#Fuku polls
tsukimefuku · 3 months
I’d like to poll something about love “triangles” (more like a V) in fiction. No hidden agenda whatsoever promise
What do you think about the way authors solve them?
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
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animemusicbrackets · 1 year
Anime OP Showdown!!!: Round 1C
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"Motteke! Sailor Fuku" - Aya Hirano, Emiri Katou, Kaori Fukuhara, and Aya Endo (Lucky☆Star)
"Moonlight Densetsu" - Dali, Moon Lips (Sailor Moon)
(compilation vid, you can just watch the first one idc)
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poe-tat · 2 months
Fukumori and shipping part 2
Results of the poll-
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Mori: hey.. Hey fuku-
Fukuzawa: *grumbling* what
Mori: my ship is better than yours *sticks out tongue*
Fukuzawa: but my ship is healthier than yours
Mori: ...
Five feet away
Ranpo: why should any of that matter?
Dazai: I dunno
part 1
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lookingforhappy · 11 months
ben's mom & school uniforms
so something that's popping up in my expensive baby poll is ben's mother & her school uniform. and it got me thinking... is there some meaning behind the uniform to be unlocked?
to cut things short. im not convinced that the uniform is accurate anyways??
i really need someone with more knowledge on south korea to weigh in here bc i'm totally out of my depth. so pls correct me if im wrong!
ben's mom appears to be wearing a sailor fuku
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only, this seems to be a japanese uniform, not a korean one. (or so says wikipedia).
the standard korean uniform seems to be closer to what westerners would understand as a school uniform, with white shirts, vests/blazers & ties.
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so, im confused. is ben's mom's uniform not accurate or am i overthinking things?
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capricioussun · 1 year
The polls not over but tbh I don’t see it changing too much so!
Mafiafell Headcanons
-Undyne met Papyrus when he was 16, and it actually had a surprisingly big impact on him. It was brief, back when Undyne was still a detective with the Ebott police, he thought she was very cool and it influenced the way he saw others for the better. Suffice to say he was very happy when she broke away to become a PI and they were able to grow closer as friends.
-Boss and Snare aren’t just multiversal nicknames, they’re mostly called those within their universe as well.
-Dogamy and Dogaressa can’t speak from a mysterious accident that damaged both of their necks.
-Grillby adopted his niece, Fuku, when she was very young after his brother got arrested (again). She’s in college when the “main storyline” takes place
-Muffet used to work for the Gaster family. After his disappearance, she left to pursue “greater opportunities” and wound up starting a family of her own.
-Asgore has never met Sans in person, only Papyrus. It antagonizes him.
-Toriel used to be in [REDACTED], but she’d been a longtime friend to the brothers’ family, so when she wanted out, they let her, and they still stay in touch. None of them would ever acknowledge it, but they consider each other family in the more literal sense, which is why they trust her with Frisk.
-No one knows about what happened to Chara and Asriel aside from Toriel, Asgore, and Sans. Papyrus has a vague idea, but mostly only lingering suspicions.
-While he eventually built up his own reputation, most people were scared of Papyrus almost immediately purely because of how much he looks like Gaster.
-Sans is aware Alphys made Mettaton’s body the way she did in order to stop him and Papyrus, if it ever came to that for some reason. It’s an unspoken thing between her and Mettaton, even if Mettaton may have only become more swayed in the brothers’ favor as time goes on…
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Hey babygirls, poll is on hiatus because I just got back from italy and i am so so so so so so so so so so very very tired.
Instead, have a list of all my Undertale Aus!
Doki Doki Monster Club
If you don't know this one by now you have not been here long. Here's the link to the account:
So you know the early fanon version of undertale? Evil Chara, OP Sans, UWU Papyrus? Yeah, that's kind of what it is.
Basically, Sans (a genius scientist, ofc) and Frisk (a nineteen year old girl and his gf) decide to banish The Evil Chara (TEC) to another universe. They succeed, but TEC resets the timeline as they do it.
TEC ends up in the canon UT universe, where she (gender up to interpretation) is reduced to an angry narrator. Like that one "what do you want" "souls of the unliving" "a bagel" "nooo" meme. She is still convinced she's making you kill everyone, and even if you only kill a single Froggit she will remain convinced it's bc she's controlling you. At the end of the pacifst run, you get this dialogue:
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(Art by worst ut canon)
Meanwhile, Canon Chara was sent to the fanon universe. It is literally Hell. Their mother is hypersexualised, their brother is a tsundere, the child they follow around and narrate about how has boobs, and worst of all said child is convinced they're making her kill everyone!
Once Frisk gets to Snowdin (after killing everyone in the ruins) she warps off to Sans' house with the man himself, leaving Chara to explore the underground on their own. Strangely enough, the world seems to be... glitching out? Monsters will talk about how their heads feel foggy or how they don't even know why they hate Sans so much and then glitch into a loop of "I hate Sans I hate Sans I hate Sans"
Is it something to do with those garbage noises that seem to constantly be playing with the music? Hopefully Chara can find out... before it's too late.
Literally just a common or garden roleswap, nothing special. Swaps are as follows:
Toriel ~ Gaster (a white fire elemental here)
Asgore ~ Grillby
Sans ~ Napstablook
Papyrus ~ Alphys ~ Mad Mew Mew (three way swap)
Undyne ~ Mettaton
Frisk ~ Human from the first image in the prologue
Chara ~ That one alt design
Monster Kid ~ Heats Flamesman
Asriel ~ Fuku Fire
Burgerpants ~ So Sorry
All the Blooks are cat people and cousins.
Papyton real, is the date storyline.
Alphys was Timid Dummy, and then Rar Rar Scratchy Clawy, a violent anime dinosaur sk8er.
Metta is captain of the royal guard and has a ponytail. Maddy wants to join but he fears she will kill everyone accidentally due to her incredible violence.
Undyne has several violent tv shows and movies. You shoot her legs off first and she's like "who needs legs... with arms like these?!" and starts suplexing shit.
Napsta makes sick beats and has anxiety, but is great at pretending they don't. They are incredibly popular. They still live in constant fear.
Sans records stupid jokes and never lets people hear em. He and the other ghosts aren't related.
Speaking of that last point, Alphys and Undyne are exes. Undyne abandoned her and Sans for the Hollywood dream. They probably get back together post pacifist.
Heats Flamesman is a child. He likes Metta because everyone knows his name. He aspires to be like that some day.
Monster Kid wants you to believe in them. If you don't they will be traumatised. If you do, they will be so shocked you did, they will be traumatised anyway.
Doki Doki Monster Club
Co created with my good friends @sans-au-war-ii and @bestfictionaldivorce.
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The girls (™) are:
It's pretty damn obviously who's who. The only thing of relevance I can think of to mention is that Grillbyuri is obsessed with water (not knives) and instead of stabbing himself he pours water on himself. Instead of watching his corpse decay for three days, you watch him slowly evaporate over three days.
And everyone wears a skirt.
Art by sans au war!
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Epic Au where Frisk gets blasted by Toriel's fire magic and their soul's like "not today satan" and turns upside-down and Frisk becomes a fire monster.
Sansby real, and they adopt Frisk. They call them Dad and Also Dad. Fuku is their cousin now, and Heats Flamesman is their weird tiny uncle.
Anyway, worst ut canon wrote this oneshot for it read it right now pls
First off, Blankstablook is an oc of mine of sorts. They're the ghost possessing the ruins dummy and they live there to avoid the sheer chaos that comes from living in the same vicinity of its cousins.
Anyway, resets don't exist and the player is the opposite of an alpha gamer and gets wiped out by the first Froggit they encounter after Toriel skedaddles. Blanksta feels bad for them (and for Toriel, she'll only blame herself) and so decides to possess them.
It ties the soul around their neck with Frisk's bandages, and proceeds. They do an awful job at pretending to be an alive child. It floats two feet off the ground the whole time, while the soul flails around trying to kill.
They also just generally act like an eldrich abomination and freak the shit out of everyone. Except their cousins. Who are just like "man, classic Blanksta"
Oh yeah and being a ghost they can't take damage which makes fights both very interesting and incredibly hilarious.
Heres Blanksta!Frisk:
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(Art by me for once lol)
Yeah that's it really. Feel free to ask about any of the Aus in my askbox! Also I will take drawing prompts for them, as long as they're sfw :)
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bsdobsessor · 7 months
Meant to do this at the same time as the opening poll but my dumb ass forgot LOL.
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Someone on twitter made a poll asking what venue Fuku-chan’s grad deserves and put Budokan, Yokohama Arena and Tokyo Dome as choices. There were 5000+ responses and Budokan was in the lead by so much and people were quoting it saying she could barely fill up Budokan at this rate. The person is a Fuku-chan wota so they deleted their tweet but it shows how much the hate/fatigue against her in the fan community is normalized now.
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homemoviess · 2 years
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Post #1 - Flaming Hot Cheetos 
♫ - What I’m currently listening to.
Okay! So I know I said in this story update that I would wait until after my vacation to get started on this project, but I have been absolutely obsessing over plotting this out that I just couldn’t help it. I felt fired up, so what better way to kick things off than with some nude (please don't kill me Tumblr) sketches of fire sprites? I’m debating whether or not to push a more monster or human element to their designs while still keeping them recognizable. 
Grillby had a total of three appearances in Lugubriosity, yet he helped move the plot along way more than I was initially planning. I'm still on the fence about whether or not Fawn should be a sequel or a soft reboot, but I definitely want to handle him in a more fleshed out way this go around. 
Fuku, on the other hand, has had it rough since her brief introduction. Like her uncle, (father? Whatever the fuck he is to her in the story) she's only had three appearances, and served as nothing more than a damsel in distress. I’ll definitely need to change that.
I hope to eventually get a poll up to see if they should stay as tertiary characters, or play more of a significant role in our fucked up plot. I guess we'll have to see. 
On a closing note; haha! I knew I wasn't the only one who got creepy vibes from Papyrus! Toby was soooo gonna make him a perv at first. See for yourselves.
Le link.
Thank you so much, angela1066, for bringing this gem to my attention. 
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randomnameless · 2 years
It's not just the 3H sub, it feels like everyone drank the Edel kool aid and decided that her imperialism and racism is a-okay while everyone else especially Dimi are the bad for bullying poor wittle Edel-chan uwu. *proceeds to gag*
You know what, I'm thinking it's a case of sunk-cost fallacy and people wanting to defend a game they "enjoy".
Make no mistake, I'm not saying people shouldn't enjoy 3 Nopes at all, we all have our own tastes and even if I find it completely baffling, some people actually enjoy watermelons.
I've tried the demo and found out the Warrior's style isn't my thing at all, on top of having a crappy plot.
But since the redshit crowd seems to subscribe to the "my fave did nothing wrong", if they like/enjoy a game, then it can't be "wrong", the plot "totally makes sense" and Clout isn't Claude's dopperlganger.
mark my words, when someone really loves a game, they'll criticise it because appreciate what it is and how it could be better, if they don't love a game, they usually won't give a fuck
Supreme Leader did nothing wrong was already a staple on the 3H sub, even on the main sub it permeated a bit and I think only the FEH sub was free from it (granted, it came after a long period of wank about Supreme Leader's out of meta units being pushed, for some reason, in polls where you can get a free unit, Hegemon!Gard and the crab memes).
3 Nopes removed the "dirty lizards bad bcs pointy ears" angle, so it's just imperialism, but when a game plays completely straight the "I have to invade you for your sake because you don't realise the evil woman who plays with orphans and takes care of your people is manipulating you! For realsies!" I really wonder what was the point of the game/those games, because for sure it couldn't have been to make an entire subgroup of fans suddenly start that "maybe war to civilise people is good" since "The World" already went over that in the previous century.
And I don't even know if Nopes really wanted to push in the "uwu buy body pillows of Supreme Leader" since she basically returned to a 12 years old uwu poor innocent girl living in an "adult" body (meaning it's "legal" to use your right hand?) in a sailor-fuku without any agency.
Or maybe that was the plan all along, and redshit is high on copium since the person they defended for 3 years and who is the main "moving" force of the game is just a body pillow, in luf with the player who does "bad" things because evil men control her.
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animemusicbrackets · 1 year
sorry for the wait u_u
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(Text version, with dates under the cut below)
For franchises that had more than one submission, I grouped them together so that after round 2, there will only be one contestant per franchise. to try to be fair or whatever, so that a small number of franchises dont dominate the bracket
yes i know mdzs and tgcf arent anime but its my poll tourney and i do what i want godbless
this might be too much to ask but please watch the videos if you can and vote based on that! idc how much you like or dislike the anime, how much do you like the OPENING. obviously this is for fun so you can do whatever but if possible i dont rly want this to be a popularity poll :')
propaganda welcome :)
Tag List: round 1 round 2 round 3 quarterfinals semifinals finals third place round propaganda bracket updates matches (the actual polls, not including any reblogs)
PART A (5/6 12:00pm ET)
Match 1: "Peace Sign" - Kenshi Yonezu (My Hero Academia) {VS} "Hitamuki" - SUPER BEAVER (My Hero Academia) Match 2: "THE DAY" - Porno Graffitti (My Hero Academia) {VS} "H. T. [Humanoid Typhoon]" - Tsuneo Imahori (Trigun 1998) Match 3: "Kaen" - QUEEN BEE (Dororo 2019) {VS} "Naru" - PON (Tsurune: Kazemai High School Kyudo Club) Match 4: "DANZEN! Futari wa Pretty Cure" - Gojo Mayumi (Futari wa Pretty Cure) {VS} "Bye Bye" - 7!! (Kimi To Boku) Match 5: "Hikariare" - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Haikyuu!!) {VS} "FLY HIGH!!" - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Haikyuu!!) Match 6: "Gun's & Roses" - Paradise Lunch (Baccano!) {VS} "Flyers" - BRADIO (Death Parade) Match 7: "MAN HUMAN" - Denki Groove (Devilman Crybaby) {VS} "Goya no Machiawase" - Hello Sleepwalkers (Noragami) Match 8: "Maji LOVE 1000%" - STARISH (Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%) {VS} "KICK BACK" - Kenshi Yonezu (Chainsaw Man)
PART B (5/8 12:00pm ET)
Match 9: "Papermoon" - Tommy heavenly6 (Soul Eater) {VS} "Resonance" - T.M. Revolution (Soul Eater) Match 10: "Hyadain no Kakakata☆Kataomoi-C" - Maeyamada Kenichi (Nichijou) {VS} "Parallel Hearts" - FictionJunction (Pandora Hearts) Match 11: "Easy Breezy" - chelmico (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) {VS} "Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru" - Koji Makaino (Rose of Versailles) Match 12: "Tank!" - The Seatbelts (Cowboy Bebop) {VS} "COLORS" - FLOW (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion) Match 13: "Melissa" - Porno Graffitti (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) {VS} "Golden Time Lover" - Sukima Switch (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Match 14: "Rain" - SID (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) {VS} "Again" - YUI (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Match 15: "Monochrome Kiss" - SID (Black Butler) {VS} "Brand New World" - D-51 (One Piece) Match 16: "Smile Bomb" - Mawatari Matsuko (Yu Yu Hakusho) {VS} "Dream Island Obsessional Park" - Susumu Hirasawa (Paranoia Agent)
PART C (5/10 12:00pm ET)
Match 17: "R★O★C★K★S" - Hound Dog (Naruto) {VS} "Lovers" - 7!! (Naruto: Shippuden) Match 18: "Far Away" - Asian Kung-Fu Generation (Naruto) {VS} "Blue Bird" - Ikimonogakari (Naruto: Shippuden) Match 19: "Hero's Come Back" - Nobodyknows (Naruto: Shippuden) {VS} "BLOODY STREAM" - Coda (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Match 20: "Aoi Hana" - Kikukodan (Sweet Blue Flowers) {VS} "Unravel" - TK (Tokyo Ghoul) Match 21: "Setsuna no Ai" - GRANRODEO (Bungo Stray Dogs) {VS} "Gurenge" - LiSA (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) Match 22: "Scar" - Tatsuya Kitani (Bleach) {VS} "Eternal Blaze" - Nana Mizuki (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's) Match 23: "Sono Saki e" - RIRIKO (Children of the Whales) {VS} "Rondo-Revolution" - Masami Okui (Revolutionary Girl Utena) Match 24: "Motteke! Sailor Fuku" - Aya Hirano, Emiri Katou, Kaori Fukuhara, and Aya Endo (Lucky☆Star) {VS} "Moonlight Densetsu" - Dali, Moon Lips (Sailor Moon)
PART D (5/12 12:00pm ET)
Match 25: "99.9" - MOB CHOIR feat. sajou no hana (Mob Psycho 100) {VS} "1" - MOB CHOIR (Mob Psycho 100) Match 26: "99" - MOB CHOIR (Mob Psycho 100) {VS} "Kibou no Uta" - Ultra Tower (Food Wars) Match 27: "Departure!" - Masatoshi Ono (Hunter x Hunter) {VS} "Sakura Kiss" - Chieko Kawabe (Ouran High School Host Club) Match 28: "History Maker" - Dean Fujioka (Yuri!!! On ICE) {VS} "Kaikai Kitan" - Eve (Jujutsu Kaisen) Match 29: "Drunken Dreams of the Past" - Lin Zhixuan (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) {VS} "Connect" - ClariS (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Match 30: "No Parting" - Jeff Chang (Heaven Official's Blessing) {VS} "Delicate ni Suki Shite" - Ota Takako (Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami) Match 31: "Kiss Me" - Celeina Ann and Nai Br.XX (Carole & Tuesday) {VS} "Sudachi no Uta" - Anemoneria (Wonder Egg Priority) Match 32: "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" - Yoko Takahashi (Neon Genesis Evangelion) {VS} "Shinzou wo Sasageyo" - Linked Horizon (Attack on Titan)
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Desire Grand Prix was brought to you by Niram-P and the following sponsors.
-Blue Fox Instant Udon
-Pink Buffalo Jelly Beans
-Kurama Foundation
And contributions from viewers like you... thank you~!
Laser Raiser. Lazy Laser. Raiser Laser.
I can't get over the new device's name, Goddamn.
Anyways yeah, Episodes 22 and 23! I'll be watching those today.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Well now, Keiwa. If it wasn't Sae-san, then it would be you. If I was you, I'd be keeping a close eye on Neon-chan.
-"Are you ready, Keiwa-kun?"
-Wonder how you're looking in the polls?
-"Go sabotage."
-Goddamn, that's stake raising.
-Desaster Arc is almost over, bitches~!
-Buffa's in the game! Forgot to tell you guys that, but you'll be fine, right?
-Chirami, I don't wanna know how you made that squishy sound.
-"Christ, are you really selling my life as some stupid bad boy character? Is there someone I can sue? Can I call that green buffalo Rider from another Rider death game?"
-"You can win big~! Or go home ten thousand lives shorter~!"
-You're one sick son of a bitch, Chirami.
-Jamatoless behavior.
-"World peace, finally :D"
-"Nooo... we're losing viewership by the Jamillion!"
-Sup Archie?
-"Don't rush me, bitch boy!"
-"Ohhhh noooooo, that sounds like not my problem!"
-Daichi's the cause of the game.
-Where Jamato?
-Game Master's turn!
-Hen! Sin!
-Time to fight!
-Tsumuri, what're you doin'?
-Hide and seek~!
-That's a neat idea.
-"Good luck, everyone~! Keep the viewers and the sponsors happy~!"
"Right, I'm gonna clock out early, Chirami ain't paying me enough for this."
-Guys who go "AAAAAAAAH" and girls who go "Nyeaaaaaaaah!"
-This is so funny to me.
-And now he's in the cage.
-Wherein he belongs.
-Draw on the man's face.
-"Wow man, the audience hates you."
-"Please stop reminding me."
-And with that, you've convinced literally nobody.
-Can't exactly lie to what's essentially a professional con man.
-Guess nobody in this restaurant really cares?
-You're not exactly being discrete yourself, Neon!
-Guessing that guy's Na-Go's sponsor.
-Ah yep, there he is.
-Everybody's got eyes on Neon Kurama. Not always for good reasons.
-You're kinda creepy, dude.
-Here comes the fanboy. Ziin~!
-I don't really like that name all that much, but I guess I can't really change that, can I?
-Guess Beroba's got a good idea. Crush all Riders, let the Jamato run unopposed, make all of humanity suffer. Everybody wins with that arrangement, it'd seem.
-Anyways, welcome back to the silly!
-He runnin'!
-Ooooooh, pressure plates.
-This is neat to me, I don't know why.
-It's a similar suit and power set, but it's like a polar opposite fighting style to Girori's.
-Can't jump.
-Oh we're losin'.
-"You're too soft, Tycoon. Your bleeding heart might just be hemorrhaging at this point."
-Ohhhhh, girl's playing dirty.
-Hey, hey, hey!
-There they be.
-Ohhhhh, Beroba's a rider too.
-...did she get giant?
-The seeds of distrust have been sown.
-"How impressive... I suppose having a housecat hunt as she please would eventually turn her feral."
-Think you're laying it on a little thick there, honey.
-The Dezastar... it's you, Neon-chan.
-Ace is just that goddamn good.
-Nevermind that, the Game Master's been kicked.
-Game Master Beroba.
-Goddess of Creation.
-...I get it now.
-There he is.
-"You're ruining my quality TV time, Beroba. I'll stomp you into the dirt."
-Laser Raise Riser!
-Ziin Set!
-Laser On!
-That's a cool goddamn jingle.
-Ziin! His actor, Fuku Suzuki, he played Shotaro Ishinomori himself in Super Hero Senki. He's pretty good for a guy so young.
-Now he gets to be a Kamen Rider.
-These two random teenagers, a frog man mafia boss, and whoever that sweater dude is. Our sponsors, ladies and germs.
-"I want to be moved."
-Guess even Chirami's fully aware that Beroba's bad news now.
-"Kamen Rider...!"
-Nadgey, what did you think you were gonna do?
-Guy's got lasers.
-She wins this round, but it definitely ain't over.
-"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Beroba-kun."
-Niram-P, hello.
-Game Master. Producer.
-She just noped the fuck out of there.
-Soooooo, Goddess... where'd you come from?
-Well, we're fucked.
-You get a second to breathe, Neon.
-Sousei no Megami!
-Secretary Jumpscare.
-"You got hacked and hijacked, you goddamn moron. I'll deal with you later."
-The Goddess is the DGP.
-Guess you're all angels.
-"No comment."
-"Soooo... wanna tell us why you know where the Jamato come from?"
-Man... Michinaga's getting a lot angrier by the second.
-You're a darkhearted man, Mr. Producer.
-I guess Chirami's really not liked by the upper management.
-Unfullfilled forever more.
-"Pwease get my Driver back, pweeeeease~!"
-For the sake of Real Fiction.
-"I'm going to use you to grant my wish."
-Hello, Kekera!
-"Get the Driver back, boy!"
-Woooow, free Boost once more!
-Be sure to use it this time.
-"Kamen Rider!" That's you!
-An entire goddamn flower garden.
-He's a simp.
-Free buckle~!
-Lots of people root for Na-Go-san.
-Tsumuri's so DONE with these people's shit.
-Ziin, hello.
-"You're my dude."
-Oooooooh, he's jumpin' right in.
-I can't imagine how elated Suzuki-san is to be here.
-"Duuuuude, I'm fighting with Geats!"
-Ziin Setto!
-He does the snape!
-Set Fever!
-Double Beat!
-...Back Beat?
-I see Ziin plays support.
-I have to admit, this is really cool.
-"Your destined enemy. He's here."
-Buffa just wants the game to end for good.
-OOooooooh, Jamato Zombie!
-That's siiiiick.
-Revolve On!
-Good job, Neon!
-We are... Kamen Riders!
-Nadgey's back.
-Man, they're really going at it.
-Beroba, hello!
-Never make that noise around me again.
-"World's over anyway, nerd!"
-Ohhh, he's down.
-The Desire Grand Prix is a game lightyears ahead of the curb.
-Geats from the ancient past... Ziin from the far future.
-"Oh well... DGP's reaching the finale. Oh well..."
-Ohhh, Tsumuri...
-Kamen Rider Beroba.
-Breaking Mammoth sized!
-Oh... this is over.
-Geats has me hooked.
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