#sims 4 birth announcement
fundielicious-simblr · 11 months
(Adalynn's POV)
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Mason's sister Molly and her husband Elijah visited us for Easter, and whilst they were here they announced that they're moving to Willowcreek and that they're expecting a baby! They've been married for a few years now and have been praying for a baby, so we're all overjoyed for them to be on this journey to being parents. Angie says that she's had the most blessed weekend, with easter and Molly's news happening all in one weekend. Elijah's job in Oasis Springs has an office here in Willowcreek and he just got a promotion that involved them moving here. For the next few weeks, Molly and I will be pregnant together for the first (and I hope not the last) time ever.
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Madelynn and Tabitha were also excited at Molly's news! Molly has gotten to know the other girls better whenever she and Elijah would visit us here in Willowcreek. Madelynn and I have been discussing the end of the school year, she sends Lester to a homeschool co-op in our area that uses the same curriculum that I use with our boys plus other supplementary ones. Mason and I have been considering the co-op as the boys get older, but for now while they're in junior school I feel like I should be in control of their education. Tabitha had her baby Ember earlier in the spring, so now she's got a toddler and a newborn to wrangle.
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I feel so blessed when I think about the fact that part of our church family is our actual family, sometimes I feel bad that the boys don't get to grow up with their cousins like some of my other nieces and nephews, but seeing them play with my cousins kids makes up for that. Technically the kids are second cousins, so that's close enough for me.
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Only a few more weeks to go before baby #9 joins us! Because of Parker and Lana's wedding we didn't get to do a small weekend away, but we're taking the time to soak in these last few moments with the boys before we get thrown into the cycle of having a newborn in the house again.
(AN) One last time before the baby's here, guess what you think it'll be! Last poll had a 50/50 split, so lets see what this one will be.
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plasmaberri · 1 year
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Candy Berry is excited to welcome twins - George and Sherbet Berry.
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myokk · 3 months
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I had so much fun writing this up as I drank my coffee this morning, thanks for making the templates @kiwiplaetzchen 🥹🙏
A little bit of backstory for Eloise - I’ll do an actual drawing etc etc in the future but for now if you’re interested!!:
Eloise has a brother, Leonard (Leo) who is a year older than her (I want to draw him soon!!) and her parents are both (unfortunately 😔🙏) still very much alive. If the family had continued to the 1930s, they would DEFINITELY have been part of the Sacred 28, making it the Sacred 29 instead. Her father was an only child so he inherited everything, and her mother is Elladora Babbit née Black, the woman who started the Black family tradition of beheading useless house elves😭 (and yes unfortunately that makes Headmaster Black Eloise’s uncle😫).
Eloise was kept a secret from the rest of magic society her whole life. In my imagination, the pureblood families have so much inbreeding amongst themselves that it’s not uncommon for them to give birth to squibs. Part of pureblood culture is not announcing they’ve given birth to a child until they’ve shown signs of magic - normally around 3/4 years old at most. When Eloise never showed ANY signs of magic, she was just their shameful secret. On her eleventh birthday when it was all but confirmed she was a squib, she was burned off the family tree and spent the next five years at a muggle finishing school. Always looking to take advantage of whatever they could get, however, Eloise’s parents arranged a marriage between her and the firstborn son of a wealthy muggle landowner when she came of age.
Her family had no idea that she was admitted to Hogwarts (they cut off all ties to her and disowned her) and Leo, who had always been fiercely protective of her growing up was simultaneously devastated and ecstatic that he could see his sister again. It’s been really hard to repair the relationship though, as there is a lot of resentment that they cannot get over even though they want to😭. And, for as much as her parents dictated everything about how her life has gone, Eloise can’t help but try to work hard to get their love and approval as it’s all she ever thought she wanted. And now that she’s in a position to become the daughter they’ve always desired, she feels a lot of resentment towards herself. She feels as if she’s betraying the young girl who was abandoned by her family, because she wants their approval so badly (it will take a while for her to get over this😔🙏)
In terms of the personality I did it a bit like the sims where I just max things out bc I think everything in the middle is boring jajajaja. But:
Shy: not shy in the sense she can’t talk to other people and she isn’t necessarily socially awkward. She just doesn’t always know what to say and will remain silent if she thinks she has nothing to add to a conversation instead of yapping away (BUT unfortunately rambles and over explains herself to not be misunderstood when she does talk, THANKS narcissistic mother), and normally she wishes people would ignore her. When the Daily Prophet article came out about her “miraculous” recovery and introduction to magical society she HATED it & she HATES all of the people trying to talk to her and befriend her.
Active: NOT active as in super energetic. She just wakes up really early and always needs to keep herself busy. She gets anxious if she doesn’t have anything to do - but, she includes thinking as doing something, and often retreats into her thoughts and doesn’t realize when people are talking to her.
I think grouchy and nice can exist together so with this one I put it in the middle. She’s both simultaneously😭
Aaaand with cowardly/brave, she thinks she is really cowardly for going back to her parents so easily and wanting their love so badly, and hates herself for it (not realizing it’s an accumulation of a lifetime of emotional trauma). But lots of times when things get very high-stakes she will jump in and do incredibly reckless things without thinking of the consequences, although if she stopped to think before she acted she would definitely NOT do them. So maybe brave in actions, cowardly on the inside (IDK)
If you read all of this I love you!! I want to share more about her but this was getting crazy long jajajajajajaja😇🙏
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jonquilyst · 3 months
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LUCIAN VINCA for @akitasimblr's Mad About Dodo BC
Highly convenient that you announce a BC, because my latest spare from my legacy just aged up to a young adult! Bonus points: he and Dodo have a lot in common. So, allow me to introduce you to the newest of the Vinca family: Lucian! (pronounced Loo-see-uhn)
Traits: Bookworm, Generous, Ambitious
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Likes: Alternative Music, Singer-Songwriter Music, Pop Music, Red, Orange, Cerebral Sims, Hard-Working Sims, Discussing Hobbies, Discussing Interests, Compliments, Deep Thoughts, Stories, and Jokes
Dislikes: Ranch Music, Blues Music, Ambitionless Sims, Argumentative Sims, Arguments, and Malicious Interactions
Misc: 2-star celebrity (very close to 3 stars)
Dodo and Lucian have this very important fact in common: both are related to a very famous actor! In Lucian's case, it's his dad, Amias Vinca. In fact, both of his parents are super famous. His mother, Kyoko Miyamoto, wasn't famous at first, but she became a 5-star celebrity herself when she became a vlogging overnight sensation. So, both of Lucian's parents are very famous, and as a result he is famous himself!
Lucian grew up luxuriously in his parents' celebrity home along with his older sister Estelle. Both he and his sister have been trendy since birth and he has grown up with thousands of eyes watching him. Estelle got even more famous when she started painting as a teenager, becoming a 4-star celebrity, but with the celebrity life weighing down on her, she decided to quit the spotlight upon becoming a young adult so she could live a quiet and peaceful life in a cottage in Henford-on-Bagley.
Lucian, however, decided to stay in the spotlight. He doesn't mind it that much. He's only known for being his parents' kid anyway, so the paparazzi go for them more than they go for him, but he occasionally runs into some fans who want his autograph and he lives for it.
Lucian's interests include writing and books, science-fiction and dystopian fiction specifically. He aspires to create his own stories someday and wants to become a full-time writer.
Lucian is very friendly, and since he's got the money, he is a very generous guy, almost to the point where people consider him a philanthropist. He will shower anyone he loves with gifts, treats, and whatnot, even if said gifts are very expensive.
Lucian is very close with his dad, who is fit and athletic like Dodo is. Lucian isn't as athletic as his dad, but he doesn't mind doing fitness-related activities! He'd enjoy doing a workout with Dodo.
Comes with all outfits
It's ok if his fame declines during the challenge. Lore-wise, he is always a celebrity!
He's from generation 6 of my Vinca Legacy! Family tree here
(Thanks for saving me a spot!! I REALLY wanted to participate lol)
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thesims4blogger · 2 years
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The Sims 4: New Infant Life Stage Coming March 14th, 2023 (Info & Pics)
Maxis has officially announced that the update to babies in the game will be coming to The Sims 4 on March 14th, 2023. To give players an idea of how this feature was born and how it progressed into what it is today, Gurus went through and explained different phases.
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We have put together a transcription for the video, but you can start watch the segment by clicking this link here to watch at the start of the babies segment.
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From the very first days of this project the objective the team rallied around was to surpass player expectations for freeing the babies. Our vision to accomplish that was to add infants as an entirely new age, resulting in a much more natural progression for Sims’ early stages of life. When you add a new life stage to The Sims, there are a lot of challenges. We had to figure out how to display the infant since they’re too young to stand on their own.
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We tried a lot of ideas. Some were great, some didn’t work so great, and a few were just plain creepy. We created a lot of new technologies, so now in the game when holding an infant, you’re able to sit down while still holding them, you can also talk to them, nurse them, and you can even give your infants to another Sim.
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Since infants are just starting to develop their motor skills and figure out how to move their limbs and wade around, you’ll see they tend to flop around overexaggerated and uncoordinated. A great example of this is how they transition from sitting to laying on their back. I got to animate the crawl up and down of this step. I really wanted the players to see that that process of their infant years since they move with such a singular focus. So they will take a moment to notice the step, and then they start to break it down one tiny movement at a time until they overcome this obstacle. It was challenging but super cute.
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When creating the voice for the infant Sim, we had the unique challenge of finding a voice that was realistic, but one that was still cute when making distressing vocalizations like crying or whining. The cute checkbox was definitely checked. The infant has to be able to be fully customizable from head to toe. We added new various infant clothing, shoes, hair, hats, accessories, glasses, teeth, and birth marks.
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One area that we leaned into was adding more ways to socialize and play between children, toddlers, infants, newborns and of course, pets. We want all of our Sims to share in the fun of these adorable infants when they arrive in game. We wanted to check off all those fun activities you can do with infants and create your own hilarious and adorable moments.
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fantasyroyalfamily · 6 months
The Sims 4 Snow White and The Seven Warriors Story (After the Evil Queen's Death)
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(Left to Right Queen Consort Shari, King Eion of Brucreek, Princess Leana (age 10), Princess Snow (age 15), and Rose Red (age 5))
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(Evil Queen Vaelana to your left, and her Second in Command/Hunt Woman)
After the death of the evil Queen, Snow White's family became more complex. Leana, who was only 10 years old, lost her mother due to her mother's evil deeds in the Kingdom of Brucreek (Sims 4 World: Willow Creek). However, the family dynamic worsened when those in the kingdom who supported the Evil Queen, Valeana, killed five of the Seven Warriors and started an uprising. Enro, who was trapped in the mirror and who killed the Queen himself, was mysteriously killed.
Princess Leana always felt excluded by Queen Shari, and never felt like she was part of the family, despite Snow's efforts to include her sister.
The kingdom was in distress so the family sought the help of the Pence Family, who were close friends of Queen Consort Shari's family and supporters of Snow during the evil queen's reign. The Pence Family was known to have the strongest armies, and they were able to defeat any old supporters of the evil queen and bringing peace to the kingdom. However, Duke Emory Pence requested to marry Rose Red when she came of age as a condition for their help. Rose Red was only five years old at the time, while Duke Emory Pence was twenty years old. He was an ambitious man and hoped that marrying into the royal family would bring him a step closer to ruling Brucreek.
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Five years later, after the uprising, Nala, who one of the surviving warriors, married Duke Taso of Enkanto Karri (New Crest: Sims 4 world), and they had a daughter, Lady Breena (age 5).
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Obodran and Snow White grew even closer and finally married at the age of 20.
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They had a great celebration and were loved by the people. They became the symbol of hope and love. At this time, Rose Red was 10 years old and Leana 15 years old. Leana depression growing even more after Snow's wedding, she decided to make a change and she fell in love with Prince Magic from another Kingdom. However, she married secretly and no one knew who was this Prince or if Leana made it up to get attention. However, she did become with child, so Leana was married off to a Duke from another Kingdom to keep the child's origin a secret. She gave birth to a daughter, Lady Alenia.
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Five years later, Snow had children with her beloved. She had twins (Florian, and Ivy White) who were 5 years old. So it was announced that Prince Florian will be the next heir to the throne of Brucreek, making Snow White Queen Regent until her son is of age. He is arranged to be married to Lady Breena. Ivy is to chose her own husband as long is a Prince from another Kingdom.
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Nine months later, she gave birth to her 3rd child, Prince Neal. During this time, Leana's husband passed away and she was allowed to reunite with her family. Leana became Snow's lady in waiting. Snow and Leana worked to prepare Rose Red for her marriage to Duke Emory, which Rose Red rebel against. At this time, Snow White was 25 years old, Leana was 20 years old and Rose Red became 15 years old.
Snow convinced Rose Red to marry Duke Pence by making an agreement with her. According to the agreement, Rose Red would be able to explore the world for 10 years to find herself, but she would have to marry the Duke after the 10-year period. Rose Red agreed to the terms of the agreement.
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Ten years have passed, and a lot has happened in the royal family. Leana is now 30 years old, Snow is 35, and Rose is 25. It's time for Rose Red to marry Duke Emory, who is now 40. Snow has done everything possible to delay the wedding, but Duke Emory has threatened to take his army out of Brucreek, leaving the kingdom defenseless, if the wedding doesn't take place. The children have also grown up. Prince Florian and Princess Ivy are now 15 years old, as well as their cousin Princess Alenia (Leana's daughter), and Lady Breena. Prince Neal has turned 10 years old.
Fifteen years ago, Eion and Shari retired from being the monarchs of Brucreek, leaving Snow as the Queen Regent until Florian is ready to take over the throne. King Eion, now Duke of Brucreek, wanted to travel the world with Shari, but she chose to stay and be there for her grandchildren since she never had that chance to be there for Snow. Eion left Brucreek 15 years ago and finally returned with a big secret.
During his first year of traveling, he met a young woman named Furia. He was lonely and upset with Duchess Shari for not coming with him, so he slept with Furia one drunken night. However, before he returned to Brucreek, he learned that he had conceived a child with Furia, now 15 years old, named Antonia Erato.
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However, Duke Eion is not the only one who has a secret. Lady Shari was also upset when Eion left 15 years ago. She had a drunken night with Duke Emory Pence. He went to her house to discuss his marriage with her daughter, Rose, and was angry because the wedding had not happened. Both of them ended up sleeping with each other. As a result, Lady Gwendolyn was born, and now she is 15 years old. Shari uses it to stall the marriage between Duke Emory and her daughter, Rose Red.
Snow, Leana and Rose Red all think Gwendolyn are their cousin, so they are not aware of what occurred between their mother and Duke Emory.
So, will Eion be able to tell his family the news? Will Rose Red, Leana, and Snow ever find out they have two sisters?
Will Florian become like his aunt and rebel against his arranged marriage? Will Ivy find true love with a Prince?
How will the family change?
We will see this in a future story post.
To be continued…
The Sims 4 Snow White and The Seven Warriors Story:
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/fantasyroyalfamily/745134050642132992/part-1-part-2-to-come-of-snow-white-and-her-seven?source=share
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/fantasyroyalfamily/745134344400666624/part-2-part-3-to-come-of-snow-white-and-her-seven?source=share
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/fantasyroyalfamily/745134791337410560/part-3-part-4-to-come-of-snow-white-and-her-seven?source=share
Part 4 (final): https://www.tumblr.com/fantasyroyalfamily/745135026663981056/part-4-of-snow-white-and-the-seven-warriors-a?source=share
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 7, Part 4
Promoting the alien agenda* by having more aliens in my sims world. *Alien agenda is not real, much like the gay or trans agendas that are also, not real
If Silas was the infant prince of pout, his brother is the infant prince of grump. Highlights in Part 4 include birth, Silas embracing his big brother role and the new Knightstone infant being difficult in a way Mercedes could only dream of.
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Suzanna decides to confront her worries and has a day at work without her disguise. Faye is annoyed but none of her other coworkers flinch. One work task is to mind control sims to be ravenous but she takes pity on Faye, setting her to clean instead. The day ends and she's officially on family leave
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Adam: How was work
Suzanna: Really good actually, I got promoted
Adam: Level 10?
Suzanna: Level 10!
Silas: What that mean
Suzanna: Pending a few more brainwaves, I'll be able to get us to Sixam
Adam: I'm not sure if I'm excited or nervous
Silas: I want to meet more aliens
Suzanna: So he's excited
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After many unsuccessful attempts at building a sandcastle (apparently there's no room) Silas and I discover he can play in the backyard sand. Eventually Suzanna coaxes him into learning some basic needs on flashcards. He's not too impressed. Imagination is better to him than thinking.
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Hold everything, it's go time! Suzanna has started labour and we are off to the hospital. Dr Faria administers an epidural and Suzanna begins to wonder if natural birth was such a good idea. Luckily Adam is here with her and does his best to keep her mind off the pain.
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Suzanna decides to defy science and sleep with her eyes open. Following her nap she has a quick snack. Then it's time for yoga ball exercises while Adam entertains her. Eventually Suzanna has had enough. She calls Dr Farias to check and yep, we're fully dilated. Time to move to the delivery room.
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Adam: Remember your breathing
Suzanna: I'm scared
Adam: I'm right here
Dr: We need some big pushes now
Suzanna: I can't
Dr: Come on, big push
Suzanna: *screams*
Baby: *cries*
Adam: You did it starlight
Suzanna: I did?
Dr: You did
Suzanna has the record shortest game labour sitting at 12 hours.
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Adam and Suzanna Knightstone are proud to announce the birth of their second child, Pollock Knightstone (Pol for short). Adam is a fan of abstract art so he is named after a key artist. While initial appearance was purple, when rested at home Pollock developed a shade of blue closer to his father.
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Silas: Brother here!
Suzanna: Quiet starshine, here he is
Silas: *coos*
Suzanna: This is Pollock
Silas: Mummy he pretty, good job
Adam: *laughs*
Silas: But he not steal my starshine
Suzanna: His normal nickname will be Pol I think but I could call him-
Silas: Moondust!
Suzanna: Moondust he is
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After agreeing Adam will get up when Pollock needs him the parents head to bed. Silas meanwhile is delighted his parents agreed to let him share a room with Pol. He entertains him with a few jokes before getting a smile in response. Eventually he settles into bed happy.
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When Adam goes to check on a crying Pollock he finds Silas doing his best to cheer him up. Adam takes over, giving him some food, while Silas has a quick play. When Pollock has finally settled Adam heads back to bed and Silas autonomously puts his toy away, I'm impressed little dude.
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Suzanna has woken up extremely uncomfortable. She is full of milk and her chest feels way too heavy. She does some pumping however and that seems to settle them down for now.
Silas: Morning Pol, how you
Pol: *snores*
Silas: Oh you sleep, okay
Pol: *snores*
Silas: You still sleep now?
Pol: *snores*
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Silas: Pops Pol very sleepy
Adam: He's a newborn son, they have to sleep to grow
Silas: Ohh
Suzanna goes in as soon as Pollock starts crying. She gives him a feed but he's still crying afterwards. She tries some cuddles and kisses. After a long time he is soothed and happily goes back to sleep.
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Today is the premiere of a new show and geek Suzanna is excited. Adam is pretty sure he's already found plotholes after 10 minutes but Suzanna shushes him. Silas walks in and wants to know what they're watching. Silas is mainly interested in the pretty colours, reaching level 5 imagination.
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After the show it is time for Pollock to age up to an infant. He's busy crying to Adam's dismay, and has to be calmed down before the event can start. Sparkles and clouds and we are away. Pollock has rolled the sensitive infant trait which sounds like it will fit his clingy newborn nature.
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Suzanna picks up Pollock and senses something wrong. While Silas loved to snuggle in close, Pol seems to be recoiling. She puts him down for tummy time but something is still off. More off than this not counting as a head lift! Come on people, that's 100% a lift head milestone if I ever saw one.
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Again Suzanna lifts a sobbing infant. She puts him on the playmat while she goes to get some milk and the problem is revealed. Pol Hates Being Held! He is horrified at being scooped up and feels relief and freedom when put down. Unfortunately he has to be held while being fed milk, no arguments. Bubbles!
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Suzanna takes some time to pump and let Pol recover from being held. Silas seizes his moment and goes over to play with Pol, telling him all about the magic ring. After a while Pol seems interested and lifts his arm up, reach milestone unlocked! He smiles at Silas who chatters away to him.
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Suzanna: Bedtime
Silas: Mummy, NO! Put him back
Suzanna: He's been awake a long time starshine
Silas: *pouts*
Pol: *cries*
Suzanna: There there moondust, I know, mean Mummy had to carry you
Silas: What now
Suzanna: Now we say goodnight and go find some food *puts on lullaby*
Silas: Goodnight Pol
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Suzanna's turn to be on night duty. Pollock wakes up feeling pretty angry but Suzanna gets a smile out of him. Diaper change time and turns out Pol is a Free-Air Tinkler. However it's a number 2 issue, no pee on Suzanna just yet. I get that Pol is angry at being carried but his scowl is adorable!
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Suzanna: Come on moondust, tummy time
Pol: *whimpers*
Suzanna: You can do it, mummy believes in you
Pol: *cries*
Suzanna: Keep trying
At long last Pollock raises his head enough for the milestone to count. He holds for 2 seconds then falls back down but I have proof he did it! Well done Pol
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Suzanna and Pollock keep practising tummy time for a while. Then it's feeding time, burping time and eventually night night time again. For a second I think he's going to be a self-soother, but no. Fingers in mouth is completely unrelated.
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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mandilo · 2 years
2023's Bigミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 Ticket War Part 1 : Why it's harder to get tickets
Story time no one cares about
Back in 2018 i had the chance to watch toumyu live in paris. 5years later i am trying to go to tokyo see toumyu again and i'm bringing you with me on the quest to get tickets !
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In order to avoid creating messes of taylor swift proportions or worse every stage that has more demand than tickets available for sure you have to enter a lottery to have the right to buy one or 2 tickets.
And then you remember you are not in japan.
Up until now, very understandable and quite clever but japan has to be japan. You have rules and prerequisites that keep foreigners out.
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For every account creation , you will have to enter a japanese real adress :
-> you totally can use your tenso adress for that (it's a japanese PO box/shipping service)
You will have to fill a phone number. it needs to be japanese issued number starting 070, 080 or 090. In order to recieve the activation code via SMS you will need to have a real one.
->The easiest service for forgeigners in japan is mobal but the sim card works only in japan. If you're like you will need a friend in japan to lend you their phone number and tell you the sms they recieve whitin the proper timeframe.
for a lawson account you have to fill in in order :
your name then name again in katakana
your postal code
your prefecture and adress
phone number
date of birth
And Because you are here as a fan you will pay if you really want a chance at getting tickets. There are a bunch of lotteries, first for the different premium fanclubs and then whatever remains get to the general sale or lottery.
For toumyu we will have a maximum of 7 fanclub lotteries a premium lottery and the general sale
Fanclub Lottery list :
the first fanclub lottery and the only done over is the Official site Premium Fanclub lottery that accepted entries from 2/28 12:00 to 3/6 23:59
the next one will be the pre-order bonus for the Soundtrack album of Toumyu's Kosui. The cd will contain a code and a link to the lottery site for application.
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it will look a little like that.
the lottery will accept entries from march 14th to 19th.
We can expect actor's fanclub to start lotteries from the 22nd of march to around the 28th like the one that has already been announced for naoki kunishima's upcoming fanclub
i will keep this tumblr updated when we will have more fanclub announces
and finally the elusive internationnal lottery, that i wished was more frequent
Notable warnings
As usual no fanclub is free, generally around 500yen a month it can be higher or require to get a yearly subcription in order to be able to enter.
most fanclubs accept foreign cards no problem.
the official rules prevent fans to get several accounts on every paying service to try to get tickets but there are a lot of multi account users out there
"General" Lottery list :
The general lottery also called Lawson ticket pre-request lottery is the last one, the only free of charge to enter
accepting entires from 2023/3/31 12:00 to the 4/4 23:59
On the same site just before there will be an LEncore advance lottery for paying members of that service
Accepting entries from 2023/3/28 12:00 to 3/30 23:59
And then if you have the luck to get through this you have the paying problem !
but to pay on lawson tickets you will have only 2 options :
the Jp credit card that is very hard to obtain
or paying in the conbini.
i will do a complete conbini payment guide later but in summary you have to send someone, in japan, pay in the family mart within 3 to 5 days of selection !
getting a ticket feels like :
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upcoming on part 2 first lottery results, general ticket choice for toumyu advices and a few horror stories around getting tickets
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sims-and-counting · 2 years
Idk if I've missed something somewhere but I think you've skipped a birth? I only assume this as the family tree currently shows 6 children, the first three being Joyful Song, Lyric Praise and Hymn Josiah, and the last two listed would appear to be the twins that Emmi is currently pregnant with. Which leaves another sim, roughly the same age as Hymn Josiah, in between these sets that I cannot find in your posts lmao
The family tree is where I'm at in gameplay, not where the story is at on my blog. The unpublished version of the tree is already on Gen 8. But yes, I didn't do a formal announcement of #4, that'll be covered in a day or two.
I also don't plan to announce every birth for the rest of Gen 7 - they're the most boring, repetitive posts to write, so what I'm doing instead is family updates pictures every once in a while, plus there's the tree to refer to :)
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mmorgnc · 2 years
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out
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Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out how to#
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out mod#
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out skin#
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out full#
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out mods#
– upon announcing it to another teen Sim who may be the dad / is the dad, there is also an extra moodlet, which is worse if the sims don’t have a strong romantic relationship. – a teen finding out they’re pregnant will get an extra moodlet Reactions and results for ‘Ask for advice and ‘Ask for money’ depend on whether the parent is supportive or not. If they are not supportive, they can do the following:Ī teen who told their parents about a pregnancy can use those interactions with the parents: I f they are supportive, they can do the following:
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out how to#
– When parents are told about a teen pregnancy, this happens for them to decide how to react (ignore old typo on screenshot): – Paternity testing, pregnancy preference effects, etc etc, all works with teens the same as with adults. BUT If a Teen who doesn’t have a wish finds out they’re pregnant, it will by default assign the ‘Does Not Want a Pregnancy’ wish and reaction to both the pregnant Sim and the father. – Teens do not get pregnancy wishes by default you can assign them manually.
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out mod#
How previous features of the mod apply to teens: This problem can be bypassed by also enabling teen pregnancy through anotehr mod (mccc, etc). The impregnator must be young adult at birth time to avoid issues. WARNING: this module doesn’t really enable teen pregnancy properly if both parents are teens at birth time.
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out skin#
We are talking a totally different skin tone, eye color and face shapes, ethnicity and race as well.Teen Pregnancy Module Click any image to Expand the gallery. When the baby is born, the chances that it will match its parents are pretty low. Or if it does grow, sometimes it can stay after the birth too For some players this might be interesting, but since its not realistic, some find it annoying. The Sim can go through the whole pregnancy without showing any visual evidence that she is pregnant, since her belly wont grow ever. Visual Glitches and Problems Something that you will quickly notice as well are the two main visual glitches that appear when using this mod: There is no pregnant belly or the pregnant belly wont disappear. Players have funnily suggested that trying for a baby in a hot tub has a 100 success chance, but since we dont know what triggers it, we cannot confirm it for sure.īut why not check for yourself and give it a go And when your girl is pregnant, the rest is done normally. Plus, if you want more than one baby, like twins or triplets for examples, the fertility levels also influence whether the girl will carry one, two or more kids in her belly. Traits definitely help to increase these odds, so dont hesitate to use some achievement points to increase it on both of your Sims. You might have to go for a couple of times before your teen girl will be eating for two. The rest is the usual: flirting, pickup lines, appearance compliments. To do this faster, it definitely helps for a Sim to have a charisma or some sweet love aspirations. Their relationship or marriage has to be a bit matured and the bar filled to at least 40 or 50. Now, if you dont know already, two Sims cannot try for a baby right away. You will also be able to dictate the speed of the pregnancy, to choose which stage to be in, to reveal the gender of the baby through a scan.Īll the rest of the interactions work normally too and the child will age as all the other children.įor the most part, the mod works very well and its definitely worth your time if this feature is an absolute necessity for you Getting Pregnant Try for Baby with is an option for any of your teen Sims who are in a romantic relationship. This means that your teen will go through the three standard trimesters, experience all the moodlets and finally deliver a healthy baby. So, if you feel ready to spice the lives of your teens, then lets begin with explaining the mod The Teen Pregnancy Mod: an Overview Here there are equal pregnancy options for teens and for adults So, while your teen Sim is pregnant, everything will flow the same as with your adult Sims. With it, your teen Sims can get pregnant, go through all the different phases and give birth to one, two or more beautiful babies. Well, Darkpool s mod offers you a chance to play through a teen pregnancy.
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out mods#
So, the people turn to mods and CC to accommodate their gameplay and make it as realistic as it can be. Such is the case when it comes to teen pregnancy, which by the way isnt too rare in todays modern society. Its a hot mess of surprises, worries, difficult decisions and mean judgments that could make anyone go crazy.īut, people do manage to find their light at the end of the tunnel and if its possible for one person, its possible for many, right The Sims 4, being a simulation of the real life, is always trying to catch up to that complexity, but at times it falls short.
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod dine out full#
However, these are just minor annoyances that are easily fixable through the Full Edit mode. Sims 4 Teen Romance By buttvolgraka1979 Follow | Public
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lasclcitizen · 2 years
Sims 4 realistic mods cc
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You can find all my creations on the gallery under my Origin ID FantayziaYT or under the hashtag #fantayziaĮver wondered what it would be like to have a realistic birth in The Sims 4? Well now you can with this mod! ♡Join this channel to get access to perks♡ ♡Don't forget to subscribe to become a member of the FANTACORN FAMILY💗🖤 and hit the BELL🔔 so you'll never miss another video!♥
It's that time again! it's time for a top mods of the year video, today I have 10 mods for you guys that i feel were the best mods this year! click the link below to download them all ♥ #sims 4 #sims 4 mods #sims 4 chaos #sims 4 chaotic mods #sims 4 mods for chaos #sims 4 top 10 mods #10 mods for the sims #top 10 mods for the sims 4 #sims 4 top 10 mods for chaos #best sims 4 mods #chaotic mods for the sims 4 Thanks again for watching my ‘The Top 10 Mods for Chaos in The Sims 4 // Sims 4 mods’ and I’ll see you in the next video!
I really hope you enjoy this video and if you do, please like and subscribe :DĮnd music: Move Your Ass by ZAYFALL 🤍 Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported - CC BY 3.0 freeload / Stream: 🤍 Music promoted by Audio Library 🤍 What happens when you force 8 sims with conflicting traits to live together?: 🤍 I made my Alien a Pollination Technician and gave every family and alien baby: 🤍 If you enjoyed my ‘The Top 10 Mods for Chaos in The Sims 4 // Sims 4 mods’ video then you might like some of my other videos:įeatures in The Sims 4 that turned out to be actually quite annoying: 🤍ġ0 Funny and weird storylines to play in The Sims 4: 🤍
Today I am going to be listing 10 mods that add chaos to the game, you can find the mod linked below: *Donations*- If you would like to show your support by donating,Įver wished there was more chaos in The Sims 4? If the answer to that question is yes then you might like this video! Simply Mask Up! Get you some Dee MERCH!!!! I would love to see a pic of you with your DeesQUADT merch! 🤍 Your ice never melts! FREE SHIPPING IF YOU CLICK THE LINK! 🤍?ref=DeeSims​ Stay Hydrated! The bottle that keeps your drink forever cold! BEST PART. This video took a lot of time to create so please, if it helped you in anyway, click that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE if you haven't already! Please know I have no say in that so download ASAP! Hey DeeSquadt!!! We're back with another mods video! You guys have been requesting an updated mod video so I had to DELIVER! Links are provided for the mods we go over in the video! As of now, they are all free! That can change if creators decide to put them behind a paywall. Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: 🤍 How do you raise your sims needs by clicking them? ♡ Check the about section on my channel page for details on that You can find all my creations on the gallery under my Origin ID RealFantayzia or under the hashtag #fantayzia ♡Don't forget to subscribe to become a member of the FANTACORN FAMILY🦄 and hit the BELL🔔 so you'll never miss another video!♥ ♡Hey Fantacorns! Welcome to another Sims 4 mod showcase, today I'm showing you guys my top 10 most used mods for realism and gameplay! Links below this♥ #FantacornFam sims 4 mods sims 4 mods 2022 sims 4 cc the sims 4 mods
It is the fourth major title in The Sims series and was originally announced on May 6, 2013, and was released in North America on Septemfor Microsoft Windows. The Sims 4 is a 2014 life simulation video game developed by the Redwood Shores studio of Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. Hey, boo! If you're looking for some new free mods to add to your game, check out this video! Hope you enjoy! sims 4 mods sims 4 mods 2021 the sims 4 mods 🎵 Intro Song "Written in the Stars" - Asta ⭐ Where to download mods for The Sims 4 ➼ 🤍
⭐ How to download & install mods for The Sims 4 ➼ 🤍 #TheSims4 #Sims4 #Thesims4mods #realisticmodsthesims4 #Sims #TS4 #ts4cc ⭐ BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER!!! Help support Troi & the channel to keep bringing weekly content here on YouTube! Also, unlock exclusive benefits! ➼ 🤍 Every script mod in my personal game and a starting point if you're new to modding The Sims 4. Hey, boo! It's finally here! My must-have mods list for 2021. ♡Subscribe to stay up to date with my videos♡ ▶ Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti If you've ever wondered what mods I use often in my game well here you go, all my mods in one video!Ī: Check my cc finds tumblr first or the video linked below.
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sims-cc11 · 1 month
                                Sims 4 legacy challenge 
                            Teen pregnancy 
Gen 1: Emily 
Emily is a teen, got pregnant and told her parents both wanted her to get an abortion. Emily got kicked out and got supported by her boyfriend in their apartment. 
Aspiration: super parent 
Traits: Calm, Good  
Career: teenager=babysitter, young adult=politician 
Must get pregnant as a teen-may have children later in life. 
Must get kicked out by parents when they find out-do not agree. 
Must live with mum and dad before you tell them. 
Must get complete super parent aspiration 
  Gen 2: Claire 
  Claire has a different teen story to her mum. Her boyfriend hated children and forced her to start birth control-she stopped taking it. After she announced her pregnancy her grandparents came to comfort her. Emily-her mum- felt really upset because her mum didn’t care for her.  
Aspiration: Soulmate 
Traits: family orientated, Bashful 
Career:  teenager= cheerleader, young adult = chef 
Must separate with boyfriend when announces the news. 
Must get pregnant as teen. 
Must be twin girls. 
Only get married when Adult 
Have a lot of arguments with mum about how the grandparents are helping. 
Go to court to see who gets custody of kids. 
   Gen 3: Luna 
    You and your twin are quite different. You are rebellious and your twin has an ‘A’ in school. Since your twin was born first you must wait to get a boyfriend after she does, since she is a book nerd she doesn't get want to date until she's an adult. You must sneak around with your boyfriend-he's supportive when you get pregnant.  
Aspiration: creativity- write 
Traits: Sensitive, Shy 
Career: Young adult: style influencer 
Pregnant as teenager. 
Sneak around with boyfriend at night and after school. 
Mum takes it well Dad doesn’t. 
Boyfriend moves in. 
You let your child do anything. 
      Gen 4: Amanda 
       Amanda has a baby, and her parents support her but while she’s pregnant she goes to her boyfriend's house and sees her boyfriend cheating on her with your best friend. 
Aspiration: Super parent 
Traits: Dog lover, loves outside, sensitive 
Job: teenager=cheerleader young adult= stay at home parent 
Boyfriend must cheat with best friend.  
Must get pregnant as a teen.  
Parents must take it well. 
Must have a dog. 
Gen 5: Jamie 
Jamie has the best childhood her mum finds a new dad for her. All your family is supportive. When you get pregnant your boyfriend has his birthday (before you give birth) and goes to the military and doesn't survive. 
Since your mum went through what you are she supported you. 
Aspiration: Soulmate 
Traits: Shy, bookworm and neat 
Job: young adult= writer 
Must loose boyfriend 
Must have a supportive mother 
You must get a cat for comfort after your boyfriend dies. 
Must get pregnant as teen 
Gen 6: Isobel 
When you got pregnant you wanted more but that was just a one-time thing so when you age into a young adult you foster a child-doesn't matter if boy or girl. After you give birth, you try your best to find your soulmate. But since you wanted to find your soulmate, you don’t pay attention to your daughter. This stops when you find your true love. 
Aspiration: Soulmate 
Traits: flirty, cute and sensitive 
Job: Astronaut 
Must get pregnant as teen. 
Must foster a child as young adult. 
Must at least reach level 5 of astronaut career. 
Must have a bad relationship with your daughter. 
Gen 7: Charlotte 
You had a bad relationship with your mum but when you became a mum you spent every night with them, and your boyfriend agreed to do all the work and you can stay home with her. When your first child is a toddler/child u get pregnant again with another girl. 
Aspiration: super parent 
Traits: family orientated, cute and brave 
Job: stay at home parent 
Have 2 children- not at the same time. 
You can have a job before you give birth but after birth you know you can’t let your child have the same life growing up you did. 
Give birth as a teen. 
   Gen 8: Olivia 
You had the best childhood but when you turned a teen you changed. You became a rebel and started to sneak out. You were still close to your mum but didn't know you were sneaking out. You tell your mum you were sneaking out when you became a young adult. You stay at your parents' house until you're a young adult. But when you age into a young adult, you decide to become a lawyer, help people, stop going out every night and be a better parent.  
Aspiration: Party animal 
Traits: clever, friendly and hot 
Job: young adult: lawyer  
Have a baby as a teen 
Become a lawyer 
At least level 5 lawyer career 
Have a good relationship with your mum 
Have a bad relationship with daughter until daughter is a child. 
You don’t have a good relationship with your boyfriend when you find out you’re pregnant, he moves away. 
Gen 9: Milly 
You have a bad relationship with your mum until you are a child. Your mum doesn’t support you (when you get pregnant), so you move in with your dad. You had a 1 nigther with the baby's dad. When you're in your 2nd trimester your dad dies. Since you don’t have money, you get evicted and had to move into an apartment (and it’s tiny). When you move into your apartment you realize how good you are at painting and start to paint for a living. 
Aspiration: Stay at home parent 
Traits: Worldly, introvert and gentle 
Job: Teen: librarian young adult: Artist   
Must have a kid as a teen 
Mum doesn’t support dad does 
Dad dies when in 2nd trimester 
Reach level 10 painting and master painting skill 
Can be as many kids as you want (must have at least 1 girl) 
Gen 10: Layla 
When you grow up, your mother loves you (and your siblings if you wish) and you grow up happy. But your mum marries, and you get a stepfather, but your stepfather hates you and tries to kick you out and one night you’re out with a friend and stay out past curfew, so your mum and stepdad kick you out (before you get pregnant). Now you're homeless, you go to the bar every night, get drunk and sleep on a park bench searching the bins for food. Until you see a man wearing a suit and introduce yourself to him and that’s who you have kids with. 
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire 
Traits: ancient bloodline, sensitive and expressionistic 
Job: Young adult: Artist 
Must get pregnant as teen (can be girl or boy) 
Can have as many kids as you want 
Challenge ends when Layla ends 
Become homeless before getting pregnant 
Get pregnant with the love of your life 
Only stay with that person 
When you give birth, you go to your mum's house and ask her to move in because you find out that she divorced your stepfather. 
Go to bar every night  
Mods used for this: 
[Astro Bluu] Teen Jobs Collection.package 
[LN_E] Developed Traits.package 
[Astro Bluu] Lawyer 
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plasmaberri · 1 year
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Isaias and Lilac are excited to announce twins! Apricot and Pumpkin are happy, healthy, and on their way home.
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sims 4 pregnancy cheats new ECEU&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Make Sim pregnant in second trimester: sims. add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester2. Make Sim immediately go into labor: sims. Use the _Offspring_Count cheat with the Sim's ID and the number of babies you want to be born. If you want all boys/girls try. Sims 4 Pregnancy Cheats for Twins () · For Microsoft Windows: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt · For macOS: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt · For PS4: Press. Before using any cheat, you must summon the cheat box and enable cheats in your game. To do so, press CTRL+ Shift + C to open the cheat box on. The Sims 4 is a life simulation game that allows you to control your sim's lives and experiment with different personalities. When it comes down to having babies, there are some important things you need to know about pregnancy in The Sims 4. You're going to love this! We are writing about Sims 4 pregnancy cheats. These hacks can help you in so many ways, like speeding up the process, changing your gender, or giving birth when and where you want it, for example. So sit back with a soda or juice and read on folks because we have some basic info first. The Sims 4 has been a big hit with gamers and the general public since its launch in It is considered to be one of the best single-player games ever released, even earning acclaim from players across all platforms Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, or Xbox One. The gameplay can be both entertaining and challenging; you'll need to control your family's lives while also building their home over time! Despite being out for four years now, though, there are still plenty more features that developers have yet to release, which means this game will never get boring! Now, for making new sims, you have to make female sims pregnant, and for that, there are some requirements as well. This is what we'll be going over in the next section so stay tuned! Also Check: Sims 4 Toddler Cheats Like in real life, a person should be engaged with someone of the opposite gender when trying for a baby. In Sims 4, this is also true- only adults and elders can try to "try for baby" teens or children cannot participate. The exception here is young adult females who have the opportunity to interact with male teens or elderly males. The Sims 4 is allowing us to create some really interesting characters. For example, you can make a gender non-conforming character and have it be unique because the game offers you options that are mixable and matchable in creating your sims! These options are available in the " Custom Gender Settings " which comes under the gender selection tab. Open the settings and go to the gender tab in creating a sim, and select the pregnancy category. In the pregnancy category, you can customize your character Sims abilities, whether your sim can get pregnant, make others pregnant, or not. Pregnancy takes time, and if you use Sims 4 pregnancy cheats, then the time can be reduced. Note: By default, male sims are able to impregnate others and female sims can become pregnant, Now, if you want to change any setting, you can do it easily. Elder males are able to impregnate others but female elders can't become pregnant, even if they possess as well. We hope you understand the requirements for being pregnant in sims 4 and are qualified as well. If that's true, then at this time "try for baby" will be available. Just remember though! That condition has only been announced if any of one partner has the ability to become pregnant and another person can get enough luck getting anyone else pregnant too. Note: We are not sure how many people are in your family, but if you have 8 or more members, then it's really hard to get a new sim even after practicing and trying for a baby. We mean, this is because Sims 4 only allows up to eight members of one household - so once someone moves out, you can try again! As you know, having a new sim can take three days. But now we are going to show you how to speed up the process with this Sims 4 pregnancy cheat. You don't have to wait for three days anymore - just follow these steps and get your baby on the way in no time at all! For speeding up pregnancy, first of all, you have to enable your cheats by pressing the short key given below according to your device. After that, you will get a message that " Cheats are activated ". Now, paste the code given below into the blank box and hit the enter button. Do you want to get your sim pregnant for a specific gender baby? Then there are two methods by which you can change your baby's gender. Follow the steps given below for pursuing this method:. Now, we'll teach you a trick that might just work for your situation. Most of our users have found it to be very effective, so we recommend giving this method a try before anything else and then let us know how well it worked out. Follow the steps given below according to your requirement. If you're looking to give your pregnant sim twins, these tips are for you. There's nothing better than two newborns at once! These methods work well and will get the job done even in hard mode. Both methods are good, but the 2nd method's success rate is less than the 1st method. The best way to get two babies in the Sims 4 is by cheating Using sims 4 pregnancy cheats twins. If you're not into the idea of cheating, then there's another way that might work to your advantage. It may have a lower success rate than some other methods but don't feel discouraged as it does sometimes happen with our users too. This is a practical method, you can get a fertility massage if you know a Sim with the wellness skill and have the spa day pack installed. The time has come for your sims to give birth. If you think they are in labour moodlet , be ready as after that only 3 hours left before the baby is born! There are two options available when giving birth-laboring out of the house or going into the hospital. Sims 4 allows you to give birth at home. Many users preferred this method as it is a less time-consuming method. Approximately, your baby will take three hours to appear after the pregnant sim is in labour moodlet. But, if you can't wait for three hours then, you can skip it and speed up the process by clicking on the " Have a baby " option. Also, if you want to give your child a warm and good welcome, then decorate your nursery and show your creativity. But, it is not mandatory. When your baby gets arrived, a pop window appears in which you have to give your baby a name. Note: You don't have to buy anything for your baby at the time of birth, as your baby is tied with a bassinet until it goes to the toddler age group. Do you have installed Get to Work expansion pack in sims 4? If yes, then we will prefer you to go to the hospital for the delivery of your baby. When you get to know that now you are in labour moodlet, select the self-interaction, " have a baby at hospital " option, and then choose any other sim with whom you can go to the hospital. When you enter the hospital, go to the front desk and choose the "check-in" option and after choosing it, your sims go to the room in which the doctor asks you to sit on the surgery table and start the procedure. The best thing is that if you give birth in a hospital, then they will grant the unique birth certificate item. It's found in your personal inventory and can be placed on any wall as an accent to spice up a room! Some Sims 4 users want to have a baby without pregnancy but don't know how or just don't want the hassle. If you're one of those people, then this section is going to be especially helpful for you! We'll show ya how it's done and give some tips on adoption in sims 4. The adoption process in Sims 4 is not hard, but if you're new to the game we want you to know that for adopting your Sim needs to be at least a young adult or older. Go to the household and select the " Hire a Service " option and after that, you will see an option texted as " Adopt a Child ". Once your adoption goes through, and the little one appears in their crib on a lot with all of the necessary items - complete with bassinet for rest time - you can finally give them a name! The Sims games have always had a long history of pregnancy cheats. From the first game to this newest installment, it is common for players to use cheat codes or mods in order to ensure that their Sim will conceive and give birth without having any physical contact with another person. Some people enjoy doing this because they are not comfortable with how the animations work in the game. Sims 4 pregnancy cheats help players to get pregnant without having any contact with another person. It is performed by adjusting the value of a Sim's aspiration bar in order to have them become infatuated enough that they will agree when asked if they want to have children. While this may not be considered cheating, there are many players who use it due to discomfort or other reasons. The answer is a resounding yes! However, it's important to know that the cheat codes vary between consoles. For example, for Xbox One players, you'll need to enable cheats by pressing the Y button and then typing "testingcheats true" into the search bar. PlayStation 4 users will need to enter in "testingcheats true" using your controller. Using Sims 4 pregnancy cheats has a few benefits. First, it allows players to get pregnant without having any contact with another person. This is great for those who are uncomfortable with the animations or for players who want to avoid any awkwardness. Additionally, it can be used to have twins or triplets without the hassle of trying to get two people in the game to cooperate. No, using Sims 4 pregnancy cheats is not considered cheating. So long as you're not using them to get an unfair advantage over other players, there's no reason why you can't use them. Hoping that you liked all the sections given above and successfully understood how to use Sims 4 pregnancy cheats in Now, if you find any difficulty in using the cheats, then give us a quick shout-out below! We will try our best to help guide you through your problem as soon as possible. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Home Birth 2. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What are Sims 4 pregnancy cheats? How Sims 4 pregnancy cheats works? What are the benefits of Sims 4 pregnancy cheats? Is using Sims 4 pregnancy cheats considered cheating? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Admin Hello, We are playing duo here.
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Right on her due date, Zoe went into labour right on schedule and went into hospital after laboring at home for 5 hours; Javier & Rosa, Allan & Casandra, and Macie all drove in to be there to act as her and Francisco’s support team. After 4 hours of active labour Javier Moreno Jr was born! Francisco and Zoe chose to name their first born son after his grandfather but he’ll be known as ‘JJ’, and there were tears in the room once they announced the name - what a great way to honour your parents! 
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The new family of 3!
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With Macie
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With the grandmas!
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a-new-oasis · 2 years
Salome Bernice Medley
Praise the LORD, I had a good and easy birth on Monday. Our 19th child came into the world. Me and Bobby have decided to name her Salome Bernice Medley. For now, she has not stopped crying, but eventually the LORD will help us pacify her.
No matter what, it is incredibly satisfying to hold a child in my arms after having fulfilled the LORD's purpose for women: to care and birth children.
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