#mafiafell undyne
capricioussun · 1 year
The polls not over but tbh I don’t see it changing too much so!
Mafiafell Headcanons
-Undyne met Papyrus when he was 16, and it actually had a surprisingly big impact on him. It was brief, back when Undyne was still a detective with the Ebott police, he thought she was very cool and it influenced the way he saw others for the better. Suffice to say he was very happy when she broke away to become a PI and they were able to grow closer as friends.
-Boss and Snare aren’t just multiversal nicknames, they’re mostly called those within their universe as well.
-Dogamy and Dogaressa can’t speak from a mysterious accident that damaged both of their necks.
-Grillby adopted his niece, Fuku, when she was very young after his brother got arrested (again). She’s in college when the “main storyline” takes place
-Muffet used to work for the Gaster family. After his disappearance, she left to pursue “greater opportunities” and wound up starting a family of her own.
-Asgore has never met Sans in person, only Papyrus. It antagonizes him.
-Toriel used to be in [REDACTED], but she’d been a longtime friend to the brothers’ family, so when she wanted out, they let her, and they still stay in touch. None of them would ever acknowledge it, but they consider each other family in the more literal sense, which is why they trust her with Frisk.
-No one knows about what happened to Chara and Asriel aside from Toriel, Asgore, and Sans. Papyrus has a vague idea, but mostly only lingering suspicions.
-While he eventually built up his own reputation, most people were scared of Papyrus almost immediately purely because of how much he looks like Gaster.
-Sans is aware Alphys made Mettaton’s body the way she did in order to stop him and Papyrus, if it ever came to that for some reason. It’s an unspoken thing between her and Mettaton, even if Mettaton may have only become more swayed in the brothers’ favor as time goes on…
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The Concierge meets the King (Part 8)
After having met Mister Papyrus, you didn’t think you’d meet anyone taller than him. For a brief moment, there is a thought that perhaps he wouldn’t have been comfortable in his room - after all, they were not built with 8 foot men, or women, in mind. Although there was Ernest...
The sound of large, thumping footsteps reaches you before a long shadow does, drawing your attention up and off the kitchen reports.
Two equally tall monsters, their horns and hair nearly brushing the chandeliers hanging above the lobby. Unlike the rest of your guests, they clearly radiate danger. In particular the woman who would not look out of place among the Ruska Roma. The man, meanwhile, clearly had expensive tastes, tufts of white fur peeking out from under his luxurious outfit that looked right at home in the elegant lobby. 
“Welcome to the Continental, how may I help?” You slide the documents under the counter just in time to repeat your time-worn greeting. 
The woman, blue of scale, red of hair, with one hawk-like gold eye that isn’t covered by a leather eye patch, only scoffs, baring her sharp teeth in a grimace at you. But she does not speak, remaining one step behind the man at all times. Ah, the bodyguard. 
The man, however, speaks in a tone much softer than his appearance belies. “I am King Asgore,” he inclines his head regally, still looking down his snout at you, though not in a belittling fashion. “The Manager is expecting me.”
Straight to the point. 
“Indeed,” you nod, hands now folded in front of your belly. You ignore the way the woman seems to glare at your hands, her lip curled in obvious disgust. “Shall I announce you?”
It is an interesting juxtaposition to you - the regal and polite king accompanied by his feral guard dog. Perhaps you’re being uncharitable; for all the woman’s glares, she hasn’t said a word.
You only take your eyes off them long enough to pick up the phone and dial a familiar number. Entirely unnecessary, but you do it out of politeness. “Ma’am, King Asgore and his entourage are here to see you.”
A quiet response comes, more somber than when you had announced the young but old Frisk’s presence. “Yes, thank you. I will be down shortly.”
“Of course.” Click goes the receiver down on its cradle and you look up at King Asgore and his Captain. “Please allow me to show you to the lounge, Your Highness, Miss Undyne.”
“’s Captain Undyne to you, punk,” the woman growls, her claws denting the fabric over her hips where she holds one arm akimbo. 
Well well. You only tilt your head slightly, lips in a neutral flat, dead eyes flicking up to her furious one and say evenly, “My apologies, Captain Undyne.” 
Undyne’s lip only curls further in apparent disgust as you meet her gaze. Though she looks as if she wished to say more, a quick glance from the King stops her in her tracks, and she looks down and to the side, her lips pursed as if she wanted to spit. 
“My apologies for my Captain’s behaviour,” King Asgore sighs and shakes his head. “Please, do not take offence to her brusque behaviour. She is...not used to humans.”
That is clearly an understatement. Your face only ever flexes into a polite, neutral expression. “No apologies necessary, Your Highness,” you say as you extend your arm in the direction of the stairs. “Allow me to show you to the Lounge.”
As much as you detested putting your back to the monster King and his Captain, you must. Propriety demands it. But it doesn’t stop the hairs on the back of your covered neck from raising at the feel of a sharp look appraising you from head to toe. It lasts only as long as it takes to round into the Lounge, where the young but old Frisk is seated at the bar, nursing a tall mocktail and ripping a napkin to shreds. 
Your bartender only raises her gaze long enough to acknowledge you and your guests as you draw close.  “Please, make yourselves comfortable. The Manager will be along shortly,” you say this as you bow to the King, and by extension Undyne, folding your hands neatly over your belly as you straighten.
“Thank you for your kind hospitality,” the King responds with all the gentle regality in the world, his dark eyes warm. Oh, how you distrust that warmth. 
And yet you can only nod, bow once more, and leave the way you came. Watching out of the corner of your eye as the King and Undyne greet Frisk like an old friend, as Frisk seemed to put on a mask as they greet both monsters back. How curious that the beloved ambassador did not seem to trust both monsters as much as the monsters did them. 
Very curious indeed.
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rosaberge2 · 2 years
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So, yeah I roleplay with a group chat on mafiafell and… this is one of the group of dealers. A joyful boss with two murders…
Watch out if you say no… because you will never be found again :3.
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wishingstarinajar · 6 months
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I participated in this year's @gyftmas2023 event (aka an Undertale themed Secret Santa) and @atenobear was my Imp.
They asked for Soriel, Undyne x Alphys, and/or @megalommi's Nostra (Mafiafell!Baggs), so I went for them all with a thrown-in bonus Grillby.
Happy Holidays to you and everyone!
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moonlighting666 · 1 year
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Old study for my mafiafell/mafia au fanfic thing
(Which will hopefully update soon)
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Can I have a classement of your boys from must cuddly to less cuddly?
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Will hug you all day every day and will whine if you wants to leave him. Come on :( Five more minutes :( At this point, you're wondering if you can't buy some overgrown baby carrier so he can hug you all day long.
Underswap Papyrus - Will hug you to comfort himself all day if you don't ask him to let you breathe. It's like having a koala on the back. Honey is a big cuddly boy, and he can't live a day without one. When he has no one, he's hugging the huge plushies in his bed or his dogs.
Farmtale Papyrus - He's too anxious from this world and will come to his brother or you for hugs when he can't take it anymore. Or for anything, really. Ben needs to be around his favorite people all day and hugging is his way to ask for attention without having to talk. Please give him attention.
Horrortale Sans - Will randomly kidnap people he likes in his hoodie to cuddle with them for hours. It can be at any time of day or night. Works with his S/O, his brother, Toriel or any animal of the farm. No one is safe.
Horrorswap Papyrus - A bit more shy than his Underswap conterpart, but still a big cuddly guy. He just needs to trust first, which can take some time. Once you're tamed him though? He's stuck to you all day long.
Disbelief Papyrus - He's craving for physic touch and hugs, but can be a bit shy to ask them as he has not a lot of self confidence anymore. But he enjoys and cherishes them all.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus loves to touch people, and hug them to embarass them is one of his favorite things to do. He has no shame sitting on you to hug your ass or randomly jumping on your back to hug you from behind. He doesn't give a care in the world, either you're someone he knows or a random bully in the street.
Dancefell Sans - He's baby and as baby he needs hugs. When he's scared or sad, he comes to claim hugs. He doesn't care if you're busy. He wants a hug. Now.
Outertale Papyrus - He needs lot of reassurance and agressively hug people when he is too stressed by something is one of his coping mechanisms.
Undertale Papyrus - He can keeps his distance if you wants, but Papyrus would gladly hug you to death for no reason. That's his love language, not only with S/O, but with his friends or brother. He's just a very tactile guy.
Underfell Sans - Red is surprisingly more cuddly than Classic Sans, but it's never for innocent reason. Red is very observant and noticed that giving affection = something nice happening. You're getting manipulated all day.
Dancetale Sans - He likes hugs, and can pout when you forget to hug him before going to work. How dare you forget him :(
Dancefell Papyrus - He's a good hugger, and he loves doing melodramatic hugs to have your attention when he feels lonely. He can have days where he doesn't want any though. It's only when he decides.
Undertale Sans - Your average cuddly guy. He needs his independance from time to time, but won't refuse a good hug once in a while. He is especially cuddly in the morning, just after waking up.
Outertale Sans - Like Sans, he's average. He's never against a good hug, and will gladly give one to everyone who asks.
Mafiafell Sans - He's an average cuddler, but he's way more cuddly with his dogs than with you. He will invite you to hug the dogs with him though.
Dancetale Papyrus - He's not a big cuddler, but needs hugs when he's sad. He's pretty independant otherwise, but doesn't refused hugs from his love ones, especially when he can naps at the same time.
Horrortale Papyrus - He gives hugs when people asks, but because his back hurts so much, he's not the best with that anymore. He is not very comfortable with physic contact after what happened with Undyne.
Horrorfell Papyrus - He might have started to enjoy them. He won't show it though. But maybe, just maybe, that light purring he's desperatly trying to hide is a sign he likes it.
Killer Sans - He will tolerate you hugging him once in a while, and will eventually realise he actually likes that, and one day, will give you a very awkward hug out of nowhere.
Ink - Has ADHD and the QI of an oyster. He's not against you hugging him but he will quickly shoo you off as it's boring and he has other things to do.
Mafiatale Sans - He tolerates them once in a while and might even asks for one someday, but he's not a big cuddler.
Underfell Papyrus - He tolerates hugs from people he is really closed from. But he's not one who will come to give them spontaneously. He's way too pride for this.
Swapfell Sans - He will accept his fate with a big sigh and roll his eyes at you, but he's not resisting.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He accepts it but will protest and whine the whole time like a child because he's mad.
Dustale Sans - Wh- What are you doing??? Dune doesn't resist, but his mind is entirely blank every time and he has no idea what's going on. He lets you hug him but doesn't hug you back though.
Horrorfell Sans - Nah please. He's not comfortable with hugs. He can give one, very exceptionally, once in a while, but he is not a hugger and doesn't like being hug, especially by surprise.
Farmtale Sans - He's not a hugger, he thinks they're boring and keeping him away from his work. If you really wants one and argues twenty minutes with him, he might give you one out of pity, but please for the love of Asgore not more than a few seconds.
Underswap Sans - He's not a big hugger. Hugs doesn't last more than a few seconds with him, and he's fleeing any planned cuddle sessions. He doesn't like being stuck against his will.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He tenses every time someone hugs him. He has enough self control to stay calm, but he really doesn't like it. He got stabbed by someone using this method once and that's vaccinated him forever. He doesn't like hugs and will ask you to please stay away.
Horrorswap Sans - He refuses any physic touch. He's still nice about it, but there's too many bad memories associated with this. Keep your distance please.
Mafiatale Papyrus - Will hiss at you and even bite you if you don't let go of him. It's a firm no.
Error - Will hiss at you and probably try to kill you if you dare to try again.
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ut-museum-guide · 4 months
Off the Beaten Path
Undertale Reader fanfics that don’t quite fit the mold that hold a special place in all of our hearts.
_fics in no paritcular order
1. So I think You’ve Got the Wrong Number
By WhatteauYouDoing (97k works)
AU: Mage
Character feature: Gaster
2. A Puzzle Just for Me
neroli (696k)
Muffet (minor character), San
Note: contains smut but heavily plot driven
3. Panic Room
By coco_finny (206k)
Papyrus, Sans, Happstablook (minor) Undyne (minor), Muffet (minor)
4. Don’t Shoot the Albatross
By Gypsum Lilac (29k)
5. The Soldier and the Carnal Skeletons
By Writers_War_Zone (113k)
Sans, Red, Horror
Note: contains lots of smut
6. Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
By @bubbleteasing (121k)
Sans, Papyrus (reoccuring minor), Muffet (minor)
Note: no smut (up to ch12) but mind the tags
7. Foramen? Fill me in!
By @velvetwyrme
Swapfell Papyrus
Note: glorious smut
8. Cave Bear
By @lamma_goddess (35k)
Red, Edge
9. Papyrus Dates a Bird
By WhatteauYouDoing (70k)
Mage AU
Papyrus, Sans
From @undertale-museum
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jaxxwrites4you · 9 months
Do you have a list of which Undertale Characters/AUs you write headcanons/scenarios for?
Yeah! I would like to state that I write all of my AUs with my partner @justsamwich! So I'm happy to answer asks here and you can also ask them questions over on their blog as well! Just wanted to make sure everyone knows it's not all me ^^
I will also put the names for the skeletons next to their respective AUs ^^
Undertale (Sans and Papyrus)
UnderFell (Grunge and Baroque)
UnderSwap (Ginger and Clove)
WesternTale (Doc and Ranger)
WesternFell (Rusty and Diablo)
WesternSwap (Ace and Rodeo)
MafiaTale (Smoke and Mac)
MafiaFell (Whiskey and Saint)
MafiaSwap (Romeo and Lucky)
I'm most comfortable with the skeletons from each of these, alongside a majority of the main group (Alphys, Undyne, Toriel, Asgore, Mettaton.)
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ivyprism · 9 months
Undertale AU Characters
Undertale - Grillby, Riverperson and Frisk: Grillby (Grillbz), Riverperson (or RP), and Frisk
Underfell - Grillby, Riverperson, Undyne, and Frisk: Tyrian, Rivulet, Neve, and Tart
Underswap - Chara: Pudding
Swapfell Amethyst - Chara: Custard
Horrortale - Aliza
Dancetale - Frisk: Mooncake
Fellswap Amaranth - Grillby, Muffet, Fuku Fire, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, Goner Asriel, Monster Kid/Temmie, Frisk, Chara, Napstaton, Hapstablook, Asgore’s Mother and Father, Toriel’s Mother, and Father: Vulcan, Eclair, Enya, Fujiko, Beryl, Elric, Alexandra, Victor, Nicole, Micah/M, Farin, Clare, Ryder, Hendrix, Theodora, Cedric, Octavia, and Claudius.
Swapfell Glaucous - Grillby, Muffet, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Napstaton, Hapstablook, Chara, Frisk, MK/Temmie, and Asriel: Thyme, Candy, Rosette, Athena, Delray, Madeline, Xavier, Blake, Truffle, Strudel, Waffle/Cream, and Louis.
Mafiatale - Asgore and Toriel: Clyde and Pearl
Mafiafell - Asgore and Toriel: Harvey and Opal.
Mafiaswap - Asgore and Toriel: Lex and Garnet
Alluretale - Asgore, Toriel, Frisk, Chara, Asriel/Flowey, Monster Kid, Mettaton, Napstablook/Napstaton, Grillby, Muffet, Undyne, and Alphys: Heath, Joy, Honey, Aero, Graham/Gram, Toffee, Espresso, Latte, Whiskey, Mocha, Dagger, and Citrine
Allurefell - Grillby and Muffet: Vermouth and Sherry
Angels Fall - Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Napstaton, Mettaton, Grillby, Muffet, Frisk, Chara/Temmie, Asriel/Stuffy, and Monster Kid: Dina, Mieko, Alastair, Brea, Neo, Myles, Helios, Pastry, Halo, Cherub/Cece, Theodore/Theo, and Malachi.
The Mermaid Mercenary - Undyne: Blyze
Final Boss AU - Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, Chara, Flowey, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Napstablook, Grillby, Muffet, and Monster Kid: Adrienne, Caderyn, Lowen, Moss, Griff, Valda, Dian, Ceol, Lalo, Ardere, Honoré, and Emery
The Visitor - Frisk: Vett
The Melody of the Universes - Asgore, Toriel, Asriel/Flowey, Chara, Frisk, Monster Kid, Muffet, Grillby, Mettaton, Napstaton, Alphys, and Undyne: Caprice (likes to be called Reese), Aria, Piper/Pip, Caprice, Symphony, Brio, Sonata, Jazz, Chord, Rhapsody, Allegra, and Lyra
Old AU - Grillby, Muffet, Fuku Fire, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Asgore, Asriel/Flowey, Monster Kid, Frisk, Chara/Stuffy, Napstaton/Napstablook, and Mettaton: Flint, Sherbert, Stella, Oriel, Della, Tara, Theodoric, Asher/Grey, Marlowe, Angel (also goes by Gem), Haven/Lyric, Kai, and Apollo
The Pirates of Vividus - Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, Chara, Frisk, Monster Kid, Grillby, Muffet, Mettaton, and Napstablook: Rivule, Exos, Typhos, Crystal, Marble, Flair, Illume, Fye, Sonus, Dusk, Aeranas, and Terberis
Royal - Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, Chara, Frisk, Monster Kid, Grillby, Muffet, Mettaton, and Napstablook: Ocea, Intris, Fernis, Tera, Entros, Rane, Hayle, Lec, Tinder, Vapora, Theuros, and Noxis
The Wandering SOULs - Chara and Temmie: Sailor and Quest (Q)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern - Toriel, Asgore, Asriel, Chara, Frisk, Monster Kid, Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, Napstablook, Grillby, and Muffet: Celastrina, Aglias, Clodius, Papillon, Frey, Ellis, Diana, Louise, Herod, Riff, Ignatius, and Dulcie
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vrnicky · 1 year
Uh, imma just leave my simp list,, here
1. Classic Papyrus
2. Underfell Papyrus
3. Fellswap gold Papyrus
4. Mafiafell Papyrus
5. Underswap Papyrus
6. Horrortale Papyrus
7. Swapfell/Fellswap papyrus
8. And honestly any other Papyrus lol
1. Mafiafell Sans
2. Fellswap gold Sans
3. Underfell Sans
4. Fellswap Sans
5. Horrortale Sans
1. Undertale/Underfell Asgore (i love them both)
2. Mafiafell Asgore
3. Vikingtale Asgore (Au from a friend)
4. Underswap Asgore
1. Undertale Undyne
2. Underfell Undyne
3. Underswap Undyne
4. Swapfell/Fellswap Undyne
5. Mafiatale Undyne
1. Undertale Grillby
2. Underfell Grillby
3. Swapfell/Fellswap Grillby
4. Mafiatale Grillby
1. Nightmare!Boss (from megs)
2. Nightmare!red,,,, (from megs)
3. Swap!ink
4. Nightmare!Papyrus (from megs)
5. Core!Papyrus (mine)
6. Dustswap!Papyrus (in general lol)
The ones i remembering simping of moots:
1. Brace (Astro's)
2. Red (Astro's)
3. Rus (Kioko's)
4. Cyrus (Kioko's)
5. Stretch (Kioko's)
6. Honey (Ratsoh's)
7. Salt (Ratsoh's)
8. Boss (Ratsoh's)
9. Hook (Ratsoh's)
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pixledhatchet · 2 years
Revamped Name Key
Sans (Classic)
Papyrus (Classic)
Red (UnderFell Sans)
Kelak (UnderFell Papyrus)
Lito (UnderSwap Sans)
Stretch (UnderSwap Papyrus)
Vesper (SwapFell!Red Sans)
Vigolfr aka Vigo (SwapFell!Red Papyrus)
G (G! / EchoTale / UnderPatch Sans)
Aster (G! / EchoTale / UnderPatch Papyrus)
Bear (HorrorTale Sans)
Moose (HorrorTale Papyrus)
Colt (MafiaTale Sans)
Bullet (MafiaFell Sans)
Rifle (MafiaSwap Papyrus)
Undyne (UnderTale)
Alphys (UnderTale)
Mirren (UnderFell Undyne - Genderswapped)
Cormorant aka Cor (UnderSwap Undyne - Genderswapped)
Rowan (Original Character)
This list can and will change!
DMs are open, asks are open, anonymous asking is allowed!
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twentydaysofdrabbles · 11 months
In lieu of a chapter today, please enjoy some headcanons now that the characters are more established! Do feel free to send asks about any of them; I'm aware that my iteration of Mafiafell!Sans is vastly different from the commonly accepted AU.
If anyone wants headcanons about the Manager or the Harbinger etc, feel free to send an ask through~
The Concierge
Will often have a hand warmer in their pocket. On really cold days, they will slip it into their glove to keep their hands extra warm to combat the stiffness.
Remembers people's names a lot easier than they do faces and will often just not call people by their name unless they know them well. It saves them the embarrassment, and unprofessionalism, of calling someone by the wrong name.
The Concierge's greatest strength and weakness is their loyalty. Ride or die, they will stand by your side. Even if you're in the wrong. They might question you, but ultimately they'll go along with what you want.
While coming across as having a nihilistic view of the world, the Concierge is of the firm belief that one good turn deserves another. And likewise that a transgression is owed another in turn.
They are very particular about the quality of their gloves - it must be thick enough to hide skin entirely, but thin enough that they can feel through them.
The Concierge's hands are very sensitive even with the gloves. They definitely like it when Sans kisses them.
Has never cared about their identity or their sexual preferences. They are what their handlers need them to be.
Has a very long history with the Manager that goes back to their days as an Emissary. Following the incident that ended their career as Emissary, they were offered the position of Concierge by the Manager. They accepted.
They're a workaholic. Doesn't know what to do if they have time to themselves with nothing on the agenda. They have been working their whole life.
Recovering alcoholic? Or just someone who doesn't like alcohol? Who knows. They're not going to tell.
Definitely has an audio fetish/auralism.
Very flirtatious and not afraid to spread his affections between his bedmates (at least until he starts to connect with the Concierge). Never had the same bedmate twice (again, before the Concierge).
The most sexually and romantically experienced of the three of them.
Serves as Asgore's Judge and spymaster. His network of spies extend past the monster community and into the human world. Money goes a long way.
Actually was really suspicious of the Concierge when he first met them - this actual person looks and feels more like a doll on strings, whose eyes are empty and dead and their smile so polite it can only be fake. It was so hard to get a reaction out of them that he really, really wanted to make them react to him.
Is as much of a slob as his other versions are, he just hides it a lot better. His room is an absolute pigsty. Everywhere else? Artfully messy without being disgusting. Somehow. Papyrus still hates it.
A functioning alcoholic in denial. Can't go a day without a drink. Rationalises it by saying that he only has one glass every day, but every other day it's a half a bottle, and the day after that a full bottle. Thinks he can go cold turkey but he really can't.
Not a fan of drugs, but can see that there's business in dealing/trafficking/manufacturing. Doesn't like to think that he's ruining lives with them, though.
The most ruthless and bloodthirsty of Asgore's lieutenants. Undyne and Papyrus would just kill them, while Alphys would keep them alive for experiments but ultimately is too soft to kill. Sans enjoys the bloodsport of it all and often requires Papyrus to rein him back in.
Very loyal to his brother. Will kill for Papyrus. Will die for Papyrus.
Loves the Concierge's hands because they kill so efficiently with them. He doesn't care that their hands have been weakened.
Secretly has a sock fetish.
The sensible brother.
Identified as aromantic asexual for most of his life. Men - meh. Women - meh. Unidentifiable gender due to the construction of their bodies and the nature of their being - meh. A wooden Concierge in a stunning outfit who can press him against the wall - smitten.
Despite his label, he's a romantic at heart. Wants to be swept off his feet by a gallant knight/prince/princess and doted on sweetly. Refuses to admit this to anyone and asking him this will result in a smackdown. He has a hidden bookcase in his room where he stashes his romance novels.
Really wants a cat but can't because he's terrified that the cat will choke on Sans' rubbish.
Learned to be ruthless and aggressive at Sans' knee, but he doesn't agree with Sans' version of aggression and his bloodlust. Believes that violence is the answer to all questions, but that violence should not be excessive. If he must kill someone, he will do so with one clean hit.
Loyal to the throne/monarch of monsters, not necessarily the person that sits on it. He greatly respects Asgore for leading them through tough times, but believes that Asgore makes for a better peacetime leader, and Toriel a wartime leader.
Has a good sense of style and will ensure that he dresses up neatly and nicely. His closet is massive and has a large range of clothes - most of them ones that he made himself. He definitely made some of Sans' smarter suits and repairs them when they get torn. Really wants to learn how to sew tactical lining so he can have a bulletproof suit.
He is more turned on by the mental aspect of the Concierge's dominance than he is the physical aspect. That being said, he really, really wants to be kabedon'd and/or pinned against the wall by the Concierge.
Very easily bullied. Secretly has a (gentle) humiliation kink.
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rosaberge2 · 2 years
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So more context for this situation for anyone new around here. Me and a group of friends have started a roleplay on mafiafell book ; one day your gonna be mine. (Forgot the name of the writer…) and so far… we are having a blast on random crap like this.
Horror is a man that has a manly man issue. He wants to be taller than the other guys… so guess what happen when he is the shortest. So yeah! Hope you enjoy this random comic of the roleplay so far !
Ask them anything if you want to know more what is going on in this au :3 have a nice day!
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rhodophoria · 4 months
🌹 Expanded UTMV Tag List 🌹
Catch-all Undertale/Multiverse Tag
sans | papyrus | toriel | asgore | undyne | alphys | flowey / asriel | frisk | chara | mettaton | napstablook | grillby | gaster
fell sans | fell papyrus
swap sans | blueberry | swap papyrus
sf/fs sans | sf/fs papyrus
horror sans | horror papyrus
nightmare | dream | shattered!dream | swap!dream | swap!nightmare | apple twins
bad sanses | star sanses killer | dust | dust!papyrus | cross | strike!cross error ink fresh geno | fatal!error echotale/gaster sans farmtale sans underlust sans outertale sans | outertale pap dance sans reaper sans mafiafell sans mythics (sirens, lamia, etc.) bitties babybones (baby skeles)
(Misc Related)
spookyflavor's sirentale comic golden palace cyoa underverse llamagines
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hiddentuliplodge · 4 years
*enters the lodge* "Hello, I'm looking for Snipe, is he here?"
As usual, the Mun greets you happily, leading you inside the cabin, still ever bustling with life and energy.
“ Snipe? Oh, of course he is hun, he’s talking to the undynes right now, but luckily they’re pretty easy to join in with. “
She takes your arm and helps you through the crowd, where you walk right into the middle of a gun show... a literal gun show. Mafia!Undyne and MafiaFell!Undyne are emptying their arsenals to see who has the best weapon of choice. First it was knives, daggers, pistols, then it was shotguns, ak’s, sub machines and... is that a rocket launcher??
Snipe catches your eye, waving you over happily.
He gives you a wide smile as Pap takes each weapon and safely puts it away.
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if asks are still open!
how would the more rough/intimidating skeles react if they had a s/o or person of interest who's traumatized by their family (verbal&physical&sexual), has big problems to communicate if something's wrong/bothering them, needs lots of positive affirmations&feedback, has bug trust issues, also looks a bit intimidating (black clothes, piercings, resting bitch face) if not spoken to but super sweet if someone's nice? sorry getting very me-insert lol
Underfell Sans - He's not the best match as he's pretty much the same. It would be pretty awkward for a long time as none of them wants to talk at first, and you keep avoiding the issues building between the two of you. It would end badly.
Underfell Papyrus - Your triggering his mother instincts and he's very protective of you, especially when you have to meet your family for any reason, almost growling at them if they dare give you a dirty look. He's not too smart to guess when something is wrong, but he's learning fast to read you, so it should be fine. He doesn't care you look intimidating, I mean, look at him. You two should intimidate Undyne one day to embarrass her.
Horrortale Sans - Oh well. As long as you're huggable, he really doesn't mind. He wishes you tell him if something is wrong more often though. His brain is quite low and he doesn't want to hurt you accidentally by ignoring when you're not okay.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's a bit intimidating at first but Willow is really good at make people at ease and since he can see you're kind, it's alright. The big advantage is also that he is really good at reading people and can just tell right away if you're ok or not! No hiding from him!
Swapfell Sans - Well, he can understands how difficult family can be. I mean, look at Rus, do you really think he did a good job raising him? The brother almost threatened to never see each other once on the Surface before they tried to salvage what was left. He won't judge you. For all the intimidating part, he really doesn't care. People desserves to be scared looking at you. Well, maybe that's not how he wanted to say it but you get the idea.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's the one if you need to be cheer up as he's quite good at that. He understands quite well your family problems and will gladly help you stay away from them if you ask him too. He's also pretty empathic and good at reading people, and he often finds the good words to comfort people. He loves your grumpy face and would never change it for all the gold of the world.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He's not the best for you as he's terrible at reading any emotion and considers family is everything and doesn't understand wanted to never have contact with them. He can also not be the nicest to cheer you up as he will be a little mean to push you up. It wouldn't end very well.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He can definitely understands your family problems as Wine won't let him live his own life and sometimes, he wishes he has your courage to tell him it's making him unhappy. But eh, at least, he's good at knowing when you're sad, he's not pushy and his hugs are the best. You can't have everything!
Mafiafell Sans - He's a little more soft than Red and can be a nice match. He's not really good at the comfort thing though and will gently but firmly send you hug one of his dogs instead of him. He doesn't mind your look, his brother is like a walking mafia boss cliche so...
Mafiafell Papyrus - He could surprisingly be a good match, well, that is if you pass the very intimidating and not at all expressive facade. Torpedo is actually caring a lot, and really sweet and protective to the people he is closed from. He still has some difficulties with reading people, but it clicks eventually in his head. He will remind you you can talk to him if he needs to scare someone, he will gladly do it for you!
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