#Fundie birth announcements
countingandsnarkingon · 3 months
It’s Baby Month for Nurie Keller, Priscilla Waller and Tiffany Bates. I expect Birth announcements from Nurie and Priscilla but, won’t be the least bit shocked if Baby Bates is an August Baby. I’ll also assume we’ll get a birth announcement Kristen Clark’s miracle baby girl any day now
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fundielicious-simblr · 11 months
(Adalynn's POV)
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Mason's sister Molly and her husband Elijah visited us for Easter, and whilst they were here they announced that they're moving to Willowcreek and that they're expecting a baby! They've been married for a few years now and have been praying for a baby, so we're all overjoyed for them to be on this journey to being parents. Angie says that she's had the most blessed weekend, with easter and Molly's news happening all in one weekend. Elijah's job in Oasis Springs has an office here in Willowcreek and he just got a promotion that involved them moving here. For the next few weeks, Molly and I will be pregnant together for the first (and I hope not the last) time ever.
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Madelynn and Tabitha were also excited at Molly's news! Molly has gotten to know the other girls better whenever she and Elijah would visit us here in Willowcreek. Madelynn and I have been discussing the end of the school year, she sends Lester to a homeschool co-op in our area that uses the same curriculum that I use with our boys plus other supplementary ones. Mason and I have been considering the co-op as the boys get older, but for now while they're in junior school I feel like I should be in control of their education. Tabitha had her baby Ember earlier in the spring, so now she's got a toddler and a newborn to wrangle.
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I feel so blessed when I think about the fact that part of our church family is our actual family, sometimes I feel bad that the boys don't get to grow up with their cousins like some of my other nieces and nephews, but seeing them play with my cousins kids makes up for that. Technically the kids are second cousins, so that's close enough for me.
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Only a few more weeks to go before baby #9 joins us! Because of Parker and Lana's wedding we didn't get to do a small weekend away, but we're taking the time to soak in these last few moments with the boys before we get thrown into the cycle of having a newborn in the house again.
(AN) One last time before the baby's here, guess what you think it'll be! Last poll had a 50/50 split, so lets see what this one will be.
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thefundiedata · 1 month
Jana Duggar and Stephen Wissmann are married!
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On Thursday 15th August 2024, Jana Marie Duggar and Stephen Gerald Wissmann tied the knot in Arkansas. They will be living together in Nebraska. They had previously dated around 2021 and rekindled their relationship sometime towards the beginning of 2024.
They were engaged on 15th June 2024, meaning their engagement was 61 days long (second shortest Duggar engagement after Jed and Kate). Their pre-marriage relationship was at most 227 days long - short even by Duggar standards!
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The couple were older by fundie wedding standards. Jana was aged 34.59 on their wedding day and Stephen was aged 31.08. While Jana is older than Stephen, the trend in fundie relationships remains that the man is older than the woman - with an average age difference of 350 days. Jana and Stephen's age difference is shockingly close (4 days in it) to their double-sibling-in-laws' (Jeremiah and Hannah Duggar).
The average ages at Duggar pre-courtship now stand at 22.10 for women and 22.89 for men. For courtship, those numbers are 22.29 for women and 23.29 for men. Finally, at marriage those numbers are 23.05 for women and 23.84 for men. All the Standard Deviations have increased after this wedding, with the SD for women now being greater than the SD for men.
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The average fundie couple has a baby 271 days after the wedding and announces the pregnancy on Day 93. If Jana and Stephen are totally fundie-typical, that would mean an announcement on 15th February 2025 and a birth on 21st August 2025. Their predicted family size is four children.
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I truly wish the couple all the best for the future. I hope they both get everything they wanted out of the relationship and live a long and happy life together.
Should we get any further data confirming exactly when Jana and Stephen restarted their relationship, I will update the spreadsheet accordingly. For now, it's based on educated guesses!
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surfpent · 10 months
The Parent Trap AU, where Techno and Wilbur are identical twins who were separated at birth and somehow ended up at the same summer camp eleven years later.
Wilbur felt as if he were on top of the world. He advanced toward his opponent and lunged, saber flashing in the sunlight.
The other boy stumbled back. He was quick to take advantage of the opening and attacked without thought.
In a blink of an eye, his opponent hit the ground and their counselor, Dan, was lifting his arm up in victory. “The winner and undefeated champion, Wilbur Soot!” he announced.
Underneath his wire-mesh mask, he was grinning from ear to ear. Fencing lessons paid off after all— he’d have to thank Mum after the summer was over.
After being let go, Wilbur gravitated toward the fence next to the arena, where his friends hung around and cheered him on.
“That was sick!” Fundy exclaimed immediately.
“Right? You beat him in like, ten seconds flat!” Tubbo was perched atop the fence, legs swaying. “I swear we’ve been here all day. How have you not lost once?”
He laughed, face burning red from exertion and embarrassment. “Don’t jinx me.”
To his left, Dan scoured the clearing for more participants. “Do we have any challengers?” he called, cupping his hands around his mouth.
“I’ll have a go,” an unfamiliar boy answered, masked and already snapping on a vest. He had an air of self assurance about him, lazily flipping the saber in the air and catching it with one hand.
Dan blew the whistle. “En garde!”
The boy saluted, saber in hand.
Wilbur raised his eyebrows. He welcomed the competition, yet hesitated briefly before returning the gesture.
With another blow of the whistle, it begun.
His first thought upon dueling the boy was that he was quick. If Wilbur came near he would simply glide away, the reflex seemingly automatic.
Through a flurry of thrusts and a parries, he attempted to knock the blade out of his opponent’s hand.
His opponent deflected the attack and whirled around, catching him off guard and getting him in the shoulder.
They danced back and forth for another eternity. Wilbur managed to get a touch in by going low, though now he was sweating and his opponent still seemed to be going strong.
Their sabers locked together and Wilbur swept them in a circle, hand steady.
His opponent twisted his wrist, breaking away. Then, to his surprise, charged directly at him.
He sidestepped, but his opponent pivoted last minute and forced him to hop back on his heels. Now off balance, Wilbur retreated, forced to parry blow after blow.
Focused on defending, he failed to notice the water trough behind him before it was too late. The back of his knees hit wood and within the millisecond only gave him enough time to let out a surprised shout.
He fell hard. Sun baked water buzzing with water skippers splashed around his ears and soaked through his clothes. Sputtering, he wiped the murky liquid from his mask and stared up at his opponent in disbelief. A chorus of laughter rung out in the clearing, to his mortification.
The boy had one hand over his mouth, as if holding back his own laugh, and the other outstretched as an offering.
Wilbur narrowed his eyes. He’d lost, but it wasn’t fair. There weren’t water troughs in fencing arenas— at least not in the UK— and he was doing well before the incident.
He took his hand roughly and yanked the boy in with him. Petty? Yes. Jerk move? Definitely, but it made him feel slightly better.
He careened into the space next to him face first, sending up a wave of water. When he surfaced he was thoroughly drenched. He couldn’t see his eyes but his body language implied he was glaring daggers toward Wilbur.
They were both silent as they clambered out of the trough, water pooling in the dirt below.
Wilbur unfastened his mask and crossed his arms over his chest. He refused to look at Dan or his former opponent.
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a new champ, Mister Techno Craft! Let’s shake hands, gentlemen.”
Water dripped from his curls and into his eyes, forcing him to swipe it away. He still didn’t acknowledge the counselor.
“Boys,” Dan said warningly.
He rolled his eyes, heaving a dramatic sigh as he turned, hand extended.
His opponent, Techno, must’ve turned at the same time because their eyes met. His hand hovered in the air between them, mask dangling at his side.
Techno had curly brown hair that reached the nape of his neck and freckles dotted along his nose bridge.
His eyes were drawn to a birthmark below his lower lip. That would be all well and good if Wilbur didn’t have one in the exact same spot.
After scanning the rest of Techno’s face, he deducted he even had the same curved jawline and pointed ears as him. A portion of his hair was dyed pink and both his ears were pierced, but minus the cosmetics, they were identical. It was as if he’d just been transported into The Twilight Zone or something.
Dazed, Wilbur shook his hand. Surrounding campers close enough to see both their faces gasped.
“Why’s everyone starin’?” Techno asked, blinking familiar brown eyes. His accent was painfully American.
“Don’t you see it?”
“See what, exactly?” His tone was curt.
Maybe he was going insane. “The resemblance between us.”
“Uh, no. Not really.” He shrugged. “Your hairline is way worse than mine.”
Wilbur’s jaw hung open. “Hey!”
“Just sayin’,” Techno continued. “Plus those glasses make you look like a wannabe Harry Potter.” He mimed the circular frames of his glasses with his hands.
Some blond kid was crying with laughter over the fence railing. It wasn’t even that funny.
Tubbo slid off his perch, frowning. “Want me to punch him for you?” he offered with a crack of his knuckles.
Wilbur waved him away and took a step forward, balling his own fists. “You want to know the real difference between us?” he began.
Techno seemed uninterested. “Let me guess, that I know how to fence and you don’t?”
He was about to punch his identical “twin” in his identical nose when Dan stepped back in.
“Okay, okay, gentlemen. Break it up,” he scolded. “Techno …” Dan did a double take upon seeing them together. “I mean, Wilbur, sorry—“
The lunch bell interrupted him mid-sentence and Wilbur was pulled away from the encounter by Tubbo before he could get into trouble.
“Do we really look that similar or am I going insane?” he asked his friends.
“Probably just a coincidence,” Fundy said, kicking a stone on the trail as he walked. “Freak of nature type of thing, yeah? Or a glitch in the multiverse— he’s like, the discount version of you.”
He huffed out a laugh.
“Please accept my condolences, Wil. I can’t imagine having your sworn enemy look exactly like you,” Tubbo added solemnly.
Wilbur glanced back and saw Techno being pulled away by his friends as well— one of them being the blond kid who thought him being compared to Harry Potter was peak comedy. He caught Techno staring back at him and quickly looked away.
He’d get his revenge soon, and he had the perfect idea for it. Wilbur would show Techno Craft not to mess with him.
They were returning from a morning hike and even Techno was feeling weary, boot soles digging into his heels with each painful step.
“I’m crawling into bed and sleeping for the next week,” Tommy groaned, backpack slung over his shoulder bouncing as he moved. Even exhausted, he still somehow oozed energy with exaggerated motion.
Quackity nodded. “I’m crawling into bed and sleeping for the next year.” He was the shorter of the two, and wore a navy blue beanie with various colorful pins stuck in the wool.
Techno wondered how he could wear a beanie in the heat of the summer outdoors without dying.
The trio rounded the corner, pine trees retreating and revealing the Pogtopia Cabin.
He expected to be greeted with cozy pine logs and screened windows, the usual sight, instead he was met with something abnormal. Techno froze. “That doesn’t seem to be a possibility,” he drawled, pointing at their cabin roof.
“What the hell?” Tommy and Quackity exclaimed in unison.
Every one of their cots were nailed onto the roof, crooked yet somehow stable. The British flag flew high in place of the American flag, stars and stripes no where to be seen.
“This has got to be some sort of hate crime,” Tommy muttered under his breath.
Quackity snapped his fingers. “I know who did it.”
So did Techno.
There was no doubt who was responsible. He’d only offended one British person so far during his time at Camp Manberg and that was Wilbur Soot.
Quackity’s face was scheming. A lightbulb must’ve gone off because he suddenly brightened. “Hey, I have a payback plan.”
“Yeah? What is it?” Tommy asked eagerly.
“I’ll tell you guys later. Let me get in touch with an associate of mine.” He rubbed his hands together, then ran off in the opposite direction— giggling all the while.
Techno mentally stalled and had to boot himself back up. “Alright, then,” he said hesitantly, gaze following Quackity’s retreating back. He didn’t know who his “associate” was nor did he want to know. “Now … how do we get our beds down from there?”
“Beats me, man.” Tommy shoved his hands in his pockets. “Dibs not it.”
The prank war continued, with Techno and his friends retaliating via rigged booby trap in the enemy cabin.
Quackity’s “associate” turned out to be an older boy dubbed Slime, who— and quote, “don’t ask why”— had a huge reservoir of honey, shaving cream, and maple syrup.
“No, you really don’t wanna go in there, trust me—“ Techno tried nervously, leaning all of his weight against the screen door in an attempt to keep it shut. His gaze wandered to the bucket rigged above.
Schlatt rolled his eyes, foot thumping against the wooden deck. “Give it a rest, kid. You don’t think I’ve seen some sick kids before?”
“He’s contagious,” he blurted out.
Wilbur, still in his pajamas, smiled sweetly at them from inside. “I have no clue what he’s on about. Come right in, guys.”
“Listen,“ Schlatt started and brute forced his way past Techno, yanking open the door. “I’ve had the pox before, no big—“
The bucket tipped.
Five gallons of water crowned both counselors, soaking them through and splashing onto the floorboards.
Schlatt let out a string of expletives that would’ve got him fired if any higher ups were around to witness. He stumbled forward, farther into the mess of a cabin. Dan followed suit.
Techno could only stand and watch in horror.
Wilbur backed away with a smug grin.
They both screamed, scrambling feet finding purchase on nothing but oil slicked wooden planks. Twine filled the cabin like a spiders web, so naturally they hit every possible one on the way down and triggered all the other traps. Feathers drifted in the air like snow along with glittery plastic confetti. At one point Dan tried to grab onto something to steady himself, only to trigger the next sequence.
Wilbur’s friends sat upright in their cots, shaving cream still formed into shapes of beards and wild hairstyles. The brunet one looked like he was having the time of his life, while the older was pale and looked like he was seeing death itself.
It summed up Techno’s feelings pretty well. He was horrified. Shouldn’t Quackity have warned them if they were doing cabin checks that day?
Soon enough, the counselors were covered in syrup and feathers and thoroughly filled with rage.
“That’s it!” Dan roared. “You two— start packing.” He jabbed a finger at Techno, then at Wilbur.
Wilbur’s expression dropped. “What?
“I have never, in all my time here,” Schlatt grunted, steadying himself against the doorframe.
“But I didn’t do anything!” Wilbur pleaded, gesturing around the ruined cabin. “It was all him.”
“The blame game, really?” Techno cocked an eyebrow. The last thing he wanted to do was get sent home because of him. Phil would be furious.
“Well? Get going,” Dan prompted, face red.
Wilbur scowled, turning to leave.
It couldn’t get any worse.
It got worse.
“Coming from two brothers that should be setting an example—“ Dan lectured. He’d taken a shower since the incident and no longer resembled a plucked chicken.
“We’re not brothers,” Wilbur spat.
He gave him a dead stare. “I’m sure you understand why I don’t believe you.” Dan nodded toward Techno.
The pink-haired thorn in Wilbur’s side held a duffel in one hand and had a backpack slung over his shoulder. “It’s true,” he responded slowly. “Pretty sure that’s the whole problem here.”
“Now, me and Schlatt have come to decision. Since we can’t send either of you home yet— we had to improvise.”
“You two will be sharing this cabin for the next six weeks. You’ll eat together, you’ll bunk together, and you’ll be doing all your activities together. Either you’ll find a way to get along or you’ll punish yourselves better than I ever could.” It’s said with finality, with Dan gesturing to the interior of the remote cabin.
Wilbur dropped his bag on the floor with a thump. He made sure to shoot Techno hard glare, saying, “you got us into this mess”.
The message seemed to get through just fine. Techno responded with a middle finger behind Dan’s back.
His nostrils flared.
They spent the next morning at breakfast in dead silence. A tacky sign with hurried marker read: “Isolation Table - Do Not Disturb”.
Wilbur could only stew in his misery, shoving forkfuls of salad in his mouth while glaring at Techno between book pages.
Meanwhile, Techno clicked away on his Game Boy, unbothered.
He wanted to slap the stupid machine out of his hands. Wilbur could tell it was going to be a long summer.
“Of course you do ballet.” Techno sighed inwardly, meeting Wilbur’s gaze in the wall mirror.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He crossed his arms over his chest defensively.
“Nothin’, nothin’. Just suits your amazing, definitely not stuck-up personality.” He made sure to lace each word with heavy sarcasm.
“I am not stuck up.”
“Then start acting like it.”
He could almost hear Wilbur’s jaw crack with the force of how hard he ground his teeth.
“Leave me alone,” he said.
“You leave me alone,” Techno retorted, setting down his boombox. He pressed a button and began blasting music. It had an upbeat tempo, the lyrics incomprehensible.
A challenge.
Wilbur seemed thrown off. “Fine, whatever.”
He went back to the barre, but Techno could tell the music was bothering him.
Served him right.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 months
Do you remember the big bates / Duggar baby boom a few years back, when it seemed like (even more than usual) everybody was announcing the name for their baby like as SOON as they found out the gender? I remember personally thinking at the time that was kind of an annoying thing to do, or if nothing else kind of a shame because by the time the baby got here there wasn’t really any fun new news to share/learn. Also all the times we have ever been annoyed by names that feel too close to an existing name (Evy/Evie being the most notable).
I do still think it’s nice to save the name for birth (fundie or otherwise)…..BUT I just want to issue a personal mea culpa to the fundieverse—as a first time pregnant person expecting at the same time as both of my older sisters (both of them have 1-2 kids already and both are due before me)—I really do get why that happened.
We are due end of September, are having a boy, and settled on our name (first and middle) several weeks ago. We are waiting to announce the name til birth, but I had shared the first name as one on our short list with my mom and oldest sister when we were still deciding. And when I tell you I am SO paranoid that my middle sister (due with her first boy, second child, in August) is going to use our name before we get a chance to—i mean I am pretty chill overall but the fear she will steal our name is maybe my most intrusive thought.
It would be VERY on brand for this sister to do that (either intentionally or because she heard it thrown around as a brainstorm suggestion in conversation with my mom or something and got incepted into stealing it kind of unintentionally). And the thing is, if that happens what can you do?? Are you going to hold it against the baby? Respond with “wtf” and try to get the fam on your side against your sibling minutes after they birthed this innocent life into the world? No way. You’ve got no recourse.
Anyway. Just want to say as someone who never considered announcing a name before birth, I am now considering announcing internally to the family just to be sure my sister due before me doesn’t steal our baby name. And I only have 2 sisters pregnant at the same time as me, not like 7 or however many it has been at once in these families. I also formally forgive all parties the Evy/Evie ordeal. Those kids will have a million cousins and they live across the damn country from each other. Once you’ve settled on a name and feel a little bit bonded with that baby in your belly, it’s hard to let it go and just pick something else.
Not really an ask I guess just…another example of *these are real people with very bad and harmful beliefs and occasionally very cringy behaviors, but also—sometimes they’re just human and we are perhaps a bit quick to be harsh*? Idk felt like it belonged on fundie tumblr but I don’t really have a blog so sent it to you feel free to just skip or delete!!
Yea I agree lol, I remember being sooooo annoyed with all the speculated name drama for that exact reason, like truly. There's a portion of the fundie snark community that desperately needs these women to be having some kind of secret Real Housewives-level of drama going on between them at all times because they view it all as entertainment, and the women as characters. And that's not to say I don't believe any of those people ever have conflict with each other, but to assume things like someone giving their child a name they'll have forever just to spite someone or with no evidence like.......come on lol.
And like you mentioned with the name announcement thing, I think people forget that these women are also a part of communities with similar values, so in addition to their humongous families, they're also probably getting birth announcements from friends/acquaintances every other heartbeat. So who knows why any of them chose to announce things like names when they did, maybe it was to steal spotlight from a sister like so many snarkers thought, or maybe it was just for the 100000 other reasons people decide when to do that stuff. I just don't relate to their need to immediately find a negative explanation for these kinds of things.
Idk I have so much to say about this subject that I just can't articulate right now because I have a million things to do atm, but there's a whole other conversation we could have about how much misogyny pops up in the snarking community, even though it is supposedly a very feminist place. I don't know how else to describe it right now except that it's often the same vibe as when people say rancid shit about fat folks online and then justify it with "i JuSt WaNt YoU tO bE hEaLtHy" y'know
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snapdragonsimming · 10 months
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Author's Note and Transcript Under the Cut
(AN: Hello! Thank you for stopping by and checking out my fledgling fundie simblr. I’m by no means new to simblr, but because this blog and story is new, I figure an introduction is due.
So: hey, I’m Talia! I had another fundie simblr a few years back (it’s now inactive for a multitude of reasons), but like a certain someone, I have risen again! My fundie sims obsession was reignited over the summer after I joined a wonderful fundie sims-themed Discord server. Somehow they convinced me to make a new blog, and a few months later, here we are! In the intervening years I continued to lurk, so if you’re an active fundie simblr, I’m probably a fan of your story.
I’ve been playing the de la Cruz family for a while now and they have a special place in my heart- I can’t wait to share them with everyone else! Get ready for lots of God-honoring drama, mildly dubious baby names, and leopard-print modesty undershirts. Note that as the de la Cruzes are fundamentalists and this story is satire-heavy, there will be some viewpoints expressed that I very much disagree with. I’ll trigger tag certain sensitive subjects (e.g. physical violence, miscarriages) as ‘tw [thing]’ but fundie-typical bullshit will go untagged for the sake of my sanity.
Some basic housekeeping stuff to wrap up this far-too-long intro note: I have a queue full of posts ready to go, but I’m a busy student with unpleasant things like homework and AP classes, so I’m still not sure how frequently I’ll post. I’ll do my best to ensure that stays consistent, though, and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out via my askbox or DMs!)
Every Sunday, Praising Him! features a family dedicated to spreading the Word. Today we meet the de la Cruzes, a San Sequoian family of 16.
When Alejandro and Alina (née Fletcher) de la Cruz married at nineteen, they could not have imagined what would come next! Over the past twenty-six years, the couple has made faith the centerpiece of their lives, and has continued to “Praise Him!” through the ups and downs of busy family life.
Read more about their family below!
Alejandro, 45, works as a programmer at United Christian Publishers, and holds a Distinguished Degree in Computer Science from Foxbury Christian University. He began his journey into higher education not at 18, like many students, but at 26, shortly after the birth of his seventhborn, Cecilia! Owing to his unique circumstances, he chose to enroll in a six-year program that enabled him to work full-time as a freelance programmer in addition to his courseload. Though money was tight at times, the Lord provided, and Alejandro welcomed five bundles of joy (including a darling set of twins!) with wife Alina while enrolled at Foxbury. Whew!
Alina, 45, has chosen to fulfill God’s design for women by staying at home with her family. Raised in a devout household, she always knew He was calling her toward marriage and motherhood, and she says the “greatest blessing” in her life was the day she gave birth to her eldest son Gabriel, ten months after her wedding day and just shy of her twentieth birthday. In addition to raising and homeschooling the seven de la Cruz children who have yet to graduate, Alina is active in her church and in Institute for Strong Christian Standards (ISCS) circles, and enjoys spending time with her four (soon to be five!) beautiful grandbabies. A true Proverbs 31 woman if we’ve ever seen one!
You may recognize Gabriel de la Cruz and his lovely wife Esther, 23, from last summer’s print edition of Praising Him! At just 25, Gabriel is a rising star in the Christian legal world, coming to the aid of innocent Simericans simply trying to practice their faith. Ten months ago, they welcomed their first little girl, Abigail, and just last week they announced the upcoming arrival of their second child! Congratulations to them.
Althea Brown (née de la Cruz), 24, is following in her mother’s footsteps and proud of it! The young woman, who wed husband John-David, 28, three years ago, resides in Newcrest and is a content stay-at-home-mother of two.
Jasmine Booth (née de la Cruz), 23, known to friends and family as “Jazzy,” is enjoying the bliss of new parenthood alongside her husband of two years, Jason!
The first set of de la Cruz twins, Joshua and Sofia, 21, are both unattached and living at home. Sofia is pursuing a calling in missionary work, and Joshua is hard at work saving money and praying for his future family. ��If you’re reading this as a young Christian woman,” Sofia jests, “have your father write into Praising Him! and I’ll set up a date with Josh!”
Caterina de la Cruz, 20, is diligently knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidering, and cross-stitching her way through her season of singleness! Though she prays every day for her Prince Charming (nonbelievers need not apply!), she assures Praising Him! that she’s quite content to assist her mother in running the busy de la Cruz household in the interim.
Cecilia de la Cruz, 18, the only unmarried de la Cruz not living at home, declined to comment.
The rest of the de la Cruz children, who range in age from 8 to 17, are kept busy with homeschooling, ISCS conferences, music practice, and Bible study.
If you would like to get in touch with the de la Cruz family, click here to send a message!
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fundieshaderoom · 7 months
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: February 2024 in a Glance
Gabby Barrett and Cade Foehner welcomed Ivy Josephine on Feb 17. She joins an older sister and brother.
Elli (Perez) and Andy Cieslak welcomed Daniel Carson on Feb 17. This is their first child.
Hannah (Wissmann) and Jeremiah Duggar welcomed Brielle Grace. She joins an older sister.
Josie (Bates) and Kelton Balka welcomed Miles Kelton on Feb 21. He joins 2 older sisters.
Emily (Haight) and Justus Stangl welcomed Brooks Michael on Feb 27.
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Karissa and Mandrae Collins are expecting their 11th child in August. This child will join 3 older brothers and 7 older sisters.
Sutton and Nate Eisenmann are expecting their 4th child. This child will join 3 older brothers.
Artemesia and Isaac Anderson are expecting their 1st child. It's a boy!
Priscilla (Keller) and David Waller are expecting their 7th child. This child will join 3 older brothers and 3 older sisters.
Myla and Ethan Seewald wed on February 24.
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Gender Reveals:
Nurie (Rodrigues) and Nathan Keller announced that they are expecting a little girl. She will join 2 older brothers.
Danielle Seewald hard launched her relationship with Lawson Howard.
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Marriage Break Ups:
Grace Stewart went back to her maiden name and deleted all IG pictures of Ethan Stewart. She also unfollowed him. This comes after their miscarriage in 2023.
Lydia (Romeike) and Trace Bates suffered the loss of their second pregnancy due in September 2024.
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fundiepredictions · 1 year
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I predicted that Jed&Katey would have their daughter in may. They did but didn't announce it until june.
Although Nora is still very young, her parents are fundies and they have shown that their spacing is really, really fast. So.. it's time to predict when Nora will become a big sister.
Looking at the data they might announce before the end of this year and give birth about one year from now. That's fast, I'm really hoping it won't happen, for Truett's sake, Nora's sake and Katey's sake. I do think it will take a bit longer now just because with two baby's it's a lot harder then with one to find some time together.
I predict they will announce #3 in februari '24. What do you think?
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filthyfundie · 2 years
petition for fundies to stop announcing the name before birth
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thefundiesaga · 1 year
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Gena Rucker’s Simstagram 
The Watcher is so GOOD . Our #9 child entered the world last ngith and we are so thrilled ! Derrick is at work today and so it’s just me , dexter and our NEWBORN DUSTIN! Dustin is a good baby and so happy all the time ! I am so happy to welcome him into our family and our lives ! We have moved  a few things around in our house . 
My daughter Darla recently moved out and is starting to work in a restaurant . She is a young adult now so this mama’s heart is missing her like crazy ! My other older daughters Delilah and Destiny have moved in with her for a while to keep her heart pure . The girls have a small house Brindleton Bay and are loving it there. They do of course MISS us but I have spoke to them on the phone every night and they have found a great church to attend !
I wear my hair up most days now , which is against the watcher’s teachings but with having so many young children , who like to grab everything it’s better have it up. Derrick doesn’t mind as I don’t cut it short 😁🙂. Remember ladies it’s important to keep ourselves youthful and beautiful so our husbands remain faithful , the Watcher is most clear in this! I’ve created a small course called Feminine Beauty : the way designed by the Watcher ! the link to my Plopsy to where you can buy my course is linked on my simstagram ! Please buy and then you too can live a watcherful life !
See you soon friends , Gena Rucker  ❤️
AN: so I forgot to take pics of the pregnancy so yeah random baby birth announcement t it is :)  Darla has indeed moved out and as a ex-fundie has no desire to come into the fold. In order to remain in good terms she accepted her sister staying with her . But also Delilah and Destiny were doing horrible at school due to looking after their younger siblings and *shock* having jobs - turns out having all these kids and one income isn’t cheap. Anyway all this space in the house has just encouraged Gena to keep breeding :) 
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
Kenna Joy Bates Name Analysis
Nathan and Esther Bates announced they were expecting their first child on Mother's Day 2022, May 8th. During a joint sex and name reveal on 19th June, they announced their baby girl would be named Kenna Joy. Kenna arrived on 17th October 2022 weighing 7lbs 10oz and measuring 19 inches.
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I initially thought Kenna would've entered the top 1000 in the 90s but I was proven wrong! It actually entered at 990 in 2000. By 2004 it had moved up to 796. There was then a slight dip and fluctuation in popularity until 2009 when it sat at 751. However then it declined again and 2013 threatened to knock it out of the top rankings at 994. The mid 2010s and early 2020s have seen a revival and 402 Kenna's were born in 2021, putting the name firmly in the 711th spot. Kenna means 'handsome'.
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Joy means 'happiness'. As a virtue name it has always been incredibly popular with fundies and otherwise. In 1900 it was firmly in the top 700 baby girl names at #694. Things remained steady through the first quarter of the 20th Century and Joy enjoyed a steady growth in popularity. By 1925 virtue names began to become more popular in general. For 54 years, between 1927 and 1981, Joy was in the top 200 baby names, peaking at #107 in 1974. As we entered the 90s and early 2000s, Joy slightly dipped in popularity, although still stayed firmly in the 4 and 500s. In 2016 it once again entered the 300s at #352. 2021 saw 773 Joys born and earnt the name #407th position.
Joy had some success as a boy's name as well between 1900 and 1937, although it generally stayed within the 8 and 900s. In 1904 with 10 baby boys getting the name Joy within their names, it peaked at #785. The vastly smaller population meant less babies were born so it was easier for more unusual names during that time to get into the rankings. Joy dipped out of the boy statistics in 1937 at #950 with 44 births. The population of the USA in 1904 was 82,166,000 and by 1937 it had grown to 128,824,829.
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our-little-kingdom · 3 years
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(from the Sim Magazine official website)
Sim Exclusive: The Banks Wives’ Taylor and Zion Welcome Baby No. 1!
Banks fans, it’s time to add the first grandbaby to the family tree!
Sim can exclusively reveal that Dawn Brinley Banks was born at 8:03 p.m. at Oasis Springs General exactly four days ago. She weighed in at 6 pounds and 5 ounces, and was 18.5 inches long. Dawn is the first Banks grandchild, but not far behind are pregnant sisters Aspyn and Eden, each expecting baby boys Servetus and Gideon respectively in the coming months.
Proud mama Taylor had this to say: “Dawn is really the beginning of a new day for us, our marriage, and my journey as a woman. She has really softened my heart, and showed me that I don’t need to be hardened to God’s plans and His design for our lives -- I can take what works, make it my own, but still keep my eyes on what matters. I’m already excited for baby number two!”
When asked about rumors of a move to Strangerville for husband Zion to join growing wildlife conservation and rehabilitation efforts, the new parents declined comment but expressed that they were leaning on faith for their next move. Good luck to the new little family!
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a-new-oasis · 2 years
Salome Bernice Medley
Praise the LORD, I had a good and easy birth on Monday. Our 19th child came into the world. Me and Bobby have decided to name her Salome Bernice Medley. For now, she has not stopped crying, but eventually the LORD will help us pacify her.
No matter what, it is incredibly satisfying to hold a child in my arms after having fulfilled the LORD's purpose for women: to care and birth children.
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thefundiedata · 2 months
Babies Duggar-Nakatsu 3 & 4 are on their way!
On 18th July 2024, Jedidiah and Katelyn Duggar announced they are pregnant with twins. The couple, who married in April 2021, are already parents to two: Truett Oliver (2) and Nora Kate (14 months).
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In a People article and a YouTube video, Jed and Kate announced that they are having twin daughters. They had announced their pregnancy to their wider family but held off on announcing they were expecting twins until their gender reveal.
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Early, Late or On Time? After the birth of Nora, a further pregnancy announcement was predicted for February 2024 with a predicted due date of August 2024. This announcement in July 2024 was almost 1 SD late.
Timing of Pregnancy Announcement The announcement was slightly later than anticipated: Announcement #1 (Truett): Day 41 Announcement #2 (Nora): Day 122 Average: Day 81 (11 weeks, 4 days)
This announcement came on Day 94 of pregnancy (13 weeks, 3 days). This pushes the average pregnancy announcement to Day 86 - 5 days later.
The gender reveal was a lot earlier than expected, however. Previously the average was Day 150 (21 weeks, 3 days) but this announcement came at the same time as the pregnancy reveal on Day 94. The average gender reveal is now on Day 131 - 19 days earlier.
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Due Date Eagle-eyed snarkers looked at the ultrasound and calculated the due date of the pregnancy as being 20th January 2025.
This means there is a predicted spacing of 607 days between Nora and the twins. This is much more reasonable than the 387 days between Truett and Nora but still means the couple will have 4 under 3 at the beginning of 2025. Sheesh!
Impact on the Data This pregnancy has had an impact on the maternal multiplier for ages 25-30 and has slightly lessened the multiplier. This has a small impact on other fundie women in the age bracket.
Baby Five?! Taking the average of this pregnancy and Kate's pregnancy with Nora, and multiplying it by the maternal multiplier, the spreadsheet predicts a spacing of 581 days.
If this holds true, a pregnancy announcement is predicted for February 2026 with a birth in August 2026.
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Right on her due date, Zoe went into labour right on schedule and went into hospital after laboring at home for 5 hours; Javier & Rosa, Allan & Casandra, and Macie all drove in to be there to act as her and Francisco’s support team. After 4 hours of active labour Javier Moreno Jr was born! Francisco and Zoe chose to name their first born son after his grandfather but he’ll be known as ‘JJ’, and there were tears in the room once they announced the name - what a great way to honour your parents! 
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The new family of 3!
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With Macie
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With the grandmas!
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Carolina Bontrager's baby is here too, born Sunday about 12 hours before Cassidy's and was interestingly named Jubilee so maybe it's a more common fundie name than I realized? (source- Bontrager blog)
True!! OMG that is just wayyy too close. Will they all 4 die together, too??
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““The babies are here at last!!!!! The excitement is miles high, and we feel blessed beyond measure!We are beyond thrilled! Those of us currently on tour are so excited to meet these precious little cherubs in just a few weeks. Babies are truly a miracle. The Lord has been so kind and we can never thank Him enough for these gifts. The deliveries went well and the happy little families are each enjoying the blissful first hours with their new baby.
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Name:  Jubilee Katherine BontragerWeight:  6lb 12ozArrived:  6:20pm Sunday, July 15thProud Parents:  Carson and Carolina
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Name:  Wallace Bradford BontragerWeight:  8lb 1 ozArrived:  6:00am Monday, July 16Proud Parents:  Joshua and Cassidy
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Also, all info publicly available. (Annie)
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