bloobord-blog · 5 years
I got brainwashed at Claire’s and keep forgetting to log in EVERYTIME
*Eye emoji* you've returned, and so has my obsession with your and ryemuns WIJTR AU, got anything? if not thats fine!
anon, you are an ENTIRE MOOD for both @ashortgothamite and me
and now we’re talking about JayRye babies, hope you’re happy
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
*slumps in and dumps myself upon your lap* long missions suck, i missed you -Cass
Babysitting sucks. Missed you too babe ;)
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
I’m pullin a Jason. BET
*Eye emoji* you've returned, and so has my obsession with your and ryemuns WIJTR AU, got anything? if not thats fine!
anon, you are an ENTIRE MOOD for both @ashortgothamite and me
and now we’re talking about JayRye babies, hope you’re happy
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
Blob Note: Okay I don’t wanna be dead anymore, I’m finally moving to the college I’ve wanted for like, ever. So I’m not gonna be dead anymore
P.S. I feel like Damian, I found a kitten on the street in a box and am trying to convince my mom to live with it while I’m a town over in dorms
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
Me: *showing up late to a meeting w Bruce and the fam™️* OH SHIT!
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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Black Canary training Blue Bird (commission)
Traditional ink
My commissions are open again <3 DM for prices
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
if you brought shakespeare back to life and showed him the lion king i bet he’d be like “this shit fucks why didn’t anyone tell me i could use lions” 
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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Batman from Batman is dummy thicc, and the clap of his ass cheeks keeps alerting the Joker! (Requested by @bradygirardi)
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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Hey it’s the “our dads can suck it” club
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
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me irl
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bloobord-blog · 5 years
The best cover for Bruce Wayne would be dumb carefree playboy who is also Instagram Optimistic, everyday he’s posting a selfie of his smiling at his breakfast with a caption like “it’s a waffle day! #goodvibesingotham #grateful” or a picture of a sunrise with a caption that’s just “wow #blessed” 
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