#FYI there are no white people in this book.
doctorcanon · 2 years
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All the Main Characters in Negative Bloom Organized by Appearance. 
Lord Corleone Marsalis (FC: Aldis Hodge): Age: 35. A Provincial Governor who thinks that as long as everything is stays peaceful his PTSD doesn’t matter. A friendly extrovert at heart and a good father but sometimes overbearing. He means well and is a genuinely good person who really just wants to take care of everyone. A close friend of King Raine of Nyanda and really struggling with the man’s imminent mortality. Was eating breakfast when he received word of Victoria Belmont’s murder
Khilana (FC: Zendaya): Age: ???. Not a human but a “Saint” a creature that is essentially made of magic and doesn’t age very quickly. Looks very similar to Corleone and is often mistaken for his sister or daughter so he’s more or less adopted her. Despite this acts like a typical easily bored but bubbly teenage girl who doesn’t know her own strength. Assists with Victoria Belmont’s autopsy.
Lead Cultivator Zhao Huan Chen (FC: Song Ji Yang): Age 25. The Head Cultivator for Marsalis’s Temple and religious authority of the province. Very young for his position. Suffers from a chronic illness that has shortened his life by several years. Has a heart of service and is deeply compassionate but is also deeply and existentially exhausted. Conducts Victoria Belmont’s autopsy and participates in the ensuing investigation.
“Honored Sister” Tian Gong-Er (FC: Jihae): Age: 95? The person who killed Victoria Belmont in broad daylight. She not only claims that she’s an important religious figure that’s supposed to be dead, she’s also appears several years younger. Condescending, grumpy, stoic and nothing like the person she claims to be. Lost her right arm during the war. Lives to irritate people like Corleone.
Guildmaster Yale Drake (FC: Booboo Stewart): Age 32. A former mercenary turned loyal right hand of the Warrior King Sathvik. Searching for a man named Virgil who he claims is an asset to his king. An asshole with a heart of gold who’s kind of vain and hates rich people. A widower who has only been living as a man for about eight years, still hasn’t gotten some of his official documents changed. Doesn’t know Victoria Belmont but meny similar incidents have happened in his country.
Doctor Jivin Cross (FC: Rami Malek): Age 21. Assistant to Doctor Damien Caruso of Fairmont Magic Science University. Shy, clumsy and a little annoying. Already has a rapport with the church and the Marsalis Family so he’s speaking to the king about his condition on behalf of Dr. Caruso. Khilana is quite enamored with him which terrifies him. Didn’t know Victoria Belmont but a similar incident happens as his university.
Princess Maria del Ignacio (FC: Isabela Merced): Age: 15? The bratty little sister of the young King Zargoza. While her brother is trying to end a war, she only has fighting and snacks on her mind. Isn’t actually human but doesn’t know it yet. She doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on around her and tends to be very rude and demanding of other people. Currently under the careful watch of Nyanda’s Royal Family. Doesn’t know or care about Victoria Belmont. 
Virgil Grave Winchester (FC: Ayano Go): Age: 30. A quiet, unassuming man who works as a custodian at Fairmont university. A refugee in a country that is only begrudgingly welcoming to them. Can’t cast magic but will instantly throw hands. Almost entirely mute. He can say one or two words at a time but otherwise only speaks in sign language. Knew the person who killed the REAL Victoria Belmont. 
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south africa but i've never been there also i'm drinking
HELLO MAGGOTS this is the good omens mascot here hello hello. my psychiatrist just spent today telling me how I won't be able to be out in college when it starts in May and I'll be misgendered etc etc it's all a good time. So my solution:
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My darling cousin @imchronicallyonlinesowhat (the one who thought Sir Terry Pratchett looked like Sudha Murthy, was a kindly old woman and was married to Neil Gaiman because their book cover fonts were similar, OG maggots know the PAIN) who lives in South Africa asked me to make a South Africa post. FYI, she's moving to Australia for college, so you can be assured I shared my Australia posts with her she is SO prepared she won't say marmite instead of vegemite and she knows the Wibbles are inherently sexual. SOUTH AFRICA (I've only had a teeny weeny bit of cheap ass wine so far):
There a lot of white people there it's ineffable. There are enough of them there that my cousin regularly talks about not ever marrying someone who doesn't have some masala.
Afrikaans is a gorgeous language. I thought my cousin was showing me her Afrikaans notes once. She wasn't. It was her English notes, she just has the most illegible yet neat handwriting in the world.
They don't say yo but they say YOH and it sounds very much like a bass drum.
People at my cousin's school pump their hands in the air while saying jesus-jesus.
There's a trio of white boys that rule the school kind of like a genderswapped mean girls. They all look the same haircut-wise, they're Catholic and they're called the Triumvirate.
I'm realising here that my knowledge of South Africa is limited to cuzzy's school. But the wine is shit and I promised my blood-relative so I am continuing.
The books are fucking expensive and so everyone has to pirate shit. This sounds like the US.
Everyone is TALL. Like VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY TALL. The standard of height is insanely different from India. TALL.
If you don't have a last name you're going to get into legal trouble.
The no hat no play rule applies here as well as Australia apparently.
The wine cost like 2.5 dollars in USD if my conversion rates are correct, it smells like battery acid and tastes of rotted grapes. Nothing to do with South Africa, it's just that I cannot remember a single other thing about South Africa other than it's a country in Africa that's presumably in the South.
My braincells are already frying. For my cousin's sake, I'm going to compile all my Australia posts here so that she knows what to expect! Australian maggots your continent is about to be graced with the Good Omens Mascot bloodline. Notably the one with the Sudha Murthy fuck up so that's doubly fun. @howmanyholesinswisscheese, @im-a-sentient-magic-carpet, @madfangirlontheloose @obsessed-sketches @drconstellation and any other Aussie maggots be prepared and welcome her.
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga by the Wiggles is an Ineffable Husbands Song
Deaths in Australia in 2015, an ask
VEGEMITE IS NOT MARMITE, another passionate ask
Pt I Australia but I've never been there
Pt II Australia but I've never been there
Oh I hate cheap wine. @imchronicallyonlinesowhat I hope you appreciate this, blood of mine. I'm such a great cousin.
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sonik-kun · 10 months
JC antis trying not to be patronising, misogynistic incels challenge (impossible)
Assuming we only like JC because he is hot and implying us JC fans are "dumb" and "vapid" with our opinions because we "simp" for him makes you sound like a load of raging incels fyi.
You all willingly ignore the evidence we put forward as to why we love JC's character and how he is more than just some cookie cut out "angry man" character who happens to be good looking.
Reducing our takes to something to be seen at surface level and nothing more is gatekeeping and it's annoying af. Espeically when y'all don't even want to consider his CANON good traits that make his character interesting and nuanced.
Jiang Cheng was a character who was given a shit hand and put in many difficult situations. It's only natural that people are going to have different opinions on the choices he makes, depending on one's own lived experiences and culture.
The whole point of the book is to not see everything as black and white. Acting like your opinion is superior over ours and implying we can only see JC through rose tinted lenses because we "simp" for him is something a bellend would say, btw. Hope you're all aware of that.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again, but stick to talking about you faves and stay in your lane. Because reading your patronising bs opinions on here is getting rather dull. Especially this many years on in the fandom.
It's time to grow up and let people enjoy characters however they want. Accept we all have differences in opinion and don't be a dick about it.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
It's very frustrating to talk about fridging bc the original point of it was like a very specific criticism of how minorities are treated in comic books in particular and it's now been universalized so much people think it means "killing a woman off because she's a woman" or "killing any character to motivate another character" (the definition according to tvtropes fyi, kill it with fire kill kill kill kill). Fridging isn't bad because you're killing a character as motivation, and it's not bad because you're killing a minority off, it's bad because it's a pattern of behavior from an industry overrun by white men writing and drawing and editing those stories. You're allowed to kill a woman off if it suits your story, but the issue was that women are constantly getting hurt or depowered or raped or killed off to motivate other, non-coincidentally male characters.
The problem that stood behind the original women in refrigerators website was that the narrative that the comic book industry at large was telling was that the purpose of female characters was to get hurt in order to motivate some other guy. Kyle Rayner's girlfriend gets stuffed in a fridge, we're not sad because her life got taken from her too soon, we're sad because Kyle Rayner just lost his girlfriend. Gwen Stacy gets killed by the Green Goblin, we're not sad because she didn't get to live a full happy life, we're sad because she didn't get to live a full happy life with Peter Parker. That is not to say that the story doesn't still get told. Peter going after the Green Goblin is horrific and terrible and amazing and leads to some great plot and character development. But the choice was not to hurt Peter himself, not even to threaten his loved ones but not actually harm them, the choice - CHOICE! - the writers in the comic book industry consistently made was to hurt a character who was already part of a marginalized group, and to do that for the benefit of a (presumably) white male cishet able bodied main character's narrative.
I speak mostly in past tense because once fridging took hold in the collective popular consciousness it didn't disappear completely, but it did fall out of favor in being used so blatantly. It became isolated cases rather than the main feature of one of the best selling batman books of all time. Characters get killed off occasionally, and those characters are even sometimes members of minority groups, and biases still inform those writing choices, but I'm struggling to remember reading a comic in the last couple of years that specifically fulfills the criteria for fridging.
Anyway if you're reading this in context, you know that at the end of this month (may 2023) Marvel is planning to celebrate the most famous fridging of all time by absolutely not learning their lesson and fridging another character. They're being lazy about it, too - they've decided to do it to Kamala Khan in Peter Parker's book, two characters that mean close to nothing to each other, and being extra awful by making it a Pakistani Muslim woman being killed off during AAPI month, and so far the information we have doesn't even involve Kamala's own friends and family and superhero team mourning her at all. It's supposed to motivate Peter, because it's part of his book, and it's also supposed to parallel Gwen Stacy, and they chose to do... This. Kamala is a wildly popular and beloved character who deserves better, and frankly Peter deserves better too. If you're going to fridge, at least do it well.
But I'm also already seeing white men, who supposedly agree with me and think this is bad, saying, well it's for MCU synergy, not "because she's a female" or "because she's not a white character" (direct quotes don't @ me). And firstly, ok, way to assume the rest of us didn't also catch up to the obvious conclusion that marvel comics is doing MCU synergy, AGAIN. The thing is that those aren't separate concepts at all? Or well, they are, but they don't negate each other. They're trying to do MCU synergy and make Kamala into a mutant, but they could've done that a million other ways, just as cheap and not as offensive - a simple retcon would've sufficed, they just did that a few years ago with Franklin Richards.
They chose to do it by killing her off, and they chose to kill her off in somebody else's book to motivate him rather than tell a story about her, and they chose to do it while celebrating Gwen's fridging for some fucking reason. This is context that, when removed from the situation, makes the whole thing meaningless. And you can say a lot about Gail Simone, but that she didn't have a Goddamn point is not one of them.
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sgiandubh · 11 months
If they followed the books they'd be more frisky 🤡
But obviously some of it can't be translated into tv......
Dear Frisky Anon,
You should have discussed it with a real Gabaldon Expert like @gotham-ruaidh, not with Phoney here, who still fumbles around The Fiery Cross. So, I think you will have to ask me once I am done with Bees, which I bet will be just in time for the second half of Season 7 to kick in. I am told J&C do not have any problems in that department until the very end of it, and well, what can I say, it's Herself's prerogative to portray as she sees fit a legendary, all-encompassing love story as the one she magically created out of thin air (all writing is magic, trust me).
Never mind. Your question made me think, just as I was preparing the lazy dinner for 1 (Baby the Retriever is gone until Tuesday evening), about a couple of things, dealing with adapting content to the screen and also about how our minds deal with the difference between a book and the movie/series based on that book.
Adapting Gabaldon is a very difficult task. Take for example The Fiery Cross' never-ending Gathering. My God, all those words to describe just 24 hours! I have just finished with that unfortunate thief and I am so dizzy with it, I can't even remember if they had breakfast yet. The only solution they had was to go off canon and invent something at The Ridge, because it would have taken forever and hey, it's all about a healthy costs/benefits ratio, too. And mark me: Herself is no Marcel Proust, able to make us dream for hours about his description of Vermeer's View of Delft, somewhere In Search of Lost Time. FYI, I had to wait, as millions before me, until I fucked my meniscus skiing (or attempting to snow plough, to be honest) to discover Proust, but never looked back. Also FYI, Luchino Visconti tried to make a film out of Proust's voluminous saga, but failed. Nina Companeez managed (2011) a very, very poor TV series: unwatchable, and I tried. It is unfeasible - so, overall, I think the series scriptwriters' team did a very good job slaloming between botanical babble, Appalachian folklore, the White Sow and yes, J&C getting frisky.
But the thing I wanted to tell you (so long for distributive attention, I've just burnt my baguette and chicken and will have to start it over again) is just how different the experience of reading something and watching the same thing being translated on screen is. I am obviously no neuroscientist, but I am an avid and normally a quick reader. When you read something, you are at once completely spellbound and totally free: you are taken with the characters' interaction, but you are the master of your course imagining them. You placate your own vision of the world on what you read and, at the same time, you are being overtly manipulated by the storyteller: how this can be is, for sure, a mystery. When you watch an adaptation of what you once read, half of the work is being already done for you: you don't have to imagine these people interacting, they are walking and talking in front of you and then, you focus on other things. It's all about the energy they manage (or not) to convey: acting is, in a fair measure, akin to channeling that energy.
As far as I can tell, the scriptwriters opted for a more subdued approach to Jamie, Claire, sex and old age. But can you say with absolute certainty we aren't collectively projecting our own fantasies on what is certainly Herself's very euphemistic, almost conservative way of writing sex scenes? Anais Nin, she ain't. Embraces and moments of - ahem - togetherness abound and we are left to our own devices to imagine things.
Thus, the horrendous and, to be honest, childish battle between the Book Purists' Crowd and the rest of this fandom. It apparently was dealt with pretty quickly, but it did manage to leave a nasty, long lasting legacy: the Book Boyfriend had to go on and remain a screen fantasy. That is wrong. That selfishness almost floundered the book adaptation project and I bet whatever you want me to bet it took deep feelings not to also compromise something else, money can't buy.
A long answer for a simple question. Make of it whatever you wish, Anon: I wrote it with pleasure, though. :)
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spookberry · 5 months
Watching your work recently has been so inspiring. I had a rough few semesters of art school, and while I enjoyed the classes, I was mildly disillusioned by an insistence on what felt like "meaningful" art...
A lot can be meaningful! After being online a bit more, around artists like you who clearly love what you're doing and make art you're passionate about, it kinda made me realize that I'm free! I can make what I want, whatever it is! Art that has historically and occasionally been deemed lesser (e.g. fanart) is not actually so, and art can mean a lot even if it isn't in fancy galleries or art books.
Anyway, what I mean to say is: you're inspiring, and talented. I really love your art for what it is and what it represents to me. I love seeing what you make, and it helps bolster me to make my own art as wild as I want!
This is one of the sweetest asks I've ever gotten and it's really made my, like, year lol.
This is the reason I post fanart!! Other artists represented the same for me when I was younger and it made want to participate and join in and I'm glad I did! I've met some cool people and I've had really interesting conversations and experiences via fandom... even if I can be a bit of a lurker at times haha.
Art School's rough, I definitely have felt similarly. A big problem is that a lot of professors tend to be hyperfocused on their own field and what makes art meaningful To Them. (the amount of times I've walked out of a class grumbling cuz a LA prof only wanted to talk about white box gallery work and didn't even know we HAD an animation department...) Which isn't always bad if you gel with the right ones, but other times it can definitely put a dampener on your work. A good way to look at art sometimes I think is that what's "meaningful" about it can be the smallest stupidest reason ever. And you just gotta stand by that, even if other people think it's lame. Sometimes the meaning was in making it, or getting to share it, sometimes the meaning is drawing your favorite blorbo in a white void because it gave you an outlet and makes you happy. That's meaningful, you just gotta know how to argue for that meaning sometimes. (profs LOVE a good bullshitter)
Turning in things for a grade rather than because you enjoy it is never going to be the best format for art regardless of what kind of art you're making. I've found the more I stuck it out the more things I actually enjoyed became available to me and now I'm kinda (not fully tho, im SO glad to be graduating fyi) regretting all the classes I never got the chance to take. You just gotta take it one day at a time and remember that art school should be there as a place to practice and better both your work and your own understanding of the work you make which can feel tedious and unnecessary at times but its worth it in the end(in my experience).
In the end you're the one paying for it and if you're not getting what you want out of it, it's best to look for other avenues, I did! I'm not graduating from the college I started at and I'm honestly really thankful for that.
Anyways, sorry for rambling lol, and thank you for you kind words. I wish you the best anon, you hang in there!
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dragonlands · 5 months
Hi new friend! I just saw in one of your post you mentioned that you read the tvd books!! That‘s super cool! Would you care to share one fun damon or defan fact from the books? Or headcanon, if you read em too long ago to remember facts!
We gotta make our own content in this fandom lol
Hi friend! Thank you for this question, I love getting asks. Also thinking about this kept me entertained trhough my day at work so a special thank you for that lmao! I read the seven original books for the first time over 10 years ago but I've been rereading now so 3,5 of them are bright and new in my mind so I'll concentrate on those!
TVD books fun facts:
• In the books vampires (if they drink human blood) can turn into animals. For example, Damon is often a crow, and he also turns into a black dog to fight Katherine, who is a white tiger in the scene
• Book Elena is definitely a Defan shipper. In book 3 she dies (temporarily) and her last wish is for Damon and Stefan to take care of each other
• Katherine is also a Defan shipper. It's basically canon she wanted polyamory and the only reason she faked her death was bc she thought her death would bring Stefan and Damon together
• For some reason I was convinced they're twins in the books but that's apparently not true. But they do only have 3 year age gap in the books.
• In the books they always competed with each other and weren't good friends, even pre-Katherine
• Damon always calls Stefan "little brother" instead of his name and Stefan considers this to be derogatory (I, on the other hand consider it affectionate)
• Book Damon doesn't kill that many people, he's still a grey area character but not a genuine serial killer like the show version (he almost never kills the humans he feeds on)
• Also even though book Damon is also a ladies man he doesn't have that many girlfriends during the course of the books (actually I don't remember anyone else than Elena and Bonnie and he never even really dates either of them)
• Damon and Stefan are from renaissance Italy, born 1487 & 1490. They both have black hair and dress mostly in black designer wear
• In the books there's a scene where Damon forces the sunlight ring on Stefan's finger (to protect him) so I consider them engaged now
Honestly I wish I could put some quotes bc some of them are fanfic level Defan BUT I'm not reading the books in english so I can't, but there's stuff where Stefan is literally said to put his face in really close to Damon's and be like "do you enjoy seeing klaus kill? does he let you watch?" which is so funny and sexual. I'd love to post more of these as I continue my reread, I remember as a teen liking the last 3 books most and there's more Damon content in them too if I remember correctly. FYI: the books aren't very good, but if you're desperate they do offer some good defan content, and they're kinda entertaining.
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atomicpixies · 8 months
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It’s the squad! Dorothy Gale, Princess Ozma, and Polychrome.
A quick doodle to work out character designs for a set of kid books I wanna make about the friends of dorothy (yes that is intentional) that talks about loving people who are a little different than your normal kansas girl.
Oz has a lot of openings for that, as (for it’s time) it was very progressive. The author was a staunch feminist and the books reflect that, always featuring strong girls having adventures and ruling. Ozma is canonly trans (tho obviously in a very different but also weirdly NOT way), love is for your friends, kindness to all is what wins.
(He also has some really REALLY bad takes on indigenous people, just…fyi. He was still a rich-ish white guy in the 1800s, alas.)
The first one I’m making is for my beloved Polychrome who can’t focus on anything, can’t handle weird textures in food or clothes, wanders away to dance when she can’t focus, and falls apart when her routine is broken. Ethereal rainbow fairy princesses can sometimes be autistic too.
After that I want to explore chronic illness with Jack Pumpkinhead. While Jack can start out good, as the month goes on his pumpkin starts to rot, and he must take it easy until he can spoon out a new one.
Anyway, all of this cane up because of a behind the bastard episode about how the digital market for kids books is being diluted with cheap AI books that are screwing up kids abilities to learn how to read subtext in a story between what the text says and the image shows. In a normal picture book they come together to provide a complete story….in AI books they’re distantly related non-sense that’s screwing kids up
So I figure….I can’t do worse than that, right?
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cutebisexualmess · 9 months
blog intro(finally)
hey! I'm Vee or just V, welcome to my blog! I mostly use they/them pronouns, but xe/xem is fine as well!
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pronouns page
@vees-anime-escapades - my anime sideblog (also the only blog I organise by fandom)
@purple-blocks - mcyt sideblog, for all my life series and eventually hermitcraft stuff
ao3 (i don't post but i bookmark a whole heap of things, also just in case i do post something)
ill send you my goodreads if asked!(this is encouragement please ask i need to share my favourite books)
I also run a couple of tourney and rp blogs but you can only know those if you find them first >:)
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fandoms Im in:
sanders sides, Percy Jackson, the owl house, keeper of the lost cities, heartstopper, the dragon prince, high class homos, the Hatchetfield trilogy, and good omens
others I (might) occasionally post about:
she-ra and the princesses of power, camp cretaceous + chaos theory(not the og park and world movies though but i’m working on it), the umbrella academy, the amazing digital circus, helluva boss and hazbin hotel, the two princes, nimona, starkid musicals, a little wings of fire, hells belles(webseries on tiktok), young royals(maybe), red white and royal blue(maybe), our flag means death, spy x family, bungou stray dogs, sk8 the infinity, yuri on ice, a lot of musicals, and other assorted webcomics and webseries my brain digs its claws into
things Im reading/watching atm: the song of achilles, the martian, and haikyuu!!
also just fyi i wont be tagging pjotv spoilers on rbs sorry
✨neurodivergent minor✨
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my sorting tags:
#vee speaks - for my original posts
#vee arts - the occasional art i post
#save - favourite posts I'm saving for later
#from the draft dungeon -posts scavenged from my drafts
#tag games - tag games
#picrew chain - picrew chains
#ask game - ask games, specific ones will be tagged: [thing] ask game
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also feel free to send me recs! I will consume any type of media and any content(including fanfic), and recs give me direction in my endless pile of to be read/watched :3
I don't mind if you dm/tag me in anything :D I love it when people interact with me.
feel free to ask for my discord as well!!
🐚 team no abs
Mutual tags(so far)(lmk if you want me to untag you :))
@tastetherainbow290 - #mutual 🌈!
@glacierruler - #mutual ❄️!
@periwinkle-the-11th - #mutual 🪻!
@fuzzysoulyt - #mutual 🐇!
@violetthunderstorm - #mutual 🌩️!
@nico-the-overlord - #mutual 💰!
@brookie-writes - #mutual 🧊!
@void-kill - #mutual 🌌!
@dragonairice - #mutual 💎!
@multi-fandom-lunatic - #mutual 🍪!
otherwise atm mutual tags are #hi (name) until i change them :))
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You know what, I was ranting about shit to a certain Chinese friend of ours and I'm directly gonna say it, its absolutely fucked up now that I'm actually thinking about it that @/sophieinwonderland accused me of being pro-CCP and pushing CCP propaganda
Like a while ago when I found out about it, it was so wild it was funny, haha chinese people this that assuming we are all CCP haha classic racist fucking bullshit
But its only when I started explaining the history of attrocities and shit situations my family's home country INDONESIA was put through did I realize just how especially fucked it was.
Cause back in the whole cold war shit Indonesia has a supposedly pretty good guy as the founding President and what with the whole anti-communist vs communist push, and HONESTLY at this point I don't even know if they were thinking of discussing allying with the CCP because of all the fucking American propaganda
But seeing as Indonesia was communist in ideology, America literally fucking assisted in staging a coup that pushed both anti-communist rhetoric AND SPECIFICALLY anti-chinese rhetoric that resulted in the fucking bloody massacre of Chinese citizens in Indonesia. Literally people who were BORN and RAISED in Indonesia that had Chinese blood and were just as indoneisan as everyone else born and raised there were literally hunted and killed for being fucking Chinese because America both supported and helped push the rhetoric that Chinese = Communist = Bad = Murder them
And so Im fucking sitting here, with my parents having LITERALLY BEEN CHASED OUT OF INDONESIA FOR BEING CHINESE AND ACCUSED OF BEING EVIL COMMUNISTS BECAUSE THEY WERE LITERALLY BEING CHASED IN THE STREETS, having this white fucking bitch from America saying that I am ACTUALLY a secret CCP fucking agent trying to push fucking CCP propaganda
I'm sorry, I'm not.
My dad also was not
Unfortunately fucking Americans pushed that anyone who is Chinese is automatically CCP and that literally resulted in the death of A LOT of people like my dad who BTW has a lot of trauma for completely unknown reasons
Anyways I'm fucking pissed off. And ya know what, if I didnt have the fucking bitch blocked and probably wasn't also blocked by her, I would just @ her directly cause fuck you and the literal rhetoric that lead to fucking massacres of a "third world country" that literally jsut wanted to be left alone
And FYI; the coup resulted in the placement of a heavily corrupt western-ideology leader which directly increased the sheer amount of corruption in Indonesia but ok.
Like theres a whole fucking book on it that I haven't read cause it pisses me off but my sister read it and was like "lol yeah the US admitted to it" and its literally called the Jakarta Method
I probably missed some details and got it wrong cause shocker, I'm talking from my culture's lived experience and passed down fucking cultural trauma but whatever.
It's really fucked up.
Don't quote me on this cause I probably again, got details wrong, but that fucking rhetoric undeniably - by americas own admission - resulted in the death of many Indonesians on the premise of Those Evil Chinese Communists. I'm hesitant to post this cause again, I am speaking from released American documents and my family's personal reports and peer's reports so there might be errors, but ya know what, white americans?
Fuck off. Even if I got the details wrong in some places, it doesn't fucking matter because dear white americans, you still killed millions of people in indonesia in your crusade against communism so please miss me with accusing me - a first generation child from an Immigrant from Indonesia - an Evil Communist.
The sentiment in Indonesia still persists, enough so that when I met someone who was from China (who had a relative who was born and raised in indonesia) heard I was Indonesian-Chinese widened his eyes and went "ohhhhh" and commented that his relative doesn't go home to Indonesia anymore because its fucking dangerous.
Its fucking stupid.
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bexfangirlforlife · 1 month
Maxton Hall episode 1 (1x01) first watch notes:
I might make some notes for these even though i don't think tumblr is very interested im this show but whatever.
Just as a little background info: my sister kept asking me if I watched this, which was how I heard about it in the first place. Then a couple reaction channels I'm subscribed to also did the show. I did insist on finishing all the books first though.
Idk if I'll be able to not put spoilers past s1 but I'll try I guess. Or if I do I'll tag it with ( # save you spoilers / # save us spoilers ) might also do when mentioning stuff from book 1 (which might be quite a lot so that would be # save me spoilers).
Since I'm german I'm very curious if I've seen some of these people in other stuff or at least heard of them... I know the main guy was in Club der roten Bänder (which I haven't watched but of course know of)
Oh boy he looks like a baby to me.
(Looked it up, he is not that much younger than me actually. Still he has such a baby face, I'm sorry)
It's so weird to watch a show in german on my own again
Cyril looks kinda familiar...
Oh fck he was the (gay) Stallbursche in the Chantal movie 😄
Just fyi I might write "Ren" when I mean "Wren" on accident, because I listened to the audiobooks and in my mind that was always how the name was written 😅
"Und wer ist diese Ruby Bell?" - Ok yeah I can see what my sis meant with it's a little cringe at the start
That is not how Mr Sutton looked like in my head
In my head he was more of your handsome generic white guy
Percy looks also wildly different. In my head he was a lot more of a tall, burly guy.
Kieran also looks familiar
(Looked it up) He was in der Lehrer & in Sankt Maik, so yeah def know him
Oh I think I know Ember too.
(Looked it up) Yeah I know her from der Leherer as well. I'm pretty sure I also watched the In aller Freundschaft ep she was in. I saw she was in Fack ju Göhte, but I don't feel like I really remember her from that...
Also: another fyi in my head I wrote it Amber 😅
For sure have seen the mom before as well
I don't remember the Treppenlift thing being in the books
Now that I'm not as focused on how different he looks, I think I've seen Sutton somewhere before too
Apparently he was in an episode of Alarm für Cobra 11. And I might also have watched the In aller Freundschaft die jungen Ärzte ep with him
Are these helmets always this fancy?
Mortimer looks smaller and younger than in my head too XD
Kieran screaming at the stripper shouldn't have been that funny
Well... that was a lot of 'i know this person' 😅
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Any recommendations for Soft Romantic stories (books or movies) featuring Black Women?
I hope I don’t offend anyone and this is not meant to be a rant against all white women or anything. I also don’t expect every creator to create specifically for me, how can they if they don’t all get my experience? I’m just tired, y’all. 
I recently finished the Normal People limited series. I liked it at first but towards the middle I was really unimpressed and the end left me cold. No, I will not read the book. I think the thing that struck me most is how much I just don’t want to engage in any more romantic story lines that involve privileged white ingenues. I just can’t for the love of humanity watch a self absorbed girl rocking the nonchalant French girl aesthetic and strain to find her relatable. I live in Brooklyn. I know these girls. I just can’t relate. But they are not someone who’s inner life I need to get to know better. Maybe this is why I had no desire to ever watch Girls. I have a few white girl friends, they are not like these girls, like. at. all. I also recently watched The Boy Downstairs and The Worst Person in the World. See a theme here? Basically, I have Hulu and was struggling with finding modern romance to watch, thus this losing streak of irritating protagonists. I think Rory Gilmore is perhaps the archetype of this girl? I didn’t make it through the first season of that show. I just didn’t get the hype. 
Anyways, this got me thinking that I really, really, really would love to have some GOOD romantic entertainment that features someone that looks like me. But what I don’t want is a soap opera or a typical romance novel formula. ( I can get down with a good telenovela style epic drama, but I want a different flavor here). I think the appeal of genre of films I mentioned is that they try to go deeper, they try to be smarter, nuanced, layered. I get the draw. It’s just none of these characters are that interesting to me and people seem to fall at their feet for no discernible reason. But I want the fluff, the softness, the allusions to great literature and art, the camisoles worn ever so gracefully, travel, and promise. I just don’t want the sense that no matter what these girls are going to be ok and land on their feet. Maybe they have some trauma, but honestly I have trauma, too and I still have to be a Black woman that is still struggling to be valued in relationships, in the work place, in society at large. So no, one shitty parent and sibling is not the totality of my lived experience and the extent of my angst. There is a whole lot of other shit going on. I don’t have a trust fund to fall back on that can also finance all the self care, elite higher education, and travel I desire. I also still live with roommates. See what I’m saying? If you get it, you get it, if you don’t, you don’t. 
I’ve been writing a fanfic based on Carmy and Sydney from The Bear. It is so fluffy, but also deep, sensual, witty (at least I think so). Sydney is coming into her full womanhood, defining her career, loving a man who is wounded, and guess what, she’s broke ass fuck but still looks cute and has fun. I need that, but someone else to write it so I can enjoy. Props to all the other fanfic writers! Can we get something like this published or on the screen? FYI, I do not care if the romantic interest is Black, white, Asian, whatever. It does not matter to me. I want intelligent writing and a protagonist who is not aloof, who is vulnerable, delicate, actually works a challenging job, and inspires adoration not just because, but because she is seen. I swear if I have to sit through one more scene of a boring white girl in a perfect messy bun take a half bite of a pastry in slow motion I’m going to scream. Or watch a racially ambiguous girl get fawned over because of course she would because she’s slightly exotic and safe. AKA, she cannot be light skinned or mixed for the love of God! 
Side note: I do recommend Good Luck to You Leo Grande (the ending was a bit meh, but the rest excellent and my goodness Emma Thompson always makes me cry) and Enough Said (who knew James Gandolfini was a great romantic lead). Maybe middle aged and older white women are better viewing than millennials and Gen Z?
Anyways, who has recs for my rant?
Edit: I think I found the vibe of what I’m looking for. Imagine all of the love songs from The Sea and the self titled albums from Corinne Bailey Rae. That’s it. 
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cakegatedisaster · 7 months
Any other book recs bestie ?
(these are all some sort of gay FYI)
Captive Prince, by C. S. Pacat- fantasy vibes, kings and queens, no magic but it doesn't need it, three books, VERY morally grey main character, you really need to love complete assholes to enjoy this one (thankfully I do). Sword throwing, pretend identities, it's illegal to be straight, EXTREME enemies to lovers, they fucking hate each other, politics, but in a nice way, evil-plot-to-take-over-the-thrown shenanigans. EVEN MORE trigger warnings than aftg, like, so many, but nothing happens on screen. Second favorite series ever, right after aftg.
Wolfsong, by TJ Klune- Werewolves, little age gap, magic systems, found family, kinda second chance romance but not really, sad and happy, some violence, like 5 books, each with a different couple, very cheap on Amazon, you will cry.
Not Even Bones, by Rebecca Schaeffer- DARK, so dark, main characters are definitely the villains from anyone elses perspective, magical realism, sorta romance but not really, very plotty, very dramatic. For this series, I would also recommend the webtoon on Webtoon, it's free and has amazing art (but you should pick one, because there's three books and the comic is on the last one), this is another one where you really have to like bad people, or at least exceptionally morally grey people to really enjoy it. Highly recommend.
Summer Sons, by Lee Mandelo- holy shit this is so good, so dark and gritty, very Gothic-like vibes, main character is an absolute disaster being haunted by the love of his life, love interest is the definition of white trash and it's wonderful, I talk about it a little bit on here, go read it.
Damn these are all kinda dark, here's some happy ones:
Red White and Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston- funniest book I've ever read, so gay it makes you feel like you're vomiting rainbows, a little political but it's easily ignored, rivals to friends to lovers, the movie is mid, read the book first.
The DRAMA series, by Paul Ruditiz- no one ever talks about these and it BREAKS MY HEART because it's so good, I've reread it so many times, this is for the theatre kids who want to feel seen, light and happy and fluffy, with genuine male/female friendship, and a developing relationship you never could have guessed, you can read them all in a day.
Carry On, by Rainbow Rowell- just the author's name should clue you in, imagine drarry but canon and gayer than you could imagine, vampire and wizards who cast spells with nursery rhymes, technically a trilogy but the first ones also a good stand-alone, absolutely perfect.
Song of Achilles, by Madeline Miller- I lied, this one is not just happiness and rainbows, a retelling of the tale of Achilles, read when you're in a good spot or you'll jump off a roof, but still go read it because it's something special, a future classic without a doubt (also go listen to Achilles Come Down on YouTube, it'll put you in the right mood)
That should keep you occupied for a min
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mrbexwrites · 1 year
Can you tell me more about Searching for Starlight? It sounds cool, and I happen to be a fan of fictional cults haha
Hey Tashie!!
How're you?
Searching for Starlight was the first proper length sci-fi novel (approx 152,000 words!) that I wrote over two years of NaNoWriMo, and is currently sitting in first draft purgatory.
(I actually re-read it a couple of years ago, and it's not totally deranged given that it was a NaNo project! I could go back and salvage it, but I hate editing, so... I guess it's living in purgatory forever! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Searching for Starlight came about from a weird cheese dream I had about a planet getting devoured by a giant snake (FYI, I'm not a fan of snakes- I have a proper phobia of them, so this was not a pleasant cheese dream)
Originally, the character of Switchpace, was going to be the main character, but as a jaded commander of a spaceship, I found it hard to introduce a lot of the world as her and her shipmates would be familiar with the galaxy. I wrote this close to ten years ago, and have grown a lot as a writer- I think I could easily write the story as originally intended now, but at the time, I wanted a POV character who could ask questions, and be introduced to the sci-fi setting.
So the main character became Rashmi; a human girl whose family have been hosting the first alien who came to Earth, Osias. Osias landed in India because in the near-future India is the country with the largest human population, and because I'm tired of aliens always going to the US. Maybe they want to do some sightseeing!!
Due to plot-reasons, Rashmi and her family basically get put into space witness protection, and she falls under the care of Switchpace.
Shenanigans occur, and Rashmi finds herself facing off against a snake-worshiping death-cult in space who are trying to summon the end of the galaxy. It ticks a lot of sci-fi tropes and cliches if I'm honest.
I think the reason I've never gone back to it is multifaceted; I tried to increase the diversity of my cast- people of colour, disabled characters, LGBTQ+ characters, but as someone who does not fit into any of these categories, I worry that I've not done my characters justice, and that their stories are not mine to tell. They deserve better than a ham-fisted attempt at me trying to be inclusive, instead of regurgitating the all-white straight guy Sci-fi books that I grew up with.
So yeah, other than sharing snippets for tag games, I don't think much else will ever be done with this WIP. For all it's faults, I have a fondness for it because it was my intro to NaNo and the first proper novel that I churned out as an adult!
This probably doesn't really answer your question- sorry!! I just ramble away!!
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tacroyy · 1 year
fyi—posted part 2 of “information gathering” earlier this evening. (fic description: discworld, very rated e, vimes/vetinari slowburn; initial vimes/omc, transmasc sy[bil], an au in that i don’t believe the actual discworld is this queerphobic, sort of a case fic but not really.) i have a couple thoughts ill post tomorrow; had An Evening and am not coherent enough to say what i’d like to say now.
here’s an excerpt:
He showed Vimes into a small, bright kitchen, overflowing with pots and pans and hanging baskets of dried rosemary and garlic bulbs and rhubarb, and disappeared through a closed door. The clapboard walls were painted a wondrous, indistinct flowery pattern in yellows and oranges and pinks; vines swept over lintels and onto the sky-blue ceiling. Vimes stood next to the tiny table, which was half cleared and half piled with papers and books and scraps of sketches of animals and bowls and mugs and the detritus of a well-lived life.
Vimes stared at the window sill. There was an odd, flat sort of plant growing there, all made of circles, in a butter-yellow pot. Next to it was a row of thimbles leaning against the window, each with a tiny green sprout sporting a single circular leaf poking out the top.
His brain started clawing at itself and he had to sit down at the little table and focus on breathing.
A minute later, the door opened and the man came in, looking apologetic. “He’ll be a moment, sorry,” he said. “Tea?”
“Thank you,” said Vimes. “Sorry to drop in like this. I need Mr. Harris’s help with an important matter.”
“Yes,” said the man, clearly not wanting to get involved but nevertheless being unable to restrain himself, in the grand tradition of spouses everywhere. “I understand. Henry’s work can be rather dangerous sometimes.”
Vimes said casually, “Certainly less so, now that the guilds are official.
“Oh, you would remember before that, your grace. Henry’s a bit young, really,” the man said, busy at the stove. “Yes, certainly less so. Rosie’s been such a boon, and Lord Vetinari.”
“You approve of him?”
“Certainly, certainly,” said the man, measuring out tea into an antiqued silver diffuser. “Bringing in all these species, making sure Henry’s work has protections, cleaning up the streets—as it were. I do miss the old stench, of course. The thickness has gone out of it, you know? But it’s all worth it.”
“Not everyone agrees.”
The man laughed, a bright chuckle, almost youthful. “In Ankh-Morpork? I would hope not!”
Vimes had to grin. “A man after my own heart, then. Things start getting too calm and my hackles go up.”
“Wise reflexes,” the man said. He came to set cream and sugar on the table. “I’m Boniface Pitt, your grace.”
“Good to meet you, Mr. Pitt. What do you do?”
“I’m an illustrator,” said Boniface, picking up one of the sketchbooks on the table and handing it to Vimes. “Black and white, generally, drawings for books and magazines and such. There’s a lot of work in portraits for breeders.” He flipped to a section that seemed to consist of the exact same cow eight different times. “This one’s Dasiline Gracey Blatford-Stuy, a show-quality Bletchley Pink, and her whole maternal line back to the Year of the Hydrated Titmouse. People really care about these things. Want them immortalized, you know. Her last calf sold for twenty thousand dollars.”
Vimes thought of Sy and his dragons. “Yes, there’s something for everyone,” he murmured.
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
FYI: I'm on Austwt so I don't really know much about Elvis apart from the movie. I came across this clip of Jerry saying Elvis slept with his girlfriend
So idk why y'all act like Elvis is the greatest man ever and he's "misunderstood" when clearly he was shitty in alot of ways and you guys always defend him saying it's misinformation but here the words are coming out from Jerry's mouth, his best friend! Why would he do that to him?
The Elvis movie whitewashed his character so much! I admit I only watch it over and over again for Austin and I did like Elvis because of the movie but I more I learn about him the more disgusted I am. How do y'all excuse everything he did?
well i mean- jerry himself still speaks highly of him and his heavily involved in his legacy work. he’s at elvis week almost every year- epe can’t hold anyone against their will and if he hated him he wouldn’t be there. also, jerry’s book is regarded as the kindest of all the memphis mafia member’s books about him. so if you think anyone is being too soft you might wanna take that up with him, not me haha.
that to say i don’t think anyone thinks he’s perfect, and if they do they’re severely misguided. and i don’t think i’ve ever denied he’s a womanizer myself LOL. but people are complicated and not everything is black and white. there are aspects of life that are severely misunderstood, even if not every single little thing he ever did.
i 100% get why elvis isn’t for everyone and actually roll my eyes a bit when certain folks on twitter act like you *have* to like him to like austin. i think there are lines of course, and that because austin admires the guy so much/was adored by lisa marie that people should at least be civil about it. but i personally really love elvis and consider myself a fan, both music and personhood wise. i don’t think that’ll ever really change *gestures at tattoo on my arm*
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