#‘i wish hussite trilogy was popular’ finger on the monkey’s paw curls inward
hanzajesthanza · 22 days
when the hussite trilogy becomes popular on tumblr there will be a huge influx of yaoi and two camps will arise: reynevan x szarlej (scrappy childless dilf thirst) reynevan x birkart (evil tumblr sexyman lust). these two factions will war greatly and there will be a wallcreeperpocalypse (like the mishapocalypse) on a small scale of the maybe 50 people on the site that follow hussite trilogy blogs. a small minority will bitch about how samson is always forgotten in this shipping war and will make longposts about pretty privilege, ableism, and fatphobia in fandom. everyone will forget that jutta even existed except a small faction which will create jutta x adéle yuri as a rebellious response to the centering on male characters, another group will make dzierżka x elencza in the same vein, but will get accused of incest shipping because dzierżka is like her adoptive maternal figure. people who ship reynevan and jutta will be put on a list for homophobia and vagued in tags. we will all forget that this series is about religion as politics, revolution being all in vain, and women as the center of the universe
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