I'm a USA individual-level to political-level advanced PSYCHologist, politician, advanced PSYCHological revolutionary and PSYCHological human rights advocate and activist with many online advanced PSYCHology-based work projects to assist with PSYCHological human rights violations (which the governments and the United Nations are not yet assisting with and are even ignoring, and which no non-for-profit or for-profit businesses have yet been created to assist with) and to raise the PSYCHological intelligence of fields of PSYCHology and PSYCHiatry and the public out of Austigers Autism (a term that I created.) These advanced PSYCHology-based work projects include: 2 political parties (Life Skills Divide Political Party; Ascension Political Party); many political and social entrepreneurial companies; many educational books; and novel projects. My main work projects blog is called, 'A U.S.A. Presidential-Level & United Nations-Level, Advanced PSYCHology-based Work Projects; PSYCHoautobiographical Blog' and its website is: www.melissakaykinder.com.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
For the Current Version of My Main Advanced PSYCHology-Based Work Projects Blog, See www.melissakaykinder.com.
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Help Psychiatry's Victims: www.melissakaykinder3.wixsite.com/helppsychvictims
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Protect Psychics: www.melissakaykinder3.wixsite.com/protectpsychics
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Video About 'Life Skills Divide Political Party' (8.18.22):
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My 2 PSYCHology-Based Political Parties: Screenshot of Websites (8.16.22)
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2 PSYCH- / PSYCHology-Based Political Parties 'Life Skills Divide Political Party' & 'Ascension Political Party'--Screenshots of their Main Pages (8.14.22)
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Video on PSYCH- / PSYCHology-Based 'Ascension Political Party' (YouTube: https://youtu.be/v2i0-3CUUg4):
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Video about PSYCH- / PSYCHology-Based 'Life Skills Divide Political Party' (YouTube: https://youtu.be/LsvxtykiKTY):
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