#uniforms are a standard in the uk (and i think japan too)
lookingforhappy · 11 months
ben's mom & school uniforms
so something that's popping up in my expensive baby poll is ben's mother & her school uniform. and it got me thinking... is there some meaning behind the uniform to be unlocked?
to cut things short. im not convinced that the uniform is accurate anyways??
i really need someone with more knowledge on south korea to weigh in here bc i'm totally out of my depth. so pls correct me if im wrong!
ben's mom appears to be wearing a sailor fuku
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only, this seems to be a japanese uniform, not a korean one. (or so says wikipedia).
the standard korean uniform seems to be closer to what westerners would understand as a school uniform, with white shirts, vests/blazers & ties.
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so, im confused. is ben's mom's uniform not accurate or am i overthinking things?
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mreugenehalsey · 5 years
Taking a Look at Brazil’s Specialty Coffee Industry During ICW
Welcome to Brazil, the world’s largest coffee producer. What happens here shapes the coffee industry around the globe.
So it’s no surprise that 20,000 people turned up to Brazil’s Semana Internacional do Café/International Coffee Week (ICW), held at the end of 2018 (the 2019 edition has already been announced and will run from the 20th to the 22nd November in Belo Horizonte). There, they experienced:
Four world coffee championships
Brazilian green coffee quality contests
200 cupping sessions
Workshops, training sessions, and sustainability forums
Business opportunities (around US $10 million USD of deals closed during the fair)
And more. Let’s explore what happened.
The Roaster’s Village. Credit: Nereu Jr / NITRO for ICW
ICW in Three Quotes
Caio Alonso Fontes is the director of Café Editora, one of the event’s organizers. He tells me that International Coffee Week is a “meeting of the [coffee] chain and all of the chain’s links, where we are able to create connections between people, and these connections have the objectives of generating business, providing education, and promoting Brazilian coffees.” [Translated from Portuguese.]
Companies from across the different sectors of the coffee industry attended the event. Reymar Coutinho de Andrade, President of Pinhalense, a manufacturer of coffee processing equipment, tells me that the event “was a turning point for the coffee-growing culture in Brazil, especially because it addressed some important subjects [and hosted] the Championships, which brought a new public to Brazil and allowed this public to know a little more about the properties of the [Brazilian] coffees.”
And Andre Eiermann, coffee educator, Authorized SCA Trainer (AST), and 2017 Swiss Barista Champion, says, “The stands are high quality and also the way [ICW] integrated the four world championships is amazing; it’s really well organized… I truly enjoyed this time here.”
But what exactly left the attendees and exhibitors so impressed?
ICW hosted four world coffee championships. Credit: Nereu Jr / NITRO for ICW
Brazil’s Specialty Coffee Flavors
Cuppings were a key part of ICW 2018, showcasing coffees from single estate farms like Daterra in the Cerrado Mineiro region; associations such as IWCA Brazil, the Brazilian branch of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance; coffee groups such as 3Corações; regional flavors, and more (see the full list here).
Then you had the many, many coffee cuppings held by producers, cooperatives, and roasters at their own booths. In total, ICW offered visitors more than 200 cupping sessions.
Agnieszka Rojewska, 2018 World Barista Champion and winner of multiple other coffee competitions over the years, was at ICW to compete in the World Latte Art Championships. She tells me, “When you are here and you are able to try different types of Brazilian coffees, you can actually change your perspective.
“Because we basically think that coffee from Brazil is chocolate, hazelnut, bitter and it’s not very balanced. But as for now, I tried a lot of fruity coffees, I tried a lot of complex coffees with complex acidity, and this is mind-opening for me.”
She was not the only one to have this experience. Andre says, “I came here with a mix of expectations because, from a specialty coffee point of view, we look at Brazil as just being the biggest coffee-producing country in the world. We see it more like quantity than quality.
“But during the last couple of days, I was truly impressed. So of course, you still have a lot of coffee, but at the same time [Brazilians] improved massively the quality. I had the great pleasure to taste some coffees and I wouldn’t have bet that they came from Brazil… [they were] super fruity… One especially, it seemed like a Geisha, but it’s not a Geisha, so the coffee farmers here are doing an amazing job.”
Cupping samples for Coffee Of The Year. Credit: Nereu Jr / NITRO for ICW
World Coffee Championships
But the event wasn’t just about displaying the best of the coffee industry. It was also about competing for that coveted position.
ICW hosted four of the official world championships from World Coffee Events, with representatives from over 60 countries in attendance.
Agnieszka tells me, “What is a great opportunity for me is to actually compete in an origin country, which is much more different because here you can actually meet producers.
“And you can [compete] in the United States, you can do it in Europe, you can do it in Asia, it’s just that people there don’t grow coffee. So here… there is a closer bond [with producers], so we can get more knowledge, we can get more experience, so this makes this event unique.”
Let’s take a look at the four championships and who walked away with the titles.
World Latte Art Championship
Across three rounds (preliminary, semi-finals, and finals), competitors demonstrated their mastery with free-pour and designer latte art patterns. And the winners?
Irvine Quek Siew Lhek, 103 Coffee Workshop, Malaysia
Michalis Karagiannis, Manor House, Greece
Liang Fan, Fan Coffee Lab, China
Shinsaku Fukayama, St. Ali, Australia
Agnieszka Rojewska, independent, Poland
Wonjae Choi, Café ONEWAY, South Korea
World Brewers Cup
In this championship, the best manually brewed coffee took the prize. Presentations and coffees were evaluated by three sensory judges and a head judge, who are evaluating – among other things – uniformity and overall workflow. The winners were:
Emi Fukahori, Mame, Switzerland
Regine Wai Yee Beng, Page 2 Cafe, Malaysia
Stathis Koremtas, Taf Coffee, Greece
Pang-Yu Liu, independent, Taiwan
Kaoru Kamiyama, Maruyama Coffee Co. Ltd, Japan
Yeo Qing-He, Singapore
The Brewers Cup Championship finalists: Emi Fukahori, Regine Wai Yee Beng, Stathis Koremtas, Pang-Yu Liu, Kaoru Kamiyama, and Yeo Qing-He (left to right). Credit: Ivan Petrich
World Cup Tasters Championship
Competitors demonstrated their ability to distinguish between different coffees through triangulations, in which one of three cups was different from the others. The goal was to identify the odd one, and the one who correctly identifies the most cups won. The results were as follows:
Yama Kim, Australia
Niels Te Vaanhold, The Netherlands
Walter Acevedo, Colombia
Waruth Tangsuriyapaisan, Thailand
World Coffee in Good Spirits
Baristas and mixologists competed to create the best alcoholic coffee cocktails. In the final round, competitors had to craft four drinks: two identical hot/warm or cold drinks and two hot/warm Irish Coffees. They were evaluated on the flavor, visual appearance, and technical skills demonstrated. The six finalists were:
Dan Fellows, Origin Coffee, UK
Manos Mamakis, The Underdog Roasters, Greece
Danny Wilson, Ona Coffee, Australia
Artem Bakurov, ONE LOVE Coffee, Ukraine
Min-Seo Kang, Mariscoffee, South Korea
Dan Bacaintan, independent, Italy
Emi Fukahori, our new World Brewers Cup Champion, tells me, “I’ve been competing since 2015… So, Seattle, Dublin, Seoul, Amsterdam… and here in Belo Horizonte.” And her experience? “Big fans, always a lot of new people, nice people, a lot of good connections, familiar faces, new faces. It’s nice!”
She adds, “My [competition] coffee is from Brazil. The one I’m competing with is from Daterra, from the Cerrado Region.” In other words, not only did Brazil host the World Barista Championship, but a Brazilian coffee helped Emi to win it.
World Coffee in Good Spirits Champion Dan Fellows with his trophy. Credit: Ivan Petrich
Green Coffee Quality Contests
It’s not just baristas and cup tasters who were competing, however: so too were Brazil’s producers.
Coffee of The Year
Organized by ICW, this contest was created to recognize the best coffees produced from across Brazil. After a pre-selection process, 150 Arabica samples were evaluated by a team of Q-Graders (certified professionals who grade arabica coffees following SCA Standards), while 30 Robusta samples were evaluated by a team of Q Robusta Graders (certified professionals licenced by The Coffee Quality Institute).
Finally, these samples were assessed blind by a popular jury who then voted for their favorite.
Arabica Winners:
Afonso Lacerda of Café Forquilha do Rio, Dores do Rio Preto, Caparaó Region, Espírito Santo. This was the second time Lacerda took first place in this contest. Coffees from Caparaó, a mountainous region with dense Atlantic forests, are frequently in the top 10.
Deneval Vieira of Café Cordilheiras do Caparaó, Iúna, also from Caparaó Region, Espírito Santo.
Alessandro Hervaz of Honey Coffee, São Gonçado do Sapucaí, Mantiqueira de Minas Region, Minas Gerais.
Luis Eduardo dos Santos of Fazenda Boa Esperança, Bragança Paulista, Média Mogiana Region, São Paulo.
Lucas Ribeiro Vinhal of Fazenda Estrela, Serra do Salitre, Cerrado Mineiro Region, Minas Gerais.
Robusta Winners:
Luis Claudio de Souza of Grãos de Ouro, Muqui, South of Espírito Santo.
Lucas Venturim of Fazenda Venturim, São Domingos do Norte, Noroeste Capixaba Region, Espírito Santo.
Francisco Venturim of Fazenda Venturim, São Domingos do Norte, Noroeste Capixaba Region, Espírito Santo.
Diones Mendes Bento of Chácara Rio Limão, Cacoal, Rondônia.
Isaac Venturim of Fazenda Venturim, São Domingos do Norte, Noroeste Capixaba Region, Espírito Santo. This means the same farm took second, third, and fifth place.
Afonso Lacerda, winner of Coffee of The Year – Arabica. Credit: Ivan Petrich
Aroma BSCA
Created by the Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA), this contest awards sustainably produced coffees in two categories: Natural Processed Coffees and Pulped Naturals.
The rules are simple: all lots must be cupped at 84 points or above by SCA standards. The five best 84+ coffees for each category are the champions. The winners receive premium prices for these coffees, which the BSCA then sells to associated coffee shops, roasteries and exporters.
Naturals Winners:
Fazenda Rainha, São Sebastião da Gama, Média Mogiana Region, São Paulo.
Fazenda Sertãozinho, Botelhos, South of Minas, Minas Gerais.
Café Filomêna Estefânia, Patrocínio, Cerrado Mineiro Region, Minas Gerais.
Sítio da Torre, Carmo de Minas, Mantiqueira de Minas Region, Minas Gerais.
Fazenda Barinas, Araxá, Cerrado Mineiro Region, Minas Gerais.
Pulped Naturals Winners:
Fazenda Sertãozinho, Botelhos, South of Minas, Minas Gerais.
Monte Alegre Coffees, Conceição dos Ouros, South of Minas, Minas Gerais.
Fazenda Monte Verde, Ouro Fino, Mantiqueira de Minas Region, Minas Gerais.
Fazenda Rainha, São Sebastião da Gama, Média Mogiana Region, São Paulo.
Fazenda Barinas, Araxá, Cerrado Mineiro Region, Minas Gerais.
Concurso Florada Premiada
Launched for the first time in 2018 and promoted by 3Corações in partnership with the BSCA, this competition awards female producers of exceptional micro lots. Lots must range between three to ten 60-kilo bags in size.
The contest is part of Projeto Florada, which translates to project in bloom. This is an initiative designed to increase the visibility of women in coffee production and also support female producers through training and meetings. The contest is the second to last stage: get their coffees awarded and sold for premium prices.
Naturals Winners:
Tainã Bittencourt Peixoto of Chácara Vista Alegre, Piatã, Bahia, Chapada Diamantina.
Inácia de Fátima Silva Juliano of Sítio Batista, Pedralva, Minas Gerais, Mantiqueira de Minas.
Luciene Aparecida Santos Mota of Alecrim Dourado, Pedralva, Minas Gerais, Mantiqueira de Minas.
Pulped Naturals Winners:
Creuza Silva Santana of Fazenda Gerais, Piatã, Bahia, Chapada Diamantina.
Patrícia Rigno de Oliveira Rosa of Fazenda Ouro Verde, Piatã, Bahia, Chapada Diamantina.
Deuseni de Oliveira of Sítio Cafundó, Piatã, Bahia, Chapada Diamantina.
The winners are announced for Coffee of The Year. Credit: Bruno Correa / NITRO for ICW
Sustainability Seminars
Education is one of the key themes at ICW, the team at Café Editora tells me. And this year, it hosted two sustainability seminars: the Global Coffee Sustainability Conference and the Sustainable Coffee Forum.
Mariana Proença is the Director of Content at Café Editora and one of the event organizers. She tells me, “The Global Coffee Sustainability Conference (GCSC) is conducted by the Global Coffee Platform and, for the first time, it took place in a producing country. It was a public success, with 350 attendees from 16 countries.
“The event has brought together important players within the coffee sector to discuss sustainability through the whole production chain.” [Translated from Portuguese.]
As for the Sustainable Coffee Forum, she says, “The forum, conducted November 9th in the Great Auditorium of the International Coffee Week, has this objective: to bring together top professionals in the sector to discuss the actions already taken in coffee production and the next steps for the sustainable development for future generations.
“It’s promoted by the ICW organizers, who nominate the main speakers for the event, based on their technical expertise. This year’s theme was Trends and Challenges for Coffee Production.”
The Global Coffee Sustainable Conference. Credit: Gustavo Baxter / NITRO for ICW
Workshops & Courses
Numerous roasting courses, sensory skills workshops, and more were held during the event. Caio tells me, “There were more than 30 parallel events happening throughout the week… more than 190 hours of speeches and workshops happened during the three days. So, it’s a very nice amount of information, of content, of training.” [Translated from Portuguese.]
Here are some of the highlights:
SCA Certified Courses: For those who wanted the official SCA certification for basic sensory skills, barista skills, and brewing, six authorized trainers conducted these courses at the event.
Roasting Courses: Sponsored and organized by Atilla Coffee Roasters, there were seven different courses for roasters. Topics included the challenges of being a micro roaster, the science behind coffee roasting, roasting Robusta vs roasting Arabica, roast flavors, global roasting trends, and more.
Fermentation Techniques: Edwin Enrique Noreña Garcia has been a coffee producer in Colombia for more than 15 years, as well as an agroindustrial engineer. He led a course spanning everything from harvesting to storage, with a focus throughout on the different types of coffee fermentation and their results in the cup.
Workshop: Managing a Coffee Shop: Isabela Raposeiras is the owner, roaster, and barista behind the Coffee Lab, a café-roastery in São Paulo. She addressed topics related to the challenges of opening and running a coffee shop, such as reasons to open a coffee shop, how to select your suppliers, and “cents that are worth millions”.
Attendees gather around to learn about different roasting techniques for Robusta and Arabica. Credit: Nereu Jr / NITRO for ICW
Equipment on Display
And last, but certainly not least, let’s take a look at all the equipment that was on display at ICW. Mariana tells me, “There were dozens of products launched during the event. Each one of the 160 exhibitors brought innovations to present to the public.”
The product that stood out the most to me was the CoffeeClass: a prototype of a machine that can evaluate coffee quality by optic analysis of the grounds. Yes, you read that right: it can identify coffee quality from ground roasted coffee: no hot water, no Q graders needed. It’s just a matter of a microscope and Artificial Intelligence.
The aim is to improve efficiency when analysing coffee quality. The CoffeeClass works by interpreting patterns in amplified images of roasted and ground coffee. It then compares them to a data set of patterns that has been correlated with coffee quality.
To achieve this, the machine applies reflectance and fluorescence, which use differentiated light sources under the coffee sample to identify those compounds linked to the beverage’s quality.
During the event, the state-owned Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) and Brazilian Coffee Industry Association (ABIC) signed a contract to join forces and make this prototype available in the market in the next years.
ICW: A Space For Collaboration
ICW brought coffee professionals from around the world together to discuss some of the industry’s most pressing sustainability issues, celebrate quality coffee lots from a range of producers, discover the latest technology, and more.
As Sasa Sestic, former World Barista Champion, entrepreneur, and the person behind Project Origin and ONA Coffee, says looking back at the event: “We can learn from each other. I guess we all work for the same goal. We want to create beautiful coffee, beautiful opportunities for everyone: for farmers, for roasters, for cuppers… and this is the unique opportunity that we can all learn and grow together.”
Vanusia Nogueira, Executive Director of the BSCA, had a similar impression. “Everything we achieved at ICW 2018 was a dream very well dreamed,” she says, “which has shown us that, with strength, determination and professionalism, we can reach our goals.”
Written by Ivan Petrich.
Please note: This article has been sponsored by International Coffee Week.
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The post Taking a Look at Brazil’s Specialty Coffee Industry During ICW appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
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Opening Up
Clare: raised an eyebrow at the mention of dark manga. “Thank you. I’ll have to download it to my tablet and check it out. But I will be careful. Especially when I read late at night.” She probably wouldn’t be able to sleep at all if she stumbled across the wrong manga. Clare laughed at Kota’s story. “One group of boys ruined it for everyone, huh. I guess the sewing and child development units would be worse especially if they didn’t choose to be there. I do want to learn how to cook. I can’t complain about getting my wish.” She shrugged. “She locked herself in a locker? If Nakashimi is so shy she was hiding from people not that long ago, I’ll just have to remember to be patient with her. Sounds like she’s trying to change.” At the mention of girls not wearing pants, Clare thought she was already experiencing culture shock. “I can’t win.” She grumbled. She smiled at Kota and playfully smacked his arm soon as he laughingly mentioned picturing her in Visual Kei style. “I already got the memo that I can’t pull off the Goth look from Eli! Okay, does this mean I have to freeze every time we go outside until Spring? I really can’t bring any pants with me?” She said in dismay. The leggings would be fine for school, they had to wear uniforms in the first place. The rest of the time was what concerned Clare. “Glad I found this out now. What if I pack all the wrong things? This is going to be a disaster. Are there other social norms to keep in mind while shopping?” Clare bristled at being called a Yankee. She’d mostly heard it in reference to New Yorkers usually with the word ‘damn’ preceding it and she was Canadian. “I was hoping you would. Dakota, if they think you slept with other girls before we started dating I won’t tell them differently. Not even Alli because it’s none of her business if my boyfriend’s a virgin or not. Sleeping in my room might make everyone at our new temporary school think we’re having sex. I don’t care. I can stop wearing my purity ring if we need to make it more believable.” She nervously twisted said ring around on her finger. Clare would do almost anything to keep from losing Kota the way she’d lost K.C especially since she was a lot more attached to her current boyfriend. However, she drew the line at having sex because you ‘were supposed to’. Wanting to because they loved each other was another story. “Japanese girls are lucky they’re not held to different impossible standards. However, I can’t just start having sex. Are you still okay with waiting? Whenever we are both ready, we’d have to take things really slow. There’s a lot to consider besides how I’m going to feel if I go against my beliefs. Birth control is out of the question for one thing.” Clare ignored Kota when he turned away. She had never spoken to a real celebrity before and she didn’t get to rehearse what to say. Who knew what would come out of her mouth if she wasn’t being guarded right now? Of course, it would’ve been far worse if he’d took her to meet Melanie Martinez backstage at a concert where she thought it was appropriate to jump up and down screaming in his ear and to ask for pictures and autographs. She shook Melanie’s hand. “I am so I know you’re not on tour right now. Are you here to shoot a music video or record a new album?” Clare asked still suspecting there must be another reason Melanie was in town. She listened the story about Johnny Depp with wide eyes. “You really did all of that, Kota? How old were you?” It was unbelievable, he knew all of these famous people and MB was blowing up. She smiled when Melanie mentioned bowling. It was very cool she did normal things though Clare wondered how she could without being mobbed. A disguise? Renting out a private bowling alley? “Yes of course you can!” She told Melanie. “Did Kota tell you about the exchange program we’re going on to Japan? I have to figure out what I need for about six months, and I had no idea what Kota was up to.” Clare said apologetically. She laughed glancing at her boyfriend. “He told me he’d give me a tour.”
Kota: looked at Clare. "You can choose what category you read. If you have drama selected and find a story it'll also show what other categories it's in such as fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and more that way you have a warning. Plus you need to judge the manga by the cover, if the picture looks scary the book will be scary." he explained not wanting her to read horror before bed. "If you want I can teach you the basics. I'm not sure if they'll require you to use a wok or not, but I can teach you how to use that too." he offered. "Well, the locker was unlocked so she mainly hid, but yes please be patient and know when she yells it's not out of anger." he smiled at her and listened to what she had to say. "No you don't have to freeze, you can wear pants when we're out together. I've heard by guys they're really warm and I may have to wear them. They are allowing us to have a Cultural Festival a little later so we'd be able to experience it first hand. Right now girls are asking my kendo club do a Host Cafe, but it probably won't be allowed. Our class will be doing a reverse maid cafe and you don't need to ask for pictures, you'll already get them. It's required that the entire class take a picture in their costumes which means I get to see you dressed as a guy since you'll be in charge of the register and the host. It'll be easy since you'll mainly take the customers to their seat and sit them down and that also means you get to wear pants." he assured and listened to her mention her purity ring and kids at school, he automatically put his hand on hers. "Clare, remember we're staying with Yohio. He's one of my best friends and probably already thinks we sleep in the same bed, but knows I'm a virgin and he hasn't told anyone. No one in school is going to know about us sharing a bed even if they sleep over. Emi and I can stay in my room and you can stay in yours with whomever sleeps over. You don't need to even take your ring off. A lot of girls will probably just look at it as a regular ring. I don't care if it takes me a while to lose my virginity. I'm not ready to lose it either. I have Emi and like you said birth control is out of the question and condoms break so even if I were ready, I wouldn't have sex. The only thing one hundred percent effective against pregnancy is abstinence and I don't want to risk having an Emi of my own running around. I wouldn't be able to deal with a crying baby and one that's hyperactive during the day. We can talk more when one of us is ready to take that step, but right now we're on the same page." he assured and kissed her head. When Clare asked Melanie her question, he looked at Melanie too. "Well, I came here to get away. This is my home away from home and Kota and I don't end up in another American scandal when we're here." Mel shrugged honestly. "I was 13 and yes. We really did run away to the UK." he confirmed. "Besides it's not like I can runaway to another country anymore." he sighed. "You could always run to America and we can hang out for about a day until videos of you get uploaded to youtube or something. 'This just in Kota Anderson just landed in LAX. Paparazzi are already on scene." Mel said mimicking a fake reporter as she and Kota laughed. "Not to mention the mobs." he stated. "Yes, like when we went out to eat. 'Can we get pictures and autographs?' 'Are you two dating?' and then the scandals began." Mel laughed. "But we squashed them in about a week." he reminded. "He did tell me about going to Japan, but not as an exchange program. I told him not to tell you he's meeting me. I'm glad to see he kept my promise." she smiled. "I want a tour too. We can go have some fun." she smiled and Kota lead them out of his office leaving Melanie's dresses in there. "What do you want to see first? I can't take you into the place where everything is made though, it's too dangerous. I can take you to other offices and to Yohio's lab." he explained.
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