#Landrum Family
fundieshaderoom · 2 months
Fundie Post About the Trump Assassination Attempt (Part 1)
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My wife's looking for a TTRPG where you run a store. I don't know why she wants this but as her husband I must deliver, hit me up please noble ttrpg purveyors
THEME: Running A Store
Hello! I have quite a few games that I’ve recommended in the past for this, so I’m going to direct you to a few of those first. I have a Markets and Trade rec post that you might want to check out, for example, as well as a post about Tavern Games. There will also be a considerably sizeable list at the end of this post.
Now, let’s see what else we can find. Most of these look like they’re specifically for running a cafe, if not for some kind of food service. That being said, the goals for each of these games are very different!
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You Want Fries with That?, by Matthew Landrum
Welcome to our company! We’re sure you will find working at our restaurant rewarding and fulfilling as you deliver meaningful dining experiences, develop marketable employee skills, and enrich company value.  Just trust in the guidance of the General Manager, and remember, we’re all family here! 
In You Want Fries with That? each player takes the role of an employee in a fast-food restaurant, scrambling to meet customer needs and find meagre satisfaction in their work.
This is a cutthroat game of struggling to keep up with customer orders in a fast-food environment. Play happens over a number of rounds, in which players will cover for each-other’s weaknesses, strategically take breaks to conserve your stamina (and your enthusiasm), and battle against wage theft, angry managers, and rapid promotions.
If you want a chance for your characters to interact with each-other and role-play, you’ll want a different game than this. But if you want a survival game that takes place in a hostile environment, consider this one!
Twenty (Stories Tall), by kumada1.
On good days, when the weather is clear, you can see the end of the world from your window. You work in a little coffee shop in the Inner Circle. It's one of many coffee shops and kiosks in the city of Abject, and if there were other cities left in existence, they would probably think the people of Abject have a bit of a coffee problem. There is no food scarcity, no one starves in order for coffee beans to be grown, but the volume of beans produced here is truly extraordinary, and they are ground, brewed, and consumed daily at hundreds of quaint little bistros across the city.
Your shop, with its little bites to eat and its trendy décor, is no different from the others but for one important factor---you.
Ever since you came of working age, there's been a power stirring in your blood. Sometimes, when you get too bored, or too angry, or otherwise too emotional, you grow. You grow from Small to Medium, Medium to Large, Large to Twenty. And at Twenty (stories tall), you're big enough to go toe-to-toe with the monsters that would destroy your city.
Twenty is a 50 page tabletop roleplaying game about fighting monsters and working in food service. Twenty uses things you could find in a coffee shop instead of dice, and it regards relationships as hit points. It's suitable for oneshot or campaign play, and it comes with a starter adventure.
The theme of running a shop is definitely here, but the target of your character abilities look to be aimed more at fighting giant monsters. It’s also a game that encourages you to think about the stresses and horrors of customer service. If you like a game that’s a bit tongue-in-cheek, then this is the game for you!
Whistling Wolf Cafe: Multiplayer Edition, by Lucky Newt Games.
Thank you for joining us at Whistling Wolf Café! Our motto is “You might not always get what you want, but you’ll always get what you need.” Serving customers by giving them what they need to feel better instead of what they prefer can be tricky, but I trust that your amazing tea-brewing skills will win them over. 
There’s a small shop next door with things that might help you, and people looking for a bit of work. Just be sure you use your own tips to purchase them or the owner will be, well, not so happy. Also, I hate to say it, but the more bad reviews you get, the worse it looks for both of us. So do what you can to avoid that.
Whistling Wolf Café is a café sim game for 2-4 players. You are a master brewer who is more focused on what a customer might need rather than what they want, and that can complicate things. All you need per player is a deck of playing cards, a handful of six-sided dice, and something to take notes with. Between a shared Shop and a few different items, player interaction is built into the game.
If you like games that are about taking care of other people, this game might be up your alley. It looks like there’s also a balance component - how many customers can you serve, and how well can you brew your tea? The descriptions for the tea and food offered in the cafe look absolutely scrumptious. Definitely worth checking out!
Coffee & Chaos, by CobblePath Games.
Coffee & Chaos is a comedy tabletop roleplaying game about running a cafe, bar, restaurant or other establishment as everything goes very, very wrong around you.
Coffee & Chaos allows characters to retain all of their quirks from any other games they might be in. Your druid can still wildshape, your street samurai still has their cyber-arm. But when taken out of their element the focus is on how they use those skills and abilities to solve problems (or accidentally make things worse).
I like the idea of transporting your already-created characters into a new setting, and Coffee and Chaos certainly does this. Your character will have three approaches to problems: Knives (direct approaches), Forks (creative approaches), and Spoons (considered approaches). Coffee and Chaos is designed for comedy more than realism. The goal for this game is fun stories more than anything else.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Poutine, by the Kinematic Cafe.
Sweaters by Hedgehog, by Haunted Oak Press
Spirited Cafe, by A Couple of Drakes.
A Diner at the End, by Bammax Games.
Merchant, by Hella Big Claws.
Fox Curio's Floating Bookshop, by lostwaysclub.
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morbidology · 8 months
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It was Monday afternoon of the 17th of August, 2015, when three-year-old Mason Cuttler was reported missing in Lufkin, Texas. He had been playing on and around the family’s front porch on Earnest Landrum Road, just off Highway 103.
The last time that anybody saw him was at around 1:30PM. According to his parents, Kevin Cuttler and Brandi Wonzer, they had been cleaning the house while Mason was playing outside. As his father explained: “He’s allergic to some of the cleaning products, so he was playing on the front porch with my sister. I told them that if he went anywhere to let me or his mom know. A little while later, nobody had come to get me, so I went outside to have a cigarette break, and the last time I saw him he went around the corner of the house into the back yard — and that was it.”
His parents said that he had never wandered off before. Kevin said he sometimes used to hide underneath the house but when they would call his name, he would burst out laughing “but he’d never go anywhere else but underneath the house.”
A search party was assembled, consisting of the Angelina County Sheriff’s Office, the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Lufkin Fire Department. A PHI medical helicopter crew also embarked on the scene to assist.
Before dawn the following morning, Mason’s body was in the pond located behind the family’s home. A deputy had been walking around the property searching for Mason when he spotted something just below the surface. He then noticed that there were small footprints leading towards the pond...
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞:
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
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Alkaline-Glazed Jugs Made by Master Potter, David Drake
David was a chattel enslaved Black potter from Edgefield, South Carolina. He was owned as the property of Harvey Drake, a large pottery business owner who partnered with Abner Landrum, an editor of a local newspaper called The Edgefield Hive. (He would also be owned as the property of Lewis Miles and the Landrum family. Not simultaneously.)
David was forced to labor in Pottersville, one of the twelve pottery factories in Edgefield at that time. He’s recognized as the first enslaved potter to inscribe his work (with a couplet poem, the date, and his signature—Dave) during the time when literacy was forbidden for the enslaved with enacted laws and deadly consequences. 
Some of his inscriptions are practical instructions or reflections on love, spirituality, or afterlife; while others are commentaries on the institution of US chattel slavery. His earliest recorded work is a pot dated July 12, 1834. The poetry on this one reads: 
Put every bit all between 
Surely this jar will hold 14
One of Drake's better known pieces, a 19-inch greenware pot, is dated back to August 16, 1857. The inscription reads: 
I wonder where is all my relations
Friendship to all and every nation
David made more than 40,000 large stoneware jugs and jars between the 1820s and the 1870s. They were worth about 50 cents during his lifetime. You can only imagine how much they are worth today... There are pieces housed in museums from Greenville County Museum of Art to the Smithsonian.
Per the US census in 1870, it’s labeled that David couldn’t read or write. Ha.
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So how was he able to read and write (in cursive) to the point of demonstrating such charming and emotive, couplet poetry? Wouldn’t they all like to know. 
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nyiibat2 · 2 months
Comparing Presidential candidates: Jill Stein Green Party
Jill Stein: Green party candidate
Quote “I'm running for president with the Green Party to offer a choice for the people outside the failed two-party system. We'll put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate action agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot in November.” And quote.
Jill Stein has been very vocal in her fight for a better economical, political, and climate future. A future of America where people can say they’re proud to be American citizens. Her social media presence has catapulted her into the race.
Jill Stein is a Harvard-educated doctor, a pioneering environmental health advocate, and an organizer for people, planet, and peace. She has helped lead initiatives to fight environmental racism, injustice, and pollution, to promote healthy communities, and to revitalize democracy. She has helped win victories in campaign finance reform, racially-just redistricting, and the clean-up of incinerators, coal plants, and other toxic threats. She was a principal organizer for the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet, and Peace over Profit. {Source; About Jill section jillstein2024.com}
Jill’s policies for her 2024 campaign include; PEOPLE'S ECONOMY;
A Jill Stein administration will:
Guarantee lifelong free public education for all institutions of learning, including trade schools and Pre-K through college and graduate school
Abolish all student debt for 43 million encumbered Americans
Increase and equalize public school funding
End the privatization of public schools
Guarantee free childcare
Reduce taxes on incomes below the real median income of $75,000 per household
Strengthen Social Security - remove the artificial cap on the Social Security tax for the wealthy, and apply the Social Security payroll tax to all income, including capital gains and dividends.
Remove loopholes that allow foundations to hide wealth from taxation
Institute strongly progressive taxation for incomes and wealth, and increase the estate tax
Guarantee affordable, efficient utilities through a transition of all utilities to public not-for-profit ownership
Free high-speed internet across the U.S. with rural broadband via fiber optics
Put “too big to fail” banks into public ownership as public utilities (currently the four largest banks which own 25% of all banking assets)
Create nonprofit public state and local banking
Implement postal banking
Replace corporate trade agreements with global fair trade agreements
Prohibit finance capital from buying up single-family homes and rental housing stock
Ban corporate stock buybacks
Break up monopolies in big tech and elsewhere
Tax the ultra-wealthy and giant corporations heavily
A Jill Stein administration will:
Pass a $25 minimum wage, indexed to cost inflation and productivity growth, whichever is higher, with special consideration for geographic locations where cost of living greatly exceeds other areas
Guaranteed Livable Income above poverty
Guarantee housing as a human right
Implement universal rent control
Increase federal support for worker-owned cooperatives
Expand and defend workers’ right to unionize to include domestic, agricultural, and so-called “gig” workers
Ensure worker representation on corporate boards (co-determination) at 50%
Give voting rights in pension funds to the workers
Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act and end the "right-to-work for less" laws
Federalize workers' compensation to standardize and ensure full funding for worker’s comp
Close the pay gap and end wage discrimination based on race, gender, or other factors
Pass a Federal jobs guarantee to end unemployment
Pass the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights
Pass the Wage Theft Prevention and Recovery Act
End the Landrum-Griffin Act restrictions that bar unions from hiring some formerly incarcerated people
Eliminate the sub-minimum wage loophole in the Fair Labor Standards Act
Create a National Solidarity Fund, funded by a one cent ($0.01) per worker-hour tax, paying stipends to workers who are striking or locked out
Encourage Sectoral bargaining through the Department of Labor and National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Utilize civil asset forfeiture against companies guilty of violating workers’ protections (standards to be determined)
Federally mandate and fund three weeks of paid sick leave, eight weeks of paid vacation per year, and one-year parental leave for all new parents.
Ban “at-will“ employment by requiring just cause to terminate employment.
Unionize all federal employees
Commit to veto any legislation that breaks strikes
A Jill Stein administration will:
End homelessness and housing insecurity with a Homes Guarantee
Nationally adopt “Housing First” practices
Fund social housing as part of the Real Green New Deal to build at least 15 million green, union-built, publicly-owned homes over the next 10 years
Support a Universal Tenant's Bill of Rights
Direct the Department of Labor to assist with the establishment of a National Tenants Union
Implement universal rent control and a prohibition on excessive rental deposits
Eliminate credit checks from rental applications
Impose taxes on unoccupied homes (vacancy tax) and investment rental “homestay” properties to curb speculation
Expand House Choice Initiatives, and provide full funding to all existing project-based rental assistance contracts
Repeal the Faircloth Amendment so that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can build public housing again
Prohibit predatory lending, require clearly listed mortgage costs and risks, and no fine print
Expand HUD and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Programs for first-time home buyers, with down-payment assistance, direct guaranteed loans, and pre-purchase housing counseling
Reinvigorate federal housing programs that build publicly-owned housing for families, for the elderly, and for people with disabilities
Expand and protect the homeowner mortgage interest benefit, and eliminate the “second home” and “yacht” loopholes
A Jill Stein administration will:
Immediately implement National Improved Medicare for All as a precursor to establishing a UK-style National Healthcare Service which will replace private hospital, private medical practice, and private medical insurance with a publicly-owned, democratically controlled healthcare service that will guarantee healthcare as a human right to everyone in the United States
Cancel all medical debt
Advance reproductive rights and codify Roe v. Wade
Ensure the U.S. healthcare system operates with full protection, respect and inclusion of human rights for all, including women and 2SLGBTQIA+ people, people with disabilities, Black, Indigenous, and people of color
Restore public trust in the government’s medical agencies and institutions by enforcing audits, transparency and oversight in their internal processes
Restore confidence in the FDA, CDC and other regulatory boards by 1) closing the revolving door between corporations and regulatory boards and 2) getting corrupting big money out of politics by adopting public financing of elections.
Expand public funding - and phase out private/corporate funding - of medical and pharmaceutical research, conducted in public health agencies, public universities and medical schools
Ban patents where the research and development has been paid for by taxpayers via public colleges, the NIH, the CDC and other governmental entities
Restore funding to all medical governmental agencies including Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Take the pharmaceutical industry into public ownership and democratic control. Big pharma has failed to serve the public interest in an industry awash in private profit as it gouged consumers with monopolistic pricing in a business model centered on addictive opioids and patent-protected medicines. It’s time to ensure the production of life-saving medicines that millions rely on with their production as public goods.
Eliminate healthcare inequities and gaps in all disadvantaged communities by investing in local clinics and community hospitals
Establish a Federal Community Care Agency to provide community-based support, long-term in-home and in-community care, and visitation care to seniors and to people with disabilities
Ensure fair compensation for home caregivers
Guarantee long-term care for all patients in their home and community.
Prohibit the keeping of people’s possessions by assisted living facilities after death
Eliminate Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) and other burdensome and discriminatory compliance requirements and enact protections against healthcare surveillance
Offer responsible and transparent end-of-life care to those who want it
Respect bodily autonomy and personal freedom and choice in medical treatments, including the right to dignified assisted death
Fund and support research and development of treatment for rare diseases
Federal legalization and funding of cannabis medicinal research
Launch an urgent national program to rebuild the U.S. epidemic/pandemic response
Review and update the 2006 Pandemic Preparedness Act (last updated prior to COVID in 2019) to ensure U.S. pandemic preparedness is fully funded.
Ban private investment in CDC healthcare projects in order to restore public trust
Strengthen the infrastructure for accelerated emergency distribution of information, medications, vaccines, and treatments
Fund and provide high-quality personal protective equipment such as N-95 type masks and all diagnostic testing (including viral load testing) free at local pharmacies
Mandate and provide funding for high-quality air filtration code improvements for all public transportation, public buildings, schools and businesses
Restore OSHA-supported airborne protections for healthcare workers
Establish policies that will eliminate SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools, healthcare facilities, and on public transportation
Further study the Novavax protein-based COVID-19 vaccine to determine safety and efficacy for children under 12; remove restrictions if findings allow
Address Long COVID
COVID-19 likely increased the disabled population in the United States by over 1.2 million persons just from 2020 to 2021. As of August 2022, some 16 million Americans were affected by long Covid, with 2 to 4 million out of work due to the condition. Long Covid causes both cognitive and physical impairments and can develop after the initial illness, with each subsequent infection increasing the risk of developing it.
Ensure those affected by long Covid are protected in their workplace, and their needs for housing, healthcare, and economic security are met
Fully fund research into the causes, prevention and treatment of long COVID
A Jill Stein administration will:
Replace the exclusionary two-corporate-party system with an inclusive multi-party democracy through ranked-choice voting and proportional representation
Implement Ranked-Choice Voting for all elections nationwide
Implement proportional representation for all legislative elections
Work to overturn Citizens United and Buckley v. Valeo and abolish corporate personhood by Constitutional Amendment
Institute full public financing of elections. Get the corrupting influence of private money out of politics and put the people back in.
Abolish the Electoral College, and elect the president via national popular vote using ranked-choice voting
Support a modern Voting Rights Act, including non-partisan redistricting commissions and same-day voter registration nationwide
Restore the Preclearance provision of the Voting Rights Act
Ensure a Constitutional right to vote and restore voting rights to all felons
Pass Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) nationwide
Make Election Day a federal holiday
Expand polling locations and make free vote-by-mail an option for all elections, and expand polling locations
End all discriminatory voting laws and the purging of voting rolls; repeal Shelby County v Holder
Allow those who are under supervision or incarcerated to vote in elections, and be counted in the districts they resided in before incarceration
Eliminate gerrymandering by enacting proportional representation
Repeal discriminatory, anti-democratic ballot access restrictions designed by the establishment parties to suppress competition
Expand initiative, referendum, and recall powers to every state and nationally
Ensure open debates on public channels including all ballot-qualified candidates
Provide free public airtime for all ballot-qualified candidates
Oppose censorship by both the government and big tech corporations, and defend press freedom by applying antitrust laws to media conglomerates
Expand Freedom of Information laws and whistleblower protections
Protect the free Internet and net neutrality
Safeguard election integrity with hand-counted paper ballots and routine post-election audits
Lower the voting age to 16
Grant immediate statehood for the District of Columbia
Ensure self-determination for Puerto Rico and other colonial territories still under US rule
Replace partisan oversight of elections and the presidential debates with independent, non-partisan election commissions
Increase the number of Supreme Court justices from 9 to 18, with 18-year term limits staggered so that one seat opens per year
Require a supermajority of ⅔ of the Supreme Court for judicial review of federal laws
Enact a binding code of ethics for all judges, including Supreme Court justices
Prohibit lobbying of any kind by former members of Congress.
Ban stock trading by legislators
Ban government contractors from donating to political campaigns
Prohibit Congress from giving themselves any benefits they do not give to the people
Support and fund participatory budgeting projects to engage the public in policy decisions
Create a Federal Department of Equity to ensure that design and implementation of all policies (including climate policies) are equitable, as opposed to the historic victimization of poorer and marginalized communities.
PRISONS AND POLICING; “We call the United States the “land of the free” but we have the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, with over 2.3 million people in federal, state, and local prisons and jails. Instead of addressing root causes of inequality and injustice, today’s systems of policing, prisons, and criminal justice have been designed by the Wall Street parties and their wealthy elite backers to enforce a socioeconomic hierarchy that is systemically racist and classist.”
A Jill Stein administration will:
Ban private prisons and detention centers.
Abolish the Death Penalty.
End mass incarceration and build a system centered on restorative justice.
Fully legalize cannabis for recreational and medicinal use with similar restrictions to alcohol.
Release nonviolent drug offenders from prison, remove drug offenses from records, and guarantee both pre- and post-release support
Ensure drug treatment on demand
Begin the process of legalizing hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin and other related substances) and fund studies on their medicinal benefits.
Begin the process of decriminalizing personal possession of hard drugs - treat drug misuse as a health problem, not a criminal problem
Increase the number of public defenders and ensure a reasonable caseload and good pay
Ban mandatory minimum sentencing and ‘three strikes’ laws.
Abolish unpaid and underpaid prison labor
Mandate and enforce higher standards for living conditions in prisons
Establish community control of police with oversight boards empowered to audit police departments, issue subpoenas, remove officers, and block rehiring of offending officers
End cash bail, fines and fees that disproportionately impact poor and working class people.
Eliminate all ‘Cop City’- type police training facilities that militarize policing and teach dangerous and abusive policing practices.
End qualified immunity for police and prosecutorial immunity.
Federalize all police misconduct investigations.
Fund state and national police misconduct data collections systems.
End the militarization of police (end the 1033 program).
End training of US police on occupation-style policing by Israeli Defense Forces.
End Civil Asset Forfeiture for private citizens
Ensure the funding of community-based youth programs as a deterrent to both petty and violent crime and to reduce interactions with police.
Investigate and prosecute sexual violence, kidnapping, and human trafficking
Fight corporate white-collar crime with resources proportional to its economic impact
End warrantless mass surveillance
Pardon whistleblowers and political prisoners
End the epidemic of gun violence with common-sense gun safety laws:
Ban the sale of assault rifles and establish a buyback program
Establish mandatory waiting periods and background checks for firearm purchases
Pass red flag laws for individuals who pose a danger to themselves and others
Create standardized digital records of gun registrations and sales
Close gun show loopholes
Require firearm owners to own a high-quality gun safe to store their firearms
Require firearm owners to purchase liability insurance of no less than $1,000,000
Hold adult firearm owners criminally liable for minor children accessing firearms and using them in the commission of any crime or accidental injury or death
A Jill Stein Administration will:
Honor all existing treaties with Indigenous nations
Ensure free, prior, and informed consent for any and all activity on tribal sovereign land
Establish a federal Land Back Commission
Create a task force of Tribal nations leaders to assess their needs for infrastructure, resources, education and economic development
Support a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a reparations plan to address Indigenous people’s economic dispossession
Amend the federal regulations to streamline the recognition process of Tribal Nations, Native Hawaiian Nation and other Pacific and Caribbean Islanders
Increase appointments to Tribal liaison positions, boards and commissions to ensure representation on all policies impacting Tribal Nations
Enforce the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People to require tribal consent for granting construction permits on treaty lands, waterways, and usual and accustomed areas
Prohibit all activities on sovereign territories without Free, Prior, and Informed Consent
Defend Tribal rights to regulate and manage their environment’s natural resources
Mandate all property tax revenues from tribal (reservation) lands be shared with the tribes
Remove policies and practices that create barriers in upholding Native voting rights at all levels of government
Protect Native religious freedoms
Declare the second Monday in October as the Federal holiday “Indigenous Peoples Day”
Fund the Indian Health Service and establish at least one IHS clinic in each state
Increase and expand community health centers and behavioral and mental health services for Native youth
Establish an adequately funded medical facility in all reservations
Ensure the Department of Education fully funds and includes Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum developed by Tribal leaders in all states
Provide funding for judicial training on the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 to eliminate the loss of Native children’s ties and identities to their families, cultures and homelands
Improve and align government policies and efforts, including data collection, to appropriately identify and classify American Indian/Alaska Native and multi-racial students
Expand funding for Tribal Compact Schools and address the disproportionate rates of drop-out, expulsion and suspension rates of Native students at the K-12 level
Expand access to Tribal Colleges and Universities, Native Studies programs in mainstream Colleges and Universities
Officially recognize children lost to adoption under the Indian Relocation Act of 1952, tribal members who were dis-enrolled during the U.S. Indian Tribes termination policies (1940 to mid-1960), prior to the enactment of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 and reunify them with their tribes and families
Ensure the rights of Tribal Nations to investigate and exercise criminal jurisdiction over non-Native citizens who commit domestic or sexual violence on Tribal lands in accordance with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Maintain and authorize the VAWA to fund and expand the specific Tribal Nations’ provisions, such as judicial training
Improve and fund Native lands’ justice systems to facilitate prosecution of non-natives accused of serious crimes
Ensure correct Native classification of Missing and Murdered Native women in the federal records
Increase tribal, federal, state and local cooperation to end the crisis of Missing and Murdered Native women
Commission a report on the pipeline culture as an intrinsic factor in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women crisis of and mandate oil companies fund resources for crisis prevention
Improve state-federal-tribal relations to avoid bias and discriminatory policing through law enforcement cross-cultural education with Tribal Nations
Expand funding of Urban Indian health organizations to enable them to address the health needs of Native Americans in urban areas who may not have access to Tribal health facilities
Fund Indian Health Service’s (IHS) trust responsibility for Urban Indians so IHS funds can never be taken from the Federally Recognized Tribal allotment to fund Urban Indian Healthcare
Address the disproportionately high rates of homelessness among Urban Indians
Halt gentrification in Tribal and poor communities that prices people out of their communities
Help States develop and fund Urban Indian Liaison Offices to improve community relations
REPARATIONS AND THE AGENDA TO FACILITATE BLACK LIBERATION; “A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee as a human right reparations to the descendants of African slaves for the historic crime of enslavement. Reparations is a cornerstone of the Black Agenda, but reparations is far from the only policy needed to begin to redress what has been stolen from the Black community over 400+ years.”
In addition to ensuring Reparations, a Jill Stein Administration will:
Direct all federal agencies to consider and include race and ethnicity as part of all of their initiatives and other programs implemented with federal dollars
Overturn the harmful Alexander v. Sandoval Supreme Court decision that currently increases the burden for, or eliminates private right of action against entities that violate Title VI and other mandates contained in the Civil RIghts Act of 1964
Promulgate a moratorium on all proposed Cop Cities and end federal investments in such facilities
Establish a National Office for Civilian Oversight Committees to ensure greater transparency and accountability for civilian law enforcement departments
Establish a multi-agency federal Returning Citizens Task Force to assist and provide resources for the formerly incarcerated in an effort to expedite their journey back to full citizen status including, but not limited to, immediate restoration of voting rights in most cases
Increase investment in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and leverage the power of the federal government to force states to compensate state run, land grant HBCUs the more than $13 Billion they are owed
Increase investments in programs that support Black-owned businesses.
Ensure that a universal single-payer healthcare system addresses and resolves the health outcome disparities for the Black community, and in particular for Black women
Eliminate ‘food deserts’ where fresh produce and food sovereignty is largely unavailable, a condition which disproportionately impacts Black communities.
Work with Congress and federal agencies to codify the Justice for Black Farmers Act
Eliminate white nationalists from police forces by Federal law, and ensure white nationalist groups’ activities are routinely monitored, due to white nationalist violence being the greatest single source of domestic terrorism.
Ensure the Office of Civil Rights is fully funded, staffed, and fulfills its obligation to protect the civil rights of marginalized communities.
Restore Section 4(b) and Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and permanently certify the entire law
Address and ameliorate the legacy of redlining through programs that deliver recompense for Black homeowners whose home values are adversely and disproportionately impacted to this day by this systemically racist practice
Federal moratorium on new construction of fossil fuel infrastructure and other polluting operations in or proximate to Black and other environmental justice communities
Massive reinvestment from policing and prisons into social, economic, and other programs that lead to direct community benefits
Establish a federal commission to eradicate the lead pipes and tainted water crisis impacting cities like Flint, MI within one year after I take office
Work with Congress and impacted community members to draft and pass the Justice for Cancer Alley Act that will include compensation and free healthcare in perpetuity for victims in this region who have been subjected to environmentally racist practices for decades
Coordinate with Black-led formations including, but not limited to, the Black Hive at Movement for Black Lives to codify proposals and demands included in their Black Climate Mandate
Coordinate with Black-led formations including, but not limited to, the Black Alliance for Peace to promulgate their Zone of Peace strategies that combat and dismantle larger structures and interests that generate war and state violence—colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism and all forms of imperialismboth domestically and internationally
Support the Equality Act, the PRIDE Act, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, and other bills to prohibit discrimination by the U.S., the military, state or local governments, or private industry
Support the PrEP Access and Coverage Act (until universal healthcare is implemented).
Develop and implement 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusive public education to combat bullying
Include 2SLGBTQIA+ history in school curricula, provide school and community trainings and 2SLGBTQIA+ specific school counseling
Federally prohibit the harmful practice of “conversion therapy”
Fund housing relief programs for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, who are disproportionately represented in unsheltered populations
Remove punitive and cumbersome legal name change requirements and fees
Declare trans murder and suicide rates a national emergency
De-gender or add nonbinary gender options to all Federal public documents
De-gender school dress codes, and guarantee protection from discrimination as a result of dress in workplaces
Publish the original Equal Rights Amendment in the National Archives, effectively bringing it into law.
Prohibit insurance companies from denying trans-affirming procedures
Remove “transmedicalist” language from all educational materials relating to trans individuals
Specifically prohibit disciplining or firing trans employees for acknowledging their gender/pronouns with customers, clients, or other individuals in the workplace
Legally prohibit mutilative surgeries on intersex infants
Pass legislation to mandate that police adopt policies to ensure fairer interactions with transgender people, especially transgender women of color, who are disproportionately impacted by disparities in policing
Outlaw misgendered imprisonment nationwide and end “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses for violent crimes
Prevent and repeal any legislation that purports to protect religious liberty at the expense of the rights of others
Work towards economic security for people with disabilities by ensuring opportunities to partake fully in the economy at a fair wage and to enable financial security for all
Make sure that technology is accessible and supports the goals of the diverse lives of people with disabilities
Help children with disabilities and their families by providing life-changing early interventions and getting them valuable access to education
Defend the civil liberties of people with disabilities in areas like criminal justice, voting, physical and mental health, parental rights, and marriage equality
End all exceptions in wage laws and workplace protections for individuals with disabilities
Expand Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Social Income (SSI) to a living wage of greater than 10% of regional Cost of Living calculations
Expand access to Social Security/SSDI/SSI, including assistance of public lawyers in SSDI application.
Eliminate SSI waiting periods and disability proof requirements
Update the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), with updates to be informed by people in the disabled community.
Fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Pass the Disabilities Integration Act
Expand funding for Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)
Ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Ensure that disabled immigrants are afforded the same immigration rights as non-disabled immigrants
Federally invest in upgrading all existing public housing and public schools to ADA accessibility standards
Provide Federal funding to meet ADA accessibility and accommodation requests by individual residents, students and faculty
Create a federal “Disability Education Services Agency” to offer public schools resources and training to support students with disabilities
Pass a permanent Money Follows the Person (MFP) program to resist institutionalization and ensure a Right to Return to homes and community
Eliminate small business exemptions to the ADA; Appropriate federal funds to achieve compliance by small businesses
Establish federal marriage equality to eliminate marriage penalties for individuals with disabilities
Ensure opioid pain management protections for those with chronic and debilitating pain
Ensure a federal jobs guarantee covers people with disabilities, particularly with respect to limited work schedules and nontraditional job roles
A Jill Stein administration will:
Publish the Equal Rights Amendment
Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act (HR 7) to end pay discrimination and ensure equal pay for equal work
Pass the 2021 Violence Against Women Act
Ensure that domestic abusers cannot own or buy a gun
Federally fund and expedite all rape kit testing
Codify Roe v Wade
Ensure full reproductive rights and bodily autonomy for women
Repeal the Hyde Amendment
Fund free birth control and menstruation products
Repeal FOSTA/SESTA which puts sex workers at risk
Decriminalize sex work
Expand the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Protect and enforce Title IX
Ensure prosecution of sexual harassment and violence in the workplace and the military
A Jill Stein administration will:
Vastly reduce the tide of migration by ending the crises driving people to migrate in the first place - ending US wars and military interventions (250 in the past 30 years, per the Congressional Research Service), reducing climate migration through an emergency Green New Deal and eliminating fossil fuel emissions within a decade; ending US economic sanctions driving migration from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua; legalizing marijuana in the US and supporting legalization in Latin America to undercut drug cartels whose violence is a major driver of migration.
Abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and establish an Office of Citizenship, Refugees, and Immigration Services under the Department of Labor. Redirect all ICE funding to processing centers that provide immigrants and refugees with resources for housing, work, and healthcare upon arrival
Prosecute all ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents who have committed human rights violations
Repeal the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
Repeal the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
Grant amnesty to every undocumented person in the United States, and implement a path to citizenship with expediency
Provide whistleblower visas for immigrants who report labor violations or exploitative work conditions
Expand refugee programs and improve the housing conditions for all refugees during resettlement
Remove stringent requirements for linguistic assimilation and employment, and expand mental health services for refugees
Expand the number of visas available to immigrants
Greatly increase humanitarian aid to struggling Latin American economies, especially for countries that have been devastated by U.S. intervention
End US sanctions in general, which are illegal in any event. They should most immediately be ended where they devastate economies in Latin America and fuel immigration, as in Cuba and Venezuela
End the War on Drugs
Take immediate action to locate separated children and reunite them with their families
Direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and provide them resources to adjudicate visa petitions within 30 days, instead of the current 2 years or more, to shorten the duration of Family Separation for legal immigrants and citizens
Fully staff and fund immigration courts
Hire more asylum officers and provide exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate asylum cases
Ensure all immigration judges have civil service protection
Ensure that due process and constitutional protections are available to undocumented immigrants when it comes to deportation issues
Repeal section 212(a)(9)(B)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act concerning Accruing Unlawful Presence
Support DACA by updating the registration date of the 1929 Registry Act to 1/1/2022, and restoring Section 245(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which expired in April 2001. This will allow people who have approved petitions to apply for their Green Card upon payment of a fine for the filing fee.
Reduce the record number of detainees currently under DHS and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) control.
On top of her Policies Jill Stein has also pledged to end the genocide in Gaza if shes elected president. Stating quote “We the undersigned demand the US government stop supporting the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. We therefore pledge to withhold all support from candidates supporting the genocidal war on Gaza. We will instead support only candidates who:
Support peace, freedom, dignity, equality, and security for all people in Palestine and Israel;
Don’t take money from AIPAC and the PACs and lobbyists for war profiteers;
Who specifically support:
An immediate ceasefire
Ending the blockade and allowing food, water, medicine, energy, and emergency shelter to enter Gaza
Return of all hostages and political prisoners
An end to Israeli occupation and apartheid
Compliance by all parties in the conflict with international law, including an end to all violence against civilians
Accountability for war crimes
Jill Stein has also been vocal in her support of Palestinian voices at protests she's attended as well as on her social media and throughout her campaign. Unfortunately she still needs a major push to end up on the official ballot. You can still vote for her come november, you just have to write who you’re voting for on your slot. You can support and donate to her administration on her website. jillstein2024.com
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Pecan Day
On April 14, we celebrate National Pecan Day, pecan — a uniquely American nut whose fan base counts the likes of founding fathers such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Whether it’s a garnish on a salad or a stand-alone snack, caramelized or roasted, sweet or savory — pecans never fail to deliver on the enthralling taste and the ultimate nutrient density. Did you know, America is credited for 75% of the world’s total pecan production? This fun holiday was established by the National Pecan Shellers Association in 1966 to recognize and honor the workforce behind the cultivation of pecans in America.
History of National Pecan Day
On National Pecan Day, America celebrates the only nut native to its land. Pecans are a much-celebrated nut of America, used in deserts, icecreams, and snacks.
Centuries before European colonization, pecans were cultivated, processed, and consumed in America by Native people. The word ‘pecan’ is derived from the word ‘pacane,’ used by the Algonquin tribe to describe a nut that needs a stone to crack open. The tribes valued pecan for its nutrition density, availability, ease of consumption, and fulfilling taste.
In the late 17th century, the native nut caught the eye of Spanish colonists, who began cultivating large pecan orchards in the vicinity. But it wasn’t until the 18th century that the commercialization of pecans picked up the pace in the United States. By 1802, formal selling routes were established, and pecan export had commenced.
In 1882, a hybrid fruit via the budding of pecan and an adjacent wild plant was created by Abner Landrum, a cultivator from South Carolina. This resultant nut was considered to be an upgraded version of pecan. Although the hybrid seeds of Abner got lost in time, in 1876, the process of grafting was recreated by Antoine, a slave from Louisiana. Antoine presented his discovery at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1976 and thus began farming a new and improved variety of pecans throughout the country.
Today, America is responsible for three quarters of pecan production in the world. From the summer lanes of Texas to the sunny pavements of California, pecan cultivation is a year-long endeavor for thousands of American farmworkers.
In 1996, the National Pecan Shellers Association members came together to establish April 14 as National Pecan Day. The objective of the day is to celebrate the earthly wonders of this nut and to uplift the hardworking members of the industry who make the sustainable farming of pecans possible.
National Pecan Day timeline
1772 The First Plantation
Long Island farmers organize the first pecan plantation of pecan trees, propagating safe and easy ways of pecan plantation.
1775 George Washington’s Imprint
Founding Father George Washington plants a pecan tree in Mount Vernon, symbolizing the rapid popularity of pecans in America.
1943 Formalization
National Pecan Shellers Association is established to represent thousands of pecan farmers and shellers across the country
1996 Establishment of the Day
The National Pecan Shellers Association establishes National Pecan Day to honor the native nut of America.
National Pecan Day FAQs
How is 'pecan' pronounced?
The correct pronunciation of pecan is PEE-can. However, a majority of southern Americans like to say it as PA-kawn. How do you pronounce it?
Are pecan and walnut the same thing?
It’s easy to get confused, but walnuts and pecans are two different nuts from the same Junlandacea family. Walnut has a smooth exterior with a lighter color, unlike pecans, which have a chocolate brown color with definitive lines.
Can you eat pecan raw?
Yes! Pecans, like all other nuts, are edible in their raw form. You can carry a couple of these shelled nuts in your pocket to munch through the day, or you can scatter them on your salad for that extra crunch.
National Pecan Day Activities
Plan a pecan day
Host a bake off
Plant a pecan tree in your backyard
Indulge in the versatile offering of this great American nut by planning your menu around it. Start the day with fluffy pecan pancakes, then have butter pecan chicken for lunch. For a midday snack, enjoy a couple of candied pecans, and end your day with pecan-crusted salmon and some hot pecan pie.
From cookies to pies, pecans go well with any baking dish. So for National Pecan Day, host a bakeoff with your friends and family — featuring our beloved pecans.
Pecans are non-fuss plants that don’t require a liver and a half to take sapling. Plant the seeds today, so you can reap the nuts tomorrow.
5 Important Facts About Pecans
It’s a vitamin party
It’s more than a crunch
A friend to the heart
A love for centuries
A dose of pecan for Apollo
Pecans are home to 19 different vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium.
Pecan oil, processed from pecans, is recommended for those with a risk of heart disease.
Pecans have the official certification of the American Heart Association for being a ‘Heart-Healthy Food.’
A pecan tree grows to over 150 feet tall and lives for over 300 years.
Astronauts carried pecans to the moon in their Apollo space mission twice.
Why We Love National Pecan Day
Pecans are underrated
Pecans are the O.G. American nut
Pecans contribute to the economy
The sweet and crunchy texture of a pecan elevates any dish it touches. Be it candies, cookies, bread, pie, salads, or ice cream. It’s time we honor the contribution of this humble nut in our kitchen and celebrate National Pecan Day with full excitement.
While cashew came to America from Brazil and the California almonds are actually a gift of Spain, pecan is the singular nut native to America. Pecans were widely consumed by native Americans before European colonization.
The American pecan industry is worth over $3.5 billion. Just 15 states of the U.S. produce more than 75% of pecan of the world. The pecan trees are responsible for the livelihoods of thousands of families and a flourishing U.S. economy
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murfreesboronews · 21 days
Debbie Brock Obituary
Mrs. Deborah “Debbie” Landrum Brock, age 59, of Murfreesboro, TN passed away peacefully at her home Wednesday, August 28, 2024. She was born March 26, 1965 in Murfreesboro to Jerry and Judy Landrum. When she was young, her family moved to Winchester, TN where she then graduated from Franklin County High School, class of 1983. After high school, the family moved back to Murfreesboro where she…
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ledenews · 2 months
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Shettles Method A Proven Approach to Gender Selection Intrigued by the possibility of choosing the gender of your future child? You're not alone. The Shettles Method, a scientifically grounded approach to gender selection, has gained significant attention in recent years. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of the Shettles Method, providing you with the knowledge and insights you need to make informed decisions about family planning. Understanding the Shettles Method Understanding how the Shettles Method works is fundamental before attempting to implement it. Dr. Landrum B. Shettles, the method's creator, based his approach on scientific principles relating to sperm, ovulation, and conception. Here, we'll break down the method's foundations, separating fact from fiction. [caption id="attachment_57363" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] shuttles method[/caption] How Does the Shettles Method Work? The core of the Shettles Method revolves around timing – specifically, the timing of intercourse about ovulation. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a child of the desired gender, couples are advised to pay close attention to the following factors: Implementing the Shettles Method Successfully implementing the Shettles Method requires precision and diligence. Follow these steps to maximize your chances of success: Track Ovulation: To pinpoint the optimal time for conception, start by tracking your menstrual cycle. Ovulation prediction kits or smartphone apps can assist in identifying your fertile window. Timing is Crucial: Once you've determined your fertile days, aim to have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible. Shettles suggested that timing intercourse near ovulation favors the conception of a specific gender. Consider pH Levels: Shettles also emphasized the importance of vaginal pH levels. To increase your odds of conceiving a particular gender, modify your diet to influence pH. For example, an acidic diet may favor one gender over the other. Scientific Evidence and Research Critics often question the reliability of gender selection methods like the Shettles Method. However, numerous studies and research articles lend support to its effectiveness. Let's explore some of the scientific evidence that validates the method's claims: Landrum B. Shettles' Research: Dr. Shettles' research, published in his book "How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby," outlines the method's underlying principles and presents case studies showcasing its success. University Studies: Several universities have conducted studies on the Shettles Method. While results vary, many suggest a statistically significant correlation between timing of intercourse and gender outcomes. Medical Journals: Articles in respected medical journals like the "Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics" have discussed the Shettles Method's potential for gender selection. Success Stories To offer a more human touch to this method, let's delve into some success stories shared by couples who have tried the Shettles Method. While individual results may vary, these stories provide insight into the method's potential: Jenny and Mark's Story: Jenny and Mark had two boys and were eager to have a girl. They followed the Shettles Method diligently and, after a few months, celebrated the arrival of their baby girl. Sarah and David's Journey: Sarah and David, on the other hand, were determined to have a boy after having three girls. With guidance from the Shettles Method, they welcomed their son into the family. Lisa's Experience: Lisa, a single mother, wanted to increase her chances of having a girl. She used the method in conjunction with ovulation tracking and successfully welcomed a daughter. Common Myths and Misconceptions Misconceptions abound when it comes to gender selection methods like the Shettles Method. By addressing these misconceptions head-on, we provide clarity to readers and optimize for related keywords: Myth: The Shettles Method Guarantees Gender Selection: Clarify that while the method can increase the chances of conceiving a preferred gender, it doesn't offer a 100% guarantee. Misconception: It's a Harmless Technique: Highlight the importance of consulting a healthcare professional before attempting any gender selection method. This emphasizes the need for expert advice and adds keywords related to safety. Tips for Increasing Your Chances Offering additional tips beyond the core method can further engage readers and optimize for keywords like "gender selection tips": Dietary Considerations: Expand on dietary changes that may influence pH levels and gender selection. Lifestyle Modifications: Discuss lifestyle factors such as stress reduction, exercise, and adequate sleep that may enhance fertility. Supplements and Preconception Planning: Provide information on supplements that could complement the method and emphasize the importance of preconception planning. Consultation with a Healthcare Professional Highlighting the importance of consulting a healthcare professional is not only responsible but also helps optimize for keywords related to medical guidance. This section should stress: Individualized Advice: Explain that every couple is unique, and a healthcare professional can offer personalized guidance based on their specific circumstances. Risks and Benefits: Mention any potential risks associated with gender selection methods and the importance of understanding them. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Shettles Method 1. What is the Shettles Method? The Shettles Method is a gender selection technique developed by Dr. Landrum B. Shettles, which aims to increase the likelihood of conceiving a child of the desired gender. 2. How does the Shettles Method work? The method focuses on timing intercourse about ovulation and manipulating factors like pH levels and sperm characteristics to influence the gender of the baby. 3. Is the Shettles Method scientifically proven? Yes, scientific research and evidence support the principles of the Shettles Method, although individual results may vary. 4. What is the success rate of the Shettles Method? Success rates vary, but some couples have reported success with the method. It's important to manage expectations as it's not a guaranteed method. 5. When should I use the Shettles Method in my menstrual cycle? Timing is crucial. You should aim to have intercourse close to ovulation to increase the chances of conceiving the desired gender. 6. Can the Shettles Method be used with IVF? Yes, the Shettles Method can be applied alongside in vitro fertilization (IVF) to increase the chances of selecting the desired gender. 7. Are there any risks associated with the Shettles Method? While the method is generally considered safe, there are no guarantees, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss any potential risks. 8. What should I eat to influence the gender using the Shettles Method? The method suggests modifying your diet to influence pH levels. For example, an acidic diet may favor one gender over the other but consult with a healthcare professional for specific guidance. 9. Can I try the Shettles Method if I have irregular periods? Irregular periods can make tracking ovulation challenging, but it's still possible to attempt the method with the guidance of ovulation prediction kits or a healthcare provider. 10. Is the Shettles Method the only way to select a baby's gender? No, there are other gender selection methods and technologies available, such as sperm sorting, which may offer different approaches to achieving the desired gender. Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways from the article, including the method's core principles, success stories, and the importance of consulting a healthcare professional. Reiterate that the Shettles Method is just one option among many for gender selection.
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reportwire · 2 years
U-Pick Tulips at Thompson Family Farms in Landrum, SC!
Have you always wanted to pick fresh tulips from a flower field? Thompson Family Farms in Landrum, SC will let you live that dream at The Flower Patch, their u-pick tulip farm! Picking blooming tulips is delightful, and Thompson Family Farms is one of the only farms near the Upstate that offers this unique experience. The small family farm’s tulip field opens March 10, 2023 through the end of…
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fundieshaderoom · 5 months
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: April 2024 in a Glance
Pregnancy Announcements:
Sierra and Mark Dominguez are expecting their eighth child, a little boy, in August. He will join 2 older sisters and 5 older brothers.
Katie (Bates) and Travis Clark are expecting their second child. This baby will join a big sister this fall.
Chloe and Zac Driscoll are expecting their second child. This child will join a big brother.
Allison (Bontrager) and Jeremiah Helferich are expecting their third child on September 1. This child will join a big brother and sister.
Makayla (Landrum) and Jonas Thatcher are expecting their second child. This child will join a big sister.
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Carver Bowers and Haley Paul wed on Apr 20.
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Jeanette (Willis) and Cory Piatt welcomed Elias John into the world this month. He joins 2 older sisters.
It was leaked that Lily Swanson is to wed Cole Cwenar on May 24 of this year.
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Brittany and Jordan Nelson announced they are adopting.
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Jill (Duggar) and Derick Dillard announced the stillbirth of Isla Marie.
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Martin County Hospital District Stanton, Tx: How Good Are Your Local Hospitals? Thespectrum Com
Rapid testing—both PCR and antigen tests—is offered through many Stanton-area pressing care centers and doctor workplaces, usually at an extra value ranging from $50 as a lot as $150 per check. Usually it will allow you to get results again in beneath an hour, and require advanced booking by way of the supplier. However, if you can wait 24 hours in your outcomes, many labs are turning round send-out lab exams in that time frame, which may save you some cash. Receptionist loudly asked for all waiting room to listen to if I was utilizing Medicare?
Based on the company location, we can see that the HQ office of Martin County Hospital is in STANTON, TX. Depending on the placement and native financial situations, Average hourly pay rates may differ significantly. Definitely advocate this hospital for all of your healthcare wants. Answers emergency calls and makes patient transfers. Administers first assist to patients in emergency conditions.
I have been right here numerous times utilizing private insurance coverage and nothing provides a cause for such a query. While I was waiting, Three white ladies show up with out appointments, ask questions, Complete the Solv questionnaire on the desk and all get seen before me. When I asked Gracieanna about my appointment, then she said, oh you’re next. Once seen the male nurse didn’t weigh me but requested me to inform him my weight and started a discourse about me taking treatment for high blood pressure and having been referred by a doctor.
The Stanton Territorial Hospital renewal project was the most important project ever undertaken by the Government of the Northwest Territories. This five-year, $260 million project changed an growing older hospital originally constructed in 1985. The constructed hospital is sort of twice the size of the unique and presents in depth martin county hospital stanton tx inpatient, important, and assist services together with biomedical and data expertise. Hima B. Parchuri, DOis a household medicine practitioner who practices family medicine and primary care medicine.
Death amongst surgical inpatients with serious treatable problems RateNoneN/A13 - Results cannot be calculated for this reporting period. Martin County EMS supplies 911 ambulance service and TruLite Homecare is right here to serve you within the comfort of your home. So much like stanton tx hospital to your family during this time and past. Love for all in these heart breaking hours with prayers for God’s arms holding you and supplying you with peace and acceptance in the days forward. Coleton “Cole” Landrum, 15, of Beaumont, died Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, Houston.
Obits.dallasnews.com needs to evaluation the security of your connection before proceeding. In this position, Dr. Marrero will report on to Steward Chairman and CEO Dr. Ralph de la Torre and... The follow sees patients with diabetes, adrenal problems, osteoporosis, and thyroid and pituitary problems, and helps patients manage their weight and metabolism. At the University Hospital, we provide free wi-fi internet from anywhere contained in the hospital to all of our sufferers and visitors. USA Health supplies patients with new, promising experimental therapies through ongoing scientific trials. Our exemplary education and analysis programs have contributed to our progress as the region’s only tutorial medical middle.
How patients lately discharged from the hospital responded to a survey about their hospital experience. The survey requested questions similar to how well a hospital's docs and nurses communicated with the patient. Patient ExperienceHow patients lately discharged from the hospital responded to a survey about their hospital experience. In July 2022, Steward Medical Group launched a model stanton hospital tx new affected person portal to enhance our patients’ expertise and improve access to their well being information. Through the new portal, patients will have extra access to their data in a single safe location anytime, wherever, from a desktop, laptop, cellphone or pill gadget.
At the Stanton High School Baseball subject car parking zone on West Third Street, in Stanton. Those looking to receive the vaccine are requested to enter from from State Highway 137 adn to wear a brief sleeved shirt. Please present your corporation e mail which will be use for declare process. We need your help as a result of we are a non-profit group that relies upon contributions from our group in order to record and protect the historical past of our state.
We are especially grateful for the complete staff at Memorial Hermann’s Pediatric ICU for their love and care of not only Cole, however his complete family. The driver of the SUV, Jeyco Gonzalez, 19, of Schuyler was ejected from his vehicle and pronounced lifeless on the scene. The driver of the pickup, Tyler Regan, 24, of O’Neill was extricated from the wreckage and transported to the West Point hospital.
The common family size was 2.87 and the typical family measurement was three.36. As of the census of 2000, there were four,746 people, 1,624 households, and 1,256 households residing in the county. The inhabitants density was 5 people per square mile (2/km2). There have been 1,894 housing units at a mean density of 2 per square mile (1/km2).
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wutbju · 2 years
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Bert Councell went to sleep in his earthly bed, weak & frail at 94 years old, and he woke up in Paradise more alive than he s ever been on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.
He was an only child born in Ridley Park, PA, on July 9, 1928. He spent his childhood in Cordova, MD, where he was reared by his beloved Grandmother. After he graduated from Easton High School, he attended Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. He married Barbara Jean Peck in 1950, and they soon began a family which grew & grew, culminating in 6 children.
Their early years were enjoyed on the island of Nassau, Bahamas, where Bert was the manager of The Nassau Shop a lovely department store. Later, the mountains of Asheville, NC, became their home base while Bert finished his remaining professional years as a purveyor of jewelry throughout the Caribbean. He retired in 1991. Sometime later, he moved to Fletcher, NC.
During his lifetime, he said a temporary good-bye to his wife of 62 years, to his eldest daughter, Abigail Leigh (17 years old), and to his eldest son, Paul Douglas (62 years old). They are all reunited now. Talk about a joyous reunion!
He is survived by 4 living children: Dr. Richard Bruce Councell & his wife, Chris (Asheville, NC), Daniel Peter Councell & his wife, Lorraine (Hendersonville, NC), John Mark Councell & his wife, Tori (Landrum, SC), and his daughter, Julia Councell Roberson & her husband, Dr. Joe Roberson (Palo Alto, CA). Additionally, he is survived by 17 grandchildren & 19 great grandchildren (with 3 more on the way). He sure made up for being an only child!
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Bert enjoyed good food, travel, playing the piano, singing hymns, gardening & loving on his dog(s). Were anyone to have asked him the secret to true satisfaction, he, unhesitatingly, would have said it was by knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Imperfect Bert knew well the Amazing Grace that had saved a wretch like him!
In his final years, he was blessed with the best caregivers; these women gave him a 5 star exit into eternity.
Bert's services will be held on Sunday, October 9, at Groce Funeral Home on Patton Avenue (1401 Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28806). All are welcome to attend the Visitation (noon 1pm), Funeral Service (1:00), followed by his burial at Green Hills Cemetery.
The family requests that any memorials be made to The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC, 28201.
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awideplace · 2 years
Question: What does the Bible say about abortion?
The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion. However, there are numerous teachings in Scripture that make it abundantly clear what God’s view of abortion is.
Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He forms us in the womb. Psalm 139:13–16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22–25 prescribes the same penalty—death—for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder. This law and its punishment clearly indicate that God considers a baby in the womb to be just as much a human being as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose to have a baby. The baby is already present and living. Abortion is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26–27; 9:6).
What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.
A common argument against the Christian stance on abortion is “What about cases of rape and/or incest?” As difficult as it would be to become pregnant as a result of rape or incest, is the murder of a baby the solution? Two wrongs do not make a right. Intentionally killing the unborn child is not the answer. Also, keep in mind that having an abortion is a traumatic experience. It seems nonsensical to add an additional trauma to the woman. Too, abortion can be a means of rapists covering up their crimes. For example, if a minor is molested and becomes pregnant and then is taken to have an abortion, the molestation could continue without penalty. Abortion will never erase the pain of rape or incest, but it very well may add to it.
A child who is conceived through rape or incest is as much made in the image of God as any other human. That child’s life should be protected just as much as the life of any other human being. The circumstances of conception never determine the worth of a person or that person’s future. The baby in this situation is completely innocent and should not be punished for the evil act of his or her father. Depending on the situation, the mother might choose to raise the child. If she does not already have a community of support, there are many organizations and local churches ready to walk alongside her. Or she might place the child for adoption. There are many families, some unable to have children on their own, who stand ready to receive and love a child from any background.
It’s also important to keep in mind that abortions due to rape or incest account for a very small percentage of total abortions: only 1 percent of abortions can be traced to cases of rape or incest (Torres and Forrest, cited by Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health and the Alan Guttmacher Institute in An Overview of Abortion in the United States, October 2001, www.abortionfacts.com/facts/8#cite-1, accessed 9/9/21).
Another argument often used against the Christian stance on abortion is “What about when the life of the mother is at risk?” Honestly, this is the most difficult question to answer on the issue of abortion. First, let’s remember that such a situation is exceedingly rare. Dr. Landrum Shettles, a pioneer in the field of in vitro fertilization, wrote, “Less than 1 percent of all abortions are performed to save the mother’s life” (Landrum Shettles and David Rorvik, Rites of Life, Zondervan Publishing House, 1983, p. 129). Dr. Irving Cushner, Professor of Obstetrics at the UCLA School of Medicine, when testifying before the U. S. Senate, was asked how often abortions are necessary to save the life of the mother or to preserve her physical health. His response: “In this country, about 1 percent” (testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution of the United States on October 14, 1981, quoted in The Village Voice, July 16, 1985).
Other medical professionals go further, stating that abortion is never necessary to save the mother’s life. Over 1,000 OB-GYNs and maternal healthcare experts signed a statement in 2012, saying, in part, “As experienced practitioners and researchers in obstetrics and gynaecology, we affirm that direct abortion—the purposeful destruction of the unborn child—is not medically necessary to save the life of a woman” (Dublin Declaration on Maternal Health, www.dublindeclaration.com, accessed 9/9/21). Further, in 2019, “medical leaders representing more than 30,000 doctors said intentionally killing a late-term unborn baby in an abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life” (www.lifenews.com/2019/03/05/30000-doctors-say-abortion-is-never-medically-necessary-to-save-a-mothers-life, accessed 9/9/21).
Second, let’s remember that God is a God of miracles. He can preserve the life of a mother and her child despite all the medical odds being against it. Third, even in the small percentage of abortions performed to save the life of the mother, most of those abortions can be prevented by an early induced delivery of the baby or a C-section. It is extremely rare that a baby must be actively aborted in order to save the life of the mother. Ultimately, if the life of the mother is genuinely at risk, the course of action can only be decided by the woman, her doctor, oftentimes the father of the child, and God. Any woman facing this extremely difficult situation should pray to the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5) as to what He would have her do.
The overwhelming majority of abortions performed today involve women who simply do not want to have the baby. As indicated above, just 2 percent of abortions are for the reason of rape, incest, or the mother’s life being at risk. Even in these more difficult 2 percent of instances, abortion should never be the first option. The life of a human being in the womb is worth every effort to preserve.
For those who have had an abortion, remember that the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). A woman who has had an abortion, a man who has encouraged an abortion, and a doctor who has performed an abortion—all can be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.
Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/abortion-Bible.html
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fundieinfoplace · 2 years
The Thatcher Family
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Clyde Jonas Thatcher Jr married Makayla Landrum Oct 19 2019. They have 1 child with 1 on the way.
1. Sage Renee was born April 21 2021
2. Baby Thatcher due Oct 2024
They are friends of the Bates family
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Pecan Day
On April 14, we celebrate National Pecan Day, pecan — a uniquely American nut whose fan base counts the likes of founding fathers such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Whether it’s a garnish on a salad or a stand-alone snack, caramelized or roasted, sweet or savory — pecans never fail to deliver on the enthralling taste and the ultimate nutrient density. Did you know, America is credited for 75% of the world’s total pecan production? This fun holiday was established by the National Pecan Shellers Association in 1966 to recognize and honor the workforce behind the cultivation of pecans in America.
History of National Pecan Day
On National Pecan Day, America celebrates the only nut native to its land. Pecans are a much-celebrated nut of America, used in deserts, icecreams, and snacks.
Centuries before European colonization, pecans were cultivated, processed, and consumed in America by Native people. The word ‘pecan’ is derived from the word ‘pacane,’ used by the Algonquin tribe to describe a nut that needs a stone to crack open. The tribes valued pecan for its nutrition density, availability, ease of consumption, and fulfilling taste.
In the late 17th century, the native nut caught the eye of Spanish colonists, who began cultivating large pecan orchards in the vicinity. But it wasn’t until the 18th century that the commercialization of pecans picked up the pace in the United States. By 1802, formal selling routes were established, and pecan export had commenced.
In 1882, a hybrid fruit via the budding of pecan and an adjacent wild plant was created by Abner Landrum, a cultivator from South Carolina. This resultant nut was considered to be an upgraded version of pecan. Although the hybrid seeds of Abner got lost in time, in 1876, the process of grafting was recreated by Antoine, a slave from Louisiana. Antoine presented his discovery at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1976 and thus began farming a new and improved variety of pecans throughout the country.
Today, America is responsible for three quarters of pecan production in the world. From the summer lanes of Texas to the sunny pavements of California, pecan cultivation is a year-long endeavor for thousands of American farmworkers.
In 1996, the National Pecan Shellers Association members came together to establish April 14 as National Pecan Day. The objective of the day is to celebrate the earthly wonders of this nut and to uplift the hardworking members of the industry who make the sustainable farming of pecans possible.
National Pecan Day timeline
1772 The First Plantation
Long Island farmers organize the first pecan plantation of pecan trees, propagating safe and easy ways of pecan plantation.
1775 George Washington’s Imprint
Founding Father George Washington plants a pecan tree in Mount Vernon, symbolizing the rapid popularity of pecans in America.
1943 Formalization
National Pecan Shellers Association is established to represent thousands of pecan farmers and shellers across the country
1996 Establishment of the Day
The National Pecan Shellers Association establishes National Pecan Day to honor the native nut of America.
National Pecan Day FAQs
How is 'pecan' pronounced?
The correct pronunciation of pecan is PEE-can. However, a majority of southern Americans like to say it as PA-kawn. How do you pronounce it?
Are pecan and walnut the same thing?
It’s easy to get confused, but walnuts and pecans are two different nuts from the same Junlandacea family. Walnut has a smooth exterior with a lighter color, unlike pecans, which have a chocolate brown color with definitive lines.
Can you eat pecan raw?
Yes! Pecans, like all other nuts, are edible in their raw form. You can carry a couple of these shelled nuts in your pocket to munch through the day, or you can scatter them on your salad for that extra crunch.
National Pecan Day Activities
Plan a pecan day
Host a bake off
Plant a pecan tree in your backyard
Indulge in the versatile offering of this great American nut by planning your menu around it. Start the day with fluffy pecan pancakes, then have butter pecan chicken for lunch. For a midday snack, enjoy a couple of candied pecans, and end your day with pecan-crusted salmon and some hot pecan pie.
From cookies to pies, pecans go well with any baking dish. So for National Pecan Day, host a bakeoff with your friends and family — featuring our beloved pecans.
Pecans are non-fuss plants that don’t require a liver and a half to take sapling. Plant the seeds today, so you can reap the nuts tomorrow.
5 Important Facts About Pecans
It’s a vitamin party
It’s more than a crunch
A friend to the heart
A love for centuries
A dose of pecan for Apollo
Pecans are home to 19 different vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium.
Pecan oil, processed from pecans, is recommended for those with a risk of heart disease.
Pecans have the official certification of the American Heart Association for being a ‘Heart-Healthy Food.’
A pecan tree grows to over 150 feet tall and lives for over 300 years.
Astronauts carried pecans to the moon in their Apollo space mission twice.
Why We Love National Pecan Day
Pecans are underrated
Pecans are the O.G. American nut
Pecans contribute to the economy
The sweet and crunchy texture of a pecan elevates any dish it touches. Be it candies, cookies, bread, pie, salads, or ice cream. It’s time we honor the contribution of this humble nut in our kitchen and celebrate National Pecan Day with full excitement.
While cashew came to America from Brazil and the California almonds are actually a gift of Spain, pecan is the singular nut native to America. Pecans were widely consumed by native Americans before European colonization.
The American pecan industry is worth over $3.5 billion. Just 15 states of the U.S. produce more than 75% of pecan of the world. The pecan trees are responsible for the livelihoods of thousands of families and a flourishing U.S. economy
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