#God bless 'em
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disgruntledexplainer · 2 months ago
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congrats, Budsies. You have earned your place at the table.
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shoomlah · 2 years ago
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I'm not sure what else I can do for the apparently VORACIOUS Spies In Dresses fandom, but might I offer you the original sketches in this trying time
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royaltea000 · 4 months ago
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Mama a monkey behind you
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juniemunie · 5 months ago
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Anyways *blasts yosuke with the genderbend beam*
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emotionaldisaster909 · 1 year ago
look at his smile
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this gentle, innocent smile
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so unbelievably happy and relieved to see Xie Lian after all those years, alive and well
gods, that’s why i love donghua so MUCH
because THIS IS THE LOOK you’d have after 800 years of devotion, of searching, hoping, longing, loving
they don’t try to make him aloof and sexy in that yaoi-seme kinda way
they just make him TRUE
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dansemacabre · 1 year ago
i read a pinescone fic recently abt wirt being the anti-beast by leading lost children out of the woods and it drove me insane and i suddenly started thinking abt my pinescone early aughts university au and. wirt instinctually leading people away from being lost without realizing. going into psych to become a guidance counselor/therapist. working part time at the library and directing people to the right section- he always seems to have the right recommendation for someone going through a hard time. his lights shine a bit brighter than everyone else’s, and his window on the top floor faces the woods, so anyone in the forest can see campus in the dark and find their way home. he frequents the lost and found- his laundry always seems to spawn socks that his floor mates lost four years ago. he’s always getting stopped by visiting families and freshmen for directions- he thinks he just walks too slow and looks approachable, no matter how much he scowls. he walks shortcuts over hills and through groves of trees and finds the ground below him a bit more worn than normal every time. wirt is a beacon to the lost and hopeless without even knowing it. even when he is at his loneliest, he is always being followed and always being watched.
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todayisafridaynight · 1 year ago
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[sketch reward]
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youcanleaveurhaton · 7 months ago
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buwheal · 8 months ago
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do you think theyll notice
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killer-queen-k · 3 months ago
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Livestream Update:
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camphelion · 9 months ago
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happy yuri day
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royaltea000 · 1 month ago
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Matsu noir is legitimately such a cool au but the muppet versions look So STUPID 😭
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bumblehoneybee · 2 months ago
Cherub, standing on top of the roof with a pizza box: “IT’S OVER ANAKIN, I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND.”
Catnap: stands up on his hind legs
Cherub, terrified: “fuckfuckfuck DAAAAAAD!!!”
goddddddd full height catnap would scare the shit out of anyone! that fever dream sequence in the game certainly was creepy as hell!
dogday rushing out to find catnap stood at full height as cherub desperately trying to protect their pizza. it's hard to scold something so much bigger than you, so sadly he's not too much help.
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ghostlightfic · 3 days ago
Okay, one more question about processes because I'm always curious about other writers, but what happened with Nille? I'm curious where the problems were because I think you did really well with her from what I've gotten to read. Might be interesting to see the issues vs the final result!
this ALSO got long so nille-flavored rambles under the cut
sea glass was kind of a nightmare to write in general honestly. i went through 2 different iterations before settling on what got actually posted, along with making a Later nille convo in advance to nail down her character a bit better
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part of the problem with sg was that the initial confrontation with nille and loop was... a bit rough to get right. at first i tried to have her confront them along with the rest of the party which was Not Good. having like 7 characters in one interaction just was not working out whatsoever. it also made her beef a lot more immediately apparent to everyone and was defused by the Ghost Of Bambouche thing and it just was not good. it ALSO had nille arguing in front of bonnie which she does her best not to do ever.
second try also had the full group which was bad for the same reasons. it ended up mostly being loop and nille firing back and forth anyway, which left everyone else a bit listless. it was a lot better once i cut the cast for the scene like clean in half LOL....
there's also just that nille's character is very combative especially and specifically towards the pov character which is a bit Rough. i struggled to nail her down (still do a bit) and i often have worries about how she'll be received, but everyone's been very understanding of her and her various issues, which is appreciated!
her swift turnaround is also a bit of a worry for me, because I know why she's more normal now but the audience can only speculate for a while. lucky for me no one has seen it as a copout or anything which was my main concern with snowflake
in general it's just hard to portray someone who is extremely antagonistic to the pov character but who is also like. not a bad person. most of that is because i worry about reception but honestly you have to beat that part of you down or you'll never get anything done
the Last problem is making nille and loop similar enough to be clockable but still distinct in their issues which honestly i think i've done a decently good job at. they can both be really vindictive little shits when they want to, and they're fiercely protective, sometimes overly so. among other various similarities. one of the differences is just that loop has had a while to mellow out and nille uh. Hasn't.
thank you for the ask!! it's fun talking about behind the scenes stuff, i don't really go in-depth much very often! ❤❤❤ as a treat here's a tiny bit from a future loop nille conversation (that may or may not make it into the fic)
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
LMAO NO FR like Fox blew the ship up, it is actively at the bottom of the ocean as we speak but James and Michael are on a life raft still talking about making sweet love in every interview and I thank them for their service
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they were just method acting guys ...... reaally had to get in character and all .......
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st-louis · 1 year ago
dustin byfuglien vibes
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