#xeijun mail to.... ⌘ Asmodeus ⌘
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I just read your post about the characters' periods and I love it so much!! I've already shared to most of my friends!!! Please make more!!😭/nopressure
"You get periods?!" By MC <3 (pt. 2)

Xeijun's Letters: Thank you so much for the love on the first, This is second one with the younger brothers line..
|| Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 ||
Warnings: cannibalism, eating raw meat, mentions of blood and vomiting, poisonous plants, flowers, etc. Almost fem! coded reader? Because I'm fem...so. A bit OCC due to hormonal imbalance in our bois. This is a continuation, a bit different than @/tsukii0002's posts. Go check them out, pls. They're so good! I couldn't add the dancing part though in Asmode's scenario, SORRY! T^T
Taking the step down from the shop's raised platform, you place the antiseptic cream in the polythene plastic bag, before handing it to Lucifer.
Lucifer was seriously considering his life-choices all the time during this time of the month when Satan's on his period...But he adores his brothers, so who's he to judge??
Okay, maybe a little bit of a judge, BUT COME ON! It's raw meat! With the blood and all...
He deserves to judge a little, but rather not face a smack from your end, so he kept quiet while you two walked home. Satan stayed home from RAD, the others had half days, only you and Lucifer had full..so sad.
"And how long does it last?" he asks, feeling a bit ashamed that he doesn't know it so well, but then again when does Satan ever allow him close enough? But you also seemingly don't know,
"Just comes and goes.."
You and Lucifer sighed in unison, but perked when you heard a scream rip through some road and cross-section alleyway with a familiar green glow..Making you both run, Lucifer ahead of you, as he turned the corner, slipping almost as Lucifer's leather shoes squeaked, before stopping to face..
Satan holding a guy by his throat, against the wall, his tail lashing out, barbed beyond belief, dusty and slightly messy feathers ruffling out from his neck, the scleras of his eyes gone inky black, his fangs baring against the guy with his claws ready to slash him, before Lucifer grabbed him and you used your pact
"Avatar of wrath, STAY!"
You loudly proclaimed, Satan kept thrashing in Lucifer's grip, before freezing in position, giving enough time for the guy to escape, muttering a quick "I owe you my life" before hurrying down the streets, running away.
Satan growled, his claws trying to remove the pact mark's affects to slash whoever was holding him back, as Lucifer held tightly, breathing heavily, "Shhh, Satan...! Stop it this instant" he hissed, his muscular gently holding Satan by his shoulders and Lucifer's one hand was on Satan's head.
Lucifer subconsciously rubbed his thumb across the spam of the area..
you wouldn't mention it before you died, but Satan seemingly melted a bit hearing Lucifer's voice, but you know Satan'd rather DIE than admit that.
You gently pushed back his hair, the pact mark on the right side of your abdomen, right under your arm glowing green gently, as he finally made eye contact with you and smiled brightly, like a child, but then he realized his "prey" got away, so now he just seemed sad and annoyed, while you made Lucifer let him go.
You pact mark stopped glowing, as the pact mark's affected subsided as Satan pushed Lucifer off and clung to you tightly, smiling contently as Lucifer rolled his eyes, ushering you two home. With Satan trying to attempting to cannibalize anyone in the way home, if not you and Lucifer stopped him each time.
By the time you got home, Lucifer had aged 70 years, it seemed, leaving to run back to his room, so you also ushered Satan to his room, promising you'd be there since he was growling at Lucifer, trying to hurt him for being too close to you, poor thing was angry for no reason due to his hormones.
But since Lucifer basically ran away like Levi during a social event, Satan gently kissed you and snuggled his head against you walking off his to room before you went to the kitchen to plate the raw meat and keep the antiseptic somewhere in your pocket as you changed and ushered back.
You walked back to Satan's room, you placed the plate somewhere, pressing your nose, as you saw him scratching his sheets away almost as he pouted.
You gently ruffled his hair, pulling off a feather or two from his back as he shuddered, annoyed at his "nest" which wasn't working, as you fixed it gently for him, piling things, so it's a little deeper. Satan seemed happy enough as he settled as you handed him the plate of the raw meat, giving him the assumption you "hunted" for him, and hopefully, it won't end up with him vomiting over you after over-eating raw meat again.
Satan just seemed happy, his teeth now almost an inch longer and making it harder to close his mouth if not for him chewing on his tail for a comfort like a baby sucks on it's thumb.
You sighed, letting him eat while you plucked off the feathers on his back and neck, or pulled them apart because they were stuck, while admiring Satan's horns, which had gotten an bioluminescent glow which was between sage and sea foam green, just adorable!
Every time you touched it, it glowed in the darkness since Satan refused to turn on the light. Having his eyes already hurt from light, his pupils were so round, almost covering the colour of his irises, he kept his room dark, refuse to let anyone come in, ESPECIALLY his brothers or others, or anyone other than you, basically.
He was of-course fidgety, refusing to actually let you touch him at times or get close, like right now every few minutes, he tensed up,
"I'm fine, 'Tan.." you whispered, hugging his back and kissing his cheek while he tensed, but wiping the blood off your lips, as to not gag at the smell, while he ate and sometimes offered you the raw meat, his tail still sharp and sometimes got irritated by the mattress stuck on it.
You took chance to remove the extra scales from it too, which was rather satisfying, you had to admit..
As he extended his hand with a piece of some part of whatever animal he was eating, "No, thanks, darling" you smiled, or so simply put it in your mouth without chewing or anything before removing it and placing it back to his plate when he wasn't looking, poor thing.
After eating and getting him forcefully cleaned up, yo gently let him lean against you, his body warm and almost borderline burning and feverish, until he finally got assured you're be careful and wouldn't be hurt, as he laid against and his body seemed to cool within seconds, like ice.
His tail tightened around your thigh, a bit scratchy and a cut or two, but you hid it, assuring him you were okay as he snuggled against you, purring loud like a motorboard,
As you felt him smuggle a little piece of raw meat against your mouth as you grumbled, "SATAN!" as he smiled, only kissing you.
Asmodeus had his feet tapping on the floor, so long...his wings, neon fuschia now as he filed his nails, but somehow only making them sharper as he worriedly pacd the floor, hoping you were coming home.
Asmo was covered in a blanket and fever high due to his periods, so he was tired and even more panicked,
Were you late?! Were you hurt...DID YOU FIND SOMEONE ELSE PRETTIER THAN HIM?!
Nononono...He couldn't lose you, you were...everything.The best experience, the best warmth..the best love, he couldn't bear to think of you with anyone. NO. You were his and he was YOURS.
He'll make sure of it, he knew..As Asmo stood up, wearing a jacket on as he pulled open the door, just in time to see you, holding a large bag with masks, gloves and glasses, like you had gone mining as he felt himself melt,
"You're home!" Asmo said brightly, as you remove your mask and goggles and he immediately pulled you into a kiss, making you place the bag somewhere on the side.
As Asmo pulled away, removing his jacket, he snuggled his face against yours, not even wearing makeup today, so you knew he was over the moon or something to see you, seeing as he never did that.
In his demon, Asmo's wings fluttered gently, brushing against you as you both sat on the bed, while he polished his horns gently, his wings and hors covered in velvety coating and translucent, letting you barely see the clear-pinkish mechanisms of the beehive like structure of his horns or diamond shaped structure of his wings.
You helped him gently polish, though he was skittish, "Ah-No...Thank you" he whispered gently, a blush coating his cheeks a he bashfully let you do it, ever so often pulling away to snuggle deeper, until he was asking you do it constantly,
"Over there, yes-! Thank you"
Asmo smiled, his wings flapping in delight.
You pulled away, letting him relax as you ran to get the bag, and run back to him, kissing his cheek as you get into his nest, handing him the bg as you pulled your mask tighter and your goggles tight too, as he giggled,
"Oh?~ What's this?" he asked, smilin, "Open it!" you said excitedly, hoping he'd like it. Asmo gently tore it, using his finger nails, to find a himself a supply of poisonous plants, fruits, flowers, raw meat, bottles of bodily fluids like blood or some animals and even mushrooms that he liked.
It had nightshade roots, arsenic shrimp blood, sulphur mushrooms, Momonin flowers, Henbane, Foxglove stuff like that...As his smile widened after every item he found,
And god, he was falling more in love as he smiled brightly to you, "Oh my Diavolo...THANK YOU!" he smiled, hugging you tightly and kissing your masked cheeks as you smiled,
"it's nothing.", "it's everything!!" he said brightly.
You pulled the bag towards you, as he smiled and possibly chewed on a little nightshade root, enjoying himself. As oyu pulled a neon bright glowing flower, his room's light were dimmed, seeing as he also couldn't handle light in his eyes.
The flower glowed bright pink with red spots and orange strips, the air around it was softly bubbling and boiling, giving off the smell of burnt plastic mixed with blood and quite possibly like sulphur, god forbid how much you had to beg Barbatos to find you one of these for Asmo.
Asmo felt himself bright ten times more, his white scleras going black as he hugged you so tightly, you felt like you were gonna pop, seeing as he couldn't kiss you because of the things you were wearing, he squeezed you in a hug.
Otherwise you'd be ravaged right here and right now.
He held the flower close to him, as you gently pinned it behind his ear, Asmo was taking the chance to gossip with you, he got even cattier on his periods, it seemed, who knew it was possible?
As you and Asmo spoke, his hands were travelling everywhere as he gently pressed himself against you. Asmo's fingers running through his hair gently, as he snuggled.
Rubbing his inner wrists against your neck as Asmo cupped your face, placing a kiss or two on top of your head as he spoke, rubbing his cheek against yours otherwise.
Finishing his third nightshade root and second vial of blood, his manicured fingers gently stroked your hair, before trying to pull off your mask as you held his wrist,
"I-I wanna kiss you..though!" he said, pouting as you saw his black scleraed eyes glow and get glassy and watery, "My love, Asmo..you just had three nightshade roots.., ", "So?" he whispered, almost crying.
You sighed, holding him closer as you shook your head placing the flowers right behind you two in a vase, "I love you, but I'd also like to live as well" you said, reminding him that you were human as he paused,
As he scratched his face gently smiling sheepishly remembering you would die if not for the mask, the goggled and heavy earcovers too.
As he sniffed softly, his nose burning as he realized what was happening, "Oh god...they smell too harsh" he whispered, almost feeling bad that you worked hard and he couldn't keep flowers in his rooms..
You worked so hard to get these things and he couldn't keep them because his nose would burn and eventually bleed and he didn't even want that and you felt even more guilty for forgetting that details..
You gently reached towards the items, placing them back in the bag,
"Let me enchant them-", "No! It's fine..You did so much already, this is just my bad luck.." he huffed stopped you gently, as you shook your head, cupping his cheek and taking the flower,
"you want to keep these flowers and these things in your room, you get to keep them." you said smiling, cupping his cheek and rubbing your thumb across the spam of the area, "I don't care if I'm tired, you're my priority right now!" you said brightly
You gently held the flower behind his ear and gently worked to enchant it, though it was hard, "But-..." he paused, feeling his face warm, feverish as it always was during his period, he felt like crying,
"It'll be less trouble to just remove them.."
"but YOU want them HERE."
you said simply, enchanting it and putting it behind his ear, pinning it to his hair again as he smiled softly, while you continued to enchant every single item to have no smell..
He was glad somebody atleast loved him like this..What he wouldn't give to have it all to himself all the time?
You huffed as you walked out of the house to the garden, to Beelzebub's nest. Beel's nest was dug out in the garden, underground LITERALLY.. At first his nests weren't in the house, in his and Belphie's room, but now it in his middle of his period, he shifted to gallery in garden.
You gently knocked on the little metal door, the brothers got installed for Beel, as asoft clicking chitter came out, as Beel pushed the panel, looking into your eyes and smiled, as you smiled back. His skin had gotten a bit transparent now, so sometimes you could see the bones and skeleton if light faced him directly, so he looked somehow hotter..
You gently crawled into the hole, and slid into it, landing on a little pillow as Beel stayed flying gently above the ground to help you settle as you smiled, showing him the bag of snacks you got specifically for him..
As he sat down beside you, crawling, his fly-esque wings fluttering to produce a softer, buzzing sound, not the annoying one, and it shined with coloured of orange-red and with extremely complex patterns..
His horns iridescent and glowing soft red every time peeks of light hit him, the gallery was built like a bunker, but light still came in from outside..
As you shifted, you felt a little lump under you, you shifted only to find-...Luke! You almost screamed if not for Beel shushing you, softly letting out clicking and buzzes as if to say don't wake up the boy! while you huffed, quickly handing a text to Lucifer as you made Beel wake Luke and put him outside.
Poor Luke was scrambling like a puppy, scared but you calmed and assured him he was fine, Beel did get reprimanded, but he ignored Lucifer like it didn not matter which shocked Lucifer as you apologized on Beel's behalf to Lucifer.
"Beel...You need to apologize" you said to him, giggling as he buzzed as if to No, I won't! as he looked away, huffing.
Beel continued to brush his wings gently with his large hands, so delicate and soft it was mesmerizing, but occasionally he got too rough on no occasion, so now you were adamant on watching over him and his grooming, even helping him out..
"Gentle..Your wings are super delicate at the side" you told, it was like Beel didn't know how his wings were at times.
You placed the large bag of snacks you got on the side, looks like the two month's worth of food he accumulated before his period was finished already, but THANK DIAVOLO his appetite decreased, did not mean he wasn't eating insane amounts...just less nowadays.
Beel softly buzzed, reading the packet of "grape chips" and opening it as you closed your nose, disgusted by the flavour choice.. as Beel extended them to you, feeding you, till you were almost bursting..That's just how it was to you, as you denied it weetly,
"they're for you, sugar" you said, smiling.
Beel let out a sad chitter and you knew you couldn't deny him, so you took a few in your hands and ate them..not too bad, just a weird taste, it was neutral, really.. as Beel happily clicked, watching you lovingly eat..it filled his hunger when he saw you eat, honestly.
After almost bursting open by food, Beel chose to sleep...first he wanted to sleep upside down with you, but after a little debating with the little critter, he finally agreed to sleep in the corner.
Beel's head on your collar bones near your throat, while you hummed to let out soft vibrations to comfort him while your fingers ran through his hair and his wings gently, while he softly let out clicks to tell you about his day as you hummed in acknowledgment.
As you kept humming your favourite song to comfort with the vibrations of your throat since he was leaning against your throat basically, as time passed in silence when Beel's chest filled with slight worry and sadness, wondering if his brothers and Luke were okay..
Did they need food? Did they eat? Did they do their homework? Was Lucifer okay? Was Mammon wasting money safely? Where Satan and Belphegor doing anarchy safely? Every question about his brothers...
As he let out soft worried humans nd chitters, was if debating between standing up and laying against you, so it was like heavy weight lifted off and on top of you every few seconds.
"Beel, sugar...Beel, baby! You okay?" you asked, snapping him out of it as he chittered panicked, as if he was late to some event or forget something important, but you knew him well enough by now, as you sighed, pulling him against you, though he resisted a bit, but laid against you,
"Beel...Your brothers and Luke are fine. Mammon is safely gambling, Belphie and Satan are also committing anarchy safely too!" you said quelling a few thoughts before he piped up, letting out a buzz, before you stopped him,
"Yes, they ate. I just had lunch with them before I came here. Don't worry... Lucifer is with them… and the others will take care of Lucifer for you..."
you smiled, stroking his cheek gently with your nails of your right hand which was hold his face and the pinky finger of you left hand strokes his nose-bridge to silence him,
"And...I'll care for you..." you asurred and smiled, hugging Beel close.
"FUCK!" You annoyed kicked a blanket, looking around to find your shirt to get to RAD this morning, only in your bottoms and pants, you stood there, searching for your teal shirt, grumbling..
You huffed, walking out, just topless, only to see Lucifer also there, searching for his jacket, before he made eye contact and covered his eyes, "Why are you shirtless? This is inappropriate, ou know?" he said, making you scoff
"As if I don't know that! I can't find it!", "I can't find my coat either" he said, grumbling as he continued to look around his room, while you huffed, running around to the brothers to see everyone had a shirt, jacket, blanket or plushie or something missing..
"Ay, hand my Ruri-chan blanket and plushies back, STUPID MAMMON!" Levi yelled, tackling a shirtless Mammon who punched back,
"I don' have it, ya stupi' Otaku!" Mammon yelled back, as you groaned, walking upstairs, to the the twin's room to see if Beel or Belphie had it. You found Beel, and lifted Belphie's blanket iple to nt find making Beel panic,
"BELPHIE!" he said panicked, as you assured him that Belphie's probably fine and let him go to go to the attic to find Belphie, hoping he'd know something about this.
You found Belphie, alright...In a blanket fort with 5 of Levi's ruri-chan blanket, one of Lucifer's custom silk and fur blanket, Asmo's expensive shirts, and everyone's RAD shirts and jackets..
As you grumbled, shaking Belphie, who was sleeping under a patch of sunlight since it was one of those days where sunlight came out, it was increased by Belphie using a spell, s he lazily laid there.
"Belphie, get up!" you grumbled, gently shaking him as he woke up, his shirt riding to show his chest with fluff on it, all spotted with dark blue and white like his hair, and his tail was also spotted now; dark blue and white as well.
Belphie grumbled as he woke up, but smiled, not caring how mad you looked, as he held your hand bringing it to his lips to kis your knuckles as you tried not to smile at this spoiled brat, as he laid it on his head while you scratched his head,
"You're using RAD shirts, you know? We have classes to attend, Belphie" you told him as he rolled his eyes,
"so what?"
he said, smirking...the audacity of this brat...
All while he showed his round eyes like a little calf, while you scoffed. He must've really wanted you to smack him, as he rubbed his neck and wrapped his arms your RAD shirt, which laid crumpled beside his bed..As he huffed,
"Come onn, pat my head and tummy, you're so warm" he huffed in a voice high-pitched than, spoiled brat, as you gently rubbed his tummy, as he smiled.
You felt better he wasn't annoyed at everything that moved now, like he was a few days ago, having no sleep meant Belphie was so irritated, he almost hit Beel too gently, but he stopped and apologized wholeheartedly to beel..Only beel, not even you.
Belphie gently yawned, and held your wrist, pulling you with barely any energy but so much strength, you almost swung over, as you laid on top of him, huffing..You were LATE TO RAD and this is what he wants to do?! And not only that, you were burning..god he ran too warm during his periods...
He gently kissed your cheek, trailing them down to your collar bones, gently licking and biting, but not anything sexual..just because, and you could smell a rather unique smell as you groaned, you knew the brother would bitch on end about Belphie's smell on you now.
"What? Don't like it?"
he asked, smiling and eyes bright as Belphie gently tapped in rhythm on the back of your thighs and continued to kiss your cheeks or nose and neck, it might have been his mating moment,
but you couldn't care less, not right now atleast..Lucifer was gonna bake you and feed you two to Beel if he learnt this is what you two were doing..
You gently got off of him, making him grumble, as you huffed, trying to search for you and the brother's shirts, promising him, he can take your spare ones. But you seemed to have offended him, as he simply turned over and rolled his eyes..
You grumbled under your breath, working around until you heard small sniffles and turned to him, glaring at you, but teary and crying into his pillows as you sighed.
You gently put your arms under his arms and gently pulled him up and into your arms,
"Now..Why are you crying?"
you asked softly, as Belphie hiccuped, which almost made you awe if not for his tears.
"Tell me honestly, do you even love me?!" he demanded, pouting, "Yes!" you sighed, "but you rejected me?!" he said, bewildered and upset as you sighed, gently kissing him as he hummed back,
"I'm sorry okay? I love you, but I'd rather not be today's dinner if Lucifer finds us doing this.."
you whispered as he came to realization and nodded, kissing you a few more times, rubbing himself on you for good measures, so his brother REALLY smell him on you.
© orelicia. I do not give permission to modify, translate, copy or repost ANY of my works. Reblogs are very much beloved!
#orelicia's xeijun mail ✉#xeijun mail to.... ⌘ Satan ⌘#xeijun mail to.... ⌘ Asmodeus ⌘#xeijun mail to.... ⌘ Beelzebub ⌘#xeijun mail to.... ⌘ Belphegor ⌘#obey me satan#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me asmodeus#obey me mc#omswd#obey me fluff#obey me beelzebub#obey me swd#obey me x reader#obey me x mc#obey me x you#obey me belphegor#obey me satan x reader#obey me satan x mc#obey me satan x you#obey me asmodeus x reader#obey me asmodeus x mc#obey me beel x reader#obey me belphie#obey me asmo#obey me beelzebub x reader#obey me belphegor x reader#obey me belphegor x mc#obey me beelzebub x mc
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. 海上生明月,天涯共此时。
. 情人怨遥夜,竟夕起相思。

. 𝔸𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕒 || 𝐎𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚 || Indian|| Other blogs|| Obey Me! Shall we date?|| Request open!!|| . Rules||
. 灭烛怜光满,披衣觉露滋 不堪盈手赠,还寝梦佳期。
© orelicia. I do not give permission to modify, translate, copy or repost ANY of my works. Reblogs are very much beloved!
#orelicia's Xeijun mail ✉#obey me#obey me mc#obey me nightbringer#obey me shall we date#omswd#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me mephistopheles#obey me! shall we date?#obey me swd#obey me solomon#obey me simeon#obey me main character#obey me sheep mc#obey me belphegor#obey me diavolo#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphie#obey me beel x reader#obey me beel x mc#obey me x reader#obey me x mc#obey me x you#obey me x gender neutral reader#obey me x y/n#obey me scenarios#obey me one master to rule them all
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