#obey me hourglass
um-soybean · 1 year
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louisfruit · 1 year
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He is sooo jealous
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doodlboy · 1 year
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Did some figure studies 4 my current favorite fusions
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a-living-canvas · 6 months
Broken hourglass
TW : Dehumanisation
"You may call me sir or master." Whumper ordered as they were adjusting the collar on Whumpee's neck. Whumpee frowned, "What? Why should I?" Whumper finished putting the collar before they stood up straight again and sighed. 
They walked to the metal table, examining every single one of the tools. "I'm your owner now. You ought to listen to my words." Silent enveloping them for a moment. Whumper pulled the leash that connected with the collar.
"Come, pet." 
Whumpee fought against the rope, they backed away to the wall. Whumper blinked twice before they pulled it again, slightly harder. Whumpee still didn't budge from their spot. Whumper sighed, on the verge of losing their patience. They pulled the leash again more intensely. 
"Come on, now…!" 
Whumper tightened their grasp on the leash and pulled it with more force. Whumpee struggled yet again. "No! Let me go! You freak—!"
Whumper slapped them hard on the cheek, silencing them. They walked behind Whumpee before putting a blindfold over their eyes. "W-wait, what are you—"
"Shut up. Can you stop being obnoxious for a second?"
Whumper walked in a circle around Whumpee, silently judging them. They trailed their gaze up and down at their pathetic form.
Whumper ordered with a firm tone. Whumpee stood motionless on their spot, gritting their teeth in rage. They would have launched at Whumper if not for these pesky restraints. Whumper crossed their arms,
"I said kneel—"
"I won't kneel for you, you monster!"
Whumper walked and stopped in front of Whumpee. They poked their blindfolded eye with their finger lightly. "You won't?" Whumper took out a sharp knife from their pocket. 
"Then I'll make you."
"W-wait, what do you—" Whumpee flinched and yelled loudly as they felt a sharp pain on their front thighs. Their knees buckled and they slumped to the floor along with their soft whimpering. Whumper watched them kneeled in amusement and satisfaction as they were smirking down at them.
"Now, can you bark for me?" 
"...w-what..?" Whumpee asked breathlessly. They could feel blood under their palms as it was slipping out from their thighs. Whumper chuckled, they ruffled their hair in somewhat a mocking manner.
"I asked you to bark for me, Whumpee. You can do that right? You are a dog, after all." 
Whumper grabbed a fistful of Whumpee's hair before they brought their face to them. "Now, be loyal to your owner and bark."
"I…I don't want to…" 
"Oh yeah?"
Whumper hummed in thoughts. They let go of Whumpee's hair before they pinched their cheek. "Then, I have no choice but to put you in a muzzle. You know, so you won't be able to talk and maybe I won't give you any food—"
"W-wait, please…please don't do that!"
Whumper ignored Whumpee's pleading as they continued to talk.
"...if you behave, then…yeah, I might give you food. But who likes a bad dog like–"
Whumper smirked, "Hm? What was that?"
Whumpee swallowed their embarrassment and shame down their throat. "Woof…woof…" 
Whumper ruffled their hair affectionately. "Aww, look who's finally being a good dog for me! Always so good for me, hm?" Whumpee put their head down as they continued to be treated like an animal. Their fingers curled up tightly, their palms nearly bleeding from their sharp nails digging down on it.
Whumpee heard the sound of a plate colliding with the floor before it was placed in front of them. They tried to reach the food with their hand when Whumper said,
"Ah ah ah, don't use your hands. You gotta use your nose to find the food and your mouth to eat it."
Whumpee obeyed. They leaned their head down a little before they started sniffing for the food. They crawled for a short moment and when their nose was hovering above the food, they grimaced. It's a dog food. Specifically in a can. Whumpee knew Whumper bought the expensive one for them, because they used to buy the same brand to their beloved dog at home.
Whumper snickered, "Aw, come on. What are you waiting for? Don't you feel hungry?"
"...I can't eat this." 
Whumper rolled their eyes, "Oh, you can. You are just being a brat." 
Whumper walked to the door, leaving Whumpee alone. "I would give you human food if you behave and eat the dog food for now."
The basement door shut close before the sound of it being locked could be heard. Whumpee stuck in that kneeling position for minutes. They refused to eat the kibbles no matter what. However, after half an hour passed, their arms started giving out. Their stomach rumbled loudly. They leaned their head down again, parted their lips before sticking their tongue out to eat.
They ate in silence as tears were dripping down onto the food.
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shotmrmiller · 8 months
I am just going to give a little bit different of a idea for the "reader reminding them of Soap" thing. What if Reader actually had a past with like gangsters and she made friends with them when she was younger because her older brother ran a gang. She had a secret child when she was 18 or 19, maybe 17, that she left with her friends when she joined the military? After she snapped, she decided to go back home to her kid (girl or boy doesn't matter) and a little bit after she left, 141 needed to go and get her for help on a mission? (Just a thought ignore if you want)
are we thinking like when price comes sniffing her out, the crews there?
or just her and the child?
anyway, one thing's for certain is that john is bewildered when a young boy opens the door after he knocks.
is this the right address?
john is about to tell him something when he hears your familiar voice chide the child from the kitchen.
"how many times have i told you to wait for me to open the door! jesus, you're gonna get snatched up one—" and spot john as soon as step foot into the living room.
"bedroom. now."
the child obeys instantly, without a word.
you keep your fiery gaze on price and don't move from where you stand until the telltale sound of your child's door clicking shut.
you can feel old wounds re-open, blood slowly trickling out like sand in an hourglass.
"is that your son?" he tentatively asks.
you ignore his question. "there is nothing for you here. leave."
you move with the intent of slamming the door in his face, but price is faster— pre-emptively putting his boot on the door frame.
"please. can i come in?"
his simpering tone grates your nerves.
"speak your piece out here. if it's an apology of some sort, don't bother. seek forgiveness with your god because you won't be getting it from me."
john's countenance changes, and suddenly, you stand before Captain Price.
"we need you for a mission."
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ales-art · 6 months
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- Do you trust him? - As I trust myself, - thin wood shavings fly to the fire from under someone else's fingers, Marco inhales a hot pine scent. - Do you know how a person becomes a Pope? The witch shakes his head silently. Of course he doesn't know. - According to tradition, first a priest must get to the rank of cardinal, which is not easy in itself. Then the cardinals must approve him as the successor of St. Peter. - That means, to raise one of their number? - Yes, that's right. - Sounds like a good loophole for bribery ... - Don't you believe in the church that much? - Marco chuckles, confusing his interlocutor a lot, and continues. - Unfortunately, you're right. The title of Pope gives him unlimited power in the Catholic world. Many people strive for such a life, almost everyone has thought about it in one way or another, from bishops to ordinary monks. And Leo received this power even without being a priest at the time of his election. The witch throws himself up in indignation and opens his mouth to ask a question. But Marco was faster, he is shaking his head negatively. Not now. - A conclave was organised. The cardinals chose him. But what happened next, none of us could have predicted. Because now the new Pope has begun to elect cardinals. They either remained silent, thoughtful, or left broken, full of anger. Many of them could not even look at the vaults of the cathedrals. I was one of the last Leo got to. Maybe he left all of the young ones for last. The knife in the others' hands freezes, the pine block ceases to take the shape of the future figurine. Marco bites his lip from the inside a little, gathering himself. He haven’t had to tell anyone about this yet. - He called me to his place and told everyone to leave. He ordered to take off my outer clothing. To make sure of my purity before the Church. I began to suspect something wrong, but decided to see what kind of person he really was. And I obeyed without asking any questions. Then I had to put on a dog collar. So that he can be convinced of my loyalty to the Papacy. To be honest, then I panicked. I began to sort out in my mind the options how to survive after refusal, how quickly I would lose everything, falling out of favor with the Holy See. The conclusions were disappointing, and I didn't have enough time. Leo has a disgusting habit of setting an hourglass. I obeyed again. Then he came up very close and ordered...
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Replaced or not?
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Part-1 Part-2
Based on my mc!!
⚠️ Note ⚠️:
Not a replaced au!Obey me au!
Also belphie wasn't locked in the attic!!
We don't have pacts with brothers this all is new!!
Summary: Here not only you but one more candidate was called as two human was required to compare and diavolo didn't considered Solomon as a human.
Her . The girl you hate ,the fucking I'm cute , pretty n good at everything , from your school "run-hai".
Pairing: obey me characters x Mc!
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"Run hai let's go play this game!!"
"run hai would u like to try this nail paint i got from mojolish!!"
"Run hai why don't u came and sleep with me instead or go to hells kitchen"
Run hai this Run hai that, Run hai , Run hai Run hai
' They're all so fucking entranced by her , just because of her looks AUGH I Fucking Hate this' you thought .
Run hai was another candidate that was bought to devildom to survive . Everyone thought of her as a cute rabbit trying to survive. But you knew her true colors. She was from the same school as you after all. She was the girl who'd put even her bff at the alter just to get boys after her . She'd act all shy and tiny but you know her better.
Run hai was not a rabbit but a bug that'll go into your brain and eat it inside out .
Run hai was pretty no doubt . With a baby face , long brown wavy hair, light brown pretty eyes pink cheeks , pretty pink lips and more than average boobs and ass. Some may call her an angel.
Whereas you , you were not so eye catching, sure you were pretty too some may even call you gorgeous but only if they look hard and clear.
Short black hair almost about above your ears, black eyes, pale color, and thin but pink lips. You were skinny, so much that one would think that your malnutritious , but you do have a hourglass shape though. And in contrast to Run hai's small and petite curvy body , your's were tall and less curvy giving you a rather mature look.
([A/N]: i have described in detailed because it's my mc )
You sighed thinking that how these bunch of demons are so easily getting tricked by a mere human .
They didn't ignored you , no ( that only made it hard for you to leave them on their own) they treated you okay but they do prefer her over you.
The only person who supported you more and absolutely tried their best stay away from her was Diavolo , Barbatos 'barbatos said it was a time thingy thing'
Simeon, luke as they're angels so know when they see an evil soul, and Solomon he said "it takes one to know one". Well according to Solomon she's super shady to which you agreed .
Satan also have his assumptions about her as to he can sense emotions very clear and he had seen Simeon flinched whenever she's near. What can a human do to make an angel flinch??
You were getting tired of their lovey dovey time so you slammed your book shut as loudly as you can and went upstairs.
"What's up with her ?" Asmo said .
"Maybe she's tired of you all neglecting her" satan said angry at everyone , you were the only one who saw him for him . He knew that run hai was a bad person whe she said "you're just like Lucifer so nice~"
"We're not neglecting her we all talk to her on daily basis" Levi said irritated.
"Yeah only when you have to wait in a line so you just ask her to be their , and Lucifer just talks to her about her grades , asmo only acknowledges her when he want her to model for his dresses , mammon continuosly ask for Grimm , beel just asks her for food, and belphie, let's not forget you hate humans , you think she's a pest!!!"
Satan bursted out and all the brothers started feeling bad and guilty....Run hai saw this and tried to get their attention back "uhh or maybe she's just overreacting , she'll be alright!!" she said but no one listen . She Failed in trying to get their attention but do succeed in making Lucifer suspicious of her .
'Something's wrong with her' (yeah GOOD MORNING Lucifer).
Satan reached your room and knocked
"you know you're allowed with knocking"
"how'd you know?"
"you always knock 4 times and in a rhythm"
"yeah cause you basically forced me to watch those detective movies with you"
He sat behind you watching your frown adorned face. "Don't worry about them they are idiots" you replied with a "i know....but still we can't just leave them to be a prey" " they're demons MC they won't be hurt ......at least not that bad" "hey!" . You then started to reason with him " You know she's not a good person" "i do....but stop worrying 'bout those who take you for granted "
"hmm....maybe you're right, I've my pride too yk!!"
"ehh don't say pride please..."
"ok huehuehue"
"what kind of laugh is that" satan laughed at your funny laughing style.
"it's called cat laugh!!"
You both laughed a full bloom laugh , like kids in a playground. While Mammon was standing outside your door....,who heard all that......
To be continued.....
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[A/N]: This is based on my dream i dreamt that i was summoned to obey me's world but the pick me bitch of my school was also there so i created it !! Hope you liked it!!
Also Run hai is pronounced as "Roon haaye"
Thanks for reading!!
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ewesless · 4 months
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I see what you did there 😒 At least provide us with consistently high quality content because...
(Husbando Dakimakura Things Slander Warning/Luke Discourse is not involved)
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Barbatos is lying on his death bed like a sickly Victorian waif. I know he demanded for Solomon to go home and change, but Solololololmon is a cute lil shit who doesn't listen. 😂
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Solomon: They have an extra stripe in the pattern calm down 😅
Nighbringer!Barbatos: *Kill Bill Sirens*
Why are his shirt buttons all gaping open like that? He does not have a voluptuous hourglass figure with tig ol biddies, thighs trussed like a turkey and a phattie fighting for their freedom harder than Eren Yeager...
If they are trying to convince people that they do secksy husbando stuff they ought to look at the sfw side of waifu/husbando pillows that are clearly drawn one handed.
There are a ton of poses! Even for multiple characters from the same series by one artist who has had all of his soul bled dry by overwork, corporate greed and waifu of the week demand there is still, generally, strong variation. Being SFW doesn't change the actual number of pose options.
Note: Even though waifu pillows push the boundary of SFW to mean: her nipples and coochie are vacuum sealed for freshness, but there is a centimeter of fabric covering it so your boss will be hunky dory with 2B lying on your desk, double cheeked up on a TUESDAY, basking in her full glory under the halogen lights like a cat in the sun. 👍
I give not a single solitary care about husbando or waifu pillows, but I do care about BARBATOS and his BARBIETOES.
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synnamonroll666 · 1 year
The Precious Touch Of My Master
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Prompt 17: Blood Play
Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader
Description: It's crazy to think that there are many versions of yourself out there from different timelines—some may be good and some may be bad. When the wrong Syzoth gets his hands on the hourglass and sees the hell he goes through in each timeline, he takes a turn towards evil. Now a Titan, Syzoth has his whole world in his palm. But being so busy with shaping history makes it difficult to find one thing he desires the most: a perfect little thing to breed with. When he finds you, he is quick to make you his little pet. You are his to do whatever he pleases with. But most importantly, his to breed...
Warnings: Oral (Male Receiving), Hair Pulling, Dom Evil Titan!Syzoth, Sub!Reader, Masturbation, Blood Play, Knife Play, Pet Play, Degradation, Punishments...
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: I'm sorry I've been running behind on the prompts, guys! I've been very busy lately and I haven't been able to take the time to make sure each fic is exactly how I want them to be before posting them. But I'm still going to post them all and try my best to keep up! I hope you enjoy the fic! I'm very proud of this one. 🤭💚 (If you guys want more evil Titan Syzoth, I'd be happy to write some more fics or headcanons sometime! 👀)
Main MasterList: 🖤
Kinktober MasterList: 🖤
Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @queenkhepri, @bihansthot, and @mmeerraa.
I ran as quickly as ever down the hall, my heart beating wildly and my heels clicking faster than the seconds on a clock on the stone floor as I raced to my destination. It wasn't my intention to be late, but I just got caught up in other things. I knew for sure my master wouldn't be happy, and when I finally busted through the throne room's doors, I saw that I was in fact right.
There, my master sat on his throne, his green eyes piercing my soul as my chest heaved up and down quickly while I attempted to catch my breath. 
"My pet," my master greeted me with a cruel tone. His voice was like that of gravel—sharp and rough at the same time. "Come forth."
He lifted his hand in the air, pointing a finger in my direction and then curling it towards himself to beckon me forward. I knew better than to disobey my master's orders, and I was already in enough hot water at the moment, so I slowly stepped forward until I was just a few feet in front of him.
He just sat upon his wicked throne, staring up at me with a scowl etched into his features. He tapped his fingers on the armrest as he pondered something, and I just knew he was conjuring up punishments within his mind. Then he rose to his feet, towering over me as he stood to his full height.
"Pet, you know to obey all of my rules, and still, you break them." He scolded me in a firm yet disappointed tone.
"But sir, it was just a simple mista—"
"Silence!" His loud roar interrupted my excuses, instantly making each word catch in my throat until I swallowed them down. "You were supposed to be here by midnight—breeding hour—and you are two hours late! There is no excuse for such irresponsible behavior!"
"Sir, I'm—" I tried to apologize, but he simply raised a hand to silence me again.
"On your knees!" He growled dangerously, his eyes now burning daggers into my soul as he stared me down with disgust.
I quickly obeyed, and as I did just as he had ordered, his lips formed a wicked grin. As soon as I was lowered to the ground, I began loyally licking the cool leather covering his erect member, staring up at him with awe as I did so.
"Good girl." He cooed sweetly as he reached down to gently stroke my hair. "Such a good little slave for your master."
I watched patiently as he undid his pants and freed his already throbbing erection, smiling amusingly as it twitched in the air with need. I took it in my hand, pumping slowly a couple of times to feel the smooth, warm flesh glide easily through my fist.
Then, to my biggest surprise, I felt something sharp nip at the soft flesh underneath my jaw. My eyes shot open to see Syzoth holding a blade to my throat as his lips cracked open into a devilish grin.
"Take it into your mouth!" He demanded in a dangerous tone to show me that he meant business. "Now!"
My heart was beating from the extreme amount of adrenaline as the edge of the blade dug deeper into my flesh, and something told me that the sudden warm contrast with the cool steel meant that it had drawn blood. 
I gently licked the tip before taking it between my lips and sucking hard, earning a strained groan from my master. I didn’t wait long to shove as many inches past my lips until my gag reflex wouldn’t allow me to take anymore. Then I began to bob my head over his shaft while my hand pumped at the same pace on the part that couldn’t fit into my mouth. I smiled up at my master as his hand sunk into my hair, forming a fist instantly to keep me locked in place.
I pulled out all of the tricks: wiggling my tongue on the underside against the thick dorsal vein, swallowing every time it entered my throat, nibbling the tip gently whenever I’d pull it out before shoving it back in faster, even cupping his sack in my hand and massaging it gently. 
Five minutes in, and he was already a trembling mess before me. I let my hand slip into my pants to get completely consumed by the heat between my thighs as I began to rub quick circles over my mound. I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling into the back of my head as I felt my climax quickly approaching like a soaring meteor.
But just when I felt as if I were on the very edge, the blade against my throat dug deeper into my skin, while the fist in my hair clenched harder to pull my roots painfully. My eyes flew open as salty tears threatened to escape them, and I saw him staring down at me with pure rage.
"Did I say you could have pleasure?" He snarled angrily, his words stinging like venom. "Remove your hand and focus, you little slut!"
I whined on his cock as I removed my hand from my panties. The last thing I wanted was more of my master's cruel punishments. I knew my ass would be red for a month if I disobeyed him again.
The corners of his lips twisted upward into an evil and sadistic smile as he began bucking his hips into my face. Then his fist tightened even more in my now-strained roots, pulling hard to tear a cry from my throat.
“That’s it, slut! Scream on me! Make my body tremble with your voice!” He demanded, his voice sounding more and more animalistic as time went on. "Just be grateful I didn't decide to use my natural form on you like this! But don't worry, I'll be sure to use it on your ass later on!"
The threat ignited that fire within and I keened as I imagined his long, thick, scaley reptilian cock slamming into my walls over and over while stretching me beyond what I could take; that alone made me want to explode from all my built-up arousal.
As his pre-cum spilled down my throat, I couldn't help but swallow, the walls of my throat squeezing around him and milking him of all he had to offer. With each moan my voice could muster as I enjoyed his delicious taste, the more his cock pulsated against my tongue; it told me that he was so damn close to releasing his seed within me.
Just seconds away from his climax, my master began slamming his hips into my face faster, forcing each thick inch deeper and deeper within me. And then he released a feral roar as he spilled thick, milky ropes down my throat. I swallowed each drop, desperately moaning for more as I sucked him dry like his cum was the first drink I had gotten in months.
Though he was too high from his orgasm to keep control, my master pushed the blade deeper into my neck, earning a cry from me as it tore deeper through my skin. Finally coming to, master gazed down at me and his lips twitched up into a dopey smile. Instead of panicking when seeing me in this dangerous situation, he was rather calm as he slowly removed the blade from my throat.
Then he bent down and let his long, forked tongue snake past his lips to slurp up the blood that had been spilled from my veins. The cool, wet sensation of his tongue helped graciously to soothe the pain of the fresh wound, and I was so grateful that my master was kind enough to take the time to tend to it.
I smiled up at him lovingly as his seed dripped down my chin, down my neck, and onto the swell of my breasts. He smirked and placed his hand beneath my chin, looking down at me with pride as he admired the work of art he had created, which was the mess of me.
After pulling a cloth from his pocket, he gently cleaned me of his juices and then returned to giving me the attention I needed. I was quick to lean into his soft touch as he caressed my hair, murmuring sweet nothings in my ear and telling me how good I was for taking his punishment so well.
"Good girl," he cooed softly, his hand moving down to stroke my cheek lovingly. My eyes fluttered shut as I released a pleased sigh, enjoying his now-gentle touches. I was so grateful for having such a perfect master; I couldn't have been happier. "You may take a break. Come—sit on master's lap while he sits on his throne."
My master helped me get up and walk back to his throne. He sat down first, then pulled me down to sit upon his lap, a complete naked mess from what he had done to me—like I was his prized trophy.
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louisfruit · 1 year
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He is SO jealous
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months
I don't mean to drag on with more ways that twst takes the cake over obey me, but they REALLY take the cake. Main flaws for twst gameplay I've seen is having to do rhythms 5 times every week for gems when you've already done all the difficulty levels for the rhythms and that the lessons take too much time. If this was an obey me issue I doubt either would ever be resolved TBH, but twst adding "quality of life" improvements every year to the app on the anniversary is a really good move. In this update for the jp app they changed 5 rhythms a week to 10 guest room battles, while adding a feature that lets you do 5 guest room battles at once when the gauge is filled so it takes like 2 minutes to finish the weekly gem requirement if you sacrifice a battle refill item AND they made it so you can skip MORE lessons than just 10 a day, albeit with an item you'd have to buy w/ gems, but the item isn't that expensive. In hindsight this ask was actually just about me crying tears of relief bc I hated playing the game weekly with these things, I forgot that this was a comparison to obey me actually
english servers are still a little behind but honestly, quality of life is such an important part of dating sims that so many games just,,, don't consider at all T-T the loop function for the daily lessons + the auto setting for battles is literally a lifesaver when you're in grinding hell and don't have multiple hours to spend on unlocking pretty pictures of anime twinks. i know it sounds weird to be like 'i love that i don't have to play the game i love playing', but dating sims are so grinding-focused that just being able to have it going in the background and chime in for the occasional fun voiceline is just,,, so incredibly nice. i'm pretty sure mystic messenger (my personal gold standard for dating sims) also let your skip chats with occasional dialogue options + was entirely completable by just gathering hearts and hourglasses as you played the routes. it's just really fun to play a game that doesn't hate you. or that had like,,, .5 seconds of thought put into its features, at least.
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shift-shaping · 3 months
Lessons in barrier magic
Another ficlet from early in Solas and Enaste's relationship. You would think he'd be better at not getting distracted.
rating: general
pairing: solavellan
warnings: minor injury + blood (lol)
previous fic here
He paced around her slowly, the end of his staff a hairs-breadth from the forest floor. Warm, shaky breaths left her parted lips, crystalizing on the cold mountain air. The long, loose ends of her blindfold stirred in the wind.
"Again?" He asked.
She nodded. "I'm ready."
The clearing crackled with magic. He cast barriers on inert targets, rocks and tree stumps, things that would not pull on the Veil otherwise. Her task was to find these anomalies and target them, relying primarily on her own connection to the Fade. The scars of her initial efforts marred the beleaguered pines around them. Stay calm, he'd instructed her, take your time. In battle, of course, there would be no such luxury. Without taking the time to hone her patience now, however, she would only continue putting them in danger. She needed to re-learn her instincts, re-orient herself within the new reality of her magic. Then they could take greater risks.
He kept his distance, noting her movements from several feet away. She learned fast, perhaps faster than she herself expected. This was only their second session, and she was striking nearly as fast as he could replace the barriers. She moved easily and gracefully, footsteps following the turns of her upper body like a dance. Perhaps her training as a hunter was responsible for such grace. Perhaps it was also responsible for her muscular build, the tone on her upper back and arms. Her physique was balanced, an hourglass atop long legs, accentuated by the tight fit of her trousers--
"Solas?" She had stopped moving. She raised the blindfold from her eyes, and he met her gaze evenly. "Why did you stop?"
She stepped closer to him, and he instinctively backed away. "This is too easy for you," he observed, watching her carefully.
"I--" She pushed the blindfold up on to her head, simultaneously pulling loose strands of black hair from her face. "I could do more, yes."
"Let us try something else, then. Remove the blindfold, and return to where you were." She obeyed, and he took a different position at the other end of the clearing. "Stay focused. When I signal, draw your barrier."
Tension fell from her shoulders as she exhaled slowly. "Cassandra will be upset if you hurt me, you know," she was joking, but nerves tightened her voice.
"Then protect yourself, lethallan." He readied his spell, and felt the Veil shudder as she called her barrier. "Cassandra cannot be everywhere at once." Of course he would not actually harm her, even if her barrier broke-- at most she would feel a sharp chill, but she needed to believe it could hurt. "Keep your barrier up, and do not let it falter."
He loosed a shard of ice directly towards her. She tensed, but held. It shattered against her barrier, and he continued the assault.
"Should I return fire?" She asked.
He tilted his head, considering this. "Perhaps I could use the practice as well. Go ahead, so long as you maintain your focus." They traded blows, and soon, easy banter. Comments here and there, the occasional taunt. Her quick-thinking, in words and combat, surprised him. Some said the Herald was humorless, but he could not disagree more.
Letting himself relax was a mistake. One of her blows glanced off his barrier awkwardly and shot into the trees. It struck a tangle of loose branches above him. Their support broke, and they fell. He turned quickly to stop them, but in his haste, let his barrier shatter instead of fade, releasing a burst of magic that sent everything loose in the clearing flying --including Lavellan.
"Enaste!" He tossed the branches aside and ran to her. The force blew her backward, and she lay on her side in a heap. Fear coursed through him as he carefully turned her body in the snow.
She groaned. "Oww..."
"Are you hurt?"
"Uhh..." She looked at him miserably, then shifted to sit up, wincing when she put weight on her left arm. Blood stained the snow beneath her. He turned to get bandages from his pack. "It -it looks worse than it is. I think it's just scraped." She moved her arm carefully, then nodded. He watched this, but extracted the bandages anyway. "I'm sorry, I was not paying attention."
"No, this was my error." He shifted to kneel beside her and carefully examined the wound. Her sleeve had taken the brunt of the strike. The rest was a shallow, though bloody, series of slashes down her arm. It would bruise, but it was not broken. "I can fix this, however."
"You don't have to amputate?" She asked dryly.
"No." Cooling magic spread from his hands over her arm, stitching the skin back together. Her breath hitched, and he swallowed hard at the sound. Her gaze on his work, his nearness to her skin, rattled him more than it should have.
"You have nice hands," she said suddenly. He paused and looked up at her, disbelieving. She smirked. "Most mages have nice hands."
Recovering quickly, he redoubled his efforts and finished healing her arm. "Is that so?"
She nodded and held up her hand. "Mine even glows."
He exhaled through his nose and shook his head. "That it does." He drew back from her, standing, and offered to help her up. She took his arm, and grunted softly as she found her footing again. "I sincerely apologize, it will not happen again."
She brushed off her clothes, then leaned backward to stretch her spine. "I am sure I'll get scraped up again, in one way or another."
"Ideally it will not be my doing."
"No," she agreed, then shrugged. "But it is hard not to get a bit banged up when training. And... In all fairness, I have already learned a great deal."
"I am glad for that." He looked at her torn sleeve, then gestured back towards Haven. "We should pause for the time being, though. If only to make certain that was the extent of your injury."
"Very well. But... I believe I passed this particular test."
"I was unaware you were being tested, but fair enough." He paused, watching her. "You did well."
A warm smile lit her face, and he was briefly paralyzed. She began walking towards Haven, limping but light on her feet. "Thank you. A bit of praise is all I ask."
Whatever that reaction was, he forced it away. "You are not praised enough as the 'Herald of Andraste'?" His throat felt tight.
She shot him a grimace over her shoulder. "Don't remind me." She shook her head, and her hair bounced from side to side. "But no. Not in a way that matters."
Once again, she left him at a loss for words. He followed her back to Haven, feeling even more alien than usual. The Anchor had changed her, and it must be reacting oddly to his own magic. That was why he'd let his barrier shatter. The only other explanation for his mistake, that being alone with her would lead to something extraordinarily ill-advised, was not one he wanted to confront. He was here to help, and that would have to be enough.
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fandomzwriterk · 4 months
Smoke and Mirrors
Pairings: Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x OC
Warnings: slight gore + Amnesiac!OC + religious trauma (?) + characters dying + hinted innuendos later on + Kuai & Bi Han trying to be good brothers + Liu Kang as a dad figure (?) + Tomas just being his sweet lovable self
PT: 2/?
A/N: Hope you’re all enjoying it!
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Where there's smoke...
There's fire
Poor Liu Kang, what a predicament he was in. Kuai Liang and Bi Han were at each others throats. But then again, when were they ever not?
"This is pointless arguing with one another. It's not up to you three. It's up to Liu Kang." Geras groaned
"He's right. But, if I had to pick, I'd say yes." Tomas added half annoyed
Tomas wasn't just the youngest of the three Lin Kuei brothers, but also the only adopted one. He understood what it was like to not know who you were, where you're from.
"Give us one second Gentlemen." Geras spoke as he guided Liu Kang away so none of the brothers could hear
"Geras? You have something to add?"
"I must ask you once more My Lord. Did you make her?"
"No. I did not. I don't even know what she is."
"Could she have existed in another time line?"
"Impossible. Raiden would have told me about her before he gave me his powers."
"She could have been in a timeline we don't know about."
"If that was the case, how is it I haven't seen her in the past at all? Not a single appearance from her. It's like she came out of thin air."
Liu Kang was puzzled. How is it something can exist without him knowing? After all didn't he make this timeline? Did Raiden hide something from him before he died?
"If she did, Raiden would have told me."
Liu Kang was lying through his teeth. He knew Raiden kept information to himself. That's how Smoke, Jade, and Kitana died in their previous timelines. It was Raiden's fault after all, leaving to consult the Elder Gods while his "friends" were fighting for their lives.
"Maybe I should figure this out on my own. I don't want to bring back anything from back then and hurt anyone here."
Geras only nodded as he and Liu Kang walked further away, walking to where the Hourglass was. Meanwhile, Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Bi Han were having their own "adventure."
"We must train, lest we slip up and die out there."
Bi Han was sure in his ways. As Grandmaster, it was his job to keep both Smoke and Scorpion in line and obey his orders, whatever they may be.
"Bi Han, Lord Liu Kang gave us a duty. We're to go to Outworld and search around." Scorpion pointed out
"Kuai is right. But... one of us needs to stay here to protect Lord Liu Kang while Geras watches the Hourglass and study's the new stranger here." Tomas added
Tomas was the middle ground between his brothers. Bi Han carried himself higher than everyone else while Kuai Liang focused on obeying commands but also doing what's right. Bi Han had a huge ego and would not let anyone forget it. Kuai Liang had an ego, but his was in a different way. He was smart and always loyal to Bi Han, always staying by his side through any mission. Tomas was just the one who they let watch the door. Granted, he did a lot too, but he didn't feel on the same level as his brothers. He couldn't start a fire like Kuai. He couldn't freeze enemies with the palm of his hands like Bi Han. Tomas was just... Tomas.
"And that's gonna be you brother." Bi Han scowled looking at Tomas with eyes glaring while he talked to Kuai
"Fine. Have fun on your journey brothers." He spoke half heartedly
Kuai and Bi Han went to find Liu Kang, so he could send them on their next mission. Tomas just sighed, realized he was on “babysitting” duty for today.
“It’s boring when you’re by yourself and you have to train alone.”
While Tomas just spoke to himself, both Liu Kang and Geras spoke about the next phase, what to do with Shang Tsung in this timeline. However, they didn’t pay attention to what they left behind on their way out.
“We should walk and discuss this. Let’s not let anyone overhear what we talk about… I don’t want them to realize what I’ve done.”
As Liu Kang made his way out, leading Geras away from the very person he was supposed to be watching, the person sat up slowly, looking around the room as if they had no idea where they were. It was hard to sit up, their head heavy with some sort of weight.
“Where am I? Where-“
Even if her eyes were covered, she could still see the world. It was bright, pretty pink flowers falling from trees while small grey and black stones rolled around under her feet. Her bare feet felt each and every one as she walked, her white torn and “bloody” clothes ripping as she walked.
“When did…”
Her head just shook left and right. She didn’t have time for any setbacks.
“Just tear this and-“
She ripped the fabric with a swift pull, ripping almost all the fabric except for an almost perfect cape behind and the hood over half of her head.
Meanwhile, Tomas was having a “fun” time walking around the Shirai Ryu, waiting for Kuai Liang and Bi Han to come back. He came to a stop when he saw a white piece of cloth gently pass by his ankle. Where in the-
“Oh fuck!”
And the poor boy SPRINTED. He almost didn’t see where he was going until his feet stopped themselves. There, kneeling on the ground, putting a hand on one of the many flowers growing around, was the girl from earlier.
“Hey! Just what do you think you’re doing?”
The girls head perked up, her face half covered in an X of gold and silver fabrics over her face. Only her nose and chin were visible.
“Who are you? Where am I?”
“Now calm down and I can explain.”
She took only a split second before summoning a golden spear in her hand, standing up straight as Tomas took a quick jump back.
“Did you take me here? What’s your business with me?”
“I swear on my honor we did not do anything to you. We-“
“We? Theres more of you? What are you?”
“Yeah it’s me and my brothers and our master Lord Liu Kang, plus a friend of his.”
The girl opened her hand, the spear dissolved into dust right before him. Her other arm was dripping with the golden liquid, much thicker amounts dripping onto the ground.
“Here let me help you. I promise I’m not a threat. You can trust me.”
Tomas was screwed in case she decided to cut his face. No mask, no blade to defend himself. No other word came from the girls mouth, fainting straight away as Tomas ran to catch her before she hit the ground.
“Hey! Are you okay? Hey! Wake up!”
Tomas gave a quick slap on her cheek to wake her up. Nothing. It wasn’t even that hard of a slap either. Tomas just picked her up and ran to another building, where all of the Shirai Ryu members slept in and lived in.
“Gotta find a quick empty one to fix that wound. I don’t know how much longer you’ve got.”
A quick puff of smoke later and Tomas was in an empty room, in between his and Kuai Liang’s.
“Good. This’ll do until Lord Liu Kang comes back.”
He quickly pulled out a futon from under a table, placing it on the ground before setting the girl on top of it.
“What do I grab? If Kuai was here- wait… no I can do this. I need some cloth and bandages.”
Tomas ran to his own room, findings both things from the previous week… when Bi Han cut into his side with some ice. Of course, Kuai wasn’t happy but at least Tomas wasn’t dead. It only took half a second before he was back, pressing one cloth onto her shoulder while he wrapped it close so blood wouldn’t spill.
“Come on, come on don’t rip it now. I’ve just gotta-“
And it was done. Both her arm and her side were wrapped, while Tomas cleaned the other smaller wounds with water and more cloth.
“There. You should be okay now.”
She didn’t wake up. No sigh of relief, nothing.
“Oh crap come on don’t die on me.”
Tomas put his head next her chest, letting his ear hear for a heartbeat. It was faint, but it was there.
“Oh thank the Elder Gods.”
Tomas relaxed, instantly falling onto his back and sighing with relief. His first attempt at saving someone else went well.
Tomas barely got to close his eyes for a second before he saw someone standing in the doorway.
“Oh! Lord Liu Kang she woke up and-“
“I know Tomas. I saw what happened. You were wise to get her help before it became worse.” Liu Kang spoke as he walked in and stood over her body laying on the floor. “She’s still asleep I see then.”
“She fainted before I could get anything. I’m sorry Lord Liu Kang.”
“Sorry? There’s nothing to be sorry about. I admire your kind heart Tomas. You should be proud of yourself.”
“Admire me? My Lord I didn’t do much I just gave her a room to heal in.”
“And that is why I’m admiring you. You acted without hesitance, helping her even though you don’t know her. I doubt Kuai or Bi Han would do the same as you, but I can only hope. Now, make sure she’s comfortable when she wakes up.”
“Lord Liu Kang are you-“
“Yes Tomas, I am. Now she’s to train under you and your brothers until we all deem she’s ready for field work.”
As Liu Kang headed out the door, making a quick glance behind him to see the girl once more, then closed the Shoji door behind him. Even if Liu Kang couldn’t see it, Tomas was smiling the widest he’s ever smiled in his life. He took a few steps away to check a few drawers and prepare the things around the room for her to “move in”.
“Mmm? Where-“
The girl sat up, wincing as me her shoulder moved so she could see her arm. She was confused, how did she end up here?
“Oh hey! You’re awake. How are you feeling?” Tomas asked as he walked over and sat down in front of her. “Feeling alright? You fainted and-“
“Who are you? Where am I? What… what is this place?”
“Calm down. This place is called the Shirai Ryu and it’s our home of sorts. As for who I am, my name is-“
He paused for a quick second before rethinking what he was going to say.
“My name is Smoke. I’m one of the few folks that live here.”
She only blinked, shaking her head as “yes” before whispering his name back to him. She didn’t say anything else, waiting for Tomas to keep talking.
“What’s your name? What are you called?”
She tilted her head to the side like a confused puppy.
“What’s a name?”
To be continued…
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takitafulily · 11 months
·*"A word on this page is a person who's out there, and by some miracle, we've crossed paths..."*·
WOOOOOOOOOOO! FIRST FOLLOWERS MILESTONE! Thank you everyone for supporting me and getting me to 100 followers! As thank (and to my own excitement) I finally get to do a followers' event!
You can request for anything in the list below, anything in my request box and I'll write it within 100 words! The word count will of course go higher the more milestones we hit (sweats...), but for now I can handle a couple hundred words!
Since it's Halloween season and I've barely wrote anything for it, I especially welcome Halloween requests! If I need to, I will close the ask box if there's too many requests but for now, go crazy!
Misadventures of the MCs! (Probably my most well-known series)
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What in Hell is Bad! (I have a few drafts of fics of this fandom cooking but I'm excited to write more!)
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Obey Me! Both OG and Nightbringer! (Note: my knowledge of nightbringer is limited since I haven't read much of the story but I'll give it a shot!)
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Twisted Wonderland! (My long 2 year hyperfixation lol... with the Halloween events going on right now, go nuts!)
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Mystic Messenger! (Got back into the game after 2 years, still love the characters, the only thing keeping me and Saeran apart is the fucking hourglasses [or lack of])
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LoveToDo! (*sigh* my precious child that no one's heard of, I only wish to do you justice so the world will learn how wonderful you are...)
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Thank you and have fun! ~*·*·*~
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jeweledflowers · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞.
𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳;
Who Made Me A Princess/Suddenly Became A Princess One Day
This Villainess Wants A Divorce! / Survive As The Hero's Wife
The Way To Protect The Female Lead's Older Brother / How To Protect The Heroine's Older Brother / The Way To Protect The Protagonist's Older Brother / Roxana
The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess / Villains Are Destined To Die / The Villainess Must Die
The Villainess Is A Marionette
Your Throne / I Want To Be You, Just For A Day / The Fallen Duchess
How To Get My Husband On My Side
My Husband Hides His Beauty / My Secretly Hot Husband
I Became The Male Lead's Adopted Daughter
I Became The Male Lead's Wife
Actually, I Was The Real One
I Became The Hero's Rival
Today The Villainess Has Fun Again
The Black Haired Princess / The Royal Princess With Black Hair
Resetting Lady
Remarried Empress
A Way To Protect The Lovable You
Revolutionary Princess Eve
Beware The Villainess
An Unseemly Lady
A Stepmother's Marchen / Fantasies Of A Stepmother
I Became The Wife Of A Monstrous Crown Prince
Becoming The Villain's Family
How To Hide The Emperor's Child
Seduce The Villain's Father / Flirting With The Villain's Dad
When The Villainess Loves
The Beast Tamed By The Evil Woman
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Depths Of Malice
Sister, I Am The Queen In This Life
Two First Class Stars
When The Villainess Loves
I Tamed A Tyrant and Ran Away
Yakusoku No Neverland / The Promised Neverland
Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Kimetsu No Yaiba / Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Revengers
Your Lie In April
Violet Evergarden
Spy X Family
Weathering With You
Your Name
Black Butler
Genshin Impact
Obey Me!: Shall We Date?
Ikemen Prince
Red White Cinderella (series)
Tears of Themis
Keeper of Mine
Harry Potter series, J. K Rowling
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Rick Riordan
The Cage series, Megan Shepherd
The Edge of Everything series, Jeff Giles
Trials Of Apollo, Rick Riordan
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ewesless · 8 months
Barbatos Costumes: The Good, The Bat
Okay! The Good, the Bat and the Ugly is a go!
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Demon form! 10/10 My favorite Demon form and in my not at ALL humble opinion his is the most unique and interesting. That 300 raven was a total pain and took over a year to save up because of emergency vouchers. Silly beginner me had the lofty goal of getting everyone's Akuzon costumes when I started the game.
Continues at length under there
I wasn't into the ruffles, initially, but over time I've come to adore them. I hate drawing this costume. He's so freaking pretty 😫 His design is so stylish! I thought his spooky little horns resemble fossilized wings (Which are totally not like Handia's lol) and that made me wonder if he is much older than the others (lol yes) or if he has ancient Demon features. His long tail evokes amphibian and serpent and is a fresh twist on the traditional forked tail. On that subject I have never had the chance to hold an amphibian, so would his tail be super smooth, warm and slick like...the interior of the mouth or more like a cold, wet puppy nose? Lukewarm? I wonder if due to its nature that he has a special beauty routine/hygiene for his tail or if there is a degree of self cleansing. Does the "glistening sheen" have any rumors of psychedelic or magic effects? Does it get drippy?
Dame It's OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAND it just needs a nice tight corset! Dame opportunity, heh
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Goth Card already discussed, but it's a solid 1000/100
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Arabian Look 8.5/10
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Already discussed, but GOD. He is practically naked, the Barbie toes, the shoulders, the fingerless opera length gloves, THAT WAIST AND LOW CUT TOP. The pashmina bulking out his hips in that weird bow and dragging around on the ground subtracted points.
Bonus Harem Butler. H0mos3xual hedonism unquestionably happened after this photo and Demonus was finished 😏
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Animal Look 8/10
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This was the first costume I could unlock for him! I love it! I love anything that gives him the illusion of an hourglass figure. The outfit looks so soft and cute and his big ol' adorable ears having cute fluffs is one time I'm not a stickler about accuracy. It would have an 9/10 (by Obey Me standards) but those high heel sneakers pain me so much. His tail being under his coat made him immune during Tail Thieves even if he was a target. But it also hides his long r-a-t like tail lmao Otherwise it's a Turn around~ Turn your ass back around~ I like his little hip peek. On his sprite his nails are unpainted, but in the chat art his nails are.
Happy Devil Day 2022 7.5/10
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THIS is Ruffle Maxxing. It's an unusual color choice for him, but he rocks it. The big bow kind of detracts from it, but I adore stars.
Most Beautiful of Baby Girls
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Vampire Hunter 7/10
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Already discussed, but he should be a Magical Girl. He loves Burgundy, but rarely gets to wear it so I know he jumped on the opportunity with both feet. His ruffles and nipped in vest are 💖
Human World 7/10
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Not a lot to say, I dig the contrasting soles!
Yokai 7/10
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I wonder if Levi feels even more inadequate. 🤔Barbatos's serpent tail is THICK.
HDD 2021 Card Version 8.5/10
I love the card version SO MUCH. It's beautiful! I love his hands with Diavolo's. I hope they danced until they were dizzy and laughing their tipsy/drunk butts off
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Baby Girl, Baby 😢 I wonder why his tail is so bright though? Surely that a specific meaning?
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Part 2 next!
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