#Fiona x Ebb
skeedelvee · 2 years
ABCs of Carry On: the big list!
Comment any that I missed! A lot of these were added from your guesses!
Feel like taking the challenge next? Go for it! ❤️
Apple sheets, Agatha
Butter, Baz, Battle, Bunce, big brother
Crucible, Catacombs, cloisters, cake pockets, chosen one, chamber by chamber, chimera
Dragon, Dev
Elocution, Ebb, excalibur
Fangs, Fiona
Goats, Gran, grope fest, gampyre, goatherd
H- tie our hearts together, Humdrum
I - magical instruments, insidious humdrum, I love you
Jersey, Jamie, Jeans, Jabberwocky
Kiss, make way for the king, killer
Light a match inside your heart, on love’s light wings, Lucy, Las Vegas, Lamb
Merwolves, magic, mage, Minotaur, Mummers house, Mordelia, Manor
Normal!, numpty, Niamh, Niall, NowNext, Nicodemus, Natasha
Open sesame
Pitch, Penny, Plotting, Possibelf, polecat
Queer, Queen ( the band)
Rats, Rosebud boy, Rainbow Rowell, roommates, road trip, ren faire, Ruth, roast beef
Scones, Simon, Shepard, Salisbury, sword of Mages, spells, Snow, you were the sun
Tail, Tea, Tower, Tornado, tape recorder, Tyrannus
Unicorn Frappuccino, uniform, under a bridge, uncle Jaime
Violin, vampire
Watford, Weeping tower, White chapel, wings, worst chosen one ever to be chosen
X- Excalibur, Xmas
Yew tree, you were the sun and I was crashing into you, yearning, yeet
Zzz, quiet zone
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carryonsnowbaz · 3 years
I’ve had this idea in my head about Fiona being a trans man for a while, but I decided to wait until @transmagesweek to post it. This idea is what the majority of the things I post this week will revolve around, so I thought it would be a good thing to start out with it. I'll also be posting a fic to go with today's prompts later today.
Fiona came out when he was younger but only to a few people: Ebb, Nico, and Natasha
But then he lost all of that 
Nico decided to become a vampire, which cause Ebb to withdraw into herself and it was almost like she was gone too, and when Natasha died, he felt like he had no one he could talk to about this
He felt all alone and didn't feel comfortable opening up to anyone, so he drew back into the closet and stayed there, playing at being a girl even though it nearly killed him a few times - he stayed strong for Baz though because someone had to look out for him
There were so many times when he wanted to tell someone but he felt like he had no one
He wanted to talk to Ebb but it felt like too much time had passed; there was too much distance between them after all this time
Ebb, Nico, and Fiona had all been so close in school, and Fiona had loved them both dearly, but it somehow felt different with Ebb. Fiona never thought too hard about that though because he didn’t want it to ruin what they had.
It was just another secret he held that sometimes felt like it would tear him apart, but we went on with his life, keeping it all in.
As Baz got older, there were times when Fiona wanted to tell Baz that he was trans, but he felt like Baz was suffering with enough without also having to carry this secret, so he kept his mouth shut even though it meant he felt like he was constantly lying to Baz (and to himself at times)
When Baz came out to him as gay at age 15, he again wanted to tell him, but he didn’t want to take that moment away from Baz. He made sure Baz knew he was loved no matter what (and wondered if Baz would feel the same about him when it came down to it)
Time passed and Fiona kept to himself
He watched after Baz and went on with his life, suffering silently by himself
But when he heard that Ebb had nearly been killed by the mage (because Ebb deserved to live) he went to her, tears in his eyes and an unnamable feeling in his chest.
"You're alive," he said. "So are you." "Of course I am. Nothing will ever kill me, remember?” It’s an old joke between them, but it falls flat now. Things just aren’t the same anymore.
"So how have you been?" Ebb asks, and Fiona is quiet for a long time before tears burn at his eyes, threatening to spill over as the truth overwhelms him. "Honestly? Not great." Ebb pulls him into her arms and rubs his back soothingly ass he whispers "it's okay. It will all be okay." And then they're both crying as Fiona finally allows himself to feel the pain he's been hiding for years.
"I'm trans," Fiona whispers. "I know." "No one else does." "That doesn’t make it any less real. You're still you." "Thank you."
They’re quiet for a while, simply holding onto each other like if they let go, the world will fall apart.
Fiona decides that while he’s getting things off his chest, he might as well confess his other big secret, and before he’s even made the decision to do so, the words are spilling out of his mouth: "I love you."
Ebb pulls back to meet his eyes as she says, “I love you, too. But why did you never say anything?" "You were in love with that dryad, and I didn’t want to ruin things." Ebb nods knowingly. Things were different back then.
They talk for a while after that, catching up and listening to each other about what they’ve been up to since the last time they saw each other.
Nothing is certain between them, but Fiona is smiling as he leaves, knowing that things will be okay. They can close this distance between them and at the very least be friends.
After talking with Ebb, Fiona decides it's time to tell Baz. He's tired of hiding himself from the world, especially the people he cares most about.
He doesn’t care as much about what anyone else will think or say, but he does care what Baz will think and it's time to face that, whatever happens.
It turns out that Baz also has something to tell Fiona, but Fiona asks him to wait. He needs to get this off his chest before he can have a chance to change his mind.
Fiona has been thinking about how he would tell Baz he was trans for years, but it’s still difficult to get the words out.
Somehow, it felt easier to come out to his friends when he was younger. It seemed as simple as telling them that he felt like a boy, but it isn’t that simple now. It feels like with just a few words, he could lose everything.
But he won’t back out now. He still tells Baz.
To Fiona's relief, Baz doesn’t have a problem with it. Baz hugs him and says that he loves him, and Fiona hadn’t realized until that moment how worried he was that he might never hear those words from Baz again after this, and for the second time that day, he feels tears filling his eyes.
"What should I call you?" Baz asks as Fiona wipes away his tears. "Fiona is fine for now." "Okay." He simply accepts it, which is another great relief to Fiona.
To get some of the attention off of himself for a bit, Fiona asks Baz what he wanted to tell him, and that’s when Baz tells him that he’s dating Simon.
A large part of Fiona wants to be mad because it’s the mages bloody heir, but he loves Baz, and if this is who he loves, Fiona will find a way to be okay with that.
"I'm happy for you," Fiona tells him. "Really?" "Of course. I told you that I’ll love you no matter what. It just might take me some time to love the idea of you dating the chosen one." Baz nods and laughs lightly. "That’s understandable."
They hug and in that moment they’re both happy. But this is just the beginning.
Fiona has a long road ahead of him. To figure out how to love himself and accept himself and find a way to be himself in a way that makes him comfortable but having the two people he loves most in the world by his side makes a huge difference.
Things don’t seem so difficult anymore, and when he looks ahead at the future, he has hope.
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Carry On Countdown 2019 - Day 5 - Carry on Prequel
In which Fiona and Ebb dated while they were at Watford and were the ultimate punk/pastel couple.
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perfectlittleking · 5 years
Yay! you take prompts! About a lovely AU where Snowbaz meet a pride parade? Extra points if you put in FixEbb :)
I really hope you like this… This is probably really OOC, but I tried. I’m pretty sure it’s more FixEbb than Snowbaz, but I tried. Also, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! 
It was actually Fiona’s idea to go this year. It’s been a few years since I’ve known, but I had just recently told Fiona my sexuality. It’s nothing I should be ashamed of or embarrassed. It’s just… people these days,… I have no words for them.
“Ready, kid?” Fiona asked when she came out from her bedroom.
She was sporting three colours in her whole outfit. Eyeshadow was powered with pinks, she wore a hot pink shirt that “All or nothing”, her leather jacket over it, bright blue jeans, and her makeup seemed to be a mix of all of that with hints of yellow. She seemed to go all out for this event.
Now I felt a bit under-dressed. Just a pair of dark worn out jeans and a shirt that Fiona had bought me that read in a rainbow of colour “I’m here and I’m queer”. Her idea for me to wear it today.
I gave a nod before grabbing a smoke from the kitchen table. I lit the thing before tossing the pack towards Fi, who caught it and tossed it in her purse.
“I plan on seeing Ebb there.” She smiled placing a cigarette between her lips as she headed out of the flat. I followed.
Ebb was her girlfriend since high school. I’ve met her a few times when she came over to hang out with Fiona. I’m surprised she hasn’t moved in already. She’s over more than I am, and I practically live here.
According to Fi, the place wasn’t too far. A few blocks down from her flat. The closer to we got to downtown, the more colour I see. People covered in glitter, waving flags, holding their partner (or partners) hand. It was a mosh pit of colour. Flags flew from some of the businesses near the centre of the madness. Music blared, which came from the stage in the lawn of downtown.
I really felt out of place, but Fi told me not to worry really. As long as I enjoyed it, then I fit right in.
Ebb had invited me to the pride festival that was going on downtown. Ebb was like an aunt to me, even though we weren’t related. I told her I didn’t really belong, but she repeated that allies were invited. She even bribed me of saying she wouldn’t go without me. I didn’t want to be the reason she held herself back, so that’s why I’m helping her grab her red to pink pride flag.
“Oh! I forgot to tell ya, Simon.” Ebb smiled towards me. “Imma introduce you to my girlfriend!” She was beaming with happiness.
I heard stories about her girlfriend, Fi (if I remember). High school lovers. Every time Ebb spoke of her, her face shined brighter than the sun. She spoke so fondly of her and I wanted to meet this Fi.
“Really?” I gasped.
She gave a nod before grabbing her purse and ushering me out of her flat. “It’s ‘bout time I introduce ya to her.” She locked up her place before heading to the town square. I followed right next to her.
Ebb had never really gave me a description of what Fi looked like, but I conjured something in my head. She was probably taller than Ebb, but not by much. Maybe one with flowers or nature like Ebb was. Long blonde hair that was usually pulled into a hat or a lazy bun. So many different versions of Fi came to my mind. I wasn’t sure which version I should keep my eyes out for.
The walk to the centre was quick, or maybe because I was lost in my thoughts. Ebb had already taken her flag and worn it like a cape. It made her look like a princess. The colours glowed off the flag and her own outfit.
“Ebb!” I heard over the crowd. I tried to pin-point who was saying that. There was so many people and the location was lost quickly.
I glanced towards Ebb who was soon heading towards the bakery. I followed the best I could, I didn’t to lose her in this festival. I excused myself through the small pockets between people. All I could see was Ebb’s flag flying as she ran towards someone. Was that Fi?
By the time I was out of the thicket of people, I had lost Ebb. I felt so lost here. I stood on my toes to try to get a better look. There were so many orange to pink flags flying on people’s backs. Some were even held between couples. No sign of Ebb anywhere.
I gave a sigh and took a seat on the silver metal bench. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken the offer. If she was going to meet her girlfriend, I was going to be the third wheel anyway. I had pulled out of my phone to text Penny if she could pick me up and take me back to our flat.
It wasn’t too long after Fiona had yelled her girlfriend’s name into the crowd. Her voice carried further than a few blocks I swear. A woman, about Fiona’s age was heading out direction. She had the newly designed lesbian flag hanging off her shoulders. I was confused when I saw her coming. Fiona had said something about Ebb introducing my aunt to someone. No one was behind her.
“Ebb!” Fiona pulled her into a desperate hug and submerged her face with kisses.
“Fi!” Ebb giggled and squirmed at every kiss.
I had cleared my throat to grab the love bird’s attention. Rude, but I wanted to state the confusion I was in.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies, but were you going to introduce my aunt to someone?” I asked slipping my hands into my jean’s pockets.
Ebb had pulled herself out of Fiona’s hug and did a 360 on her heels. Fear seemed to take her features. I knew she was an emotional one, but I never knew someone who could go from excitement to complete dread in seconds.
“Simon!” She called out before heading to the direction she came from.
Simon? Some reason the name sounded familiar, but then again Simon was a common name. I decided to help since Fi was taking Ebb’s hand to help. I headed to another direction to find this Simon.
I looked for someone who could be a sibling to Ebb or someone who looked like a lost puppy. Every so often, I did call out Simon, but not too loud to embarrass myself or disrupt people who were celebrating.
It was probably three or five minutes when I spotted a familiar face. I could be wrong, but he looked like an ex-schoolmate. The bloke was just draining his phone battery and didn’t seem like he fit in. Before I did anything rash, I stood a bit off to the side and called out his name. If he looked up then it’s a Simon, if not, my past is playing games with me.
“Simon!” It was a bit louder than a normal volume, but softer than a yell. Out of the corner of my eye, the bloke looked up. His eyes were the bluest of blue. I knew him.
“You know Ebb?” I asked before taking a step closer.
A voice rang through the streets. I looked up and noticed a bloke looking around. He was tall, much taller than I was. Black hair was gelled back and wore some pride shirt with a pair of jeans that truly fitted his bottom half. I wasn’t one to stare, but he was a good looking bloke.
Our eyes locked (I think my face went red) and he spoke once more. “You know Ebb?” He asked.
I gave a nod. “Yeah… I… We, Ebb and I, got separated.” I stood up trying to piece myself together. I didn’t want to sound like a child, but I just lost my own reason I’m here.
He had pulled out his phone and quickly made a phone call. I wasn’t sure what to do. My eyes kept sliding up to the bloke. His phone call only lasted a minute it seemed.
“Are you done staring, Snow?” That hit memories.
“Baz..?” I jumped to my feet. Baz Pitch, an old classmate from high school. He was an arsehole to me. I thought I would never seen him again after high school, but here he is, standing so tall in front of me. It was still fit, hell I think I see a bit of definition in that shirt of his.
“I thought… you…” I was stumbling over my words. My mind was glued to Baz and not my thoughts.
Baz rose his brow. “Thought what? Thought I died or something?” He gave a sigh. “Can we just go find Ebb and my aunt?”
I gave a nod and followed him. Ebb was dating Baz’s aunt? I chased memories to try to remember if I had ever met her before. Was she the one who picked Baz from school every so often after football practice? If so, wow… Ebb doesn’t seem to fall for the punk rock ‘n roll ones.
How was I the one to know that the Simon Ebb was looking for was the Simon? Simon Snow was an old crush of mine. All those years of torturing the bloke was because I fought those feelings of love. Back then, father didn’t approve of anything I did. I fought those thoughts about Snow in high school, but now I’m not sure if I should now as well. He had an ally shirt on, so I doubt he was into someone like me.
It didn’t take long for us to meet back up with Fi and Ebb. Once we did, Ebb had pulled Snow into a death hug and told him she was so worried about him. It was soft. I just glanced towards Fi. She was sporting a devil’s grin.
“So,” Fi spoke up. “Simon, right? You’re about the same age as my nephew right… Twenty?”
If only I could run now, I would. There was truly no escape right now.
“Oh uh.. Yes ma’am. We were actually classmates in high school.” He seemed to only be looking at me.
My face felt hot. I was regretting not wearing a hat. I kept my attention away from Snow as much as I could.
“Oh wait… If I remember correctly, Basil,” Fiona turned to look at me. “Is this your –”
Before my aunt could say anything else, the DJ started a new song. It blasted louder than the previous one. Thank Crowley.
Simon stood there confused, that’s nothing new. “His what?” I barely could hear.
All I could see what Fiona was whispering something to Snow. His face went from a gold to a crimson red. She told him. She fucking told him! I wanted to run, but my legs were lead. He was coming towards me.
Snow was now in front of me. His face was still burning red from whatever Fiona had told him.
“You… you had a crush on me?” His words were soft. I was surprised I could hear them. The thing was, he was wrong. I still have a crush on him.
I tried to look away, but his blue eyes were something I enjoyed swimming in. “Yes. Are you happy now?” I grumbled looking at the sky. It wasn’t the same.
“Uh… I think…” Great, he’s stuttering again. Whatever he’s trying to say is going to take forever.
I pulled my attention back to him and spoke up. “Spit it out Snow. What do you think?”
Lips touched mine. I was frozen in my spot. Simon had leaned over and kissed me. He was kissing me. My high school crush was kissing me in the middle of a pride festival. I didn’t pull away, but he did.
“I think you’re cute.” He looked so awkward standing there now.
I rolled my eyes. “I wouldn’t use the word cute, Simon.”
He was blushing hard. The red was reaching to his ears and hiding all his freckles.
“I thought you were straight…” I tried to break up the tension between us.
He glanced down just to see his shirt. “Oh uh…” Soon his arms pulled the shirt off over his head and Ebb seemed to take it from him. “I guess not?”
I just laughed and placed my hands on both his cheeks and kissed him once again.
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nonbaznary · 3 years
she's making me feel new things
Watford Era Fiona Pitch/Ebb Petty; Fiona Pitch & Nicodemus Petty. Fiona talks to Nicodemus about a suspicion that's been bugging her. (1K, T for language)
For @carry-on-sapphic-week day 2: first
"I don’t know what’d be so different about it this time, that I can barely even talk about it. I think about her being with anyone, and it makes me want to scream. And I think about her being with me, and it also makes me want to scream, but in a different way. Nicer."
now with art!
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can we all just take a moment to appreciate everyone’s favorite weird punk aunt, Fiona Pitch
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angelsfalling16 · 3 years
Send me a fic summary, and I'll write something based on it! It can be as specific or vague as you want; I'll write an outline or bullet point list or ficlet depensing on what I'm inspired to write.
I'll write for any rating, but please don't send me an explicit prompt if you're a minor. Also, I'll put the ships I'll write for down in the tags.
(I haven't finished reading AWTWB yet, so no spoilers please!)
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seducing-a-vampire · 4 years
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Happy Sunday, friends! 
Thank you for the tags @annabellelux @snowybank @effing-numpties @palimpsessed ! I love all your words, and I can’t wait to read more of those projects 💕💕💕
I’ve been playing around with this idea for a bit-- I started it for the wlw COC day, but I didn’t finish it in time. Now, I might end up turning it into the Cardigan fic for my Folklore series. (Or it might be something else entirely. Who knows.) 
It’s still very rough, but I love Ebb x Fiona, and I’m challenging myself to write something that’s not fluff or crack, so I want to keep working with it! 
Anyway, this a Ebb POV (from around the beginning of Carry On):
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It’s late, but time is fake, so I’m no pressure tagging: @waywardlesbian @wellbelesbian @trenchcoat-moth @letraspal @a-codraisc @nightimedreamersworld @otherworldsivelivedin @im-gettingby @viktorkrumn @phoxphyre @otherpeoplesheartachept-2​ @amywaterwings​ @wolfywordweaver​ and anyone else who wants to share!! 
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tyrannuspitch · 3 years
just to emphasise how few characters carry on has, here is how i would list the characters in order of importance/development:
1. simon (protagonist)
2. baz (deuteragonist)
3. penny, agatha, lucy, the mage (supporting/antagonist)
4. natasha, fiona, malcolm, ebb, nicodemus (minor with key plot roles)
5. mitali, martin, miss possibelf, maybe dr wellbelove (very minor but with a character concept)
6. every other random name mentioned in passing
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 2 years
Idea: Carry On x A Song of Ice and Fire
Salisburys=Targaryan (Blond, Dragons, large and in charge)
Pitch=Martell (Progressive, Dark haired, olive skined desert oasis, retains royal titles, ruled by powerful women)
Grimm=Lannister (rich, rich, rich)
Bunce=Hightower (all about the knowledge, the hub of learning in all seven kingdoms)
Wellbelove=Tully (family, duty, honor)
Lady Ruth (maiden name) =Tyrell (the Reach the breadbasket of the seven kingdoms)
Cadwallader= Stark
Petty=Arryn (lots of goats in the Vale)
Hand of the King (like a Prime minister)
Last Names for the Bastards of great families are determined based on location/who the parent is:
North: Snow
Vale: Stone
Dorne: Sand
Kingslanding: Waters
Reach: Flowers
Riverlands: Rivers
The Salisbury's have ruled the Seven Kingdoms on the Iron Throne for centuries, they are considered the blood of the Dragon but no one in the family has been able to transform into one for ages. An incident occurred with their heir Princess Lucy when Davy of house Cadwallader abandoned his northern seat of Winterfell, giving it to his cousins and joined the Wildlings beyond the wall (a group of people who refuse to acknowledge the authority of the crown and the feudal lords). No one knows everything that happened but the generally held belief is that Davy kidnapped her for what he believed was the Prophecy of Ice and Fire, the union of the (former) Lord of Winterfell and the Salisbury's would create the Prince that was Promised; whether he married her is anyone's guess. Attempts were made to recover her especially by Natasha Pitch, Hand to King Andrew and Princess of Dorne but she was never found. In that time the King died and left his wife Queen Ruth of Highgarden as regent for their remaining child Prince Jaime, who is a nice kid but really NOT fit to be in charge and who is desperate to abdicate to literally ANYONE else and become the Lord of Highgarden as he would prefer (its a cushy role). 
There is a hope among some of the old families of Westeros that maybe Natasha's heir Prince Baz of Dorne could be considered for the throne in lieu of Jaime. But things go sideways when there is a showdown between Davy and Natasha in a battle beyond the wall where Davy is defeated by Natasha but she dies from wounds sustained during the skirmish. It is there that Lady Ebb Petty of the Vale finds a small baby Dragon in the snow, the Dragon then becomes a little boy: Simon "Snow" Salisbury: Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. This throws the Seven Kingdoms into disarray: 
1) The Salisburys are thrilled after all they now have a beloved child who can turn into a Dragon like the Salisbury's of old, Jaime is happy to give up his claim
2) Simon's Claim is a bit wobbly, Going for him is: his martial prowess, he is the heir of the heir and so his claim supersedes everyone else and he can turn into a dragon which is like a nuke in this world. Against him is that he is very likely a 'bastard' hence the nickname Simon 'Snow' even though his Grandma legitimized him, and his father was the hated Davy Cadwallader who the old families hate and resent. He also spent the first 10 yrs of his life living beyond the wall in a seemingly lawless, wild place that has a shady reputation among the rest of Westeros and the old families fear he may try and undermine their authority with his wildling values.
The old families split allegiances, Dorne although loyal to Queen Ruth is not going to accept Simon on the throne, Dorne was the last to join the seven kingdoms and unlike the other realms of Westeros, was never conquered, the Salisbury's made Natasha the hand to appease Dorne and allowed them to retain their customs and titles. They are prepared under the Viper Princess Fiona to throw hands over the ascension of Simon SNOW, they have the Grimms of Casterly Rock as allies and they hold all the gold in Westeros. And Niall of the Iron Isles has promised his impressive fleet to 'Baz's' cause, among others.
Simon has allies too though, the Pettys of the Vale, the Wellbeloves of Riverrun, the Bunces of Oldtown and the Cadwallader Cousins of Winterfell. Other families like the Brodys of Storms End and the dashing Sealord of Bravos Shepard have married into the alliance. 
Growing up Prince Simon and Prince Baz have been treated as and treated each other as enemies and rivals. With the members of their alliances moving around and butting heads. 
some of the others are just biding their time
During the month of Simon's 18th name day all of Westeros and the interested parties across the Narrow sea are holding their breath. Queen Ruth's regency is up and she will hand the reigns to either Jaime (who, lets be honest would be a puppet) with Baz as his Hand (as the Dornish alliance want) or to her grandson Simon with Lady Penelope Bunce as his Hand. Civil war is on the horizon: BUT the Summer Tourney changes everything.
During the lavish tourney given to celebrate the retirement of Dowager Queen Ruth and the incredible job she did at taking care of the kingdom (and delaying war). Both alliances are there and both royal Princes are in attendance. Simon is riding in the tourney itself as he always is and inevitably wins the tilts and is named champion. When he is given a crown of Winter roses to crown his King/Queen of of Love and Beauty (a courtly tradition), he rides past everyone and to the shocked silence of the crowd, lays the wreath on the lap of Prince Baz of Dorne. Baz stares in disbelief before taking the crown, his hands are shaking so badly his Lady step mother has to help fasten it to his hair. 
During the subsequent feast where, as the champions chosen King of Love and Beauty Baz is seated away from his allies and beside Simon, Lady Ruth announces that she will be naming Simon as King of all Westeros. Simon then announces that it is his desire to marry Prince Baz as his King-consort. This comes as a huge surprise to everyone except Penelope, Ruth, Jaime and Shepard. Everyone knows that Baz and Simon HATE each other and the idea that they would marry was absurd that no one would have suggested it even as a joke 
Baz thinks that Penelope Bunce will be an EXCELLENT Hand. The simplest way for them to avoid war is to marry Simon to Baz the Dornish alliance would be fools turn away from being offered a crown, and it turns enemies to staunch allies, after all Simon's success as a King is now tied to Baz's. And to question Simon's eligibility would delegitimize Baz's royal ascension. Baz also thinks that Simon will be a good king after all he's handsome, powerful, a warrior that came out of a song and is marrying a man he hates just to avoid a war and strengthen his position during his political transition, finally he thinks that this was more than he ever dreamed of, he has been secretly in love with Prince Simon since forever and perhaps they could come to a truce and make this marriage work.
Simon thinks that Penelope Bunce will be an EXCELLENT Hand. That this solution of her's is a stroke of brilliance. He also thinks that Baz will be an amazing King consort, he's born into this world of intrigue and so smart and savvy, he's even agreeing to marry a man he hates to avoid a war. Finally he thinks that this was more than he ever dreamed of, he has been secretly in love with Prince Baz forever and perhaps they could come to a truce and make this marriage work.
If anyone wants to take this and run with it, please do. I'd love to read it :)
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minaslittleone · 3 years
Grow As We Go
Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable
"When you're high, I'll take the lows, you can ebb and I can flow and we'll take it slow and grow as we go" - Grow As We Go by Ben Platt
Dedicated to one of the sweetest people I know
Word count: ~2800 words
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Logically Cordelia knew things would change when she became the supreme, that the raw power bubbling beneath her skin would have consequences. That, while she had long since held a place of authority and responsibility within the coven, that both of these would increase ten-fold. That she would garner fear and awe from young witches as they first entered the academy rather than merely polite deference. That on some days she might even begin to understand how her mother had crumbled under the weight of the power and responsibility. 
What Cordelia certainly hadn’t expected were the physical manifestations of her new abilities. Some had been immediate; the way her skin had been wiped clean of the mottled scaring around her eyes and her sight restored, that her hair bounced with life and volume rather than lying pin straight and how her skin seemed to glow from within, while others had taken longer to become apparent. Her magic seemed to be tied to her physical self in ways she had never felt before, in ways she had never opened herself up to feel. 
The most significant of course was the glowing radiant health to befit a reigning supreme. Though perhaps even that wasn’t as simple as Myrtle had led her to believe. She undoubtedly had more energy and stamina than before, in spite of her tendencies to push it to its limits with late nights and selfless acts. Cordelia often wondered how she used to cope with out it and yet still keep the academy running. Her bolstered immune system certainly wasn’t unwelcome either, especially in a house full of young witches, allowing her to tend to of the girls who became unwell without risking falling victim to whatever ailed them (not that she would have acted any differently in spite of this). 
However this did not make her invincible and it didn’t mean that she didn’t struggle. In spite of the strength and resilience that stemmed from her magic, even the supreme would sometimes tire. After series of long days strung together she would struggle to find the energy to do it all again but she would anyway, because there were always more important things to consider. And while prior to her supremacy she would not have been quick to announce her suffering, she felt now like it was a dark secret she must keep hidden. Because everyone within the academy was of the simplistic view that supremes had endless wells of magical energy from which to draw, that they didn’t tire and they didn’t suffer; and Cordelia certainly hadn’t done anything to dispel this view. 
This left Cordelia in a somewhat paradoxical state that no one was ever aware when she was struggling but that she felt that all eyes were always on her for even slightest sign of weakness. That even the tiniest chink in her façade would lead to whisperings that maybe the supreme was fading, that her magic was leaving her in search of a younger, more powerful host. There were days when she even began to understand Fiona on some level, to appreciate her vanity for the first time in her life, with a new found awareness of the burden of being constantly watched for even the smallest signs of age or weakness. 
The one person Cordelia felt she could be honest with, on some level at least, was Mina. Partially it was because Mina had never known her before she came into her power, so she had nothing to compare to. But mostly it was because their relationship was based on an openness and trust of slowly removing each other’s armour as they shed their clothes every evening, and in the safety of the darkness allowing each other to stand guard to keep the world outside at bay. 
And while Cordelia felt that she could always share with Mina when she was tired, when even the inexhaustible energy of the supreme was waning and she was overwhelmed, there were things she felt she couldn’t share, even with the woman she trusted and loved before all else. Namely, when she was in pain. How could she in any good conscience burden Mina with this, Mina who pushed through pain every day of her life without letting it show. 
Which was why Cordelia found herself curled within the safety of their shared bed at barely eight in an evening, hiding. She had been stuck dealing with coven records for nearly a week now, spending endless hours each day poring over old tomes and trying to the reconcile their information with the modern records. Mina would constantly tell her not hunch over in the way that she did, to remember to wear her reading glasses so she wouldn’t have to peer so closely at the old texts lest she hurt herself. Right now she was wishing she had listened. Every muscle in her upper back and neck was throbbing, radiating sickeningly into her skull. She had spent the best part of the day dealing with it, hiding it, but now she was too tired to continue putting up a front so she had retreated to the safety of their room with the hopes of finding respite in sleep before Mina came looking for her. 
It was incredibly rare that Cordelia would retire of evening before her girlfriend. Mina rose every morning with the first light, greeting the day ready and prepared while Cordelia had to be dragged into the daylight as unwilling party, while Cordelia glowed and thrived in the moonlight and Mina finally allowed her tired body time to rest. So Cordelia shouldn’t have been surprised when her girlfriend came looking for her, door quietly easing it open so as not to disturb her. 
Cordelia remained curled on her side, eyes closed in the pretence of sleep, hoping desperately that Mina would buy her ruse and leave her in peace. She could hear her girlfriend steadily approaching, the tap of her cane interspersed with hushed footsteps. She felt the bed dip as Mina tentatively lowered herself onto the mattress beside her and the tender touch of her girlfriend’s fingers brushing her hair from her face. Cordelia sighed, of course there would be no way that her bright, observant Mina would be fooled so easily. 
Cordelia reluctantly opened her eyes to find Mina tenderly gazing down at her, warmth painted across her delicate features but brow marred by concern. 
“Do you think you can sit up for me, sweetheart? Just for a moment” Mina coaxed, fingers still threading through her girlfriend’s hair. 
“So you don’t choke on the tablets honey, you’re due for some more medication”
Cordelia’s eyes went wide at that, genuine confusion dancing across her features. “How could you possibly know that?” Cordelia stuttered, taking note of the tray her girlfriend had placed on the bedside table bearing water, medication and the salve that Cordelia would usually apply for her girlfriend on her bad days.
“You had some with breakfast at eight this morning. Judging by the amount of pain you’ve been in for the last few days I’m sure you will have been redosing as soon as it wears off and you, my dear, are too much of a goody two shoes to cheat and take it before the four hours is up. So I would guess you took more at twelve and four, so you’re due for more now”
“I’m fine Mina”
“Don’t lie to me, Delia” Mina warned, “your back has been giving you trouble for days. Now please, let me help you.”
Reluctantly Cordelia allowed herself to be propped against her pillows, gratefully accepting the cool glass of water that was pressed into her palm as she threw back the tablets Mina had brought. After a few moments Mina helped her to lie back beneath the covers, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead once she was comfortable.
"Do you think you can roll over for me honey, just so I can get to your back?"
"I'm fine, Mina." Cordelia grumbled. "Can't you just leave me alone?"
"I'm only trying to help sweetheart"
"Yes, well" Cordelia spat "maybe I don't want your help"
Even through the haze of pain and frustration Cordelia couldn't help but notice the way her girlfriend's shoulders slumped, a deep sigh leaving her body along with her self confidence.
"I know I'm not very good at this honey but I'm trying". Wilhemina's hands had withdrawn to her own lap, restlessly fiddling. In truth she wanted to reach out to Cordelia, imbue her touches with the tenderness and love that she struggled to express in words. Find a way to make her understand that even if she would never have the inate capacity for love and affection that her girlfriend did, that she was trying and she was learning and making every effort that she could to become a person worthy of such affection and be able to, at least on some level, give it in return.
Cordelia sighed, this was the last thing that she had wanted, to fuel the fire of her girlfriend's self-doubt. Carefully, she lifted her hand from the mattress, seeking those of her girlfriend which were still busily worrying each other in her lap. Cordelia fought to keep the grimace from her face as she tenderly squeezed Mina's hand in her own.
"I'm sorry, honey" she whispered. "I didn't mean to snap, you didn't deserve that."
Mina affectionately squeezed her girlfriend's hand in return, before tenderly brushing the hair from her face, wishing dearly that she could wipe away the tension in her brow as easily.
"It's ok honey" she cooed. "You've been so uncomfortable these past few days and still you've been pushing yourself so hard to get everything done. It's understandable that you're tired and frustrated. I just want to help you get comfortable so that you can get some rest."
Cordelia melted at that. Her tough, stoic Mina who never gave her own comfort a second thought, who thought she wasn't affectionate or loving but was always watching over her to make her day better in any little way she could. So often she asked Mina to be brave for her, wasn't it only fair that she tried to be brave in return?
Cordelia's lips twitched, as if physically trying to find the shape of the words she needed. "It's just hard sometimes." She finally muttered.
Mina recognised this look immediately, the wary eyes that refused to meet her own and the tense jaw biting back a flood of emotion she didn't feel entitled to express. This was her beautiful, giving, selfless girlfriend feeling like she didn't deserve even the smallest morsel of kindness in return. That she wasn't worth the time or the effort. In moments like these Wilhemina dearly wished there was a way for her to resurrect Fiona and make her suffer, to make her feel ounce of the pain she had subjected her daughter to.
"Hey" Wilhemina whispered, running her knuckles gently against Cordelia's cheek. "I know this is overwhelming, sweetheart, and that's ok. But you deserve this honey, you deserve for someone to be there for you and take care of you, and I'm so sorry you haven't had that before and that it feels so strange. I understand, really I do, but someone very wise once told me that love isn't something you earn, it's something that's given. I love you so much honey and I just want to make this better for you. You do so much for everyone, including me, at least let me give you this."
"It's not that" Cordelia's warbled, her own fatigue and pain combined with her girlfriend's sweetness beginning to break down the walls she had spent the past few days valiantly trying to defend.
She was met with a sceptical gaze.
"Ok, maybe it's partially that" she conceded. "But it's more that" she let out a frustrated sigh, how did she even begin to express this. "It's more that it feels so utterly stupid and selfish to complain to you about being in pain. You deal with this every day, probably much worse, and you never say anything, you just get on with things. And here I am being such a baby about this."
"Sweetheart" Wilhemina pressed, hand coming to gently cup Cordelia's cheek, drawing her eyes up to meet her own. "No one has a monopoly on pain. How I'm feeling has no bearing on how you feel or what you are entitled to feel. If something is wrong I want to help you and you deserve for someone to help you. I would never want you to be in pain just because I am, I would spend every day for the rest of my life taking your pain away if I could. So please don't hide it from me, honey."
"Ok" Cordelia warbled, as Wilhemina's thumbs gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"Thank you honey" Wilhemina whispered, leaning down to press a tender kiss to her girlfriend's brow. "Do you think you could roll over for me so I can put this on your back?" she asked, gesturing to the jar of salve on the bedside table with a tilt of her head.
While the process of rolling onto her side was undoubtedly painful, Cordelia couldn't possibly regret it as she felt Mina's soft, delicate fingers make their way beneath her shirt and begin tenderly loosening the mess of knots that had taken residence in her back.
Cordelia couldn't help but moan in relief as the tension she had been carrying for days began to melt away under her girlfriend's tender ministrations. However Mina's hands stilled immediately at the noise, quickly withdrawing from beneath her girlfriend's shirt
"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" Wilhemina fretted. "You're right this is a terrible idea, I have no idea what I'm doing."
In her relaxed stupour it took Cordelia a moment to register her girlfriend's words before haphazardly reaching behind herself in an attempt to draw Wilhemina's hands back to their previous occupation. "Nooooo" she whined, "please don't stop baby, it feels really nice. I promise it's helping."
As Wilhemina's hands tentatively returned to her girlfriend's back Cordelia let out a contented sigh. "When did you get so good at this?" she murmured, sinking back into the deep comfort of her girlfriend's ministrations.
Wilhemina relaxed slightly, genuinely beginning to believe that she was helping. "Well I had a very good teacher" she murmured, bending down to press a kiss to the back of Cordelia's head. "I'm only copying what you do."
If possible Cordelia seemed to have melted into the pillows even more, exhaustion seeping out of her pores to fill the void left by the tension that Wilhemina had so tenderly removed. "You never give yourself enough credit" Cordelia slurred, eyes fluttering closed on the cusp of sleep. "You're 'mazing"
Wilhemina gently withdrew her hands, careful not to disturb Cordelia's hard earned peace. While she loved her girlfriend every moment of every day and was always blown away by her beauty, there were still moments like this that still didn't seem real. Moments that only she had the privilege of seeing which made them all the more tender. And the sight of her girlfriend lying contentedly on the cusp of sleep ranked highest among these.
By the time Wilhemina had readied herself for bed, Cordelia was deeply asleep. The exhaustion, tension and pain of the preceding days having finally overcome her. Wilhemina curled herself in behind the supreme, taking great care not to disturb her as she pressed the hot water bottle between her shoulder blades. Tenderly she allowed her arm to drape across her girlfriend's waist, only for Cordelia to shuffle back into her until their bodies melded together into one.
Mina couldn't help but smile at the contented little sigh Cordelia let out, finally finding comfort for the first time in days. Wilhemina allowed her thumb to trace lazy patterns against her girlfriend's stomach in an attempt to lull her into a deeper sleep.
Finally convinced that Cordelia was unlikely to stir, Wilhemina pressed a tender kiss to the crown of her head, savouring the warmth and sweetness she exuded as she burried herself into her girlfriend's hair.
"I promise you sweetheart you aren't alone anymore" she whispered. "I might not be very good at this and I might not always get this right, but I will spend the rest of my life learning how to love you as deserve. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure you never have to struggle alone again."
Taglist: @lovelypeasantjellyfish @lilypadscoven @in-cordelias-coven @lucyintheskywithxanax @stayeviildarling @talulahmae
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seaweedbrain404 · 3 years
awtwb thoughts pages 302-400:
“this was easier when it started” most things are simon, most things are
the repetition of “he’s solid. i like it” is just dhdjdjdjdjd i felt that one
agatha x niamh!!!!!! please!!!!!!
“he’s stealing your act simon” lady salisbury is an icon
baz and lady salisbury are a duo i didn’t know i needed till now
a steampunk vampire- i’m wheezing
“i don’t understand what this is. why people do it. why we stoke fires in each other. what are we burning?” fucking hell that’s something
jesus christ simon stop being so fucking horny all the time like i get it but dude-
baz saying the goats are basically simon’s siblings brings me back to carry on and all the bits with simon and ebb. i’m really sad now
i like how simon went from “no ones seducing a vampire” to “i’m literally sleeping with a vampire”
agatha x niamh istg i can see it happening more and more now a
cheese and pickle is pretty good, penny has taste
shepard being smitten is so cute ddjjdjd
at he’s still got his secondborn
fucking hell shepard that was a lot
“can you bleed faster?” oh my god penny-
ikea date!!!!!
if i don’t get to take my partner to ikea one day and shop for things i don’t want it
simon struggling with social interactions “i’m not sure what to say. i wish baz was here to steer the conversation” and having to rely on someone else to lead, very relatable. i do it all the time
simon over explaining himself
i don’t like where this is going- smith is downright delusional at this point and i don’t want him anywhere near simon
“there’s a doorway to hell on penelope’s floor” i mean this is just an average tuesday right?
i love how the demon immediately goes to ask penny out after nulling the contract with shepard
the chapter with baz and fiona in the flat where they’re arguing over the fact she used him too, just like the mage used simon. they were just kids. i swear that hits really hard
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carryonsnowbaz · 3 years
I want someone to love me (for who I am)
My fic for day 1 of @transmagesweek
Prompts: fake dating + prom + coming out
I didn’t title this until I wrote the last line and immediately thought of Nick Jonas’ song Who I Am, and then it just felt right.
Summary: It's prom night, and as Fiona and Ebb dance together, Fiona decides that she's ready to come out to Ebb, so they go somewhere to talk.
Word Count: 819
Read it on ao3
The last song of our senior prom plays through the speakers as those of us who stuck it out to the end of the dance move together on the makeshift dance floor, and even though I have Ebb in my arms as we sway together, it doesn’t feel right. This isn’t how I imagined it.
Yes, I wanted to go to prom with Ebb and dance with her all night, which is what I got, but I didn’t want it like this, with secrets keeping us apart.
We didn’t even come us a couple. Not a real one anyway. Neither of us had a date, so we thought it would be fun to come as a fake couple.
And it was fun for the most part. It’s just, as we dance together, I can’t help but let my thoughts keep me from enjoying this moment completely.
It’s hard to believe that our last year of high school is coming to an end. In a few weeks we’ll graduate, but there’s still so much I want to say.
Not only am I hiding my true feelings for Ebb, but I also have a much bigger secret that I’ve been working up towards telling Ebb for a long time. And tonight, I think I’m ready.
The song ends, and reluctantly, I let go of Ebb and step back.
“Do you want to get something to eat?” I ask.
“Sure. The diner?” She asks, suggesting one of our favorite places to go.
It’s an all-night diner, and we always end up there at least once a week with milkshakes and fries.
Tonight, we sit together in a corner booth beneath a flickering light, and it feels like any other day. But this time, I want it to be different. I want to tell her the things I’ve been holding in for so long. I just have to figure out how.
Once we’ve ordered, I slip off my suit jacket and lean back against the cracked red vinyl, comfortable in the familiarity of this place.
We fall into an easy conversation as we begin to eat, dipping our fries in the milkshakes, the way we’ve always done.
My thoughts keep wandering away from the conversation, though, as I try to think of a way to say what I need to. I don’t think Ebb will react negatively to this, but the worry is still there. This could change everything.
Finally, I just decide to say it.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” I say, picking at the chipped table as I avoid her gaze.
“What is it?” She asks, her tone soft and comforting.
I force myself to take a deep breath before I look up and say, “I’m trans.”
Once the words are out, I want to get up and run. I’m not sure I’m ready to face her reaction, but it’s too late. The words are out there, and I can’t take them back.
“Oh,” she says, not letting on much about she feels. But then she smiles at me, and I know that everything is going to be alright. “I’m glad you felt like you could tell me this.”
I simply nod because I’m not sure what to say. Even though I’ve imagined this conversation a thousand times, I was never really sure how she’d react or what I would say.
I feel a wave of relief, though, that she isn’t disgusted by me and like maybe this will be okay.
I’m not sure what I want to do, if I want to transition or not, but just saying the words to someone is enough for now.
Ebb reaches her hand out across the table, and hesitantly, I take it.
Her hand is warm and soft as it wraps around mine, anchoring me and pulling me from my thoughts.
“I want you to know that I love you no matter what, Fiona.” She seems to hesitate for a moment before she continues to speak. “I…I’m in love with you.”
Her words take my breath away, and I’m speechless.
I never thought that I would hear her say those words to me, and it takes me a moment to recover so that I can respond.
“I love you, too.”
Her whole face lights up, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, cause my heart to do flips in my chest.
A few minutes later we end up in the parking lot by my car, and I can’t wait any longer.
I push her up against the passenger door and kiss her, my hands coming up to tangle in her soft curls, as our lips slide together perfectly.
Her arms wrap around my waist, holding me closer, and I can’t believe this is actually happening.
I never thought that I would get a moment as good as this, feeling wholly accepted and loved for who I am.
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Call to Action - this ship tag needs life support! I admit I am a very spotty fic reader/writer but I am willing to do my part to boost this tag! I am not above groveling and begging for more CO wlw content!!!
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empty--void · 4 years
My Canon Divergent Carry On Ships
1. Simon x therapy 
2. Baz x therapy
3. Agatha x therapy
4. Penny x therapy
5. Lucy x therapy
6. Natasha x therapy
7. Ginger x therapy
8. Shepard x therapy
And finally...
9. Ebb x Fiona
I’m hoping that some of these will become canon in Anyway the Wind Blows
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nonbaznary · 3 years
masterlist - 🌸 Carry-on sapphic week & Transmages Prompt fest 🏳️‍⚧️
yup, its finally here! whew! wanted to get this done before i posted the official @trans-mages prompt fest masterlist. here we go then!
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🌸 Day 1 • PROMPTS: coming out
mordelia coming out to baz meme sketch lol
posted on day 4; meme inspired by my nonbinary lesbian mordelia coming out fic 🏳️‍⚧️
🌸 Day 2 • PROMPTS: first / quiet
she's making me feel like this, 1K (T for language)
watford era ebbiona, feelings realization, Nicodemus & Fiona friendship (ao3 only)
+ bonus ebbiona art (also on ao3)
🌸 Day 3 • PROMPTS: pride / warmth
'fuck off homophobes' Fiona sketch
kerixie 'dressing up' art (also on ao3)
🌸 Day 5 • PROMPTS: watford / sentimental
paper airplanes, 2/2 chapters, 3.4K (Gen)
🏳️‍⚧️ watford era mitlucy, anonymous letters + secret admirer AU, trans best friends to lovers (ao3 only)
brobelove / brodylove watford goat art (also on ao3)
🌸 Day 6 • PROMPTS: gift / history (applied very loosely, i must say!)
the person of my dreams, 1/2 chapters, 1.4K (Gen)
Natasha x Daphne, wedding proposals, marriage magic, side ebbiona and Mitali x Lucy (ao3 only) (i'm working on ch2 i promise!! hah)
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🏳️‍⚧️ bonus watford era t4t mitlucy art (also on ao3)
🌸 inspired by @carry-on-sapphic-week Day 5 • PROMPTS: watford / sentimental
🏳️‍⚧️ make it last forever, 705 words (Gen) + art
🌸 Day 7 • PROMPTS: home / comfort
Ebb x Lucy, warm and fuzzy feelings, baby dragon Simon Snow Salisbury playing with the winged watford goats because I CAN, domestic bliss, fuck the mage (ao3 only) prompt by @punkjuliandiaz / @aqueeriano
🏳️‍⚧️ bloody hell (genderqueer Nicodemus + t4t ebbiona)
content warning: mentions of dysphoria and menstruation (also on ao3)
i also have three WIPs that will be posted during transmagesweek since i couldn't get them all finished for the prompt fest! felt like including them here as a preview:
["TBA"] (aforementioned "mordelia coming out" fic)
🌸 inspired by @carry-on-sapphic-week Day 4 • PROMPTS: family / storm
teen nonbinary lesbian Mordelia navigating her first relationship (and its problems), exploring her gender identity, and having issues with coming out 🏳️‍⚧️
"i like your chest..."
Baz comforts Simon when he's feeling dysphoric about his chest.
they/them genderqueer Baz, he/him & zie/zir nonbinary transmasc Simon 🏳️‍⚧️
content warning: general mentions of dysphoria and b00biez
Fastidious and precise (wanna try?)
for @aroace-genderfluid-sheep's prompt <3
Baz and Simon take an evening off to treat themselves. Make-up shenanigans and confessions ensue.
they/them nonbinary Baz, he/him genderfluid Simon 🏳️‍⚧️
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