#Giants At Play: Finding Wisdom
thepersonalwords · 2 months
Rigorously comb through the pages of your life until you can even speak its broken dialects fluently.
Curtis Tyrone Jones, Giants At Play: Finding Wisdom, Courage, And Acceptance To Encounter Your Destiny
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lavandulawrites · 3 months
Autonomy Of a Free Soul
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Chapter 1: Wonderland
This is an yandere genshin men x reader that will have multiple chapters (I don’t know how many just yet). Every genshin male will be a part of this “harem” sooner or later. This will be cross posted on ao3. It will partially follow the plot of genshin impact. 
Synopsis: You find yourself in the meadow by the giant oak tree at Windrise. You have faint memories of falling into a well which is deeply hidden inside a cave by your home. You get captivated by the tune a green clad man plays on his lyre high up in the tree.
Warnings: female reader
Word count: 4227
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Light peered through your eyelashes as your eyelids fluttered. A pleasant warmth enveloped you. The fresh breeze caressed your cheeks. The surface underneath you was soft and you would have thought that it was a bed had you not smelled the fresh air of the outdoors.
You slowly opened your eyes and blinked at the sun. Your slowly sat up and let your eyes roam your surroundings. You were laying on a green meadow filled with various delicate wild flowers. A few birds flew across the clear sky. A few dandelion seeds blowed with the wind towards you. To your right were a huge tree, who’s branches reached for the blue endless sky.
After a while you rose to your feet and began following the little stream up to the tree. A couple of fishes swam happily along the stream and a few frogs hopped in front of your path.
Despite your confused state, you were filled with tranquility. Had you not known better, you would have thought you had reached heaven.
As you stopped by the large tree you heard the soft melody of a lyre. You walked around the thick trunk in search of its source.
On one of its thick branches sat a light green clad man. His long and slender fingers gently strummed the strings of his lyre, creating a beautiful melody. Though the melody had no words, you could feel the heavy emotion it carried.
You had no idea how long you stood underneath the tree listening to his song. The man opened his eyes and revealed his stunning cyan irises. He was around your age, early twenties, but his big eyes revealed wisdom beyond your imagination.
His gaze met yours and you were stunned by his beauty. He hopped down from the branch with playful elegance.
He bowed before you, his lyre behind his back. “Hello my beautiful maiden. What an honour it is to have such a stunning lady to be my audience. I am truly a lucky bard” he smiled and winked at you playfully.
You were taken aback by his flirtatious words. “Hello” you smiled back. “Your music is really beautiful. Does the song you just played have a name?”
“Not yet” he shook his head. He tapped his chin in a thoughtful manner before he lit up “What if I name it after you? What’s your name sweetheart?” his tone gleeful.
“[Name]. What’s yours?”
“Oh my, what a lovely name! I am Venti the bard” he took of his hat and bowed deeply, with his feet crossed. He spun his hat in the air before he put it back on. “I haven’t seen you around before and believe me when I say that I know everyone in Mondstadt. So [Name], where exactly are you from?”
At his question your eyes widened. You had almost forgotten how you woke up suddenly in the flowerbed. Before you had woken up in this unfamiliar landscape, you had been on a walk in the woods by your home. You had explored a cave and had tripped on a root and fallen down into an ancient well. When you opened your eyes you found yourself here in the meadow.
“You are right I’m not from around here” you sighed. You hesitated. Was it wise to tell him about the well? You couldn’t be too sure if he was to be trusted or not. After a moment of thinking, you chose to tell him all the details. Maybe he could help you? “I fell into a well inside a cave back home, but strangely I can’t remember everything else. My memories from my home is there, but they’re glossy” you prayed that he wouldn’t think that you were crazy.
“I see…That’s really unfortunate. I don’t think I can help you with returning home” Venti smiled sadly.
“It’s okay. I guess there is no helping it…”
His hand slipped into his shorts and pulled out a cloth that was round in shape. He opened the flowery cloth and revealed the reddest apple you had ever seen. “Do you like apples? I myself absolutely love them. I can’t ever seem to get enough” he laughed.
“I love apples” you nodded and returned his smile.
Venti skilfully broke the apple in half with his fingers. He gave you one of the half’s. The aroma of the apple reached your nose and you hummed in delight.
“Smells good? It will taste even better” he took a bite himself and closed his eyes in delight.
You followed his example. The taste did not disappoint. The apple was juicy and sweet. It was perfect.
“Do you know where you’ll stay tonight?” he asked as he wiped his fingers in the cloth. His apple completely vanished.
“No…” you smiled sheepishly.
“I see… The city is quite far away. A couple of hours walk in fact.”
His eyes got a certain glint in them. “But I have another way of transportation” he winked.
You tilted your head at his implication. “Another way of transportation? What might that be?”
Venti turned his back slightly towards you and pointed at a round crystal decoration. “I’ll use this! The power of anemo sure is amazing!”
“Anemo?” you blinked at him.
Venti quickly spun around. His expression one of shock. “Don’t tell me you don’t know what visions and elemental powers are?”
“Umm… I don’t… Sorry” you winced in embarrassment. You really didn’t understand a thing.
“I guess you really aren’t from around here. Worry not! Visions are amulets that let people control the elements. Anemo is the wind element. Mondstadt, where we are now, is the nation of anemo”
“Ohh… I see” you nodded, but you found it difficult to believe in amulets and elemental powers. Was he playing tricks on you?
“I can sense your hesitation. Let me demonstrate”. The bard held his hand of for you to take. “May I?”
You nodded as you took his hand. His skin was soft and warm.
Wind engulfed you both as Venti wrapped his arms around you. “Hold on tight!”
The wind lifted you both up high in the air. You two soared fast in the air and you clutched your hands at tightly as you could onto his arms. “Don’t be scared! Trust me! We will not fall down”
The landscape became almost blurry underneath your feet as you moved as fast as the wind. You had never felt as free as you did soaring high in the air with a man you just had met. It felt like a scene from one of the fairytales your mother used to read you.
A city could be seen in to horizon. When you two got closer, you could faintly make out three large windmills and a large cathedral.
“That’s Mondstadt city. The city of freedom. Home to many bards such as myself” Venti’s breath ghosted your air softly.
“It’s beautiful” you said in awe.
Venti laughed at your comment. “It really is isn’t it?” he sounded almost like a proud father.
The two of you landed in front of a big stone bridge which led up to the city.
The cobblestone clicked underneath your shoes as you made your way over. A small boy was standing by the edge of the bridge feeding a couple of pigeons. The birds fled at the sight of the two of you, earning you both an earful from the little boy.
When you reached the gates, you were greeted by two knights. Venti only smiled and greeted them, which they returned.
The city was lively and music filled the streets. Multiple street vendors were littered across the streets.
Venti led you up to a more quiet part of town. “This hotel is both cheap and nice” he told you as he opened the hotel door which was painted a lively red colour.
The walls were of dark brown panel and the red rug with a forest motif that led to the staircase was well-loved. The lobby was decorated with different nicknacks. On the walls were paintings of the city.
The owner of the hotel was an elderly man with blond hair with greying streaks. When he smiled his eyes crinkled with crows feet. He looked like someone’s grandfather. He smiled at Venti from behind the reception desk that was cluttered with various papers and an comical large flower vase filled with tulips in the colour of the rainbow. “Hello Venti. What can I do for you today?”
“Hello Meier. Do you have any rooms available for this young lady?” he smiled at the man. Venti had told you on the way to the hotel that Meier owed him a favour. “She doesn’t have anywhere to stay tonight and I thought since you owe me, that maybe you had a spare room for her?”
Meier’s smile turned sheepish. “I’m sorry Venti, but I really don’t have any spare room. The whole hotel is booked. You see a couple of diplomats from the other nations have come here and they have taken all the rooms in the finer hotels”. He turned his eyes round you “I am really sorry miss. Perhaps you could try some of the ins close to the city?”
You bid your farewells to Meier before you exited the hotel.
You sighed as you sat down at a bench near a fountain. You were far from home, in a whole different world given the unfamiliar city and the weird creatures or rather monsters you had seen, and you had absolutely nowhere to stay the night. Money was also something you completely lacked.
Venti was staring of into the distance, deeply lost in thought. After a while he turned towards you. “As Meier said, the other hotels are absolutely packed so it’s not worth to even check. ” he sighed. “I’m sorry. Here I was trying to be a good Mondstadt guide too” he shook his head, causing his braids to gently flap against his cheeks in a rather cute manner.
“No, no. Don’t apologise. This isn’t your fault. Not in the slightest” you tried to reassure him. “But what about the ins? Maybe they have some rooms available?”
“They might have some rooms available, but the roads outside of the city is filled with monsters lately. It’s simply to dangerous for someone without a vision. And I take it that you don’t have any training in combat?” his voice was serious and his eyes intense.
“I see. I don’t have any combat skills” you sighed.
After a moment of silence Venti spoke up again. “What if you stay at my place? There’s space and I will sleep on the couch” he looked at you with something you recognised as hope. His large eyes glittered and the way the soft light from the sunset hit them made them absolutely breathtaking.
You were so in awe of his beauty that you almost forgot to answer him. “I would love to. Thank you very much Venti. I really hope it isn’t too much of a bother for you” you smiled at him with gratefulness.
“Not at all! Let’s get going before it gets too late.”
Venti’s home was in a apartment building in the livelier part of the city. His apartment was on the top floor (the fifth floor). The walls were covered in a pale green wallpaper with dandelion seeds motifs. It consisted of a bathroom, a bedroom with a queen bed, a open kitchen and living room, a closet and a balcony. The balcony overlooked a little stage with rows of chairs in front of it. Venti told you that it was a place where amateurs could preform, be it music or plays.
Venti led you to the kitchen which he began rummaging through the cabinets. “It’s late so I’ll cook us some dinner. It won’t take long.”
“Do you need any help?” you asked as your eyes trailed hai movements. Despite his human appearance, he moved like he belonged in the sky. His every movement was fluid and his movements looked like dancing steps.
“No. Sit back and relax. You’re my guest after all” he smirked.
You hummed at the delicious taste of the pasta bolognese. “Wow Venti! You’re a really great cook!”
“Thank you, though I’m only an amateur” he smiled as he took a bite himself.
The dining table was of light wood. It was cowered with a white table cloth with embroidered light blue flowers. A candlestick was lit in the middle of the table, creating a cozy feeling. At the end of the table were various note sheets which Venti had tried to hastily clean up when you first entered the apartment.
“How does one obtain a vision?” you asked as you took a sip of the dandelion wine he had poured in your glass.
“It’s a favour from the gods. Those that reside in Celestia. It’s a sing of great ambition. The anemo vision is given to those who value freedom in a great deal” he nodded towards his vision that were laying on top of the countertop.
“Ahhh I see. How many types of visions are there?”
“Seven. All the seven nations are the homes of different elements. Mondstadt as you know is the nation of anemo, Liyue is the nation of geo, Inazuma is electro, Sumeru is dendro, Natlan is pyro and Snezhnaya is cryo” he spinners his fork in some spaghetti before he lifted the fork to his mouth. “Each nation have their own archon, god if you will. The one in Mondstadt is called Barbatos.”
“I see” you nodded. “Quite fascinating.”
“Yeah, I guess you can indeed say that”. He noticed your empty plate. “I’ll go and clean the dishes, then I will make your bed” he rose form his seat and collect the empty dishes.
“I should help you” you stood up and carried the empty wine glasses to the sink.
“No it’s okay. You’re my guest” he said reassuringly.
Venti’s bookshelf’s were filled with various works of poetry, fiction, song lyrics and historical books. You ran your fingertips over their backs. Your fingers were coated in a light veil of dust. You took out a book on Mondstadt’s history out of the shelf. You sat down in the light teal sofa. A few strands of treads were sticking out of the seems, making it clear as day that this sofa was well loved.
Your eyes went to the kitchen were Venti was humming on a tune while he scrubbed a pot clean. His voice was angelic and you hoped you would be so lucky that you would be able to hear him sing sometime. Venti was so kind and welcoming. He had told you the history of Mondstadt as you had walked among the streets of the city. He had told you so much that you felt like you knew Mondstadt like one would with a childhood friend. Yet, you knew absolutely nothing about Venti. You knew of his profession and his love for dandelions and wine, but that was it.
Venti’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. “I’m finished” he stood in front of you on the soft rug. “It’s getting late, so maybe we should get some sleep. I have made your bed. Don’t worry, I changed the sheets too” he smiled. The sun from the sunset casted a warm light on Venti’s features. His eyes glittered more than ever before and he looked like someone straight out from a fairytale. He didn’t look human.
“Yes we should. Thank you Venti. Thank you for your hospitality. I’m extremely grateful” you smiled sweetly up at him.
He chuckled. You swore that you could see a faint blush that lightly dusted his cheeks.
Venti’s bed was comfortable and the duvet soft. You quickly drifted off into a deep slumber.
Your dreams were of wells and deep caves. You tried to walk up, but to no avail.
After a long night filled with night terrors, you finally woke up to bird chirping. Sunlight were shining through the white curtains, warming your skin.
You lazily sat up and stretched your limbs. You still felt helpless regarding your situation, but it was little you could do. At least at the moment.
You turned on the shower and let the warm water hit your skin. Venti’s soap had a slight smell of apples and you welcomed the faint fragrance.
After your shower you got dressed and went to the kitchen.
Venti was sitting by the kitchen table while reading a newspaper. His black brows furrowed in concentration. On the table were a basket of bread and strawberry jam and apple jam. He had poured two glasses of apple juice which looked refreshing. His eyes flickered up to meet yours. He smiled gently. “Good morning sleepyhead. Slept well?”
You took the seat opposite of him. “Good morning. Not really. I had a nightmare” you sighed. “But thanks again for staying here. I don’t know what I would have done if I couldn’t” you laughed slightly.
“Nightmares are an awful thing. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get rid of them myself” he smiled sadly before his expression changed into a jovial one. “You’re very much welcome.”
You two talked about everything and nothing while you ate. Venti was easy to talk to and you felt you could tell him everything. It was almost like you were compelled. It was a peculiar feeling.
“We need to get you some new clothes.”
“Yeah, but I don’t have any money…” you sighed. Your situation really was unfortunate.
“I will pay. Consider it a gift from me” he smiled.
“But you have already done so much for me. I feel guilty.”
“Please don’t. Believe me when I say that it’s my pleasure.”
“Okay. Thank you” you smiled at the bard.
He returned you smile. “I know of another outlander that is here in Mondstadt. I can introduce you to her. Maybe she will be able to help you with your predicament? And if not, you will have made a new friend. Friends is something you never can get too much off.”
Angle’s Share was rather empty given how early it was. Some patrons were playing a game of cards as the sipped on their beer steins.
The bartender by the counter greeted you as you entered. His hair as red as fresh blood, giving a stark contrast to his pale skin. He was handsome and you could easily understand why he was the bachelor of Mondstadt (that was Venti had told you on your way there). He grunted at the sight of Venti. “Here to pay your tab?” his voice deep and velvety.
Venti laughed awkwardly. “No, I’m actually showing my friend here around Mondstadt. Diluc this is [Name], [Name] this is Diluc” he gestured to each of you.
“Nice to meet you [Name]” the red head smiled.
“Nice to meet you as well Diluc” you smiled back.
“Oh by the way. Have you seen Lumine today?” the bard asked Diluc who was polishing a wineglass.
“She’s upstairs” his answer curt as he continued to work.
Venti nodded before he led you upstairs.
The second floor was empty save from a blond girl and a fairy-like creature that was floating beside her. The girl turned around and smiled when she saw Venti. The fairy followed her example. “Tone deaf bard!” she said she sage waved her little hand. Her voice was high pitched and nearly gave you a headache.
“Hello ladies” Venti playfully greeted. “This is [Name]. [Name] this is Lumine and Paimon. Lumine was the one who saved Mondstadt from the incident I told you about.”
“Nice to meet you. Though I couldn’t have done it on my own. I got help from friends” Lumine smiled. Her topaz coloured eyes shone in the sunlight that peered through the open window. “Why don’t you two take a seat?”
“Nice to meet you Lumine. I must say your strength, from what I have heard, is truly admirable” you smiled as you took a seat on the wooden bench. Venting followed suit and took a swipe at besides you. His knee brushed against yours as he made himself comfortable. You could smell his scent which smelled of fresh apples and wildflowers. It was a pleasant scent that suited him perfectly.
“You flatter me” Lumine smiled. “Should I order anything for you? Some dandelion wine? Or maybe some freshly pressed juice?”
“Dandelion for me if you would be so kind” Venti said. You could see his excitement from the mere mentioning of dandelion wine. His love for the wine was kinda cute.
“I would love some orange juice” you said.
Lumine nodded before she rose and ventured downstairs. The stairs creaked under her steps.
Paimon turned her gaze to you. “So, how did the two do you meet?” she tilted her head in a a childlike manner. Sparkles sparkled around her.
“We met at Windrise” Venti answered.
Paimon nodded. Her brows were furrowed in thought. She was about to say something more when Lumine came back with two glasses. One with orange juice and the other with dandelion wine.
You and Venti thanked her before you both took a sip. The orange juice was fresh and a little sweet, but not too sweet. You hummed in delight.
“So where did you two meet?” she asked as she took a sip of her half full glass of grape juice.
“Windrise” Paimon answered. Lumine shot her a look. “They told Paimon while you were ordering. Don’t send Paimon that look!” the little fairy stumped her feet in the air.
“Windrise… that’s quite far from the city. What were you doing out there?” the blond woman asked you.
At her question you froze. Venti noticed your hesitation. “She’s an outlander just like you Lumine.”
Lumine’s eyes widened. “Oh really? I have never met another outlander. How did you end up here in Teyvat?” her eyes curious.
“I am not too sure actually… I just woke up in a field of flowers by the oak tree” you fidgeted with your fingers.
“Ah… I see. I myself lost my brother. We were travelling from world to world before we ended up here. I am on a mission to find him again” her voice filled with determination. Lumine was a truly remarkable woman and you found yourself in awe at her. You wished you had her bravery. “Paimon here is my companion and guide” Paimon smiled wide at her words.
“Maybe you want to join our journey?” Paimon asked.
“Maybe… I am not too sure yet. I’m still trying to process everything” you smiled sheepishly.
Lumine nodded. “Understandable. We are gonna stay here in Mondstadt for a while before we go to Liyue.”
Your conversation with Lumine and Paimon was pleasant. Paimon had a lot to say and her eagerness was quite adorable. After a while you and Venti bid them goodbye as you headed two a boutique in search of some new clothes for you.
The boutique’s interior was pink and rather feminine. The walls were cowered in murals of pink flowerbeds. The owner was a sweet young woman who was quick to help you find something that suited you.
You ended up with a couple of different outfits and some underwear. You thanked Venti for his generosity. The bard only smiled gently. His eyes brimming with an emotion you couldn’t quite place.
As the blue sky turned a pinkish colour you ventured up to the cathedral. The building was massive and you felt at its mercy as it towered over the city. In front of the cathedral stood a statue of Barbatos. The statue was tall and made of marble. It was clad in robes and it large wings on its back. His hands stretched out in a form of prayer. He had two twin braided on the said of his head. You admired the statue for a while. It looked familiar. There was no doubt about it. It looked an awfully a lot like Venti. You turned to look at the bard which who was staring out at the city. He was lost in thought and did not notice your staring.
“This statue is really beautiful” you said as you gazed up at its face.
Venti turned to face you. “Yeah… The sculptures did an excellent job.”
“The same goes for the cathedral. Its architecture is absolutely breathtaking. Do you often attended services in the cathedral?” you ask the dark haired man.
“I agree. The craftsman is extremely impressive”. He shook his head “I usually don’t, but I sometimes swing by. The organists are really talented.”
“I want to attend a service some time. Just to see how it is” you gazed up at the looming building.
“We can go together sometime” he looked at you softly.
The soft bed was welcoming after all you walking. You pulled the duvet over your shoulder as you burrowed your face into the pillow. Venti had insisted on you staying as long as you needed. He would take you to the Adventures Guild tomorrow in search of some jobs you could do in order to earn some Mora.
Sleep wrapped you in its warm embrace and you feel into a deep slumber. This time your dream was filled with cyan coloured eyes and white feathers.
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mika-mp3 · 4 months
The treasure is all mine!
-chapter one-
(Prologe, chapter two)
Genshin Impact x Creator!Reader
warnings: no y/n used, slight yandere behavior, possible spelling errors and maybe a bit off to the Aranara Story (but I've read lots about it in the wiki so should be fine)
summary: Aramasu offers you to come to the Aranara Village, you agree and enjoy it at first but soon notice someting off
characters: Arana, Arama, you , Araja, (Aranara!OC:) Aramasu
word count: 1756
wattpad story here
(here are pictures of the Aranaras if it makes your reading experience better)
Nara = Human Vana = Forest
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"Perhaps," Aramasu continues, its voice carrying a gentle, melodic resonance, "you are more than what you think you are. The forest knows you, and so do I."
You pause, considering Aramasu's words. "I don't remember anything from before. I don't even know my own name."
Aramasu looks thoughtful for a moment, its eyes reflecting a deep, ancient wisdom. "Names are important, but even without one, you are still you. You need a place to rest, to think. Come with me to Mahavanaranapna, where we live. You can stay until you find your name."
"Mahavana- what?" you ask, curiosity piqued. "What is that?"
"Mahavanaranapna is home. Located in Varana, Hidden from Nara eyes, safe and warm. It's our village, with houses made of leaves and branches. Beautiful lakes, giant trees, plants protecting us. It is invisible to all eyes that aren't supposed to find us, I'll take you there."
You nod, a deep sense of gratitude welling up inside you. "Thank you, Aramasu. I would like that."
With that, Aramasu begins to float ahead, guiding you deeper into the forest. The journey is enchanting; each step you take brings the forest more vividly to life. You pass by flowers that emit a soft, ethereal glow, their petals shimmering like tiny stars. Streams murmur happily as they weave through the underbrush, their clear waters reflecting the sunlight in a dance of liquid light. The trees seem to hum with an ancient, serene energy, their leaves whispering secrets to the wind.
As you walk, the scenery grows ever more vibrant. The trees tower majestically overhead, their thick, emerald leaves forming a lush canopy that filters the sunlight into beams of golden light, casting intricate, shifting patterns on the forest floor. The air is fresher here, imbued with the scent of blooming flowers, rich earth, and the faintest hint of wild herbs.
After what feels like a timeless journey, you arrive at a hidden entrance. A colossal tree, its trunk twisted and intertwined with thick vines, stands before you. As Aramasu approaches, the vines gracefully part, revealing a path that seems to beckon you forward into a secluded realm.
"This is Mahavanaranapna," Aramasu says with a hint of pride, its voice almost a song.
You step through the archway and are greeted by a breathtaking sight. The village is nestled around a vast, crystal-clear lake, its serene surface reflecting the towering trees and a kaleidoscope of colorful foliage. Quaint houses, crafted from natural materials and adorned with leaves and moss, blend seamlessly into the vibrant landscape. Giant trees with immense trunks stand sentinel around the village, their branches forming a protective canopy that feels both sheltering and sacred.
Aranaras of various shapes and sizes go about their daily activities, some tending to the verdant plants, others making music and playing by the lakeside. They glance curiously in your direction but their eyes hold no fear, only a gentle curiosity and warmth.
"I will talk to the others," Aramasu says. "You are welcome to stay, to rest. Maybe here, you will find answers."
You look around, taking in the serene beauty and harmony of Vanarana. Despite the uncertainty about your past and identity, a profound sense of hope and belonging fills your heart.
"Thank you, Aramasu. I think this is exactly what I need."
As you settle into the village, you feel a warm wave of acceptance from the Aranaras and the forest itself. This hidden sanctuary offers not just safety and rest, but a chance to discover who you truly are. The journey to uncover your past and your identity has just begun, and with the guidance of the Aranara and the magic of the forest, you feel ready to face whatever lies ahead.
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Months have passed since that fateful day. You have spoken to many Aranaras, each with different interests, personalities, and stories. They are just like normal people. Normal people? What does that even mean anymore? You can't recall what normal is, but it doesn't matter now. You've made friends—very good friends—friends who stand by you and help you uncover the truth about yourself. At least thats what you think. Araja, the village chief, accepted your presence and has grown quite fond of you over time. He too sensed something special about you but never divulged further details.
Sadly, you still don't know your name. However, you did discover a particular dish that you enjoy. On days when frustration weighed heavily on you due to a lack of progress, Aramasu and the others would prepare that dish to lift your spirits. The name of the dish was difficult to pronounce, not being in your native language, but that never hindered your enjoyment.
Each day, you delved deeper into the community, learning and sharing moments that felt both new and strangely familiar. You participated in their daily activities, from tending to plants to joining in their joyous celebrations. The Aranaras' simple yet profound way of life became a source of comfort and inspiration. Despite the challenges and the ongoing mystery of your identity, you found solace in the bond you shared with your new friends. They taught you to find joy in the present, even as you searched for answers. And while the journey to uncover your past continued, the warmth and kindness of the Aranaras made the journey a little easier.
At least for a while.
It was a morning like any other. You woke up, greeted your friends, and enjoyed a simple breakfast before taking a walk. Arana, one of your closest friends, usually accompanied you, sharing stories along the way. Later, you listened to the Aranaras' delightful music, a cheerful and soothing melody that filled the air. Arama had taught you how to make flower crowns, so you often found yourself sitting in the grass, surrounded by your friends, weaving pretty flowers into delicate crowns. As the day passed, you felt a sense of contentment. By the time evening fell, you gathered for dinner, the warm glow of the setting sun casting long shadows across the village. After dinner, you retreated to one of the cozy houses to rest. Each day followed this familiar rhythm, a comforting routine of friendship and tranquility.
However, despite the lovely stories and enchanting music that changed each day, you felt a stirring within—a desire for something more. The villagers often warned, "Vana can be very dangerous!" You understood the forest held dangers, yet your curiosity and yearning to explore the unknown parts of this land remained strong. The beauty and peace of your daily life in Vanarana were undeniable, but the call of the mysterious forest beyond your safe haven was growing louder. You wanted to see more of Vana, to experience its wonders and challenges firsthand.
It didn't make you happy. Sure, it was a peaceful life, but besides the stories, you had learned nothing—nothing about yourself or this world. The lack of progress became increasingly frustrating. Whenever you mentioned the idea of leaving Vanarana, the Aranaras grew defensive, almost… hostile? Surely, that was just your imagination. They had been so kind before. Why would they want to keep you here against your will?
Yet, you couldn't shake the feeling. The longer you stayed, the more you felt trapped. Your longing gaze often drifted to the horizon, wishing you could soar through the sky like the birds, flying toward freedom. Every day, your desire to explore the unknown parts of Vana grew stronger, and the village's comforting embrace began to feel like a cage.
That's it. You are done.
Determined, you decided it was time to break free. The forest, with all its mysteries and dangers, called out to you. You needed answers, and you realized that staying in Vanarana wasn't going to provide them. The beauty of the village had lost its charm, replaced by an insistent need to discover your true self and the secrets this world held.
No more waiting. No more wondering. It was time to take your fate into your own hands.
Packing your bags with a few supplies, a blanket, and one last flower crown for memory, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Sorrow, that describes your feelings pretty well. This village, with its serene beauty and gentle inhabitants, had been your home for months. Leaving it behind felt like leaving the part of yourself that you just found. Yet, despite the sadness, there was also a glimmer of excitement. The unknown world beyond Vanarana beckoned, filled with the promise of discovery and the hope of finding your true identity.
You took one last look around the small house that had been your shelter, your sanctuary. The familiar scent of the fresh forest air mingled with the earthy aroma of the village. Memories of laughter, shared meals, and quiet moments of reflection played in your mind. You gently placed the flower crown in your bag, its vibrant petals a poignant reminder of the friendships and bonds you had formed.
The Aranaras had been kind, but you couldn't ignore the defensive looks and wary glances whenever you mentioned leaving. It only fueled your determination. You needed to find out who you were, and you knew you wouldn't find those answers within the confines of the village.
As you slung the bag over your shoulder, a sense of resolve settled within you. Stepping outside, the village was quiet, bathed in the soft light of dawn. The giant trees cast long shadows, and the stillness was almost tangible. You took a deep breath, letting the crisp air fill your lungs, and began to walk.
Every step away from Vanarana felt like a step toward your destiny. The path ahead was unknown and undoubtedly fraught with challenges, but it also held the promise of adventure and self-discovery. With each stride, your sorrow was tempered by a growing curiosity and the thrill of what lay beyond.
You glanced back once, taking in the sight of the village one last time. The Aranaras were nowhere to be seen, but you knew they would understand, eventually. They had given you a place to belong when you had none, and for that, you were grateful.
Turning back to the path ahead, you embraced the uncertainty. Your journey was just beginning, and with the forest stretching out before you, the world was full of possibilities.
With a final look at Mahavanaranapna, you whispered a quiet farewell and stepped into the unknown, ready to uncover the mysteries of Vana and the secrets of your own past.
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Thank you so much for reading! Fell free to give me feedback and ideas how to continue this!
Taglist: - @wutap
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imusticaniwill · 10 months
A Beautiful Story of Life
Shared with me by a friend.
The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know.
I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me
with a smile that lit up her entire being.
She said, “Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?”
I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.
“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked.
She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids…”
“No seriously,” I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me.
After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the
next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us.
She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, “I’m sorry I’m so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I’ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.”
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.
There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it!There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old.
If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.
Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change.
Have no regrets.
The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”
She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose.”
She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives.
At the year’s end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.
These words have been passed along in loving memory of ROSE.
“We make a Living by what we get, We make a Life by what we give.”
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thoughtsfromb4 · 5 months
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Arrows from bright, unbroken skies
are falling down into the eyes
of a man who is searching, yearning to find
fantastical vistas inside of his mind.
The warming rays illuminate for him
branching paths from which to choose again–
one that's been taken, one yet to be tread,
but both wild new worlds inside of his head.
This time his inspiration can be found
in gentle giants rooted deep in the ground;
how they sway and creak and seem to speak
to all those venturing outside to seek
a piece of peace amidst their stoic presence
or words of wisdom in their silent essence.
For some small creatures, they can be a stage
on which to sing or dance or at times engage
with the birds and the bees in a compilation,
played in a theater with living foundations.
More wonders walk under that green ceiling
seeking its cover to avoid revealing
themselves to any from the world outside,
wary of the dangers when worlds collide.
These are the stewards of this grand old hall
where, when no one’s watching, silent things fall
to the ground, decay, and become the soil
that all things need and in which men toil.
Yet these men who venture out to work and play
within this world–this great green bouquet–
struggle to stop for, much less ever smell,
the wonders, like roses, wherever they dwell.
Wonders like giants growing so tall and so green
that they create, in morning sun, a scene
of arrows from bright, unbroken skies 
falling down into my eyes.
-- @thoughtsfromb4
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simplysparrow14 · 2 years
I think the one thing that I love the most about GoW (2018) and GoW: Ragnarok is the fact that the women of the world have the most power out of all of their male counterparts. And it isn't because they have higher power or any special abilities.
It is because they are women. And they are messy and angry and don't always have the best view of the world, themselves or others.
And that they are actually respected by the story itself.
Like, say what you will about how Faye had to die to kickstart Kratos' redemption arc, but I find it unbelievably badass that said dead woman played the long-game of the century, made herself a living legend in all of the 9 realms, knew fully that she was going to die young, but instead of wallowing in despair, she chose to smile and love her husband, son, her heritage and friends to the fullest despite it all.
Freya rallies armies, beats the shit out of her ex, regains her warrior spirit, reunites and rekindles her relationship with both her Valkyrie sisters, Kratos and Atreus and twin brother, heals from the death of her son and regains a new family.
Angrboda uses her companionship, trust and gentleness with Atreus to show him a glimpse at the life and skills of a giant, peace and comfort and overall domesticity that he had been lacking back home due to odin and fimbulwinter, as well as give him the skills needed for his journey into who Loki is.
The Valkyries are able to be well respected warriors who are fully proud to be fighting aside true commanders and fighters and not have to follow Odin's command.
Thrud becomes worthy to wield her fathers hammer, is respected by her mother and those around her for the first time.
Sif controls, rallies and persuades Thor, the meanest of the aesir to nearly kill Atreus and Kratos for revenge against the deaths of their sons, just by her words and love for him alone. SHe even tries to be a better mother to Thrud due to having lost Magni and Modi.
The Norns freely use their creepiness and vast knowledge of fate and time and wisdom to scare the shit out everyone they meet and because of that, people don't dare mess with them, not even fucking mansplain-manipulate-manslughter Odin.
The Lady beneath the water is so respected and worshiped that it's factually known that you don't talk to the lady, she talks to you.
A lot of GoW is about swinging axes and ripping apart enemies. But the most powerful characters don't do that. They use their emotions and smarts and intelligence rather than their fists.
the true character arc for God of War isnt about Kratos at all.
It's the fact that God of War went from a dudebro power-fantasy hack-n-slash game where the women were either relegated to sex minigames, sub-par emotional justification for *why* we are killing gods, and villainous roles---to actual 3-dimentional characters who are given proper respect, courtesy and value, who are integral to the story as a whole and are crucial to the long term consequences of the game.
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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source - https://twitter.com/CalltoActivism
I absolutely love this story…….. It made me cry.
"An 87 Year Old College Student Named Rose The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know.
I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.
She said, “Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I’m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?”
I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze. “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked.
She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids…”
“No seriously,” I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake.
We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us.
She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, “I’m sorry I’m so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I’ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.”
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success.
1) You have to laugh and find humor every day.
2) You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.
We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it!
3) There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old.
If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.
Anybody can grow older.
That doesn’t take any talent or ability.
The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change.
4) Have no regrets.
The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”
She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose.
She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the year’s end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.
When you finish reading this, please send this peaceful word of advice to your friends and family, they’ll really enjoy it!
These words have been passed along in loving memory of ROSE.
We make a Living by what we get,
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missamyrisa2 · 6 months
15 questions for 15 friends:
Thanks for thinking of me for these questions, @lady-featherquill ~ this is like mmmmh a certain kind of tingle blushhh tickle for me to be called on~
Were you named after anyone?: Yess I was named after Burl Ives, but you wouldn't know it because I spell and pronounce my name differently~
When was the last time you cried?: I made the mistake of thinking about The Lion King a few hours ago~
Do you have kids?: I make kids all the time. Like crying over the lion king because I randomly was thinking about how real to life the animation was of Simba pulling on Mufasa's ear and holygodddddd he was trying to wake his dad up whyyyyyyy are animators so supremely great at heartsqueezing~~~ I'm just kidding. That was a kid.
What sports do you play/have you played?: all of them I think~ I live by the fake it until you make it mindset and I'm still figuring out the latter part of that. But I did study pickleball thoroughly under its venerable founder, The Earl of Pickle
Do you use sarcasm?: William Shakesman said that's the lowest form of brevity so I try to avoid it whenever possible, also I'm horrendously bad at it to where I sound completely sincere and this has resulted in one too many punches to the face because, surprisingly if you poorly sarcastically announce you'd really love to be just hit in the face there are a LOT of people who are all too eager to jump in~
What is the first thing you notice about people?: That they're always trying to figure out if I hate them because I had a fairly consistent RBF crossed with an inclination to be mysterious. Through online interactions I first take note of their comma frequency because that says so much about a person's Oxford-related preferences.
What's your eye color?: Blue or green or grey depending which type of light you shove in my face, followed by whatever my eyelid is because moonlight makes me squint
Scary movies or happy endings?: I like the ones where nothing is really resolved and the story just sort of stops because everyone gave up and it was probably lunchtime so f*ck it~
Any talents?: I can do a hair flip like nobody's business, which is to say no one should ever be in the business of doing such hair flips because I've knocked over more cups and hit my head on more things than anyone should do in five lifetimes.
Where were you born?: I'm fairly certain I've always been, because whenever I attempt to find the record of my birth Mr. Tumnus plays an enchanting tune and I wake up in a cold room.
What are your hobbies?: arguing on the Internet and street corners why Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 is better than Brotherhood. I took up the hobby after some guy stole my bicycle which was an outrage, but that was his hobby and he imparted the wisdom which set me on my path which is that a hobby is something that makes you completely miserable and spreads that misery onto anyone unfortunate enough to share your space.
Do you have any pets?: No, no one ever wants to pet me and it's probably because of the below answer
How tall are you?: 6'2
Favorite subject in school?: History. Not so much for the subject matter but because memorizing facts comes obscenely easy to me and I loved writing excessively lengthy essays which went nowhere and were loaded with as many funny words as I could muster like trying to relate an unrelated event to the future of filibustering.
Dream job?: Tending a lighthouse so I could make giant shadowpuppets over the water and make alligator mouths eat the ships.
Join in and pass it on if you can. Don't feel obligated!
@witchy-giggles @atomiccollectorwitch @crystalstarlight4657 @opossumgirltongue @adventuresofmelody @greenticklerdreams @juviisworld @dusktexanler @polsj103 @fuzzypilled @androgynousangeldreamland @daisylovestickles @yourgothgfswitch @magicaltickles @giggliestgirl
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(continued from this and this)
“Yeah, I just told her to give them the cold shoulder. Don’t have to be mean or anything, just ignore ‘em a little. Play it cool. Drives girls crazy, ‘cause then they have to work to get your attention.”
Eddie stares at him. 
“Holy shit, Buckley’s gonna die alone and it’s gonna be a hundred percent your fault. That is the worst fucking advice I’ve ever heard in my life.”
Steve actually looks offended, like his honor’s been impugned. “What the hell, man? I’ve picked up like a million girls that way. I’m telling you, it works.”
“Yeah, okay, now I’m seeing why my sage advice is required for this whole endeavor. That kind of thing might fly if you’re some alpha dog prom king, but lesbians are like…giant pandas or some shit, okay? The conditions have to be precisely calibrated or they’ll just hibernate in a cave by themselves eating bamboo forever.”
“That doesn’t sound right,” says Steve. 
Eddie shrugs. “Whatever, I’m not a panda scientist. The point is…okay, let’s do a thought experiment.” Oh, this is a bad, bad idea. The Munson specialty. “Say you wanted to get a guy interested in you. How would you do it?”
“I’d just—” Steve stops, frowning. “I mean, girls usually just…laugh at guys’ jokes and stuff. Or wear, like, makeup?”
“How are you so awful at this,” says Eddie. “Jesus. I swear to god I remember you doing better with girls at school. Anyway, I didn’t ask what girls do, I asked what you’d do.”
“Shit, I don’t know. Isn’t that why I’m here?” Steve’s getting a little huffy, fidgeting. “I’d just…find a way to hang out with the guy, I guess. Laugh at his dumb jokes.”
“Yeah, sure,” Eddie says patiently. “But that’s what you do with friends too, right? And when you’re walking a perilous path far from the bright streets of heterosexuality, you probably don’t want to risk being too obvious, in case you’re wrong. So you gotta just…give them an opening to let them, like, signal if they’re interested. If they’re looking for a sign, they’ll take it.”
Steve wrinkles his nose. “Ok, but what if they’re not interested yet? Like…sometimes girls take a while to warm up to you.”
“Cut your losses and move on.” Admittedly, Eddie’s still working on that part. 
“What? Man, I’m starting to think you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Eddie scowls at the skeptical look on Steve’s face. “Jesus, the disrespect. Why am I not telling this directly to Buckley, anyway? She’s the one in need of these hard-earned pearls of gay wisdom.”
Steve lets out a big, gusty sigh and tips his head back against the couch. “Because she said if I tried to give her any more help with dating, she’d smother me in my sleep and pin it on Dustin.”
“Attagirl,” says Eddie approvingly. 
“But obviously she still needs help, so this is like—a stealth mission. For love.”
“For love,” says Eddie. “Yeah, okay.” 
“Hey, can you—”
Robin whirls around at the unexpected voice and promptly trips over nothing at all, arms flailing out to avoid crashing into the library returns cart.
“Oh, shit,” says the stranger, reaching out a hand like she’s going to catch Robin’s elbow, but pulling back at the last second. “Um. Sorry.”
Robin blinks down at a girl in head-to-toe black, including dusty black combat boots. “Aren’t you hot,” she says, then wants to die. “I mean—like, just, with the heat and all, it’s a billion degrees out, I think if I tried to wear that much black I’d instantly dissolve like the Wicked Witch of the West.”
The girl stares back at her for a second, then bursts out laughing. It’s a nice laugh. 
“As if. I’m from Utah, this is nothing.”
“Oh! Utah! You’re not—are you, uh, Argyle’s girlfriend?” The way Argyle’d described her, Robin had been picturing some kind of Elvira-themed ingenue in lace, maybe smoking like a 1920s flapper. This makes more sense for a real-life teenager, though: oversized t-shirt tucked into ratty black jeans, with some cheap-looking silver jewelry tied around her neck. Her eyeliner’s heavier than anything Robin’s ever seen in Hawkins, smudging messily a little in the heat that’s apparently nothing to her. It makes her look a little bit like a panda bear, but not in a bad way.
“Not anymore.” She grimaces. “Ugh, that sounds mean. We’re, y’know, still friends and everything. I’m Eden.”
“Robin,” says Robin, gesturing at herself like a loser. “Hi.”
“Hi,” says Eden, and smiles at her.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
Waiting just beyond reality’s gauzy guardians, the other world lies just under the duvet in the throes of school night darkness: a library book stuffed under a pillow, a cave of blankets, thrilling stalactites of story to be illuminated by a covert flashlight.
That’s how Olivia Cooke remembers her induction into the fantastical, anyway.
“Reading all night, and then sobbing into my pillow at 4am—audibly—with my mum shouting at me to go to sleep.”
Cooke isn’t taking any breaks—she’s already working on a new project with Robin Wright, psychological thriller The Girlfriend, set to be released through Amazon Prime Video.
The actor has a propensity for vivifying characters to the fullest extent regardless of medium or genre:
“I am picky,” she tells me about the breadth of her work,
“But I’m just not exclusive.”
Cooke muses, people are fascinated with the idea of escape—an out that the Game of Thrones franchise has certainly provided to an anxious, overworked public.
She ponders further, positing:
“We as humans want to feel like we’re giants and godlike creatures who can tame a beast like a dragon. Maybe it’s this innate feeling in us of the need to conquer."
“God, especially the fucking Brits.” [She laughs]
“What does that say about us?”
“I don’t think that the show has necessarily made me reevaluate friendship.”
“I just think that with the age that I am at now, getting into a new decade, I’ve prioritized my friendships in a different way.”
“I think that, especially in culture, [friendship] sort of takes the backseat.”
“You’re meant to prioritize romantic relationships and familial relationships in your life, but friendships feel deeper and everlasting in a sense.”
“I think it’s always better to relinquish power when you recognize wisdom.”
“Relinquish unhelpful power, whether that be insecurity or ego, when you are confronted with someone who has more lived experience or is just more knowledgeable in said field.” Duly noted.
Cooke feels the most powerful, though, when she’s surrounded by friends, going on walks listening to a well-curated playlist, or when she really finds the music in a particular scene.
Though she doesn’t make music herself, there is a symphonic quality to her acting—it’s the same sort of kinetic energy governed by a discernible rhythm that makes any sort of artistic output worthwhile.
“It’s all sort of coming from the vulnerable prism of you, isn’t it? Any sort of creative endeavor.”
She claims she “doesn’t know why,” but one might suspect tracks for the Alicent playlist wouldn’t be readily accessible on any sort of streaming platform...
Perhaps a Gregorian chant or a live recording of a knife being sharpened on a hot stone would be more appropriate.
Cooke adds that she’s “trying to nurture that spark of vulnerability and not shy away from it is quite important.”
“We’re so mannered now— especially the English—so repressed in that sense. We still have this culture of having a very stiff upper lip in the face of adversity and real emotion and grief.”
“To be able to play those emotions in a really intense way—but in a very safe environment—feels very cathartic, and it’s an opportunity to push yourself to those limits and see, as an experiment, what your body does and how you would react in those moments.”
“You’re always trying to find the truth in it.”
Cooke likes to dive into characters (the tender, damaged Lou, the cystic fibrosis patient Emma Decody, the terror-stricken Laine Morris, the ever-vengeful Alicent)
“Because of this exploration of truth, but also because she’s really nosy and curious.”
“I want to dive deep into who [these characters] are... I think that is the most wonderful part of [the] job, that we get to live all these lives in one life if we’re lucky.”
Olivia Cooke speaks with a diction nearly impossible to not listen to. Her outwardly energetic parlance and melodic speak might be the recipe for a certain viral video involving a beverage choice.
“It’s so awful, isn’t it? Just like...What a cocky little twat! No, I’d love to do theater [again].”
“That girl does not know what she’s talking about. Bless her,” she says, still giggling.
“Sometimes the things I’ve said get repeated back to me and I’m like, ‘God knows...’ because usually I am just making stuff up in the moment.”
She finds herself hoping that, in her golden years (if she’s not senile), she reflects on this present moment aglow with new work and long friendships and internet memeage—with fondness.
“I would like to remember, despite all the constant worrying, that I had a lot of fun.”
“I allowed myself to have a lot of fun. You can indulge, you’re not going to be smited. You can enjoy this time. It’s not going to go away just because you had a nice time.”
Though being smote is perhaps the most terrifying thing any actor or civilian might experience by most standards.
There are other, more tangible things that scare Cooke: Laziness. Inactivity. The vast blankness of dormancy.
“When there’s a bit of a fallow period, that’s when I scare myself with my own thoughts.”
“My mum always says: An idle mind is a devil’s playground. I completely relate to that.”
“When I’m not generating, when I don’t feel like I’m working towards something, that can be quite a scary place for me.”
The horror is not in the hiding, but in the not knowing.
It shows in her work. It shows in her Letterboxd.
“My Letterboxd does veer on the side of the MORE INTENSE.”
“BORDER by Ali Abbasi is one of my favorite films.”
“I love ROSE GLASS.”
“I think SAINT MAUD was incredible.”
“These are really uncomfortable films to watch but incredibly artful ones.”
“The Luca Guadagnino SUSPIRIA as well...”
“[I like] the ones that leave you with such a distinct off kilter feeling after you’ve left the cinema.”
We’re talking, again, about traversing that seam between the worlds of fantasy and reality—that ever-opaque, grotesque sublime that was so easily accessible so many years ago, that ever-thickening border between adulthood and the imagination.
“It’s a bit of a thrill, isn’t it? It’s like being on a roller coaster. That’s the anticipation. That’s the unique selling point. You want that ride.”
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theresattrpgforthat · 10 months
Games for one? Most of my experience is with dnd 5e but getting groups together is always a pain.
THEME: Solo Games
Hello friend! I see you've given me plenty of license to go wild with the recommendations, so I hope you like a nice little selection of different genres!!!!
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Space Jellyfish Overhead, by Spring Villager.
This is an ancient place, known only as Land. The people of Land seek to live in harmony with the sea and the sky. Once a generation, a bloom of giant jellyfish fills the skies above. The Visitors descend, stay a few days, and then leave for many years. Nobody knows why they come or where they go, but the Elders teach that they are messengers from the stars.
A select few possess an innate ability to communicate with the jellyfish. Known as Jelly Watchers, these individuals journey through wild places in search of signs heralding the Visitors’ impending arrival. They listen to the jellyfish songs, learn their secrets, and share their wisdom with the people of Land.
Players journey through wild areas, seeking signs of the Visitors' arrival. The game blends introspective journaling with deep time. Players uncover lost truths, assess threats and chart a path forward for their community—all influenced by the strange space jellyfish above.
I love the premise of this game. It’s 2 pages long: rthe first page gives you play instructions and some basic setup, while the second page is an oracle that you can use by drawing cards from a playing card deck. The game occurs over four acts: Searching, Arrival, Jelly Days and Departure. You roll dice until your character finds Jellysign; then you determine what the Jellyfish looks like. Jelly Days uses the oracles on the second page to determine truths, threats and tasks conveyed through messages; you then take time to decide how your visions convey these messages. The final stage details your departure from the meeting withe the Jellyfish, as you decide how your messages are received.
Overall, if you love eerie settings and deciphering prompts in the process of creation, you’ll like this game.
Gunslinger, by KLN Games.
You’ve arrived on a strange swamp planet. A powerful curse threatens the land, and you are the only hope to stop it. 
Gunslinger is a scifi-fantasy journaling TTRPG with Flintlock pistol combat. Can be finished in 2 to 3 hours. You play as a Gunslinger, a sort of freelance hunter who has been recruited to help bring an end to the decaying state of the world.
This is another game that feels more akin to a dungeon delve than an interpretive experience. You will build a character with stats and attacks, and you are given a swamp map to explore with various locations and NPCs that may help you or give you quests. The brochure itself has a very definitive style that I really like: it’s simple, but communicates the feeling of the setting.
Escape from Charybdis Station, by Kaid Brenen Sacander.
You are a Myrmidon, an elite servant of the queen of the Attala Star Empire. You stole the secret weakness of the enemy’s star-eating superweapon, and must return it home for any chance to save your people.
While fleeing your pursuers, you were caught in the FTL-disabling zone of Charybdis Station, a massive, ancient Precursor relic that has ensnared generations of careless star travelers in its net.
If there is any hope to save your home, your people, your queen, you must traverse the myriad depths of the station, battle or avoid the perilous Custodians, locate and disable the FTL dampeners, and Escape from Charybdis Station!
This is a solo game using the Firelights SRD, which is a system inspired by metroidvania video games. The game itself fits on a double-sided brochure, but it fits a lot on there. You have three approaches and a fatigue meter. As you move throughout the world, you pull from a deck of cards to determine where you are, and use them to build a map that your character will be able to explore. You also have a task that you need to fulfill: in this case, Disabling the FTL Dampeners. You will roll for events, but also to determine whether your character succeeds or fails at certain tasks. If you like a game that is less procedural and more suited for dungeon delving, this is the game for you.
The Familiar’s Rebellion, by ToriBee.
In The Familiar's Rebellion, you play the role of a magical creature bound in service to a formidable witch. Aided by a deck of tarot cards and a Jenga tower, your destiny is literally in your hands. The Major Arcana cards shape your tasks, handed down by your master, while the Minor Arcana cards weave intricate tales of your everyday life and relationships with other magical beings.
The suits of the Minor Arcana - Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles - guide your actions and choices. Navigate the demands of your servitude (Wands), manage the ebb and flow of your emotions (Cups), carefully plot your rebellion (Swords), and handle the inevitable consequences of your actions (Pentacles). Each decision you make influences the game world and determines your path towards freedom.
But the stakes are high. Pull a block from the Jenga tower each time you face a consequence and should the tower fall, your rebellion has been discovered. It's a delicate dance between obedience and defiance, comfort and risk, servitude and freedom. As a Moth, a Raven, or another mystical creature, will you gather your strength, outwit your captor, and finally taste the sweet air of liberation? Dive into this solo RPG and create your own tale of magic, cunning, and freedom.
This game might require you to acquire a tarot deck (and a Jenga tower) if you don’t currently own one, but I appreciate the way the Jenga tower can keep you in suspense. The game also looks really pretty.
In Service of the Fey, by Christina Evans.
You are in the service of the Fey. You have survived until now. You have four seasons left in their service before you will be released.
This is your story of your last year in Faerie.
In Service of the Fey is a deck and dice based storytelling game for solo play. Using a standard deck of cards and single six-sided dice, you tell the story of your year in service to the Fey and the Fey who change you for better or worse.
A short journaling game, this is a great setting for fans of high fantasy. Your character will navigate four seasons in the service of the Fae, after which they will return home. This is a pretty short game, so it’s great for folks who just want a chance to experience something interpretive to see how they feel about it.
The Hands of Gods, by KMST.
Mechs are a common sight in many stories, but where do they come from? This solo journaling game has you chronicle the lives and work of those who are responsible for making the massively complex mechs that we take for granted. To play, all you will need is a regular deck of 52 playing cards, and a way to chronicle your story.
The game consists of three phases. In Setup, you decide on the background, context, and theme of the mech and your character, as well as your playstyle. In Construction, you draw from the deck to determine what events happen as you make progress on the mech, and in Journey, you take a wider view and see how your mech fares as it goes off to battle, and what becomes of it.
Created for the MechJam of 2023, this is pretty substantial for a solo game - 18 pages long! I especially appreciate the worldbuilding tool that helps you set up exactly what kind of setting this mech game takes place in. It doesn’t assume that you want a space game - you can play fantasy, post-apocalypse, whatever your heart desires. This game is more guided than other interpretive games, asking you plenty of questions about your character’s beliefs and workplace before giving you various oracles to fuel your journal entries.
Previous Solo Game Recommendations
Free First-Time Solo Games
Crafting and Exploration Solo Games
Short, Daily Solo Games
Character-Focused, Lighthearted Solo Games
First Time Solo Games
Lighthearted Solo Games
Wizard Solo Games
Solo, But Not Alone
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jokeroutsubs · 11 months
We want to wish everyone a happy 1 month anniversary since the Stožice concert! 🥰💗
This is a translation of an online article published today, 6.11.2023, by Suzy magazine, a subsidiary of the Slovenian newspaper Slovenske novice. The author of the article is Polona Bohorič.
Audio version by IG Gboleyn123 can be also listened on Spotify, iTunes, and other podcast platforms.
What do these guys have that is lacking in the world?
Respect. To everyone. To their roots. To the world. Compassion. The desire to be human. Playfulness. That inexhaustible companion of creativity.
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[Photo caption: They give off the feeling of an old, well-rehearsed rock band. PHOTO: Mediaspeed]
I actually don't even remember when and how I got the Joker Out fever. What attracted me? The lyrics for sure, words have always been a sacred tie for me, a fundamental element. Rhythms and melodies were not far behind. Likeable. Enough to awaken my attention, followed by curiosity and then the excitement of discovery.
Charisma, honesty, open-mindedness. The incredibly complementary collection of members, both in personality and in their image, works as if they had been put together by some giant professional American or English production company. But they have built themselves. Step by step, as it seems, since childhood... With resolution. With learning. With a freshness of their own which is brimming in them, and which they are showering over people far and wide... Material that is good enough to set one small country on fire. And this fever knows no bounds and it is spreading.
In a world where we are all the media, it's not that hard to create one hit. But keeping and stacking the material to maintain and even increase the temperature is a task that many have already undertaken. Only few succeed.
The first time I heard the song "Novi Val", which is becoming the anthem of a whole generation, I was as struck as if I had opened a textbook with instructions on how to exist and at the same time embrace life. Youth is always finding it's own way, circumstances are constantly changing. The rebellion of yesterday is not the same as the rebellion of today. However, the inner strength that drives the world forward is the same.
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[Photo caption: What do these boys have that is lacking in the world? Surely something profound, something that every young heart naturally longs for. PHOTO: Mediaspeed]
There are five of them. Five points of a star.
Their roles in the five-pointed community are so natural. It doesn't matter who occupies which place, when or why, but more importantly that they blend in with the others- just as the points in a star blend together. What matters is that everyone enjoys it. Playing, complementing. And growing. I perceive them as coexisting in total acceptance of one another.
If they have made their way to the stage by by walking the road laid before them by their role models, this influence has brought them to a point where they seem to have found not just each other, but their own star.
One role stands out despite their unity. This role is not called frontman for nothing. He is simply in the foreground. Born for the stage, regardless where or with whom, but at the same time a sensitive soul and a perfectionist. I was struck by how subtly he slowly turned the stage spotlights onto his friends in the band, so that they all came out of their shells or got rid of their reservations. The wisdom of a leader, hats off.
The boys are precise and skilled in their work, although (or maybe because of it) their performances in smaller clubs seem casual, as if they had just dropped in on their way. Their mileage of being onstage is noticeable. They give off the feeling of an old, well-rehearsed rock band. But the magic happens when the audience feels that the pleasure is theirs. The wave that lights up on the stage ripples in both directions.
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[Photo caption: Bojan Cvjetićanin, born for the stage, regardless where or with whom, but at the same time a sensitive soul and a perfectionist. FOTO: Mediaspeed]
A crowd of a few hundred or a few thousand - there is no great difference in the response - is spellbound from the first to the last chord. This desire to move with everyone on and below the stage is more than the individual bras, bracelets and glasses, which are already becoming a collection. It is a powerful force of invisibly woven feelings, emotions, memories and visions. It is the enthusiasm of youth, regardless of age.
Who is part of the generation of love and hope? The Stožice stadium gave me the answers.
A six-year-old girl, sitting calmly cross-legged on a slightly raised technical prop in the arena, silently moves her lips with each word in the song, and as the boys leave the stage, she wisely observes, "It's not over yet. Carpe diem is still missing."
Her father, who looks at her with wide-eyed pride.
Thirteen-year-old best friends, accompanied by one of their mothers, experiencing the ecstasy of each song individually? Their own experience follows the band and the stage, and with the obligatory recording on the phone, they sing to each other, confessing and commanding each verse, with the full conviction that it is theirs.
The mother is stoically tolerating what is happening, obviously aware of the importance of this moment for her daughter.
In the stands, the seats are not filled because all the ticket holders are on their feet, dancing, singing.  And they undulate. Fans and admirers in a crowded fan pit, who have been preparing for this moment of unity for six, eight, ten months.
Friends and colleagues of the five guys, scattered all over the arena, keeping a watchful eye on every move.
Two ladies in their fifties, standing next to a fence, dancing and reliving their youth.
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[Photo: Mediaspeed]
Slovenia, Europe, the world. Twenty-seven countries are present in one space and united in one chorus. An ode to youth, rebellion, trust and determination. It lasts for two hours in this place, but lives in the heart in each moment, pulsating in a single beat.
No, it is not hypnosis, it is a wave of hope and trust. A belief that youth can do anything. This youth is not really defined by numbers.
What do these guys have that is lacking in the world? Surely something deep, something that every young heart naturally longs for. When it merges into the same river with them, that deepness can be drunk in long draughts.
Respect. To everyone. To their roots. To the world.
 Compassion. The desire to be human.
 Playfulness. That inexhaustible companion of creativity.
Cooperation and cohesion. Powerful weapons to prevent the ego from growing like a wild weed.
The ability to maintain distance without arrogance. The ability to accept without becoming greedy.
Gratitude and modesty. These two keep your feet firmly on the ground.
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[Photo: Mediaspeed]
Courage and hope. Two invincible forces that help to spur and tame even the wildest horses and lift them up to the unknown, the incredible, the dreamlike.
I perceive their strong mindsets through their gestures, words, concerts, interviews. Although it is quite clear how responsibly and professionally they have embarked on their journey, I hope that the weight of what they have already experienced does not press them into too much deliberation about the way forward. I sincerely wish them to remain in tune with their authenticity: childishly mischievous, youthfully seductive and juicily mature.
This world is already all theirs ...
Translation by @kurooscoffee. DO NOT REPOST!
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Jupiter in Gemini 2024
As the age-old saying suggests, one has the power to shape their own destiny.
This year, the luck you generate will be influenced by the impact of Jupiter in Gemini 2024 on your zodiac sign. When Jupiter is in Gemini, it imparts valuable lessons on maintaining optimism even in the face of challenges and learning from mistakes.
Mark your calendars for the much-awaited transit that commences on May 25 and concludes on June 9, 2025. This year-long transit will particularly affect the mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. While certain zodiac signs may receive more emphasis, everyone will gain valuable insights from this experience. In addition, individuals born with Jupiter in Gemini will experience their “Jupiter return.” You can determine whether you possess this natal placement by calculating your birth chart.
Astrology widely recognizes Jupiter as the “Great Benefic”, renowned for its commanding presence and unwavering optimism. Astrology widely acknowledges Jupiter as the planet associated with growth, abundance, and expansion. Jupiter, the gas giant, possesses a remarkable ability to transform everything it comes into contact with into precious gold.
Nevertheless, Jupiter possesses its own wisdom and imparts valuable lessons, much like Saturn, the planet known for its role as a teacher and mentor. Jupiter’s teachings often revolve around the themes of excessive desire, indulgence, and extravagance. With Jupiter’s guidance, you can gain insight into the point at which an abundance of something positive can turn into something negative. Ultimately, the positive vibrations and impactful teachings of Jupiter create a system of higher education that shapes your soul’s journey.
With Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini, one might ponder the potential for a fortuitous transit. Regrettably, when Jupiter enters Gemini, it debilitates. Given that Gemini represents duality, multiplicity, and flightiness, Jupiter may not function optimally in this sign. When this planet and zodiac sign align, the combination of Jupiter and Gemini can give you a sense of being present in multiple places simultaneously. It may not appear to give off an immediate sense of good fortune. Nevertheless, the outcome of your luck is ultimately in your hands, so mastering yourself could be the crucial factor in successfully navigating the influence of Jupiter in Gemini.
Considering that Jupiter is not in its home sign, it is therefore under the influence of Gemini’s planetary ruler, Mercury. Jupiter, influenced by Mercury, exhibits exceptional intellectual prowess. This transit has a strong focus on educational pursuits, indicating a potential intellectual period. On the one hand, Mercury plays the role of a student, while Jupiter assumes the role of a teacher. In the realm of astrology, a Jupiter influenced by Mercury can impart the valuable wisdom of discerning one’s role as either an instructor or a learner.
When Jupiter is in Gemini, one can anticipate a recurring theme: the challenge of having an abundance of choices. You may feel like you are frequently at a crossroads or overanalyzing your choices. Having a wide array of options can be both exciting and daunting. Fortunately, the theme of communication will also be prevalent during this transit. Developing strong communication, active listening, and public speaking skills can greatly assist you in determining your desired path.
Expect this transit to be quite unpredictable. When Jupiter transitions into Gemini, it exhibits a tendency to change unpredictably. To fully benefit from this planetary movement, it is essential to cultivate a greater sense of adaptability. If you possess a strong sense of determination, it may prove to be quite a task for you to adapt to unexpected situations. For certain individuals, the presence of Jupiter in Gemini can amplify their aptitude for multitasking. Some individuals may find the presence of Jupiter in Gemini to be overwhelming due to the abundance of factors to contemplate within a limited timeframe.
Fortunately, there will be an opportunity to take a moment to pause from the busy energy and contemplate what you wish to make the most of. Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini on October 9 at 21 degrees, just like all other planets. On February 4, 2025, at 11 degrees, Jupiter will complete its retrograde phase, which typically lasts around four months.
Retrogrades provide an opportunity to carefully reconsider, evaluate, and subsequently make necessary adjustments. During Jupiter retrograde, it is an opportune moment to eliminate unnecessary aspects from your life. One can consider reducing any excessive elements and adopting a more moderate approach. Be prepared for unexpected changes in your fortune as Jupiter goes retrograde. Nevertheless, this could potentially turn out to be a fortunate turn of events in the grand scheme of things, particularly if there is a departure of something or someone from your life. During the Jupiter retrograde in Gemini period, it would be wise to take some time to gather your thoughts and reflect before embarking on new endeavors or making advancements in your current projects.
In addition to the retrograde, there will be other significant cosmic events to consider. There will be two notable periods of tension when Jupiter in Gemini clashes with Saturn in Pisces.
On August 19, there will be a significant collision between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn retrograde in Pisces. If you find yourself overwhelmed, friction may arise. Until now, you may have experienced significant shifts that have affected your personal boundaries and obligations. If you haven’t made the necessary adjustments, the cosmic tension will highlight the areas that require attention. However, it is likely to occur during a particularly challenging or tense moment. One may come to understand that success is only possible when one is open to embracing the ever-changing nature of life. However, it is important to be aware of your limitations.
On December 24, there will be a significant collision between Jupiter retrograde in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces. This time around, you may notice a subtle shift in the air. It’s possible that you may have experienced a loss of confidence in yourself or a dream leading up to this particular moment. It’s possible that an obstacle may have dampened your sense of positivity, faith, and hope. Initially, this second square may give the impression of receiving a blow when you’re already feeling low. However, upon closer examination of the celestial dynamics, it becomes apparent that a shift in your belief system or perspective may be necessary. There is still hope, but significant changes are necessary in order to find a way out of the current situation. --Conscious Reminder
Gemini by Talon Abraxas
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haikyuucollective · 8 days
Part 1/? - Bokuto, The Ultimate Supporter
Bokuto is most definitely one of the many key characters in haikyuu. His influence on others is immense, as he's constantly being one to push others to their limit. Akaashi even describes him as “the type of person to make others feel like they have to answer his passion with passion,”(Furudate 331) which is a simple sentence that sums up a huge portion of Bokuto's character wonderfully.
We can see Bokuto proving Akaashi's statement to be true in a variety of ways. For example, Tsukishima. Most of us can recall on how much the Third Gym Arc changed him, and I'd be stupid to not include it.
Throughout the Third Gym Arc, Bokuto helps Tsukishima in two main ways: skill wise, and motivation wise. We'll be honing in on the latter today.
In chapter 89, Bokuto invites Tsukishima to practice with him and his companions again. When Tsukishima eventually comes around, he ends up asking them a question* that baffles Bokuto.
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*We the readers are aware of Tsukishima's resentment of treating volleyball more than just a club along with the reasons behind it, however we won't be diving into that today.
After grasping what Tsukishima was trying to convey, Bokuto gives him his answer. He tells Tsukishima of his own experiences playing volleyball, telling him how “it wasn't until recently that” he “started thinking volleyball was fun”(Furudate 89). He goes on to explain how he had to improve and get better in order to find more joy in the game. Along with this, he drops a giant ball of wisdom right onto Tsukishimas head.
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We see how these words affect Tsukishima later on in the series, not only through Tsukishimas actions, but specifically in chapter 163. Right after doing his set-taking block, Tsukishima recalls Bokutos words :
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This goes to show just how much Bokutos words impacted Tsukishima. From asking him a simple question, Tsukishima recieved words that changed his entire stance on volleyball.* "Thank you, Bokuto," we all say in unison.
*Tsukishima also pursues volleyball in college, so I think that also speaks volumes lol.
P.S. sorry for the lack of indents again. Tumblr still hates me
Furudate, Haruichi. "Haikyu!!" Shounen Jump, January 4th 2013, vol. 4 Chapter 89
Furudate, Haruichi. "Haikyu!!" Shounen Jump, February 6th 2018, vol. 20 Chapter 163
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magicoldcottage · 9 months
The 12 days of Yule
Looking to add more meaning to the season?
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I think it's time we started to look back at our traditions from the past, and brought real meaning to the festivities rather than the commercialised mess that Christmas has become. The season was never about how many presents you got, how much money you could spend. It was about spirituality and family.
Below I run through the 12 days of Yule which started this year on the 21st Dec. I write this on boxing day which is 6th day of Yule if you are trying to find the current day.
When is Yule?
I've seen some confusion on posts of the date, this is natural as the date varies. The celebrations commence the day before the winter solstice, the shortest  day of the year. Which does vary slightly from year to year. This year the shortest day is the 22nd, so Yule starts on the 21st.
What were the 12 days of the celebration.
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On the first day of Yule, The day before that Winter Solstice. people honoured "The Mothers", the goddesses who watched over the family and the land. They offered them food and drink on Mother’s Night, and asked for their blessings for the coming year. If you don't follow the Mothers in any guise simply substitute for one you do as part of your practice. For more details on the mothers click here
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On the second day of Yule, people celebrated the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. They lit candles, bonfires, and the Yule log to symbolize the return of the sun and the warmth of life. They also decorated evergreen trees with ornaments and gifts. To those of you who've had your tree up since october, yes decorating the tree was part of the festivities. As not everyone has the ability to burn a giant log so a candle lit to banish the dark is a great modern option.
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On the third day of Yule, people honoured Odin, the god of wisdom, war, and magic. They left offerings of food and drink for him and his followers, the Wild Hunt, a ghostly procession of spirits and animals that roamed the sky during the winter nights. They also told stories and poems about Odin and his adventures. It was a family day pulling everyone together to spend time telling tales and being close.
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On the fourth day of Yule, people honoured Thor, the god of thunder, strength, and protection. They ate and drank in his name, and thanked him for his blessings. They also carved runes and amulets for protection and luck. If you don't fancy making Thors hammer amulets use this day to make something simple to act as protection for your family. For an easy option why not make my tripple goddess knot, only a length of string in needed, guild click here
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On the fifth day of Yule, people honoured Frey, the god of fertility, prosperity, and peace. They exchanged gifts and tokens of love and friendship, and wished for a fruitful and prosperous year. They also made wreaths and garlands of mistletoe, holly, and ivy, which were sacred to Frey. Again making the Wreath was part of the festivities rather than something that you made in advance.
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On the sixth day of Yule, people honoured Freya, the goddess of love, beauty, and magic. They celebrated with feasts, music, and dancing, and expressed their joy and gratitude for life. They also practiced divination and seidr, a form of shamanic magic that Freya taught to Odin. So Boxing day (as of 2023) is the day to break out your favourite divination tools and scry the future.
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On the seventh day of Yule, people honoured Balder, the god of light, joy, and purity. They remembered his death and resurrection, and hoped for his return in the new world. They also played games and sports, and enjoyed the snow and ice. A great day to break out those new boardgames, invite people over who are getting bored and have a games night.
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On the eighth day of Yule, people honoured Skadi, the goddess of winter, hunting, and skiing. They admired her beauty and strength, and respected her independence and justice. They also went hunting and skiing, and enjoyed the cold and the wilderness. Not everyone is going to enjoy a hunt, but getting out in nature to spend some time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us should be our target on this day.
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On the ninth day of Yule, people honoured Ullr, the god of archery, skiing, and dueling. They praised his skill and courage, and challenged themselves and others to contests of honor and glory. They also made offerings of skis, bows, and arrows to Ullr. Although Monopoly in our house tends to turn into a blood sport, contents of strength should be slightly more energetic.
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On the tenth day of Yule, people honoured Loki, the god of mischief, fire, and change. They laughed at his tricks and pranks, and acknowledged his role in the balance of the world. They also played jokes and riddles, and embraced the chaos and the change.  Again draw together with friends or family and have some fun, even if its settling down for a good comedy film.
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On the eleventh day of Yule, for the end of the year people honoured the ancestors, the spirits of the dead who lived on in the otherworld. They remembered their names and deeds, and honoured their legacy and wisdom. They also set a place for them at the table, and shared stories and memories with them. We have all lost someone who remains in our hearts. Use this day to remind yourself how they have touched your life. Pull out the old photographs, share their stories with those too young to remember them and keep them alive. Click here for my memory stones for those feeling crafty.
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On the twelfth day of Yule, people honoured the Norns, the goddesses of fate who wove the threads of destiny. They reflected on the past, the present, and the future, and made resolutions and plans for the new year. They also burned the remains of the Yule log, and scattered the ashes for good luck. This day normally falls around the new year and the tradition lives on as "New Year Resolutions". Don't aim for the impossible, practical resolutions are far easier to stick to.
For more ideas of things to make or do, click here for my masterpost.
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paramounticebound · 1 year
~ Character Info Sheet
name: Sibahl Khan Noonien Singh
name meaning: 'Khan', often a surname, is derived from the historic title khan, referring to a military chief or royalty. Ruler, leader, king. / 'Noonien' is of Chinese origin and means "gifted one". The story goes that Gene Roddenberry, in the midst of the Cold War, was attempting to find a friend with this name and hoped seeing it on the big screen would enable them to connect again. / 'Singh' is a Punjabi/Sikh surname, derived from the Sanskrit word सिंह (IAST: siṃha) meaning "lion", and is used in the sense of "hero" or "eminent person". ['Sibahl' is rooted from two different sanskrit words: 'singh' which means lion and 'bal' which means strength.]
tl;dr his name is an amalgamation of different cultural roots, while the general meanings remain consistent.
alias/es: The Augmented Prince, The Augmented Tyrant, John Harrison, Captain, Popsicle, KHAAAAN
ethnicity: indian british now ig thanks section 31 ┐('~`;)┌
one picture you like best of your chara:
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and his alternate fc b/c i have no chill:
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three h/cs you've never told anyone:
His name, I suppose. Learning that 'Khan Noonien Singh' was not the original name for the character sort of set me off, along with the moment in the comic where he took on a new moniker. Sibahl is the name that Sarina gave him, and sometimes he still tastes it in the back of his throat; yet when he'd realized what he must become to lead his people, he shed it in favor of KHAN.
While he fears failure and loss, Khan does not fear death. Truthfully, he finds the concept comforting in a way that words can barely describe. To return to the earth, to stardust, is so unfathomably beautiful-- to continue the cycle of life until it dissipates in entirety. His body will feed the soil, bacteria and carrion consuming all that he has to offer, and so he will live on and on in a way that the soul cannot. He's absolutely written poetry about it, and you'll never get to read it.
When he was a child, he was gifted a khanda by a close friend of Sarina's-- a historian and antique dealer. While it was originally ornamental in design, Khan sharpened and modified it to become a functional weapon.
While I generally consider him unable to scar, a wound from a previous rp partner yet transcends many of his verses. It's a scar just under his rib cage on the left side, vaguely in the shape of a sunburst.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Calligraphy-- he misses paper and ink, how his hands long to create instead of destroy.
Playing chess-- a way to destress while keeping the mind sharp.
Whittling-- he has occasionally been known to gift woodwork he's created. Not as often in his current timeline.
eight people your character likes / loves:
Marla McGivers (@sweetbitterbitten): A mad widower does not a worth leader make. Without her, insanity is the best comfort that can be had. With her-- oh, with her, Persephone to his Hades, he is fit to rule in hell. He is fit to drag it wherever he needs it to be.
Fox Alkaev (@vuulpecula): After writing him for so long, Fox has become interwoven into his story, in some way or another. In every verse, he is somehow connected to her.
Sarina Kaur: Mother is God in the eyes of a child.
Joachim: What is a king without an advisor? This is his right hand man and greatest confidant.
Kati: Much like Joachim, he relies on her wisdom, either as a dampener to his righteous fury, or a kindling when blood must be shed.
Liesel Ivanov (@noblehcart ): Who else can dance only to melody of humming stars and thrumming hearts?
His unnamed child from Wrath of Khan/Ender (@middaysandmidnights): His child, his legacy, his lifeblood. The one whom he hopes will endure despite him.
The rest of his crew: without them, he is nothing, a dead end king, a freedom fighter without a cause.
Multiple muses that have melted his icy heart over the years. I'd make a giant post if you'd let me.
two things your character regrets:
Terran exile, and how long it has taken to regain a rightful throne. He wishes that he hadn't relied on the unknown to save them.
Letting any of his people die. Those that have still haunt him, ghosts ever present, continually chanting, "Our captain has left us behind."
two phobias your character has:
Claustrommetaphobia - fear of suffocation in an enclosed space.
Atychiphobia - an extreme fear of failure.
Tagged by : @ssolessurvivor <333
Tagging: @gcldenratio @asteritm @jundlcndwastes (juni!) @hcxcd @noblehcart (liesel!) @lastsurvivor @sweetbitterbitten (whomever you're feeling the most; or marla!) @vulku / @greatprotector @admiralchristopherpike @godresembled (rey!) @whydotheykeeptakingmine @learnedlucidity @hiislegacy @weavefcrged @primitiveside @dethqveen and YOU!
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