Daily Dose Of Reality
69 posts
Hi. Just another aspiring author and unremarkable artist strolling on by | I'm 16 amigos | Asexual | Alt blog is tragedyxremedy and blog strictly for Idiosyncratic is--drumroll--idiosyncraticofficial
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remedyxtragedy · 8 months ago
i saw that you watch blair white, you should watch this video i think it might change your perspective on her if you do it with an open mind. i’m not trying to be rude but blair is an asshole and the people that commented on your post didnt explain why she is very well
Alright, I have to make something abundantly and profoundly clear for you people who are entertaining this image of anybody who demonstrates the slightest most minute iota of preference for Blair White and her beliefs. As problematic and notorious of a figure Blair may be and rightfully so depending on the context, one thing I will continue to reiterate for as long as I am obligated to, as someone who openly opposes the bullshit collectivist agenda people are trying to perpetuate nowadays that puts anyone from the LGBTQ+ community on a pedestal, is that while I will fully hold Blair accountable for the reprehensible pattern of errors and questionable behavior she's fallen into over the years, many of her opinions are still nonetheless ones I wholeheartedly agree with and that's coming from someone who's only ever watched her more recent videos. I never knew 2016 Blair until now, I was much younger then and have long since shaped my views about the trans community and what I personally accept based on my ideals, and perhaps if I did know about her and saw all of her lies, controversies, and diatribes unravel in real time it would've of course naturally left a much more sour taste in my mouth. Genuinely, I am thankful you've brought her past faults to my attention because mistakes and wrongs of this degree absolutely should not just remain something of the past and unlike the spineless bigoted zombies who treat and defend each other like they're a hive mind, I will not sit here and downplay anything she's done just because I feel inclined to do so.
However...all that to say, I really really do not give a shit. I seriously, genuinely, could not fucking care less. And You wanna know why? No it's not because I'm belligerent narrow-minded sycophant, no it's not because I think she deserves to be exonerated and absolved of all guilt for her wrongs, and no it's not because I hold any amount of vitriol towards any people part of the LGBTQ+ community and seek to use her as a puppet to push my own ideals. I am going to put it simply: I do not admire or revere Blaire as an individual whatsoever, never really did. Her tough and unwavering personality, did it appeal to me? Yes. Do a lot of her opinions really align with mine? Yes. Do I avidly support everything she says, think she's right in all regards, and deserves to be crowned as the spokesperson of all trans people? Absolutely fucking not. And that's because I'm not looking at Blair with any ounce of veneration, malicious intent, or any deeper ulterior motive beyond just resonating with her points. I like what she has to say and that's as deep as my liking towards her gets. Her errors are genuinely irrelevant to me, and I'm not saying that to undermine the gravity of what she's done because the things Dangelowallace described in that video are some really messy shit, but drill it into your skull and let it be known--I'm not drawn to Blaire as a person, I'm drawn to the points that she makes and ultimately if she really is this horrible of an individual, I can literally just find any other youtuber who shares my sentiments and watch them instead.
I strongly believe that your heart was in the right place, you were doing your due diligence as someone who is more knowledgeable in her past beyond 'Oh she's a pick me, she has internalized transphobia, she's a bigot', to inform and educate me as someone who for all you knew was heading down a rocky path. And that much I truly do deeply respect and thank you for. While I do continue to find it mildly insulting when people look at my post and automatically assume I'm bound to become as problematic of a person as she is just because I too personally find it endlessly outrageous when people try to identify as anything other than he, she, or they--I get where you're coming from and I respect you. Still, I must remind you and anyone reads this--I am my own individual with my own ideals, my own thoughts, my own perceptions of what should be considered socially acceptable, all things of which were formed by my own experiences and conclusions drawn from years of me studying my own beliefs. From here on out I don't want to see any more people trying to sway me on people identifying as fucking objects or animals or people using neopronouns. Too often do those dumbasses conflate not supporting those ideas with not respecting them on the most basic fundamental level; there is a difference, learn it. This is coming from someone who is Black, Christian, biromatic, and asexual. People are so pathetically obsessed with these ideas of being oppressed and restrained that they fail to realize that someone not agreeing with their decisions or way of living is not equivalent to them outright making efforts to hurt them or degrade their existence. It's always gotta be that you're homophobic or transphobic or bigoted when in reality most people literally just don't give a shit about you or what you do, and even if they do to a problematic extent it's simply futile to get so worked up over who does and who doesn't accept you, which is something that's nonetheless out of your control and therefore not worth fretting about. I'm not sayin you're exactly that kind of person, but I have noticed that many of Blaire's loudest critics are people part of that category and I'm not letting them encroach on my freedom to believe what I want because they can't handle the idea of not being universally accepted.
All in all, no disrespect to you, I'm glad you genuinely wanted to enlighten me and not just bombarde me with conjecture. Imma still believe what I believe but at the end of the day, I respect everybody as far as I am obligated to as a human being and therefore I will continue to tread carefully when it comes to watching Blair's videos. Final message though, if you're genuinely offended by someone not respecting your pronouns or sexuality or whatever--tough shit, life goes on.
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
It's so funny being someone who watches Blaire White and INabber, and just thinking of how their political beliefs may clash in some areas. Both make plenty of points I agree with, but I think I'm particularly more fond of Blaire White because she is not afraid to speak her mind
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
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Eldbjorg doodles
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
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Dragoslava's gremlin children
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
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Art I made yesterday
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
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More colored versions coming soon
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
I want to make my own analog horror so freaking bad but I have no idea where to start. I'm very determined though, which is why I'm self teaching and have been obsessively jotting down ideas which I will share once I refine them. I'm thinking to call it Ladida!. Very befitting for the premise I have in mind 🌝
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
I have some of the weirdest freaking dreams I swear, but I'm certainly not complaining because they constantly fuel my ideas for writing. I wonder if anyone can relate to this, but I've been having these extremely weird reoccurring dreams where I'm in a very dangerous situation, literally life or death, but I survive only by I guess 'breaking the forth wall' or 'breaking the rules' of the dream. They're a lot like lucid dreams so they feel uncomfortably real but I know I'm just dreaming and that's what allows me to 'live'. It's genuinely just so strange, I don't even know how to explain it well.
However there is one thing that's different about these dreams every time, and it's the actual life or death situation. It's never ever the precisely the same. Sometimes I'm being chased, sometimes I'm in actual combat with someone, and sometimes I'm literally falling from the sky. Like with the dream I had last night, I was in a plane that was about to crash but I lived by knowing it was all just a dream and therefore manipulating things only so I survive. It's an interest thing I'd love to see if I can twist into a story
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
Dazzling Inferno of a World Withering Away--
Off to the side I sit idlewild, book in hand, and smiling all the while
The fires raging all around me
Look awfully pleasant today
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
Other smaller stories/books/plays I'm working on and will later provide descriptions on--
Seize The Day, Coxswain! (play)
The Blight of A Christian Misanthrope (autobiography)
The Horromedy (collection of various short and absurd stories)
Sever The Unity (book)
Sardonic Sanctum (play)
I Don't Wanna Be The Punchline Anymore (collection of poems)
The Hand They Bite With Rage (Book, The big Idiosyncratic prequel that unravels everything. Gonna be a while till I start working on it though)
The Halo Defect (book)
Dearth of The Design (book)
Fall All Around Me (book)
My Doll Sincere (play)
Heaven went to Hell (book)
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
I know plenty of older books about dystopias but rather curiously I have yet to see any recent stories using the concept, and I'd really like to know if there are any good ones out there. I for one love, love, love dystopias--there are virtually endless possibilities for how someone can write a dysfunctional totalitarian society, and in my person opinion it's even better when there are messages or warnings about our society buried within. That's a niche I will gladly slide right into regardless.
With Idiosyncratic my intention honestly is not that everyone in my audience takes the story seriously to the point that it's treated with some form of verity or glorification, it's meant to be outlandish and bizarre--an exaggeration, to put it simply, in a format that on the surface doesn't look profoundly deep or extraordinary, but still harbors many allegories and messages that may warp our scope of the world. I want people to read my book and immediately think word-for-word, "wow, that's completely unrealistic, but holy shit if that did happen that would be horrifying." I wanna leave people simultaneously fascinated and surprised, permanently haunted with the uneasy thought of, what if one day humans do actually reach a point where we are able to achieve the things seen in this book? And would these discoveries and inventions really lead to our laughably tragic downfall? Or would it pave the way for a brighter and altogether evolved future devoid of suffering and dysfunctionality, a utopia even? Or is something like that just completely beyond our reach, and are our failures already set in stone and woven by our own hands? As long as I get that kind of thinking going in someone's head, I'm satisfied.
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
Falling Stars Like Topaz Ire
Stars deck the skies of melancholy blue
Bringing light and a semblance of a hope profoundly new
Angels cradle the cot of a witless baby
Shielding him from the wrath of the sun and moon
Falling to the ground with crimson tails, fiery and tainted an orange hue
Most beautiful were the stars that came crashing down
With a fury the world never knew
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
Drowning Fish—
As man was born to race
Fish were born to swim
Predestined to, by a flawless design
Weaved with care down to the finest detail
And yet
When placed in the waters it was made to tame
the fish knew only to flail around
Until it died
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
Alone he goes by Craven
No stranger is he to the sway of a blade nor the crack of a bullet
Cold wolf of the night, veiled in black and cloaked in the twilight of a raven
Phantom of a hero, alone he goes by Craven
Fiend who reigns vesper supreme and bathes in bile
Twisted is he to call an anarchy a haven
Conquered by his own game, alone he goes by Craven
No Stranger is he to the retaliation of a blade nor the ricochet of a bullet
Predator now prey, lex talionis of a rancorous lamb now braven
Measure for measure, chain forevermore, alone he goes by Craven
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
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(picture created by me) Dainty heads are rested onto pillows of sunflowers and orange carnations as grief-stricken hearts bid them farewell, squeeze at their hands, and leave to them trinkets of endearment as they go on in dull locomotion Guiltless, dauntless, rageless eyes observe from a nearby hedgegrow, basking in, drinking in the melancholic display he's woven with juxtaposing joy Such beautiful pictures they painted, nails glossed a youthful crimson and all the while there they lay in those small bodies hardly shy of maturity adorned in red dresses, sprawled across their beds of rest so elegantly yet capriciously like petals ripped from a rose and scattered by the elements of nature Flickers of a life once precious and pure dance across their cold pale faces, iridescent of the beauty that still graces them even in their eternal calm There's a scintilla of something sweet and fruitful that beckons fiendish hands, beyond their untainted flesh and bone, nestled deep in their supple marrow, bashful and wary of the knives that threaten to carve them, the fingers that yearn to pry at them, and the eyes that linger to shamelessly relish their vernal allure The taste of their vibrance is one that's never failed to ensnare and capture a man who's heart, mind, and soul has long since been consumed by flames of lust and lechery New Autumns and springs are telltale of another collection of nosegays he pricks and fondles at till they bleed the essence he so fancies, another fragment of his former self that will now corrode and wither off into ash with the very conceptions that once restrained him from frolicking too deep into the meadows of desire that enticed him deviously
With a skill he's honed through every vibrant flower he's ever met to pluck from its garden and later desecrate for thrill, he treats them no different than a tender fruit and peels back the layers that keep him from the richness buried inside
The succulence and freshness, however, can only be preserved for so long before the flavor goes stale, the color fades away, and the petals begin to wilt, and so in his own way the man bids them farewell, a proper departure most deserving for a flower now dull and dry and all devoid of the vibrance it once yielded, dissolved of the very thing that gave it value
Always, will the Scintilla of innocence embedded in any flower desirable to the eye ignite the dawn of a new harvest
Decided to post a poem today instead of a Remedy talks, which I'm frankly kind of glad about because this is the first poem I've ever actually put intricate thought and effort into and I'm actually, surprisingly, kind of impressed with the results. However, I'm far more interested in other people's thoughts and their interpretations; I had a particular story to tell and I want to see if people can actually derive that from what I've created
But without further ado, toodles
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
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(picture created by me) Dainty heads are rested onto pillows of sunflowers and orange carnations as grief-stricken hearts bid them farewell, squeeze at their hands, and leave to them trinkets of endearment as they go on in dull locomotion Guiltless, dauntless, rageless eyes observe from a nearby hedgegrow, basking in, drinking in the melancholic display he's woven with juxtaposing joy Such beautiful pictures they painted, nails glossed a youthful crimson and all the while there they lay in those small bodies hardly shy of maturity adorned in red dresses, sprawled across their beds of rest so elegantly yet capriciously like petals ripped from a rose and scattered by the elements of nature Flickers of a life once precious and pure dance across their cold pale faces, iridescent of the beauty that still graces them even in their eternal calm There's a scintilla of something sweet and fruitful that beckons fiendish hands, beyond their untainted flesh and bone, nestled deep in their supple marrow, bashful and wary of the knives that threaten to carve them, the fingers that yearn to pry at them, and the eyes that linger to shamelessly relish their vernal allure The taste of their vibrance is one that's never failed to ensnare and capture a man who's heart, mind, and soul has long since been consumed by flames of lust and lechery New Autumns and springs are telltale of another collection of nosegays he pricks and fondles at till they bleed the essence he so fancies, another fragment of his former self that will now corrode and wither off into ash with the very conceptions that once restrained him from frolicking too deep into the meadows of desire that enticed him deviously
With a skill he's honed through every vibrant flower he's ever met to pluck from its garden and later desecrate for thrill, he treats them no different than a tender fruit and peels back the layers that keep him from the richness buried inside
The succulence and freshness, however, can only be preserved for so long before the flavor goes stale, the color fades away, and the petals begin to wilt, and so in his own way the man bids them farewell, a proper departure most deserving for a flower now dull and dry and all devoid of the vibrance it once yielded, dissolved of the very thing that gave it value
Always, will the Scintilla of innocence embedded in any flower desirable to the eye ignite the dawn of a new harvest
Decided to post a poem today instead of a Remedy talks, which I'm frankly kind of glad about because this is the first poem I've ever actually put intricate thought and effort into and I'm actually, surprisingly, kind of impressed with the results. However, I'm far more interested in other people's thoughts and their interpretations; I had a particular story to tell and I want to see if people can actually derive that from what I've created
But without further ado, toodles
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remedyxtragedy · 9 months ago
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The trio in color. And also a scene from my book I decided to draw because yes
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