#Event: Child! Lucifer
um-soybean · 1 year
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alieliscious · 6 months
Employing the kings weird kid as ur bodyguard is the ultimate power move
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hollythius · 1 year
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quick a/n: this event is inspired by the art challenge mer-may, and that is why it’s named after a terrible pun i came up with. so, onto the event!
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so, how does this work? i’m glad you asked! simply pick a character from the fandoms i’ve listed below, a mythical creature (this is a very loose term), and a prompt! also, please specify which character you want to be the mythical creature. then, send it in an ask so i can write it :3
what are the rules for requesting? another great question! please only send one character per request. also, please do not send characters that are explicitly children! this includes characters like klee, diona, luke, etc. this event is completely sfw!! if you have a question on my boundaries, feel free to ask! i promise i don’t bite, hehe.
how should i format my request? anything along these lines are fine: hi! can i get diluc with a mermaid!reader, with the prompt “ “ ? tysm!
which fandoms can i request for? one piece, obey me, bungou stray dogs, and genshin impact!
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admiring them from afar
brushing their hair
grabbing a flower/leaf out of their hair
complete infatuation
meeting in secret
patching them up
sharing a wash/bathing together
lap pillow
reading together in bed
being fiercely protective
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Professor Trein: I've never seen your classmates- I mean, your students this behave.
MC: They just value their lives, professor.
Cerberus: Grrr...
MC: Oh. Is there anyone trying to cheat?
Random student: !!! *immediately rips off his cheat sheet*
MC and Professor Trein: ...
Professor Trein: Can I borrow Cerberus for my history class later?
MC: Sure thing, professor. But how about, Lucius?
Cerberus: Grrr...
MC: Aww~ Look at you, Cerberus! You're such a good boy! Be good to Professor Trein and his cat, hm? I'll play with you together with Lucifer after you finish your task. *pets him*
Cerberus: *wags his tail*
The students: *thinking* Curse Crowley...
Barbatos: Great work, MC. Here's your Hell Coffee.
MC: Thanks. *takes a sip* Ah.
MC: So bitter.
Barbatos: *chuckles* It's more bitter than before, isn't it?
MC: *smiles* Yes. *then their face saddens*
Barbatos: Is there something wrong?
MC: I just missed Luke and Simeon.
Barbatos: Hm. Then why not invite them here?
MC: ...
Barbatos: Don't tell me you have forgotten that you possess the power of the Ring of Light?
MC: ...
MC: *facepalm* Yes.
Barbatos: *chuckles* I figured. Now, don't sulk and enjoy your recess.
MC: Thank you, Barb.
MC: Vil... What are you doing here?
Vil: I've heard from your demon butler that you are turning yourself into an angel to gain access to this Celestial Realm.
MC: Yes?
Vil: I must see what you will look like, potato.
MC: ...
MC: Okay. I think it'll be fine if you're the only spectator- Lilia, what are you doing here too?
Lilia: Same reason. *while holding a camera*
MC: ...
MC: Whatever.
Solomon: *chuckles* You're famous even here, huh?
MC: More like infamous, but yeah. Anyway, Sol? Mind lending me a hand?
Solomon: No problem. *uses magic to change them*
Vil and Lilia: *in awe; also Lilia not forgetting to snap pictures*
MC: Okay! I'm ready to get my baby!
Solomon: And your other husbando.
MC: Right. *breathes in*
MC: I am the magician, MC…Ring of Light! Heed my words! Open the way forward and create a path where there was none!
MC: Unlock the Gates of the Celestial Realm!
Vil: Ugh... Everything is bright! I can't see a thing!
Lilia: Good thing I have my sunglasses.
Vil: *frowns*
*The light disappears after a few seconds and MC as well*
Solomon: Yup. I'm sure they are in the Celestial Realm right now.
MC: ...
Simeon: ...
MC: *ended up straddling him*
Simeon and MC: *both blushes in embarrassment*
MC: I am sorry!
Simeon: *chuckles* I thought for a second that I had committed a sin.
MC: Come on now. You're calling me a sin?
Simeon: *chuckles again* No. I mean, I have been thinking of you for a while.
MC: *smiles* Sorry for being gone. I got into some sort of... unexplainable event.
Simeon: Oh?
MC: By the way, is Luke here? I'm here to invite you and him to this new world I'm living in.
Simeon: Is it similar to Devildom?
MC: No. It's a bit similar to the human world, except with magicians.
Simeon: Oh. *smiles* We would love to be there.
MC: Great!
*Back to Twisted Wonderland*
Diavolo: Simeon! Luke! I'm so glad to see you again!
Simeon: *chuckles* We're glad to see you too, Diavolo.
Luke: Yeah!
Lucifer: I'm surprised you easily got permission, MC.
MC: What permission?
Lucifer: ...
Simeon: MC snatched Luke in front of Michael. *laughs*
Luke: *giggles* It was fun when the other angels started to chase us!
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: MC, why you-
MC: It's my parental rights, Lucifer.
Lucifer: ...
Malleus: That is your son, child of man?
MC: Yes! Isn't he adorable?
Luke: *staring at Malleus and wondering if he's a demon*
Malleus: How old is he?
MC: Um. He's ten. Yes. He's ten years old.
Luke: *pouts* MC! I'm over a thousand years old!
Malleus: ...
Malleus: What? You are older than me? *squints his eyes*
MC: Mal, don't. *knows that he's judging his height*
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valsdelulucorner · 2 months
obey me headcannons because why not
Lucifer is so strict with his brothers because he doesn't want what happened to Lilith to happen to them, he cant bare to loose another sibling. His back is also extremely fucked over from his massive workload and from when he lost afew of his wings, his wing bones were connected to his spine so when he lost those, his back has never truly been the same.
Mammon is actually alot smarter then people think, this man is a absolute legend at counting, multiplying and maths. He may be dense and stupid at times but the mans a legend at math, i like the idea that if your studying with him he helps you out with maths, feeling smug and proud when he helps you get answers right. I also like the idea that he has many piercing holes but is just not bothered to more then two in at a time, if its a fancy event or if its a club event, he'll put more in
Levi is either scrawny or has some chub, you cannot change my mind. The only exercise he gets is chasing mammon around or running around for events. That man survives off of energy drinks and sugary foods, i cant seeing him having full blown rock hard abs, maybe some, but not rock hard abs like beel. I also like the headcannon that he has scales around his neck, cheeks and forehead, another reason he has his fringe covering his eyes.
Satan has alot of scars and scratches on his hands from punching walls, attempting to pet wild kitties and from other things to get his anger out. I feel like when Asmo come in to redo Satan's nails, he draws over the little scars with pen, making them into little flowers or hearts
Asmo has dry skin around his nose from how much moisture he normally has on his face thanks to face masks, skin care and make up. The buildup of all of the produce and the fact there is almost always something on his face has left his skin a little dry to his liking so he adds more product to fix it. I also love thinking about how asmo probably has some faint freckles over his shoulders and nose but he normally hides them, he doesn't want to be seen as anything but perfect.
Beel is not a child so people should stop treating him like one, he has sworn, he has killed and eaten people before, he is a 1000+ year old demon who has seen some shit go down, people should stop infantizing him. Beel has stretch marks around his torso and arms, from constantly working out to eating half of devildom, i feel like his body changes rapidly due to his diet and his working out. He also has matching bracelets with Belphie, his one has a charm of the sun.
Belphie is either dead quite or the loudest snorer, there is no in-between. He could probably be so quite that his brothers loose him for a good day or two, when they think they've checked everywhere belphie starts snoring, leading them straight to him. He also sleeps in the most random spots aswell, next to the potted plant, standing in the middle of the corridor, behind the door, you name it. When this man is tired and done for the day, he will find a way to sleep.
5th time saying im back but its been a busy week, exams have been kicking my ass rn, not to mention I have a biology exam tomorrow morning so yay, fun times
I havent done this in a while, im starting to get back into the groove of things lol
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Lucifer Morningstar x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons Part 2
I had a blast writing part 1, so here's some more headcanons of reader progressing through their pregnancy!
Warnings: Pregnancy Mention, Implied Smut
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- He doesn't have a pregnancy kink per say, but... seeing you pregnant with his child does things to him that he can't even begin to put into words. He's always found you beyond gorgeous, of course, it's just that now it borders on literal worship. Said worship will be expressed quite physically on a daily basis; he'll slide his hands over your middle, leave trails of kisses up and down your body, and catch himself staring multiple times even before the two of you get out of bed each morning. He can't even really believe that you've somehow managed to get more beautiful, but he'll consistently try to describe the depths of his devotion in song, gifts, and countless hours spent adoring your presence.
- He'll want to start preparing for all baby related events as soon as possible, in part because the arrival of another heir is going to be quite the occasion, but he also just wants everything to go perfectly. The official announcement will come with multiple days of celebration across Hell, including a massive party in the castle itself, and each event that follows will somehow manage to top the last. You'll get enough gifts to fill up multiple rooms, and so many cards with well wishes you could fill up an entire library, but Lucifer expects nothing less. Every ounce of his considerable power is dedicated to making sure you get the best of everything. This dedication also applies to the little things the two of you do together, like decorating the baby's room. He'll insist on hand crafting the furniture, the toys, and every decoration with you directing at his side, and he'll use the most magical materials at his disposal. Hand painting the walls with stardust is not out of the question.
- Things have changed a lot since Charlie was born, and he was previously unaware of the many technological advancements now available for expecting couples, specifically ultrasounds. He's amazed and wants to attend every appointment even more at the prospect of actually seeing your child before they're born. Of course, upon beholding the lopsided blob on the screen for your first check up, he's far more overwhelmed than he could have ever imagined. He can see little hooves and everything! The doctor doesn't quite know what to make of the King near to weeping at the sight of a being no larger than a peanut, but you take it all in stride. Once he finds out that pictures can be taken of the scans, he requests as many as he can carry, and his pockets are bursting with photos of Charlie and her not-yet-born sibling. He'll show them to everyone that does and doesn't ask.
- While he can be overly protective and his efforts to provide for you are more akin to spoiling, he's not at all without cause in doing so; carrying a child of Lucifer is no easy task. As your body becomes the epicenter for a developing power beyond imagination, you'll need him by your side with increasing frequency, especially once the baby's uncontrolled magic starts surging and affecting your reality. You'll be unharmed, but it's still quite nice to have Archangel level powers around to get things back to normal once you start inexplicably walking up the walls, speaking in dead languages or levitating random items with a glance. He takes it all in stride with humorous stories about how Charlie did the same before her arrival, though your cravings for increasingly esoteric rare foods do have him apologizing for the inconveniences of angelic biology, as even he needs a few days to acquire the rarer items your body demands.
- As delighted as he is to have another child, he can't help but be haunted by doubts of all he's done wrong as a father so far. No matter how much of it was out of his control, he fears everything that went wrong will happen again, and that he might just be gaining a second child to fail. It's only through your loving reassurance that he retains some faith in himself, and dares to believe he'll be a halfway decent dad to two children.
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Barbatos Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. When Barbatos joined the fad of putting a sticker on the back of your DDD that portrayed your emotion his said “Finish your work”
2. Barbatos works for Diavolo because he was both lured in by Diavolo and Diavolo threatened him he wouldn’t become king if Barbatos didn’t work for him
3. Barbatos continues to smile even when angry which scares many people especially Little D No. 2
4. Barbatos can choose from any number of realities and make his choice the one true reality
5. Despite being perfect at almost everything, Barbatos has difficulty acting
6. Barbatos is an excellent dancer according to Asmodeus
7. Barbatos supervises fan club meetings for the student council members
8. Barbatos is a talented ice skater and won the first competition Diavolo held for it
9. Diavolo has forbidden Barbatos to use his powers freely and Barbatos tells Lucifer he will only look into the future when Diavolo explicitly asks him to
10. Despite being a butler Lucifer claims Barbatos has elite status
11. Barbatos is described as a walking tea encyclopedia
12. Barbatos has exceptionally good luck, including always winning the jackpot at the casinos
13. Barbatos and Lucifer’s chat name is “Tea Demons”
14. After being strangled by Belphegor, Barbatos saves MC by fusing the altered timeline and the original timeline together
15. Barbatos’ favorite teas are herbal teas
16. Barbatos appears to love herbs in general and not just in his tea
17. Barbatos mentions that he was never a child
18. Barbatos uses his powers by accessing realities, the past and the future through the doors in his room
19. Solomon once had to summon Barbatos to drive off a headless dragon
20. When Barbatos dresses as a dame to escort Queen Rose, his beauty caused an uproar and piles of fanmail were delivered to the demon lords castle so he decided to never dress as a dame again
21. Barbatos had a pact with Solomon before Asmodeus did
22. Barbatos recommends tea leaves grown in exceptionally low temperatures because it adds depth to the flavor
23. Barbatos enjoys walks at night
24. Barbatos prefers cats over dogs
25. Barbatos is so scared of rats he cannot even say their name
26. To summon Barbatos, Solomon had to use so much magic and energy he nearly died, Barbatos was impressed and decided to form a pact to save Solomon’s life
27. Barbatos once attempted to poison rats with Solomon’s food but instead the rat grew in size and Barbatos took the next few days off recovering
28. Barbatos likes the colors burgundy and indigo, he likes indigo specially because he feels he can wear it everyday
29. Barbatos expresses to MC that due to the nature of his job he’s never had any interest in wearing perfume
30. Solomon supposedly owns Barbatos’s grimoire a sign of absolute trust
31. Barbatos does not like it when people touch his tail
32. Barbatos describes himself as dismayed when he and Diavolo are left out of big events
33. Barbatos was once provoked into fighting a witch when she called him a cutie
34. Barbatos’s motto is “to be selfless and serve the people.”
35. Barbatos always puts together and double checks Diavolo’s schedule for the following day before he goes to bed
36. Barbatos starts his baths with his right arm
37. Barbatos’s dream is to see Diavolo become king
38. Barbatos says that if the Devildom were to disappear tomorrow he’d like to hear from Diavolo first
39. Barbatos is not the active one when it comes to a relationship and desires to be bound by his lover
40. Barbatos cherishes relationship anniversaries and special days of remembrance
41. Barbatos says that for a relationship with obstacles he’d rather give up
42. During a love survey, Barbatos chose "other" for the question "unable to express his feelings frankly." His explanation was that there might be situations where he might not necessarily tell a significant other his feelings.
43. Barbatos can see the past and the future
44. When Lucifer first fell to the Devildom and lashed out at Diavolo, Barbatos was the first one to point out to Lucifer that he had become a demon
45. Barbatos prefers traditional establishments that are quiet and easier to relax in
46. Diavolo considers Barbatos more of a drill Sargent and says he is too harsh
47. Barbatos refused Diavolo’s idea of a cleaning robot because he enjoys caring for Diavolo himself
48. Barbatos will sometimes inconvenience himself if it will make Diavolo happy. For example in a chat Barbatos explains that he would prefer to decline an invitation to appear on a quiz show in order to focus on his duties. However, he considers accepting the invitation just to see the look of delight on Diavolo's face.
49. Barbatos works hard to try and discreetly feed and sneak in ingredients into Diavolo’s food that Diavolo avoids like pickles
50. When the brothers get to rowdy at a meeting Barbatos is quick to use physical violence to stop them
51. Barbatos can utilize forks as weapons
52. Barbatos thinks he doesn’t work out enough
53. Barbatos is always overjoyed to receive Diavolo’s praise
54. Barbatos has been described as the greatest pastry chef in the three worlds
55. Barbatos nearly died in season 4 after rescuing the brothers from the Dark Crevasse
56. Barbatos often saves his left over sweets for MC
57. Barbatos once threw a fork at Mammon’s head for interrupting him
58. Barbatos likes Heavy Metal music
59. Barbatos can open portals the dream world
60. The brothers believe Barbatos is overprotective of Diavolo
61. Barbatos is the first demon Luke bonds with
62. Barbatos is always helping Luke with baking, giving recommendations, and spending time baking together
63. Barbatos’s human world look is meant to represent someone who works with tea
64. The necklace Barbatos wears in his human world look is from a shop recommended by Solomon and might be magical
65. Barabtos reminds MC they should be proud they represent the entire human world
66. Barbatos feels uncomfortable not serving and being served himself
67. Barbatos says he is pleased to see MC enjoying themself
68. In a Sweat-Result from surprise interaction, Barbatos tells MC not even they are safe from his wrath
69. Barbatos refers to MC as master to catch them off guard
70. Barbatos seems concerned about Asmodeus’s excess partying
71. When MC uses a whip on Barbatos he tells them they have a passing grade
72. Barbatos often has to stop Diavolo’s antics like preventing him from bringing a 300 foot Christmas tree into the castle
73. Barbatos likes matching with MC and describes the feeling as warm and fuzzy
74. Barbatos had to stop his duties once to prevent Diavolo from joining a public karaoke contest
75. Barbatos wishes to take MC to a music festival at Hell’s Dome
76. Barbatos often finds himself and Simeon going on outings together
77. Barbatos tells MC he wishes they could have tea together just the two of them more often
78. Barbatos heard MC talking in their sleep once. According to him Mc called his name many times among other things that made him smile which he won’t go into details about
79. Barbatos grew a black poinsettia for MC, the flower is meant to represent the bond between two people
80. To help Diavolo prepare for a pancake stacking contest, Barbatos baked 1,000 pancakes a day
81. Lucifer is confused as to how Barbatos keeps so clean while cooking and cleaning in formal wear
82. To avoid Asmodeus feeling him up, Barbatos dragged Satan to the dance floor instead
83. When MC and Mephistopheles illegally enter the student council library, he immediately reports it and is upset no one cares
84. Little D No. 2 once accidentally exploded the castle bathtub with bathbombs and fearing Barbatos’s reaction hid them with Beelzebub who was also scared of Barbatos’s reaction
85. Barbatos always has to stop Diavolo from eating revelation tomatoes as he believes Diavolo shouldn’t have to reveal anything
86. Barbatos was the first person Diavolo asked to pretend to be his date so he could get ice cream for couples but Barbatos refused
87. Barbatos rarely has dreams but when he does they’re of the future
88. Barabtos saved Luke from drowning when Luke tried to save Serun from drowning
89. When inviting others for tea, Barbatos requests they don’t bring Beelzebub for obvious reasons
90. Barabtos once made Leviathan dishes from various manga and anime he liked
91. Barbatos sometimes helps Luke with his crossword puzzles
92. When Luke is called a demon by Mammon and is stunned and horrified, Barbatos is the one to quickly reassure him that demons are much trickier and ruthless
93. Apparently there was a demon who looked so similar to Barbatos that both Luke and Diavolo were fooled
94. Barbatos once sneezed and accidentally teleported Diavolo to the wrong location, Diavolo used this to guilt trip him into staying in the human world
95. Barbatos has a more recent obsession of recreating buildings as desserts
96. Barbatos “looks on in amazement” whenever Diavolo accidentally sorts urgent and non-urgent documents into the same pile
97. Barbatos has an herb garden at the castle where he grows many herbs including Darkness Thyme which is difficult for even masters to cultivate
98. Barbatos used to have nightmares until he started picturing MC’s face before falling asleep
99. When Solomon accidentally created a potion that made everyone speak differently Barbatos describes it as dark days that will live on in his memory
100. Barbatos was so pleased with Mammon’s hard work at TTWF that he took Mammon to the casinos (Barbatos always hits the jackpot)
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rory-cakes · 7 months
Birdy's Alastor
Y/n Altruist's presence seemed to radiate even in death. As she passed through the pearly gates of heaven, a soft, ethereal glow surrounded her, drawing others to her just as she had in life. Over time, she became known as the angel whose voice soared like a canary's, captivating all who heard her. Her weekly concerts became a much-anticipated event, a beacon of joy in the heavenly realm.
When Y/n was allowed to observe her loved ones, she was unprepared for the sight that greeted her. She saw her mother-in-law in a graveyard, cradling a tiny baby—her baby, Eudora. But it was the sight of the headstone that caught her breath.
However, she started to choke on her breath when she saw what was on the headstone. 
Here lies Alastor and Y/n Altruist 
Beloved Parents and Family
May their soul find each other in the next life
Her Alastor was dead?
What had happened to him? 
Why wasn’t he here with her? 
When she asked her frantic questions, the truth almost made her faint. 
Yes, he was dead; a deer hunter shot him; he was a serial killer and a cannibal. 
Her Alastor. 
No that wasn’t her Alastor. 
Her Alastor rubbed her feet after a long shift and always had a cup of tea ready when she got home. 
Her Alastor made cringy radio jokes first thing in the morning and then apologized with breakfast. 
Her Alastor made sure she was happy and healthy during her pregnancy. 
Her Alastor couldn’t wait to father his child. 
This was the world’s Alastor.
Y/n’s Alastor was real. 
She needed to see him.
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Lucifer’s Daughter?
She’s here to talk about a rehabilitation hotel?
Hazbin Hotel is ironic but okay.
Y/n thought the idea in itself was good. Sure, it could use more workshopping and an overall steady plan of how they were going to do this, but other than that, it was great. 
As Y/n grew deeper into her thoughts about the hotel logistics, she didn’t realize the commotion happening in front of her. 
“Gotta say I can’t wait to-”
“-come down and exterminate you!”
Could her husband be exterminated?
That wouldn’t do.
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During her time in heaven, Y/n grew to be loved by many. That includes the higher angels. Sara’s Bosses. Considering how even Emily didn’t know of the extermination, Y/n had a slight hunch that the higher-ups didn’t know about it either. So, after her most recent  concert, she asked for an audience with the seven virtues. 
Due to their busy schedules they weren’t able to see her until a month later.
They were NOT happy. Sinners were never mean to suffer like that, they were meant to repeant. That’s why the hotel was so important. Turns out no one had even told them it existed. 
With the events of the most recent extermination and Adam’s death, the seven virtues were preparing to put Sara on trial as well as Lute when somthing exstrodinary happened. 
A sinner was redeemed!
The hotel worked!!
Since Y/n was the one who brought light to the subject, the seven virtues asked that she be the one to check on the progress of the hotel from now on.
She gladly accepted.
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A/N: Hope you liked part four of Alastor's Birdy!!
part 5
Taglist: @crazed-flower, @nanamunath, @preferably-fictional, @eccedentesiast-sapphic, @leximus98, @cupidsgift, @mag-chan, @stygianoir, @thereeallink, @yelloeukulele, @mariaclarade-la-cruz1, blurpleuni-squid, @galaxywing-has-adhd, @just-here-reading, @deez-nuts0, @strawberry-gothic, @purplerose291,@1-800-mocha, @trashbin-nie, @queenmizuki, @nkirukaj @bennythebitch @otherthoughtsofbu, @fantasycantasy, @hunnybee11626, @notally-tormal, @valerie-36, @lovingyeet, @holographicage
If you want to be added to the alastor's birdy taglist, just comment on this post!
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blackbleedingrose · 7 months
Long Lost Morningstar - Part One
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing(s): Lucifer x daughter! reader x Lilith
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Warnings: Forced child abandonment
Notes: This is my first Hazbin mini fic. This will be a mini series, so there will be a part two but it may take a little while as I tend to get busy with work and school - so please, bare with me.
Words: 880
"No! No! Please!"
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It's no surprise Lucifer and Lilith fooled around a bit during their days in the Garden of Eden.
What was surprising was the moment Lilith discovered she was pregnant.
Despite the shock and slight fear of being new parents, Lucifer and Lilith were overjoyed at the news.
When they found out the baby was going to be a girl, the two cried in pure happiness.
Lucifer became adamant, and a little overbearing, about doing everything for Lilith not wanting her to overwork herself or the baby. This did annoy Lilith (being the independent woman she was), but she knew he just wanted to make sure she and the baby were safe.
When Lilith went into labor, Lucifer went into full panic mode (imagine that one scene from The Office)
Lucifer: *freaking out* "OMG! IT'S HAPPENING! DON'T PANIC, HONEY!
Lilith: *calmly packing the hospital bags*
Lucifer may have passed out during the delivery when his curiosity got the best of him and decided to see what was going on down there (I imagine seraphim's or angels born in Heaven aren't born the natural way and instead created through magic).
Lucifer woke up from the sounds of crying and when he came to he saw a tiny body being carried by one of the nurses.
After rejoining Lilith's side (and making sure she was okay while profusely apologizing for passing out) they waited for the nurses to clean up the baby.
The moment the two saw one of the nurses bring over a pink bundle, their hearts filled with unbridled love and joy.
She was so small and had tuffs of blonde hair. She had Lucifer's red cheek circle's and Lilith's eyes.
Lucifer's eyes welled up with tears as he lovingly gazed down at the tiny person in his lover's arms. "She's perfect, Lily".
Lilith agreed with happy tears as she laid a gentle kiss on their daughter's head.
The two named her (Y/N) - (Y/N) Morningstar.
(Y/N) was a lively baby who adopted her father's bubbly and curious personality, as well as his love for ducks.
Her first toy was a duck plushie Lucifer had made himself.
However, despite having everything they could want in the Garden, Heaven, and now their new baby - they wanted something more.
They wanted to share free will with humanity in hopes that Heaven would finally see Lucifer's ideas and change their suffocating rules so (Y/N) could live in a world that wouldn't stifle any of her future dreams.
This lead them to tempt Eve with the apple, causing the unfortunate chain of events that lead to Lucifer and Lilith's trial.
The two were found guilty of bringing evil into humanity and as punishment they would be sent down into Hell.
However, before they sent the family into eternal damnation Heaven decided (Y/N) was innocent as she was only a baby who knew not what her parents had done.
Being a child of a seraphim and one of humanities first human's, they saw potential in her for Heaven's future - so they decided (Y/N) would stay in Heaven while Lucifer and Lilith would go down to Hell.
"Take the child," Sera ordered one of the court angels. "No! No! Please!" Lucifer and Lilith begged with tears falling down their faces as they held (Y/N) closer to them. The court angels forced the wailing (Y/N) out of her crying parents arms.
That was the last time Lucifer and Lilith saw their daugther before being banished to Hell for all eternity.
To keep (Y/N) from discovering her true lineage, Heaven decided that Lucifer's twin brother, Michael, would claim to be her father and raise her as a role model seraphim - one that follows Heaven's rules.
As (Y/N) grew up it became increasingly obvious how much she took after her parents. She had Lucifer's curious and cheerful nature, and Lilith's eyes, long blonde hair, and grace - both her parents beauty present in her features. The perfect combination of the two.
She especially adopted Lucifer's six large wings, only they had a pink under surface and gold tips.
To bypass any questions of her mother, Michael told her that he had created her from stardust with both his and Lilith's likeness - only using Lilith as a reference for a female.
Michael made sure her curious nature didn't go as far as Lucifer's, keeping her busy with her education and where he can keep an eye on her.
To keep her in check he told her about Lucifer and Lilith, but that they were her uncle and aunt who had lost their way and fallen from grace.
When she entered into adulthood, Heaven decided it was time for her to bear more serious responsibilities.
That's how (Y/N) Morningstar Demiurgos became one of Heaven's trial record keepers/recorders (she sometimes sits in trials and writes what's being said for the records).
It was mainly because Michael wanted to her to have a busy office job and away from exploring and getting too curious (he hoped being in trials would satisfy her curiosity, but made sure to keep her from asking too many questions).
And for awhile everything was perfect and in Heaven's favor. . .
. . .Until a certain Princess of Hell came to Heaven with a dream.
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trashogram · 3 months
K I’m gonna get straight up fuckin nasty here.
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Fuck. You. Stolas doesn’t give a fuck about Octavia given all the evidence in the show itself! He dirty talks over the phone in front of Octavia w/ his extramarital affair, parades said affair in front of her, uses an outing with her as an excuse to flirt with that affair (an outing meant to take her mind off of her broken home!!), clearly doesn’t realize that LooLoo Land is not one of his teenage child’s interests — and didn’t even see Octavia’s distress for what it actually was when she was a child!
He admits he messed up and says he’s sorry — only to go right back to fuckin’ failing her in Seeing Stars where he forgets about a special bonding event he had planned with her in favor of screaming and insulting her mother, then when he tries to find her when she’s in the human world, he gets sidetracked AGAIN by his extramarital affair and humoring that guy’s poor comedy for no fucking reason as well as flirting with him AGAIN. And then he gets a pass afterward bc physical abuser Loona gives her horrible advice to forgive him.
Lucifer is not a great dad. But you know what? He gets Charlie the meeting(s) with Heaven. He saves her from being murdered by Adam. By the end of Hazbin he actively keeps his promise to help Charlie and support the Hotel. He helps rebuild it. It’s implied he’s going to be living there to be able to help her more often and directly. He saves his child’s life — which, even though it isn’t stated in HB, is in high contrast to Stolas lending out the Grimoire that his PRECAUTIONARY HEIR will need in order to fulfill her duties if he dies. How is that not putting his child in danger and insulting her purpose for existing per what the show says?? He puts her through so much shit for “following his heart” at every turn no matter how you look at it.
So yeah, actually. Lucifer is 100% Father of the Year compared to Stolas who belongs in a flaming dumpster falling from a cliff. Thank you and Goodnight.
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mournings-stars · 6 months
Hello I hope your requests are on and if they are can I have angsty and alittle platonic headcanons for Lucifer
Where him, Lilith and Charlie run into he's ex wife who he left because he lost feelings for her and started liking Lilith after years his ex wife has movied on from him and her personality has also changed to the point its like a new person and that she has gone from a soft Naive woman to a more independent and emotionally stronger one
Thank you ignore this if you like
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hello im back to writing!!! … with a bit of an angst warning
i like to think the marriage with lucifer was a lot like adam and liliths, you were basically created to be his wife. despite having free will, you were made for a purpose, so you understood lilith. you probably talked about it with him, saying you felt for her. “if i didn’t love you, i don’t know what i’d do,” you say and he smiles before telling you he loves you too
“if you ever feel how she does, and didn’t want to be with me anymore, you could tell me,” he’d say one day, and you dont think much of it
but back then you were too passive. like him, you were full of beliefs, but you were much more credulous and naive, and that led him to find someone else to share his dreams with. he used them to help comfort her and cheer her up, even telling you about it
then one day he stops
you piece it together, though — even if you’re naïve, you’re not an idiot, and you just let him go on until he plans to give eve the fruit
“don’t do this,” you tell him and he feigns like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about — or he really doesn’t because you feel like you have to say, “you must think i’m stupid,” when you see the shocked look on his face. “i know what you’ve been doing. i know what you’re about to do. don’t.”
but even if he didn’t think you were stupid, he certainly knew you didn’t think about the world the same way the other angels did; he convinced you, no matter what you knew was right, that this was the right thing to do. everything would be okay! humans would have free will, and everything would be fine
of course, that was the last time you spoke. you weren’t exactly sure if you’d ended things on good or bad terms, but in his mind you absolutely hated him, never wanted to see his face again, and were glad he fell
so, of course, once he ran into you — in hell of all places — at a high society event with his wife and daughter, he was floored. his only reaction, logically of course, was to turn the opposite way and drag his wife over to one of the princes to introduce her to
“where’s charlie?” lilith would ask him after a moment and he already knew
you were an angel, one of the only angels to swallow their pride and come to this event when invited, so it only made sense that his daughter wandered over to you and your small group of other angels — probably only there on a formality, he thought — and of-fucking-course she was drawn to you
lilith was already going over to you before he could stop her, so he went after her
you already recognized charlie; she looked so much like him, but you didn’t turn away. instead, you bent to her level and talked with her, listening as the tiny child talked about her parents and toys, and anything she could think of while you nodded along and conversed with her about her fantastical stories as best you could
“charlie, honey, let’s not bother…” he couldn’t even bring himself to say your name, prompting you to look up and introduce yourself
you didn’t know if he never told lilith about you, or if she was just being kind, but it seemed like she didn’t know your name or who you were. she introduced herself with a smile and you easily understood why lucifer fell for her
“it’s been a while,” you say to him and he can’t help but smile, relieved that your voice didn’t hold any contempt for him
but he didn’t know whether to feel grateful or ashamed when you introduced yourself to his wife as an old friend
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astaroth1357 · 9 months
Obey Me Fantasy Game Stats
Short little crack post, don't take the numbers too seriously.
Strength: 10
Constitution: 10
Agility: 10
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 9
Luck: 7
Emotional Availability: 3
Perk: Single Mom Energy
Debuffs all stats by -3 unless under the Caffeinated effect. Buffs all stats by +3 if party member requires Assist.
Strength: 7
Constitution: 7
Agility: 10
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 4
Luck: 2
Honesty: 3
Perk: Way of the Tsundere
Loyalty grows more quickly, but when interacting with party members with >80 Loyalty, lowers Charisma stat by -3.
Strength: 3
Constitution: 2
Agility: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 7
Luck: 8
Meta Awareness: 7
Perk: Awkwardly Endearing
Lowers chance of successful Speech checks by 50%, but increases the chance of successful Speech check by 75% if the other party shares the same perk or similar.
Strength: 7
Constitution: 6
Agility: 7
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 9
Luck: 6
Spite: 8
Perk: Hyperfixation
Interactions with Cats grants +50 Happiness, but lowers Intelligence stat by -5.
Strength: 3
Constitution: 4
Agility: 5
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 8
Dev Investment: -10
Perk: Eyes on Me
Increasing Reputation results in the Dazzling effect, increasing Charisma by +3 but lowering Self-Awareness by 75%
Strength: 9
Constitution: 10
Agility: 8
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 4
Survivor’s Guilt: 10
Perk: Innocent Sincerity
Speech checks 25% more likely to fail, but failed Speech checks do not lower Reputation.
Strength: 2
Constitution: 2
Agility: 4
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 9
Luck: 5
Murderous Intent: 7
Perk: Baby Brother Privileges
50% chance to avoid Reputation loss from Evil interactions, but Intimidation attempts are 75% more likely to fail.
Strength: 15
Constitution: 15
Agility: 15
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 8
Luck: 6
Loneliness: 8
Perk: Inner Child
Solo Events do not grant Happiness, but participation in Group Events grants an extra +50 Happiness to all members involved.
Strength: ???
Constitution: ???
Agility: ???
Charisma: ???
Intelligence: ???
Luck: ???
Tea Mastery: 10
Perk: Eldritch Aura
Relationships build 50% slower, but Intimidation attempts are 75% more likely to succeed.
Strength: 7
Constitution: 8
Agility: 7
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 8
Luck: 5
Patience: 9
Perk: Angelic Perfection
Leading Group Events yields better rewards, but has a chance to lower Reputation.
Strength: 4
Constitution: 5
Agility: 4
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 10
Luck: 8
Domestic Skills: 2
Perk: Social Blindness
First Impression interactions will fail 100% of the time, but grants complete immunity to debuffs from Low Reputation.
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wordsvomit101 · 4 months
I would put him as a "sad old man" on my contact list if I were MC.
Sometimes I gotta be a bit petty for MC cause they don't do it for themself. Credits to @shyanimeboi and their friend on X: https://x.com/shyanimeboi/status/1795183592961655077/video/4
Warnings: Sexual content, complicated brainstorming about guilt and legacy.
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Of course, you would say that- No but honestly, I would be pissed as hell if he said that to me directly, cause sir your brother lowkey put MC's parent on the news, made their friend see his ancestor temporarily, and then almost put them in the casket as well. It's a miracle that they do not blindly hate everything relating to angels at this point. (Although I'm glad that you at least find closure from it you dismal oldster ╮(─_─)╭)
It's a little heartwarming that he shows that he still loves his brothers a lot, given how he said: "traces that Gabriel is alive and well". It got me thinking about how it could very likely mean that he believes at some point in the future, either the other kings kill his brothers or Lucifer will have to choose between Hell (repentance) and his love for them when put in a corner he cannot back out, and with him being the Sin of Pride, I don't think he would either.
Also, if he is happy just by seeing the brand alone then his brothers either avoid attacking Paradise Lost personally or he didn't face them directly after he told off Michael more than 100 years ago and he did say that he "can no longer meet to ask how he is doing".
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This first option seems like something Solomon would say. As his descendant, how MC presents themself in the daily chats and some of their options are probably the closest we get to see how Solomon would act when he was still around. An example would be how they question the goofy 3 rules policy in Paradise Lost that was set by the nobles, I will admit, I didn't think of that either. I was affected by the devoted behaviors of the nobles from both the event and the beginning of the prologue, in turn, I put Lucifer on an unreachable pedestal and I love that MC boldly questioned it and presented their opinions and rationale that bring Lucifer closer to the player and shows more air-headed sides to the nobles. They bring new perspectives and challenge the assumptions albeit in a small but significant way. I love it, I hope they do it more in the future.
He also finally said it, the holy words of every prideful bastard I know on media, "How dare you", it took 4 chats but we finally got here.
How he process his brothers' wrongdoings and his own? Very understandable and something, in my opinion, most victims would rather want to get from their offenders' family members, acceptance and acknowledgment of the issues and the damage that was done, and a genuine effort to do the right things. Familial love is very complicated, and it is… difficult to hate and condemn someone you come to love first naturally in your life. I think Lucifer, besides God (but also not really), first loves his brothers, probably the first angel to do so for their kind, and by reading the Seraphs’ comics it clearly shows how they either don’t care or hate each other guts yet still capable of loving Lucifer. He raised them, he's both their brother and their second parental figure, and he show them love outside of their devotion to God.
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And how he addresses them in the chat, he calls each one of them a "child", he was being very quietly affectionate by focuses on their well-being when he saw the brand on MC. He also only does this with them and Gamigin, so it is clear how he sees them from a caretaker standpoint (the allegation of him being born in his 30s and raising his brothers is not so far-fetched now, honestly, he is the true dilf here, not God). He knows his brothers ruining other people's lives but when they turn around and love and treat him so dearly that it can feel like what they have done to others is an illusion.
When that illusion doesn't cloud his judgment and beliefs anymore? It will hurt and it can feel like his perception of his brothers are lie. It can be easy to deny the first time but since it happens again and again he has to accept the change and it ain't gonna feel great to realize how he is not the bystander here and directly or indirectly enable his brothers' atrocities (maybe join them in it too at some point, but this is just my thoughts). It gonna rewire how he views a lot of things and it gonna run back from the beginning to the current time, and with how long Lucifer lived? That's rough buddy.
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Now, humans are insignificant in these guys' eyes and a single death is nothing to them in the vast universe, yes, but like Lucifer said, God made humans and with how he said it after that, humanity is a part of God's legacy. Legacy is fundamental to what it is to be human to many, something to be carved on their graves and will at the end of their time, it also helps people who live beyond them to remember and let their spirits or unconscious presence remain on the world. So despite humanity in the grand scheme of things, humans are still the work of God. By referring to God as "Our Father," besides asserting his connection, he also indirectly extends that connection to humans. It suggests a shared lineage and inherent value in all of God's creations.
If I interpret what Lucifer said correctly, then the duty of the Seraphim has always been to protect and care for all beings created by God, ensuring the preservation of His legacy. This duty encompasses all creations, whether great or small, beautiful or flawed. To destroy these creations and leave only themselves as His legacy would be a betrayal of their responsibility. A legacy, regardless of its nature, is not to be forcefully erased. Those who seek to erase it tarnish the very legacy they are meant to safeguard and were entrusted to honor.
So if they can't even accept all of God's legacy, no wonder why they can easily go hunt down every single child of one (1) man they are jealous of. Perhaps this is my speculation on what they did with Solomon, who seemed resigned to being forgotten by the devils in chapter 5. They sought to erase his entire bloodline, his descendants, and his legacy, ultimately aiming to make him extinct from the world (like how poachers do it toward endangered animals). For someone like Solomon, this, in my opinion, could be the most terrible fate for him. I honestly wouldn't put it past God's plan to make MC a part of this war for Solomon.
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This option is more like the canon MC than the Solomon option from before. They felt more personal here in their anger.
The desensitization for guilt and emotional detachment is strong in this. Lucifer acknowledges the gravity and permanence of the sins he and his brothers have committed and accepts that he must coexist with his guilt and remorse, but how he goes around with it is mostly for himself. Lucifer mentions that he "voluntarily fell to Hell", a form of self-punishment despite his brothers' protests (but also calling Hell the starting point of sadness is wild cause honestly? Not that wrong, I can't see truly happy devils, and if there is, their development happened off-screen).
Lucifer’s remark that the MC is "not that meaningful enough yet" is his emotional detachment from others. His focus remains on his own internal experiences rather than on the perspectives or forgiveness of others. This detachment suggests that his pursuit of guilt is inward-focused, rather than being about seeking forgiveness or redemption through the eyes of others. Selfish and very prideful, very fitting for the Sin of Pride. The idea that Lucifer is almost addicted to the feeling of guilt points to a self-destructive aspect of his personality. It indicates that he may be using guilt as a way to continually punish himself or a way to keep feeling alive through suffering.
Now this leads to my next point:
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Lucifer's search for guilt and remorse indicates a need for intense emotional experiences. Witnessing someone cry, especially if he has caused the tears, could provide a powerful emotional release or catharsis for him. This could momentarily alleviate his own feelings of guilt by transferring some of that emotional burden onto others.
Control. By inducing tears in others, he might be exerting a form of control that he lacks in his own life. This dynamic could satisfy a deep-seated need to reclaim some semblance of power over emotional outcomes.
Witnessing tears might serve as a mirror to his own inner turmoil. It externalizes the pain and suffering he feels internally, allowing him to confront it more tangibly. This externalization can create a twisted sense of connection or empathy, aligning with his need to constantly grapple with guilt.
Lucifer's enjoyment of seeing others cry could be intertwined with his own cycle of punishment and redemption. Inflicting emotional pain might be a way for him to project his self-loathing and need for atonement onto others. It creates a scenario where he can experience the aftermath of guilt without direct self-harm.
Causing others to cry could validate Lucifer's sense of guilt and reinforce his belief that he is deserving of punishment. This validation can be perversely satisfying, as it confirms his self-perception as someone who commits unforgivable sins.
Tears are often a sign of vulnerability. Seeing someone in a state of emotional rawness might create a sense of intimacy that Lucifer finds alluring. This intimacy could particularly appeal to someone who feels isolated by guilt and sins.
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
MC: *in the middle of arguing with the 3rd-years* No. I'm not taking any of you in Devildom.
Cater: But why, bestie~? We want to meet hot demons too! <3
MC: ...
MC: Are you serious right now?
Trey: That is not the point, actually. What we want to suggest is to have an exchange program between Devildom and Twisted Wonderland.
Rook: Oui! It's for the sake of learning!
MC: ...
MC: I can't deny that you have some point there; however, I need to consult Dia first.
Lilia: The Devildom prince will probably agree.
MC: That will take a considerable amount of paperwork. *sigh* You guys really enjoy putting a lot of work on my plate, don't you?
MC: Anyway, if it gets approved, I will only be choosing at least two to three students.
???: If I may make a suggestion, would it be possible to choose the most beautiful individuals among them?
MC: Eh? *turns to look who it is*
Queen Rose: *smiles warmly* Hello, MC.
Epel: Dame event?
MC: Yes. It's an annual event held for Queen Rose. *smiles* Everyone will dress as ladies and is expected to move and act with grace to a high degree.
Epel: ...
Epel: Oh. Okay. I'm not participating in this one.
Vil: You can't, Epel.
Epel: Why not?!
MC: Before Queen Rose came to me, she had already spotted you and made a specific request to see you at the event.
Epel: !!!
Epel: But... I don't want to...
Vil: Everyone in Pomefiore will be joining.
Rook: *chuckles* I can't wait to witness everyone dressed as elegant dames.
Epel: T-Though can we ensure the safety of students that will join?!
MC: It will happen here in NRC.
Epel: Oh, yeah? Then how about the others? Is it only Pomefiore?!
MC: Savanaclaw also signed up for the event. Same with Heartslabyul and Diasomnia.
Epel: ...
Vil: Just give up now, Epel.
MC: If you don't really want to dress up as a girl, then being elegant will suffice.
Epel: ...
Epel: Really?
MC: Yes.
Epel: ...
Epel: Hehe! Thank you, MC!
Professor Crewel: Pup, have you also become a dame in this event?
MC: Yes, Professor Crewel. I think twice.
Professor Crewel: Oh? And how was the experience?
MC: ...
MC: It wasn't good.
Professor Trein: Why? What happened?
MC: I almost caused a stampede.
Professor Crewel and Professor Trein: ...
Professor Crewel: Oh now, child. I want to see you as a dame.
MC: Uh, no. But Solomon is free.
Solomon: *who's with them reading fashion magazines*
Solomon: Why me?
MC: You're more beautiful, Sol.
Solomon: Eh... But I didn't cause a stampede. *chuckles*
MC: *frowns a little*
Lucifer: Queen Rose, The White Wolf of The Frost Flowers...
Diavolo: What is it, Lucifer?
Lucifer: Are you not wondering about it, Diavolo?
Diavolo: Well, I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me.
Barbatos: There is nothing to be concerned about this.
Lucifer: What do you mean, Barbatos?
Barbatos: I have returned to Devildom to see how things are going.
Barbatos: And certain news arrived to my ears.
Diavolo: What news?
Barbatos: That MC has achieved what Solomon has.
Lucifer: ...
Diavolo: ...
Lucifer: Are you saying-
Barbatos: Yes. *smiles* Thirteen confirmed it herself.
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Playing phasmophobia with some of the hazbin men.
Like, imagining playing phasmophobia with Adam who's pretending to be all big and tough but is fucking horrified so reader has to guide him through the game, and at the end he takes all the credit for it.
Or playing with Lucifer who starts out horrified and possibly starts getting better at it after reader comforts him, and makes reader play it all the time so he can get all the achievements and have reader be proud of him. I feel like eventually he'd get less scared because he'd rationalize it as being unrealistic.
Playing phasmophobia on vox's screen whilst sitting in his lap
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You two were sitting in the same room, two laptops you had snuck in from VoxTech going with the famed Phasmaphobia. It took a lot of convincing to get your boyfriend, the King of Hell, to play this game with you. You wouldn't say he was afraid; more like he didn't care for the possibility of the unknown; jumpscares were the unknown.
As you two booted into the game, there were many hiccups from mic feedback to glitches, even Lucifer dying randomly from Despawn and just getting to watch you freak out. Over time, though, things were in a smooth groove, and you two were completing mission after mission. Yes, some scares still got Lucifer. Who wants to see a small child crouch walking past you. He was good at finding the evidence and surpassed you in EXP in only a handful of games.
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He was not a fan of you cramming him into your room with computers set up. He already hated modern technology, so why force him to? The way you lit up, though, made asking to play this stupid game worth it. Swallowing his pride, he joined you in playing the scary Ghost game. Though he didn't jump once, he enjoyed watching you get scared.
As the gaming session continued, he still had a distaste for anything technological, but he was having a good time with you. He managed to streamline the game much faster than you, so that way, while you were being chased and screaming, he was completing the game on the side. He still made you remove the computers afterward, but he wouldn't mind playing another game some other time.
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He was not a fan of the scary ghost game in the slightest. The minute he opened his bedroom door to you having a whole gaming setup with the title screen playing, he was hoping you were just joking. However, as he sat down and began playing, he realized quickly this was really hell, not down below.
While you cackled and laughed at his disdain, he clung to you like a small child. He hated everything about it and always died first haunt. Eventually, he would get over his fears just to turn into a rage baiter. As soon as he learned all the hiding spots, he would purposefully trigger ghost events to fuck with you or get you killed first.
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He watched you play more than anything. When he entered, he was exhausted from work and didn't want to use his brain any more than he had to. This was fine by you, as having him comment on the whole experience was far more fun than playing with you. He would scream and yell at your little character or the ghosts as they popped up. He had fun acting like he was watching a personal horror movie for free.
Since he is good at games, he picks up on little things that make your experience better. That way, you can have the most enjoyable playtime but still always get the ghost right. Just like his impressive memory with Poker, he memorizes all the mannerisms of the ghosts and the utilities it takes to find them.
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There is no playing with Vox, only against him, with him having the better advantage. Since he is the internet, he will just play the ghost for you. While you hunt him down, he does everything in his power to scare you and make you jump. Of course, you have to play on his lap, where he can hold you still and calm you if it becomes too much.
He likes to take himself out of the screen, though, and actually play with you, only to help you complete the challenges you want. He knows it can be hard playing against him; he is the best, after all, so a little reprieve and fun can be had.
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burlowbeanie · 1 year
Locked Tomb Timeline, as far as I can tell
This is a long one, and a bit of a mess. I'll be making other posts about the fun date coincidences and my speculations about their implications, but I figured I should give some of the actual evidence in one solid chonky post so I can link to it and don't need to repeat myself later on.
(BD = before death of the earth; AR = after resurrection; BM = before millennium, AM = after millennium)
Unspecified Pre-Death of the earth: Foundation of Canaan house/the facility that Jod et al used for the cryogenic experiments. Establishment of Kuiper installation, Uranus platform, Mars installation w/ room for 5 million, the Lucifer Telescope, and fusion batteries (Ntn 14, Ntn 74, Ntn 189)
Now! Some pre-resurrection numbers!
Before 2 BD: C-- sides with the crew (Ntn 13)
1 BD: Governments shift away from the cyrogenics plan (Ntn 13)
0 BD: Jod destroys the world
Now, the most unclear section of the timeline: the resurrection and its immediate aftermath.
Augustine, from Htn 176: “Alfred and I were there early enough to found the Koniortos Court on the Fifth, but Lyctors like Cyth wouldn’t be born for years and years, and she spent her whole life suffering Seventh House woo-woo theories regarding the value of hereditary cancer … whereas Mercy is the oldest lag except for me, and she was out hammering at the Eighth House before the paint was even dry on the Resurrection.”
The resurrection occurs a few weeks after the death of the earth (Ntn 396). Then things get a bit hazy. We know the approximate order of the resurrections of the original ten disciples, but not how far apart they were staggered - was it minutes? Months? Years?
Similarly, Cyrus/Val and Anastasia/Samael are implied to have showed up before Cytherea/Loveday, when Cytherea was almost 30 years old. Both cavaliers have last names associated with their house, which suggests that either the third and ninth were established enough to at least have a small population by the time that they went to Canaan House, or that they took those names/were given those names later on.
Cytherea-as-Dulcinea says that she "dreamed of being a 9th nun" at age 13, and it's unclear if she's speaking as herself or as Dulcinea or how much she was lying as either persona (Gtn 104). Thus, we don't know if the ninth house was established by the time she went to Canaan House, though it seems like the sort of hint that both Cytherea and Muir would have had a fun time dropping.
Thus, while it is possible/seems probably many/most of the houses were established by the time that any of the newer disciples showed up, especially Cytherea, that is unconfirmed. However, it took until at least 30 years after the resurrection, probably more, for all 16 of the disciples to gather.
A rough order of events during this time, some of which may overlap:
Original disciples resurrected
New disciples arrive
Lyctors ascend; Anastasia fails
Alecto is put in the tomb and Cassiopeia dies
The lyctors and Jod flee to the Mithraeum, leaving the system
Particular questions that remain and would help clarify things:
Were Anastasia, Samael, Cyrus, Valancy, and Loveday born or resurrected? It seems like Cytherea was likely born.
When did Anastasia have a child and found the tombkeeper line?
When did Pyrrha (or G1deon!Pyrrha) paint a nursury? Was it the same time she visited Anastasia "before she got settled" (Ntn 85)? Was Anastasia's child the birth she assisted at (Ntn 121)?
When was the ninth founded? When was the prison installation founded? Was there anything on the ninth before Anastasia was told to prepare for Alecto's imprisonment? Samael seems to have been born or resurrected after the ninth was founded, unless he was given his name later?
After resurrection: Actual Numbers. Once we get like 100-200 years out from the resurrection, things start to get clearer. Not clear, but clearer.
100 AR: God names himself Gaius (Htn 521). Is this when Cytherea ascends, since she is given credit for the "naming oneself after one's cavalier" thing? Or was that some God bullshit?
200 AR: Alecto put in tomb (Htn 478)
4000 AR: source gram comes from sixth house to BOE (Htn 529)
5000 AR: BOE comes to the attention of jod and the lyctors; they may have existed beforehand but been unable to find the houses/be found (Htn 154). Augustine begins questioning the purpose of the empire (Htn 483).
Moving into the thousand years before the events of the series:
9000 AR/ 1000 BM: Matthias Nonius lives (Gtn 53)
750-700 BM: New Rho contract drawn up (Ntn 206)
519ish BM: beginning planning of dios apate major (Htn 474)
300 BM: Cyth gets angry (Gtn 402). Last contact between second and first houses (Gtn 456).
100 BM: Jod leaves the Mithraeum (Htn 81).
80 BM: Jod joins the Erebos (Htn 81)
40-39 BM: G1deon starts to really annoy Augustine, who speaking in 1 AM states: “He has caused me more pain over these last scant forty years than I dare to admit" (Htn 268). I think Wake makes the most sense as an explanation for this, though it's off by about five years.
34 BM: Wake reinvigorates BOE (Htn 154). Ortus born? That’s a fun coincidence that means nothing.
30 BM: Mercy thinks Jod should have returned to the Mithraeum then (Htn 81).
25-24 BM: BOE finds out about resurrection beasts (Htn 275) because Wake talks to G1deon (Ntn 155)
21 BM: G1 begins his (final) pursuit of wake (Htn 469)
Sometime after 300 BM, most likely 20 BM, Cytherea teaches BOE about steles and obelisks (Ntn 155)
20 BM approximately, presumably, could be earlier: Augustine and Mercy talk to BOE. BOE gets accurate fleet schematics for the first time in a hundred years and eventually the location of the mithraeum, though those were probably earlier with Cytherea and two decades later with Cytherea!Wake respectively (Ntn 155)
19 BM: Isaac’s dad killed by terrorists on [redacted], presumably BOE (Gtn 459). Mercy and Augustine are “talking” (Htn 87); Dios apate major. Mercy sees Cytherea for the last time and Cytherea laughs so much she insults Mercy (Htn 120), which is an understandable response given that Mercy may have described the dios apate major plan and/or requested her involvement. Mercy sees Sarpedon as a young soldier (about 20 years PM; close enough and matches up with dios apate) (Htn 81).
19–18 BM: Wake dies (Htn 88). Gideon born. Creche massacre.
17 BM: Harrow born.
14 BM Gideon’s first escape attempt (Gtn 24)
13 BM: Gideon is not a necromancer confirmed (Gtn 24)
10 BM: Augustine sees Cytherea for the last time (Htn 120). Wake’s bones get put on rotation (Htn 476).
9-8 BM: Harrow is suicidal. Harrow opens the tomb. Harrow hears/sees the body. Onset of psychosis. Unclear in what order (Htn 49, 247).
7 BM: (Harrow is still suicidal but sees the body?). Harrow and Gideon fight (Htn 477). Gideon sees Harrow opening the tomb. Her parents kill themselves. Gideon gets nightmares about being in the tomb (Gtn 202).
5 BM: Harrow starts puppeting (?girl wtf?? What was going on in the intervening two years???) (Gtn 348). Last ninth house chaplains and adepts are lost in action (Htn 81).
2 BM: Gideon enters Drearburgh for the last time
1 BM: Number 7 estimated five years from the Mithraeum (Htn 125).
0 BM, with rough approximates:
Month 1-3: prepping for Canaan house
Month 4: Canaan house
Month 5: harrow throws up; Camilla nonverbal
Canaan house recovery missions from the emperor and BOE — what the fuck. Who got there first. How and why did they miss the other people. Seems like BOE got there, intentionally left H and I but took G’s body??????????
Month 6: Harrow and Ianthe arrive on the Mithraeum
Month 8: Harrow kills her 13th planet with Mercy. It’s desert and triple-sunned. Wake makes posthumous contact with BOE (Ntn 155).
Month 9-10: When Judith says she begins writing her report; she’s with BOE on a wooded double(potentially triple?)-sunned planet. At one point several weeks (or months?) later Mercy shows up. According to Judith, that is. Judith honey I might need to recuse your testimony for somehow being more of an unreliable narrator than the lobotomized traumatized psychotic unmedicated half-dead triple-haunted 201-souled Harrowhark Nonagesimus. Then I could bump this back to month 8 which would make more sense.
Month 10: Harrow catches G1d!Pyrrah with Cytherea!Wake
Between Month 10 and Month 12: Harrow turns 18. Harrow discovers G1d can drain thanergy. Harrow makes soup. Harrow makes Ianthe’s arm. Dios apate minor.
Month 12: Harrow finds Cam and Pal on a wooded planet and sees Judith. Judith tries to warn Harrow about Mercy’s involvement.
Mercy ditches her for unspecified business. I suspect this is when she meets with We Suffer? Was this when she heals Judith?
1 AM
Month 2: death of the emperor. Quick undeath of the emperor. Nona born(?)
Month 5: Station Red-As-Blood abandoned (Ntn 152). The demons show up on Antioch (Ntn 448).
Month (6?): Nona gets a job (Ntn 41).
Month 7: nona gets shot, cam/pal fusion reveal (Ntn 105 through the end of the chapter)
Month 8: events of Ntn
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