#Giggling and kicking my feet I forgot how much I love writing
metalheadcowboy · 1 year
“Hey-“ Tommy grabbed ahold of Steve’s shoulder, stopping his storming feet from taking another step towards his car parked along the street.
The face hit him first, the tell tale trembling bottom lip, paired with a set of misty puppy dog eyes that made the freckled boys heart sink deep into his stomach. He knew that face, had seen it more than his fair share of times. It’s the face Steve made when he ran his bike headfirst into Mr. Carters’ solid, brick mailbox when they were ten, or when Jacob Hill tripped him in front of everybody when he went to turn in his test during their 7th grade science class.
It wasn’t so much the face that scared Tommy the most, it was what came after that always terrified him. Remembering how Steve plopped to the ground with a hearty thud, dumbfounded, or sat back in his seat with his head held in his cross-crossed arms. The calm before the storm.
He swore if he thought hard enough he could still hear the stuttering sobs that echoed around the surrounding houses, or the silent sniffles that escaped his tightly barricaded face.
Tommy knew when Steve made that face, nothing good every followed.
The taller boy turned, spun on his heel like Tommy used all the force in his body to turn him around when in reality he barely applied any pressure at all, “What’s up?” he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, though he was sure his own furrowed brow gave him away.
Steve said nothing, just looked back at Tommy with tears welling up in his eyes. And maybe if things were the way they used to be, maybe if they were alone, Tommy would have pulled him in and hugged him like he did when they were kids. Put a Scooby-Doo band-aid on his wound or rub his back and tell him everything would be alright.
But things weren’t like they used to be. Tommy could count the amount of times him and Steve talked within the past year on one hand. Both too stubborn to admit their wrongs and not man enough to say they were sorry, so nothing ever got fixed, relationships were never mended and in result they acted like each other never existed.
But Tommy couldn’t just stand there and pretend like that face, the signature Steve face of peril didn’t rip his insides to shreds with worry, didn’t eat him alive, "What's up?" Steve responded, voice laced with a thick venom that shot right into Tommy's chest like an arrow. If this were a cartoon the shorter boy swears this is when steam would start violently blowing out of Steve's ears.
After a few beats of silence interrupted only by the faint sound of slightly too loud music still coming from inside Tina's house Tommy spoke up, "Yeah..." he sounded guilty and he knew it, but what else was he supposed to say? It had been so long since he'd been faced with Steve this vulnerable, let alone at all. It would have been weird if he had said anything else, he thinks.
Steve just scoffed, wiping a stray tear from his rolled eyes before tightly placing his hands on his hips. A habit he most definitely picked up from his mother, Tommy hated that he still remembered that, that he remembered everything about the person who treated him like a stranger.
"I mean, what else do you want from me Steve, really?" He meant for it to come out snippy, but it came out more as a plea. Tommy never really was one for hiding his emotions, or being good even when he tried. His older brother called him a 'bitch', but his mom always fondly said he was 'sensitive'.
Steve sighed, scrubbing a hand roughly down his face before returning it to his hip, "God..." he mumbled so quietly that, if they hadn't been standing so close, Tommy wouldn't have even picked it up, "I don't even know." The latter looked down at his feet, cursing the soft sob that escaped the back of his throat.
Tommy just stayed quiet, tight lipped as he watched his former friend grit his teeth in a piss poor attempt to will away the tears that were already rolling down his pale cheeks. The freckled boy pitied him, knowing how shitty he must be feeling.
It took him back to when they were twelve, having dinner at Steve's house and the lanky boy dropped his whole plate of spaghetti onto Mrs. Harrington's brand new imported carpet and he immediately burst into tears. Mr. Harrington going in on him calling him a 'crybaby' and a 'kluts' and many other things he shivers thinking about. Or maybe that's just the brisk autumn air brushing his bare arms, who knows.
"Nuh- Nancy-" Steve choked through gasps of air, snapping Tommy out of his memory induced trance. His expression immediately softened, became less frustrated and more gentle. With just one word Tommy knew exactly what was wrong, always able to read his best- ex best friend like a paperback book.
"Oh," Tommy said, rather dumbly, hardly processing his own words, "Oh," he followed up, sounding much less apathetic than his first go. He reached forward to grab Steve's shoulder in comfort, fully expecting to be completely pushed away, but to his surprised he was smothered by an armful of Steve Harrington.
Steve crumbled into him like a landslide, slowly and then all at once, not wrapping his arms around Tommy's middle, but letting his face nestle into the crook of the shorter boys neck.
What was that expression? Old habits die hard? Well if that was the case, old habits must be buried six feet under because in an instant Tommy was wrapping one arm around Steve's waist, the other carefully cascading up and down his blazer clad back.
"Shh..." he coaxed gently, fully feeling the power of Steve's breakdown wash over him. The wracking of his body, the harsh tears boring themselves into the thin fabric covering his shoulder. Steve's warm breath broke through the stark fall cold front making its way through Indiana, wrapping around his neck like a warm embrace, even if the boy wasn't actually hugging him back.
Tommy had held so much hate towards Steve for so long, but now it all seemed to slip away. All the sleepless nights spend wondering what could he have done differently. All the pretending that Steve ignoring him from across the lunch room didn't make his heart ache. All those times he cried to his mom about it just like Steve was crying to him right now.
He knew this wouldn't last, it couldn't last, Steve just needed a shoulder to cry on, but he had forgotten how much he missed this, his best friend that he couldn't bring himself to care, "Shh, Shh, Shh you're okay, I'm so sorry mi príncipe."
And there it was, something he hadn't said in years. My prince, something he used to tease Steve back in their middle school days, when he was first becoming popular. But now it came out with nothing but true admiration and delicate care. Because it was always true, in his eyes Steve would always be his prince. For the most part, kind, caring, charming, handsome, his prince. Though it was meant as a joke, the nickname always meant something to him, like a well kept secret.
They stood there for a while, just like that, hugging as Tommy slowly swayed them back and forth in an attempt to soothe his heart broken friend. Little by little Steve began to calm down, sobs once shaking his frame turning into a soft sniffle, desperate breaths evening out so much that Tommy could barely hear them anymore. But Tommy didn't dare let go until Steve began to peel himself away like a sticky note.
Tommy would be lying if he said the shell of Steve Harrington standing in front of him didn't look like a wreck and a half. Tussled hair, swollen eyes paired with dreadful tear marks, cheeks and nose a sort of burning red. But to the shorter boy he was still beautiful, always.
"Feel better?" He asked with a small half smile, dropping one hand back to his side, the other giving Steve's bicep a comforting rub. But Steve just stared at him with a blank expression, like he was either caught in deep thought or staring off into space.
"Steve, are you al-" Before Tommy knew what was happening, Steve's lips crashed against his in what had to have been the most ungraceful attempt at a kiss known to man. It was smooshy, loose lips, and slick snot. The freckled boy was dumbfounded to say the least. Not even having time to close his eyes before Steve was pulling away.
The look on his face said it all. It was all horror mixed with a bit of self loathing and Tommy couldn't help but feel upset. Steve's eyebrows furrowed deeply like he was confused by his own actions. And if Steve was confused, Tommy was outright bewildered.
It wasn't so much that he didn't like it rather than: What the fuck just happened?
It was like night and day the way Steve was there one second and gone the next, turned around, making a mad dash the few feet to his car.
"Shit," Tommy cursed himself, "Steve, wait-" But it was too late, Steve had already turned on his car and slammed it into drive, flooring it so fast past him it's a wonder he didn't run over Tommy in the process. Or maybe that's what he was going for, if so, that was one way to avoid your problems.
Tommy just watched, still in shock, as Steve's BMW turned the corner racing impossibly fast, but not faster than Tommy's own thoughts. Deep down he knew it had to be a weird phenomenon of rebounding. Steve latching onto the closest thing he had for comfort, which just happened to be Tommy.
He could pretend to be offended all he wanted, but the butterfies that formed a frenzy in his gut betrayed him.
He had to find Steve Harrington, now.
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izel-scribbles · 1 month
just finished malevolent relisten. needless to say the obsession has been rekindled tenfold its previous magnitude
#im so fucking isnane about this podcast#ok notable reactions:#john.. Oh my god. It’s so insane to go back and hear how much he’s changed in the way he talks and reasons and treats arthur#i love you john doe malevolent#fav trans allegory ever!!!!!#definitely relate to him a normal amount (liar voice)#and then. S2. I really need to make that animatic with lonesome dreams#godddd i forgot how painful the ep18 divorce was#and then!!!! the canna mentions helping noel escape!!! completely forgot about that part#s3. oh my god. absolute fav season. soooo many crazy moments.#like coda??? “You want him back.” “I want him safe.” You want him baaack.” “I want him back”#KAYNE I FUCKING HATE THAT RAT BASTARD.NEED TO BASH HIS HEAD IN WITH A ROCK BUT HES A FREAK AND HED ENJOY IT SO I CANT#piece od shit#and then 23/24??????? arthur’s happy cry-laugh???? dead#part 25. “I killed myself. For a voice in my head. Do you know how mad that sounds?” what if IIII killed myself#26. god. Then 27. And 28. Literally my fav season ever#followed closely by s4#ohhhh my god i forgot how hot the butcher is like genuinely#i completely forgot prelude somehow???? giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair the whole time#i need to be this homicidal gay irishman hes so hot oh my god#the 29 divorce. with the movie lmaoo#i need to draw them going on a night out and seeing a movie and getting dinner and drinks and dancing and (gets shot)#gooddddd i remember listening to 31 for the first time and being so fucking confused#PART 33. HIT ME RIGHT IN THE EMOTIONS. OH MY GOD. BELLA SALTZMAN I COULD’VE TREATED YOU SO MUCH BETTER#34….. i can’t speak about 34 without barking and howling like a rabid dog#dog. Is that a butcher refere(gets shot for the third time)#NOELLLLLL MY DARLING WIFE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH#this has just inspired me to keep writing hofth with ella tbh#lowkey don’t even get the obsession with oscar tho i can’t be talking#to each their own or whatever
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readerthatreadsss · 1 year
Worth The Wait | Steven Grant
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(Inspired by the song of the same title by Kali Uchis)
Pairing: Steven Grant x fem!reader
Word Count: 6.2k
Summary: You and Steven have been roommates for a while now. But one night after being stood up by yet another guy in a string of dates gone wrong, Steven offers you some support...which sparks an interesting chain of events.
Warnings[18+ activities MDNI]: sub! (ish) Steven, dom! (ish) reader, fools in love, friends/roommates to lovers, mentions of drunk reader (but not drunk when they actually have sex, you'll see), crying (reader's drunk and starts venting for a bit, that's all), unprotected p in v sex (cloak the joker before you poke her), oral sex (steven and r receiving), Steven doubting himself mid-sex, assertive reader and awkward Steven! , choking (r receiving), riding, creampie, barely edited cause I'm really fuckin tired.
A/N: Hi. Don't ask me where I found the time or motivation to write this shit when school started back a month ago. The idea just popped into my head and my fingers didn't stop moving once I opened a draft. Note, I have a tall fem! reader x Steven in my drafts to finish so don't think I forgot!
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"Steeeeven," knock knock knock, "STEVENNNN," knock knock knock−
Steven's brows furrowed beneath his reading glasses at the sound of your voice coming from outside your shared apartment door. Concern as well as confusion sprang through him instantly. You sounded drunk. Which he was sure to be the case seeing as you were sloppily knocking at the door rather than opening it with your keys.
He quickly shut the book he was reading and removed his glasses before making his way over to the door in fear that your next call of his name would wake the entire building.
Unfortunately, he opened the door at the very moment you launched your hand forward to knock once more. This caused you to tumble through the door with a drunken yelp. But Steven caught you in his arms before your body could hit the ground.
You looked up at him with a lazy smile and hooded eyes. "Thanks, Stevie bear," you hiccuped, using both hands to cling onto one of his very defined biceps. You had never realized how big and firm they were before that moment.
"You're welcome," Steven replied worriedly. He swiftly shut the door with his foot and used your grip on his arm to bring you standing back on your feet. "Y/n what the bloody hell happened to your date?"
You rolled your eyes at his question, kicking off your heels and making your way over to the couch without somehow falling again. "See now, Steven," you paused and pointed at him drunkenly, "it can't be a date if the said date doesn't even bother to show up!" you explained.
Steven sighed deeply at your explanation as he sat on the other end of the couch. This wasn't the first time this had happened to you—or him for that matter—but he could never understand why. You were easily one of the most beautiful women in London, and definitely one of the smartest, (your framed Ph.D. in psychology hanging over the television was evidence of that). You were the full package and more. Any man would be lucky to have you.
But the men of London were clearly morons if they kept standing you up or acting like complete knobs to you on your dates.
He would never do that to you. But he's seen photos of your past dates. A woman like you was way out of his league and would never go for someone like him, anyone with eyes could see that.
"How much have you had to drink?" Steven suddenly asked you.
You raised 3 fingers to the best of your ability. "Six," you answered before bursting into a fit of giggles at Steven's expression.
"Gosh, y/n, you're absolutely clobbered," he grabbed a blanket from the arm of the couch and spread it over where your short skin-tight dress was riding up your thighs.
"Well I didn't lie," you sat up abruptly, throwing the blanket off your lap and turning to face Steven and sit as crosslegged as your dress would allow, "Three of the drinks were margaritas...the other three were shots of vodka though," you admitted softly as if it were some secret for only yours and Steven's ears.
"Do you have work in the morning?" Steven questioned gently, picking up the blanket and handing it back to you. Your dress was riding up with every slight movement you made, which meant more of your thighs being exposed to him. Despite this, Steven wouldn't dare look anywhere except your eyes.
"Nope." You threw the blanket back on the floor. The night was pretty warm, you don't understand why Steven keeps giving it to you.
"Do you want me to make you some coffee or tea?"
Steven looked at you in question for a few seconds. "Which one?" he prodded, fighting back a smile at your muddled state.
You moved closer and narrowed your eyes, "Which one of what?" you questioned, truly confused, before breaking out into another fit of drunken giggles that caused you to momentarily tumble forward and land your hands on Steven's thighs.
"Coffee it is then," Steven answered for you, his voice traveling up an octave. He then carefully moved your hand from his thighs, trying to ignore the chills your touch sent up his spine, and hightailed it to the kitchen to put on the percolator for you.
You tilted your head as he walked away, noting how quickly he left.
When Steven returned with your cup of coffee (with cream and no sugar just how you liked it), he found you seated in the same spot but with his blanket draped over your head and body while soft sniffles and sobs met his ears.
He placed your cup on the table nearby and carefully approached your figure on the couch. Steven reached for the blanket and slowly removed it from your body.
"Why are you crying, love?" he sweetly asked once your face came into view.
"Because I'm a mess," you sniffled, using a hand to wipe the trail of tears falling from your eyes.
Steven's head tilted in disbelief at your words. "You don't really believe that, do you?"
"Yes I do," you nodded fervently, "It's why my dates have sucked for the past 2 months, it's why I got passed over for that goddamn promotion at work last week, and it's why you can't stand being around me for longer than 3 minutes these days."
Steven was taken aback by your words. You thought he couldn't stand to be around you? That's impossible.
"You practically sprinted to the kitchen!" you added after a few moments of silence.
"To make you coffee," Steven protested, gesturing to the cup lying untouched nearby.
"I saw your face," you looked down at where your hands lay in your lap.
Steven swallowed harshly. "Y/n."
You ignored his call for your attention.
"Look at me," he came closer and entangled his hands with your own in your lap, immediately causing you to look up at him with tear-stained eyes, "You are not a mess," he softly yet sternly said to you.
"Yes I am−"
"No. You are not," he interrupted your arguing, "Your dates? They're all losers for letting you slip through their hands. And if a few bad dates is fate's way of making you wait to find the one, then I think that's well worth the holdup, yeah?"
You chewed on your bottom lip anxiously before nodding in agreement.
"And as for my behavior earlier, it was−" Steven paused with a sigh fumbling for a sensible excuse, "it's your perfume."
You pulled a face that would have made Steven laugh under normal circumstances. "My perfume? You hate my perfume?"
Steven swallowed harshly. He hated lying. He wasn't even good at it. But convincing you that he couldn't bear your perfume was easier than admitting that he just couldn't handle the way your hands felt on his thighs or the way his entire body heated up when you leaned closer to him. "Yup. The smell was too much for me," he fibbed.
You rested your head in your palms, pouting slightly. "But you're the only reason I wear this perfume, Steven," you confessed, barely audible.
Steven's face fell. "What?"
"You told me that you liked it when I moved in and from then I kept buying it just because you liked it."
Steven's heart swelled at your admission. He felt like an asshole. He was no better than the losers you'd been going on dates with.
You continued to speak. You could feel words preparing to leave your lips that have been eating at you for a while, now guided by your lowered inhibitions. "And I didn't only mean just now. These past few weeks you can barely look me in my eyes, or be near me, Steven. What am I doing wrong?" your voice broke with your last words.
Steven had seen you cry a few times before. But this time was different. The look on your face was heart-wrenching. He couldn't believe that he made you feel like this.
Because he was having trouble dealing with his own feelings for you, he made you think he hated you...when it was the complete opposite.
"There's nothing wrong with you. It's all my fault," Steven said, breaking away from your gaze, feeling it pierce through him.
"I'm the one who was dumb enough to fall in love with you..." he added, only to look up and see you passed out against the arm of the couch.
A part of him was saddened that you fell asleep before hearing his confession. But another was grateful and profoundly unprepared for your inevitable rejection.
Steven looked at you for a few more seconds before carefully picking you up—smiling to himself when you curled into his chest—and carrying you to your bedroom.
° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
You woke up in a slight daze...and in someone else's bed.
It took a few glances around the room for you to piece together that you were in Steven's room.
And then all of last night's events came back to mind, seeping in and clearing the fog that your excessive alcohol consumption had sired;
Your failed date. Coming home and falling into Steven's arms. Saying way too much to Steven. Steven's last words before your body shut down.
"Oh God," you mumbled, cradling your face in your hands.
Eventually, you pulled yourself out of the bed and stumbled into the bathroom for a shower. You thanked whatever higher power was at work that Steven was still asleep on the couch when you padded through the living room.
But when you finished showering and exited the bathroom, you were hit with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. You poked your head into the living room to make sure Steven was still in the kitchen before running a path straight to your room and getting dressed.
After throwing on one of your old university crew necks and the first shorts you could get your hands on (which happened to be very short ones), you heard a knock at your door followed by Steven's voice.
"Y/N? I have a cup of green tea and some painkillers here...thought you'd need them."
You found yourself smiling at the sound of his voice, something that was becoming more common in recent weeks. What did you do to deserve a man like Steven in your life?
You quickly moved to open the door and let Steven in. "Hey, Steven," you greeted him with a small smile.
He released a nervous chuckle as he presented a cup and two pills to you. "Good morning."
You took them happily, bringing them to your night table. "I'm not actually feeling very hungover," you said to him, turning to sit on your bed.
"Really? That's surprising...considering last night," Steven replied, taking a hesitant step further into your room.
"Yeah must be my tolerance and all that," you shrugged, taking interest in how Steven had yet to meet your eyes since you opened the door.
A beat of silence passed between you while you took a sip of your tea. "Steven, you can sit," you softly spoke, gesturing to your bed.
"Oh, sure," Steven took a seat at the farthest edge of your bed, maintaining a more than comfortable space between you.
"How'd I end up in your bed this morning?" you suddenly questioned. You were genuinely curious, but the reaction it garnered from Steven was more than worth it.
After a brief clear of his throat, Steven answered, "Well you sorta climbed into my bed in the middle of the night, gave me quite a scare actually, and I wanted to give you space to rest so I let you have my bed and I slept in the couch."
"Oh, I'm sorry," you frowned, a tinge of embarrassment seeping in, "Why didn't you sleep in my bed?"
"Because..." laying in your bed that smells flawlessly like you would've sent him into cardiac arrest- "the couch is more comfortable."
You nodded in understanding, placing your half-empty teacup back on the table.
"If you uh need anything," Steven stood up from your bed, slowly walking backward to the door, "just shout," he said as he turned to open the door.
"Did you mean it?"
Steven halted in place at your words, his back still facing you.
You slid off your bed and approached his oddly still figure.
Steven's throat ran dry. There's no way you could have actually heard him. Right? "What?" is all he managed to say.
You walked past him and used a hand to close the door, coming to stand in front of him. You needed to look at his face. Living with Steven for a year has taught you that he wasn't a man of many words but his face said more than enough when he couldn't. Drunk you couldn't utilize your psych degree the night before, but sober you sure could at that moment.
"Did you mean it?" you repeated, "When you said you fell in love with me?"
Steven's jaw slackened when he met your stare, that feeling of being pierced by your gaze returning. "I-"
Your eyes narrowed as you took a step closer to him, now being close enough for his nervous breaths to fan across your lips. "Because if you meant it then I would tell you that. I think..." you paused and looked away for a moment, "No, I know that I love you too."
Steven's hooded brown eyes widened. He blinked a few times, trying to will himself to wake up if this was a dream.
You bit back a small laugh at his expression before you continued. "I love how willing you were to rent some small-time therapist your extra bedroom because you heard her crying in the corner of a coffee shop that she'd been kicked out by her stupid ex-boyfriend. I love the mugs you buy me every month because you saw them and they reminded you of me. I love how you watch shitty action movies with me after every bad date I have because you want to take my mind off them. I love how much you care about...everything really. I love you, Steven Grant," an enlightened smile rested on your face as you spoke, "and I'm sorry that I spent the past year thinking everything you made me feel was platonic when the truth was that you made me feel things that no one else has. I'm an idiot Steven-"
"No," Steven's first word came, a relieved smile accompanying it, "You are not an idiot. You are the smartest person I've ever met. Smarter than me, that's for sure," at that, you both laughed, "I've spent this whole year thinking that you would never see me as anything more than your weird, boring roommate...and turns out you loved me this whole time," he ended in a soft whisper, shocked by his own conclusion. Steven found his eyes drifting down to your lips and you immediately took note of it.
You exhaled deeply before closing the gap between you and Steven, meeting his lips in a bold kiss.
Initially stunned, Steven sunk into your lips soon after, gently bringing his hands up to rest on the sides of your face.
Your brain fogged as Steven devoured your lips, an unusual confidence taking over him. You wrapped your hands around his neck and smiled into the kiss, allowing Steven to slip his tongue past your lips, tasting more of you and pulling a moan from your chest.
Steven pulled away first, feeling himself enter a state that he wouldn't dare himself to in your presence. You bit back a whine when his lips left yours, looking up at him in confusion.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," he spoke, taking a step away from you.
You licked your lips and stepped towards him. "Steven, trust me, I want to do this. I want to do a lot more than this actually," you pulled his waist flush against your body, drawing a shared moan from you both when his growing bulge pressed against your stomach.
Steven's hands flew up to grab the back of your neck and your jaw. He softly muttered your name, as a warning more than anything else.
You leaned in and pressed a kiss against the corner of his lips. "If you say no, we will stop this right now and go eat breakfast. But if you say yes, we are gonna stay here and I'm gonna let you do very bad things to my body."
Steven swallowed harshly. "God, yes," he replied, failing to swallow back a whimper at the implication of your words.
Your hands squeezed his waist as you moved back to look at his face fully. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that Stevie," you smirked.
Steven looked down at you with adoration clear in his eyes. He couldn't believe this was really about to happen. He used his hold on your neck to pull your lips crashing into his. This kiss was a lot more hungrier than the first, with Steven now making his intentions much clearer.
"I'll take that as a yes," you grinned between kisses.
Steven groaned his agreement as he continued to kiss you.
You used your grip on his waist to push him back towards your bed, effectively breaking your kiss and causing him to land on the edge of your bed with a grunt.
Steven looked up at you through his lashes in awe as you approached him. He watched keenly as you removed your top, wearing nothing underneath, before moving to straddle his thighs. Steven made a move to touch your chest before stopping his shaky hands midair and looking at you in question.
You gently held Steven's chin up and smiled down at him. "Steven you can touch me," you reassured him. Even in an intimate moment like this, he was ever the gentleman...
Steven indulged with a sheepish smile and brought both his palms to each of your breasts. Unable to help himself, Steven dove in and took one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened bud.
"Fuck, Steven," you moaned, eyes slamming shut at how good it felt. Your words only seemed to egg him on further as Steven switched to your other breast, his lips and tongue moving against it with more enthusiasm.
Your hands at the back of his neck grabbed fistfuls of his curls while his ministrations against your chest pulled more moans and whines from your lips.
Some time after, you pulled Steven's lips away from your breasts and met them in a searing kiss, pressing your clothed cunt down against his erection. "Shit," Steven lowly cursed, bringing his hands to your waist to grind you down further against his bulge.
You obliged with a moan, grinding in Steven's lap harder. "Tell me what you want, Steven," you whispered against his lips.
Steven's hands squeezed your waist harshly when your lips began sucking against his throat. He could barely put together thoughts at the moment, much less words.
You trailed a hand down to the waistband of Steven's sweats and slowly reached under it for his cock. You swallowed a moan when your hand traced his full length and girth. "You've been holding out on me Steven," you chuckled against his neck.
Steven blushed furiously at your words. "Thank you?" he responded awkwardly, barely functioning with your hand rubbing along his cock.
You chuckled once again, pulling away from his neck to look at him. "You're so pretty," you said, causing another wave of red to hit Steven's cheeks.
"No one's ever said that to me before," he admitted softly.
"Well that's okay, cause I want to be the only one who makes you blush like this," you grinned brushing a stray curl from his forehead, "I bet your cock is just as pretty," your hand picked up speed beneath Steven's pants, "Can I see it? Please?"
Steven nodded enthusiastically. "Anything you want," he said with a desperation that had your pussy throbbing with need. You briefly lifted your hips allowing Steven to clumsily slide off his sweatpants and boxers and step out of them.
Once you returned to your position on his thighs, you looked down at his cock, the head already dripping with small beads of precum. The length was truly unexpected, as well as the girth. You would do anything to feel him inside you.
But for now, you really wanted to taste him.
Steven watched you sink to your knees before him, your eyes never straying from his.
"Are you sure you want to-"
"Steven you said anything I wanted," you paused, gliding your fingers over his length and watching it twitch in response, "And I really want to taste you. Can I suck your cock, Steven?"
Steven's breathing picked up as he took in the image before him; you on your knees, touching his dick while literally begging to suck it with a look in your eyes he could only compare to the look of a wild female tiger eyeing her freshly caught meal in the nature documentary he watched the week before.
"Please, please do," his response came soon after.
You began with a kiss to the head of his cock that made it immediately jump in your hand. You couldn't help but chuckle, and it was a sound that Steven hoped would be the last thing he heard before he left this earth. "You're so sensitive, Stevie," you cooed before pressing another kiss but to the base of his length.
Steven released a sharp moan at both of your kisses to his cock, finding himself embarrassingly close to cumming already.
"Please," he pleaded your name with a whine, "stop teasing."
You swirled your tongue around the head where precum had gathered, moaning in time with your movements and drawing yet another mewl from Steven. "Oh but Stevie, I just love hearing you say please," you teased him, looking up from where you had a hand wrapped around his base and another briefly caressing his balls.
Steven was now panting, his eyes never leaving you as you held him. He watched you slowly wrap your lips around his tip before slowly sinking down.
After reaching a little more than halfway down Steven's cock, you felt yourself gag but simply stilled instead of removing yourself completely.
"Fucking hell," Steven grunted before melding into a pathetic moan once you held your position. You eventually let up when you almost ran out of air and slowly removed your lips from his dick, your eyes meeting his with tears streaming along your face from the stretch.
You were prepared to do it once again but felt Steven's palm grab your chin before you could. "No, love, please. If you do that again I'm afraid I'm not gonna last."
Steven watched you lick your lips before shifting to trap his thumb in between your lips and softly suck on it. He couldn't stop the whine that slipped his lips at your action.
You eventually released his thumb from the confines of your mouth and came to stand over him with a smile. "Well then. Tell me what you want to do next. I'm all yours, baby, remember?"
Steven brought his hands to rest on your hips and leaned forward to press a soft kiss against your stomach. "I-uhh," his brows furrowed and he shook his head briefly as if sending away a thought.
"What is it, Steven?"
The man beneath you looked up to meet your eager eyes, suddenly confident enough to say what he wanted. "I really...really want to taste you."
You felt your breath hitch at his request. It was rare for a man to enthusiastically offer to go down on you. Though it was clear to you now that Steven was most definitely a rare man.
"You want to?" you felt your voice come out a lot more unsure than usual.
Steven's brows furrowed once again as a fleeting smile graced his lips at your response. "Of course I do, sweetheart. Do men not usually..."
You harshly exhaled. "I mean some do but I usually have to complain first or they do it cause they want me to return the favor," you admitted.
"They don't deserve you. No one does," Steven softly uttered, gazing up at you with eyes you were growing more fond of by the minute.
You quickly leaned down to meet him in a kiss in response. You didn't deserve him either.
Steven pulled you back into his lap and kissed you back eagerly. But he was the first to pull away, causing you to whine in a way that made his cock jump against your cunt. "I-I really did mean it, love, I need to taste you. Now."
You had never seen Steven so demanding. It had you throbbing in anticipation. You allowed him to lay you on your back and peel away your shorts and panties to reveal the part of you where you needed him most.
Steven looked starstruck as he examined your arousal. He moved closer and closer to your pussy, letting his warm breath fan over your glistening lips.
"Steven please-" you begged, though you couldn't finish your thought before your voice broke into a loud moan when Steven licked a stripe from your entrance to your swollen clit.
Steven closed his eyes, relishing his first taste of you. It was everything he'd quite literally dreamed of and more.
And so, he eagerly dived into your core.
Your hands flew to Steven's head working between your legs as your thighs instinctively closed around his head from the sudden wave of pleasure surging through you.
The feeling of your thighs trapping his head against your pussy was absolute bliss to Steven. He moaned into you as his tongue swirled around your clit sloppily. If he was inexperienced, you couldn't tell because every movement of his tongue brought you closer and closer to your release.
The vibrations of Steven's enjoyment drew a brief scream from your chest before you slapped a hand over your lips to silence it.
Steven finally came up for air, his lips and jaws covered in your slick. His curls were strewn along his forehead by a damp layer of sweat as his dilated pupils met your own. "C'mon. I want to hear those pretty noises you make for me, love," he said before running two of his fingers through your folds to gather some of your wetness and slowly inserting them into you.
"Oh my-STEVEN" your back arched up and off your bed as you felt immediately filled up by Steven's digits.
Steven gauged your reactions as he slowly removed his fingers before pushing them again with no resistance due to your arousal. "I've wanted this for so long, love," he began to speak as he slowly leaned down to press his lips against your clit in a kiss, "Wanted to hear you moaning my name," he sped up his fingers' movements inside you, "Wanted to taste you," he added another finger, now touching that spot inside your walls with every thrust, "You're so beautiful," he ended before fully diving back in with his tongue against your bud.
"Yes—fuck—you're so good to me baby," you finally gathered enough breath to speak while gaining a proper grip on his head. With every sharp lick or nip he'd make, you would tighten your grip on his hair and it would only spur him on further. It was only a matter of seconds from there before...
"Shit, I'm gonna cum, Steven," you called out, looking down to meet where he was already staring up at you, and speeding up his fingers and tongue's ministrations against you.
He held your stare once he felt your walls clench around his fingers and heard your moan melt into a scream.
"Fuck, fuck, FUCK," you shouted as your orgasm slammed into you thanks to Steven's eager tongue and fingers.
Steven watched your chest slow its heaving when your climax subsided and removed his fingers but couldn't stop himself from licking the remnants of your release from your folds. It was as if he was trying to work you up to another orgasm.
"Shit Steven wait," you mewled, attempting to close your legs from overstimulation. But Steven used strength you'd never known him to have to shove your legs back open and hold them in place, clearly intent on tasting every bit of what you had to offer.
Your eyes widened. "Holy fuck," you removed both your hands from Steven's head and ran them over your face and boobs. He was driving you absolutely insane. If it weren't for his grip on your legs you would be trembling beneath him.
It wasn't long before a second orgasm crept up on you, one more powerful than the last. Your lips parted in a silent scream as your climax washed over your entire body, from your thighs to your feet, to the base of your fucking spine.
Steven couldn't help but stare as he cleaned you up for the last time with his tongue. He couldn't believe he got to see this. To make you feel like this.
Your high subsided soon after and you released a sharp exhale followed by a laugh of disbelief.
Steven moved from his position on his knees before you to hover above you on your bed. "You okay, love?" he questioned in concern
You responded to his question with a satisfied grin. "I'm great, Stevie," you spoke before meeting his lips in a sweet kiss, "But..."
Steven's face fell at your words. He slowly moved from above you to lay next to you, scared to meet your eyes. "I did something wrong didn't I? Or did I forget to do something? I'm sorry-" he rambled, immediately doubting himself.
But his words died in his throat when you turned and caressed his cheek with a hand, your grin still present on your face. "You did nothing wrong," you insisted, "That was no doubt one of the best orgasms of my entire life."
Steven looked away and laughed at your confession. "You don't have to say that to make me feel better."
"I mean it, Steven," your voice grew stern, "That was fucking incredible."
Steven couldn't even formulate a response.
"What I was going to say was," you broke his silence, "I promised you could do bad things to my body and you haven't done nearly enough for me," you ended with a smirk.
Steven grunted when he felt your fingertips run along his cock.
"Don't you want to fuck me, Steven?" you questioned innocently while completely wrapping your hand around and stroking Steven's dick.
He nodded quickly, his bottom lip held between his teeth as he tried not to react to how soft your hand felt around his painfully hard cock. "I do. So badly, love."
You released him and brought a hand over to grab Steven's neck before using your grip to pull him back to his previous position above you. "Then fuck me, Steven. I need you to fuck me," you whispered.
Steven wasted no time in grabbing his length and lining himself up with your entrance. "Are you sure?" he checked in with you once more.
You jerked your hip in the direction of his cock in an effort to fill yourself up but to no avail. You were so damn desperate you didn't care how you sounded. "Yes Steven, please, I need you to fill me up. Fill me up baby, c'mon," you whined hurriedly.
"Well who am I to deny you of what you want, love?" he replied before slowly guiding himself into you.
He immediately groaned at the feeling of your walls squeezing him. "Heavens, love, you're so—aghh—tight," he grunted.
Your moans were never-ending as he sunk into you inch by inch. The stretch was briefly painful but it hurt so good you didn't care.Steven stopped halfway in and leaned down to press a kiss against your forehead. "You're taking me so well, sweetheart," he praised you.
You bit your lip at his praise. "More, Steven, keep going."
Steven obliged and fully sunk into you with one last push. Your moans mixed in the air at the sudden change. "You feel so good inside me Steven, oh my God-" you cried out.
You nearly choked on air when Steven slowly pulled out of your heat before slamming back into you.
"SHIT," you both cursed together before opening your eyes to look at each other.
"Faster, baby, I can take it I promise," you nodded, bringing your hands up to the sides of Steven's face. You even wrapped your legs around Steven's waist.
Steven took a deep breath before pulling out and rutting into you again, now establishing a pace. Which every thrust inside your cunt, Steven grazed your g-spot, effortlessly. It was as if you were built for his cock.
"Fuckin' love the way you fuck me, Steven," you mumbled as Steven set a brutal pace inside you.
Steven leaned down to press his forehead against yours as he continued to fuck you. Your breathing seemed to sync as he pulled out moan after moan from you.
His hands rested at the sides of your head but you could feel them inching closer to your neck.
Your pussy clenched around him at the thought of him choking you. Steven faltered in his thrusts in response. "Love you're squeezing me so hard I don't think I'm gonna last."
"Do it," you called out, tilting your head toward one of his hands.
"I can see you thinking about it. Choke me, baby," your chest heaved as you felt your third orgasm of the night approaching.
Steven hesitated for a second before he stopped his thrusts and brought a shaky hand to wrap around your throat.
"I trust you, Steven," you spoke truthfully, "I want this too," you brought a hand to rest over Steven's briefly in reassurance.
Steven began roughly pounding you again with his hand now squeezing around your neck.
"Fuck yes, holy shit," you breathed out, feeling your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head with the newly added feeling of Steven's large hand wrapped around your throat. making you see stars.
Steven, although shocked by your immediate enjoyment of his secret guilty pleasure, took it as a sign to continue. So he trusted faster but made sure to maintain the same amount of pressure on your neck. He then got the idea to use his free hand to reach down and fiddle with your clit while fucking you.
You were instantly thrown over the edge. You came with as best a scream of Steven's name as you could manage with his hand still choking you. Chills ran down your spine while Steven slowed his thrusts inside you and waited for your orgasm to pass.
Eventually, you felt Steven release your neck and slowly begin to remove his cock from your cunt. You tightened your legs around his waist in protest. "Uh uh, we're not stopping till you come inside me, Steven," you demanded.
Steven loved the way you'd been taking control throughout all of this. He'd do anything you asked without a thought. "That's fine with me love," he nodded with a lopsided grin.
"Good," you deeply inhaled before using your hold on his waist to roll him onto his back, with you now straddling him.
You smiled at his shocked expression, which soon morphed into excitement. "You're bloody amazing," he grinned up at you.
You fought the heat that crawled onto your cheeks at his words and looked away with a smile. "Stop sweet talking me and fuck me, Steven."
He nodded quickly, "Yes ma'am." Steven slipped back into your entrance slowly.
But you grew impatient and fully sat down on his cock, loving how full he made you feel. Steven's cries met your ears soon after.
You grabbed his hands and placed each on one of your breasts before beginning to properly ride him. Steven heeded your directions and pawed at your chest while thrusting up to meet your hips.
His grunts soon became whimpers and whines as you rode him harder and faster, eager to make him cum.
"I'm almost there, love," he cried before sitting up and pulling you into his chest. His hands moved down to grip your waist where he guided you faster along his cock.
"There you go, Steven," you held his face against your own as his pace grew sloppy and his brown eyes slid shut.
"Cum for me, baby," you softly spoke with one last grind of your hips. Steven halted inside you with a broken sob of your name and filled you up with his warm release.
You moaned at the feeling of his spend coating your inner walls and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of his head. "You did so good Steven."
"I love you," his eyes finally opened while he panted, looking up at you with vulnerable eyes as if scared that you wouldn't feel the same after what you had just done together.
"I love you too," you replied without hesitation. You gently shoved Steven onto his back and followed suit, laying down on his chest as you gently removed his softening cock from inside you. You felt his hands move to wrap around your body soon after, bringing you further into his body.
Steven was the first to speak after some time. "I think you're the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time," he admitted, turning to look at you, not at all phased by the exhaustion in your features.
You leaned up to meet Steven in a heated kiss. He tightened his hold on you and met your lips with equal fervor. You pulled away reluctantly and looked down at his face with furrowed brows as you used a hand to trace his jaw and swollen lips. "Where have you been hiding my entire life, Steven Grant?"
"Haven't been hiding, love. I've just been here waiting for you."
° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
WHEW! This ABSOLUTELY got away from me holy shit. 6k words? yeah, not the plan at all. But hey it's definitely something considering that I haven't been able to sit down and write anything till tonight.
So I really do hope you enjoyed it.
(Lemme go look back through my requests and see what else I can cook up.)
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comicwritesstuff · 5 months
okay this is so incredibly specific so please feel free to ignore BUT i’ve been wanting to read a fic for ages where the reader is Chase’s childhood best friend from Australia and she moves to New Jersey for a fresh start. She’s staying with Chase while she gets settled, and one day she comes to visit him at lunch at the hospital, where she ends up meeting House and he’s… intrigued by her 👀 either romantic or smut would be so very cool :^D <33 💐
Tumblr media
Gregory House x Fem!Chases bsf!Reader
Warnings: None really, just cussing and tooth rotting fluff >:) 3k+ words.
Chase's POV: 
“Well I was just wondering if we could go out sometime, I think you're really-” My attention shifted as y/n's call lit up my phone, interrupting the conversation. It was a more pressing matter than pursuing a one-night stand.
“Excuse me for a moment.” I say walking away, the woman having an annoyed look on her face. 
I answer the phone.
“Hello, y/n? Whats up” 
“Chase! Long time no talk haha.”
“You called me yesterday.”
“Learn to take a joke, anyways, I have some exciting news for you.”
“I’m moving to New Jersey!!” 
“Wait what? Really?”
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to tell you and i'm actually at the airport right now, so I hope you aren't busy tomorrow so you can pick me up.”
“Wow, um alright, yeah I can pick you up, do you have a place to stay?"
“Um…no…” I sigh, “Just stay at mine for now.”
“Don't even with the sigh i’ve known you my whole life you can put the nightly hookups on hold for your best friend.” 
I smirk and shake my head, “Yeah yeah, I’ll see ya tomorrow y/n” 
Y/N’s POV:
I smile as I hang up with Chase, grabbing my luggage and pulling it along the airport. Ahh yes, crying babies, rushed parents, annoying couples and that one insanely attractive person you see for a split second, I love the airport. 
Glancing at my ticket I realize I might have to hurry to make it to the gate, speed walking I see a text from chase, “Have a safe flight.” Let's hope so. 
Time skip (to lazy to write all the details about fucking airports)
Relaxing on a 21-hour flight proved challenging, especially with a toddler nearby. It was unclear whether the toddler would be a source of annoyance or just be tolerable. The flight just started. So to entertain myself I decide to do some digging about Chase's job, he brags about it all the time and the infamous Dr Gregory House. To be honest I thought Chase was gay for a little while with how much he talks about him. Still speculating. 
The plane lifts off and I start my look, at first just looking up Gregory House, a surprising amount of things show up. An article titled, “Gregory House, Talented Doctor? Or a lying Narcissist?” Oh well that's a good first impression.   
Scrolling down I see another article, “The world's greatest doctor, and his deepest secrets” 
Now that's enticing. I click on it only to find out his deepest secrets, including using 3 in one shampoo and how his leg got hurt. I guess people hardly know anything about him. I click on the photos of him, there's only a couple, most of them blurry but to be honest he's pretty good looking from the photos I can see. I’d honestly be gay for him if I was Chase. 
The toddler next to me starts giggling, I glance at her and notice her staring at a picture of House. She's kicking her feet too. That's so relatable. 
For the rest of the flight I find some stuff about this guy named Taub, who somehow also figured out that he cheated on his wife which is why he had to quit. How did I find that out? I took a coding class in 8th grade. (I got lucky) 
Lisa Cuddy the Dean of Medicine, unfortunately only good stuff about her, boring. 
Remy Hadley, oddly, can't find anything on her. 
Eric Foreman, his brothers in jail, fun. 
And the others are just as boring. For the remainder of the flight, the toddler proved surprisingly chill. I passed the time by binge-watching random movies I had downloaded earlier
*Another time skip to plane landing* 
Finally, 21 hours on a fucking plane is horrible. 
I check my phone after I take it off airplane mode, seeing a text from chase a couple minutes ago. 
“I’m at the airport, is your flight done?”
“Yep, wya.”
“I’m parked in the front.”
“That's specific” 
“There's no other front dumbass”
I roll my eyes at his text, and get off the plane as soon as I can. I walk out and see Chase standing outside his car waiting for me. His eyes light up as he spots me, and a grin spreads across his face. Unable to resist, I rush forward and envelop him in a bear hug.
“Man you’re a lot uglier in person” 
I say jokingly, smirking.
“Oh shut up”  
We climbed into his car, and he drove us back to his apartment. When we arrive he helps get my crap into the house, before he gets a call saying he had to head to work. 
Eventually a week or two passes, I've gotten more comfortable in his apartment, applied for a bunch of jobs, and looked for places to stay so I’m not invading his “man” space anymore. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of options, and no jobs have replied to my applications, which is weird since im overqualified, it's almost like they aren’t even getting my applications in the first place. 
I’m doing the dishes when I get a text from Chase.
“Hey, I left my wallet on the counter, so I don’t have money for food, could ya bring it for me?” 
“See you soon”
I breathe out a laugh and grab his wallet, putting a coat on then driving to the hospital. 
When I get there I walk in, looking around before I call Chase, “Where do I go this place is huge” I can hear talking in the background, actually more like arguing. “Uhm just wait at the entrance i’ll be right there.” He says in a whisper.
He hangs up so I just stand there awkwardly waiting, that was a weird ass phone call. To be fair Chase is a weird ass guy with weird ass coworkers so what do I expect at this point. 
Before I see Chase I see Dr Gregory House, limping quickly towards me. And damn he’s even hotter in person than the pictures I saw of him. 
“Hey, no time to explain, you need to come with me.” He grabs my arm dragging me into the elevator. Before it closes I see Chase come out of the stairway, he sprints towards the elevator but it closes. I hear him trying to say something, but it's muffled and I can’t understand it. Wait why the fuck did I even follow House? 
“You're real compliant, you’d make a great hooker.” 
I turn around and side eye him.
“Thanks, so would you.” I say giving a fake smile. 
“Speaking of compliant, why did you drag me away from Chase? What's going on?’’
“I made a bet with Chase.”
“That's really specific and helpful thanks” 
“Oh yeah no problem” 
Sarcastic asshole. 
“If you don’t tell me, I'll stop following you and go with Chase.” 
He rolls his eyes.
“Fine, Mom! The bet is that I can convince you to work as my assistant here.”
“Really? That's it? I need a job. Why would Chase even bet against that?” 
“He thinks you’ll fall in love with me so he doesn’t want that to happen, in his words, “She has a thing for homeless looking, narcissistic assholes with beards.” So he’s trying to prevent it, and he’s sure he can.”  
Damn- I feel so called out. I stay silent before nodding.
“Well to be honest he isn’t wrong.” 
I see House smirk before we get out of the elevator, he hobbles and leads me to his office, locking the door then having me sit down. 
As I sit down in front of his desk, he grabs a ball and starts throwing it against the wall, while sitting down. 
“So are you gonna interview me or something?” 
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for Chase to get back up here so he can watch me interview you.” 
He really is an asshole…it's kinda hot though. 
“Fair enough.” 
We wait a bit before Chase comes jogging up to the door, out of breath, he’s clearly been running plenty. He starts banging on the glass door that House previously locked.
“House!! Y/N! Let me in! This isn’t fair!” He exclaims, House is grinning when he leans over his desk, crossing his arms.
“Okay! Let’s start this interview now.” 
“Y/n! You traitor!” 
Did I abandon my childhood best friend for some disabled doctor? No, I did it for the job. At least that's what I'm telling myself.   
Turning my attention back to House instead of the Australian cry baby outside the door, he asks me, “First question, do you want the job of being my assistant?” 
“Great! You have the job!” 
I mean, easy enough. I smile and shake my head. This hospital really has some unique people. 
House shakes my hand, grinning as Chase is sitting on the floor defeated outside. 
As the days turned into weeks at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, I got to know everyone. Cuddy had to actually approve of me working as House’s assistant first, but once she saw a…normal enough individual, she welcomed me into the environment.
Getting to know House better, I found myself drawn to him in ways I hadn’t really expected. The bet between House and Chase, Chase thinking I would fall for House, I took it as a joke, until that joke turned more into reality. 
Despite House being a narcissistic piece of shit, there were small moments that I saw, or shared with him that made me fall for him. Ones where he seemed happy, or just easy to be around. At work he's serious but when Wilson dragged him out to bars, or other social environments, he could actually be fun. And though him being a dick is undeniably attractive sometimes, when he was…”himself” that's how I began to fall for him.  
One day, after an especially tough day for the team, and being forced to go break into houses and get coffee and food, I found myself alone with House in his office. The rest of the team had left, leaving us in a rare moment alone with each other. As I glanced up from the medical chart of the most recent patient, I caught House’s gaze lingering on me, his blue eyes intense and unreadable. 
“Something on your mind, House?” I asked, attempting to break the awkward silence between us. 
He smirked, leaning back in his chair with a casual ease, “Oh just wondering why a catch like yourself doesn’t have a boyfriend, or husband?” He responds, his tone laced with flirtatiousness.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his response, a faint blush on my cheeks. House and I had gained an uncanny camaraderie, made from me running around doing everyone's paperwork, being the designated “you get to tell patients they are dying!!” person. And as you’d expect people didn’t respect me a lot, but if someone was blatantly mean to me, House would step in and destroy their self esteem in a second and walk away like it meant nothing. That's another thing that I think made me fall for him. 
“Believe me, I’ve been asking myself that a lot too.” I smile, placing the medical chart on his desk. 
“Do you want a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, or a pet or something.” He quips, his eyes looking like they are reading me, studying my every movement and reaction to what he’s saying, it's flattering and uncomfortable at the same time. 
“A boyfriend would be nice.” I say reassuringly, a laugh escaping me as I shake my head in amusement.
“Alright let's say *hypothetically* I asked you out. *hypothetically* what would your response be?” 
Raising an eyebrow I ask, “Are you trying to go on a date with me?”
“I said hypothetically, now answer the question.” 
A smirk plays on my lips as I roll my eyes in a mock annoyance. 
“Well.” I say, “Hypothetically, I would say yes.” 
“Great, meet me for dinner at (some random fancy place idk u make up a name i'm too lazy to), wear something cute.” 
 With that, he sauntered out of the office, leaving me to think about what just happened. Glancing at the clock, I realized I had just enough time to get ready for our “hypothetical date.” 
The anticipation bubbled within me, standing outside (IDK A RESTAURANT NAME IT), waiting for House to arrive. My heart raced with nervous excitement, unsure what to expect from a…unique…guy like House. I had used all the time I had to work on my outfit, settling for a simple dress (or suit, or just anything you're comfy in :) ). 
As I scanned the busy street, searching for any sign of House, I heard the obnoxiously loud sound of a motorcycle approaching. House rode in, parking his bike before getting off and walking (limping) towards me. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him, he looked impossibly handsome, in a tailored suit that made his rugged charm come out, good god he looked fine. 
“Y/n,” he greeted with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in genuine affection. “That outfit makes your ass look nice.” 
I scoff playfully, hitting his arm. “So much for acting like a gentleman, at least you look like one.” 
He chuckled, offering me his arm in a more gentlemanly gesture. “Yeah yeah, shall we?” 
With a nod, I looped my arm through his, savoring the warmth of his touch as we mad our way into the restaurant. The ambiance was elegant and inviting, with a soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the decor. 
As we were seated at a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. I’m finally going out with House, damn Chase was totally right. 
Throughout the evening, our conversation flowed surprisingly easily between us. I had half expected him to be rude or stuck up, but he seemed actually interested in me, in my life. He was asking questions, laughing and joking with me. Sharing stories of his own, and treating me like an actual human. Honestly it was scaring me a bit, but it was making me fall harder for him. 
House raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. ‘So, tell my Y/N. What’s the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?” 
I laughed, shaking my head as I thought about the memory. “Well, there was this one time in college-” 
“Let me guess,” House interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips. “It involved copious amounts of alcohol and very questionable decisions?” 
I chuckle and nod in agreement. “You could say that. Long story short, I ended up streaking through the campus fountain at three in the morning. I'm pretty sure Chase might still have a video of it still.”
House raises an eyebrow, an amused laugh coming from him. “I wish I could say I was surprised, oh and also. I am finding that video.” He states, with a determined and mischievous grin. 
The dinner continues and our connection just seems to get stronger, fueled by shared laughter, stories of shit Wilson and him did in college, things Chase and I did in highschool. With each passing moment, I found myself more and more under House’s spell, captivated by the complexity of himself, his character. His gaze, laughter, even his personality. Maybe it was the wine or something, but House was being nice, he had charisma, and was being attractive in general.  
I don’t even realize that we’ve spent almost three hours in the restaurant just talking. I check my phone seeing that it's 9:30 already. We had got and paid the check awhile ago, but had stayed to talk longer. The restaurant closes at 10, and I felt a sudden pang of disappointment that our date was close to being over with. I didn’t want it to end, I was savoring this moment I was having, this seemingly perfect night. 
When the waiter arrived to take our dessert order, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that the evening was drawing to a close. I wasn't ready for it to end—I wanted to savor every moment, to prolong the magic of our time together for as long as possible.
House notices my look of disappointment, “I’m aware how amazing I am, but if its up to me, this won’t be our last date.” 
A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, my cheeks heating up as I blush. The butterflies in my stomach going absolutely insane. 
So with a quick glance around the restaurant, I rose from my seat, House grabbed my hand as he led me towards the exit. 
Stepping out into the cool night air, I felt a sense of happiness coursing through me. This was it, the beginning of a new relationship, a surprisingly healthy one so far. 
As House’s hand tightened around mine, his touch sent sparks of electricity coursing through my veins. I knew now that maybe Chase knows me better than I know myself, in all fairness he predicted this, but right now I wasn’t afraid to admit this, to admit the undeniable attraction that I had towards Dr Gregory House. 
His touch leaves mine, his hand pulling as we stand in front of the restaurant, close to each other, staring in each other's eyes. I glance at his lips before leaning in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, not sure if he expected it, but I pull back.
“Goodnight House. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that I walk away, to my car. When I get in my car, I look in the mirror, seeing House standing there with a lovestruck grin, one a child would have over some school crush. But it was cute, he was cute. And this was just the beginning of an annoyingly predicated relationship with a Vicodin addicted, asshole, who I suspect has a soft spot for me.
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moonstruckme · 1 year
hi lovely! would you consider writing part 2 for reader that is remus' roommate and sirius, where they are freshly together? if you don't feel like it that's fine, have a good day darling
Thanks for requesting honey! Hope this is alright :)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
modern au
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
When Remus opens the door, he banishes his surprise at finding Sirius there almost as quickly as he knows he’s not here to see him. 
“She’s in her room,” Remus says, stepping aside. 
Sirius grins at him, beelining down the hall. He’d been coming around a lot more often lately, and though Remus would like to be annoyed, it’s hard to deny how sweet the two of you are together. After your first meeting, Sirius had begun showing up every weekend, allegedly to hang out with Remus, though you somehow always ended up coming along. Then he started popping in on weekdays, claiming he forgot something at the apartment or was in the area and “thought I may as well stop by to see the two biggest nerds on campus.” According to you, he started showing up at your cafe a short while after that, acting surprised to see you and like he only vaguely recalled Remus mentioning you worked there (after he’d bribed Remus with chocolates for the intel).
You’d only gone on your first date the week before, and Remus had to meet Sirius nearly twenty minutes away from campus afterward to avoid any possibility of running into you as he gushed about the dress you’d picked out (Remus had seen it before you left; it was adorable), how smart you were (Remus knew), the book you were in the middle of (Remus had lent it to you), and did Remus know this and that and that about you? (he did). Sirius spoke like you were the most fascinating creature on the planet, and Remus wasn’t sure he’d ever seen his friend so happy. 
When he got home, you weren’t much better. It had taken you awhile to build up the courage, a few days of Remus catching you smiling at your phone or staring off to the side of your book with a dreamy glaze over your eyes, but finally you’d asked Remus (trying to be casual, as if he didn’t know better) about Sirius. It had started with questions about what kind of music he preferred, then what he’d been like when they’d been in school together, and soon Remus was telling you everything he could recall from the moment he met Sirius when they were eleven, surprised and a bit endeared by how eager you were for every story. 
The day after that, he’d started getting texts from James asking about the girl that had his best friend so smitten (“Moons, I’m telling you,” James had said, “I keep walking into his room to find him texting with his feet kicking behind him. It’s alarming”). It had begun to feel like all Remus did lately was relay information about you and Sirius to anyone who asked. Frankly, he felt lucky to have a first-row seat to the show, endlessly amused to watch as two of the most self-assured people he knew devolved into giggling fools in the other’s presence. 
Now, he can hear you squeal as Sirius bursts into your room, followed by some scuffling sounds, and then Sirius drags your blanket-wrapped form across the floor and out into the living room by your ankle. You curse and twist about, grinning with the sort of animation Remus hadn’t known you possessed until you’d met Sirius. 
“Alright,” Remus says in his bored, I’m-so-done-with-your-lovebird-shit voice (he’s had plenty of time to practice it in these last few weeks), “unhand my roommate, Sirius.” 
Sirius drops your foot, and you sit up, shaking your head in entirely faked exasperation as you straighten your rumpled hair. 
“Moony, do you know she’s been dodging my calls for days?”
Remus quirks a brow. “I heard you on the phone last night.” 
“Some bullshit about an exam,” Sirius continues as though he hasn’t spoken. “Can you believe it? You know me, I won’t stand for this sort of treatment.”
“I know you’re needy, Black,” you say, standing with the grace of a monarch despite your polka-dot pajamas and the blanket wrapped around your shoulders and going to sit on the couch, “but I can only afford to feed your ego every so often when my strictest professor’s exam is coming up.” 
Remus hums in recognition. “That’s tomorrow morning, isn’t it?”
You nod, brushing a greasy piece of hair behind your ear self-consciously, and Remus watches you sympathetically. He’s not sure how much you’ve let Sirius know, but it’s hard to live in such close proximity to someone and not pick up on their moods. You’ve been horrendously stressed about this exam all week. The coffee maker has been running nearly non-stop, the shower running not at all, and Remus has seen light coming from under your door at all hours of the night. 
“Maybe the two of you should go to a park or something,” he suggests gently. “Enjoy the nice weather, relax for a while.” 
You look anxious at the prospect of abandoning your textbooks for a few hours, but Sirius is assessing you, putting the pieces together of what this week has done to you. “Good idea, Moons,” he says, and Remus doubts he has to fake any of the enthusiasm in his voice. “What do you think, lovely girl, want to go on a little adventure?”
You hesitate, but in the end time with Sirius is too tempting to pass up. “Let me just get dressed.”
“Ugh,” Sirius complains. “If you have to.” 
A few minutes later Remus is watching you both warmly, feeling oddly like someone’s dad, though he’s not sure whose. He can’t help but smile as Sirius fawns over you, telling you how pretty you look and insisting upon tying your shoes for you (“Gorgeous thing like you, doing things for yourself? Don’t be ridiculous, sweetheart. Give me a few weeks, and you won’t remember how to tie your shoes or open your own door.”) before opening the front door gallantly. You’re all coy looks and feigned annoyance at his flirtation, but there’s more color in your complexion than Remus has seen all week, and you lean into Sirius when he wraps an arm around your shoulders. It’s all very sickeningly sweet. 
“Have fun,” Remus says, waving you out the door. “And Pads.”
Sirius looks back, gray eyes practically sparkling. “Yeah?”
“She’s got an exam in the morning. Don’t get her home too late.”
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chelseypprimrose · 1 year
I Dare You / Negan X Reader / pre apocalypse
Summary: A game of drunken truth or dare turns into the best sex of your life.
Warnings ⚠️: daddy kink, unprotected sex/rough sex, choking, oral, spitting, slight voyerism, slight dumbification and use of degrading terms (slut ect) bfd!negan, age gap
As always, all respective parties are over age of consent ect. 🤍 *Not proof read yet*
A/N: whelp here we are again, i started rewatching the walking dead from season 7 and tell me why I had totally forgot that Negan cleans out Alexandria’s houses just to burn their mattresses right down the road from them, the more I watch the more I remember how evil he really was and it makes me giggle and kick my feet i can’t lie lol. Enjoy this little depraved story, I’m just loving writing stories where the reader is very fully aware of someone watching/walking in bc it’s just so dirty I can’t freaking cope 😂love ya’s and my requests are open as always 🤍🎀🧟‍♂️
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Straightening out your dress, you walked through the wooden gate at the side of your friends house, the loud thumping beats of music and chatter blaring through your eardrums. You held a bottle of Smirnoff in your other hand, remembering the teaching from your mother about never showing up to a party empty handed, that was considered rude and insulting.
You’d left the party girl lifestyle behind, having your fun in your early twenties but mellowing out in the last year or so, finding more enjoyment in a cup of tea and a good book. Not to the extent of being anti-social, just cutting off bad habits and rethinking where you wanted to take your life. Coming fresh out college filled you with a sense of doubt and confusion, you studied heavy, dedicating your time to educating yourself but hadn’t yet found what you wanted to be in the world. No matter how much you were freaking out about your next step, you couldn’t miss your friend’s birthday party, so you’d decided to have some fun and let loose, deal with reality tomorrow instead.
Pushing those dreaded thoughts underneath the surface, plastering a smile on your face as you entered the already crowded back garden of your best friend, Natalie. You’d known Natalie for years now, exact number you couldn’t remember but through high school and many ups and downs, you’d always stayed close, spending nearly every weekend at her house. That was with her mother though, she’d recently moved in with her dad, due to domestic arguments with her mother getting too toxic. You’d only ever seen her dad twice in your life, normally when he’d pick her up after the various extra curricular activities you two enrolled in together. Negan.
Such a unique name, you’d thought when you first laid your eyes on him. How anyone could give him up would be a mystery to you, from your limited interactions he’d always been sweet to you. Offering to drop you home as well but always denying, not wanting him to drive out of his route just for you. Those polished, pearly teeth gleaming at you when he asked, practically making you melt right there on the spot. You’d cursed yourself for manifesting a little crush on the man, who was your best friends dad, the forbidden attraction. The way he’d sit lazily in the driver side, his large hands gripping the steering wheel, your mind wandering to thoughts of what they would be like gripped around your dainty neck. The black bikers jacket he’d always wear even in scorching temperatures, fitting his frame just right.
“Hey hey girl, how are you?” She wrapped you into a affectionate hug, her candy sweet scent hitting your nostrils, her birthday tiara shining in the sun’s beam. You reciprocated, giving a small squeeze as you released her, holding the bottle out to her. “Happy birthday, Nat. It’s been too long!” You replied as she took the bottle out of your hands, thanking you for the gift. “Come on let me get you a drink and we can catch up!” She lead you through the crowd of people, a mixed bag, some young and some old. You recognised some familiar faces from growing up, giving a small nod at those who recognised you, commenting small hellos.
Natalie motioned for you to take a seat at the rattan sofa lounger, near the side of the backyard porch, a small fire pit in the middle, keeping you toasty as your dress was a little shorter than you were used to. Negan entered through the same gate you’d come through minutes ago, returning with a crate of beer from the garage. He fought his way through the crowd, handing out the liquor to those he’d promised it too. Small ‘thank you’s in acceptance, placing the remaining bottles into a cooler with ice. Wiping his hands off with a small towel, fingers slightly numb from handling the ice, his eyes moved around the yard, silently cursing his daughter for inviting so many people to this place. His annoyance came to a halt when his eyes locked onto you, recognising your face in the sea of people. Watching you laugh with Natalie over old pictures she was showcasing to you, he’d know your laugh from a mile away.
He couldn’t help the heat that ran through his body, his jeans getting tighter as he watched your chest rising, your arms placed in front of you, making your breasts press together firmly, slight cleavage coming into show for him to memorise. You’d definitely grown up since the last time he’d seen you, taking a beer out for himself, he started sauntering over to you, discreetly adjusting himself on the way.
“Well if that isn’t who I think it is? It’s been ages doll!” He exclaimed, your head whipping around to meet his gaze. He looked similar to how he did when you’d last seen him, the only major difference being his beard being thicker and slight whiteness now peaking out of it. “Hey! Mr Smith, it’s nice to see you after all this time!” You almost purred, he loved the way that name sounded rolling off your pretty lips, that familiar heat rising to his cheeks slightly. While it sounded completely innocent to everyone around, he could tell the difference. “Oh why so formal? Call me Negan, we’re all friends here.” He grinned, those familiar pearly whites coming into view as he swiped his tongue along his lower lip lightly. “Are you ladies okay for drinks?” Natalie waved her dad off, claiming they were fine, he took his leave but not before taking one last gaze over your body, your curves almost putting him under some witchcraft spell.
It was later in the evening, the sun setting over the horizon, you’d been roped into playing a game of ‘Truth or Dare’ under the suggestion of Natalie, it being the game you played at all those sleepovers you’d had with her back in the day. You were sat with a few other girls, ones you’d recognised from high school. You weren’t best friends with any of them, not knowing them well like you did Natalie, just more so the fact they were the only girls left at the party.
You’d played it safe up to this point, only choosing truth, you decided to throw caution to the wind when your next turn came, proclaiming dare to the group.
Natalie’s eyes found yours, you could practically see the cogs turning inside her head, it got you wondering what her depraved mind was going to come up with. “I dare you to… seduce my dad.” You almost spat your drink out, eyes widening at the request, palms hot with embarrassment. “What? You actually want me to do that? Are you insane?!” You asked, a confused look sat on your face. “Not to be rude but… you aren’t his type at all, so it’s a guaranteed point for me! I’m just being strategic!” She claimed, her eyes meeting yours, goading you to back down. Your heart sank at the confession, you couldn’t understand why it stung so much, it was just a little silly crush but you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t admit this new information made you feel a bit low. Your hurt feeling started slowly turning to slight rage, still watching Natalie as she challenged you with her eyes.
“Okay, how about we make this interesting though? $100 suit you?” You smirked, pulling a hundred dollar bill out of your purse, waving it in her face, mocking her. She returned your smirk, that goddamn egotistical smirk she got from her father, her manicured hand coming out in front of her to offer a handshake to seal the deal. “You are on, sister. You have to bring something back to the table that’s his, it’s the only way I’ll believe you.” You raised from the couch, slamming your empty cup down on the small table, taking your hair clip out, hair falling to the top of your back in loose, bouncy pin up curls. The girls watched you walk through the patio doors, sliding it to let you in before continuing on with the game.
You got into the kitchen, a few people standing around in conversations, you politely asked one of them if they had seen the man you were seeking out, answering that he’d gone up to his bedroom to change shirts, alcohol being split on him about five minutes ago. Making your way to the top floor of the house, you started trying doors, having absolutely no clue which one was his as you’d never been in the house before. You came to the last one at the end of the landing, being met with the very man you wanted to see.
There he was, shirtless in front of you, his room rather large. A four poster bed in the centre of it, black and red silk sheets with matching puffy pillows, a small door which lead into a en-suite, two bookshelves at the sides of the bed, small circle led lights above the headboard. He threw the wet t-shirt he’d taken off into the wicker laundry basket, not yet noticing that you’d entered the room. “Mr Smith? Sorry for not knocking, I need to speak to you about something.” You mumbled, the anxiety of what you were about to ask him gaining on you. He slightly jumped, a flirty grin on his face when he realised it was you who was there. You took a seat in the leather loveseat, matching the bed sheets, red and black were obviously his favourites. Your hands nervously played with the hem of your dress, his eyes wandering to your delicate fingers. “I’m all ears doll, ask away!” He says, turning his back to you as he found another t-shirt to change into, you opened your mouth to talk, nervousness managing to stop you in your tracks.
He turned back around, his face contorting into a confused look, wondering what you be needing to ask that would get you so worked up like this. “So Natalie dared me to… seduce you in our game of truth or dare. I had every intention to give it my best shot but she told me I’m not your type. W-which is fine, but I kind of bet $100 on it. Is there any chance you could give me something out of this room that I can take down to prove I did it, without actually doing it?” You awkwardly explained, your eyes not being able to meet his, if they had you would have seen the shimmer in his eyes as you cutely fumbled over your words out of embarrassment. He let out a large laugh, your face squirming, if his daughters confession made you feel bad, this was ten times worse. You felt a small tear gathering at the bottom of your eye, wanting the earth to swallow you in this moment.
It was the touch on your knee that made you look up, meeting his gaze as he knelt down to come to face level with you, Negan hadn’t bothered to put another shirt on, the low light of the room landing on his body just right, your core feeling slightly slick as his muscles tensed deep. You thought he was about to make fun of you for such a childish request, when he grabbed your chin firmly, making your head stay in position it was, looking into his eyes, not having the nerve to look away.
“Now doll, please tell me why you’d ever listen to such a fucking stupid thing like that?” He questioned, his thumb tracing your jawline slightly, still holding your chin in place. Your ears perked up, the total opposite of what you thought he was going to say coming out. “Uh, I’m not sure?” You replied, your voice not coming out as confident as you would have liked, that smirk still on his face. He was enjoying watching you squirm underneath him, his hand let go of your chin, hooking either hand around the underside of your thighs, pulling you slightly forward so your ass was half on the chair and half off. “How about I do you one better? Why don’t we actually complete the dare, huh doll? I don’t know why she’d say some crazy shit like that, probably hasn’t been paying attention to how I haven’t taken my goddamn eyes off you all night. You’ve really grown into a fine ass woman, you know that right?” You let out a slight moan, the feeling of his large hands keeping your legs spread open for him to see making your whole body electric. A vision of white panties peaking out under your dress, your new position on the seat making it rise up to your waist. “Thanks for the compliment Negan, but if… if you don’t touch me right now, I’m going to lose my mind.” You managed to make out, in broken breaths, your chest rising heavily up and down as you did, eyes wandering to his abdomen.
“Your wish is my command, pretty girl. Just relax and let daddy take care of you.” He whispered lustfully as his fingertips moved your panties to the side, showing your ever wetting slick pussy to him. He had to take a sharp breath in, nothing he’d seen was a prettier sight that this, hadn’t even imagined you looking this good, exceeding his wet dreams. He gathered saliva in his mouth, a powerful spit right on the centre of you, you whimpering in response at the degrading and dirty action. “Well, look at that! Someone likes a bit of domination doesn’t she?” He proclaimed to you, he couldn’t believe his fucking luck. You gasped as he finally took your clit into his mouth, sucking on it softly, teasing you with his devilish tongue.
He moves back to your pussy where he runs his tongue over your wet lips. You let out a deep guttural groan, as you grab large pieces of his slicked back hair, tugging him slightly, guiding him to all the places, you needed attention on. Negan continued to lick long strips down from your sensitive bud to your opening, listening to your moans and whimpers as he did. “Fu-fuck Negan! Yes, your making me feel so good.” He took his tongue of you, whining at the loss of contact. A darker look shifted on his face, more pressure as his hand dug further into your thighs. “Listen here, dollface. Tonight I’m not Negan, tonight I am daddy, you get that? Or has my tongue already made that pretty little head of yours blank?” He growled out, his tone completely like nothing you’d ever heard him sound like before, you’d truly woken the beast inside this man and you couldn’t wait for the journey. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry daddy, please put your tongue back on me, it makes me feel so fucking good!” He sinisterly grinned at you, parting your folds again and letting your juices flow down onto his tongue. He finds himself vigorously tongue fucking you as you begin gyrating on the chair, trying to push your hips into his face more, nothing mattering to you more than the pleasure he was providing, while pulling his hair with your fingers.
As he begins sucking your clit, he works a couple of fingers deep into your pussy, finding how tight you clamped around him, trying to intensify your pleasure. Negan begins to alternate between licking and sucking your clit, as you became more and more impassioned. It isn't long before you thrusted your pussy hard against his face, his beard scratching against you as your first climax washed over you, your hips bucking even more, back arched, your arms that were holding you up shaking.
“Fuck, daddy, I need you inside me now, please!” You whined, Negan hoisting you up off the now wet chair, the slick shining sun in the light of the room. He slammed your body on the bed, your head hanging off the edge of the bed, the blood rushing to your ears. “Goddamn doll, this pretty little pussy is going to be the death of me, pull that top down, I want to see those tits bounce as I fuck you dumb.” You obeyed, pulling your breasts out of your dress, the style of dress restricting you from wearing a bra, cupping them and rubbing your nipples as well. He could have bust right there and then, the image of you below him, looking like something out of a damn Playboy magazine.
He trails kisses up your body, tasting the thin layer of sweat on your skin until he reaches your mouth where he kisses your lips deeply, snaking his tongue into your mouth as he lined up at your entrance, rubbing his dick up and down your folds, setting your whole body on fire, nerves standing on edge. He releases your mouth, moving to your neck, nipping and biting at it as he finally stretched you out, filling you up nicely.
“That’s it doll, fuck. You feel goddamn heavenly, such a good slut for my dick right?” He grunts out, leaning away from your neck to hover over you as he put his hands around your throat, his pace getting more erratic, unable to control himself from his hard thrusts as your skin slapped together. Your head was starting to go dizzy, between being upside down and your oxygen being slowly cut by Negan’s large hand, it intensified your impending orgasm. Negan pulled out quickly, turning you over from your back to your stomach, forcing your back to arch as much as you could, slipping back into you. The new angle sent you nearly cock drunk, Negan too mesmerised watching his dick going in and out of you, not noticing the door slowly opening slightly.
You looked over to see Natalie looking on at you and her father, like time had stopped in place. You couldn’t see her whole face, just her eyes. Frozen, she made no move to say anything or close the door. You smirked at her, your eyes not breaking eye contact. “Oh daddy! You fuck me so good, my pussy belongs to you!” You moaned, a narcissistic grin sitting happily on your mouth. “Shit yeah doll, this pussy is all fucking mine you dumb whore.” His hand coming down in your hair, his other placed around your neck again. Hips snapping repeatedly against you at a now familiar pace, a moan leaving you every time he snapped. You raised yourself up on your elbows, repeatedly rubbing your thumb over the tips of your index finger and middle finger, the universal sign for Pay Me. Her eyes squinted in anger, closing the door again, not wanting to see anything else and now pissed she owed you money.
You quietly laughed to yourself as quietly as you could, feeling your walls clamp on Negan’s dick as you were ready to orgasm. “Fuck daddy, I’m going to cum again!” You whimpered, gripping the silk sheets below you both, Negan shallowly grunting above you. “Shit doll, me too. Let go for me baby, milk daddy’s dick doll.” You squeezed the bed sheet again, your whole body shaking as you closed your eyes, breathing irregular as you flopped forward on the bed, panting heavy. Negan pulled out at just the right moment, hot spurts of his cum hitting your lower back, cooling off after a couple seconds sat there. He carefully placed himself next to you, pulling you towards him so you rested in his arm. “I’ve been waiting for that for years, you know?” You told him, your fingers slowly drawing small circles on his forearm. “Could have told me sooner doll, that was fucking sen-sat-ional! You are perfect.” You laughed, kissing the side of his face, leaving a small nip at his ear lobe.
Two orgasms and $100 richer, it was worth leaving the house after all.
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cl3fairyyy · 6 months
routine : part 2 || edward nashton x GN!reader ⋆⭒˚。⋆
summary || you and edward finally go on a date
warnings || eddie is a liiiittle more stalker-y in this one, smoking, mentions of drinking, mentions of edward following reader home and just overall being his strange little self, this fic does get a little suggestive (no actual smut) so please MDNI!!!! i think that's everything, if i forgot anything i am so sorry </3 this fic is mostly just fluff with a side of awkward first date small talk
word count || 4.5k
notes || i am so sorry for the long wait on part 2!! been having the worst writers block of my life and my job has been taking over my life atm </3 but it is finally here!! i had so much fun writing this one, definitely thinking of doing a part 3 if u guys want it :)) apologies if at any point eddie is too OOC, he's definitely a little more confident in this one hehe. also this pic of paul is EXACTLY how I imagined him looking while writing this
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You arrive back at your dingy apartment later than you had planned and, admittedly, a lot tipsier than you had wanted to be.  
You shove your key into the crappy broken lock that your landlord refuses to fix and jiggle it around for several moments until you finally hear a click. Opening the door, you sway on your feet a little before stumbling over to the couch, kicking the door shut behind you; when you plop down on the velvety throw you use to cover up the horrible cracking leather of your equally horrible sofa, you sigh and throw your head back, allowing a smile to play onto your face.  
He had asked you on a date.  
You keep replaying the interaction in your head, mentally swooning at how Edward had lit your cigarette for you, how he had been so close that you could smell the laundry detergent on his clothes. You giggle like a schoolgirl, hugging one of your cushions as you fish around in your bag for your phone. You have to suppress a giddy squeal when you are greeted with not one, but three messages from a random number, one you can only guess belongs to Edward. You feel dizzy unlocking your phone, and you don’t know if it’s the alcohol or your nerves.  
Hi, it’s Edward. I hope you have a lovely rest of your night.  
I really liked talking to you today. You’re a very interesting person.  
Are you okay? It's late, did you get home safe?  
It takes everything in you to not dreamily sigh like you’re in a fucking rom-com. He's concerned about me, you think, typing a reply with a lopsided smile on your face.  
hiii yes im fine!! just made it home : )  
im vry drunk lol  
Immediately the grey typing bubble pops up and you launch your phone across the room, scrambling to the fridge to open the half-empty bottle of slightly too expensive rosé that you have been saving for the next time you rewatch Fleabag.   
You hear your phone ding twice and gingerly pick it up from underneath the coffee table, your hands shaking.  
Oh, good to hear that you’re safe haha. I was about to head back to the bar to see if you were okay.  
That was a joke by the way.  
You can’t stop a smile from spreading across your face. You take a swig from the bottle and begin typing.  
yea im sure it was lol  
it was nowhere near as interesting after u left. u were in such a hurry too are u ok??  
Edward’s cheeks grow red when he reads your second message. You think he’s interesting? Are you hinting that you would’ve preferred if he stayed?  
Wish I could have stayed for a bit longer haha, just had some work at home that I couldn’t get my mind off, so wanted to take another crack at it.  
Obviously, he can’t tell you that his work isn’t just some simple tax fraud, but a potential money laundering scandal that ties all the way back to Maroni and your own boss. He knows at this point, though, that you’re too polite to question him.  
u sure do work a lot!!!! idk how u havent burnt out yet.   
try to get some rest if u can : ) its not like the work wont be there tmrw!!!!  
Edward smiles. You are so lovely to him; the idea that someone like you could show so much kindness to him makes his heart swell and his eyes fill with tears. A few run down the tip of his nose and plop onto his phone screen.  
I know, I know. Sometimes it feels like I can’t switch my brain off haha. It’s been in overdrive since I got home.  
He cringes at himself. Is he meant to text so formally? You're pretty much the only contact in his phone besides his landlord and the office. He glances down at his screen, noticing that you’ve read his message but haven’t started typing an answer, and immediately begins to panic.  
Of course someone like you couldn’t like him. He was a fool to think you were any different than anyone else in this shithole of a city. You’re probably still sat with your colleagues at that shitty bar, reading out his messages and all having a good old laugh at him. Everyone get a load of Nashton! you're probably saying, and he feels sick to his stomach.   
soso sorry my phone just died out of nowhere!!! i srsly did not mean to leave u on opened  
honestly i get u i can be like that. its probably worse for u tho bc ur so smart lol  
whats been sending the brain of eddie into overdrive tonight??  
Edward shakes his head at how silly he’s being. It would be funny if he didn’t feel so pathetic. He reads your messages over and over until his eyes burn; no one has ever given him a nickname before. Eddie. He rereads the nickname, trying to imagine how it would sound coming out of your mouth. His mind begins to wander, picturing you lying beneath him, bare chest heaving as you moan that name to him. Eddie.  
He's snapped out of his thoughts when his phone lights up again with a notification from his news app. He attempts to push down his building arousal before it completely clouds his mind, and scrambles for his phone to send you a reply.   
It’s a little embarrassing, but... I have been thinking non-stop about the conversation we had outside.  
I really would like to take you out, if you’ll let me. If you’d like to pick where we go so you feel more comfortable, I’m happy with that. I’m sure you know much nicer places to go than I do anyway haha.  
You squeal at your phone, kicking your feet in the air like a goddamn teenager. You hastily type a reply, and soon enough you’ve made plans for Sunday to go to a lovely downtown jazz club that plays live music. It's one of your favourite spots in the whole city.  
You fall asleep fairly quickly after throwing yourself on your bed still fully clothed. You don’t think twice about how bad your hangover will be when you wake up, instead picturing your date with Edward and just how lovely he is.  
Edward, on the other hand, stays up all night, his thoughts rife with anxiety. You'd had one conversation in a loud bar, and now he’s expected to keep you entertained for an entire evening? What if you didn’t find him interesting? What if he ran out of things to talk about? What if you stood him up entirely?  
He shakes his head, trying as hard as he can to shake the thoughts from his brain entirely. He opens your social media, which he has found himself doing every time he seems to be on the verge of a panic attack recently. He finds his favourite picture of you, a candid photo of you in a coffee shop mid-laugh, your eyes sparkling and cheeks rosy. He loves your smile in this picture.  
He hopes he can make you smile like that.  
Saturday goes by painfully slowly for you. The dragging hours aren’t helped by your awful hangover that seems to have convinced your brain that any slight movement will have you vomiting. You cringe rereading the messages you sent Edward the evening prior, hangxiety hitting you like a train.  
Eddie? Seriously?  
You have one conversation with the guy and have already started throwing nicknames around- you're in shock that you didn’t scare him off with how forward you were being. If he brings it up, you can always blame it on how drunk you were, which isn’t exactly a lie.  
He doesn’t text you until later in the evening, just a simple message confirming that you’re still on for tomorrow. You wonder if he’s as nervous as you are, if his anxiety manifests itself in the way he chews at his lower lip the same way you do.  
When Sunday finally rolls around, you wake up extra early to give yourself as much time to get ready as humanly possible. You would never admit it to anyone, but you’d picked out your outfit the night before and laid it on your desk chair, your nervous excitement barely allowing you to get a wink of sleep.   
Edward had offered to pick you up, but you really do not need him seeing the shithole you live in the first time he sees you outside of work. You both agree to meet outside the bar, and since it’s in walking distance from your apartment, you decide against getting a taxi.  
Gotham is strangely beautiful in March, the last moments of winter finally coming to fruition. The sun is just beginning to set when you step out into the chilly air, casting an orange glow on the old buildings and warming your cheeks against the cold.   
Edward’s heart races as he clumsily stumbles out of the subway station. He's almost twenty minutes early and grasps a cluster of lilies in one hand, the other of which he uses to steady himself against a lamppost. The lady from his favourite podcast whispers soothingly in his ear as he attempts to block out the loudness of the city and steady his breathing.  
“You are strong, and you are worthy. Be the change you want to see.”  
He closes his eyes, taking deep breaths before finally grounding himself. Edward is all too aware of how he must look right now: sweaty, clutching a bouquet of flowers while standing alone outside a bar. He glances at his watch. Still ten minutes until your meeting time.  
He tries to ignore the lump in his throat and the stinging in his eyes. You will show up. You have to.  
Edward jumps slightly when his phone chimes in his pocket. His heart drops when he realises it’s a text from you.  
so sorry!!! running a few mins late :/ decided to walk today and ofc that’s the day that every traffic light in the city decides to break LOL  
The light-hearted tone in your message doesn’t do much to comfort him. He types a short answer and sends it, trying to focus all of his energy on his podcast and not crying from how utterly terrified he is.  
Ten minutes after your initially agreed upon meeting time, Edward hears a voice shouting his name. He looks up to be met with the image of you practically sprinting down the street towards him. You pull to a stop in front of him, smoothing your hair down and smiling bashfully up at him. Christ, you forgot how tall he is.  
“Before you say anything, I am so sorry. First there was the traffic light thing, then one of my old college friends stopped me in the street and decided that she wanted to update me on every single day of the past three years of her life.”  
You breathe in heavily through your nose, your hands on your knees as you try and keep yourself from keeling over. You make a mental note to begin using that gym membership you keep renewing. Quitting smoking would probably help, too.  
You look up when Edward hasn’t responded for several moments, and his cheeks are very pink.  
“Look, you have every right to be pissed at me. If you want to cancel-”  
Before you can finish, Edward interrupts you by thrusting a bouquet of flowers into your hands.  
“Th-these are for you. I, um, remembered you mentioning lilies were your favourite flower, so...” He stumbles over his words, talking just a little too fast. 
You're quite literally lost for words. You examine the flowers, your cheeks growing warm; it's a lovely spray of pink, yellow and orange lilies, tied together with a cream ribbon. They’re a little crumpled, but nothing that can’t be fixed with a little plant food. You smile at Edward.  
“Oh, Edward. They're gorgeous, really, thank you. No guy’s ever gotten me flowers before...”  
A small, lopsided grin spreads across his face.   
“I can’t imagine why anyone lucky enough to have you wouldn’t get you flowers.”  
You flush at that, and loop your arm around his, leading him inside. You manage to find a nice booth in the corner, away from the stage and speakers that surround it while Edward heads to the bar. You anxiously drum your fingers on the table and scroll through your phone, not really paying attention to what you’re meant to be reading as your mind replays what Edward had said earlier.  
Edward watches you from the bar, admiring the high flush on your cheekbones and the way your outfit hugs your body. By the time he’s ordered and heading back to your table, you seem a little more relaxed. You smile at him gratefully as you accept your drink and try not to make your staring too obvious.  
He looks handsome. He's wearing such a basic outfit, just a simple button up shirt and some smart slacks, but there’s something about Edward wearing something so casual and making it look so good that has you crossing your legs under the table.  
“You look lovely tonight, by the way.”  
You smile shyly at him, tracing your finger around the rim of your glass.  
“Thank you, Edward. I have to say, you clean up pretty good yourself.”  
He laughs, and you don’t miss the way it sounds like it's one of disbelief.  
“Well, I don’t know if I’d say that.”  
You roll your eyes playfully, taking a sip of your drink.  
“Well, I would. You look really handsome.”  
Edward shakes his head, a bashful smile on his face as he looks down, taking a sip of water. The pair of you sit there for a few moments in awkward silence, trying to think of something to start a conversation with. 
You lock eyes and both laugh, cheeks red. You wave your hand. 
“Sorry, you go.” 
Edward averts his gaze, fiddling with his collar. 
“I, um, was just going to ask how you found this place? I’ve never even heard of it. Well, I suppose the fact I don’t drink and don’t listen to jazz music doesn’t help, but...” 
Edward finds himself trailing off, kicking himself for how utterly awkward he is. The way you smile at him, unfazed, doesn’t help. 
How could someone like you ever find any interest in someone like him? 
“It’s a funny story, actually. My old roommate was on a date with this absolute dick, and she needed me to come save her. So, what happened was....” 
As you tell him the grandiose story of having to pretend to be your roommates' partner who caught her cheating, and how you had to run away when her date attempted to fight you, Edward can’t help but admire the way your eyes light up as you gesture wildly with your hands, the way your laugh comes out as an adorable snort when you attempt to do an impression of her very flustered date.  
You are so beautiful. He wishes he could capture this moment in a bottle and replay it every day, for the rest of his life. 
He doesn’t realise how much he’s staring until you clear your throat a little awkwardly, clearly finished with your tale. He can feel the warmth on his cheeks. 
“Ah, well, I do hope you don’t have some secret boyfriend who’s going to jump out on me like that.” 
He bites his lip after saying whatever the hell that was, but to his complete disbelief you laugh. Not a pity laugh, not one of discomfort, but a genuine laugh, one that’s just a little too loud, one that disturbs some of the patrons around you. 
You clearly don’t care, your head thrown back as that smile, that lovely smile from his favourite picture spreads across your face. Even as you speak, uncontrollable giggles escape you. 
“Oh God, can you imagine? Lucky for you, I’ve been single for a while, so don’t worry about my secret boyfriend coming in and trashing the place.” 
That makes Edward laugh, much to your pleasure, and just like that, the tension in the air has dissolved. You can see Edward’s tense shoulders visibly relax, and the next few hours are spent under the warm light of the bar’s lamps, your conversations hushed and filled with longing glances, and it feels like you’re the only two people in the world that exist. 
The two of you step out into the bitter cold of the evening, hands fumbling for your respective cartons of cigarettes. Your shivering hands are somehow able to summon a flame from your crappy old lighter, and the alcohol in your system, as well as the way Edward looks at you with such adoration in his eyes, warm you from the inside out. He offers you his arm and you take it maybe just a little too enthusiastically as you walk through the city streets. 
When you look up at Edward, he’s already got his eyes on you, the tip of his nose pink from the late winter air. You can feel the flush spreading across your face, quickly averting your eyes to the sparkling lights of the skyscrapers. 
Edward retracts his arm from yours, and you look up at him again, confused and somewhat offended. He’s shrugging his parka off his shoulders and draping it over your own before you can even comprehend what’s happening. 
“You’re shivering. You might not feel cold because you’ve been drinking, but I can see the goosebumps on your arms.” 
He says this so matter-of-factly. Does he not realise how romantic and thoughtful his actions are? He opens his mouth to speak again, but you interrupt him. 
“Thank you.” 
He offers you that adorable lopsided grin that accentuates just how round and soft his cheeks are. 
“It’s really no problem. I don’t want you getting sick.” 
Maybe it’s the alcohol. Maybe it’s just how perfect the night has been. Maybe it’s the way he looks at you like you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. Before you can second-guess yourself, you’re removing the cigarette from between his lips and replacing it with a kiss. 
He's stiff at first, unsure, before you feel a hesitant hand on your face, thumb caressing your cheek. He pulls away first, pressing his forehead to yours, and you can practically see the stars in his eyes. 
You suddenly feel bashful, pulling away from him completely and taking a drag from your cigarette. 
“Sorry, I-” 
“Why are you apologising?” 
You meet his gaze again, his glasses fogged up, but not enough to conceal the way his brow knits with worry, the apprehension in his eyes. 
“I don’t know, I- I should have asked first.” 
He takes your hand in his own, his smile so comforting that you feel all your worries melt away almost instantaneously. 
“You don’t ever have to worry about asking me something like that. The answer will always be yes.” 
He kisses you again, softly, and you can taste the tobacco on his tongue, making your head spin. His other hand comes to rest on your hip, squeezing it reassuringly as he takes your breath away. 
You pull away first this time, readjusting his glasses which have slipped down his nose. 
“Do you want to come back to my place?” 
Edward’s face goes entirely red at your suggestion, and he stumbles over his words as he tries to string together a coherent sentence. 
“I- um, well...” 
You smile patiently, and he returns it somewhat hesitantly. 
“I’ve- I’ve really enjoyed our night together, and I, just, um... I like you so much that, ah, I don’t really think we should rush anything. You’ve had a bit to drink, and I would hate to take advantage of that.” 
Your eyes sting at his rejection as you attempt to muster up a tight-lipped smile, nodding stiffly. Edward’s smile drops. 
“Oh dear, I’ve upset you, haven’t I?” 
When you don’t quite meet his eyes, he sighs and gently holds your hand, giving you the chance to push him away. When you don’t, he pushes a little further, holding your chin between two fingers and tilting your head up to meet his gaze. 
“I’m not lying when I say I like you. I really do, and I would hate to rush something as important as... that... especially when you’re intoxicated. I don’t want you to have any regrets. You're too special.” 
Your heart leaps at his words, and you give Edward a small smile. It was never about him, or his comfort. He’s worried that you’d regret sharing yourself with him. 
“I... yeah. I guess I’m just used to guys only expecting one thing out of a date. I really like you too, Eddie.” 
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips, offering you his hand. 
“Let me walk you home?” 
You nod, leaning into his side.  
Edward, of course, knows exactly where you live, but feigns ignorance as you take the lead back to your apartment. He'd know your building anywhere, thanks to his tendency to follow you home after work to ensure your safety, but being in front of it now, with you by his side, feels so fresh and new that it’s almost as if he’s seeing it for the first time. 
It's falling apart, of course. Every building in Gotham that isn’t owned by someone extremely wealthy is. Crude graffiti adorns the crumbling brick walls, and he feels you stiffen up beside him when you notice a couple of shady guys, probably dealing drops, only a few feet away. 
“It’s not exactly... the best area. Will you at least wait for your cab in my apartment? I really don’t want you getting mugged, or worse.” 
Even with his impressive height, you’re worried Edward could be a target. His smart clothes definitely don’t help. 
Edward can hardly believe his luck at finally being able to see the inside of your apartment. Of course, he’s seen it from outside your window when he’s perched on your fire escape late at night, but this is different. This is intimate. Even though he’d turned down your offer for sex, you’re still revealing such a personal aspect of yourself to him. 
You trust him. 
You lead him into the rundown building, apologising for the elevator that has been broken for months. He already knows that, but nods anyway.  
“That’s okay. Five flights of stairs won’t do me any harm.” 
When you finally make it inside, he perches somewhat awkwardly on your couch, his height making the piece of furniture appear ridiculously small. You curl up on the other side of the sofa, giving him his space as he books an Uber home. 
The silence is thick, but comfortable. Edward is so engrossed in his phone that you’re finally given the chance to really study his features. The curve of his strong nose that holds up his glasses, the roundness of his cheeks, the softness of his jaw. The warmth of the numerous lamps scattered around your apartment light up his face with a soft glow that makes him look almost cherubic. 
Edward glances at you, clearly feeling your intense gaze. He doesn’t seem anywhere near as nervous as usual, his smile relaxed. 
“You okay?” 
You prop your head up with your hand and nod, content. 
“You’re so handsome, you know?” 
His cheeks grow pink, his smile a little more shy. His voice is a whisper when he speaks. 
“Thank you.” 
You lapse into another comfortable silence as he returns to his phone, the smile never leaving his face. His phone chimes and he stands reluctantly. 
“Cab’s nearly here...” 
You walk him to the door, and he lingers for a moment. 
“Can I-?” 
You don’t give him time to finish, tugging him down by his collar and pressing your lips to his in another soft kiss. His hands find refuge at your waist, pulling you closer to him. You run your hands up his sides, and he reacts with a delicious shiver to your utter delight. Gathering your nerves, you tease his lower lip with a nibble, and he chases your mouth with a soft groan when you pull away from him.  
You grin at his flustered state, his cheeks red and glasses fogged up, his sandy fringe ruffled beyond repair. You press one more lingering kiss to his lips before unlocking your door. 
“You said your taxi’s nearly here?” 
A chuckle escapes Edward, an octave lower than what you’re used to, and your knees go weak at the sound. He runs his hand through his hair, adjusting his glasses. 
“You are so cruel.” 
You glance down, immediately realising what he’s referencing, and giggle giddily. 
“You’ll just have to wait for next time, I guess.” 
He sighs, a dazed smile on his face. 
“So, you want me to take you out again?” 
You roll your eyes playfully, standing on your tiptoes so that your mouth is on level with his ear. You run a hand down his chest, your voice a sultry purr. 
“I thought that much was obvious.” 
Edward breathes out heavily through his nose and you smile innocently at him before kissing his cheek. The tension is shattered by the loud sound of his ringtone and you both jump back, the spell broken. Edward smiles apologetically at you when he answers the phone before panic spreads across his face. You can faintly hear a very angry man shouting at him on the other side of the line. 
“Yes, yes! Sorry! I’ll be right there! Sorry!” 
The other caller hangs up and you snort, pushing him gently out the door. 
“Don’t let me keep you any longer from the most awkward ride home of your life. Are you gonna tell the driver you left him waiting so long because you were making out with your colleague?” 
Edward stumbles over his words, the flush on his cheeks somehow deepening.  
“I, ah, will not be doing that. Christ, I’m going to have to tip him even more than I was planning to, aren’t I?” 
You giggle and Edward laughs too, giving you one last quick kiss before practically throwing himself down the stairs. 
You close your door, sighing dreamily like the protagonist of a cheesy rom-com. You shoot Edward a quick text and sink onto your sofa, your heart thrumming. You'd gotten him to open up. You're going to go on another date. You kissed him. As far as first dates go, you’d chalk that up to being pretty successful.  
The rest of your evening is spent texting back and forth with Edward, and when you finally roll into bed your brain is clouded with thoughts of him, his smile, the feeling of his lips on yours. You’re so focused on the image of Edward’s silly flustered smile after you kissed him for the first time that your rational thinking completely skips over one minor detail that you’ll have completely forgotten by the time you wake up. 
How did he know what floor you live on? 
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euphoricfilter · 9 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲
☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥
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when two brains collide
tags/ warnings: games designer! jungkook, non, idol au, established relationship, fluff !!!!!!, christmas!!!! :D
word count: 1.1k
notes: merry christmas!!!! technically this can be read as a standalone :D
☆ epic crazy callob with @bonny-kookoo 💞 ☆
☆ series masterlist
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
neither you nor jungkook remember exactly when your christmas eve tradition had began. the both of you could never keep a secret from one another. there was always the unbridled excitement the both of you had, impatient for the other to see what you’d gotten them.
and so, the solution: the both of you would exchange one gift on christmas eve.
the first year it happened, jungkook had gotten a little overzealous, half your christmas presents opened hours before christmas day. you had to be the one to stop it, realisation dawning on you the moment you’d seen how much wrapping paper was tucked in both your laps.
jungkook hadn’t been happy you’d stopped, bottom lip pouty and mood all mushy sad. because as much as he loved everything you bought him, there was this strange sort of joy he found in simply watching you carefully unwrap your gifts.
the second year of your tradition had been you. because the playstation jungkook had wanted arrived the morning of christmas eve and you had to keep it a secret all day. pure buzzing excitement fizzing beneath your skin for hours as you stashed it under the bed.
and you simply couldn’t help yourself. so of course you had to give it to him before the words slipped off your tongue and the surprise was ruined.
by the third year the both of you made an active effort to slip it into your other christmas eve festivities.
“jungkook, quick” you call out to him from the other room, “ELF is on soon and we can’t miss it”
he peeks his head round the doorframe of your bedroom, “i’ll get the DVD out if we miss it”
your eyebrows narrow at him, “it’s not the same as us watching it when it comes on the TV”
“we have to sit through ads though” he murmurs.
“yes, but” you give him a pointed look, “that’s part of the charm, plus, they tell you what’s on tomorrow for christmas day”
jungkook’s nose scrunches up, “i’ll be quick, i forgot to write out your card”
you lean your head back on the seat of the couch, hand patting around the carpet for the remote to turn the TV down, ears straining to hear jungkook shuffling around the bedroom.
he’s quick to slip back into the living room.
you don’t miss the rattle of the box as he sits down, nor do you miss the similar shape and size to your own gift.
you look down at the box sat in your own lap, then back over at jungkook’s gift.
“okay” he claps, “i think you’re gonna love my gift” he beams, and you can’t help the prickly suspicion that flitters up your spine making you sit up a little straighter.
“i think you might love mine” a smile quirks onto your lips.
jungkook places his box between the both of you, gift rattling in its box. and it isn’t until you place his gift next to yours— same little rattle reverberating into the room, does his mind seem to catch up with yours.
“oh” he blinks, pointing to both your gifts then between the both of you.
“there’s no way” you giggle, feet kicking out a little.
“holy shit what if we actually got each other the same gift?” his eyes are wide
“we’ll if you got me, what i got you then there might be a slight issue” you tell him
he nods, “no because… if you got me, what i got you then we definitely will have a problem”
you can’t help the bubbly laughter that spills from your lips, jungkook mirroring your joy.
you push yourself up onto your knees, excitement all encompassing as you kneel over the gifts, arms wrapping around jungkook’s shoulders as the both of you bask in the joy of the other.
“you’re really gonna like my gift” he tells you, lips pressing against your cheek, kiss feather light as another wave of bubbly joy spills from his lips.
“i know because i showed you a photo” you giggle, flopping down into his lap when he opens his thighs a little wider.
your back presses against his chest, quick to pick up the gift you wrapped, handing it to jungkook, who holds it in your lap as you pick up your own gift.
you have to bite your bottom lip to stop another wave of giggles, head tilting to look up at jungkook.
“i love you” he says, a reminder. though you doubt you’d ever be able to truly forget.
“i love you more than i’ll ever be able to say”
his hands leave the wrapped gift, instead holding both your cheeks, pulling you into a kiss.
your attention flickers back to the TV when ELF starts playing, your hand slapping against his thigh “quick! the film is starting”
he hums, fingers pulling apart the wrapping paper, as you do the same.
another laugh rumbles through your chest when you see the familiar little box, the exact same you had for jungkook.
“i think we truly share the same mind” he says as he opens the box, his own gravely laughter vibrating against your back as he sees what it was.
you tilt your head to look up at him, the brightest smile on your face “you really do listen to all the things i like”
“of course, baby” he beams, “you’re not disappointed we got each other the same gift?”
you shake your head, fingers tracing over the silver bracelet. it had only been a fleeting moment, a quick tilt of your screen in jungkook’s direction to show him the cute promise bracelets, magnetic heart charms hung prettily.
his eyes had flickered down to see you’d saved the post, enough incentive for him to find it and get it as a gift.
you pick one of the bracelets from your box, “give me your hand please” you say. and he does.
“you have this one” you clasp it around his wrist, “and i’ll have this one” you take the other bracelet out of his own box.
“why don’t you just put both the ones from your box on?” he smiles.
“because it’s principle. we’re meant to have one each… now you have the other one, and i have this one” you take the second bracelet from your box, “and now we have one each from each other, just like they’re supposed to be”
his lifts up your hand interlacing your fingers as the magnets snap together, completing the little hearts.
“it’s so perfect” you whisper, utterly enamoured by the little charms.
“merry christmas, my love” he leans his chin on your shoulder, smiling at your interlaced fingers.
“merry christmas, kook” you murmur, knocking your cheek against his forehead.
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mywifealhaitham · 2 years
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various genshin valentine's headcanons ♡
⚠: mentions of a shotgun in mikas, lazy writing
a/n: I almost threw up and passed out in the process of writing this :3
albedo - ♡ • he draws you! he isn't experienced in gift giving or dates so he just goes with something he's familiar with • Klee stops by to give you two a drawing of all three of you holding hands and he hangs it up by his workplace smiling like the proud brother he is
alhaitham - ♡ • he gets you books he likes and commented on himself (DORK! NERD! LOSER! affectionate) every other page is a little note from him consisting of the meaning of this is actually... to this idiot reminds me of Kaveh, don't you agree? •he also takes you to a nice restaurant in sumeru and pays • like halfway through the date he forgot flowers and called up kaveh to buy them! he does not! and alhaitham makes him pay!
amber - ♡ • she got you your very own plushie! it matches with baron bunny and doesn't explode! • she takes you on a nice picnic where you two match outfits and feed eachother cake • she immediately gets home and writes to collei about everything while kicking her feet and twirling her hair
arataki Itto - ♡ • oh my god he gets you the largest bouquet of flowers ever like four members of the Arataki gang have to hold then Shinobu is deadpanning in the corner • with granny onis advice he also takes you on a picnic! unlike Amber's peaceful one yours is not! he makes the Arataki gang play instruments while Shinobu is dressed in a suit and is severing you two food
barbara - ♡ • she gets you two matching outfits! hers is baby blue and yours is light orange so it compliments eachother • she definitely sings you a love song behind the cathedral and you two giggle and dance and hold hands man I love barbara
beidou - ♡ • she gets you.... drunk! yep she's hosting a valentine's day party on the crux with plenty of drinks • after the wild party when you two are stumbling back to her room theyres some nice flowers laid out on the bed • she tries to woo you but passes out on you... I mean she tried!
bennett - ♡ • he got you some flowers but they withered away then he made you some sweets and accidentally mixed the salt and sugar! • he's very bummed for how everything turned out, he wanted this day too be accident free! • it's ok to make up for it you two walk around the town holding hands while you pray that the boxes that some people are carrying aren't gonna crush you and Bennett
candace - ♡ • she gets you a nice jeweled necklace! she carefully puts it on you and kisses your cheek • since the desert isn't the ideal place she keeps you inside we're you too spend quality time together • right before you go to bed she kisses you all over telling you how much she loves you
chongyun - ♡ • writing for characters I dont really know anything about is stressful sweats profusely • he probably gets you the standard flowers however for the date he takes you ghost hunting • by the end of day he's disappointed that he can't find any ghosts so you say that maybe they didn't want to ruin your date and now he's planning to go ghost hunting on a different day what have you done!
collei - ♡ • she gets you one of those valentine's cards you'd get for every kid in your elementary school class • it took her like 20 tries to perfect the card and when she did she threw it at you and ran • when she came home cyno and tighnari were sitting at a table with all the failed attempts of cards on said table. scariest thing collei has ever experienced
cyno - ♡ • he gets you a joke book to use on him. yes he fully expects you to pull out the book and start saying jokes like he does • he does get you flowers and brings you to a nice restaurant using his mass amounts of maha-mora (winks I'm so funny right winks again plz) • he told so many jokes that night you're just about done with his dorky mouth
diluc - ♡ • he gets you some nice jewelry this man is rich rich • he of course makes a candlelit dinner and sets up a table in the dawn winery fields • the maids fan over you both and start spreading rumors that you're gonna get married
diona (platonic) - ♡ • makes you your favorite non alcoholic drink. she'll MAYBE make you an alcoholic one but she'll spit in it • drags you to wind rise and forces you to make her a picnic. she'll violently rip flowers out of the ground and give them to you :3
eula - ♡ • she gets you the classic flowers and like necklace combo. the necklace is blue to remind you of her • she also took you to a restaurant and someone ruined your date by crashing into your table. she swore vengeance on the entire holiday of valentine's day
faruzan - ♡ • tbh I dont know shit about her • she makes you get her gifts and flowers. she also makes you pay for everything because she is a poor unfortunate lady boohoo • she wears one of those hot dresses so it's worth it
fischl - ♡ • forces diluc to decorate the patio of the dawn winery in purple fairy lights and asks his maids to cook something for you two • dilucs like erm ok I guess he's so lost and taken aback. also she got Oz to make hearts in the sky for you :3 • fischl gets you matching bracelets she made herself please wear it everyday or she will sob
ganyu - ♡ • she gets you flowers right as she sees you because she will accidentally eat them • gets Ningguang to let her use a nice part of the jade chamber for a nice date • at the end of the day you make her nap because SHE NEEDS IT! so hardworking! so smart! what a girl!
gorou - ♡ • he is so nervous the entire day... he tries to swoon you but embarrasses himself badly • he gets you a sentimental gift like a painting of your first date area or something! • you made him dog treats as a joke. he devoured them. what a day!
hu tao - ♡ • you woke up and she SMOTHERED you in kisses and hugs, if you didn't know any better you'd think she wanted you to be her next client • she planned the entire day and it's very sweet and cute. she takes you shopping then walks around liyue hand in hand with you. she kisses your hand at the end of the day saying that she'll stick with you through life and death
jean - ♡ • another hardworker that takes off the day for you! she prepares a nice candlelit dinner like half the cast 😊 • she gets you a necklace and while she puts it around you she swears to be your knight forever then kisses your neck
kaedehara kazuha - ♡ • in the morning he wakes you up with the sweetest of kisses then reads you some poems • beidou insists on having him bring you along to the crux annual valentine's day party but he says he just wants to spend time with you • he has you lay on his lap while the sun sets while he strokes his hair and declares his love for you (kazuha HIT MY LINE)
kaeya - ♡ • gets you an expensive wine he bought off of diluc, it's in your favorite flavor and everything • he takes you to starsnatch cliff and tells you stories he's heard about the stars, most of them are from the long forgotten parts of his childhood • kaeya actually didn't buy the wine bottle he got venti to steal it so your lucky if diluc doesn't doesn't marching towards you looking angry!
kamisato ayaka - ♡ • she gets you a matching fan! she thinks it both brings out your beauty and cools you off during hotter days • she then takes you shopping around inazuma, everything is on her! • when your both almost ready for bed she'll insists on doing a small waltz with you in your bedroom
kamisato ayato - ♡ • he takes the whole day off surprisingly • normally he doesn't spend alot of time with you because he's very busy but today all his attention is on you • overall you two just chat about everything ranging from politics to what crime did itto commit this week over some nice thoma cooked food
keqing - ♡ • another hardworking women we love to see it • keqing is very classy and also rents out a small spot on the jade chamber for you both • she gets you a bracelet and a Rex lapis Keychain. she does not look you in the eye when your excited about it
klee (platonic)- ♡ • when she was in confinement jean made her make valentine's for all her friends in mondstat! she put her heart into all of them, yours especially • she hands you the card in which she drew you two playing with bombs along with a heart shaped lollipop • she also did the cute little leg hug thing and said happy valentine's day best sibling ever (I LOVE LITTLE KIDS THEYRE SO ADORABLE!!!)
kujou sara - ♡ • she gets you some hand picked flowers! • since crime never stops she unfortunately has to leave for the day, but she sends you off with a kiss • when she gets home you run her a nice bath and massage her tense shoulders
kuki shinobu - ♡ • the worst idea of her entire life was telling itto about her date • he insisted in helping her by adding a special arataki touch to the day • by arataki touch he means the arataki gang scaring off everyone at the restaurant and playing horrible music • she apologized so much at home but you just kissed her and said the best part of the day was her !! (itto thought he did so good and starting advertising a entertainment service....)
layla - ♡ • when you went to sleep the night before she was still working so you didn't know what she was doing while you slept • she promised herself not to work and take a break for once! she just wanted to snuggle you • before she went to bed she put some fresh flowers in a vase next to your bed with a note
lisa - ♡ • she set up a little table in the library with some fresh flowers and a basket of fruit and sweets • her gift to you was some of her favorite books which she reads to you! • she's a bit lazy so she rather do some of her favorite activities than deal with the hussle and bussle of mondstat couples
mona - ♡ • she takes you stargazing for sure! she tells you about every star you point out • seeing you so interested in the stars so much she gets you a telescope! • as you look at planets in the sky and gasp them, she only smiles softly at you knowing the money she spent was worth it
nahida (platonic) - ♡ • she's so hyped because one of her first real valentine's day! with her bestfriend! • she hand picks some flowers for you then knocks at your door • it's early in the morning but when this sweet child is at your door with some flowers and the brightest smile ever you can't really complain
nilou - ♡ • she dedicates a whole dance to you! it's a lengthy dance and she's elegant with the whole process • afterward she tells you how much you mean to her then extends her hand because her gift to you is the art of dance! • she holds you tight as you two dance the night away
ningguang - ♡ • gets you the most elegant clothes pieces ever, like your even afraid of wearing them incase a stitch snaps • surprisingly she's humble with her date spot, preferring a nice field instead of a five star restaurant • she picks a beautiful glaze lily for you and puts it behind your ear
noelle - ♡ • she makes you a whole meal • at first the meal was only for you but you insisted that she take a break and eat with you. she took the offer and got to know you better
qiqi (platonic)- ♡ • she probably forgot all about valentine's day so baizhu had to remind her • she probably just made you a quick card and picked some silk flowers for you • she also took you to her favorite napping spot for a nice nap !! you deserve it and don't worry qiqi will be your litte guardian
raiden shogun - ♡ • miss ei has experienced alot of valentine's days but actually never had a date for herself • miko would sometimes get her some flowers as a thanks for being my friend but other than that her knowledge is limited • so she gets you a nice bouquet and takes you on a walk around inazuma • she shares stories of the land while you two walk into dusk
razor - ♡ • another person who probably doesn't know what valentine's day is • bennett and fischl told him all about it and he was intrigued • he picks you some fruit and some lamp grass • he spends the whole day with you!
rosaria - ♡ • she probably just takes you to angels share and let's you get whatever you want, it's on her • on the walk she'll put a stray flower that fell out of someone's bouquet into your hair while giving you a kiss on the cheek, a silent vow to protect you forever
sangonomiya kokomi - ♡ • she sets up a seaside table with some delicious looking food she made herself • headcanon but autistic Kokomi and her special intrests are war strategies and sealife • she'll take you on a walk and excitedly point at all the small creatures, spitting facts about them left and right
sayu (platonic)- ♡ • she doesn't really care for lovely dovey stuff and probably gets annoyed at all the pinks and reds around inazuma • however she does get you a small plush and some flowers she picked, afterwards though she immediately goes to sleep
shenhe - ♡ • ever since you became her s/o cloud retainer has been going on and on about couple stuff • a topic that came up was valentine's day, so cloud retainer suggested doing some of her favorite activities together • however most of shenhes favorite activities are either training or meditation so if your fine with that then good for you!
shikanoin heizou - ♡ • when you wake up he's missing and the only thing left behind is a note and a map with some things circled • you followed the map and soon found out every circled point had some gift for you awaiting patiently • eventually when you reach the end heizou is waiting for you with a nice dinner
sucrose - ♡ • she makes you some sort of artifical flower with albedos help! • she also makes you help her on her lab and when you pour a certain chemical in it makes a heart • that's the boldest you'll ever see her
tartaglia - ♡ • childe always used to buy a big stuff animal and flowers for his siblings for valentine's day, but now he has you to spoil! • you wake up and turn to silence your alarm clock and there's like a huge vase full of flowers • you find alot of gifts scattered around the house, all signed with a love, ajax ♡
thoma - ♡ • he's so excited!! he's such a dork for cheesy days like valentine's day! • he's stuck between just being himself or being romantic, in the end he chooses being himself • being himself means a nice walk stopping to feed all the stray animals and a nice warm home-cooked dinner later in the day
tighnari - ♡ • deep in my bones I feel like he just doesn't care about valentine's day at all • he'll pick you some special flowers he's been growing himself for months just for today but like he doesn't careee • he'll be nicer to you when he gives you your gift of a jar of herbs that can help cure alot of things... but he says he doesn't caree... suree....
venti (platonic) - ♡ • you never really cared for valentine's day nor did your mischievous little friend so you both decided to cause chaos • chaos as in stealing some wine from diluc and fake argue out loud to ruin couples dates • at the end of the day he takes you to windrise were he makes a toast to your long lasting friendship
wanderer - ♡ • valentine's day?? love?? affection?? EWWW thumbs DOWN!! • ^ he proceeded to say but you don't fail to notice that he's a bit more affectionate today hmm.... • he doesn't get you alot because he has to keep up his eww valentine's day persona however if you pass something you like he might buy it.... just maybe...
xiangling - ♡ • she makes you food duhh! she knows exactly what you likes so she incorporates your favorite flavors into new recipes • she makes guoba wear a little suit while severing you two the meals she made • she spoon feeds you and gets super excited when you like her cooking!!
xiao - ♡ • another eww valentine's day guy but alot mode toned down.. • he just... doesn't care at all. but for you he'll try • he makes you a plate of almond tofu along with a small bunch of flowers, he's so embarrassed he kinda just teleports away
xingqiu - ♡ • he plans an adventure for the both of you! he'll lead you through monsters and almost dangerous path, but do not fret he is here to protect his leige from all harm! • the real date area is a old swinging bench he found awhile back! it's not the most scenic but it's the thought that counts • he brings a book you both enjoy so he can read for you (aww how cute now come home c6 Xingqiu.)
xinyan - ♡ • probably gets xiangling to make you guys your favorite food! you two eat and happily chat away • afterwards she takes you to the shore were she plays a softer love song on her guitar
yae miko - ♡ • she's extra flirty today. normally she's sly and makes you flustered but today she gets real bold • she takes you to a nice restaurant and gives you your gift, which is a novel she likes • before you two part ways she gives you a big kiss
yanfei - ♡ • because I'm tired she probably just takes you on a nice outing, occasionally telling you about intresting court cases she had recently • madame ping saw you two holding hands and immediately went elderly grandma mode and asked thousands of questions
yaoyao (platonic) - ♡ • like faruzan I don't know much about her • probably made little valentine's day cards for her favorite people in liyue with includes you! • she also got you a hearted shaped lollipop
yelan - ♡ • like Sara she also is busy because sadly crime doesn't stop for valentine's day • however she does send flowers and chocolates to your workplace along with a note saying she'll meet her later
yoimiya - ♡ • fireworks? fireworks!!! • she makes a ton of heart-shaped fireworks for you and all the other couples but mostly you • she excitedly points up at the sky when they finally go off, her eyes scanning your face to look for satisfaction
yun jin - ♡ • I also don't know much about her • she probably preforms an opera about love to the people of liyue and during the parts were she sings about couples kissing and giving gifts she always winks at you in the crowd
zhongli - ♡ • this old soul probably does the classic candlelit dinner and some sort of jewelry gift • he's been alive for so long so this valentine's day means alot for him • after all, he's chosen you hundreds of times
dainsleif - ♡ • he also doesn't care for valentine's day alot, after all he's been alone for so long • on the actual day he takes you to an open field where the breeze is just right and the sky is clear • here he points out constellations he recognizes and tells you stories about them that should be long forgotten to time
kaveh - ♡ • one word: dramatic • probably steals alhaithams credit card and buys you the most beautiful flowers and the most elegant clothing ! • he takes you to an expensive restaurant were as you two eat he tells you all the latest gossip along with how much he loves you
mika - ♡ • he gives you a free assassination ticket with the biggest grin on his face • you're like what and he pulls out a shotgun still smiling • plz point to someone you hate and run • fandom mika is so funny never change him
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"Spitfire" | Gojo x Reader (Kinktober 2023)
Size Difference - Satoru Gojo
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Reader Words: 3.3k
A/N: Halfway through writing this I forgot I was supposed to be writing some good ol' smut...so that's why there's a lot more fluff in this one than I'd intended! Anyway, this is my first attempt at some Satoru smut, so I hope it's not too bad. (Also a very self-indulgent fic, writing this made me giggle and kick my feet in all my 4'11" glory.) I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: 18+ only, minors DNI, modern au, smaller reader (no particular height in mind, just shorter than Satoru), dirty talk, unprotected sex, cum eating, slight praise kink
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If there’s one thing Satoru finds so appealing about you, it’s your height (or lack thereof, as he likes to remind you).
 Of course he loves everything else about you. Your smile, your eyes, the way you laugh at all his jokes, even the ones that make everyone else roll their eyes. How you give him every bit of attention whenever he’s with you, like he’s the only one that matters in the entire world. And obviously he thrives off the attention, but there’s something else about it—something else about you that makes his heart hammer furiously against his ribcage. Something that makes him want to please you and make you happy, just to see your smile.
But your smaller stature was the first thing that drew him to you. The first time Shoko brought you over to hang out with their little friend group, he couldn’t tear his eyes from you. Suguru had to repeat whatever he was saying three times for him to finally listen. But he couldn’t help it, not with you sitting right across from him.
Looking all small and dainty and simply cute.
Yeah, cute. That’s what you are to him—and you only prove his point when he says it to your face, and you make a sad attempt to hide your face in the collar of your hoodie. He only laughs as Suguru shakes his head, and Shoko rests a comforting hand on your shoulder.
So fucking cute.
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He loves how small your hands are, and how perfectly they fit between his palms.
It never fails to make him smile, the way you act so shy and flustered whenever he holds your hand. The stutter in your voice when he reaches out, the way your eyes flicker from side to side as he gives you what he hopes to be a reassuring smile. Then again, people often confuse his genuine smiles for his cocky ones.
But he tries, for your sake. You’re the only one he sees, and he’s determined to remind you as often as he can.
“Sorry,” you mumble, tucking your palms into your pockets, “…hands are sweaty… You don’t wanna hold ‘em…”
He can only stare at you as you chew on your bottom lip, eyes cast down to the floor as you shift your weight from one leg to the other. Slowly inching away from him as the two of you continue your walk, careful not to bump your shoulder bag into his side.
Is… Are you serious? Or are you just teasing him?
But the dullness in your eyes is enough of an answer for him, and it sends a pinch of agony straight to his chest. Too pretty and cute to look so sad.
You squeak as he reaches in and practically yanks your hand back out of your pocket, holding it much more firmly between his fingers. Sending you a smirk as you gape at him, eyes blown wide and so fucking pretty.
Damn it, will you ever understand how adorable you are to him?
“Don’t care,” he replies with a shrug. “Hands get sweaty sometimes, so what? Now come on, don’t wanna be late to meet up with the others!”
Of course he would rush, you’re heading to the bakery at the next block, the usual meeting spot for all your little get-togethers. The one that sells all those sweets he practically drools over—and the same ones he always tries to get you to share with him, even when you brush him off.
“I…” Your voice falters when he peeks at you over the rim of his glasses; already you can feel your cheeks start to heat up. “…Never mind, if it doesn’t bother you—”
“Not at all! I like when I get to hold your hand.”
He picks up the pace, long legs eating up the distance as you struggle to keep up behind him. Still sputtering at his little confession, and the way he tightens his grip around you.
And strangely enough…it’s comforting. The way your little hand fits in his much larger one. Almost like he’s protecting you, keeping you safe from the rest of the world.
Like you can finally loosen your shoulders and relax whenever he’s around.
It takes every bit of strength in him not to smile like an idiot when he feels your hand squeeze his own oh-so delicately.
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He loves the way you stand on your tiptoes to reach something high above you.
Whether it’s a family photo album or one of your favorite coffee mugs in the cupboard, he never passes up the chance to see your arms stretch high over your head, muscles straining and tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth. Swallowing back a sinful moan when he sees your shirt ride up over your stomach, granting him the slightest peek of the soft skin beneath.
This time it’s one of your books on the very top shelf, and you’re just ten seconds away from climbing up the bookcase yourself. He lets you struggle for a bit before stepping in like a gentleman (even though you claim he’s the exact opposite). Reaching over your head and plucking out the hardcover—only to hold it just out of your reach like the asshole he is. He lets out a laugh as you scramble to grab it, only lifting it higher when you start jumping up and down.
“C’mon, Satoru, cut it out! Give it to me already!”
“You almost got it, babe. Almost there, I know you can do it!”
“Satoru, I’m serious! Just hand it over!”
Your cheeks puff out as he dangles the book over your head; no matter how many swipes you make to grab it, he always yanks it back up to his level. Curse him and his ungodly height, it’s not your fault you’re vertically challenged!
And the smug fuck is laughing his ass off as he waves the book over your head. Like you’re a fucking cat with a feathered toy.
“Just a little higher, babe, I know you—ow!”
He winces as your shoe rams right into his kneecap—damn it, he doesn’t remember you being this strong—and with a final lunge you manage to curl your fingers around the book and yank. Pressing it against your heaving chest as he doubles over, both hands clutching his injured knee.
“No fair, that was a dirty trick!”
“So was taking my book in the first place.”
It’s hard to feel any sympathy for him, even if he makes a convincing case with those pouty lips and big blue eyes. You roll your eyes and head into your shared bedroom with your prize, leaving him groaning in pain about his poor knee.
“It really hurts, you know! I could be dying in here and you wouldn’t even know!”
“Then it’d be quiet, and I could actually start to read my book.”
He’s full-on whining now, limping towards the bedroom and making a show of favoring his leg. You’re already cuddled up in bed with your book, a blanket thrown over your lap. Not even sparing him a glance as you leaf through the pages.
“…Can you kiss it, make it better?”
“Kiss it yourself.”
That gets a laugh out of him, despite the bolt of pain shooting up his leg. You’re small but damn feisty when you want to be, even more than you were when you first met him. Just goes to show how much more comfortable you’ve gotten around him. But he wouldn’t have you any other way, his tiny little spitfire. And he makes a point of telling you that, even when he launches himself into bed next to you and peppers your face with kisses, only laughing when you shriek and try to bat him away.
If he makes you lose your page, you’ll make sure to kick him someplace higher than his damn knee.
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He loves how delicate you are in his arms. So small and fragile, practically a doll.
Another late night at work, another night you come home with your feet dragging and your eyelids drooping. You barely make it through the threshold before collapsing, and luckily Satoru’s there to catch you in his arms. With your cheek pressed against his chest and his arms around your waist, you barely have time to mumble out, “Missed you,” before falling asleep right then and there.
Satoru’s used to it by now. You work yourself to the bone every day, and he’s left to pick up the pieces at night. Not that he minds, he enjoys taking care of you like this. Makes him feel special, he’s the only one who gets to see you in this sleepy, vulnerable state.
It’s a dance he’s become all too comfortable with at this point. Cradling your tiny body against his chest, legs thrown over the crook of his elbow as he carries you into the bedroom. Settling you on the mattress, smiling when you groan softly in your sleep. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, lingering just a few seconds too long before you start to stir. Last thing he wants to do is rob you of some much-needed sleep.
Your shoes slip off easily, then your jacket and shirt. He’s always amazed at the difference in your clothing; how all your shirts and pants, while they look simply stunning on your body, always seem so tiny next to his own. Just the thought has him picking up the pace, eager to rid you of your work clothes and slip one of his old sleep shirts over your head. He catches the ghost of a smile on your lips before leaning you back against the pillows, careful when he pulls the covers up and over your bare legs.
Small and precious. So adorable, aren’t you?
He leans over and smooths his hand across your hair. It’s hard not to smile when you nuzzle into his touch, always finding his warmth even in your sleep. He swears he wasn’t tired before, but tucking you in always seems to wear him out. And it’s not long before he’s stripping down and joining you in bed.
Your arms find his body instantly, wrapping around his shoulders and pressing your face into his bare chest. He’s so warm and soft, his arms a protective shield around your sleeping form. He reaches up to brush your hair back, giving him a perfect view of your gentle face.
So much energy, despite your smaller size. Always working your ass off at your job, completely exhausted every night, and still wearing a smile for him when you come home.
Fuck, he loves you so much. Maybe someday he’ll have the courage to say it to your face.
The thought makes him smile as he snuggles deeper into the pillows, holding you against his chest, finally letting his eyes drift shut.
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He loves how small you are, how cute and delicate and sweet you are—especially when you’re struggling to take his cock.
Reclining against the mountain of pillows against the headboard, arms folded beneath his head, licking his lips with every moan that slips through your mouth. You’re straddling him, practically dripping down his thighs with how wet you are. Three rounds of coming around his fingers and tongue, and you’re still whining how his cock is too much for you.
So fucking cute.
“S-Satoru,” it comes out as a hiccup, tears pricking your pretty lashes, “…fuck, it h-hurts—”
“Shh, baby, I know.” He leans up and presses a kiss to your sweaty temple. Fingers massaging your hips as you choke out another plea of his name. “Doin’ so well for me, aren’t you?”
It’s a sight he’ll never get sick of, no matter how many times he sees it: your pouty lips, head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut, as he reaches down to circle his thumb around your clit.
Your nails sink into his shoulders, thighs clenching as you lower yourself down a bit more. Fuck, he’s not even halfway in and you’re already crying like a fucking virgin. Get it together already!
But you might as well be a virgin, with how fucking huge he is. Surprisingly he wasn’t lying in that department; not that it does you any fucking good now, but still…
He’s already kissing away your tears, murmuring sweet words under his breath, against your heated skin. Good girl, so fucking good, so tight and pretty for me. It helps you find yourself again, swallowing hard before sinking down further onto his cock.
“Satoru,” you whine as he bottoms out inside you. Eyes blown wide, the two of you panting heavily against each other’s chests.
So fucking full already and he hasn’t even started moving, how are you gonna survive tonight?!
“’S alright, sweetheart.” His voice is strained but warm as he cradles your face in his large hands. Still so gentle whenever he touches you. “Take it slow, don’t wanna wear you out before the real fun begins.”
He gives you that trademark smirk of his, and you have half a mind to throw caution to the wind and fuck him within an inch of his damn life. But the moment you shift on his lap a sharp pain jolts up your abdomen, and you’re gasping for air against his shoulder once more.
“Easy, easy. Move whenever you’re ready.”
At least he’s being considerate this time.
You suck in a breath, trying to focus on the gentle touch of his fingers against your clit. The gorgeous glow of his bright blue eyes. The way his hands feel pressed against your hips, guiding you with every move you make. His messy white hair, frayed from rolling around in bed, trying to fight you for the dominant position. (He let you win, but he’ll never admit it out loud.)
Eventually you grasp his hand, his palm practically swallowing your own, and roll your hips slightly. It still hurts but nowhere near as bad as it did before. Repeat the motion, and a hint of bliss courses through your veins. Matching the feeling of his fingers on your clit, making your eyes flutter shut.
Easy does it. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
He kisses you, slow and deep, dragging his tongue over your own. You can still taste yourself on him; he insisted you didn’t have to return the favor this time. Although he’s eager to see what you would look like with his cock down your throat, if you would struggle to take him all in, tiny hands pressed against his thighs, nails cutting into his skin like knives. His cock twitches at the thought, and he knows you feel it by the gasp that leaves your mouth.
You can do this. You got this. Nothing to be scared of, right?
A few more slow thrusts has the two of you moaning out each other’s names. Pure adrenaline floods throughout your body. Eyes flashing, you hold out both hands and press down hard on his sweaty chest, knocking him back down into the pillows below.
He stares up at you through those beautiful white eyelashes, lips parted slightly as you positon yourself over his lap. Letting his cock slip out just enough before sinking back down with a moan that has your back arching and your nails biting into the skin of his chest.
Satoru thinks he could cum just from watching you.
It’s all he can do, just sit back and enjoy the show. Throat tightening from the way you bounce yourself on his cock, singing out his name like a prayer. His hands wander up towards your breasts, eager to feel them once more, but you’re quick to bat them away. Sending him a warning glare as you pick up the pace, mouth falling open as his cock finds that special spot deep inside you.
He can’t help but smirk at that. Still his little spitfire, huh?
“Satoru…” There’s a bite to your tone, one that sends a shiver down his spine, as he fists the pillows behind him. All too eager to touch you, but not until you give him permission.
He’s a gentleman after all, isn’t he?
Your eyes glimmer with tears, hips stuttering against his own with every thrust. Pretty lips trembling as you whisper, “Fuck me, Satoru.”
His hands burn against your waist, heels digging into the mattress as he lifts his hips up to meet your own. You’re screaming out his name, lashes wet with tears, tiny fists curling against his chest. He moves you up and down on his cock at a rapid pace, one that has you sobbing and moaning and pleading with him to go faster, faster Satoru, please fuck me—
You’re clenching around his cock so tight, he won’t last another minute at this pace. So he gathers you in his arms, tossing you into the mattress like a ragdoll, smirking when you flop against the pillows below. Sinking his cock into you once more, savoring the bliss in your eyes as he stretches you out.
Your cries are barely audible through the rhythmic thumping of the headboard against the wall. But he still hears them, hears every fucking moan of his name, every plea in your sweet little voice, every whine and gasp and sob that brings him closer to the edge.
He can see it in your eyes, how close you are to your peak. How you dig your nails into his shoulders, cradling him to your chest and kissing his lips as hard as you can. He slips an arm around your back, bracing his other against the frail headboard of the bed. Praying to any god above that the damn thing won’t collapse before the night is over.
And suddenly you shatter around him, squeezing him for all he’s worth, a thousand cries of his name on your tongue as you hold him close. It’s almost enough to make him lose it, he’s so close, almost there—
He pins your tiny body against the mattress, fucking you through your high, leaving you squirming for release beneath his larger form. Another few thrusts has him spilling himself deep inside of you, moaning your name against the shell of your ear. Clutching your smaller form close to his chest, shielding you from the rest of the world beyond.
Several moments pass before the two of you move. Carding your fingers through his sweaty hair, tasting his lips for the thousandth time tonight. He slides out of you as gently as he can, unable to suppress the smirk as he watches ropes of his cum covering your inner thighs.
“So messy,” you mumble, and it’s like a switch has been turned on in your brain. You’re back to being your shy, docile self, hiding your face in his chest. He laughs before pulling away, holding your face between his warm hands.
“I like it messy. You did so good for me, sweetheart, so fucking good.”
It’s hard not to blush when he’s praising you like that, especially when he starts kissing his way down your body. Starting from your neck and trailing down your chest, your stomach, and finally ending between your thighs. You don’t even have the strength to protest as he spreads your legs and flicks his tongue over your messy clit, not even bothered with the taste of his cum.
“Satoru,” you whine, throwing an arm over your face. But he reaches up and pulls it away, blue eyes glowing in the darkness of your bedroom.
“’M not done yet,” he mumbles, dragging his tongue along your slick, “want more of you.”
That gets a weak laugh out of you. “So fuckin’ greedy, huh?”
Yeah, he’s greedy. When did he ever say he wasn’t? He’ll take any part of you he can get, as many times as he can. His sweet little spitfire, all shy and precious but a fucking menace in bed.
And fuck, if he doesn’t love you like crazy for it. 
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daughterofthequeen · 1 year
The Last Moments of Solace
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Pairings: Ezra Bridger x reader
Request: I saw that your request are open and I was hoping that you could write an Ezra Bridger (season 4) x reader?? Maybe fluff and smutty?? Maybe reader can be also a Jedi of his age? For the plot…mhhh…maybe something based on episode 6 (season 4) or episode 17 (season 3)?
Warnings: Suggestive content cus I don’t write smut yet, yet, fluff, kissing, groans, moans, the overuse of comma’s
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write lately, and I’m so excited to start. And this request just reopened my Ezra hyper-fixation. And I’ve been wanting to write my first series too, I just haven’t figure out which one of the characters I’m currently invested in, to do it on first. You just made the choice harder Anon, you’re no help😫!!! (nahhh I’m just kidding I love you for this, I forgot how much I loved my first Star Wars crush🥰🧡) Ezra had 11 year old me giggling and kicking my feet every Monday night before I had to go to bed 🤭. So I chose episode 6 of season 4 but I couldn’t find a way how to incorporate the reader into the show that I liked so, it’s taking place in episode 7 so technically it’s still based on episode 6. This is my first time doing suggestive too btw and I’m very nervous so cut me some slack pleassse🧡
How did we get here?!
This was only meant to be a recon mission. But no, Sabine just had to get the data recorder and the hyperdrive. Which is good use for the rebellion, but it still doesn’t stop me from wanting a easy day. Next thing I know there’s cats, Thrawn, a wolf, troopers, me and Ezra falling over crates, then us jumping into the newly designed TIE that Sabine hijacked. Which was a nice touch may I add. Well it was, until we found out it had a kill switch that we barley got out of alive. And that lead to us on top of a nice loth wolf, that only me and Ezra could remember since Sabine fainted and didn’t wake back up until we got back to the hideout. Yeah, it was a lot.
The Next Day
Currently me, Ezra, Zeb, and Jai were collecting the hyperdrive, well trying to anyway we couldn’t find where we left it.
“Hurry up.” Ezra told Zeb after he lifted up his mask to his scout trooper uniform. Identical to the ones Jai and I were wearing.
“Where’s the hyperdrive?” Zeb asked looking around the rocks.
“Over here somewhere.” Ezra replied. “Jai keep watch.”
“Over here somewhere? All these rocks look the same!” Zeb whispered frustratedly
“It was dark and we just crashed, we didn’t have time to make a map!” I whispered just as frustrated, sassily putting my hand on my hip. Suddenly we heard the meowing of a white loth cat, like the one from last night sitting on top of a rock.
“Hey, when in doubt follow the loth-cat.” Ezra said while smirking, causing me to lightly chuckle.
“You’re kidding right?” Zeb asked hesitantly as we walked towards it. “You and your loth-cats.” Zeb told Ezra as they moved the rock revealing the hyperdrive. As they started moving the hyperdrive, a small empire ship flew over us towards the crash sight, and I got a strong feeling that we had to hurry, to speed up the pace I grabbed a hold of the back of the hyperdrive to help them move it onto the trailer.
“Uh, Ezra, we have to problem.” Jai called while he was looking into his binoculars.
“What is that?” I asked while walking up beside Jai.
“I don’t know, and I don’t think I want to know.” Jai responded.
Ezra turned to Zeb. “We’ll draw them away, you get the hyperdrive out of here.” He said as me, him, and Jai, closed our helmets and started walking towards the weird bounty hunter looking guy who was using all four of his limbs to run.
“Just let me blast it.” Jai said anxiously, on the left side of Ezra while I was on the right.
“It’s ok, I can get us out of this.” Ezra said in an unsure tone.
“You don’t sound too confident about that blue.” I said also feeling his unease.
Ezra let out a breathily chuckle at the nostalgic nickname that he remembers you giving him back when you both first met.
“Yeah well, I know you have my back no matter what.” He said. Hearing his smirk under his helmet, I can’t help but smirk too.
“No doubt.” He has no idea how right he is, I would do anything for him. But our small moment was cut short when the assassin made it to us, sniffing?
“LS-3226, LS-3227, and LS-3228, reporting. We’ve checked out this area and found nothing. Should we continue our search?” Ezra once again sounds unsure, but this time it’s understandable given this guy is up close sniffing his armor. Jai slowly raises his blaster, ready to shoot but I try to discreetly raise my hand to tell him to wait so, he wouldn’t blow our cover.
“No.” Is all the bounty hunter said before turning the opposite direction then quickly turning back around swinging at Ezra to catch him off guard, but Ezra was able to dodge and punch him instead until the hunter was able to trap Ezra with his legs, and that’s when me and Jai let loose with our blasters. Though the hunter was extremely fast as he dodged and our stray bullets were landing all around Ezra.
“Don’t shoot me, shoot him! Blast it!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying!” “What do you think we’re trying to do blue?!” I yelled back and the hunter was quickly running towards us and quickly dodging our shots so, I lifted up my helmet and force pushed him into a boulder as soon as he made a jump for Jai.
“Jedi.” The bounty hunter stated as Governor Pryce made it use and recognized or faces immediately.
“It’s Bridger and (L/n), blast them!” Pryce ordered.
As shots were coming towards us, me and Ezra took out our lightsabers and started blocking blast. Then the three of us jumped on our speeders.
“How many of them are back there?” Ezra asked then I turned around to check. “More than enough! Let’s try to loose them in there” I replied pointing to the sea of rocks, as I seen the bounty hunter coming towards us with a disrupter and I quickly took out my lightsaber and blocked him.
“Can’t this thing go faster?” I said already tired of this assassin guy.
“Hold him there. Just hold him there!” I looked to see why, just in time to see Jai in front of us going in between two rocks and understood Ezra’s idea. The hunter caught on and turned off from us to keep from crashing. That’s when the troopers behind started firing, but Ezra was able to dodge them. I seen a overhead we were speeding towards and took out a bomb and threw it. Causing the large rock to explode and block the troopers. But the hunter was moving to fast to stop so he sped up making it over the piles of rocks and I took my shot hitting the speeders engine causing it to explode and the assassin jumped off just in time to grasp onto a rock before he could fall, and glared at us. I smirked, then looked forward to see Ezra do his signature two-fingered salute and we sped off to the campsite.
We made it back skidding to a stop and seen Kanan walking towards us. “Good job, looks like our hyperdrive problem is solved.” Kanan said as we got off the speeders.
“Yeeeah well, you know how one problem usually leads to another?” Ezra asked Kanan
“Yeeah?” Kanan question in an annoyed tone knowing where Ezra was going with that question.
“We have another, and its small, creepy, and very dangerous!” I explained dramatically as we started walking towards everyone else.
Jai, Ezra, and I went to change back into our regular clothes, while everyone else was discussing the plan. Just as I was finished fixing my shirt, I felt two arms wrap around me and a nice sensation on my neck. I smiled knowing it was Ezra due to the affection and me sensing him as he was walking towards me. I sighed in relief, finally able to let my muscles release their tension even if it’s only for a minute. I closed my eyes and rested all of my weight into him taking a deep breath, lazily looking over my shoulder as he moved up from kissing my neck to my cheek. I giggled lightly and turned my body slightly to meet my lips with his and the deep soft groan he let out drove me crazy. I ran my fingers through his short soft hair, causing him to groan again, this time a lot stronger, precisely why I did it. I moved my hands down to rest them on top of his, that had started massaging my hips bringing out a soft moan from me. I released his lips and opened my eyes to see his lips chasing after mine to reconnect them. I leaned back still trying to catch my breath, but eventually I gave back in as he knew I would.
“You okay?” He asked while our lips were still pressed together continuously trying claim each others, I almost didn’t hear him.
“Mhm.” Is all I could reply back, but I knew better, when it came to my well-being mumbled answers are never accepted, especially after a mission but with his soft lips intertwined with mine I couldn’t focus. He pulled away causing me to whine and turn around completely wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him back down to me, but he wasn’t having it.
“(Y/n)” was all he said, I opened my eyes and responded back with a sigh.
“I’m fine, Ezra.” He frowned as if he didn’t believe me. “I promise.” I reassured him bringing my hands up to his face gently rubbing the permanent scar on his left cheek. He sighed and leaned into my touch, then leaned back down to capture my lips again. His hands started moving under my shirt, thumbs starting to rub my stomach. Enjoying the sensational buzz it was bringing me, I reached down to the waist of his pants to start unbuttoning them, until we heard someone clearing their throat and we jumped apart from each other. It was Hera. A strong heat immediately went to my cheeks, as I hurriedly fixed my shirt and smiled like everything was normal, awkwardly seeing Ezra out the corner of my eye quickly rebutting and zipping his pants back up before quickly turning around with the same smile.
“Hera! Heyyyy! What’s up?!” I say trying to act casual, but that was way out the window. I could tell with her with the way she was standing. Arms crossed with her hip poking out to the side with a small smirk on her face. I looked up at Ezra to see him turning red as he looked up somewhere over Hera that I couldn’t pinpoint.
“I came to check on you guys, and to see if you wanted to see how Sabine was coming along with the hyperdrive, but I can see you two are already preoccupied.” Hera stated
“Oh no, we weren’t doing anything important, come on let’s go.” I said trying to move pass the awkward moment missing the way Ezra head swung to me with a offended frown on his face.
We made it to the ship Sabine was working on. “How’s it going?” Hera called out.
“Well it wasn’t easy but I got it patched in. Still I give it a 50/50 chance of working.” Sabine explained.
“I’ll have to live with 50/50.” Hera responded back, when I felt Ezra’s dread and turned towards him and seen what he was looking at.
“Oh no.” He whispered. “We’re out of time!”
We quickly finished packing up a speeder-car with the supplies to send with Jai, to our allies.
“We’ll hold off the Empire until you’re clear, we’ll signal rendezvous coordinates later.” Ryder tells Jai
“And if we don’t hear from you?” Jai asked worriedly
“You will.” Ezra reassured him.
“Alright Bridger, good luck.” Jai said then sped off.
We all got ready to defend Hera for her take off, lining up behind some empty crates. I looked over to Sabine after seeing her move out the corner of my eye, seeing her looking at something behind us. I turned to see Hera and Kanan kissing. I smirked still a little shocked. “It’s about time.” I said as we all got ready to defend ourselves.
“We won’t stand long against those tanks.” Zeb stated
“We have that transport and a bike.” Ryder explained until the transport was blown up.
“How many can we get on a bike?” Zeb asked and I playfully rolled my eyes at the question. Until I hear a wolf howling and felt Ezra nudge my arm.
“There! That’s our way out.” He told everyone as continued to stare at the wolf that helped us last night.
“Loth-wolves?” Ryder questioned
“Look they helped us before, we should follow them.” Ezra told Ryder still a little unsure.
“Are you serious?”
“Do you know the way out?!” Ezra asked the wolf who immediately started running in a opposite direction after his question.
“Come on.” Ezra said grabbing my wrist and running to catch up with the wolves.
“Kanan?” Sabine asked worriedly.
“Seems like the best idea we got, let’s go.” He replied breathlessly
“This is good, when it gets strange like this, it’s a good thing.” Zeb reassured Ryder.
“How have you people stayed alive so long?!” Ryder yelled following everyone else.
We all were running after the wolves. Well Ezra was, we were following him.
“Ezra wait up!” Zeb called out which he ignored
“Ezra!” Sabine yelled this time.
“I don’t want to lose them, come on!” Ezra finally replied starting to run after them again, but stopped suddenly seeing the wolves all laying down, lowly growling as everyone else caught up.
“Hold it, stay back.” Ezra warned
“Why have they stopped?” Kanan asked
“I don’t know.” Ezra replied as he started walking towards the white wolf who seemed to be the leader of the three.
“Ezra, wait!” I whispered trying to reach for him but he dodged me.
He walked up to the white wolf slightly crouched and carefully talking to it.
“There is a way out of here, isn’t there?”
“You wanted us to follow you, didn’t you?”
“What are you waiting for?” All these questions Ezra was asking and the only reply the wolf gave was looking up at Kanan. Which made me uncomfortable.
“Kanan? Kanan it’s looking-”
“-At me I know.” He cut Ezra off and walked up to the white wolf. “What does it want?” He asked, that’s when the wolves got up and walked into a cave.
“I guess they were waiting for you.” I said as I walked up to them.
We all walked down into the cave, Sabine turned on her flag light looking at cave drawings.
“There are images here of people, people following a wolf.”
“I guess we’re not the first ones.” Zeb said
“Hold on. Shut your light off.” Ezra told Sabine. We were in complete darkness all we could see was the wolves eyes and listening to the wolves still lowly growling.
“What now, Ezra?” Kanan asked
“I’m not sure.”
“There wasn’t a picture of wolves eating those people was there?” Zeb whispered to Sabine.
All of a sudden the cave started shaking, dust and rocks falling, proving the cave wasn’t going to last long. The wolves looked up growling louder.
“The Empire’s bombing the mountains.” Ryder stated
“We’ve gotta get out of here!” Ezra stated turning seeing the white wolf tail in his face, and looking up to see the wolf nod.
“Everyone join hands.” Grabbing a hold of the wolf tail.
“Ezra?” I said unsure.
“Just do it!”
“The cave is going to collapse.” Zeb stated.
“There’s no way out of here.” Ryder said
“That we know of.” Kanan said trying to reassure everyone.
As we walked deeper into the cave a bright blue glowing light started to appear similar to hyperspace when we walked into it. Next thing I know, we’re all waking up in a cave, but it’s a totally different one.
“Where in blazes are we?” Zeb asked shocked
“Let’s find out.” Ezra said walking outside, the rest of us following.
Sabine came up with a data pad. “Uh, you’re not going to believe this. We were in the northern hemisphere, now we’re in the southern hemisphere. Somehow we’ve moved halfway across the planet.”
“Huh.” I said seeing the wolves go back into the cave with Kanan, so me and Ezra followed.
“Kanan?” I called out making sure he was ok.
“Look around, tell me what you guys see.” Kanan told us.
“This place reminds me of the Jedi temple here on Lothal.” Ezra stated as I walked to the pictures on the walls.
“The walls are telling a story. There are people coming down from the sky, I think they might be Jedi.” I told Kanan.
“There’s a message here for us.” Kanan said.
“What, because we’re Jedi?” I asked confused.
“Dume.” The wolf said.
“What does that mean? The wolf said it before.” Ezra asked.
Kanan took off his mask, shock on his face.
“Dume is my name. Caleb Dume is the name I was born with.” Kanan told us placing his hand in the wolf’s head.
“How does the wolf know that?” I asked even more confused than before.
“It has a deep connection to the force, to the energy of this planet.”
“Don’t all living things?” Ezra asked.
“This is different. More focused. Like it has a purpose.”
“And we’re apart of it?” I said starting understand in a way.
“I’m getting the feeling building the TIE defender isn’t the worst thing the Empire is doing here. There’s something else, something more sinister.” Kanan stated worriedly.
“Dume.” The wolf said while backing up into the shadow disappearing. And as the sunlight made its way further into the cave revealing that nothing was there but a wall with a picture on it, and a crack through the middle of it.
“So? All the paths are coming together, right?” Era asked
“Yeah, I’m just not sure if we’re going to like where they lead.”
“Do we ever?” I said sarcastically causing Kanan to scoff in amusement .
“No and yes.”
“I wonder if Hera made it.” Ezra said worriedly causing me to wonder as well.
“I know she did.” Kanan reassured us, he then placed his hands on our shoulders and walked outside with everyone else, and we followed.
Sorry this took me so long anon. I wasn’t sure if I liked this or not. I’ve edited this too many times, but you’ve waited long enough. Just let me if you like it and if not, I’ll try to edit it to how you like. Thank you for requesting anon! I hope enjoy!
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
so I love your work, I love how you write joe and yeah amazing honestly but I kid you not “Sunshine Blend Dark Roast” has got me kicking my feet and giggling like a little school girl🥺😂
me too! shit! and im the one writing it, gosh, what an experience! here's the last part, i hope it lives up to everyone's expectations! Wordcount: 3.2K ---
Sunshine Blend Dark Roast
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
Joe was there at 3, just like he said he was going to be and even after your shift, you were all energy. All bouncy. All ready to go be around Joe for a little while, because this was exciting.
“Where do you want to go?” you asked, stepping out, knowing being outside with Joe was risky. You weren’t stupid. But then, as you fell into step together, Joe suggested Starbucks, albeit as a joke, and you huffed a laugh. Yea, not a chance, you big dumb idiot. “People will see us there,” you said, and you frowned in thought. It threw Joe for a loop a little because, yes, exactly. People would see you there. Was that not what you wanted? Be seen out with him?  
“You know what,” you stopped walking. “I can do a fantastic pour over for us at my place,” you narrowed your eyes, seemed to think something over, then looked at Joe, smiled, and said, “This way,” and turned on your heel with a hop. 
It took Joe a second to mentally adjust to what was happening. 
You were walking Joe over to your place. Your flat, house, whatever. Your home. It was so forward, and so direct, Joe’s brain couldn’t really catch up quick enough with the reality of the situation he had suddenly found himself in. It made him follow you like a lost puppy since you were clearly in charge of the situation. You wanted something from Joe. He just hadn’t expected it to be this and for you to be so casual about it all.
He’d be willing to give.
You were gorgeous, and sure, terrifying, but it was the fun kind of scary, and although he always felt like he was one step behind, not fully in on the joke, he followed your lead blindly. You wanted something from Joe, and Joe decided on the doorstep of your home, that he was going to give it to you. 
Stepping inside, you immediately apologized.
“Sorry, I forgot about the– okay, so you know how sometimes, you take a hot mug of tea to bed? I did that, yesterday, mug in one hand, phone in the other,” you yapped away as you shrugged off your coat and threw it over a chair. 
“And usually,” you stepped into the kitchen where you started rummaging through cabinets. “I throw my phone onto my bed, and then carefully set the mug down on my bedside table, but this time,” you turned to see Joe stand in the middle of your flat, gaze trained at your sofa.
“I flung the full mug of tea at my bed and only realised what I’d done when I carefully placed my phone down on my bedside table.” 
You smacked your hand to your own forehead before tipping beans into a coffee grinder. 
You’d slept on the sofa that night and hadn’t bothered tidying up after yourself. Your duvet, pillows, and even your fumbled up pyjamas all made a big intimate mess of your living room. 
Joe just stared at it until he let a small grin take over. A girl had never so readily shown him her bed before. Temporary or not. This was where you slept.
Joe knew what you wanted. And he was going to hand it right over. 
Joe joined you in the kitchen, leant against the counter and watched you make coffee with a smug smile playing on his face. It took you much longer than it did at the coffee shop, but you seemed even more into it, and Joe stared at your expert movements through half-lidded eyes as you rambled through more stories. 
Joe wouldn’t have gotten a word in edgeways. Not that he tried, anyway. There was something about having you absolutely steamroll him with information, all chaotically in your verbal communication whilst your hands seemed all steady, muscle memory working hard, crafting perfect cups of coffee for the two of you. 
When you finished, you turned to Joe with two cups in hand, and Joe knew this was his chance. 
You’d stopped talking, looked at him all expectantly, and Joe found the courage to just, go for it. 
He stepped forward, let his hands find your hips and grinned at you as he got closer.
You didn’t smile back.
Joe leant in for a kiss, his movements fast.
But you leant back as well. Moved away just as quick. Nearly spilled the coffee, didn’t speak, but your face read pure fear as you stared at Joe, who still had his hands in an inappropriate place on your body.
Then it dawned on him, and it burned him up from the inside out.
It landed like a gut punch.
Pure knocked Joe’s breath straight out of his lungs.
A grand misstep.
Way worse than all the prior ones. Combined.
Humiliated and horrified.
Oh no.
What the fuck did Joe think he was doing? The complete doom that overtook him shattered everything he’d believed to be true up until this point. The voice in his head was screaming, top of its lungs, deafening horrid sounds that made Joe want to actually vanish.
Joe’d missed the last step of the long winding staircase again, but this step was reflective, bright orange, had been so difficult to be missed. But he missed it. Totally missed it. And he could run all he’d like, big steps, in a bid to save himself, but there was no way his knees weren’t going to meet the floor and scrape themselves bloody.
This was a misstep that could scar. Leave real marks, Joe knew. It was the worst thing Joe had ever done and he plummeted right into thick, sticky anxiety.
You watched Joe take stiff, robotic steps over to your sofa and sit down on top of your duvet, head in his hands, absolutely shitting bricks. He was muttering to himself, rocking slightly, talking himself through what appeared to be an active panic attack.
You looked at the coffee cups in your hands. You were fine. That was just a weird move. You were just meant to be having a coffee together. Your mind flooded with things to say, jokes to make, ill-timed and harshly worded, but Joe didn't need putting in place. Joe needed help, and you looked at the coffees in your hands and thought of what you could do to help.
“Do you... do you want some whisky in yours? I think I have some,” you placed the coffees back down and opened a cabinet. “Oh, I don’t. I’ve got baileys. Would you like some baileys in your coffee?”
You turned to look at Joe. Still rocking. Still muttering.
Joe snapped to look at you, but didn’t say anything.
Joe was about to break.
“Yea, all right. He looks like he needs it,” you said to no one. “I’m just going to go ahead and...” you poured in some baileys. Then, also in your own cup, to not make it weird. You looked over your shoulder at him. “Little more,” and gave Joe’s cup another healthy splash of liquor. Oof, that was definitely too much.
How to navigate Joe Quinn, sat on your sofa, which was also now your bed for the time being, going through a panic attack because you didn’t kiss him back? Safe to say this was a situation you never thought you’d find yourself in. But here you were. And alcohol seemed like a reasonable solution, no?
You sat down next to Joe, curled a leg under your bum to sit on and placed Joe’s coffee on the table in front of him.
He then turned to you, not making eye contact, and he was shaking. Because he hadn't just tried to kiss you, had he? He was going to go in for more, wasn't he?
Joe was reeling. Dizzy with all of it. He didn't know why his eyes were wet, but he knew he had questions.
“You don’t want to… I mean, wait… but, you don’t?”
You did. You did. But this wasn’t how people went about things, was it? Not how you had ever gone about things, at least, and just because this was Joseph mother fucking Quinn pressing his body up against yours in your kitchen, didn’t mean you were going to go about things in this way right now. You’d never even properly talked with him, had you?
You weren’t going to be that easy.
Weren't going to let it all pop, only to let it all fizzle out way too fast.
You weren't disposable.
But, yes, you did want to.
You wanted him to make you see full galaxies, the ones that lived behind your eyes. You wanted him to crowd all your senses. You wanted his arms around your waist, and his eyes so close to yours that your eyelashes would tangle when you blinked. You wanted that mouth on yours, softly, because look at how plush his lips were. But then also roughly, because this man gave you cute aggression and you needed to squeeze him until his skin broke and all his bloody guts spilled out. Kiss him until you were both bleeding from your mouths.
But you also wanted to hold and protect, because Joe looked broken a little, pained inside in dark places you didn’t know how to reach and it was an unknown mixture that didn’t seem to want to emulsify and gel properly within you. 
Fuck and caress.
Hurt and comfort.
Smack him across the face, because what the fuck, Joe, but then also hug him so very tightly, whisper that it was okay and that you had him.
You did want Joe to kiss and to touch and to hold. You did. But not right here right now, you didn’t. You just wanted to have a coffee with him, so you shook your head and couldn’t help the little smile as you scrunched up your brows at him. Joe looked so lost, it was a little endearing.
“What do you want?” Joe didn’t get it. Never understood. Couldn’t even begin to understand.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, all casual, like Joe hadn’t just died and traveled to hell and back right in front of your eyes.
“I like playing. See you go all shy. Give you compliments to see your ears go red,” you confessed. It didn’t help. Joe just stared at you; blank faced. You tried to see cogwheels turn, but Joe gave you nothing. So then you suggested, “Maybe we can hold hands later.” and it made Joe turn his head away from you slowly to stare into nothingness for a moment.
It gave you a moment to taste your coffee. Ooh, yes, that was definitely too much baileys in there. You looked at Joe’s cup – that was going to be undrinkable, surely.
“Hold hands?” he then sputtered. So confused. Almost grossed out by the looks of him, as if it was a preposterous thing to suggest.
“Yea, holding hands could be nice, couldn’t it?” you shrugged again, smiled thinking of it. Holding hands with Joe would be nice. You were kind of right. The voice of reason resided within you, you concluded.
“Why?” he spoke on an exhale.
What a question. Joe was really going through it.
“Pffft... I don’t know, why do people ever hold hands?”
You thought you’d gotten him a little out of his brain there for a moment, but he slumped right back in. This time you could see how his eyes darted around the room. Cogwheels inside definitely turning. Gaining up speed too, by the looks of it. His breathing steadied slightly, and you thought, okay good, Joe was coming back around.
And he was.
Because then he turned back to you, and offered you his hand.
Holding hands would be kind of nice, Joe agreed. The simple kind of nice he hadn't known had been missing from his life for a while now.
You looked at his hand for a moment, then scrunched your nose as you made eye contact with him. He still looked a little ashen, and you knew he was still spaced out, all floaty, locked up in his head somewhere. But, you could coax him out. You knew exactly how.
“Are you sure?” you teased, a little unsure if Joe was going to be able to handle your play.
“Yes,” Joe said, his lips threateningly close to smiling.
You got him.
“Just checking,” you said, as you took it, fingers interlacing. “I love a man who’s sure.”
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Did you end the date all awkward? Yes.
It was a quick goodbye at your door, a strange hug that didn't really even count as a hug, you thought. It also lasted too long. Made it even weirder.
Did Joe promise he'd see you again the next day? Also yes.
He said he'd come in to get a coffee, promised it, two hands wrapped around one of yours as he said it, like he thought you'd absolutely die if he wouldn't.
Did you tell him, "Relax, you big weirdo"? No, but you sure as hell thought it.
Little Joey seemed far too fragile to take any more of your dumb shit yesterday, so telling him he was a weirdo didn't feel right. But today, as he walked in, he seemed... comfortable. At peace, a little. No tensed shoulders. No tight lipped smile. Maybe Joe had read your mind when you mentally told him to relax, because clearly, he'd listened.
"Good morning, what can I get you?" customer service voice, a chipper tone you'd never used on Joe before.
Joe stared up at the menu behind you, like a real customer would do.
"You know what, I think I'll have a large cappuccino,"
It took you a moment, but your smile was already there, tugging up the sides of your mouth because you didn't think Joe would ever surprise you. Not like this.
"Are you sure?" you barely got it out of your mouth, it sounded all strained and made Joe smile before he answered, "No."
And you laughed. Spilled all of your butterflies right out of your stomach within your laughter, right onto the counter, where everyone got to see.
"So adventurous!" you quipped as you reached for a cup. "I love an adventurous man,"
Now it was Joe's turn to laugh, and he shook his head. You had an answer for fucking everything, hadn't you?
Then, it was all giddy excitement.
You smiled at the man you were absolutely gone for, cup in hand, sharpie in the other, and had the audacity to ask for his name.
You couldn't fucking believe it. Your eyes turned into love hearts at Joe's stupid smirk and no one else existed for a moment. It was just you and Joe in the coffee shop and it was all pink, and all fuzzy. Joe just gave you his real name and let you win the game.
You loved playing games, and you always played to win.
Making a cappuccino never took this much time. You spent way too long on it, wanted to make sure you did it real good for him, not make him regret straying from his safe space, where he was comfortable, where he has the boring usual. It was just a regular cappuccino, but, it wasn't. It was much more than that.
When you finished and slapped the lid on, Joe was there at the end of the counter, waiting, like he always was, and where you always found the time to play. You held out the drink to Joe, and Joe moved to take it, but then, like last night, you moved back. Out of his reach. For a fraction of a second, Joe's face fell, but your grin saved it.
"You want this?"
And they were words of magic, because Joe then, for the first time in months, dared to think of what he wanted.
"I do,"
"Then come get it," and you bent your full body over the counter, leant onto your elbow, but held your other hand back, outstretched all the way, the cappuccino far behind you. It meant Joe had to get closer to reach. Way closer, until he was close enough to kiss.
"You want this?" You whispered, but still smiling, and you could feel in your bones just exactly how much Joe wanted it. Joe's feet found the last step of the large winding staircase safely this time. Knees unscathed. All guilt washed away as your lips found each other, and you kissed.
Joe wasn't the one who closed the distance between you, that was you, but Joe was the one who decided he could wrap hands around your neck, strong fingers around your jaw with thumbs across your cheeks. Joe wasn't the one who let your kiss grow deeper, that was you, but Joe was the one who licked his tongue across your lips, even though your mouth was already open to begin with.
You kissed until you wanted to climb over the counter, and Joe's head was spinning. Absolutely gone for each other. This is what Joe wanted, and the sheer realisation of it filled Joe all the way up the brim with strength. Self-confidence. Force. Energy. The want to play. It filled Joe up with all this good, so much, you felt it drip into your own mouth, and it made you smile. It made you smile hard, until it made you laugh and Joe couldn't hold back his own throaty giggles anymore as you finally broke away from him.
Joe was blushing like you'd never seen a man blush before. Neck, cheeks, ears; all rosy red and blotchy and cute, oh so fucking god damn adorable, lips all shiny, you could hardly stand it.
Joe reached for the cappuccino you'd forgotten about, were about to drop if you hadn't been reminded of it, and said, "bye," real close to your face, making you hold in a squeal. And Joe could tell. Just made his grin grow even wider as he was about to step out.
"See you tomorrow, idiot!" you shouted after him before he did.
And outside, Joe saw.
For the first time in months, you'd not written Joe on his cup. Joe gave you his real name. For the first time, his real name! Gave it to you, for you to write it down on his cup, and then, you hadn't.
Joe sighed. Smiled. Shook his head and moved his cup so his hand covered the word "idiot" you'd written in all caps, because other people wouldn't understand, and took another sip.
Actually, this cappuccino wasn't all that bad.
Maybe he'd try something different again tomorrow.
He wasn't sure, and wasn't that beautiful?
He'd see where this adventure would take him. Walls down, voice silenced, darkness aside and sweet golden sunbeams cascading down. Maybe he'd focus solely on what he wanted.
What did Joe want?
Joe knew.
Joe wanted to wear sunglasses and stare straight into the sun for hours. Joe wanted to risk going blind, because it was all play, and it seemed so fun. Joe wanted to leave the dishes for a moment, because he was going to nail this essay, he just knew it. Top marks, he was so sure.
Joe knew what he wanted. Knew what he liked. Knew exactly what he craved more of.
It was scary. But it was so fun. And it was all you.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @harrys-tittie @chaoticgood-munson @jenisnotlost @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @xeddiesbattattsx @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff - (tag list currently full)
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Harry’s Girls (blurb)
pairing: harry styles x female reader (angel)
summary: harry just loves to spend time with his girls, and baby bee’s arrival is just around the corner
a/n: i my loves! i know i’ve been posting a ton of f1 but i havent forgot about my babies and this au!! i’ve been in a bit of a writing slump when it comes to long pieces but i’m bouncing back!🤍
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Watching Harry move around the patio space the two of you had in Frankfurt, setting up brunch for the two of tou to enjoy before he needed to head to the venue for rehearsals and some last minute meetings, brought a sense of warmth to you. His hair was down, some of the strays lining his face which made him look even more handsome. Light kicks to your stomach from your baby girl bringing yet another smile to your face knowing she’d be arriving very soon and you’d be a family of 3.
“what are you smiling at angel?”
“just thinking about how soon we’re gonna have bee here”
Harry nodded, pouring some orange juice in your glass, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek before he sat next to you
“i’m so excited”
“you’re going to be the best dad in the world”
Seeing a blush creep up on his cheeks brought a smile to your face, your hands coming up to cups his cheeks so you could press a kiss to his lips when a few rough little kicks hit my ribs
“Oh! Bee thinks you’re not giving her enough attention”
“Well, we can’t have that then huh?”
Harry leaned down to press a few kisses to your stomach, the smile he had never leaving his face
“hi baby, how are you feeling? mummy’s about to feed you some really yummy snacks”
She moved more causing a laugh to spill from his lips
“yeah you’re excited for some food huh?”
Admiring Harry while he spoke to your daughter was going to be something you’d miss when she got here. Having his early morning chats and late night talks against your bump were moments you wish you could take a snapshot of and have forever. There was no one else in the world you’d rather be taking this journey with, Harry proved to you day in and day out that you were the absolute love of his life, just as he was for you.
“My girls-”
Harry sat up pulling you into his side, his shoulders shaking slightly with laughter
“I was just saying how much I love you and bee, my girls”
“We love you so much, always and forever.”
The smiles and giggles coming from you for the duration of breakfast, soft kisses and stolen whispers filling the space around you. This is what it felt like to feel as if you two were the only people around, the world quiet, completely free for you and Harry to admit whatever you wished to each other. You couldn’t wait though, for the sound of little feet against the floorboards, toys spread throughout your home, and the baby giggles that would soon flow like music to your ears.
It was something you and Harry were both looking forward too, and would experience sooner than you thought.
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honeekyuu · 1 month
Hello!!! I’m back to ramble again 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
TALK TOO MUCH Y/N I FEEL YOU. “He wasn’t looking at me!” TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN POOKIE. CHUBBY READER MY BELOVED. THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!!!! Do I not math? Absolutely not it makes me want to rip my hair out but for this fic suddenly I love it.
“Oh you’re unwell.” Thank you Suna. You know what would make it better? A kiss- WHAT WHO SAID THAT??? BAHAHA IT’S SO FUNNY AND I WANT TO EAT IT. THANK YOU FOR BLESSING US WITH MORE SUNA CONTENT.
Also not believing Suna only wanted a photo bcs he wanted to affirm her. He definitely wanted to see a chubby goddess and was like “GUYS. NOW’S MY CHANCE. 🥳🥳🥳🥳!!!!” ALSO HIS REACTION LIKE ABOUT TO BARK??? FIND ME A MAN LIKE THAT. GUYS PROGRAMMERS (not me, please I refuse to make another app I can’t-) MAYBE WE NEED THIS APP FR. WE ALL NEED A MAN TO BARK AT US WHEN WE’RE INSECURE.
Tattoo Suna 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 sorry he lives rent free in my head and the urges to draw get to me occasionally. if you can’t tell I am writing this ask as I read the fic so I can yap about my favorite things bcs I have the memory and attention span of a goldfish. 🧍🏻‍♀️
I don’t think you understand how much I’m already in love with this fic. Suna wasn’t in my top ten (I’m sorry Suna Seijoh 4 have my heart so you can’t be too 3-) but then I read “Take the edge off” and he bumped himself up- point is. Your characterization of Suna makes me fucking feral. And listen, I may be asexual but…
Your fics are my drugs fr! Like addicted to how you characterize everyone. They’re all feral and I love it.
This is for everyone who’s made it this far in my rambles; You’re deserving of love no matter your size, shape, skin color, acne, imperfections, and sexuality. Everyone deserves love and that includes you. Drink water, eat food, take a shower or bath to decompress. It’s good to take breaks from your stressful day and I’m encouraging it actually. If you need to stop in your shift to go to the bathroom to breathe for a few minutes then PLEASE DO THAT. I will fight if anyone gets upset at you doing that. I know I’m a stranger on the internet but incase no one has told you today. I love you, you’re doing your best even if your best today was “less” effort than it was the day before or than it will be tomorrow. Point is. Even if all you did today was eat food or read something I’m proud of you and I love you.
Okay ramble over!
Love you guys <333
-sincerely bakery anon 🍪
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endless-ofdreams · 1 year
hiii! i don't know if you take requests or not but if you do, can i ask for something more of your yan!jester oc? i don't know exactly what but i'm sure whatever you write will be amazing
(i really loved your fic so much i was blushing and kicking my feet tbh)
thank you!
satyrn note: i'm going to fucking kms because i wrote something for this and tumblr restarted AND DELETED EVERYTHING LIKE WHAT THE FUCK, FUCK YOU @staff
anyways, i will write it again just because it isn't your fault and i want to give you more of jester. 👍 sorry if it's short though, i want to take a nap and the anger i have it's overwhelming-
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“ My Queen! ” Ziszek, your jester, exclaimed while running to you. The bells in his hat making some guards chuckle when he passed by them on the castle's garden.
You turn around to him, a butterfly setting itself in one of your fingers. “ My jester. ” You said with a smile.
Ah. Your jester. He loved every time you called him that.
“ A letter! ” He raises the piece of paper in his hands, panting as he tries to gain his breathing. “ For you. ”
You leave the butterfly in one of the many flowers your garden have, taking the letter from his hands; almost giving him a heart attack when your fingers brushed his gloved ones.
You open the letter and start reading it with a smile. But it quickly changed when you almost finished.
When a frown replaced your smile, Ziszek frowned as well.
“ Something wrong, your majesty? ”
You gulp before shaking your head. “ No, no. Just... it seems like my maester is still moving things, even in the afterlife. ”
Ziszek frowns, adorably tilting his head in confusion.
Closing the letter and looking to an specific flower, you sigh.
Silence engulfs the moment before you smile, a polite smile, one that you practiced to hide your true emotions. “ It's from a prince. He wishes to meet. ” You turn around, fixing some flowers to distract yourself; missing the green eyed monster watching you from behind. “ It's alright, after all, it's my duty as the Queen to get married and find a King for my kingdom. Sacrifice is royalty. ” You repeat your father's common phrase to use whenever you didn't want to do something.
You really didn't want to get married. You, as naive as you could be, still wanted a fairytale meeting with your prince charming. Not arranged meetings or princes that wish to have you only for your title or land.
But you will obey.
Meanwhile, Ziszek is fuming.
How dare he.
How fucking dare he.
It seems like he wasn't convincing enough with the maester's death. Or your parents'. Or the duke!
But not to worry, he is always available to deliver the message. Across the country, even, if it's necessary.
“ — don't you? ”
Ziszek shakes his head, the bells on his hat making a funny sound that makes you giggle, raising your hand to your lips failing at covering your smile. He almost forgot his anger.
“ P-pardon? ” He stutters.
You shake your head. “ Not to worry. It was nonsense, just my insecurities being the centre of attention. ”
He wants to scream.
He was so occupied in thinking how could he kill that prince that he didn't paid attention to you.
He is already ruining things for the two of you!
“ I shall go, must consult this. ” You mutter the last part, raising your dress a bit to walk comfortably.
He doesn't even seem to register your goodbye before the guards close the palace door behind you.
Ziszek storms to his room (which you sent to be built as a birthday present) and slams the door after he enters.
His hands are shaking, his hat is almost falling and his makeup is a bit smudged.
He doesn't even know where to begin in his grief.
He should've trusted his instincts, he should've hide the letter or, at least, read it before delivering it. He should've done something!
He feels like sobbing when his knees hit the ground, his hat falling to his lap. One of his hands grab it and in mere seconds, he turns into a monster.
He starts hitting the ground as he screams, “ THAT FUCKING BASTARD! ” his fist clutching the hat for dear life, its bells whining at the contact with the floor while his heart feels like it's being ripped out.
He is going to torture him, he will tear that prince's eyes out, burn them, cut his fingers one by one, shave his head with the dagger you gifted him (in fear of your parent's asssasin killing him, oh you silly girl) and then slit his throat.
Everytime you leave the room, he feels like his body will melt. When your face has a frown, he puts on the biggest performance ever to make you smile. If something goes wrong, he will fix it; you don't need to lift a finger. And if you were a sadistic beauty, he would kill himself for your entertainment as well.
He would die for you.
So why shouldn't he kill for you too?
When he finishes with his tantrum, his hands are trembling because of the pain; he's sure that they are a flaming red underneath the velvety gloves, some bells fell off his hat, his hair is disheveled covering half of his eyes and his makeup is almost gone.
He sniffs, patting his bed a few times before grabbing a doll. A doll that resembles you, and that he made. He hugs it as he continues to cry.
“ My dearest. ” He whispers, a hiccup interrupting him before sobbing. “ Nothing will take you away— I will defend you from the vultures all my life if you need me to. ”
He raises the doll as well as his head, his smudges makeup makes it seem like he is wearing a frown instead of a crazy smile.
“ Order it. ” He says, caressing the doll's cheeks with a giggle; it feels as soft as yours, as soft as when he caressed them while you were sleeping peacefully after a big meeting with the church leaders. “ Command me, my love. ”
The doll's head falls to the side which makes him stand up in a swift movement, laughing like a maniac as he jumps around with the doll in his arms.
“ As you wish! ” He screams with a smile, closing his eyes as he falls to bed, wishing to dream about you before sneaking at midnight to kill the boy that wishes to ruin the happiness he spent so many years building.
You should hide the castle's letters from now on.
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springlucked · 1 month
hi i love you davesport fics so much i just fjdgfjdgvs,, i love the way you write them and how you characterize them and your writing in general, thr pacing n shit is always so spot on and its so enjoyable to read and i just man theyre great. especially the long fic you have with a shit ton of angst in it, i forgot what its called LMAO but man its so fuckin good, the way you write henry just makes me despise him even more, like holy fuck i hate this bitch i am going to murder him,,, and the way you write dave n his old sport, its so. its so good i dont have the right words to describe it idk. and them in your fluffy fics, like im sittin there just giggling kicking my feet like an IDIOT your fics make me so happy anyway um .im rambling have a good day thank you for your contributions to this silly fandom :D youre easily my fav dsaf writer, again god idk how to express how much i love how you characterize these idiots, AND YOUR AUTHORS NOTES theyre always so funny i love readin them when i finish/start a chapter its like yeah dude. these fuckers are in love they are so fuckin dumb. or whatever you say in the note that time, fuck im rambling again okay thank you bie
getting an ask that just starts with “hi i love you” was so funny to see hadknajwlw but srsly thank u so much.. you’re very sweet teehee
maybe i should rename Dearly Detested to ‘long fic with a shit ton of angst’ …
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