#we have shit schools with fancy uniforms so
lookingforhappy · 11 months
ben's mom & school uniforms
so something that's popping up in my expensive baby poll is ben's mother & her school uniform. and it got me thinking... is there some meaning behind the uniform to be unlocked?
to cut things short. im not convinced that the uniform is accurate anyways??
i really need someone with more knowledge on south korea to weigh in here bc i'm totally out of my depth. so pls correct me if im wrong!
ben's mom appears to be wearing a sailor fuku
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only, this seems to be a japanese uniform, not a korean one. (or so says wikipedia).
the standard korean uniform seems to be closer to what westerners would understand as a school uniform, with white shirts, vests/blazers & ties.
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so, im confused. is ben's mom's uniform not accurate or am i overthinking things?
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kitorin · 7 months
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contents. one kys joke, swearing, nsfw jokes / mention (again, it's just me writing shidou as a typical high school boy), smau component :>
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"Two nil."
You remain facing the front, just to avoid getting caught by the teacher for speaking in class again. But regardless your whisper is aggressive, full of energy and Rin doesn't have to see your face to comprehend the smug expression you were most likely donning.
The teacher smiles ever so slightly. "Well done y/n."
Rin glances to the side as the teacher goes back to scrawling on the blackboard, teal attempting to capture what was happening without drawing too much attention.
Oh how he wishes he could wipe that shit eating grin on your face.
He scowls at the sight of you. "The fuck are you on?"
"One from running the other day. The other from just now."
With a scoff, indignation rolls his eyes. "Correction: You did not beat me. You interrupted practice like the little shit you are."
"I won."
Rin hisses, careful not to be louder than the teacher's lecturing. "We weren't competing. And I never will. Quit being delusional."
Now, neither of you are bothering with remaining unnoticed by the teacher. "Why so defensive? You scared?"
"I have no reason to be." He scoffs. "Midget."
"'Course you resort to making fun of my height. That's how you know you're truly losing."
Suddenly, Rin's arm shoots up, to which the teacher addresses instantly. "Yes, Itoshi?"
"Because war literature's purpose is to illuminate the dictatorial essence of warfare, the injurious effects it inflicts on entire communities and the brutal changes it forces upon generations. The author utilises a form differing from the traditional novel, as visual representations can express what words cannot." It takes a lot not to smirk at the impressed gasps buzzing around the classroom, as he controls his voice to sound passionate, but not obsessive; calm but not emotionless. "Adopting a different form of literature simply allows the author to amplify and convey their ideas in a manner they desire."
By now, all eyes were on him. It's oddly exhilarating, he knows very well this moment doesn't compare to the 'point' you scored earlier.
"Very impressive, Itoshi. Please maintain that effort for the rest of the year."
Rin smiles, one that displays appreciation evidently, whilst being polite and not excessive. "Thank you sir."
"What the hell was that? That came out of nowhere, I thought you weren't paying attention as well."
"One point for a sufficient answer. Another for being 'very impressive. And one for every classmate that turned to stare." Satisfaction blossoms inside of him, he'd take a photo of the way shock paralysed your features and capture the moment forever. "First set's mine, and you didn't score shit."
"You don't get to decide that."
Indifference pulls his shoulders into a shrug. "You insisted on earning two points for your delusions. I'm just stating the obvious."
You're sweating, because of summer's insolence but Rin liked entertaining the idea that it was you getting flustered. A hand reaches your face to fan it. "I'm not delusional you're just crazy. Did you even understand what you just said, Mr 'dictatorial essence of warfare'?"
"Yeah." He replies, as if he simply didn't memorise synonymous words with an intelligent complexion. "Did you?"
Rin doesn't miss the exasperated roll of your eyes. "Obviously. You can't hide a simple message behind fancy words. All you had to say was that literature's form changes the manner of how it illustrates a piece's concepts."
"Only an average Joe would be satisfied with an answer like that."
You grumble whilst copying down notes. "And only an idiot would feel the need to hide behind obnoxiously long words."
He imbeds sarcasm into his tone. "I can't believe an honor roll student would say such things to a fellow peer. Anyways, hurry up and admit your loss."
"You know, I hope you trip over and ruin your uniform in the dirt during training today."
"And I hope you melt into a sad puddle, in the same way Hiori's ice block did."
Restraint disappears, as you raise your voice. "You—"
"l/n. I'm about to send you out into the hallway if you don't behave. That applies to anyone else in this class." Rin feigns innocence at the teacher's scolding, maintaining stoic composure. Conversely, you seemed to find it difficult to do so, apologising to the teacher.
Victorious, Rin whispers. "Second set. One nil. My way."
For some reason, you were oddly calm now. "Your fly's undone, by the way."
His eyes widen with alarm, glancing down and realizing too late that you were kidding. By then, his well sustained equanimity had gone out of the window.
"You fucking—"
"Itoshi. Get out of my class."
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"Rin Rin, please help meee."
As if automatic, Rin frowns at the nickname and Isagi's pleading, pausing from his drink break. "With what?"
"Literature. I didn't understand a thing you said in class today..."
Neither did he. "Read 'The Book Thief'?"
Isagi pouts. "I did. But I don't see how sir reached his conclusion while analysing it."
Rin doesn't even bother looking at his teammate. "Same." Instead he watches Shidou and Bachira (an irksome pair, Rin thinks) argue with Reo over a goal, as Yukimiya attempts to serve as a mediator.
"What? It's not that hard to reword the things sir says and what you find on the internet."
The older player narrows his eyes. "You're a liar, then."
"Excuse me?"
"You told y/n you knew what you were talking about. Behind your wordy answers is just a search history filled with synonyms."
Rin scowls. "It's not a lie. I do understand what I'm saying."
"You're prideful in things other than soccer too... I mean I can't say it was unexpected." He places a (sweaty) hand on Rin's shoulder. "It's okay to be bad at something, you don't have to be perfect." Isagi was being genuine, though he was treating Rin like a stubborn five year old.
Yielding it as a weapon, Rin grabs the towel draped around his neck, trying to hit Isagi with it. Instinctively, the victim dodges it, barely in time.
"Fuck off—" Rin yells, recoiling the towel to smack Isagi again. "What are you on this time?"
"It's okay Rin Rin, we support youu." Isagi doesn't even take Rin's anger seriously, effortlessly dodging his towel, agile and quick on his feet. "Self esteem issues are valid no matter what. You and y/n are equals no matter what."
The use of the nickname and the mention of you only fuels his anger, Rin doesn't give up, but neither does Isagi. "Don't compare me to that little shit."
"Should be stop them..?" Reo asks Nagi, who was for once, not hyperfixated on his phone.
"Nah. This is funny." He dries the sweat soaking his fluffy white hair, Rin notices it from the corner of his eye. "Do better, Rin."
"Shut up the fuck up, Nagi." Rin chases Isagi (who seemed to be having a great time), around the side of the field.
"Sounds like a skill issue to me." Nagi yawns. "Cope harder." This time, he yells it out loud. "Reo, how much are you betting for Rin to hit Isagi?"
Gaze averted, Reo doesn't even bother watching their quarrel. "None, because it's not going to last very long." He points in the other direction. "Coach looks pissed."
Rin takes notice of this too, it was beyond too late to pretend nothing happened, as he halts his movements. So does Isagi, bowing to Ego when he approaches the two.
"I leave for five minutes and you idiots are fighting." He runs his fingers through his straight bangs. "You're packing up today. Try something like this again and I'm removing you off the starting team."
Relief washes over him, thanking Ego silently for a second chance. "Yes sir."
Ego dismisses the rest of the team. "Isagi. I was referring to you as well. Go help Itoshi."
Their coach glares at him. "Don't try to act innocent. I already know you well enough as the type to be annoying. Anyways, don't forget to lock up. Get home safe too."
With that he leaves, murmuring something about teenagers being irritating, and after the events of today, Rin couldn't agree more.
"This is your fault." Rin says, as he collects the cones.
Isagi doesn't bother teasing him. "Yeah, yeah, sure. Get this done so we can leave quicker.
Though he'd never admit it, Rin agrees in silence, exhausted at the antics he had to tolerate today.
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It's late at night when conversation stirs in the group chat, Rin texts with one hand while the other dries his hair.
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Hair now dry, Rin flops into his bed, face landing in his pillow. He can't stand practice with Shidou, let alone a full studying session where he's the focus. He hasn't known him for long, yet is already sick of him and his jokes regarding his older brother.
But from a logical standpoint, it was a good idea. He's hopeless on his own, only literature permits utilising the art of bullshit to pass, and he refuses to ask for a proper tutor; they're expensive and Rin doesn't intend on going to tertiary education.
Just do it for soccer, Rin thinks to himself as he drifts off to sleep, drained from today's chaos.
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pairing. itoshi rin x reader
synopsis. all itoshi rin ever wanted was a peaceful high school career, his plans go to ruin thanks to the school's badminton genius; entangling their lives—and emotions together.
contents. rivals to lovers, badminton player!reader, sports romance, fluff, high school au
taglist. @yuzurins, @silly-ez, @chigirizzz, @kaiserkisser, @httpshujii, @saesins, @yoimyas, @saetorinrin, @hxniplayz, @certaindreampost, @rroxii, @jar-03, @celestair, @satoruskitchenrag, @kaitfae, @biaonww, @hellothere9597, @its-ur-pillow, @saesofficialwife, @miyanaranagikenmal-intp — bold means i cannot tag you
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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auricgold0 · 3 months
Wanna talk about the fact that even though the dsmp has a lot of story to it, to me it still feels very…stale? Empty because if you know the plot points you don’t need to know much more and I think the problem is, is that no one realises you can literally just expand on the world if you want. It doesn’t have to only consist of those 30 players, give it life, people who we see momentary but still give some warmth to the story. People who give us more insight to how a character would treat someone they don’t have history with.
And the fact we can work with magic in our stories, it’s literally canon. think of all the Minecraft mechanics and go haywire with it, twist and turn them to be more creative. Even if it’s just a little moment.
My brain is obsessed with the idea of c!Quackity leaving his car on a sunny evening, citizens rushing about some walking with fitted suits a mind at work and some loitering around the office building. Visiting his favourite dinner after work, not his own but one ran by a small but warm family who treat him as their own. Sometimes he walks home, taking the more denser part of the city to visit the local markets, check in on the woman who kisses his forehead and scolds him for being out so late as if he was her child. C!tommy and C!Tubbo stumbling into farmers land and being rushed off. C!Tubbo asking mechanics for scrap to work on his projects. C!Tommy annoying a school teacher late so he can borrow her art supplies. Him climbing walls of more fancy estates, being offered help with his farm by an old lady. Young children aweing at the main server, people brought there for school trips. Whispers aimed toward C!Wilbur if he’s recognised, him messing with waiters,stealing uniform to blend in. You’ve got high stress scenes where he’s trying to not get caught rushing down the halls though the employees have been alerted of him. Him employing a random guy for a good second, whispering his plan while the dude mindlessly agrees because he doesn’t wanna be late for his mother’s dinner.C!Niki walking through a market area, polite greetings as she passes through her city. THERES SO MUCH YOU CAN JUST WRITE!!!
It’s not even the fact I find the relationships in the dsmp boring but the small random relationships/interactions can push a story forward, make it more fun to write.
I think dsmp writers forget that you can keep it canon compliant but still have fun with it. It’s Minecraft, minecraft roleplay- just have fun with it.
(I say this but won’t write shit🤩)
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sheeple · 1 year
Miracles don’t exist | 3: Well-mannered friends
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): None this chapter [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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The welcome feast is as usual, delicious. The company also helps. This year, Hogwarts has the honour of hosting the Triwizard Tournament. After a speech about it, Dumbledore welcomes the other schools. 
First up is Beauxbatons, the magic school located in France. They only send their girls, which are absolutely beautiful, with their blue silk uniforms and butterflies.
Next up is Durmstrang. My oh my. What do they feed those boys up in the north? Everybody obviously starts to point and whisper as Victor Krum. Draco bounces excitedly up and down the bench.
"I would assume you are far too distracted by Krum to even notice any of the French girls, even the Vila one", you tease Draco, which earns you a glare in return.
The French students take place on the Ravenclaw table and the Durmstrang boys make their way over to your table. You try not to stare at them, so you turn towards the conversation Draco is having with his friends. 
Suddenly, someone clears their throat and you all turn around. A tall guy with dark green eyes and blond hair stands in front of his group of four friends, all equally tall. "Can we sit here?", he points towards the empty space around you.
You nod, dazzled by his sharp jawline and accent. The guys send you smiles before sitting down and conversing among themselves in their native language.
"Who's distracted now?" Draco gives you a shit-eating grin. You give him a push, which makes him fly off the bench.
The Durmstrang guys snicker at your cousin as he jumps back up, whipping his hair back in the process. His friends also laugh but shut up as he gives them a glare.
"Talk shit, eat shit, buddy", you muse, batting your eyelashes at him innocently.
This makes the blond guy bellow a hearty laugh. "You are a very funny girl. My name is Gjol Lundström." He reaches out a big hand for you to shake.
"And she's not interested." Draco narrows his eyes at Gjol while he pushes the blond's hand away.
But, before he has a chance, you slap Draco's hand away. "I'm sorry. My cousin-", you glare at him, "thinks he has to be a big brother. (Y/n) Black, nice to meet you." You shake Gjol's hand. It's warm, firm, and rough with calluses. And on top of that, it engulfs yours completely.
You quickly let go of his hand to not make it awkward. And also because the food has arrived. Golden plates upon golden plates appear with the most delicious meats, vegetables, and freshly baked bread.
You don't particularly fancy the scrutinizing stare Draco gives you, so you turn towards the Durmstrang boys. "I saw your ship arrive, it's truly magnificent. I do hope the trip to Hogwarts wasn't too long."
Gjol nods as he swallows a big bite of pork. "Sailing the seas has always been a passion of mine, so I did not mind it. But Sigge." He elbows the boy next to him, getting a side-eye in return. Another one sniggers as he motions to me the gesture of puking.
You giggle, turning to the boy- Sigge, and give him a reassuring smile. "Oh, I don't blame you. My stomach isn't strong enough either to handle the waves." That's a lie. You never had set foot on a boat. But you can imagine Sigge needs a bit of solace.
This makes Sigge open up, going on about how he begged his teachers if he could take a Portkey or even fly. But their Headmaster made this big deal about arriving in style.
"So, are you going to join the tournament?", asks Gjol.
You shake your head. "Nah, I'm not old enough to participate. And besides that, I don't think my family would approve of me putting myself in danger for 'eternal glory'. And what about you guys?"
"Sigge and I are both one year too young. But Bjarne could. He is not going to, though. Headmaster Karkaroff appointed a hand full of students he deems worthy of participating. Bjarne is too skinny. Not enough meat on his bones." Both boys chuckle as they shoot a dark-haired boy on the other side of Sigge's teasing looks.
Bjarne starts to mumble and grumble some things in his native tongue, what you can only imagine to are swears, by the looks of the others.
The rest of dinner goes by without a hitch. The three Durmstrang boys and you talked some more, exchanging stories about your respective schools before they needed to leave. They say goodbye with wide smiles and promise to visit Hogsmeade together.
You also get up to walk towards the Slytherin dorm when a tall figure appears next to you. Blaise gives you something that resembles a smile, but you're not entirely sure.
"Let me walk you back as Nott is... occupied at the moment." He looks smug as you both look over your shoulders, Theodore looking rather miserable as the Bloody Baron is talking rather at him, than with him.
The closer you get to the dungeons, the colder it gets and the more you pluck at your fingers and nails. You don't know what to say, and neither he makes any effort to start a conversation. 
"Thanks for walking me back", you say quickly as the two of you enter the common room. You make your way towards your bedroom and drop yourself on the bed, groaning into your pillow.
Daphne looks up from her bed as she is brushing her hair. "The year has barely started and you're already huffing and puffing away."
You roll over so you are laying on your back. "I just know it's going to be a hard year, Daph. Count my words."
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The morning of the first day has gone by without a hitch. While Draco and his gang have Arithmancy before Defence Against the Dark Arts, you have Muggle Studies. This makes you come in later than them into the DADA classroom, having all the empty spots near Draco taken up by his friends.
Theodore spots you and practically shoves Lorenzo from the spot next to him. But you quickly see two empty tables near the front.
As you flip through the textbook, not expecting a book bag to drop on the table next to you, you jump a metre in the air as Hermione reluctantly takes place. Her lips pressed into a thin line as she glares at something ─ or someone ─ behind you.
"Are you... are you okay?", you ask hesitantly, wondering if she's ill. Hermione has never batted an eyelash at you, let alone taken up space next to you. You have never interacted or even looked at each other. At least, not before the train ride.
Hermione sharply turns her head towards you. "I'm quite fine, thank you very much."
You watch how Harry and Ron take place in front of you. Harry gives Hermione a look, and the girl sighs.
"Do you- do you like Defence Against the Dark Arts?" She looks almost pained to ask that.
You shrug. "It's fine, I guess. It's a very important subject. But why are you sitting next to me?" She looks at you disgruntled before you continue, "yesterday, you were saying that there aren't any good Slytherins."
This makes her turn scarlet, matching her tie. Ron visibly shrinks in his seat and Harry turns around, his eyes apologetic.
"Well... Maybe Slytherins just need well-mannered friends", she huffs out quickly as the doors to the classroom and in storms Mad-Eye Moody.
Harry and you make eye contact. You know damn well it's Harry who pushed Hermione to be friendly-er towards you. After all, it's what he has been saying for a year now.
"You always look so lonely. Why don't you have any friends?", Harry asks one evening as you sit on one of the many forgotten staircases.
You scoff. "Who would want to be seen with me? If it wasn't because I am related to Draco, it is because of my last name."
"I can be your friend if you would like? We don't have to be seen together if what your family would think scares you. It could be our secret."
A smile forms on your face. It's no surprise to you that Harry would know that neither Draco nor your aunt and uncle would approve of your friendship with the Chosen One. After all, he is the one true enemy of your father. And you shouldn't be fraternising with the enemy.
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover​ @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry​ @choppedpartymuffinwinner​
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ackermonie · 2 years
sappy melancholic nanami fighting his raging crush on you as he maintains a painful distance between you two as he quits jujutsu sorcery only to eventually be reunited with you when he decides to go back.
and when he goes back, the first time you see each other after so long, he genuinely struggles to breathe for solid 5 seconds. you’ve always been so pretty, but age and experience seem to make you prosper in a way he’s never seen on you before.
going back makes him feel like all his efforts to move on were in vain. all the distance, all the times hes spent fighting the urge to just grab his phone and text you, theyve all gone to waste.
he thought you were just a high school crush. that mustve been it, since you two were in the same class, and you were so kind. you’d handle his grumpiness with ease he’s never seen, you’d nag him to take care of his health when he neglects it, and now that he thinks about it, there was no fucking way he wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.
“nanami?” he hears your voice before he sees you. “oh my god, is that you?”
nanami can only deadpan at gojo, who stands in front of him with the most punchable shit-eating grin nanami’s ever seen.
“grow some balls, kento.”
gojo raises his blindfold enough to wink at nanami as he simultaneously raises a goofy thumbs-up before the tall albino turns away and struts away from the room. nanami all but turns around, staying stuck in place, only listening to your approaching steps.
he turns around, slowly so, just in time for you to launch yourself at him in an embrace where he has to immediately wrap his arms around you to keep you wrapped around him like a koala, feet off the floor and al, given the height difference.
“oh my god!” nanami realizes just how strong you must’ve gotten when he struggles to breathe due to your lung-crushing embrace. “it’s been so long!!”
he struggles to react at first, ever so awkward and stoic in the face of your overflowing emotions, but you feel him relax under your touch soon enough. his grip on you turns from alarmed to gentle as he lets himself bury his face in the crook of your neck.
just those few seconds. he tells himself. i’ve earned them.
“how have you been?” your finger tips graze the hairs at his nape as he lowers you to the ground again, and the big strong nanami kento feels himself shiver at the touch. your eyes are starry as you stare up at him with way too much adoration than he can handle. “are you coming back to jujutsu high?”
“i’ve been good,” he says, and he soon realizes that the stars are a couple of tears that you’re trying to hold back, despite the bright grin you have plastered on your face. “you’re looking… well.”
“i am, aren’t i?” you giggle, posing a little in your fancy little uniform dress. it’s split all the way to your waist to show the matching shorts you have underneath, showcasing your legs just fine. “you’re looking good yourself too!!” you jump closer, and the big man freezes at the sudden proximity when you stare up at his face. “even though i’d like to say a thing or two about those eye-bags, but it’s nothing we can’t get rid of with some good night sleep and some products!”
we. did you say we?
“come on,” you grab his hand and pull him to walk with you, chuckling lightly at the reactions you’re getting out of the grumpy man. “i have a lot to show you.”
little did nanami know that his raging crush on you will only grow the more he stays around you like this, unbeknownst to the blush you try to hide every time your hands touch.
should i write a part 2?
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frierengf · 10 months
dreams & destiny
— snippets of you and fushiguro megumi, and the thread that ties you together.
or : you start a new school, you meet a boy. everything goes to shit, everything turns out okay. you love a boy, a boy loves you.
you dreamed of this, and maybe it was destiny. wc : 15 295 │ ao3 [notes + tags]
— (2018 : March)
The March air chills your skin and digs deep into your heart and your bones but regardless, you’re happy. You’ve just graduated middle school, and you’re walking around Hakodate with your friends after the ceremony. Amane and Natsue are walking slightly ahead of you, arms around each others shoulders, while you and Shizuru tread behind them, hands interlocked.
”I’m gonna miss you,” Shizuru says quietly. You squeeze her hand. ”’m gonna miss you too.” ”Do you know if you’re going to Tokyo or Kyoto yet?”
The three of them think you’re going away to a fancy religious boarding school. They weren’t surprised when you told them, considering the somewhat traditional nature of your home and upbringing. It hurts to lie to your best friends, but you know it’s the right thing to do.
”Tokyo, I think. Less time on the train,” you say, small smile on your face. ”At least theyre letting you pick which branch you're being cast off to,” Amane chimes in, head turned back. You let out a short laugh.
”Yeah yeah. It won’t be all that bad. We can still keep in touch and I’ll be able to visit during the summer. Plus, I’ll get to live in Tokyo,” you smirk, as Natsue turns back and sticks out her tounge at you. ”I’ll just come visit you in the summer instead,” she replies, wide grin on her face. ”Sounds like a plan.”
— (2018 : April)
You’re standing on the platform waiting for the train to Tokyo. Your mother is fussing over you, adjusting your new uniform, running her fingers through your hair, making sure you have all your luggage.
”It will be fine Mother,” you sigh, trying to get yourself out of her grasp. Your father stands off to the side, hands clasped behind his back, a warm smile on his face. Your grandmother stands beside him, tears starting to gather in her eyes.
”Are you sure you have everything?” your mother asks, worry evident in her voice. ”Yes Mother, I’m sure. We went through my bags last night, and I have my ticket and travel food right here,” you reply, holding up your hand and waving it slightly. A small plastic bag, filled to the brim with drinks, snacks and meals, and your ticket pinched between your thumb and index finger. Your mother quickly reaches out to steady your hand.
”Don’t wave your ticket around so carelessly! What if you dropped it and it got blown away?” she scolds, and you roll your eyes with a slight smile on your face. ”It’s on my phone too anyways Mother. I’m sure I have everything, I promise.”
Your father steps forward, placing his hand on your mothers shoulder.
”Misuzu. I know you don’t want to accept it, but our little girl has grown up,” he says, before giving her shoulder a squeeze. Your mother sighs. ”I know, I know. But still, it’s a mothers duty to worry,” she says with a tearyeyed smile, and you roll your eyes at the cliché. Your father pulls the two of you into a tight hug, and you relax into the warmth.
The three stay like that for a while, before you hear your grandmother approach, and you pull away. She pulls you into a hug of her own, and you rest your chin on her shoulder.
”Be kind, my child,” she whispers, and you start to tear up. She rubs your back, and you tighten the hug, before letting go. ”I will.”
The station speakers let out a short spark, before a robotic voice starts to speak. ”Hokkaido shinkansen bound for Tokyo, departing in 10 minutes from platform 3.”
Your grandmother pats your shoulder.
”Let us know when you have arrived, won’t you?” you nod, and she continues. ”Your teacher will be picking you up there, correct?” ”Yes, that’s what I’ve been told.” She sighs, and gives you a short nod, seemingly satisfied. Your mother steps forward again, adjusting your uniform one last time, before turning you towards the doors of the train. She squeezes your shoulders before pushing you forward, just a bit. You turn your neck to look at your family, and do your best to give them a reassuring smile.
”I’ll make you proud,” you say, giving a small twofingered salute. Your father lets out a small laugh, and your mother rolls her eyes, fond smile on her face. ”And say bye to Yukichi for me!” you exclaim, before boarding the train with a wave.
Yukichi, your older brother, hadn’t been able to come and say goodbye to you, having been sent to western Hokkaido for a mission. While you know it’s not his fault, you can’t deny the small feeling of disappointment that’s gnawing at you. The two of you weren’t the closest of siblings, but he’s still your brother.
You still remember the day you had sent him off to Kyoto, standing on the platform, hiding behind your fathers leg. Yukichi, being 10 years older than you, held responsibilities as both the future clan head and as a grade one sorcerer. You do your best not to pity him too much, and instead support him from the sidelines as much as you can.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you find your seat without much trouble, and place your messenger bag on the chair and your snack bag on the table, before reaching up to put your suitcase in the overhead compartment. It takes a bit of stretching, but you manage to get it up safely before sitting down.
You bring out the small bento your grandmother had made for you, and the onigiri and bottle of green tea you had bought at the station, placing them on the table, before digging in your messenger bag for your phone and headphones.
After adequatley preparing yourself, you lean back and make yourself comfortable for the coming 5 hour journey. You’ve never really been outside of Hokkaido, most of your rare family trips being spent going further north. The train starts rolling, and you turn to look out the window. Spotting your family, you give a final quick wave, before the train shoots off, heading south.
The trainride itself passes rather quickly, as you finish the lunch you brought with you and snack on the small bag of chips. You get a few texts from the groupchat with Amane, Shizuru and Natsue, wishing you well, telling you to take care of yourself, and to meet a handsome Tokyo boy and bring him back to Hakodate. You laugh at the last one, replying that you’ll try your best.
As the train rolls into Tokyo Station, you pull out your phone to check the time. 16:24. You roll your neck, before texting your family you’ve arrived, and pocketing your phone.
You put your trash in the small plastic bag you brought it in and shove it inside your messenger bag, electing to deal with it at a later date, before standing up and pulling your suitcase down from the overhead department and throwing your messenger bag on your shoulder.
You stand infront of the door as the train stops at the platform, not wanting to get caught within the crowd and making your teacher wait for you. As you step out and onto the platform, you look around and take it all in. It’s way bigger, and way busier than anywhere you’ve been before, and you start to feel dizzy, even though you ate on the train.
You shake your head, steeling yourself and deciding you should find your teacher, before your eyes widen in horror. You don’t even know who your teacher is, let alone what they look like. Before you entirely lose it, you hear a loud voice cut through the hustle and bustle of Tokyo Station.
Probably the entire station startles, and looks to where the voice is coming from, including you.
As you look towards where the voice came from, you spot a tall blindfolded man, hair as white as the first snow of winter. A boy is standing next to him, but he looks like he would rather be anywhere else. The boy is looking off to the side, but when you look up at the man, you swear you can feel his eyes on you, despite the highly opaque blindfold he’s wearing.
The man waves, a grin on his face. ”Sorcery girl! Come here!”
Your eyes widen in shock. No way this idiot is your teacher. Protecting the public from the knowledge of Jujutsu is one of the most important values of the art, and here he is, yelling it out to the hundreds of people in Tokyo Station. You glare at the strange man, but the grin on his face does not falter. Looking around you, you notice that everyone except you seems to have forgotten all about what just happened, going about their normal lives again. A big city thing perhaps, you think to yourself.
Begrudingly, you quickly walk towards the pair, realizing as you get closer that both of them are wearing Jujutsu Tech uniforms. As you reach them, you fall into a small bow and introduce yourself. The man grabs your hand, shaking it with enthusiasm.
”Nice to meet you too! I’m your teacher, Gojo Satoru.” Your eyes widen as he says his name, and you think you see a small smirk appear at your reaction. ”And this,” he points to the boy next to him, ”is Fushiguro Megumi, your fellow first year!”
The boy you now know as Fushiguro finally looks at you, and you feel heat rise to your cheeks. His eyes are cold as steel as they meet yours, and it makes a small shiver run down your spine. He scans over you quickly before inclining his head in greeting.
”I look forward to working with you.” ”Same goes,” you say with a small nod.
His eyes seem to focus on your face, and you tilt your head, giving him a slightly awkward smile. Before either of you can say anything else, Gojo places one of his arms around your shoulders, and one around Fushiguros. You startle, but Fushiguro just grunts, seemingly used to it. Gojo turns his head towards you and pats your shoulder lightly.
”So, Ijichi is waiting for us in the car outside, and I was thinking we can go back to campus and leave your stuff, and once that’s done, your beloved teacher Gojo Satoru can take his two students for some dinner!”
You furrow your brows and go to speak, but your teacher interrupts you before you can even get a word in.
”It’s kind of late, and you’ve been traveling for a while. Even though you got accepted because of your lineage, we still have to do a skill test exorcism, but we can leave that for tomorrow!”
You give him a hesitant nod, and Gojo smiles. ”All right then! Come on my dear students, to the campus!”
He grabs your bags, before quickly dragging you and Fushiguro out of the station, and shoving the two of you into the backseat of a car. The man in the drivers seat, Ijichi, you realize, turns to look at you before giving you a deep bow, still sitting down. You startle and wave your hands in front of you, trying to get him to sit up again.
”It’s a pleasure to meet you. If you ever need anything don’t hesitate to let me know.” ”There’s no need for all that Ijichi,” you mumble, before giving him a short bow of your own. ”I’ll be in your care.”
You hear a small laugh from behind you, and turn back to see the face of your teacher, putting your bags in the trunk.
”Don’t mind him,” Gojo says. ”That’s just how Ijichi is. You’ll have to get comfortable around him eventually, he’s one of our top managers after all.” The smile on his face takes on a warmth that you wouldnt expect, and when you look back at Ijichi, he looks just as shocked as you probably do.
Gojo slams the trunk shut, and you flinch in surprise. He gets into the front seat, before urging Ijichi to drive back to the school. The trip is silent, only sound being the roads and the music playing on the radio.
After you arrive at the campus, Gojo shows you to your dorm and lets you quickly drop off your bags, before pulling you away for a speedy tour around the school. He shows you the main building, and training field, before dragging you back to the car where Fushiguro is waiting, Ijichi having gone off to tend to other matters.
”If you have any other questions, just ask Megumi!” he exclaims, and you nod, before he’s shoving you into the back seat once again.
You’re back out on the road when you feel Gojos eyes on you through the rearview mirror. He’s traded the blindfold for a more casual pair of sunglasses and left his uniform jacket on the seat next to him. The blue of his eyes is startling, and you tense slightly as you meet his gaze.
”Is there anything specific you want for dinner?” he asks, and your eyes widen. ”Oh, uhm. Anything is fine with me really. I’d feel bad if I picked something either of you didn’t like.” ”Eh, we’ll survive. Right Megumi?”
An affermative hum sounds out from next to you, and Gojo grins.
”See? So really, whatever you want. It’s your admission celebration after all.” ”Ah, okay. Ramen maybe then? I don’t know any places though, so you’ll have to pick for me.” ”Ramen it is! I’ll make sure to take my students to the best place in town!”
The car eventually comes to a stop outside of a small place in the suburbs of Saitama, and as the three of you step out of the car, Gojo puts his arm around Fushiguros shoulders, smile on his face.
”Just like old times, eh Megumi!”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise, and the smile on Gojos face widens, as a small frown appears on Fushiguros face.
”I’m his-” ”He’s not my dad. He’s my legal guardian and that’s it.” ”So cold Megumi.”
Fushiguro only rolls his eyes, expertly getting out of Gojos grasp, before walking into the restaurant. Gojo pats your shoulder as he walks past you, shaking you from your stupor.
”Don’t worry about him, he’ll warm up soon enough.”
You nod, and follow your teacher into the restaurant. The three of you are ushered to a booth in the back, proclaimed as ”the usual table” by the waitress. Fushiguro sits down and shuffles towards the wall, and you follow suit, while Gojo chats with the waitress as she gives you and only you a small menu. You look up at the two of them, confused, and Gojo only waves his hand.
”We’ve been coming here for a while.”
You nod, gaze falling back down to the menu. Once you’ve decided what you want, you put the menu down on the table, and the waitress seems to appear from out of nowhere next to the table.
”The usual for you two, I assume?” she asks, and Gojo gives her a thumbs up. She smiles, quickly writing on her notepad, before turning her gaze to you.
”This one, please,” you say, pointing to your choice on the menu, and the waitress nods, writing it down. ”That one's my favourite too,” she says, beaming at you. ”These two never order anything different, it’s super boring,” she mutters loudly, grin still on her face, as she grabs the menu, putting it under her arm.
After her and Gojo banter for a while, she walks away. He turns to you, starting to talk about the plans for tomorrow.
”So, I’ve scouted a location for tomorrow,” he starts, and you nod. ”We’ll be leaving school at around 11:30, so make sure you’re by the gates by then. Megumi will be joining you as backup in case something goes wrong, and Ijichi and I will be waiting outside. Sounds good?”
”Sounds good,” you agree, and Gojo nods. ”You have everything you need right? No need to borrow anything from the school?” ”No, I’ve brought everything I need with me from home.”
”Good. That’s all the business out of the way then! Let’s have a good evening,” he says, holding up his glass of water. You snort, and clink your glass against his, as he urges Fushiguro to join. He does, and you smile, taking a sip of water as the food arrives.
Gojo wasn’t lying when he said he would be taking you to the best ramen place in town. You swear you almost melt into the seat as you take your first sip of the broth.
”Not bad, right?” Gojo asks, raising his brows at you. ”This is fucking amazing,” you mumble, slurping more noodles into your mouth. Gojo barks out a laugh, before wagging his finger at you. ”Language! Megumi here has a tendency to beat up delinquents y’know.”
Your eyes widen, panic rising in your body before Fushiguro speaks up.
”Just ignore him, he’s an ass.”
Your eyes move rapidly between the grin on Gojos face and the frown on Fushiguros.
”I’m just messing with you,” Gojo finally says, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. ”Only people who care about stuff like that is probably the higher ups, but if I can help it, you won’t have to meet them for a while.”
You nod, and the meal continues without a hitch. Finishing your bowl, you quietly vow to yourself to bring your friends from back home to this place in the future. As Fushiguro slurps up the last of his broth, Gojo pushes his empty bowl to the center of the table.
”Anyone up for dessert?”
Both you and Fushiguro shake your heads, and you swear you see a small pout on Gojos face. You quietly thank him for offering, and he dismisses you, claiming it’s just the right thing for a teacher to do, before waving down the waitress for the check.
As the three of you leave the restaurant you yawn, stretching your arms above you.
”Tired?” Gojo asks, leaning down to your eyelevel from behind. You startle slightly before humming. ”Didn’t get a ton of sleep last night,” you mutter, and he nods in understanding. ”My mother made me get up way too early as well. I swear she went through my bags like five times.” ”You can sleep in the car if you want. I’ll make sure to drive carefully,” Gojo says, patting your shoulder. ”You sure?” ”Yeah yeah. If push comes to shove, I’m sure Megumi will be a kind classmate and let you sleep on his shoulder!”
Your eyes widen, and Fushiguro turns to Gojo with a slight frown on his face.
”It’s probably better to just stay awake,” you mumble.
”I don’t mind,” Fushiguro calls out, and you meet his gaze. You hesitate to call it warm, but it’s definetly not cold.
Heat flushes your face, and you stare down at the pavement. Fushiguros ears grow red, and he turns his face to the side. Gojo simply grins.
”All right then! Into the car my dearest students!” he exclaims as he unlocks the car, getting in to the drivers seat while Fushiguro and yourself get into the back seat.
As Gojo starts the car and drives off, you yawn, resting against the window. The lights of the cityscapes passing by lulls you closer and closer to sleep, eyelids fluttering.
Gojo is quietly singing along to some recent J-pop hit that’s playing on the radio and Fushiguros eyes flick over to you. Your neck is angled in an awkward way that can’t be comfortable at all, your temple dragging against the car window.
”I meant it y’know? I don’t mind.”
His voice shakes you awake, and you blink rapidly. Cracking your neck, your eyes fall shut again, and you dismissively wave your hand in Fushiguros direction.
”Wouldn’t wanna make you uncomfortable Fushiguro. Y’really don’t have to,” you mumble, leaning back against the headrest.
His eyes move from you to Gojos face, grinning at him from the rearview mirror. He scowls.
”I don’t want you to be uncomfortable while you sleep either. You should be in the best possible condition for your mission tomorrow. It’s… my duty as your partner.” The last part is muttered, and you snort.
”You’re so adamant about it Fushiguro. Guilttripping me into sleeping on your shoulder, huh?” you tease quietly, turning to look at him with tired eyes. He’s frowning lightly, and you’re unsure if the red on his cheeks is a blush or the city lights reflecting from outside.
The backseat of the car isn’t huge, but you shuffle closer regardless, before looking at Fushiguro with expectant eyes.
”C’mon then. Unless you changed your mind?” ”No,” he says, almost too quickly. ”I didn’t.”
Fushiguro follows suit, moving closer to you, before resting against the seat. He looks out the window as you rest against his shoulder, refusing to meet Gojos knowing grin.
Almost instantly, you relax against him, breathing slowing down and body going still.
”You frown so much Fushiguro,” you murmur. ”Bet you have a really nice smile.”
Your voice is quiet enough that he can pretend he didn't hear you, and he counts himself lucky that you cant spot the redness that takes over his face.
As you and Fushiguro walk towards the abandoned apartment complex in the outskirts of Tokyo, he turns to you while you fiddle with your belt, making sure your twin tantos are wrapped in tightly. Feeling his eyes on you, you look at him, polite smile on your face.
”Anything wrong Fushiguro?” ”What’s your cursed technique?”
You snort at his bluntness. ”That’s a secret,” you tease, pressing a finger to your lips. ”Besides, you’ll find out soon enough, won’t you?” ”I was just curious,” he grumbles. ”I don’t recognize your last name, but Gojo said you got in through your family lineage, so I figured it’s not really a secret, if you’re from an established Jujutsu clan.” You hum, ”Well you’re not entirely wrong. It’s not really a secret,” you imitate, and he rolls his eyes. ”But where’s the fun in just telling you?” ”It might be advantageous if we are going to work together on this exorcism.” ”Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong Fushiguro! It’s my test, you’re just here in case I fuck up!”
He scoffs at your words, looking away from your invasive gaze. You poke his shoulder, grin on your face.
”Say, Fushiguro. If you can guess my technique before I use it, I’ll buy you anything you want.” He looks at you with raised brows.
”Anything?” You nod.
”And if I don’t?” ”Then you let me call you by your first name!” ”Feels like the stakes are very different for us,” he says, small frown on his face. ”Well I don’t care if you start calling me by my first name right now, but something tells me you’re more uptight about that, so I figured it would be fun.”
His frown deepens, and the grin on your face only gets wider. ”Fine,” he says, reaching out his hand, which you grab, giving it a firm shake. ”It’s a deal then!”
You start walking into the apartment complex, and Fushiguro follows closely behind.
”Is it something with your tantos?” he asks, and you tilt your head. ”Kind of? They help, but I don’t need them. I can use any weapon, but I don’t need a weapon,” you nod, peeking into the first apartment on the first floor. The cursed energy is rather miniscule so far, so you close the door and continue onto the next apartment as Fushiguro speaks up.
”Something where you imbue your technique into the weapons?” ”Nope!”
The following three apartments are equally unremarkable, as are Fushiguros continued questions and guesses towards your technique. As you stop in front of the first apartment on the third floor, an unfamiliar cursed energy washes over you, and you turn to look at him.
”Time’s up Megumi!” you exclaim, pulling your tantos out of their sheaths. ”Watch and learn.” He rolls his eyes, summoning his demon dogs just in case, before you step into the apartment.
The curse that greets you is nothing overwhelming at first glance, its back turned to you. Megumi follows you in, before you hold up your hand, hoping he understands your signal to stay back and let you work. It seems like he does, the sounds of his and the dogs footsteps stopping behind you.
The curse is small, probably somewhere between Grade three and Grade two, and you nod to yourself, sheathing one of your weapons, tightening the grip on the other one.
Megumi watches closely as you place your empty hand on the back of your head, while raising the one still holding the tanto.
”Wound Transfer,” you mumble, before plunging the tanto into the back of your head. Megumi startles, and you pull the tanto out of your head. Quickly placing your hand over the wound, you fix your gaze on the curse, who’s still unaware of your prescence. ”Foxglove.”
The curse shrieks, and Megumi looks towards it. A deep wound has appeared on the back of its head and his eyes widen. He barely has time to react before you’re lunging towards it, slashing its neck from behind.
As the curse explodes in bits of dust and purple blood, you turn towards him, wide smile on your face. ”Pretty cool right, Megumi?” The surprise is evident on his face, and you sheathe your tanto, before throwing up a peace sign. ”Wound Transfer, courtesy of my beloved clan!” One of his demon dogs bark, and Megumi quickly walks towards you, grabbing the back of your head.
You let out quite an embarrassing squeak as he tilts your head forward, carefully carding through your hair, searching for any remnants of where you’d plunged your knife, but all he can find is a thin scar. You clear your throat, and he looks down to see the crown of your head resting against his chest. Megumi flushes, and quickly takes a step back. The veil around the building starts to fall away, and you give him a short nod before starting to walk out of the building.
Gojo and Ijichi greet you outside, and you fall into a bow, before expectantly looking up at your teacher, awaiting his evaluation. Much to your surprise, he turns his head to look at Megumi, a small smirk on his face.
”What did you think Megumi? She good?”
You eagerly look towards him, and he meets your gaze, slightly stunned. ”Uhm, she was good, yeah,” he says, a small flush on the tips of his ears. ”A bit risky, but nothing that can’t be solved with some training.”
You grin. ”Ah, but that's where you’re wrong Megumi!” You think you see Gojos eyebrows raising in the corner of your eye, but you continue.
”I’m great at risk management, and I’m decent at using Reverse Cursed Technique. I just wanted to show off,” you say, putting your hands behind your back.
Gojo laughs, and Megumi scoffs, turning his face away. You look back at Gojo, small smile playing on your lips.
”Any tips for me Gojo?” ”Not right now, no. Obviously some some general training, regular and Jujutsu, will do you nothing but good, but that’s what you're here for,” he says, smiling.
You nod, giving him a short bow, before he stands up and places one hand on your shoulder and one on Megumis.
”Now, my dear students, I’m afraid I have some business to attend to, so I’ll get going, and Ijichi will give you a ride back to school!” Gojo says, as a car pulls up behind you. He gets in quickly, yelling ”Bye for now!” before the car speeds off.
You blink a few times, before looking to Ijichi, who stands up and falls into a quick bow, before guiding Megumi and you to his parked car.
As the two of you sit in the backseat, Ijichi hums along to the classical music playing on the radio. You lean your head back against the headrest, turning to look at Megumi.
”You don’t have to let me call you by your first name y’know? I was just teasing. I don’t mind if you want me to stop,” you mention quietly. He hums. ”’s fine. I don’t mind if you want to. Just not very used to it.” ”Hey, what if I tell you all about my cursed technique in exchange?” ”You don’t have to. I shouldn’t have pried, and technically you earned it fair and square. We shook on it and everything.”
You let out a small laugh. ”Well, I don’t mind telling you if you want to know. As you said, it’s not a secret. I don’t have one of those binding vows either so you don’t have to worry about me beating you up,” you say with a smile, and he looks at you, scoffing.
”Besides,” you continue, meeting his gaze. ”It might be advantageous if we are going to work together,” you repeat his words from earlier, grinning. ”Fine, if you wanna tell me that badly,” he says, and you think you can see the ghost of a smile across his lips. You laugh. ”Oh, you don’t know how many secrets I want to spill to you Megumi.”
You sit up straight, adjusting your seatbelt, before leaning back again.
”So you already know that the gist of it is Wound Transfer, but there are three types I can do,” you tell him, holding up three fingers.
”First is Foxglove, the one I did earlier. It transfers a self inflicted wound to my enemy. I have to have a good view of the place on it’s body that I’m transfering the wound to, and it has to be an equivalent to where the wound is on my own body,” you finish, folding down one of your fingers as he nods.
”Second one is Nightshade, which lets me transfer back wounds that the enemy has inflicted on me. As long as I can see whoever inflicted the wound, all I need to do place my hand on my wound and it’ll come back to bite them in the ass."
”Last is Lavender, which lets me transfer wounds from other people to myself,” you say, folding down the last finger you were holding up, and crossing your arms. ”More of a supportive skill, which is also when my Reversed Cursed Technique comes most in handy.”
”Obviously a lot of it depends on how bad the wound is and how strong my enemy is, but those are the basics.”
You turn towards Megumi with a grin on your face. ”Any questions?”
”No domain?” Megumi asks, and you nearly let out an awkward laugh at the bluntness. ”Not yet, no. I have an incomplete one, but it’s messy and I don’t really know how to best utilize it.” ”Any specific reason for the technique names?” ”Nope. It’s different for everyone, kinda just comes to you instinctively as the varying techniques manifest. Pretty sure my brothers ones are named after old battleships or something, plus his are way more offensive than mine.”
”Yours are flowers right?” His voice is softer this time, and you smile, humming. ”Yep! Foxglove and nightshade are both poisonous, hence why the abilities that do damage are named after them, and lavender is known to have a calming effect so it makes sense for the support ability.”
”Do you have a favourite flower?” he asks quietly, and you look up at the car roof, missing how a small blush rises on his cheeks. ”I don’t know really,” you think out loud. ”Maybe lupines or peonies. I don’t really like roses though, I always hurt my hands on them while helping my dad at his flower shop, plus they’re way too cliché,” you conclude, turning your head back to look at Megumi.
”What about you?” His eyes widen slightly at your question, and you give him a smile. ”Haven’t really thought about it,” he mutters. ”Maybe lillies.”
You hum.
”Lillies are nice.”
— (2018 : November)
It’s almost like an out of body experience. You feel yourself drop into a low, messy, shapeless squat. It’s distant.
”What the fuck?”
You fall down to your knees, and it’s even more distant than before.
”What the fuck?”
You look towards him, and instead of the calm, stoic visage that usually greets you, it’s crazed. Manic almost. You lean forward, almost beginning to crawl towards him.
His face breaks into a grin and a shiver runs down your spine. It’s not Fushiguro Megumi. No longer your Megumi. Ryoumen Sukuna greets you with a grin, and you think it might be the worst thing you’ve ever experienced in your life.
He’s speaking, but you can’t hear him. Your blood is rushing wildly in your ears. You want to do something, help in some way. Itadori is rushing towards him, and you go to reach out, to stand up, to fight. Fight for Japan, fight for Tokyo, fight for your friends. You need to fight for yourself and you need to fight for-
”I need to help him,” you mumble. ”I need to help my ’gumi.”
Without even realizing it, you find yourself on your feet again. You take a small step forward, before you feel a hand on your shoulder.
”You should go.”
Makis voice shakes you, and nothing is distant anymore. It’s all real and you despise the fact that it is. You turn to face her, and she moves her hand from your shoulder to your face. She’s rubbing your cheek, and you’re stunned for a second before you realize she’s wiping tears you didn’t even notice were falling.
”Please leave it to Itadori and I.” ”You’ll bring him back to me?” ”If it’s the last thing I do.”
You let out a shaky breath, and Maki nods, before quickly squeezing your cheek and launching herself into battle. Someone is grabbing your wrist, starting to pull you away from the scene. You’re distant again, but you guess it’s Ijichi or Nitta, or perhaps some manager you haven’t met before. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter. You allow yourself to be pulled away from it all, choosing to put your trust in Maki and Itadori.
You sit, curled up against a wall, trying to process what just happened, and one of the only things you can think is how much you fucking hate Ryoumen Sukuna. Wrath, rage, anger, and every other synonym you could think of, it’s all bubbling deep in your gut. You’re frustrated. It feels like a waste, harboring all this borderline primordial anger inside you, and not even fighting with it.
Realistically, you know you couldn’t, but you feel like a single slap imbued with your cursed energy would be able to kill Sukuna right now. You try to calm down, taking deep breaths, walking through what happened, and what you want to happen next. What you need to happen next. Everything feels stuck between too distant and too close.
You’d called him yours, you realize. He wasn’t. Isn’t. You lean your head back against the wall, thinking back to before it all went to shit. Before Shibuya. Maki and Nobara- Nobara. You sigh, and feel tears start to fall again. You don’t bother to reach up and wipe them, resigning to let them fall. You deserve to cry, you think.
You want to travel in time. Kill that bastard Kamo Noritoshi, make sure Sukuna doesn’t spread his nasty fingers everywhere. Or at the very least, spend more time with your friends, tell your Megumi you wish you were his.
You fight to relax, thinking back to that night when Maki and Nobara had invaded your room, Maki taking a seat on your desk chair, while Nobara settled on your bed, placing her legs across your own. You had looked at the two of them with bewildered eyes, only being met with a small grin from Maki, and a knowing smirk from Nobara.
— (2018 : September)
”You like him don’t you?” Nobara asks, cutting through the silence. You sputter, heat warming your cheeks. ”What the hell are you talking about?” Maki laughs. ”She totally likes him.” You huff. ”The two of you are, for sure, delusional. I’ve done nothing to imply I like Megumi.”
They both burst out laughing, and your eyes widen, realizing your mistake. ”Fuck,” you mumble, pulling your legs up and resting your forehead on your knees. The laughter dies down, and Nobara is shuffling closer to you, before she puts her arm around your shoulders.
”Don’t worry. It’s sweet,” she says, and you hear the smile in her voice.
”Who else knows? Am I really that obvious?”
Maki hums. ”Inumaki probably knows, he’s good at reading people after all. I wouldn’t worry about it though, as long as Megumi and Itadori don’t realize you’re probably in the clear.”
Your head snaps up, a look of horror on your face.
”Gojo,” you mumble. Maki presses her lips together, trying not to laugh again. Nobara doesn’t have the same selfcontrol. She lets out a small laugh, before slapping her hand over her mouth. You groan.
”Fuckin’ Gojo,” you sigh. ”He knows for sure, dumb Six Eyes.” Another laugh bursts out from under Nobaras palm. ”Probably why he keeps putting Megumi and you on missions together, matchmaking his students like a freak,” Maki thinks out loud.
”Makes sense,” Nobara chimes in. ”Last week, Itadori dragged me with him to ask Gojo why he never got to go on missions with Fushiguro anymore, and all Gojo did was laugh, before shushing us and throwing us out of his office. Probably would’ve winked if he wasn’t wearing that blindfold.”
”For all we know he did wink under the blindfold,” you mumble, starting to smile. Maki lets out a short laugh, and you feel Nobara shake with silent laughter next to you. You lean your head back against the wall, and look towards Maki. She meets your gaze and tilts her head with a small smile.
”We won’t tell anyone, so you don’t have to worry,” she says. You hum. ”I know. I trust you guys. I’m just worried that Megumi knows but doesn’t know how to tell me he doesn’t like me back or something.” ”If I’m being real, Fushiguro probably doesn’t have a clue,” Nobara muses, ”Like, he’s a teenage boy. Do they ever have a clue?” ”Well Maki said that Inumaki knows,” you retort quickly. ”I said probably, not definetly,” Maki teases. ”Don’t take my word for it. I doubt he would do anything about it anyways.” ”He’s not gonna cursed speech you into confessing,” Nobara laughs. You whine into your hands. ”Stop…”
Nobara keeps laughing, rubbing your shoulder. ”It’s okay. You can always ask us for advice y’know?” ”As if either of you have any experience with romance,” you huff. Maki laughs, and Nobara squeaks in offense.
”I’ve read plenty of shoujo mangas excuse you!” ”So have I,” you roll your eyes. ”Besides, I don’t even know if I want to confess or anything. Feels risky.”
You don’t want to ruin the friendship the two of you share. You don’t want the possibility of rejection. You don’t want the chance of dying on the job to become even scarier, for you or for him.
Nobara and Maki share a knowing gaze at your sudden silence. Maki stands up and goes to sit on the bed with Nobara and you, and she places a hand on your head. ”We’re not saying you have to, or even that you should. Just wanted you to know we’re here for you,” she says softly.
You hum. ”I know. Thank you, love you.” Maki huffs, and Nobara hugs you tightly. ”Love you too,” Nobara mutters against your neck. You wave your arm, urging Maki to join in on the hug. She does, and you hum happily.
”I know you’re not even dating, but if he ever hurts you, I’ll fucking kick his ass,” she mumbles close to your ear, and you laugh.
— (2018 : November)
The way you’re snapped back into the present is all too abrubt. You laugh now too, except this time it’s bitter and hurt. You’re still not dating, and she’s kicking his ass anyways.
— (2018 : December)
It’s Christmas Eve, and instead of being home with your family, you’re watching a livestream of your teacher beating the shit out of the boy you have a crush on. You know it’s technically not Megumi, but as much as you keep telling yourself that, it doesn’t shake the feeling of rocks in your chest and tightness in your throat.
You’re not really listening to what everyone around you is saying, not even really listening to the livestream that you can't seem to tear your eyes away from.
You feel like time is going one billion times slower than usual. It’s hard to keep up with what’s going on, Domain Expansion after Domain Expansion, Reverse Cursed Techniques, Shikigamis. At your core, you have high understanding and knowledge about all of these techniques, despite not weilding all of them yourself, but in the moment it all goes over your head.
You fumble after the bottle of green tea you brought, not wanting to look away from the multitude of screens. After a second or two of feeling around next to your chair, the bottle finds itself in your hands. You go to take a sip, but someone else is gripping the bottle tightly, and you look to the person next to you.
Itadori gives you a tense smile as he pulls the bottle out of your loose grip and holds it towards you. You look at him, unmoving.
While you would consider yourself friends, you’re not super close with Itadori, and you can’t deny that its been a tough few weeks without Nobara or Megumi by your side. Maki has been there for you of course, but you feel a sort of obligation to do your best to stick close to Itadori, as the two present first-years.
Itadori stretches his arm, holding the bottle out closer to you. It forces you out of your thoughts, and you give him the warmest smile you can muster, before taking the bottle from him.
”Thank you Itadori,” you say quietly, not wanting to disturb the atmosphere in the room. ”No worries,” he replies. ”And you can call me Yuuji by the way. If you want.” You smile, the warmth slightly more natural than before. ”Thank you Yuuji.”
The two of you turn back to watch the stream, and after a few minutes you feel yourself begin to space out. It’s exhausting just to look at and while you know deep in your bones that Gojo Satoru is The Strongest, you can barely fathom how he’s still fighting as if he’s having the time of his life. On the surface, it looks effortless, but if you look closer you can see the exhaustion pumping in his veins.
You don’t really dare to look at Sukuna, afraid of what seeing Megumis body like that could do to your mind.
It keeps going, and you’re afraid it’s never going to end. There are less Domain Expansions, less Hollow Purples and Spiderwebs, but it still feels like it could go on forever. Yet, all of a sudden, the room goes silent, and you shake your head, forcing yourself to focus on the screens.
Sukuna is down on his knees, and you let out a gasp. Gojo is standing in front of him, thumb placed lightly on his browbone. He’s saying something, you realize, but you can’t hear what. Before you can even think to speculate, a bright light takes over, and you squint. You’re confused, but it finally hits you.
Jacobs Ladder.
The light is overpowering for the 5 or so seconds it’s there, and you hold your breath. As it fades, you inch closer to the screens.
Fushiguro Megumi is lying on the ground, and Gojo Satoru is crouched next to him. You see Gojos head tilt back and forth, before he turns and looks into the eyes of one of Meimeis crows.
With a simple wink and a thumbs up, you swear that Gojo Satoru has saved the entire world. Your entire world.
— (2019 : January)
It’s all over, yet it’s still only the beginning. You’ve been standing in front of Megumis door for almost five minutes, trying to listen for any signs of activity in the room. It’s deathly silent, and it makes your hands shake. The small bag of snacks and drinks you’ve bought rustles from the movement, and it shakes you from your stupor.
You’ll knock, and if you don’t get a reply you’ll just come back another time, you decide. Having steeled yourself, you knock carefully on the door to his dorm room, cautious of waking him up in case he was resting.
”Come in.”
His voice is raspy. Not in a comforting, well rested way, but in a sickly, deeply exhausted way. It shakes you to your core, and you almost regret coming here in the first place. You feel tears gather in the corners of your eyes, before you shake them away and open the door. You step in, before reaching back and closing the door behind you.
The raspiness of his voice is almost worse now that there isn’t a door between you, but you’ve promised yourself to try your best to not make him feel worse than he surely already does. You can’t meet his eyes yet. You feel his gaze on you, and it’s almost killing you, but you’re not ready. Not ready to see if anything has changed.
”Hiya Megumi,” you say, doing your best to give him a comforting smile without really looking at him. ”I’ve brought snacks!” You wave the little bag in your hand.
As he slowly shuffles up on the bed to rest his back against the wall, you take a few steps closer, stopping near the edge of his bed. You see that he’s sitting with his legs crossed under the sheets, and you let out the smallest sigh of relief, but it barely chips away at the massive ball of worry in your heart.
”Ah, uhm, where should I sit?” you mumble, mostly to yourself, looking around, but still avoiding his face.
”You can sit on the bed if you want,” he offers, and you freeze. It feels like you stand there for an entire ice age before he speaks up again, quieter this time. ”Why won’t you look at me?”
The bag you’re holding falls to the floor, and you go down with it. The bottle of cold green tea you brought for yourself rolls out of the bag and hits your knee. Your head falls to rest at the edge of the bed and you feel your tears starting to fall, soaking the sheets beneath you.
”I’m sorry ’gumi, ’m so sorry,” you sob. ”I’m scared, I don’t want anything to be different, I want you to be okay, and I don’t know if I can handle seeing you not be okay.”
You feel a hand being placed on the crown of your head, before he starts to scratch at your scalp.
”You don’t have to be sorry.”
The two of you stay like that for a moment, words hanging in the air, his hand resting on your head. After a minute or two, you raise your head and place your chin where your forehead was resting. Your eyes are squeezed shut, and you take a deep breath. He places his thumb between your eyebrows and rubs out the furrows, making you relax and lean into him.
”Promise me you’re okay?” you mumble. ”I promise,” he whispers back.
You open your eyes, and meet his gaze for the first time in weeks. He smiles at you, and you feel like the world has stopped.
”Fuck. ’m gonna cry again,” you mumble, crossing your arms before resting them beneath your cheek on the edge of the bed. Megumi lets out a short laugh, before continuing to gently scratch across your scalp. ”’s okay. I’ll be here.”
You sit like that for a few minutes while Megumi runs his fingertips across the nape of your neck, down to your shoulder, and back again. It’s sleep inducing, but you blink a few times and go to pick up what you dropped earlier.
”I feel stupid now. Came here to take care of you but made you take care of me instead,” you say while picking up the bag and your bottle of green tea.
”I wasn’t sure what you’d want, so I brought a bit of everything,” you mumble, placing the contents of the bag on his nightstand, before shuffling over to take a seat on the right side of the bed and resting against the wall.
He hums. ”Anything that’s not liquid food will be like a gourmet dinner.” Your eyes widen. ”Ah fuck, are you even allowed to eat stuff like this yet?” ”Yeah yeah, Ieiri said it was fine.”
You nod, starting to fiddle with your bottle of green tea. As Megumi looks through what you placed on the nightstand, you pull your legs to your chest and rest your head on your knees. He looks tired, you think. It’s not surprising, but it still makes your heart hurt.
He picks out a bottle of water and the box of ginger candy. A small smile graces your face as he turns back to meet your gaze. The evening sun shines through the window, illuminating his face. His skin is slightly dull, his hair is greasy and his eyes are glassy. Of course you hope and wish he’ll get better, but you can’t really find it in yourself to mind. As long as he’s still here, nothing else matters to you.
You know he’s still hurting, physically and mentally. You’re sure, because you are also hurting, and what Megumi went through has to have been worse than what you went through. It’s not a competition, but even if it was, it’s not one you’d win. It’s just a fact.
You’re mostly unharmed from Shibuya and the Culling Games, biggest injuries a broken ankle and some transferred wounds, all of which you’d healed decently on your own with your Reversed Cursed Technique.
You’re hurting mentally of course, the loss of friends, teachers and mentors weighing deep on your heart, but you know Megumi went through all of that and more.
”You’re sure you’re okay?” you ask quietly, slightly scared of hearing the answer. ”I’ll survive. Ieiri did a great job.”
You nod. You’d often been on standby outside of her office, as one of the very few sorceres capable of Reversed Cursed Technique on others, ready to take over the rigourus healing that had to be done, in case she would need a break.
You’re glad she could handle the hard work on her own, instead letting you work with Gojo and Nobara, helping them along while their bodies naturally recuperated.  You’re unsure if you would’ve been able to deal with the burden, not only of using Reversed Cursed Technique that diligently, but also using it on a gravely injured Megumi.
”Uhm, how are you, you know, mentally?”
He pauses, and you panic.
”You don’t have to talk about it of course! Just, I’m here if you do want to.”
Megumi sighs, resting his head in his hand, before speaking up. ”It’s hard. It’ll be hard for a while I think, but…” he swallows.
”Tsumiki would’ve wanted me to keep going.”
You nod, reaching your hand out. An offering of comfort, should he want it. Megumi grips your hand tightly, and you give his hand a squeeze before starting to rub his knuckles.
”Besides, I have certain things that I need to keep living for,” he says quietly, almost so that you need to strain yourself to hear it. He squeezes your hand, and you squeeze back.
Heat rises to your cheeks at even the idea, the possibility, that he could be talking about you, but the slightly more pessimistic and perhaps reasonable voice in your head tells you that he’s probably talking about you and your classmates, as a package deal, or perhaps about continuing to work as a sorcerer and helping others, or maybe he’s just reiterating what he just said about Tsumiki.
Your gaze drops to your intertwined hands, and you sigh.
”I’m really glad you’re still here Megumi.” ”I am too.”
— (2019 : March)
As you walk through the campus, you think back to your graduation ceremony last year. It’s warmer this time, and small buds of pink have started appearing on the trees. Yuuji’s almost skipping next to you, talking excitedly about some manga volume that’s releasing soon.
You try your best to listen and actually pay attention, but you’re finding it hard to focus. You know you should feel bad, and you kind of do, but you can’t really find it in yourself to think about anything other than the fact that you desperatly want to talk to Megumi.
You’re unsure if Yuuji knows about your massive schoolgirl crush, but you’re slightly scared of talking to him about it considering that he’s not exactly famous for being great at keeping secrets. As you keep going back and forth with yourself in your mind, you somehow zone back in, and start actually listening to Yuuji.
”-so I’m like super hyped for the next volume, ’cuz the arc is supposed to be like really good, but I feel so impatient, I don’t wanna wait another two weeks for it to come out, I want to read it now, and I could read it online, but I feel like it’s a different thing to read it physically in the actual volume, y’know?” Yuuji finishes his monolouge, enthusiasm obvious from just looking at him. You count yourself lucky that you heard enough to formulate an actual answer.
”Yeah, I get your point about the special feeling of reading it physically,” you nod, before continuing. ”I mean ultimately it’s up to you to decide if you feel like it might be worth it to wait. If it’s as good as you think it will be, you’ll definetly be glad you waited, but on the other hand, if it doesn’t live up to your expectations, it might feel frustrating to have, like, gone around and waiting for it with minimal payoff.”
Yuuji groans, and clings onto your shoulders. ”Why can’t you make the descision for me?” he complains, and you let out a small huff. ”You know I’m absolutely shit at making descisions unless it’s life or death scenarios Yuuji.” ”But this is life and death!” he exclaims, and you roll your eyes. ”It’s manga,” you deadpan. ”If you actually wanted helpful advice you know you should’ve gone to someone else,” you say, wriggling out of his grasp.
As Yuuji once again begins to ramble about the pros and cons of his two options, you spot Nobara and Megumi by the vending machines.
Nobaras hair is longer and her roots have grown out, upkeep forgotten while she was in her coma. Her right eyesocket is scarred but uncovered. She only just woke up the other week, and every single time you’ve seen her since, you’ve felt pride drip through every single vein in your body. You’re overjoyed she was able to make it to graduation, and from the look on her face, she is too.
Now fully committed to ignoring Yuuji, you walk quickly towards the vending machines.
”Nobara!” you call out, waving your hand. She turns to look at you, wide smile on her face. As you approach, she pulls you into a hug.
It’s suffocating but you can’t find it in yourself to complain. It’s not the first time you’ve seen her this month, this week, or even this day, but the finality of the occasion seems to have made the two of you more sentimental than usual.
You give her a final squeeze before letting go, as Yuuji catches up to you, putting his arm around Megumis shoulders.
”I’m proud of us,” Nobara says, as you lean your head against her shoulder.
Yuuji nods solemnly. ”Definetly the coolest first years in the history of Jujutsu Tech,” he says, before grabbing your arm, pulling you to stand next to Megumi, as he takes your spot next to Nobara. You raise your eyebrows at him in an unspoken question, but he only grins. You shrug, putting your hands behind your back.
”Well, we’re second years now, technically,” Megumi says, and a wide smile spreads on your face. ”Free from Gojo at last!” you exclaim. ”Kusakabe won’t know what hit him.”
Yuuji and Nobara join in on your excitement, while Megumi only grumbles.
”Just a bit longer for you ’gumi! You can do it,” you say with a smile. ”You make it sound like I’m being held back a year or something,” he replies with a frown. Nobara grins at the opportunity presented to her.
”Poor Fushiguro,” she says wiping fake tears from her eye. ”Too stupid for his own good.”
Yuuji bursts out laughing, clinging to Nobara, and Megumi simply rolls his eyes.
”Ah, by the way, can I talk to you?” Megumi mumbles close to your ear, as Yuuji and Nobara begin an animated discussion about vending machine snacks. You smile at the two of them, before looking up at Megumi. ”Sure! Here, or…?”
He shakes his head and grabs your hand, before starting to walk towards a secluded spot on campus, beneath a small white jasmine tree.
What neither of you see as you walk away, are the grins on Yuujis and Nobaras faces.
”Fuckin’ finally eh?”
”I know right!”
As you and Megumi stop underneath the jasmine tree, you take a seat on the small stone bench, looking up at him.
”So? What did you want to talk about?”
While Megumi is usually quite reserved and silent, his current hesitance feels almost uncharacteristic. After a quiet few seconds he speaks.
”Uhm, can you close your eyes? Please?”
You raise your eyebrows in confusion. The tips of his ears are red, and he’s refusing to meet your eyes.
”Are you trying to prank me or something? Did Panda put you up to this? Hakari?” ”It’s not… I’m not trying to prank you. Please close your eyes.” ”Yeah yeah, whatever you want ’gumi.”
You close your eyes and lean your head back, and Megumi lets out a sigh of relief. As calm as he has tried to appear, he’s not sure he could’ve done this if you were looking at him.
Taking a breath, he quickly pulls off the second button of his uniform, before crouching in front of you.
”Gimme your hand please,” he mumbles, and you obey, holding out your right hand, leaning to grip the edge of the bench with your left.
You feel Megumi place something in your open hand, before he closes your hand into a fist, pushing it back towards you.
”Can I open my eyes now?” you question, and Megumi hums.
As you open your eyes, they widen in surprise at the sight of Megumi crouched in front of you, and squint as they fall to his uniform. You look back and forth between your closed hand, and the place where his second uniform button should be, as heat gathers in your cheeks.
Megumi still won’t meet your gaze, and he’s flushed from the tips of his ears to the tip of his nose. The lower half of his face is hidden under his collar. You clench your hand, trying to feel for the shape of whatever Megumi gave you. Of course, you have an idea, a wish, a hope for what it might be, but you don’t dare to be sure.
”Uhm… can… can I open my hand too?” you ask quietly, and Megumi gives you a short nod, finally meeting your gaze.
Nervousness, hope, worry, warmth, admiration, self conciousness, and maybe even affection, you think, you hope. His eyes are flooding with emotion, and you’re drowning in them. In him.
You tear your eyes from his, looking down at your closed fist. Giving the small object one final squeeze, before opening your hand. A small golden button is resting in the middle of your palm, and you pick it up, running your thumb over it.
You look back up at Megumi, and he’s meeting your gaze, flush still high on his cheeks. Without tearing your eyes from his, you pull off your own uniforms second button, before leaning forward and pressing it to Megumis heart. His eyes widen, and his heart is beating rapidly under your palm. You smile.
”I’ll sew it to your uniform if you want,” you mumble, and you feel his heartbeat quicken, before he reaches up to grip your hand, taking the button from you.
”I’d like that,” he says.
— (2019 : October)
”What’s wrong?”
The voice bursts your bubble, and you lean into Megumi as he drapes himself over you where you stand. You turn to face him, leaning your back against the balcony railing.
”Mm, nothing. Just feeling melancholy.” He hums and proceeds to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
”Anything I can do to help?” he offers, and you smile. Smile at the care that’s almost dripping from his voice, smile at the way he makes your heart light up, smile at the simple phrase, offered for such an unsimple problem.
You press your ear against his neck, listening for his pulse. A steady beat is pumping under his skin, and you let out a small sigh.
”D’you believe in destiny ’gumi?” ”Kind of? Why?” ”Kid on my last mission. He’d been paralyzed in Shibuya, and now he was being haunted by two Second Grades.”
You wrap your arms around Megumis waist, pulling him closer to you.
”It sounds fucking awful, but it made me wonder if he was meant to die in Shibuya, and the curses now was just destiny coming to finish the job. And me coming to help has just prolonged the inevitable.”
You swallow, tears stinging your eyes.
”I know it sounds stupid, and I feel like an idiot for even thinking this way, but I can’t help it. Makes me feel nauseous.”
Megumi straightens up, pulling you with him and placing your head to rest against his chest.
”I think… destiny is only good things,” he mumbles, kissing the crown of your head. ”That boy surviving Shibuya, you coming to save him now. Me surviving Sukuna, Nobara surviving Mahito. Us meeting, and still being here. ’s all destiny.”
You rest your chin against his chest, and he leans down, kissing you lightly.
”Whatever happened that led up to it, or whatever happens afterwards, the only destined things are the good ones,” he mumbles against your lips, and you hum before kissing him.
”Thank you ’gumi.” ”You feel better?” ”Mm, little bit. ’s a hard job, and it’s always going to be, but having you definetly helps.” ”’m glad.”
— (2020 : July)
It’s summer break, and you’re sitting on the train back home to Hakodate, Megumi by your side. You’re holding his hand, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb.
”Y’know, when I first left for Tokyo, my friend Natsue told me to bring back a handsome Tokyo boy,” you tease, looking up at him. A blush rises on his cheeks, and you see him fighting to hold back a smile. ”Told her I’d try my best, but it seems like I really hit the jackpot.”
He lets out a short laugh, before placing a quick kiss on the crown of your head.
”Do they know about us?” he asks, mumbling into your hair. You rest your forehead against his shoulder before replying. ”Mm, not really. My family knows I’m bringing my boyfriend,” you smile, before continuing. ”But they don’t know who you are. I was more cryptic with my friends though, figured they’d like the surprise.”
Megumi hums, before leaning back in his seat. You rest your head against his shoulder, and he reaches up to play with your hair.
”Bet my family is gonna love that I managed to snag the head of the Zen’in clan for myself,” you joke quietly, and he scoffs. You both know that the Zen’in clan, and the power it had, is as good as gone, and even if it wasn’t, neither Megumi nor you would want anything to do with it.
”Do you think you would’ve liked me if I was raised a Zen’in?” he asks, and you hum. ”Probably not. Would’ve liked your face still, obviously,” you snicker, bumping the top of your head into his cheek. ”Say what you will about Gojo, but he definetly has better principles than the Zen’ins.” ”Mm, true.” ”I can’t even imagine you like that,” you ponder. ”Feels like you were born to be kind.”
He huffs, before resting his head against yours.
”Don’t know if I am though.” ”Kind?” you ask, and he nods, the movement slightly hindered by the position of your heads. You hum.
”I think you are. Maybe not in the conventional or traditional way, but it’s clear that you have care and kindness somewhere in your dark little heart,” you jest, poking your finger against his chest. ”At least to me.” He hums, before letting out a small sigh.
He presses another kiss to the crown of your head, as if he’s doing his best to force the affection into your skull.
”I love you,” he mutters, but you hear it clear as day, as if everything else in the world paused, just for the two of you.
You stiffen in surprise, despite the fact that you know you love him, and you’ve been pretty sure he loves you too for months now. Your head shoots up, and Megumi lets out a small grunt of pain at your head banging in to his chin.
”Ah fuck, ’m sorry,” you exclaim, before looking away in embarrasment. ”No worries,” he replies, the smile on his face audible in his voice. ”Uhm, me too by the way. Love you.”
He hums, before pulling your head back to rest against his shoulder, and beginning to run his fingers through your hair.
”I know,” he says, and you let out a small whine, feeling more flustered than you ever have in your entire life. ”’s unfair,” you mumble. ”You can’t be the one who confesses and the one who says ’I love you’ first.” You feel his body shake with silent laughter, before you sit up and turn towards him.
Determination in your eyes, you grab his chin and turn his face to face yours. The smile on his face is light, but it warms up your entire body as if it’s the sun. You tighten your hold on his chin, pulling him closer to you and his smile only widens.
”I love you, Fushiguro Megumi,” you say, and he leans closer to you. ”I love you too,” he mumbles against your lips, before he kisses you.
It’s definetly not your first kiss, and you sure hope it won’t be the last, but it feels different to anything you’ve experienced before. You hum, and lean further into him, moving your hand from his chin to the back of his neck, pushing him closer to you. You feel him smile against your lips before he deepens the kiss, sending a shiver up your spine.
It’s electric in a way you can’t explain, and a small voice in the back of your head is telling you that you should be ashamed that you’re doing this on public transport, before it’s quickly silenced by Megumi sweeping your hair away behind your ear and cupping your face. You pull away, just slightly, to catch your breath. As you lean in to resume what he started, the train speaker sparks to life.
”Now arriving at Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto Station.”
You freeze, before bursting into laughter. The smile on Megumis face has turned from what you could only describe as lovestruck, to one dripping in cynicism. ”Come on then lover boy,” you tease, eyebrows raising at the way his ears turn red in response to the pet name. You smirk, before patting him on the shoulder.
”I’m serious, up. You need to get our bags from the overhead compartment.” He huffs, and you snort. ”Shouldn’t have grown tall if you didn’t want to deal with the consequences.” ”Yeah yeah,” he mutters, before standing up and pulling down your suitcases. You stand up as well, gripping the handle of your suitcase, before leaning in and giving him a short peck on the lips. ”Thank you ’gumi.” He mumbles something you can’t hear in reply, and you walk towards the doors of the train, Megumi following closely behind.
As you walk out of the station, going to find your fathers car, you grab Megumis hand and look up at him. ”Can’t believe you kissed me like that on public transport,” you say, giddyness evident in your voice. ”’s like you’re a whole new person.” ”What can I say,” he starts, and you can tell from the tone of his voice that he’s about to make a truly terrible joke. ”I guess love really changes a person,” he finishes, and you groan. He lets out a small laugh.
”You suck and that joke was awful.” ”Don’t care. You still love me.” ”Somehow I still do.”
You’re out in the parking lot now, and you keep your eyes peeled for your father and his car. Megumi is loosely holding onto your hand, scrolling on his phone. You stand up on your tiptoes, the heels of your shoes slipping down, trying to get a better view of the parking lot, when you hear a familiar voice off to the side.
”Hello! You must be my daughters boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you!”
Your fathers voice shocks you, and you turn towards him, a look of horror on your face. Megumi on the other hand looks entirely unbothered, a polite smile on his face, already shaking hands with your father.
”Fushiguro Megumi. It’s a pleasure to meet you too Sir.” You almost laugh, pressing your lips together at the last second. Despite how your family looks from an outside perspective, they are in no way as uptight as most people assume.
”Bah, nonsense! Call me Hirotsugi” your father exclaims, and Megumi throws you a questioning glance. You give a small nod and smile, and Megumi nods as well. ”Very well then. Thank you for your hospitality, Hirotsugi,” he says, bowing. you actually do let out a short laugh when your father slams his hand down on Megumis shoulder and pulls him to stand upright. ”Truly, no need for all of that,” Hirotsugi says with a warm smile. ”You’re family after all.”
Your eyes widen, snapping between your father and Megumi. Hirotsugi looks unbothered, smile still on his face. Megumi looks at your father as if he’s sprouted a second head, blush high on his cheeks.
”Ah, uhm. Yes. Thank you again.” he falters, and you tighten your hold on his hand. Your cheeks are still burning, but you feel it is your duty to save your boyfriend from your fathers overzealous hospitality.
”Hello Father,” you say, pulling Megumi closer to you. ”Thank you for the warm welcome.” Your father simply laughs, pulling you into a hug. As he pats your head, muttering about how long it’s been since you’ve come home, you wheeze at how tightly he’s holding you, and quickly let go of Megumis hand so that his arm isn’t cramped between your father and yourself.
After some more pestering from your father, the three of you get into the car, and he drives you back to your home. Your grandmother and brother are standing on the porch as you arrive, and as soon as you get out of the car, Yukichi is pulling you into a hug.
He hadn’t been home while you visited for Christmas last year, having been called in last minute for a mission. At the time, it had pissed you off to no end, but the more reasonable part of you knows there is no one to blame.
”Long time no see!” he exclaims, rubbing his knuckles into your scalp. You wince, slapping against his face before he relents and lets you go.
Yukichi reaches his hand out to Megumi, and they shake hands, getting introductions out of the way. Your mother comes out onto the porch, and your father throws her a quick wave. As you’re walking up the driveway, your father ahead of you, Yukichi turns to your boyfriend, squinting in assessment.
”Say, Fushiguro, you got any sorcery family? You look kinda familiar.”
You turn to Megumi, raising your eyebrows, and he meets your eyes with an inscrutable expression on his face. Your mother and grandmother have gathered at the edge of the porch. Your entire family in earshot, you think you glimpse a smirk on Megumis face, and your eyes widen in anticipation as he speaks.
”Well, I’m the head of the Zen’in clan.”
His voice is as calm as ever, and you have to press your hand against your face to stop yourself from laughing. You swear that your entire family has stopped in their tracks, and your messenger bag falls of your shoulder as you squat down, laughter taking over your body.
Yukichi is the first one to be shaken from the daze, pulling you to your feet and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
”That makes sense then! I used to see the Zen’ins at meetings and gatherings after all,” he rubs his chin before turning to you with a smirk you can only describe as evil. ”Never took my little sister for a gold digger!” ”Oh shut up Yukichi,” you laugh, slapping the back of his head. ”If this was 100 years ago you would've been overjoyed at this union of clans.”
Yukichi sticks his tounge out at you, and you roll your eyes.
”You’re almost thirty, grow the hell up.”
The rest of your family eventually unfreeze, your mother telling Yukichi and you to leave each other alone, your father pulling your suitcases into the house, and your grandmother observing it all with a calm smile on her face.
In the grand scheme of things, the rest of the day is rather uneventful.
Your family surround Megumi at the kotatsu, asking him any question they can think of, while you stand in the kitchen, chopping fruit and laughing silently to yourself every time any of them speak.
Your grandmother asks Megumi to assist her with dinner, and you stick your tounge out at him from the dinner table where you sit, playing chess with your brother.
”You like him a lot, huh?” Yukichi asks, moving his rook to close in on your knight. You frown before looking up at him. ”I love him. More than anything,” you say.
You look back down at the board, analyzing, before your eyes widen and a tiny smirk grows on your face. You think you hear Yukichi swear under his breath as he realizes his mistake.
Moving your bishop, you grin up at him.
As your brother throws his head down against the table in defeat, you laugh.
You set the table as your grandmother finishes up dinner. Your mother is standing in the living room, pulling out photo albums from the book shelves. You groan.
”Can’t you at least wait a day before humiliating me in front of my boyfriend?” ”No can do! Did you know your grandfather brought my baby pictures to the restaurant where he met your father? It’s a family tradition my dear!”
Dinner is a joy, despite your brothers teasing, your mother shoving new embarrassing pictures at Megumi every opportunity she gets and your father spouting all the mortifying stories he can think of.
Your grandmother just smiles at you.
”He seems good for you,” she says quietly, and a tender smile grows on your face. ”He is. I can only hope that I’m good for him too.”
At your words, you feel Megumi squeeze your knee under the table, and your smile grows.
Dinner is finished, and tea is enjoyed in the garden. It’s a pleasant affair, calming and unwinding. You give Megumi an in depth tour of the flowers, and he holds your hand tightly the entire time.
It’s bedtime and you’re standing in the hallway, caging Megumi against the wall.
”’m sorry they’re making you sleep in the guest room,” you mumble, kissing him. He hums, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing your body closer to his own. ”’s fine. I’ll just sneak over later,” he whispers, and you let out a quiet laugh. ”You’ll have to wake up super early and sneak back though. My grandmother gets up at like five in the morning to check on everyone and start breakfast.”
Megumi kisses you with a smile, and it’s almost infectious.
”It’ll definetly be worth it.”
— (2022 : April)
You lay down on the couch, finally feeling like you can actually relax. Megumi sits down on the floor in front of the sofa, before leaning his head back to rest against your stomach. Purely on instinct, your hand falls down to run through his hair, and he hums, letting out a pleased sigh.
You graduated last month, and with some savings and help from your grandmother and Gojo, you and Megumi have your own little house in the outskirts of Tokyo. To say the realtor was surprised when two teenagers showed up, ready to pay out of pocket, would be an understatement.
”Proud of us,” you say, lifting up your torso to look at Megumi. ”It’s a fucking hassle to move, even more when it’s basically your entire life that you’re moving.” He turns his neck to meet your gaze, and gives you a smile. ”Must’ve been hard to drive down from Hakodate all on your own,” he hums, and you tilt your head. ”Eh, not really. Worst parts were my parents acting as if I’m dying and also being away from you for a week,” you say, grinning. He scoffs, but you hear the affection hidden underneath.
”I think we’re wildly codependent.” ”Mm, probably. Wouldn’t wanna be codependent with anyone else though.” ”Not even Nobara?” ”Maybe Nobara.”
He laughs, before rising from the floor and straddling you where you lay on the couch. You look up at him with nothing but adoration in your eyes.
”I love you.”
You say it at the same time, and as your eyes widen, Megumi lets out a short laugh.
”That was really cheesy ’gumi,” you huff, and he hums in agreement.
He pulls you up so you’re both standing on your knees on the couch, before resting his arms around your waist. You lean in, pressing a kiss to his lips, and he reciprocates with a smile. It’s short and sweet, and as you pull away you place your hands on his shoulders, before pushing him to lay down. Megumi obeys easily when it comes to you, you’ve noticed, and a smile graces your lips as you lean down to kiss him again. He sighs against you and you place a final peck on his lips before working your way down to his jaw.
You’re drunk on him, you realize. Even though it had only been a week since you saw him last, it’s like your tolerance nosedived.
”Want you so bad ’gumi,” you mumble against his jaw, before you start biting lightly at his skin, marking him up. You know you don’t need to, Megumis loyalty to you never questioned, but you still want tangible, irrefutable proof that he’s yours.
”Misssed you so much,” you whisper against his skin. He shudders. ”My ’gumi.” ”Missed you too my love,” he replies, head tilted back, his hands still on your waist.
”Do you want to? Now?” he asks quietly, and you pause.
It’s not the first time things have veered down this path between the two of you, but it feels different this time. You don’t know if it’s because of the time you’ve been apart or the sudden feeling of being grown up, but in this moment you feel like there’s nothing else you want more. You crave to be his, fully and wholly, and can only pray he wants the same.
”If you’ll have me,” you whisper against his lips. He kisses you, and you feel heat pool deep in your core. ”Always,” he mumbles.
His answer makes your entire body heat up, and you bury your face in the crook of his neck. You feel him laugh underneath you, before he presses a kiss to your shoulder. His hands migrate down to grip your hips as he speaks up.
”Bedroom?” he suggests, and you hum. Megumi kisses your neck, before sitting up, your body still firmly pressed against his. As you tangle your arms around his neck, he places your legs around his hips and stands up. You shriek in surprise, lightly slapping his back. He just chuckles, and you cling onto him tighly as he walks up the stairs to your shared bedroom.
”Show-off,” you mutter into his ear. ”Only for you my love.”
He brings you to the bedroom and lays you down on your shared bed with a kiss. It makes you giddy, the idea that the two of you won’t have to sneak around the halls of Jujutsu Tech late at night anymore, begging your friends to keep watch for patrolling teachers.
You lean back against the mattress, hair spread out against sheets. You gaze up at Megumi, adoration in your eyes. He looks down at you and you give him a shy smile, and he flushes. He buries his face against your chest before mumbling into your skin.
”You’re so beautiful.”
You smile, running your fingers through his hair.
”You’re not so bad yourself.”
Megumi runs his hands down your waist, fingers catching on the hem of your shirt, as he raises his head and looks at you. The question goes unspoken, but you nod regardless, and he slowly drags the fabric up your body.
You shuffle back as you undo the button on your jeans, while Megumi stands up, pulling off his own shirt.
The feeling of his eyes on you as you undress is nervewrecking, despite not being anything new. It’s always going to feel like this, you think. You hope. The feeling of his gaze, moving from your face to your chest, the curve of your hips, you. It’s intoxicating and intimidating at the same time.
The feeling of Megumis body against yours shakes you from your thoughts. There are no barriers between you as he hovers above you, leaning down for a kiss. Skin against skin. It’s warm. Overwhelming in the best way possible.
Your hips grind up against him and he groans. Deep and raspy. Healthy raspy. It makes you whine under your breath, and you tangle your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
”Need you,” you whisper, and Megumi stills, eyes focused on you. ”You have me.”
You smile.
”Need you now, please.” ”Ah, right away?” he asks quietly and you reach up, pulling him down to meet your lips. ”Been thinkin’ ’bout you all week ’gumi,” you mumble against him. Your eyes are earnest, and a deep flush covers his face.
He nods, more to himself than to you, before lining himself up and carefully pushing in. Megumi groans as he bottoms out inside you, and you sigh, angling your hips to meet his.
He rests his forehead against yours, your wide eyes meeting his lidded ones. ”Fuck,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your lips. ”You’re so gorgeous, love you so much.”
You whine, wrapping your arms around his waist as he hovers above you, elbows beside your head. He thrusts into you, and you inhale sharply. He pauses. ”’s okay Megumi. Feels good,” you whisper against his lips, and he hums, finding his rhythm once again.
Both of you fall silent, focused on the sensations of each other. The afternoon sun shines in through the window, falling across Megumis back, and you smile up at him.
”Y’look like an angel ’gumi. So pretty for me.”
His hips stutter at your words, and his head falls down to rest against the sheets next to yours. You let out a short laugh, turning your head to the side and pressing a kiss to his jaw.
He reaches down and underneath you, holding the small of your back, tilting your hips further up against him, before resuming his previous pace. Each thrust makes his hip bone grind against you, and each time you let out a sharp whine. Interlocking your ankles against his lower back, you press him further into you, before gasping and throwing your head back against the sheets.
It’s slow and silent, but you wouldn’t want it any other way. Megumi is practically laying on top of you, face buried in the crook of your neck, and you’re clinging to him, fingernails buried in his back, thighs tightly bracketed against his hips.
You could die like this, you think. Your emotions, the feeling of him, the feeling of your Megumi. It’s all encompassing. The slowness and silence has faded, exchanged to a sloppy softness, but you still wouldn’t change it for the world.
It’s by no means perfect, but in a way, doesn’t that make it perfect?
”Ah, ’m close ’gumi,” you gasp, and he hums. You feel the vibration against your lips. ”Me too. Wh… where should I…” ”You can, i… inside. If you want.”
Megumi kisses you, and the metaphorical bowstring of your back is pulled taut and released as you finish, slumping against the sheets. Not even a second later, you feel a gasp against your shoulder as cupids arrow, launched from your heart, strikes the bullseye, and a warmth floods your entire body.
You’re still clinging onto him, and he’s still engulfing you.
”Love you so much ’gumi.” ”I love you too.”
It’s quiet, wet, sloppy and hazy. You wouldn’t want it any other way.
— (2023 : August)
You’re laying on your back in the grass in your small backyard, and Megumi is sitting crouched on the engawa, hidden under the roof.
The rain is pouring down, and you’re sure your clothes are going to have green stains after you take them off, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. Megumi seems to have given up on trying to get you to join him underneath the roof.
A serene smile graces your face as the rain falls on your eyelids. Lightning strikes in the distance and you count the seconds until thunder takes over the sky. A few minutes pass in silence.
”Do you want tea later?” Megumi calls out from his rainfree sanctuary. You throw up your arm, giving him a thumbs up. ”Green?” You raise your other arm, forming a small heart with your hands. You think you hear him laugh, and the smile on your face grows tender.
You lay there in the grass for maybe thirty minutes, rain washing over you, before you get up, taking slow steps towards the engawa.
Megumi is sitting there, towels and a bathrobe on one side, a tray with two cups and a teapot on the other.
”Maybe we’re like thunder and lightning,” you say as you sit down on one of the towels, wrapping yourself in the bathrobe. Megumi hums, urging you to continue, as he places the last handtowel on your head. ”They’re always together, no matter how far apart.” Megumi places a teacup in your hands, and you grip it tightly, pulling your knees to your chest. ”People always talk about the sun and the moon as romantic counterparts, but it’s impossible for them to be together,” you mutter before taking a sip of tea. ”Lightning and thunder always come together, and even if there’s time between when they happen, it all depends on the person experiencing it. While they might be eight seconds apart for some, if you’re close enough its almost simultaneous.”
”Who’s what then?” Megumi asks, indulging you. Not teasing, not judging. Curious. Fond. You pause, not to think, but to relish in the moment. An odd sense of calm has taken over you, and you think this might be the happiest you’ve ever been.
”Anyone else would probably say that you’re thunder and I’m lightning, but I think it’s the opposite.” Megumi rests his cheek against the top of your head, and you take another sip of your tea. ”You’re light, I think. My world always feels brightest when you’re around. I feel like I have a different kind of impact than you. A calming sort of finality, I guess.”
Megumi tilts your head towards him, and kisses you. The feeling of his lips against yours makes all the nerves in your body stand on edge, and you fumble to put down your teacup before putting one of your hands at the nape of his neck. It’s like you were hit by lightning you realize, before letting out a small laugh against his lips. He pulls away before falling back to lay down against the wood. You follow suit, curling up against him, resting your head on his chest. Rain continues to fall.
”I love you, my thunder.”
You snort, slapping his chest lightly.
”Don’t call me that ’gumi, that’s so corny.” ”You make me corny.” ”That was even cornier.” ”I know.”
”I love you too.”
— (2024 : May)
You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, Megumi draped over your back as you rub lotion into your feet. He gets clingy when he’s tired, but you’re not complaining.
”’re you done soon?” he mumbles into your hair, and you hum. The blisters from the new shoes you got last week are starting to heal, but it doesn’t hurt to be extra careful for the coming days. Once you’re satisfied, you reach around and place your hands on the back of Megumis neck, rubbing in the leftover lotion.
”Come on then lover boy, bed time,” you say, teasing lilt to your voice. Megumi is too tired to recognize it, and simply falls back onto the bed, waiting for you to join him. You let out a sigh as a small smile forms on your lips.
It’s sweet, you think, how after all these years he still waits for you to lay down on your back, before he shuffles up next to you, resting his head on your stomach and tangling his body between your legs. It’s rarely the position you wake up in, but its always the one you’ll fall asleep in.
As both of you lay down, you release a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding. Staring up at the ceiling and then back down at Megumi. Your Megumi. He presses a chaste kiss to your ribs, and your hand falls to rest on his head. As you start to gently scratch at his scalp, running your fingers through his hair, he hums, and you feel it vibrate against your skin.
”Good night ’gumi” ”G’night my love”
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sturniolo-rat · 3 months
Too Sweet: Prologue
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Matthew Sturniolo X Reader
A/N: I did a poll to see if y’all wanted this but I already had it written so it was a trick question 😌😌😌💕
Contains: literally nothing, no smut no fluff just story
TW: alcohol abuse?, drunk driving, existential dread
Matt is an optimistic do gooder on his way to Redwood University to start his masters degree. He’s far from home but he feels like the world is at his fingertips.
Cricket is a high school drop out going nowhere fast. She’s deeply unhappy with her job as a bartender at a tavern frequented by Dungeons and Dragons larpers.
They can’t help but feel drawn to each other, but is he too sweet for her?
This is what they were doing the morning of the day they met.
Y/N’s Pov
It’s 8 am on a Tuesday. I take a shot of fireball in preparation for my 12 hour shift at The Enchanted Mushroom Tavern and Inn. It is a belief commonly held that taverns and inns only exist in dungeons and dragons. This is false, as all well loved imaginary things come to life with time. That’s a fancy way of saying this place was built for people who LARP and I have to pretend I’m a medieval bar wench.
I squeeze myself into my costume that consists of an off white shirt with puffy off the shoulder sleeves, a mossy green skirt with a tattered and uneven hem, and a brown corset over top that I will note is Elizabethan and not medieval. The woefully inaccurate uniform isn’t the worst part of the job though. While at work my name is no longer Y/N it’s Petronella Epworth the fucking third and I wear the dumbass name tag to prove it.
“Let’s go, Phoebe!” I yell from our living room. I’ve never been a patient woman. Not even when we were kids. We met in kindergarten when she was hesitant going down the big slide at the park and I decided she was taking too long and pushed her. I’m bitch but I’m an insanely efficient, hardworking bitch that gets what she wants.
“Give me a minute!” She’s been working at the Tavern with me for a year and a half, and I’m always 15 minutes early for work. Because we carpool, she is always 15 minutes early for work, which has given her a reputation of reliability that she does not deserve. Phoebe has a few redeeming qualities to make up for her flakiness. When I need her, and she actually shows up, she’s unreasonably nurturing. One time, when I got sick after I dropped out of high school, she played hooky and stayed in my family’s trailer to take care of me. She brought ingredients for homemade soup and blankets. Nice blankets, too, the fleece ones that go on sale around Christmas time. The book she stole from her mother’s collection to read to me was the highlight of my week. It was called “My Alpha Mate.” The main character was an omega, and her love interest was an alpha. I think they were like werewolves or something. It was extremely smutty.
“I’ll just wait in the car, then!” There’s a loud thud as I close the front door. My van is objectively shitty. It’s a 1998 Nissan Quest that I’ve named Ted. I do, however, feel that if you’re 24 and own a van, you ought to be either a mother or a hippie with that cool Volkswagon. My vehicle doesn’t match me at all, but at least he carts around all the shit I own that doesn’t fit in my apartment. While I wait in the driver’s seat, I take a swig from the flask I keep in the car—fireball, of course, always fireball. I take a long look at myself in my rearview mirror and wonder what I’m doing with my life.
Matt’s Pov
It’s 8 am on a Tuesday and the sun is shining down on me through the sunroof of my car. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I already know it’s one of my brothers.
We’re triplets and have never been apart for more than 3 days at a time. When I was getting my bachelors degree they got an apartment two blocks away from my dorm. Chris and Nick never went to college and started a clothing brand called Fresh Love and a chapstick brand called Space Camp. Safe to say my lips are well moisturized. I’m actually wearing gray Fresh Love sweatpants right now. They’re very comfortable and perfect for long drives. I’m embarking on a 10 hour road trip to my new apartment near Redwood University where I will be studying for the next 5 years. My brothers think I’m absolutely insane for moving this far away from home.
“Chris, you know I hate answering the phone while I’m driving.” He does this on purpose to piss me off, but when I get into an accident because he divided my attention, he’s going to be sorry.
“Dude, did you know Red U’s mascot is a booby.”
“Yes, I did.” I most certainly did not know that.
Nick chimes in because, of course, Nick is there too. They’re never far apart. “Okay, but, listen to me when I say this, Matt, it’s a blue-footed booby at Red U.” He puts emphasis on blue and red. “Doesn’t that bother you? It bothers us!”
“Why on earth would that bother me? I’m not going for the sports anyway.” It bothers me a great deal. I can’t believe I have to rep the Redwood blue-footed boobies. This will surely tarnish the Sturniolo family name.
“Shut up!” says Chris. “I know it bothers you, and that’s why you have to turn that car around immediately and come back home.”
“Chrissy, I love you and Nick the most, but I have to go. I’ve got a scholarship and a once-in-a-lifetime internship.” Red U is home to one of the most prestigious research labs in America, and I have an internship there. It’s the whole reason I applied to the university; the scholarship was just an added bonus—the perks of being a straight-A student.
He groans, “I know. We know you’re going to go out and do great things.”
We’re just gonna miss our little Mattmallow,” adds Nick in that weird baby voice people use sometimes. My heart sinks at the use of my childhood nickname.
“I’m gonna miss you guys too.” More than I’ve missed anyone ever.
“Alright, man. I’m gonna leave you alone. I know you hate talking and driving,” Nick says, and I know he’s feeling a little uncomfortable.
“Love you, guys.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
The line goes dead and I know I should feel some sort of sadness but really I just feel loved. I am deeply loved, my future is bright, and I feel like today is an omen.
@wurlibydominicfike @yourmumscar69 @69isabella69 @mattsturniolosgf @mrsmiagreer since you guys liked the Too Sweet poll post
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pixies-love-envy · 15 days
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Chapter 1: Cricket
It’s 8 am on a Tuesday. I take a shot of fireball in preparation for my 12-hour shift at The Chipped Tea Cup Tavern and Inn. It is a belief commonly held that taverns and inns only exist in dungeons and dragons. This is false, as all well-loved imaginary things come to life with time. That’s a fancy way of saying this place was built for people who LARP, and I have to pretend I’m a medieval bar wench.
I squeeze myself into my costume, which consists of an off-white shirt with puffy off-the-shoulder sleeves, a mossy green skirt with a tattered and uneven hem, and a brown corset over top that I will note is Elizabethan and not medieval. The woefully inaccurate uniform isn’t the worst part of the job, though. While at work, my name is no longer Cricket. It’s Thelda Tiploft, the fucking third, and I wear the dumbass name tag to prove it.
“Let’s go, Harlow!” I yell from our living room. I’ve never been a patient woman, not even when we were kids. We met in kindergarten when she was hesitant to go down the big slide at the park, and I decided she was taking too long, so I pushed her. I was a bitch as a kid. I’d like to think I’ve grown out of it.
“Give me a minute!” She’s been working at the Tavern with me for a year and a half, and I’m always 15 minutes early for work. Because we carpool, she is always 15 minutes early for work, which has given her a reputation of reliability that she does not deserve. Harlow has a few redeeming qualities to make up for her flakiness. When I need her, and she actually shows up, she’s unreasonably nurturing. One time, when I got sick after I dropped out of high school, she played hooky and stayed in the trailer my mother and I shared to take care of me. She brought ingredients for homemade soup and blankets. Nice blankets, too, the fleece ones that go on sale around Christmastime. The book she stole from her mother’s collection to read to me was the highlight of my week. It was called “My Alpha Mate.” The main character was an omega, and her love interest was an alpha. I think they were like werewolves or something. It was extremely smutty.
“I’ll just wait in the car, then!” There’s a loud thud as I close the front door. My van is objectively shitty. It’s a 1997 Honda Odyssey that I’ve named Gideon. I do, however, feel that if you’re 24 and own a van, you ought to be either a mother or a hippie with that fantastic Volkswagen. My vehicle doesn’t match me at all, but at least he carts around all the shit I own that doesn’t fit in my apartment. While I wait in the driver’s seat, I take a swig from the flask I keep in the car—fireball, of course, always fireball. I take a long look at myself in my rearview mirror and wonder what I’m doing with my life.
Too Sweet Masterlist
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Looking for FEEDBACK on my first few chapters. They are really short and are easy reads. Any feedback is welcome. Tell me about anything you think can be improved upon or anything that you liked. Comment on the prose or the dialogue. Literally anything that comes to mind that can help.
@arrowmoose @yourpenpaldee @mundanemoongirl @frostedlemonwriter
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sneak-a-cat · 8 months
fucking. miraculous au where chloe got sent to a damned private school. like that shit fucks you up - speaking from experience - and is where she should have fucking gone like girly is the mayors child why is she there. why. it makes no sense. not saying that children of people of import cannot be sent to public schools but judging by the Everything about Andre and Audrey she shouldn't have ended up in a public school.
like i'm sorry but i truly believe she and some of the other characters should have gone to private schools and then there would be that fucked up rivalry between schools that happens - [redacted] die please. your not better at hockey or rugby than us. your rancid (not really but its funny to get so heated) - and like the friendships people have across schools... fr they are so funny.
bonus points if they go to an all girls school paired with an all boys school. wdym i'm speaking from experience and projecting? of course i am.
but back to the original point. WHY IS SHE THERE. people explain it in fics like her dad was making a public statement being like "wow guys the public school system i fund and help organise is so good i sent my daughter to it" BUT NO ONE WITH HIS MONEY WOULD DO THAT BECAUSE A LOT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE UNDERFUNDED
like i get that thomas astruc was just wanting to put "bitchy rich girl with powerful parents" in there as a trope but like.. buddy please... think it through.... i know thats asking a lot when talking about this man but pls
miraculous would be ten times funnier if they were all at a private school and were forced to wear uniforms and got weird fucking assemblies about breaking the uniform "individuality is for after school girls!" - quote directly from my old headmistress
like genuinely with fashion as a core theme in miraculous it would be so much funnier if they had to wear uniforms, and on non uniform day - generally charity work, pay to not wear uniform money goes somewhere good, it works well - everyone would go buck wild except for Adrien who in my heart he would escape in a hoodie and joggers
Alix would have the exact same hair and probably more piercings, i'm sorry i don't make the rules every year has at least one person who looks like that and we love them for that (yes she would go to the private school IN THE WIKI IT SAYS SHE LIVES IN THE LOUVRE WHY DOES SHE LIVE THERE THATS A FUCKING MUSEUM)
wait. never mind. Juleka and Alix are dyed hair solidarity girlies for realsies, plus in my head Juleka has fire makeup and nails which are amazing for the goth aestehtic but don't really go with the uniform but She Sticks To It. she is committed
oh and Luka my beloved weirdo who doesn't seem to go to school, yess they would be there Jagged pays child support in droves for Luka which is also used to pay for Juleka to go (they aren't twins to me don't talk to me. Luka is older and they are half siblings ok. )
maybe i'll just fucking write this who knows. idk how the french school system works, never mind the private school one but i damn well could figure it out
plus from my experience, private schools have extensive grounds with just enough upkeep to be fancy but not enough to block the view of the fucking road like so its kind of funny like what were you going for
which could be a banger place for an akuma attack which isnt - yknow - the Eiffel tower. again.
objectively sending a bunch of them to poncy schools would do fuck all, however, its a really funny alternate universe to create... this minor change would fuck up the timeline because i'm in charge and bored
i don't know what this turned into. to be frank with you i think this idea is just actually so fucking funny so i'm going to stick with it who knows where that will take me
also, objectively, this is the funniest continuity error to focus on in miraculous
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mostautisticangel · 1 month
vent post about my shitty life and my shitty mom
so during the pandemic i discovered i was most likely adhd and autistic. since then I've just self-diagnosed. It explains a lot of things going on with me.
Most of such things are interactions with my mother. Specifically my mother. I think my dad might be autistic but i'm not sure. he's not as bad as mom but he's still a shitty parent.
So my mother is the absolute peak of Strict Republican Christian Homeschooling White Mom. Every stereotype you can think of, she has (except having like 6 kids, THANK GODDESS). And that means that I, a queer autistic creature, do not fit into her picture perfect little Good Christian Family.
Ever since I was little I was obviously neurodivergent. I was every single stereotype except the fact I was a girl. I went to public school for two years: preschool and kindergarten.
Turns out, I was """gifted""" wow! not like that phrase means anything to autistic people! So mom signed me up for this fancy hybrid private school. I went two days a week, wore the ugliest fucking uniform you've ever seen, and all the kids thought i was weird.
I don't remember much of it (thank goddess) except how much i hated it. I went there for two years. then mom found this homeschool community group thing and signed me up. I've been in it since 3rd grade. we buy the books, do the assigned work, and meet with the community once a week.
I forgot to mention my dad is in the military, so we moved a lot. a LOT. my current best friend i haven't even known for a year. i've never been friends with anyone for longer than 3 years. But military brat trauma is a separate post this is about my neurodivergence.
(I wont be naming specific states for privacy so bear with me) The first place we lived since joining this group was okay. I met some people, two of which i think were neurodivergent, the rest were typical Christian kid assholes.
I specifically remember this one girl who was my friend (well, what 9 year old me thought was a friend) who was really nice to me and seemed to like me but she always insulted my interests and called me weird.
There was this other boy, who i still know and is still an asshole. He would literally go through my backpack and take out my stuff and bully me for it. I used to take stuffed animals and my little pony fanfiction to school to show my one nice (probably neurodivergent) friend. What kind of person does that. what the fuck.
so we moved away from there and to a new place. this was at the end of 2019. we bought an rv, thinking we'd only be in this stae for 18 months, and we could travel! we could go up to canada!
i was already MASSIVLEY against the idea of the rv. when my mom made the announcement i BROKE INTO TEARS. i still remember it. i am very emotionally attached to my Things, and having lots of Things makes me happy. the thing about rv living is that you don't have Things.
I'm just now realizing this is like a trauma cocktail i have. we have queer kid trauma, autistic kid trauma, van life kid trauma, military brat trauma, going through tween years during covid trauma, christian kid trauma, living in The South trauma, you want it come get it folks.
anyways, i had to put all my shit in a storage unit and was never the same. i legit blacked out most of the time in the rv because of how fucking horrible it was. i just sat in my room on my goddamn kindle fire all day because mom wouldn't let me have a phone.
At this point in my life, i was a gacha kid. no no, don't panic, i was a normal one. i thank my lucky stars for that. so i decided, fuck it, secret youtube channel. here's the thing: we werent allowed youtube. at all. under any circumstances. still arent. technically we're not allowed any internet use besides like google or something. because everyone on the internet is a pedophile.
I also ended up getting discord. i had so much fun. i made so many friends and one of them invited me to join a queer server. this is where i got better.
being a Sheltered Homeschooled Kid, I didn't know much. i say much as opposed to anything because i watched she-ra and s1 of the owl house was out so yeah. i knew they existed. but not much.
so i learned lots of new terms and went "hey! i might be one of these!" idr my first label, I think it was pan. which was actually right. at the time i was %100 convinced i was cis. i even made jokes about it. then one day the egg cracked and i was like "oh im transmasc." i also adopted the aroace label by then.
one of my old friends from that old homeschool group reached out to me and asked if i knew about discord. she thought we would be able to play minecraft together over it. i said yes. i invited her to the server. she was really nice and respectful and found out some things about herself.
but her parents went through her phone, found out, and called my mom. cue the trauma.
i remember this so distinctly. that night, both of my parents yelled at me for """talking to strangers on the internet""" I'd lose all my devices for a month. which was insane because what else was I supposed to do? all my stuff was in the storage unit.
the next morning i got a yelling at because """gay people are bad"""" thank GODDESS they found out in that tiny window of time i identified as cis but asexual. if they thought i was trans or queer i'd be dead. (i am trans AND queer. i have no doubt that they wouldn't disown me if they knew.)
then she went through my yt channel and boy oh boy did i get lucky. she only watched a few videos. she watched the one of me making my intro. i used the song "honeypie" bc i thought it was vibey and funky. mom got mad because "you know this is a song about sex, right?" blew my little 12 year old mind. im autistic i'm so fucking bad at metaphors. so fucking bad. then she just told me to delete it. so i did.
and my main oc was supposed to be a boy but for some reason she didn't say anything? he wasn't even a femboy he was very masc looking with a masc name. so. weird. then again, my mom thought fucking Wriothesley from genshin impact was "trying to look like a girl" so who knows whats going on in that head of hers (fr tho?? WRIO?!?! HUH?? IS IT CAUSE OF THE EARRINGS??? IM SO CONFUSED LITERALLY HOW??? dont show her venti ig)
so i just gave up trying by then.
mom got much more aggressive in the rv. she yelled at us for almost every tiny little thing.
and my new class? hell. jail. hate them all. (except you caleb you were a sweetheart.) there was stereotypical racist sexist homophobic country boy who borderline sexually assaulted me so thats fun. (whats more fun is that he's coming to visit this summer! la-dee-fucking-da!!!) a weeb with concerning opinions on women, and just the most autistic fella you've ever met. that was caleb. ily caleb you were the only one keeping me sane. he liked to talk about his lizards and his goats and lord of the rings and i could listen for hours. i mightve been in love.
the teacher was nice though. she was the racist country boy's mom. i say "teacher" but she was just like the one in charge of making sure we all followed the curriculum. our own parents were our actual teachers. still, that class was a nightmare. for three years i had to endure it. AND WE WERE ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE RV FOR 18 MONTHS. FUCKING LIARS.
anyways we moved to my grandparents so my dad could find a non-military job and we could buy a house. i joined a local volunteer program and met my current best friends, @aubreymonobry and @tboymagnus i literally love you guys so much you don't know how much you saved meeeeee <3
we had fun. i moved away again once dad got a job and we got a house. i joined a new class. same program, new people. we had: peak annoying gen z boy, most basic white girl you've ever met (affectionate) girl with highly concerning views, and guy who i am literally in love with hnggg he is so silly and goofy RAHHHH and actually nice and respectful im gonna dieeee <3
so now i'm here. im not going back to that class. im doing %100 homeschooling next semester. BUT i dont have to learn latin anymore and i wont have to read a book a week so thats good. ive been learning how to mask better and i think its working. i got all my stuff back and have cluttered up my room to the max and i actually feel happy again. sure, mom might be worse than ever and the career path i'm studying for is absolute shit and the economy is in shambles and i might get murdered for literally existing and i live on the whims of my borderline alchoholic and emotionally abusive mother BUT WE STAY SILLY! I AM OKAY!!! I WILL MAKE IT!!!! I WILL MOVE OUT AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE SOON!!!! I HAVE MY FRIENDS! AND THE SILLY LITTLE GAY PEOPLE ON MY PUTER!!!
i might revisit this post a few years later and add on to it. for now, im just a silly teenager doing things that make me happy and doing my best to survive. i think that's the best i can do
if you read this far, wow thanks, friend. :3 hope you have a good day <3
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deepdeanvsweston · 5 months
I give you sports headcannons - mix of modern au and canon era (I was on wikipedia for like 45 minutes looking at sports)
- horsegirl Daisy
- absolutely used to pretend to be a horse on the playground
- she's never competed though she's just really good at riding horses
- obviously also good at parkour
- forever giving the maids a heart attack as a child by sitting atop of tall cabinets she'd climbed and saying boo
- decent at swimming and did a few swimming galas Yr7 - Yr8, but her love for it died out after DSS
- he was a baby who cried a lot and so his mother used to take him on runs with her to calm him down
- this has stayed with him and he goes running before breakfast a lot
- has a lot of pent up energy that helps with endurance when running
- Lavinia often goes running with him
- really good at dancing, like waltzing and such, likes knowing the steps and finds it reassuring
- also really love the idea of figure skater or ballet dancer George
- Doesn't do it anymore, but had a scooter as a little boy and was revered by other 7 year olds because he could do cool tricks with it
- lowkey wants to get back into it except he's too tall for a scooter now
- can fence (his father made him and his brother learn)
- I can't decide if he's shit at sports or absolutely brilliant at them
- if we're saying he's good at sports, I imagine he's Weston School's sporty golden boy
- does triathlon and on the cricket team
- (Hazel always goes bright red when he's in his cricket uniform)
- bad at agility strength so she's shit at parkour (dw Hazel we all know George had to give you that shove over a wall in Case Of The Missing Treasure)
- but she's really good at standing her ground???
- she's really good at contact sport she just doesn't like them
- Lavinia reckons she'd be pretty good at lacrosse
- on the reserve hockey team, despite protests
- she actually gets into roller derby and her name is 2 Rights Don't Make A Wong
- Daisy ALWAYS cheers the loudest at her games
- canonically good at tennis
- she pretty much sticks to tennis, she thinks 'why work on others when I could work on one sport and just get really good at it'
- she goes running with George like I said though
- it's a good warmup for tennis, and she doesn't have to think about much when doing it
- always fancied doing something like wrestling or boxing though
- always finding some unusual fitness class to go to (and drag Beanie along with her)
- think aerial hoops, or aquacise
- she can never stick with them for long though
- she hates getting sweaty, or muddy, or pushed over so despises sports at Deepdean
- but joins a synchronised swimming club and is actually getting really good at it, and really enjoys it
- especially the fact that looking pretty and presentable is like half the whole thing
- goes to all Kitty's unusual fitness classes like I said
- neutral on them, goes just to hang with Kitty
- like Daisy, good at horseriding, used to do a few dressage competitions as a teen
- did ballet as a toddler, sort of misses the baby classes where all you had to do was point your toes and you didn't have to think about the next steps or balancing or anything like that
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gayfandomnerd225 · 1 month
More calls with @aguyinthepubliceye !
We started a call once I finished school and showered
I worked on an essay, I do not know or remember what Porto was doing
My mom called out for supper after an hour, Porto knows it’s supper time for me when I shout “coming” for my mom to know I heard her
2 hours later we started another call, Porto tried on his brothers suit
Then he went into his room and smelt cat shit, turns out his cat, Percy, shat on his floor then managed to pull Portos school uniform (which is white) on top of his shit. So that was a whole event
I managed to get through 3 (draft) paragraphs of my essay throughout all of the calls
Porto attempted a fancy tie knot, he managed it, but didn’t have a lot of tie afterwards, so he just ended up doing a simple knot
I love him
I love him
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skyfall8600 · 7 months
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Killer Queen
Chapter 3: Blood-stained
Series Masterlist
Warnings: murder, g on g making out, poison, needles, mentions of abuse
“She’s a motherfucking killer queen, a psychopath at 17
A beauty in a blood-stained dress
She’ll fill your heart with kerosene
And light you up ‘till you can’t breathe
If you cross her path you just might end up dead”
She looked down at her list, two names already crossed off, and she debated who would be unfortunate enough to be next. Of course, the decision came naturally once she was back at school, pretending to be shaken and crying over Justin on Chelsea’s shoulder.
The girl’s cheerleading uniform was somehow fresh and untainted with sweat despite just finishing cheer practice. Apparently girls like Chelsea, who are always perfect and put together, would rather be caught dead than be in a sweaty uniform. Her daddy made enough that buying another uniform…. Perhaps even enough to wear multiple everyday of the week was like nothing to them.
“Oh honey, I know it’s so hard— Justin was so hot and I can’t believe he’s gone!” Chelsea whispered into Y/n’s ear.
“I don’t know what he was doing in that house, he was suppose to meet me in the park so we could… you know.”
Chelsea‘s body stiffened slightly and Y/n knew that the little blonde cheerleader was blushing. Just like how she was on that dreadful night, overhearing what the boys had planned and did nothing to stop them.
There was a reason why Chelsea was so high up in the list; and it had a lot more to do with than her actions on that night. No. Chelsea Van Martin was an upright hypocrite bitch.
The rumour started back in grade school for a young Chelsea Van Martin…. Secret lesbian in hiding. Y/n didn’t have anything wrong with that, queer, gay, straight—as long as you were a decent human you were in a good books. But Chelsea was anything but good.
Chelsea’s torment of other students may have been a way to suppress her own confusion with her feelings, but her specific target of other girls who were different or liked the same sex as brutal.
“I’m sure there’s another boy that can tickle your fancy—“ Chelsea tried to say, playing it off in some weird attempt to cheer Y/n up.
“Urgh— that’s the thing. It’s always boy after boy and it’s like I’m never…. They never… god Chi-Chi, I can’t explain it.”
Chelsea nodded, “If it helps, I know how you feel. God, the amount of boys I’ve had to fake it for.”
The two girls erupted in soft giggles between, almost the perfect opportunity for Y/n to make her move.
The plan was simple, befriend Chelsea, make her question herself and slowly break her down. There at her lowest point, the little cheerleader would give her final bow.
Sifting her eyes, Y/n moved her hands to slide against Chelsea’s wrists. She saw the blonde inhale deeply, her eyes now shifting to look around them all alone under the bleachers.
“You shouldn’t have to fake it. You should find something you understands you, who’ll make you feel every pleasure possible… almost like your heart might explode on itself.” Y/n spoke gently, bringing one hand to rest on Chelsea’s now fast beating heart. “Exactly like that.”
The girl remained speechless but didn’t protest any movements.
“Plus, I doubt faking it sounds as hot as the real thing. Imagine the uncontrollable breaths coming from your mouth—“
“Stop it.” She snipped quickly but again didn’t move.
“I’ve seen how you look at me Chi-chi, where your eyes wonder and a blush creeps on.” She whispers closer to her ear now, their faces only inches apart. “I couldn’t have gone through shit without you…. We’ll just be two friends finding comfort in each other.”
“Just friends— I’m not a— a—“
“Neither am I.” Y/n reassure her, “But we both have something in common.”
“Like what?”
“Boys can’t satisfy us, and here we are so desperate for release we have to turn to a friend.”
Their lips almost brush over each other. “No one can find out—“
“Oh I know, I’m counting on no one ever finding out we were here. Under the bleachers. Together.”
And with that final word, Y/n was almost taken aback by how fiercely Chelsea crashed her lips into her. The longer they stayed in that position, the more demanding and reckless Chelsea became. Her hands gripping her body so tightly, Y/n was sure she’d have bruises along her body.
She couldn’t deny that it was probably the most intense and passionate make out of her life, but Y/n had a task to complete.
The filled syringe she had stashed in her back pocket was now in her hand. The GHB drug inside would provide Chelsea with a brief sense of confidence and relaxation before drowsing off in silent agony. The dosage high enough to ensure her heart imploded within minutes.
Y/n moved her mouth to nip along Chelsea’s neck. The girl too breathless to really know the differences between teeth nipping at her skin and the sharp pinch of a needle.
Mere minutes later, when Chelsea was all but rubbing her most private part on Y/n’s thigh. She muffled Chelsea’s burning screams with her mouth and felt as her body overheated.
The thud of her body hitting the ground was accompanied but a crack coming from her left shoulder.
Y/n stood there for a moment, wiping her mouth and spitting on the girls dead body. Catching her breath slowly she wrote a note, mimicking Chelsea’s handwriting as best as possible.
‘Only death gives me peace over what I have done. Ashamed of my attraction to females and more repulsed by my actions to other girls like me’
She placed the note scrunched up in the dead girls hand and made her way back to the trailer park. She wanted to feel bad, to feel anything other than rage but she couldn’t. She knew how Chelsea treated any person who was different, her previous self included. The worst she could recall was the use of small tweezers against Georgia Wilson’s stitches the one year she fell while riding her bike. Chelsea laughed and claimed that since Georgia was a lesbian she should’ve loved that Chelsea have her another slit to use.
It was repulsive… it was idiotic.
A beeping car horn came from behind her, tires screeching.
“What the fuck! Look where your driving you stupid—“
“Are you okay?” A male voice cut off her screaming. That voice—It caught her off guard but when an opportunity prevented itself she knew better than to not take it.
“So do you normally try to run over girls, Harrington?”
“Harri— you again.” He turned the engine off and forced himself to move as quick a as possible.
“Yeah. Me again, you know I’m starting to think you have a thing for trying to knock me over.”
Keep it playful.
His smile was sweet and almost made her forget everything. Almost.
“Scouts honour— I had no intention of running you over.” He joked, saluting two fingers to his head. “Besides, it’s a bit late for a pretty girl to be walking around the streets alone.”
She tried hard to not let his bad attempt at flirting affect her, however the blush creeping along her cheeks.
“Bold of you to assume I can’t take care of myself Harrington.”
His eyes widened ever so slightly but his smile remained.
“Of course, I apologise— however what sort of gentleman would I be if I didn’t at least offer to drive you home?”
“Especially after almost hitting me—“
“I did no such thing!” He laughed so dramatically, “Come on, won’t be my first stop of the night. Sit up in the front and ignore the sleeping brats in the back.”
She cocked her head to the side. Suddenly unsure of herself and the situation.
“Oh, I promised Dustin and Max I’d drive them home from the Wheeler’s house. Don’t exactly want them riding their bikes this late.”
She nodded and was surprised that her body moved without instruction to take his offer. “Thanks I guess, I um… live in the trailer park with Max so at least it’s not adding to your trip.”
She saw no judgement in his eyes, no disgust or rejection. He just continued to smile and hummed to himself when he sat behind the wheel, keeping the radio music down to a soft buzz as to not disturb the sleeping children in the back.
Perhaps this Steve was different to the one she remembered…
Her thoughts were cut short when Steve coughed out embarrassingly, “I actually didn’t catch your name…”
Her own smile vanished. “Y/n.” Was all she told him. And that was all he needed to know; if he couldn’t remember who she was prior to the change then perhaps he was no different than before.
————————————- ————————————- ————————————- ————————————-
Hi everyone! It’s been a while….. but I’ve got my passion and time back. If you’d like to be removed from tagging fully understandable. It’s been almost a full year….
Taglist: @loving-and-dreaming @sweetsweetjellybean @azaleapeachberry @cutiecusp @sheisjoeschateau @tinydonkeysforlife @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @gothvamp1973 @taeddybearkim @whoreforhowl
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mlfywsly · 11 months
My Best Friend...
Summary: You were friends with Harry. You both had a crush on eachother but no one wanted to say anything, until this happens...
Pairing: Harry Greene x OC!Fem
Warnings: Strong language
A/N: I'm actually going to use this to my Wattpad story, but I was literally needing to write this asap 😭
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I got up pretty early that day and sighted. There was not even a week since school started again and I was sick of that. I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and put my uniform on. I went downstairs and have breakfast.
"Hey, Livia" Nick greeted me "You ready for school?"
"Honestly no. But what can we do?"
I took my bag and we started walking to school. I meet my friends at a table and started talking.
"So... how's everything going with Harry?" Imogen asked
I looked at her and shrugged.
"It's like... everyday. Why?"
"He didn't declare to you yet?"
"Oh my God"
I sighted tired.
"Don't start again, please... it's like 7 a.m., i don't wanna die yet"
"C'mon, you're overreacting" Sahar said "But you know, it's pretty obvious you both fancy each other"
"I do not!" I blushed
"You said it yourself. You like him"
"Well, of course I like him but he just d-"
I screamed. I turned around and saw Harry.
"Shove off, man, you scared me!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to"
He sat next to me.
"So, how you doing?"
"Pretty great until you came in" I smiled
I laughed.
"Should we leave?" Imogen said smiling
"Oh, no, I'm sorry" Harry got up "So... um... well..."
I looked at him confused. He shaked his head.
"See you in class"
He leaved.
"That was... weird" I said "Anyway, I wanna die because I have history today... it's not fair"
"Is not it the only class you and Harry shared?"
Sahar made a sarcastic sound.
"I would be jumping if I were you then"
"Pipe down"
She started laughing and we went to class. After the break, I went to my history class and sat on my desk. Harry came in and sat next to me.
"So... I'm sorry about what happened later, I mean..."
"Don't worry" I said fixing his tie
He blushed.
"Oh, um... great"
"You're acting weird recently" I looked at him concerned "You know you can count on me, Har, what's wrong?"
"I'm alright, don't worry" he smiled "It's just that... being a teenager is so fucking hard, I'm so confused about myself"
"Why?" I laughed "Do you like a boy or something? It's totally fine if you do"
"No, God. I mean, yes, I like someone. But not a guy"
"So what's the deal?"
"The deal is that I shouldn't be having this feelings about her" he sighted sad "She was like my little sister, you know? I didn't though that I would end up falling in love with her"
"Well, that's love blondie. You never expect to fall in love with someone you didn't expect to"
"Yeah... I guess you're right... but it's so complicated everything, I just..."
He looked at me and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Harry. Everything is going to be fine, promise. And if it's not... you will move on soon. That's how teen love works..."
"How am I supposed to move on, Livia? I don't want to, but I love her since a while ago. A long while ago"
I sighted
"Guess we're feeling the same right now..." I whispered
"You know how hard love is? At least it is so hard to me. I'm always falling in love with boys that don't even care about me or that don't even know I exist. Even if we have like... the minimum contact it was like everything to me, it makes me happy for the rest of the day. And if he's my friend I'm literally the happiest girl ever. But it's also hard, because sometimes they just see me like her little sister, or like a very good friend and I can spend nights and days crying and crying and crying. And if they're not my friends I try to do my best but it's never enough. And we end up always like... them talking shit about me and bummed me out. Always. So i'm kind of sick of love, but at the same time it's the only thing that makes me be alive"
He didn't say anything. He just kept looking at me. I sighted and focus on my books.
"It's kind of weird to me to think how... everything changed between us. I mean..."
I looked at him
"We used to hate each other... I would never though about talking to you anytime I was upset and I would never though about vent to you..."
I looked down. It's pretty obvious that wasn't going to happen... we were so different and we hated each other...
"Yeah... you're right. I would never though about telling you stuff I won't tell nobody... it's weird but... you're actually my biggest support since what happened with my dad..."
He smiled. We didn't talk again until the class was over.
"By the way... do you mind coming to my home today after school? I mean, just so we can do history together"
I picked my bag and looked at him. I smiled.
"Sure! I will text you"
"Great! I have to go, see you"
He gave me a kiss on my forehead and leave. I smiled to myself. After school I went home with Nick and we ate. Around 5 p.m. I picked my bag and went downstairs.
"Where are you going?" Nick asked
"I'm going to Harry's to do history"
"Oh, lovely. I will walk you"
We leaved home and started walking to Harry's house. When we arrived, Nick knocked on the door. The door was opened by a sleepy Harry, with his pyjama and his messy hair. God, I love him...
"Nick, mate! How you doing?"
"Pretty fine. You're kind of a sleepy beauty, aren't you?"
"Pipe down, man. I'm tired as fuck"
"Right, right... well. I just went to accompany Livia so... I'm going back. Have fun"
"Shove off"
I got in and he closed the door.
"I'm sorry" he said rubbing his eyes "I fall asleep, actually"
"Don't worry, you're kind of cute with your messy hair"
He blushed.
"Yeah, well..."
I smiled and we went to his dorm. We lay down on the floor and we started doing history. I groaned.
"Man, I hate history so much, it's not even funny"
"Hey!" Harry smiled "What's wrong? I can help you"
"I don't understand anything. And when I say anything it's ANYTHING"
He laughed.
"Give me that, I will help you"
We started doing homework together but I swear he didn't stop looking at me. I looked at him and smiled.
He looked down and lick his lips. I blushed, that was actually hot... He looked at me with his bright eyes and I felt like dying. I can't stop myself for feeling that. He started to lean in and I didn't even think of going back. Our lips finally touched and it was magical. He kissed me softly and then pulled out. He looked at me completely red.
"Uh, oh my God, I'm so sorry, I-"
"Don't worry..." I comforted him "It's okay"
"Shit. I didn't mean to..."
I looked down and we finished homework. I got back home and I sighted with sadness. The next days everything between us were so akward.
"What happened with Harry?" Imogen asked one day while we were leaving school "He used to came and greet you at morning but now you barely talk..."
"I don't wanna talk about that..."
"Did he do something? If he did I swear to God I will-"
"No, Sahar, he didn't do anything. It's just... well, something very akward happened between us and... well... it's weird"
I went home without saying anything. The next day it was the same. Harry didn't even look at me. I was entering to school when suddenly someone grabbed me and push me into a wall inside an empty room.
"What the hell are y-"
He shutted me out kissing me so hard. I opened my eyes but slowly kiss him back. His hands started going down from my back to my hips. I put my arms around his neck and we deepened the kiss. He moved his hands to my tights and I wrapped my legs around his wrist. He moaned and I bite his lip. We pulled out slowly, but his lips were at inches from mines.
"I'm sorry..." he said trying to breath "I... honestly I wanted to do this since the prom dance"
"You're messing with me"
"I'm not! I'm in love with you, Livia. I swear to God I am"
"Since when?"
"Since I know you. You're the most enchanting girl I have ever met... and since we became friends I fell harder for you every single second"
I didn't know what to say. I was in shock. He started to step aside.
"It's alright if you do-"
I took him by his cheeks and kissed him so hard. It took him by surprise but he grab my wrist and pulled me closer to him while he deepened the kiss. I wrapped my hands on his hair and I started stroking his hair. He introduce his tongue on my mouth and we started making out like two crazy teenagers in love. 'Cause it was what we were, two teenagers crazy for each other.
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hyenahunt · 2 years
Obbligato: The Devotion to Tatsumi Kazehaya - 3
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, three years ago
Characters: Jun, Ibara
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: hyenahunt & Peace
Jun: (Mm? What's up with this dude? He's the same age as me and all but he freakin' just whipped out his business card to give to me...?)
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Jun: (Aw man, and it's my lunch break and all, too.)
(Kazehaya-senpai said he wanted to talk alone with Kaname Tojo — wait, I gotta call him HiMERU now, huh?)
(He then shooed everyone out, so we can't get back into the Labour Camp. Not that he shouldn't have done that, but now I'm in trouble.)
(I was totally counting on Kazehaya-senpai to cook us lunch, so I don't have anything prepped for myself.)
(Welp, there's no other option. Non-Special students aren't allowed off-campus without written permission...)
(If you pop out even just for a lil' while, you'll be called a deserter and get chewed out for it.)
(But I can't do anything on an empty stomach, so maybe I'll pop over to a corner store or something. It's pretty far, though. Why the hell did they put Reimei Academy in such a remote place...)
(It'd be fine if we could just get food normally within the school... Maybe all the school shops are in on it together, but if you don't have a Special Student discount then the prices are insanely high for people like us.)
(Pisses the hell outta me that there's an obvious difference even in something like that. ...Hm?)
(Huh? Is it just me or is that some smoke over there...?)
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Jun: No way, is there a fire? Oh shit, where's the fire extinguisher...!?
— Wait, huh? Heeey, aren'tcha Tojo-senpai?
W-why're you having a bonfire in a place like this...? I thought there was a fire accident, and I totally panicked~!
Ahh, c'mon, like I said, you don't gotta go bowing so low to me. I'm not someone of any importance. I mean, I'm a Non-Special Student, so I'm a freshman at the bottom of the barrel.
Huh? You rank even lower than me? Whaddya mean by that?
Well, nevermind that. Now that I'm getting a closer look, you've got a grill set up over the fire with some tasty-lookin' meat and veggies frying away on top of it, don'tcha! Could I have a bite~?
Truth is, a whole buncha stuff happened, so at this rate I'm gonna miss out on lunch. I'm kinda stuck.
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Jun: Ahh, you're okay with it? Then I'll take you up on that — thanks for the meal~!
Hehe, I already thought so back when we first met, but you're a nice guy, Tojo-senpai. Even if the things you do can be a lil' cryptic.
Speaking of which, what do you normally do and where d'you hang out? I've never seen you in the Labour Camp or any of the Non-Special Student classrooms, so does that mean you're a Special Student?
No? You're not a part of the classification system? The hell does that mean?
Ahh, I'm not telling you off or anything... Sorry for both my bad manners and attitude, especially when you're even my senior, too.
Ah, right. I'll have some meat, thanks. What a treat.
Nom, nom. Tastes great! But what kinda meat is it...?
Ah, I've actually been wanting to ask... D'you know a guy called Kaname Tojo? Is he your relative or something?
I've just been thinking you seem oddly alike, y'see... Like your faces and your family names... To the point where I don't think it's just an uncanny resemblance, I guess.
— Woah!?
W-what was that? Things just keep happening!
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Ibara: I do beg your pardon! The two of you don't happen to be injured, do you?
Jun: (The hell? What's with this fancy car? It came careening towards us with a crazy amount of force...!)
Ibara: I am so terribly sorry! I would never have imagined there would be anyone sitting on the ground in a place like this having a meal, you understand!
As a result, we drove right into you — how careless of us! Rest assured that I will have a stern word with my chauffeur afterwards. You have my utmost apologies!
Jun: 'Scuse me? And for that matter, who exactly are you? That's not our school's uniform, is it...?
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Ibara: Ahh, my apologies for not saying anything sooner! This is who I am!
Jun: (Mm? What's up with this dude? He's the same age as me and all but he freakin' just whipped out his business card to give to me...?)
(Let's see what it says... [Shuuetsu Academy — First Year Student / Special Student Ibara Saegusa]...? How do I read this... Nana... tane... something? What a weird-ass name! This a stage name, too?)[1]
(And hang on, I'm pretty sure Shuuetsu's the elite school full of only Special Students.)
(It cherrypicks only "the absolute best idols" from the CosPro-affiliated schools around the nation.)
(So that's where this guy's from? And he's in the same year as me? This guy might as well be nobility with how different the worlds we live in are, huh?)
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Ibara: Now, I beg your pardon but I have somewhere I simply must be, so do excuse me! If you would like to get in touch with me for any reason, please refer to the address upon that card!
With that, I shall be taking my leave! Once again, I am so terribly sorry!
Jun: (Haha. He just sped off in his fancy car without even sparing us another glance. So we're not even worth his time? Pisses me the hell off.)
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Jun: (What's so fucking different between me and him, huh? Damn him to hell.)
Nanatane is an alternate reading of the kanji in Saegusa (七種).
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The One That Got Away - Part eight
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Negan Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Part 7
Warning: swearing, mention of gun violence
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Present Day
With a heavy sigh, Negan rested his head against the steering wheel, today was going to be one hell of a shit show. It was career day, which meant that the school would be running amuck with fancy-pansy assholes, discussing their choices of careers with the senior kids and how better they were than other people.
Truthfully, Negan couldn't give a shit about them, the only problem he had with today was that all this would be done during his classes. Ah, the fuckin' joys of being a gym teacher... meaning, he'd be the one stuck the entire day having to hear them lecturing the kids of how 'good of a choice' it would be going into their field of work.
Lifting his head up, Negan gives himself a pep talk in the rear-view mirror. "Suck it up... later this evening you can reward yourself with a few drinks."
Dragging his feet as he walked into the admin block, Negan is suddenly stopped dead in his tracks by the fine piece of ass dressed in police uniform that was leaning over the secretary's desk, having what seemed to be one heck of an animated conversation.
Damn... it should be a crime when the po-po be looking that fine these days...
Always the smooth ladies' man, loudly clearing his throat, Negan walks up behind the woman.
"Excuse me Officer, might ya be here for me?"
The woman pauses mid conversation, slowly turning around then and Negan is struck speechless when realizing who was actually standing before him.
"Y/N...?" Negan stares at her dumbfounded.
The last time he had seen her was ten years ago, at her parent's funeral. She had been pretty banged up; wheelchair bound after having finally woken up out of a coma a few days after the accident.
That would be the first time since the accident, as well as the very last that Negan ever saw her again. A few days after that, Y/N had moved to go and live with family, and he never heard of her again.
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"Hey Coach..." you flash him a broad smile, "been a while, hasn't it?"
"No shit... it's been ten years" Negan stares at you like he's seen a ghost.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for career day" you wave a hand up and down indicating your uniform.
"So... you're a cop now? Negan stumbles a bit with his words at being in your presence again after so many years.
You stare at him deadpan. "No, this is my Halloween costume..."
"Still the same smartass, I see..." Negan chuckles at your remark.
"Only difference is that ya can't punish me for it anymore..." you smirk at him in response.
Oh, I could think of the perfect punishment... Negan groans internally, biting into his lower lip as he silently scanned Y/N up and down.
"You gonna ask me more questions or just stand there staring at me?" you sass him, hands on your hips as you smirked.
"Uh... yeah" Negan shakes himself back to reality. "How long have you been back?"
"It's been a few months now, but I finally got my bearings after having transferred here."
"Looks and sounds like life's been treating you well then" Negan remarks, placing his hands in his pockets, while he rocked back and forth on balls of his feet.
"Life's been good" you smile at him.
Negan couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment that your life had gone on perfectly without him.
Before the conversation could continue further the bell signalling the start of first period goes off.
"I better get going before those little shitheads end up destroying my gym" Negan remarks and you nod at him. "Wait... what time slot are you scheduled for?"
"I believe right now...?" you turn to the secretary, Mrs Davids for confirmation and she nods at you.
"Shit, why didn't you fuckin' say so from the start. We can catch up a bit while we walk to class."
"So, a cop huh?" Negan remarks as the two of you made your way to the gym. "What made you decide to go into that field of work?"
"My mom's younger brother, Uncle Rick, the one I went to live with after the accident is one" you reply, silently smiling at all of the students that were softly whispering amongst themselves while staring at you walking along side Negan.
"The two of us became really close during that time, I guess he just rubbed off on me" you shrug jokingly.
"It actually suits you..." Negan scans you from the corner of his eye, "you really pull off the uniform well."
"Why, is that an actual compliment coming from your mouth, Coach?" you fake a pretend blush, and he chuckles at you.
"You can take it any which way ya like... and enough with that Coach crap. I haven't been your teacher in over ten years now, so call me, Negan."
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Negan silently stood in awe as Y/N spoke to the kids, he couldn't help the smile crossing his lips with how passionate she became when speaking about her job.
God, how he wished more than anything to be the recipient of that passion once more. Even till this day, Negan still thought of the last time they had been together. That day had played in his mind on repeat each time he thought of her and think of her each day he did.
He wondered if she ever thought of him.
Negan could still smell her scent whenever he closed his eyes, could still feel the way she felt wrapped around his cock.
"Have you ever shot someone?" Negan was brought out of his thoughts by one of the student's questions.
"Yes, I have" you respond with a nod.
"Have you ever been shot yourself?"
With a faint smirk, you nod yet again, and Negan couldn't help the lump that had formed in his throat upon finding out that you had yet another brush with death.
"Can we see it?"
"Well, I'm not sure if Coach would allow it..." you state turning to look at him then.
"If it's in an appropriate place, and Officer Y/L/N is comfortable with it..." Negan shrugs.
Nodding at him, you untuck your shirt and then proceed to unbutton it from the top, whistling echoes through the gym then from some of the boys.
"Fuckin' shut up or I'll shut this shit down!" Negan warns them with a growl, and you couldn't help but chuckle at it.
The room goes quiet then as you revealed the black tank top underneath your uniform, Negan's mouth instantly went dry at the sight of your bare shoulder once you had lowered the right strap of the top to reveal the scar of your gunshot wound.
"It doesn't seem that bad..." one of the students scoffs in response to seeing the small scar tissue.
"If you believe that, then you should see the entry wound on the back..." you snicker in response, causing Negan to frown.
"Can we see it?!" someone calls out.
The room fills with sounds of disappointed sighs, and you couldn't help but giggle.
"It can't be seen anymore..." you explain to them, "the only way you'll know it's there, is by touch, because it's covered..." you then turn around to show them the tattoo that was covering the old scar.
"Is that a baseball bat?! Covered in barbed wire?!" one of the male students yells out.
"Yup..." you turn back around with a smirk as you redressed.
"Why?" one of the girls then ask in confusion.
"Are you telling me that Coach has never bragged about his best softball player in all of history...?" you turn to look at him in disbelieve.
"Oh yeah..." a student replies, "Coach speaks about her damn near every chance he gets..."
You couldn't help but flash a toothy grin at the kid's remark.
"No, way...! You're her?!"
You smirked, nodding your head in response, while Negan snickered at the class that was softly chatting about you amongst themselves.
"Ok, so we get the baseball. But what's up with the barbed wire?"
"Because a barbed wired bat looks badass..." you smirked, "and that's what I am. Just ask Coach..."
Biting into his lower lip with a faint smirk, Negan nods at your remark.
"So, why didn't you go pro if you were so good?"
"Ah... so Coach never told you guys the entire story then" you stare at Negan teasingly in fake disapproval.
"I shattered my knee after a nasty fall during a game, ended up with artificial knee and my dream being flushed on the toilet."
The bell signalling the end of first period then goes off before any more questions could be asked.
"And I believe that's my queue to leave..." you remark, and the entire class lets out loud sounds of protests.
"I don't know why y'all are so disappointed, I spent most of the time talking about myself instead of convincing ya to become a cop..." you chuckle out.
"Well, you're a badass..." one of the girls comments, "I'd say that was convincing enough."
"That... and you're hot too" a boy in the front row remarks.
"Hey! Watch it..." Negan narrows a gaze at him in warning, causing you and the rest of the class to snicker at it.
"Thank you, Officer Y/L/ N, for your time" Negan turns to you, and the entire class joins in. You wave at them as Negan, and you make your way to the door.
Negan, to your surprise, instead of just seeing you off at the door, steps out into the hallway with you.
"It was nice seeing you again after this time..." Negan sheepishly stares at you, hands stuffed into his pants pockets.
"Ditto..." you smile faintly.
"You plan on sticking around more a bit?" Negan looks at you in hope. "We could catch up during lunch break..."
"As much as I'd love to... I unfortunately can't. I'm on duty, so I have to get back to work."
"That's a bummer" Negan's shoulders drop in disappointment. "Maybe we can go out for some drinks one evening then?" he stares at you almost pleadingly.
"Maybe" you respond with a forced smile.
"Then it's settled..." Negan states with a huge smile, grabbing you into a hug unexpectedly.
You were caught off guard for a second by the hug but eventually relax into it.
Finally, Negan lets you go, and you found yourself feeling quite awkward at the entire exchange.
Clearing your throat, you finally make eye contact with him as you begin taking steps backwards and away from him. "Sure Coach... see you around..."
"Great" Negan remarks with a goofy smile on his face as he watched you turn to make your leave.
"And I told you to call me, Negan!" he calls out to your retreating back.
Once you were no longer in eyesight, Negan comes back to his senses. "Shit. I forgot to ask for her phone number...."
Part 8
Tags: @neganswoman @especialily @thecupcakevigilante​ @nt-multi-fandom​  @tonysterco
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