wanna see how his day was.’
‘... Put the phone down.’
‘What are you reading, Hop’?’
‘Just a case-file that, hey, give that back.’
You have to watch him every single moment because otherwise he just won’t rest.
He’s a man who needs to keep his mind busy so he’ll either offer to help you with what you’re doing, however small it may be, which you’ll decline, or his leg will be bouncing up and down or his fingers will be tapping against the armrest, even if his entire body aches.
You know this so you’ll sit with him as much as you can, put something on the TV that will engage his brain a little, be that a cop show or a quiz show.
You don’t want to fuss over him, even though at any other time he’d love it, but when he’s sick it just makes him feel exactly how he feels; weak and helpless.
You’ll be mindful of that, though, so you’ll do your best to just attend to him subtly and make it into a little joke.
The only time he’ll really stop and rest and won’t grumble is when you’re lying on the couch with him, head on his shoulder or chest, his arm around you, with a blanket wrapped around you both, even if it’s just for him and you’re absolutely sweating.
You know you’ll have him, though, when he’ll mumble:
‘... shouldn’t be so close to me, you could get sick, too...’
You won’t tease him, though, knowing it’ll have taken quite a bit for him to actually say out loud he is, even if it’s in a vague, quiet way, so you’ll just smile and curl closer against him.
‘Just means we’d get more time together.’
He’ll smile to himself at that... then send a secret prayer up because, God, you’re a nightmare when you’re sick and you don’t admit it.
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oneeyedscarecrow · 3 years
can... can you tell me aboot magpie???!??
i just saw this and I have NO clue how old it is lol I’m so sorry
I don’t even remember what I posted that might have prompted this, but long story short---in Earth 451-verse, at least, Magpie is the persona that Alice Lydel takes on when she isn’t acting as part of the Wonderland Gang. (Remember, gals, it’s always a good idea to have your own Rogue career even if you also support your boyfriend in his! Less awkwardness with co-ordinating when he’s in Arkham, and sometimes you just need time and schemes for yourself).
Magpie is rooted in some older history than her time with the Wonderland Gang, however. Alice has been a petty---and less petty---thief since she was eight, mainly using it as an outlet for a host of untreated mental health issues and a way of asserting her own power under the eye of parents that escalated from over-careful to outright controlling as she grew up. Around the time she was eighteen and the loose floorboard in her closet was almost popping up due to all the shiny, shiny jewelry she’d crammed under it, her thefts and other small rebellions were discovered and the ensuing meltdown led to her parents sending her to an asylum for a brief stay. The stay extended when a doctor there promised that their daughter’s ‘condition’ could be cured---a cure that took the form of repressing everything undesirable about Alice’s personality at the back of her mind, turning her into a timid and obedient young woman.
‘cause Batman Comics.
She lived at home until her parents died, and moved to Gotham on a strange impulse (buried Fun Alice screaming for the company of other weirdos, possibly) where she met and began to work with Jervis Tetch. The repression was already growing weak, and encounters with Jervis’s experimental technology finally shook it loose altogether---kicking off a beautiful friendship/fuckbuddies for life relationship between Alice and the Mad Hatter, and, when Alice regained the confidence to branch out on her own, Magpie’s career of crime.
in less backstory terms, Magpie is weird. She forcibly masked for several years and is NOT doing it again, thank you very much; she chirps and cooes in a birdlike way as a form of vocal stimming (and is very fond of her ‘shiny, shiny!’ catchphrase). She likes weird, fancy fashion and longuewear with no in between. When her and Jervis are in the same room, they’re very Kinky On Main together, and she’s also absolutely That Friend who will encourage you to do weird sex stuff at the slightest provocation. (She will drive you to the kink store. She will recommend floggers.) Common habitat is holed up in a crappy apartment where she’s made a nest of colorful and shiny things she’s stolen; she steals them for the thrill and to have them to roll around in, not for the money. (Money’s nice, though! She’ll go for it if a good money heist comes up. Girl’s got to keep herself in lolita skirts and costume jewelry somehow.)
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 3 years
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— ☆   PAMMY   //   @pmlislyy​   ♢
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Frank, Ivy’s venus fly trap plant who just happened to talk, made a sudden rude comment about Harley’s outfit to which the red head quickly responded to with a curt: “Shut the fuck up, Frank.” The thing had absolutely no filter and constantly made crude remarks about both of the women living in the apartment, unaware of the meaning of his own words. He was a cruel little shit and yet Ivy kept him around because he was good company. Someone to talk to when Harley was out robbing some bank or sticking it to the Joker. Reaching out, she grabbed the remote off of the coffee table sitting in front of her before pointing it at the TV and pressing a big red button to turn it off. She turns in her place, ignoring Franks incessant bitching, to face her best friend. Harley seems bothered, by what Ivy isn’t sure. She knows she’s having a tough time lately. After breaking things off with that asshole Clown, she had decided to strike out on her own. Though she had eventually got a crew made up of Clayface (Who always used her brush and left mud chunks in it), Doctor Psycho (Who got drunk and tried to fight the microwave), and King Shark (Ivy liked him the most. She found him to be hilarious), the blonde was still having trouble finding a proper nemisis. All of the good ones were taken by the established rouges in Gotham, so after a particularly embarrassing encounter with the young Boy Wonder on national television, Harley had been a foul mood for weeks, smashing TV’s left and right. Ivy was trying her best to be supportive, though she didn’t understand why her best friend was so eager to get into the Legion of Doom– they were all just a bunch of sexist assholes. All of these things were just misguided attempts to do that. Well, to get back at the Joker really. She knew that was her real motive, though she’d never say so.
Ivy eyes the pizza thoughtfully as Harley approaches. Truthfully, she was starving from not eating anything since early that morning. She would kill for a cheesy slice. Her stomach growls as she rolls her eyes. “I control all plant life on Earth, not just vines. There’s a difference.” The blonde is taking a seat on the couch and the Seductress gently shakes her head in a desperate attempt to sway her from what she knows she’s thinking. “Harley, do not break my TV,” she warns as she thumbs open the cardboard box. The pizza is cold, but she still takes a big bite of it with a frown. She hopes Harley gave that pizza boy hell for being late with their delivery. She’s watching Harley, chewing her food, as she grabs the tall bottle of wine before pouring a decent amount of the alcohol into the mug she harbored in a cabinet in the kitchen. She’s nodding along, listening to her rant about her ex as she swallows. She shushes Frank from making an insensitive comment before speaking. “I’m proud of you, you know that. It took you years, but you finally see that asshole for what he is and that hasn’t gone unnoticed. But Harley, come on.” She grabs the remote and flips on the nightly news. Harley’s and the Joker’s most recent heists are competing for the day’s top story and Ivy’s pointing at the TV to prove her point. “You’re obviously trying to gain his respect or some twisted shit like that.” She shrugs, not wanting to fight. This seemed to be the topic of interest that got both women the most heated and she didn’t want to push it. “Whatever, just know I’m proud of you.” A brief pause. “Do you wanna watch a movie or something?” A way to ease the tension between the two that would inevitably follow this conversation.
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THE WORST HOUSEMATE.   If Ivy didn't have a thing for enjoying the company of plants Harley would have smashed Frank to pieces by now.   Would have saved them both the malicious remarks even if he encouraged some of Harley's bad decisions.   It also would have saved at least one TV since her outbreak could have been aimed at him.   But if Ivy for whatever reason wanted his misogynistic ass around then Ivy could deal a few of Harley's own decisions.
The decisions came in the form of her own gang.   She hadn't formally named them but Dr. Psycho ,   who wasn't called that for nothing ,   Clayface and King Shark.   She doubted they were at the top of anyone's list of wannabe sidekicks but their sides were pretty kickable so Harley went with it.   From her past experiences with him , that was what being a sidekick meant. Having a sidekick ,   or many ,   meant she was one step closer to being a part of the Legion of Doom.   If good guys wanted to be part of the Justice League ,   then bad guys wanted to be a part of the Legion of Doom.   It was that level of a big deal ,   and for once in her life Harley wanted to be the big fucking deal in Gotham.   Beat being swept under the carpet by the rest of the wannabes which was what she had spent a lot of her time doing.
To conquer that ,   she had tried to find a nemesis ,   but after the Robin incident   —   Harley didn’t want to even think about another fight ,   another put down because someone thought they were better than her.   She didn’t have an ego but riding high on confidence came at a price ,   and Harley felt the need to prove that it was worth it.   She put a lot on herself to prove to the world that she was Harley Fucking Quinn and not the Joker’s lame ex-girlfriend.   Then she’d be considered for the Legion and she would be looked upon as more than a woman trying to play the men at their own game.   She would be a part of the game ,   a moving player for people to take notice of.   That may have sounded like a crazy dream ,   but with Harley ,   everything started as crazy.
She knew Ivy thought that everything was doing was because of the Joker ,   and granted he was constantly niggling in the back of her mind but that pushed her to do better than him ,   that was different from him. That was better than him ,   right ??   ❝   An’ I control my baseball bat !!   That’s all a gal really needs in life !! ❞   The spoken thought didn’t ease the want to smash the TV but she refrained. ❝ Fine but only ‘cause ya asked nicely !! ❞   Distracting her thoughts with cold pizza didn’t seem to help her mood but it tasted better than she had been expecting.   Then maybe that was also the fault of the alcohol.   Alcohol was a good solution to most of life’s problems ,   that or it helped create problems.   Then Harley didn’t need a helping hand in creating problems ,   she was a whirlwind of problems and Ivy was mostly a dartboard for her thoughts and most of them were way off target.
She had been babbling on about the Joker but Ivy’s words had stopped her in her tracks.   Harley honestly couldn’t remember the last time someone had said they were proud of her.   ❝ It’s usually more ❛ do better Harley ❜ ,   ❛ be better Harley ❜ not ❛ I’m proud of you Harley ❜ ,   what am I supposed to do with that ??   ❞   The blonde scowled a the screen as Ivy changed channels ,   she could feel the anger burning inside of her at the mere sight of his face. ❝ If we ain’t smashin’ screen then I may have t’ invest in a dartboard. ❞ She could even pin his face to it even the score. ❝ I’m kiddin’ !! Sorta   —   I mean yea I totally don’t wanna pin his face to a dartboard because why would I have to when I have you here !! ❞   She playfully bumped against Ivy’s elbow ,   trying to make her laugh.   Harley hoped that was the end of that because she didn’t need to deal with her emotions.   ❝ Sure ,   but as long as it’s not a Reese Witherspoon movie.   If we knockin’ him outta my mind we don’t need memories of cake and Sweet Home Alabama !! ❞
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pavys-originals · 4 years
Fandoms I will be writing for + the original characters within
Including a brief summary of each. 
Birds of Prey Valerie Steward - Crime boss, rival of Roman Sionis, has Renfield Syndrome, usually likes the most expensive and lush possessions. Has very large circles beneath her (In a social/hierarchical sense).  Can be incredibly eccentric, and very passionate.
One/Omni- The first of the Blackcoats, a large group of highly trained marshal-like operatives. Omni himself usually does not get involved in combat, and pays close attention to details. 
Two/Hyinth- The second in the first thirteen/High Council of the Blackcoats. Isn’t quick to rush to violence, though they will do what they must to get things done. 
Three/Cettie- The financial backer of the council. Doesn’t usually get involved with the violent sectors of the organisation, she finds it a waste of time. 
Four/Aven- Pure bodyguard material. That’s it, that’s Aven. Not himbo- he’s to smart and sharp for that- just muscly man who will protect at all costs.
Five/Aretha- Now when I tell you that this woman knows how to kill someone and get away with it, I mean it. She trained to be Valerie’s understudy in a sense, and has perfected her own technique in disposing of people when asked.
Six/Giga- The techie. Honestly, they know so much about random stuff they will RAM it down your throat. They’re also kind of jokey, hence the pun. 
Seven- Seven gave up his name when he was fairly young, and is now one of the most powerful and down-to-earth of the Blackcoat high council, as he is the one who oversees the training regimens.
Eight/Axel- A total wild card of the group. Rarely follows orders, and lashes out with violence fairly frequently. He’s honestly a big softie though. 
Nine/Jerra- Usually the one that gets sent in when they need an undercover job done, or a mole of some description. He’s a phenomenal actor. 
Ten/Rocsas- One of the youngest. He’s very ‘in’ with the word on the streets of Gotham,and often informs the council of riots/coups that are being planned by the gangs of the city of crime.  
Eleven/Ixi- Iris/Thirteen’s twin. They are very detached, and don’t often show emotion in the work place. It is suspected that they show lots of affection in a domestic setting though. 
Twelve/Brutus- As his name suggests, he is the strongest of the group, naturally born this way and has honed his skills in since starting training. He is very protective, and follows orders. Not always the brightest spark though, but occasionally he will get a good idea. 
Thirteen/Iris- Sometimes referred to as the ‘softest’ of the High Council, as she is much more compassionate than the majority of her peers. She doesn’t mind it all that much, and often interjects in debates with the more emotional side of the story. 
Twenty-Six/Kalmiya- Almost an entirely blank slate, she is seen as the perfect soldier. Little room for emotions, much room for logic. However, she does seem to learn social cues and expressions very quickly off of other people. 
CATS  A note- about the cats ocs; Just because they are stated to have mated with another Tom/Queen does not mean I won’t write for them. If I write for the children, the bond between parents is not usually mentioned.  
Ariadne-A witch’s cat. She is quite mysterious, but once she warms up to you she’ll adore you like there’s no tomorrow. She is able to teleport over a short distance, has slight telepathy, and sometimes has visions of the future. 
Graciette- The pub cat. Daughter of Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots, younger sister to the mischievous twins Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, and older sister to the young kitten Electra. She is always on  time, and is very enthusiastic about overseeing the games in the pub. 
Leviticus- The oldest triplet, son of Ariande and the Rum Tum Tugger. He is very close with his grandfather, Old Deuteronomy, and very wise. 
Squiggletigs-The middle triplet, second son of Ariande and the Rum Tum Tugger. He is usually found with Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, he is much more playful than his older brother. He’s like the middle ground between Leviticus and Pixietrick.
Pixietrick- The youngest child of Ariande and the Rum Tum Tugger, and their only daughter. She’s very much like her father, both in appearance and in personality. 
Fantasma- The inventor’s cat, and daughter of Graciette and Alonzo. A lot of her time in the junkyard is spent finding random little trinkets and other doo-dads to use for her inventions, or just random collections she has. She’s very shy, and very sweet. 
Zilke- The blind cat, mother of Quaxo/Mistoffelees and Victoria. She tried to stick by Macavity when he was kicked from the tribe, her love blinding her to the near regicide that was committed. Eventually, she became actually blind. 
Seattine- One of the two pirate cats, rumoured to be descendants of Growltiger himself. They rarely come ashore, but when they do, they play many a shanty for old Gus. Seattine favours the concertina as her instrument, and is usually very upbeat.
Hurdeon- One of the two pirate cats, rumoured to be descendants of Growltiger himself. They rarely come ashore, but when they do, they play many a shanty for old Gus. Hurdeon favours the hurdy gurdy, and is a lot calmer than his twin sister. 
Doctor Sleep  Elva Warren- The owner of a sweet little antique shop in New Hampshire. She is always welcoming to new faces, and she knows just what cheers them up when she meets them, what to say to make them smile, all because of her Shine. 
IANOWT  Marilyn Higgins - An uncool kid like Stan and Sid, though a lot of people consider her to be less cool then them. Mostly because of all the morbid facts she spouts, especially during Science class. Probably also doesn’t help that she knows a fair few ways that the world could end that make some people uneasy.
IT  Melissa Farley- A British exchange student from a small village in Norfolk. She is very kind to those around her, even willing to take them in and introduce them to her family’s traditions and interests. She has even offered to tutor some of the Losers, should they ever need it.  Tiffany Crandall- A farming gal from Ludlow, Maine. She moved to Derry with her grandmother and grandfather after her parents were hit by a speeding Orinco truck. She is neughbour’s with Mike Hanlon, and has very little fear when it comes to brawls. It’s traffic and roads she doesn’t like. 
Moulin Rouge  Celine Bisset- A dancer in the Moulin Rouge. She is usually quite gentle, unless her client asks for her to be rougher and more assertive. She ended up becoming a dancer there because her fiance left her stranded when he ran off with another woman. 
Overwatch Asteria Murphy- After surviving an omnic siege where Blackwatch was sent to free the inhabitants of an apartment block, Asteria joined Overwatch to try and make sure nothing like that happened again. 
Mars Virgil- Son of Asteria Murphy, and Jesse McCree. Grew up in Deadlock Grange with his mother, and Robert Virgil- the man he assumed was his father. He joined Overwatch after  an attack on his mother’s diner, and found out his true family soon after.
Resident Evil Village Ihrin Moreau- Sister of Salvatore Moreau. Unlike her brother, her experience with the Cadou did not mutate her into a fish at first glance. It is when she comes into contact with water that her first stage mutation reveals itself, and her true mutated form shows when she is critically injured. She is vain and practically unfeeling unless something catches her eye.
Aeolus Aetos- Self proclaimed “Lord of the Wing”. Aeolus is a man who’s mutation made him think so highly of himself that he only concerns himself with his own problems. He is vain, and keeps himself the most pristine he can. Being mutated to appear part eagle gives him both his pride and his expert hunting skills
Mori Russell- One of the village hunters, who survived the lycan attacks by fleeing into the forests, and hiding out of sight. 
Lena Vaughn- Daughter of the local brewer. Also survived the lycan attacks, but because of her skill with a shotgun rather than running away. 
Shallow Grave Deirdre Sullivan- A failing artist who moved from her family home in Ireland to chase her dreams. She’s partway there, she’s just lacking in the money.Money that she has a hand in keeping away from David. 
Star Wars  Alaana Rohiikshuul- A Jedi consular/seer. She is very down to earth, and tries her best to have the mysteries of the Force reveal themselves to her so that she may write of them. It is this constant search for knowledge that has her meditating for days on end, lost in her own thoughts. Alessandro  Rohiikshuul - Alaana’s twin brother, and the slightly more impulsive of the two. This is not to say he is outwardly violent. Like Alaana, he makes sure to exhaust all other options beforehand. He is much more openly passionate.  Othkiir Rohiikshuul- A young, feline force sensitive from Alaana and Alessandro’s home planet, Tmryn. He can be a little all over the place sometimes, but he tries to do everything he  can for the greater good. 
Daesha’Tiatkin- A Twi’lek force sensitive who deserted the Jedi Order in her late teens- opting to live a scoundrel’s life. She does what betters her, and usually her alone, though you should not mistake this for having no moral compass. She is impulsive, and almost always optimistic. 
Kyden Kenobi- Son of Sith!Obi-Wan and Sith!Alaana. Captain/Commander of the Night Witches squadron in the Empire’s fleet. Usually incredibly goofy and sweet. 
Trainspotting Ava Byrne- (First film)- A philosophy student who got stuck in Edinburgh when she left her home. She got stuck in the same apartment building as Renton and the other boys, but refuses to divulge in their illegal activities.  (Second film)- Ava didn’t end up leaving Edinburgh, the best thing she managed to do was write “The Ethics of Drug Use”, which was of course inspired by the boys’ old lives. She hasn't properly seen the boys since Mark left, though she will occasionally pass Simon or Daniel in the street, and give them a semi-respectful nod.
Misc  (Special Ingredients- my original story in the works) Tex Hudson-  The eldest brother of the trio of brothers, and he was the one to change his name when he got married the first time, as if it would help him in his family’s “business”. He has quite a temper, and is usually rather gruff. There are occasions where he can be sweet, they’re just growing exceedingly rare. Sloane Sawyer- The middle brother, and arguably the most elegant of the three. Always in a suit, he acts like the perfect gentleman in front of others, however when there’s no one else around, he tends to gloat about how many kills he has under his belt.  James ‘JJ’ Sawyer- The youngest brother, but also the tallest. Standing at a whopping six foot nine, Jamie may seem like a beast of a man, but he actually quite gentle. He’s a little slower than the others when it comes to figuring some things out, but he doesn’t let that slow him down anywhere else. He is incredibly sweet, quite passionate, and not afraid to show his vulnerable side when his brother’s aren’t around. 
Victoria/Victor Farley- A pirate captain who sails within the Devil’s Ring (more on that in their first piece), and acts however they so please within the pirate code. Born as Victoria Farley on mainland England, they followed their father through to the centre of the Devil’s Ring- becoming one of his crew in the process. From there they fought on and on, till they became a ship’s captain themselves. 
Scenarios/genres I will write -Fluff -Angst -Smut* -Horror -A combination of those stated above *This will only be written when I am in the mood. Bear in mind these may take longer than usual because I have to be in the correct mindset. I will edit this when necessary
Character Q&A is currently open! 
I will include trigger warnings and such at the beginning of each Oneshot/imagine/headcanon list.
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
His Favourite Gal: Part 4 A Bucky x Reader Mobster AU Fic
A mob!Bucky x Reader fic
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
The reader begins working as a waitress at Bucky Barnes’ favourite club in town. Little does she realise that working on mob territory owned by the infamous King of New York, Bucky Barnes, comes with it’s quirks as the reader is slowly pulled into the mobster life. Warnings: Romantic fluff, a bit of violence, mentions of a creepy man. 90% of this is pure fluff. 
Word count: Approx 7500 oops.
GOOD LORD. Okay, this chapter ended up going to places I didn’t expect, please enjoy the rollercoaster that this chapter is. I didn’t mean to make it so dramatic... It just happened okay? Also, please excuse any mistakes, I tried my best to edit this but it’s a bit of a monster of a chapter!
Thank you for all the lovely messages and support! 💕
You wake slowly to the sound of chirping birds. You open your eyes and see the rays of sunlight casting through the curtains. Shifting a little, you realise you're in bed and Bucky must have brought you there last night. You let out a yawn and rub your eyes, revelling in the calm for moment before you force yourself out of bed. Entering the main room, Bucky is sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee and quickly sees you walking towards him, still with your fresh bed head. "Morning sugar." Bucky grins before getting up and moving over to envelope you in an embrace. You mutter a good morning into his chest and Bucky parts with you to pour you a cup of coffee. "You alright, sweetheart?" Bucky asks, slinging his arm around you as he hands you a mug of coffee. "Yeah." You mutter. Yesterday's events are still fresh in your mind, but you had begun to come to terms with it all. "I was thinkin' we could have that picnic you wanted tonight." Bucky suggests, looking down at you, his soft blue eyes trailing over your face. A light blush forms on your cheeks and you smile up at him. "We can?" You beam. "Yeah sugar, besides I think we both need a little cheering up." Bucky squeezes you as to take in a look sip of your coffee.
 It was a couple of hours later that you and Bucky silently sat around the dining table. You had a fire going in the living room and you both sat with warm drinks. "Jesus. Where do I start?" Bucky sighs, looking down at his mug. You wait patiently for him to begin. "It all started when I inherited the family business from my father. He'd included me with a few things before but this was a big step. When my parents passed, I had to learn fast how to take over the business." Bucky explained, watching you take a mouthful of your drink. "I'd known Steve nearly my whole life. We've always been like brothers. I think we always will be, so we partnered up. He was in the same business, but not doing as strongly, so we figured we'd merge." Bucky spoke, smiling at the mention of his friend and paused to take a drink. "The gang that attacked us yesterday is called Hydra. They've been a threat since my early days in the mob. They are constantly trying to take control of New York, but I can't let them do that, not just because it's my territory, it's how I keep the crime low, if Hydra got in they'd spread like a deadly virus and the place would turn into goddamn Gotham, like in the comics." You saw Bucky's metal hand clench and unclench. The metal plates shifting a whirring as he spoke. "I'm almost a hundred percent sure they went after you to use as leverage or something, perhaps an attempt to take over a part of New York. Makes me wonder how much they were watching to know we were around each other." Bucky thought out loud. His pondering thoughts made you frown and you locked eyes with him. "If we want to get rid of them, we need to outsmart them, show them you aren't a force to be reckoned with." You spoke darkly, your voice is low and quiet. Bucky gave you a look of surprise and nodded slightly. "Do you and Steve have any plans?" You ask. "Not yet, sweetheart." Bucky replies as you lift you mug to your lips.
 “They seem to always be one step ahead, like they know what we’re up to.” Bucky sighed. You shifted in your seat and frowned at him. “Think they could be listening in or something?” You ask. Bucky hums a reply, scratching his stubble for a moment before locking eyes with you. “It’s a possibility.” He nods. “Perhaps it’s worth moving your dinners elsewhere?” You suggest, it’s the only place other than his actual house that he regularly frequents, but as you’ve been told by Bucky, he refuses to speak business in his home. “Our dinners, doll.” Bucky corrects you, smirking at you. “I only started eating there regularly to see you, (Y/n).” Bucky informs you. “All this time I just thought it was your favourite club.” You let out a giggle. “A favourite of mine is there, but it ain’t the club sugar.” Bucky winks at you and you can feel yourself blushing almost immediately. “Joking aside, sweetheart, maybe you’re right. Maybe we should move our dinners somewhere else.” Bucky reaches across the table and takes your hand. “Just to be safe.” He smiles down at you, a smile that your mirror as you melt in his gaze.
 The day goes by quickly, the pair of you mostly relaxing since you have little else to do. Bucky takes a few phone calls throughout the afternoon, mostly from Steve updating him on things at home. You and Bucky were set to drive home the following day and you were glad to hear that Clint and Scott were fine and recovering in hospital. You’d be lying if you hadn’t grown fond of those two and their humorous antics.
 You and Bucky sat outside as the sun began to set through the trees. You were seated cross legged on a large woollen blanket around the back of the cabin with Bucky sat next to you. The pair of you had a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and you revelled in the warmth that radiated off Bucky. The crisp autumnal air left a chill down your spine and you cuddled into Bucky’s side a bit more. Bucky handed you some of the food you two had put together and you sat in a calm silence while you ate.
 “You know, I thought you’d be scared of me when we first met.” Bucky broke the silence. “Oh, so I hid it well?” You joked, giving him a goofy smile in response. “I’ll be honest, I did find you intimidating for, like, five minutes but then you went all soft on me. My big, intimidating, scary King of New York, Bucky Barnes is really just a big softie and I couldn’t be happier that you’re not afraid to show me that side of yourself.” You rested your head on his shoulder before taking another bite from your food. You heard Bucky let out a huff of a laugh and he turned to gently kiss your forehead. “Can’t help myself doll, you’re just too good for this world, so sweet and kind and cute. Never thought of myself with someone like you, not because I didn’t want it, I did. I just didn’t think someone like you would want to stick around for the long run. Most of my friends have wives they practically chuck money at to keep happy.” Bucky laughs to himself. You sit in comfortable silence for a few moments as you try to nuzzle further into Bucky’s side, even though you know it’s impossible to move much closer.
 “Are- are we a thing?” You ask, realising he’d spoken about you in relation to his friend’s wives. Bucky sets down his nearly empty plate and you do the same, turning to face one another. “I didn’t want to put a label on it without asking.” He replies simply. “Then ask me.” You can feel yourself blush, and you look up at Bucky, who nervously bites his lip. Smiling he looks down at you, his gaze flitting between your eyes and your lips, taking in your features and admiring the blush on your cheeks. Taking in a deep, slow breath, his eyes never leaving yours, Bucky leans towards you a bit. “Will you be my gal, (Y/n)?” Bucky asks, taking both of your hands in his and squeezing gently. “Absolutely.” You grin at him and he reaches forwards, his hands grabbing at your waist as he leans in, his breath fanning on your face as you both stare into one another’s eyes. Your eyes become hooded as you glance down at his lips and you allow him to slowly move in, his eyes closing more and more as he gets closer. His nose brushes up against yours as you tilt your head slightly and his grip around your waist becomes a bit more relaxed. Your lips finally touch and excitement rushes through you. His lips are soft and plump and good lord you feel absolutely heavenly under his touch. You begin to move your lips and your kiss deepens, the only sound you can hear is your laboured breaths as Bucky gently tugs your hips closer. His hand travels up your back and cradles your head, his fingers winding into your hair as the kiss becomes more intense. Your hands slide across his chest and over his shoulders, meeting behind his neck as you pull yourself even closer to him. Bucky’s hand trails down to your hip and you let out a whimper. Bucky growls slightly into the kiss in response, his grip becoming firm, but still loving and gentle.
 You eventually break the kiss and you both lock eyes. Bucky’s long hair looks a little dishevelled from falling out from behind his ear. His pupils are dilated with excitement as he trails his gaze down your body, taking you all in. You can’t find any words to possibly fill the silence, so you allow it to stay that way, watching the way he savours every feature and appreciates the way he’s affected you. You can still taste him on you lips, the tingle of his lips remains and you just wish you could feel them on yours again. He sees you looking at him pleadingly and Bucky lets his hands travel up your back again, one resting on the small of your back and the other travels slowly towards the nape of your neck as he moves in to kiss you again. His soft lips are on yours again and you let him gently lay you down beneath him onto the blanket below you both. Deepening the kiss, Bucky hovers over the top of you before resting his weight to the side and pulling you as close as he possibly can. His tongue gently asks for entry as he slips it over your bottom lip, eliciting a little whine from you. You part your lips slightly for him and Bucky grips you tightly, rolling onto his back and resting you on top of him, your delicate hands resting gently on his large, muscled chest. You feel him groan, a deep rumble vibrating below you through his chest and the vibration send shivers down your spine. You feel your hair falling into your face but Bucky is quick to catch it between his fingers and comb it out of your face as his hand moves back to cradle your head.
 Parting again you feel the heat creeping onto your cheeks and you let out a breathy giggle, smiling down at Bucky. “You really are something else.” He speaks quietly, his voice rumbles through his chest and the low octave of his tone melts you completely. You lay down next to Bucky and he pulls the blanket over you both, wrapping his arms around you lovingly as you move closer, resting your head on his chest as you both look up at the stars.
 Eventually you feel yourself getting tired, struggling to keep your eyes open as you melt into Bucky’s embrace. “Time to go indoors?” He pipes up, listening to you yawn for what felt like the hundredth time. You sleepily nod and he chuckles, sitting up and getting to his feet before helping you up. You instantly move to be close to him and Bucky lets out a breathy laugh, squeezing you around your middle gently. “You’re so cute when you’re sleepy.” He kisses your temple before gently moving you off the blanket to clear up your picnic. “Go inside, sweetheart, I’ll join you in a minute.” Bucky tells you, collecting the plates together. You nod and sleepily make your way to the cabin and push open the front door, making your way into the living space and heading straight to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
 You hear Bucky come into the house, the clinking of plates as he places them in the sink, washing the off slightly and you hear him shuffle around, likely locking up the cabin for the night. You finish up brushing your teeth and head to the bedroom. You pause in the hallway, your hand on the bedroom doorknob as you watch Bucky laying out blankets on the sofa. “What are you doing?” You ask, your voice coming out far quieter than you meant it to. “Setting up my spot.” Bucky replies, not turning to look at you. “I’m your girl now, we can share.” You nod your head towards the bedroom when he glances across at you. You smile to yourself about how nice it feels to say you’re his girl. Bucky’s girl. He pauses his movements of adjusting the blankets and smiles at you. “You sure, doll?” He asks, his voice is soft and quiet as he moves away from the sofa. “Yeah, I want to sleep next to you, please?” You flutter your lashes, looking at him with pleading eyes. Bucky chuckles and crosses the floor to join you, placing his hands on your waist as you smile up at him and open the door, letting you both into the bedroom. “How could I ever say no to you? Get in bed, sweetheart, I’ll get ready.” He presses a gentle kiss to your head and you shuffle over to the bed, sliding in and letting yourself relax against the plush mattress. Your eyes close and before you can even try to stop yourself, you’re out like a light before Bucky’s even joined you.
 You wake to the feeling of gentle kisses being pressed to your head and upper part of your face. Stirring slightly, you stretch out your legs and take in a deep breath, reaching up to rub your eyes. “Morning sweetheart.” Bucky’s voice is sleepy and deeper and more rough than usual but the sound of it, rumbling against you through his chest does things to you. “Morning.” You manage to get out, your voice considerably less sexy. “We need to get going soon, sugar.” Bucky announced. “Already? But I like it here.” You protest, wrapping your arm around his middle as he shifts to get up in an attempt to stop him. Bucky laughs and carefully pries your hands off him and turns to face you, bending over to look at you. “As much as I would really, really love to lay in bed for longer and cuddle you all day, which I could absolutely get used to, we need to be leaving soon.” Bucky gives you a tight lipped smile and you nod, knowing he likely wouldn’t stop you from cuddling him if it wasn’t serious. You begin to get up and slide out of bed, sleepily stepping over to Bucky’s side at the dresser and pulling out one of the tops on the shelf. The wardrobe was ordered in size to cater for whoever was using the safehouse. You pulled out the leggings you had totally not stolen, hoping you would at least be able to wear them for one more day because they were so comfy.
 After getting dressed, having a cup of coffee each and a bite to eat, you gathered together your belongings and you both made your way out to the SUV. You had taken the deep red hoodie you had seen Bucky wear the day before that he had left on the back of the sofa with the intention that the house cleaner would wash it and put it back, but you obviously had other ideas, enjoying the spicy, woody scent of his cologne that was now present on the fabric.
 Settling into the passenger seat, you watched as Bucky started up the SUV and you reached forwards, turning on the stereo and relaxing back into the plush leather seat. “Can we come back some time? I know it’s a safehouse but-.” Bucky’s chuckle made you cut yourself off and he smiled across at you as he reversed the car. “Of course we can sugar. You just tell me when.” He reached over and ran his thumb over your hand before retracting his hand to put the car into drive and swinging the SUV around onto the dirt track.
 You drove for a few hours; the journey was comfortable and you were content with just listening to music and chatting occasionally. “Can we go and see Clint and Scott when we get back? I want to make sure they’re okay.” You ask, the city coming into view. “I gotta take care of some business, sugar, but you know what? I’ll get Sam to take you.” He replied, smiling across at you. “It’s sweet that you want to see them, doll, I’m sure they’ll appreciate the company.” Bucky grinned. “Also, we aren’t going to the club tonight, we’re dining somewhere else.” Bucky informs you. “Oh? Are you seeing clients? Do I need to be formal?” You wonder, eyes glued to the road ahead of your as you watch the city grow around you. “No, sweetheart, you aren’t our waitress, you’re dining with us.” He says it like it was obvious and you smile to yourself. “Ah, I’m moving up in the world.” You joked, earning a chuckle from him. “But we are seeing a client this evening, so you might wanna dress real fancy again.” He nudged you throwing you a smirk. “Oh you’ll enjoy that, won’t you?” You tease, giggling softly. “God, you have no idea.” Bucky shakes his head affectionately.
 Bucky drives you through the city and up into a beautiful housing district. Eventually you reach a gated estate, the one you assumed to be the house he’d inherited from his father. The gates opened after a moment of waiting and he drove you up the long gravel driveway to the old 1920s style house. “Wow, your house is even prettier than I imagined.” You gasped, seeing the house come into full view. Bucky pulled up outside and slid out, handing the key to someone to take the car to the garage for him. You hopped out before Bucky could come and help you out and he waited for you to join him. “How about after dinner tonight, we come back here and I can show you around?” Bucky suggests, smirking playfully and leaning towards you, his arms gently snaking around your waist. “You’d only show me as far as your bedroom.” You joke, poking him in the side. Bucky lets out a laugh and pulls you closer. “Can you blame me? You look so good, especially when you get all dressed up.” He flirts, leaning in closer to you. You stand on your toes and reach up to press your lips to his, his embrace is strong around your back and you feel so safe and loved in his arms as his lips move against yours.
 You pull away when Bucky notices Sam pulling up in his sleek black sports car. You decide you have time to get one more kiss out of Bucky before giving him a tight squeeze and moving to get in the car with Sam, glancing back at Bucky and giving him a little wave. Settling into the passenger seat, you look across at Sam, who is staring at you with a knowing smile. “You a thing now?” He questions, pointing lazily between you and Bucky, who is stood waiting in the driveway. “As a matter of fact, we are.” You smile, putting on your seatbelt. “About time!” Sam exclaims. He turns the car in the driveway, heading back out of the estate and you see Bucky going back into the house now that he’s seen you off. “So when did that happen?” Sam asks, nudging you in the side as he wait for the gates the open. “At the safehouse, yesterday.” You reply simply, knowing he’s just going to dig for gossip anyway. Sam mocks surprise, taking in an exaggerated gasp. “Did you do anything else?” He wiggles his brows at you, laughing to himself as you round the corner. “We kissed.” You couldn’t contain your smile at the thought of it. “That all?” Sam jabs, sounding disappointed. “We also slept together, well not slept as in- I mean we shared a bed. Together. We didn’t sleep together though.” You awkwardly fumbled with your words, Sam laughing heartily at your flustered expense. Christ why did Sam have to ask that? You probably sound like you’re hiding something now. You shake your head slightly in an effort to get the embarrassment out of your head.
 “Me and Rogers have been working on getting things sorted. The police accepted the statement we made about what happened, so don’t worry about that. Clint and Scott kept asking if you were okay. We haven’t told them what you had to do, weren’t sure how you wanted to go about it.” Sam explained. “I can tell them if you don’t want to, I know it’s probably tough for you to talk about it right now.” Sam glanced over at you as he drove down a road, following signs to the hospital. “I’ll do it.” You reply simply, your voice was confident though. “You sure?” He asks, concern in his tone. “I’m in this now, for the long run, Sam. I have to accept what happened.” You assure him, looking across at him while he kept his eyes on the road.
 Eventually Sam pulls into the visitor car park of the hospital. He backs into a space and helps you out of his car. Going from a high up SUV to a low sports car was a bit of a weird feeling. You walked along side him as you made your way up to the front doors. “How extensive were their injuries?” You question Sam. “Clint took the worst of the hit, he has a few broken bones, whiplash and some minor injuries. Scott hit his head in the crash and that knocked him out, his has a couple of fractured bones too, but nowhere near as bad as Clint.” Sam briefly explained as you entered through the sliding doors into the hospital reception.
 A nurse escorted you both down to a room where both of them were being kept, as per request of Steve. Sam insisted on waiting outside of the room on the hallway bench while you saw them. Taking in a deep breath, you turned the handle and opened the door, both men’s attention was immediately on you. “(Y/n)!” Clint cried. “Thank Christ you’re both alright.” You heaved a sigh, closing the door behind you before you walked in further to sit with them. “How are you both feeling?” You ask, feeling awkward as you scanned the room for a spot to sit. “I’ve been better.” Clint chuckled, as per usual he seemed to be taking everything very light heartedly. Scott reached forwards and patted the edge of his bed, beckoning you to perch there instead of just standing in the middle.
 Sitting down, you made sure you weren’t going to accidentally hurt Scott somehow and you smiled down at him. “How are you, (Y/n)? We heard something happened.” Scott asked, concern lacing his voice. “Yeah, damn Rogers kept telling us we had to wait.” Clint rolled his eyes. Both men stopped and watched you as you nervously looked between the two of them, swallowing thickly. “The men that crashed our car,” you began, flicking eye contact between the pair of them. “I shot them. Both of them. I killed them.” You breathed it out, only slightly above a whisper, but both men heard you loud and clear. It was almost painful to admit to it, but as soon as it was out, you felt the weight lift from your shoulders. Scott gaped at you and Clint shifted, looking at you with sympathy in his eyes. “Jesus Christ, (Y/n), I’m so sorry.” Clint was the first to respond. “I had to, they were coming for me, they could have killed you, I couldn’t let them do that.” You choked out, realising you were on the edge of breaking down again. Scott didn’t say anything and Clint fell silent as they waited for you to continue. “Steve worked it out with the police, so I’ve been left well alone by them.” You explained. “Bucky took me to a safehouse a few hours out. We laid low for a few days, worked things out, I’m coming to terms with it.” You nod as if reassuring yourself. You certainly weren’t fooling Scott with your confidence talk though, because he sat up straight, raised a brow and shook his head slightly. “Are you really, though?” He questioned you, much like a dad would a child. You took in a deep breath and face him. “I’m trying to. I need to.” You replied, looking across at Clint.
 “What are you going to do now?” Clint asked. “Just keep on doing what I was doing before.” You shuffled about, looking down at your hands. “Probably won’t be waitressing for you anymore though.” You add, not realising how that sounded like you were going away. “You’re leaving?!” Scott exclaimed, evident panic in his tone. “You can’t leave!” He cried, reaching for your hand. Your first reaction was to laugh, mostly at yourself for how stupid you just were to make them think that, Christ, you really couldn’t have said that any worse, could you? “No, no, no, I’m not leaving, I promise. I’m not waitressing anymore because Bucky and I got together.” You clarified. Both men looked at each other and then back at you. “Shit (Y/n), don’t scare me like that!” Clint crossed his arms over his chest dramatically. “Wait, so you and Barnes, huh?” Clint’s features instantly softened. Scott grumbled beside you “Finally, maybe he’ll stop talking my ear off about you whenever I drive him somewhere without you.” Scott groaned, earning a giggle from you. Scott beamed at you, squeezing your hand before letting go, satisfied that he’d managed to get that sweet giggle out of you.
 You looked happy and both men acted like proud brothers, congratulating you and joking about how they’d find a way to beat up Bucky if he ever hurt you, but they knew Bucky would never ever hurt you in any way. “God, that man practically worships the ground you walk on, (Y/n).” Clint said, over dramatically. You laughed at his comment, a blush making itself apparent on your cheeks. “Tell me about it.” Scott groaned, even more dramatically than Clint. “Every time I had to drive him around, I have to spend the entire time having to drown out his running commentary about everything he noticed you say and do when he last saw you.” Scott jabbed you in the side playfully. You grinned at him and laughed at their antics; glad the two goofs were still just as carefree as they were before the attack.
 You eventually parted with Scott and Clint, sufficiently pleased that they were both doing well and had ample time to catch up with them both. Sam dropped you off at your apartment, assuring you that he, Bucky and Steve would come and pick you up as usual for dinner that evening.
 Heading up to your apartment, you had a couple of hours before you were getting picked back up again, so you took some time to clean up your flat as much as possible and then getting ready for the evening, making sure to pick out a nice dress to distract Bucky with. He had a tendency to wear blue suits, so you decided to wear a similarly coloured dress in navy blue. It had a plunging neckline, giving you just the right amount of cleavage and it was short enough to be sexy without it being too short.
 A knock at the door came and you opened up the door to see Bucky dressed in his dark blue suit, although it wasn’t quite as dark as your navy dress. “Damn, sugar, you look gorgeous.” Bucky greeted you, immediately blown away by your appearance. You beamed at him and reached up to steal a kiss from his lips. “Come on, doll, let’s get going, we don’t want to be late for our client.” He rushed you along, down to the car that was waiting outside. Once you approached the car, Steve hopped out to help you in, stopping to give you a quick hug. “Buck told me that you two got together, I’m so happy for you both.” Steve squeezed you tightly and let go to open the door for you. You flashed him a grin and thanked him.
 “Alright, sweetheart, our client this evening is called Mr Rumlow. Seems decent enough. All you gotta do it sit with me, look pretty and tell me if anything sees off.” Bucky informs you in the back of the car as you approach the restaurant. “And for Christ sake, don’t go close enough that he can see, y’know.” Bucky nodded to your exposed cleavage and you giggled. “Why is it too distracting?” You ask teasingly. Bucky chuckles and shake his head. “Nah, doll, you can wear whatever the hell you want, just don’t like other blokes looking as my favourite gal, is all.” Bucky gave you his signature lopsided smile.
 Entering the restaurant, hanging off Bucky’s arm, you were escorted through to a private dining room where Mr Rumlow was already waiting with a glass of whisky in his hands. “Rumlow.” Bucky greeted him, holding out his hand to shake. “Barnes.” He reciprocated. “This is Mr Rogers.” Bucky introduced Steve, Rumlow moved to shake his hand. “And this lovely little thing.” Rumlow winked at you, stalking closer to you. “This is (Y/n).” Bucky’s back stiffened when he saw the way Rumlow eyed you like you were prey. Rumlow took your hand and kissed the back of it. Acting flirtatious and happy, you accepted his attention, trying your best to ignore the creepy vibes you got from this client.
 You sat mostly on Bucky’s right as you usually did when dining with him. Rumlow had a lady of the night with him but she was almost permanently perched on his lap, whispering sweet nothings to him now and again and trailing kisses down his neck. What made you undeniably uncomfortable, was how Rumlow’s attention was mostly on you. You felt a bit grossed out by his behaviour, it felt like he could see straight through your clothes. He looked at you with such hunger in his eyes, like he wanted to pull you away and have his way with you. So you decided to do what any other girl would do in your situation. You waited for a break in the conversation and Rumlow excused himself to visit the bathroom and you crawled your way onto Bucky’s lap, winding your around his neck. Bucky looked up at you, sheer adoration and love in his eyes when he looked at you. “What do you think so far, doll?” He asked quietly. You leant in to his ear as his hand trailed up your back. “He creeps me out.” You whisper. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. You can leave if you want, I can have Sam take you home if you’re uncomfortable.” He suggested, and you smiled to yourself about how your wellbeing was noticeably so important to him. “No, no, it’s fine, just don’t like the way he looks at me.” You replied, holding onto him a bit tighter. “Alright, you say if you want to go home though doll, okay?” He reaffirms. You nod and smile down at him and flinch a little when Rumlow slams the door open and closed again, gripping tighter onto Bucky but trying your best to look as relaxed as possible.
 Bucky lets you stay on his lap, the arm he keeps around you makes you feel safer and more protected than when you were just sitting by yourself and the warmth that radiates off him adds to the calming effect he had on you. Further into the meeting, the conversation becomes more in depth about a possible deal between Rumlow and Bucky. “This isn’t was we discussed beforehand, Rumlow.” Steve interjected; he was starting to get agitated that Rumlow just kept adding things into the deal. “Perhaps we’ll just call off the deal.” Bucky says under his breath. “No! No, there’s no need to do that.” Rumlow replies. He seems far too hung up on this than a normal client would be. You lean in to Bucky and trail a few kisses across his cheek. “He’s nervous.” You whisper. Bucky doesn’t say anything but you know he’s heard you because when you pull away he gives you an agreeing look.
 Before he can do anything, you excuse yourself for the bathroom and Rumlow coughs, albeit a rather fake cough and apologises, saying he thinks he’s getting sick. Before you leave the room you chance look back at Bucky and Steve and hesitantly open the door. You clock two men dressed in black suits down the corridor talking between them but they haven’t seen you yet. Walking to the bathroom, you enter the room and see that two other women are in there, one of them is reapplying her lipstick while she talks to her friend who occupies a stall. You relieve yourself and wash your hands, the two girls still in the bathroom refreshing themselves. They start to leave, one exiting before the other. As you trail behind them, the first girl to leave lets out a gasp and you’re suddenly pushed back into the bathroom.
 The two men from the hallway file in and you grab your phone from your purse, fumbling to speed dial anyone. You click on Steve’s name in your panic before your phone is thrown from your hands as you’re tackled into the wall, the other two girls run out of the bathroom in panic as the second guy chases them down. Your see your phone dialling Steve out of the corner of your eye as you wriggle against your attacker. You hook your leg behind his and pull sharply, causing him to lose balance and fall to the floor, a fibre wire clattering on the tile next to him. You come down to his level and punch him in the throat. “You work for Rumlow don’t you?” You growl. He tries to get back up but you’re too quick. Reaching down, you grab the fibre wire he dropped, and wrap it around his throat, pulling tight enough to incapacitate him but not enough to strangle him completely. “Who does Rumlow work for?” You snarl in his ear, pulling his back up against you. You pull tight and release some of the tension. You hum in his ear as he struggles, trying to prompt him to answer you. “Heil Hydra.” He chokes out, sucking in one more breath. Hydra.
Steve rushes into the bathroom, his eyes wide as he locks onto your crouched form strangling the air out of your attacker. “(Y/n), let him go.” Steve instructs. You do as you’re told and release the fibre wire from around his neck but keep it in your hand. The man drops to the floor, gasping for air, you’d almost killed him. Steve rushes forward, putting the guy’s hands behind his back and bracing them there. “Rumlow works for Hydra.” You inform him, slightly breathless from your scuffle and you stand, brushing off your dress. “What?” Steve mouths silently. “Christ. Okay, go to Bucky, I’ll sort this guy out.” Steve looks at you, shocked. You pick up your phone, noticing the extremely smashed screen on it now from when you dropped it on the tiled floor.
 You smooth down your hair and try to look as presentable as possible before you go back into the private dining room. Rumlow clocks your arrival and turns to see you, a look of confusion crosses his features. “Sorry I took so long, gentlemen, the bathroom was out of order so I had to find somewhere else.” You make something up on the spot, but your unwavering smile and confident stride makes you hard to detect. You take your place on Bucky’s lap and rest your hand on his chest. “Have you seen Mr Rogers?” Rumlow asks. You look around and fake a reaction to Steve not being there. “No, sorry I didn’t even realise he’d left.” You shake your head. Rumlow seems to believe you and he turns his attention back to his trophy lady. You lean into Bucky and kiss his cheek. “He’s with Hydra.” You whisper. You feel Bucky tense underneath you. He doesn’t even hide the look of rage on his face when he looks up at Rumlow and back at you. He gives you a questioning look and you nod slightly. The prostitute Rumlow had hired got up from his lap, whispering in his ear one last time before vacating the room. Bucky heaves a sigh, leans into you and holds you tight, kissing up your neck. “Look away, sweetheart, let me hold you.” He whispers. You do as he says and look behind him, resting your head on his shoulder and look away. You feel him hold you tightly with his flesh hand. He moves slowly and carefully and you hear him carefully click the safety off his gun and in one swift movement, raises the barrel and fires a silenced shot right between Rumlow’s eyes. You flinch, squeezing your eyes shut and cling to him for dear life. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, (Y/n).” Bucky holds onto you tightly, caressing your hair. “Please don’t be scared of me, (Y/n).” Bucky whispers. Your hands clutch at his shirt, balling it in your hands. “M’not scared.” You respond in a breathy half whisper. “Let’s get out of here, don’t look okay? I’ll guide you out of the room, alright? I don’t want you to see what I just did.” Bucky speaks into your hair and you nod.
 He helps you up and you keep your face buried in his chest. With his arms wrapped around you, he guides you through the room to the door and leads you to the corridor. “Let me call Sam. I need to take care of the mess in there before I can leave.” Bucky kisses your forehead. “I don’t think I want to be alone.” You squeak, your heart is beating like crazy as your anxiety spikes. “Hey, it’s alright, I said I’d take you to mine tonight, didn’t I? I’ll meet you a home, I promise.” Bucky reassures you. Sometimes you feel like a child with the amount of reassurance you need, but Bucky takes it all in his stride, he doesn’t seem to mind at all and treats you with such compassion and care. You hear the ringing through Bucky’s phone speaker, just loud enough to hear. “Yeah boss?” Sam pipes up on the other end. “Need you to come and get (Y/n), take her to mine.” Bucky instructs. “I need you to escort her out of the building, come to the private dining room at the back.” Bucky adds. “Right.” Sam responds, there’s some shuffling on the other end and then he hangs up. “Sam’s coming sweetheart, I’m sorry I can’t go with you right away.” Bucky pulls you into an embrace. “It’s okay.” You breath out. “Are you alright? I hope I didn’t scare you or anything?” He asks. “No, god, no, I’m just feeling paranoid. I got jumped in the bathroom by one of Rumlow’s men, I almost killed him until Steve intervened.” You say shakily. Bucky heaves a sigh. “Oh fuck, (Y/n), are you hurt? Will you be alright?” He asks, cradling you. “I’m okay, I got out of it fairly unscathed.” You talk into his chest, clutching at him tightly. “I didn’t give you a weapon.” He puzzles. “He dropped a fibre wire; it was very effective.” You say nonchalantly. “Jesus, (Y/n), what am I doing to you, you were so sweet and innocent a few months ago.” Bucky exclaims.
 You see Sam approaching from down the hall and Bucky gives you one last embrace before he pulls away, still blocking your view from the room and handing you over to Sam. “To yours then boss?” Sam asks. Bucky nods. “Thank you, Sam.” He pats him on the shoulder before seeing you off.
 You slide into the passenger seat of the SUV, ignoring Sam’s attempts to open the door for you. You just wanted to go home. Was this what life was going to be like now? Would you ever get used to this? You let out a shaky sigh and buckled you seatbelt while Sam got in the drivers seat. “What happened in there?” He asked, slamming the door shut. “Uh, long story.” You divert, leaning against the door. “You alright?” He asks, concerned. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” You nodded and then change your mind and began to list off the details of the night to Sam, who gave you looks of shock and concern throughout the drive as he reacted to each part of the story you told. “Fuck, is my life going to be this dramatic from now on?” You ask. Sam huffs out a laugh. “Depends, once all this Hydra shit is over with, it’ll probably go back to the calm it was before the storm.” Sam Responded, driving you down the road to Bucky’s estate. As you waited for the gate to open, Sam reached across and patted your leg. “Please don’t feel like you can’t duck out, Bucky wouldn’t hold it against you.” Sam assures you. “I’m not ducking out, Sam.” You cross your arms. “I’m here to stay.” You smile a little, glancing over at him and he smirks. “Barnes was right, you are extremely stubborn.” He laughs, pulling the car into the driveway.
 You’re sitting alone in Bucky’s bedroom, a book in hand as you wait for him to come home. You don’t care that it’s past midnight, there’s no way you can sleep without knowing he’s back home. Your jumpiness and anxiety had calmed down considerably, but not entirely and you didn’t think it was likely to until Bucky was there.
 A little longer passes and you get into bed, wearing only your underwear and one of Bucky’s shirts your stole from his closet. The door clicks open and you jump at the sound, only to see Bucky stick his head through the doorway. “Hey, sweetheart.” He smiles at you. “I thought you’d be asleep.” He remarks, entering the room. He’s no longer wearing his suit and is wearing a deep red shirt with joggers. “I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t calm down enough.” You sigh. “Oh, sugar, I’m so sorry about tonight. God, it wasn’t supposed to go sideways like that.” He swallows thickly. Bucky approaches the bed, sitting on the edge and taking hold of you in his arms. “I’m so sorry you got put in danger again. I’m so sorry I had to…” Bucky interrupts himself and sighs into your hair. “It’s okay. It’ll be okay.” You reassure him, squeezing him tightly. “Aren’t I supposed to be the one comforting you?” He chuckles. You smile and move away to see him better. You push a lock of his hair behind his ear and drink in his handsome features. He hadn’t shaved in several days, so his usual long stubble was starting to turn into a beard. He looked so tired, so ready to rest for a while. “This might be terrifying, but I’m here for you. If that’s the price I pay for being with you, then I’ll do it.” You nuzzle into his chest and he takes you into his arms, pushing you back against the bed and hovering over you. “God, you are so stubborn. How did I get so lucky to have a girl that takes it all in her stride?” He smiles at you before capturing your lips in a slow, long kiss. “I’m so sorry though, doll. I don’t want you in situations like that again. I should have known better than you bring you along.” Bucky sighed. “If you hadn’t brought me along, I wouldn’t have found out Rumlow was Hydra.” You said matter-of-factly. “True.” He sighs. “Maybe just take some time to teach me how to protect myself more.” You suggest. “I don’t want you letting go of me or locking me up in your house to avoid me getting hurt, so you’re going to have to teach me to defend myself better.” You say confidently. “Yes ma’am. I might be the King of New York, but sometimes I feel like you’re the real ruler here.” He chuckles. “My queen.” Bucky murmurs, pulling you down into bed with him and you snuggle up against him and for a moment you feel the blissful calm as you settle down in his strong, protective arms, slipping into sleep again.
  @panic-naran @just-a-littlebit-of-everything@stupendousshepherdloverpony @scuzmunkie @sweet-peas-serpent @ its-a-disappointment-thaaanks @ thedoctorisweirdlyepic @fairislesheets @thejestersgesture @silent-loucidity @cryingismyhobbie @saharzek @that-girl-named-alex @founding-fuck-bois @veganfangirl5
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
Thoughts on the concept of the gotham girl gang?
ok i’m not sure if you mean the ship or the idea of these gals hanging out but either way i love it!
stephcassharper is probably one of my absolute favorite ships out there and is definitely the e82 endgame.
i also adore the idea of these gals just being pals and hanging out and would love to throw charlotte gage-radcliffe and a non-evil claire clover into that group!
ask me my opinions on comics (i have a lot!)
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breath-of-void · 4 years
Two Parts Deadpool, one part Logan
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but Logan was one of the best superhero movies of all time.
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Its gritty and dark, but most of all, the relationship between Wolverine and his not-daughter has make-your-heart-grow-three-sizes type of feels. I’m a sucker for good not-parent/not-child relationships, which is why I loved season 2 of Stranger Things so much. 
That dynamic of someone older who understands what the younger one is going through and the younger one filling a kind of emotional need that the older one has is one of the best (if not the best) parts of Birds of Prey.
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At the start of the movie, Cassandra Cain is only familiar with Black Canary. The latter cares for her and you get the feeling that she often gives her money to eat so that she doesn’t have to steal. Cassandra, on the other hand, doesn’t quite trust Canary. Canary is this big, beautiful woman who has a stable job, who drives a nice car and who is kind, but distant. She comforts Cassandra, but only in the way of someone giving ‘helpful’ advice and a tip to some homeless guy. Canary never really makes the effort to get to know Cassandra (though she genuinely cares for the kid) and Casandra can feel the distance. She doesn’t know to what extent she can trust this nice lady and so, doesn’t risk it.
Harley is the complete opposite. She’s all action and, though she doesn’t care about Cassandra, she keeps her around for her own personal gain. Harley, unlike Canary, is a complete mess of a human and therefore, more relatable to Cain. Though Cain thinks she’s attracted to Harley’s independence, she’s actually attracted to the fact that, socially and mentally, the two are a lot closer than she was with Canary. 
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The movie gives us some Logan-esque scenes with the two just being crime-gals, but, in my opinion, it’s not nearly enough. I know the movie had to cram a thousand things into a limited run time, but I could have done without them to have a little more Cassandra Quinn (Harlandra Quain?) And, objectively, the movie suffers for it.
Harley’s betrayal of Cassandra comes out of left field for the child, but, for the audience, it’s supposed to be a dramatic shift... except that it isn’t. Nothing really changed about Harley’s plan: get Cassandra to crap out the diamond and gain immunity from the gangs via Sionis. The only shift is that she jumped the gun and brought Cain along with her to the meet up. Should Cassandra have been that surprised though? She and Harley knew each other for, maximum, five hours and that was all spent on the couch watching cartoons. 
I didn’t quite feel that emotional gut punch when she screams at Harley for betraying her, because they haven’t really had a relationship that would negate that possibility. Imagine if Harley and Cassandra were to trek across Gotham (or even the States) to keep the diamond away from Sionis and they trade crime secrets and bond along the way. It would become a little more Logan, but I think I could forgive it if the Birds of Prey got together earlier to track them down. 
Harley and Cassandra trekking cross country to get away from Sionis+ Zsasz on a crusade from Sionis to get them back no matter the cost+ Renee and Canary wanting to keep Cassandra safe+ Huntress wanting Zsasz dead= one fuckin’ fun movie.
That might even explain why Batman wasn’t there: small scale crime outside of Gotham isn’t really his jurisdiction. 
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In the end, I don’t really think the movie earned having a Harlandra Quain team-up with Cassandra adopting little Harley-isms. The two just didn’t spend enough time together. And I guess Cassandra takes solace in the fact that she is of no real use to Harley anymore and yet she keeps her around so they must be friends, but I don’t see why Harley wouldn’t toss Cassandra under the bus first chance she gets.
They cute tho.
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alexeishostakoff · 4 years
Ooooohhhhhh my god I need more Canarywidow in my life! How did they meet? What was Natasha's reaction when she first heard Dinah sing? Or the first time she saw Dinah use her canary cry on bad guys? Do the call each other little bird or little spider? Has Natasha's russian murder family met her? What do Alexai, Melina, Yelena, and James think of her? Have Dinah's new buddies met her? What do Renee, Helena, and Harley think of Natalia? Do they blend perfectly together in battle? I have questions!
first meeting + canary cry reaction answered here
nat’s reaction to dinah singing: she’s very proud of her talent and also semi interested in the possibilities of a singing & canary cry combo in a fight but mostly she’s slightly embarrassed and silently flustered because dinah is standing outside her window and serenading her
nicknames? listen i think ollie calling dinah pretty bird is maybe one of my favorite things about comics dinahollie ever (give me a black canary movie where ollie is her damsel in distress so i can see this on the big screen please dc don’t be a coward), so MAYBE nat uses that but only when she’s like, showing off around other people. usually she’s just lance, dinah, or di. and dinah calls nat tash or tasha most of the time, also occasionally romanoff. big “last names but make it flirty” energy
what does the widowfam think of dinah? ok so like....i know next to nothing about melina so i honestly cannot tell you but. yelena is very reluctantly impressed by dinah’s abilities and general kickassery. alexei is like, fine with her. he doesn’t very much like americans in general but like, if natasha has to date someone, dinah is good. dinah is too good, actually. dinah is too good for natasha in alexei’s opinion and needs better taste in women. why isn’t she seducing wonder woman. wonder woman is right there, dinah. why. bucky thinks dinah’s a knockout gal, a good fighter, and a wonderful drinking buddy (he definitely gets along with her the best. this is why he’s natasha’s favorite. die mad about it yelena)
what do the birds think of nat? listen i’m not a comics purist but i have to say that making the birds of prey supporting cast to harley quinn was an unsexy move by dc, so here i am, loudly replacing harley with babs bc i think that if harley needs a girl gang the gotham city sirens are RIGHT THERE and i would like to see it and ALSO barbara gordon does not deserve this erasure bullshit actually but ANYWAYS. anyways. every single bird of prey is in love with her. that is all. they bond over being badasses and also very gay. renee and natasha admire each other’s toughness and get all the bullshit they’ve had to put up with from male coworkers over the years. natasha helps build helena’s confidence and people skills. natasha and babs are very different people with major ideological differences that they clash over sometimes but they can respect their strengths and work well together as a team, especially when it comes to teasing and/or fussing over dinah
how do dinah and nat fight together? like a well oiled machine. next (actually though they have wildly different styles but they adapt well to it and simply become 10x more lethal because of it)
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