#False Friends
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palatinewolfsblog · 1 month ago
"To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." Ralph Waldo Emerson.
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hidden-but · 9 months ago
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jojo, s náma občas taky práce vyjebává ... :)
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culmaer · 22 days ago
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B-mol in Afrikaans means "B-flat". B is obviously "B" and mol means "flat"
but B-Moll in German means "B-flat minor", because B actually means "B-flat" (and "B-natural" is called H) and then Moll means a "minor key"
to say "B-flat minor" in Afrikaans, you'd have to use B-mol mineur
neither should be confused with bémol in French (or bemol in Spanish), which simply means "flat". to say "B-flat" it's si bémol, since they use the solfège names instead of letters, and to say "B-flat minor" is si bémol mineur
in Dutch mol does mean "flat", but they call "B-flat" Bes, and thus "B-flat minor" is Bes mineur. unless you're in Belgium where you can use si mol and si mol mineur instead, or si bémol like the French, but that would be too straightforward
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sayitaliano · 1 month ago
I just read #fave in the notes and I ofc know it's the short version of "favorite" (I use it as well), but in this moment my Italian mind took over (maybe triggered by other languages -Japanese and Korean- I was just listening to) and thought about our "fave":
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the plural of "fava" = broad bean. I just felt like sharing with y'all... hope you think about "fave" the Italian way too next time you add something to your faves list :P
Sì, a volte "non ci capisco più una fava" (idiomatic expression meaning "I don't understand anything at all anymore")...
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renegade-hierophant · 1 year ago
🇸🇰 strava a úžas 🤩
🇷🇸 strava i užas 😱
(🇸🇰 food and awe) (🇷🇸 dread and horror)
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 9 months ago
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miomediator · 10 months ago
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Also, "collège" doesn't mean college but middle school. Graduate school is fac, short for faculté (faculty). Oh yeah, and it's pronounced fuck. NB: shit I forgot an i! It's librairie, actually.
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yvanspijk · 2 years ago
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To travel and French travailler 'to work' are notorious false friends. However, they're real cognates, as they stem from the same word: Old French travaillier, which meant 'to toil'. Both labour and travel involved toiling. Travaillier itself had a more sinister origin; see the image for more.
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sarnai4 · 10 months ago
I was going to make this a fun post, but then I discovered that there are Dagur gifs on here and...yeah, that light topic didn't happen. So, here goes a little sad something.
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I think these frames of animation are very interesting. Actually, this entire scene is to me. It's in "The Night and the Fury" and is right after Dagur learns that Hiccup lied. I love how this occurred because it would have been so easy to just have him be like, "You have dragons? Okay, now I'm about to kill you." They didn't do that, though. Even as Dagur is connecting the dots, he harps on the fact that a lie was told. "Your father lied to me...YOU lied to me!" If you go back to Dagur's threat from "Twinsanity," he never even said that he'd attack Berk if they had dragons. He specifically said he would if he found out they did after they denied it. Technically speaking, Dagur could have attacked immediately if he wanted to, but he still had the intention of keeping the peace. These expressions in the gif are right after he says, "You could've been my brother, Hiccup. Now, you're my enemy." When he says this, he actually sounds sad. His expressions match that. Dagur, Mr. Gets Angry At The Drop Of A Helmet didn't immediately respond with rage. He's hurt and I think I know why.
Dagur doesn't perceive things like other Vikings to put it lightly. When he has his first episode, he's talking about how he and Hiccup had great laughs after he tries to drown the poor Berkian. He calls Hiccup his old friend when they see each other again in the episode with the gif. I think he genuinely believes this. For the strange things Dagur does, he doesn't see it. So, it's not just someone lying to him, it's his best, his ONLY friend lying to him and making him looking like a cool in front of his tribe. That's why he sounds sad instead of angry. That's why he has to look away and think through what his next move is. Yes, he attacks, but what are his options?
Hiccup doesn't give him any more time to think. He tries to leave with Toothless, so Dagur has to act then. Regarding his options, they all are bleak. If he attacks, then you have war and what we got. The alternative is that he doesn't then, right? Well, that's not great either. As soon as he gets back to his ship, one of the Berserkers says that he wants to kill Hiccup himself. Dagur has to make it clear that no one besides himself will go after Hiccup. This shows how the Berserkers really can be vengeful. They're not even an aggressive group (as shown in "Something Rotten on Berserker Island"), but they have tempers. So, if Dagur holds onto the friendship that he just realized didn't exist, he has to go back with his tail between his legs and admit not only that he was played, but that he doesn't want to do anything about it.
Dagur already was worried that no one would respect him as chief. They never would if they found out he was tricked and didn't even want to get revenge for it. He would be the young chief who was too foolish to see through lies and too weak to defend his people in case the liar decided to lie again and actually attack. So, yes, Dagur attacked. Was it a mistake? Oh most definitely. He could've caused the deaths of many people and was arrested for this. So, I'm not saying that Dagur is in the right for his war, but I'm saying that I don't think it's a black and white as the show tried to portray. We see it from Hiccup's perspective with Dagur being this wild kid who just likes killing. Dagur's so much more than just some angry or deranged Viking. I just wish we got to see more of his side of things.
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hebrewbyinbal · 1 month ago
Did you know Hebrew and English share some ‘false friends’—words that sound similar but mean something totally different?
In this YouTube video, I break down some of these tricky pairs so you can avoid any language mix-ups while having a laugh along the way! 🎥✨
Check it out, enjoy the lesson, and if it helps you on your Hebrew journey, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and support my work. Let’s learn and grow together! 🌟
📺 https://youtu.be/YhJQBzodk80?si=fBuJ-JRyTwNkM6Ge
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toastedpotatoes · 6 months ago
difference between false cognates and false friends:
cognates are words that share an etymological origin (e.g. father in english and père in french are both descended from proto-indo-european *ph₂tḗr)
false cognates are words that don’t share an origin despite looking like they do (e.g. much in english vs mucho in spanish)
false cognates can mean the same thing!
false friends are words that don’t mean the same thing despite looking similar (e.g. gift in english means present while Gift in german means poison)
false friends can be cognates!
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crmsnmth · 6 months ago
This Isn't A Threat (It's A Promise)
And you could make a pacifist choose violence With your frustrating holier than thou philosophy You chase your friends away like dogs after a rabbit Biting at their ankles as you turn to your next casulty but it won't be me I've seen what those fangs can do truth be told, I don't like you
Your stealing jokes and claiming you came up with it on the spot Pathological liar, trust me I would know Can't you see the scar where I fixed my snake's tongue? Don't tell me no, I'll turn it around on you Let the world know who you really are They'll figure it out eventually I'm just here to speed up the process
You've got nothing of worth yet you still seem to brag You've got a thousand stories and not one of them is true But I keep my mouth shut and let you I fell for it like everyone else But I've got my own tricks, and I'm smarter than you The time will come and I'll bite back Keep pushing me in the corner and it'll happen fast I assure you, that's not what you want to face This isn't a threat, it's a fucking promise and I finally learned how to keep those true
Your a glutton for attention, good or bad And someday your going to learn that's not how this works Karma comes down threefold, and you best remember that It's coming, gaining girth like a snowball down a hill What are you going to do when it collides against your gut knock all that hot air out of you, and watch you deflate I won't be around to rebuild your ego I'll be laughing too goddamn hard at your fall I'll put the fun in your funeral and leave dead nettles as your flower arrangements
I told you so, I tried to warn you Give you a head's up about that plan you've got It's not my fault you choose not to listen and end up alone and desperate at the end Fix yourself, man, fix yourself And stop worrying about everybody's business You gossip worse than the golden girls Thank you for being an end
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noctifernoctua · 2 years ago
Moment: A false friend between Norwegian and English
Moment (English) - Øyeblikk
Moment (Norwegian) - Element
Ex: "Ett moment som burde tas i betraktning" - "An element that should be taken into consideration"
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strongbutfrail · 1 month ago
Non vedo l'ora di dimenticarmi della tua esistenza.
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nordic-language-love · 1 year ago
a bit of fun for you: without looking it up, can you guess what コンセント means? (encountered this word for the first time today and wish to share my absolute bafflement at its existence)
Ohh I actually know that one 😅 I was surprised too!
Followers, take a guess and then check your answer!
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huijutoi · 2 years ago
Hairehehvedäjät verbit karjalan da suomen kielen välil
Täh postavukseh olen kerännyh ylehizii hairehehvedäjii verbilöi karjalan da suomen kielen välil.
I have gathered common misleading verbs between Karelian and Finnish in this post.
karjala suomi
havaččuo: havačun herätä huijata: huiguan pilkata, häväistä huijustella: huijustelen hävetä jaksua: jaksan riisua kaimata: kaimuan hukata kielastua: kielastan huijata, valehdella kižata: kižuan pelata maksua (3.prs) kannattaa, olla kannattavaa maltua: maltan osata mieldyö: miellyn rakastua muata: maguan nukkua (myös maata) murendua: murendan rikkoa opastua: opastan opettaa opastuo: opastun oppia oppie: opin yrittää opitella: opittelen kokeilla ozuttua: ozutan näyttää panna: panen mattii kiroilla puhuo: puhun puhaltaa sellitä: selgien pukeutua suvaija: suvaičen rakastaa syndyö: synnyn mahtua šuorita: šuorien pukeutua šuuttie: šuutin pilailla tarreta: targien uskaltaa tirpua: tirpan sietää, malttaa tostavuo: tostavun huomata uskaldua: uskaldan luvata uinota: uinuon nukahtaa varata: varuan pelätä voimattuo: voimatun sairastua
Da sit vie, ku oppiu kiändiä midägi suomespäi karjalah, ei voi vallita sidä sanuo, mi enzimäi mieleh juohtuu.
suomi karjala
havaita čusvuija, tundie huijata pettiä, muanittua, kielastua jaksaa voija, olla vägie kaivata kyzyö, igävöijä kisata kimpuija, vojuija, kilbailla malttaa tirpua, olla tirpačču, pyzyö tirpaččunnu mieltyä kiindyö maata muata, viruo murentaa muroittua, häilyttiä opastaa nevvuo oppia opastuo paistaa pastua puhaltaa puhuo puhua paista selvitä selletä, piästä suvaita hyävksyö, kaččuo hyväkse syntyä roija suorittaa piästä misgi läbi, suavuttua midägi tarjeta kestiä viluu uskaltaa tarreta varata tilata, ostua
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