#Excessive Exercise
shubhragoyal · 1 year
Irregular Periods - Symptoms Cause and Treatment Options
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Women often experience irregular periods as a result of their hormones. Does this issue affect you as well? Do not worry about it because it is treatable, and you can also identify the causes to take necessary precautions!
There can be several reasons for irregular periods, like hormonal imbalances, stress, birth control, etc. You cannot control your periods, but tracking their pattern is a minor deal! If you want to find out more about the probable causes of irregular menstruation and solution or available treatment options for the same, make sure to read this blog!
What Exactly Are Irregular Periods?
You can generally get your period once within 28 days; this cycle repeats itself. Some women may experience it similarly, while some may get their periods in less predictable cycles!
This irregularity in the period cycle can be due to many reasons. You can identify whether you are going through something similar with the help of certain basic symptoms.
·        Changes in the number of days between your periods.
·        The blood flow during periods is less or more than you normally experience.
·        Variation in the duration of periods.
If you are witnessing these changes, there is a high chance of irregular periods! Well, this condition is treatable, and you can take proper measures after learning its exact causes.
Prominent Causes Behind an Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Are you curious about what causes the menstrual cycle to change dates every month?
This condition may have some underlying causes, most of which can be treated. It is also possible to work to ensure that your periods are regular.
The major and most common cause is hormone changes, which is why many girls hitting puberty or women approaching menopause to go through irregular periods the most! Besides this, the other major causes behind irregular menstrual cycle are -
·        Birth Control Pills: Have you recently changed your regular birth control pills? Because this can be a strong cause of irregularity in your periods. As the pills vary in estrogen or progesterone levels, switching from regular pills may directly influence your period cycle!
·        IUD: If you are using an IUD, it can be another major reason behind irregular menstrual cycles. It is even known to cause cramps, which can be relieved with pain relievers or heating pads.
·        Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Are you often missing your periods and noticing other changes like excessive hair fall? Well, this can be the impact of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. In this hormonal disorder, your body has higher amounts of male hormones, leading to growth in facial hair, thinning hair, and others.
·        Excessive Exercise: Excessive exercise may sometimes lead to missed periods or other irregularities. And in the worst scenario, your periods may completely halt! So, you should consult an expert or a trainer before taking up extreme physical exercises.
·        Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: During pregnancy, your periods will stop altogether for that definite duration! Besides that, breastfeeding can affect your period cycle too, and all these are due to the interference of the hormones!
·        Thyroid Disease: If you suffer from thyroid disease, your body will get either too little or excess essential hormones. However, if your periods come with heavy bleeding and last longer than usual, this can signify hypothyroidism! In the opposite case, periods last for short, which is hyperthyroidism.
·        Stress: In the hectic lifestyle of today's times, stress is something you can hardly avert! Taking stress over every aspect around you creates constraints for that part of the brain responsible for maintaining a balance between the hormone levels!
All these are some of the major reasons behind missed periods and other irregularities. You may also notice adverse effects of irregular periods on the body, like fatigue, bone health issues, or even infertility!
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/irregular-periods---symptoms-cause-and-treatment-options
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positivelyqueer · 2 years
dear folks struggling with and recovering from compulsive and excessive exercise. It can be a really tough thing to experience especially in a society that constantly glorifies exercise and ‘pushing yourself.’ Exercise should be enjoyable, and you should do it because you like the activity, not solely because of a desired outcome. Rest is important, and healthy and you deserve it. You need to rest when you are sick, and injured, and tired. Look after yourself and your body. I love you.
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healthhabit4u · 3 months
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Over-Exercising And Exercise Addiction I How To Protect From Excessive Exercise? I Exercise Safety
Exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, offering numerous physical and mental benefits. Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, enhances mood, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Read More
Also Read: https://shorturl.at/guwFZ
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not-gray-politics · 7 months
#I see so many transfems say they want to have “flat stomachs” or do diet and exercise regimes to try and get an “hourglass figure”#and it really worries me. girls you do not have to destroy yourselves to fit into unachievable beauty standards#the vast majority of cis women don't even fit those standards#and the same goes for you transmascs! I see you! I see you trying to get smaller chests and hurting yourselves with weight loss routines#and excessive workouts. it's not worth it. weight loss has OVER a 90% long-term failure rate and there's a reason for that#I assure you whatever diet you think you've found that “works for you” won't be working so well 5 years from now#and you're going to blame yourself for “slacking off”. but it's not you. it was never you. it was designed to fail.#these standards are made to hurt people and then sell them a false solution at the price of your health#I encourage you to transition if you'd like and live your best life I really do. but please please please do so SAFELY.#if weight loss is part of your transition goals please reevaluate WHY you believe thinness is necessary for achieving femininity#(or masculinity or androgyny but this stuff particularly affects women in the way it's marketed)#do research on fatphobia and the roots of weight loss culture. Learn where these ideas come from and why they're so prevalent.#It's extremely important#take care. stay safe. love you very much#trans#fat liberation#transgender#lgbt#trans rights#fat positivity#diet culture#fatphobia#transfem#trans positivity#transgirl#trans women#trans woman
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
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Never, cus, why would I give up the worlds and characters I’ve spent building for my comfort?
Like really-
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p0is0n-is-th3-cur3 · 6 months
I need more killjoys fics and headcanons about how they deal with basic normal stuff like periods or whatever. Like I doubt these desert gays have access to any regular products like tampons or pads, and like what would they use for cramping? It's not like they have Advil/Midol and a heating pad at their disposal whenever.
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quatregats · 4 months
Trying to write Hornblower in the style of Patrick O'Brian truly one of the most harrowing experiences I have subjected myself to ever
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fiat-veritas · 6 months
Nothing like going to confession and finding out something you thought was a venial sin is actually usually a mortal sin😳
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peppered-imps · 2 years
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the obianidala discord went wild with medieval obidala au chat so here's this
He is not supposed to be there yet he stands, sunlit and golden, in the doorway of her chambers, holding her stunned gaze with troubled eyes. 
“I am not a selfish man,” he says suddenly, without preamble. She feels the first unwise step of her feet towards him, compulsive, instinctive.
But she remembers herself, remembers what’s at risk, and halts. Pulls herself back. Turns away and toys with the wedding jewels laid out for her at her dressing table, feigning preoccupation. 
She does not know how or why he’s come, and does not let herself hope.
“Indeed you’re not, good sir,” she agrees in a polite, detached tone; it’s all she can give him. All she can afford to offer now. And it is no lie; he is kind and noble, selfless. “Your heart is unmatched.” 
His footfall is slightly uneven on the wooden floor behind her — the lingering symptom of an old injury from the war — and she is acutely aware of it. Feels his ever-known presence growing closer with each step. Feels the reflexive lean of herself into it. “Then why, Your Grace, do I find myself struck by these… thoughts… that are so unlike me? That I cannot rid myself of?”
“Thoughts?” She cannot hide the lilt in her voice, the upward cadence of it as her curiosity piques, as her heart surges painfully beneath her ribs. She clears her throat, idly fingering a strung pearl necklace in front of her. “Such as?”
“Selfish thoughts…” She can feel him just behind her, and stills.
“Of what, dear sir?” She whispers, eyes fluttering shut as she relishes in his cherished presence, denied to her in these final days of her engagement. His breath is light, warm like a summer breeze, against her skin, stirring the hair at the nape of her neck. 
“You,” he hums, his nose grazing the soft curtain of her hair, tracing the shell of her ear. “And how I do not wish to share you with another…”
His confession, long awaited, leaves her breathless, has her leaning back into the sturdy wall of his chest. He sucks in a deep breath, flat palms sliding around the silk bodice of her gown to pull her flush against him.
“How I want you for myself.”
Her breath hitches, falls from her lips in a tremulous sigh, the sound recalling long spent nights twisted together in bedsheets and their own heady need.
“It is both a great pleasure and a relentless torment,” he continues, “To want you this much. To know I will never be able to release you.”
She shakes her head. It’s a farce of a protest. Weak. Passive. Without any real conviction behind it. “I’m to be married tomorrow. And Lord Skywalker is—is—” 
She cannot finish her sentence, does not know exactly what she means to say. Skywalker is a good man, a worthy man. Powerful, and indeed his good name would do well for her kingdom. But for all that he is, for all the good he could do, he is not… 
“Padme,” he says her name like a prayer and it nearly undoes every fragile strand of her resolve. She turns her head, inclines it to look upon him. Lets her breath mingle with his, lets his lips brush across her cheek, her jaw, the plush bow of her lower lip. “My lady… my love…”
“Obi-Wan…” She slips her hands over his, still pressed tight against her ribs, their heat radiant through her corset, straight to her skin, flushed and aching for him as it always has. She nudges his nose with hers, almost meets his mouth. Her whisper is pained, filled with regret she cannot even attempt to conceal. “I—I have a duty to my people.”
His forehead presses to her temple and she feels him nod. Feels his hands flex under hers, feels them slipping from her grasp, retreating. She holds tight to them, unwilling to let them go. 
“As do I, to my Queen…” he mutters into her skin, voice thick with longing, with grief. “And I will not defy your word. I will not compromise your kingdom… So tell me, Your Highness. Please. Tell me to leave you now and I will.”
She knows he will. Knows that his selfless heart still rules even his selfish desires. Knows he will do almost anything she asks of him. Knows he long ago pledged himself to her, not only in service but in heart.
And she knows the ache that lives inside him, the ever-raging conflict of duty and desire. His torment is her own.
And so she turns, blinks away the sting behind her eyes and faces him with steady resolve, with the reflection of his woe, his longing, his love. She raises her hand to his face, touches her fingers to the rough of his beard, whispering a confession of her own.
“I can’t.”
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noisytenant · 1 year
People getting judgy or shameful about their own "weird" fetishes or interests in general bothers me so much. I feel frustrated seeing people who consciously accept part of themself but still feel like they need to publicly self-flagellate about it.
What's even the point of being self-aware if you only use it to hurt yourself? Shame is difficult to unpack--I would know, I'm still deep in it--but if you believe in your head that it is anything other than counterproductive and honestly sad to be kicking yourself every time you connect with your own pleasure, I feel it should be a priority to address that.
And for everyone who tries to enforce shame in others: Seriously reflect on why you think the simple repression of a trait you deem unpleasant will be effective in making the world a better place. Ask yourself why your personal tastes should influence the behavior of other people. And get over yourself.
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
2024 affirmation: I will not dislocate my knee
#genuinely will be my thirteenth reason if this happens again and i’m not joking#i don’t think most of the people in my life get it. they don’t get what it’s like for every single step you take to cause you pain#for MONTHS on end. this started in MAY#and they don’t get what it’s like to have pain when you’re just standing up. or to worry that your knee is randomly going to give out on you#and that that’s going to be it this time and you’re going to need a knee replacement#OR; maybe worse; that your Other knee which has never given you a single problem will suddenly decide to give out (maybe due to all the#strain that’s been on it) and you’ll have to walk like a crab until that one heals#or to wonder if you’re just malingering and being too lazy. meanwhile doing all the exercises that your physio recommends you#+ taking a pilates class + buying a walking pad and trying to walk on it 5 days a week#+ going on a diet; cutting down on salt and overly processed food in the hope it’ll give you more energy#so you can exercise more and drop some excess weight so there’s maybe less strain on your knees and ankles#(or at the very least build muscle rather than fat so that the muscles are just better)#not to mention that nobody knows what the fuck is wrong with me. x-ray came back clear apart from ‘fluid on the knee’#which by the way - has never actually gone away? that x-ray happened on the 5th of july. i’d been injured for 6 weeks already by then#i still get this godawful like.. almost Bubble of fluid on the top right of my kneecap whenever i’ve been walking a lot#coming up on five months and i still have swelling. why. i’ve iced it into fucking oblivion#my doctor thought i had a hamstring tear. nope. my physio can’t find anything structurally wrong with me#we fixed the quad lag and my complete lack of ability to straighten the leg#but i still have pain and i still have discomfort and i still limp and i still feel like my kneecap is floating in a fucking soup#at this point i wonder if i have arthritis and nobody has noticed. the knee is crunchy. 🥴#all of it just makes me feel like i’m going insane. i fell and i was like ‘oh i’ll be fine in two weeks’#two weeks later i couldn’t even walk unassisted. like.#what did i doooooooo. why does no one seem to know. why does nothing show up on tests. idgi#personal#rant
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andromedasummer · 6 months
me lying flat on the ground making direct eye contact with my cat, speaking in baby voice: "where's opal? oh there she is! :)! theres my baby! theres my sweet girl! :)))))!!! hello baby! :D!!!! hello my baby! my opal!"
opal from under my bed, seething, (i decided to do some yoga):
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Jake walks a fine line; the line between nothing and everything. For better or for worse, it's all just part of the job.
All his life, he's had to make do with nothing because that's how it was when he found it. Keeping a hidden box of snacks in his room for when his mom locks him in his room for hours on end and the pains in his growling stomach becomes too much to ignore. Ripping the bottom of his pants up to stop the all too fast blood pouring out of him when he wakes up lost in the desert, separated from his troop and badly injured. Staying awake for days on end, ignoring his burning eyes and swimming head, when his band of mercenaries managed to piss off the wrong rivals. Always coming in when all hope was lost and managing to make something out of nothing. Sometimes all he could manage was the bear minimum, but it was enough to keep them alive and fighting.
But now Jake has his own life, his own friends, his own brothers. Khonshu is less of a problem and Steven's homey flat is a good refuge from danger. Now he has everything. He can eat a big breakfast with several courses just for fun and because he can. There is always food in the fridge. He knows where the first aid kit is in case he knicks himself while shaving and needs a bandage to stop the blood. He can stay up late, partying and seeing the sights; music pumping through his veins and giving him the energy to stay awake until the sun comes up. And then he can drag himself home, not bothering to wash the glitter off, and curl up in their soft bed, savoring the silky sheets and plush pillows, until the late afternoon sun spills in. He can indulge because he's safe now. They all are. There's no more danger, no more living off bare bones, just excess everywhere he looks. He could get used to living like this.
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believeberealbebold · 7 months
Understanding EPOC and Its Impact on Long-Term Health
In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we often come across various fitness concepts and techniques. One such concept that has gained attention among fitness enthusiasts and professionals is Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). EPOC refers to the increased rate of oxygen intake and metabolism that occurs after intense physical activity. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of…
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designernishiki · 1 year
friend and I have been talking about the concept of an alternate timeline where they didn’t kill off mine and instead, while laying low and trying to unlearn being Evil basically, as both penance for his actions and as a tojo-mandated involuntary vacation, he’s sent to okinawa (with some sort of supervision, of course) to work for morning glory. ie; mr. orphan hater has to help babysit orphans to pay for his orphan-related crimes and hopefully learn something in the process. shenanigans ensue.
#this concept is hilarious and deserves a whole comic dedicated to it#I have so many ideas#like first of all mine wouldn’t even understand the concept of a vacation#daigo would tell him to chill out and relax and he’d just stand there like. uh. I’ve never done that before. how do I. relax#second: those kids would test him nonstop and it would be So funny to watch#because I think they’d weasel him into doing stuff with them that he doesn’t understand at all. like. he can not for the life of him#understand the point of hide and seek and if he’s made to be one of the ones hiding he takes it way too seriously and by nightfall when sm#someone finally has to give up and call him he’s like. on a different fucking island#that sort of thing#walking in on him with the most deadpan expression possible while two of the girls are doing his makeup and have a lil crown on his head#you get it#and then also obviously he’d have no idea how to do so many basic household things cause hes not used to life outside the city and#life without an excess of cash- like he’d be baffled by the fact that the house doesn’t have air conditioning#I think he’d learn to cook pretty quickly and really well (though he’d be very critical of his own work and take it really seriously)#but at first? god no. I don’t think he’s ever had to cook for himself in his life. he’s gotten takeout or eaten at restaraunts like. his#whole life. no doubt. and no doubt has just hired housecleaners and stuff to do most cleaning beyond the basics#‘uncle mine you’re not TOO old- do you like any video games?’ ‘the… stock market is sort of like a game…’#oh man#it’s such a good concept#such an exercise in self control#mine#yoshitaka mine#yakuza#rgg#rambling
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cessblood · 10 months
1.5 bottles of blue rev will have you tearing up the bedroom dancefloor on a tuesday night
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