#Geralt x Regis x Dandelion
Prompt 110
Okay so we all know about how Regis told Dandelion in the books that his blood smelled nice, which was most likely about how none of his wounds were infected and whatnot, but what if it wasn't? What if Jaskier has a special type of blood, whether magically made, cursed, or perhaps just o- or some shit lmfao Either way, Vampires LOVE this shit. Their favorite delicacy when they choose to partake. This becomes a problem when Jaskier has a hurt foot and Geralt takes him to a medic. A vampire, whether the medic, the medic's assistant, or just someone lurking outside who caught a whiff of the blood, is like "Jackpot!" and tells all his little vampire friends, and now they're hosting a big feast just to drain this guy. But it's such a delicacy, the vampire decides maybe they should only drain him a little, so he can keep the human around, so the human can regain his blood, and they can drink from him AGAIN! Oh yes, marvelous! He throws the best parties! Jaskier wakes up with a horrible headache. He's dressed incredibly fancy, though he doesn't think these are his clothes- Speaking of which, he also doesn't think this is his room at the inn... Is he- Is he fucking chained to a dining table? "Let the buffet begin! I hope you're thirsty my friends!~" Fuck. He hopes Geralt gets here quick-
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hanzajesthanza · 22 days
when the hussite trilogy becomes popular on tumblr there will be a huge influx of yaoi and two camps will arise: reynevan x szarlej (scrappy childless dilf thirst) reynevan x birkart (evil tumblr sexyman lust). these two factions will war greatly and there will be a wallcreeperpocalypse (like the mishapocalypse) on a small scale of the maybe 50 people on the site that follow hussite trilogy blogs. a small minority will bitch about how samson is always forgotten in this shipping war and will make longposts about pretty privilege, ableism, and fatphobia in fandom. everyone will forget that jutta even existed except a small faction which will create jutta x adéle yuri as a rebellious response to the centering on male characters, another group will make dzierżka x elencza in the same vein, but will get accused of incest shipping because dzierżka is like her adoptive maternal figure. people who ship reynevan and jutta will be put on a list for homophobia and vagued in tags. we will all forget that this series is about religion as politics, revolution being all in vain, and women as the center of the universe
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mayasooong · 2 years
Still one of the funniest scenes I remember from the book. Geralt’s disbelief is through the roof here and Milva isn’t helping 🤣
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iorwethsimp2137 · 2 years
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𝘈 𝘎𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘖𝘭𝘥 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴.
I do not say new friends are not considerate and true, Or that their smiles ain't genuine, but still I'm tellin' you That when a feller's heart is crushed and achin' with the pain, And teardrops come a-splashin' down his cheeks like summer rain, Becoz his grief an' loneliness are more than he can bear, Somehow it's only old friends, then, that really seem to care. The friends who've stuck through thick an' thin, who've known you, good an' bad, Your faults an' virtues, an' have seen the struggles you have had, When they come to you gentle-like an' take your hand an' say: Cheer up! we're with you still,' it counts, for that's the old friends' way. - Excerpt from the poem "Old Friends", by Edward Albert Guest.
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Most of the time being a witcher means being a therapist to both those who hired you and the monsters you are supposed to kill.
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Chapter 19 of Prophecies and Promises
"On the Path to Change"
“Why aren’t you sleeping, uncle?” asked Pavetta with the lack of tact most royals possess by her age. He was taken aback by her forthright question but still felt incapable of denying her answers whenever she asked anything of him.
“Nervous, I guess…” Geralt shrugged awkwardly during breakfast as he shifted his fork around through the food on his plate.
“And why aren’t you eating, uncle?” she pestered.
“Nervous…” he said again, gaze shifting down and his voice becoming softer.
“What is there to be nervous about?”
“...lots. I’ve lived a long time, Princess, and this is a life change I’ve avoided the entire time,” he admitted.
Geralt and Dandelion have been living in Cintra for a week now and are still getting used to their new lives...especially Geralt who can't quite seem to feel comfortable at all.
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reinvent-and-believe · 11 months
Trick or Treat!!!
2 Geralt x Regis
2. ghost
ooooh, you picked one of the halloween-themed prompts! this is situated somewhere vaguely post-books/pre-blood and wine. happy halloween! 👻
Wraiths exist. Geralt’s dispensed with enough of them to know that better than most. Noonwraiths and nightwraiths and dozens of other spectral incarnations, all miserable, pitiable, dangerous creatures.
But ghosts? The essence of a person’s spirit, not broken and distorted beyond recognition but simply lingering, clinging to loved ones or providing comfort, signs, communication from beyond the grave? No. Those ghosts exist in only Dandelion’s songs, pretty tales to disguise ugly truth.
No, Geralt doesn’t believe in ghosts. But the autumn breeze in Metinna carries wormwood and sage and coriander and anise as it smooths over his skin like a caress, blows through his hair, surrounds him and fills his lungs.
Geralt doesn’t believe in ghosts, but wandering the streets of Oxenfurt, he hears a wry, pedantic voice in the distance lecturing about ethics and philosophy and history and the properties of wolfsbane. There’s no end to pompous men with wry, pedantic voices in Oxenfurt, but no matter how long he looks, he never finds that voice.
Geralt doesn’t believe in ghosts, but he takes a bite of soup at an inn in Kaedwen, and tastes silver bream and celery and onion, and he closes his eyes, lets the warmth from the soup heat every bit of him except the longing trapped beneath his ribs.
Geralt doesn’t believe in ghosts, but as he’s drifting to sleep in front of a small fire in a forest clearing not far from the Chotla, he feels a gentle pressure like a lover’s hand against his chest, then cold, careful fingers brushing his hair out of his face. When he opens his eyes, he’s alone. He closes them again, hoping against hope to feel it again.
He doesn’t believe in ghosts, but he sees Regis out of the corner of his eye in Metinna, in Oxenfurt, in Kaedwen, near the Chotla. Glimpses him in crowds and alone in the woods, a league away and just beside him, just a fleeting flash of grey hair and sharp black eyes.
Geralt doesn’t believe in ghosts, but he feels him, nonetheless.
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alder-saan · 1 year
I have been looking for someone that wrote for the witcher books as x reader for awhile, who are your favorite characters ( could be game characters to)
Great question, I really like them all. But I think I have some favourite.
Philippa/Filippa Eilhart
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(This is an official visual)
Lord I love her. Badass, lesbian, owl, all the story is literally because of her (I won't spoil for those who haven't read the books). In the games she is perfect, In the books too. I have hopes for the tv show... I wouldn't have choose Cassie Clare (tbf I wanted them to go further in the native theme, because she is so native coded in the games and a bit in the books, and to choose a native american/australian actress), but why not.
Anna Henrietta of Toussaint
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From the books a bit, but more from the games. Blood and Wine is an awesome dlc. Queen step on me. I like her sister a bit too. I love how this story is borderline coded. I wrote a fanfiction of her and a maid (being a higher vampire), but turned it into being a part of my original universe. I really love Toussaint in the game, very southern France alike, it's fun.
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Cerys An Craite
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(Artist : Nikivaszi)
Lord, Cerys... I am a whore for this woman. I want to be her property. Ciri x Cerys is so hot btw. She is the reason why I love the Skellig part so much in the witcher 3.
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzief Godefroy (Regis)
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(Artist : shalizeh)
I don't love him in a romantic way, but he is really cool. I think I prefer him in the books, but I also love him in the game (in which they erased a bit his feminism, pro-lgbt and pro-choice positions and that's why I prefer him in the books). I hope Pedro Pascal will be his actor in the tv show... Same here, I won't spoil, but let's say I relate a lot to his questions about the world.
This man is a greeflag.
Lydia Van Bredevoort
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(The artist isn't written on it, if I remember well it's an official visual but not sure...)
I like this sweetie pie (she is only a sweetie pie in the books... wtf Netflix I don't understand why did you do that). We don't see her a lot but... she is cute.
I love Yennefer too (more in the books than in the game btw, in the game I chose Triss), but I think these five really are my favourite. I really like Ciri. And of course, Geralt is really cool. I love his character, his development, his relationship with Yen and Ciri. Jaskier/Dandelion is cool too... But... eh... He cheated on Anna Henrietta so jail now. You can't cheat on her. She is perfect.
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sebdoeswords · 2 years
Finally, Geralt and Regis get to sit down with the crew of the Chameleon. And they’ve got some news.
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
Sorry for this stupid question, but I haven't watched or played Witcher (but planning some day at least to watch it) so I think you'll understand me 😅
I saw you reblog at first a lot of Witcher x that young boy (sorry, I have literally no idea what's his name is but he sings cools songs)
And now I'm seeing Witcher x another old man about which I know even less than nothing
Maybe I'm being stupid or something, but these guys are one from the series and another from the game? Idk cuz I knew only about Witcher x young boy and now I'm seeing that old guy and I'm confused because you just haven't reblogged it before and your reblogs are the only thing that teaches me about the Witcher. Idk when I'll watch series, but here's the question. WHO SHOULD I SHIP BRO JUST SEEING THEIR PICTURES AND HAVING NO IDEA WHO ARE THEY BUT STILL CARE FOR THEIR GOOD???
It’s not a stupid question! I’m happy to explain.
The first one is Geralt (witcher) x Jaskier (younger man who is a bard), and most fan-content of them portrays Jaskier the way the Netflix series portrays him. He is an adult, but most people tend to ignore the age gap because fantasy world (Geralt is close to 80 when he meets Jaskier in the show, but doesn’t look it). Plus, henry cavill and joey batey (actors) are close to the same age, so people tend not to think about it.
Jaskier is based off of Dandelion from the original witcher books. In the books, we don’t get to see how Geralt and Dandelion meet, because Dandelion is almost 40 and has reunited with Geralt for the duration of the books.
Another character in the books, that Geralt meets later on, is Regis (the old man). They get along very well, and Regis ends up traveling with Geralt, Dandelion, and a few other people in a group called the hansa. The way they interact is often flirty and sometimes homoerotic. Eventually it’s revealed that Regis is a higher vampire (very powerful and potentially very dangerous), and he and Geralt have a bit of a falling out, but that only lasts about 15 pages or so before he’s back with them.
Regis appears again in the Blood and Wine DLC of the third witcher game (the one I’ve played), where he and Geralt reunite as old friends before advancing the plot together. Regis is not in the Netflix series as of now.
Another character in the games that I’ve been posting about is Vernon Roche (but I wasn’t sure if you were referencing him at all). He’s a major character in the second game and comes back in the third. He’s the commander of the Blue Stripes, a Temerian (country) special forces unit designed to combat the Scoia’tael (a group of elven bandits from the books; they appear in both the second and third games, but much more heavily in the second). I’m not actually sure how old he is, but he’s more middle-aged than Jaskier or Regis.
As for the reasons I ship all of these different couples, it just comes down to a few things:
- I watched the Netflix series first, and therefore started off my witcher hyperfixation and subsequent reblog spree with Geralt x Jaskier. Later on, I learned about the book series, and fell in love with Regis, which led to the beginning of my Geralt x Regis reblog spree, continued vitally by me playing the witcher 3 and loving him even more. Then I made a super awesome friend who shared their love of Geralt x Roche.
- All of these characters, in my opinion, can make Geralt feel safer, happier, and more comfortable with emotional vulnerability. (This is also why I don’t enjoy the ships with the sorceresses, but that’s another post). I enjoy all of these ships because Geralt is an amazing, dynamic character whose relationships with others provide lots of space for good feelings and creative expression.
- I don’t stop shipping any of them when I have a burst of love for one of the ships in particular.
As for who you should ship, I can’t make that decision for you! I’d recommend engaging with at least one witcher series, be it Netflix, books, or the games (or the 2002 Polish Hexer series, which is low budget but made with so much love) and then deciding whose dynamic makes you the happiest! Fandom should be fun, shipping should be fun, so my advice is to just have fun.
Hope this helps! If you want to know anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out. :)
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
i’m sitting on a ton of fanmixes that i’ve made over the past two years, and i can’t decide in which order to draw covers and post them, so i’ve decided to ask your opinion! (+ i decided to share these because of this very kind anon ask!! thank you!)
my fanmixes are narrative-based playlists of music that follow an already-established story by sapkowski or a canon-compliant plot or character development which i headcanon for them. each of these fanmixes is about a specific character, dynamic, or setting from the witcher book series; if you want an example of what my fanmixes are like, here’s a link to some i’ve already posted. (note how, when i post a fanmix, under a read-more i go through all the lyrics of each song and explain how they relate to the story/character/dynamic!)
every fanmix listed on this poll is already complete, each has between 12 and 26 songs
i tried to hint at the feel of each playlist by listing the decade(s) and genre(s) they pull from, but note that the mixes usually have a few outlier songs from another decade or genre, and are not strictly composed of only what is listed, it’s just to give you an idea
the results of this poll will determine which order i publish them in (most votes = published first, least votes = published last), but i will be publishing them all at some undecided point in the future
feel free to reblog for your witcher mutuals' opinions
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metalgearwitcher · 1 year
What I WILL write: Fluff Angst Hurt/Comfort Gender Neutral reader Fem Reader Male Reader MLM, MLW WLW Platonic (all underage characters are auto-platonic) Smut Pregnancy dark topics (suicide, murder, death, sh etc) canon typical violence ( there is a lot of it in these franchises, they are anti war stories afterall maybe not depicting some of the things that happen in canon it but I can still reference them )
Will Not Write Non-con Yandere Underage "disturbing" kinks (usually meaning involving noncon partners, violence or bodily functions, mostly) feel free to ask if your kink is ok or not) Character x Character AUs ( sorry not my thing)
I will not judge you at all for any kinks or personal interests - do not be afraid to message me with any questions you have
will some detail with the requests like a prompt, but not so much that I'm just writing your OC
am a slow writer. I might take a while to finish a request
If there is a character that isn't on the following lists, ask about them to see if I write for them
character list below the RM
Metal Gear
I'm not familiar enough with metal gear rising to write for those characters but most of the others are fair game
MGS character list
Solid Snake
Big Boss or Naked Snake
Revolver Ocelot
Meryl Silverburgh
Johnny Sasaki
Sniper Wolf
Kazuhira Miller
Venom Snake
The Witcher Iv only gone through the Witcher 3 so I'm not familiar with the previous games, so I will do research to write for some of the more popular characters like Vernon Roche and Iorveth
This is based on the game version the characters not the tv show. I still like the show I just think there should be more content for the game characters ( though I might make an exemption for Jaskier I love him too much to exclude)
I'm not finished with the book series yet but I may included details from it and reference book only stuff or use characterization if there isn't enough detail for them in the games, I will probably add more characters when I'm finished with the books, like Milva
Witcher character list Ciri
Geralt of Rivia
Jaskier (TV)
Triss Merigold
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Vernon Roche
Cerys an Craite
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fangirleaconmigo · 4 years
Interested in my smutty Geralt x Regis x Dandelion headcanon? It is NSFW once you are past the ‘read more’ line. 
*This is 100% books. I haven’t played the games.*
For most of Baptism of Fire, Geralt is in excruciating pain of every kind, sleep deprived, and in acute emotional distress. As a result he is moody, angry, and sometimes hostile. 
So let’s start there, where Geralt attacks Cahir (If you’ve only seen the show, just trust me, Cahir is HUGELY different in the books. It’s like a different character. So just tuck that away and continue as though they are allies and eventually even friends.)
In the books, Milva gets off her horse, and whips both of their asses to separate them. These men are getting on every last nerve she possesses. 
So in my imagination world, Milva then takes Regis aside. She’s like...if you don’t do something about this, I am going to stab someone. I’m going to stab all of you fuckers.
Regis is like...of course I want to help. But what can I do? I’m a barber surgeon, yes, but I can hardly do a better job of healing his injuries than the dryads did. And if I could make Ciri magically appear in our path safe and sound I would have already done it.
Milva is like...I’m not asking for miracles, vampire. Just help him...let go...of some of his stress.
And Regis is like...ummmmm how?
And she’s fed up at this point so she’s just like...all you guys ever do is think with your dicks anyway, please for once do that in a helpful fucking way.
And she walks away.
A very warm and interested smile spreads on Regis’s face as he watches her go, deep in thought. He decides to conscript Dandelion in this effort.
So they manage to steer the company’s travels somewhere with a nice inn. They take Geralt to bed. 
This is how I picture the dynamic. 
Let’s start with Geralt. Geralt may be a slut but he isn’t especially adventurous about sex. He’s a bit uptight about even discussing sex openly. He also believes he is ugly. He is repulsed by his own appearance. This is all canon. I’m not pulling quotes at the moment because I have horny headcanons to write on tumblr. But this is all true.
Now there’s Regis, Mr. “I give speeches to my friends about sex positivity at every chance.” He is extremely (to some) off-putting in his casual openness about sex. And he loves to talk. Geralt tries to pretend he doesn’t like it from time to time but for the most part he’s like a wide eyed, easily impressed youth when it comes to Regis. (In his defense, Regis is incredibly experienced and wise and knows practically everything. He’s an ancient well traveled vampire ffs!) Geralt flat out worships him.
Now, Dandelion. What can we say about Dandelion except that he’s a giant slut as well as a poet. In the books he’s far smoother than Jaskier. He has a silver tongue and he’s handsome and he has blonde hair which he hot rolls into ringlets. He’s so gorgeous he’s sometimes mistaken for an elf. 
So based on this evidence, here are my thoughts on this.
Obviously, Geralt is the cream filling of this delicious pastry. They would just take him the fuck apart.
Regis and Dandelion would undress him and spread him out on the bed. They expect to have to urge him to relax, given how angry and moody he’s been, and given what they know about his reticence and his self image. But he just sort of blinks and nods. He lets them undress him and he lays down naked and lets his legs fall open. 
He looks so hopeful and vulnerable.
Dandelion would kiss him everywhere. Just beginning the body worshipping right away.
Regis would guide him through it. Tell him what to do. “Turn over, darling. Just close your eyes. Open up now Geralt. Relax. Tilt up your ass? Good boy. Now doesn’t that feel amazing? Now Dandelion, don’t you think Geralt wants his tits played with? Yes, like that, listen to our beautiful Geralt moaning so sweetly.”
And every time Dandelion’s mouth is free (not filled with Geralt’s tits or cock) he would be narrating in the most poetic and filthy ways, describing how Geralt looks on his knees, how he feels sucking cock. He would run his fingers over Geralt’s stretched lips and describe his beauty in the most glowing, lovely, horny terms. He would use the adjectives Geralt has heard him use for angels, but with the sentiments he’s heard him express at brothels.
Geralt had a moment when they walked into the room where he thought he would leave. Or where he would insist they just fuck in the dark without all these bells and whistles. He knew they expected that from him. And he also did.
But this journey has broken him down and he needs it. He knows he needs it. He’s a husk of a person. So for once he just lays himself bare. It is difficult at first. When Dandelion tells him that his lips look so lovely or his cock is stunning, a voice in him tells him this is all lies. Or at least it isn’t objective. It’s Dandelion. Dandelion adores him against all sensibility. He’s hardly sane.
But Regis can see him getting in his head. And every time he does, Regis tells him to refocus on what he’s feeling...urges him to concentrate on the sensations. He fills his ass so full as Dandelion sucks him off that he literally can’t think straight enough for that self hating voice to find its train of thought. 
Then something happens. He just shuts off his thoughts. He takes comfort in doing exactly as he’s told. Trusts in Regis’s voice. Regis is wise. He knows everything, right? So if he says this is where Geralt belongs, on his knees, receiving everything they have to give, then that must be true. After believing that, it’s a short leap to believing the stream of praise from Dandelion. Geralt begins blooms like a fucking flower at all of the compliments.
He closes his eyes and lets their hands caress him, massage him, tug him, adore him. He does as he’s told. Lets himself react without thinking about it. 
He tilts his face up. Pushes out his ass. Glides his hands over his own body as though he is a gift. He lets himself believe them, that he is gorgeous and precious and the sexiest creature in creation. He cums three times over the course of the night, and then after it’s all done he just sobs while Regis cradles him and pets him and chants “just let it go” while Dandelion spoons him from behind and places little kisses on his neck and back, making sure not to miss a single freckle. 
Once he catches his breath, and cries out everything, they clean him off with a warm towel. They kiss him everywhere again, but this time in a way that isn’t for the purposes of arousing him. Just to worship his body. Then Dandelion sings him to sleep as they both have legs and arms thrown over him.
In the morning he’s a new man. 
Milva pledges her eternal allegiance to them both. She even makes the fish stew.
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arreloi · 4 years
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Inktober and also a drawing for @lohrendrell (the Geralt, Dandelion and Regis drawing I promised)
Also, I wanted to say I remember about the requests. Gonna draw them soon!
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Chapter 16 part 1 and part 2 of Prophecies and Promises
"On the Path to a New Home - Part 1"
After Geralt and Dandelion travel together for nearly half a year, the bard regretfully makes a wish in the wrong place and at the wrong time which leads them through a new series of events that both enlightens and confuses Dandelion to who Geralt actually is.
"On the Path to a New Home - Part 2"
As Geralt rests after the stress of the past few days, Dandelion becomes acquainted with a certain druid.
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