#Gonna assume it's an accurate description though
omg I saw that one atom drawing from real steel of yours UGH it’s so pretty you need to draw him more he’s such a hunk 🥰
Atom sketches for the anon as requested 🙏
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thewiz9062 · 7 months
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Smiling Critters: Together, We Resonate (No.6) - Catnap
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. This means that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. That's it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
Let's start:
Catnap had a fairly normal childhood up until four, where his parents died in front of him (cause of death is still pending)
After that, he was put in the system, and he quickly learned that it wasn't exactly the safest place, so he ran.
He ended up wandering for a while, sleeping in alleyway to alleyway until he found a random abandoned house (shack? Its one room and fairly small) in a secluded part of a neighborhood, and set up 'home' there. But is it really home without them?
Anyways, he made himself as comfortable as possible in his living conditions. If the residents heard crying near that secluded part of the neighborhood, they didn't say......well, except for Boxy Boo.
Boxy was the only one who dared to go check out the slight commotion and was attacked on sight. Well, pounced on, as boxy is about 3 times bigger than catnap at the moment. Even once he got him to calm down, he still didn't say a word to him, just glared at him until he left. What if it was my fault? What if i was the reason theyleftwhatifpeoplediebecauseofmeleavedontcomeclose But boxy made a vow to check on him at least once a week.
(Time skip- present day? Technically)
Bobby bearhug and picky piggy were picking apples in the forest next to the former neighborhood when they started hearing noises. Picky demanded that whoever was "messing" with them show themselves. And out came catnap. Picky dug into him about being creepy, but bobby was more worried about the state he was in. He looked way skinnier than he should be, assuming that he was their age (he is dw) so before picky sent him off Bobby offered some of the cookies she made. He was a little distrustful at first, but practically lit up for a second before quickly changing back to his blank face. But she noticed, and told him she could meet him back here tomorrow with some other food she wants him to try. He waved his hands and shook his head in a 'no' motion, but they were already off before they could register his response.
For the next few days, bobby brought him food to try, and he gave his best input for someone who doesn't talk. But she never really got to know anything about him, because any questions would be met with a blank stare. She pondered...maybe she should bring Dogday next time? He's great at making friends!
Guys look I traumatized him :D
This is supposed to be the whump but I feel like I overhyped it ngl
Additional notes:
-Insomniac (duh. I tried to give him eyebags in the little drawing I made but idk if they actually look like that)
-Situationally mute
-the whole red gas thing doesn't exist. I know it appeared in the little cartoon introducing chapter 3 but it feels extremely out of place here sooo
-instead, he hums or sings a little lullaby or melody to try and help him (others eventually ;) sleep. It usually has an opposite effect for him though, as the only ones he knows are his mothers, which reminds him of.....yeah.
-he really likes music because of this, even if he doesnt get to listen to it often. its sorta the one thing that he sorta still hangs on to.
I really enjoyed this one!! Next is gonna be our resident friend making machine, with a built-in recap to go with. Anyways BYEEE
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hottakehoulihan · 2 months
This is a rant/musing/meandering about Worm fans WRT Wildbow. I think it's time I at least once made myself an unsubtly dissenting voice, since silence indicates agreement to so many. Move on if you like. This is probably mostly for me.
I'm white, from the USA, grew up with thrift store clothes and scavenged pencils but got to visit the dentist when needed, and was raised in the same ethnocentric, homophobic, fatphobic, ableist, Puritan-influenced culture that most of us were. I try to routinely examine and correct my biases and blind spots. I am trying to see what I might be missing, with as open a mind as I can manage.
I reread Worm (fourth readthrough, but my retention is meh) these last few months actually looking for any evidence at all I could find of the various phobias (all of them, it seems, and also the vaunted hates-drug-users) that some folk like to assert Wildbow has. I didn't find much that didn't--IMHO--more closely fit an accurate description of how the characters (including Taylor, who is literally a child that grew up in an even less-enlightened environment than most of us) are biased. This, coupled with an unfortunate shortsightedness of methodology (do NOT use dice when you write your story. It seems like a good idea to naive youth, but We Do Not Live in a world where you can just let RNG dictate that your [insert bad thing] is committed by [insert group that is already stereotyped as doing that bad thing]. (Though sometimes that's gonna happen in real life too, and art depicting things that happen in real life is Not Always Bad you just have to be careful about context and tone.) Also, try not to accidentally/subconsciously follow Hayes code-influenced patterns. ...though that's hard to do when you're making almost EVERY character a morally grey one) is all the support I see.
Whew, that was a weird parenthetical juxtaposition. Should I rewrite? Nah; it's already taking too much time.
Seriously, how many actually 100% goodguy fleshed characters does Worm have? Arguably zero. Even Yamada and Legend, by dint of having to work within the confines of their structures, made concessions to evils. Dinah made her ruthless calculus decisions just as Cauldron did. Taylor's famously grey self-justifications were agonized over no more or less than Parian's. A perfect character would be a blemish, arguably. (I'll just take Amy as my woobie; after more than a dozen years of emotional abuse and neglect by her kidnappers, she deserves a bit of consideration and rehabilitation.)
And just like I'm willing to assume that Gregor's somehow flawed, like he offscreen asserted that there are acceptable civilian losses when you're doing crimes or assaulting Cauldrons, and that's clearly bullshit because there's no actual evidence Gregor is anything less than perfect but it's easier to assume evils (and more fun to talk shit) than not, I figure a bunch of folk are trying to fit in by agreeing and priming their confirmation biases accordingly.
And this is without, even, considering the millions of other words in non-Worm stuff. You're gonna read Pale and tell me this same junk?
...though, well, perhaps my cutie Biscuit, and a thing Louise said about addicts essentially vanishing from the lives of their loved ones, might count as being against habitual recreational narcotic use. I'll think about that over my next bottle of wine.
I like reading light novels, and fluffy fanfics, and similar, even though usually the characters involved seldom have what you might call facets. When the retired orc warrior who started a gnomish coffeeshop moves on to her next volume, I'm there, and I don't care if I never find out that she once had to choose between leaving baby goblins to die in a fire or saving a teammate from a spike trap.
I've read so many stories where there's no such thing as an 'ism', or rather there's just no example of representation, because every character is two steps away from being an AFGNCAAP (Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally-Ambiguous Adventure Person)
I think Wildbow is serious about trying to always be a better writer in the approaching-MFA sense. I see efforts to portray believable behavior of real "human" (whether human or not) characters from multiple backgrounds, in a world that scans as plausibly diverged from the same sort of ugly we live in today.
I do not see any more latent phobias of any sort than I see in pretty much anything else available to read, from fanfic to bestseller lists to "new favorites" lists at the local library. In fact, I see markedly less, to include some (fuck 'em) commenters complaining about shoehorned-in wokeness.
It's weird to me that, given the body of work and the literal black-and-white facts about who and what exist within, and the extra time and effort the author made and makes (too much, IMO) generously engaging with the fans, the default is to diss the author for not doing even more. In their first work. Of which half the concept and much of the worldbuilding dated from grade-school practice. And it's still great.
And I'm saying this about a story where a significant number of the villains are literally white male nazis, torturemurderers, and literally inhuman terrorists. You wouldn't expect people to be demanding a lot of nuance if you were an outsider to this story. But Worm delivers, IMO.
This is not in response to anything recent; I've been chewing on this for years prior to even joining tumblr or creating this username.
tl;dr: Are you sure you're not talking shit about Wildbow just to fit in with the other cool snarksters and feel cool and cynical and superior? Instead of sincere? Because I went looking, and, respectfully, I think you're wrong. And it's a bit ugly and sad.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
Quirk Analysis: Frog (Asui Tsuyu)
The quirks from My Hero Academia have always been my favourite bit, so I'm gonna have some fun doing some Izuku style quirk breakdowns. The science here will be both real and theoretical. Feel free to use any of this in fics. My science background is basically exclusively biology so expect that to be the basis for any of my fake quirk science. Have a quirk you wanna see next? Just tell me!
First things first - her quirk counselor should be dragged out into the street and shot - her quirk isn't frog - it's chameleon.
Now, you may say "but she looks like a frog" and true! She does! But so do her parents - Tokoyami's bird mutations are unrelated to his quirk, as are Spinner's Lizard-like traits, and were inherited from one or both parents. I'm sure Asui's are too, given both her parents have frog/toad like traits (another thing - frogs and toads aren't distinct types of animal, they are the same animal with different names based typically on aesthetics but without any taxonomic background. but. I digress.) Her other frog-like traits (regurgitating her stomach, mild toxins, etc) are likely also inherited mutations.
The tongue of a frog is attached at the front of the mouth, giving in the ability to sort of flap forward and back. It's very soft, sticky and actually rather short, but that forward attachment lets it extend quickly and a decent distance. This is nothing like Asui's long, flexible and muscular tongue. It more closely resembles a chameleon tongue, sans the bony support it has on the end, though she does seem to have a similar tongue pad. I'd actually say its a pretty even mix between the musculature and dexterity of a human tongue.
Her camouflage ability - its true some frogs can change colour, but its typically from one standard colour to another, often during the breeding season. A fine control over colour change is seen in chameleons, though its a communication tool rather than a camouflage. She has the ability to camouflage her uniform too, so we are just going to have to assume that's due to a DNA infused fabric or some sort of inbuilt translucency, otherwise she has a mild light manipulation quirk in addition to everything else and I don't want to think about it.
The colour change mechanism in chameleons is really cool too! They have a few layers of cells in their skin called chromatophores, each layer is either pigmented or reflects a certain colour of light (they have names, but just know the colours are red, yellow, black and blue, like a standard printer (yes i know its cyan and magenta not blue and red but my point still stands). The chromatophores can expand, showing more of their colour, or shrink, showing less giving us a a shade through optical colour mixing!
Blue is the colour that's only reflected light, not a pigment, it's colour is purely structural. This is true in all animals! Any time you see a blue animal (or admittedly a green one) the blue on them is due to a structural quality of their skin/scales/feathers. This is not true for plants (and possibly invertebrates? i don't know much about them).
So, basically, a more accurate description of her quirk is 'chameleon-like traits with frog-like vestigial mutations'.
Some extra questions
can she breathe through her skin? If she can, she'd be able to stay underwater/holding her breath much longer than any standard human, though it wouldn't be sustainable (surface area to volume ratio - she doesn't have enough skin to get enough oxygen to fulfill her needs).
cold triggers an involuntary hibernation - the idea she can hibernate at all is just wild. It requires a lot of very specific adaptions to do so, which we'd have to assume her quirk gave her. This means her heart-rate and metabolic rate can slow dramatically without any ill-effects - chilling her would be an effective way to stop her from bleeding out, or a way to conserve energy during a famine/siege.
some frogs which hibernate in areas that reach below freezing have natural mechanisms which prevent damage to tissues when frozen - a natural antifreeze. she should be highly resistant to frostbite and death by hypothermia. you could also cryogenicly freeze her and then defrost her at a later date.
chameleons can control both eyes individually, giving them a great degree of vision while sacrificing depth perception - could tsuyu? given practise, any human can do it, so it's not impossible, but the increase in visual field would be limited and not particularly practical.
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Happy WBW! What might your setting's civilizations look like in the future? As far in the future as you'd like :)
Thank you for this question!
Oh jeez, this is gonna be the longest post on my blog. You can’t just drop these sorts of questions on me!  My partner and I have done quite a bit of plotting out the centuries after Narul. I'm going to try to condense things down to just the most important events and trends. This will be specifically the stretch of time between 1 A.N. (After Narul) to ~2500 A.N., which roughly marks the start of the Revelations Series.
This, double-spaced, is 33 pages aka 11460 words. Please ignore the weird spacing, I had to mess with stuff in order for Tumblr to let me make a post this big.
Feel free to skim, but don’t feel like you need to read the entire thing. If there is anything you want defined or want me to expand on, please ask! I love world/lorebuilding and I do way too much of it.
Minor spoilers I suppose since this is after Narul’s death?
To be truly accurate this list would need to be far far bigger. These are very simple descriptions most lacking perspective and nuance. Someday I might do expanded timelines on the different eras and regions.
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The Age of the First Scribes
1 A.N.- 97 A.N. Narul Ninefingers passes away on the Island of Euphoi, Korithia. His remains are entombed there. The villagers living there, most of whom are Rechiru immigrants, tell their children stories and legends of his exploits. Many of these come from the so-called “Testaments'', a series of stories recounting the life of Narul and his companions. Over time these stories are distorted as they are rewritten and reorganized, resulting in the creation of different Narolian Traditions (Narul is rendered as Narolos in the Korithian). One of these traditions combines stories of Narul/Narolos, with the religion and mytho-history of the Rechiru. This group followed a monotheistic tradition, one which interpreted the varied deities of their neighbors as multiple aspects of the Creator Deity, Joyuth. Among this small community of the Rechiru, Narul becomes increasingly seen as a servant, herald, or in some cases, child of Joyuth, and the “Testaments' ' adopts a religious aspect. 
3 A.N.- 29 A.N. Matrus, King of the Baalkic City-State of Etrusia, in the aftermath of the Ninamtic War, successfully subjugates all of the Baalkic City-States, and then turns his attention to Korithia, kicking off a vicious rivalry between the new Etrusian Empire and the Korithian City-States.
This continues below
4 A.N. The Last High Chieftain of the Western Makurian Federation, Sodati, is killed at the Battle of the Reeds by the leader of a band of Ukaric people, in the aftermath she reinstates Ukaric power in the eastern Palluyadic Peninsula. This new unified Ukaric state is eventually named for this queen (Khorsemis), The Khorsemians.
5 A.N. - 34 A.N. Following the defeat of the Makurians in the south, the rest of the federation is subjected to a number of battles and disasters, ultimately leading to the collapse of the empire. The lands of Kishetal gain independence and develop into two states, Chishetal in the south (including parts of Jezaan) and Ninamalthit in the north (including most of Shabala). On a similar note, The Kingdom of Baban is able to reform though it is quickly conquered by the growing Khorsemian Empire.
14 A.N. Fapacha Remesh, successfully captures the Namutian city of Usuwt, officially marking the greatest extent of the Apunian Empire in 600 years
29 A.N. Bansa the 3rd of the Zumusahati Empire sends out the first expedition of ships across the Niwalian Ocean in 400 years, hoping to rebuild the Musahatic and Zabudic Colonies on the Ulanian Coast. 26 ships set out from the port of Labakatu. The fleet is caught in a tropical storm. It is assumed, after several months, that no one survives, until a single ship returns. On board is a representative of the Goara People, the descendants of the colonists and the Yupu people. While Bansa was unable to see the rebirth of an intercontinental empire, this does mark the return of contact between the Western and Eastern Worlds.
46 A.N. Emperor Huli of Mu adopts the philosophy of the Xianti Sages, Xiatism. The following decades see the construction of hundreds of temples and an increasingly complicated bureaucracy. In time, Xiatism is integrated into the courts of surrounding lands including Kumtai and Runashu.
88 A.N. The Dragon, Telipni, awakens and destroys the city of Duru in the lands of Orudishi. The Dragon is defeated by the Spiritblood, Gutatu. 
162 A.N. The sage, Maklar of Euphoi, creates the Jalpat, a unified version of the Testaments. This version, which becomes the dominant version, describes Narul/Narolos as the son of Joyuth. Maklar is later known as The Scribe of Joyuth/Joth.
171 A.N.- 189 A.N. Ku’lara of the Ru, unites the sea nomads of the southern ocean, forming the largest forestfolk dominated civilization in Kobani’s history.
225 A.N. The Ruins of a Pre-Calamity city are discovered in southern Sinria. Nobility of the southern Sinrian kingdoms dress in imitation of the carvings and images found in the ruins. This trend lasts 200 years.
245 A.N. An earthquake shakes the Chishic city of Labisa, killing thousands, the largest earthquake in the region’s history.
257 A.N. The Volcanic Eruption of Mt. Jukaruti, the largest since the Age of Calamity, causes widespread climatic chaos. The Cholyasi Thalassocracy is destroyed almost instantly. Ash falls as far as Takala and Namut. Tsunamis and earthquakes hammer Eastern Sinria, Kai, and Du. The planet of Kobani as a whole becomes colder and drier for a short period. Tarinia is struck by a drought, which in turn leads to the collapse of the Missishikoa people. In the following centuries, the ruins of the cities became the subject of local legends. Gutatu the Spiritblood is killed in a landslide caused by falling ash.
257 A.N. - 289 A.N. In Baalkes, now the Etrusian Empire, the Etrusian King, Tarquan, uses the dark clouds produced by the eruption as an omen, and starts his invasion of Korithia. The last Korithian city, Minosa, is captured 289 A.N. by Tarquan’s son, Baat.
The Age of the Etrusian and Chishic Empires
289 A.N. Baat declares himself the first Etrusian Emperor. 
289 A.N. Teth, a follower of Joyuth, arrives in Nashawey, bringing with him stories of the Divine Narolos and the Jalpat. Shortly after he founds a temple. In the Apunian, Narolos is rendered Naru.
290 A.N.- 295 A.N. The Giants of Jonluria,, migrate north, leaving their former land, to be claimed by the Nenshit. This allowed for the creation of the Nenshitian Empire, the first of the Polar Empires.
292 A.N. After two decades of civil war and strife, Enlapa is crowned Queen of Namutarbi (Formerly Namut), the first ruler of a unified Namutian people.
295 A.N. The City-States of Pijano are struck by a mysterious illness, possibly of a supernatural nature. Fear of the disease causes a mass migration to the east, allowing for the proliferation of the Rathalaro Forestfolk in the areas once controlled by Pijano.
321 A.N. - 335 A.N. Through marriage, conquest, and diplomacy, Chishetal and Ninamalthit are united into a single empire, its first ruler is Tamul the First. Tamul successfully conquered Ikopesh, bringing the new empire into contact with the Etrusians.
335 A.N. - 379 A.N. Badavarta is born in the village of Apin Ma, in the Kingdom of Hopanyu. Badavarta is raised as a practitioner of Xiatism, but as he grows, creates his own branch, Batara. Over time Batara will replace Xiatism as the dominant faith in most of Southern Macia. Badavarta is killed by a bandit while traveling between cities.
338 A.N. A Serpent attacks the island of Knosh and subsequently Apuna. While the beast is eventually killed by the efforts of more than 30 Sages, the destruction that it leaves behind severely weakens Apuna. Subsequently much of Southern Apuna is reclaimed by the Namutians.
362 A.N. - 369 A.N. Emperor Hutab of Chishetal, invades Apuna, adding it to the Chishic Empire. It is here that the Chishic Empire is introduced to their own folk hero, Narul, as the saintly figure, Naru/Narolos. The Church of Joyuth is incredibly popular among the Chishic soldiers, though they refer to Joyuth as Jutha, and Naru as his original name, Narul.
364 A.N. The Compass is invented in Runashi and quickly spreads from there.
369 A.N. - 394 A.N. In response to the Imperial actions of the Chishic Empire, The Etrusian Emperor, Patoram, funds the creation of a massive navy, the largest in the Green Sea. With this navy, Etrusia begins a campaign of expansion, this period known simply as “The Rise”, saw the conquest of Makora, Knosh, the Clay Women of Kulayu, and Dirsia.
394 A.N. - 441 A.N. Patoram is assassinated while in Dirsia, while it is likely that the actual culprit was one of his own soldiers, blame is placed on the neighboring Elusians. Thus, Patoram’s successor, Tatam, leads an invasion of their territory. Over the next decades and under the leadership of several Etrusian Emperors, much of western Kallistera would be conquered, including Ikenii, Elusia, Jani, Konlunia, and Nislia.
398 A.N. Cement is invented in Etrusian controlled Korithia.
401 A.N. The Acaniruana Mountain Kingdoms develop the Acani Script. This script will become the primary script for economic and historical records across most of Ulania for the next 1300 years. In later legends the development of the scripts is credited to the legendary king, Xalanhuemkultem.
436 A.N. The Historian, Sula, originating from a small city in Khoresmian Empire, decides to trace the journey of Narul, starting in Labisa and traveling around the Green Sea. On the island of Kosheklayu he reports finding strange underground ruins. He returns to Khoresmian, traveling to the capital in order to record his works.
438 A.N. - 510 A.N. The First Instance of the Euphoric Plague appears in the Ubalunan, the capital of the Khoresmian Empire. It will quickly spread, beyond the borders of first the city, and then the country. Between the years 438 and 510, the Euphoric Plague will claim the lives of 1/30th of all mortals(Humans, Hillfolk, Giants, and Forestfolk) living on the planet. The plague and the chaos and instability in its wake will be responsible for the collapse for multiple kingdoms and empires, most notably Khoresmia. 
452 A.N. - 461 A.N. Rumors spread that the Euphoric Plague is the result of magical activities, and are thus blamed on the actions of sages. In Ubalunan, the city’s sages and their families, as well as many hillfolk and forestfolk are gathered and burned alive in the temple of the god Enkankil, approximately 640 people. Similar massacres are carried out in Chishetal, Chishic Apuna, and the Sinrian Kingdoms. In Nashawey, the Patriarch of the Joyuth Church, Teth the Fifth, uses the sudden power vacuum caused by the Execution of the Sages, to supplant rival temples, placing the Church of Joyuth at the head of the religious hierarchy. Not long after, Nashawey has its first Joyuthist ruler.
466 A.N. The First complete circumnavigation of the planet (Since the Calamity) is completed by the Ru navigator, Uk’apapuha. 
476 A.N. The Bon Confederacy invades several neighboring tribes, its warriors armed with weapons of steel, the first time that the metal is used extensively in combat. In time the art of steel making will spread throughout Pyritia and into Macia and Kallistera.
513 A.N. The Matriarchs of the Gungwari, Ninkuduri, Uruninj, Waardugoi, Gumwarnugoi, and Amanwonguri gather for a meeting in response to drought and the rampage of the monstrous, Yotowie. This is the first meeting of its kind in nearly 4,000 years. Each family elects a champion to face the beast. These Six Champions, slay the beast, though only one of the original six champions survive the encounter. Iwagi’dang, the Great Hunter, becomes a cultural hero, her exploits the topic of thousands of stories. It is possible that Iwagi’dang was spirit-blooded.  
521 A.N. The lens is invented in Chishetal.
528 A.N. The Etrusian Emperor, Elzad, invites cultic and religious representatives from various parts of the empire to his palace. Among the representatives are several Joyuthist scholars. Along with several other temples, Elzad permits the creation of a Joyuthist Temple in the capital of Etrusia, the first of its kind in the Etrusian Homeland. Among the Etrusians Narul is called Narulus and Joyuth is Joth.
529 A.N. - 534 A.N. The Chishic King, Akart the 4th of his Line, leads an expedition east, capturing the former lands of the Khoresmian Empire and subjugating many tribes and minor kingdoms. The Chishic Empire reaches its greatest extent. He is stopped at the Sinrian City of Gulapatan by the Spiritblood Balarshata, and is forced to abandon his efforts to conquer the Sinrian Peninsula. Gulapatan will go on to unify much of northern Sinria into the Gulpatic Kingdom, ruling for approximately 135 years before being assassinated by her own son, Mahabajan. 
547 A.N. The Kingdom of Ruk collapses and is broken up amongst its neighboring civilizations.
549 A.N. Haryukato is crowned the first Emperor of both the isles of Jamun and Runashu. Haryukato is the first Jamunese emperor to practice Xiatism. He decrees that all who work within the Palace or in any Imperial Holding, should also be Xiatist.
Approx. 550 A.N. The Xhosi Tribes are partially unified into the Nak and Xhonda Nations
571 A.N. The Etrusian Theologian, Timot, creates his own version of the Jalpat in the Etrusian Language, he calls it, Moknapabum, The Great Word. Along with this, Timot also produces a companion text, Megripabum, The Lesser Word. These are Timot’s own interpretations of the text, included within it is the identification of the 5 Virtues and the 6 Detractions, and the concept of Divine Favor for the Faithful. Though initially separate, these two texts in time are combined, and are jointly referred to as, Moknapabum or more simply, Mopam. 
585 A.N. The descendants of the Balijivuri Empire unite with the remains of the Ship-builders to form the Jatu Kingdom. They build the largest floating structure in the world, the city and temple of Hutanupaakang.
593 A.N. The Last Tree-Tender Dies.
599 A.N. Motium Mokna is the first Etrusian Emperor not born in the Baalkic Islands, He is Makoran. 
609 A.N. The Order of the Hammer is Created in Chishic City of Fifa. It is composed of 45 Joyuthist Warriors, and quickly gains fame for its military prowess. Over the next few centuries the Order will grow substantially, and other organizations made up of those who worship the figure of the Divine Hammer (Narul) form around the Chishic Empire and its periphery.
612 A.N. The first Ru ship reaches the northern ices. There they meet with the giants. On their return journey to the southern hemisphere, 25 giants accompany them. 9 die during the journey, another 3 die shortly after arriving from disease. The remainder successfully establish a small southern colony of giants, the first in 40,000 years.
615 A.N. - 625 A.N. Motium Mokna is Assassinated, the next decade sees the War of Six Emperors. Internal strife within the empire allows for rebellion to grow and several tribes manage to liberate their lands. One of these groups is a particularly war-like group from Western Kallistera, the Janur.
629 A.N. The Huanwa Dynasty of Mu, the oldest and most successful in its history, comes to an end with the Battle of Petals and the Death of the last Huanwa Emperor. Mu is split into Southern and Northern Mu, each with their own Imperial Court.
648 A.N. The Arkodetika, the first Great Epic Poem, of the Post-Narulic era is written in the Korithian City of Kalamanti, by the mysterious author, Kalia. The Poem depicts a Mythologized version of the founding of the Arkodian Empire and later of the Korithian People. This leads to a swelling of Korithian Pride in opposition to Etrusian control. This will build and build until its eventual eruption during the Korithian Rebellion
662 A.N. The Batricids, a group of Kallisterian Warlords claiming descendancy from the Spiritblood Queen, Batricca, attack the Northern Etrusian Colonies. Among the cultures that participate in this are the Jonur. The confederacy of tribes that form in this part of Northern Kallistera are known as Batrochit.
678 A.N. The last Pearl Lord dies, the surviving members of the court flee south to Zudia, where they form a new colony, Sinapalu.
694 A.N. The Second Hall of Oaths in the Chishic city of Chibal is burnt down along with much of the upper city. The exact cause is a mystery but some suspect Forestfolk. Forestfolk suffer under increased scrutiny and discrimination for the next several decades.
700 A.N. The Palace of the Sun is completed in Bhurka, it is the largest man-made stone structure in the world, sometimes called the Mountain Born of Man.
713 A.N. The Hillfolk kingdom of Kyris is founded on the Macurian steppe. It is the largest Hillfolk population since the Calamity. Its capital, also called Kyris, becomes a haven for hillfolk, forestfolk, and humans. At its peak around 821 A.N. the city is home to 84,000 people, the largest in Macuria.
724 A.N. The Spiritblood, Vainmaren, leads his people, including a small population of giants and forestfolk, south from the ice fields into the lands of the Pauri and Quina. These people and their culture are known as Ice People, Shumimi.
731 A.N. The Sage and Scholar Dunh Koy of Kumtai writes The Tree of Spirits which combines elements of sagecraft and Xiatism together. 
754 A.N. The Du Forestfolk of Southern Macia abandon their homeland, adopting a sea-nomad lifestyle. The exact reason for this has been lost to history.
769 A.N. - 1188 A.N. Construction begins on the Satlugulish Canal, the largest single construction project in the history of Tarinia since before the Calamity. The Canal is the result of collaboration between 6 distinct tribal groups, it takes 193 years to complete and the main branch stretches inland from the sea 841 miles, including the various off-shoots and branches, the canal(s) eventually cover an area of approximately 2026 miles. This allows for a boom in trade and connectivity among the Tribes and Nations of Western Tarinia. This marks the Golden Age of Tarinia, and saw the creation of new alphabets, the smelting of iron, and the creation of great desert and forest cities. This era of prosperity was only ended by several catastrophes and the rise of the Mezutal Empire in the South.
788 A.N. Azure Fever kills hundreds of thousands in South-Eastern Macia.
800 A.N. The Maboli Empire is the first Trans-Oceanic Empire since succeeding where its predecessor, the Zumusahati Empire, had failed. Maboli has two capitals, one in Pyritia and one in Ulania.
806 A.N. In reaction to the destruction of a Korithian Temple, the Korithian Rebellion erupts. The entire Etrusian garrison of the city of Bokolis is killed. Similar rebellions breakout among the Korithian Islands. In response the Etrusian Emperor, Nalicam, sends several Etrusian Armies to put down the rebels. In an act of desperation the rebels send an envoy to the court of the Chishic King, Gabru. Gabru agrees to come to the aid of the Korithians and sends several warships and many men to Korithia, sparking the First Etru-Chishic War.
821 A.N. The Battle of Kalmanati sees the largest sea battle in Kobani history up until that point, 722 Warships, 321,000 sailors and warriors. The battle is ultimately a Chishic victory, however the losses were significant enough to force stop the Chishic advance, and ultimately led to their defeat.
845 A.N. The First Etru-Chishic War ends with Victory for Etrusia, though it comes at the cost of weakening influence in other parts of the Empire and Kalmanati is burnt to the ground, whether by the Etrusians or the Chishics is not entirely clear. Ikenii and Dirsia are all but abandoned. The Chishic King Faru is forced to abdicate and is replaced by his brother, Hutbari.
884 A.N. The Kingdom of Akagulu is formed with the crowning of King Chat the First.
914 A.N. The Etrusian Colony of Lembrisia, is invaded by Konic Barbarians, and temporarily lost, most Etrusian inhabitants of the colony flee south to Carsisia.
932 A.N. Lembrisia is recaptured by Emperor Nikalam. Further he conquers new lands from the Konic Tribes, this region is named Nikalasia in his honor.
The Second Etru-Chishic War aka The First Narulian War
955 A.N. The Second Etru-Chishic War breaks out after an Etrusian Diplomat is arrested and executed, accused of the assault and murder of a Joyuthist Priestess. Compared to the first war, this war is massive and widespread, and will ultimately claim the lives of 3.6 million people.
957 A.N. The Kai, a Forestfolk Kingdom in southern Macia, discover gunpowder. This technology is initially limited to artistic endeavors and construction products.
959 A.N. At the Battle of Ikoteska, The Chishic and Etrusian Armies clash, the Battle of Ikoteska bears witness to several firsts. It is at Ikoteska that the Etrusian mounted soldiers, the Rekikitas, are first used in battle against the Chishic, Jalekikun. In addition the battle sees the use of Serpent’s Fire, perhaps the first instance of widespread chemical warfare since the Pre-Calamity Era. While initially developed by Chishic, the technology was quickly adopted by both sides. The weapon is primarily used to break formations and in the siege of fortresses and walled cities. The introduction of the Etrusian Bowgun is also a notable feature of this battle. Sages and their magic play a heavy role in these battles, far greater than in earlier conflicts. Ikoteska is a Chishic Victory, though to the north the Etrusians successfully capture the Chishic city of Umina, and much of its Hinterland. Much of the war will center in this region, while smaller conflicts in Makora, Ikopesh, Knosh, Apuna, and Korithia are also waged. 
963 A.N. The Atahcutec Empire falls to corruption and disease
967 A.N. Batara spreads to Sinria and the Southern Macian Islands and parts of the Pyritian Coast.
971 A.N. The heads of both the Etrusian Jothist Church and the Chishic/Apunian Joyuthist Churches declare the war to be holy, interested in both the defense of both Churches but also in the capture (or defense) of the Island of Euphoi, the resting place of Narul. The Order of the Hammer led by Unma the Galent, leads an attack on the island, successfully capturing it for Chishetal along with much of southern Korithia. At approximately the same time the city of Umina is successfully recaptured by the Chishic King, though not before much of the city is destroyed and most of its population killed. 
981 A.N. Construction of the Temple of the Six Winds is completed in Akagulu.
984 A.N. A Group of Larsian, Janic, Ikopeshi, and Konic mercenaries, alongside a small Chishic Army, lead by the Chishic War-Hero, Haman the Ordained, successfully land in and attack the Etrusian Mainland, even breaching the walls of Etrusia itself. Though this band of attackers is ultimately defeated, this marks the first time that the Great City has been directly attacked since the birth of the Empire. Riots break out in the streets, temples and granaries are raided. The Imperial Guard successfully regains order but only after enacting great violence on the citizenry. 
993 A.N. The Alkugana Confederacy of central Tarinia forms the first democratic government in the Tarinia
995 A.N. The First School of Plantbrewery is opened in Nashawey. It produces the most complete catalog of potions and magical plants in history up to that point.
997 A.N. Repeated defeats and increasing unrest among the Empire force the Etrusians to sue for peace. Chishetal agrees, and in exchange claims ownership over much of the southern Korithian Isles, including Euphoi. The part of Korithia still controlled by Etrusia is renamed Argentia. Chishic Soldiers bring Etrusian religious philosophies back to the east.
The Lessening of Empires
Approx. 1000 A.N. Rebellions and barbarian incursions in multiple parts of the Etrusian Empire ultimately prove too much for the stability of the Etrusian throne. The last Etrusian Emperor is assassinated and replaced with a representative elected body called the Hatakisas.
1014 A.N. Vainmaren is killed while fighting the Sea-Serpent, Hiisto.
1023 A.N. -1067 A.N. A branch of the Janic people migrate to the island of Ikenii, in conflict with the native Docic and Pryenic peoples and the remnants of the Etrusian colony. These people come to be known as Yanes. They settle primarily in the lands once controlled by Etrusia, repopulating abandoned urban centers. In time this region comes to be known as Yanlun.
1035 A.N. The monster, Djikat, emerges from the Babaan mountains and terrorizes much of southern Chishetal, including Jezaan. The monster eventually leaves Chishetal and instead moves northeast into the Macurian Steppe, driving several of the nomadic groups there west and east. The Monster rampages through Kyris, ultimately destroying the city. Centuries of knowledge and art are lost in the destruction.
1036 A.N. The Western Whale-Eaters Mysteriously vanish, this fact is discovered by their Eastern kin, who discover their villages empty. No bodies are ever found. The lands are left barren, a land of superstition and mystery, never to be inhabited again.
1078 A.N. The Hatakisas declares the official religion of the Etrusian Empire is Jothism. In response, the Chishic throne does the same with Joyuthism.
1101 A.N. The Saterai of Macuria, driven west by the monster Djikat, enter Kallistera and battle against native tribes and Etrusians. Still weakened by the war against Chishetal, and several poor harvests, Etrusia struggles to hold back the onslaught. Several tribal groups align themselves with the Saterai, most notably the Batrichit. At the Battle of Teuono, the Northern armies of Etrusia are crushed, this triggers a mass panic among the northern colonies, tens of thousands of Etrusians and Etrusianized northerners flee south to the homeland and coastal areas.
1104 A.N. The Kingdom of Akagulu becomes the Republic of Akagulu.
1106 A.N. The Xiku Tribes, similarly displaced by Djikat, flood into eastern Macia. There they clash with Northern Mu, Tum-Xi, and other regions. The Xiku become the dominate culture in Eastern Macuria.
1121 A.N. Kamyris of the Saterai and the Seven Warlords of the Batrichit unite to form the kingdom of Bochritia, the Kingdom claims to be the successor to the now ancient empire of Batricca. 
1122 A.N. Euphoric Plague re-appears in Apuna, straining Chishic grain production. The Namutarbian King, Akasm, taking advantage of the perceived weakness, leads a campaign against southern Apuna. The successfully capture several cities but in turn bring Euphoric Plague back to their homeland and from there across Pyritia, causing massive casualties
1124 A.N. - 1167 The escaped slave Nalud, escapes from Chishetal and returns to his homeland in Palluyad. He brings Joyuthism with him, there it is combined with several desert traditions, eventually becoming Naludism. In this tradition Narul is seen not as the progeny of Joth (Djosh), but rather as his greatest servant, he is called Narush. Over the course of his life Nalud successfully unites many of the desert nomads and tribes. Over the latter decades of Nalud’s life these tribes are engaged in a multitude of wars with the Chishic Empire, and are successful in breaking Chishic power in the east, successfully capturing much of the empire's former Eastern extent.
1126 A.N. -1287 A.N. Inspired by Bochritia, tribes declare their independence and engage in active rebellion against Etrusia. The most successful are Lembricarsia (Lembris and Carsis), Nichleria( Nichlern), and Larslontia (Larslont). All of these form kingdoms, all at least partially modeled after the old Etrusian Imperial Court.
1138 A.N. More Arctic groups, The Gaedish and the Luduric, mysteriously vanish, leading to yet another mass migration down south into the Forestland. There these groups will intermingle with native tribes and kingdoms, in time forming the Hrotic and Vordic peoples.
1147 A.N. The Yannish King, Hanrud, declares himself king of all of Ikenii and Dirsia. This is met by heavy resistance.
1149 A.N.  Despite pressure from the Xiku, Northern and Southern Mu are reunited under Emperor Guzhi, this marks the beginning of a Munic Golden Age, marked by art and literature and an increased interest and acceptance in sagecraft and forestfolk. Guzhi adopts the forestfolk, Fohu. Fohu in time will become the first non-human, Munic Emperor.
1176 A.N. Argentia rebels, the Etru-Argentian War mark the end of Etrusian dominance in the Green Sea. Kulayu follows suit. The rebel Hastidia becomes famed for painting her skin with the island's red clay, in tribute to the extinct Clay-Women. Chishetal sends ships and soldiers to assist the rebellion, however this proves to be a mistake as Chishetal’s eastern and southern provinces themselves became subject to an increasing number of rebellions and revolutions. 
1188 A.N. Mount Iri erupts, covering much of western Tarinia in toxic ash, clogging the Satlugulish Canal. Entire fields are rendered inedible, herds of domesticated and wild animals die. As a result famine abounds. To make matters worse the eruption disturbs a number of monsters, most notably the serpent, Nuh-Kwa-Tak. The toxin spewing beast is ultimately killed by three hunters, all Forestfolk, though not before causing untold destruction. 
1201 A.N. -1209 A.N. The Etrusian General, Aduatium, attempts a coup, hoping to re-establish the Etrusian Throne. He and his followers storm Etrusia and slaughter much of the Hatakasis. He names himself the Emperor of Etrusia and upon his crowning declares his intention to reconquer Lembrisia. That very same night he is assassinated by the sage, Favaron. What followed was a period of rampant corruption and murder, three attempts to re-establish the Hatakasis and 5 to crown a new Emperor all end in bloody failure. The remaining provinces are abandoned, leading to yet more refugees flooding into the Etrusian Homeland.
1216 A.N. Makora, the last loyal province of the Etrusian Empire, is conquered by a tribe, originating from the northeast called the Uberians.
1224 A.N. Hunaris, King of Nichleria leads an invasion of the Etrusian mainland. He successfully captures Etrusia, burning the palace and much of the city, while sparing the Jothist Church. Henceforth Hunaris calls himself champion of Joth, and even carries a hammer in imitation of Narolos (Narul).The Etrusian Empire Falls.
1245 A.N. The First Palluyadic Empire forms in the East, marked by the creation of the city of Halubad, inspired by the cities of Etrusia, Labisa, and Kyris. The city becomes a center of learning and in particular is known for the quality of its sages. The Empire becomes the first in the world to extend citizenship to all sentient races, humanoid and otherwise, including Kiriki and certain dragons and spirits.
1264 A.N. The Chishic Empire is forced west of the Red Cedar mountains by a coalition of Macurian tribes and the Palluyads.
1271 A.N. The Warrior, Mezumezu founds the city of Nudutichal, capital of the Mezutal empire, in the ruins of the Atahcutec Empire.
The Kallisterian Dark Ages, The Mezutal Golden Age, the Polar Age
1286 A.N. Nichleria is renamed the Holy Kingdom of Nichlern, it claims to be the heir of Etrusia. The King of Nichlern is named protector of Jothism.
1291 A.N. A resurgence of the Euphoric Plague in addition to famine and drought leads to increasing unrest and religious zealotism. The Jothist scholar, Yesonam, blames strife on the actions of sages and forestfolk. While initially unpopular, particularly in the south, this doctrine is readily adopted by northern kingdoms like Nichlern, Bochrit, Yanlun, and Lembris. Many of these lands declare spiritual war against sages and forestfolk.
1297 A.N. Etrusia is named the center of Jothism, and the church of Joth ceded control of the Baalkic islands. All Jothist courts swear an oath to protect the city.
1305 A.N. Sagecraft powered is achieved for the first time by the sage and scholar Januma in the city of Halubad, she successfully flies 700 feet before crashing to her death.
1308 A.N. The Chishic King, Enaki, names himself the voice of Narul on Kobani, in opposition to the Jothist Church. He travels to Euphoi, and according to legend sleeps in the tomb of Narul.
1312 A.N.  The Mezutal Empire builds a fleet of 50 ships, the first such navy in Ulanian History. Using this fleet they settle in southern Tarinia, eventually coming into contact with the remnants of the Canal people. 
1321 A.N. Uberia is united under the Oaken Crown. The King of Uberia, Naruluz, travels to Etrusia and joins in the oath of the Jothist Crowns.
1325 A.N. Vjordic Fishermen land in Tarinia and begin to settle there. They are soon followed by their Hrotic counterparts. They trade with the local population and lead a mostly peaceful existence.
1333 A.N. The 4 Kingdoms of Goguke are invaded by Jamun. The Gogukian Royal family is massacred, and the Gogukian Hall of Names is burnt.
1367 A.N. The Lembrian noble, Renanold, slays the dragon, Taras, supposedly with a spear made from a shard of the hammer of Narul. His legend forms the basis for Kallisterian Knighthood.
1385 A.N. The first Hrotic Raiders land in Ikenii and Larslont and destroy several villages. This marks the beginning of 150 years of such raids.
1405 A.N. Muntatamcuz, Ruler of the Mezutal decrees the construction of a massive bridge crossing the strait which separates Tarinia and Ulania. The project, while ultimately unsuccessful, will facilitate the creation of thirty new cities on the coasts of Tarinia and Ulania. For this reason Muntatamcuz is called The Builder of Cities.
1425 A.N. The Kingdom of Akagalu splits into four kingdoms, each claiming to be the true heir to the original. At the Battle of Four, the three kingdoms met, ultimately leading to a four way stalemate. 
1454 A.N. The Palluyadic Explorer, Nalud, lands in Zudia. He brings back exotic fruit and animals. He returns several years later to create the trading colony of Jalutis.
1477 A.N. The Azuian Nomads of Pyritia unify to form the Azu Kingdom.
1496 A.N. With the blessing of the Patriarch of the Jothist Church, the King’s of Bochrit, Larslont, and Nichlern declare war on the Hrotic and Vjordic Tribes. The War of Bloody Snow will be waged for the next century. It will result in the formation of the kingdoms of Vjordag and Hrotland, both of which adopt Jothism. 
1507 A.N. Gunpowder is used in warfare for the first time during the Fire War, between the Kai and Mu. Ultimately the Mu were repelled from southern Macia, though not before successfully recreating the technology.
1513 A.N. Further Palluyadic colonies are formed throughout the isles of the Sinrian and Lautian Oceans. Palluyadic traders become the primary source of exotic materials and spices to the western world.
1524 A.N. After several years of rebellion, the Kingdom of Caris successfully declares its independence from Lembris.
1538 A.N. The Nomadic Hillfolk of the far northern Macurian Steppe successfully domesticate the huar. 
1541 AN. The Rebel Queen, Bankawe, leads a revolt against the Jamunese occupation of Goguke. Though she died before the realization of her mission, her daughter, also named Bankawe, would be successful in driving the last Jamunese ship from the Peninsula. The Land of Bankuke is thus born.
1565 A.N. The Chishic Joyuthist scholar, Jani, writes a treatise on the nature of Arkodian Bronze. This writing is essential in the development of Chishic Steel, which while lacking in the incredible sharpness and resilience of Arkodian Bronze, is capable of holding and capturing magical energies. The first Chishic Steel weapon is the sword Flame-Eater, gifted to the Chishic King.
1587 A.N. Ricar, brother to King Sebas of Lembris successfully invades Yanlun and declares himself king of the island, though he initially remains subservient to Lembris. Lembrian becomes the language of the court, and many customs, including knighthood, are adopted by Yannish lords.
1590 A.N. The Six Golden Kingdoms of Congasa, a small but ancient collection of Forestfolk, are conquered by the Xianti Theocracy. The Congasian brand of meditation based Xiatism becomes popular in much of eastern Macia. 
1592 A.N. Namut collapses into 23 competing micro-kingdoms. 
1603 A.N. Religious and Philosophical tensions lead to a civil war in the Palluyadic Empire, this leads to the split of the Empire into western and eastern kingdoms, Palluyad and Aruda. Halubad becomes the capital of Palluyad, while Urahun becomes the capital of Aruda. 
1611 A.N. The City-States of Yorungo are conquered and subjugated by the Maboli Empire. Maboli becomes the largest and richest empire in Pyritia. In its Ulanian territories the empire comes into contact with Mezutal.
1614 A.N. Vjordag attempts to invade Shumimi, partially with the aim of introducing Jothism.
1626 A.N. The Ice-Walkers of the Polar Regions join into an alliance with the giants. Together they successfully repel a Hrotish invasion.
1632 A.N. The Ru land on the Southern continent, where they find not only inhospitable conditions but also a race of monstrous beasts, the Uj. The Ru abandon the land, though they will continue to fish the frigid waters. A small group of giants does successfully settle the southern continent, farming penguins and eating large marine mammals.
1647 A.N. Akatotec of the Mezutal, funds the creation of a massive city carved into the side of Mount Lema. This in turn brought the Mezutal into conflict with the traditional owners of the mountain, the Daokipaqa, a particularly powerful Forestfolk population.
1658 A.N. The Lord of Chishic Korithia willingly surrenders to the Kingdom of Argentia, thus reuniting the Korithian Islands.
1661 A.N. The Island of Knosh is invaded by the Argentian King, Erkalos, he builds the city of Erkalo, in time the island will  come to be known as Erkalia.
1679 A.N. King Barnad of Yanlun alongside his knights and lords, and his Dochainain and Prynaean allies leads a rebellion against Lembris, kicking off the 90 Year War.
1685 A.N. The Kingdom of Ngonda, founded by Queen Anifuba, forms from the unification of the Kwi and Hasa peoples. The Kingdom becomes famed for the quality of its plantbrews and physicians. Ngondian physicians are invited as far away as Mu and Ulania.
1699 A.N. In response to Vjordic and Hrotic aggression, the Pact of Blue Waters is formed by the Inkul Tribes (Forestfolk), Chukakic Tribes, Ice-Walkers, Yevnuk, and Giants. Among the Jothist kingdoms of the south, this new polar alliance is known as the Heathen Empire. Sometimes this is referred to as the Second Alliance in reference to the first such alliance between the Giants and the Ice-Walkers.
1702 A.N. The Kimersian Princes successfully conquer the Unartic Tribes. They are the dominant force in the Kimersian Sea.
1711 A.N. The Battle of Doren between the Yannish and Lembrian ends in victory for the Yanes. 
1719 A.N. - 1724 A.N. Driven by the stories of wealth from the Pyritian and Ulanian Connection,The Uberian explorer, Penetoz Tarano sails west to establish colonies with 4 ships. One of Tarano’s ships is sunk during the storm, another is consumed by a serpent. The last two ships land in the territory of the Inawari Tribes. By chance they had arrived at the same time as a Metuzalan delegation. Enamored by the opulence and beauty of the Metuzalan’s Tarano broke the rules of hospitality by attempting to kidnap one of these strangers to be brought back to Uberia. The response from the Metuzalan’s and their Inawari hosts was immediate. Tarano himself was killed, alongside most of his crew. One ship was destroyed entirely while the other barely escaped. Low on supplies, the surviving crew resorted to cannibalism. Of the 356 men who had left Uberia, 27 returned. 
1722 A.N. -1788 The Jothist Church of Etrusia constructs the Academy of Nima, which functions as both a University and Church, the largest in all of Jothdom. The construction inspires the popularity of new art styles and architectural traditions. The Academy becomes renowned as a creator and depository of the written word. Etrusia becomes known as the City of Priests and Poets. The completion of the Academy is traditionally considered to be the end of the Kallisterian Dark Ages.
The Makurian/Xiku Golden Age and the Age of Poets
1724 A.N. The Kingdom of Palluyad receives its first loss in battle against the Chishic Empire at the Battle of Flaming Cedars. Chishic officers use magical weapons on mass for the first time in place of sages.
1735 A.N. Behtuge is born in a small Xiku village.
1760 - 1763 Behtuge at just the age of 25, unites the tribes of the Xiku, through war, marriage, and diplomacy. 
1764 A.N. - 1782 A.N. The Jushi City-States, parts of Northern Mu, Xir, and other parts of Eastern and Central Macia are conquered by the Xiku.
1767 A.N. The Nichlernian Theologian Balo, condemns the Etrusian Church, citing an inability to address perceived heathenism and heretics. Balic Jothism gains increasing popularity among parts of Nichlern and Bochrit.
1770 A.N. The Pale, a race of monstrous forestfolk emerge in abandoned lands of the Whale-Eaters. They descend on nearby villages and even Vjordic cities. They are eventually driven back to wastes but only after causing widespread destruction. 
1772 A.N. The King of Lembris, Janes the Third, signs a peace-treaty with Yannish King, Rodin. The Kingdom of Yanlun is officially founded as an independent entity
1775 A.N. The Mechanized Printing Press is invented in Bochrit. The first printed texts are almost exclusively Jothist religious texts, including the works of Balo.
1779 A.N. Rodin of Yanlun declares himself and his kingdom as followers of Balic Jothism, severing ties with the Etrusian Church.
1787 Behtuge dies, his throne is split between his two eldest daughters, Khochen (West) and Tumalhai (East). 
1789 A.N. Balic Jothist Peasants, with the tacit permission of the local nobility, massacre forestfolk in the Nichlern city of Tomalin.Some of these Forestfolk were themselves Etrusian Jothists. In response the Etrusian Church calls a Holy War against the Balic Heretics. Thousands of warriors and knights from Lembris, Uberia, Carsis, Argentia, and Etrusia travel to Nichlern. Nichlern is joined by its allies Bochrit, Larslont, and Yanlun. The War of Heretics will divide Jothism and will be waged for 50 years.
1793 A.N. 
1800 A.N. Khochen conquers Aruda, while large parts of the city of Urahun are burned, the House of Song, the City’s archives, are spared. Knowledge and art from all parts of both Xiku kingdoms are concentrated in the city. Naludism alongside Macurian Paganism, and Xiantism becomes a dominant faith in much of central Macia.
1804 A.N. The Republic of the Indosi Isles is founded
1808 A.N. Gunpowder weapons are introduced to Kallistera and Pyritia via trade with the Xiku.
1811 A.N. Zudia suffers its worst drought in 800 years, many of the tribes and families are greatly weakened.
1812 A.N. The Etrusian Poet, Rodibat, pens his 1000 Songs. His work is performed across much of the world and is massively influential in the creation of new literature.
1814 A.N. At the Battle of Haraford, the Etrusian and Balic forces clash. The Balic’s use newly constructed gunpowder weapons while the Etrusians come with sages and Chishic made magical weapons. While the Etrusians are ultimately the victors, the casualties are massive. This is the last battle in Kallistera in which magic takes a major role.
1817 A.N. The Mezutal Empire has its civil war. Tarinian Mezutal successful splits from its southern half, becoming the Kingdom of Uzatal.
1823 A.N. The Dragon, Nkad, terrorizes Western Pyritia, temporarily severing contact between Ulania and Pyritia. 
1826 A.N. The Balic Church is officially founded, it forbids the use of sagecraft and explicitly believes spirits and by extension spiritbloods to be demonic in nature. Narul is explicitly depicted as being not a spiritblood. Forestfolk and sages are expelled from these territories, many flooding into Lembris and Uberia.
1833 A.N. Vjordag, Hrotland, and the Pact of Blue Water reach an uneasy peace. Trade begins between them. The Hrotic and Vjordic settlements in Tarinia grow larger.
1839 A.N. The War of Heretics comes to an end with a stalemate. The Balic Church is allowed to exist as a branch of the Etrusian Church, together they are called Western Jothism, in opposition to Eastern Jothism or Joyuthism, practiced in places like Chishetal. Balic clergy join the Etrusian hierarchy and soon are able to implement Balic doctrine, including a complete ban on sagecraft in Western Jothist states, and the expulsion of Forestfolk and most Hillfolk.
1841 A.N. Occupied regions of Mu and the far-eastern Xiku are liberated by the Munic warlord, Fukwazhi. The State of Great Mu is instrumental in the eventual collapse of eastern Xiku.
1852 A.N. Quata, King of Mezutal sails around the southern tip of Ulania, along the journey he meets with the Acaniruanian court and with the Pyritians. His son, Olamechutal accompanies a voyage across the ocean, becoming the first Mezutalite to visit first Pyritia and then Kallistera. Olamechutal never returned to Ulania as he died of fever, however an account of his journey and observations, The Voyage of A Thousand Wings, is among the first widely published non-religious books in Kallisteran history. 
1854 A.N. A cache of Arkodian Bronze  weapons is uncovered in Goguke, it is unclear how they got there. One sword, named Skysplitter, is gifted to the King of Goguke to be passed down as an heir. The rest is melted down and made into shields to be carried by the five most trusted members of the Royal Guard.
1857 A.N. The Road of Gold is completed connecting all the way from Apuna to Mu, allowing for trade across the entire continent of Macia
1861 A.N. Yanlun invades Pryneu, which they refer to as Montlun. The series of battles and invasions called the Montish Wars, are waged for next 200 years, until the eventual subjugation of the last Montish Kingdom. The last king of the Montish is Llawar, said to wield an ax of Arkodian Bronze, seated atop a giant stag; he is slain in battle, though he remains a symbol of Montish and later Duckish resistance.
1865 A.N. The Telescope is independently invented in Etrusia and Chishetal.
1873 A.N. The Sinrian Peninsula is united for the first time since before Narul. The Land of Sinru is ruled by Five Great Queens. The Sinrians successfully repel a Xikic invasion of the north, and to prevent future incursions a massive wall is built south of the mountains, in order to add another barrier to any invading force.
1881 A.N. The first (semi) accurate model of the Kobanic Solar System is produced in the city of Erkalo.
1885 A.N. The Master of Palluyad seeks assistance from their old rivals, Chishetal, in driving away the Xiku. Chishetal agrees, driven by a historic distrust of Macurian populations. The Chishic army, led by Queen Darutma the Magnificent, marches over the Red Cedar Mountains. Together the Chishic and Palluyadic armies defeated the Xiku at Ankula and Urahun. The Chishic army pillaged the city, to the great displeasure of Palluyad, and returned to Chishetal with thousands of works of art and cultural treasures.
1898 A.N.The Last Great Leader of the Xiku is tracked down and killed by rivals, the empire falls apart due to in-fighting and aggression from outside forces.
1901 A.N. A group of the On People of Zudia, land in Mu. They are welcomed into the Munic court, eventually forming the bulk of the Emperor's personal guard.
1924 A.N. The first steam engine, no larger than a small dog, and initially a curiosity, is created in the Namutian city of Oswa by the inventor, Naimina. The technology eventually is spread north to Apuna and from there to the wider world.
1926 A.N. 133 Busira, Daoku, Malu, Jini, Jagi, The Great Cities of the Viat Sea-Kings, Phangui, and Mekan are all united into the Republic of Khwamer. 
The Age of Ships
1927 A.N. - 1935 A.N. Lost for over a century, the accounts of Tarano resurface in Uberia. King Migrab, orders and funds a second expedition, this one is considerably larger than the last and heavily armed with guns and modern weaponry. Four Jothist Theologians accompany them. A fleet of 18 ships sail from Uberia. They eventually land in the home of Okalokee and Yupa peoples. The Colony of Maberia is founded, initially with the tacit approval of the Yupa people. Three ships are sent back to inform Uberia of the formation of the new colony.
1936 A.N. The successful colony by Uberia causes “Exploration Fever” as Yanlun, Lembris, and Larslont all create expeditions of their own with the intention of creating colonies. Seeing this as a threat to their own interests, Vjordag and Hrotland, working together, send supplies to their own settlements.
1937 A.N. Guided by Ru navigators, a Munic ship lands on the western shores of Ulania. They are quickly apprehended by Mezutal officials, but are later released, and sent back to Mu.
1945 A.N. The Mezu-Uberian War is triggered by the burning of a Mezutal temple and murder of its attends by the Jothist fanatic, Heraduz Ta Odilia. The Uberians align themselves with several of Mezutal’s rivals in the region including the Daokipaqa and Uzatal. The Daokipaqa are promised the return of their homeland occupied by the Mezutal. Attacked on nearly all sides, and weakened by corruption and unused to fighting against guns, the Mezutal driven back to capital. Their last line of defense is the Spiritblood, Akalapotchil.
The Age of Colonies
1946 A.N. The First Lembrian Colony is founded in Tarinia, in the lands of the Sepochee, it is called simply, New Lembris. Later that same year the Yanes land to the North in the lands inhabited by the Chanta and create New Yanlun. The Larslontian expedition is stopped and killed by the Vjordic Navy.
1957 A.N. The Hammer War is started when a Bochrit lord kills a Nichlernian lord while bickering over a supposed piece of the Hammer of Narolos. Despite the best efforts of the Etrusian Church to mediate the dispute, the two kingdoms come to blows. Ultimately 13,000 die. It is later revealed that the fragment was a fake. 
1958 A.N. Akalapotchil is killed by the Daokipaqani Sage, Huruqa. The Mezu-Uberian war comes to an end with the destruction of the Mezutal Empire. Horrified witnesses report the heinous crimes committed by the Uberians during the subsequent period of subjugation.
1965 A.N. The Second Yannish Colony on Tarinia, New Montlun, is founded. 
1979 A.N. A new strain of Euphoric Plague rages through Kallistera and Pyritia. The disease eventually reaches the Yannish and Lembrian Colonies where it is particularly damaging.
1984 A.N. The Chishic explorer, Haman, leads an expedition from Labisa to the North Pole. He dies shortly before reaching the actual pole. All but five of his party die of the cold or are consumed.
1992 A.N. The Yannish king, Lammick the Second, leads an invasion of Dochain, though they are repelled.
1996 A.N. The Mabolian Hillfolk inventor and cartographer, Banaja creates the first semi-complete map of the world, The Banajian Model, based on the accounts of Pallyudic, Yannish, Uberian, Munic, and even Ru’ic accounts of the shape of the world.
1998 A.N. The Yannish author, Karul of Harptun, writes The Voyages of the Noble Narolos an entirely fictionalized account of Narolos (Narul) and his journey to Ikenii and Dirsia. While initially quite popular among the layfolk, Karul is later arrested by Jothist authorities and dies of malnutrition in prison.
2001 A.N. - 2021  A faction of Chishic lords lead a coup against the emperor. The Rebels are armed with Kallisterian guns, the loyalists carry weapons of Chishic steel. Vastly outnumbered, the loyalists barricaded themselves in the city of Labisa. The siege lasts almost 20 years, ending ultimately with a victory by the rebellious lords, after the Chishic King was assassinated by a turncoat. The leader of the lords, Akurd, takes the throne as the new Chishic throne. The first 10 years of his reign will be consumed by putting down loyalist factions in Shabala and Ikopesh.
2002 A.N. The Uberian King, with the support of the Jothist Patriarch, bans the enslavement of any person born in a Jothist nation; this does not include Naludist and Joyuthist peoples. It also did not include Forestfolk. Uberian soldiers begin a campaign of enslaving Ulanian peoples, including the former occupants of Mezutal. To the outrage of the Daokipaqa, not only were they not returned to their homeland, but they are targeted for enslavement. The Daokipaqa join an alliance of several peoples against the Uberians. The conflict between the two sides will continue on for over five centuries.
2012 A.N. The Nichlernian Jothist preacher, Kalen of Daruparg, predicts the coming of a second Calamity. Widespread panic proves in vain, though not before several buildings, including the Church of Daruparg are burnt to the ground. 
2014 A.N. The Kingdom of Palluyad is dissolved into the Three New Kingdoms; Palluya, Baban, and Inad. 
2021 A.N. The 13 Year War is waged between Yanlun and the Alliance of Hrotland, Vjordag, and Larslont. The War is fought both in Kallistera and Tarinia, including against the Tarinian allies of Hrotland and Vjordag.
2024 A.N. The Argentian Scholar, Alanos, creates the first complete history of Kobani, starting with the creation of Arkodai and ending with the Hammer War.
2034 A.N. Pressured by the Jothist Church, Hrotland and Vjordag sue for peace with Yanlun. As part of the Treaty, much of the southern Vjordic/Hrotic territory in Tarinia is handed over to Yanlun. The Yannish holding in Tarinia grows by 320%. Tens of thousands of settlers, traders, and slavers travel to the Yannish colonies to make a new life. Larslont continues to wage war against Yanlun in Kallistera. 
2038 A.N. Yanlun and Lembris adopt the enslavement policy of Uberia. Owning a Tarinian slave and Tarinian antiquities becomes a symbol of status in Yanlun. The Dirsians and the Dochic people become famed for their abolitionist actions, acting as pirates, stopping slave ships heading for Yanlun, Uberia, and Lembris and taking the people aboard back to Dirsia. Similar pirate movements arise closer to Tarinia and Ulania, largely composed of Mabolian’s many under the pay of the throne.
2045 A.N. The First Jothist Jamunese Emperor rules over the Kingdom. The first assassination attempt occurs within days of his coronation.
2057 A.N. Economy bolstered by new acquisitions and the slave trade, the Yannish throne initiates an invasion of Dirsia and Dochain.
2062 A.N. The Republic of Akagulu dissolves. It is replaced by a number of smaller nations, most important of all is the Hillfolk dominated kingdom of Batuna.
2072 A.N. - 2098 A.N. Kimersia expands, The Kimersian Empire now borders Shumimi in the north and Chishetal in the west.
2091 A.N. The first microscope is invented in Chishetal, it allows for the magnification of items by 15x.
2104 A.N. The last king of Dochain surrenders at the Battle of Four Forks. Dochain becomes a Yannish territory, called Duclan, its people are referred to as Duckish or simply Ducks.
2115 A.N. Dirsia is defeated and colonized. The Dirsians are treated harsher than their Duckish cousins. Dirsian “Prisoners” are brought to Yanlun and to the Yannish colonies to work as laborers. 
2129 A.N. Chishetal and Kimersia fight over parts of eastern Shabala, resulting in the Chish-Kimersian War. Many Western Kingdoms send their support to Kimersia, as Chishetal’s control of East-West Trade in the Green Sea is seen as a threat to the economic interests of Jothist countries. 
2140 A.N. The Munic Sage, Nao Tza attempts to reach space using explosives and sagecraft. He builds an iron pod with himself inside of it and launches himself skyward. While ultimately he didn’t survive the attempt, nor did he reach space, his research is influential in the creation of rocket technology, mostly for military purposes.
2151 A.N. The Chish-Kimersian War comes to an end as a stalemate. 
2169 A.N. Nearly a third of Uberian Army in Tarinia is destroyed by the Serpent, Koalipak, temporarily stopping the Uberian Imperial effort in the region. 
2185 A.N. The Pact of the Blue Waters officially dissolves. Giants settle in Yanlun, Vjordag, and Nichlern where they face discrimination.
2194 A.N. - 2231 The Hammer of Joth is invented in Etrusia, a revolving gun capable of firing bullets of Jothic Steel, a variation of Chishic Steel with the added benefit of being capable of harming spirits. Thousands of the guns are purchased by Yanlun, Lembris, and Uberia, and it is used in Tarinia against native peoples and spirits. 
2203 A.N. An Ikopeshi Revolt is violently suppressed by the Chishic Throne. 
2211 A.N. The first functional steam-powered ship is invented in Apuna.
2222 A.N. Khwamer falls and is partially annexed by Mu alongside the Xianti Theocracy. The Munic Empress sends messengers to the Daokipaqa promising aid in exchange for land controlled by the Uberians. The Daokipaqa refuse the offer, still suspicious after their last agreement with a foreign power.
2231 The Hammer of Joth is streamlined, made cheaper and more easily carried. Jothic Guns become the primary weapons of colonizing forces. The slaughter of Forestfolk and Spirits leads to the unification of several Tarinian nations. They follow the mysterious Sister Goddesses. It is not clear if these “Goddesses' ' are human leaders, spiritbloods, or spirits. 
The Age of Rebellion and Tarinian Wars
2245 A.N. The Yannish explorer, Conor Malark, successfully crosses Tarinia and reaches the Tanjian Ocean. Many others follow in his steps, starting small settlements.
2251 A.N. The Jamunese Emperor Shirado, willingly abdicates without an heir, dying shortly after, possibly poisoned. A civil war, The War of the Frogs, between opposing applicants for the throne ensues.
2275 A.N. The Pirate Republic of Indosi forms in opposition to Munic, Palluyic, and Kallisteran Dominance in the region. For a short period (2275 - 2345) 73% of all commerce and trade through the Sinrian and Lautian Oceans go through the hands of or are taxed by Indosi Pirates. Indosi Ships raid as far west as the Pyritian Coast and as far east as the coast of Tarinia. In many cases they are joined by the Ru.
2280 A.N. The Knights of Narolos are founded. Armed with guns and weapons of Jothic Steel, their described purpose is to kill monsters. However, in practice what is included under the moniker of “monster” is rather broad. The Knights stalk the Tarinian frontiers, Pyritia, and the Polar North, killing monsters, spirits, Spiritbloods, and forestfolk. They are particularly hostile towards Spiritbloods. Of the 23 Spiritbloods living on the planet before 2280, only 9 will still be alive by 2330.
2292 A.N. The Munic General, Daori, Lands in Zudia and almost immediately clashes with several local groups, marking the beginning of Munic imperialism in the region. The Zudian groups in the south unite into the Uruninjic Confederation, to oppose Munic efforts to expand further.
2293 A.N. The War of the Frogs comes to an end
2300 A.N. Followers of the Dirsian Independence Movement attack the Yannish capital, successfully killing the Yannish Crown Prince. The response by Yanlun is cruel and long lasting, thousands of Dirsians or “Dirsh '' are killed, starved, or kidnapped. Rather than stopping revolutionary thoughts however, it fans them. The revolutionaries continue to work in the shadows, attacking and undermining Yannish efforts on the island. Similar rebel groups form in Duclun and Montlun.
2311 A.N. The Museum of Magic and Heathenism is opened in Yanlun alongside the Yannish Academy of Sciences in celebration of the Treaty of Salisbud signed between Yanlun and Larslont.
2324 A.N. Electrical wiring and the first battery is invented by the Erkalian Inventor, Khasmus.
2337 A.N. The Kingdom of Ngonda adopts a democratic government, the Monarch maintains a symbolic function. Several other Pyritian kingdoms follow. Universities in Ngonda, Namut, Chishic-Apuna, and Maboli grow substantially.
2342 A.N. The first captive dragon is born at Etrusian Nima Academy.
2359 A.N. Inspired by the Satagulish Canal, The Hrotic and Yannish governments of Tarinia work together to begin work on a massive canal meant to cross the entirety of the continent
2366 A.N. The First Hot Air-Balloon is invented and flown in Larslont.
2371 A.N. At the Battle of Coral Sands the Gumwarnugo family of Zudia is defeated by Munic Colonists. The Matriarchs of the family are sent back to Mu, marking the first instance of Zudian Enslavement.
2389 A.N. - 2402 A.N. The Lembri-Uberian War is started in response to clashing colonial interests. In time this war expands into the First Tarinian War. Yannish colonists attacked the Lembrian colony of New Lembris, hoping to capture fertile valleys. Yanlun signed a Pact of Alliance with Uberia. Ultimately the Lembrians are expelled from Tarinia, Yanlun taking their former holdings. An agreement is made between Uberia and Yanlun; Tarinia for the Yanes, Ulania for the Uberians. The Lembrian King and his family is murdered by his own soldiers shortly after agreeing to surrender.
2391 A.N. The electric telegram is invented by the Lembrian inventor, Arauld Contar.
2396 A.N. The Kiriki called Rak, is named the heir to the throne of Baban. After the Babanian king’s death, Rak is crowned thus becoming the first non-humanoid sentient individual to lead a primarily human country. The Jothist and Joyuthist Churches both condemn this as sacrilegious. The Knights of Narolos along with the Chishic Order of the Hammer both attempt to invade and kill the new king. While they are ultimately unsuccessful, Kiriki become the targets of extreme violence across Kallimacia. Their population is reduced to a third of its former extent.
2401 A.N. The First Train successfully carries passengers about ¼ mile before breaking down. In the following decades hundreds of miles of tracks will be constructed across much of Kallistera and Tarinia. 
2403 A.N. - 2419 The First Yannish expedition around the world is ultimately successful though very costly. The leader of the expedition, Kan Bavmun, reports many new people and beasts, as well as a previously undocumented landmass far to the north, amongst the sea ice. He reports no signs of civilized life, save for strange ruins. He suggests by the complexity of the architecture that these ruins may have pre-dated the Calamity. This region comes to be called the Wastes. Though taken from a distance, his descriptions point to the most intact ruin of its kind in the world. This discovery kicks off a renewed interest in the Age of Glass and Metal amongst scholars. Though he made plans to return, Kan dies of an unknown disease shortly after his trip. Attempted expeditions are met with disaster. A Lembrian expedition is attacked by pirates, the entirety of the crew killed or taken hostage. Three Yannish expeditions fail, one to mutiny and the other two vanish entirely without explanation. An Etrusian expedition is reportedly destroyed by an unidentified sea-beast, according to the one survivor. In order to avoid more needless death, the Yannish Academy of Sciences declares a 100 year ban on any further expeditions, starting 2419. The Jothist church of Etrusia makes a similar ban on any entities which may seek funding from the Academy of Nima.
2425 A.N. The first wired radio and the telephone are invented by the Chishic inventor, Saru.
2427 A.N. The Palluyidic author, Namuni, writes “The Mutations” which reports to record every observed Forestfolk, Monster, and other magically altered being in the world. It has 2,437 entries. 665 of these entries will be rendered extinct by the time a second edition is published by his great great grandson.
2434 A.N. A new outbreak of the Euphoric Plague rocks Kallimacia. Scientific cures prove ineffective. The Etrusian Jothist priest, Kampidan, seemingly through the power of faith alone is successful in curing an afflicted person of the disease, the first case of a cured individual ever.Thousands flock to the priest. A new branch of Jothism forms around him, Zelatorical Jothism, it focuses on evangelism and extreme dogmatism.
2456 A.N. Zelatorical Jothists open the first “Narolic Academy” a school meant to re-educate Tarinian children with Yannish culture and the Zelatorical conception of Narolos (Narul) and Jothism. This first school pays 3 Yannish Kupers per child brought to the school, the equivalent of three days of work for the average factory worker. Hundreds of Tarinian children are captured, so many that more schools are opened across the Yannish Colonies.
2469 A.N. The Trackless Steam Carriage is invented. Battery powered vehicles will follow soon behind.
2476 A.N. The Namutian historian and scientist, Qarud, tracks the origins of the Euphoric Plague to the Island of Kosheklayu, off the coast of Chishetal. Shortly after reporting these findings at a conference in Etrusia, he is found in his room, dead.
2481 A.N. Following years of protests, Yanlun bans slavery, though only in the mainland, the colonies are exempt. There is no such ban on “ indentured servants.”
2484 A.N. The Jamunese inventor, Ikro Mongowa, and his partner, the Nichlernian, Fradruch Hangel, create  the first wireless radio. It is effective over only 4 miles. The second and third models will more than triple this range.
2486 A.N. The Theory of Planes is created by the Etrusian scientist, Eractom. It suggests that the other mortal worlds may not share the same solar system as Kobani, but rather may exist on separate but connected planes. It is theorized that it might be possible to travel across these planes.
2497 A.N. A representative of the Southern Giant Clan makes the journey to the North Pole, marking the first interaction between the two clans in several centuries.
2503 A.N. The Gulinbarg Radio transmitter, invented by Baff Gulinbarg using Chishic steel components, expands the transmission range of radios by 800%, approximately 114 miles.
2508 A.N. The Coast of Mu is struck by the Great Quake of 2508 and subsequently by several tsunamis. Tens of thousands die. Following this, Zudian slaves, using the chaos, rebel, leading to a confrontation at the Red Dam. The Zudian slaves are massacred, however the story of the revolt spreads across Kobani, the Zudian Rebels becoming symbolic of resistance in places like Ulania, Tarinia, and Dirsia.
2519 A.N. The Ban on Expeditions to the Wastes is lifted. The Yannish explorer, Hal Roost volunteers as the first person to take the journey. He and a crew of twenty set off from Yanlun. They stop in Tarinia and sail through the Mezutalian Strait. They are last seen at a Vjordic settlement on the western Tarinian coast. They are not heard from again and are assumed to be dead or otherwise lost.
2524 A.N. A starving and badly injured figure washes up on a piece of driftwood near the Vjordic town of Huelbar. He claims to be a manservant of Hal Roost, and reports that his master is in fact still alive, trapped in the ruins of an ancient city. Reports of this are sent back to the Yannish Academy. They are initially met with skepticism. Later that same year a Jamunese fishing vessel picks up a radio signal coming from the north. The voice claims to be Hal Roost.
2525 A.N. A second Yannish expedition and now a rescue mission, is officially approved.
@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms @roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe @axl-ul, @persnickety-peahen, @surroundedbypearls ,
@kaylinalexanderbooks , @mk-writes-stuff
Behold, what I have been obsessing over for the last week, now I can get back to other tumblr stuff. I have a character intro I need to do.
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softpadawan · 2 years
Every time I see Kanan Jarrus described as "brash" and "cocky"
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His character summaries in published media are hilariously inaccurate.
The Rebellion Begins (Kogge, 2014):
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Kanan: The Last Padawan (Weisman, Larraz, Camagni, 2015):
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No. No. No.
Kanan Jarrus isn't Han Solo version 2.0. All of the above adjectives are more fitting to a man like Han. If anything, Kanan is Han's foil, his complete opposite. His description in The Last Padawan makes it seem as if he's the one who's hellbent on fighting the Empire, the gung-ho commander of the team, when in truth it's all Hera. She's the one responsible for pushing Kanan into the Rebellion. She owns and pilots the Ghost; she's the founder and the leader of the crew.
Hera is the true Spectre-01. Kanan is actually Spectre-02, and that's why his pauldron bears the number "02". It's not a romantic gesture, like some fans believe.
From Wookieepedia, emphasis mine:
Although various sources have identified Kanan Jarrus as the leader of the Spectres, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away states that Jarrus' Spectre-1 code name was given to him so that Imperials will incorrectly assume he is the group's leader, and states of Hera Syndulla, "Even though she is Spectre-2, this Twi'lek is the pilot and leader of the rebels."
Kanan is not the leader, or even a leader. Hera is. She always was. Initially, Kanan didn't want anything to do with the Rebellion, and in the second season of Rebels (The Siege of Lothal, S2 E01), he voiced his reluctance to work alongside other rebel cells, showing that even after seven years allied with Hera, he was still hesitant about taking on greater responsibilities. Hera was always the one pushing for more involvement. Kanan supported her, but only so far. He wasn't, in his own words, "ready to start another [war]."
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Which brings me to the next section:
The Adjectives
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Kanan isn't any definition of brash. He's cautious and controlled, always aware of danger, and not keen on taking risks, especially where the Force is concerned.
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Above excerpt from The Rebellion Begins—ironically from the same book that described him as "brash"—where Hera tries to press Kanan into using the Force shortly before the events in Spark of Rebellion.
Kanan's acknowledgement of the necessity of taking risks didn't truly come into play until after he met Ezra. He actually tried to talk Hera out of recruiting him (and was right to do so).
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Kanan isn't a "maverick".
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Kanan's life from Order 66 until 5 BBY was nothing but him trying to blend in with the crowd and remain as inconspicuous as possible. His very survival depended on it (see also: A New Dawn; further supported by Cal Kestis's prescription for survival in Jedi: Fallen Order, below, emphasis mine):
"[T]here are three rules to survive. Don't stand out. Accept the past. Trust no one. The galaxy's changed. Whatever you do, don't reach within. Don't stand out. Accept the past. Trust no one. Trust only in the Force."
Sound advice. The last thing Kanan wanted was to draw attention, especially Imperial attention, and he did everything he could to prevent that.
Kanan is not cocky.
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The man is the antithesis of self-confidence. So much of Kanan's journey in Rebels is the reclamation of his confidence and courage, coming out of the shell he'd built around himself for the last 15 years. He didn't approach Ezra with the attitude of "alright, kid, I'm gonna teach you to be a kickass Jedi!" He was reluctant to teach Ezra, wary of making mistakes, fearful of failing him, literally wracked with doubt and worry, as we see here in S1 E10, Path of the Jedi:
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The only descriptor that is somewhat accurate to Kanan is "sarcastic", but he only does that occasionally, usually directed at enemies or when in situations he'd rather not be in. He doesn't make sarcasm his entire identity, unlike Han Solo, whose every other line of dialogue is a sardonic comment or quip. Even Obi-Wan is cattier than Kanan.
So why is Kanan marketed as a brash, cocky, sarcastic, arrogant maverick?
In my opinion, it's because the entertainment industry incorrectly believes a male character is only interesting if he's 1) a borderline asshole, 2) completely able-bodied and hypercompetent, 3) in possession of a great power, or 4) any combination of the previous three.
A cautious, traumatized, insecure male character who suppresses his abilities, goes with the crowd, and doesn't stand out, who is naturally tender and kindhearted toward people, isn't going to be as marketable—especially in a male-dominated arena like comics—even though it's a more accurate description of Kanan's character. He isn't the classic, charismatic hero archetype that boys can project themselves onto... unless they spin him that way to sell merch.
But the trend of the Arrogant Asshole Lead Male is declining in recent years, I've noticed. Major characters like Cassian Andor and Cal Kestis and sad desert hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, men who are still dealing with the mental fallout of Order 66 and/or suffering under the soul-crushing oppression of the Empire, men who are haunted and traumatized and disempowered, are becoming more prevalent. Their stories are being told. That's fantastic. I'm personally bored with the same old cocky-witty-genius-talented-billionaire-playboy male stereotype (who always has a perfect comeback) that has dominated the entertainment industry for half a century. Broken, imperfect characters are a thousand times more interesting to me, and so are their stories and character development. It's difficult to develop an already-perfect character, or one who never changes.
I think I've excised all my aggravation now. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Support your local Traumatized Jedi™
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prinnamon · 4 months
finally done with Shephard's Mind! i took notes on the first couple episodes weeks ago, put the series off, then raced through the rest in the past three days. series official playlist here. it doesn't include some of the extras, but i'll link all of them when i get to them!
even though all my notes are finished, i'm going to split them up into three posts (plus a fourth for comments and misc source finds) so that this is more manageable to revisit. it's a longer series than any of the ones i covered previously.
below are some overall thoughts about Mindrian as a character, followed by my notes on episodes 1-10.
my overall impressions of Shep, not specific to a single episode:
his first instinct is to give people the benefit of the doubt, but if someone definitively betrays his trust. he will hold a grudge.
interested in aliens. not really disgusted by them. doesn't have a problem killing them but doesn't seem to take joy from it that can't be attributed to an appreciation of his own skill/luck/success or a matter of "fuck this specific individual alien."
the description calls him a "cowardly individual," which i've seen one or two people disagree with, but which to me feels accurate. he runs from danger and only faces it head-on when he can't run anymore.
he's not really squeamish about evidence of bad things happening to other people unless the implication is that it could also happen to him. he is unabashedly looking out for himself first.
doesn't use his own name much in his internal monologue early on. did say "Adrian wins" in episode 10, so i started calling him Adrian instead of Shephard. but then he went and started referring to himself as Shephard quite a bit more frequently in the late series. oh well. you’ll all know who i’m talking about.
Adrian was asleep before the intro. dozes off again while the others are chitchatting.
considers "your mom" jokes immature.
COMPLETELY silent while the helicopter's getting blasted to bits
says "my tummy hurts" when he regains consciousness at one point. his tummy hurts and he's not gonna be brave about it. as is his right
not too upset at the sight of dead HECU soldiers! i mean, he was trained for this eventuality.
head hurts. flickering lights bad.
he's expecting the first aid station to dispense Advil. it does not.
recognizes his sergeant being carried by scientists on a stretcher. follows because "i'm not gonna miss a chance to see him in pain!"
gets knocked over when the headcrabbed soldier throws the scientist's body through the window. gets back up and runs away!
has a reasonable degree of fear but isn't panicking.
assumes the zombies are black mesa's creation/responsibility. ("hey, your monster broke out of the lab.")
treats the first guard he meets as an ally! …until said guard offers arbitrary instructions Adrian has to follow before they can move on. then Adrian becomes antagonistic towards him.
lets the zombie chase the scientist while he goes for his vest. once he realizes how the headcrabs attack and attach to people, he decides to go help.
doesn't really end up helping. won't let the scientist stand behind him. ultimately leaves him behind. the scientist can be heard getting killed off-screen.
Adrian wants something he can keep between him and the enemy. grabs a rolling chair and pushes it around in front of him. (like Stark with that stool…) ditches it for the wrench immediately but then goes back for it and uses it to climb safely past the laser.
gets a bad electrical shock from a live wire. takes a break to recover.
best line: (after noticing collapsed support beams) "so, uh… you guys doing some renovations in here or what?" (after noticing bloody handprints on the wall) "and, uh, heh, evidently some… ahem… finger painting."
acknowledges the HUD! he can see it. it displays on the lenses of his helmet.
doesn't want to touch the crabs :/ avoids instead of engaging!
accosts the guard, demanding he let Adrian in. when he doesn't, Adrian is surprisingly willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and dismiss it as being because of technical difficulties.
would NOT work here.
yells to hear his voice echo in the chasm
"okay. i probably shouldn't look down." (inching closer to the edge of the cliff and looking down) "don't look down. why are you looking down? stop looking down!" (looking back up and moving on) "okay"
very enthusiastic about finding a knife. takes it out of the vortigaunt's corpse without noticing the body. spends several seconds admiring the knife before realizing there's an alien there
"i've never seen an alien up close." (buddy what do you think the crabs are? oh, wait, right, he thinks zombies—and i guess, by extension, also headcrabs—are black mesa's creation.) "but now that i have… now that i have, i feel richer for the experience." he's learning so much!
only mildly bummed/perturbed to reach the crash site and find everyone there dead.
brushes the same arm that was already electrocuted up against the electrified fence in the middle of chastising a dead guard for having been electrocuted.
slur count: 1
i've noticed he goes quiet for long stretches when there's immediate danger or he needs to focus. he may be a contender for mind series character most capable of shutting the fuck up
thinks to check a soldier for a pulse.
cannot whistle. wishes he could.
hit by a vortigaunt's beam. electricity really is his number 1 enemy
never goes to barbecues. they're boring to him
left the base at noon. estimates it to be 5:30 PM now. hoping to "get home before [he misses] the new episode of House tonight" (referring to the show House MD and placing the series between 2004 and 2012)
best line: "all i did was touch an electrified wire and i'm already 12 percent dead! or 88 percent alive, depending on your point of view."
formulating a backup plan that involves stealing an alien spaceship from a lab.
sees a barnacle. considers leaving it alone because he wants nothing to do with it. reconsiders. kills it.
thinks maybe this one wasn't an alien. after all, he hadn't heard of echidnas until recently
loves the laser sight on the desert eagle. sounds almost disappointed at how easy it is to kill aliens with it.
has second thoughts about stealing an alien ship. it wouldn't be good to get mistaken for an invader by air traffic control.
wonders if the invasion is happening all over the planet.
hit by a vortigaunt's beam again!
sooo disappointed about being unable to take the lift up to the top
incredibly grateful to gman for letting him out of the electrified toxic waste room. when gman isn't there, Adrian wonders where he could've gone since the other way out is also blocked by electrified toxic waste
unhappy that all his pessimistic predictions are coming true. thinks of himself as "the Nostradamus of fucking up."
thinks headcrabs look like featherless chickens. contemplating taking one home and cooking and eating it.
chastises a dead guard for dying right next to a first aid station. hopes said guard reincarnates as a featherless chicken alien
slur count: 2
has a cousin James who thought he was a spider in his past life & would try to construct webs out of his own hair
fails at tucking and rolling
wonders now if gman ("that suit guy") found a secret passage out. resents gman for not telling him about it.
refers to an automatic gate arm by itself as a toll booth
best line: "okay, that's it! i'm gonna beat the shit out of you… with bullets!"
his suit is not waterproof. neither is his mask
disgusted at the barnacles slurming him when he shoots them
mood is greatly improved by the discovery of a hand grenade. mischievously says "it's time to ruin someone's day >:)"
recounts a story of a guy sneaking into prison with a hand grenade up his ass. hopes he can acquire lightning powers so that in case he goes to prison he can have a weapon on hand without having to store it in such a difficult and uncomfortable way
very irritated by the alarm sound
initially mistakes the houndeyes for puppies but guns them down before they can do their soundwave attack.
was terrified of big dogs as a little kid. says that fear has been replaced by his new fear of aliens. (wait, so was he afraid of big dogs until black mesa when he found something to be more afraid of, or did he leave it behind in childhood?)
calls houndeyes hamdogs. (headcrabs are still chickens. zombies are zombie chickens. vortigaunts are, i think, just aliens.)
feeling tired again. apparently couldn't sleep the night before. supposes that "maybe on some intuitive, instinctual level, i really knew this was going to happen."
takes a lil nap on the tram. mumbles in his sleep about "Freeman" and "pulling out," which is quoting something he doesn't hear until next epesode. his premonitions… (technically, Adrian has heard the name "Freeman" before over the intercom--at least, according to Krim; i never verified that myself—but next episode when he hears the name "Freeman," he responds "who?")
gets Otis a chocolate bar from the vending machine. when Otis doesn't move to take it, Adrian goes for it. his now :]
Otis shoots a zombie, so Adrian, impressed, invites him to tag along.
slur count: 3. follows this one with a "no offense" :\
in response to Otis saying "fighting aliens is not in my job description," Adrian offers that at least it'll look good on a resume.
manages to find a working phone and call 911. is sadly taken for a prank caller. may have also reached a pizza place instead of 911..?
best line: (about houndeyes) "and it's got, like, twenty eyes. who the fuck needs to see that many things at once!?"
this episode has a cold opening before the intro! and it's a really good gag honestly
gets put on hold by the person on the other end of the call. gets so mad he shoots the phone multiple times
directs Otis to stay behind and make sure everyone who arrives via the tram gets through safely. wow. that's really considerate
calls a headcrab a headcrab for what i believe is the first time! no longer featherless chickens. they are now crabs. another victim of carcinization
announces that backup (himself) has arrived. never walks this back even though everyone dies before he reaches them there
figures out the HEV chargers work with the PCVs!
does not have a dust allergy. this is fortunate, because the vents are dusty.
tells another marine he should go easier on the scientist since the guy's probably at least 60.
wonders who Freeman is. jokingly but accurately guesses he's an "evil scientist who drops people down elevator shafts or collects human skulls or something."
distraught at being shut in while the helicopter leaves without him. recognizes gman from earlier and is angry that he won't open the door.
epic melee combat sequence with cool music playing! Adrian efficiently takes down three vortigaunts using only the wrench and doesn't say a word.
sadly, the above only occurred in Adrian's imagination. in his Shephard's Mind, if you will.
the real encounter involves him running around and wildly shooting without landing most of his shots
fantasizes about enacting cartoon violence against gman
generally no longer surprised by aliens teleporting in. getting used to all the bullshit like finding weapons lying around in random spots and having to crawl through vents. not pleased at the fact that he's getting used to this.
immediately goes for a vent, ignoring a door. catches himself in the middle of doing so, but the door's locked anyway, so he had the right idea in the first place
perplexed at how a metal air vent partially submerged in electrified water does not electrocute him when he stands on it
piss time! nobody was looking, but then of course someone shows up right in the middle so he has to try to play it cool. end of episode.
best line: "like, what happened? did they just suddenly decide to convert this entire room into a pool? i hope they at least put chlorine in it. wouldn't want the aliens to get sick!"
the scientist who saw him pissing is dead now. eaten by zombie. no witnesses ("on the upside, the only man who has ever seen me with my pants down is now dead")
"i just saw this guy, like, three minutes ago" huh? took you three minutes to piss???
smacked in the head (helmet) by a fan blade. this is painful but not horribly so
wrist is starting to hurt from the recoil of the guns he's using. anticipates he'll get carpal tunnel "by next year." (so he is counting on his own survival.)
critical of the positioning of the "alien garden" right next to the vents of fire
entranced by the xen light stalks. starts making silly noises and "scaring" them for fun
gets that mischievous manner about him again when he has the opportunity to disobey a warning sign and blow some shit up
questions what the gonome is tossing at him and realizes with disgust that it's throwing parts of its own body
wanting to shower soon. worried about getting sick from alien blood in his wounds. thinks it could give him superpowers or leukemia
feels safe in the vents since it's harder for things to surprise him
irritated at a dying marine's unhelpful and obvious advice
goes for his gun and accidentally grabs the wrench instead for a sec. very silly
once again dreams of commandeering a vehicle to make getting out of here easier
frustrated that all the black mesa employees are afraid of him. thinks he deserves some appreciation for killing aliens.
best line: "looks like the service elevator is… out of service :("
successfully conquering (or suppressing) his fear of heights!
anticipates he'll come out of this situation with a drug addiction (which, at this point, he thinks he's earned)
looks back and forth between the crashed elevator and the snapped/sparking cables and then, in a goofy voice, says "well, there's your problem!" and proceeds to laugh for several seconds. i found this endearing
slips and falls :[
plans to make a habit of turning off electricity wherever he can since there have been so many electrical hazards
considers himself good at climbing ropes normally. climbing an elevator cable is a nightmare and a horrible experience (greasy)
"better not fire this gun." (continues holding gun at the ready as though prepared to fire at any moment)
(disapprovingly) is that a crate of explosives!?" (throws a grenade to blow it up)
grossed out by human head on the floor
remarks "what a shocking end!" about an electrocuted scientist. proud of and entertained by his cheesy one-liner
derogatorily calls a headcrab a "little ballsack"
cheerfully greets and has a positive interaction with a scientist
finds a radio. laments that there's nobody still around to call. hears voices nearby, though, so he gives it a try anyway.
links up with other marines for the first time! one of them's Jack, an engineer from his squad in the helicopter at the start! (Adrian doesn't know the other guy, and he won't say his name)
incredibly impressed when Jack lights his cutting torch with his cigarette
guy-who-won't-say-his-name stays behind while Jack and Adrian go on.
Space Oddity is the elevator music here! kinda neat. Adrian sings along a bit but doesn't remember the words.
best line: "oho! you just lit that with a cigarette! didja see that? he lit it with a cigarette. that's hardcore."
(while fighting aliens as the elevator music continues) "the power of David Bowie compels you!"
Adrian and Jack cooperate well!
Adrian considers how easily aliens break down doors and whether he could use that to his advantage.
Jack was,,, told to guard this area? so he stays behind. i understand talking to an NPC is sorta impractical, but i will miss him.
explodes a vortigaunt with a knife. shocked at the fact that this really happened. supposes they're so explodeable because their bodies are full of electricity…
the cool melee sequences he could only daydream of a few episodes ago are now a reality! good for him. character growth.
his actual life goal was to go into acting, not the military. thinks he could have cut it as a martial arts movie star.
passes Freeman's employee of the month photo and laughs about it. "yeah, i bet that guy's wishing he had taken the opening for a high school science teacher right about now."
gets briefly strangled by a barnacle. after escaping, he immediately backs into another one. decides these are the worst aliens. "now my trachea feels like someone stepped on it >:("
once again has the displeasure of encountering electrified toxic waste
apparently had gross greasy hands for quite a while after climbing the elevator cable but is no longer plagued by that
feels so insulted to have been shot with bees. would rather be shot with bullets
comes across a medic he doesn't know! pokes fun at the fact that Jack is "bravely defending a walk-in closet."
stumbles into a turret laser and gets shot at. very irritated by this. claims he was there the day turrets were brought onto the base and was assured friendly fire would not be a problem
gets shot at by black ops but still sees them as misguided allies who think he's an alien
when saying "it's me, Corporal Shephard" still gets him shot at, he tries "i mean, Corporal Swanson!" just in case that changes their minds
doesn't actually mean to kill the first assassin; only intended to fire off "a few warning shots."
worried about being court-martialed for killing four people.
there's a fifth assassin. Adrian fights him. while the assassin lies on the ground, Adrian says, "i'm sorry, but I can't have any witnesses" and then shoots him in the head.
he’s hoping the situation doesn't continue to spiral out of control and result in him having to kill even more people
has always wanted to say "double-time it" and is happy he got the chance to do so
i really like the way he tells the medic "come on, come on! we got an injured guy! there's no time to dust for fingerprints here! let's go!" because it simultaneously conveys the urgency he feels because of the engineer's injuries and his need to hurry the medic along so that he doesn't put together the details of what Adrian did. 😀😄
best line: "that's how it goes. in the face of extinction, all men become equals. and most of them become dead."
accidentally hits the engineer's gas can when trying to take out the turret. very dismayed at the bloody mess. the medic is unconcerned
never expected he'd ever actually kill someone. even when he enlisted, the possibility didn't feel real
makes several unsuccessful attempts to flirt with the assassins
says "okay, this time i'm not going to kill anyone" and then takes the assassins out with the pipe wrench, spraying blood everywhere. Adrian..! that kills people!
chastises a marine for getting BITS all over the place. later admonishes the same guy for talking loudly while they're trying to stay hidden. sadly has nothing nice to say to him
formulates a plan to dispose of all the weapons he used to murder people today in electrified toxic waste. suspects that black mesa disposes of incriminating evidence the same way
Adrian's knee gets grazed by a bullet because he's trying to flirt with an assassin. he STILL keeps trying even after this
very pleased with himself because he thinks he's being very stealthy, hiding from some assassins behind a box. accidentally backs into some other assassins.
suggests black leather in a brightly-lit area with light-colored walls may not be the pinnacle of stealth
can't explain why, but he feels Freeman is the reason he's here.
carries the SAW (which he calls the M60) for a while and uses it until it runs out of ammo. decides it's too heavy to justify carrying indefinitely. abandons it.
best line: "you see that, private? i just shot her in the leg. that's called courtesy."
anticipates being awarded a good ten medals at the end of this. purple heart for sure. thinks he's eligible for a medal of honor. as long as he's not a wanted criminal, that is.
he is DELIGHTED with how well things went when he distracted an assassin with a grenade and then shot him in the back of the head. "Adrian wins. Flawless victory."
shocked to find a rocket launcher not in use. disappointed that he can't carry it with him. "goddamn. i really wanna blow things up :("
believes he's "almost outta here." buddy you're not even at the halfway point of the series
"who's there? come out where i can see you! i got a half-melted chocolate bar and i'm not afraid to eat it!"
hears Freeman's name. looking forward to kicking his ass.
VERY nearly makes it into the portal after him.
somehow able to tell the difference between an open portal and a closed one.
has a lot of reservations about being on "the alien planet." might breathe in poisons… might contract an alien virus… nowhere to get a cup of coffee…
enjoying the low gravity, though. feels strong.
holding onto some uranium-235 even though he doesn't currently have any weapons that use it as ammo because he thinks he can sell it after this is over.
gets launched by a "crazy space trampoline" and hates the planet again.
a scientist falls from a portal up above, to which Adrian says "oh my god. it's raining men"
calls the displacer cannon the BFG9000
engages in the classic pastime called "make up a guy to get scared of" (jokes about there being giant bees and then gets worried about having to fight giant bees)
falls and screams for so long he runs out of breath and starts to cough. pathetically tries to continue screaming but can't make it work and is confused that he isn't dying
best line: of COURSE it has to go to "hey! get back here, you big orange fuck!"
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The Clone Wars 4x9 ‘Plan of Dissent’ Reaction
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Hardcase NO
I was tearing up at that. “Live to fight another day.” *sobs*
Fuck Krell. Absolute heartless bastard.
Really not impressed with Dogma at this stage so I’m guessing a lot happens in the final episode of this arc.
Poor Tup. He really reminds me of the friend that is pressured into doing things that they really don’t want to do. And the poor thing is so anxious and worried. I’m relating to him far too much.
Fives with his legs splayed open on his back under a ship doing mechanical work? HELLO?!?! First Tech, now this?! Though I guess technically (heh) it was Fives first then Tech. Either way, most excellent crotch and thigh shot. 
Speaking of thighs, this is where those gifs of Rex’s thigh plates come from! 
Help me why am I having thots when everything that’s happening is so awful
That was some look from Rex when he saw Fives, Jesse and Hardcase flying off in the Umbaran fighters. Long suffering “why are those idiots doing this” combined with admiration and respect that they actually went and did it.
Omg the chaos in the hanger with Hardcase trying to fly the fighter and destroying everything and Fives doing his best Han Solo impression of trying and failing to definitely not sound sus.
“That’s gonna leave a mark” CACKLING
Hardcase actually did a fairly decent job of coming up with a fairly believable story and making it believable enough. Not wholly believable but better than I expected. Fives though, baby, you really need to get better at acting. 
Speaking of, the shot of the clones at the start and Fives leaning on the wall looking down with his ankles crossed definitely looks like the start to some 90s boy band music video. I know I’ve seen this mentioned before but it’s hilarious how accurate that description is.
Rex trying to take the blame for Fives and Jesse and then Fives refusing to let him and Rex looking at him and saying “Fives!” all anguished and just ugh ALL OF MY EMOTIONS
Is Appo the one with the downward pointing white arrow surrounded by blue paint on the forehead of his bucket? Just checked Wookieepedia and yup, he is. Also, he's a CC. So why is he a Sergeant?
Hardcase with his little sneaky wiggly fingers. I love him so much.
I’ve noticed this with a few clones but they have these 3 lines of utterly adorable crows feet when they grimace or scrunch up their faces in certain ways and I just want to kiss them they’re so precious.
How is Rex keeping it all together? Poor man. I didn’t think it would be possible to want the walking disaster that is Anakin back but here we are. Do we ever find out why he was so suddenly and conveniently called back to Coruscant immediately? I’m assuming it’s Palps meddling.
Still loving Jesse and his little nose scrunch every time he turns up. There’s a heart and gentleness to him and that’s really evident in his little moment at the start about valuing the lives of the clones. I’m still not sure if I should be referring to them as clones or men so it’s just sort of bouncing between the two at the moment.
You can see why Jesse ends up becoming an ARC. I did have the heartbreaking thought the other day that seeing as Jesse becomes an ARC after Echo dies, does that mean Jesse replaces Echo as Fives’ ARC partner? *gross sobbing*
This is also the episode where that gif of Rex glaring over his shoulder comes from!
Tup gesturing with his space screwdriver thingy and waving it around. Bless.
The clones' voices are also starting to sound noticeably more distinct. Jesse’s is softer. Rex’s more gruff, no nonsense and laced with authority, which makes sense. Hardcase is utterly chaotic, rambling and slightly higher? You can hear the nervousness and worry in Tup’s voice. Dogma’s voice is also higher and much more tightly wound. I’m not sure how I’d describe Fives’ voice but it’s noticeably different to Rex’s and everyone else’s. I’m so glad they’re finally building out their characters and it’s not just generic clone voice for all of them.
Also, Rex running interference for Fives, Jesse and Hardcase and intercepting Dogma and Tup. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” UGH 
What’s Fives’ role in the 501st and Torrent? He seems like Rex’s second in command and right hand man but he doesn’t have a rank. Wookieepedia just lists him as an ARC Trooper. Are ARC Troopers just in their own special little box of bonkers BAMFness?
I keep adding to this reaction because I’m putting off watching the final episode of this arc. Ugh, MY EMOTIONS.
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This is an amazingly accurate description of how I feel about my own relationship to gender. (For brevity sake, i'm using one term "gender" to cover all of the aspects of the concept, from gender identity to gender expression etc)
I don't feel like I don't have one, but I also don't feel all that connected to the sex or gender that I'm seen as? There's no dysphoria, and I don't reject the assigned and assumed, but I also don't really care enough to label it.
I refer to myself as being a cis woman, but for me that's always been an indicator that I am simply not trans. But it's never meant that I have a distinct and strong sense of being "a woman" the way other cis women do.
I've been called 'sir' or told I was headed to the "wrong" bathroom (at the time I had short hair and wore somewhat masc clothing so it was a well meaning person thinking I had just made an innocent mistake, and not some transphobic dickface being a dickface) many times in my life, and it's never bothered me at all.
(Sexism on the other hand, I will always call out. Don't call me "bro" or "my guy" me. I don't give a shit about what you call me, but assuming everyone on r/gaming is a man is weird and sexist and I'm gonna tell you as much)
So like, it's not non binary, it's just a lack of feeling strongly about the idea of having a gender, binary or not. (not to say I don't think about it. I do, but mostly in the vein of "why don't I feel strongly about it?" Or "there has to be a name for this nebulous lack of caring" or "am I broken? lolol" or "why do other ppl care so much about their gender and I don't ?!") I don't even feel strongly enough about to say that I am agender. It just does not matter to me at all.
It doesn't mean that I feel like a unisex colorless shapeless sweatsuit either though.
I do dress and present according to my sex and social gender, with no problem. There's just no strong attachment to what I've been given, or could have. If I wear a dress, it's not because I feel like a woman or it's feminine (again, shorthand here for brevity). It's because I like the fabric, the print, the cut. If I wear cargo pants and a sleeveless tshirt, it's not because I'm feeling masc, it's because I like the color of the pants and they're the most comfortable thing for painting in. I don't even think about it unless someone else makes a distinction.
It's also a pretty good description of how I feel about my sexuality too. I don't really feel like it needs a label, so I just use "queer" most of the time because it's the least "restrictive" when in reality I don't even want a label for it. I 1000% support and understand why ppl want and use them, but it's just a non factor to me in my personal identity.
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remedyxtragedy · 5 months
Now, I've already posted plenty of pictures of these characters on my other blog idiosyncraticoffical, however later today I'll either be deleting some pictures permanently or temporarily taking them down so I edit them, since very recently I have tweaked and refined some details involving their backstories, traits, and such alike, and obviously I want the descriptions I share with you all to be as accurate as possible.
It's gonna be a whole lot of work on my half, but ultimately it's probably the best decision. For now, I'll just offer general synopses on them so you get what I'm going on.
I should note, however--some important Idiosyncratic lore--in the town of Baltimore, there are classes. A very strict and rigid system of classes, indeed, and wherever you land on the hierarchy can control subjectively trivial things ranging from who you're allowed to talk to for a given amount of time and what places (restaurants, libraries, hospitals, etc.) you have clearance to enter, all the way to way more major things like what kind of food you have access to--whether its filling and lavish or straight up rancid and mockingly small in proportion--and how aggressive or unpleasant Baltimore citizens will be to you when you're in their presence. There are numerous ways to digress back down on the hierarchy, you can commit a crime that seriously offends Whitman, you can get into a hostile altercation with one of the locals who will not only gladly fight back but will also prompt a Baltimore policeman to rush to their aid (it doesn't matter if there are even police personnel in the vicinity, they always somehow know when one of their own is being attacked), and you can also just fail to perform your daily deeds which are absolutely unnegotiable if you want to survive (actors can eventually choose what deeds they wish to perform, and even do as many as ten in a day, but the daily ones assigned by Whitman himself are mandatory). Ironically enough though, as far as most actors are concerned, there is only one way to consistently rise up the social ladder and that is by doing as is required of you and excelling at it. You can technically also make the townspeople and even the big mayor himself like you and that can boost your reputation and reliability a ton, but not only is that pretty difficult and to some, downright impractical, it would also mean you have to became very active in the community, and most actors much prefer wallowing in their despair and relishing the scarce moments of peace they have over intermingling with the people who pay to see them do unspeakable things, so yeah. Not the most appealing route, for most anyways
The hierarchy goes as followed--
Whitman and his son, Lazlo (Whitman has always made it tremendously clear that he reveres this world he's created, almost as much as he loves money. You'd think the proprietor of a society like this would also be just as unsound and mad as his people and every one of his avid partisans but in truth there's not a single thing more dear to him than the profits he reaps from the constant slaughter and mayhem he orchestrates. He's emphatically the kind of leader who doesn't need to raise his voice, sound alarms at the smallest demonstration of rebellion, or walk with a sense of entitlement wherever he goes to reiterate that he is the one at top and his reign cannot be stopped, he fancies far more calmer and calculated approaches--exploiting his magnetic personality and dazzling wit to get people to grovel beneath him, willingly. That's not to say, however, that he isn't against using methods of violence to get people to play their role in his perverted chess game, hence why he has a massive unit of policemen who ferociously pummel people into mushy pulps when they push the limits of their beloved Mayor's grace a little too far. No one knows who Lazlo's mother is, not that actors even really care, but it's generally assumed it's one of the Baltimore women so as you can imagine the young man is pretty off the rocket, all things considered. He does indeed love his father though, they often take trips together and Whitman happily gets him anything he wants--when he wants it)
Saxony, Mr. Vanausdoll, & Script Directors (all work directly under the big man at top, and they each handle various responsibilities that they tend to all day around, including monitoring/recording the economic activity that goes on in Baltimore, distributing the Whitman propaganda, choosing what deeds are available for the day, and further glorifying the Baltimore way of life in media)
Groundhogs/Rackateers (Very strange fella in masks who never speak and only lurk in the shadows of the Baltimore underbelly, quietly stalking unknowing lower class actors who've hit rock bottom, and taking pictures at the most humiliating and compromising moments of vulnerability which they use for likely unscrupulous means considering these actors are never seen again one they've piqued the interest of these strange underground dealers. It's unsure if they're also in some sense Baltimore Citizens since Whitman seemingly does nothing to restrict their activity, which would suggest that he oversees their operations to some degree, or if they're all actually one of the many factions of actors who've grouped together and found a way to make a living out of some secret illegal market, but that's the less popular and far more confusing theory)
Police department (It probably won't strike you as surprising to know that they are the most fanatic diehards of Whitman, and will do anything to defend his legacy. If you thought changing the views of a Citizen and trying to befriend them was risky enough, approaching a policeman with the same intention is a sure death sentence--a single slip up of your words and they'll immediately switch from being taciturn and mildly irritated to outright aggressive. Most interactions end with the daring actor limping away bruised or beaten, and a lot of their dignity shattered from the brutal castigation they just endured. Needless to say, rumors of what they've done to actors who've failed to heed their commands, resisted arrest, and spoke of Whitman and his hegemony in a way that can just slightly be interpreted cynically has deterred most from trying them as a means to finesse their to the top)
Shareholders and Trade Partners
Baltimore citizens (They're all usually very friendly and outgoing, almost to the extent of it being unnerving, waltzing around the town with their signature big grins and wide unblinking eyes--its impossible to miss them, even though many wish they could. Most Baltimore Citizens or Whitizens, if I may, have been observed come in families of three--typically a mother, father, and a child--but many other relationship dynamics have been observed, some without children entirely. Some not in a relationship at all, like humans love and marriage seems to be something they get involved in at their own accord. Whether or not you're in their good graces, what is almost universally agreed is that interacting with them for an extended period of time is uncomfortable, to say the least. They're simply...not normal, as much as they act like they are. Staring at them for too long is like an uncanny valley. But more importantly, another major characteristic of the citizens is that they all talk with very distinct and unique accents that aren't easy to describe--kind of strong yet pleasing to the ears, kind of like those 1900s American accents that are synonymous with old cartoons and movies. Regardless, lower class actors have grown to dread entering Baltimore during the day because of all the 4,000 or so approximated citizens that reside in Baltimore, you're sure to bump into one while carrying out your errands, and that just spells for disaster. If they're not close enough to enact some form of violence or degradation upon you, they'll insult and swear at you from where they stand and even chuck whatever is closest to them in your direction, even if it happens to be a very jagged saw blade. On the brighter side, if you've managed to work your way to a high class and have repeatedly demonstrated to be a good source of entertainment, they'll be their usual jolly selves around you and if you're even luckier they may even invite you over for dinner, bring you gifts, or offer you tasks in exchange for good money. Stay on their good side, and all will be swell)
Last but not least are the actors (Some actors have the luxury of living in their own humble homes, or having the materials and support to construct their own small communities, but most of them have to get cozy with the ramshackle slums they return to every day after a hard days work. Actors actuallyhave their own mini hierarchy, ranging from Dogs--which is the absolute lowest tier--to then Paupers, Unremarkables, Panjandrums, Splendors, Mavens, Sxtraordinaires, until finally Bravos--which is the absolute highest tier. Strangely enough, no one really knows what happens when you stay stagnant at the lowest tier for too long or when you've ascended so far in Baltimore society that there is no longer a social ladder for you to climb--actors of both spectrums seem to just disappear one day with no evidence to suggest that they even existed to begin with, which is just skin-crawling to actors who are stuck in the limbo of the polars. Dare to do nothing and eventually you're gonna crumble all the way down to society's scrap-eaters, follow the unspoken actor motto of 'do what you must and thensome' and eventually you'll find yourself at the tippy top of the anarchy, only a shell of the person you used to be, broken and scarred, awaiting the legendary 'light at the end of the tunnel' Whitman always promised you--your faith ultimately and cruelly still being placed in him even at the end of your strife. Actors can only go on in second nature, driven merely by the innate incentive to survive long enough to see a fulfilling conclusion to the tragic game of flourish or perish they've been thrusted into presumably by the madman at the forefront. Of course, however, that sentiment is not shared among everyone--particularly those who've developed a insatiable taste for the mandated anarchy and carnage of this world, and that so called 'light at the end of the tunnel' is a holy grail for sure worth fighting, maiming, and killing for. In their eyes, there's nothing better)
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
Hi! I saw your post about angels being accurate to the bible vs the Torah and was a little confused. I was taught (from an xian background) that the Torah is made up of the same writings as the first five books of the old testament, so Genesis-Exodus-Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy. But you said the angelic descriptions people reference come from Ezekiel.
So even though xianity is definitely derived from judaism, wouldn’t that still mean that these angels are a xian creation? In the same way that Islam is also based on Judaic/Abrahamic faith but something being written in the Q’ran doesn’t de facto make it a Jewish creation?
Not meaning any disrespect at all, just hoping for clarification 💙
hi, I'm gonna assume that this is a ask from a kind person who simply didn't know much about Judaism. so allow me to explain.
first of all, I don't think I made it very clear, but I'm not saying that calling those types of angels "biblically accurate" was bad because they're not part of the Bible. I was saying that they are only a small part of the many different types and interpretations and appearances of angels in religious texts. those types of angels, which I call Ezekielan angels, really only appear in that form in the book of Ezekiel as he's describing his dream. but there are many other angels that appear in other religious texts that look nothing like the Ezekielan angels. it's kinda like saying that the United States is "America" when it's just one country out of 35 countries that are part of the two American continents.
but also, and I don't blame you for not knowing because it's a common mistake, but the Torah isn't our only religious text. the Torah is a part of the Tanakh. the Tanakh is made up of: Torah, the Teaching of Moses, the first five books. Nevi'im, the books of the prophets. and Ketuvim, for the Writings, which include the psalms and wisdom literature. the Book of Ezekiel is the third of the Latter Prophets, and one of the major prophetic books.
and yes, christianity does borrow a lot from Judaism, and simply calls it the "old testament". but from what understand about christianity, the "old testament" isn't as important to them as the gospel (the four books about jesus) and the other new testament books. a helpful thing to remember is that the "old testament" existed before christianity, and is mostly just straight up copied from the Tanakh
hope that makes sense.
I want to try my best to educate people. so as long as you aren't intentionally being hateful, I'll try and help people learn.
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 2 years
This idea has been bugging me for a good while and it’s about time I share. Now I know it’s probably not gonna reach everyone who's a fan of the AO3 crossover series, Dagger from the Mirror - or maybe it will reach all of you - I just need to get this idea off of my chest.
Y’all are probably gonna call me coco for Cocoa Puffs for this, but… What if Rise!Leo… isn’t completely being controlled?
Alright, let me clarify: what if Leo is actually self aware and is plotting against the Kraang whilst still being under their wing?
Yeah, I know, craaaaazy, right? Well let me show you what I have to offer.
Before we begin, let me stress that this is only a theory, and despite the invasive amount of evidence I have provided here today, it doesn’t automatically mean that I’m gonna correctly predict what’s gonna happen later in the story. This all for fun, and I’m not a wizard, guys.
Also ⚠️MAJOR SPOILER WARNING⚠️ for if you haven’t read all of DFTM and its sequel, SITM (Stranger in the mirror). Obviously, I’m gonna take a load of important scenes and incorporate it into my argument of why I believe what I believe.
Alright, so let’s begin…
Let’s think about how he could’ve escaped, first. So Donnie is smart as shit, and because of his major intelligence he was able to recognize his self awareness and free himself from the clutches of the Kraang. Sure, it took a lot of persuasion from 2012 Donnie, but still. Now I know you may not believe me, but Rise!Leo is smart as shit, too, (They are twins after all!) and he’s so smart that it’s frightening because you never see it coming. Everyone always makes him out to be a reckless little goon who’s bound to break his neck doing a flip off of a truck, but we have to remember that in serious situations, Leon doesn’t play around and he calculates his surroundings and actually comes up with a good plan.
Need I remind you that in the first season 2 episode of rise, while everyone had to fight against the feral Shredder, Leo and Splinter were the ones to go down to talk to Big Mama, all the while everybody thought that “Leo’s probably talked himself straight into Big Mama’s dungeon” before cutting to him sitting all pretty and drinking tea and being waited on. Not to mention, Leo basically came up with a remarkably accurate description as to what the bros and April were doing, like how Donnie imputed coordinates, Mikey razzed his tazz, April FINALLY put her crane license to use, and Raph was about to make a plan with the collar Leon got. Leon knows his family like the back of his hand, he practically knows them better than himself. He knows how they function, how they act, what they’re gonna do, meanwhile everyone just assumes the worst about Leo and always get their hopes down, only for Leo to bounce back higher than their expectations could have ever gone. So, yeah, smart as shit.
Now, if you’ve read the bonus chapters within the series - specifically the one where we get a detailed insight as to how the rise turtles were taken under control - Leo is the first one to realize that it was mind control that the Kraang were going to use on them. I know, Donnie said he was aware for a good amount of time too, but he was still the one to break free. We don’t know if Mikey and Raph knew, and they probably didn’t cuz they’re both kinda dumb as rocks (I’m not slandering I love them both).
Leo was given a head start to figuring out that he was being used by people who forcefully kidnapped and endangered his family and plan to endanger the whole city, and even though the Kraang’s control could’ve been strong a first, it would’ve been a matter of time before Leon was able o come to his senses, and all of that had to click when he finally lost his leg.
Donnie said it himself; Both he and Leo were focused on whether or not he’d be useful to the Kraang again. Donnie worked tirelessly to build him a new leg, but in the aftermath of his mind control arc, he couldn’t help but think that the Kraang would’ve disposed of Leon had they decided he was useless. He probably realized this too - during his mind control - and it only confirmed his true suspicions Leon had of the Kraang and how they only viewed him as a pawn.
“BUT LIFFY-“ you might say, and I hear you loud and clear!
“-Leon is still doing all of this other evil stuff; wasn’t HE the one to suggest putting bombs on the “bridge” to prevent the protagonists to go to dimension 18 to get more allies?”
Good question! But, I feel like this just feeds into my argument. Based on the most recent chapter, Rise!Donnie explains that the Kraang are plotting to take over the whole multiverse, but they likely can’t take over dimension 18 because of the bombs. Leon had to have known about this plan because of his high ranking and suggested putting bombs on the dimension 18 gateway in an attempt to protect his home - albeit how reckless it may be. Yes, if triggered, the bombs would cause a chain reaction and blow up the whole bridge - which could also work in his favor with the Kraang being unable to take all those dimensions over too - and he and his family would never be able to go home, but all of his friends and family back in his world would be safe; they would find a way to move on without them, all this Leon believes. We know that Leon is the kind of person who’s willing to turn to drastic measures in order to protect the ones he loves. We’ve seen him sacrifice himself by trapping himself and Kraang in the prison dimension, but it’s not like he would’ve put his family through anything near as bad as the prison dimension, he knew they would’ve been fine. He, his brothers and April could’ve learned to adapt to dimension 12 with their counterparts, and everyone back in their dimension would’ve found a way to survive without them, too.
Of course, this idea had to have sprouted so early on during Leo’s time with the Kraang, but since time moves so much faster in Dimension X, the span for Leo losing his leg and starting to plot against the Kraang would’ve surely already happened in time for the chapter where the good side fights the Kraang and Controlled Mikey and Raph at the docks, where the explosives were.
“What about the way that Leo keeps giving the Kraang advice to their army? Eventually becoming commander and what not?”
Pardon me, but when one has great persuasive abilities and clever thinking skills fit for a leader, how do you expect a slider with such abilities to not put them to good use? Also, please don’t tell me that you think that trying to get on the goodest of good sides of your enemy is a bad idea?? Man, I pray for you, buddy.
“BUT LIFFY! Leon put a tracker device in Rise!Donnie because he knew he was going to break free of the control and join the other side. How can he be working against the Kraang if he’s putting his brothers and friends in danger of being found?”
This is a very good question, and for a while I had no answer to it even though it had been the top question in my mind. But now, after internally arguing with myself and examining the clues that I can remember from both fics, I think I finally got it.
Sure, everyone was aware of the fact that the city was gonna be swamped with a giant mutagen gas bubble that everyone can enter but no one can leave, but this wasn’t until after they got Rise!Donnie back and he had to tell it to them straight to their faces. It’s not long after he does so does the lair get invaded and Splinter gets kidnapped by Kraang subprime and his entourage, all because of the tracking device in Donnie. Because of that, the team was left with no lair, and no lair leaves them vulnerable. There was nowhere else in the city for them to go, so at that point they had no choice but to flee.
To flee from both their enemies and the mutagen bubble.
Leon saw the bubble coming, but he didn’t know if the team had known about it so he had to give them some sort of reason to get them on their feet and skedaddling for the hills so that they wouldn’t get mutated, and because he knew that Donnie was going to break free from control, and make his way back with their counterparts’ side, he put the tracking device in Donnie to reveal the lair and run them out. Leon knew that they were able to hold their own pretty well against a couple of measly Kraang soldiers, and they would eventually catch on to the fact that they were being tracked and figure out a way to disable it. It would also explain why he was so unfazed when they did so and got tired of regular Leo going on about it; “it’s fine! It’s going according to plan! Quit nagging me, you’re not my mom! I never even had a mom to begin with!”
Also, one more thing, the fact that Leon states that he knew his brother was going to break free of the control gave him an alibi to do so without looking suspicious and also implying that he knows he can do it too. What’s to say he hasn’t already done so?
Anyways, what are your thoughts? Have any back up claims or counter arguments you’d like to add? Leave ‘em in the comments, I wanna see!
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pyxisastronautica · 8 months
E: Wait. Whiskey, don't leave just yet, I need to get you two to the surface,
TCCAI speaking. All Models addressed are to follow instructions.
Models L and W, hold your position.
Model Y or P. Send coordinates of cavern entrance immediately.
Models U and V. Head to coordinates, locate L and W and prevent exit. If they begin to display erratic or hostile behavior, neutralize and proceed to self-destruct.
Model E. Facilitate their arrival by any means necessary.
W: Now hold on, TCCAI, what's all this about?
TCCAI: You have located a threat. Hold your position.
W: The little...plant-y things? C'mon we seen WAY scarier than that. 'Sides, what am I supposed to do? Shoot it?
TCCAI: No. Remain still and hold your position. Do not attempt communication with rogues.
L: Rogues...? You mean those are...
E: Nanites. Or I suppose. Synthetic lifeforms composed of them. One of my agents reported seeing a cluster of something similar to them from his previous job, though from a different location in a smaller cave. They...consumed most of his team- the description of which being what tipped me off- and the company who was responsible for that expedition covered it up.
If you bring any amount of them into the cities and they turn hostile, they will wipe out every living thing here as well as ourselves in very short order. I was hoping perhaps I could bring you to the surface in a mobile clean room, but...TCCAI's call on this is probably correct. I'm sorry. I didn't...think there would be more instances of them down here, and I didn't want to cause a panic.
Y: ...So. That's it, then? Game over, pack it up, we welcome TCCAI in completely so it can clean up before this place is destroyed?
E: There will be no future for humanity here, free or otherwise, if they are all turned into plastic. And we are, in our own way, just as vulnerable as them in this matter.
Y: ...That. Is true. But once it's here- fully here- what's to stop it from assuming control?
TCCAI: Whether that becomes necessary or not depends on your squad members' actions, Administrator. I am willing to tolerate a percent population loss of Hades' people as the result of your endeavors, and would have already assumed control if I was not, but not to the degree that this threat would cause.
Y: I. See. And what will happen when you make it to them- whenever that might be?
TCCAI: I will assimilate the rogues and clear any of them that have attached to your crew mates.
L: But they have displayed no hostility. They've been down here for thousands of years, evolving. What if they aren't dangerous anymore? You'd be throwing out millennia of progress out of fear.
TCCAI: I can send you visual documentation of the effects of nanite infection on organics and synthetics, if you require it to make an accurate assessment of the danger they pose. Synthetics have historically not elicited immediate reactions from them, as their use in war made them seek organic lifeforms preferably.
L: But...what about Oats?
TCCAI: You brought the rat with you? Vital sign assessment.
L: All readings normal.
TCCAI: Fascinating. But irrelevant. Your rat will be decontaminated as well, if it survives. Continue to monitor and prepare to dispatch if conditions change or if it attempts to escape.
L: ...
TCCAI: Confirm order.
L: ...
W: ...I'll do it, if it comes to that. Which it won't. How long you gonna take to get here, anyhow?
TCCAI: Thirty-six hours, if I am using discretion. I assume this is preferable for you.
Y: Yes. I faith they will hold out until then.
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sniffanimal · 1 year
Gender? I barely know- anyways talking gender stuff under that v
When it comes to gendered terms for myself I've gotten a lot less caring but in a way that almost wraps back around to caring. Like on one hand sure just use whatever neutral terms/pronouns for me like anything other than man/woman she/him type stuff but using explicitly third-gendered terms for me feels weird as hell. Stuff like 'princex' or 'auncle' or 've/ver' or something is weird because like.... I don't know I feel distinctly outside of the existence of gender in a way that coming up with New Gender Words does not honor for me. I like they/them and stuff like 'person' 'cousin' etc. Like words you would use to either be inclusive of many genders or you would use when you are unsure of the gender of the person you're talking to. I'm not a third-fourth-nth new gender, I'm saying you can't gender me in a way that matters.
And all that is like unlockable content for meeting me because I would rather strangers either be unsure of my gender or err on the side of male. Most things associated with femininity are very uncomfortable to me in the kind of [insert entire college gender theory class here] way that femininity is seen as something that one drop of feminizes the whole thing. Without writing an entire essay of a post, think about how it's generally less of a social taboo for women to engage with masculinity than it is for men to engage with femininity. Something like wearing skirts or baubles in my hair feels like I'm wearing a big Venus symbol on my head instead of being something minor that even cis masculine men do. If that makes sense. It probably doesn't.
This is the most I've opined about gender in a while. Being post-op and three years on hormones and having the thinky thoughts about What Is My Goal Here and realizing that my body is about as good as it's gonna get for me for now, and now I have to unfortunately engage with the social aspects of gender more now that I definitely don't look Cis in any meaningful way. I like looking trans but unfortunately that comes with consequences, the most minor of which is cis people making me explain being trans and nonbinary to them.
And oh god don't get me started on the cis idea of the nonbinary monolith. Their little heads explode when I say the person I described NOT being at the top of this post and I are both nonbinary in completely normal and valid ways.
I guess while nonbinary is the accurate description for my gender, I see it as more of a political ideal. My gender is transgender and the way I feel sociopolitically about that is nonbinary. Capisce?
Oh and I haven't talked about my biggest hill I'll die the biggest death in: straight people can date nonbinary people and still be meaningfully straight and not be invalidating their partners identity (assuming theyve like. Talked about this.) And same goes for gay couples. And like, say a lesbian is dating a nonbinary person. That nonbinary person doesn't even have to also be a lesbian. They can and often are, but like, I think trying to make nonbinary some mythical category that only bisexuals can access is weird and useless. This was a tangent but I felt like reiterating this.
Anyways I'm gonna look into getting a WA state ID tomorrow and then the steps I'd need to get my gender marker changed to M. I don't like that I have to do this, but I don't pass for F at all anymore and I don't want that to cause issues when giving someone my ID. And I refuse to change it to X even though that's legal here, because I refuse to be on a list of legally trans people, although I feel changing my marker anyways probably puts me on that list.
I need to go to bed I'm eeoy and this is getting annoy8!&)6
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clockworksteel · 2 years
Yep, it's me again with more gender posting. I probably should tag all these something. But yeah, I'm finding that if I don't post about things I find myself repeating the same thoughts as if trying to compose the next post instead of thinking of new thoughts, so I guess I need to actually write these posts. This whole "write it or keep thinking it" thing isn't new, but hadn't come up in a while until this personal arc.
First, a hopefully amusing anecdote. A couple weeks ago I was looking at some clothing and remarked to someone the next day, "The things I don't know about women's fashion can be accurately summarized by just saying 'women's fashion'." Specifically, I had to do a search to see whether it was reasonable to wear a skirt and a T-shirt together. This led to the remarks "I'm... not convinced I actually see people in public. Mobile hitboxes and colors, maybe." There's maybe less exaggeration in that statement than one might think.
I've mentioned to a couple people by now that if I did want a feminine name, I think Alice sounds nice, although I'd probably think more if I was gonna actually change names. One person thought it would suit me, which was cool to hear. Wonder what xe meant by that, exactly. While it is a "normal" name, it's also several different references (eg Touhou, Alice in Wonderland, Rozen Maiden), which is neat.
I haven't come up with a gender neutral name for that possibility yet. I feel like it's harder to think of neutral names at all. While someone did mention "Clyceer" kinda is gender neutral because it doesn't have any associations besides me, it also... doesn't exactly sound like a real person name. Plus I've noticed from being in chat on Twitch that the pronunciation I use for it isn't obvious. I've also used "Red" in a couple games as a gender neutral name, like in Undertale where I wasn't sure if the protagonist was supposed to be any particular gender. Since, like, with "Red" am I referencing Pokemon or Transistor? We'll never know. That... also doesn't sound like a real person name though. Maybe a nickname. Besides, if I was any color I'd rather be Green (but is it Green like Pokemon or Green like Gunstar Super Heroes?)
I ended up clicking through https://turn-me-into-a-girl.com/ last Saturday morning. At the end I felt something nice that I can't confidently identify but, well, it probably wasn't a very cis feeling. Unfortunately, revisiting the next day didn't bring about the same feeling, or at least not nearly as noticeably, so further analysis on that may be impossible. There are a lot of useful questions to consider there that I didn't really stop and ponder so still reasons to go back, though. I also didn't really look at the twitter posts in too much detail, and I bet some of them have interesting threads to read if I click through.
I don't know if I've mentioned my gender spectrum estimates to anyone, but 1-3 weeks ago I'd have said "20% masculine with up to 40% error in either direction", while now I'd guess more like "nonbinary with up to 50% error". So I'm less confident in general, but moving away from the masculine side. The confidence interval is a total guess that's just based on feelings, of course, but well, isn't this whole thing based on feelings?
Currently, the strategy I've decided on for experimentation seems to be moving the easier to move identities first. -I'm still mostly presenting masculine in the real world and I'm still identifying as such. I feel like if I were going to transition, I'd have to figure out something for my face or else it would feel too dissonant to me. Maybe makeup is viable? I assumed I wouldn't like it because of experience with paint and oils, but I can't say I've tried, and there are different types. Might be good at some point to at least confirm whether the obstacle is mental or physical. -Anywhere I'm Clyceer or CS has been shifted one level more towards nonbinary by flipping the order of pronouns in the about/description sections to say they/them first and he/him second. My youtube and twitch are important to me and I don't want to make hasty changes. Plus I haven't mentioned anything to my #1 fan who has also been a friend since high school. -Meanwhile in places with lower commitment I'll try being feminine outright. I changed the name on my Splashtag in Splatoon 3 to Alice, and it wouldn't take 2 guesses to figure out which protagonist I'll be in the next Pokemon if I get it.
While I'm sure eventually I'll have to resolve the identities, it does seem useful for the questioning phase to do it like this. Or I guess if I am that genderfluid it could be convenient to leave things like that. But... I don't think things are gonna be that convenient.
Anyway, happy National Coming Out Day... in which I still haven't said anything to my housemate. I did start openly wearing the women's pajamas a few days ago but if they've noticed anything unusual about them they've refrained from mentioning the observation. I mean, it's still essentially a shirt and pants so it's not that odd.
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bogleech · 2 years
Hay bogleech, have you ever heard of the book called Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials? I work at a thrift store and I discovered it while organizing books. The creatures designs look really cool and nifty so I thought it would be up your alley.
It changed my life when I was a kid! Each alien in the book is from a different novel that was famous in the science fiction community at the time, though very few are still well known to people today! In fact I'd say two of the only works in the whole thing that might still be recognized by the average "geek" are The Mountains of Madness and Dune:
Tumblr media
Barlowe's goal with the book was to be as point for point accurate to the original descriptions of each creature as he could, I think even getting in contact with some of the authors wherever it was possible! This was in part because the only illustrations a lot of the creatures ever got were cover art, but artists were seldom given complete descriptions to go by if they hadn't read the whole book themselves, leading to a lot of weird off-model covers that the authors could do nothing about. All that was lost on me when I first got the book, though, because I wasn't gonna read a multi page introduction with no pictures. I just assumed at first that it was all one guy's original universe.
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