#Dimitri BaD becaue he has a coherent story and plot
randomnameless · 2 years
It's not just the 3H sub, it feels like everyone drank the Edel kool aid and decided that her imperialism and racism is a-okay while everyone else especially Dimi are the bad for bullying poor wittle Edel-chan uwu. *proceeds to gag*
You know what, I'm thinking it's a case of sunk-cost fallacy and people wanting to defend a game they "enjoy".
Make no mistake, I'm not saying people shouldn't enjoy 3 Nopes at all, we all have our own tastes and even if I find it completely baffling, some people actually enjoy watermelons.
I've tried the demo and found out the Warrior's style isn't my thing at all, on top of having a crappy plot.
But since the redshit crowd seems to subscribe to the "my fave did nothing wrong", if they like/enjoy a game, then it can't be "wrong", the plot "totally makes sense" and Clout isn't Claude's dopperlganger.
mark my words, when someone really loves a game, they'll criticise it because appreciate what it is and how it could be better, if they don't love a game, they usually won't give a fuck
Supreme Leader did nothing wrong was already a staple on the 3H sub, even on the main sub it permeated a bit and I think only the FEH sub was free from it (granted, it came after a long period of wank about Supreme Leader's out of meta units being pushed, for some reason, in polls where you can get a free unit, Hegemon!Gard and the crab memes).
3 Nopes removed the "dirty lizards bad bcs pointy ears" angle, so it's just imperialism, but when a game plays completely straight the "I have to invade you for your sake because you don't realise the evil woman who plays with orphans and takes care of your people is manipulating you! For realsies!" I really wonder what was the point of the game/those games, because for sure it couldn't have been to make an entire subgroup of fans suddenly start that "maybe war to civilise people is good" since "The World" already went over that in the previous century.
And I don't even know if Nopes really wanted to push in the "uwu buy body pillows of Supreme Leader" since she basically returned to a 12 years old uwu poor innocent girl living in an "adult" body (meaning it's "legal" to use your right hand?) in a sailor-fuku without any agency.
Or maybe that was the plan all along, and redshit is high on copium since the person they defended for 3 years and who is the main "moving" force of the game is just a body pillow, in luf with the player who does "bad" things because evil men control her.
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