selfshippinglover · 2 years
So I started talking with a HABIT bot....
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And now we're at
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scenteddelusion5 · 7 months
Can you do Velvette x insecure reader? (any gender(s))
I Don't Deserve You
Velvette x insecure reader
Note: A short but wholesome one!!!
Word count: 647
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Velvette had met Y/n around three years ago. The sinner hadn't been in hell for long when she stumbled upon them. They weren't the prettiest nor the strongest demon, actually they were pretty weak but something pulled Velvette to them. One thing led to another and they started dating.
To say her colleagues hated their new-found love was an understatement, Vox and Val hated her new partner. Velvette would dote on them, buy them new clothes and show them of on all her socials. According to Vox letting the public know about her relationship with a weak sinner would be bad for their image. One time he had even tried to hypnotise them to break up but his plan fell through.
Val on the other hand didn't like their looks and though that Velvette could do WAY better and he took every opportunity to let her know. Once he even brought in one of his contracts that was the same type of sinner, they, however, were smoking hot. Velvette actually dared to slap the Vee in the face for that one.
She always reassured her partner that they were perfect. Still, Y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that they didn’t belong by her side.
On one hellish afternoon, Y/n laid on their shared bed and scrolled through their girlfriend's sinstagram. It showed a picture of the two of them in matching beachwear. Velvette stood by the parasol on the right while Y/n stood hunched over, looking through the cool box. The caption read: 'Two bitches at the beach, look out suckers! This ass is mine!'
They laughed looking back at their fun date. Scrolling down through the comments, they saw the usual replies:
Valentino_PIMP: We use the same swimwear line in the NEW angel dust porno, sluts!!
VoxTech_OFFICIAL: Line available on our online shop! Buy today, delivered tomorrow!!
Tiffany-PORNS: HOT!!! Ordering RIGHT NOW!!!❤️❤️❤️~
All of famous denizens, friends and colleagues. The usual but when they scrolled down, they came across these;
DoomBoom-482: Velvette hot as ever. Dont undorstand why shes whith that ugly.
Angel_FUCKER69: EEWWW!!! I didn’t want to see that 🤢
BAZUKAbAbY: we should just kill that bastard, they dont deserve our queen
Comment after comment, hating them. Tears filled their eyes as they read more and more.
Velvette walked into her apartment already angry, she couldn’t wait to complain to her partner about her shitty ass day. Valentino had ripped apart one of her best models on this busy fucking day.
She saw Y/n laying on the bed as she spoke, "you'll never guess what Valentino did today. Like I could just KILL him for thi-" She quickly cut herself off as she saw their puffy eyes stare at her. "What happened?"
She jumped on the bed and laid down next to them. "What are you looking at? Show me." Velvette looked at the post, reading through all the comments. "You don't actually believe their bs?"
"Y-yes," they sniffed, "I don't deserve you... You are amazing, beautiful, smart, witty and I'm... Me."
"And you are THE BEST THING that EVER happened to me! There is no demon in hell that could make me laugh like you do! No one that can lift me up pike you do! No one who can make pancakes like you do!" She hugged them. "Everyone else are just shitstains!!! Without you, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy hell as much as I do now."
"Really, besides do you really think those basement dwelling, internet trolls would understand someone as fabulous as you and me?" Velvette kissed the top of their head.
"Then there is nothing to worry about. I love you and you love me. That's all that matters." She picked up her phone and looked through her liked pics. "Now I saw this really cute trend where couples choose each other's fits, wanna try?"
"Let's do it!!!"
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violetsteve · 2 years
If you prefer, this is also posted on AO3
After the almost end of the world, Steve decides he’s going to put the moves on Eddie Munson.
Robin may or may not laugh in his face when he announces it.
The thing is, despite Robin almost laughing him out of the building, the thing is Steve is still figuring out his sexuality. He knows he likes girls, he’s always liked girls, but then Robin pointed out that maybe he couldn’t figure out what he wanted because he wasn’t looking in the right place and Steve realized she was right . Sure, Robin had meant more of a ‘ stop going after girls who are traditionally pretty and from well off families and try going out with girls whose company you actually enjoy’ and not a ‘ hey, dudes are kinda hot, too, right? It was real weird how transfixed you seemed to be on Eddie Munsons lips while we were actively fighting demon monsters,’ but Steve has always been good at reading in between the lines. Or, more like inserting what he wants in the gaps of what people leave unsaid.
So, no, Robin did not tell Steve to open his eyes and realize that straight guys don’t exactly think about how another guys lips will look slick with spit, how they’ll feel under the pressure of his thumb, what the sweet satisfaction of them partying so readily under his will feel like, but she did tell him to broaden his horizons and honestly, they were basically the same thing.
Which is why Steve feels like she should be more supportive of his plans to woo Eddie Munson onto his couch—and maybe, if he’s feeling ambitious, eventually into his bed.
“Robin, come on . I’m serious!” Steve will never admit, even under Russian torture again, that he whines it. He’s coming to Robin as a sounding board, not so she can make fun of him. If he wants someone to make fun of his lack of prowess, he would go talk to Dustin. 
Or, yeah on second thought no. He’s not actually sure his ego could take that much of a hit at the moment.
“Sorry, sorry,” she gasps, gripping the—newly rebuilt and polished—family video counter in front of her. “I just—Steve, that’s-that’s so ambitious . You literally just came out to me less than a week ago and you’re already talking about getting with a boy. And Eddie Munson at that.”
Steve scowls at her, crossing his arms over his chest in a way that he knows looks bitchy, but he can’t help it because—
“Don’t say his name like that. He literally almost died to save us all. He’s not fucking dirty .”
Robin immediately sobers, a guilty, but irritated look on her face. “That’s not how I meant it, Steve, and you know it. Don’t get bitchy at me just because you’re feeling sensitive about your feelings for a boy.”
And that’s the crux of it, isn’t it? Steve isn’t really angry at her for laughing—Robin makes fun of him at least 7 times a day, Steve would be more concerned if she didn’t make at least one joke about this—and he isn’t even mad at her for putting a weird emphasis on Eddie’s name. No, he’s all twisted up about his feelings and he’s never been good at expressing them, let alone talking about them. He’s feeling self conscious and his skin is prickling with embarrassment and the easiest thing to do is lash out about it.
“That’s not—“ Steve cuts himself off, looking away from Robin as his shoulders slump. “You’re right,” he mumbles. “Sorry. I just. I wanna fucking kiss him so bad , Rob, and that freaks me out a little.” Steve untucks one of his arms to scrub a hand over his face, leaving the other one tucked around his waist to protect his vulnerable bits.
“Hey,” Robin murmurs, closing the distance between them so she can settle her hands on his shoulders. “I get it. Do you think I acted like a sane person the first time I realized I wanna kiss girls? I think I cried for a week. Kerry the stuffed Koala had to go to therapy because of all of my crying. It was a serious time in the Buckley house.”
Steve smiles behind his hand. He loves her so much. She’s really his best friend. He’s so thankful for her.
“You still cry about kissing girls,” Steve says, rather than admitting any of that. She already knows she’s smart, Steve doesn’t need to add any more to her ego. It just gives her more brain to bully him with.
He drops the hand covering his face to look at her. “Only now it’s more of a,” Steve puts on a high pitched, whiny voice, “‘why do I have to go to work when I could be spending all day making out with my girlfriend.’” He brings both of his hands up to clasp in front of his chest, batting his eyelashes at her in a fake-coy way.
Robin shoves at him, catches him off guard and he goes stumbling backwards into the counter, laughing the whole way. 
“Shut up , you absolute dickhead, ” she all but screeches, reaching out to give his chest another shove for good measure. “You literally have no room to talk considering you started this shift by announcing your intentions to, quite literally, crawl into Eddie’s lap and kiss him stupid . That’s almost verbatim what you said, Steve.”
Steve’s still chuckling as he rights his position a little, leaning back against the counter more comfortably. “Yeah, I did say that.” He sucks his bottom lip in between his teeth before he continues with, “I really, really wanna sit on his lap and kiss him until he can’t focus, Rob.”
Robin rolls her eyes, but it’s more fond than annoyed. Steve can tell—he’s been on the receiving end of about 90 percent of Robin’s eye rolls, he’s getting good at distinguishing the emotions behind each one.
“I still can’t believe you have a crush on Eddie Munson of all people. He’s so weird ,” She laughs, but Steve can tell that that, too, is fond. Robin and Eddie have a weird friendship. They geek out over obscure instruments and the nuance of tacky movies together. Steve doesn’t get it, but he enjoys watching how expressive both of them can be. He once watched Eddie climb onto a table while arguing with Robin about one of their movies. Robin followed him up shortly after, though, so Steve isn’t sure why she thinks the weird is limited to Eddie.
“Yeah,” Steve sighs, and he’s man enough to admit that it sounds dreamy . God, he’s pathetic over Eddie. It scares the shit out of him. “You know, the other day he gave me a rock. It wasn’t even, like, a cool rock. It was literally just a rock. When I asked him why he just shrugged and was like ‘I dunno, it made me think of you.’”
Robin’s grin grows. “Oh my God. What did you do with the rock?”
Steve shoots her a disgruntled look. “What do you think I did with the rock? I put in my pocket and then brought it home and set it on my nightstand. Eddie gave it to me, I wasn’t just going to throw it on the ground again. That’s rude.”
Robin absolutely cackles at this, there’s no other way to describe it. She’s awash in glee as she claps her hands together a few times. “ Jesus , Steve. You’ve got it so bad for this man.”
“God,” Steve mutters, running a hand over his face again. “That’s not even the worst part, Rob. He like. He grabs his utensils with his whole fist when he eats. It’s so weird, and it’s so messy . It makes fuck all sense. He doesn't even grab a pencil that way. Just his fucking eating utensils . 
“And he walks so chaotic. He just randomly breaks into a sprint. Just starts fucking running out of nowhere. And he bounces. As if the random running wasn’t enough, he just fucking starts jumping. Sometimes he jumps at me, and it’s all I can do to actually catch him before he eats dirt. Or- or he’ll just. Spin. Just twirl in the middle of the sidewalk while still carrying on a conversation.” Steve slumps, his back getting slightly scraped against the counter as he sinks to his butt.
“The man has zero regard for personal space and he always makes way too intense of eye contact. Sometimes he’ll use one of his character voices in the middle of an otherwise totally normal conversation, and he’s always climbing on things. He’s loud and he’s weird and I wanna wrap my fingers around the collar of his shirt, shove him against a wall and then shove my tongue down his throat , jesus christ. ” Steve buries his face in his knees, his mind playing an endless loop of Eddie smiling with those stupid lips that are always cherry red and raw from his constant gnawing. Steve wants to bite them for him.
“Oh, my God, Steve.” Robing sinks down to sit across from him. “This is pathetic . I, like, knew you had a crush on Eddie but this is like. Dangerous territory. Like, the next step might be the L word level territory.”
Steve makes a small squeaking noise, his face still buried in his knees. Robin’s words hint at something that Steve is so not ready to admit to himself yet. She’s hitting way too close to something Steve has been avoiding actively and vehemently since he realized the attraction he feels for boys is decidedly not of the straight variety.
For a moment, neither of them say anything. Then, like the angel she so clearly is, Robin says, “So, wanna tell me about operation ‘crawl into Eddie’s lap and makeout with him?’”
Steve laughs, the tightness in his chest slowly easing. He lifts his head, and then spills his guts.
The plan starts simply. First, he needs to get Eddie alone . No annoying tagalongs to potentially interrupt.
It’s easier said than done. For two days straight, Steve asks Eddie to hang out and, somehow, one of the kids manages to weasel into their plans.
It’s driving Steve nuts.  
He casually asks Eddie to watch a movie, give him a proper education like him and Robin are always going on about, and Dustin overhears and invites himself.
He asks Eddie to go for a walk, makes an excuse about it being gorgeous outside while he plots ways for the walk to end right outside his house, isn’t that neat, but Lucas and Max overhear and suddenly it’s a group affair.
He asks Eddie to get milkshakes, plans to lure him back to his house with the promise of complete control of Steve’s record player, but El overhears and asks if she can tag along and Steve just can’t look into her big, earnest eyes and tell her no. He’s not a monster.
So they get milkshakes with El, and it’s fun . Of course it’s fun, but Steve is getting desperate . It’s been a little over a week since he hatched his mad plan with Robin and he’s about to start climbing the walls with anticipation.
It doesn’t help that Eddie has a mother fucking oral fixation. At every opportunity he’s either putting stuff in his mouth or chewing on something. It’s fucking rude, is what it is. It’s like he doesn’t even realize Steve is suffering.
It all finally comes to a head a full week and four days after his conversation with Robin on the floor of Family Video. He’s stopping by Eddie’s house to grab something Dustin left behind because Dustin asked and he’s nice . It’s maybe also because it’s a great excuse to see Eddie, but Dustin sure as shit doesn’t need to know that that’s the sole reason Steve said he will.
Eddie is slightly bent over, riffling through his Dungeons and Dorks stuff, and Steve is trying so hard to pretend like he’s not entirely focusing on his ass and the line of exposed skin above his belt. If Eddie turns around right now, he’s busted for sure.
Eddie’s just mentioned some kind of dragon when he lets out a triumphant noise, his story coming to an abrupt halt as he spins on his heel to face Steve.
“Aha!” He exclaims, thrusting a notebook in Steve's direction. 
Steve automatically reaches out to take it, his fingers brushing over the backs of Eddie’s in the switch over. Eddie bites his bottom lip at the contact, avoiding Steve’s gaze, and suddenly all Steve is thinking about is his mouth.
Steve debates with himself for a moment. This isn’t really how he planned to seduce his way into Eddie Munson’s lap, but he’s adaptable. If the years of almost apocalypses have taught Steve anything, it’s that sometimes you have to make do with what you have.
And what Steve has is an empty trailer save the two of them, and a couch less than ten feet away. He’s got the object of his affections standing in front of him, and Steve decides to adapt.
He wets his own lips, stepping towards Eddie. His hand is still holding Eddie’s hostage over the notebook.
“Thanks, Eddie,” Steve murmurs, ducking his head so he can look up through his lashes.
Steve watches Eddie’s breath catch, watches him stutter over his next sentence.
“Y-yeah,” he breathes out, his eyes flicking between Steve’s eyes and his mouth at a rapid speed. “Of c-course. I mean, it happens. Kids forget things. I’m sure Dustin just wanted to, like, go over the last session's notes for anything he missed.”
“Of course,” Steve agrees, taking another step into Eddie’s space. He’s aware that he’s primarily staring at Eddie’s lips, which is probably rude, but he can’t help it. They’re wet and shiny and Steve has been thinking about them an obsessive amount for the last week and a half.
“We’re, um, I-I mean they’re going against a red dragon,” Eddie continues. Steve’s aware of this. It’s what Eddie had been telling him when he’d found the notebook. “They’re very powerful, almost impossible to defeat.”
“Are they?” Steve’s only half following the conversation, but that’s not saying much. He has a hard time keeping up with the DnD talk on a regular day.
“Oh yeah,” Eddie says, and then he’s off. He starts spitting words so fast Steve wouldn’t be able to keep up even if he were paying complete attention.
“Eddie,” Steve says, but Eddie is still talking, still mumbling along about the red dragon.
“Eddie,” Steve tries again, but it’s like he’s shouting in an empty room. He knows Eddie knows he’s talking to him, can tell by how wide Eddie’s eyes are, how he’s not even trying to not slur his rapidfire words together. If Eddie was talking about dragons for the hell of it, he’d be gesticulating and probably climbing on things. As it were, he’s got his gaze fixed on Steve, eyes comically wide as his words rush together—barely getting one out before the next slew rush into it in a truly amusing word traffic jam.
Eddie’s nervous , and fuck if that doesn’t thrill Steve to his core. Steve takes the final step towards him to completely close the distance and—
Eddie takes a step back, his words stuttering along with Steve’s heart in his chest. He wasn’t expecting that, wasn’t expecting Eddie to back away from him so quickly. Steve has half a second to be hurt, to mentally kick himself because get a fucking clue , Harrington, before he catches Eddie’s eyes darting down to his lips, his tongue unconsciously swiping along his lower lip before his gaze skitters back up to Steve’s.
And, oh, yeah , Steve has him exactly where he wants him. Eddie isn’t stepping back because he doesn’t want Steve. No, he’s stepping back because he’s prey . Steve is stalking towards him with a single minded focus and Eddie is skittering backwards like a scared rabbit—bouncing back step by step as Steve approaches until his back collides with the wall. That, finally, seems to knock all their air out of Eddie. The dragon conversation dies on his lips as Steve finally—fucking finally —closes the remaining distance between them. He reaches out, cupping Eddie's cheek in one hand, his jaw in the other, all while pressing up against Eddie from hip to chest.
“ Eddie, ” Steve murmurs, his eyes hooding. This time, Steve feels Eddie’s breath catch, feels the way a tremor works its way through Eddie’s body. He’s staring up at Steve with wide, wild eyes. He looks like a deer caught in a trap—ready to break his leg trying to get away if he needs to.
Steve isn’t sure why that makes him feel a little wild, but it does.
He stretches his thumb out to swipe across Eddie's bottom lip—already bitten and red from Eddie’s nervous chewing. God , it drives Steve crazy . He has a half-hysterical thought about offering his own up for Eddie to chew on when he’s nervous. Eddie makes him crazy .
Steve licks at his own lips as he watches the way his thumb catches and drags and the swollen skin of Eddie’s bottom lip. Eddie’s trembling in earnest now, and Steve feels his pulse thundering in his ears. He wants to kiss Eddie so bad his fucking toes are curling with the anticipation.
He flicks his gaze up, away from Eddie’s lips up to his eyes and he has to fight back a groan. Eddie looks fucking wrecked and Steve hasn’t even kissed him yet. His eyes are wide and wild, his pupils blown and there’s a scarlet flush in his cheeks. He’s fucking panting against Steve’s face and he can’t take it any more. He really, really can’t. He has to kiss him—screw anticipation, screw driving Eddie past the brink. He needs and he needs now.
“ Eddie, ” Steve practically gasps . “Eddie, please.” Steve squeezes his eyes shut as his body unconsciously rocks forward, seeking even more of Eddie out. “Wanna kiss you so bad, please say I can, please—”
And before Steve can get another plea out, Eddie’s slamming his head forward with enough force to knock their teeth together in an uncomfortable clack ; enough force that their noses knock together in a painful way.
But Steve doesn't care . He doesn’t care because Eddie’s lips are on his and he feels like there’s liquid fire coursing through his veins. He feels lit up from the inside out as Eddie finally, finally touches him back. He fists a hand in the back of Steve’s shirt, the other winding through Steve’s hair and fuck it’s finally happening. After night upon night of imagining what kissing Eddie Munson would be like, Steve’s finally doing it.
And goddamn is he doing it. Eddie’s lips are slick against his, hot and encouraging . They slide together in a way that has Steve’s mind going blissfully blank, his only thoughts being hotwetyesmore.  
He kisses him messy, lips moving together in a too fast pace that neither of them can keep track of; bruising force in the way their lips slide, spit sliping from their parted lips in a slow trickle that has Steve’s fingers curling against Eddie’s jaw.
He uses that hand to tilt Eddie’s head up slightly, angling it enough that Steve can get his bottom lip between his own and suck slightly. The first slid of Eddie’s lip between Steve’s own has him seeing fucking stars . 
A punched out groan breaks free from Eddie’s throat and he rocks forward into Steve, seeking more . The hand in the middle of his back pulls and Steve is helpless to do anything but push Eddie more firmly into the wall. He knows it has to hurt, has to be restricting Eddie’s breathing with how tightly they’re pressed together, but he can’t take enough focus away from Eddie’s mouth to care . Plus, if Eddie minds that much he wouldn’t be pulling Steve closer .
Eddie breathes a wet gasp into Steve’s mouth when he takes his teeth to the lip still tucked between his own, and Steve can’t help but let out a gasp of his own. Eddie tastes fucking phenomenal. He can taste the lingering tobacco on his tongue, the salty tang of the popcorn he must have had earlier, and just the overwhelming taste of Eddie. Hot, sweet, fucking sublime. Steve‘s never been a particularly religious man, but he feels like he’s drinking heaven straight from Eddie’s mouth. With every gasp, every moan, every brush of Eddie’s tongue, he feels one step closer to absolution. It’s addicting .
God , he wants more. He wants Eddie’s hands all over him, on bare skin. He wants those deft musicians fingers to snake into his hair, tug a bit. He wants Eddie over him and under him and—
He stills suddenly, a thought occurring to him. The line that had triggered this whole thing—his announcement to Robin back in Family Video—and suddenly there’s a burning need in Steve’s gut. God, he needs to sit in Eddie’s lap right now. Needs to feel his strong thighs under him, needs Eddie’s hands on his ass and his tongue in his mouth.
“ Fuck, ” Steve bites out when he pulls back. Tearing his mouth away from Eddie’s is so much harder than it has any right to be.
Eddie’s staring at Steve with glassy eyes, his lips shiny and red and oh fuck even his chin is glistening with their spit. Steve wants to devour him.
“Go sit on the couch,” Steve says, and is pleasantly surprised that his voice only sounds a little rough, a little shaky.
“What?” Eddie croaks out, staring at Steve for a beat. Then, miracle of miracles, he does it. He stares at Steve the whole time, the glassy look getting a little clearer, and Steve thinks that simply will not do.
The minute Eddie is seated, Steve’s crawling his way into his lap. He wedges his knees into the crease at the back of the couch, shuffling as far forward as he can so their chests are pressing together, their clothed crotches aligning. Then, without giving Eddie a chance to adjust, he drops down, pressing the full weight of his ass into Eddie’s thighs and, by proximity, his dick.
“ Jesus Christ ,” Eddie swears, his hands shooting out to grab at Steve’s ass on instinct. Steve almost giggles . It’s exactly what he wants.
“You can just call me Steve,” he mutters, and before Eddie can reply, he’s sweeping in and claiming Eddie’s lips again. Eddie huffs against his mouth, but let’s Steve have the last word. Steve’s glad because he has plans .
Plans that start with Steve winding those thick curls around his fingers as he slides his lips against Eddie’s. Eddie pushes his head back into Steve’s hands like a cat, and it makes Steve smile into their kiss, which makes Eddie smile into the kiss. It’s like a domino effect—once Steve feels Eddie’s smile against his, he starts giggling like a schoolgirl. He can’t help it, this feels unreal in the best possible way.
Then Eddie’s off, giggling back into Steve’s mouth. They’re both just sitting there giggling at each other, eyes squinted and happy . God, Steve feels euphoric in this moment, perched in Eddie’s lap like it’s his throne, with Eddie’s hands on his ass.
Eddie pulls back after a moment, when their smiles are too wide to actually kiss. He brings a hand up to gently brush a strand of hair away from Steve’s eyes, tucking the long lock behind his ear before putting his hand back on Steve’s ass. 
“You’re unbelievable, Steve Harrington,” Eddie whispers, eyes so full of affection that Steve feels his insides turn to mush. He squirms in Eddie’s laps, ducking his head to mouth at Eddie’s neck because if he stares into his eyes any longer he’s going to do something stupid . Stupid like admit that he’s pretty fucking sure he’s in love with Eddie, has been since he gave him that dumb rock for no decernable reason other than he wanted to, because he was thinking of Steve.
Steve tongues at the tendon in Eddie’s neck that’s stretched taunt, rubs his nose along his jaw and up to the hollow under his ear. Eddie laughs, tilting his head sideways to give Steve easier access.
“Oh, now you’re gonna be shy? After you practically pounced on me earli—”
Eddie’s words cut off in a choked groan as Steve bites, hard , at the tendon he was just showing attention to.
“ Steve, ” Eddie gasps, but Steve doesn’t let him do any other talking. No, he’s not going to let Eddie derail him again. So, he dives back for Eddie’s mouth, licking into it, not slowing down and not giving Eddie a chance to catch up. He smooths his tongue alongside Eddie’s, lets Eddie push back against it with his own for a millisecond, before he’s switching tactics—licking behind the top row of Eddie’s teeth, sliding his tongue over Eddie’s bottom lip. 
Eddie squeezes his ass at the sudden onslaught, and Steve can’t help the small jerk his body gives at that. He grinds down, a gasp trapped in the humid air between them as sharp waves of pleasure shoot up his spine. He’s trapped in between Eddie’s lips and his hands and he feels like he’s high with it.
He’s enjoying himself so much.
He slides his tongue along Eddie’s again, enjoys the way it's slightly rough and gloriously slick against his own. Enjoys the way it makes his pulse thrum a little faster, his fingers grip a little tighter where they’re fisted in Eddie’s hair—the way it makes Eddie squeeze a little tighter, which makes Steve grind down a little harder.
Steve feels the evidence of Eddie’s interest, has been feeling it, and knows Eddie has to be aware of Steve’s own. And Steve’s fantasized about Eddie’s lips for so long that he’s tried to keep it to just that—tried to focus on the heady drag of lips on lips—but it’s hard to ignore the way Steve’s own hips are twisting down, seeking as much of Eddie as possible. Hard to ignore the way Eddie has his own feet planted on the floor, meeting Steve’s hips with firm thrusts of his own.
They’re sharing humid air and sharp gasps, their lips swollen and honestly sore . Steve’s lips ache in the best way he’s ever felt, and Steve doesn’t want to stop. Wants to sit right here on Eddie’s strong thighs, wants to feel Eddie’s teeth nipping at the too sensitive skin of his mouth, wants to kiss Eddie for the rest of his life .
They kiss and kiss and kiss, and Steve has never just kissed someone like this. He’s never kissed just to feel, kissed just for the pleasure of it with no expectations for what’s to follow. He feels intoxicated. He’s utterly, wholly blissed out on Eddie Munson’s mouth and he never wants it to end.
They kiss for so long that Steve has honestly started to lose feeling in his lips. It’s weird feeling them so sore, so numb. But they are, so he slowly, so slowly pulls back. Leaning down for a few lingering pecks as he puts a little distance between their mouths.
Eddie’s mouth is bright red, spit slick and so tempting. Steve watches with fascination as a single string of spit connects their lips, stretching until he’s put enough distance between them that it breaks.
Steve bites his lip on a moan, thinks that’s one of the hottest things he’s ever seen.
He meets Eddie’s gaze. His eyes are wild, pupils blown out. His hair is an absolute disaster from the way Steve’s been running his fingers through it, and his cheeks are flushed so prettily. Steve can’t resist sneaking one more kiss in, lingering around afterwards to rub their noses together.
“Hi,” Steve finally murmurs and fuck, is that his voice? Jesus, he sounds wrecked.
“Hi,” Eddie says back, his smile verging on loopy. “Did you know that some corvids can understand physics?”
Steve stares at him for a beat, a little stunned and a lot confused by the abrupt topic switch. Eddie stares back, a look on his face that Steve can only take for regret, his already pink face is turning positively crimson. 
It’s dead quiet for a moment, then Steve bursts into laughter. His chest absolutely swells with affection, with, fuck it, love. God damn , he can’t deny it any longer. The love he feels for this boy sitting under him is overwhelming at the best of times, and it feels like it’s just bursting out of him at this moment. He’s coming apart at the seams with his feelings for Eddie, and he’s done trying to pretend that they’re anything but that.
“Oh my God, ” Eddie mutters, bringing his hands up to hide his face. It’s so endearing. Steve is endeared. “Sorry, fuck. I don’t know why I just said that.”
“Jesus Christ, dude.” Steve’s still grinning down at Eddie, moving his hands to clasp around Eddie’s wrists, trying to pry his hands away. He never wants to not be looking at Eddie. He’s so fucking weird and Steve likes him so much. “I like you so fucking much .”
Eddie lets Steve pull his hands away, and he…there’s no other word for it, Eddie just absolutely lights up. It’s like Steve’s staring directly at the sun. Eddie is beaming up at him, his smile so wide that his eyes are basically closed. He has laugh lines, and Steve is already obsessed with them, already thinking of ways to make Eddie smile this wide, this radiant all the time.
“Yeah?” Eddie asks.
“Oh, yeah,” Steve confirms. “Just ask Robin. I’ve been whining about it for weeks .”
Eddie laughs again, his grin not dimming in the slightest, and Steve just has to taste it—has to get his mouth around Eddie’s happiness. So, he swoops back in, feels Eddie’s laughter transfer to him via their connected mouths, feels a piece of himself that’s long been looking for a home finally slot into place.
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poppy-metal · 10 months
"trust me to always feed into fem!jordans delusion that the strap is real. knock me up daddy"
No because for real, she asks you things like "I'm gonna cum, you want it, baby, want me to cum inside your pretty little princess cunt ?" and they want you to beg for it.
Alternatively, Jordan fucking in female form for the first time, this being only the second time you actually have sex with them. And you're not ready for how much they want you to beg them to fuck you. You get used to it pretty quickly, though. Hearing her moans and groans of pleasure, cut by "You wanna cum, baby ? Want me to knock you up ? Cum inside that freshie cunt ?"
And you can only say yes, because, how the fuck could you say no ?
(also, I don't know which ones are taken, so I'm gonna start signing my requests with this emoji (solely because I feed into the French cliché of the bread addict [it's true, people, baguette is a part of every of my French girl's meal, every day]) . Do tell me if it's already taken. Love you, and take care ❤️)
- 🥖
they enter demon mode fr. they're fucking awful for your little pussy regardless but when you validate their gender fuckery? make them feel strong and fucking powerful in their fem!form? its over for you, i fear.
knees folded to your chest, toes curling in the air, feet swaying, bed rocking, chain dangling in your face over for you. "fuck - this fucking - " the rough slap of their strap pounding into the wet flesh between your legs you almost miss the filth spilling from their lips, just barely registering, "you love this dont you? love my fat fucking dick beating up this pussy?"
but you do hear it, and you encourage it, nodding your head widly on your pillow, eyes filling with overwhelmed tears of pleasure. "y-yes, daddy fuck. fuck my pussy please - oh - oh! its so good, daddy fucks my pussy so good-"
"gonna cum in you." they pant, black hair fanning around their pretty face in contrast to the pained - almost angry way they're looking down between youd bodies to watch the black silicone cock plunge in and out of your slick hole. "daddy's gonna give you his fucking load - fuck it right into this tight." thrust. "little." thrust. "cunt."
your hands slide along the flexing muscles of their back, moaning at how the tendons there move and jerk under your fingers - somehow knowing that - feeling the strength - the work they're putting into fucking railing you never fails to blank your brain. such a strong supe, one of the strongest ever. and you're the one they take to bed every night. you're the one getting your little pussy destroyed. no one else.
you spread your legs wider at the thought, inviting the pounding cock to pound even deeper into your silken wet depths. cunt slicking and clutching and fucking gurgling shes so fucking turned on by jordans strap - by jordans fucking.
"uuhhhh, yeahhhh daddy - y- yeah. want your cum, want daddies cum in my - in me, please, please, please-"
"fuck, baby -"
"yeah - "
"shit. oh fuck, im coming. oh fuck - you're so good. you feel so fucking good, jesus christ - milk my dick, baby. just like that - milk daddys dick -"
even if its just their strap, the orgasm they have against it from the constant pressure of it pressing into their clit from fucking you makes them feel like they're filling you up. it helps a fuckton that they actually know what it feels like to have your warm walls milking their real cock. makes it that much hotter.
they kiss you open mouthed and downright filthy ad you both come down. your sweat cooling, their necklace pooling between your tits as they brush kisses over your face.
you squeeze their waist with your thighs.
"im feeling triplets with that deposit."
"fuck that."
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dulaglutide · 1 year
Hello! It’s me again(sorry for requesting again I hope I’m not a bother to you) but can I request yandere hantengu clones (separate) x fem! Nezuko reader. Where fem!reader has really strong legs?(also if you don’t wanna do this feel free to ignores this :3) have a good day/night!
You’re not a bother to me at all!!!! Warnings⚠️: yandere stuff, sexual stuff (nothing in detail), swearing (let me know if I missed anything!)
Yandere! Hantengu clones x fem reader
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He would adore your legs
If you ever got insecure about them he would kiss them all over to prove to you are amazing they are
He would hate it if people looked at your legs
People shouldn’t be looking at you in general but if they are specifically looking at your legs there will be hell to pay
But you wouldn’t know he killed them because he just acts so innocent
He would love to watch you break things with you legs by kicking it
He wants you to crush his head with your thighs but he won’t admit it
If people are looking at your legs he will put marks on them so they can see them and know your his
Since your legs are so strong he will just sit and watch you in awe as you walk around because he loves the muscle that they have
Since you can shrink and stuff he will get a little upset when he can’t see the muscle on your legs that well when you shrink
He loves how when you get angry your legs muscle shows even more
“Love…….your mine and mine only to look at……”
He will find your legs to be quite attractive
He will mark your legs up no matter what
He loves how the marks will show more when your angry
He will constantly have a hand on your thigh that is feeling how much muscle you have
He hates it when you shrink
For your sake never do it unless it’s 100% needed because he will get so pissed off because he can’t see your legs that well
He loves watching you destroy things with your legs so much
If somebody looks at your legs…..
Lets just say there will be a lot of lightning that night
He will sometimes make you tense up your leg so he can watch the muscle in your leg move
“You’re mine……nobody can look even at your legs……if they fucking do I’ll kill them….do you understand?”
He is very very open about finding your legs sexy
He will call them sexy when he’s talking to you about how much he loves your legs
Your going to have a lot of bite marks and hickeys on your legs
When he kisses you he will pick up your thigh as he does just so he can feel the muscle in your leg
If somebody looks at your legs we are going to be experiencing high winds tonight
He will get pouty when you shrink because he can’t see your leg muscles that easily
He will go up to you and ask you to crush his head with your thighs
He loves it when you get angry at another demon so he can just watch you destroy them with your legs
He will grab your thigh in public and be very open about how much he loves your thighs even when he’s talking to other people
“Hey you see that girl over there?! Why the fuck at you looking at her she’s mine and mine only you disgusting bitch….”
He will stare at your legs and make it very obvious he is
He will lightly carve his name into your thigh so that if people look at your legs they know who you belong to
Of course there will be a million bite marks also
He will grab you by your leg and pull you into the air when you least expect it
He will kill other birds that are just minding their business if he thinks they are looking at you also Urogi it’s a fucking animal calm down
If somebody is looking at you he will pull them into the air then drop them over and over again until they throw up then he will kill them
He loves laying his head on your thighs because of how muscular they are
He will get sad if you shrink because he wants to see you easily
When you get angry he will fly in the sky and watch you as you destroy things with you legs
He loves just watching the muscles in your legs moves as you do
”Darling, your legs are just so special how can I not stare!”
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moonligsposts · 8 months
Dean Winchester x reader
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Summary: After a terrible hunt, in which Y/n almost sacrifice herself to save Dean’s life, he is pretty much angry with her.
“You’re so stupid! Have you ever think sometimes in your entire life?” Dean yells while he’s driving. “Come on Dean, leave her alone…” Sam tries to make his brother calm down but he is pretty much nervous right now. We are in the Impala and we are all injured: Sam has a bullet in his shoulder, Dean’s face is been pushed, and I had a dagger right in my stomach. I jumped in front of Dean just before the demon stabbed him.
“Yeah, come on, let’s go in hell!” Dean shouts to Sam. “I can’t believe it… why you have to do that every fucking time!” He looks at me through the driving mirror. “Dean… please, I can’t handle that right now…” I say slowly and that makes him more upset. “You could die!” “Yeah, I know but I’m not dead!” At this words Dean hits the steering wheel making me gasp. “This time! And the others damn times when you didn’t dead, thanks I don’t what, but you’ll do it if you keep with your suicide mission!”
“Dean, leave her alone. Just drive to the motel and shout up. She doesn’t need it now. I know she was a complete asshole but luckily she is alive. We are alive.” Sam turns toward me and squeezes my hand smiling. I whisper a “thank you” because Dean doesn’t say a word back, really he doesn’t say anything until we arrive at the motel.
After Dean parks the car, he and Sam help me out of the car. “Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?” Deans asks to me holding me, I look in his eyes “I need just a little rest…”. “You need more that just a little rest.”
We enter in our room and I lean on the bed, Sam goes to take ours bags from the car and Dean goes to the bathroom.
“Um, I think we should see how the injury is.” Sam says and Dean comes out of the bathroom instantly and moves closer to the bed. I nod and lift my sweater.
“I really think you need stitches.” Sam says and I cover my face with the pillow. “Do it.” Sam nods and goes to take our emergency kit.
“Now you’re scared?” Dean say with sarcasm. “Dean, I’m jaded to hear you say the same things every time! Would you like to get the dagger? I can’t understand wha do you want. You were in danger and I did the same thing that you and Sam would do if that would happen to me!” I yell at him all in once, he looks at me with wide eyes and I can say that if I wasn’t injured he would eat me alive. After a moment to calm himself he takes my hand. “I care too much for you and every damn time I see you injured I blame myself because I didn’t look after you and that’s kill me. I don’t wanna lose you…” he whispers sitting next to me. We look in the eyes and I pull him over me in the hug I know he needs.
“I need you…” he says and I hold him closer to me. “I need you more than ever… I can’t lose you.” The tears, I was trying to keep, start to drop on his shoulder silently.
“Dean, you never gonna lose me. I will stay with you forever and ever because… you’re everything I have. I lo…” He takes my face into his hands and pull his lips against mine. The kiss is gentle, soft… sweet. “I love you, Y/n” and he kisses me once more “I love you” another kiss “I can’t live without you” and he pulls me into his chest.
“Y/n, if you only knew for how much I was dreaming to kiss you, you wouldn’t believe me.” And a soft laugh came out of his mouth.
“Ok, Y/n, I’m here. Are you ready?” Sam arrives with the most scaring thing that I know, needle… I squeeze myself more into Dean. “I will be here, sweetheart.” Dean says all smiling. “I promise I don’t gonna hurt you.” Sam tries to reassure me.
After the most painful hour of my life Sam ended his jobs and went to do a shower, so it’s me and Dean another time. Alone.
“Where we were? Hm… yes, I was kissing you!” Dean smirks and come closer. And we let's start kissing again. This time the kiss is more passionate; his hands explore my body. Then his lips go away from mine and descend to the neck where he focused kissing and sucking there where, surely, I will find the memory of this. Meanwhile, his hands touch my breast and I can hear the nipples become turgid. "Dean ..." My hands slide under his shirt and feel the contact with his hot skin. I wrap his waist with my legs and he starts caressing them up and down. I can fell the desire growing more and more. I can feel that Dean is trying to control himself because of my stitches. “I need you right now.” He say between sights.
“How you’re feeling, Y/n? Oh… sorry, I didn’t…” As me and Dean hear Sam getting out of the bathroom we move away from each other. “Relax, Sammy, we’re dressed. Me and you will finish this another time.” He leans toward me to kiss mommy forehead and after a little wink to his brother he closes himself in the bathroom.
“So? Finally you and him?” Sam asked and I nod smiling.
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wikitpowers · 6 months
things i want to happen in twp:
lots (and i mean lots) of carstairs-gray-herondale family time moments - give me family walks, picnics, parent-teacher nights, family cookie baking, jessa training their kiddos
ty to be the first kiss initiator (+ angry, passionate kiss!!!!!!)
DRU TO BE THE BIGGEST MF BADASS (i wanna see this woman fucking up some demons, talking back to teachers at the academy, making ash's life h e l l before they admit their feelings)
lucifer to be fucking terrifying and the best villain
dru finding out about ash keeping the drawing of her all these years (we love a simp)
tessa and jem helping kit w/ his powers!!!
ash and kit as besties (like they have bff friendship bracelets)
kit asking julian for his blessing of kitty (because i think that would be fucking adoroble and jules would be so happy for his brother im)
TO SEE THULE!KIT (if he sacrifices himself, i will literally bawl)
ty to give kit a blackthorn heirloom to show his commitment
MANY scenes in faerie (it’s such a cool location!)
to have sebastian come back from the dead as green-eyed jonathan and for him to protect ash, clary and jace like a maniac
THAIS AND ANUSH AND JAIME POVS (i'm begging, cassie) + rio, mumbai & mexico city institutes showed!
jace and kit relationship development with jace being the cool big bro (i also need to see jace ruffling kit's hair don't ask why)
ty's classical music playlist to be revealed...
insane enemies-to-lovers vibes from morgenthorn (and i mean insane)
herongraystairs reunion to not be too painful please *tears in my eyes* (but ik it will be)
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thekats · 8 months
1:38AM thoughts (on Aziraphale bc he has taken over my body help he's making me write things in his defense, well except this part, obviously, I am doing a joke, haha):
"We can be together!" and "I need you!" followed by "I don't think you understand what I'm offering you." is so fucking tragic to me? It's like he's saying 'I love you, I want to be with you' reeeaaally really clearly (though some people would rather just ignore it and are all 'oh, Aziraphale's only talking about jobs and promotions'). He is offering Corwley a way they can be with each other for realsies, no take-backsies without fear or interference, with earth and humanity protected (which Crowley was previously the main advocate for, remember) and Crowley hits him with "I think I understand a whole lot better than you do."
Wanna know what I'd have thought in Azi's place at that? I'll tell you anyway: whoa, fuck, I completely misinterpreted everything Crowley's been throwing my way for... a long time! He doesn't want to be together together, he just likes to be really good friends and wants to keep that up, he's so lonely on earth, being a good demon that he expresses his platonic love in a way reminiscent of pining love-interests- heck, maybe I'm so lonely down here that I misread common best-buddies-stuff as romantic interest! This is bad. He understands what I want to do here and he doesn't want that. He wants to be 'us' as we have been for millennia. I... don't know if I want that... I don't want to hide this shit, but if he doesn't reciprocate, then I'd make him uncomfortable and things wouldn't work out anyways. Guess I might as well save us both the pain of one-sided love and a friendship that can never be the same again and go. Now I'm angry. This isn't at all how it was supposed to be. I need distance now. From him, our relationship and my emotions bc this hurts. Ouchie. Rude.
And then Crowley mentions the nightingale and hits him with that angry, tragic as fuck kiss? The (potentially perceived) mockery! Crowley is mocking Azi's feelings for him. 'Is that what you want, angel? This? Silly birds proverbially singing about our love? Kissing? That's what you want for us?'Yes, it is, damn you a second time!
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blissxjj · 9 months
Obey me brothers x angry MC
Featuring: Lucifer/Mammon/Beel
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You and him haven't talked in about two weeks it's not even about the argument anymore, he is always so busy and leaving you alone for an extra week was pure torture to your heart, he was away When he should have been at your door asking you for forgiveness, sometimes you wonder if he ever really cared about you
He just came back from a meeting with Diavolo, and was heading to his room when he passed your and heard a quite voice speaking
He opened the door and peeked in to see MC trying to bandage her hand as it was covered in blood
Lucifer barged in and held your hand gently and looked at it for a second before you took it away from him and he said you
"MC please let me see your hand"
"Why do you care all of a sudden go back to work i can handle myself" you said as you tried to tie the bandage around your wound
"MC why must you be so difficult...hey...listen i am sorry about the argument and i apologies for not giving you the attention you need"
You gasped not expecting him to apologies that easily you hand him your hand as he quietly wrapped it up and kissed the back of it.
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Fight and arguments don't usually last long with Mammon because he apologies first and fast all the time but this time it was a bad fight and you two been on a break for three weeks
Yep three weeks
Mammon was passing by your room today when you exited he was standing right there, you both froze in place and looked at each other when you immediately notice Mammon's black eye and gasped
"Mammon! Who did this to you!?"
He ignored you and walked to his room you were right beside him walking fast to reach his walking speed and you grabbed his arm gently
He turned to see your pleading eyes for him to both stop and explain what happened but he wasn't gonna go down so easily
"I thought you didn't care about me?"
"I do care you are my first man how could i not care" you said giving him the cute eyes
"Fuck....um- you wanna know what happened?" He asked then said before you could answer "fine i got into a fight in the casino last night" he explained
You sigh and hug him
"I am sorry for our argument the other day and anything i said that might have hurt you in any way"
He can't stay mad after that cute apology now can he.
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It was bad...
You two haven't spoken in a month both equally mad at each other but you were right how can he let some fangol fan girl hug and kiss him on the cheek for a picture? And he was smiling too!?
You confronted him and he said it was fine but you became jealous and it got into a big argument and you both agreed to stay away from each other until you are ready to have a proper discussion
But Beel can't take it anymore you were right he had to put some kinda of boundary between him and the fans and how would he feel if another male demon did that to you
You were obviously still angry not even looking at him
He approached you after dinner in your room
"Beel please i don't want to deal with you right now i have more important things to attend to" you said
"What's more important than me ?" He said
"That girl you were with" you said bitterly
"Oh come on i realize my mistake please i will never let it happen again"
"It already did happen and you let it happen your apology means nothing to me right now" you screamed
Only after the words left your mouth you realized how bad they were, Beel left and you felt bad
You knew he was bad with expressing himself with words yet when he tried to apologize with words you said that it meant nothing
"Beel wait!" You said
He looked back at you and you didn't know what to say so you just cried and ran to him, Beel caught you in a tight hug
He wiped the tears from your eyes and you said
"I am sorry your apology means alot to me"
"It's ok Y/n, can we just go back to what we were?" He said hugging you
"Yes i love you Beel" you said
"I love you Y/n and i am not done with my apology yet...let's go out and have dinner my treat whatever you want"
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nichoswag · 1 year
Hey I really love your works!! I wanna request the trope "demon x human" with maki please? Demon is y/n and human is maki! Not sure if you need more infos, but you can add the prompt #9 "may i have this dance?” Thank you!!
eyes . hirota riki
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prompt: "may i have this dance?"
trope: demon x human
pairing: stranger!human!maki x demon!female reader
warnings: reader is a demon obviously, lots of flirting, kissing, cursing, teasing, fear, pet names (handsome, love, cutie)
song rec: your eyes tell - bts
a/n: this is an interesting take on this trope! when i put it on the list, this was not exactly the person and scenario I'd imagined for this quote and trope, but i'm happy to write it!! i like writing new things! thank you anon for requesting, and i hope this is what you had in mind! enjoy ♡
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maki looks around the lively room. he's currently at a party his friends have dragged him to, except they've all gone off and he's all alone.
he keeps looking for his friends when he spots you.
you meet his curious, doe-like orbs with your own siren eyes.
immediately, you decide you need to have this man. he's simply too cute and attractive. you have the urge to steal him and take him far away so only you can look at him.
maki's curious eyes turn fearful as he realizes you're eyeing him as if you want to devour him whole. he realizes as your eyes flash red exactly what you are.
a demon.
maki obviously knew there would be demons at this party, but he could not have predicted he'd pique one's interest. he wonders if the rumors and myths about your kind are true - are you truly capable of unimaginable sins? would you snap and kill him in a heartbeat?
you notice the look on his face change from curious to terrified, and flash him a smile as if to say 'it's alright, i'm not gonna hurt you,' as you're thinking quite the opposite. there's just something about him that makes you want to protect him forever.
as you smile at him, he takes in your razor-sharp teeth from across the room, and his fear turns to sheer panic.
"relax, she won't hurt you," a voice says from beside him. a girl slings her arm around his shoulder. "i think she likes you, actually, considering she looks like she wants to rip my throat out."
maki looks back to you to see you making a face that's truly much more terrifying. somehow, even looking angry, he's able to notice how absolutely stunning you look in your red dress with your hair down.
"do you wanna go get a drink with me?" the mystery girl next to him asks.
only then does he notice her sharp teeth and red eyes.
"oh- i, uh-"
"sorry to interrupt, but can i steal this guy away for a sec?"
maki turns to see that you've made your way across the floor and are now standing in front of him, seemingly close to bursting into flames.
the girl side eyes you, but maki feels something wrong about staying with her, so he opts to nod at you as you take his hand and lead him back across the room.
you both seat yourselves on an unoccupied couch, ignoring the couple making out against the wall next to you.
"sorry if i startled you," you say. "that girl is just-"
"dangerous, right?" maki asks, and you're taken aback at how he knew that. "i could kind of sense something was wrong with her."
"she's one of those demons who hurts humans for fun," you explain. "i won't get into detail, but it's pretty fucked up."
his eyes widen. "wait- so you mean all demons aren't like that?"
you're again taken aback. "how little do you know about us? the laws we go by say we can't do any harm to humans."
it's his turn to be surprised now. "but- earlier, you were staring at me like you were gonna eat me."
you laugh, and he somehow still thinks the sound is sweet. "i wasn't gonna eat you, silly. though i could if you want me to-"
"i'm good, trust me." he chuckles.
"so what's your name, handsome?" you ask.
he blushes furiously. "it's maki. well- riki, technically, but my friends call me maki."
"cute," you mutter. "i'm ____."
"that's a pretty name," he says, attempting to be bold.
you giggle. a new song plays in the background, a japanese song you recognize by bts. "ooh, i like this song!"
he nods his head to the beat. "it's a nice song. you have good taste.
you stand up in front of maki and extend your hand. "may i have this dance?"
he giggles like a little kid. "you sound like an old person."
you glare at him. "do you wanna dance or not?"
he grabs your hand and you both walk closer to the middle of the room. his hands are on your waist, yours on his broad shoulders, and you swear you could die like this as you sway to the sweet melody.
"so, you like me?" maki asks suddenly. "that's what that girl said, and the way you were looking at me..."
you contemplate how to answer. "well, yes. i thought you were really cute when i saw you and i hated that that bitch had her claws on you."
he blushes again, flustered. "you're really pretty yourself."
"yeah, love?" you smirk at him. "you like me too, don't you?"
he exhales sharply, not sure how to answer. "um... i think so."
"you think so?" you aren't satisfied with his answer. "you mean you don't know?"
"well... i wanna get to know you better," he says.
this satisfies you a bit. "you're so cute," you whisper, but he hears anyway.
"thank you," he says, not meeting your eyes.
you remove a hand from his shoulders to palm the side of his face and steer it back towards you. "look at me. i wanna see those pretty eyes of yours."
he blushes again, his doe eyes wide as he looks into your narrow, crimson orbs. they're beautiful to him, in a way.
he realizes your faces are getting closer together when you're only inches apart.
"can i kiss you?" you whisper as your lips ghost his.
he closes his eyes and connects his lips to yours. your arms wrap fully around his neck, pulling his body in closer, and his arms envelop your torso.
a few moments later, he pulls away with a gasp for air. "jesus. that was..."
"good?" you ask, tilting your head to feign innocence. your eyes narrow. "i've been told i'm a good kisser."
"how many people have you kissed?" he asks, seemingly upset.
you caress his face with one hand, reaching the other to snake around his waist and close the distance again. "the number doesn't matter. what's important is that none were ever as stunning as you."
you kiss him again, and this time he rests his hands on your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into the bare skin where there's a gap in the dress you're wearing.
this time, you pull away to let him get some air, but you stay close, resting your forehead against his. "i want to get to know you too, cutie."
he giggles against your lips. "well, what are you waiting for?"
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©nichoswag | do not copy my work or repost onto any other platform.
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Lose You Tonight(DMC3!Dante x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, slight implications of cheating/unfaithfulness, Dante being a bad boyfriend, oral sex/cunnilingus, pussy worship, submissiveness, domination, vaginal penetration, slight pussyjob word count: 2k pairings: DMC3!Dante x Fem!Reader a/n: Here is a little fic I thought up when I listened to the band HIM again(after receiving the entirety of Viva La Bam for christmas and just reliving early to mid 2000s again) This fic is based off the song Lose You Tonight, as the title suggests. For the best reading experience, I recommend listening to the song or at least looking up the lyrics.
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You weren’t exactly sure what changed within your loveable boyfriend, but he has been a bit more of an asshole lately. Just little things that were starting to come out and it was really starting to worry you. At first, you would brush off the little jabs and quips at you, but when he was starting to give you the silent treatment, you wondered if you were really good enough for Dante. 
You had met him when he saved you from a horde of demons that was attacking your apartment building. He was so sexy and so charming. The kind of boyish charm you expected from a devil hunter who wore no shirts. He was smitten by you from the moment he laid eyes on you, and it really didn’t take long for the two of you to start dating.
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But after months of being together and you had finally moved in with him, you were worried maybe this wasn’t what he actually wanted. And it was starting to piss you off that he was spending more time with Lady than you. Even when they weren’t out together on a job, they would spend long nights in the office just drinking and reminiscing about certain moments where you weren’t present.
It all blows up in your face when you come home after a long shift at your job and you notice how Lady is at the office and sitting right on Dante’s desk. Them being close like this shouldn’t make you so angry, but it’s been going on for too long. You try to make your way past them, but Lady makes a comment.
“Finally home from work, huh?”
There’s something about her tone and the way Dante is just chuckling that irks you. You feel tears brimming your eyes and you mutter something under your breath as you make your way upstairs. As soon as you’re away from prying eyes, tears slide down your cheeks.
You make your way into the bedroom and you begin packing a bag. You weren’t going to stay here another night. Dante had made his choice, and to you this was so damn clear. 
A knock at the door interrupts your thought process, and you stop packing your bag once he steps inside. Dante feels a guilt so deep inside of him, and it’s been eating him up for a little while now. His stomach drops when he sees that you’re packing a bag. He rushes over to you and places his hands on yours.
“Baby, no…please, don’t do this to me.”
You rip your hands away from him, “are you fucking kidding me? Dante, I’ve been trying to get your attention for what feels like weeks. I can’t do this anymore.”
His heart is breaking and he’s shaking as he realizes what’s really happening. There’s that sinking feeling in his stomach again when he sees the mascara running down your face from the tears you’ve been crying. He’s been pretty shitty to you lately, and it’s been difficult for him to keep pushing you away.
But you’re so damn pretty, and soft…and you make him dinner every night, and he wakes up to morning sex at least three times a week. You’re so wonderful when you kiss him and smile that gorgeous smile of yours. Dante finds himself incredibly smitten by you, but he has this rotten habit of pushing people away. He is so scared to lose you, but he’s waited his whole life for a love like this.
“Dante,” you breathe, “Why are you still here? Just go be with her,”
“N-no, please. I wanna be with you.”
There’s a slight tremble in his bottom lip as he pouts. He grabs the backpack from you and pulls it out of your reach. You groan loudly and try to snatch it from him, but he only pulls it further out of your reach.
“I’m not losing you. I won’t fucking lose you, not when I’ve been waiting so long for you.”
You’re shocked to hear these words coming from your boyfriend. He’s so boyish and bratty, but on occasion he has shown you the softer side of him. He isn’t all puns, jokes and goofing off. Dante holds you on a pedestal that nobody else could even fathom being on. Your love reminds him of his mother’s warmth and the love and affection she would give to him.
“I’m just tired, Dante. I’m tired of trying to be the one you love. But if that person is Lady, I’d much rather you go to her and spare me the pain.”
He’s mentally kicking himself in the ass now. Of course, he’s noticed how you react to him being close to Lady. The devil hunter knows he fucked up, but maybe there’s just something he can do or say to show you how much he loves you. You feel his warmth as he moves closer to you.
“I-I…I can’t live without you. I’m sorry that I’ve been such a jerk.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, “you can’t live without me?”
It’s so simple and yet something that touches your heart deeply. Those words are the most beautiful words you’ve heard in your life. Nothing has ever sounded so sweet.
His long arms pull you in for a bone crushing hug. You gasp softly as he begins crying. You don’t know if you’ve ever seen him cry before, and it was moving you so deeply. You cling to him, rubbing his back so soothingly.
“Baby, please don’t leave. I’m so sorry for the way I’ve been acting…I’m just so scared to lose you,”
You look up into his eyes and you see those tears there. A few of them slid down his cheeks, “Why did you treat me like that?”
His breath hitches in his throat, and he isn’t really sure how to respond. Dante has been so damn afraid to fuck things up with you, and he knows his habit of pushing people away just ruins everything he has. With a soft sigh, he finally comes up with the right things to say.
“I didn’t think I was going too far at first,” you cringe at his words, and he panics. “Baby, I just don’t know how to love. It scared me so much. You’re so much better than me, I just don’t even deserve you.”
This catches you by surprise. You never expected him to finally confess these things to you. It’s not long before you’re the one pulling him in for a hug. You know he’s hurting so much inside. Dante has been through so much in his life, and you know that he needs to learn how to love properly. You reach up on your tiptoes and press a soft kiss to his lips.
“Let me learn how to love you,” he says breathlessly, and you sigh.
“Do I need to teach my sweet devil how to love?”
Without another word, you press him back onto the bed. He lets you take control, not wanting to fuck up anything else. You crawl on top of him, kissing him hungrily. You want to show him that you’re so much better than Lady. You can be the woman he needs. You already are that and so much more.
“I never wanna see you be flirty with her again, do you understand?”
Dante groans, “y-yes, I understand.”
Your hand comes down to his crotch and you squeeze his cock ever so slightly. This makes him moan pitifully, and he’s growing rock hard under your touch. He’s never ever felt like this before, and he knows from now on, he can learn to love you and treat you better.
“I want you to promise me that I’m the only lover you have,”
Dante whines, and he’s practically panting as you continue to palm him through his tight leather pants. He knows he could cum just from this, and especially with the way you keep squeezing, it makes him feel so flustered inside.
“Promise me, Dante. Or else, I’m walking out of here forever.”
“I promise! I promise!”
That’s all you need to hear before you start taking off his clothes. Then you straddle him, making him so much more needier for you. His hard cock slaps against his abdomen as you peel off those boxers. His cock is leaking and red, which only makes you want to taste him. But you need to teach him a lesson.
You coo softly as you begin stroking his cock, and he’s whining so sweetly for you. You know he loves you, he just doesn’t know how to do it properly yet. So, you get off of him and you order him to get on his knees. 
“O-of course, baby! Anything for you,”
You smirk at his obedience. It really doesn’t take much for him to become so submissive to you. Without another word, he gets off the bed and kneels in front of you. You tell him to slowly take off your clothes, and he is so giddy.
“Slower than that,” you command. His wide eyes look up at you and he nods so sweetly. 
His hands are shaking with excitement as he undresses you. He loves looking at your gorgeous body. And as he takes off more articles of clothing, he’s getting the full eyefull now. Once you’re completely naked, his mouth waters at the sight of your pussy.
“Listen to me,” you tell him. He looks up happily, ready to take any command you give him and to do anything you ask of him. “You’re going to lick my pussy now. You can’t use anything but that pretty mouth of yours.”
You shove his face between your thighs and Dante whimpers. You smell so good and as soon as he tastes you, his cock throbs. Your juices are intoxicating to him and he can easily get drunk off the taste of you. His tongue is already at work, swiping over your swollen clit.
“Promise me you’ll never make me feel like second best,” you whine as his tongue slips into your tight hole. You pull him off of you for a second to give him a chance to respond, and he looks dazed.
“I promise, baby. Never again, never gonna make my baby feel like second best. My baby is the best.”
You praise him for being such a good boy and push him back to your pussy. Dante eats you fervently, devouring your very essence like it’s the only thing he’ll ever taste in his entire life. He’d die happy if that’s all he ever tasted again. He knows he’ll never have anything better than you.
“Such a good devil,” you praise him again. He whines against you, sending vibrations through your entire body.
When you pull him away again, the bottom half of his face is drenched in your juices and his eyes are glazed over. You beckon him to crawl on top of you, and Dante wastes no time. You wrap your legs around him and you help guide his cock to your soaked pussy. Dante keeps begging and pleading to be able to fuck you, but you’re just teasing the two of you. You let his cock slip between your soaked folds, but this only makes him whine even more pathetically.
“You don’t love her, do you?” you ask him.
Dante shakes his head violently, “No! No way! Baby, it’s only you. I’m going to show you that I can love you right.”
And with that, he slips into you and bottoms out with one thrust. His lips crash down on yours, making you a little breathless. He rolls his hips so sensually, making sure his cock rubs up against the sweet spot deep inside of you. Tears sting your eyes as you feel all his love coming from this one kiss. Dante pulls away but he cups your face and he’s smiling.
“I’ve really been waiting for you all my life,”
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thetopichot · 10 months
•°♧ Big Red Fluff Alphabet ♧°•
3/7 of the boys. So far, I've made great progress! Like I said, however, this is gonna take me both November & December since this is a big writing challenge. I am glad you simps are enjoying it while I'm still working on the others. Like always, enjoy your meal!
CW: Suggestive
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A = Abundance Of Love (Are they a loud lover that loves to express their love in many ways or are they a quiet lover that loves those quiet intimate moments?)
He's a loud lover. Bless that himbo. He loves waking you up with kisses & breakfast like, who wouldn't want that?? I just KNOW that food is probably burnt, but hey, nobody is perfect, plus burnt food has this spicy flavor, or at least that's your excuse so he doesn't force himself back to the kitchen to make you a better one. Besides all of that, he enjoys the fact that he belongs to you & all of the goody goodness.
B = Brave (Were they the first to confess? If so, how did the confession go?)
He was. As you guys were sleeping in the same bed, he was lying awake at night. He didn't want to go back to Hell after all of this was over. He wanted to stay with you, but he felt hella conflicted since his whole reason why he stayed here is to get your soul. However, love had other plans for the demon prince. You were cuddling him & he finally made his decision. Him confessing would take place the next morning because I KNOW that half of the people who read my headcanons are not morning people. I can feel it in my nuggets.
Anway, he confesses over breakfast & everything goes well! However, that would mean he would have to take care of whatever the hell is going on in Hell.
C = Control (Do they take the wheel of the relationship, or do they let someone else do the driving?)
Like Alphonse, he flips flops between the two. He kinda switches between househusband to treating you RIGHT. At the same time, he's holding onto your hand anytime you guys are going grocery shopping since, uh, he's a demon & he doesn't like getting lost because he will probably panic that he can't find you since you're short as hell compared to him.
D = Dreamboat (What do they find attractive in their partner(s)?)
He loves that fact that you're so kind to him despite the fact that he kinda broke into your home via portal, probably, & ate some of your food in your kitchen then disrespected you for having common ass ingredients. You still treat him with the kindness but also not taking shit from him either.
E = Empathetic (If their partner(s) was in a not so good mood, how would they cheer them up?)
He would talk about a situation that he had that was similar. He wants you to know that you aren't alone & that he understands what you're going through, but hey, if you don't wanna talk about it, he is more than happy to be used as a warm space heater.
F = Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Despite the fact that he agrues a lot with his father, he genuinely doesn't like arguing with you. I feel like he would let you just yell at him about how you feel, but he would never yell back. If he did something wrong, he would absolutely apologize & just hold you whenever you're ready. You would also apologize for yelling at him because despite being angry, yelling at him doesn't make things right.
G = General (Random Fluff Headcanon)
I can absolutely imagine him playing Latin music while cooking. He has no idea what the fuck they're saying but it still goes hard & he dances anyway.
H = Home (How would they feel living with their partner(s)?)
He started living with you since day one. He didn't really have much of a choice since his whole reason of being here in the first place is to obtain your soul. He lives here rent-free, but at least he can cook. That makes up for something.
I = Idealistic (What's their personal preference in a special someone?)
He doesn't really have much preference besides the fact that souls should be earned & not just simply be taken.
J = Jealousy (Do they get protective of their partner(s) when someone flirts with them?)
Who the fuck would challenge a 6'5 demon prince? You did, but that's not the point. No one would just simply dare to flirt with you when you have a tall ass man with ya. He's scary as shit. However if someone did flirt with you, he's pretty intimidating. That shit is gonna be shut down REAL quick.
K = Key To The Heart (What is something that will make them fall in love instantly?)
Just being kind & caring to him is enough for him to be head over heels. That fact you care about him & treat him right is enough for his heart to start bumping.
L = Luxurious (Do they spoil their partner(s) rotten? If they do, how do they spoil them?)
He spoils you by simply being a house husband. He's got food waiting for you when you get home. The house is clean, although he kind of almost tripped over the vacuum wire. He makes sure that you don't have to do any more work for you to do when you come home.
M = Marriage (How would they feel about getting married?)
First things, first. Ya’ll really can't get married in a church since this is a full ass demon here & I doubt they can hold any weddings in Hell. The best bet is a courthouse, but that is going to look extremely weird. Lucien is kinda worried about getting married. What if you want to bring your family to the wedding? How would your family react to you being married to a demon? The questions are absolutely endless. He is not opposed to being married. In fact, he would love that. It just requires a lot of planning. You could hold a wedding in secret with people you trust or you could just say "Fuck what people think. I'm gonna marry my demon hubby." How that goes is up to you.
N = Nobility (How honest are they to their partner(s)? Do they hide anything?)
Well, his name. Knowing a demon's name is extremely powerful & be used for anything but definitely not for ill will. Besides that, he is pretty honest. He trusts you enough not to tell anyone.
O = Overwhelmed (If they were in a not so good mood, how can their partner(s) help them out?)
I believe whenever he's mad, he starts to overheat in a way that his body becomes just straight up fire. He steps outside so he doesn't burn down the home. It's hard to comfort him when this man is on fire. The best you can do for now is to give some space until he can cool down. When he does, he likes to rant about how he feels. He just wants someone to actually listen to his problems rather than just to be ignored.
P = Passionate (What is something to them that means a lot to them that only their partner(s) knows about it?)
Cooking! He has enjoyed cooking a lot ever since you helped him learn how to cook. It especially means a lot because of you. He knows to make a french omelet & it fucking slaps.
Q = Quirky (Something silly that they do.)
Whenever you guys are having a spicy kissy kiss session, he turns your plushies around so they do not witness this ahem UNHOLY SESSION. You just look at him & he just says:
"Sir Gengar shouldn't have to witness this! He's too innocent. 😡"
R = Romantic (What is their love language?)
Acts of Service! I mentioned this like throughout this whole alphabet that he is practically a house husband. I will live & die on this hill. He cooks for you, he cleans for you, & he takes CARE of you??? That is the husband right there.
S = Sublime (What is the best gift that their partner(s) can give them?)
Honestly, a cookbook signed by Gordon Ramsey himself is the best thing you can give him. He's been using Gordon's methods for a while & genuinely likes them but a cookbook SIGNED by THE Gordon Ramsey?? It's the second best thing in the world. The first best is you, of course.
T = Touching (How do they feel about PDA?)
I don't think he would mind some PDA, especially during the wintertime, if you guys head out. He doesn't mind if you want to hold hands. He's willing to show all of his love as long as you want to.
U = Undeniable (Did everyone know about their crush on their partner(s)?)
How. Genuinely, how. Who would know?? The time that people know that you guys are together is when you guys are already together.
V = Visionary (What do they want their future to look like with their partner(s)?)
To be honest, he hasn't really thought about that. He would rather focus on the present rather than the future. If anything, he would just like to live the rest of the days with you. If there is anything that comes to mind, he'll let you know.
W = Wacky (General Fluff Headcanon. Again.)
Since this fluff alphabet is late, I got two for you as a bonus.
You gave a 3DS to mess around with. All of the games that Lucien owns are all cooking games, especially Cooking Mama.
Since you're shorter than him, he just kinda picks you & kisses you. Tippy Toes ain't gonna help you there, homeslice.
X = Xaroncharoo (Yes, that's a word. Look it up. In a domestic sense, what are they exceptional at in the home?)
Cooking, duh. That's his whole thing. He wasn't really good at it first, but he's gotten really good at it!
Y = Yearning (If their partner(s) went out to get something without them/went off to work, how would they feel about it?)
As soon as you walk out that door, he already misses you. He just stays at home all day like a puppy & waits for you. There isn't he can do about since I truly doubt there's a bring your demon boyfriend to work day. At least when you come home, he has some food prepared for ya. He usually just distracts himself by doing chores because he low-key finds them fun.
Z = Zonked (How do they cuddle?)
Y'all already know. BOOBIES. Nah, I'm kidding.
I feel like he would sleep on top of you, but not like CRUSHING YOU, although that's a hell of a way to die. I salute your bravery, soldier. What I mean is his head in your lap & he just fucking zonks the fuck out.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - Damn. Sorry that this alphabet is late. I was taking a small break, which kinda let to just straight up lost of writing motivation. I was hoping to drop this on Thanksgiving, but you know things don't go as planned. However, that's 3. Charlie is next!
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mirthlxss · 1 year
Baseball Price unhinged drabble
This is such a out of fucking character, indulgent post but @joebeargraves started this with her BASEBALL stuffs and little story and suddenly now this has happened, I had no choice really. This is dedicated to you my lovely hoe, hope it helps ;)
Purely indulgent drabble down below, smutty and probably completely filled with incorrect baseball terms.
warnings: eighteen +, goes without saying. light degradation, fem!reader, lil spank, just general demon behaviour you get it.
John Price is the meanest pitcher in the league, the way he rockets those balls with such malice completely contrasts with the build-up before he pitches. There’s always steely silence in the crowd as they watch his preparations, feet steadily planted on the dirt mound as he brings his throwing hand up to his mouth. One long, languid lick across the tips of his fingers, a short huff of air. 
“Better grip.” He’d grumble when you asked about it after your first time watching him. The tension thrums through your body, every game, every time. Thighs clenched, he’d raise his digits and lick, you’d swear John would flicker his gaze upward to you in the crowd, and your heartbeat would drop down to your knickers. 
The ace in his team, you always knew that one day you’d surprise him with new merchandise. Price could barely keep himself contained when he finally came on field, the white-hot summer sun blazing down, doing nothing to help his case. The way you fanned yourself on the stands, his old jersey clinging to your breasts, the jostling sway of each desperate waft. The second your eyes clapped onto him it was over, shot up in your seat, bouncing up and down like you hadn’t already caught his attention. 
He’d bombed the game, furious of course. You liked him angry, though this was new, the clear diversion of your devotion had stumped him completely. It was routine to clamber down from the stands and meet your pitcher by the players changing rooms, cheer and congratulate him before he went in. This was new, desperate grasp on your waist, the rushed snarl that left him as Price barrelled you inside the changing room, shoving and herding you past the lockers and showers. You stumbled ungraciously into a dim corner, John crowding you with his gait, panting harshly as his hungry gaze ripped you apart.
“Can’t fucking concentrate.” Hoarse growl, a clue to his crumbling psyche. His lips crushed onto yours in a bruising kiss, the hands on your waist dragging you forward to meet his hips, cock strained hard against the material of his uniform. He’d barely been able to hide it during the game, head swimming with the image of you in his jersey.
He took you in the corner, rough and barely lucid as the whistling of his fellow teammates made no difference to the volume of his pleasured grunts, the jersey stayed on, of course. 
“Such a supportive little slut, aren’t you?” 
“Pretty girl putting me off my game huh, it’s a good thing I love this little hole so much.” 
“Wanna come for me? No chance love, can’t decide if you need punishing or not.” 
He’d fill you up thick and fast, pulling out with a sordid slap on your bare arse. His hand soon followed, pushing up into the sopping cavern he’d ploughed into, fingers plugging his cum in as you shook against the wall, cheek pressed against the cool tile. 
His fingers left you, soon to be replaced with the smooth sensation of wood. You look down to find yourself clenching over his baseball bat, white already smearing over it as he pushed it back and forth between your legs, angling it just right. The motion dragged it dangerously slow against your clit, already raw from the relentless fuck he’d sprung upon you. 
John made you ride the bat until you came, shamelessly grinding yourself into it as he supported you from behind, twisting and thrusting the implement in time with your needy pulses. Only when he was satisfied with hearing your sweet little drawls did he let you collapse back onto him. 
Finishing up with a soft smack as he slapped the sticky bat against your core, pulling the bat away and bringing it up to his readied tongue, licking the wood clean of your juices. 
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
My aunt told me today « Lina, don't trust a man who promises you the world, showers you with flowers, poems, I love you's... most of them are narcissists and liars» bla bla. Oh auntie, I don't want a man who loves me that way...
I constantly day dream about fictional men. I confess.
I want Manjiro to fucking ruin me auntie. Want him to come home to me the night and without a word just pin me to the wall, hand around my throat and fucks his dark impulses on me. I want him to tell me " likes to be fucked like a slut ? Yeah you do... ". I want him to forget his problems by thrusting in me as hard as he can, no matter how loud I cry, then when he's done, laying on top of me with his head nestled in my neck, want him to look at me, tighten his hands around my waist and say " Don't leave. Please, put up with my shit, don't fucking leave... "
I don't want no rich husband auntie, want Shinichiro back from S&S motors, worries about his family and problems poisoning his head. Wanna show him that I see he's not fine and run a warm bath for him, he'd be surprised and so cute to see I won't leave the bathroom but undress as well, join him in the bathtub and ride his dick until I got him screaming my name. " Feels s'fuckin' good... Don't stop, babe, please, you're so good t'me". The afterglow would be magnificent, I'd just hold his head to my chest so he listens how loud my heart beats when he's with me, and massage his scalp or shoulders from the day's worries. We'd just stay there, nestled into each other, whispers of " You're my reason. "
Don't worry, auntie. I don't want him to be always strong. I want Kazutora to come to me whenever his mental health is regressing. He'd be tossing out blame on me, saying things are my fault. We'd argue, and he'd smash his fist against the wall behind me, but I'd startle and he'll freeze when he sees fear flickering in my eyes. No he would never hit a woman, let alone me, and his heart breaks when he tries caressing my cheek but I close my eyes in fear. " Shit, don't do this baby... Don't do it to me, you know I'd rather rip my chest open than to hurt you." Yes, Tora, I understand. We'd just lay in bed, with his head on my tummy and talk it through, his insecurities, his fears, as I play with his hair. And I feel him placing a kiss on my skin. " Sorry... Sorry I'm so hard to love, sorry I don't deserve you... "
Do you know, auntie that I don't want a man to give me flowers. I wanna go home late after a girl's night outside to forget my ex, get scared when I find the door to my house already open, and find him inside, Haruchiyo. He's sitting on my couch, between broken bottles and spilled out pills, my picture frame broken and sitting next to him. Elbows on his legs with his head between his hands, pulling at the roots of his hair and scoffing loudly. "Bitch, you ruined my life... ". I know it's pointless to get angry with him, dangerous, even. I'd just carefully get closer to him and kneel down in front of him, take his face between my hands and explain that he was wrong to break up with me, that he shouldn't let his insecurities get in between us, that he's not useless, or only good to kill. That he's worth it. He'd keep a stoic expression, but I could almost hear his heart thumping, Haru would close his eyes slightly, before murmuring " take me back. I'm begging you, wanna stay... Take me back. Ain't shit without ya "
I want them broken auntie, I want the bad guys, their sad eyes, their white lies, they want to protect me so tell me goodbye, but come back because their demons get too loud without my lullabies.
Tell me, you who read this, are you from this team too ? Are you insane like me ?
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
What are your first vs last impression of the demon brothers?
Ok Yan, since it's you asking of course I'll answer!
Disclaimer: these are just MY impressions. Don't take offence if I insult your favs. I won't give a fuck anyway (if I'm being honest I actually will give a fuck so please don't make me cry! I'm soft ok!)
Lucifer first impression:
Why does this chest clutching motherfucker think he's so fucking great, yeah he's good looking so what? Did he not choose me to be the exchange student? Why is he giving me so much fucking attitude then? Fucking annoying first born, oh you think your life is hard? Try being the first daughter, I look after my entire family including my older brothers. Unbelievable.
Lucifer last impression:
Daddy let me make you feel good, are you stressed? What am I saying you're always stressed! Let me give you everything you want/need. Let me look after your brother's for you, take a break, get some rest, wanna fuck?
Mammon first impression:
He's so pretty! But why is he always so mean to me? We could be friends man but you're ruining it by all the annoying pushing me away shit. I definitely don't think you're trash? I am also very down to steal from the rich. Bring on the shenanigans! Let's annoy the shit out of everyone!
Mammon last impression:
He's my precious babygirl! My favourite little dumby! My partner in crime! Does mammoney want to cuddle? A kiss? A dollar? Something shiny? He can have it all and more! Out of curiosity/necessity can we fuck on that pool table? Or is that like not in the cards for us? Because I have trick cards that we can use so it becomes in the cards?? Interested? No? Just me? Okkkiee!
Leviathan first impression:
My third crush. Angry little e-boy needs to get fucked, and I'm willing to take that one for the team. I instantly liked him. I love insecure losers, because I am one! Now continue your 3 hour speech about that new anime you're into, I am listening, I am interested, I am wanting to kiss that silly little face of yours!!!
Leviathan last impression:
See first impression, it has not changed. I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOUR. Is what I'd say if I was on trial. He's just such a pathetic nerd and I love that. And you know what, he's got a huuuuge dick and no one can convince me otherwise.
Satan first impression:
Book worm also likes cats. Ok I can dig that, personally I was not fussed on him to begin with, I was like where's the fire? Mainly because he wasn't very into the surprise guest shit and I didn't think it was worth it to spend my dp's on his favourite food for every surprise guest visit. And then I did the gold hellfire newt syrup arc and I was like oh damn there's the fire. Ok ok ok, I can get on this Satan train. I'll buy a ticket to ride.
Satan last impression:
I LOVE FLIRTING WITH HIM!! It's so easy and quite endearing to have him become a blushing mess. Proud member of the anti lucifer league, it gets me the punishment I neeeed 🙏🙏🙏 I also have like a fuck ton of cat pictures on my phone and I know he'd love that.
Asmodeus first impression:
He's pretty, and pink! But kind of full of himself. Originally I wasn't super interested in him, but he kept doing all this cute shit that kept drawing me back in. I want to pet his pretty little head and tell him he's the prettiest little being in all three realms. 🩷
Asmodeus last impression:
Besties! Fuck buddies! Dancing partner! He'll be seeing all of my naughty pictures before I send them because he's the one taking them. I still think he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I'll be telling him that every second of every day.
Beelzebub first impression:
B I G. Like hello up there can I get a kiss? My second crush that took over first place. How could he not? He's so sweet, I want to take care of him. I want him to fuck me senseless every single night. My goodness, when he blushes I swear my coochie swoons. Did I say big already? I did? Ok well I'm saying it again! B I G!!!!!
Beelzebub last impression:
My one truest love. My favourite biggest boi. My sweet pumpkin pie. I love him. I love him. I love him. I love him. I'm completely not normal about him! I can't be, he drives me insane. Fucking BIG!
Belphegor first impression:
My first crush actually! He's just so pretty, and soft spoken and angry and he's so fucking romantic when he wants to be. He blows me away. And the fact that he is fine with me wanting his twin too? My god could he be anymore perfect.....
Belphegor last impression:
Hehe now my second crush! His twin takes first place. Still everything the same as first impression, but like X10 because he killed me. *Swoons* don't ask me to explain, it's obvious.
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Would love to hear your first/last impressions too Yan! Or anyone's actually 😂
@sassykattery @delphi-dreamin @attic-club-sandwich @kyungjoon-do @yourboyhack @yuujispinkhair
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andrewknightley · 7 months
OK SO I FINISHED BG3 thoughts and stuff under the cut (spoilers obvs) . Pals and mutuals that played feel free to comment it with me, and also wyll enjoyers pls do interact fkfkdk
SPOILER about the ending
-Ok so i was playing a good tav dwarf paladin romancing wyll, got my team of wyll/lae'zel/karlach, but lae'zel felt like the real main character of this story and honestly its what she deserves.
-got orpheus and turned him into a mind flayer sorry bro. and then the emperor gets angry and fights with the baddies. like gosh this guy sucks
-saved the day yadda yadda and lae'zel went away to guide her kind and LOOK SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER i was so sad but i knew it was what she wanted but IT PAINS ME
-then gale leaves me to become a god, and then astarion gets attacked by the sun and runs away and im like wow this ending is such a downer everyone is leaving me
-Ok so i cried like a baby like. i fucked up i dont know what i did wrogn i cant believe karlach is gonna die im SOBBING
-But wyll is like "WE CAN LIVE ALL FIGHTING DEMONS IN HELL" and got the coolest shit ever of these 3 going on adventures like you dont know HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS ENDING!!! im so happy aaah TOT
-then there is the epilogue and it's the cutest thing i can hug shadow heart and halsin and karlach :_) tried with astarion but i dont know if its impossible or i had him too low (every companion loves me but he finds me acceptable fgoihdgfjiodgio) anyways i wanted to hug all my friends
-gale is a god and like good for him but im like ??? damn we dont see his mission or anything he does this all off screen?? i wanted to see his struggles and stuff idk i wanted to see the FEELINGS
-anyways idk if i got a bug or something but when i get to talk with people about what i am doing is just me and karlach and 0 mention of wyll idk why TOT let me talk about my romantic companion pls
-also i had like 2 options to talk with romanced wyll and way more conver with astarion wich again i didnt even have very high on his love for me (i do love him and my chara frienenemy status tho) but why only 2 options for wyll i wanna talk with him moreeee at the end
-he did blow me a kiss it was the cutest thing tho
-Again idk if i got a bug but i never get anyone commenting on my relationship with wyll and i know the companions gossip about karlach and probs other charas >-<
-i heard a friend who had to kill karlach to get to see her gale ending so i tried in another save to see what happened (it was awful btw) and that was the only way to get an extra scene of wyll telling me to go for mizora and having other people aknowledge him in the epilogue (just with jaheira it lets me say wyll, with astarion and shadow heart they gave me answer like "oh im with my lover" and such instead of by name)
-i am a big fan of wyll but not so much of wyll missions, like they are fun to play but gosh i wanted the cool FEELINGS moments like lae'zel, shadow heart, astarion and karlach had, i feel he is straight up a classic hero tale and i want to see this man overwhelming with feelings of all the stuff he suffered. also more stuff with the dad idk i couldnt even tell him im with his son that could had been cool
-gale also feels like ???? he didnt have a proper mission and was like off screen wich is a bit weird to me ??
-my fav chara is wyll and then second lae'zel who is perfect 0 notes on her 100% increible. Then Do Not Make Me Choose for the other origin companions i cant. I love them so much. I didn't like astarion at first and i was like "really this is the man all my friends and everyone is obsessed about??" but then act 3 arrived and i was like Ah. I Get It Now. I would say my less fav is gale but because i didnt bring him anywhere so next game im def paying him more attention.
-anyways i could have some notes but in general i fucking loved this game so much TOT
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